Spain ZBM & Trademarks

Spain The use and misuse of Spanish utility models

By Mathieu de Rooij and Anna Barlocci, or priority date. For Spanish utility models, ZBM Patents & Trademarks on the other hand, is everything disclosed (not merely available) to the public in Spain before the filing or priority date. This In Spain, utility models can be used to protect dual difference with respect to patents limits . As in other jurisdictions, they the prior art that can be successfully invoked have a shorter term than patents and less against a . stringent requirements apply. As in the case of inventive step, it is Utility models have been and still are regarded clear from several court decisions that the by many as a consolation prize for inventions difference in the law between availability and that are not good enough to deserve disclosure means that in order for a document protection. However, the peculiarities of to qualify as prior art for a utility model, it the patent’s little brother can make the is insufficient that members of the public utility model an effective weapon to fight may have access to the document (ie, that off competitors – in some cases even more the document is not confidential or somehow effectively than a traditional patent. inaccessible); rather, access to the document Recent developments and Spanish case must be fairly simple and straightforward. law suggest that the effectiveness of utility Prior art for utility models naturally models may decrease in the future. Rights comprises documents published in Spain, holders should be aware of the new limitations Spanish patents and utility models, as well as, on utility models; they should still incorporate for example, products sold in Spain. Regarding them into their IP strategy, but should use foreign patent literature, there is longstanding them selectively and in the right way. debate over whether this can be considered prior art for utility models. A 1996 Supreme Traditional advantages of utility models Court decision held that a foreign patent over patents present in the library collection of the Spanish Traditionally, Spanish utility models have had Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) was part of two main advantages over Spanish patents. the state of the art for Spanish utility models. The first is that it is well-established case The date of inclusion in the library collection law that a lower degree of inventive step was decisive – for example, if a French patent is required for a utility model: a patent is was published, but included in the Patent inventive if it is not “obvious”, but a utility Office’s library collection only at a later date, model is inventive provided that it is not “very it would be part of the prior art for a utility obvious”. Thus, given the same prior art, a model only from this later date, whereas Spanish utility model could be valid, whereas a the same document would be prior art for a Spanish patent protecting the same Spanish patent from the publication date. could be invalid. The second advantage relates However, a 2004 Supreme Court decision to the definition of ‘prior art’. For Spanish reversed the situation and established that the patents, prior art is everything available to the mere inclusion of a foreign patent document in public anywhere in the world before the filing the library collection did not even mean that it

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had actually been disclosed. For this reason, it the applicant are then considered by the PTO, was held that foreign patent literature did not and the utility model may be refused. This belong to the prior art for utility models, even option is not available for Spanish patents if it was available in the PTO’s collection. unless the patent holder requests substantive Clearly, a less stringent interpretation of examination: Spanish patents that do not ‘inventive step’ and a more stringent definition undergo substantive examination can be of what constitutes prior art may be two key invalidated only through a nullity action before reasons for protecting an invention using a a competent Spanish court, which can be much utility model instead of a patent. more costly than an opposition before the PTO. In contrast to the courts, the PTO’s Finally, and perhaps most importantly, position has generally been to consider foreign most Spanish utility models are published documents present in its library collection approximately one or two months after as state for the art for a utility model in filing. This can be a problem if a Spanish opposition proceedings. However, the number utility model is used as a first filing for of oppositions against utility models is fairly priority purposes. Improvements and further small, probably also due to the short time limit developments of the invention during the for filing oppositions (two months from first priority year become virtually non-protectable publication of the model). in many countries because of this publication. If the protection is extended at the end of Traditional disadvantages of utility the priority year to, for example, a European models over patents patent, and the priority cannot be claimed Utility models cannot be used to protect validly, the published utility model can all inventions. Spanish law allows the use invalidate all or part of the European patent. of utility models only for “objects” with On the other hand, depending on the a configuration, structure or composition circumstances, early publication and quick that provides a practical advantage, such grant can have their advantages, which must as utensils, instruments, tools, appliances, be weighed up on a case-by-case basis. devices or parts thereof. Utility models cannot If an invention qualifies for protection be used to protect methods, substances or by a utility model and if the filing strategy is compositions (eg, pharmaceuticals); the PTO chosen properly, a Spanish utility model can often objects to applications for utility models be a significant asset for rights holders and, directed to systems or assemblies comprising depending on the technology, utility models can several independent parts. have even more value than a Spanish patent. The maximum lifetime of a utility model is 10 years, compared to 20 years for patents. Recent case law However, depending on the technology, 10 years In recent years the Spanish courts have issued can be more than a product’s lifetime. This is some interesting decisions concerning utility thus not necessarily a major disadvantage. models, which may affect their effectiveness. Further, contrary to popular belief, the These decisions concern the definition of procedure for obtaining a Spanish utility ‘prior art’ and the application of the doctrine model can actually be more stringent than of equivalents to utility models. the procedure for obtaining a Spanish patent. In Decision 330/2011 the Madrid Provincial Utility models are not subject to substantive Court of Appeal held that foreign patent examination, but neither are Spanish patents: literature available through the web portal unless patent applicants voluntarily request Espacenet before the priority date of three such examination, the PTO grants the patent utility models belonged to the prior art and without examining and inventive step. destroyed their novelty. On the contrary, for two months after The court analysed the grounds of the publication of a utility model application, 2004 Supreme Court decision, but also any third party with a legitimate interest considered the reality of technological can file an opposition. The evidence and advancements between 1993 (the filing date arguments presented by the opponents and of the utility model in the 2004 decision) IP Value 2014 133 Spain ZBM Patents & Trademarks

and 2005 (the filing date of the utility models matter. It seems reasonable that the standard in the case at hand) – in particular, the set by the court in this case would apply to development of internet browsers widely used other inventions intended for professional or by the population. industrial use. The court reasoned that, through websites It remains to be seen whether this decision such as Espacenet, any interested skilled will be followed by other courts, and whether person has access to the full text of millions this line of reasoning can be extended to, for of foreign patent documents, and therefore example, non-patent literature available on can find, by means of a Google-type search, the Internet. If this precedent is followed, prior art documents that relate to the relevant in practice, the differences between prior subject matter. In contrast, the 2004 Supreme art for patents and for utility models could Court decision stressed that the PTO library be drastically reduced. Thus, an important collection did not have the purpose of advantage of utility models over patents providing ‘disclosure’: the text, figures and could disappear. Interestingly, in the recently details of the foreign documents were not proposed new Spanish patent law, prior art for published in the bulletin (as in the case of utility models need only fulfil the availability Spanish patents), and a document had to be requirement. This new law, however, is still accessed through numbers and digits that were under discussion. available only once the document was known The second noteworthy court decision by other means. Consequently, the library concerns the doctrine of equivalents. In Spain, collection did not disclose the documents as it is established case law that the doctrine of required by law. equivalents can be applied to determine the It is particularly interesting that the scope of protection of a patent. For inventions decision considered that foreign patent in the mechanical realm (ie, inventions that documents were disclosed in Spain because could also be protected by a utility model), they could be found using Espacenet, and the triple-identity test (function, method, not because they were in the PTO library result) is typically used, complemented by the collection. The introduction of foreign obviousness test (an inventive variant cannot documents to this collection was discontinued be equivalent). However, few court decisions in 2004, so the collection is of no use for have applied equivalence when dealing with documents published after this date. infringement of a utility model. However, the court’s decision may not In Decision 46/2013, issued by Barcelona immediately be applicable to all utility models: Commercial Court No 4, the court reasoned according to the court’s reasoning, in view that since the inventive step requirement for a of the subject matter of the utility models utility model is lower than that for a patent, it in question (night vision monoculars and would be logical that the protection acquired corresponding mount assemblies, intended by a utility model should correspondingly to be used in the field of defence and public be narrower than that conferred by a patent. security), in this case the requirement of Thus, while the scope of protection of a utility disclosure was satisfied if knowledge of the model should be determined by interpreting inventions reached professionals and experts the claims in light of the description (as in the security forces’ purchasing departments, for patents), it is questionable whether the and not necessarily the public at large. The doctrine of equivalents can be applied to court considered that the parties which were extend the scope of protection of a utility to use the invention would undoubtedly have model. Because it was not decisive for the had access to the foreign documents, which question at hand, there was no ruling on were easily available on the Internet to any the issue, but the court’s mindset was clear. interested person. Although this opinion may not be shared by In other words, the court held that the other commercial courts or the appeal courts, disclosure requirement was met in this it has at least cast doubt on the issue – and case, but the situation might be different for it is worth noting that Barcelona Commercial inventions related to less ‘professional’ subject Court No 4 is one of the most experienced and

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respected first-instance Spanish courts for seriously damaged or even invalidated due to patent matters. early publication of the utility model. Thus, recent case law suggests that utility A Spanish patent is also clearly preferable models may become less effective in the future. to a utility model in case of products that have a long time to market and/or a long lifecycle. IP strategy involving utility models In such cases, the 10 extra years of patent term One obvious use of a utility model instead can be very useful. As Spanish patents can of a patent is for an invention for which the be granted without substantive examination applicant is aware that the prior art is so close (although this may change in the future, to the invention that obtaining a patent is only according to the new patent law proposal), the a remote possibility. Another clear candidate additional cost for a patent compared to a utility for a utility model is a product for which there model is quite low; the main difference lies in has been no internet disclosure, but which has the time taken to grant the application. been sold only in countries other than Spain. In such cases, a utility model should still be much more effective than a patent. However, in view of the decisions discussed above, a Spanish patent may be preferable when an applicant is confident that it can meet the inventive step requirement for a patent. The scope of protection of a patent could potentially be wider because of the uncertainty of the application of the doctrine of equivalents to a utility model. As foreign patent publications may jeopardise, for example, the novelty of the invention, a utility model no longer seems a safe solution and therefore may not be as appealing as it used to be in the past, as documents available through Espacenet may be found to be “disclosed in Spain” and would therefore be prior art against a utility model – at least for inventions in industrial or specialised technical fields. The most widespread misuse of utility models among Spanish applicants is the customary filing of utility models as an application on which to base priority. The reason for this strategy appears to be the low costs of filing and prosecuting a utility model: the official fees are low and, as there is no search report or substantive examination, the costs are limited, unless an opposition is filed. In some cases, the filing of a utility model as a first filing may be appropriate, in particular when a lawsuit based on this right is to be filed sooner rather than later. This is also true for foreign applicants with competitors in Spain (if national law allows). However, filing a utility model as a first filing for all inventions would mean that, for a number of patent families, the later Patent Cooperation Treaty or European could be IP Value 2014 135 Contributing profiles ZBM Patents & Trademarks

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Mathieu de Rooij Anna Barlocci Partner Partner [email protected] [email protected]

Mathieu de Rooij was an Anna Barlocci’s career in European (EPO) patents started in 1990. examiner for five years in In addition to drafting and the field of wind turbines. prosecuting European, Spanish In 2008 he joined ZBM and Patent Cooperation Treaty Patents & Trademarks, where applications in a wide range part of his work involves of engineering fields, part of drafting and prosecuting her work relates to patent applications worldwide, as enforcement. For example, well as handling oppositions she has been involved in and appeals before the the Spanish part of several EPO for both Spanish and pan-European litigation foreign clients. He handles cases regarding validity and validity and infringement infringement. In 1999 she cases before Spanish courts was one of the first Spanish and is familiar with freedom candidates to qualify as a to operate in fields such as European patent attorney, and medical devices. Mr de Rooij since then she has maintained is actively involved in training strong involvement in training, and frequently lectures on both in Spain and for the European patent practice. European Patent Institute.

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