John Lonergan | 288 pages | 07 Apr 2011 | Penguin Books Ltd | 9780718191474 | English | London, United Kingdom California Governor

Public Events. Year in Review. Chief of Staff. Secretary of the Commonwealth. Secretary of Administration. Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry. Secretary of Commerce and Trade. Secretary of Education. Secretary of Finance. Secretary of Health and Human Resources. Secretary of Natural Resources. Emma Bell Amy was heading to college with her older sister Andrea during the outbreak. Andrea Laurie Holden Andrea was an attorney, on road trip with her sister Amy when the apocalypse occurred. Bob Stookey Lawrence Gilliard Jr. Bob has secrets. He is fighting his own demons, and struggles to control them. Chandler Riggs Carl was forced to grow up fast in this post-apocalyptic world, and as a result he became the natural-born leader that he is today. Connie Lauren Ridloff Connie is a stealth fighter and remains ever dedicated to protecting her sister. Tovah Feldshuh Deana has always been a formidable, respected and influential leader. Josh McDermitt in love with Rosita, Eugene is once again the odd man out in vying for her affection and attention behind Gabriel, with whom she is in a relationship, and Siddiq, the father of her child. Gareth Andrew J. West Gareth is a pragmatic leader at Terminus, a dangerous man with secrets. Hershel is a veterinarian who offers the survivors medical expertise and sage wisdom. Jessie Anderson Alexandra Breckenridge Jessie is an extremely resilient person, and will stop at nothing to protect her children. Sasha Sonequa Martin-Green Sasha struggled with her past traumas, flirting with self-destruction and came out the other side alive. Scott M. Tara Chambler Alanna Masterson Never one to hide from a fight or a good joke in the time of need, Tara is finding more strength and security in her own voice. Chad L. Coleman Tyreese struggles to abide on higher ground while bearing witness to continued human suffering and vast devastation. Yumiko Eleanor Matsuura Yumiko respects and upholds the wartime rules the communities have in place to protect themselves from the Whisperers. Select your provider. All rights reserved. Issues Budget. Safe Communities. Efficient Government. Upcoming Meetings Thursday, October 29, Upcoming Events. Read more about Upcoming Events. Healthiest Next Generation initiative. Read more about Healthiest Next Generation initiative. Community leaders kick off year-long census efforts. Read more about Community leaders kick off year-long census efforts. State will expand unemployment benefits to federal employees. Read more about State will expand unemployment benefits to federal employees. Inslee and Raimondo op-ed in Newsweek. Jay Inslee and Gov. Read more about Govs. Inslee statement in response to the U. Read more about Inslee statement in response to the U. Inslee issues executive order to state agencies to evaluate risk management, commit to loss prevention. Read more about Inslee issues executive order to state agencies to evaluate risk management, commit to loss prevention. Case closed: Hanford cleanup ruling ups accountability for feds. Read more about Case closed: Hanford cleanup ruling ups accountability for feds. State of Emergency Rain Storms. Read more about State of Emergency Rain Storms. State of Emergency Rain Storms - Extended. Jay Inslee's statement regarding end of federal government shutdown. Office of the Governor

Learn more about the Governor. California for All. Tweets by CAGovernor. Visit Newsroom. First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom. On the retreat back to Woodbury, the Governor flies into a rage, screaming at his soldiers for their cowardice and eventually slaughtering them all. Having lost his army, the Governor drives off with Martinez and Shumpert — his only remaining acolytes. They eventually abandon him, so he returns to Woodbury, burns it to the ground, and then wanders for months. Using the name Brian, the Governor eventually befriends a family — sisters Lilly and Tara; their father David; and Lilly's daughter, Meghan, whom the Governor bonds with, in part, due to her resemblance to Penny. When David dies from lung cancer, the Governor swiftly bludgeons him before he can reanimate, terrifying Meghan. The Governor decides to leave, but Lilly insists he take them along. They quickly begin a romantic relationship on the road. The Governor eventually runs into Martinez, who allows the Governor and Lilly's family to join his new camp. Desperate to keep Meghan safe, the Governor secretly kills Martinez and takes over the camp, insisting they need a stronger leader. He fortifies the camp but realizes they ultimately need a more secure location. While the Governor is scouting the prison, he stumbles upon Hershel and in the forest. He kidnaps them and convinces the people in Martinez' camp to attack. His plan to trade Hershel and Michonne for the prison goes awry and the Governor beheads Hershel, sparking an all- out battle. In the midst of the fight, Lilly walks up to the Governor carrying Meghan's corpse — she was bitten by a walker at their camp. The Governor shoots Meghan in the head and orders his army to "Kill them all. The two pummel each other and the Governor is about to choke Rick to death when Michonne suddenly plunges her sword through his chest. The Governor is bleeding to death in the yard when Lilly approaches, gun drawn. She aims at the Governor's head and fires. David Morrissey is a versatile actor, having performed in an eclectic range of productions for film, television and stage. His stage work has included a number of productions with the Royal Shakespeare Company and the National, and he has worked with highly regarded stage directors, including Adrian Noble, Deborah Warner and Declan Donnellan. The Walking Dead The Governor The Governor is the charismatic leader of Woodbury, a seemingly utopian community that's barricaded behind walls. Tyreese Williams ' group is soon brought in by a returning Milton, and the Governor learns that they has just visited the prison. Tyreese says that he can describe the prison's layout for them, but the Governor tells him and his group to just rest for the night and they'll talk about this later. At night, Andrea returns and informs the Governor that she went to the prison, they are broken and living in horrible conditions, she also informs that Merle and Michonne are living there too. The Governor tells Andrea that she came back because Woodbury is where she belongs, they end up sleeping together. While the Governor is sleeping, Andrea gets up without him noticing and holds a knife over his bedside, contemplating 's plan to sleep with the Governor and kill him while his guard is down. Andrea cannot go through with it, so she puts the knife away and peers out the window. a meeting being set up by Andrea, the Governor finally meets Rick face to face in an abandoned farm store. As noticing that Rick carries his gun in hand, the Governor mocks him by pretending that he surrenders himself, "We got a lot to talk about", he says. He removes his belt with his pistol and calmly sits on a chair, he invites Rick to do the same, but Rick just holsters his gun and still stands. Unknown to Rick, the Governor has a taped a gun under his side of the table. Andrea storms into the barn complaining that the Governor started the meeting without her, Rick says that he knows everything about the Governor, about the raids, the heads in fish tanks and that he attempted to rape Maggie. The Governor asks Rick for his offer, which is setting boundaries in the area: Woodbury takes west of the river, prison takes east. The Governor refuses the offer; he wants Rick to surrender. As the situation starts to get out of control, Andrea interferes telling both men to calm down. The Governor asks her to leave him and Rick to discuss this privately. As Andrea leaves the barn, Martinez who is waiting with Milton outside closes the door. The Governor and Rick start to insult one another about their respective positions as leaders, but incredibly they show some amount of respect for each other. Even though, Rick calls him a town drunk for killing Axel and running down the Prison's gates. The Governor asks if Rick ever misjudged someone, and says that he knows about the possibility of Judith being someone else 's daughter. He says that if he just leaves Rick's group alone, his people are going to think he is weak. The Governor shares a story about the day his wife died, he was at work when he received a call from the hospital telling him that she died in a car accident. She left a message to him earlier telling him to call her back, but he never managed to do so, "What did she want? Rick remembers about Lori and becomes visibly rattled, The Governor smirks. He gets up and tells Rick that this fight will go down to the last man, but there is a way out: he promises not to do anything to his group if Rick gives up Michonne. Rick is not sure about giving up Michonne, he doesn't trust that The Governor will keep his word about leaving them alone. The Governor gives Rick two days to think about the offer, saying that he'll be back in this farm store by noon. Upon arriving, The Governor instantly pulls Martinez aside and orders him to prepare an ambush on Rick's group in the next meeting, he wants everyone dead, except Michonne. Milton hears the conversation and complains about breaking the offer. The Governor simply tells Milton that they would have to get rid of Rick sooner or later anyway, on the way back to his apartment, he thanks Andrea for setting up the meeting, without her acknowledge of his true intentions to kill Rick and everybody from her former group. The Governor is inside a torture room hidden somewhere in Woodbury This place is believed to be the "screamer pits". He tests the resistance of the chains that once held Michonne's pet walkers, with a sadistic smile on his face. After a while, he is seen laying out tools beside a dentist chair, he looks back and notices that Milton is watching and approaches him. Milton tries to convince The Governor that he doesn't need to take revenge on Michonne, that he can simply forget all of this and move on, leaving the prison group alone. The Governor says that this is something he has to do, and asks Milton if he truly believes that walkers actually have something left from their old beings inside them, Milton says that he believes, but Penny is already dead, it's time to move on. The Governor refuses and says that he is going to do this. He later returns to the room with more tools and a recorder, he tests the recorder without knowing that Andrea and Milton were watching him the whole time from a window. He is later seen walking down the street when he notices that Martinez is confiscating Andrea's weapons, he tells Andrea that is just for precaution, and says that he wants her to come with them the next day, when they close their deal with Rick and the prison group. Andrea says she will and then walks off. The Governor is then reported by Tyreese and Sasha that Andrea jumped over the fortified wall and escaped Woodbury. Tyreese says that Andrea looked pretty disturbed with the town and is concerned about what this is about. The Governor lies, saying that Andrea has mental issues for spending the whole winter alone in the outside world. After the meeting, Milton approaches The Governor and implores to let Andrea go. The Governor realizes that Milton told her about the Michonne deal and she is going back to the prison to warn everybody, he gets in his car and leaves Woodbury to go after Andrea. While driving down a road, he spots Andrea walking through a field and follows her, Andrea panics and run inside a forest to avoid being followed. As the night falls, The Governor manages to find Andrea once again, she runs inside an abandoned warehouse, he leaves his car and follows her inside. The Governor listen to Andrea's footsteps, he starts mind games, trying to scare Andrea into revealing her location. The Governor grabs a shovel and start breaking windows and spreading glass inside the warehouse, so he will be able to listen Andrea if she walks over the pieces of broken glass. He continues with the mind games when he listens to a noise, while investigating, he discovers three walkers wandering inside the place, and kills all of them easily. He then starts bashing one of the walkers head with the shovel. He listen another strange noise and follows it, finally finding Andrea as she stands in front of an old door. He fights the walkers with the shovel, a piece of metal, and empties his gun on them, Andrea escapes the warehouse as The Governor is cornered by many walkers. By the morning, Andrea finally reaches the prison. She notices Rick in a guard tower and tries to wave so he can see her. But The Governor returns after surviving the walkers in the warehouse and tackles Andrea to the ground, Rick fails to spot them and The Governor drags Andrea away. The Governor returns to Woodbury, Martinez approaches him and asks about Andrea, he says that she is still missing. Martinez also reports that somebody burned down the walkers they captured, and is suspicious that Tyreese is responsible. The Governor talks to Tyreese and his group, explaining that they use the walkers as a scare tactic and were never intended to kill people. Tyreese apologizes for being difficult. The Governor asks where Tyreese found the gasoline. The Governor says it's nothing and leaves. On his way out, Milton asks if The Governor found Andrea, he says that he didn't, but he will look again in the next day. The Governor and his men are waiting for Rick's arrival at the farm store, preparing to ambush Rick as soon as he shows up. But instead, a car playing loud music suddenly drives alone into the place, attracting many walkers and forcing the Woodbury soldiers to defend themselves. Unknown to them, Merle planned this to take out The Governor while the others were distracted killing the walkers. As Merle had his cross-hair pointed right at The Governor, Ben unintentionally walks in the way and gets shot instead, saving The Governor's life and revealing Merle's location. Woodbury soldiers start to kick Merle in the ground, The Governor orders them to back off, saying that he is going to take care of Merle himself. The Governor drags Merle back into the farm store where he was hiding and starts kicking and punching him. Merle tries to fight back, but to no avail. The Governor starts choking Merle and bites off two of his fingers, before breaking his bayonet arm and finally pinning Merle against a wall. The Governor has Milton tied up to a pipe in the shacks and beats him, blaming him for the death of his men at the hands of Merle , since Milton burned up the walkers they had gathered, which they otherwise could have released on the Prison. The Governor begins to berate Milton, and tells him to be stronger. When Milton asks about Andrea's whereabouts, he takes Milton to the room where he has Andrea held in, and orders him to kill her in order to get out of the situation Before leaving the room, The Governor says: "In this life , you kill or you die He then goes outside, where the Woodbury Army is waiting for him. He reminds them that Rick's group were responsible for the death of eight Woodbury defenders, and they will not stop until they are all eliminated. Tyreese and Sasha inform him that they are not going to attack the prison, since someone needs to stay and defend the townspeople. The Governor gives Tyreese an sniper rifle and coldly thanks him, he then gets in his car and the army moves out to attack the prison. They arrive there exploding the guard towers, shooting all the barricades and running down the courtyard gate, but the prison seems to be empty, and The Governor decides to move inside. They enter Cell Block C and find out that the place is also empty, The Governor notices a bible left on the table, he then hears a strange noise coming from the dark corridors, he decides to split the army in teams to search the corridors. While doing so, they are suddenly attacked by flash grenades and walkers, everyone starts panicking and The Governor tries to calm them down, as they are running outside, Glenn and Maggie start shooting at them from the catwalk, telling them to leave the prison. Martinez and Allen agree with him, but the rest of the army refuse to attack the prison again, since they are scared and want to return to the safety of Woodbury. The Governor loses his sanity and starts shooting everyone to the ground. Martinez and Shumpert watch horrified as The Governor shows no remorse whatsoever after killing 23 of his own people, including Allen. The Governor gets back in his truck with Martinez and Shumpert and they drive off to an unknown location. The Governor appears in the very end of this episode, secretly watching over the prison from a distance. Following the massacre of the Woodbury Army, The Governor, Martinez and Shumpert camp at the site where they also massacred the National Guard soldiers. Growing wary of The Governor's mental state, Martinez and Shumpert decide to abandon him during the night. In the morning, The Governor wakes up and realizes that he was left behind to die, he then steals the remaining National Guard truck and returns to Woodbury to burn the city to the ground out of anger. He then spends several months surviving on his own, one day, he comes across a building with several messages and names written on them, one of which is Brian Heriot. After arriving in a town, The Governor is weakened and falls to the ground. This leads him to spot a young girl peering at him from a window and he decides to enter the house, finding a family who, at first, warily hold him at gunpoint, but then welcome him into their . The Chambler sisters, Lilly and Tara , take all of The Governor's weapons and question him about where he came from and what are his intentions. The Governor fakes his name, saying that he is Brian Heriot. He also informs the sisters that he was living in a town, it was safe, until the man in charge "lost it. After doing this favor, David asks Brian a favor: to grab a backgammon set from an apartment upstairs. Brian does so and the Chambler family thanks him for it. By the morning, Lilly stops by the apartment she let Philip stay in. She reveals that her father's oxygen tank is almost in the end, so he will need a new tank soon. The Governor offers himself to go out and search for some oxygen tanks in a nursing home. The Governor manages to collect two oxygen tanks in the nursing home, but barely manages to escape alive. After arriving back at the apartment, Lilly offers to treat his injuries with the assistance of her young daughter, Meghan. Lilly leaves the room to collect more medical supplies and Philip ends up bonding with Meghan about their injuries -- The Governor's eye and Meghan's hurt finger. During his time at the apartment, Philip befriends the Chambler's and slowly begins socializing. One day, as he is teaching Meghan how to play chess, David passes away because of his cancer. Unknown to the Chambler sisters that a person who dies reanimates no matter what, The Governor tries to rush both of them out of the bedroom, but not in time. David reanimates and nearly bites Tara before Philip ironically puts him down with his own oxygen tank. After burying David, The Governor realizes that he doesn't want to care about people again like he cared for his daughter and decides to leave. Lilly spots Philip leaving and convinces him to take her and her family with him. They take David's truck and drive off. During their time on the road, Philip and Lilly share a night of passion. After spending some days on the road, the truck breaks down and forced the small group to continue their journey for a safe heaven on foot. They are eventually attacked by a small herd of walkers, Philip rescues Meghan and manages to run off with her to a safe field, but they end up falling inside a pit full of walkers just like the ones he used in Woodbury. In order to protect Meghan, The Governor kills all the walkers inside the pit with his bare hands and then swears that he is never going to let anything happen to Meghan. When looking up, Philip realizes that Martinez was watching them inside the pit the whole time. Martinez helps Philip and Meghan out of the pit, as the Chamblers call him "Brian," Martinez realizes what is going on and allows them to join his group as long as they don't question his leadership. One day, Philip and Meghan are playing chess and they have a conversation about whether they are bad people or not, which makes Philip think about all that he has done in the past and how he's been trying to redeem himself. Later, he agrees to go on a supply run with Martinez and two of his men, Pete and Mitch. They come across a abandoned house in the woods and kill all the walkers inside, one of the walkers that Philip kills is a young boy. They decide to the night in the house, drinking beer that Mitch found stashed in the kitchen. Pete questions what The Governor did to survive the apocalypse until this point, and he dodges the question simply saying that he survived and makes the same question to both Pete and Mitch. They reveal that they were both serving the military, Mitch escaped with his tank and formed the camp, Pete was in Fort Benning , but soon left the place to join his brother. Upon returning to the camp, Martinez invites Philip to play golf with him like they used to do back in Woodbury. As they are playing, both men drink alcohol and start to get drunk, Martinez reveals that Shumpert was never the same after what happened with the rest of the Woodbury citizens, he died after being bitten by a walker and Martinez himself had to put him down. Martinez also comments that he's willing to share leadership responsibilities and offers to split them with Philip. Angry and drunk, The Governor hits Martinez with the golf clubs in the back of the head, he then drags Martinez to one of the walker pits and throws him in to be devoured while screaming that he doesn't want to be the leader again. Following this, The Governor is seen shaking inside his trailer over how he killed Martinez. In the next morning, Pete announces that Martinez was found dead inside one of the walker pits, they assume that he was drunk while playing golf and fell in. Pete names himself the leader of the group until they can properly vote on the matter. Philip is asked to join Pete and Mitch on a supply run where they come across a small group of people that set up a camp just a few miles away from their camp, Mitch believes that they should attack and steal their supplies, but Pete says that they shouldn't kill other people over supplies and they continue to search, ignoring the camp. They eventually fail to find any food, on the way back, they realize that someone attacked the camp that they passed by and stole all of their supplies. An angered Mitch kills one old man that barely survived the attack and Pete says that they should've helped him instead of killing him. Philip realizes that Pete is a terrible leader, as soon as they return to the camp, he waits until dawn to escape the camp with Lilly, Meghan, Tara and Tara's girlfriend, Alisha. They get in a car and start driving down the road, but soon they come across a swarm of walkers stuck in mud blocking their path and are forced to return to the camp. The next day, The Governor goes to Pete's trailer and says that he wants to talk about Mitch. When he is inside Pete's home, he proceeds to stab Pete in the back with a knife and then chokes him to death. Right after, he goes to Mitch's trailer and forces his way in at gunpoint. He orders Mitch to sit down and reveals that he killed Pete and now he is assuming the leadership. Mitch asks if Philip came to kill him too, but The Governor reveals that Mitch was right about attacking the other camp the day before, Pete was a bad leader and would lead them to death. Philip wants Mitch to be his right hand man and never to question his leadership, Mitch accepts it. To cover Pete's death, they throw his body into a lake and fake a story how Pete died heroically during a supply run. The Governor is seen marking a map when Lilly comes by. When asked, Philip says that they need to move to a more secure location, but Lilly believes that their current location is safe enough. Philip's leadership is doing good for the group for some weeks, his relationship with Lilly is going well, until a walker gets in the camp and nearly kills Meghan. The Governor realizes that no matter how much they work on security, the camp will never be safe enough to keep his new family safe. There is only one place that is secured in this area of . He gets in a truck and drives back to the prison and The Governor's story finally catches up with the present storyline, where he is secretly watching the prison from a distance. As he investigates the area, he comes across Michonne and Hershel burning a pile of dead walkers. The Governor pulls out his gun and prepares to attack. The Governor sneaks on Michonne and Hershel and hides behind a tree. He manages to knock Michonne out and holds Hershel at gunpoint, forcing Hershel to surrender. Later on, Philip is back at the camp and gathers his people around, saying that he has to convince them to do something. He reveals to have captured Hershel and Michonne and explains that the people who attacked his old camp are currently living in a prison. The place is fenced and safe from walkers, but the people who live there don't deserve that courtesy. He lies by saying that Rick's group attacked his old camp, burned everything to the ground, mutilated him and killed his daughter. His plan is to use Hershel and Michonne to force Rick and his people to leave the prison, he intends to do it without dropping blood on the ground, without shooting a gun. Everyone seem to agree with The Governor. After the speech, he is approached by Lilly, she questions him if they are going to kill the people in the prison, but The Governor explains that the prison group are the true killers. Lilly disapproves his idea; her opinion of "Brian" seems to have changed. Philip goes into the hostages' RV to give Hershel and Michonne some food. Hershel tries to convince Philip that they can sort this out without using violence, that if he promises to stay in line, Rick will understand it and will let them live at the prison. Philip explains that they can't live together, as he wouldn't get along with Rick and Michonne. Hershel asks him how he can threaten someone else's daughters, if he once had one himself. They drive one of the trailers to a river, where The Governor asks Lilly to stay with Meghan until he and the rest capture the prison. Lilly questions Philip's actions once again, but The Governor promises that everything is going to be fine and that he loves both her and Meghan. He then approaches Meghan as she is playing in the mud and says goodbye, promising that he will be back by the end of the day. The Governor and his militia arrive at the prison, Mitch is driving his tank, and he announces their presence by blasting one of the guard towers. The Governor climbs the tank and calls Rick out. From the courtyard of the prison, Rick and his people gather to see what's happening, he says that he is not the leader anymore, there is a council commanding the prison. The Governor asks if Hershel and Michonne are in the council, the two are brought out of and put on their knees in front of the tank. Rick leaves the courtyard, crossing the prison's yard to talk with Philip from the other side of the fence. Rick is willing to be captured himself if The Governor lets Hershel and Michonne go, but The Governor says that the only thing he wants is the prison, he gives Rick until sunset to make his decision. Despite Rick trying to convince him that they could live together, The Governor responds with "It could work, but it can't". Rick then gives a speech about how people can come back from what they were, that they can put Woodbury and their confrontation all behind, that people can change. However, the speech seem to have no effect on The Governor, as he calls Rick a liar and proceeds to partially decapitate Hershel with Michonne's sword, much to Maggie and Beth's horror. This then causes Rick to open fire at The Governor angrily. Philip is hit in the arm and runs to a safe spot. The two groups start to fire on each other and the war officially begins. The Governor spots Hershel, still alive, attempting to crawl away to safety. Philip grabs him and utterly decapitates him. Right after this, The Governor realizes that Lilly was there watching everything. She is carrying the corpse of Meghan, who was bitten by a walker. The Governor remains silent, he shoots the little girl in the head to prevent reanimation and walks back to the battle like nothing important happened. This cold hearted action leaves Lilly in shock. The Governor then orders his militia to take the fences down and destroy the prison group, ordering them to "Kill Them All". Mitch drives the tank over the prison fences and the militia invades the yard. The Governor advances behind the tank and takes cover behind a bus. Just as he is about to follow his people inside the courtyard, he is tackled by Rick. The two engage in a fist fight, in which The Governor gains the upper hand after beating Rick while pinning him down. Just as he is about to kill Rick by strangling him, Michonne sneaks up behind The Governor and stabs him through the back with her reclaimed sword. She decides to leave him to die slowly and painfully. Later, however, a disgusted Lilly approaches the dying Philip and shoots him in the head with his own gun, ending his life and avenging all the deaths he had caused. The Governor reappears in this episode as one of the people Tyreese hallucinates of after being bitten by a walker. He acts aggressive towards Tyreese due to the fact that Tyreese didn't earn his keep to phase Philip. However, she decides not to put him down and leaves him to die in agony. Later, Lilly finds The Governor lying on the ground, mortally wounded from being stabbed by Michonne. Lilly shoots him in the head, finishing him off. Philip clearly loved his daughter very much and no doubt protected her strongly once the apocalypse broke out. After Penny was infected, died and turned into a walker, Philip was no doubt devastated and refused to put her down, possibly hoping one day a cure could be found for her. It is hinted that the Governor blamed himself for Penny's death to a degree as he to Milton that had he been murderous from the very beginning she would still be alive, possibly hinting that Penny died as a result of people, not walkers. Penny played a key role in her father's mentality and actions. In "Too Far Gone", the Governor claims to have gotten over Penny's death and Michonne's killing of her, claiming he understands she was in fact dead. Milton and The Governor were very close allies. Milton revealed that he knew Philip before he became the Governor. Milton was one of The Governor's right hand men and informed The Governor of his research and anything he has figured out about the . Although he has a strong relationship with The Governor, Milton appears to be skeptical of certain choices he has made and it was shown a few times that Milton disagreed with the Governor's choice to murder other survivors. As seen in " Home ", Milton has started to become afraid of The Governor. When The Governor walked in on Milton in his lab, Milton started becoming very nervous of him as he asked Milton if he would take a bullet for him, Milton, in a scared tone, says yes, hoping The Governor would leave him alone. It appears Milton had no choice but to say yes as he knows what The Governor is capable of, showing just how dominant The Governor was over Milton, leading to a conclusion that Milton and The Governor's relationship may be forced. In " Prey ", their relationship begins to crumble when Milton betrays The Governor and informs Andrea of his true plans to kidnap and torture Michonne and kill Rick and his group. When the Governor finds out he told Andrea of his plans he becomes hostile towards him. Later, The Governor finds out Milton burned all of the walkers at the pit, furthermore making The Governor to begin to dislike Milton. In the season finale, " ", he gets brutally beaten up by The Governor for his betrayal, claiming that had he not burned the pit walkers, eight of his soldiers would not have died. The Governor giving Milton one more chance to prove his loyalty to him tells him to kill the bound Andrea, but Milton stands up to Philip and fights back, but is then stabbed by Philip who leaves his former best friend and closest associate to die and kill Andrea, showing no remorse whatsoever. While at Woodbury, the Governor and Martinez were close allies and Martinez was very loyal to him. With Merle's banishment from Woodbury, Martinez appeared to have become The Governor's new right-hand man. Martinez assisted the Governor in attacking the Prison and was shown to follow his orders without question. In " Home ", The Governor tells Milton that Caesar would take a bullet for him, showing how strong his loyalty to the Governor was. However, after the massacre of the Woodbury army by the hands of Philip himself, Caesar was seen looking in shock and fear, possibly turning his loyalty into merely a fear of Philip's wrath. After the massacre, Philip, Martinez and Shumpert spent the night at the place were they killed the national guardsmen. The following morning, Philip wakes up to find his two henchmen abandoned him. The Governor is later found by Martinez in " Live Bait " after falling into a walker pit. In " Dead Weight ", after Lilly addresses Governor as "Brian" and seeing the family he has adopted, Martinez lets Philip's group join providing that the he remembers he is in charge. After playing a little golf on top of an RV, a drunk Martinez offers to be partners with Philip to run the camp. This enrages the Governor and he hits Martinez over the head with a golf club and kicks him off the RV. Office of the Governor | Contact

Inslee statement in response to the U. Read more about Inslee statement in response to the U. Inslee issues executive order to state agencies to evaluate risk management, commit to loss prevention. Read more about Inslee issues executive order to state agencies to evaluate risk management, commit to loss prevention. Case closed: Hanford cleanup ruling ups accountability for feds. Read more about Case closed: Hanford cleanup ruling ups accountability for feds. State of Emergency Rain Storms. Read more about State of Emergency Rain Storms. State of Emergency Rain Storms - Extended. Jay Inslee's statement regarding end of federal government shutdown. Read more about Gov. Inslee launches online forum to gather input on new Results Washington initiative. Governor Inslee on Twitter. Tweets by GovInslee. Governor Inslee on Facebook. Governor Jay Inslee. Governor Inslee on Medium. Monday, October 5, - pm. Washington manufacturers and other businesses have proven they can adapt quickly, with hundreds responding to Gov. Inslee announces new standards for airports in Thursday, September 24, - pm. Airlines and airports embrace the baseline standard and expand their efforts to protect travelers and employees. Open letter to President Donald Trump on the Monday, September 14, - pm. Washington ranked 1 state to work. You can enjoy our Spring Brunch menu every day or High Tea on our rooftop on weekends from 11am. You can also dine on the rooftop on Friday, Saturday and Sunday for lunch. Please note: there is a maximum of 10 guests per booking. The safety and well-being of our customers and staff is our top priority, and we will be implementing a strict check-in process for all guests entering the venue. Click here to download or scan the QR code below. Have an idea you'd love to see us implement? All ideas that are implemented will go into a draw to win a voucher to spend in the venue of your choice! Enquire today about our Bottomless Spring Brunch! Alternate Versions. Rate This. Episode Guide. The Governor" is the riveting tale of Angela Ochello, the Deputy Governor of Savannah State, who with no governorship ambitions finds herself suddenly entangled in a web of political Added to Watchlist. Series 21st century. Share this Rating Title: The Governor — 7. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Episodes Seasons. Edit Cast Series cast summary: Caroline Chikezie Angela Ochello 13 episodes, Samuel Abiola Robinson Toju Ochello 13 episodes, Jude Chukwuka Chief Sobifa Thomson 13 episodes, Kunle Coker Senator briggs 13 episodes, Taiwo Obileye Edit Storyline The Governor" is the riveting tale of Angela Ochello, the Deputy Governor of Savannah State, who with no governorship ambitions finds herself suddenly entangled in a web of political intrigue after the untimely death of the incumbent Governor. Genres: Drama. Edit Did You Know? Trivia The scenes of the Governor's mansion were shot in an actual Senator's home in Calabar. Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report this. Add the first question. Country: Nigeria. Language: English.

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam - Governor of Virginia For an enhanced browsing experience, get the IMDb app on your smartphone or tablet. Get the IMDb app. The scenes of the Governor's mansion were shot in an actual Senator's home in Calabar. From Kiki's Delivery Service and ParaNorman to Coraline check out some of our favorite family-friendly movie picks to watch this Halloween. See the full gallery. Sign In. Samuel Abiola Robinson. Jude Chukwuka. Chief Sobifa Thomson. Kunle Coker. Taiwo Obileye. Facebook Twitter E-mail. I do not hate this show. I'm watching it all the way through because I think it's interesting to watch foreign series that give me a peak into those lives. Sign In. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Episode List. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. Episode Guide. Despite being greeted with open hostility by inmates Added to Watchlist. Top Action-Crime Drama Shows. Top 30 TV Shows of Share this Rating Title: The Governor — 7. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Episodes Seasons. Photos Add Image Add an image Do you have any images for this title? Helen Hewitt 12 episodes, Derek Martin Gary Marshall 8 episodes, Ron Donachie Russell Morgan 8 episodes, David J. Mavis O'Connell 7 episodes, Jake Abraham Brian Samora 7 episodes, Zacharee Lee Eric Haddock 7 episodes, Sophie Okonedo Moira Levitt 6 episodes, Jeremy Sheffield Doctor Thomas 6 episodes, Mal Whyte Snoopy Oswald 6 episodes, Terry O'Neill Officer Chiswick 6 episodes, Paul Kynman 1808-657.pdf