Barnaby Bear’s trip to

Let’s join Barnaby Bear and his family on their trip to Spain. Barnaby is planning to travel down from Chester with his parents to meet his grandparents in Plymouth where they live. From there they will take a ferry to Spain. Plymouth is the largest city in the south-west of England and is a major port.

Barnaby’s grandparents invited Barnaby and his parents to Spain for a short holiday as his birthday treat. Barnaby was excited because he had been learning Spanish in school.

Barnaby lives in Chester and wondered if he would travel to Plymouth by car, train or coach. How do you think he should get there? Barnaby’s mum decided they would travel by car. They set off at 7am because it was a five hour journey. The train from Chester also takes five hours, but they would have to change trains at Birmingham New Street Station on the way.

When Barnaby arrived in Plymouth, he was tired and hungry because he missed breakfast. He remembered his mum telling him it was the most important meal of the day and he shouldn’t have missed it. Do you have breakfast every morning?

Barnaby and his parents went to the port in Plymouth to meet his grandparents. They parked the car at the port and had to pay to park as they were leaving their car for a week.

Later Barnaby’s mum stopped by the currency exchange office to exchange pounds to euros.

Euros are what some countries of the European Union use as their currency. Spain, France and Greece use Euros. Do you know what Britain uses for currency? Grandpa said the journey would take up to 20 hours from Plymouth to Santander. Santander is a port city and it is located in the north of Spain. Barnaby’s grandpa told him he had booked a special journey on the luxury ferry called the Pont Avon (photo left), which is a very large ship.

How many cars and people do you think it can carry? You might be surprised to find out the Pont Avon can carry up to 2,400 passengers and 650 cars.

The whole family enjoyed a sunny day on the Pont Avon. Barnaby’s mum told Barnaby to wear sun cream to protect his skin while in the sun. His mum and dad were enjoying relaxing on the sun beds. Barnaby was swimming. He had to use armbands because he still can’t swim very well. Do you need armbands when you go swimming? Barnaby’s grandma was holding her map to try and to find out where they were. She worked out they were in the Bay of Biscay, which is north-east of the Atlantic Ocean and is off the western coast of France.

Barnaby Bear met two boys called Carlos and Pablo. They were visiting relatives in Spain and they decide to teach Barnaby a few new Spanish words. Carlos said that ‘holla’ means hello and Pablo taught him that ‘adiós’ means goodbye in Spanish.

The ferry arrived in Santander and Barnaby waved his new friends goodbye. What do you think Carlos and Pablo said back in Spanish?

The first place the family went in Spain was a café where Barnaby ordered a churro (photo on the right). Churros are thin or thick pieces of pastry that are eaten as a dessert or snack. Barnaby dipped his in a melted hot chocolate called Champurrado.

Barnaby’s mum bought a map from a tourist shop near the port and suggested they visit a beach called el Sardinero, which is near the city of Santander.

The family decided to walk to the beach (photo below) because Barnaby’s grandma said that walking is healthy and good for your body. How much do you walk a day?

The beach was lively, the sun was out and it was hot, perfect for going in the sea. The beach was full of people doing fun activities like playing beach volleyball, building sand castles and playing frisbee.

Barnaby wanted to join in on the fun so he decided to bury his dad in the sand. Did you know that sand can be used to make glass when it is heated by really hot temperatures? Grandpa and grandma decided to put on sun cream to protect their skin. Barnaby felt hot so he decided to buy a blueberry ice cream to cool down. On a hot day the Spanish say ‘hace calor’ which means it’s hot. Barnaby’s blueberry ice cream was nice and cold but was quickly melting in his paw because of all the heat. The family left the beach at 2pm so they had time to get ready to catch the train to Barcelona.

The family arrived at the train station in Santander and left at 2.35pm after buying their tickets. It was a long trip; it takes seven hours to travel to Barcelona. Barnaby was tired from a long day at the beach so he decided to get some rest on the train. Later Barnaby’s mum woke him up to tell him it was time to get off the train. Barnaby feeling wide awake and refreshed from a good sleep. What time do you wake up?

It was 9.30pm when they arrived in Barcelona. It was too late to go out and explore the city so they decided to stay at their hotel, named Hotel Majestic, which has been a hotel for over 90 years.

Barcelona is Spain’s second most populated city and the capital of Catalonia, a region in the north-east of Spain. It is famous for its 19th century buildings.

The next day the family decided to visit the Sagrada Familia Church, which you can see on the photo on the right. Barnaby was impressed at how big it is. Construction and building began in 1882. It has been 133 years since they started building and they haven’t finished it yet. The Architect Antoni Gaudí was responsible for building the Sagrada Familia Church and many other buildings in Barcelona.

The next place Barnaby visited was Barcelona Zoo. It used to be internationally famous for having an albino gorilla called Snowflake. Barnaby had lots of fun at the zoo. He especially liked the dolphin show and the reptile house. Did you know that ‘delfi`n’ in Spanish means dolphin. Did you also know that dolphins have 100 teeth? Can you name any other animals that live in the sea?

Barnaby visited the Fountain of Montjuïc (photo on the left) at 7pm. The fountain was created in 1922. It is located in the Montjuïc neighbourhood in Barcelona. The fountain is beautiful for its mix of colours in the water. Speaking of colours did you know that red and blue make purple? Do you know how to make any more colours?

It was late after the trip to the fountain so Barnaby and his family spent the night at the Arts Hotel near Casino de Barcelona. The Arts hotel is 154 metres tall. The next morning Barnaby woke up in a luxurious bed before walking down to the dining room for breakfast. The chef served Maria Crackers, which are very thin sweet crackers; Barnaby was enjoying eating these very much. The next day Barnaby and his family took another train from Barcelona to . The journey takes two hours on the train. Did you know the first railway in Spain was begun in 1848, how long ago was that?

Exploring Madrid

Barnaby and his family arrived at the Atocha Railway Station. Barnaby’s mum suggested going to Madrid’s Royal Palace to take pictures of the art (photo above). The palace’s Spanish name is Palicio Real de Madrid which means . The palace is the home of the Spanish royal family and was rebuilt in 1734 by King Phillip V. Today it costs £11 to look around seven rooms of the palace. Barnaby took pictures with a camera his mum had given him to photograph the art, the furniture and the silverware. You can’t see me in any of the pictures because I am holding the camera.

City Hall Town Hall

The next day Barnaby went on an open top bus tour around Madrid. He asked His grandpa why the bus is open and Grandpa Bear replied ‘so we see the sites and take pictures of the buildings. They passed the Plaza de la Villa which was formally the Town Hall of Madrid. Almudena was built when King Phillip V made Madrid the capital of Spain. He wanted a new cathedral so he built the Almudena Cathedral in 1561. The City Hall was built in the early twentieth century and is called Plaza de Cibeles. Barnaby Bear and his family stayed in the Eurostars which is a 236 metre tall hotel for the night. The hotel has five stars which Barnaby was very impressed by. Have you ever stayed in a hotel?

The next morning it was, unfortunately, time for Barnaby and his family to go home so they drove back to the port in Santander port to catch the ferry back to England. Barnaby had a wonderful time in Spain. What do you think he enjoyed most on his holiday?

Almudena Cathedral (above) Eurostars hotel (right)