5 《四 方论政》 2 13年8月16日-31日 李凯伦 玛章武莫区州议员 《所期待的援手》 looking to 《从中元节看地方改革》 在开斋节 间,每 都有形形色色 举办单位和信 者尝试 过”改 的 前来我的服务中心。但最令我心 变”来让这些节 更加靠 普罗大众 酸地是看见不少妇女携带着孩子们前 的生活文化 让更多趋于走向无神论 来服务中 寻求帮助。他 大多数是 的年轻 受这些 间信仰,并把它 巫裔妇女 都来 单亲家庭,携带着 延续下去 对长辈们来说,”中元 几 年纪很小,甚至还是抱在怀里的 节” 征着华 不朽的节庆精神。 婴儿,心里一点也不好受。 在整个农历七月忙于出席不同的盂 其中一位母亲告诉我,她被丈夫抛 the stars 兰 晚宴 我看到和有所感触 弃多 了而为了养活一家7口,就出 的,却是相聚的意义。很多地方组织 外打工,当 安 员。俗语说 “穷 农历七月十五是个非常热闹的日 把晚 当成其中一个年度聚会,有者 家孩子早当家”甚至最年 的 子也 子,只要有华 的地方就会出现地方 也邀请其他 团组织一起出席联谊。 被逼辍学跟着母亲 外 工赚钱。为 组织 居民协会 睦邻计划 家和 在这个科技发达导致缺乏 际沟通 了孩子们着想,在外租屋也不是长远 社团搭起给 间来的”好兄弟”唱大 的时代里,这是难得的社 场合,也 的计划,所以她 望可以获 州 府 林秀琴 《四方论政》 戏的戏台和歌台 进行祭祀仪式和举 是地方领袖和政治 物向民众传达讯 的 民 屋。 双溪槟榔区州议员 盂兰胜会晚宴等。 息的平台。作为 民代议士,我会把 她是一位很坚强的母亲 靠着自己 身 母 能养活一家7口已不简 从华 文化的角度来看,这 合了 马章武莫动力社区报 派发给宴会 的努力 外工作, 那微薄的收 养 and beyond 的 席者,借此机会跟选民分享政府 单,何况她又是位单亲妈妈。 佛教 道教和民间信仰的节庆,让广 活孩子们。她不埋怨自己的遭遇,她 槟州民联政府积极地在协助这社 和 一起感恩并追 先 的政策 社会问题和国家所面对的挑 考虑的是怎么让孩子们过得更好。 会所需要帮助的 群妇女们,如单亲 祈福和普渡鬼魂。这个节日所赋 战。 因此,我协助她申请 民 屋,因 妈妈援助金计划,每一年单亲妈妈们 予的意义让信徒们获得心安, 求出 其实,从中元节庆的进行方式中, 为州政府所提供的 民组屋是每个月 都可以获得100 吉援助金,这是州 平安,也对美 生活有所 待。 我们可以看到几个让社区变得更加强 100令吉,而 在 房费 大概 政府积极地协助,减轻她们的负担。 通过参与这些节日活动,我们 可 大的因素,其中包括 方领袖的 也要数百令吉以上,一方面可以减轻 除此 成立了社区巾帼部队,为了让 以看到经过千 年的文化累积之后, 领导能力和世 观 参与者对节庆意 她负担,一方面也可以让孩子们能拥 女性 可以站 来协助女性,让她们 节庆的方式也被 代的变化所影响。 义的思考和居 或团员的凝聚 等。 有更好的环境 成长。 可以得到 感受到州政府所给予的援 传统大 逐 歌 演和卡拉OK 每个 都有信仰的自由, 必须建 我也是一位母亲, 本身有5 小 助。 比赛所取代 点 的大 香也因响应 立在互相尊重上。因此,我 望参加 孩, 可以了解她的心情和感受。 环保救地球而”缩水” 一些宴会也 中元节庆的民众得到精神上的慰籍, 在 治 物和地方领袖的呼吁下减少 地方改革可以进行,社会越来越进 pg 菜肴的样数和肉类。 步。 pg 孙意志 3 爪夷区州议员 5 《我的阅读笔记》 《从爪夷出发!》 享受阅读。我的读物有点杂。 爪夷另外, 果您最爱海鲜,来爪夷就 除 各语文日报,每周的亚州周 (J WI) 对了。 其在高渊港口,轻而易举就 刊及时代杂志, 也是图书馆的常 ,对于一些 可选购到肥美的螃蟹 鱼虾及海鲜类 客。 槟岛 等 最近 在州议会提了州议会图书 言,或许会 数高渊港口市民 事捕鱼业和海上 室的藏书不足之处。议会休会后, 被认 养殖 鱼只 量多得成为 马主要的 我走了 趟议会图书室。议 休会 遥远的 输 业港口之一。相信有朝一日,海 期间空荡荡的,只有 名职员在办 黄汉伟 上养殖场可成 旅游景点之 呢。 向我简介了图书室 地方。他们不懂槟城里还有这 一个 公 Enc k Ru l 亚依淡区州议员 这是个数码科技的年代, 多城市 的藏书总名单。坦白的,这不 合 地方, 何前往当 或者那里 什么 看到 好吃的,都 的 都 议会图书室应具的规模。 变 写 国会 在此 感谢 夷选民在第1 别提到 这里 选中给予大力地支 , 利当上了 序而 可让您的 夷区州 员。 这场选战 尽 的权威 萤 生中 甜 苦和辣,但深 认 FREE林上, 识 夷 品尝 的美食 是 最大 棵 树 向我 绍红 漂亮极 观 萤


Competency Accountability Transparency

http:www.facebook.com/buletinmutiara August 16 - 31, 2013 http:www.facebook.com/cmlimguaneng No overuse, no surcharge

Story by Chan Lilian total consumers and the rates are being subsidised,” Jaseni said. FOLLOWING the headlines in some “PBAPP subsidised 70 per cent of mainstream media that claimed the domestic water supply which came will increase water conservation sur- up to RM65 million in 2012.” charge by 100%, members of the About 28 per cent, or 128,863 users, public were led to believe that every consumed 54 per cent of the water, household will have to bear the burden whereas the remaining 72 per cent only in their water bill starting Sept 1. consumed only 46 per cent. Penang Water Supply Corporation “These 28 per cent consumers are (PBAPP) general manager Jaseni Mai- using way too much water. In PBAPP, dinsa quickly called a press conference we never say that they are wasting too on Aug 25 to explain and set the record much water, contrary to what was re- straight. ported. We only want their cooperation “This increase of water conserva- to reduce the usage,” Jaseni said. tion surcharge from 24 sen to 48 sen He also assured consumers that if for every 1,000 litres of usage exceed- their bi-monthly bill is less than ing 35,000 litres per month from Sept RM21.40, they will not be affected by 1 will only affect 28 per cent of the the water conservation surcharge. domestic users in Penang,” he said. “Our strategy is to take this as an act Water conservation surcharge is to deter the over consumption of water. one of the ways PBAPP uses to re- To put it simply, some of these con- duce the high consumption of water sumers are using way too much water,” in Penang. Jaseni said. “Water conservation surcharge only “The water conservation surcharge applies to domestic water supply users. is to make people appreciate and not They make up 86.3 per cent of the take the cheap water rates for granted. Graph from PBAPP which shows Penangites using the most water per person, per day. This is part of our journey to educate consumers so that we can take care of the future needs of our children and grandchildren.” He also provided a graph which showed that Penang has the highest consumption of water, per person, per day. In 2013, each person, on the aver- age, used 302 litres of water per day while the national average is only 210 litres. Jaseni also revealed that PBAPP Jaseni says domestic consumers will will recommend that new develop- not be affected by the surcharge if they do not exceed 35,000 litres per ments include water saving devices in month. their infrastructure. 2 August 16 - 31, 2013 Cash boost for needy public varsity students Story by Danny Ooi

SOME 350 students undergoing diploma and degree courses at local public universities re- ceived their RM1,000 registra- tion aid at a function held at Dewan Sri Pinang on Aug 3. They were among the 924 applicants who applied for the aid online through i-BiTA, which was opened from May 21, 2012 till July 1, 2013. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng officiated the function, which was also attended by Deputy Chief Minister 1 Mohd Rashid Hasnon, Deputy Chief Minister 11 Prof. Dr. P. Ra- masamy and State Secretary Datuk Farizan Darus. In his speech, Lim said from 2008 till 2010, the Penang Government funded only 500 successful applicants at insti- tutes of higher learning to re- ceive RM500 yearly. Some of the recipients of the registration allocation getting together for a group photograph. “Since online applications began, i-BiTA was introduced quota for the number of suc- aid of RM1,000 to potential and degree courses on condi- fare programme by the state to in 2011, the state government cessful applicants,” he added. graduates chosen for admis- tion that one of their parents is look into the welfare of all has increased the registration Last year, the state govern- sion to local public colleges a registered voter in Penang, Penangites in line with its CAT aid to RM1,000 without any ment announced registration and universities for diploma with a combined household governance which has been in income of less than RM4,000 effect since 2008. monthly. One of the recipients, Ooi This allocation is only for Yueh Man, 24, a first-year ac- first year student. counting student at Universiti Notice Lim said the registration Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, allocation is part of the wel- told Buletin Mutiara: “I am Permohonan Bantuan Pendaftaran Pelajar Ke IPTA Sesi Akademik Pertama proud and happy that the 2013/2014 Bagi Lepasan STPM/Matrikulasi/Asasi/Diploma/Setaraf Dibuka Mulai Penang state government 9 Julai 2013 Hingga 30 September 2013 has devised this programme to help students from poor TEMPOH PERMOHONAN families.” Permohonan Bantuan Pendaftaran Pelajar Ke IPTA Sesi Akademik Pertama Ooi, who is from Berapit, 2013/2014 Bagi Lepasan STPM/Matrikulasi/Asasi/Diploma/Setaraf Dibuka Mulai Bukit Mertajam, added: “I 9 Julai 2013 Hingga 30 September 2013 hope to use the allocated fund to help me settle down DOKUMEN SOKONGAN in my new place and for my Pemohon Dikehendaki Mengemukakan Dokumen Sokongan Seperti Paparan Di studies.” Senarai Semak Kepada Pejabat Daerah Dan Tanah Yang Berkaitan Dalam Tempoh Echoing Ooi’s sentiment 2 Minggu Dari Tarikh Tutup Permohonan Secara Online Dibuat. Sekiranya Pemo- was another recipient, Mo- hon Membuat Permohonan Online Pada 30 September 2013, Dokumen Sokongan hammad Hazme, 18, from Juga Perlu Dikemukakan Pada Hari Yang Sama Iaitu 30 September 2013. Alma, Bukit Mertajam. Mohammad is undergoing SYARAT PERMOHONAN his diploma in electrical Pemohon Dikehendaki Mematuhi Syarat-Syarat Permohonan Yang Telah Ditetapkan. engineering at Universiti Kegagalan Mematuhi Syarat-Syarat Tersebut Akan Menyebabkan Permohonan Tidak Teknologi Mara in Selangor. Dipertimbangkan “It is so caring of the Ooi is proud the state has pro- Penang state government to Permohonan boleh dibuat secara online melalui pautan http://ibita.penang.gov.my grammes to help poor students help students from poor from poor families. families,” he said. August 16 - 31, 2013 3 To the stars and

Chong (third from left) showing beyond..... reporters a map of the moon while (from left) Khoo, Ang and Baharin Story by Chan Lilian listen attentively. Pix by Law Suun Ting

“PENANG probably has the most observatories in Malaysia!” said associate professor Dr. Chong Hon Yew who is the adviser to the Astronomy Club of Universiti Sains Malaysia. Chong shared his passion for star gazing and explained to members of the press about as- tronomy and the wonders one can view through the refractory telescopes. He was with executive consultant of Penang Hill Corporation (PHC) Datuk Ang Choo Hong. general manager Dr. Lawrence Khoo and promo- tions and marketing manager Baharin Annuar Abu Bakar at the PHC press conference on Aug 21 to announce the “Astro-Travel Extravaganza at Penang Hill” event. The two-day event is a joint venture with Kelab Astronomi Universiti Sains Malaysia. Ang announced several plans PHC has as part of its “Educate, Excite and Experience” pro- grammes for the public, especially the young. “We emphasise on educating the children through exciting activities and to allow them to experience nature. Astronomy is an interesting topic and PHC is planning to turn one of our bun- galows, The Edgecliff, to become an observatory so that more people will have a chance to dis- cover the universe and beyond,” he said. Chong added that “astro-tourism” is getting popular where people travel to countries around the world just to be star gazers. “The Edgecliff is a good spot as the ground is flat and there are many spots up here in Penang Hill which are very dark and suitable for star gaz- ing,” he added. “There are two schools here in Penang which have their own observatories, namely and Heng Ee High School. Three more observatories are being set up and that will mean Penang has the most observatories in Ma- laysia.” Chong excitedly urged the press photographers not to miss the chance of capturing photos of the sun, the moon and the stars appearing in the skies over George Town. With the huge amount of passion from the as- tronomy club members and their willingness to share with the public and the facilities to be pro- vided by PHC, Penangites will be able to expand their horizon from planet earth to the galaxies and beyond. 4 August 16 - 31, 2013 Better facilities at Recreation Park RESIDENTS of Projek Peru- mation. In Phase 2: Focus Phase 4: Planning, Presenta- standard operational proce- mahan Rakyat (PPR) Am- Group Discussions focused on tion and Implementation of dures. pangan, Ampang Jajar can look the needs and concerns of dif- Project – was the final phase of Due to the inappropriate forward to enjoying the addi- ferent groups according to GRB project which com- layout at PPR Ampangan and tional facilities at its improved their sex and age. The results menced in October 2012. The the tight budget for 2013, the Recreation Park. The park’s of the discussions were then residents, MPSP and PWDC proposed futsal court was not additional facilities, which are summarised into seven pro- had gone through a series of built this year but is scheduled made to fulfil the request of the posed projects/programs. Un- meetings to discuss the plan- to be proposed under MPSP’s residents, consists of 2 units of zens as the users of services der Phase 3: Vote on Prioritised ning and implementation of the budget allocation in year 2014. gazebos (wakaf), 1 reflexology through a partnership that en- Needs– residents aged ten and Recreation Park. This phase Upon its completion, path, and 4 units of outdoor courages systematic people’s above were given the right to was the most challenging and PWDC will monitor the usage gym equipment. A year ago, participation. It promotes in- vote on the project they want- time consuming compared to of the recreation park using the residents at Ampang Jajar volvement and empowers the ed implemented at Ampangan. the other phases because it one of the GRB instruments/ had through a democratic pro- citizens to voice out their From the seven proposed pro- involved many consultation tools call Public Expenditure cess under a Gender Respon- needs and concerns particu- jects, the Recreation Park re- meetings with the residents on Benefit Incidence Analysis. sive Budgeting (GRB) pilot larly in the planning and deci- ceived the highest support. The the details of the project; and This analysis is to examine the project voted for additional sion making processes for ac- residents wanted a wakaf, a also discussions with MPSP use of the park by the residents facilities at its recreation park. tivities and programmes they reflexology path, gym equip- relating to its implementation and whether it benefits the The three year GRB pilot have chosen themselves. It ment and a futsal court. processes and adhering to different groups at PPR Am- project is initiated by the Pen- also promotes cooperation and pangan, namely the males, ang State Government through taking ownership wherein females, youth, adults, old and Penang Women’s Develop- citizens are recognised as part- the disabled. ment Corporation (PWDC) in ners in maintaining the ser- The Recreation Park will be partnership with the Seberang vices and infrastructure facili- officially opened by MPSP on Perai Municipal Council ties provided for them. GRB 25 August at PPR Ampangan (MPSP) and assisted by the focuses on the transformation in conjunction with the com- LA21 Ampangan residents of mindset and attitude where- munity open house to celebrate committee as the representa- in citizens become agents of Hari Raya and also the forth- tive of the PPR Ampangan change in the development of coming Hari Merdeka. residents. Penang. For the record there is an- The GRB Project is the first The GRB project at PPR other GRB Project by the project of its kind in Malaysia Ampangan started with: Phase PWDC working in partnership run by the local government 1: Household Survey to gather with the Penang Municipal where it seeks to transform the information on the demograph- Council (MPPP) that is cur- dynamics of the two way rela- ics of PPR Ampangan resi- rently on-going with the com- tionship between local govern- dents ie data on the gender, munity at PPR Jalan Sungai, ment as the providers and citi- age, ethnicity and other infor- Sungai Pinang.

RM355,000 for Muslim endowment fund Story by Danny Ooi member for Permatang Pasir said he Pix by Law Suun Ting wanted to highlight that MAINPP has derived benefits from endowment THE Muslim Council of Penang properties unlike as otherwise (MAINPP) has set aside RM355,000 claimed by some quarters. as endowment fund for 2013, sur- “MAINPP does not deal in busi- passing the RM237,000 for last ness through the endowment land as year. recently claimed by some people,” he However for next year, the figure stressed. is expected to reach RM1.3 million. He commented that it is a responsi- “This was made possible through bility of MAINPP to ensure that the the hard work of MAINPP to build endowment properties it managed up the endowment fund asset in the generate good returns, which in turn state,” said its president Datuk could be used for welfare purposes, like Salleh Man in his speech during the the endowment handout ceremony. endowment fund handing over cer- Salleh recorded his appreciation of emony held at Darul Hanan Senior Jahara, who is also the assemblymem- Citizens Complexs at Kepala Batas ber for Teluk Air Tawar and her team Salleh (right) spending a light moment with some of the recipients of the on July 25. for having successfully organised the endowment fund at Darul Hanan Senior Citizens Complex in Kepala Batas. Also present was Darul Hanan’s endowment handout ceremony. Senior Citizens Welfare Committee He said the Darul Hanan is a com- “Apart from this, MAINPP also Chinese converts at Permatang Tok chairman Datuk Jahara Hamid and its plex built to house senior citizens has other complexes in the state Gelam in mainland Penang and Zakat secretary Datuk Sazali Hussain. who are poor and do not have family namely Impian Kasih Sayang for poor Training Centre in Pantai Acheh,” he Salleh, who is also the assembly- links in Penang. children, Darul Hidayah for new added. August 16 - 31, 2013 5 Celebrate Merdeka with gusto Story by Nazleen Najeeb Picture by Mark James

PENANG is all set to cele- brate the nation’s big day on Aug 31. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng proudly officiated a month-long state level 56th National Day Celebration and State secretariat dancers performing various Malaysian dances. launched “Fly the Jalur Gemilang” campaign in Komtar on Aug 16. “Independence is about us children of Malaysia, we Lim and government employees proudly waving the mini Jalur Science fairs all must face all challenges and Gemilang. the biggest challenge is to live in peace,” said Lim. abuse of power and corruption because these are year round Penang is putting all efforts to combat the a hindrance for us to prosper. crime rate especially involving firearm crimes. Our pillar of strength is the unity regardless Thus, the state decided to change its “Cleaner, of religion and skin colour, added Lim. Greener, Safer and Healthier Penang” slogan to “Let us cherish our glorious moment of inde- “Safer, Cleaner, Greener and Healthier Penang”. pendence by flying our flag everywhere and join Lim hopes more people will join the com- in the Merdeka celebration programme.” munity policing programme while the state Among the programmes are Independence government is allocating more CCTVs to curb march on Aug 31 and Merdeka Ride on Sept 8 the rising crime rate. in Batu Kawan. Lim also stressed that multiracial Malaysia The highlight will be on Sept 16 in conjunc- must be united and continuously fight poverty, tion with Malaysia Day.

Ooi (right) explaining to Lim how a Dyson bladeless fan works Ensuring mainland Penang also develops at a press conference. CHIEF Minister Lim Guan Eng PENANG continues branding “Go Wide, Go Deep”, students wants the Penang mainland to flour- itself and this time is creating are exposed to hands-on expe- ish together with the island. a platform for the young who rience in schools and the sci- With this in mind, a Request for are interested in science. ence fair. Proposal (RFP) was offered to any Penang Science Cluster Bhd “Go Wide” platforms in- local or foreign developer to develop (PSC) appointed its first chief clude Lego Robotics, Embed- a 215-acre international theme park executive officer Ooi Peng Ee ded Systems and Chumbaka and 470 acres for an international to guide the state in creating a iCipta while “Go Deep” in- golf course in Batu Kawan. social space for science and volves National Robotics “The theme park and golf course technology activities all year Competition and Young Inno- will create job opportunities and round. vate Penang. many will visit Penang,” said Lim at Ooi, a computer engineer Chief Minister Lim Guan a press conference on August 5. who graduated from Manches- Eng said the Penang Technol- The two projects are a benchmark ter University in the UK, ogy Centre will be set up in in achieving the international standard shared his 30 years experience Komtar besides local science Penang has been eyeing, added Lim. in multinational companies for cafes all around the state. “Tenderers must build and com- the past nine months. These cafes, one of the first plete the whole compulsory develop- He helped in organising the in the country, will provide ment within four years,” said Datuk 2013 Penang International Sci- student-parents science experi- Rosli Jaafar, Penang Development ence Fair last April which ence, self-paced workshops, Corporation (PDC) general manager. garnered excellent response hands-on projects with mentors The remaining development, from 35,000 visitors over two and competition on site and which involves residential, commer- days. toolshop for serious Makers, cial and other related projects, have “We will prepare a great 3D scanners and printers. a flexible time of 10 years. Plan of the proposed development in Bandar Cassia, Batu avenue to ignite the passion These efforts will instill in- Kawan. Meanwhile, Rosli explained the and challenge the young in- terest in students to pursue tenderers may propose other development compo- and sports complex as a common facilities. novation skills” he said. careers in earth and physical nents to ensure viability of the overall mega project. The projects are expected to jack up the tourism PSC plans to have this fair sciences and also prepare Pen- He strongly encouraged non-compulsory com- industry and benefit the state government as a again end of next year. ang as a good place to raise a ponents such as community projects, public pool whole. Meanwhile, with the theme family. 6 August 16 - 31, 2013 Monsoon drain collapses near Menara Umno Story by Caleb Yeoh Pix by Mark James

A MONSOON drain collapsed outside the Pa- kistani Mosque situated along Jalan Macalister, opposite the Menara Umno at some time be- tween 5 and 6 pm on Aug 14. The structure gave way when heavy machin- ery movement on the surface of Jalan Macalis- ter stressed its core causing the drain to cave in. The use of forklifts and tractors carrying slabs of heavy concrete back and forth were part of the monsoon drain restoration and replacement project carried out on Jalan Macalister at the site of the Menara Umno freak storm accident. Repair works were carried out to restore ac- cess to the mosque as soon as possible. Repairs Lim, surrounded by members of the media, clarifying the issue to the collapsed monsoon drain is set to be at an impromptu press conference at the accident site. completed within a month. “I would like to stress that the hole (collapsed concrete. The safety of the people living and working drain) is not a sinkhole but a collapsed drain due to the along Jalan Macalister is extremely important, espe- excessive weight on the surface of the road. The con- cially after the Umno tower tragedy,” said Chief Min- The site of the collapsed monsoon drain on Jalan tractors will be upgrading the drains, reinforcing it with ister Lim Guan Eng who was present on site. Macalister, outside the Pakistani Mosque. Crime hotspots to be identified Story by Chan Lilian to the corresponding period At a press Pix by Mark James and last year. conference on Law Suun Ting However, he said the rise Aug 18, Lim did not involve all categories said: “I am go- ACCORDING to a Bernama although unarmed robbery and ing to contact report, Penang state police theft showed a significant the police chief chief Datuk Abdul Rahim hike. and see if the Hanafi had said that the crime This statistic raised great state can coop- rate in Penang from January concern to Chief Minister erate with the up to the middle of August this Lim Guan Eng who had on police to draw year rose by 281 cases, or several occasion brought up up a crime hot- about 4.7 per cent, compared the matter. spot map to A recent photo of Abdul Rahim (left) with Lim during the launch of the Merde- warn the public ka Celebrations in Komtar. Looking on is Penang State Assembly Speaker so that they are Law Choo Kiang. more aware and be extra careful at those plac- crimes so that the police can untary Patrol Service (PPS). es which are prone to crime.” collect the data. The Penang Island Mu- Lim added, “I must empha- Lim also suggested that nicipal Council (MPPP) cur- sise that although crime is reporters, who are familiar rently has 36 CCTVs and will reported to increase this year, with the situation as they are increase it by another 70 this Penang remains the safest often on the crime scene, as- year at a cost of RM1.4 mil- state. sist by giving their input and lion. Another 24 CCTVs “In the last five years, the ideas to help fight crime. installed by the Housing and crime index had gone down. Lim also pointed out that Local Government Ministry From 2008 to 2012, the crime Penang has, through the two make it a total of 130 units index showed a yearly reduc- local councils, increased the throughout the island. tion in number of cases re- number of streetlights and In the Seberang Perai Mu- File pic of a press tour of the CCTV monitoring centre in MPPP ported.” closed-circuit television cam- nicipal Council, there are 44 in Komtar where MPPP secretary Ang Aing Thye (left) and exco The public is urged to lodge eras (CCTV) and also pro- units of CCTVs and another member Chow Kon Yeow briefed reporters on the operations. police report even for minor vides surveillance by the Vol- 55 will be added this year. August 16 - 31, 2013 7 One million signatures to ‘Bury Lynas’ Story by Danny Ooi “Today, we are launching the Hijau treasurer Winson Ooi Boon Wong’s sentiment by urging the Australian Securities Exchange Pix by Law Suun Ting signature campaign in Penang, Seng, assemblymembers Datuk Malaysian government to close 100-listed company with the a pioneer in the Green State Abdul Malik Abul Kassim, Phee down the Lynas plant. strategy to create a reliable, COME Merdeka Day, Himpu- concept. We believe with the Boon Poh and Ng Wei Aik. Lim expressed his full sup- fully integrated source of rare nan Hijau Association hopes to support of the state government Wong Tack said Penang is a port for the campaign and said earth from mine through to mar- achieve its 1,000,000 signatures in Penang, we can have a great model state chosen to start off the state government will never ket, and to become the bench- campaign to call for the closure start here,” he said at a press the signature campaign. allow a rare earth plant to be set mark for the security of supply of Lynas Advanced Materials conference held at Komtar on “The anti-Lynas is a people’s up in Penang. and environmental standards in Plant (LAMP), near Kuantan, in Aug 12. movement. So we urge all Ma- “It is not for the interest of the the global rare earths industry. Pahang. He added that once the group laysians to support this cam- country, but for vested interest,” The foundation of this strat- Association chairperson collect the one million signatures, paign. The movement is making Lim said. egy is Mount Weld in Western Wong Tack said the operations a petition will be send to the Yang its way nationwide to collect “Lynas has broken the law. Australia, the richest known of LAMP is not only a problem di-Pertuan Agong to plead for his signatures to shut down the The toxic waste must be ex- deposit of rare earths in the for Pahang, but an issue for the intervention in the issue. Lynas rare earth plant ,” he said. ported out of Malaysia.” world, and a state-of-the-art rare whole country. Also present were Himpunan Meanwhile, Lim also echoed Lynas Corporation Ltd is an earths processing plant – LAMP.

Wong Tack (fourth from left), Lim (fifth from left) and other guests at the ‘Bury Lynas - one million signatures campaign’ press conference. Reminder for local surau Story by Chan Lilian pectations, we will advise people that there are several Pix by Mohd. Hafiz Tajudin them to upkeep. laws that serve to ensure that “For example, we do not places of worship are not SURAU in Penang have been want to see a surau hidden misused nor desecrated. given a gentle reminder and next to storerooms or kitch- “The Town and Country advice by exco member for ens, cleanliness not main- Planning Act 1976 has sev- Religious Affairs, Domestic tained, etc. eral provisions to ensure that Trade and Consumer Affairs “The same goes for shopping the places of worship are not Committee Datuk Abdul malls and other public places.” changed to other purposes,” Malik Abul Kassim to upkeep With Malik were the dep- Malik said. the places of worship. uty state mufti Salahudin He also pointed out Enact- Malik (left) showing media the copy of a Malay daily on the Malik told reporters on Ghazali and Khairul Azman ment No. 3 Of 1996 of the surau case in Johor while Salahudin looks on. Aug 13 that his committee is Azizan who is the Penang Syariah Criminal Offices constantly in touch with the State Religious Affairs De- (State of Penang) Enactment insulting or degrading the re- 900 surau registered in Pen- Malaysia Association of Ho- partment (JAIPP) head of 1996 which states : Section ligion of Islam shall be guilty ang and more are in the pro- tels to ensure that the hotels Enforcement Unit. 32. Destroying or defiling of an offence and shall on cess of being registered. maintain a surau suitable for They were concerned with mosque surau, etc. conviction be liable to a fine He added that this will their guests. the recent case in Kota Ting- Any person who destroys, not exceeding three thousand serve as a friendly reminder “I have a very cordial rela- gi, Johor, where a surau was damages or defiles any mosque ringgit or to imprisonment for to all the surau and hopes the tionship with these hotels and used by a group of Buddhist or surau or other place of wor- a term not exceeding two years owners of the premises will for a win-win situation, if monks for their meditation. ship or any of its equipment or to both. take heed or JAIPP will not there is any surau below ex- “We want to remind the with the intention of thereby Malik said there are over hesitate to take action. 8 August 16 - 31, 2013 Their assets for all to see Story by Chan Lilian included the declaration of Pix by Mark James assets by the exco members on Pages 8 to 10. IT is not mere lip service or There are 10 Barisan Na- empty slogans when Penang sional assemblymembers in claims to be CAT – competent, the state assembly. Reporters transparent and accountable. wanted to know if they too Transparency is proven in need to declare their assets. the form of asset declaration “This asset declaration was by the exco members after part of PR’s election mani- Pakatan Rakyat (PR) took festo so it covers only the PR over state government in assemblymembers. However, 2008. if BN assemblymembers wish In the second term of PR’s to do so, the state is willing ruling, the asset declaration to bear the cost of the certifi- has expanded to cover the PR cation by the independent state assemblymembers as accountant firm,” Chief Min- well. Eleven exco members ister Lim Guan Eng said. and 19 PR assemblymembers “Penang is the only state publicly provided a list of their where the state leaders de- assets which was certified by clared their assets. We hope an independent accountant the other PR states will also firm, Grant Thornton. follow our step. We have On Aug 6, all the exco Penang state government leaders together with the accounting firm executives posing for a proved that it is safe to declare members and assemblymem- group photo at the asset declaration. our assets,” he added. bers were at Komtar at a press “This asset declaration is a conference and the list of their was made available. The list Penang state government of- penang.gov.my. small step forward. Yet, it is individual asset declaration can be downloaded from the ficial website at http://www. Buletin Mutiara has also a step forward.”

New fleet of Camrys for official use Story by Danny Ooi pay more as the ap- proved market price for EXCO for Local Government, Traf- this model is RM174,820. fic Management and Flood Mitiga- With the tax exempt, we tion, Chow Kon Yeow said the state hope to pay only government plans to spend RM1.7 RM113,700 per car.” million to buy 15 new Toyota When asked about the Camry 2.5 automatic cars to replace choice of car brand, its existing official fleet of Proton Chow commented that Perdana vehicle that are between 12 the choice of Toyota did and 21 years old. not imply that the state The individuals who will receive was unpatriotic towards the new cars are the 11 state execu- the national car Proton, tive councillors, including the stressing that the Per- Chief Minister, his two deputies, dana range was no long- State Legislative Speaker, State er in production. Secretary, State Financial Officer “Chief Minister Lim and State Legal Adviser. Guan Eng’s official PG1 “The new Toyota cars are black car, a Mercedes-Benz in colour with full specifications S320 is 18 years old, and are expected to be delivered by while assemblymember mid-November to the state,” he Jagdeep Singh Deo’s car, said this at a press conference on a Mercedes-Benz 200E Mokthar (left) and Chow showing a picture of the Toyota Camry 2.5 at the press Aug 21 at Komtar to announce the is 21 years old. conference. decision. “Some of the existing Chow said the price quoted was six Mercedes Benz and nine Proton he said. “In 2011, we spent RM370,400 doing away a possible tax exemp- Perdana V6 executive cars would Meanwhile, State Financial Of- to maintain 21 state officials cars, tion that the state hope to acquired be allocated to the state’s five Dis- ficer Datuk Mokthar Jait said the while last year we spent RM383,000. from the Royal Customs and Excise trict Officers and other department state spends an average of RM20,000 This year between January and Au- Department. heads, while the economically not to RM30,000 yearly on maintenance gust, we spend about RM301,238,” “Without this, we may have to viable models would be write-off,” for each of the state vehicles. he added. ï K¤J¢ ytr« K¤JbrŒâfŸ¢ http:www.facebook.com/buletinmutiara http:www.facebook.com/cmlimguaneng MfÞ£ 16-131, 2013 ãdh§F khÃy¤âš bjhl®ªJ mid¤Jyf ïªâa t®¤jf¥ bgUÉHh eilbgW«. tifapy; xU ehs; filailg;G gpdhq;F khepyj;jpy; kl;Lky;yhky; ehnlq;fpYk; elj;jg;gl;lJ. ïUg;gpDk; ïe;j khngUk; tpoh njhlu;e;J eilngw jhk; cj;juthjk; mspg;gjhf kjpg;gpw;Fupa fu;g;ghy; rpq; njuptpj;jhu;. ïe;j midj;Jyf uPjpapyhd ïe;jpau; tu;j;jfg; ngUtpohit cs;ehl;L tu;j;jfu;fs; Mjupf;f Ntz;Lk; vdTk; Ntz;LNfhs; tpLj;jhu;. ït;thz;L gprh muq;fpy; nkhj;jk; 170 filfs; mikf;fg;gl;Ls;sd. mtw;Ws; 70% filfs; cs;ehl;L tzpfu;fSf;Fk; 30% kl;LNk ntspehl;L tzpfu;fSf;Fk; xj;Jf;fPLr; nra;ag;gl;lJ Fwpg;gplj;jf;fjhFk;. gpdhq;F tu;j;jfu;fSf;F ïe;j khngUk; tu;j;jfj;jpy; tpahghuk; nra;a $Ljy; tha;g;Gfs; mn[z;lh Nupah ,af;Feu; jpU n[fh uht; Gf;fpl; FSNfhu; ehlhSkd;w cWg;gpdu; toq;fpAk; mjidr; rpy tu;j;jfu;fNs fu;g;ghy; rpq; mtu;fSf;Fg; nghd;dhilg; Nghw;wp epidTr; rpd;dk; toq;fpdhu; gad;gLj;jpf; nfhz;lJ jkf;F Vkhw;wj;ij fle;j Mf];l; 9-Mk; jpfjp mspg;gjhf mn[z;lh R+upah epWtdj;jpd; ïlq;fspypUe;J tzpfu;fs; jq;fspd; jiytu; jpU n[fh uht; njuptpj;jhu;. nts;spf;fpoik md;W gpdhq;F midj;Jyf nghUl;fis ïq;F tpw;fpd;wdu;. ïjdhy; ïe;jpa tu;j;jfg; ngUtpoh> gpdhq;F ‘gprh’ ïUg;gpDk; ïe;j khngUk; re;ij tpahghu jhd; gpdhq;F tho; kf;fs; kl;Lkpd;wp Nehf;fk; kl;Lkpd;wp thbf;ifahsu;fspd; muq;fpy; mjpfhug;G+u;tkhfj; jpwg;G tpoh Nguh> nflh khepyq;fspypUe;Jk; kf;fspd; fz;lJ. ïe;epfo;it Gf;fpl; FSNfhu; midj;J Njitfisg; G+u;j;jpr; nra;Ak; $l;lk; jpushff; fhzg;gl;lJ. ïe;j xNu jskhf mikfpwJ. NkYk; mn[z;lh ehlhSkd;w cWg;gpdu; kjpg;gpw;Fupa khngUk; re;ijapy; thdtpy; Rg;gu; ];lhu; fu;g;ghy; rpq; Fj;J tpsf;Nfw;wpr; R+upah epWtdk; gy njhz;LfSk; toq;fp fyhl;lh> tu;zk; jPl;Lk; Nghl;b> thdtpy; tUtJ rhyr;rpwe;jjhFk;. fle;j khu;r; khjk; rpwg;Giuahw;wpdhu;. rf;fu tu;j;jp tpoh Mfpa epfo;Tfs; nghJ ïj;jpwg;G tpohtpy; cs;ehl;L jz;zPu;kiy mUs;kpF ghyjz;lhAjghzp kf;fis kfpo;r;rp nts;sj;jpy; Mo;j;jpaJ. Myaj;jpw;F ed;nfhilahf upk35000 fiyQu;fs; jq;fspd; jpwikfis 7 Mf];l; Jtq;fp 11-Mk; jpfjp tiu ntspg;gLj;jp gpuKfu;fs; kw;Wk; kjpf;fj;jf;f nts;sp mq;fp toq;fg;gl;lJ. ePbj;j ïe;jpa tu;j;jfg; ngUtpoh Ie;jhtJ ïe;jpau;fs; kl;Lkpd;wp ïe;j tpohtpy; tUifahsu;fspd; kdijf; nfhs;isf; Kiwahf elj;jg;gLfpwJ. mz;ikapy; nfhz;ldu;. Aj;j Nkil [_dpau; gpw ïdj;jtu; kw;Wk; Rw;Wg;gazpfSk; cs;ehl;L tu;j;jfu;fs; ïe;j khngUk; tpoh fye;J nfhz;L rpwg;gpj;jdu;. ntw;wpahsu;fs;> ‘Vuh’ eldf; FOtpdu;> eilngWtijf; fz;ldk; njuptpf;Fk; ‘lu;rhdpah Kf xg;gid ikak;’ toq;Fk; Mil myq;fhu Nghl;b Mfpa epfo;r;rpfisr; rpwg;ghf b.vr;.Mu; uhfh mwptpg;ghsu; Nutjp ed;F topelj;jpdhu;. 5tJ Kiwahf eilngWk; ït;tpohtpy; Jzpkzpfs;> fhyzpfs;> Rbjhu;> Nriy> moFr; rhjdg;nghUl;fs;> czTg; gjhu;j;jq;fs; vd gy;tif nghUl;fSk; kpf kypthd tpiyapy; tpw;fg;gLfpd;wd. nghJthfNt kNyrpahtpy; tpw;fg;gLk; nghUl;fs; njd; ïe;jpahtpypUe;J ïwf;Fkjp nra;ag;gl;lit. ïe;j khngUk; tpohtpy; tpw;fg;gLk; nghUl;fs; ahTk; tpj;jpahrkhdit fhuzk; ïe;jpahtpd; tl khepyq;fshd GJby;yp> fh\;kPu;> ïuh[];jhd; kw;Wk; mz;il ehLfshd ghfp];jhd; Mfpa fz;izf; ftUk; Milfs; midj;Jyf ,e;jpau; tu;j;jfg; ngUtpoh 2013 MfÞ£ 16-31, 2013 2 ãdh§F khÃy k¡fŸ T£l muR brh¤Jilik Égu§fis m¿É¤jJ. gpdhq;F khepy kf;fs; $l;lzp muR jq;fspd; nrhj;Jilik tpguq;fis mwptpj;Js;sdu;. fle;j Mz;L khepy Ml;rpf;FO cWg;gpdu;fs; kl;LNk nrhj;Jilikfisg; gpuflzk; nra;jdu;. Mdhy; ,e;j Mz;L rl;lkd;w cWg;gpdu;fSk; jq;fspd; nrhj;Jilikfis mwptpj;jdu;. vdpDk; Nkw;fz;l nrhj;J tpguq;fs; rl;lkd;w kw;Wk; Ml;rpf;FO cWg;gpdu;fspd; tho;f;ifj; Jizfs;> gps;isfs; MfpNahu;fspd; nrhj;J tpguq;fis cl;gLj;jg;gltpy;iy. nrhj;Jilikfis mwptpg;Gr; nra;j KjyhtJ khepyk; gpdhq;F Ml;rpf;FO cWg;gpdu; rht; nfhd;aht;> Kjyhk; Jiz Kjy;tu; Kfkl; vd;why; kpifahfhJ vd;whu; khepy u\pl; `];Ndhd;> Kjy;tu; ypk; Fthd; vq;> ,uz;lhk; Jiz Kjy;tu; g ,uhkrhkp> rghehafu; yht; N fpahq; MfpNahu; 13-tJ nghJj; Nju;jy; nfhs;if mwpf;ifiaf; Kjy;tu; khz;GkpF ypk; Fthd; vq;. 13- fhz;gpf;fpd;wdu;. tJ nghJj; Nju;jy; nfhs;if mwpf;ifia jhd; epiwNtw;wp tUtijAk; Kjy;tu; thfdq;fs; vd Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;sd. murpd; mjpfhug;G+u;t ,izaj;jskhd Rl;bf;fhl;;bdhu;. Kjy;tu; cl;gl 11 Ml;rpf;FO cWg;gpdu;fs;> http;//www.penang.gov.my.today-apy; tyk; ,e;j nrhj;Jilik tpguq;fspy; 19 rl;lkd;w cWg;gpdu;fspd; nrhj;Jilik tuyhk;. ,e;j nrhj;Jilik mwptpg;G xt;nthU khepy muR rl;lkd;w mwpf;if efy;fs; nra;jpahsu;fSf;F 5-5-2013-f;Fs; tiuaWf;fg;gl;l nrhj;J cWg;gpdu;fs;> Ml;rpf;FO cWg;gpdu;fs; toq;fg;gl;Ls;sd. ,e;j tpguq;fis nghJ tpguq;fs; vd Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;sJ. MfpNahupd; nrhj;Jfs; KjyPLfs;> kf;fs; mwpe;;Jf; nfhs;Sk; tifapy; khepy fÈnlhÅah njh£l k¡fS¡F j‰fhÈf åLfŸ tH§f¥g£ld. njd; nrnguhq; gpiw [hyhd; Rq;ifapy; mike;Js;s fypNlhdpah Njhl;lj;jpy; gaq;fu jP tpgj;J Vw;gl;lJ. ,j;Jaur; rk;gtk; ,uT kzp 11.00-f;F fz;zpikf;Fk; Neuj;jpy; 8 gyif tPLfs; vupe;J rhk;gyhfpd. ngUk;ghyhd tPl;L cupikahsu;fs; Ntiyf;Fr; nrd;wpUe;j Ntisapy; ,r;rk;gtk; epfo;e;jJ vd tPLfis ,oe;Njhupy; xUtu; fz;zPu; ky;fj; njuptpj;jhu;. jP tpgj;jpd; NghJ jkJ cilikfisf; $l fhg;ghw;w ,aytpy;iy vd NkYk; $wpdhu;. jP tpgj;jpy; Kw;wpYk; mope;j tPL fhyp tPl;by; gutpajhf ek;gg;gLk; jPapdhy; ,e;j 8 tPLfSk; Kw;whf vupe;J rhk;gyhfpd. ,Ug;gpDk;> jP kw;w tPLfSf;Fg; guthky; jPaizg;G kPl;Gg; gilapdu; fl;Lg;ghl;Lf;Fs; nfhz;L te;jdu;. rk;gtk; epfo;e;j ,lj;jpw;F Neubahfr; nrd;W gpdhq;F khepy ,uz;lhk; Jiz Kjy;tu; Nguhrpupau; lhf;lu; g ,uhkrhkpAk; [htp rl;lkd;w cWg;gpdu; R+ ypg; rpAk; ghu;itapl;ldu;. rk;gtj;jpy; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fSf;F mtu;fs; Mo;e;j mDjhgj;ijj; njuptpj;Jf; nfhz;ldu;. khepy ,uz;lhk; Kjy;tu; jkJ nrhe;j epjpapypUe;J ghjpf;fg;gl;lf; FLk;gq;fSf;Ff; fzprkhd njhifia cjtp epjpahf toq;fpdhu;. ghjpf;fg;gl;lf; FLk;gq;fs; jq;Ftjw;F khepy muRf;Fr; nrhe;jkhd thlif tPLfis mNj gFjpapy; milahsk; fhzg;gl;Ls;s mLf;Fkhb FbapUg;gpy;> [htp rl;lkd;w cWg;gpdu; R+ ypg; rp top Vw;ghL nra;ag;gl;lJ. fypNlhdpah Njhl;l kf;fs; ePz;l ehl;fshf tPl;Lg; gpur;ridia vjpu;Nehf;Ffpd;wdu; vd;gJ Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. ,g;gpur;ridf;F jFe;j eltbf;if vLf;Fk; nghWg;G khtl;l mYtyfj;jplk; xg;gilf;fg;gl;bUg;gjhf ,uz;lhk; [htp rl;lkd;w cWg;gpdu; kjpg;gpw;Fupa N ypg; rp mtu;fs; Kjy;tu; njuptpj;jhu;. ghjpf;fg;gl;l kf;fSf;F MWjy; $wpdhu;. 3 MfÞ£ 16-31, 2013 khÃy muR thlif¡ fh® X£Ld®fS¡F r‹khd« tH§»aJ. gpdhq;F tho; 3000 thliff; fhu; Xl;Ldu;fSf;F khepy gj;J fhthd; ehlhSkd;w cWg;gpdu; f];J}up gl;L> kw;Wk; muR Cf;fj;njhif toq;fpaJ. Nehd;Gg; ngUehis Kd;dpl;L nrnguhq; gpiw efuhz;ikf; fofj; jiytp ikKdh KfkJ gpdhq;F khepy kf;fs; $l;lzp muR thliff; fhu; Xl;Ldu;fSf;Fj; ]hupg; fye;J rpwg;gpj;jdu;. jyh up.k 300-I toq;fpaJ ghuhl;lf;FwpajhFk;. ,e;j rd;khdk; toq;Ftjw;fhf khepy muR up.k 97>500.00 xJf;fpaJ vd;W Kjy;tu; NkjF ypk; Fthd; vq; $wpdhu;. fle;j 13-tJ nghJj; Nju;jypd; NghJ kf;fs; $l;lzp muR Nju;jy; mwpf;ifapy; Rw;Wyh Jiwapd; Nrit juj;ij Nkk;gLj;j thliff; fhu; Xl;Ldu;fSf;F up.k 600 Cf;fj;njhifahf toq;fg;gLk; vd mwptpj;jpUe;jJ. mjd; njhlf;fkhf miuahz;Lf;F up.k 300-Uk; ,t;thz;L ,Wjpapy; kw;nwhU up.k 300 toq;fg;gLk; vd;W nrnguhq; n[ah efuhz;ikf; fofj; jiyik mYtyfj;jpy; nra;jpahsu; re;jpg;gpy; Kjy;tu; mwptpj;jhu;. cyfj; Jupj tsu;r;rpf;F Vw;g gpdhq;F khepy nghJg; Nghf;Ftuj;Jj; Jiwia Nkk;gLj;Jk; nghUl;L khepy muR gy eltbf;iffis Nkw;nfhz;L tUfpwJ. thbf;ifahsu;fsplk; gzpthfTk; Kf kyu;r;rpAlDk; Nrit toq;Ftij thliff; fhu; Xl;Ldu;fs; nfhs;ifahf;fpf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk; vd NkYk; Nfl;Lf; nfhz;lhu;. ,e;epfo;tpy; ehlhSkd;w cWg;gpdu; ypk; n`hf; nrq;> Gf;fpl; nku;jh[hk; rl;lkd;w cWg;gpdu; ];btd; rpk; rP fpNahq;> NkjF ypk; Fthd; vq; khjpup fhNrhiyia toq;Ffpwhu;. jhkh‹ J‹ r®nlh‹ mL¡Fkho åLfŸ òJ bghÈîl‹ ïU¡f khÃy muR ɤâL»wJ. gpdhq;F Rq;if FSNfhu; gFjpiar; Nru;e;j jhkhd; Jd; tpiutpy; epiwNtw;w Kd; te;jpUf;Fk; Ml;rpf;FO cWg;gpdu; ru;Nlhd; 30 Mz;Lfs; goikahdJ. fle;j 80-Mk; Mz;by; n[f;bg; rpq;fpw;Fk; jq;fspd; kdkhu;e;j ed;wpapid mt;tl;lhu ,e;j mLf;Fkhb tPLfs; epu;khzpf;fg;gl;lJ. ,jpy; nkhj;jk; 22 kf;fs; njuptpj;Jf; nfhz;ldu;. fl;llq;fs; cs;sd. ,e;j mLf;Fkhb tPLfs; GJg; nghypTld; cUkhw;Wk; nghUl;L gpdhq;F khepy muR Mtd eltbf;iffis Nkw;nfhz;Ls;sJ vd fpuhkk;> efuk; kw;Wk; tPlikg;Gj; jpl;lkply; Nritf; FOtpd; Ml;rpf;FO cWg;gpdUk; lj;Njh nfuhkhl; rl;lkd;w cWg;gpdUkhd n[fbg; rpq; bNah nra;jpahsu; re;jpg;gpy; Ngrpdhu;. mtUld; = nlypkh rl;lkd;w cWg;gpdu; Mu;.v];. Nejh[p ,uhaUk; tUifaspj;jhu;. ,e;j mLf;Fkhb tPl;Lf; fl;llq;fs; kWrPuikj;J kPz;Lk; rhak; G+Rk; gzpfSf;fhf khepy muR Rkhu; 10 yl;rk; nts;spiar; nrytpl Kd;te;Js;sJ vdf; $wpdhu;. khepyj;jpy; cs;s mLf;Fkhb tPLfs; GJg; nghypTld; cUkhw;Wk; jpl;lj;jpd; fPo;> khepy muR xJf;fPL nra;jpUf;Fk; rpwg;G epjpapypUe;J ,jw;fhdr; nrytpdk; ePz;l ,ilNtisf;Fg; gpwF ,e;j mLf;Fkhb tPLfs; GJg; nghypTld; fhl;rpaspf;ftpUg;gij vz;zp mf;FbapUg;G Mu;.v];. Nejh[p ,uhaUk; n[f;bg; rpq;Fk; jhkhd; Jd; ru;Nlhd; kf;fs; mfk; kyu;e;jdu;. mNjhL> khepy muRf;Fk; ,j;jpl;lj;ij mLf;Fkhb tPl;Lf; fl;llq;fs; GJg; nghypT ngWtjw;fhd mq;fPfhur; rhd;wpjiof; fhz;gpf;fpd;wdu; 免费

Competency Accountability Transparency

2013年8月16日-31日 槟州民联政府兑现承诺 公布30名议员财产


槟州民联政府兑现505竞选宣言, 以每年公佈财产,因为虽然这是槟州 且敢公佈议员财产的州属,目的是要 州政府网站,www.penang.gov. 槟州首长林冠英联同10名行政议员及 政府的一小步,但却是迈向透明化制 树立一个好榜样,让其他不止民联州 my,让民众浏览。 19名州议员在开斋节前夕公布个人财 度的一大步。 属的效仿,而且这政策也让槟州议员 他说,目前阶段是要求州议员公开 产;槟州是全马首个公布行政议员及 他坦言,针对公佈民联州议员财产 们成为了槟州子民的骄傲。 财产,以后再通过让槟州国会议员也 州议员个人财产的州属,惟这不包括 一事,确实是面对民联党内及党外的 他希望,往后能够每年公佈议员的 一同公布财产,但先从公佈州议员财 槟州国阵10名州议员。 压力,包括有民联领袖向他反映,担 财产,而不是大选般的5年才公布, 产开始。他同时也促请首相纳吉及部 槟州民联政府自去年首开先河,公 心议员的人身安全问题。 而且槟州国阵议员若要公佈财产,可 长们公佈财产。 布槟州首长及10名行政议员的个人财 他说,要公开所有议员的财产不是 以联络州政府,州政府将提供他们免 产后,今年再兑现505竞选宣言,公 件简单的事,因为必须要告诉议员 费的审计服务。 布30名民联议员的个人财产。 们,是安全而且不会造成任何不方便 议员的个人财产是经过Grant 槟州首长林冠英于8月7日在公佈民 或威胁的。 Thornton会计楼审核,而30名民联 注明:槟州首长及10名行政议员的个 联财产后表示,期望往后民联议员可 他说,槟州是马来西亚唯一领先而 议员的个人财产资料已被上载自槟 人财产资料,请翻阅第6及11页。 2 时事2013年8月16日-31日 推行绿色道路共享概念 让民众选出脚车道漆料 为了达到将槟州打造成我国首 个脚车州的目标,槟州政府不断 提升脚车道的安全度、舒适度及 适合度,同时也决定从丹绒道光 至浮罗山背,兴建一道长30公里 的脚车道,推行绿色道路共享概 念。 槟州首长林冠英指出,绿色道 路概念是为了保障脚车骑士的安 全,同时也会在脚车道漆上更显 眼的顏色和标誌,让其他道路使 用者更注意到脚车骑士的存在, 而能够互相礼让。 林冠英为「绿色道路共享概 念」公开諮询活动主持开幕时指 出,该项计划将提供4种不同漆 料材质的绿色脚车道,让脚车骑 民众积极响应「绿色道路共享概念」公开咨询活动开幕仪式,并尝 士试骑后,再选出心中所属的脚 试了试用脚车道。 车道。 质选择之外,也希望能蒐集公眾对此脚车 此公开諮询活动除了提供聚氨酯漆 道的支持度。 (Polyurethane)、热塑性丙烯酸酯面 民眾可从即日起至9月3日之间,把意见 漆(Thermoplastic)、路面漆(Road 电邮至[email protected]或上官方面子 绿色道路概念是为了保障脚车骑士的安全,同时也会在脚车道漆上更显眼的顏色和标誌, Paint)和水晶盾(Crystal Shield)4种材 书Green RoadSharing Concept投选。 让其他道路使用者更注意到脚车骑士的存在,而能够互相礼让。

槟政府再分发回馈金给独中教职员 继去年分发回馈金给槟州5所独中的教 职员后,槟州民联政府今年再度分发回 馈金给独中教职员;来自5所独中的398 名教职员共获得7万9600令吉回馈金。 槟州首长林冠英指出,槟州政府去年 分发给364名独中教职员的回馈金总数 达7万2800令吉,而今年的回馈金则是7 万9600令吉,共有398人受惠。 槟州政府于8月7日特召开独中教职员 回馈金分发仪式,出席该项仪式的5所独 中代表,钟灵独中、槟华独中、菩提独 槟州民联政府重才、惜才、选秀才,也珍惜教育工作者的付出,因此,拨出7万9600令吉回馈金给398位独中教职员,以感激及表扬他们协助州政府 中、日新独中及韩江独中。 将槟城打造成为一个培育、提升、吸引及留住国际人才的区域中心。

槟州首长林冠英给独中教职员的信: 尊敬的独中教职员, 尽管州政府94%的税收都 在廉洁及能干政府的情况 负担房屋基金的州属,兴建1 或4亿令吉, 国阵用50年才累 槟州民联政府不仅是重 归属联邦政府,但是,我们 下,我们在2008年之后的财 万9172个高素质房屋,并由 积下来的8亿令吉,民联却在 才、惜才、选秀才,也珍惜 却极尽其能,秉持着能干、 政预算年年有余,并缩减了 新加坡建屋局管理. 在2013 5年内(或十分之一的时间) 教育工作者的付出,今年共 公信及透明的政策,将谨慎 95%的债务。我们善用这些 年成为第一个扫除贫穷的州 ,便令州政府的资产增加了 拨出7万9600令吉回馈金给 预算及反贪的部分收益用来 盈利: 派发援助金给贫穷 属,确保槟城每个家庭每月 一半。 398位独中教职员,以感激 回馈您,让长期以来被国阵 者、乐龄人士、残障人士、 收入至少达770令吉,高于 我们相信,能干、公信及 及表扬您协助州政府将槟城 政府忽略的您们得到小小的 学生、新生儿及单亲妈妈。 全国763令吉贫穷线。 透明的政策配合您们的付 打造成为一个培育、提升、 鼓励。 每年拨款给华小、淡小、 过去五年,我们的财政年 出,槟城要成为智慧型国际 吸引及留住国际人才的区域 我们坚信,一个以民为本 教会学校及宗教学校. 在公 年有余,尽管我们的发展 化城市指日可待。真心地感 中心。 的好政府给下一代最好的礼 开场所提供免费无线上网. 免 开销增加55%,并派发1亿 谢您的付出。 去年,我们分发了7万2800 物,不是现金,而是知识、 费提供巴士穿行乔治市,以 5000万令吉的现金援助。我 令吉回馈金给364位独中教 教育、免于恐惧及贪污。所 及“停车换乘”载送工作人 们在2010年及2011年的所获 真诚的, 职员。至今,州政府共拨超 以,我们在浮罗山背成立学 士往返槟岛及威省. 在州内 投资额全马居冠,贡献了马 过4000万令吉给州内的华校 习及培训中心、教育中心来 兴建基础设施,纾缓交通阻 来西亚的外来投资额28%。 林冠英首席部长 及教会学校。 栽培人力资源。 塞. 成为首个拨出5亿令吉可 槟州的资产也增加了50% 3 2013年8月16日-31日 时事 首长呼吁响应 “埋葬莱纳斯百万签名运动” 绿色盛会发起 阿都玛烈,也即刻 的“埋葬莱纳斯 以行动支持签名运 百万签名运动”获 动。 得槟州政府全力支 林冠英指出,早 持,首长林冠英呼 前莱纳斯公司承诺 吁民众,若看到有 会将稀土运出,因 人索取签名要求支 此联邦政府应该可 持绿色盛会,欢迎 以在无需赔偿的情 云集响应! 况下,撤除该公司 绿色盛会主席黄 的执照,惟联邦政 德是在绿色盛会财 府并没有这样做, 政黄文生及顾问拿 这种掩人耳目的做 督杜乾焕博士陪同 法实在让人质疑。 下,到槟州首长办 他向槟州人民承 公室拜会林冠英, 诺,无论如何,他 同时表示希望在8月 槟州首长林冠英(左5)呼吁人民支持“埋葬莱纳斯百万签名运动”,左二起为黄文生、拿督杜乾焕、黄德、林冠英、阿都玛烈、彭文宝与黄伟益。 绝对不会让类似联 24日前,在槟州收 “我们必须让联邦政府知 办一项诉求活动,希望届时 尽管绿色盛会雄心万丈要在 邦政府批准建稀土 集获30万个签名的意愿,也 道,反对莱纳斯厂不仅是彭 所有的绿色志愿领队能够把 槟城筹得30万个签名,但林 厂的事情,发生在槟州,以确 即是占目标总数的30%。 亨和关丹州人民所关注的课 所收集获的签名集合起来。 冠英仍直言时间过于仓促, 保槟城这一块绿地不受污染。 他说,向联邦政府诉求关 题,而且全国课题,我们也 他补充说,原本该会设定在 再加上8月适逢学校假期与开 另外,有意领军参与“埋葬 闭莱纳斯厂机会渺茫,但绿 不想再看到30年前红坭山的 100天内完成该100万个签名 斋节,担心可能无法在短期 莱纳斯百万签名运动”者, 色盛会希望通过百万签名运 稀土辐射废料埋藏地所带来 的目标,但由于目前的反应 内收集获30万个签名。 欢迎到http://himpunan- 动,获得国际社会的关注, 的危害,再度上演。” 相当热烈,要在深具意义的 新闻发布会现场,林冠英与 hijau.com/下载签名表格, 让各界人士知道我国人民的 黄德说,绿色盛会将于8月 国庆日筹获目标数目,相信 在场的丹绒区国会议员黄伟 助绿色盛会早日收集获100万 诉求。 24日在吉隆坡独立广场前举 绝非不可能。 益、槟州行政议员彭文宝和 个签名。

槟州政府关注枪击案事件 愿助警方打击上升罪案率 槟州政府迫切关注在开斋节 罪案记录的准确性,这是必 的在野党民选议员,而不是 首天,槟城州内发生三宗枪 要的。” 注重在打击罪犯,阿末这样 击案,并造成一死一伤的事 “为展示我们极力维持槟城 做就对警方公平吗?” 件。尽管有些类似的枪击案 作为最安全州属的地位,槟州 他续称,为了合理化恢复 及其伤者,或与刑事黑社会 政府经已修改我们的“槟城清 预防性法令、允许无审讯扣 纷争有关,但是一天内一连 洁、绿化、健康及安全”口 留,阿末查希说在2011年紧 发生3宗的枪击案,显示犯罪 号,成为“槟城安全、清洁、 急法令被废除后共有2600 活动的恶化,也让人对公众 绿化及健康”。” 名罪犯被释放,并导致26万 安全产生质疑。 另外,林冠英再于8月12日 名罪犯在街上游荡。这个数 槟州首长林冠英指出,槟州 发表文告表示,内政部长拿 据来自内政部长令人惊讶, 政府致力保住得来不易的“ 督斯里阿末查希指不必担心 他在计算罪犯人数方面不只 马来西亚最安全州属”的记 有关公众对于警方在打击重 令人怀疑,也听起来非常夸 录,或至少成为其中一个比 犯主面的评价不公平。 张。 较安全的州属。 “这也是为什么马来西亚 “但是,如果阿末查希是 “槟州政府理解,槟城警 要求政府提供更多资源如器 对的,那就是现在有26万 方在对抗罪案时,面对人手 材、人手给警方,特别是现 名罪犯在我国街上游荡,那 短缺及资源短缺的问题。为 槟州政府经已指示槟岛及威省两个地方政府,需在今年年杪,分别安装额外70 在在总数11万2583名警员 么恢复紧急法令也帮不到警 此,槟州政府愿意出手相 及55个闭路电视。这是在现有在槟岛的60个闭路电视及威省现有的44个闭路电 中,只有9%或1万150名警员 方,我们需要的是大马军队 视后,额外增设的。增设的125个闭路电视将耗资300万令吉。 助,借出我们的人力资源给 打击罪案。而公众也要求阿 及联合国维和部队来协助警 警方,联手打击不断上升的 年年杪,分别安装额外70及 作。这将让军警人员得以履 末增加打击罪案及巡逻的警 方对付这26万“大军”的罪 罪案率。” 55个闭路电视。这是在现有 行他们的核心职责,在街上 员至50%或5万6000人,以让 犯。” 林冠英于8月9日发表文告 在槟岛的60个闭路电视及威 巡逻,以让市民感到安全, 他们做正确的事。” 他说,这项26万名罪犯的 时表示,除了设立自愿巡逻 省现有的44个闭路电视后, 免于受到罪案的威胁。 他说,问题是阿末查希是 数据,甚至多过警员人数11 队 (VTP) 以在住宅区、组屋及 额外增设的。增设的125个闭 “最有效的防止罪案措施, 否对警方公平,他将警员打 万2583加上大马军人12万 柑榜展开巡逻工作,州政府 路电视将耗资300万令吉。” 是通过社区巡逻及合作。民 击罪案的职责转移至其它工 4000人的总数。因此,行动 也结合人力与科技,正积极 他说,为解决警队人力不 众不只须提供情报给警方, 作,包括监视及对付国阵的 党不只呼吁大马军队协助警 地安装闭路电视。 足,无法全天候监控增加的 他们也必需知道尽管报案造 政敌。 方,也要求联合国维和部队 “槟州政府经已指示槟岛及 闭路电视数量,槟州政府也 成诸多不便,但也需要挺身 “当警方的工作被限制在非 前来帮忙,以协助我国警方 威省两个地方政府,需在今 提出自费聘请员工做监视工 而出,向警方投报,以确保 必要的职责如对付奉公守法 对付这26万罪犯“大军”。 4 时事2013年8月16日-31日 佳日星提醒议员善用房屋设施维修 基金助维修廉屋基设 槟州房屋委员会主席佳日星行政议 维修工程也将于下星期展开。 员提醒各选区议员,记得善用由州政 已获批准的廉价屋基设维修工程: 府设立的房屋设施维修基金,以鉴定 1. 双溪槟榔日落洞再也花园廉价屋 选区内各项需要维修的基本设施,协 升降机维修费达4万9000令吉,州政 助居民解决廉价屋基设问题。 府承担80%费用,即3万6750令吉, 他说,州政府为解决政府或私人界 其余的1万2250令吉由居民负责。 所兴建的廉价屋及中廉价屋基本设施 2. 峇都兰樟斯里柏迈花园廉价屋建 问题,于2011年通过财政预算案,每 造新升降机费用是15万3330令吉, 年拨出一笔为数300万令吉的维修基 州政府承担12万2644令吉,剩余的3 金,以进行各项基本设施维修及提升 万666令吉由居民负责。 用途,包括维修蓄水槽、升降机及重 3. 大英义园政府廉价組屋重新粉刷 新粉刷等。 工程,花费是76万令吉,15座廉价屋 他表示,在这项计划下,州政府将 将会重新粉刷。有关廉价屋已有20年没 承担80%的维修费用,剩余的20%由 粉刷,到目前为止,其中8座已竣工。 住户负责,而一般上,当地居民会寻 4. 北海廉价屋丹绒再也蓄水槽也 求相关选区议员协助拨款承担20%的 出现问题,所获得的维修经费是1万 费用。” 5000令吉至3万9000令吉。 “州政府目前已批准了7项廉价屋 5. 槟岛峇六拜Vista Condomini- 基设的维修及粉刷工程,至于重新粉 um的蓄水槽也面对同样问题,目前 刷工程,基金仅限应用在由政府所兴 在等该区州议员杨顺兴提呈估价。 建的房屋。” 6. 槟岛五条路Kompleks Seri Mu- 佳日星于8月14日在爪夷区州议员 佳日星(左)在孙意志陪同下,巡视已损坏的高渊福星园組屋蓄水槽时表示,州政府已批准拨款9000 令吉,作为维修有关蓄水槽用途,预料下星期即可动工。 tiara廉价屋6架升降机已损坏,其余 孙意志陪同下,巡视已损坏的高渊福 2个尚能操作。1架升降机维修费约15 星园組屋蓄水槽时表示,州政府已批 另外,孙意志则表示,他是在接获福 因此,他自掏腰包维修其中一个问题较 万令吉,由于维修费庞大,因此有关 准拨款9000令吉,作为维修有关蓄水 星园居民投诉,指組屋内2个蓄水槽损 小的蓄水槽,接着并在与佳日星讨论后 单位决定逐一维修,目前尚在等待维 槽用途,预料下星期即可动工。 坏,也导致居民面对水源不足的问题, 获得援助,短短一个半月内获得解决, 修升降机的估价。 沈志勤:遗憾纳吉百日施政无标榜性新政 这个星期,是首相拿督斯 沈志勤于8月17日发表文 成:1.) 政治及政策,2.)经 里纳吉在505全国大选后的 告指出,其办事处通过纳 济,3.)社会-罪案。 施政100日。百日施政的标 吉推特户口,分析纳吉在 “我们认为,要一劳永逸 准是由美国前总统罗斯福所 这100日来发表过的内容, 解决这些严峻的课题,国家 提出,当时罗斯福总统提出 然后把这些内容分成5个组 的领导人必须具有清晰的方 了多项的新政策及治国概 别:1.)新政策/改变,2.)每 针、坚定的理念及宏愿。然 念,随后被统称为“百日 日的行政工作,3.)出席活 而,根据我们的分析纳吉 新政”。往后的美国总统, 动,4.)祝福及哀悼,5.)其 只在两个课题给予简单的回 也根据百日新政的模式,来 他。 应,同时宣布一个崭新,由 让大众评价总统的表现及能 “结论是,过去100天以 朝野领袖组成的国会特别委 干。 来,首相发出了308则的推 员会以监督选举委员会的操 峇央峇鲁区国会议员沈志 文,但是惊讶的的是只有4 作。奈何在6月1日宣布至今 勤表示,在马来西亚,现任 则推文是有关新政策,占了 77天过去了,这个委员会仍 首相纳吉在2009年成为新任 比率的1%。这使人担忧, 没有任何的眉目。” 首相后,在百日内提出了11 因为在过去100天来,只有 他说,总而论之,纳吉已 项的新政策或施政概念。虽 区区的4个新政策。有关行 经对治国理念失去了方向, 峇央峇鲁区国会议员沈志勤表示,让他感到遗憾的是,首相拿督斯里纳吉在 505全国大选后的施政100日,迄今没有做出标榜性的新政。(档案照) 然这11项目只是表面上的改 政的推文有49%, 祝福及哀 他也无法提出创新的政策来 变,包括给予Touch n go 悼语有27%, 其他的18%及 改善国家的弱点,国家如今 国家及州行政上。现在,国 其是在廉价房屋的政策上, 的折扣,但是却成功提高纳 5%前往各州巡视。纳吉的 犹如“无人驾驶”。巫统内 阵及民联都没有在100天的 他提出改善瑕疵或弊端的方 吉的形象,让人有所期待。 面子书,也是同样的情况发 的保守派领袖已架空了首相 施政上给予人民亮丽的表 案值得赞赏,使更多有需要 “现在已是纳吉的第二届 生。” 的行政权,掌控了政府的话 现。人民都冀望有更好和创 的人民受惠。” 任期,他应该凭借着过往的 他续称,在505大选后, 语权。纳吉的领导弱点,导 意的政策出来,因此最体贴 “因此,我呼吁无论是 治国经验及选民在505大选 我国也面对着几个非常重大 致国家处在一个不稳定的情 人民的政策应有所提出,人 中央及州政府, 国阵或民 发出的强烈信息,进行更多 的挑战,而其办事处也选出 况里,而这显然是令人担忧 民的期望是高的。我还没有 联,都应该注重回在行政工 的施政改革及改变。遗憾的 了纳吉100日施政中面对最 的。 针对其他的州政权进行施政 作及施政上,把国家管理至 是,纳吉迄今没有做出标榜 具严峻的10个课题,同时 “我个人意见是,无论是 分析,不过我给予槟州行政 更好,这是人民最大的期 性的新政。” 也把这10大严峻问题分类 国阵或民联都应该注重在于 议院佳日星高度的评价。尤 盼。” 5 《四方论政》 2013年8月16日-31日 时事 李凯伦 玛章武莫区州议员 《所期待的援手》 《从中元节看地方改革》 举办单位和信仰者尝试通过”改 在开斋节期间,每日都有形形色色 变”来让这些节庆更加靠近普罗大众 的人前来我的服务中心。但最令我心 的生活文化,让更多趋于走向无神论 酸地是看见不少妇女携带着孩子们前 的年轻人接受这些民间信仰,并把它 来服务中心寻求帮助。他们大多数是 延续下去。对长辈们来说,”中元 巫裔妇女,都来自单亲家庭,携带着 节”象征着华人不朽的节庆精神。 几位年纪很小,甚至还是抱在怀里的 在整个农历七月忙于出席不同的盂 婴儿,心里一点也不好受。 兰胜会晚宴,让我看到和有所感触 其中一位母亲告诉我,她被丈夫抛 的,却是相聚的意义。很多地方组织 弃多年了而为了养活一家7口,就出 农历七月十五是个非常热闹的日 把晚宴当成其中一个年度聚会,有者 外打工,当保安人员。俗语说:“穷 子,只要有华人的地方就会出现地方 也邀请其他社团组织一起出席联谊。 家孩子早当家”甚至最年长的儿子也 组织如居民协会、睦邻计划、商家和 在这个科技发达导致缺乏人际沟通 被逼辍学跟着母亲出外做工赚钱。为 社团搭起给阴间来的”好兄弟”唱大 的时代里,这是难得的社交场合,也 了孩子们着想,在外租屋也不是长远 戏的戏台和歌台,进行祭祀仪式和举 是地方领袖和政治人物向民众传达讯 的计划,所以她希望可以获得州政府 办盂兰胜会晚宴等。 息的平台。作为人民代议士,我会把 的人民组屋。 林秀琴 从华人文化的角度来看,这种结合了 《马章武莫动力社区报》派发给宴会 她是一位很坚强的母亲,靠着自己 双溪槟榔区州议员 佛教、道教和民间信仰的节庆,让广 的出席者,借此机会跟选民分享政府 的努力出外工作,以那微薄的收入养 身为一位母亲能养活一家7口已不简 大信徒和民众一起感恩并追思先人、 的政策、社会问题和国家所面对的挑 活孩子们。她不埋怨自己的遭遇,她 单,何况她又是位单亲妈妈。 忏悔祈福和普渡鬼魂。这个节日所赋 战。 考虑的是怎么让孩子们过得更好。 槟州民联政府积极地在协助这社 予的意义让信徒们获得心安,祈求出 其实,从中元节庆的进行方式中, 因此,我协助她申请人民组屋,因 会所需要帮助的一群妇女们,如单亲 入平安,也对美好生活有所期待。 我们可以看到几个让社区变得更加强 为州政府所提供的人民组屋是每个月 妈妈援助金计划,每一年单亲妈妈们 通过参与这些节日活动,我们也可 大的因素,其中包括——地方领袖的 100令吉,而相比在外租房费用大概 都可以获得100令吉援助金,这是州 以看到经过千百年的文化累积之后, 领导能力和世界观、参与者对节庆意 也要数百令吉以上,一方面可以减轻 政府积极地协助,减轻她们的负担。 节庆的方式也被时代的变化所影响。 义的思考和居民或团员的凝聚力等。 她负担,一方面也可以让孩子们能拥 除此也成立了社区巾帼部队,为了让 传统大戏逐渐被歌舞表演和卡拉OK 每个人都有信仰的自由,但必须建 有更好的环境下成长。 女性们可以站出来协助女性,让她们 比赛所取代、点燃的大龙香也因响应 立在互相尊重上。因此,我希望参加 我也是一位母亲,我本身有5名小 可以得到、感受到州政府所给予的援 环保救地球而”缩水”、一些宴会也 中元节庆的民众得到精神上的慰籍, 孩,我可以了解她的心情和感受。 助。 在政治人物和地方领袖的呼吁下减少 地方改革可以进行,社会越来越进 菜肴的样数和肉类。 步。

孙意志 《我的阅读笔记》 爪夷区州议员 我享受阅读。我的读物有点杂。 《从爪夷出发!》 除了各语文日报,每周的亚州周 刊及时代杂志,我也是图书馆的常 爪夷另外,如果您最爱海鲜,来爪夷就 客。 (JAWI) 对了。尤其在高渊港口,轻而易举就 最近我在州议会提了州议会图书 ,对于一些 可选购到肥美的螃蟹丶鱼虾及海鲜类 室的藏书不足之处。议会休会后, 槟岛市民而 等。 我走了一趟议会图书室。议会休会 言,或许会 多数高渊港口市民从事捕鱼业和海上 期间空荡荡的,只有两名职员在办 被认为这是 养殖场,鱼只产量多得成为北马主要的 公。Encik Rusli 向我简介了图书室 黄汉伟 一个遥远的 运输渔业港口之一。相信有朝一日,海 的藏书总名单。坦白的,这不符合 亚依淡区州议员 地方。他们不懂槟城里还有这么一个 上养殖场可成为旅游景点之一呢。 议会图书室应具的规模。 地方,如何前往当地或者那里有什么 这是个数码科技的年代,许多城市 我借了两本书。第一本是<<监 亚国会及议长的演变>>写出国会 好玩好吃的,都一概不知。 的小朋友都没有机会在夜里看到发光 督者:公账委员会及公共开支>> 从独立至今的演变。书中特别提到 在此,我感谢爪夷选民在第13届大 的萤火虫闪烁地飞翔。 。 公账委员会(Public Accounts 国会朝野辩论时的从早期有序而演 选中给予大力地支持,顺利当上了爪 这里的Kampung Sanglang河流, Committee) 简称PAC是全世界 变到后期失序,做为议长的权威受 夷区州议员。505这场选战让我尝尽 可让您的孩子接触大自然。每当天色 各地议会一个重要的委员会。它的 到考验。政治辩论反映了国人求变 人生中的甜丶酸丶苦和辣,但深入认 一暗,萤火虫就会聚集在河流旁红树 始源于1861年英国西敏寺。它是 的意向。我读这本书最大的感想 识爪夷及品尝道地的美食,是我最大 林上,其一闪一闪的亮光,就像一棵 受立法议会委托负责监督行政权的 是书中提到各州议长年度会议提到 的收获。 棵地树被装上了小灯饰如圣诞树般, 委员会。我初任梹州议会公账委 立法议会的权限有待扩张以落实三 初来报到,许多朋友都向我介绍红 漂亮极了。这可是北马区独一无二的 员会主席,阅读此书是补充经验的 权分立:行政,立法及司法。在我 遍全马的爪夷菜粿,竞选期间首一前 观赏萤火虫的地点。 不二法门。公账委员会里有朝野议 国,这老掉牙的问题从七十年代至 往光顾就是菜粿档了。在爪夷,菜粿 我这一个新科议员只有接近4个月的 员,可召见各部门主管及行政议员 今谈到现在都是只跨前了几步。 是男女老少普遍享用的早点之一。 经验,许多方面都还在摸索中。我相 针对各项公共开支做出解释。委员 美国总统任命大法官须通过参议 单是售卖菜粿,爪夷区内就有好几 信爪夷的美食会个最佳卖点,配合萤 会可向行政议会做出建言,以改善 院审核突显出立法议会功能。英国 档。每一档的菜粿都各有特色,每一 火虫大自然夜景等,未来可被塑造成 各行政开销措施,杜绝贪腐,以达 前首相布莱尔在他的回忆里写他从 块都让我垂涎三尺,回味无穷。 为游客们吃喝玩乐,贴进大自然的好 到立法议会监督行政议会的角色。 政生涯精神紧张的时刻是每星期三 说到美食,除了菜粿以外,还有爪 去处。 作者是纽西兰国会秘书David Mc- 他赴下议院首相问答坏节,半小时 夷叻沙丶咖喱面丶自制云吞面,牛奶 未来的日子,我将致力关注当地的 Ghee. 他以丰富的经验写出了英 面对议员质询的时刻。 这些都是 咖喱鱼头丶红豆冰,海鲜粥,泰国 发展,以吸引更多外地游客前来,进 联邦议会各国公账委员会的历史、 立法议会功能强大的例子。 猪脚,高渊猪肉粉等,每档都各有特 而增加槟州政府的收入,提升州民的 传统、操作方式。 槟州议会图书室藏书有限,有待 色,绝不逊色。 经济和生活水准等。 第二本是由我国国会副议长 新届议会委员会去落实提升。这有 只可惜,这些美食小档鲜少被人发 从爪夷出发,共同展望美好的未 Wan Junaidi 所写的<<马来西 助于提高议会论政的品质及水准。 掘...... 来。 6 时事2013年8月16日-31日 槟州首长及10名行政议员的个人财产 7 2013年8月16日-31日 时事 全亚洲首个海上主题乐园 WET WORLD WILD登录槟城 全亚洲首个海上主题乐园WET WORLD WILD将在9月对外开放,届 时成为槟州新进旅游景点! 由Theme Park Concepts营运有限 公司与槟州环球旅游机构携手合作的 全亚洲首个海上乐园,WET WORLD WILD是继Escape park主题乐园后, 坐落在槟州的第二个主题乐园。 位于峇都丁宜Park Royal酒店后的 WET WORLD WILD海上主题乐园占地 1英亩,将分5阶段进行,而首阶段耗 资3百万令吉。 槟州首长林冠英表示,WET WORLD WILD海上主题乐园将会是继Escape park主题乐园后,槟城拥有的第二个 主题乐园,而槟州政府欢迎这项投资 计划,同时也希望这项计划能够为槟 城增加更多旅游景点,以刺激槟州的 旅游业。 他提及,该海上主题乐园将是亚洲 全亚洲首个海上主题乐园WET WORLD WILD将在9月 第一个设在海域的主题乐园,并且採 对外开放,届时成为槟州新进旅游景点。 取德国科技製造。 他说,该主题乐园将在今年9月对外 者都必须穿上救生衣,即使不会游泳 开放,同时在9月开放是合时宜的,因 也适合前来玩乐。 为能够配合年尾的学校假期,让更多 他说,该乐园考虑到安全问题,所 人一同前往该乐园游玩,那时槟州的 以将乐园范围内安装至少两层的安全 游客量将大增。 网,并有救生员站岗在内,在季候风 雪兰莪OWG集团旗下的Theme 期间,乐园将全面关闭或移至其他海 Park Concepts营运有限公司集团主 边。 席兼首席执行员拿督许展强表示,峇 他补充,槟城是wet world wold 都丁宜海上乐园拥有各种适合大人小 水上乐园首站之后,接下来可能到马 六甲、吉隆坡、甚至是国外的印尼等 孩一同玩乐的海上设施,该乐园是在 槟州首长林冠英(左1)表示,WET WORLD WILD海上主题乐园将会是继Escape park主 海上的乐园,不是打造在地面上的水 东南亚国家设立这系列的水上主题乐 题乐园后,槟城拥有的第二个主题乐园,而槟州政府欢迎这项投资计划,同时也希望这项 上乐园,水深大概4至6呎左右,入门 园。 计划能够为槟城增加更多旅游景点,以刺激槟州的旅游业。

峇都加湾桂花城槟第三主题公园公开招标计划书 槟州第三个主题公 起至10月31日截止, 开发土地的条件 园将坐落在峇都加湾 目前已有几个国内外 桂花城,即日起公开 发展商竞标,希望更 •主题公园:至少150 招标计划书至10月 多发展商参与,而想 亩、剩余65亩可做住 31日截止,目前已有 要参与竞标的发展 宅区,商业和其他有 数个国内外发展商竞 商,可联络槟州发展 关主题公园用途。 标! 机构。 •高尔夫球场:18个 槟州发展机构总经 另外,槟州首长林 打道(根据国际标 理拿督罗斯里指出, 冠英表示,槟州正在 准)、剩余土地可做 槟州的第三个主题公 努力发展旅游业,希 住宅区,商业和其他 园将坐落在峇都加 望槟岛甚至北海都能 有关主题公园用途。 湾桂花城(Bandar 均匀发展旅游业,同 •土地使用权:主题公 Cassia),而该项发 时也希望槟城未来能 园/高尔夫球场:30年 展计划共分为两大主 更加增值,以打响槟 +30年租约。 要地段,分别是高尔 城品牌。 •价格:主题公园/高 夫球场和主题公园。 槟州第三个主题公 尔夫球场:由招标人 他说,槟城第三个 园地段分配: 提出住宅区/商业/混 主题公园的公开招标 主题公园:215亩; 合发展;45令吉(每 计划书,从8月14日 罗斯里(左2)宣布,槟州的第三个主题公园将坐落在峇都加湾桂花城(Bandar Cassia),而 高尔夫球场:470亩 平方英尺) 该项发展计划共分为两大主要地段,分别是高尔夫球场和主题公园。右2为槟州首长林冠英。 8 时事2013年

多元种族、宗教和睦 相处,也是古迹区特 色之一。 《入夜后的乔


我们是古迹人。那我们能做些 什么,来保护乔治市得来不易 的世界遗产古迹的地位?

路旁的石柱添上色彩后变 成“小黄人”,吸引“小黄 人”迷争相合影。 脚车与美术的结合,为乔治市披上一层艺术气息。 9 2013年8月16日-31日 时事 治市》


旧脚车,与古迹区 相映成趣。

冷清的街道上,铁制艺术与影子重叠。 古迹区的猫影, 吸引许多猫迷追踪。

穿梭在巷口间的三轮车,在夜幕低垂后停靠在街边,似乎就此停顿在古迹区的空间里。 《姐弟共骑》壁画,仍旧是槟城旅游热卖景点。 10 时事2013年8月16日-31日 市局将采纳民众意见 改善浮罗池滑区交通情况 浮罗池滑改道计划推行未到一个 应,有些生意受到影响,但她相 月,槟州地方政府及交通道路管 信只要改道计划使到该区的交通 理委员会主席曹观友表示槟岛市政 顺畅之后客人会回流,而且主要 局将收集民意后再继续观察改道计 小贩的生意受影响的原因是客人 划,并将在3个月后再定夺是否继 还未熟悉改道后的路线。 续推行该计划。 她说,尽管被改道的路段很多车 曹观友指出,州政府与市政局 辆,但还是通行无阻,她促请民 在过去的数天内获得不少民众给 众坚持所使用的车道,别误信传言 予的回应,市政局将继续观察及 而绕道,而导致加剧其他道路的拥 收集民意,而市政局也将根据民 挤。 众的回应做出改善。 槟岛市政局工程组高级工程师 他于8月3日召开记者会时说, 拉詹德表示,市政局在接获民众 改道计划推行迄今未足一个月, 对改道的回应后,将采纳民众所 如果现在就下定论的话,未免言 提供的建议,改善改道的道路情 之过早,而且改道计划的试用期 况如增设减速板、调整交通灯时 是3个月,因此,当局将等待3个 速、加强市政局执法人员等,应 月后才决定是否将继续推行该项 对改道后的交通情况。 计划。 他说,市政局将继续观察分别 另外,浮罗池滑区州议员叶舒 在丹绒道光、新关仔角、哥德里 惠则表示,自改道计划推行以 路等7个地区的闭路电视监督交 来,当地小贩给予不一样的回 通,并采取措施应对。 针对浮罗池滑区改道计划,州政府与市政局获得不少民众给予的回应,市政局将继续观察及收集民意, 而市政局也将根据民众的回应做出改善。(档案照)

351国立大学一年级生各获 1000令吉入学援助金 351名国立大学第一年 入学生各获槟州政府资 助的1000令吉入学援助 金,以减轻入学费用。 槟州首长林冠英指出, 槟州政府在2008年至 2010年期间,每年只限 定500个申请名额,而每 351名国立大学第一年入学生各获槟州政府资助的1000令吉入学援助金,以减轻入学费用。 名学生只获500令吉,但 自2011年推行i-BiTA计划 之后,将每年500令吉提 高至1000令吉,而且没 章瑛望教育部长勿一意孤行落实 有限定名额,只要父母 是槟州选民及每月收入 《2013-2025年教育发展大蓝图》 不超过4000令吉就符合 《2013-2025年教育发展大蓝 她说,董教总和各华团分别针对 申请资格。 图》存在着不利母语教育生存和发 《2013-2025年教育发展大蓝图》 惟他也说,这项援助金 展的政策及措施,尤其是董教总都 召开交流会,纷纷对大蓝图的政策 只是开放给入学第一年 反对的第二阶段国文教学,槟州华 提出意见,其中包括不应采用与国 的学生而已。 校事务协调委员会主席章瑛行政议 小同等水平的国语课程和考试及其 他说,这项计划也是民 员认为,教育部长丹斯里慕尤丁应 他不利于华小发展的政策。 联政府执政下所推行“ 该聆听华社的意见,勿一意孤行落 “因此,教育部不应漠视这些意 能干、公信及透明”政 章瑛(左)颁发助学援助金给成功进入国立大学的一 实有关事项。 见,只有正视教育大蓝图的不足之 策的成果,同时也证明 年级生。 章瑛于8月21日针对《2013-2025 处才是上策,同时与董教总及华团 了槟州政府实现每一项 社会发展委员会主席章瑛行政 年教育发展大蓝图》发表声明,在第 代表坐下来商讨及修改,在获得大 诺言。 议员表示,今年度获得援助金 二阶段国文教学中,教育部把国文 家认同后才可以落实。” 林冠英于8月3日出席国立大 的大学生大部分都是女性,但 的教学时间从原本的每周180分钟 “与此同时,我希望教育部关注 学援助金颁发仪式上表示,希 是也不要感到骄傲,因为行政 增加至每周270分钟,这样大幅度 和解决华校长期面对的师资短缺、 望学生完成大学之后能够回来 等高层仍是男性掌握,所以女 调整国文的教学时段并不符合华小 承认统考文凭、董事会主权、拨 槟城工作,回馈社会。 性要继续努力,与男性一起, 的教学情况,因为华小毕竟应以华 款不公、校园扩建或搬迁等的问 槟州青年体育、妇女家庭及 为国家,为社会做出回报。 文教学为主。 题。” 11 2013年8月16日-31日 时事 12 时事2013年8月16日-31日 妈妈工作坊 – 实践3R概念的自制工作坊

如果你是个对自制手工有兴趣的环保爱好 以下为各个单位的分享时段时间表: 者,就请别错过这个将于9月21及22在槟城 湖内国际体育竞技场(PISA)举办的“妈妈 分享单位 時段 项目 工作坊”环保活动。 柔府真光小学 21/9/2013, 香叶玫瑰花、 丹绒武雅区州议员、槟州绿色机构董事兼槟 10am- 6pm 循环物面具 州绿色博览会筹委会主席郑雨周指出,“妈妈 及小礼盒等等 工作坊”环保活动是由槟州绿色机构举办,同 时也是2013年槟州绿色博览会的亮点活动之 威北拿督翁中学 21/9/13 & 鞋子变花盆、 一,时间是从上午10时开始至下午6时。 22/9/13, 手工香皂 “众所周知,只要我们有创意和肯创新, 10am- 6pm 垃圾也能变成宝藏。这次活动主要宗旨是为 了透过有创意和创新的手工制作来提升人民 对环保的醒觉,同时实践减量(reduce)、 槟城韩江中学 21/9/13 & 驱蚊酵素、 重复利用(reuse)、循环再造(recycle) 22/9/13, 灭蚁酵素、 的概念。” 10am- 6pm 手工香皂 今次活动共有四个单位参与,他们包括柔 府真光小学、威北拿督翁中学、槟城韩江中 北海佛教会 22/9/13, 布制品 学和北海佛教会。柔府真光小学的师生将在 10am- 6pm 现场教导出席的来宾各如何以香叶来制作玫 瑰花、用再循环物制作有趣的面具及小礼盒 等等。 是项活动是免费公开给有兴趣者参与,欲 来自威北拿督翁中学的师生将示范如何废物 知更多详情请到www.pgc.com.my浏览 利用,将已丢弃的鞋子用来种花。槟城韩江 或者致电04-250 3321/ 3322 或电邮 中学将分享如何制作驱蚊酵素、灭蚁酵素, [email protected]。 北海佛教会则示范如何用布来制作背包等。 13 2013年8月16日-31日 时事 邓章耀选前承诺洪山宫50万令吉拨款 林冠英:现在这笔钱去了哪里?

前武吉丁雅区国阵候选人 槟州首长林冠英于8月16 洁,健康、安全的州属。 邓章耀在全国大选前,承 日到访武吉丁雅洪山宫移 他说,虽然槟州在近5 诺拨50万令吉给洪山宫作 交支票仪式时表示,拨款 年来,是全马最安全的州 为扩建用途,惟在落选后 给武吉丁雅洪山宫充当扩 属,但这还是不足够的, 却不了了之;槟州首长林 建费用,是槟州政府的一 槟州要的不是做好,而是 冠英促请邓章耀向人民交 番心意,除了协助洪山宫 做到最好,同时为了改善 代,该笔拨款去了哪里。 能够顺利竣工以外,也希 槟州治安,槟州政府也是 槟州首长林冠英指出, 望达到抛砖引玉的效果, 尽最大的能力,不管是成 邓章耀在大选前承诺拨款 让更多的善心人士拨款捐 立志愿巡逻队,还是安装 50万令吉给武吉丁雅洪 助洪山宫。 闭路电视都是以人民的利 山宫充当扩建工程经费, 他说,槟州政府拨款10万 益为先,尽力地解决治安 但随着邓章耀在大选落败 令吉给武吉丁雅洪山宫, 问题。 后,这笔拨款也随着不了 除了因为它拥有134年的 槟州武吉丁雅州议员王 了之。 悠久历史以外,也希望洪 敬文表示,希望竣工后的 “他(邓章耀)需要给 山宫新建的楼阁能顺利完 洪山宫能成为该区的旅游 人民一个交代,身为政治 林冠英促请邓章耀向人民交代,大选前承诺要拨给洪山宫的50万令吉去了哪里。 成,并成为该区的旅游胜 胜地,让更多游客到来这 人物必须要一诺千金,而 钱,是人民的钱,无论如 山背区败选之后,也实现 地促进槟州的旅游发展。 座悠久历史的古迹文化建 不是一诺千丈,给了支票 何都需要人民交代。” 对人民许下的诺言,如乐 他说,只要是关系到基 筑物参观。 而不过账,那么问题是这 他说,即使国阵在武吉 龄人士援助金,拨款给德 本设施的维修,槟州政府 他促请,邓章耀承诺的 笔钱去了哪里?这种行为 丁雅区在败选后,仍是必 士司机等利民计划,不能 就一定协助,因为槟州政 50万令吉能够兑现,不要 要不得,而且50万令吉 须要兑现扩建费用的拨 够大选后败选为理由而拒 府重视人民利益,并且要 当作是大选时欺骗人民选 不是他(邓章耀)本身的 款,就如槟州民联在浮罗 绝承诺。 把槟州打造成更绿化,清 票的玩意。 14 时事2013年8月16日-31日 15 2013年8月16日-31日 时事 年迈车龄官车换丰田嘉美 以价格安全性作考量因素 槟州地方政府委员会主席 15台官车车款分别是,首 后,将需要 曹观友行政议员宣布,行政 长及第一副首长的马赛地 一些时间才 议会已于8月6日议决更换行 S320;第二副首长、阿都玛 能接到。 政议员官车。 烈行政议员及彭文宝行政议 无论如 槟州财政司拿督莫达表 员的是马赛地E230;佳日 何,当曹观 示,即将更换的15台官车 星行政议员的是马赛地E200 友被询及为 车款是黑色自排档丰田嘉美 ;曹观友、槟州议长、林峰 何不选择国 (Toyota Camry,2.5), 成行政议员、阿菲夫行政议 产车而是否 共耗资170万5000令吉,或 员、章瑛行政议员、罗兴强 担心引发“ 相等于每台价值11万3700令 行政议员、槟州秘书、槟州 不爱国”争 吉。 财政司及槟州法律顾问的官 论时,他表 他表示,这5台官车分别是 车都是国产将相V6。 示,即使是 槟州首长、10名行政议员、 在2013年截至目前为 联邦政府 槟州议长以及3名州执行官 止,21台槟州政府官车维修 也没以身作 员,那就是槟州秘书、槟州 费高达30万1238令吉;2012 则,因为联 财政司以及槟州法律顾问。 年的维修费为38万3000令 邦政府最 根据记录,在这15台官车 吉,而2011年的维修费则是 近才添购本 曹观友(右)及莫达召开记者会宣布,槟州行政议员议决,以黑色丰田嘉美代替现有的高车龄官车。 内,车龄平均高达15年,而 37万400令吉。 田雅阁当官 最老的官车是槟州房屋发展 另外,在更换新官车后, 车,而且国 田嘉美相对下是低的。” 使用的,就会分派给县长使 委员会主席佳日星行政议员 车牌号码还是保留不变。 产将相已停产,其他的国产 至于被更换的旧官车,将 用。 的21年高龄官车,接下来是 他说,由于州政府将购买 车车款的品质不比将相。 会进行维修,而如果维修费 莫达表示,5个县的县长在 槟州首长林冠英的官车及槟 免税车,因此,必须先下订 “再加上经过比较后,我 用不符合经济效益的话,那 3年前就申请购买新官车, 州第一副首长阿都拉昔的官 单,这是因为现货都已经加 们做出了节俭的选择,因为 么州政府就会选择将这些车 因此,现在这些如能维修的 车,高达18年车龄。 入了税务,而一旦获得免税 相对于其他进口名牌车,丰 报废,如果维修后还是能够 话,就会分派给县长使用。

性别回应预算(GRB) 在威中Ampangan地区试行的休闲公园

文:槟州妇女发展机构 地方政府当局,负责供应民 已经分别进行了一系列会 (PWDC) 生设施的一方,另一方则是 谈,居民可以在对话中了解 受惠的市民,有关民生设施 到他们所需要的设施与服务 威中安邦惹查(Ampang 的使用者,两者之间的伙伴 的进程。 Jajar) 的Ampangan 人民 关系是建立在制度化参与的 由于面对场地和经费的不 組屋居民不久便可以拥有一 基础上。 足,居民所要求的小型足球 个全新的休闲公园,这是当 所谓性别回应预算,是要 场不能附设在今年的休闲公 地的居民长久以来所希望拥 鼓励及授权市民表达他们 园计划里,可是会被列入 有的。有了这个休闲公园, 对民生设施或服务的看法, 2014年的威省市政局发展拨 居民不管是大人或小孩,都 让地方政府当局了解他们所 款预算里。 有一个良好规划的休闲嬉乐 居住的地方真正缺乏什么, 这个休闲公园计划完成 场所让他们消磨时光,除了 然后参与规划和决议过程, 后,槟州妇女发展机构将会 可以做脚底按摩保健,还有 让市民的意见受到事先征询 在性别回应预算的其中一项 儿童玩乐的户外运动器材。 和考量,以免他们的需要受 监督措施下,评估居民是否 这个休闲公园是槟州民联政 到忽略。这种双向关系的建 安邦惹查人民組屋居民有了休闲公园,不管是大人或小孩,都将会有一个良 有充分利用这个休闲公园, 府透过属下的槟州妇女发展机 立,可以改变一向以来地方 好规划的休闲嬉乐场所让他们消磨时光,除了可以做脚底按摩保健,还有儿 并且分析使用这个民生设施 童玩乐的户外运动器材。 构(PWDC)联同威省市政局 政府当局在提供民生设施与 的年龄层和性别,以确定这 在Ampangan PPR居民代表 服务的规划与决议习性。 他们劳心的事情,收集到的 及1个小型足球场。票选表决 项计划的实用性。 协助下,在去年开始筹划的一 这项类似民意调查的计 资料将加以分类处理,然后 的结果是休闲公园获得最高 这个休闲公园将於8月25日 个民生设施服务计划。这是一 划,在2012年初开始,最初 是第三阶段;以票选方式表 票数。 由威省市政局主席麦姆娜主持 个为期3年的性别回应预算试 阶段是征集Ampangan PPR 决他们所大部份居民所急切 有了答案,接下来是第四 开幕,同时举行一项餐会以庆 行计划之其中一项。 居民的家庭背景资料,如性 需要的,参与票选的年龄层 个阶段,进入性别回应预算 祝国庆日和欢庆开斋节。 性别回应预算是槟州在马 别,年龄,种族等,接着是 小至10岁的儿童也有份,综 的最后一个环节;规划,跟 性别回应预算的另一项计 来西亚首创的一项新倡议。 第二阶段;根据性别和年龄 合他们的要求,大致上他们 进汇报和执行落实。到了去 划是在槟岛市政局配合下, 这是一项基于双向沟通联系 分组讨论,焦点集中在他们 需要2个小凉亭,1 个脚底按 年的10月,当地居民同威省 在槟城的利华律人民组屋 的民主程序,涉及的两方是 居住的地方上的需要和最让 摩的路段,4个户外运动器材 市政局和槟州妇女发展机构 区。 16 时事2013年8月16日-31日

府在 的 , 亿 0 0 令 来 多 中

每年 :

乐 人 力差异 快乐学生 单亲母亲 万令吉学 四 中 中四


RM1,000 RM1,000 RM200 往生抚恤金 国立大专助学金 宝贝计划

2009 史,成为全 个 的 在2013年 ,以 入达770令 ,成为全 个 州 如有 个 庭收入 达770令 , 每月770令

CONTOH MfÞ£ 16-31, 2013 4 jhkh‹ J‹ r®nlhÅš neh‹ò¥ bgUeŸ âwªj ïšy cgrÇ¥ò Nehd;Gg; ngUehs; nfhz;lhl;lj;ij Nejh[p ,uhau; mtu;fs;. ,e;j epfo;T Kd;dpl;L jhkhd; Jd; ru;Nlhd; FbapUg;Gg; tpkupirahff; nfhz;lhlg;gLtjw;F epjp gFjpapy; jpwe;j ,y;y cgrupg;G epfo;T xJf;fPL toq;fpa gpdhq;F kf;fs; $l;lzp eilngw;wJ. ,e;epfo;T = nlypkh murpw;F ed;wp khiy R+l;bdhu; Nejh[p rl;lkd;w cWg;gpdu; kjpg;gpw;Fupa ,uhau;. Nejh[p ,uhau; kw;Wk; Gf;fpl; FSNfhu; %d;whtJ Kiwahf Gf;fpl; ehlhSkd;w cWg;gpdu; khz;GkpF fu;g;ghy; FSNfhu; ehlhSkd;w cWg;gpduhfj; rpq; MfpNahupd; Mjutpy; kpfr; rpwg;ghf jpfOk; fu;g;ghy; rpq; mtu;fs; jhkhd; Jd; eilngw;wJ. ,e;j jpwe;j ,y;y cgrupg;G ru;Nlhd; kf;fSf;Fj; jdJ kdkhu;e;j jhkhd; Jd; ru;Nlhd; nghJ kz;lgj;jpy; Nehd;Gg; ngUehs; tho;j;Jf;fisj; fle;j 17-8-2013-Mk; ehs; eilngw;wJ. njuptpj;jhu;. gpdhq;F tho; kf;fspd; ,e;epfo;tpy; gytifahd czTfs; cupikfs; ehlhSkd;wj;jpy; vd;Wk; cgrupf;fg;gl;ld. epiyehl;lg;gLk; vd fk;gPukhff; $wpdhu;. 2008-Mk; Mz;L kf;fs; $l;lzp njhlu;e;J mf;FbapUg;gpy; trpf;Fk; muR Ml;rp mikj;j ehs; Kjy; = nlypkh 12 taJf;Ff; fPo;g;gl;l midj;J ,d kl;Lkpd;wp gpdhq;F khepy KOtjpYk; Foe;ijfSf;Fk; Nehd;Gg; ngUehs; midj;J gz;bif fhyq;fspYk; ,e;j Kd;dpl;L rpwpaj; njhif md;gspg;ghf jpwe;j ,y;y cgrupg;G elj;jg;gLtJ fu;g;ghy; rpq; mtu;fspd; nghw;fuj;jhy; Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. ,e;j epfo;tpy; toq;fg;gl;lJ. njhlu;e;J 3 %j;j midj;J ,d kf;fSk; xw;Wikahf Fbkf;fSf;F cjTk; tifapy; 3 rf;fu Nejh[p ,uhau; kw;Wk; fu;g;ghy; rpq; tUifaspj;J tpUe;Njhk;gypy; fye;J ehw;fhypfs; Nejh[p ,uhau; kw;Wk; mtu;fshy; %j;j Fbkf;fspd; gpujpepjpaplk; nfhs;tjd; thapyhf kf;fspd; xw;Wik fu;g;ghy; rpq; mtu;fshy; toq;fg;gl;ld. rf;fu ehw;fhyp toq;fpdu;. NkNyhq;fg;gLfpwJ vd;whu; kjpg;gpw;Fupa

òaš fh‰¿š ghâ¡f¥g£lt®fS¡F cjÉ¡ fu« Ú£odh® r£lk‹w cW¥ãd® lh¡l® b#aghy‹.

Rq;if ^thtpy; mike;jpUf;Fk; mk;dh Fiwe;j tpiy mLf;Fkhb FbapUg;gpy; fle;j 1 [_d; 2013-apy; Vw;gl;l gyj;j Gay; fhw;wpy; $iufs; Nrjkile;jd. gj;J cghd; rl;lkd;w cWg;gpdu; lhf;lu; n[aghyd; rk;gtk; epfo;e;j ,lj;jpw;F Neubahfr; nrd;W ghu;itapl;lhu;. mtu; ghjpf;fg;gl;l FLk;gq;fs; Rq;if ^th nghJ kz;lgj;jpy; jw;fhypfkhf ,lk; ngaUkhW gupe;Jiuj;jhu;. mf;FLk;gq;fSf;Fg; NghJkhd ghJfhg;G mk;rq;fs; ,Ug;gijAk; mtu; cWjpg;gLj;jpdhu;. Foe;ijfSk; mq;F jq;fpapUe;jjhy; ghJfhg;gpw;F Kf;fpaj;Jtk; toq;fg;gl;ljhf NkYk; $wpdhu;. mtu;fSf;Fj; Njitahd czT gz;lq;fisAk; rl;lkd;w cWg;gpdu; toq;fpdhu;. ,f;FbapUg;Gg; gFjpapy; ngUk;ghYk; ,];yhk; kjj;jtNu mjpfkhf tho;fpd;wdu; vd;gJ Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fspd; njhiyf;fhl;rp> fzpdp Mfpa nghUl;fs; Nrjkile;jd. khepy muR me;j mLf;Fkhb FbapUg;gpd; $iufisg; gOJg; ghu;f;fTk; kpd;rhu fk;gpfs; khw;wTk; cldb cjtpia toq;fpaJ. gpdhq;F khepy muR up.k 200>000-I cjtpj; njhifahf toq;fpaJ rhyr;rpwe;jJ. gj;J cghd; rl;lkd;w cWg;gpdu; lhf;lu; n[aghyd; gpdhq;F khepy Kjy;tu; NkjF ghjpf;fg;gl;l FLk;gj;jpw;F epjpAjtpahff; fhNrhiy toq;Ffpwhu; ypk; Fthd; vq; mtu;fSf;Fj; jkJ ed;wpiaj; njuptpj;Jf; rl;lkd;w cWg;gpdu; lhf;lu; jpU n[aghyd;. nfhz;lhu;. ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fs; RKfkhd Kiwapy; Nehd;Gg; ngUehisf; nfhz;lhlg;gLtij cWjpr; nra;Ak; nghUl;L gy rl;lkd;w cWg;gpdu; ghjpf;fg;gl;l xt;nthU FLk;gj;jpw;Fk; jyh cjtpfs; toq;fg;gl;ld. up.k 200-I khdpakhf toq;fpdhu;. NkYk;> mf;FbapUg;G $iufs; 15 [{iy 2013-apy; kWrPuikg;Gr; nra;ag;gl;L jj;jk; kf;fs; VNjDk; gpur;ridia vjpu;Nehf;fpdhy; clNd mtuJ jq;fs; tPLfSf;F kPz;Lk; FbNawpdu;. mNjhL> gj;J cghd; Nrit ikaj;ijj; njhlu;Gf; nfhs;SkhW Nfl;Lf; nfhz;lhu;. 5 MfÞ£ 16-31, 2013 ghÈd« rh®ªj g£b#£o‹ (BRG) ããM® (PPR) m«gh§fh‹ bghGJngh¡F¤ js«

gpgpmu; (PPR) mk;ghq;fhdpy;> mtu;fsJ ,lj;jpy; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl;lj; $lq;fSf;Fj; Njitahd epy jsq;fs; $ba tpiutpy; Gjpa nghOJNghf;F jpl;lq;fisj; Nju;Tr; nra;J thf;fspf;f ,y;yhj fhuzj;jhYk; Gl;rhy; fhw;ge;J jsk; jpwg;Gtpoh fhzTs;sJ. ,e;jg; cupik toq;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. kf;fspd; jsk; njhlu;ghd jpl;lj;ijr; nray;gLj;j nghOJNghf;Fj; jsk; jw;NghJ thf;fspg;G vz;zpf;if KbTfs; ,aytpy;iy. MdhYk;> nrnguhq; fl;Lkhdg;gzpapy; cs;sJ. ,J ,uz;L gpd;tUkhW> nghOJNghf;F js jpl;lk; gpiw efuhl;rpf; fofk; MPSP 2014-Mk; khdpak; nfhz;ljhFk;> Kjyhtjhf 2 khdpakhFk; 1 “upNgf;rpNahnyhfp” Mz;Lf;fhd gl;n[l; jpl;lj;jpy; /Gl;ry;fhd “upNgf;rpNahnyhfp” eilghij kw;Wk; eilghij kw;Wk; 4 clw;gapw;rp ikaq;fs;> gl;n[l; kPz;Lk; Kd;nkhopag;gl;lJ. ehd;F ntspg;Gw clw;gapw;rp ,lq;fshFk;. 1 gpwFy; fhw;ge;J tpisahLk; ,lk; nghOJNghf;F jsk; njhlu;ghdj; jpl;lk;> ghypdk; rhu;e;j gl;n[l; (BRG) vd;w jpl;lk; Mfpait mk;ghq;fhd; PPR kf;fspd; BRG mwpKfg;gLj;jpa nghJ nryT fle;j 2012 Vg;uy; khjj;jpy; mk;ghq;fhdpy; Kjd;ikj; Nju;thf mike;Js;sJ. fz;fhzpg;G mD$y gFg;gha;T epfo;T njhlq;fg;gl;lJ. ,q;F trpf;Fk; kf;fspd; ,Wjpahf> ehd;fhtJ fl;lj;jpy; (Public Expenditure Benefit Incidence Ntz;Lf;Nfhisf; fUj;jpy; nfhz;L Nju;Tr; nra;j jpl;lj;ijr; nray; jpl;lkhf Analysis) vDk; fz;fhzpg;G %yk; njhlq;fg;gl;l jpl;lk;jhd; ,e;jg; mf;Nlhgu; 2012y; gpdhq;F kfspu; Nkk;ghl;Lf; xU nray;Kiwia Nkw;nfhs;fpwJ. nghOJNghf;Fj; jskhFk;. fofk; (PWDC)> nrnguhq; gpiw efuhl;rpf; ,e;j Ma;tpd; Nehf;fk; vd;dntd;why; ghypdk; rhu;e;j gl;n[l; (BRG) fofk; (MPSP) kw;Wk; mk;ghq;fhd; nghOJNghf;Fj; jsk; kf;fSf;F ve;j vd;w 3 Mz;L jpl;lk; gpdhq;F murpd; kf;fSlDk; ,ize;J nghOJNghf;Fj; mstpy; vjpu;ghu;j;j ed;ik jUfpd;wJ Kaw;rpNahLk; gpdhq;F kfspu; Nkk;ghl;Lf; jsj; jpl;lj;jpw;fhdf; fye;Jiuahly; vd;gij Muha;tNj MFk;. fofk; (PWDC)> nrnguhq; gpiw efuhl;rpf; kw;Wk; nray;ghLfs; Nkw;nfhz;ldu;. njhlu;e;J> 25 Mf];L 2013- fofk; kw;Wk; PPR mk;ghq;fhd; LA21 ,e;j ehd;fhtJ fl;lkhdJ kw;w apy; Rje;jpu jpdf; nfhz;lhl;lk; kw;Wk; kf;fspd; cjtpNahLk; nray;gLfpwJ. fl;lq;fis tpl kpfTk; rthyhdjhFk;. ngUehs; jpwe;j ,y;y cgrupg;ig Kd;dpl;L ,e;j ghypdk; rhu;e;j gl;n[l; BRG Vnddpy;> ,e;jf; fl;lj;ij ntw;wpfukhf eilngwtpUf;Fk; epfo;tpd; NghJ ,e;j jpl;lkhdJ kNyrpahtpy; Kjd;Kiwahf Nkw;nfhs;s gy;NtW nray;ghL Kiwfis PPR mk;ghq;fhd; tpisahl;L ikjhdk; nray;gLj;jgl;ljhFk;. ,j;jpl;ljpd; top mk;ghq;fhd; kf;fSld; nrnguhq; gpiw nrnguhq; gpiw efuhl;rp fofj; MPSP cs;ehl;L murhq;fk; NritahsuhfTk; efuhl;rpf; fofk; MPSP jug;gpdu; ,ize;J jug;gpduhy; mjpfhug;G+u;tkhfj; jpwg;G tpoh kf;fs; gadPl;lhsuhfTk; jpfo;thu;fs;. fye;Jiuahb Nkw;nfhz;ldu;. MapDk;> fhzTs;sJ. ,jdhy; ey;y rPuhd ,U top gq;Nfw;G kf;fspd; Kjd;ikj; Nju;thf tpsq;fpa ghypdk; rhu;e;j gl;n[l;bd; BRG kw;Wk; cUthfpwJ. Gl;rhy; fhw;ge;J $lj;ij ,e;j ehd;fhtJ xU rpwe;j jpl;lkhdJ gpdhq;F efuhl;rpf; ,j;jpl;lk; PPR kf;fspd; fl;lj;jpd; %yk; nray;gLj;j ,aytpy;iy. fofj;Jld; ,ize;J gpgpmu; [hyhd; gq;Nfw;gpidj; J}z;LtNjhL kl;Lkpd;wp Vnddpy;> 2013 Mk; Mz;L tuTr;nryT Rq;ifapd; elj;Jk; jpl;lkhFk;. mtu;fspd; Nfhupf;ifia Kd; itj;Jk;> jpl;lj;jpd; fPo; ,e;j jpl;lj;jpw;Fg; NghJkhd fye;J MNyhrpj;Jk; jPu;khdr; nra;aTk; xJf;fPL ,y;yhj fhuzj;jhYk; kw;Wk; jahupg;G cjTfpwJ. mJkl;Lkpd;wp mtu;fSf;F PPR FbapUg;G mUNf Gl;rhy; fhw;ge;J gpdhq;F kfspu; Nkk;ghl;Lf; fofk; toq;fg;gLk; trjpfisg; guhkupf;fTk; ,j;jpl;lk; top tFf;fpwJ. ,e;jg; ghypdk; rhu;e;j gl;n[l; BRG jpl;lk; kf;fspd; Fzj;ijAk;> rpe;jidAk; ey;topg;gLj;jp gpdhq;F khepy Nkk;ghl;bw;F tpj;jpLfpwJ. ,e;jg; ghypdk; rhu;e;j gl;n[l; BRG jpl;lk; 2012 Mz;L Muk;gj;jpy; mk;ghq;fhdpy; Kjw;fl;lkhf nrayhf;fk; fz;lJ. Kjw;fl;lkhf kf;fs; fzf;nfLg;G mjhtJ PPR mk;ghq;fhd; kf;fspd; taJ> ghypdk;> ,dk; kw;Wk; gy tifahd tpguq;fis mwpe;J nfhs;tjhFk;. mjidj; njhlu;e;J ,uz;lhtJ fl;lkhf tpthj FO> ,tw;wpd; %yk; taJ ghypdk; thapyhf PPR kf;fspd; Njitfis mwpe;Jnfhs;sg;gLfpwJ. %d;whtJ fl;lj;jpy; ghu;j;Njhkhdhy; kf;fspd; Kjd;ik Njitfshf 7 jpl;lq;fs; KTB FOtpd; fye;Jiuahlypd; %yk; mwpag;gl;Ls;sd. %d;whtJ fl;lkhfj; Njitahd Xl;L vDk; mbg;gilapy; 10 tajpw;F Nkw;gl;l PPR kf;fSf;F> nghOJNghf;Fj; jsk; MfÞ£ 16-31, 2013 6 fij ngR« gl§fŸ

muR cau; fy;tpf;$l khztu;fSf;F 2013/2014-Mk; Mz;L lj;Njh nfuhkhl; njhFjp jpwe;j ,y;y cgrupg;gpy; fye;J jtizf;fhd cjtpj; njhif toq;fg;gl;lJ. nfhz;l nghJ kf;fs;.

gpdhq;F khepyj;jpy; kpjptz;bapy; gazk; nra;tjw;Fj; jdpg; [hyhd; ghlhq; Njk;ghf; kw;Wk; [hyhd; Fth n`hf;fpYk; Gjpa rkpQ;ir tpsf;Ffs; ghij mikf;fg;gl;lJ. nghUj;jg;gl;lJ.

gpdhq;F khepy murpd; 56-tJ Rje;jpu jpd ey;tho;j;Jf;fs; August 16 - 31, 2013 9 Transparency in black and white 10 August 16 - 31, 2013 August 16 - 31, 2013 11 12 August 16 - 31, 2013

Nama ADUN No Tel/ No Faks NAMA ADUN No Tel/ No Faks PEGAWAI PENYELARAS KADUN No Tel/ No Faks AIR PUTIH PENAGA PENAGA YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng (T) 04 - 829 0614 YB Mohd. Zain Ahmad Sedang dikemaskini Ridwan Osman 013-499 5068 [email protected] ridwan [email protected] PANTAI JEREJAK BERTAM BERTAM YB Haji Mohd. Rashid Hasnon (T) 04 - 646 4700 YB Shariful Azhar Othman Sedang dikemaskini Asrol Sani Abdul Razak 013-580 6981 [email protected] [email protected] PINANG TUNGGAL PINANG TUNGGAL PERAI YB Datuk Haji Roslan Saidin Sedang dikemaskini Muhasdey Muhamad 019-437 2887 YB Prof. Dr. P. Ramasamy (T) 04 - 399 6689 [email protected] [email protected] PERMATANG BERANGAN PERMATANG BERANGAN PADANG KOTA YB Omar Abd. Hamid Sedang dikemaskini Arshad Md. Salleh 019-510 2633 YB Chow Kon Yeow (T) 04 - 226 0218 [email protected] [email protected] (F) 04 - 226 0218 SUNGAI DUA SUNGAI DUA BATU MAUNG YB Muhamad Yusoff Mohd. Noor Sedang dikemaskini Zahadi Mohd. 019-507 3828 YB Datuk Abdul Malik Abul Kassim (T) 04 - 626 1968 [email protected] [email protected] (F) 04 - 626 5496 TELOK AIR TAWAR TELOK AIR TAWAR BAGAN JERMAL YB Datuk Jahara Hamid Sedang dikemaskini Norhayati Jaafar 019-433 7119 YB Lim Hock Seng (T) 04 - 331 7175 [email protected] [email protected] (F) 04 - 331 7175 SUNGAI ACHEH SUNGAI ACHEH YB Datuk Mahmud Zakaria Sedang dikemaskini Mohammad Razak 013-597 6478 YB Law Heng Kiang (T) 04 - 282 6419 [email protected] (F) 04 - 282 6419 BAYAN LEPAS SUNGAI PUYU YB Nordin Ahmad Sedang dikemaskini Asnah Hashim 019-472 6956 YB Phee Boon Poh (T) 04 - 262 0860 [email protected] [email protected]; 012 - 480 5495 PULAU BETONG PULAU BETONG [email protected] (F) 04 - 261 8745 YB Muhamad Farid Saad Sedang dikemaskini Hj. Mohd Tuah Ismail 019-570 9500 [email protected] PADANG LALANG YB Chong Eng (T) 04 - 530 3028 TELUK BAHANG TELUK BAHANG YB Shah Haedan Ayoob Sedang dikemaskini Dato’ Haji Abdul Halim Hussain 019-480 9599 [email protected] DATO’ KERAMAT YB Jagdeep Singh DEO (T) 04 - 226 2464 [email protected] (F) 04 - 227 2464 Talian Kecemasan & Perkhidmatan Awam SEBERANG JAYA (T) 04 - 650 5386 YB Dr. Afif Bahardin (F) 04 - 261 8703 POLIS & AMBULANS 999 JPJ 04-656 4131 BUKIT TAMBUN YB Law Choo Kiang (T) 04 - 588 0818 BOMBA 994 04-398 8809 [email protected] (F) 04 - 588 0885 DIREKTORI TELEFON 103 JABATAN PENDAFTARAN 04-226 5161 AIR ITAM OPERATOR ANTARABANGSA 101 YB Wong Hon Wai (T) 04 - 828 0926 PENYELAMAT 991 PUSAT INFO PELANCONG 04-261 4461 [email protected] (F) 04 - 828 0926 KERETAPI BUKIT BENDERA 04-828 8880 BERAPIT BIRO PENGADUAN AWAM 04-263 6893 FERI (GEORGETOWN) 04-210 2363 YB Ong Kok Fooi (T) 04 - 530 8476 SEKRETARIAT KERAJAAN 04-262 1957 ( BUTTERWORTH) 04-310 2377 [email protected] NEGERI JAMBATAN PP 04-398 7419 MACHANG BUBOK KASTAM 04-262 2300 STESEN KERETAPI BUTTERWORTH 04-261 0290 YB Lee Khai Hoon (T) 04 - 551 1442 IMIGRESEN 04-250 3419 INFORMASI PENERANGAN 04-643 0373 PERSATUAN PERLINDUNGAN 04-829 4046 TANJONG BUNGAH WCC (Women’s Centre for Change) 04-228 0342 KANAK-KANAK YB Teh Yee Cheu (T) 04 - 899 9581 [email protected] Pusat Perkhidmatan Wanita (Seberang)04-398 8340 CAP 04-829 9511 EPF 04-226 1000 JABATAN BURUH 04-262 5536 JAWI YB Soon Lip Chee (T) 04 - 594 1163 SOCSO 04-238 9888 PERPUSTAKAAN PP 04-229 8555 [email protected] (F) 04 - 594 3163 PENGKALAN KOTA (T)04 - 250 1521 YB Lau Keng Ee 04 - 2501522 [email protected] (F)04 - 2501523 PROGRAM PENGHARGAAN WARGA EMAS/OKU/IBU TUNGGAL/ BAGAN DALAM PROGRAM ANAK EMAS/ PROGRAM RAKAN ANTI KEMISKINAN/ PROGRAM PELAJAR EMAS YB Tanasekharan a/l Autheraphy (T) 04 - 323 5870 [email protected] (F) 04 - 323 5870 N1 Penaga : 013 - 499 5068 - Ridwan Osman N23 Air Putih : 04 - 829 0614 - Hong Kian KEBUN BUNGA N2 Bertam : 013 - 580 6981 - Asrol Beng YB Cheah Kah Peng (T) 04 - 826 5451 N3 Pinang : 019 - 437 2887 - Muhasdey N24 Kebun : 012 - 493 3342 - Cheng Kok [email protected] (F) 04 - 826 5451 Tunggal Muhamad Bunga Eong SUNGAI BAKAP N4 Permatang : 019 - 510 2633 - Arshad N25 Pulau Tikus : 017 - 478 3237 - Lingam YB Hj. Maktar Hj. Shapee (T) 04 - 582 7549 Berangan Md. Salleh 017 - 956 3237 - Quah [email protected] (F) 04 - 582 8648 N5 Sungai Dua : 019 - 507 3828 - Zahadi Mohd. N26 Padang Kota : 012 - 431 7015 - Johnny KOMTAR N6 Telok Air : 019 - 433 7119 - Norhayati Chee YB Teh Lai Heng (T) 04 - 227 7068 Tawar Jaafar N27 Pengkalan : 012 - 401 1522 - Ch’ng Chin [email protected] (F) 04 - 227 7068 N7 Sungai Puyu : 012 - 480 5495 - Mr.Lee Kota Keat PAYA TERUBONG N8 Bagan : 013 - 449 0366 - Yeap Choon N28 KOMTAR : 012 - 423 3227 - Benji Ang YB Yeoh Soo Hin sedang Jermal Keong N29 Datok : 017 - 480 7417 - Varinder [email protected] dikemaskini N9 Bagan : 016 - 473 1963 - Gesan Keramat Kaur PULAU TIKUS Dalam 010 - 464 6308 - Fuzaina YB Yap Soo Huey (T) 04 - 226 5217 N10 Seberang : 04 - 390 5109 - Nor Hayati N30 Sungai : 010 - 464 3308 - Amelia Tan [email protected] (F) 04 - 227 5217 Jaya Mohd. Iskander Pinang PERMATANG PASIR N11 Permatang : 019 - 412 8442 - Kamal N31 Batu : 04 - 282 6419 - Karuna YB Datuk Hj. Mohd. Salleh Man (T) 04 - 398 4226 Pasir 013 - 595 6865 - Rosli Lancang [email protected] (F) 04 - 398 4226 N12 Penanti : 04 - 522 2916 - Rodzi N32 Seri Delima : 019 - 4474362 Mahen BUKIT TENGAH N13 Berapit : 016 - 401 3507 - Mr.Lim 012 - 5242549 James YB Ong Chin Wen (T) 04 - 508 3977 017 - 446 1817 - Yeoh Ee Yee N33 Air Itam : 012 - 4730736 - Anne [email protected] (F) 04 - 508 3677 N14 Machang : 016 - 466 0664 - Andrew Chin 016 - 4940705 - Janet PENANTI Bubuk 012 - 319 1985 - Ikhwan N34 Paya : 012 - 484 1963 - Toon Hoon YB Norlela Ariffin (T) 04 - 522 2916 N15 Padang : 017 - 552 8928 - Chan Terubong Lee (F) 04 - 521 2915 Lalang 014 - 945 9786 - Lai 019 - 444 1039 - Sabapathee N16 Perai : 04 - 399 6689 - Selvi N35 Batu Uban : 016 - 480 0232 - Jalal SUNGAI PINANG YB Lim Siew Khim (T) 04 - 282 6630 N17 Bukit : 013 - 518 8735 - Lim Tuan Chun 016 - 487 8602 - Khairul [email protected] Tengah 016 - 444 3550 - Sathya N18 Bukit Tambun : 016 - 404 9120 - G.Dumany N36 Pantai : 04 - 646 4700 - Aliff / BATU UBAN YB Dr. T. Jayabalan (T) 04 - 656 2605 017 - 378 4448 - Khor Jerejak Shamsudin [email protected] (F) 04 - 656 0699 N19 Jawi : 017 - 408 4784 - Abdul Halim N37 Batu : 013 - 510 1968 - Latifah 012 - 456 5018 - Mr. Khor Maung 012 - 504 4836 - Ziezullhakim SERI DELIMA N20 Sungai : 019 - 552 8689 - Norjuliana YB Sanisvara Nethaji Rayer a/l Rajaji (T) 04 - 659 5611 N38 Bayan : 019 - 472 6956 - Asnah [email protected] (F) 04 - 659 6611 Bakap 012 - 542 4454 - Hasbullah Lepas Hashim N21 Sungai : 013 - 597 6478 - Mohammad N39 Pulau : 019 - 570 9500 - Hj. Mohd DAP PENANG HQ (T) 04 - 228 8482 Acheh Razak Betong Tuah Ismail [email protected] 04 - 227 1397 04 - 226 6482 N22 Tanjong : 016 - 465 0318 - Ranson N40 Telok : 019 - 480 9599 - Dato’ Haji (F) 04 - 228 8514 Bungah Bahang Abdul Halim August 16 - 31, 2013 13

SENARAI NAMA AHLI MAJLIS SENARAI NAMA AHLI MAJLIS MPSP 2013 MPPP 2013 Kalendar Pelancongan Nama Telefon Nama Telefon Pulau Pinang Ogos - Sept. 2013 Tan Hun Wooi 012 - 488 0409 Mohd Shaipol Ismail (DAP) 012 - 571 2250 (DAP) Harvindar a/l Darshan Singh 012 - 428 2250 31hb Ogos Chandrasekeran a/l S. 012 - 5619870 Hari Merdeka (DAP) Maniam (DAP) Ong Ah Teong (DAP) 012 - 410 6566 chanderasekeran@mpsp. Tay Leong Seng (DAP) 019 - 321 9392 gov.my Gooi Seong Kin (DAP) 016 - 457 1271 Loh Joo Huat (DAP) 012 - 422 1133 Sukumar Subramaniam 019 - 442 2113 1hb September [email protected] KOMTAR TOWER RUN 2013 (DAP) KOMTAR Tan Chong Hee (DAP) 019 - 411 5598 Joseph Ng Soon Siang (DAP) 012 - 423 9143 Tan Kim Hooi (DAP) 016 - 438 7855 Tan Chee Teong (DAP) 012 - 401 7718 Lee Chun Kit 012 - 519 2152 15hb September (DAP) Pesta Tanglung Michael Tan Cheong 012 - 487 3101 Nur Fitriah Abdul Halim 019 - 479 9517 Insa Dunia Kampung Baru, Heng (DAP) (DAP) Bukit Mertajam Francis a/l Joseph 012 - 474 3321 P. David Marshel (DAP) 019 - 412 3397 (PKR) Muhammad Sabri Md. 013 - 432 0207

H’ng Mooi Lye (DAP) 012 - 425 2602 Osman (PKR) Ahmad Azrizal Tahir 019 - 541 4818 (PKR) 012 - 498 4556 M.Satees (DAP) 016 - 438 4767 Murali Ramakrishnan 012 - 400 2633

Chong Pei Pei (DAP) 012 - 476 7729 (PKR) Tan Chiew Choon 019 - 470 4499 (PKR) Ong Eu Leong (PKR) 010 - 770 0508 Muhammad Bakhtiar Wan 019 - 470 8811 Chik (PKR) Rezal Huzairi Md Zaki (PKR) 017 - 409 7702 Lim Boon Beng (PKR) 012 - 564 4400 Nur Zarina Zakaria (PKR) 011 - 578 5098 Abdul Jalil Che Ros (PKR) 013 - 489 3227 Iszuree Ibrahim 016 - 443 3205 (PAS) Shafiqah Shobha Abdullah 016 - 496 1659 Abdul Halim Salleh (PAS) 019 - 432 9840 (PKR) Dr. Lim Mah Hui(NGO) 012 - 422 1880 Sin Kok Siang (NGO) 016 - 422 2255 Syed Mikael Rizal Aidid 013 - 779 0709 Aidi Akhbal Mohd Zainon 012 - 464 3004 (PKR) (NGO) Mohd Foaz Hamid 016 - 422 2225 Amir Md Ghazali (PKR) 013 - 584 8386 (NGO) [email protected] 04 - 521 1987 (Fax) Zulkiefly Saad (PKR) 013 - 436 2848 BULETIN MUTIARA Buletin Mutiara boleh diperoleh di :

Tingkat 47, Komtar, - Pejabat-pejabat ADUN Mohd Rizal Abd Hamid 012 - 424 3878 10503 Penang - Pejabat-pejabat Kerajaan Negeri (PKR) Phone : 04-650 5468 - Pejabat-pejabat PBA Fax : 04-261 5923 - Bukit Bendera Email: [email protected] - Pasaraya-pasaraya sekitar Pulau Pinang Ho Leng Hong (PKR) 017 - 487 2767 EDITORIAL - Hospital-hospital Kerajaan dan Swasta - Pejabat-pejabat NGO Editor Md Jamil Abd Rahman 019 - 449 0007 Chan Lilian (English) - Edaran rumah ke rumah (PAS) Tam Poh Guek (Chinese) Jenis Iklan Saiz Kos [email protected] G.Revatic (Tamil) (sebulan,RM) Ahmad Kaswan Kassim 019 - 408 4899 Writer Satu Muka 25sm(w) x 32sm(h) 15,000 (*) (PAS) Danny Ooi (English) Caleb Yeoh (English) Surat ahmadkaswan@mpsp. Nazleen Najeeb (English) Separuh 25sm(w) x 16m(h) 7,500 (*) gov.my Shum Jian Wei (Chinese) J. Patmavathy(Tamil) Muka Surat Wong Chee Keat (NGO) 012 - 451 1312 (melintang) Photographers : Separuh 12.5sm(w) x 32m(h) 7,500 (*) Dr. Tiun Ling Ta (NGO) 04-508 0039 (Tel) Chan Lilian, Law Suun Ting, Muka Surat [email protected] 04-657 0918 (Fax) Mohd. Hafiz Tajudin, Alissala Thian, Ahmad Adil Muhamad and Mark Noel James (menegak) Ahmad Tarmizi Abdullah 013 - 414 4822 Graphic Designers : Bagi Maklumat Lanjut, Sila Hubungi : (NGO) Loo Mei Fern and Idzham Ahmad Shawal Ahmad: 04 - 650 5550, 04 - 650 5256, 012 - 424 9004 [email protected] atau [email protected] 14 August 16 - 31, 2013 Lim wants healthy growth in tourism sector Story by Danny Ooi Pix by Law Suun Ting

PENANG Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the state will work on main- taining a healthy growth of its tourism industry to make up for the shortfall in the manufacturing sector. “We must introduce new products, new events and an unforgettable experi- ence to maintain the tourism sector.” He said according to national sta- tistics of the country’s economy, the services sector, including tourism, witnessed an amazing growth of 5.9 per cent in the first quarter of this year compared to 5.7 per cent last year. “The manufacturing sector saw a sharp drop in growth of 0.3 per cent in the first quarter of this year as com- pared to a growth of 4.4 per cent in the first quarter of last year. The participants from various industries listening attentively to the Chief Minister’s speech. “As such, Penang needs to see a promising growth in our tourism in- “Thirteen hotels were surveyed by of the first Penang Tourism Blueprint Kiang said the workshop was aimed at dustry to make up for the drop in the accounting firm Horwath International Workshop 2013 at INTI International strengthening and mapping out the direc- manufacturing side,” Lim said. which concluded that Penang has the College Penang recently. tion that Penang’s tourism industry will Meanwhile, Malaysia Association highest year-on-year growth for the aver- The workshop was organised by the take in the next five years with focus on of Hotels (MAH) Penang Chapter age room rates during that period. state Tourism Development committee nine key areas - heritage tourism, eco- chairman Mary Ann Harris said five- “Formerly, Malaysian hotels had in collaboration with the college and tourism, corporate and meeting, incen- star and four-star hotels room rates in the lowest rates in the Asean region. MAH Penang Chapter. tives, convention, and exhibition (MICE), Penang increased by 25 per cent last With rising rates, better services can Organising chairman and exco for medical tourism, culinary tourism and year compared to 2011. be given,” she said during the opening Tourism Development Danny Law Heng education tourism.

Pushing the lure of George Town further Story by Caleb Yeoh

MENTION George Town and almost everyone would almost immediately associate the city centre with a flurry of imagery ranging from the arts to heritage sites and to the overall new artsy culture that the heart of Penang is now known for. From detailed and soulful street art pieces to abstract-themed cafes and the lure of architectural works of beauty, George Town now attracts a whole new variety of visitors not merely seeking to fill their stomachs. However, before Ernest Zacharevic painted on the walls and before Chinahouse came to town, The Little Penang Street Market was one of the few places one could go to take in some of the arts in Penang. The Little Penang Street Market, formed in 2006, is a monthly event held on the last Sunday of every month at Upper Penang Road. From local handmade products to performances from the local perform- ing arts scene, the event seeks to promote Penang’s unique cultural and artistic heritage. In an attempt to promote and push the street carnival to the next level, the Penang state government will be providing a monetary incentive of RM This cultural dance from the Eurasian community was among the highlights at the Little Penang Street Market. 40,000 to have the street market twice a month instead of just every last Sunday of the month. ested in the arts. At the seventh anniversary of the Little Penang Street Market recently, “Having it (Little Penang Street Market) twice a month helps us and the Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said that even with newer commercial areas, people all at once as it attracts visitors and tourists from in and out of Little Penang still maintains its position as a centre point for those inter- Malaysia,” Lim added. August 16 - 31, 2013 15 From going green to cooking green Story by Caleb Yeoh

WITH the opening of bicycle lanes, banning the use of plastic bags, styrofoam containers and embracing “Green Purchasing”, an effort to use products made from recycled material, Penang has definitely jumped on the “Go Green” band- wagon. In the wake of this commendable effort comes the “King of the Green Competition: Discover the Healthy Taste”, a cooking competition aimed at promoting a healthy vegetarian diet. This also goes hand in hand with the Penang Green Expo 2013 theme “Heal the Earth, Count Me In”, which encourages citizens to opt for a vegetarian diet to reduce carbon footprints and save energy as well as to create awareness on the benefits of a balanced nutritional diet. (From left) Dicky Lee (A & P Manager of Tastefully Food & Beverage Expo), Yoong, Lee Khuan Chor (sales & The cooking competition is a joint effort by the marketing manager of Jasper Promenade Sdn. Bhd.), Teh, Thing Siew Shuen (general manager, PGC) and Khoo at the event’s launch. Penang Green Council, Penang Green Expo 2013 and co-organised by Jasper Promenade. Sponsors for the event include Vees Marketing Sdn Bhd, Yuen Chun Manufacturing Sdn Bhd and Tastefully Food & Beverage Expo. Eco-lantern design contest The cook-off is set for Sept 22 from 11.30am till Story by Caleb Yeoh 4.30pm at the Penang International Sports Arena (PISA) and is open to all Malaysians aged 18 and THE Kids’ Eco-Lantern Design Contest is above. set to kick off and celebrate this year’s Those under the age of 18 have to be accom- Mid-Autumn Festival with style and a ton panied by guardians if they wish to participate. of fun for the entire family. Parent-child teams are highly encouraged as The contest is open to the first 100 ap- contestants have to work in pairs: one chef and plicants, aged 12 and below. All lanterns his or her assistant. submitted have to be handmade using re- The culinary theme is healthy vegetarian food cycled materials with battery powered where all dishes have to be full on vegetarian and lighting. all ingredients must be halal. Submissions will be judged on creativ- Contestants must complete three types of ity, structure, design, functionality and dishes within the allotted 90 minutes, inclusive most importantly, its Eco-friendliness. of fried noodles, a vegetarian dish and a soup dish. Prizes for the winners of the contest are Basic ingredients will be provided by the or- RM500 and a trophy for the first place ganisers and contestants are allowed to bring winner, RM250 and a trophy for second ingredients of their own as long as they conceal place, RM100 and a trophy for the third the respective brand names. place and seven consolation prizes of Winners stand a chance to take home prizes RM50 each with trophies to go along with like Vees Fuzzy Logic Intelligent Cooker worth it. RM988, Yuen Chun hampers worth RM168 and Registration forms can be obtained from RM138, Jasper cash vouchers worth up to RM200 the info counter at Gurney Plaza, located and a certificate of participation. on the ground floor of the mall and at the The “King of the Green Competition: Dis- Bukit Bendera service centre. cover the Healthy Taste” will be officiated by state All forms must be submitted by August assemblymember Teh Yee Cheu. 29 at either the Bukit Bendera service The contest will be judged by chief judge Phil- centre or the Gurney Plaza info counter. lip Yoong, local celebrity chef Dennis Terng Registration for the contest will be open (managing director of Jasper Promenade), Harries from 4pm till 6pm at the New Wing Atrium Chong (Vees Marketing) and Khoo An Jo (chief of Gurney Plaza on the day of the event dietician, Head of Dietetics & Food Service De- which falls on September 7. All lanterns partment of Hospital Lam Wah Ee). must be completed at home before the The Kid’s Eco-Lantern Design Contest Poster designed with the To participate, a deposit of RM50 and the reg- event itself. Mid-Autumn Festival in mind. istration form has to be submitted to the Penang Besides the lantern contest, a full line-up Green Council’s office by 10am, Sept 13 by email, of performances await those attending. but can be made at home with recycled materitals,” fax or mail. From the lantern parade around Gurney Plaza to said Peter Chan, marketing communications manager The competition is limited to only eight teams. dance performances, the Eco-Design Lantern Contest of Gurney Plaza. Contest forms and more information can be is set to be a night for all to enjoy. “This contest is open to all Malaysians, of all races obtained from the PGC website (www.pgc.com. “Another purpose we wish to accomplish is to edu- and allows us all to come together and enjoy each my). cate the younger generation about eco-friendliness by other’s culture,” assemblymember Yap Soo Huey said showing them that lanterns need not be store-bought in a press conference at Gurney Plaza. 16 August 16 - 31, 2013 Record breaking 10,301 visitors to Penang Hill Story by Chan Lilian pointed on Aug 1 as the general Pix by Law Suun Ting manager of Penang Hill Corpora- tion to members of the media. PENANG Hill, with a history dat- Dr Khoo has several years of ing back to 1923, has set yet an- experience in the management of other record. high-speed trains in the United A total of 10,301 visitors went Kingdom. up Penang Hill on the second day “We engaged the expertise of Dr. of Hari Raya recently. Khoo to ensure that the operation General Manager Dr Lawrence of the furnicular train is safe and Khoo announced this during the guaranteed,” Lim said. launch of the Penang Hill retracta- “He has a combination of knowl- ble canopy roof on Aug 17 at the edge in various fields such as au- foot of the hill. tomative, chemical, electronics & “With a record of 1.2 million electrical engineering which is visitors in 2012, which is about 75 much needed in today’s world of per cent more than 2011, it clearly technology.” shows that tourists have recognised Penang Hill’s preparedness in Penang Hill as the hill resort of handling huge crowds has reduced choice in Malaysia,” Dr Khoo said. the waiting time to queue to board The foothill of Penang Hill was the train. abuzz with activities as tourists In fact, during the Hari Raya were coming and going while local holidays, the train ran non-stop and visitors who were in the queue were ferried up to 900 people per hour. pleasantly surprised when they saw Also, there are 200 parking lots Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng ar- in the vicinity to make your trip The crowd surging forward to shake hands with the Chief Minister when they saw him at the riving to launch the canopy roof hassle free. launch of the retractable canopy in Penang Hill. project. Many rushed forward to shake hands and have their photo taken with him. Lim took time to pause for pho- Come make a splash in Penang tos with them and explained to them Story by Caleb Yeoh that the state has invested over RM3.7 million to develop the FIRST there was “Escape”, an outdoor lower and upper stations. theme park not for the faint-hearted with “Now all of you do not need to obstacles that would push most week- queue under the hot sun or get in- end warriors to their limits while pro- convenienced when it rains. Do viding fun for the whole family with its you agree that with this new look, various levels of intensity. now Penang Hill is so much differ- Now, the shores of our island will ent? It has created a new ambience, soon welcome Penang’s first open-sea it looks like some country overseas, water adventure park, named Wet World doesn’t it?” he asked. Wild Adventure Park Penang. After the launch, Lim also intro- Being the first of its kind in Asia, duced Dr. Khoo who was just ap- the open-sea water park offers a safe and fun alternative to the average forms of water sports currently avail- A look to what the park will be offering when it opens. Based on the popular American television show, ‘Wipeout’, Wet World Wild Adventure Park is set to make a splash able in Penang. in Penang. It consists of a variety of obstacles that range from rock climbing to tram- be able to accommodate 80 adults per phases, the first to be completed by polines, swings, slides and a human session. Tickets will be priced at RM 30 September in time for the end of year catapult all on the open seas. for two-hour sessions. school holidays. The brainchild of Theme Park Con- “Building Wet World Wild Adventure Koh said the total cost for each phase cepts & Services Sdn Bhd (TPCS) and Park is an exciting venture for TPCS will come up to RM 3 million. the Penang Global Tourism Board, Wet and we hope to expand further as there All five phases are estimated to be World Wild is set to open its gates to the is a need for fun and safe open-sea wa- completed within one year. people of Penang in September. ter activities,” said Datuk Richard Koh, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said The park will be nestled on the CEO of Theme Park Concepts & Ser- the Penang Tourism Board will only be beaches of Batu Ferringhi, near the vices Sdn Bhd during a press conference involved in the coordination and facili- Parkroyal Hotel and will only be operat- in Komtar. tation of this project and funds for this Dr Khoo says Penang Hill is the hill resort of choice for Malaysians. ing during non-monsoon seasons. It will The park will be built in a total of five project will be borne by TPCS. August 16 - 31, 2013 17 MPSP launches ‘Eco Rangers’ programme Story by Danny Ooi has won numerous awards working Pix by Law Suun Ting on projects relevant to the environ- ment. Rozali (right) and Jamaludin planting a sapling to mark the official launch of the programme as students and teachers look on. THE Seberang Prai Municipal Council (MPSP) “The school represented the coun- recently launched its “Eco Rangers” pro- try at the Genius Olympiad in New gramme with the cooperation of SMK Sains York in June and clinched a gold medal,” he said. Tun Syed Sheh Shahabudin (SMK STSSS). Meanwhile, school principal Jamaludin Assemblymember on MPSP secretary Rozali Mohamud said the Yaacob said among the work currently under- programme aims to encourage students to get taken by the school in line with the programme walkabout at Air Itam Market involved in various community projects in line are instant food waste converter, recycling with the council’s move to reduce the annual centre and cat’s cabin. budget of RM86mil for waste management and “To date, our school is the pioneer in the garbage collection. Cat’s Cabin project that was launched last year “Through this green project, we hope the in which we have housed and taken care of 38 students can get hands-on experience working to 40 stray cats in a specific space,” he said. on different environmental projects,” he said Both Rozali and Jamaludin planted a sapling at the school on July 31. as a symbolic gesture to mark the official Rozali added that the school was selected as it launching of the programme. Traffic lights for public safety Story by Chan Lilian Mitigation Chow Kon Yeow activated the traffic Pix by Law Suun Ting lights at the junction. “The busy Jalan Goh Guan Ho records an A BLIND spot at the junction of Jalan Goh Guan estimated 10,000 vehicles flow daily because Ho and Jalan Padang Tembak has caused sev- parents of students from two schools nearby, eral accidents in the past. namely SK St. Xavier and SJK(C) Shang Wu, Concerned over public safety, Air Putih assem- use this road,” MPPP deputy director of Engi- blymember Lim Guan Eng, who is also the Chief neering, A. Rajendran said. Minister, sought the Penang Island Municipal “There is a blind spot and almost monthly, Council’s (MPPP) help to put up traffic lights. motor vehicle accidents are reported,” he added. On Aug 17, MPPP Engineering Department Lim was happy that the people in his con- officers together with Lim and exco member for stituency and other road users are assured of Wong (second from right) with Tan (right) and a trader Local Councils, Traffic Management and Flood safer roads. sharing a point about the repaired gutter. He said: “MPPP decided Story by Danny Ooi early this year Pix by Law Suun Ting that traffic lights are necessary. AIR Itam assemblymember Wong Hong Wai together with They had installed Penang Island municipal councillor Tan Kim Hooi had a a convex mirror to walkabout at the Air Itam market on Aug 2 to check on eliminate the repair works and gather feedback from traders and market- blind spot and put goers. up warning signs Wong said the 40 ft gutter at the rooftop has already earlier but appar- been repaired at a cost of RM2,000. ently, that failed “Before this, water leaking from the gutter affected the to prevent acci- hawkers’ business,” he told reporters who accompanied dents. So, MPPP him during the walkabout. spent RM120,000 Wong was also informed of a drain cover which has to widen the road, become rusty with signs of cracking. install signboards, “I will inform the Penang Island Municipal Council to look repaint the road into the matter and rectify it as soon as possible,” he said. and install the Wong said annually each assemblymember will be al- traffic lights in located around RM80,000, of which RM40,000 is to be Voluntary Patrol Service members busy directing motorists when the traffic light April 2013.” used for “green” projects and the remainder for infrastruc- was activated at the junction of Jalan Goh Guan Ho and Jalan Padang Tembak. ture improvement. 18 August 16 - 31, 2013 Carnival for a good cause Story by Caleb Yeoh Donations towards the cost of the car- nival are also welcome and tax-exemp- THE St. Nicholas Home Carnival will tion receipts will be issued. be back for its second year running on St. Nicholas is a special residential Sept 7 from 10am to 3pm. school and home that aims to provide Come enjoy the thrills and frills of education, training and employment your regular carnival while at the same opportunities for the blind and visually time helping a charity organisation to impaired. better improve their services. Located along Jalan Bagan Jermal, A total of 70 stalls will be set up at St. Nicholas first opened its doors on the carnival. Patrons will be able to this six-acre site in 1938. savor an array of local and interna- Its origin can be traced back to the tional cuisine, participate in fun and early 20th century as part of the welfare educational games, take in a few per- ministry of the Anglican Church. formances by residents and staff of St Three residents from the home with the coupon booklets and posters for the St. The organisation ran the Malacca Nicholas and find out more about visu- Nicholas Carnival. Medical Mission in 1911 and the St. al impairment awareness. Andrew’s Medical Mission in Singa- A major attraction this year will be and is expecting about 3,000 visitors to grammes at the home. pore, in 1913 before coming to Penang the pony ride and petting zoo brought join hands with them in their efforts to Coupons for the carnival are priced in the 1930s. in by the Penang Turf Club and the serve and support the blind and visually at RM 20 per booklet and can be ob- The mission for all three locations massage services offered by St. Nicho- impaired. All proceeds from the carnival tained from the home itself. Another focused on taking in crippled and blind las’s own Home Wellness Centre. will be go towards creating awareness as option for helping the home would be children who were abandoned by their The carnival aims to raise RM100 000 well as funding the skills training pro- to sponsor a stall at RM500 per stall. parents.

Walk and raise funds Coastal park for the family Story by Nazleen Najeeb ear plugs to experience the dark and silent world,” said organising chairperson Christina THE Lions Club of George Town Perdana is Choong. organising its “Walk for Sight and Sound In the walk, a sighted person will lead 2013” this coming Oct 6. another person who will be blindfolded and The event is fully supported by the state they can switch roles. government, Penang Island Municipal Coun- Besides creating awareness especially cil (MPPP) and Penang Sports Council. among students, another objective of the The 3.8km walk will begin and end at event is to provide aid for education, equip- Youth Park. ment and training facilities for the visually Governor Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas is and hearing impaired community. scheduled to flag off the participants at 7am. Certificates of participation will be given “We must be thankful for our sight and to participants who complete the walk while hearing ability and help those who are less the largest group participation will be award- fortunate,” said state exco for Youth and ed a trophy. Sports, Women, Family and Community The atmosphere will be livened up by the Children having a good time swinging on the state-of-the Development Puan Chong Eng at a press performance from St George Girls School Band. art hammock. conference on Aug 20 to announce the event. A 4-day, 3-night cruise to Krabi and Bandar It is expected to attract 3,000 people and Seri Begawan, courtesy of Star Cruise, is Story by Chan Lilian hopes to raise RM100,000 for St. Nicholas’ among the lucky draw prizes up for grabs. Pix by Law Suun Ting Home, Penang. Participation fee is RM15 and forms can The first 2,500 registered participants will be obtained at St Nicholas’ Home. CHILDREN frolicking at the water-play area in the newly be given goodie bags from Canon. Online registration and any enquiries can opened Straits Green Park while parents stroll around in “Participants will be given blindfolds and be directed to charity.grocerasia.com. the green field is a picture perfect scene. The 4.25-acre park in Straits Quay, next to Tesco, is now open to the public. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng launched the public park on Aug 18 and toured the composting site which aims to educate the community on composting and growing their own herbs and vegetables. “It is heartening to see the creation of green public places where the piece of land surrendered to the Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP) is developed and main- tained by a corporate company,” Lim said after the tour of the park. E&O Berhad spent RM3.5 million to develop the park Chong Eng with the organising committee and sponsors of the event. and spends RM30,000 monthly to maintain it. August 16 - 31, 2013 19 Why we need the tunnel

THE cross channel tun- 3. Environmental concerns. Hello? High reclamation rights of a few hundred acres of land off nel together with three Speed Railway from KL to Singapore - how do you Gurney Drive, toll along the roads built, and some road packages have think the train is crossing the Johor Straits? Tunnel seven choice pieces of land on the island were to be recently caused almost as in the Eurotunnel from London to Paris through given in exchange. To get an indication how lucrative non-stop comments in Brussels? Wasn’t there talk of a third link from it would have been, the project proponents were the media. Should Pen- Singapore to Johor by way of a tunnel? If we need compensated tens of millions of ringgit (even ru- ang really embark on it later, say 2023 – 2025, aren’t the environmental moured to be as high as RM110 million!) when the such a project, will it be concerns still there and would still need to be dealt project was aborted by the Federal government. more positive or negative for the state and its peo- with? Since when did a tunnel or bridge pose more Furthermore, this 110 acres is part of a second ple? problems than a rare earth refining plant? I thought phase reclamation of some 700 plus acres of land that a transport route is constructed deep in the to be reclaimed off Seri Tanjong Pinang. The in- My answer is an unqualified yes and I will ex- ground or deep enough under the sea bed, where puted value of this 110 acres is some RM1,300+ plain accordingly. nothing living gets disturbed. Don’t we pass per sq. ft. However, E & O has the remainder of through the Menora Tunnel when we drive to Ipoh the reclaimed land of some 600 acres. As a devel- 1. The Tunnel. It’s a question of when rather using the North-South Expressway? Perhaps that’s oper, I don’t think I will be sitting pretty when I than if we need it. The Transport Master Plan pro- when some get tunnel vision and their fertile im- have competition at my door-step and worse still jects that it is needed some 10 – 12 years down the agination about fires in tunnels. when my competitor’s costs are much lower than road. This is regardless of whether we have then mine. He has some 600+ acres and I have got 110 an integrated mass people transit system by way of 4. The three roads. From what I have been acres at RM1,300+ base cost. a tram system or other such systems or more buses. given to understand, we won’t need to cut through If as a politician has estimated, there are 60,000 graveyards, double-deck a highway between a row 7. Too good to be true? Maybe. But please per day car/vehicular movements for the tunnel, of houses and the foot of a hill (like in the case of remember that the Chinese contractors have got an then we better start straight away. (He was alluding the proposed PORR running behind houses in Jes- ace up their sleeves. They have got access to cheap to the estimated profits at 60,000 cars per day.) So selton Heights). Some sections of these proposed funding from their government because China wants which is which? Is it high numbers or low numbers? roads are elevated, some are underpasses – but the to extend its economic influence across the globe, The risk of low numbers is the operator’s problem main thing is that we need them. Even if there were as we can witness how Chinese companies are mak- since no traffic guarantees are given. If the numbers no future developments in the Tanjong Bungah- ing inroads into Africa, Eastern Europe and Indo- are high, then thank you for Batu Ferringhi belt, the traffic China. The Penang state government must get the confirming the need. situation during long weekends services of experienced and competent consultants or major holidays is horrendous and legal minds to make sure that when we part 2. More linkage means less – as any resident or tourist can with the 110 acres, the infrastructure is delivered as congestion on the linkage and attest. Do we want an ambulance promised; good, safe, environmentally thought also on the approach roads. stuck in traffic in an emergency through and up to specifications. We will exchange Greater dispersal, shorter travel- and death occurring before we our gold when we get our diamonds. ling time and distance, rather sit up and really get going? than using any of the two bridg- Let’s speak up for what’s good for Penang. All es and thereby adding more traf- 5. Increase in traffic due to of us have a stake. Those who stand for and have fic when it could be avoided by the tunnel. Will traffic increase been elected have the mandate of the majority. Oth- having a shorter, different route. because of an additional linkage? ers who claim to represent “Penang” are imposters. Imagine if we have three bridges Surely this is one of the most Penang is not a retirement state. Retirees want and two tunnels connecting dif- astounding claims made! Be- things slow, cheap and no change. This is under- ferent locations of island and cause there is a new way to cross, standable. But please, there are others who are still mainland? Wouldn’t this be even I will just go over to the other working, who have young families, who need eco- better? side frequently just for the fun of nomic advancement. Nice to have made your big Datuk Jerry Chan it! The greatest hindrance for bucks elsewhere, paid your taxes overseas, then anyone to move from island to return to Penang as a “loyal” Penangite? I would mainland and vice-versa is fuel cost, time and then have thought that those who stayed behind to work, toll. Movement either way is about need, nothing contribute, pay taxes and persevered though thick else. and thin are more “loyal”. We should welcome all. The population is still growing. All who contribute, 6. Is the financial cost too high or a burden to lead, invest and stay are welcomed. Penangites? To swap 110 acres of land for these four pieces of major infrastructure is the best deal any government in Malaysia has been able to get for a long time. Contrast this with the previously award- Jerry Chan ed PORR privatisation. In exchange for some ele- Chairman vated roads running from Gelugor, through Air Itam, Real Estate and Housing Developers Association Bayan Jermal, then terminating at Tanjong Tokong, (REHDA), Penang. 20 August 16 - 31, 2013 Night of good food, great music Story by Caleb Yeoh & ports events such as the hunt as Danny Ooi it is not only about leisure but also an activity which contrib- THE Penang Eurasian Associa- utes to society,” he added. tion (PEA ) held a dinner brief- The grand prize is RM3,000, ing for the participants of the second prize is RM2,000, while Heritage Hunt on Aug 17 at the third prize is RM1,000. 1926 Heritage Hotel in Jalan Meanwhile, during the flag Burma. off on the morning of Aug 18, They were treated to a night some 60 cars took part in the of good food and musical fes- heritage hunt. tivities by Penang’s own Igna- The event which started tius James, former member of about 8.30am from the 1926 the famous 1970s local band, Heritage Hotel took the partici- Sweet September. pants through the heritage en- Present at the dinner was clave of George Town looking state assembly member for the for clues and treasures and a Dato Keramat , Jagdeep Singh, fun-filled morning. Jagdeep flagging off the hunt. who officiated the event. It was organised by PEA, in “I would like to thank the collaboration with the Penang PEA for making this heritage Sport Council and the state gov- team building fund,” he added. treasure hunt a first, not only for ernment in aid of St Joseph’s The home was first founded their association but also for Home and the Penang Eurasian in 1865 and was then known as Penang as well. Association Museum Fund. St Joseph’s Orphanage. At pre- “The PEA is part of Penang, Organising chairman Gilbert sent there are 40 children there and represents the state for this Augustin said the purpose of the aged from nine to 17 years. commendable effort to show- event is to give the public an With its mission statement case all the heritage sites we opportunity to explore and ex- being the ‘Holistic Development have,” Jagdeep added in his perience the beauty and heritage and Re-Integration Of The Chil- opening speech at the pre-hunt of George Town and Penang’s dren Into Society, the pillars of dinner. culture. the Home are: Formation, Edu- Participants reviewing their documents at the pre-hunt dinner. “Besides having fun, we also “A portion of the proceed cation and Community Life. aim to donate some of the funds from the hunt will be channeled To prepare the children to tional skills training for those in wish to help can call: 042635418 from the participants. towards the St. Joseph Home in meet the challenges of time, the the Home and outside the Home. or email: joseph-h@stremyx. “The state government sup- George Town for its football Home has established voca- Members of the public who com.

PDC told to aim for the best Story by Nazleen Najeeb PDC carried out two charity pro- Picture by Alissala Thian grammes recently, a welfare visit with donation of daily essentials to residents PENANG Development Corporation of Kampong Pasir Gebu, Penanga, and (PDC) chairman Lim Guan Eng urged purchase of Raya clothes for trainees in PDC staff to work harder and aim to be Pusat Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti, Juru. the best. Meanwhile, Lim said in the last five Speaking at the corporation’s Raya years the state government had been celebration on Aug 20, Lim said despite focusing on Budget Based Administra- giving good performance, PDC must tion to minimise and eradicate fraud, increase its productivity and be efficient. misconduct, corruption and waste in- “They have to compare themselves volving civil servants. with the best in the private sector not But for the five years ahead, a new the mediocre ones,” he said, adding concept of Outcome Based Administra- PDC staff were rewarded with good tion will be implemented to ensure all It was double joy for PDC staff as besides enjoying the food, they also received “duit raya” this year as a result of their targets are met. good “duit Raya”. hard work. “Our goals must be clear and trans- “We must not forget the unlucky ones parent and reach our customer, the At the celebration, various delectable rendang, while guests were entertained and make charity a practice,” Lim said. Penangistes,” he added. food was served, including laksa and to Raya songs. August 16 - 31, 2013 21 Get set to huff and puff up Komtar Story by Danny Ooi the event at Komtar on Aug 22. Also present were Tanjong MP THIS is an event not to be missed! Ng Wei Aik and Tong Yan Travel & Come Sept 1, some 1,500 participants Tours Sdn Bhd business develop- are expected to compete in the Komtar ment director Edwin Tan CL. Tower Run 2013 which will be flagged Shawn said the Komtar Tower off from Maybank Komtar at Lebuh Tek Run 2013 is organised specially for Soon at 6am. sports enthusiasts willing to take in “Participants will have to turn right the physical and mental challenge at the traffic lights into Jalan Penang, to run up the 65-storey tower. and they will be guided till the Pacific “We hope to do a circuit by or- Supermarket in Jalan Dr Lim Chwee ganising the Kuala Lumpur Tower Leong, where they have to start climb- Run, the Komtar Tower Run and the ing up the stairs besides the supermar- Alor Star Tower Run,” he added. ket. “So far 1,360 participants have A sketch showing the Komtar Tower Run route. “The run will then start to the top of registered for the run. They include Komtar Tower, where the race ends at 28 international participants from States and Japan,” Shawn said, adding For further information, visit www. Level 60,” organising chairman Shawn Kenya, Hong Kong, England, Canada, the total number of participants will be komtartowerrun.com.my, or call 012- Ng told a press conference to announce Philippines, Nepal, Bangladesh, United limited to 1,500. 4401398.

100th Anniversary Celebration to Penang With Good food, great fun at Centennial Run Story by Danny Ooi Balik Pulau Raya open house Story by RHB Bank Berhad is gearing up its Danny Ooi 100th anniversary celebration up north with the RHB Centennial Run PENANG Deputy taking place on Sept 22, 2013. Chief Minister 1 The run will be flagged off from Mohd Rashid Has- the Esplanade at 7.00am. non said he enjoys ‘We are pleased to bring a part of the open house cul- the Bank’s 100th year celebration to ture as it helps the Mahanum (fourth right), Yong (third right) and other organising the Northern region, and hope that committee members discussing a pointer about the run after the press various ethnic our customers and the public will conference. groups to come to- highly support our run in Penang. gether to build a “Many thanks to Penang Amateur secretary V. Govindasamy. To add to the fun and excitement, rapport among the Athletic Association for their valu- Meanwhile, Govindasamy said there will also be cash prizes (for top community. able expertise and kind assistance in : “We are glad to be part of the three) up for graps for the best cos- “As recited in the ensuring the success of this event,” RHB Bank’s Centennial Run in tumes in the Family Fun Run cate- Holy Quran, ‘My Group Corporate Communications’s conjunction with their 100th cel- gory. Families with the most creative disciples, I created Head of RHB Banking Group’s ebration and proud that it is held costume featuring the signature you from the group Abdul Halim (left) handing out ‘duit Mahanum Shariff said at a press in Penang. We will be co-ordinat- colours of RHB Bank will stand a of males and fe- raya’ to some children at the open conference held at RHB Bank Ber- ing the event with Penang Island chance to win these cash prizes. males, with differ- house. had Penang branch in Lebuh Pantai, Municipal Council, police and The run will start and end at Jalan ent races for you to George Town on Aug 23. other relevant authorities to ensure Padang Kota Lama. Runners will intermingle with ng Tebal MP Datuk Mansor She commented that in addition the event runs smoothly.” need to go through Lebuh Light, each other’. Othman, Penanti assembly- to Penang, the RHB Centennial Run The RHB Centennial Run, open Lebuh Farquhar, Jalan Penang, Jalan “When we know each member Norlela Ariffin, will also be held in Kuantan, Kota to all Malaysians and Permanent Burmah, Jalan Pangkor, Jalan Perak, other, it will give rise to constituency co-ordinators Kinabalu and Kuala Lumpur. Residents features a 10km route for Jalan Jones, Jalan Kelawai, Jalan love between the various Datuk Abdul Halim Hus- “Also as part of the RHB Centen- the men and women open category Pemenang, Pesiaran Gurney, Jalan groups. I believe there is no sain (Teluk Bahang) and nial celebration, concerts featuring (age 13 and above) as well as a 3km Sultan Ahmad Shah and Jalan Syed religion that teaches us to Mohd Tuah Ismail (Pulau local artists and performers will also Family Fun Run category (minimum Sheh Barakbah to complete the do wrong,” he said at the Betong ) and Penang Island be held in Johor Bharu, Kuching and one adult plus one child below the 10km route. Hari Raya open house or- municipal councilor Mu- Kuala Lumpur. age of 12). Registration forms can be col- ganised by Pakatan Rakyat hammad Bakthiar Wan Also present was RHB Bank Top 10 finishers in both men and lected from all RHB Bank and all Balik Pulau.. Chik. Berhad’s Northern 1’s regional women categories and the top three RHB Bank and RHB Investment “This is the practice and At the function, Abdul director Yong Kin Leng, RHB Family Fun Run winners will re- Bank branches and EASY by RHB culture supported by the Halim handed out “duit Kawal Sdn Bhd’s Head, Security ceive cash prizes, medals and cer- kiosks throughout Penang Island and state government. Apart raya” to the children pre- Services Lt. Col (Retired) Meor tificate of participation. All partici- mainland Butterworth. The registra- from this, in conjunction sent. Guests were also Adam Meor Sapi, Strategic Com- pants who completed the run within tion fee is RM30. with Hari Raya, we must feted to a buffet spread of munications assistance manager, a time limit of two hours will be For further information about the also think of the less fortu- Hari Raya delicacies like Asha Raghu and Penang Amateur presented with a finisher’s medal and run, call : 04-263 3112 from Mon- nate,” Mohd Rashid said. lemang, satay, mee soup Athletic Association’s honorary a certificate of participation. days to Fridays during office hours. Also present was Nibo- and others. 22 August 16 - 31, 2013

It is the tradition that the Chief Minister and his wife visit the Penang State Governor at his Seri Mutaira residence at Western Road on the first day of Hari Raya. Buletin Mutiara’s photographer Law Suun Ting captured some photos of the private breakfast. Everyone looked resplendent in blue Malay traditional attire and exchanged Raya greetings with each other.

Penang Governor Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas hosted an open house at the SPICE on Aug 20 and throngs of people enjoyed themselves with the cultural performances and delicious food.

On the third day of Hari Raya, Penang Deputy Chief Minister I Mohd Rashid Hasnon (second from left) hosted the Raya open house at the Sungai Nibong Pesta site and Raya Open House is synonymous with abundant good food. Seen among the VIP guests was Permatang Pauh MP Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who is also here are guests at the Raya Open House waiting for their bowl of Pakatan Rakyat de facto leader, (fourth from left) and exco member and Seberang Jaya hot, delicious laksa. assemblymember Dr. Afif Bahardin (left).