Shantou University Medical College

Student Handbook

for the

4-year English Medical Curriculum

Table of Contents

Content Pages

1. Overview of University Medical College 2 2. Mission and objectives for the 4-year English medical curriculum 3 3. Admissions criteria 3 4. Application materials 4 5. Admissions procedures 4 6. The 4-year English medical curriculum 4 7. Competency and assessment 6 8. Enrollment and attendance 9 9. Graduation requirement 9 10. Tuition fee, accommodation and other living expenses 10 11. Scholarships 10 12. Diploma 10 13. Library and information services 10 14. Student research activities 12 15. Students’ life 12 16. Contact information 14

Disclaimer The Student Handbook document is for informational use only and it does not represent official policy of the Medical College. Official policies are described in official documents of the University.

1 1. Overview of Shantou University Medical College

Founded as a comprehensive university with the approval of the State Council in 1981, Shantou University (STU) is a key university under the administration of provincial government and the “” of Ministry of Education. It is the only university in that has received continuous funding from the Li Ka Shing Foundation.

Shantou University Medical College (SUMC; is the largest college within STU. Within a few years, SUMC has grown to provide the bachelor’s, master’s (since 1993) and doctor’s (since 1998) degree programs, and postdoctoral research (since 2001) programs, meeting the needs for more systemic and well-rounded education and talent development.

SUMC insists on following the “Student Quality, Not Enrollment, -Centered Education” strategy and deepens reforms in medical education. It is the first in China to fully implement curriculum reform measures and to establish the new teaching model based on the integration of human systems. This model moves away from the traditional medical curriculum typically structured as a lineup of academic disciplines and aims to develop students’ skills through a new system-based integrated curriculum. The reform measures in course instruction promote problem-based learning and faculty-student interactions.

SUMC places priority on the international exchanges and cooperation, establishing joint projects with the well-known medical schools in the U.S., U.K., Canada, Japan, France, Australia, and within China. SUMC has co-sponsored the National Telemedicine Educational Symposium jointly with , , Cambridge University, Oxford University, University of Toronto and others for 10 consecutive years. Each year, the Symposium is aired by China Education TV to disseminate updated biomedical research to scholars in China.

SUMC has five directly affiliated hospitals and three contracted hospitals. These hospitals contain approximately 6000 beds that serve as the clinical training sites for students.

Mr. Li Ka-shing has given great attention to the significance of medical education. His inscription to SUMC says “To acquire excellent skills and highest professional ethics” and “To Serve the World with Excellent Skills, Professional Conduct, Love and Devotion”, encouraging quality education and the spirit of giving. SUMC has been operating on the principle of student-oriented and student quality-centered education. SUMC is determined to adopt the global standards for medical education, to reform the medical curriculum, and to train quality medical talents, seeking to make a giant leap of progress within a short period of time.

Supported by the Li Ka Shing Foundation and under the guidance of the Dean, SUMC has recently embarked on the development of an innovative and international English-based 4-year medical curriculum. The all English curriculum is modeled after that in the US and

2 Canada, and it is built on a strong academic and international platform. After taking two years of courses at SUMC, students will have opportunities during the 3rd and 4th year to take elective courses and clinical rotations in Canada, China and USA. Therefore, our students will gain a stimulating and rewarding experience from obtaining an outstanding medical education at SUMC while immersed in the rich Chinese culture.

2. Mission and objectives for the 4-year English medical curriculum

a. Mission

The overall mission is to have the first 4-year English medical curriculum in China at the Shantou University Medical College for the education of clinicians who will possess leading medical and international expertise to serve China and the world.

b. Objectives

 To build an outstanding English medical curriculum  To provide a stimulating educational experience  To have well-qualified faculty and clinicians to teach students  To attract outstanding students who place medical education as the highest priority  To produce clinicians with leading medical expertise for residency and for practice in North America  To enhance the overall teaching and learning environment at SUMC

3. Admissions Criteria a. Undergraduate education

Applicants should have successfully completed an accredited 4-year undergraduate university (equivalent to the US or Canadian system) with better than a 3.0 grade point average that is based on a 4-point scale. b. Courses taken must have included

 Beginning and Advanced English (6 credit hours, according to the US system)  General biology I and II (6 credit hours) and Cell biology (3 credit hours), with formal laboratory work  General chemistry I and II (6 credit hours), organic chemistry (3 credit hours) and analytical chemistry (3 credit hours), with formal laboratory work  General physics (3 credit hours), with formal laboratory work  Calculus I (3 credit hours) and statistics (3 credit hours)  Proficiency in the Chinese language (oral and written) is not a requirement

3 4. Application materials a) Recent MCAT score to be sent directly from the test center b) Transcript(s) and grade point averages to be sent directly from the University (ies). c) Letters of recommendation from the Pre-med Advisor Committee and/or Chairman of the major department, to be sent directly by them d) A complete curriculum vitae with citizenship information, corresponding address, email address and telephone number e) A statement of why the applicant desires to obtain a medical education, especially in China, and of the future plan for the career f) A statement on health status, lack of criminal records and ability to handle general daily activities g) A recent passport-size front view photograph h) A finance statement from a bank to declare financial strength in support for the 4-year education i) Application fee of US$100 payable to the Shantou University Medical College

5. Admissions procedures

a) Prospective students who are qualified will be contacted via the email system and then interviewed via the telephone b) Applicants who passed the telephone interview will be scheduled for a face-to-face interview in one of our three sites: Canada, China and USA c) Selected students will go through our admissions and enrollment process. The latter will involve assistance for visa application, housing arrangements, etc.

6. The 4-year English Medical Curriculum

a. Curriculum

Year 1

Fall (18 Weeks) Spring (18 Weeks) Total hours Structure of the Human Body (105) Structure of the Human Body (99) 204 Foundational Studies (85) Foundational Studies (137) 222 Body Homeostasis (32) Body Homeostasis (53) 85 Cardiovascular and Respiratory 91 Systems (91) Digestion and Nutrition (32) Digestion and Nutrition (42) 74 Basic Clinical Skills (54) 54 Infection and Immunity (70) Infection and Immunity (68) 138 Health and Society (68) 68 (415) (431) 846

4 Electives: Chinese 36 hours Average Class Hours per Week: 23 hours for fall, 24 hours for spring

Year 2

Fall (18 Weeks) Spring (18 Weeks) Total hours Reproduction-Sex-Growth-Development 68 (68) Disease Mechanisms (58) 58 Neuroscience (97) 97 Functional Laboratories (90) 90 Health and Society (32) 32 Basic Clinical Skills (51) Basic Clinical Skills (63) 114 Communication Skills (20) Communication Skills (20) 40 Pharmacological Treatment (28) 28 Musculoskeletal System (57) 57 Oncology (55) 55 Lifelong Learning (95) 95 Environmental Health and 48 Community Disease Prevention (48) Medical Practice in North America 48 (48) (416) (414) 830

Electives: Chinese 36 hours Average Class Hours per Week: 23 hours for fall and spring

Year 3

Fall (18 Weeks) Spring (20 Weeks) Total hours Internal Medicine (24) Internal Medicine (86) 110 Surgery (24) Surgery (80) 104 OB/GYN (24) OB/GYN (50) 74 Pediatric (20) Pediatrics (54) 74 Psychiatry (48) 48 Infectious Disease (30) 30 Dermatology and Venereology (22) 22 Emergency Medicine (22) 22 Geriatrics (18) 18 Basic Clinical Skills (52) 52 Family Medicine (30) 30

5 Scientific Research Methodology (36) 36 Otolaryngology (30) 30 Ophthalmology (30) 30 Stomatology (20) 20 Imaging and Nuclear Medicine (20) 20 Advances in Clinical Medicine (32) 32 (350) (402) 752 (not including 10-20 hrs/wk clinical observership)

Electives: Chinese 36 hrs; Traditional Chinese Medicine 48 hrs (36 hrs for lectures + 12 hrs for clinical experience); Pathogenic Biology 30 hrs; Forensics 30 hrs; Sectional Anatomy 48 hrs; Instrument Analysis 18 hrs

Year 4 (Clinical Clerkship)

Specialty Weeks Internal Medicine 12 Surgery 8 OB/GYN 6 Pediatrics 6 Neurology 4 Infectious Disease 2 Emergency Medicine 2 ICU 2 Ophthalmology/Oncology/Otolaryngology 2 Psychiatry 2 Family Medicine 2 Total 48

7. Competency and assessment a. Competency

Student competencies are the ultimate outcomes of a medical school education covering three areas: professionalism, which evaluates professional attitudes and conducts, knowledge and practical skills. SUMC has determined the following student competencies as educational outcomes based on its mission and objectives:

 Professionalism

1) Show respect and loving care to the patients; act in the best interests of the people; have the ideals to devote one’s life to improving the physical and mental health of the public; 2) Give priority to the best interests of patients; apply economic principles to health care

6 for maximal efficiency in the use of resources; 3) Uphold the standards of medical ethics; honor patients’ privacy needs and protect patients’ dignity; 4) Exhibit critical thinking and analytical capabilities to solve problems through scientific approaches; 5) Foster the spirit of innovation; strive for excellence; prepare oneself for lifelong learning; 6) Abide by the laws governing the medical practice and learn to legally protect the interests of oneself and the patients; 7) Demonstrate good communication skills and the spirit of cooperation and team work; have good relationships with patients, nurses, and others.

 Knowledge

1) Have demonstrated mastery of medicine-related mathematics, chemistry, behavioral science, humanities and social sciences, scientific methodology, normal human structures and functions in all stages of the development, the normal mental health state, the principles of health education, disease prevention and screening, the basic knowledge and methods of clinical epidemiology, the causes, risk factors, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of common and frequently occurring diseases and the basic features of traditional Chinese medicine; 2) Exhibit familiarity with national and international healthcare guidelines, policies and laws.

 Practical Skills

1) Being able to take medical case histories and to conduct physical and psychiatric examinations in a systemic and standardized manner, showing the basic clinical skills in diagnosing and treating the common and frequently occurring diseases; 2) Exhibit the abilities in clinical reasoning and differential diagnosis of diseases and pathogenesis; have demonstrated skills in dealing with the acute, difficult and severe diseases; 3) Have the biomedical laboratory skills to conduct preliminary scientific research; 4) Apply the principles of evidence-based medicine in field medical practice to improve clinical diagnosis and treatment; have the skills to formulate the diagnosis and treatment plans; 5) Demonstrate good interpersonal communication skills to establish harmonious relationships with patients and medical staff members and to promote the messages of health education publicly and effectively; 6) Show good command of English in all forms of communications and have skills in the use of computers; 7) Exhibit skills in self-directed studies which are well suited for lifelong learning

7 b. Assessment Methods

 Course Exams

Student performance in a course may be assessed by examinations (with possible scores of 0 - 100) or pass-or-fail tests. According to SUMC Examination Management Procedures, the formats for the exams may be open book exams, closed book exams, computer tests, interviews or multi-subject comprehensive exams. The formats of exams are determined by the person in charge of the course based on course characteristics, objectives to assess the effects and quality of the instructions, and faculty member discussions. This is also to be reported to the Office of Teaching Affairs for approval and to be made public before the start of the course.

All mandatory courses use examinations for student performance assessment. The end-of-course exam is organized by the Office of Teaching Affairs and generally lasts 120 minutes. The electives often use pass-or-fail tests for student performance evaluations.

Grading: Student performance evaluation in mandatory courses includes two parts: the learning process assessment and the end-of-course exam. The learning process assessment is composed of laboratory skills tests, classroom quizzes, home assignments, performance in problem-based learning, attendance, etc., accounting for 10 -15% of the final grade. While the end-of-course exam grade accounts for 85 - 90% of the final grade. The learning process assessment in courses without any laboratory components accounts for 5 – 10% of the final grade. The scoring in the mandatory courses is in a scale from 0 - 100 without exception. The scoring in the electives may be flexible, either in the numerical grading scale from 0 to 100, or in a 5-level scale (excellent, good, mid-level, passing and failing), or in a passing-or-failing scale.

Test Sheets: Each exam is required to have two versions with equivalent number of questions and degree of difficulties. The answer key to the exam questions should be provided. The exams and answer keys should be reviewed by the persons in charge of the courses and then submitted to Department of Instructions 10 days before the exams. The Department of Instructions will randomly pick one version for the exam and use another version as reserve or for the make-up exam.

 Comprehensive Exams

SUMC insists on assessing the overall student performance in knowledge/skills acquisition and application through the comprehensive exams including the Comprehensive Exam of Basic Medicine, the Comprehensive Exam of Clinical Medicine, and simulated United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). The comprehensive exams are organized by the Office of Teaching Affairs. The exam questions for the Comprehensive Exam of Basic Medicine and simulated United States Medical Licensing Examination are selected from SUMC Test Bank or USMLE Simulation Test Bank. The exam questions for the

8 Comprehensive Exam of Clinical Medicine are chosen by invited non-SUMC experts.

1) The Comprehensive Exam of Basic Medicine: There are six disciplines covered by the exam are physiology, biochemistry, anatomy, pathology, microbiology and immunology, and pharmacology, each accounting for 20% of the total scores. The exam lasts 120 minutes. 2) The Comprehensive Exam of Clinical Medicine: It consists of two parts: the clinical skills assessment (accounting for 60%) and the clinical theory comprehensive assessment (accounting for 40%). Those who have passed the clinical skills assessment will be allowed to take the clinical theory comprehensive assessment. These two assessments are detailed as follows. 3) The Clinical Skills Assessment: It is in the form of objective structured clinical examinations. The assessment is administered in the Clinical Skills Center. The overall student performance in the areas of clinical skills, clinical knowledge application, clinical reasoning skills, communication and humanistic care skills is assessed through OSCE. Students who fail in this assessment are not allowed to participate in the clinical theory comprehensive assessment and they must repeat the clinical internship resulting in a delay of one year. 4) The Clinical Theory Comprehensive Assessment: This assessment covers the following disciplines with corresponding proportions: internal medicine (including neurology), 40%; surgery, 30%; obstetrics and gynecology, 12%; pediatrics, 10%; infectious diseases, 4%; psychiatry, 4%. The assessment lasts 180 minutes.

nd  USMLE examinations: Students will take the USMLE step1 (after finishing the 2 year’s courses) and step 2 (after finishing the 3rd year of courses), and take the step 3 in their countries during residency. Passing both Steps 1 and 2 examinations are required to continue in the curriculum and to graduate. Failure of either test in three trials will result in withdrawal from the curriculum.

8. Enrollment and Attendance

a) Before arrival: students need to provide us with several documents: a report from a recent health check-up, a multi-year visa to be a student in China and shipment of personal belongings b) After arrival: students check into apartments, obtain health insurance, internet and library services c) Fees payment: Some fees are paid before students’ arrivals and others are paid afterwards. d) Details of all the information will be provided soon after admission to the curriculum

9. Graduation requirement

Students who have completed all curriculum requirements within a designated period of time and who show moral characters and satisfactory academic performance in the

9 assessments of required knowledge and skills are approved for graduation. The award of degree is in accordance to the laws and regulations of China and that of accreditation bodies.

10. Tuition fees, Accommodation and Other Living Expenses a) Tuition: Annual tuition fee is 100,000 RMB (approximately US$15,000) per year per student b) Accommodation: single occupancy with private bathroom and basic furniture for 8,000 – 12,000 RMB per year, plus 5,000 RMB as deposit. c) Other cost to students: - Student activities fee: 4,800 RMB per year - Health insurance: 2,000 RMB per year - Utility: approximately 6,000 RMB per year - Food: approximately 18,000 RMB per year - Transportation and other activities: approximately 5,000 RMB per year

11. Scholarships a) Merits scholarship for outstanding applicants: 10,000 to 25,000 RMB per student per year to recruit outstanding students who continue to be full-time students with excellent academic performance b) Performance-based scholarships: 5,000 - 10,000 RMB per student for first pass of USMLE steps 1 and 2; and for other outstanding performance

12. Diploma

Based on the current regulation from the Ministry of Education of China, students who have completed the 4-year English medical curriculum will receive a MBBS degree (Bachelor of Science and Surgery). However, the administration at SUMC is actively seeking approval for a higher degree for our graduates.

It must be understood that the MBBS is a recognized medical education in the USA and Canada. In fact, many practicing physicians in both countries have the MBBS degrees. Our graduates will have other distinct advantages, i.e. having taken and passed the USMLE tests and specific Board examination. Furthermore, they would have taken electives and clinical clerkships in both USA and Canada.

13. Library and Information Services a. Library Services

Both the STU and SUMC have library facilities and the two libraries provide services for faculties, staffs as well as medical students. In addition, our affiliated hospitals have 3

10 libraries and reading rooms.

The SUMC library is equipped with wireless networks and it has set up a library web portal that provides networked information services and management. The library has integrated resources and compiled digital indexing guides for library books and periodicals. It provides such services as the use of a database, online consultation, new book notices, and interlibrary loans. SUMC is building the library portal into a contemporary digitalized medical resources portal. The newly reconstructed multifunctional electronic reading room is equipped with 50 terminals, providing electronic reading and indexing for network information services. The library also provides a computer use site for lifelong learning module (medical literature searches) and the user training. The medical library shares information with domestic and international institutions and provides complete and high quality network information services 24 hours a day for faculties, staffs and students, facilitating the teaching, research, medical services and management work in SUMC.

b. Computer Networking and Information Services

In addition to providing basic network services, SUMC gives priority to the applications of internet technology in teaching, scientific research and management activities as detailed as follows:

1) SUMC has set up 31 themed websites for teaching. Among them, the Clinical Skills Center web portal, because of its rich teaching resources, is very popular and has 8,000 registered users with 35,000 posted messages and 1,280,000 visitors. In addition, these themed websites include 3 top-notch courses at the national level, 6 at the provincial level and 12 at the SUMC level. They also include two Guangdong Provincial Model Demonstration Center websites and various teaching videos. The total information of these teaching materials is amounted to 100 GB. 2) SUMC has set up various network application systems to provide network services for teaching and self-directed studies. These services include the online course evaluations, online grade reports, online USMLE tests, online self-study tests, English interactive learning network, digital microscopic interactive learning system and mental health testing system. 3) SUMC has established the automatic office network application systems. These include the automatic information posting, document posting management, fixed asset management, application and retrieval system for office supplies, archive management, financial management, new student welcome system, student registration and video conferencing system.

The aforementioned themed websites for teaching and network application systems have become convenient avenues for student self-studies and for others to learn about SUMC.

11 14. Student research activities

Strengthening the training of the research abilities of our students is also an important part of our “top notch education.” a. Establishment of Student Research Funds

We greatly encourage students to conduct scientific research and have set up specifically designated funds for student research. “Research Fund for Undergraduates” has an annual budget of 100,000 RMB and has sponsored 105 projects since 1999. In 2008, SUMC boosted its support for student research by setting up “Distinguished Undergraduate Research Fund” with 40,000 to 80,000 RMB for each project and encourages students to carry out high level research and aim for the level of SCI-indexed papers. So far, SUMC has funded 12 projects and achieved satisfactory results. The Dean’s Office strictly manages undergraduate research fund, including review of research projects, progress reports, project completion summary and application for awards with the project results.

b. Laboratory Facilities Open for Student Research

For many years, we have opened research laboratories to undergraduate students. These open laboratories include Cheung Kong Scholar laboratory, International Influenza Laboratory, the central laboratory and Pathology Key Laboratory, and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Laboratory. Students at these high level research laboratories can experience the scientific research atmosphere, which elevates their creative thinking ability. Meanwhile, teachers arrange students to participate in research training and reading reports with doctoral and master students and thereby cultivate their research quality.

c. Student Research as Part of the Curriculum

Vigorous scientific training and cultivation of students’ scientific thinking and scientific attitude have been incorporated into our teaching plan. Over recent years, SUMC has expanded the construction of laboratories (environmental conditions) and invested additional funding by adding comprehensive experiments and self-designed experiments. At the same time, we have reduced the amount of confirmatory experiments in order to cultivate the innovative ability of students from the beginning.

15. Students’ life

a. Student Organizations and Activities

SUMC encourages students to form their own organizations and to participate in various campus activities, providing facilities, equipments and financial supports. The student organizations include the following:

12 The Student Union is an autonomous organization with main responsibilities in defending students’ interests and organizing students in various activities to benefit their health and skill development.

There are a total of 35 student associations and clubs formed by students. They are the main venues for extra-curricular activities, including 4 charitable, 4 academic, 17 artistic, and 10 athletic organizations. Student activities in these organizations have added the vigor of the campus culture.

The Committee for Meals and Management is formed by SUMC leaders and student representatives responsible for monitoring food services in student cafeterias such as the cleanness of facilities, food nutritional values and service qualities.

b. Cultural activities on Campus

SUMC pays attention to student cultural activities on campus, sponsoring the Campus Art and Culture Festival (in April or May) and English Science and Technology Festival (in October or November). The activities in the Campus Art and Culture Festival include the competitions (dance, singing, event hosting, calligraphy, painting, photography, dorm interior design and skits), concerts, and talent shows while those activities in English Science and Technology Festival are science paper presentations and competitions (multimedia courseware, speech and plays) in English.

SUMC also invites distinguished scholars and experts to lecture on literature, art, and interpersonal communications and customs. The lecture series of Scholar Forum, Doctor’s Forum and SUMC Appointments have broadened the vision scopes of students.

SUMC encourages students to participate in field medical practice activities, organizing events such as the volunteer medical services, blood donations, surveys in factories, countryside and hospitals. These activities have become the brand name projects. These student teams are:

The Student Hospice Care Volunteers has won a National Student Organization award.

The Student Medical Ethics and Morals Promotion Team has conducted these promotional activities on a long term basis. Students go to the countryside providing the community medical services in nursing homes and children’s homes and conducting educational programs on environmental protection and blood donation.

The Clinical Skills Association is very active with members eager to learn and master the clinical skills. Students are supervised to serve in the schools and communities, teaching emergency rescue, first aid and CPR skills and applying the knowledge they have learned in the practice. These activities have shown positive impacts on the society.

13 Student sport clubs organize extramural activities of basketball, volleyball, table tennis, badminton, chess, etc. They also hold sport photography exhibitions and encourage students to participate in the college-wide track and field competitions.

Student science clubs sponsor science promotional meetings, research and exchanges such as forming small research groups to conduct scientific research and holding science and technology competitions.

Student art clubs hold art appreciation workshops, produce student art works, and organize student shows.

16. Contact information

For inquiries, please contact:

Professor William W. Au Associate Dean for the 4-year English medical curriculum Shantou University Medical College No.22 Xinling Road, Shantou, 515041 Guangdong Province, China

Phone number: (86-754)-8890 0279 Email: [email protected]

Chinese contact details:

区永锦博士 汕头大学医学院预防医学系主任 中国广东省汕头市新陵路 22 号汕头大学医学院 邮编号码: 515041