Proposal 06

Location: B5289 Keswick to Seatoller

Site Description/Existing The route extends from Road roundabout to Seatoller, which Treatments: is approximately 12km.

The road can be classified as a local distributor. There are sections of village development along the route specifically Lodore, Rosthwaite and Seatoller, which all have 20mph speed restrictions. The remaining length of the route is subject to a 40mph speed limit and has very minimal development.

The carriageway is a two lane road, with centre line markings. There is no street lighting or footpaths along the route. The route topography and alignment varies along the route.

Although a speed limit applies to the full extent, there are very few speed limit signs in place, which could lead to driver non-compliance as they may not know what the speed limit is. Furthermore, enforcement would be difficult along this extent due to the alignment of the highway and finding a location for the camera van.

Existing Traffic Speeds: The existing traffic speeds are averaging between 24.1mph and 33.8mph. The speeds surveyed throughout the sections of existing 40mph speed limit were compliant with the posted speed limit, which indicates that road users do not see the speed limit as a target speed but drive at a speed that they consider to be safe, which is what the Department for Transport guidance states.

Possible changes to the To reduce the extents of the 30mph at Keswick; to remove all instances Speed Limit Order: of 40mph speed limit along this route therefore becoming National Speed Limit.

Summary of reasons for the County Council proposes to reduce the existing extent of the possible change: 30mph speed limit at the Keswick boundary.

Cumbria County Council also proposes to remove all instances of 40mph speed restriction between Keswick and Seatoller. The existing sections of 20mph restrictions at the Lodore Falls hotel, Rosthwaite and Seatoller will be maintained.

The guidance in the Department for Transport circular 01/2013 supports to remove the 40mph section at this location. The route carries a low volume of traffic through a rural area with little development. There is a low accident history for this route; however any hazards or areas of concern have been highlighted using localised engineering methods.

A 40mph speed restriction must be signed with terminal signs and repeating signs, which would create a great deal of sign clutter in the National Park. The geometry of the road keeps traffic speeds low, with surveys showing an average of between 24.1mph and 33.8mph. We are therefore consulting on a proposal to implement the proposed changes to the speed limit restrictions, as per the location plan overleaf.