Harvard Library bibliography: Supplement ( Bulletin, Volume 1.4)

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Citation Carpenter, Kenneth E. 1991. Harvard Library bibliography: Supplement (Harvard Library Bulletin, Volume 1.4). Harvard Library Bulletin 1 (4), Winter 1990-1991: 68-76.

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Harvard Library Bibliography: Supplement

This is a list of selected new books and articles of which any unit of the Harvard Library is the author, primary editor, publisher, or subject. The list also includes scholarly and professional work published by Library staff. The bibliography for 1960-1966 appeared in the Harvard Library Bulletin, 15 (1967), and supplements have appeared in the years following, most recently in Vol. XXXVI, No. 4 (Fall 1988). The list below covers publications through November 1990. Abdulrazak, Fawzi. Al-Matbu'at al-Hajariyah .ft al Maghrib (The Fez Lithographs). 208 p. Rabat: Darnanshral-Maarifah, 1989. (An annotated catalog of lithographed works printed in Fez in the latter half of the 19th century and the early part of the 20th cen- tury. This work comprises volume 4 of the annual Mundus Arabicus. Fawzi Abdul- razak is Arabic Language Specialist in the Middle Eastern Division of the Area Studies Department in the College Library.) The American Archivist. Vol. 52, No. 4 (Fall 1989), pp. 430-537. Chicago: The Society of American Archivists, 1989. (A special issue largely devoted to a report by the Working Group on Standards for Archival Description, chaired by Lawrence Dowler, Associate Librarian of for Public Services. The Working Group was formed out of the conviction that something needed to be done to fos- ter the development of standards for archival description. The Working Group's report presents a coherent case to the profession, explaining what standards can be, what role such standards could play, what potentials the Working Group sees, and what realities must be recognized. This issue of The American Archivist contains the Working Group's report, recommendations, checklists, and three background papers that gave the project its overall shape. Ten additional background papers, prepared for the Working Group's second meeting, will appear in the Winter 1990 issue, but abstracts of their contents are included here.) Becker, David P. The Work of Stephen Harvard, A Life in Letters. 64 p., softbound, with gold lettering on cover, 22 color photographs, 2 halftones, and 10 black-and-white illustrations. Cambridge: The Harvard College Library, 1990. (A catalog of the exhibition Stephen Harvard 1948-1988: A Life in Letters, on display at the during April and May, 1990, and at the Hood Museum of Dartmouth dur- ing the summer of 1990. Contains 79 items, plus a list of 19 published writings and a list of 36 inscriptional stones. This catalog illuminates the tragically short career of one of America's most talented young graphic designers, and examines his work on every level, from the design of type to the design of entire books; from inscriptional stone carving, one of the most primitive of crafts, to creating new typefaces for the computer. Production of the catalog was generously supported by Roderick Stine- hour and the staff of the Meriden-Stinehour Press in memory of their late colleague, and also supported by many other friends and admirers of Stephen Harvard. Addi- tional support for the exhibition came from the Society of Printers, Boston, of which Stephen Harvard was a member. David Becker is former Acting Curator of Prints at the Fogg Art Museum.) Birladeanu, Ludmila and W. von Doering, Catherine A. Guyton, and Toshikazu Kita- gawa. "A 'Frustrated' Cope Rearrangement," in journal of the American Chemical Harvard Library Bibliography: Supplement 69

Society, Vol. 112, p. 1722 (1990). (Ludmila Birladeanu is Supervisor of the Chemis- try Library.) Bond, William H., editor. Letters from Thomas Hollis of Lincoln's Inn to Andrew Eliot. 92 p., softbound. Cambridge: Harvard College Library, 1990. (Thomas Hollis V, 1720- 1774, was the most beneficent to Harvard College of all the Hollises. When a fire destroyed the Harvard Library in 1764, he took a zealous interest in helping to restore the collection. Liberally-educated and interested in contemporary politics, he devoted his wealth and talents to promoting the ideals of civil and religious free- dom. For many years he corresponded extensively with friends in the American col- onies. The Reverend Andrew Eliot was a principal correspondent of Thomas Hollis in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Closely involved with Harvard College, Eliot was a good reporter of politics and public events. William H. Bond is Librarian of the Houghton Library, Emeritus.) Carpenter, Kenneth E. and Carr, Jane. Micro.formPublishing Contracts. (Reprinted from Micro.formReview/Spring 1990, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 83-100, with support from the James B. and Esthy Adler Preservation Fund. Kenneth E. Carpenter is Assistant Director for Research Resources in the Harvard University Library. Jane Carr is Head of Marketing and Publishing in the British Library.) Christo, Doris Hedlund, compiler. National Directory of Education Libraries and Collec- tions. 269 p., permanent paper, index. Westport and London: Meckler, 1990. (Doris Hedlund Christo is Special Projects Coordinator at the Monroe C. Gutman Library.) "A Conversation with Sidney Verba," in Harvard Gazette, 28 September 1990, pp. 5-6. (Peter Costa, Director of the University Office of News and Public Affairs, inter- views Sidney Verba, Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor and Director of the University Library. The interview primarily touches upon Professor Verba's work as a social scientist on the comparison of elites and the notion of equality.) Danielson, Virginia. "Cultural Authenticity in Egyptian Musical Expression: The Rep- ertory of the Mashayikh," in Paci.fieReview of Ethnomusicology, Vol. 5 (1989), pp. 49-61. (Virginia Danielson is Reconversion Project Manager in the Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library.) Dowler, Lawrence. "The Role of Use in Defining Archival Practice and Principles: A Research Agenda for the Availability and Use of Records," in The American Archi- vist, Vol. 51 (Winter and Spring 1988). (The article suggests that "a user-driven model of archives, rather than the current materials-centered model, can provide the intellectual tools needed to define archival principles and determine archival practices." The article stems from Mr. Dowler's work in the 1987 Research Fellow- ship Program for Study of Modern Archives, administered by the Bentley Histori- cal Library at the University of Michigan and funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Research Division of the National Endowment for the Humani- ties. Lawrence Dowler is Associate Librarian of Harvard College for Public Ser- vices.) ____ . See also entry above under The American Archivist. Edizioni dell'Elefante 1964-1990, Work of the Roman Publishers Enzo and Benedetta Crea. 20-page pamphlet with 13 illustrations and a paper cover. Cambridge: The Harvard College Library, 1990. (A catalog of the exhibition of the same name, on display at the Houghton Library from 6 December 1990 through 26 January 1991. Containing 35 items, the catalog also has an introduction in both English and Italian, in facing columns, by Dante Della Terza, Irving Babbitt Professor of Comparative Literature at Harvard University. Publication was made possible by a gift from Emily K. Seif- ert in memory of her brother Franklin H. Kissner, who loved Rome and its books.) Elliott, Clark, compiler. BiographicalIndex to American Science: The Seventeenth Century to 1920. 300 p. + xliii. No. 16 in Bibliographies and Indexes in American History. New York and Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990. (This work was supported 70 HARVARD LIBRARY BULLETIN

by a Douglas W. Bryant Fellowship from the Harvard University Library in 1984. It is a complementary volume to Mr. Elliott's BiographicalDictionary of American Sci- ence: The Seventeenth through the Nineteenth Centuries, published by Greenwood Press in 1979. Clark Elliott is Associate Curator for Archives Administration and Research in the University Archives.) ____ . "Collective Lives of American Scientists: An Introductory Essay and a Bibliography," Beyond History of Science: Essays in Honor of Robert E. Schofield, ed. Elizabeth Garber (Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press; Associated University Presses, 1990), pp. 81-104. (Notes Mr. Elliott, "This work is a festschrift volume for Robert E. Schofield, Harvard Ph.D. 1955. Currently professor of history of sci- ence at Iowa State University, he was my thesis advisor at Case Western Reserve University.") ____ . "Harvard University Archives," a chapter in Archives of Data-ProcessingHis- tory: A Guide to Major U.S. Collections,edited by James W. Cortada. New York and Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990. (This chapter was to have been written by Richard Haas, but his death prevented him from completing the task. The book, whose preface contains a brief biographical sketch of Mr. Haas, is dedicated "To the Memory of Richard L. Haas (1956-1987), Harvard University's First Records Man- agement Officer and Pioneer in the Preservation of Data-Processing Archives.") ____ . "Invited Commentary: The History of Harvard Astronomy: A View from the Archives," in "Two Astronomical Anniversaries: The Harvard College Obser- vatory Sesquicentennial [and] The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Centennial," journal for the History of Astronomy, Vol. 21, Part 1 (February 1990), pp. 3-8. (Article published in a special issue of journal for the History of Astronomy, based on a symposium held at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics on 7 January 1989.) Emerson, John. "Some General Accounts of the Safavid and Afsharid Period, Primarily in English," in Pembroke Papers I: Persian and Islamic Studies in honour of P.W. Avery (Cambridge, England: University of Cambridge, Centre of Middle Eastern Studies, 1990), pp. 27-41. Gohn Emerson is Persian Language Specialist in the Mid- dle Eastern Division, Area Studies Department, in .) Erato/Harvard Book Review. Nos. 13-14 (Summer and Fall 1989), 15-16 (Winter and Spring 1990), and 17-18 (Summer and Fall 1990). Cambridge: Woodberry Poetry Room and Farnsworth Room, Harvard College Library. (edited by Stratis Haviara, Curator of the Woodberry Poetry and Farnsworth Rooms in the College Library, and Michael Milburn, Assistant Curator. Contributors to the publication include Harvard faculty and library staff. Each issue contains a book review supplement.) Etgar, Raphie. Raphie Etgar/Posters.Translated by M. Jagendorf. 20 p., oversized, with 1 halftone and 20 color reproductions. Cambridge: Harvard College Library, 1990. (Catalog for an exhibition of posters by the Israeli artist, on display at Widener Library during May 1990. This four-color catalog has a foreword by Charles Berlin, Lee M. Friedman Bibliographer in Judaica, and short commentaries by Dr. Gideon Ofrat, art historian; Professor Ran Shehori, Director of the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design; and Izzika Gaon, Curator of Design, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem. The exhibition ran from 1-31 May. Publication of this catalog was supported by the Max and Irene Engel Levy Judaica Book Fund and the Sherman H. Starr Library Publication Fund.) Friends of the Farlow. Newsletter of the Friends of the Farlow, Nos. 15 (October 1989), 16 (April 1990), and 17 (October 1990). 6 p. Cambridge: Farlow Reference Library of Cryptogamic Botany. (Edited by Robert Edgar, former President of the Friends of the Farlow.) Friends of the Harvard College Library. Calendarof Events. Folded brochure. Cambridge: Friends of the Harvard College Library, 1990. (Issued twice annually, listing library events of special interest to Friends. Edited by Joan P. Nordell, University Library Assistant Director for External Affairs.) Harvard Library Bibliography: Supplement 71

Guide to Archives and Manuscripts at Harvard and Radcliffe. 64 p. printed directory with 16 halftones, softbound, and a 17-microfiche catalog containing 3,800 descriptive entries for individual manuscript collections and archival record groups. Alexandria, VA: Chadwyck-Healey, 1990. (The printed directory updates the 1983 Directory of Archives and Manuscript Repositories at Harvard and Radcliffe. Arranged alphabetically by repository name, this expanded source offers a new category, "repository history," for many entries. The introduction by Eva Moseley, Curator of Manu- scripts at the Arthur and Elizabeth on the History of Women in America, explains its format and use. The directory also offers sources such as find- ing aids, books, and articles that provide additional information on the holdings in each repository. The printed directory is intended specifically to provide access to the microfiche catalog. The printed directory and microfiche catalog are a result of a two-year project funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.) A Guide to the Harvard University Library. Cambridge: Publications Committee, Harvard University Library, 1989, 1990. (First published in 1987 as A Student Guide to the Harvard University Library, the Guide has been revised annually since then. Formerly a folding brochure, the 1990 edition was produced in a 4-page letter-sized format, with a map on page 1.) Hamilton, Malcolm. "The SLA Joint Cabinet: Where do our leaders come from?" in Special Libraries, Vol. 81, No. 3 (Summer 1990), pp. 236-241. (This article analyzes the SLA chapters, geographical regions, and employer types that generate most of the chapter presidents and its division chairs. The author conducted his study as a member of SLA's nominating committee. Malcolm Hamilton is Librarian of the Kennedy School of Government Library and University Personnel Librarian.) Library Newsletter. Cambridge: Law School Library. (Published informally on an approximately weekly basis, primarily for staff of the Law School Library.) The Harvard Librarian. Vol. 24, Nos. 1-3 (1990). Cambridge: Harvard University Library. (A quarterly newsletter, usually 12 pages, primarily for Friends of the Library and other libraries and institutions, issued by the Office of the Director of the Univer- sity Library. Edited by Timothy Hanke, Publications Coordinator in the University Library.) The Harvard University Library: A Guide to Resources. 4 p. A supplement to the Harvard University Gazette, 14 September 1990. (Prepared by the Publications Committee of the Harvard University Library, an updated edition of this guide appears in the Gazette each September, and additional copies are available throughout the year.) Harvard University Library Annual Report 1988-1989. 74 p. Cambridge: Harvard Univer- sity Library, 1990. (Containing an essay by Sidney Verba, Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor and Director of the University Library; statements by most of the Faculty Librarians; a list of selected publications; selected personnel information; gifts and new endowments; Friends of the College Library; members of the Over- seers' Committee to Visit the Library and members of other Library committees; and statistics.) Harvard University Library Notes. Nos. 960-999 (1990). Cambridge: Harvard University Library. (An approximately weekly newsletter, usually four pages, primarily for library staff, issued by the Office of the Director of the University Library. Edited by Timothy Hanke, Publications Coordinator in the University Library.) Harvard-Yenching Library. Harvard-Yenching Library. Two-color folding brochure. Cam- bridge: Harvard-Yenching Library, 1990. (A general guide and introduction to the history, collections, policies, finding aids, services, and hours of the library.) ____ . Occasional Reference Notes. No. 21 (December 1989), 37 p. Cambridge: Harvard-Yenching Library. (News of the Library, conference papers received, and annotated lists of acquisitions in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Western languages. 72 HARVARD LIBRARY BULLETIN

Edited by Eugene W. Wu, Librarian of the Harvard-Yenching Library, with contri- butions by others.) ____ . Occasional Reference Notes. No. 22 Qune 1990), 49 p. Special issue: List of Micro.filmsof Chinese Rare Books Preserved Under the Title II-C Program. Cambridge: Harvard- Yenching Library. (A list of Chinese rare books preserved on microfilm under the Title 11-C grants awarded to the Harvard University Library by the U.S. Department of Education in 1986 and 1989. The list contains 165 titles and is" arranged alphabetically by author and title; it supersedes an earlier list dated 4 Janu- ary 1988. The compiler, Chia-yaung Hu, is Assistant Librarian for the Chinese Col- lection in the Chinese Acquisitions and Reference Department of the Harvard- Yenching Library.) Hazen, Dan C. "Preservation in Poverty and Plenty: Policy Issues for the 1990s," in The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 15, No. 6 Qanuary 1990), pp. 344-351. (The article notes the almost-exclusive focus on microfilming programs for preservation. After examining and redefining the assumptions underlying this approach, it specu- lates on both general and specific alternatives to current practice. Dan C. Hazen is Book Selector for the Spanish and Portuguese Section in Widener Library.) HOLLIS Information Sheets. Single-sheet handouts issued by the University Library Office for Systems Planning and Research (OSPR) and revised as the need arises. (Information sheets on the use of the Harvard OnLine Library Information System. The topics as of September 1990 included: "Finding government documents," "Finding manuscript and archival materials," "Finding serials," "HOLLIS dial-up access instructions," "Library Guide database," "Searching by call number," "Searching by keyword," and "Search limits.") HOLLIS Newsletter. First issued in December 1985 and monthly thereafter by the Uni- versity Library Office for Systems Planning and Research (OSPR). (Includes status reports on the Harvard OnLine Library Information System, suggestions for proce- dures, equipment information, and also serves as a supplement to HOLLIS Liaison User Group meetings.) HOLLIS ReferenceManual and HOLLIS ReferenceManual Appendices. 14 chapters, pages separately numbered within each chapter, plus appendices (November 1990). (The latest revision by the University Library Office for Systems Planning and Research (OSPR) of the reference manual for the Harvard OnLine Library Information Sys- tem.) "An Interview with Carolyn Clark Morrow," in OCLC Newsletter, July/August 1990, pp. 23-28. (Carolyn Clark Morrow is Malloy-Rabinowitz Preservation Librarian in the University Library.) Jeremy, David J. Technology and Power in the Early American Cotton Industry: James Mon- togomery, the Second Edition of his "Cotton Manufacture" (1840) and the Justitia Contro- versy about Relative Power Costs. 348 p. + xiv, 32 halftones, 28 tables, indexed, hard- bound with dust cover. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1990. (Twenty years ago the Kress Library of Business and Economics at the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration acquired the interleaved and annotated copy of the Cotton Manufacture of the (1840) by James Montgomery, a Glasgow cotton-mill manager who had emigrated to New England. The book's original publication in 1840 was a major event. For the first time a precise and reli- able comparison, at both technical and commercial levels, was made between cotton production in Britain, the first industrial nation, and in the U.S., its youthful rival. Montgomery's data and assessments were subjected to close scrutiny, especially in New England where his estimates of power costs favored water power rather than the new technology of steam power. Controversy erupted in the Boston newspa- pers, and in response, Montgomery prepared an interleaved edition of his book in readiness for a second edition which was never published. Until the Kress Library obtained the volume its existence was unknown to scholars.) Harvard Library Bibliography: Supplement 73

Judaica Division. Guide to Judaica Videotapes in the Harvard College Library. 240 p. Cam- bridge: Harvard University Library, 1990. (A dictionary catalog of some 1,000 Juda- ica videotapes collected from 1987-1989 by the Judaica Division. The primary emphasis of the collection is on videotapes produced in and related to Israel, but a significant part of the collection consists of videotapes of Jewish interest produced in the U.S. and elsewhere. Prepared by Charles Berlin, Lee M. Friedman Bibliogra- pher in Judaica and Head of the Judaica Division and Area Studies Department in the College Library.) ____ . Hebrew Books from the Harvard College Library. Microfiche. New York: K. G. Saur (R. R. Bowker), 1990. (A microfiche edition of 5,000 important Hebrew titles from Harvard's Judaica collection, selected by Charles Berlin, Lee M. Fried- man Bibliographer in Judaica and Head of the Judaica Division and Area Studies Department in the College Library. Works were chosen with three factors in mind: research value, scarcity, and condition. Works included are primarily 18th-century through early 20th-century imprints, often printed in Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East, generally scarce, and frequently on now-brittle paper. The accompanying brochure contains brief articles by scholars discussing the signifi- cance of materials microfilmed in their respective fields.) ____ . Judaica Book Funds in the Harvard College Library Established May 1986- September 1989. Brochure. Cambridge: Harvard University Library, 1989. (A listing of 31 Judaica Book Fund endowments established from May 1986 to September 1989. Publication was made possible by the Sherman H. Starr Judaica Library Pub- lication Fund.) ____ . Judaica Book Funds in the Harvard College Library, Supplement II to the 1986 "Harvard Judaica Bookplates" Catalogue. 12-page brochure. Cambridge: Harvard University Library, 1990. (A listing of 12 Judaica Book Fund endowments estab- lished from September 1989 to September 1990. Publication was made possible by the Sherman H. Starr Judaica Library Publication Fund.) ____ . Yiddish Children's Literature on Microfiche: A Catalogue. Cambridge: Harvard University Library, 1990. (A publication of the Harvard-Littauer Judaica Endow- ment.) Meredith, Willis C. and Naomi Ronen. "American Association of Law Libraries/ Research Libraries Group Microform Master Survey: Report on the Survey Form Pretest to the Commission on Preservation and Access," a 4-page insert to The Commission on Preservation and Access Newsletter, Number 29 (November-December 1990). (A report to the Commission on the pretest of a survey form that will be used in a worldwide survey of companies, agencies, and libraries that produce and store first-generation microform master negatives. Willis C. Meredith is Preserva- tion Librarian in the Preservation Department of the Collection Services Division at the Law School Library. Naomi Ronen is Reference Librarian in the Research Ser- vices Division of the Law School Library.) Miehe, Patrick K., compiler. Robert Lowell Papers at the Houghton Library, Harvard Univer- sity, A Guide to the Collection. Bibliographies and Indexes in American Literature, Number 12. Foreword by Richard Wendorf; Introduction by Rodney Dennis. 227 pp. + xi. New York: Greenwood Press, 1990. (A catalog of 2,916 items, compris- ing "family and literary correspondence generated before 1971 and literary manu- scripts covering a period of about 35 years, beginning with school poems and end- ing with Notebook." The Houghton Library has other Robert Lowell manuscripts, information about which may be found in the Library's card catalog and the pub- lished version of that catalog, Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Houghton Library, Har- vard University, 8 vols. (Chadwyck-Healey Inc., Alexandria, VA, 1986). Patrick K. Miehe was a member of the Manuscript Department in the Houghton Library from 1972 to 1979, and is now a member of a Boston law firm; Richard Wendorf is Librarian of the Houghton Library; Rodney Dennis is Curator of Manuscripts in the Harvard College Library.) 74 HARVARD LIBRARY BULLETIN

Moseley, Eva. "Labor Holdings at the Schlesinger Library, ," in Labor History, Vol. 31, Nos. 1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990), pp. 16-24. (Eva Moseley is Cura- tor of Manuscripts in the Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America.) Nagy, Zuzana. "The Czech Publishing Industry 1990; an overview," in The European Bookseller(September 1990). (The article deals with changes in the Czech publishing industry since the "Velvet Revolution" of November 1989. Zuzana Nagy is a Slavic Librarian in the Slavic Division, Area Studies Department, of the College Library.) Publicationsin Print 1990, Department of Printing and Graphic Arts, The Houghton Library, Harvard University. 12-page brochure with colored cover, 5 halftones. Cambridge: The Harvard College Library, 1990. (Catalog of publications for sale, including an order form.) Ronen, Naomi. "Using the USMARC Holdings Format for Law Materials," in the book Library and Information TechnologyStandards, Michael J. Gorman, editor, pp. 56-70. Chicago: American Library Association, 1990. (Naomi Ronen is Reference Librarian in the Research Services Division of the Law School Library.) ____ . See also entry above under Meredith, Willis C. and Naomi Ronen. SchlesingerLibrary Newsletter. Fall 1989, Fall 1990. Cambridge: Schlesinger Library. (The newsletter is published each fall to report on the library's activities, acquisitions, exhibitions, and special projects.) The Arthur and Elizabeth SchlesingerLibrary on the History of Women in America. Folding brochure. Cambridge: Schlesinger Library, 1989. (A guide to the history, collections, facilities, programs, finding aids, and publications of the Schlesinger Library.) The Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America. The Schlesinger Library Vertical File for Women's Studies. Microfiche. Alexandria, VA: Chadwyck-Healey, 1990. (This microfiche publication reproduces nearly 250,000 pages of media clippings, government and organization reports, pamphlets, speeches, and other documentary materials drawn from sources throughout the United States over the last 40 years. Based on the Vertical File which continues to be maintained on a daily basis by Schlesinger Library reference staff, it provides sweeping coverage of the ideas, issues, events, personalities, and organizations that have shaped women's lives-and the lives of all Americans-since World War II, with particular emphasis on the post-1968 period marking the second historic wave of American feminism.) Seamus Heaney at Harvard. Boxed album of two cassette tapes. Cambridge: Harvard Col- lege Library, 1990. (Readings by Seamus Heaney, Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, of his own and other poems. Selected and edited by Stratis Haviaris, Curator of the Poetry and Farnsworth Rooms in the Harvard College Library, and Michael Milburn, Assistant to the Curator.) "Sleuth Schoon & Company Solve the Seemingly Impossible," in Faculty of Arts and Sci- encesNewsletter, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Winter 1989), p. 5. (An article about Marian Schoon, Head of the Reference Section in the Research Services Division of Widener Library, and the Widener reference staff.) Stoddard, Roger E. "American Bibliographical Notes: Fifth Addenda to Wegelin's Early American Poetry," in Proceedingsof the American Antiquarian Society, Vol. 100, Part 1 (1990), pp. 251-3. (These notes supplement the compiler's earlier bibliographical work on the same subject. Roger Stoddard is Curator of Rare Books in the Harvard College Library.) ____ . "Real books imagined, imaginary catalogue realized: for a bookseller and his friends," in VoorAnton Gerits (Amsterdam: 1990), pp. 68-79. (In this article con- tributed to a festschrift for an Amsterdam bookseller, the author whimsically pre- pared a catalogue of items "n. f. s." drawn from the materials in an exhibition at Houghton Library, Materialsfor the Study of Publishing History, mounted in June 1980.) ____ . Joan St. C. Crane, and John Lancaster; Sidney Howe, general editor. The Harvard Library Bibliography: Supplement 75

Parkman Dexter Howe Library, Part VII. 87 p. Gainesville: The University of Florida, 1990. (Mr. Stoddard wrote the section on "The Thomas Bailey Aldrich Collection.") Union List of Japanese Periodicalsin the East Asian Libraries of Columbia, Harvard, Princeton, and Yale Universities. 185 p. Published by the East Asian Libraries at Columbia, Har- vard, Princeton, and Yale Universities, 1989 (second edition). (This computer- generated publication is an updated version of an earlier edition printed in 1985. Included are 2,286 titles of trade periodicals and non-trade academic journals in the humanities and social sciences published in Japan and received by libraries at the institutions named in the title. Entries are arranged alphabetically by romanized title, followed by the title in Japanese (and the title in English, if it appears in the publication). Each entry also includes the place and frequency of publication, and a summary holdings statement for each library. The compilation and publication of this Union List were supported by a grant from the Japan-United States Friendship Commission, a U.S. government foundation.) Ware, Susan. Amelia Earhart 1897-1937. 10-page pamphlet with cardstock cover. Cam- bridge: Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America, 1990. (A biographical sketch, with reflections, printed on the occasion of the donation of The Microfilm Edition of the Amelia Earhart Papers by the Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America to the National Air and Space Museum at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. Susan Ware, Associate Professor of History at New York University, is an Honorary Vis- iting Scholar at the Schlesinger Library for 1990-1991, where she is writing a book on popular heroines and feminism that focuses on Amelia Earhart.) Wendorf, Richard. The Elements of Life: Biography and Portrait-Painting in Stuart and Geor- gian England. 308 p. + xxi, one color plate, 76 halftones, clothbound. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990. (This work addresses the provocative subject of the relation- ship between literary and painted biography during a period especially rich in both forms. Richard Wendorf is Librarian of the Houghton Library. Before coming to the Houghton Library in September 1989, Mr. Wendorf was Professor of English and Art History at Northwestern University, where most of his later courses were listed jointly in the departments of English and Art History.) Wengrow, Arnold. Robert Redington Sharpe, The Life of a Theatre Designer. 48 p., soft- bound, with 5 color photographs and 10 halftones. Cambridge: The Harvard The- atre Collection of the Harvard College Library, 1990. (A catalog of the exhibition of the same name, on display at the Harvard Theatre Collection from 9 July through 15 September 1990. This tour de force is a carefully documented, illustrated life of the promising young theater designer, 1904-1934, who was robbed and murdered in the New York City subway before his 30th birthday. At the back is a checklist of 27 works exhibited, most consisting of more than one item. The foreword is by Jeanne T. Newlin, Curator of the Harvard Theatre Collection. Publication was made pos- sible by support from the University Research Council, University of North Caro- lina at Asheville, and from Joseph N. and Martha Clapp Freudenberger of the Committee for the Harvard Theatre Collection. Arnold Wengrow was Assistant Curator of the Harvard Theatre Collection from 1966 to 1968 and is now a professor at the University of North Carolina at Asheville.) Wolfe, Richard J. Marbled Paper: Its History, Techniques, and Patterns. 336 p., 350 color illustrations, 80 black-and-white illustrations. Baltimore: University of Pennsylva- nia Press, 1990. (For 250 years after its introduction to Europe around 1600, the method of decorating paper known as marbling reigned supreme as the chief means of embellishing the fine work of hand bookbinders. Marbled papers also adorned everything from wall coverings to stationery and were used for many decorative purposes in the home. Yet the techniques and art of the marblers' craft remained obscure, and today it is a craft practiced by only a few artisans and many hobbyists. In this book, Mr. Wolfe, who has been a practicing marblist for over 25 years, reconstructs the rise and fall of the craft and offers the most comprehensive account 76 HARVARD LIBRARY BULLETIN

available of its history, techniques, and patterns. Richard J. Wolfe is Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts in the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine and Joseph Garland Librarian of the .) Zapatka, Mark. "Lewis Hine and the Southern Drought: A Visual Testimony of the Southern Depression," in History of Photography,(October-December 1989). (Lewis Hine was a pioneer American photographer whose documentary photography combined social awareness with an artistic sensibility. Mark Zapatka is Assistant for Readers' Services at the Byzantine Library at , Washington, DC.) Zoran, Gabriel. Past and Present in Hebrew Literary Translation:A Lecture and Exhibition Catalogue. Cambridge: Harvard University Library, 1990. (Reprinted from the Har- vard Library Bulletin. Funded by the Ida Davidson Mintz Judaica Fund.)