Technical Report N° 71 September1995


Mauritania, , , -, Guinea, Sierra-Leone and 1991 -1994


11 15 17 Senegal 18 Cape Verde The Gambia 20 Guinea Bissau o Guinea ç, C Côte dIvoire Sao Tome and Principe 18, Congo Zaire



Technical Report N° 71 September1995


Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra-Leone and Cape Verde 1991 -1994


Jean Gallene

Fishing Technologist


FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Cotonou, September 1995 The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization or the financing agency concerning the lega status of any country or , city or , or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

For bibliographic purposes this document should be cited as follows

Gallene J.,, - Data compendium on safety at sea for seven west african countries; 1995 Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra-Leone and Cape Verde, 1991-1994. Cotonou, Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in . IDAF/WP/71,..P.

Projet DIPA FAO P.O. Box 1369 Cotonou, République of Benin

Telex : 5291 FOODAGRI Fax : (229) 33. 05. 19 Tel(229) 33. 09. 25 TABLE OF CONTENTS













6.7.DAMAGES. 8





Annexe i Questionnaire used for data collection 14 s 'Jrr7

Safety at sea, as the artisanal fisheries sector in general, has been neglected during decades. and policies were favouring industrial fisheries. Nevertheless, Goverments are now adopting a more realistic approach more in tune toward development, and more in agreement with the fishermen's needs. As a result, Senegal, Guinea and Cape Verde already have specific administrations dealing with safety at sea matters. With the exception of Senegal, Mauritania and Guinea, very few activities were realized for the safety at sea in other countries. Therefore, the Department of Fisheries of seven countries of the sub-region; Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra-Leone and Cape Verde ;in cooperation with IDAF, engaged in a methodic data collection on safety at sea and related accidents occured during fishing and transport activities from 1991 to 1994. Each year, artisanal fishermen paid a heavy price for these accidents at sea. disasters repited themselves, starting from a simple capsizing without any serious consequences up to a collision between small and big boats and final wrecking. Causes of accidents are plenty the wind and the wavesappears to be the most importants. This result with a lot of death and injured. One should not forget the value of the material lost which is for this survey estimated at 1,261. 449 US Dollars. The results published in the present analysis demonstrate not only the high importance of the accidents dues properly to sea working conditions, their frequency, but also the importance of human and material losses. The data analysed shows that 518 accidents were declared to the investigators during the field work. During those accidents, 340 peoples died and 285 were injured. This survey is not exhaustive, becauseit was observed that people remain better the death than injuries on board. It can be believed also that with the time passing, the declaration obtained from those accidents sometime occured more than four years ago, lack of precision. Among the main factors having contributed to the accidents of the artisanal sector in the sub-region, we obtained by decreasing order: The wind with 153 cases. The waves with 185 cases. The Innatention, 66 cases. Engine failure, 35 cases. Overload of the boats, 33 cases. Disorientation, 26 cases. Fog, 23 cases. Panic, 23 cases.

Various factors contributed to the accidents, however, it was observed that about 32 %of the disasters are due to negligence of the users.

Among the boats surveyed, thoses with length comprised inbetween 12 and 22 meters are the most concerned, with 274 units being the victim of an accident. Data analysis revealed that for the totality of the boats included in the survey, more than 72 % are motorised units, using occasionally paddles and/or sail as auxiliary means of propulsion. Nevertheless, generally speaking, where the engine is the main means of propulsion, it is common to see small canoes going fishing without emergency sail and without any paddle on board. A long term work must be considered throughout sensitizationfield work for safety at sea. A programme for training of trainers in safety at sea matters within the Direction of Fisheries of the countries concerned appears as a priority.

Technical Document IDAF N° 71 lntroducti

To benefit from more information on the causes of accidents in the artisanal fisheries sector, and the consequences at sub-regional level,a survey has been carried out between 1992 and 1994 on the main causes and contributing factors to these accidents for the coast of seven countries such: Mauritania, Senegal, Cape Verde, The Gambia, Guinea - Bissau, Guinea and Sierra Leone. The investigations were carried out by the Departments of Fisheries, National Projects, and Qualified Organizations in the respective countries. The IDAF Programme offered some technical assistance in preparing the Data sheets and their subsequent analysis. This has resulted in a Data base which could be used by competent authorities, scientists, consultants and all those dealing with the destiny of the operators in the marine artisanal marine sector.

2. General context

Because of the depletion of the marine resources in coastal areas, the fishermen of several developing countries have to diversify their activities by extending their navigation range,and therefore sail further offshore. They are now travelling to a considerable distance from their fishing base, even if they sometime follow the coastline, to search for more productive fishing grounds.Their canoes are overloaded by more and more voluminous fishing gears. This enable them to catch the same quantity of fish that was obtainable in coastal areas decades ago.

These operations ( including the canoes carrying passengers, and goods) are perilous and are followed by unpleasant connected effects at several levels.

The result is a heavy burden each year for the fishermen and transporters. The accidents recur because of neglect or unconsciousness of the real danger that is always present during a fishing or transport operation.

Futhermore, in the countries concerned, national legislations are often too elementary for safety at sea matters related to small fishing canoes.

O bjectiv

Taking into consideration the infoiiiiation collected in the seven countries mentionned above the objectives of this paper are as follows i - To clarify the general conditions in which the accidents happen ii - To supply information on the main causes of the accidents and identify the contributing factors.

Technical Document IDAF N° 71 iii - To provide data onthe losses derivated from these accidents,(number of injured, deaths, cost of the material lost, etc). iv To make available an inventory of safety equipments available on board at the moment of the accident - y - To make appropriate recommendations which could help in the orientation of a future sub -regional project for artisanal safety at sea.

4. Methodology

This document presents the results of a survey on accidents that occured along the West African coast, from Mauritania to Sierra-Leone, between 1991 and 1994.It takes into account the record of 518 cases of accidents declared by the fishermen to the investigators during this field work. It is hoped that this preliminary work may open the way for other similar research in the near future.

Field work The field work was entirely carried oui by Officers of the Departments of Fisheries and othersrele vani Services concerned with safety at sea.

Access to information Access to the information was done by meeting.the fishermen at villages and landing points level. ( Some fishermen being at sea), the Chiefs of the villages and/or boat owners were also interviewed.. Chiefs of Stations of the Directions of Fisheries participated also for a complement of information as and when necessary. it was noted that the precision of the information collected decreased for the accidents occured several years ago.

The questionnaire The field work of the survey was carried out by the mean of a standard questionnaire which was first elaborated by DIPA-GANT (former IDAF antenna based in ), for the survey in Guinea. For Senegal, the questionnaire has been modified according tofield experiences in Guinea, with the participation of the Guinean officer responsible of the Safety at sea project, (CECI, funded by ), cooperating with IDAF. The actual version has been reviewed and corrected during the workshop on safety at sea held in from 26 to 28 September 1994, where all the participants contributed to the elaboration. The same questionnaire is now utilised for simiolar surveys in six countries of central africa members of IDAF; Cameroon, Sao-Tomé & prioncipe, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, ZaIre and Angola. ( See annexe 1). To facilitate the task of field officers, the questionnaire wasprepared into three versions : english, french and portuguese. It is now distributed to all IDAF countries, for the nationals to be able to carry out the survey by themselves. As a result, they may include this work as a sustainable activity within each Department of Fisheries and other responsible organization concerned by safety at sea.

2 Technical Document IDAF N° 71 Data analysis The data collected was sent to IDAF for analysis. The software used for analysis and table preparation were Statgraphics and Excel 5.

Preparation of a software for data collected, in Dbase III To permit IDAF member countries to stock and analyse by themselves the results of the surveys, as well as update the information annually, a software in Dbase III (P.C. compatible) has been prepared at IDAF H.Q. in three laguages ; english, french and portuguese. It will be sent progressively to the Directions of Fisheries concerned.


Mauri- Senegal % Gambia % Guinea' ?/e Guinea % 'Sierra 'Cape ' % +tanja Bssau L. Verde 1,9: 23 4 43,0 1.'t 3 3,4 0.0 4 13 86 4 4.6 0.0 19 o 6 oQ 30,8 50 33.1 13 14,9 0.0 60 7 24 276 2 2,5

1 1M 8 ______4 2 4.6 3 10,8 1ffluf w!g_ o oo i ,5 0 0.0 0 0,0 Disorientation 0 0.'o 2 6,5 3 1,1 0.0 Panic 46 6 6,9 Fight o 00 2 1.3 0 0.0 0M Carelessessness 2 3.5 49 0 0,0 4,6 2 r 2.3 0M Discord 0 g 0 0M i 0,0

4 0M I 0 0M 26 3 5,8 7 4,6 7 8M 4'25,0 Total 53 IO 185 O4 77 100 52 80G 151 100 100 6

NOTE : For Cape Verde the information available at IDAF H.Q is insuficient.

The information in table I sums up contributing factors to the different cases of the accidentsIt is revealed that

The wind was responsible for 153 cases of accidents recorded in a four years period for the seven countries concerned.

The waves caused 185 accidents, that surpassed the numbers for all the others causes.

Negligence provoked 66 cases in accidents on the same period.

Disorientation (26 cases) and fog (23 cases) also caused a large part of the accidents.

Engine failure (35 cases) is an important factor which must be taken into consideration in the future.

Technical Document IDAF N° 71 3 he anic provoked 23 accidents.

he accidents caused by overloading were noted in 33 cases.

Various factors contributed to the accidents. However, about 32 % of the accidents are due to the negligence of the fishermen.


6.1. Characteristicsofthe affected boats.

Table 2 gives an idea of the length range of the boats we observed to have been involved in more accidents. Among the boats mentioned in thissurvey, those with a length of between 12 and 22 metres paid the heaviest price to the sea with a total of 274 units involved in an accident. This represent 53.20% of the 515 cases recorded. This result is followed by the units with a length of 3 to 12 metres, being 161 of the cases of accidents or 3 1,26 % of the total. Finally, the canoes with a length of more than 22 meters, to which is added the canoes recorded as without specified lenght accounted for 50 cases observed or 9,71% of the total. On the whole, 90,68 °/ are fishing canoes, against only 3,30 % of these units used for transportation.

Table 2. SIZE OF ENQUIRED BOATS PER COUNTRY ACCORDING TO THE ACTIVITY SénégalT ¡t G. Bissau fiI O 19 15 26$3 O 58,33 g 33 4 39,29 0

2 0 31 1 0 5 0 22 244: 0 7 0 3 0 58 3 t- 22,5 o 134 4,17 o 3;57 15 - 18 m 0 24 0 0 0 45 -ta I204'78 O O 10 L7 18 - 22 m 4 - i 0 37 - 4 4,17 0

II1IdI 0 o O o o ¡ 244 0 i7 Unspecified O 14 1 12,06 Total/type 31 0 139 38 22 197 40 12

NOTE : For Cape Verde data is not available at IDAF H. Q.

4 Technical Document IDAF N° 71 6.2. Mode ofpropulsion of the afftcted boats.

Considering the data given in table 3, it is observed that a lithe more than 72 % of the boats are motorised, using occasionally paddles and/or sail as auxiliary means of propulsion. At the moment of the survey, less than IO % of these boats were using paddles as propulsion means. Sail and paddles were used together by 5,9 % of the units covered in the data collection.. (However, in some countries, the irregular availability of fuel imply that fishermen occasionally use mixed propulsion means (sail and engine) to be able to save fuel. Nevertheless, generally speaking even when the engine is used as the main propulsion system, it is common to see small canoes going to sea without emergency sail and sometime even without any paddle on board. However, even when we know the importance of having on board at least a pair of paddle, (most of all on board small fishing units and transport canoes), itis astonishingto observe users unconsciousness being of their own security, considering the dramatic consequences which may occur in case of engine failure.

A long term work is to be considered for a sensitization campaign for safety at sea

NOTE : With respect to the propulsion means, the results obtained are meant to compare only the rate of motorization with other means of propulsion of the units recorded Therefore, the figures didn't reflect the real level of motorization of a particular fleet in a given country, nor of the seven countries concerned by this paper.

Table 3: MODE OF PROPULSION OF THE AFFECTED BOATS. Mauritania Senegal Gambia Guinea % Guinea Sierra-% Bissau L. Paddle ______0 0 10 4L7is g 15 4E,$

Sail O 2 0 0 4 1.7 1 0 Sail +paddles Engine 27 L3I . 35

Engine ± sail o O Engine ± paddles .. 2 ,1

Engine ± sail + O O O O O paddles Upecified Total -- :6 NOTE : For CaDe Verde data available does not include cronuls-ion ys t em. For Mauritania and Senegal data are not detailed enough.

6.3. Engine power.

The outboard engines are the major means of propulsion means applied by artisanal units. The survey revealed that the power of these engines varies between 5 to 40 horse power. One engine of 165 H.P. and one of 200 H.P. were recorded,but they are exceptions. ( The field officers recorded two shipwreck of longliners which were difficult to classify into artisanal or semi-industrial fisheries) The 40 H.P out board motors. are the most used representing more than 29 % of the engines recorded in this study..

Technical Document IDAF N° 7 1 5 They are followed by the 15 H.P out board motors which represent a little more than 13 % of the total. The recorded 25 H.P. out bord motors represent with slightly more than 10 % of the total.



20 3

10,9 32

2 87

Unspecifi ,3 105 ed

NOTE : For Cape Verde, data is not available at IDAF H.Q.

Life duration: It is believed that lifespan varies from one country to another. According to the degree of use and maintenance, one engine can run (globally speaking from two to six years).. The survey couldn't determine precìsely the ìnfluence of the age of the engines. However, it is believed that the limited availability of spares sparts in some countries, the fall of engines at sea, the limited maintenance, often by lack of training of the users accelerate the deterioration.. The whole parameters mentioned here can influence greatly the durability of the mode of propulsion.

6.4, Luminosity and accidents.

Referring to the 'luminosity' factor, the information collected during this exercise revealed that a large pat-t of the accidents occured while the boat was fishing in day light conditions. Looking at table 5, we note that the accidents occured with different conditions of luminosity. This enable one to observe the position of the boat at the moment of the event.


Position Sene9al ambla G. Bssau Guinea S. Leone of the boat L P L P 0 LP 0 L O L

At the pier Q o 13 19 21 o

Running 10 23 11 10

Fishing 34 2046 19 18 41 Anchored alloio_ Total 48 2 15

Legend L= Light, O. = Obscurity, P. = Penumbra.

6 Technical Document IDAF N° 71 data are insuficient at IIDAF H.Q. for Mauritania and Cape VerdeO

As regards luminosity factors, it is observed that 125 cases of accidents occured in period of day light, that is 31,6 % of the total accidents analysed.

For accidents in period of shadowy light, 206 cases were noted representing 52,02 % of the accidents in question.

Finally, the accidents caused by penumbra (just before sunrise or at sunset), when the visibility decreases drastically, were recorded as 78 , being19,7 % of the total.

Considering the same problems according to the position of the boat at the moment of the accident, (moored, alongside the pier, running, fishing etc), it can be noted that 224 cases of accidents occured while the boat was fishing, or in 56,57 % of the cases.

Following this, are accidents while the boat is running, 100 cases or 25,25% of total. Then, cases of at the pier! beach, 67 accidents or 19,92 %. Finally, S cases were recorded while the boat was moored or 1,26 %. of the cases.

It seems therefore that the luminosity factor, although playing an important role in the accidents; cannot be explained by itself via the extent of the phenomena.

While the boat is fishing 'at night, we note U2 cases of accidents, and when the boat is fishing 'on day light' we note 65 cases of accidents A complementary survey will be needed to ascertain the existing lacuna for this particular subject.

One should keep in mind that the lack of visibility is a relatively important factor, addressing the imperative need to have on board a light visible from all direction enabling one, to identify the boat's position, even for a very small crafl.

6.5.Sea conditions and accidents.

Table 6 shows that whatever the area or the position of the boat, the sea condition influence greatly the accidents. We observe effectively that when the sea is choppy and has large waves, 64 % of the accidents happen against 3 5,34 % when the sea is calm and smooth.

It is convenient to recall that when the sea is rough, an important number of boats do not go out to fish. This, however, doesn't limit the number of accidents for the period, and that confirms also, probably, the lack of stability and fragility of the canoes used in most of the cases.


Mauritania SeneaI Gambia G. Bissau Guinea S. Leone Sea conditions

At the pier O


Anchored O


Legend C. = Calme smooth, CH. = Choppy sea, L. = Large waves. Number of accidents by calm smooth :loo By choppy sea: 62 By large waves: 121 Total registered : 283.

6.6.Meteorological conditions and accidents.

A total of 185 accidents occured because of the wind, the fog and the rain,as presented clearly in table 7 The wind drastically influence the number of accidents with 102 cases recorded or 97,61%. The fog is also responsible for 21 cases of accidents, or 13,85 %. While raining,, 17 accidents occured, or 11,54 % of the total. 72 cases of accidents occured while the boat is running, and 94 cases while the boat is fishing, mainly because of the wind.


Atthe pier 2 2 0 o O 2 1 o

Running 11 8 0 8 17 4

Fishing 10 14 i: 2 7 14 a 5

Anchored o o 2 O o o 1

Total 23 1 24 2 17 1 33 I o Legend : W. = Wind.F. = Fog. R = Rain. NOTE : For the seven countries, total accidents due to the wind : 97 to the fog : 18 to the rain :15. For Senegal, data is not available.

8 Technical Document IDAF N° 71 6.7. Damages

From table 8, 518 cases of accidents were declared in a period of four years for the seven countries concerned .These accidents caused the death of 340 persons. The number of injured was 285


Mauritania Senegal Gambia G. Bissau Guinea S. Leone Cape verdeTotal US.$ () 1991-1994 1991 - 1994 1991 - 1994 1991 - 1994 1989 . 1994 1987 - 1994 1990 . 1994 Number of accidents 31 141 41 24 225 56 - 518 declared

Number of42 11 10 9 68 103 42 285 injured

340 Number of50 50 57 6 110 67 - death

Costs of material lost585245 234,453 40,407 27,370 285,729 78,245 - 1, 261. 449 inUS$. (* ) The information at IDAF H.Q. is insuficient.

6.8. Cost of material damages.

Due to the fact that the information collected did not permit a detailed analysis of the costs element by element, table 8 gives nevetheless an idea of the importance of the costs by country. The amount of the e losses recorded represent 1,261.449 U.S.dollars; showing clearly that the financial loss suffered each year by the operators in the artisanal sector merita particular attention.

6.9. Comments on the safety equipments on board.

Nevertheless, taking into consideration the length of the boat and the volume of the boat, and the very limited free space on board(especially on dugout canoes), It is believed that the great majority was not having this material on board.. In fact, very oflen the free available spaceon small canoes is so reduced that it is given priority for stocking the fishing gears first. Data collected for the subject are in most of the cases insuficient, and therefore did not permit one to draw any sound conclusion on the basic safety material present on board, nor on the utilisation of such a material and if it was frmnctionning well or not. However, for information, the detail of the material, which are supposed to be on board is presented in tables n° 2 -3- 4.

Technical Document IDA.F N° 71 Table 9 Percentage of boats where this material was on board. Present on board? MauritaniaSenegalGambiaeG. Bissau Guinea S. Leone % % % % % Life jacket 6,45 1,47 17,01 25 2 23,21 Paddies/oars o 66,67 63,4 95,83 98 75 Bamboo o 7,09 3 1,71 95,83 65 39,28 Scoop o 60,99 19,51 o 90 5 1,79 Sail o 3,55 4,88 16,67 10 19,64 Tool box 35,48 22,7 4,88 20,83 5 42,86 Emergency engine 28,71 11,35 o 16,67 4 1,79 Emergency fuel 90,32 22,7 4,88 12,5 60 14,29 Ring buoy 16,13 3,55 O 8,33 O 8,93 Navigation lights 6,45 5,67 o 37,5 o 1,79 Radar reflector 3,23 1,41 o O o o Marker buoys for O 9,22 17,07 O 65 21,43 Fishing gears Flare up light 6,45 2,84 o o o O Hand torch 93,55 48,23 69,4 1 O 34 23,2 1 Compass 45 11,35 2,44 O 1,79 Radio marine 16 0,71 o O O 1,79 transceiver First aid kit 3,23 4,26 4,88 12,5 7 o Drinking water 9,68 34,75 18,7 8 83,33 95 67,86 Food provisions 100 16,31 41,46 o 75 42,86 Extinguisher 0,3 0,71 o 0,17 0,7 O Caulking material 9,68 5,67 o 54,17 ) 16,07 Others o 7,09 o O 12 o NOiE : For cape verde, data not available at IDAF H.Q.

Table 10 Percentage of boats having tried out the material present on board.

Did you tried it ? MauritaniaSenegalGambia G. Bissau Guinea Sierra. L. % % % Life jacket loo 100 I 00 2 66,67 Paddle bars 50 93,93 20 76 boo 33,33 10 90 72,2 Scoop 10 o o 70 71,4 Sail 50 o 5 40 Tool box o 33,33 9,1 Emergency engine o 33,33 4 o Emergency fuel o 50 6 33,3 Ring buoy O o o I 00 Navigation light o O O I 00 Radar reflector 00 O O o Marker buoy for fishing o O 20 O gear flare up light o o 3 66,7 Hand torch 50 o 12 i 00 Compass O O O o Radio marine O O O O transceiver First aid kit O o 6 IO Drinldng water O 28,57 49 O Food provisions o o 60 O Extinguisher o O 5 o Caulking material O O 12 o Others O O 25 O NOTA :For Mauritania and Senegal, data collected are insuficient. For Cape Verde data is not available at IDAF H.Q.

10 Technical Document IDAF N° 71 Table il Percentage of boats where the users could reach the material present on board.

Could you reach it? MauritaniaSenegalGambia G. Bissau Guinea Sierra. L.

Life jacket 50 50 28,57 50 1 69,23 Paddles/oars 0 21,28 23,08 65,22 12 59,52 Bamboo 0 30 23,08 43 75 81,8 Scoop 0 11,63 0 49 54 96,6 Sail 0 0 100 0 1 45,5 Toolbox 100 3,12 0 2,5 0 45,8

Eniergency engine 100 43,75 0 60 1 100 Emergency fuel 96,43 31,25 0 75,5 3 37,5 Ring buoy 80 0 0 66,67 0 100 navigation light 100 25 0 50 0 100 Radar reflector 100 0 0 33,33 0 0 Marker buoy for fishing 0 23,08 0 0 15 25 gear Flare up light ' 100 0 0 0 3 0 Hand torch 96,55 32,35 23,08 0 6 46,2 Compass 92,86 6,25 0 0 0 lOO Radio marine receiver 100 0 0 0 0 100 First aid kit 100 0 33,33 0 2 0 Drinking water 96,77 14,29 10 35 18 52,6 Food provisions 96,77 13,04 11,76 0 49 37,5

Extinguisher 100 0 0 100 1 0 Caulking material 0 12,5 0 23,08 3 7,8 Others 0 50 0 0 9 0 NOTE : For Cape verde, data not available at IDAF H.Q.

7. Main causes of the accidents.

If the circumstances are identified, we can therefore determine what are the main causes of these accidents See table 12.

Table 12. MAIN CAUSES OF ACCIDENTS H'4 THE ARTISANAL SECTOR OF THE SUB-REGION ' Mauri- % Sene- Gambi 'O G % Guinea ' Sierra % Cape tania gal a Bissau Leone verde

ca .sizin 23 18x7 . 57 j 26, 28 36,4 oundin o 16 74- 6 3 27,3 Boarding o o Collision o o Dragging of 42 194 o nets Entangi. of4 2,7 29 l$ I 't, 35 '6j 2 3Q o o Fishing. gears

Fire on board 2,1 o 4 , o 4 36,4 Fire, canoe on the beach o 2,7 o 0 4 7,5 : o Explosion 1 Q I O Q. o Fall o Zr? 10 6+7 5 5,4 12 82 O O n unes o o Q o o Piracy 3'3 o o Q 0 00 Others Z7 12 8O 24,3 0 Q o o

Boat capsizing is an important cause of accident. As a result, the survey recorded 158 cases of capsizing distributed in seven countries for a period of four years.( or an average of almost 6 capsizing per country per year)..

Technical Document IDAF N° 71 11 In Senegal, Guinea, Sierra-Leone and The Gambia, 'dragging of nets' is an important cause of accident Table 10 reveals that 112 cases of 'dragging of nets' were recorded valid for a period of four years by the present mission for the seven countries concerned by this survey. Grounding due to unfavourable meteorological conditions, and / or lack of atention or lack of knowledge of the area was recorded in 31 cases. Entanglement of fishing gears sometimes causing the capsizing, of the boat or loss of fishing material was recorded in 68 cases.

Fall on board was recorded as an important cause of accidents with 35 cases. Fire on boars, 17 cases, and explosions 4 cases,are factorsto take seriously into consideration within the approach of the safety at sea problems. Table 12 show also that fire while the canoe is still on the beach and the injuries on board, explain a large part of the accidents. We will note that(the injuries, 9 cases ; and the fire while the canoe is still on the beach, 17 cases) underline the lack of attention of the fishermen for the basic safety precaution to be observed while filling up the fuel tank. (Fishermen smoking close to leaking tank, thus provoking an explosion, without having of course any extinguisher on board or nearby). Piracy was also cited in 5 cases. A complementarysurvey will probably help to discover much more cases of capsizing for which no any declaration reached the authorities.

8. Conclusions

The availability or unavailability at local level of some materials, and / or the limited distribution of some products related to safety at sea for artisanal operators explain in parte the presente situation. It is evident that the general economic conditions of the operators of this sector didn't allow them to equipt their canoes with the most elementary safety material.

In the meantime, we must consider the ignorance of the users, their lack of appropriate information about safety at sea. These are so many elements which will have to be taken into consideration by competent services with the aim of limiting the accidents at sea, and sometimes ashore, by trying to prevent themselves against the main causes.

All of this for a better well being and a greater safety within the excersise of those professions oriented toward the sea which ensure them of an income, but also take an important place in the supply of proteins to a big portion of the population.

] 2 Technical Document IDAF N° 71 9. Recommendations.

i) The general conditions in which most of the accidents occured demonstrate the magnitude of the problems asociated with safety at sea along all the West African coast and the urgence of starting a long term work on training/sensitization from part of the competent authorities..

To approach the problems of safety at sea in an efficent manner,it will be convenient to train Fisheries Field Officers, who will be able to later transfer their training to the fishermen for implementation of a minimum of safety conditions on board.

A progranime for training of trainers on safety at sea matters appears thereforeto be a priority.

At Department ofFisheries level itwill be convenient to investigate on the eventual possibilities of locally making a minimum of material for safety/security such as life jackets, ring buoys, etc.

The training and/or the participation at training courses or improvment courses for marine carpenters for improvment of traditionalcanoes should be taken into consideration.

(y) The training and organization of a group of fishermen in first aid work at village level, will be appreciated by the communities concerned..

(vi) Data collection on accidents at sea should be done annually, the findings analysed and published in such a manner as to control the evolution of the situation and eventually to take appropriate measures if necessary.

Technical Document IDAF N° 71 13


I. Documents techniques / Technica' documents

De Graauw, M.A., Etude de préfactibilité technique de l'aménagement d'abris pour la pêche maritime 1985 artisanale au Bénin. Cotonou, Projet DIPA. 55p., DIPAIWP/1. Black Michaud, ML, Mission d'identification des communautés littorales de pêcheurs artisans au 1985 Bénin. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 24p., DIPAiWP/2. Gulbrandsen, O.A., Preliminary account of attempts to introduce alternative types of small craft into 1985 West Africa. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 5lp., IDAF/WP/3. Guibrandsen, OEA., Un compte-rendu préliminaire sur les tentatives d'introduire des types alternatifs 1985 de petites embarcations en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 53p., DIPA9ATP/3. Jorion, P.J.M., The influence of socio-economic and cultural structures on small-scale coastal fishe- 1985 ries development m Bénrn. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 59p., IDAF/WP/4. Jorion, P.J.M., L'influence des structures socio-économiques sur le développement des pêches artisa- 1985 nales sur les côtes du Bénin. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 59p., DIPAIWP/4. Tandberg, A., Preliminary assessment of the nutritional situation of subsistence fishermen's families. 1986 Cotonou, IDAF Project, 3ip., IDAF/WP/5. Wijkstrom, O., Recyclage des personnels pêche en gestion et comptabilité. Cotonou, Projet DIPA 196 25p., DIPA/WPI6. Collart, A., Development planningforsmall-scale fisheriesin West Africa, practical and socio- 1986 economic aspects of fish production and processing. Cotonou, IDAF Project34p. IDAF/WP/7. Collart, A., Planification du développement des pêches artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest; production 1986 et traitement du poisson, ses aspects matériels,techniques et socio-économiques. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 67p., DIPA/WP/7. Van der Meeren, A.J.L., Socio-economic aspects of integrated fisheries development in rural fishing 1986 villages. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 29p., IDAF/WP/8. Haling, L.J., et O. Wijkstrom, Les disponibilités en matériel pour la pêche artisanale. Cotonou, Pro- 1986 jet DIPA, 47p., DIPA/WP/9. Akester, S.J., Design and trial of sailing rigs for artisanal fisheries of Sierra Leone. Cotonou, IDAF 1986 Project, 3lp., IDAFIWP/1O. Vétillart, R., Rapport détude préliminane sur l'aménagement d'un abri pour la pêche maritime attisa- 1986 nale à Cotonou. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 3lp., DIPA/WP/1 I. Van Hoof, L., Small-scale fish production and marketing in Shenge, Sierra Leone. Cotonou, IDAF 1986 Project, 36p., IDAF/WP/12. Everett, GV., An outlineof West Africansmall-scalefisheries. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 32p., 1986 IDAF/WP/l3.

Anon., Report of the second IDAF liaison officers meeting; , Sierra Leone (11-14 No- 1987 vember 1986). Cotonou, IDAF Project, 66p., IDAF/WP!15. Anon., Compte-rendu de la deuxième réunion des officiers de liaison du DIPA. Cotonou, Projet 1987 DIPA, 27p., DIPA/WP/16. Campbell, R.J., Report of the preparatory techmcal meeting on propulsion in fishing canoes in West 1987 Afnca (Freetown, 15-18 November 1986). Cotonou. IDAF Project, 88p., IDAF/WP/l7. Davy, D.B., Seamanship, Sailing and Motorisation. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 85p., IDAF/WP/18. 1987 Anum-Doyi, B., and J. Wood, Observations on fishing methods in West Africa. Cotonon, IDAF Pro- 1988 ject, 53p., IDAF11WP/19. Anon., Report of the third IDAF liaison officers meeting (Cotonou, 2- 4 December 1987). Cotonou, 1988 IDAF Project, 88p., IDAFIWP/20. Anon., Compte-rendu de lairoisième réunion des officiers de liaison du DFPA (2-4 Décembre 1987). 1988 Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 85p., DIPA/WP/20. Haakonsen, J.M. (Ed.) Recent developments of the artisanal fisheries in Ghana. Cotonou, IDAF Pro- 1988 ject, 69p., IDAF/WP/21. Everett, GV., West African marine artisanal fisheries. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 4lp., IDAF/WP/22. 1988 Everett, G.V., Les pêches maritimes artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 44p., 1988 DIPAJWP/22. Coackley, A.D.R., Observations on small fishing craft development in West Africa.Cotonou, IDAF 1989 Project, 22p., IDAF/WP/23. Zinsou, J. et W. Wentholt, Guide pratique pour la construction et l'introduction du fumoir "chorkor". 1989 Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 33p., DIPA/WP/24. Zinsou, J. and W. Wentholt, A practical guide to the construction and introduction of the chorkor 1989 smoker. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 29p., IDAF/WP/24. Chauveau, J.P., F. Verdeaux, E. Charles-Dominique et J.M. Haakonsen, Bibliographie sur les corn- 1989 munautés de pêcheurs d'Afrique de l'Ouest - Bibliography on the fishing communities m West-Africa. Cotonou, Projet DIPA - IDAF Project, 220p., DIPA-IDAFIWPI25. Everett, GV., Small-scale fisheries development issues in West Africa. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 1989 47p., IDAF/WP/26. Everett, GV., Problèmes de développement de la pêche artisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cotonou, 1989 Projet DIPA, 49p., DIPA/WP126. Haakonsen, JM., et W. Wentholt, La pêche lacustreau Gabon. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 36p., 1989 DIPAJWP/27 Anon., Report of the ad hoc technical meeting on artisanal fisheries craft, propulsion, gear and secu- 1990 nty in the IDAF region; Cotonou, 25 - 26 September 1989. Cotonou, IDAF Project, lllp., IDAF/WP/28. Anon.,Report of the fourth IDAF liaisonofficersmeeting (, 21 - 23 November 1989). 1990 Cotonou, IDAF Project, l35p., IDAFIWP/29. Anon., Compte-rendu de la quatrième réunion des officiers de liaison du DIPA. Cotonou, Projet 1990 DIPA, 12lp.,IIPAIWP/29. Houndékon, B. R., D. E. Tempehnan and A. M. IJff, Report of round table meeting on women's 1990 activities and community development m artisanal fisheries (projects) in West Africa. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 12p. + annexes, IDAF/WP/30. Houndékon, BR., D.E. Tempelman et A.M. IJff, Rapport du séminaire sur les activités féminines 1990 et le développement communautaire dans les prqjets de pêches artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, l4p. + annexes, DIPAIWP/30. 11ff, AM., Socio-economic conditions in Nigerian fishing communities. Based on studies along the 1990 Benin and 1mo river estuaries. Cotonou, IDAF Project, ll3p., IDAFIWP/31. Okpanefe, MO., A. Abiodun and J.M. Haakonsen, The fishing communities of the Benin River es- 1991 tuary area: Results from a village survey in Bendel State, Nigeria. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 75p., IDAF/WIP/32. Anon., Compte-rendu du cours "Analyse Quantitative des Aspects Sélectionnés de Développement". 1991 Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 6 + xlvi p., DIPA/WP/33. Anon., Report of the course on "Quantitative Analysis of Selected Aspects ofFisheries Develop- 1991 ment". Cotonou, IDAF Project, 6 + xlv p., IDAF/WP/33. Callerhoim Cassel, E., Cost and Earnrns and Credit Studies on Ghanaian Canoe Fisheries. Cotonou, 1991 IDAF Project, 38p., IDAF/WP134. Sheves, G.T., The Ghanaian due-out canoe and the canoe carving industry in Ghana. Cotonou, IDAF 1991 Project, iO9p., IDAF/WP/35. Haakonsen, J. M. and Chimère Diaw, Fisheiuten'sMigrations inWest Africa.Cotonou, IDAF 1991 Project, 293p., IDAF/WP/36. Haakonsen, J.M. et Chimère Diaw, Migration des Pêcheurs en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cotonou, Projet 1991 DIPA, 332p., DIPA/WP/36. Guibrandsen, O.A., Canoes in Ghana. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 82p., IDAF/WP/37. 1991 Anon., Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Report of the Fifth IDAF Liaison Officers Meeting. 1991 Cotonou, IDAF Project, MOp., IDAF/WP138. Anon., Les pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest, Compte-rendu de la Cinquième réunion des 1991 Officiers de Liaison du DIPA. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, l22p., DIPA/WP/38. Beare, R.J. and P. Tanimomo, Purse seine and encircling net fishing operations in Senegal, Guinea, 1991 Sierra Leone, Ghana and Bemn. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 92.p., IDAF/WP/39. Everett, GV, and G.T. Sheves, Recent trends in artisanal fisheries and report on alternatives to ca- 1991 noes. Cotonou, IDAF project, 13p., IDAF/WP/40. Callerhoim Casse!, E. and A.M. Jallow, Report of a socio-economic survey of the artisana! fisheries 1991 along the atlantic coast in The Gambia. Cotonou, IDAF project, 97p., IDAF/WP/4 1. Chimère Diaw, M. et Jan M. Haakonsen, Rapport du séminaire sur !esmigrations de pêcheurs 1992 artisans en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cotonou, projet DIPA, 36p., DIPA/WP142. Chimère Diaw, M. and Jan M. Haakonsen, Report on the regional seminar on artisanal fisheiiiien's 1992 migrations in West Africa. Cotonou, IDAF project, 35p., IDAF/WP/42. Houndékon, B. et L. Affoyon, Rapport du séminaire-atelier de sensibilisation sur la méthode accélérée 1993 de recherche participative tenu à Gabon en Novembre 1992. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 56p., OIPA/WP/43. Anon., Rapport de la sixième réunion des fonctionnaires de liaison Banjul, Gambie I- 5 février 1993. 1993 Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 57p., DIPA!WP/44. Anon., Report of the sixth IDAF liaison officers meeting Banjul, Gambia 1- 5 February 1993. Coto- 1993 nou, IDAF Project, 60 p., IDAF/WP/44. Horemans, B. and B. Satia (eds), Report of the Workshop on Fisherfolk Organisations in West Africa. 1993 Cotonou, IDAF Project, 93p., IDAF/WP/45. Horemans, B. et B. Satia (éds), Rapport de l'atelier sur les organisations de pêcheurs en Afrique de 1993 l'Ouest. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, lO2p., DIPAIWP/45. Kébé, M., Gallène J.et Thiam D.- Revuesectorielle de la pêche artisanaleen Guinée Bissau. 1993 Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Peches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA), 32p. + annexes, DIPAIWP/46. Kébé, M., Gallène J. et Thiam D.- Revista sectorial da pesca artesanal na Guiné-Bissau Prorama de 1993 Desenvolvimento Integrado das Pescas Artesanais na Africa Ocidental. Cotonou DA, 32p. + anexos DIPAIWP/46 Horemans B., - La situation de la pêche artisanale en Afrique de POuest en1992.Cotonou. i 993 Pro u amme . our le Dévelo s s ement [nté.é des Pêches Artisanales en Afri i, ue de l'Ouest, 36p., DIP '/47. Kébé, M., Njock J. C. et Gallène J.- Revuesectorielle de lapêchemaritime auCameroun. 1993 Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA), 3Op. + annexes, DIPAIWP/48. Kébé, M., Njock, J.C. and Gallène, J. R., Sectoral review of marine artisanal fishery in Cameroon. 1993 Cotonou, IDAF Project 33p., IDAF/WP/48 Anon., Report of the Workiig Group on Artisanal Fisheries Statistics for the Western , 1993 Nigena and Cameroon. Cotonou, IDAF Project, l26p., IDAFIWP/49 Satia, B.P., Ten years of Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa (Origin, 1993 Evolution and Lessons Learned). Cotonou, IDAF Project, 37p., IDAF/WP/50 Satia, B.P., Dix ans de développement intégré des pêches artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (Origine, 1993 évolution et leçons appnses). Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 4lp., DIPAIWP/50. Stokholm, H. and Isebor C., The fishery of Ilisha africana in the coastal waters of Republic of Benin 1993 and Lagos State, Nigeria. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 81p., IDAF/WP/51. Anon., - Report of the Seventh IDAF Liaison Officers Meeting Cotonou, Benin, 22-24 November 1993 1993, Cotonou, IDAF Project, '72.p., IDAF/W'P/52. Anon., - Rapport de la Septième Réunion des Fonctionnaires de Liaison, Cotonou, Bénin, 22-24 1993 novembre 1993. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, '77p., DIPA/WP/52. B.P. Satia and B. Horemans editors, Workshop on Conflicts in Coastal Fisheries in west Africa, 1993 Cotonou, Benin, 24-26 November 1993. Cotonou, IDAF Project 64p., IDAF/WP/53. B.P. Satia et B. Horemans (éds), Atelier sur les Conflits dans les Pêcheries Côtières en Afrique de 1993 l'Ouest, Cotonou, Bénin, 24-26 novembre 1993. Cotonou, Projet DIPA 68p., DIPA/WP/53. Horemans, B., The situation of artisanalfisheries in West Africa in 1993. Programme for the 1994 Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Cotonou, Benin 39p., IDAE/WP/5 4. Horemans B., La situation de la pêche artisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest en 1993. Cotonou Programme 1994 ..urle Dévelos:.ement Intéu é des Pêches Artisanales en Afri.ue de l'Ouest DIPA,4Op. + annexes, DI'AIWP/54. Horemans, B., J; Gallène et J.C. Njock,- Revue sectorielle de la pêche artisanale à Sao Tomé et 1994 Principe. Prop amme sour le Dévelos sement Inté: é des Pêches Artisanales en Afn.ue de l'Ouest (DIPA), 3 ip. + annexes, D 'AIWP/55. Horemans, B., J. Gallène e J.-C. Njock, - Revista sectorial da pesca artesanal,a São Tomé e Principe 1994 Programa de Desenvolvimento Integrado das Pescas Artes anais na Afnca Ocidental (DIPA). 32p. + anexos, DIPA/WP/55. Jul-Larsen, E., Migrant FishermeninPointe-Noire(Congo):ContinuityandContinuous 1994 Change. Cotonou, Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, 5lp., IDAF/WP/56.

Jul-Larsen,E.,Pêcheurs migrants à Pointe-Noire (Congo): Continuitéet Changement 1994 Perpétuel. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 59p., DIPA/WP/56. Satia, B. P., and Hansen, L. S.,SustainabilityofDevelopmentandManagementActionsin 1994 Two Community Fisheries Centres in The Gambia. Cotonou, 1DAF Project, 48p., IDAF/WP/57. Satia, B. P., et Hansen L.S.,La durabilitédesactionsde développement et de gestion dans 1994 deux centres communautaires en Ganibie.Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 5Op., DIPA!WP/57. Ute Heinbuch, Animal Protein Sources for Rural and Urban Populations in Ghana. Cotonou, IDAF 1994 Project, 25p. + annex, IDAF/WP158 Johnson J.P and Joachim Alpha Touré, Accidental Death and Destruction in Artisanal Canoes: A 1994 retrospective study of the years 1989-1991 along the coast of Guinea (Conakry) West Africa. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 2ip., IDAF/WP/59 Joimson J.P. et Joachim Alpha Touré, Mort Accidentelle et Destruction des Pirogues Artisanales: Une 1994 étude rétrospective des années 1989-1991 sur le littoral guméen (Conakry) - Afrique de l'Ouest. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 2lp., DIPAi'WP159 Katlijn Demuynck, and DETMAC Associates, The Participatory Rapid Appraisal on perceptions arid 1994 practices of fisherfolk on fishery resource managementinan artisanal fishing community m Carneroon. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 32p., IDAF/WP/60. Katlijn Demuynck, et les associés de DETMAC, Méthode Accélérée de Recherche Participative sur les I 995 perceptions et pratiques des pêcheurs en matière de gestion des ressources halieutiques dans une communauté de pêche au Cameroun. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 33p. DIPA/WP/60 B.P. Satia,J.P. Gallène, and F. Houéhou, Sub-regional Workshop on Artisanal Safety at Sea. Banjul, 1994 The Gambia 26-28 September 1994. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 57p., IDAF/WP/61

B.P. Satia,J. P. Gallène, F. Houéhou, Rapport del'ateliersous-régionalsurlaSécuritéen 1994 Mer de la pêche artisanale. Banjul, Gambie 26-28 septembre 1994. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 6lp. DIPA/WP/61 Bert Kamphorst, A socio-economic study on the distribution and marketing pattern of marine fish 1994 products in the Ndian division, South West Province, Republic of Cameroon. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 4lp., IDAF/WP/62 Bert Kamphorst, Etude socio-économique du mode de distribution et de commercialisation des produits 1994 halieutiques du département de Ndian, Province du Sud-Ouest, République du Carneroun Pro: amme sour le Dévelos sement Inté: é des Pêches Artisanales en Afrisue de l'Ouest (DI IA), 42p. DIPAIWP/62 Ute Heinbuch, Population and Development in Fishing Communities: The challenge ahead. Cotonou, 1994 IDAF Project, Sip., IDAF/WP/63 Anon., Report of the Eighth IDAF Liaison Officers Meeting. Pointe-Noire, Congo, 03-04 November 1994 1994. Cotonou, Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, 97p., IDAF/WP/64. Anon., Rapport de la Huitième Réunion des Fonctionnaires de Liaison, du DIPA. Pointe-Noire, Congo, 1994 03-04 novembre 1994. Cotonou, Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest, l02p., DIPAIWPI64

Horemans, B.,Kébé, M., and W. Odoi-Akersie, Working Group on capital needs and availability in artisanal 1994 fisheries methodology and lessons learned from case studies. Cotonou, IDAF Project 62p., IDAF/WP/65 Horemans, B.Kébé, M., et W. Odoi-Akersie, Groupe de travail sur les besoins et la disponibilité en 1994 capital en pêche artisanale: méthodologie et leçons apprises des études de cas. Cotonou, Benin, Programme pour le Développement Integré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA), 62p., DIPAIWPI65 Teutscher F., Tall A., and Jallow AM., Workshop on Seeking Improvements in Fish Technology in West 1995 Africa. Pointe-Noire, Congo, 7-9 November 1994. Cotonou, Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, 75p., IDAF/WP/66. Teutscher F., Tall A., et Jallow AM., Rapport de l'Atelier sur le thème "A la Recherche des Améliorations 1995 en Technologie du Poisson en Afrique de l'Ouest". Pointe-Noire, Congo, 7-9 novembre 1994. Cotonou, Programme pour le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de ['Ouest, 82p., DIPA/WP166. Kamphorst, B., A cost and earnings study at Cotonou harbour, Benin, for 1994. Cotonou, Programme for the 1995 Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa. 42p., IDAF/WP/67 Kamphorst, B., Etude de Coûts et Revenus au port de pêche de Cotonou, Pros amme sour le Dévelo. .ement 1995 Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en AfriQue de l'Ouest, 45p., DIPA P167.. Kamphorst, B., et Teixeira, M., Caractéristiques socio-économiques de la pêche à Sao Tomé et Principe. 1995 Programme pous le Développçment Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest, Cotonou, Projet DIPA, 3lp. DIPAIWPI68, Kamphorst, B., e Teixeira, M., Caractensticas socio-económicas da pesca artesanal maritima em São Tomé 1995 e Principe Programa de Desenvolvimento Integrado das Pescas Artesanais na Africa Ocidental. Cotonou DIPA, 28p., IDAF/WP/68 Horemans, B., La situation de la pêche artisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest en 1994. Cotonou, Programme pour 1995 le Développement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA), 4Op. DIPAJWP/69. Kébé, M., J-C. Njock, et J. Gallène, Reveue sectorielle de la pêche artisanale maritime du Congo. Cotonou, 1995 Pro' amme sour le Dévelos sement Inté. e des Pêches Artisanales en Aflusue de l'Ouest (D1'A) 37p., DIPAIWP/70. Gallène, J.P., Data Compendium on Safety at Sea for Seven West African Countries. Mauritania, Senegal, 1995 The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra-Leone and Cape Verde 1991 - 1994. Cotonou, Programme for integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, l3p., IDAF/WP/7 1 Gallène, iP., Compendium des Données sur la Sécurité en Mer dans Sept Pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest: 1995 Mauritarne, Sénégal, Gambie, Gumée-Bissau, Guinée, Sierra-Leone et Cap Vert 1991 - 1994. Cotonou, Pro amme .our le Dévelos sement Intégré des Pêches Artisanales en Afnque de l'Ouest, bp., DIP '/71

II. Manuels de terrain / Field Manuals

Johnson, J.P. et M.P. Wilkie, Pour un développement intégré des pêches artisanales; du bon usage 1988 de participation et de la planification. Cotonou, Projet DIPA, l57p. + annexes, Manuel de Terrain N 1, Meynall, P.J., J.P. Johnson, and M.P. Wilkie, Guide for planning monitoring and evaluation in fishe- 1988 ries development units. Cotonou, IDAF Project, 1 l6p., IDAF Field Manual N° 2.

IDAF Newsletter / La Lettre du DIPA

IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, /Octobre 1985, 4 p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, January/Janvier 1986, 14 p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, June/Juin 1986, 40 p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA,4/5, Sept./Dec. 1986, 76 p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, September 1987, 58 p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, June/Jum 1988, 84 p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, June/Juin 1989, 74 p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, October/Octobre 1989, 84 p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, AugustlAoût 1990, 84 p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, January/Janvier 1991, 6 p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, ApnuIAvril 1991,8 p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, July/Juillet 1991, 6 p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, October/January 1992, 12 p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, September/Septembre 1992, 85p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, December/Décembre 1992, 3 ip. IDAF NewsletterlLettre du DIPA, March/Mars 1993, 39p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, June/Juin 1993, 38p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, September/Septembre 1993, 32p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, December/Décembre 1993, 28p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, March/Mars 1994, 32p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, June/Juin 1994, 32p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, September/Septembre 1994, 52.p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, December/Décembre 1994, 36p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, March/Mars 1995 32p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, June/Juin 1995 32.p. IDAF Newsletter/Lettre du DIPA, September/Septembre 1995 4Op. IV. Documents de travail du Projet Modèle, Bénin / Working papers of the Model Project, Benin

Coackley, A.D.R., Report on installation of a diesel inboard motorina Ghana canoe. Cotonou, Mo- 1988 dei Project, 7p. + annexes, PMB/WP/1 (En). Coackley, A.D.R., Installation d'un moteur diesel "inboard" dans une pirogue ghanéenne. Cotonou, 1988 Projet Modèle, 9p. + annexe, PMB/WP/l (Fr). Zannou, L.H., Etudes tecbnico-économques des fours améliorées pour le fumage de poisson en 1988 République Populaire du Bénm Cotonou, Projet Modèle, 8p. + 6 tableaux, PMB/WP/2. Atti-Mama, C., et M. Raïs, Etude démographique des communautés cibles du projet Modèle Bénin. 1988 Cotonou, Projet Modèle, 20p. + 10 annexes, PMB/WPI3. Jorion, P., Non-monetaiy distribution of fish as food in Beninois small-scale fishing villages and its 1988 importance for auto-consumption. Cotonou, Model Project, 26p., PMB/WP/4. Tanimorno, P. F., Catalogue des engins deêche maritime artisanale du Benin.Cotonou,Projet 1989 Modèle, 46p. + 3 annexes, PMB/WP/4, PMB/WP/5. Tanimomo, P.F., Rapport de consultation sur la formation des jeunes pêcheurs de I'IJNICOOPEMA 1989 à Lomé. Cotonou, Projet Modèle, l7p. + 6 annexes, PMB/WPI6. Atti Mama, C., Impact socio-économique de la piste Pahou-Kpota. Cotonou, Projet Modèle, lOp. 1989 + 3 annexes, PMB/WPI7. Ahouanmènou, C., C. AUj-Marna, B. Houndékon, D. Tempelman et D. Turcotte, Animation, gestion 1989 et planification, séance de travail avec les agents de terrain. Cotonou, Projet Modèle, l42p. + annexes, PMB/WP/8. Atti-Mama, C., D. Turcotte, et W. Wentholt, Evaluation interne des activités du projet modèle Bénin 1989 dans le secteur de Ouidah. Cotonou, Projet Modèle, 36p. + 7 annexes, PMB/WP/9. Tempe lman,D., The participatory approach in an integrated artisanal fisheries project; structuring 198 community development - womens activities. Cotonou, Model Project, 43p., PMB/WP/ 10. Landiy, J.,Cours d'alphabétisationfonctionnelle encalcul.Cotonou,Projet Modèle, 59p. + 3 1989 annexes PMB/WP/1 1. Landry, J., and D. Tempelman, Functional , Training Guide for a numeracy course. Cotonou, 1989 Model Project, 55p. + 3 annexes, PMB/WP/l 1. Atti-Mama, C., Systèmes traditionnels et modernes d'épargne et de créditen milieu pêcheur au Bénin. 1990 Cotonou, Projet Modèle, 4lp. + annexes, PMB/WP/l2. Sènouvo, P., Statistiques de pêches des villages du Projet Modèle Année 1987. Cotonou, Projet Mo- 1990 dèle,3p., PMB/WP/13. Sheves, G. T., P. T. Holler and P. F. Tanimomo, Report on demonstration with echo-sounders, 1990 compas ses and multimono gillnets in Ghana. Cotonou, Model Project, 22p., PMB/WP/ 14. Coackley, A.D.R., and G.T. Sheves, A review of the experimental introduction of diesel inboard 1990 motors to Ghana canoes. Cotonou, Model Project, 4lp., PMB/WP/l5. IJff, A.M. et D.E. Tempelman, Etude sur les relations entre les captures de poisson et l'état nutri 1990 tionnel des communautés de pêcheurs dans la provmce du Mono, au Bénin. Cotonou, Projet Modèle, 27p., PMB/WP/16. Sènouvo, A.P. et A.A. Gbaguidi, Recueil des données statistiques des pêches maritimes au Bénin 1990 Période de 1984 à 1989. Cotonou, Projet Modèle, 134p., PMB/WP/17. Houndékon, BR., Initiative locale et développement: Expérience des communautés de pêcheurs 1990 marins du Bénin. Cotonou, Projet Modèle, 17p., PMBIWP/18. Le Gurun, J.F., La section de technique des pêches Cotonou, Projet Modèle, 43p., PMB/WP/19. 1991 FAO/Government Cooperative Programme, Integrated Development of Small-Scale Fisheries in West 1991 Africa, Model Project Benin, Project findings and recommendations. FAO, Rome, FI: GCP/RAF/1 98/DEN Termmal Report, 34p. Programme de Coopération FAO/Gouvemements, Développement Intégré de la pêche artisanale en 1991 Afrique de UOuest, Projet Modèle Bénin, Conclusions et recommandations du Projet. FAO, Rome, FI:GCP/RAF/198/DEN Rapport terminal, 4Op.