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Travel Special Issue The gift of It’s here: travel: Jo eldre man blir, jo mer føler Christmas Gift Let’s head to man at det å nyte øyeblikket er en Guide 2010 nådetilstand, en gyllen gave... the coast! Read more on page 17 – Marie Curie The fun starts on page 9 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 121, No. 42 November 19, 2010 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidene $1.50 per copy .com News Find more at New home for National Museum www.norway.com

News of Norway Ministry of Culture On Nov. 15, the Norwegian decides on a government decided to cancel Liberia’s entire debt to Norway. proposal for the The debt is around NOK 49 National Museum million (USD 8 million). (blog.norway.com/category/ in news)

Business St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n Statoil, the world’s largest off- Norwegian American Weekly shore oil and gas company, has resolved to concentrate even Minister of Culture Anniken more strongly on offshore wind Huitfeldt announced on Nov. 15 turbines as part of its strategy that a proposal was accepted from for renewable energy. (blog.norway.com/category/ Kleihues + Schuwerk Gesellschaft business) von Architeten mbH for a new National Museum in Oslo. It will Research combine several existing museums A study from the Norwegian around town and be built just be- University for Science and hind the Nobel Peace Center and Technology shows moose in Aker Brygge at Oslo’s inner har- bor. southern Norway are in signifi- Photo: Statsbygg/Architect DiizGroup cantly worse health than those The offer by Kleihues + Schu- This artist’s rendering shows the proposed National Museum behind the Nobel Peace Center, which sits on the City Hall in northern and eastern Nor- CONTINUES PAGE 6 Plaza at Oslo’s inner harbor. The Aker Brygge commercial and residential complex is seen at left. way due to higher levels of air poll,ution and heavy metals in southern Norway. Norwegian navy in Baltimore Jim Vatn: “Alt for Norge” (blog.norway.com/category/re- World’s largest three-masted barque search) Seattle’s “Mr. pays a visit to U.S. port on its way home Norway” dies Norway in the U.S. Norway comes to New York at age 66 after a when Carnegie Hall presents four concerts with Risør Cham- courageous battle ber Music Festival featuring with cancer Leif Ove Andsnes Dec. 1 – 4 in New York. Te r j e Le i r e n (blog.norway.com/category/ University of Washington norway-in-the-us)

Jim Vatn was my friend. He What’s inside? was everybody’s friend. Born and raised in Ballard, Seattle, Wash., News 2-3 Photo: Ellen Beck he epitomized the community and Business 4 Jim Vatn at the 2007 Syttende Mai lun- cheon in Seattle, Wash. Research & Education 5 CONTINUES PAGE 15 Opinion 6-7 Strømsgodset wins the cup Roots and Connections 8 Christmas Gift Guide 9-14 On Nov. 14, Obituaries & Religion 15 Strømsgodset Taste of Norway 16 Photo: Royal Norwegian Embassy defeats Follo 2 – 0 Travel 17 This is the fourth consecutive year the Statsraad Lemkuhl has crossed the Atlantic with cadets from the Norwegian Naval Academy. The three-month voyage in the Norwegian Heritage 18 North Sea and across the Atlantic is part of the first year officer cadets’ training. St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n Sports 19 Norwegian American Weekly

Ro y a l No r w e g i a n Em b a ss y $1 = NOK 5.9848 After taking seventh place updated 11/15/10 On Nov. 6, the majestic tic voyage from the west coast of in the Tippeliga, it was expected 95-year-old sail ship HNoMS Norway. that Strømsgodset would get a win In comparison Statsraad Lemkuhl arrived at Balti- Built in Germany in 1914, against Follo – a team from the Photo: godset.no 10/15/10 5.7984 more Harbor. Manned with cadets Statsraad Lemkuhl is normally sta- bottom of the 1st division. Follo final at Ullevål, so with the motto 5/15/10 6.2445 from the Norwegian Naval Acad- tioned in , Norway. unexpectedly beat both Lillestrøm “Cup is Cup,” Follo started the 11/15/09 5.6109 emy, the ship made its transatlan- and Rosenborg on its way to the CONTINUES PAGE 19 CONTINUES PAGE 19 2 • November 19, 2010 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Norge ikke forberedt på økt nedbør Norge på Marianne Borgen SVs ordførerkandidat i Norske veier, jernbaner, bygg og avløpssystem Oslo overdosetoppen Dersom det blir rødgrønt byråd etter val- er ikke gode nok til å takle nedbørsøkningen som get neste høst, vil Borgen etter alt å dømme ventes på grunn av klimaendringer VG bli ordfører fordi Arbeiderpartiet, som det En fersk europeisk rapport viser at største partiet, får byrådslederen. Borgen Af t e n p o s t e n Trondheimsfjorden – og høyden for storm- Norge ligger øverst på statistikken over vant en klar seier med 175 mot 74 stemmer. flod vil øke tilsvarende. dødsfall som skyldes overdoser. Senter for På plassene bak Borgen fulgte Andreas Beh- Og etterslepet i vedlikehold gjør at in- Klimaendringene vil også innebære rus- og avhengighetsforskning (SERAF) sier ring og Kutai. Marianne Borgen vil kjempe frastrukturen i Norge er enda dårligere rustet potensielt positive effekter for Norge. Jord- Norges førsteplass blant annet skyldes at vi om ordførervervet med Carl I. Hagen (Frp), mot effekter av klimaendringene som vil bruket, kraftsektoren, oljesektoren, reiseliv var senere ute enn en del andre land med å Fabian Stang (H) og Odd Einar Dørum (V). komme. Det slår klimatilspasningsutvalget og sjøfart er områder der klimaendringene tilby riktig behandling for rusmisbruk. (NTB) til fast i en fersk rapport. kan føre til økt verdiskapning. I kraftsekto- – Dette er en svært trist førsteplass som – Hvor hardt rammet vi blir av klimaen- ren, for eksempel, regner utvalget med at et viser at vi trenger nye grep og å åpne for Amerikanerne tilbyr orientering om SDU dringene, henger nøye sammen med hvor varmere og våtere klima kan øke inntektene nye behandlingsmetoder i rusomsorgen, sier USAs ambassadør Barry White tilbød tirs- mye temperaturen stiger. Temperaturstignin- med mellom 5 og 16 milliarder kroner årlig. nestleder i Venstre, Ola Elvestuen. Han viser dag utenriksminister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) gen kan vi bare påvirke ved å kutte i utslip- Også den norske naturen er sårbar for til Stoltenberg-utvalgets rapport som kom i en grundig orientering om sikkerhetspro- pene, sier utvalgsleder Oddvar Flæte. klimaendringene, og presset vil særlig øke sommer. Der tas det blant annet til orde for grammet (SDU) ved den amerikanske am- Utvalget venter at temperaturen vil på naturmiljøet i nordområdne og i høyfjel- heroinassistert behandling og andre tiltak in- bassaden i Oslo. – Det er enighet mellom stige med mellom 2,3 og 4,6 grader i løpet utenriksministeren og ambassadøren om let. Det er her oppvarmingen er ventet å bli nen behandling og oppfølging. av dette århundret, og nedbøren i Norge vil at der er behov for å sikre at norske myn- sterkest, og små endringer i temperaturen – Mange av disse tiltakene er bra og bør øke med mellom 5 og 30 prosent frem mot digheter blir grundig informert av relevante kan utgjøre store endringer i naturen. Samti- iverksettes umiddelbart, sier Elvestuen og 2100. Nedbørsmengden vil variere mellom amerikanske myndigheter om Surveillance dig er naturen her også presset av menneske- anklager regjeringen for å somle med å få landsdeler og årstider, men det er ventet flere Detection Unit (SDU) ved den amerikanske lig aktivitet som utbygginger og økt ferdsel. ned overdosetallene. I statsbudsjettet er det dager med store nedbørsmengder. ambassaden. Amerikanerne har tilbudt en Utvalget understreker i rapporten at forslag om å øke tilskuddene til rusbehan- – Hvor hardt rammet vi blir, avhenger slik orientering og vi ser nå sammen på hvor- kunnskapen om hvor raskt og hvor mye kli- dling, men det er ikke funnet rom for satsing også av vår evne til å tilpasse oss. I Norge dan dette best kan gjøres, sier underdirektør maet vil endre seg hverken er fullstendig på akuttavrusning. er naturmiljøet, bygninger og infrastruktur i UD, Ragnhild Imerslund, til NTB. eller uten usikkerhet, men at man vet nok om – Det ligger i selve begrepet «akut- (VG) særlig sårbare for klimaendringer. Vi har i hvilken retning klimaet vil endre seg til at tavrusning» at plassene må være på plass i dag et stort etterslep i vedlikeholdet for man bør sette i gang tiltak for å tilpasse seg når de trengs. At pasienter skal stå i kø for Bondelaget med millionstøtte til Nei til vann- og avløpssystemet, bygninger, veier allerede nå. å motta akutt behandling, hører ingen sted og jernbanelinjer. Vi er ikke engang tilpas- EU Dårlig vedlikeholdt infrastruktur til hjemme, understreker Elvestuen. Han vil ha set dagens klima. Dette må rettes opp, sier Norges Bondelag har bevilget i alt 1.687.500 tross – Norge er et av de landene som står en garanti lik den som finnes i Sverige, hvor Oddvar Flæte. kroner til Nei til EU i 2011. Pengene skal best rustet til å takle fremtidige klimaen- man skal få tilbud om behandling innen 24 blant annet brukes til Nei til EUs deltakelse Utvalget peker på at vann- og avløps- dringer. Derfor har Norge et stort ansvar for timer etter akuttavrusning. i valgkampen i 2011. En av de viktigste op- systemet må kunne ta unna mer vann, og at å hjelpe fattige land som har minst skyld i De siste 10 årene har mer enn 2.000 pgavene for Nei til EU vil være å vise hvor- faren for råteskader på bygninger vil øke. klimaendringene, men som likevel blir ram- mennesker dødd av overdoser i Norge. dan «EU undergraver det lokale selvstyret». Fuktigere vær vil også kunne gi hyppigere met hardest. Den statlige støtten er på 3,1 millioner kro- stormflod, skred og flom. English Synopsis: In a recent European report, Nor- ner, og av dette er 800.000 kroner prosjekt/ English Synopsis: A new report shows that Norway’s Havet ventes å stige med mellom 50 og infrastructure is unprepared to cope with the effects of way is at the top of the list for deaths due to drug tiltaksmidler fra Utenriksdepartement. 100 centimeter på Sør- og Vestlandet, 40-90 climate change (for example rising sea levels). Calls overdose. Deputy leader in Venstre (Liberal Party) Ola Elvestuen calls for more rehab options. (VG) cm i Nord-Norge, og 20-70 cm i Oslo- og are being made to increase preparedness.

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Tacoma, Washington Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news November 19, 2010 • 3 News It’s Christmas at Building wells, building futures This week on Norway.com Faremo and Aasland to act when ministers Vesterheim Voss Foundation’s have parental leave Women Helping Women In the Nov. 12 session of the Council of State, HM King Harald has resolved that luncheon raises over Ministers Grete Faremo and $50,000 to bring water to will be acting when Ministers Knut Storber- get and will be away on villages in Africa parental leave. Tora Aasland will be acting chief of the Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion until March 20, 2011, Vo ss Fo u n d a t i o n in addition to her responsibility as Minister of Research and Higher Education. Grete Faremo will be acting chief of the Ministry On Nov. 3, over 100 women gathered for of Justice until March 31, 2011 in addition to an intimate lunch at New York’s 3 West Club Photo: Patrick McMullan her responsibility as Minister of Defense. to support the Voss Foundation’s Women L-R: Kara Gerson, Noella Coursaris, Cecilie (Office of the Prime Minister) Helping Women campaign. Women Helping Malm Brundltand and Anette Krosby. Women, an international fundraising effort King to attend all Nobel events of the Voss Foundation, funds water projects ing sub-Saharan African communities with HM King Harald V has made it clear he’ll be and well development within villages in sub- access to clean water. The Voss Foundation’s attending all the main, annual events tied to Saharan Africa. This fundraiser, in conjunc- primary targets are women and children with the prize, even more than normal. Chinese tion with Voss Foundation’s European Wom- a special focus on adolescent girls – an often authorities have sent letters to other coun- en Helping Women campaign, funded a wa- overlooked and under-serviced demographic tries’ embassies in Oslo in recent weeks urg- Photo: Vesterheim ter system for the village of Ndonyo Nasipa that is particularly at risk. ing them not to attend the Peace Prize cere- A favorite throughout the weekend is the jule- in Kenya, and a well at the Georges Malaika At the luncheon, the Voss Founda- mony, which traditionally is one of the most trefest, when young and old join hands and sing School for Girls in Kalebuka, Democratic tion honored Noella Coursaris Musunka, coveted invitations of the year. The letters songs while they circle around the tree. Republic of the Congo. renowned international fashion model and indicate that there will be “consequences” Founded by the directors of VOSS Water founder of the Georges Malaika Foundation, for those who choose to attend. The Chinese government calls Liu a “criminal,” and has Ve s t e r h e i m No r w e g i a n -Am e r i c a n Mu s e u m as an independent 501(c)(3) public charity, for her devotion to the concept of Women the Voss Foundation is dedicated to provid- CONTINUES PAGE 4 accused the Norwegian Nobel Committee and Norway itself of failing to respect Chi- Experience the living traditions of a na’s legal system. Norwegian Christmas at Vesterheim Nor- Broad cooperation in the North (Views and News from Norway) wegian-American Museum on Dec. 4 and 5, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day in Decorah, Minister of Defense Iowa. A lively event that appeals to all ages, Grete Faremo calls Vesterheim’s Norwegian Christmas Weekend Carry on the features folk-art demonstrations, live music, for cooperation at the Lefse Tradition this Scandinavian food, and many holiday tradi- Holiday Season! tions, both old and new. Admission is free Nordic-Baltic meeting this year thanks to a generous grant from on Nov. 9 Lefse Bank of the West with matching funds from Making Kits the David and Brenda Carlson family and Decorah’s Sons of Norway Valdres Lodge. Mi n i s t ry o f De f e n s e Iowa musician Michael J. Thoma will Lefse Gi present a Christmas program of original Baskets works, “Music from the Heart and the Heart- “In order to maintain an effective opera- land,” in the museum’s Bethania Church on tional defense we have to work closely to- Mill St. at 2 and 4 p.m. on Saturday. A Wa- gether with our European neighbors,” says Photo: Stian Solum/Ministry of Defense terloo resident and Iowa native for 56 years, Minister of Defense Grete Faremo following The defense ministers at the extended Nordic-Bal- Thoma has been involved in music since the the extended Nordic-Baltic meeting of de- fense ministers held in Oslo Nov. 9 and 10. tic meeting of defense ministers in Oslo. age of 21. Once leader of the very popular Homemade local band Blackwell Vintage, Thoma even- Representatives from 11 countries came present. Lefse tually moved on to pursue music as a solo together in Oslo to discuss security chal- “Many countries are experiencing cuts lenges and the possibilities for cooperation Find other traditional artist and is known as a skilled balladeer and in their defense budgets and an increasing Scandinavian cooking catchy rock composer. “This will be a warm in northern Europe. The defense ministers number realize that defense cooperation is equipment and gifts at our Lefse Time concert for all to enjoy,” said Thoma. from Norway, Sweden, , , essential if national defense structures of gift shop and online at LefseTime.com Several Decorah-area musicians and Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and the sufficient breadth, depth and quality are to vocal groups also will help create a festive United Kingdom, together with the state Visit us online at lefsetime.com 115 North Fountain City, WI (800) 687-2058 CONTINUES PAGE 6 secretaries from Poland and Germany, were CONTINUES PAGE 4

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • November 19, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (November 15, 2010) Rise of the creative class A look at sources of innovation and creativity in Norway Norsk Kr. 5.9848 Dansk Kr. 5.4779 Svensk Kr. 6.8741 Ra s m u s Fa l c k Oslo, Norway Canadian $ 1.0067 Euro 0.7348 For detailed information about Richard Florida wrote the global best- Bærum1. the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. seller “The Rise of the Creative Class.” His 2. Oslo city ideas on the “creative class,” commercial 3. Asker innovation and regional development are 4. Nesodden used globally to change the way regions 5. Oppegård Support a national treasure— and nations do business and transform their economies. His research provides unique, This is important because ideas are cre- Joining data-driven insight into the social and de- ated in places where creativity and growth join Vesterheim today! is easy! mographic factors that drive the 21st century are stimulated. A climate that attracts cre- world economy. ative people is more impor- Members receive: At the opening of Oslo tant than traditional city de- • Free admission any time Innovation Week at the end velopment projects. Human of October, Minister of resources are more impor- • Vesterheim magazine Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr tant competitive factors for • Discounts on folk-art classes Støre gave the keynote ad- cities than structures. • Store discounts and more dress “The Oslo region: Irene Tingali works at Engine of change,” very the King Carlos University Memberships start at $30 much inspired by Florida’s in Madrid, Spain. She previ- work. ously worked with Richard For the first time, Rich- Florida on his book “Who’s ard Florida’s theory has your city?.” been tested out here in Nor- Florida is a professor way. In her work “Norway of business and creativity in the Creative Age,” researcher Irene Tin- at the Rotman School of Management at the gali found that the Oslo region has the most University of Toronto. Previously, he has Give us a call, creative people in the country as a percent- held professorships at George Mason Uni- age of the workforce, followed by Stavanger versity and Carnegie Mellon University. He or check vesterheim.org! and . Human capital ranks highest his a highly-sought speaker. In December, he in Oslo, followed by Trondheim, Stavanger, is giving a lecture at the H. Wayne Huizenga Tromsø and Bergen. When talent, technol- School of Business and Entrepreneurship. ogy and tolerance are evaluated in Norway’s Preserving a heritage. Connecting us all. Creativity Index, the top five are all commu- Rasmus Falck is a well-known entrepre- 523 W. Water St., Decorah, Iowa • 563-382-9681 • vesterheim.org nities in the Oslo region: neurship advocate in Norway. broad cooperation… (…continued from page 3) enhanced military presence, such as search and rescue. She also stressed how important Norwegian American be maintained. For a small country like Nor- it is to build further on the good relationship Genealogical Center & Naeseth Library way, close cooperation with our neighbors is with Russia. 415 West Main Street · Madison, WI 53703-3116 extremely important,” says Grete Faremo. The Nordic countries have already es- Phone (608) 255-2224 · Fax (608) 255-6842 Among the topics discussed at the Oslo tablished a formal framework for defense Email: [email protected] meeting was NATO’s new strategic concept cooperation through NORDEFCO. Website: www.nagcnl.org which places greater emphasis on defense of “We have already achieved good results the Alliance’s core areas. The national rep- through such measures as common transport New! resentatives also discussed how they could and logistics solutions for our forces in Af- cooperate more closely regarding security Greeting or Note Card ghanistan. In addition, we have a series of challenges in the High North. projects in the fields of education, training Olive J. Nordby “I think we should work together more and defense equipment collaboration,” says hand-colored closely in areas such as operational capa- Grete Faremo. bilities, education and training/exercising. woodblock print The Nordic countries discussed a range Norway would welcome more allied units to of topics including how to implement U.N. adapted exclusively take part in exercises set in our demanding Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Se- for NAGC & NL as natural environment,” says Faremo. curity, possible joint contributions to U.N. a Christmas card During the meeting, Grete Faremo operations, and closer cooperation between or as note cards, placed special emphasis on challenges in the the Nordic countries’ forces in Afghanistan. both with envelopes High North, which, with the melting of the “We must continue to cooperate with- Arctic ice, may see a higher level of com- in U.N., NATO and E.U. operations,” says (Please note with or without mercial activity and hence the need for an Minister of Defense Grete Faremo. greeting when ordering.) Winter in Lillehammer voss foundation… in the event’s inaugural year. Thanks to the (…continued from page 3) This image captures the record snowfall in the Lillehammer support of sponsors, the Voss Foundation area at the time of the XVII Olympic Winter Games, 1994. was able to direct 100 percent of tickets sales Helping Women. to the water projects. Attendees and supporters, including Forty billion working hours are spent Printed greeting inside Christmas card: Khaliah Ali, Marybeth Belsito, Paige Bluh- carrying water each year in Africa. When re- God jul og godt nyttår dorn, European Representative Cecilie Malm moved from the water delivery cycle, wom- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Brundtland, MacDella Cooper, Abigail Dis- en have the opportunity to fully participate in ney, Executive Director Kara Gerson, Kim local economies, and girls have the change Members –$22.00 for 20 cards · Non-Members – $25.00 for 20 cards Heirston Evans, Kristin Holth, Ambassador to attend school and contribute to their com- Shipping – 1 to 2 packages: $4.95; 3 to 5 packages: $8.15 Ritva Jolkkonen, Saran Kaba Jones, Belinda munity’s economy. Please call for shipping 6 or more packages Kielland, Lauren Koppel, European Repre- With offices in New York and Oslo, and sentative Anette Krosby, Trecia Laird, Kate projects underway in Kenya, Mali, Ethiopia, Mahon, Charlot Malin, Francie Nagy, Caro- To place an order, visit the NAGC & NL secure e-store at and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, line Palmer, Inger Tallaksen, Sophie Ann www.nagcnl.org, call 608-255-2224, or fax your order - the Voss Foundation has managed to com- Terisse, Vibeke Steineger, and Stephanie along with your credit card information - to 608-255-6842 plete 18 water access points since its incep- Voquer, helped to raise an impressive sum tion in 2008. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research November 19, 2010 • 5 Research and Education Europe’s green battery On days with little wind, Europe puts Norway’s power system to the test

Re s e a rc h Co u n c i l o f No r w a y

On days with little wind, Europe may have to rely on Norwegian reservoirs to keep Important basic research its wheels running smoothly in the future. On The HydroPEAK project is one of seven the continent, the concept of Norway as Eu- main areas of focus at CEDREN. rope’s green battery has caught on – but is it “In the HydroPEAK project, we are feasible in practice? conducting vital basic research to facilitate The Centre for Environmental Design development of a large-scale European net- of Renewable Energy (CEDREN) – one of work with a substantial proportion of wind Norway’s Centres for Environment-friendly power,” says project manager Ånund Kil- Energy Research – is carrying out the Hy- lingtveit. droPEAK project to study whether Norway Professor Killingtveit of the Norwe- could truly provide Europe’s balance of elec- gian University of Science and Technology tric power. (NTNU) heads a large group of researchers When electricity production is based working in eight different fields. Together on intermittent sources, such as the sun and they seek solutions to the challenges that wind, the power delivered to the grid will major, rapid fluctuations in power produc- Photo: CH/Innovation Norway vary greatly from hour to hour and from tion pose to Norway’s hydropower plants The power of water: Can Norway’s abundant reservoirs keep up with energy demands from Europe? day to night. Consumers, however, expect and national grid. a constant supply of electricity on the grid, whether during periods of peak demand in Numerous challenges This year, give the gift that lasts the morning and afternoon or periods of low The HydroPEAK project addresses eight all year long! demand at night. areas of research: • Scenarios for Europe’s balance 2011 Flexible hydropower power needs Norway CaleNdar The imbalance between the supply of • Hydrological effects Visions and verse of Vikingland power and consumer demand is becoming • Models for the power system more and more of a problem for energy com- • Pumped-storage hydroelectric sta- panies and grid operators, as fossil fuel-based tions $12.95 + S&H power plants are gradually being replaced by • Frequency variations in the grid To order, call toll-free: (800) 201-3220 wind farms. Norway’s main energy source, • Physical effects on hydro tunnels hydropower, is unique in that production can • Physical effects on rivers easily be adjusted by releasing more or less • Impacts on river ice water through the turbines. Since Norway has Europe’s largest hy- The first area listed above provides a ba- dropower resources, the continent’s energy sis for all of the HydroPEAK sub-projects. companies and grid operators are keenly Researchers are drawing up scenarios for interested in gaining access to Norwegian how the Norwegian energy sector could sat- reservoirs. The question is, will Norway be isfy the balance power demands of a Euro- able to help Europe with its balance power pean power system that will be increasingly needs? based on renewable energy. “The scenarios determine how much Give the Gift of the ISS Demand exceeds supply balance power will be needed, so that the A recent study by the German Advi- other research areas can be scaled according sory Council on the Environment reports to the most likely scenarios,” explains Pro- that Germany’s target to produce all of its fessor Killingtveit. electricity from renewable sources by 2050 hinges upon access to a whopping 60,000 Changes in Norwegian watercourses Two ways you can give: megawatts (MW) of balance power. Norway has in-depth expertise in the en- The study identifies Norway as the only vironmentally-responsible operation of hy- Send someone special to the country that could supply such a volume. dropower plants. So far, changes have mostly International Summer School This amount, however, is several times great- occurred gradually over long periods of time. for the experience of a lifetime! er than Norway’s potential as estimated by However, the power system of tomorrow will the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy have to absorb rapid change, which may lead Directorate (NVE). According to NVE, Nor- to some unpleasant surprises. Donate to the ISS Scholarship way’s potential for balance power produc- One consequence will be more difficul- Fund. Your donation helps tion in 2030 will total some 20,000 MW. By ty in delivering electricity with stable volt- deserving students have the way of comparison, Norway’s total installed age and frequency. Also, hydro-tunnels for opportunity to study in Norway. capacity is currently 29,000 MW. transporting water from the reservoir to the turbines may be exposed to a higher risk of Rapid changes in the power system rockslides and landslides due to greater vari- Contact the ISS North American The greatest challenge, however, is not ation in water pressure in the rock. Office for information/qualifications: the scale of Europe’s balance power needs, “Using the Norwegian power system for 1-800-639-0058 or [email protected] but rather the rapid changes that are putting balance power will lead to changes in Nor- Norway’s entire power system under pres- way’s watercourses. How much are we will- sure, from changes in the reservoirs’ biologi- ing to tolerate?” asks the professor and his cal environments to voltage fluctuations in colleagues. International Summer School, the grid. June 25 - August 5, 2011 Reservoir levels can vary by as much as About Centres for Environment-friendly 10 meters in a single day, and voltage fluc- Energy Research tuations in the grid can overload consumers’ CEDREN is one of eight Centres for www.summerschool.uio.no electrical devices. This is where Norwegian Environment-friendly Energy Research (the researchers enter the picture. CONTINUES PAGE 18 6 • November 19, 2010 norwegian american weekly opinion Norwegian American Weekly An opinion column about current issues in Norway Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Join the conversation! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local:(206) 784-4617 On the EDGE fax: (206) 448-2033 • email: [email protected] The US expert in Norway Publisher By Johannes Beia Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] CEO and Executive Director, NAF Before the Nov. 2 election in the U.S., probably not a fair characterization of this society, culture, political climate and the Kim Nesselquist [email protected] the Norwegian newspaper Nettavisen gave movement, defined by the highly respected opinions of the voter. What stands out even Managing Editor its readers a chance to learn more about the news magazine The Economist as “(voters) more is the professor’s lack of neutrality. Christy Olsen Field [email protected] election by having Professor Emeritus Ole dismayed by what they see as government It would be good for a U.S. expert from Assistant Layout Editor Moen from the University of Oslo answer expansion that is out of control.” If you are Norway to base his comments and answers Harry Svenkerud [email protected] questions from its readers. Professor Moen supposed to be neutral, that is! on the actual situation in this country rather is referred to as a “U.S. expert” in the Nor- When Professor Moen was asked why than on a view that the U.S. should be more Intern wegian media, and is often asked to analyze President Obama is now struggling so much, like Norway. Julie Pederson [email protected] the political development in the U.S. and what has happened since the 2008 elec- Given the recent demonstrations in Advertising & Subscriptions It is quite interesting to read his an- tion, his answer is: France and England over their government’s (206) 441-3044 [email protected] swers to the questions asked by the Net- “The Republicans put themselves into cuts in spending in a desperate attempt to Contributing Editors tavisen readers: a corner under the leadership of extremists reduce large deficits, it is probably hard for “[Sarah Palin] is incredibly ignorant, with a negative agenda. They have done ev- a Norwegian or European to understand a Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. lacks basic knowledge and has nothing to erything to delay proposed legislation and political Tea Party movement that actually Carla Danziger McLean, Va. offer.” Whether you agree or disagree with harassed any Republican that has tried to demands less of a government rather than Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck oslo, Norway Sarah Palin, this is not a respectful way for cooperate with Obama and the Democrats more. Marit Fosse geneva, Switzerland a “U.S. expert” to address a U.S. politician. in congress.” One thing that is different in the U.S. Drew Gardner Seattle, Wash. Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. If you are supposed to be neutral, that is! Negative media focus, especially from is its ideology of small government, free Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway According to Professor Moen, “The Fox News and conservative radio hosts, on enterprise and self reliance. Like it or not, Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. reason the president and the Democratic- the economy, unemployment and the diffi- there are still a large number of Americans Leslee Lane Hoyum rockford, Minn. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. led congress has not been successful in sell- cult economic situation for many families, that believe in these principles. This is still Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. ing all their good legislation to the voters has made it difficult (for the president) to mostly a conservative country, especially if Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. is because of disinformation offered by Fox present the positive effect of his policy.” you see it with European eyes. The profes- Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. news and conservative radio hosts.” This is not a particularly good answer sor emeritus in Oslo should give that some Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. This is, in best case, a naïve statement from a U.S. expert, even though he might thought before he calls himself a “U.S. ex- Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. given the wide range of news channels in have touched on some of the real reasons pert.” David Moe Juneau, Alaska the U.S. If you are supposed to be neutral, for the big change in the electorate in the Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Bill Osmundsen Milton, N.H. that is! second half of his answer. If you are sup- Johannes Beia is a Norwegian sub- Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. Professor Ole Moen’s view of the Tea posed to be neutral, that is! scriber who has spent many years in the John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Party movement is that it is “a movement What stands out in his attempt to edu- U.S. Beia occasionally writes opinion piec- Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway based on patriotic history plus racism, cate Norwegians on the U.S. election is the es for the Norwegian American Weekly. Julie Whipple portland, Ore. Beate Ørbeck oslo, Norway mixed with far right populism.” This is professor’s lack of respect for American

CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an have a question or comment about news coverage endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right national museum… vesterheim… not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor (…continued from page 1) the proposed new building “the best arena (…continued from page 3) taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. for our greatest artists.” • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian werk was “judged to be the best and most In a written statement, the National Mu- atmosphere, including the Luren Singing American Weekly, and our publication of those views is financially viable,” combining “nice, distinct seum notes Kleihues + Schuwerk’s proposal Society, the Decorah Chorale, the Decorah not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions visitor areas with functional solutions that “has excellent logistics. The individual parts High School Madrigal Singers, and North- and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the preserve and secure the National Museum’s – exhibition, magazines, studios, workshops, ern Lights. Regional radio station KVIK/ publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published collections.” library and administration – are part of an KNEI will broadcast live from the museum weekly except the first week of the calendar year, The design firm, with offices in- Ber optimal functional interaction. A restaurant on Saturday morning. the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • lin, Germany, and Naples, Italy, was the and multifunctional meeting spaces are lo- A favorite throughout the weekend is the Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. top choice of a jury appointed by the state cated so that they can function as a service juletrefest, when young and old join hands NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription to evaluate various proposals. The other two to the city.” and sing Christmas songs while they circle Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. top competitors were JAJA Architects Aps The project and its location remain con- around the tree. They also hear about Christ- and Henning Larsen Architects A/S, both of troversial, with some Norwegians urging that mas in Norway while they await a visit from SINCE MAY 17, 1889: the National Gallery, for example, should re- Formerly Norway Times Copenhagen. the julenisse, the Christmas elf, who roams Western Viking & Washington Posten Since April, all three finalists have been main in its historic quarters downtown with through the museum complex. negotiating with Statsbygg, the state agency a new building erected on its adjacent prop- Hands-on activities for children include Comprising Nordisk Tidene, Decorah- that acts on behalf of the Norwegian gov- erty, which has long been used for parking. making traditional ornaments from simple Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, ernment as property manager and advisor in On its Web site, Statsbygg projects con- materials like straw, paper and yarn. Artists Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven construction and property affairs. struction will start in 2014 after approval demonstrate figure carving and other forms NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. The project will combine all divisions of from Stortinget, and the museum can move of woodworking, rosemaling, rug hooking, the National Museum — the National Gal- to its new location in 2017. jewelry making, straw-ornament making, lery, the Museum of Decorative Arts and spinning, and weaving. Design (Kunstindustrimuseet), the Museum For more information in Norwegian, For full details about Vesterheim’s of Contemporary Art (Museet for Samtid- visit www.statsbygg.no. The jury report and Christmas Weekend, call (563) 382-9681 or Proud to bring you the skunst), and the National Museum of Archi- more artist’s renderings are available to view visit www.vesterheim.org. Norwegian American Weekly tecture — in one location. Huitfeldt called for the public. e Scandinavian Hour Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU Celebrating over 40 years on the air Independent Insurance Broker Long-Term Health Care KKNW - 1150 AM Serving individuals and corporations Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 amam PST Call me or visit my website: Streaming live on the internet at: www.obergltc.com www.1150kknw.com (206)362-5913 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155 norwegian american weekly November 19, 2010 • 7 opinion Looking for a different Behind the Blackout kind of Christmas Letters to the Editor Curtains By Ellen Dahlberg Zahl Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! present to give? 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Life of a young Email: [email protected] Give the gift girl and her family of GREAT design. in Nazi-occupied Norway during Dear Editor, cludes all major contemporary works. He is 1- or 2-hour interior design consulation World War II. On Sunday, Dec. 5 at 8 p.m., the New a professor at the Norwegian State Academy Only $15 York Viola Society presents renowned Nor- in Oslo. He plays a viola dated from 1590. plus $5 shipping wegian violist Lars Anders Tomter in recital Tomter’s international solo career start- with pianist Nelson Padgett at the Church of ed in 1987 when he toured extensively in Line Grundstad Hanke Christ and St. Stephen’s in , the U.S. and Germany with the Norwegian “An enjoyable and educational read... N.Y. The program includes Franz Shubert’s Chamber Orchestra. Since then, he has ap- InterIor DesIGn I felt transported to war-time Oslo and imagined “Sonata in A minor for Arpeggione and Pi- peared at the Vienna Musikverein and other seattle, Washington myself the age of Inger. It’s a terrific book for ano,” Benjamin Britten’s “Lacrymae,” Ed- major venues in Scandinavia, Madrid, Buda- young people because it tells history in such an vard Grieg’s “Sonata in A minor for Cello pest, Berlin, Paris, Prague, Rome, London, interesting way...” – Norwegian-American reader and Piano” (arranged for viola by Tomter), New York and Washington, D.C. Phone: (206) 619-1328 Send check or money order: and the U.S. premiere of Ragnar Söderlund’s Beginning with the 2008 – 2009 sea- email: [email protected] Ellen Dahlberg Zahl “Friesiche Landschaft.” son, Tomter has performed the new viola Visit us online: P.O. Box 96, Saint Helens, OR 97051 Lars Anders Tomter, the “giant of the concerto “Illuminati,” written for Tomter by linegrundstadhankeinteriordesign.blogspot.com Questions? Call (503) 366-9493 Nordic viola,” was born in Hamar, Norway. Erkki-Sven Tüür. In 2008, Tomter premiered He began his studies at the age of eight with the viola concerto written for him by Ragnar the violin, and later took up the viola. He Söderlund at the Elverum Festival. studied violin and viola with Professor Leif General admission is $15, seniors $10, Haram-CHristensen Corporation Jørgensen at the Oslo Music Conservatory and students $5. New York Viola Society Importers of Fine Foods & European Specialties since 1919 and the Norwegian State Academy, and later members are admittted free. For more infor- with Professor Max Rostal and with Sándor mation, call (212) 592-7785 or visit www. 125 Asia Place, Carlstadt, New Jersey 07072 Vegh. He was awarded a special prize for his nyvs.org. interpretation of Bartók’s “Viola Concerto” Tel: (201) 507-8544 • Fax: (201) 507-0507 at the International Viola Competition in Bu- Sincerely, www.haramchris.com dapest in 1984, and went on to win the Mau- Christine Ims rice Vieux International Competition in Lille President in 1986. New York Viola Society Lars Anders Tomter’s large repertoire in- New York, N.Y. God Jul og

Dear Readers, Your greeting can be as simple as “Merry Snart er det jul igjen! Christmas is a Christmas!” or “God Jul og Godt Nyttår!” To time of sharing in traditions, and there are place your greeting, mail in the order form Godt Nyttår! many wonderful Norwegian traditions at this on page 19 with a check, or call us toll-free time of the year, from Christmas bazaars to at (800) 305-0217 to pay by credit card. The lefse making. We wish you a happy Christ- deadline is Dec. 1, so don’t delay! Mills Mayonnaise & Cod Roe Spread mas season! This Christmas, consider a gift subscrip- Salmon & Makrell in oil • Idun Mustards In this issue, we present our annual tion for friends or family members. It’s just Husmor Fiskeboller & Fiskekaker • Lutefisk Christmas Gift Guide. This is one of our fa- $40 for the first year (less than $1 per issue), vorite issues of the year, mostly because we and includes your choice of the “Crown Prin- Sunnmøre Pressed Cod Roe • Makrell i tomat get to see all the great gift items at Scandi- cess Märtha” or “The Marshall Plan” docu- King Oscar Gaffelbiter • Sardines navian stores around the U.S. From books mentary DVD from the Norwegian Ameri- to games and even a traditional spark (kick- can Foundation. Gift subscriptions will start Freia sjokolade • Nidar sjokolade • Dent ), there is something for everyone. Share with our Christmas Greeting issue, so call Gjetost • Jarlsberg • Ridderost your love of Norway with your loved ones! us today to set up a subscription for a gift Kavli Cheese & Cod Roe Spreads In December, we will publish the annual that lasts all year long for your fellow Nor- Christmas Greetings issue, and we invite you wegians. Viking Lefse • Stabburet Surkål og Rødkål to participate in this fun tradition by placing Korni • Ideal • Solo Orange Soda a personalized greeting. The cost is $10 for a All the best, small greeting, and $20 for a large greeting. The Norwegian American Weekly staff Farris Mineral Water • Toro Soups Nugatti • Cod Liver Oil in Bottles Merry Christmas! God Jul og Cheese slicers • Norwegian Cooking Books Godt Nyttår til Persil Vaskepulver and other Scandinavian products Bjorn and Nina alle venner! Steffensen Staten Island, N.Y. Ola og Berit Nordmann Blue Mounds, Wis. Please call for store location near you! $10 for small ad $20 for large ad Han Ola og Han Per 8 • november 19, 2010 norwegian american weekly roots & connections Did you know? Ole and Lena Facts about Norway Jul i mange land Ole and Lena were having Did you know that the Christmas trees in breakfast when a commercial came Union Station, Washington D.C., and in Puzzle with Sölvi Dolland on the TV proclaiming, “The best Trafaglar Square in London are provided part of wakin’ up is the Folgers in by Norway? In 1947, the British authori- your cup.” Ole chuckled and re- ties received a Christmas tree from Oslo marked, “At MY age, da best part of as a special thanks for the help and support vaing up... is yust VAKING UP.” Britain gave to Norway and Norwegians during the occupation years from 1940 to America’s 1945. Since then, the Christmas trees have favorite Norwegians! become an annual tradition.

Abigail M. Samuelsen Camp Hill PA 22. november Lars Larson New Richmond WI James Belgum Glencoe MN Raymond Christianson Sidney MT John Insefjord Madison WI M. Andersen Shumpert Jacksonville FL 23. november Rebecca Ann Sund Olympia WA Sven Svendsen Santa Monica CA 19. november Knut Johansen Keyport WA Pete Otnes Seattle WA Kenneth Gjerde Seattle WA Aagot Eide Baltic SD Liv Thomseth Schweigert Cary IL Karen Uhl Portland OR 24. november Sharon L. Willoughby Coral Springs FL Linda Simonsen San Francisco CA Barney Bordsen Rio Linda CA Oswald M. Sveen Newburg ND 20. november Solveig Austad Duluth MN William Anderson Coquille OR Peder Ness Appleton MN Paul Borg Rainier OR Torbjørg Claeys Bremerton WA Norman Østhus Seattle WA 25. november Mrs John Haugum Montevideo MN Egil H. Werner Drammen Norway Per Fredrik Bamer Oslo Norway Olga Huseby Everett WA Carol Christensen Seattle WA Laila Eikeland Barr Seattle WA 21. november Bjarne Solem Elgin IL Alf Haugan Yakima WA Kaare Dahl Gig Harbor WA Harry Christensen Oakland CA Bjarne Solem Elgin IL Leif Ericksen Kingston WA Bergit Thompson Whitehouse Station NJ Emil Kaldestad Sunde Norway Kathy Thunder Menominee MI Carl Lindstad Geneva WI Mossen Habbestad Poulsbo WA Solution will be in the Nov. 26 issue

Nordic delicacies iNc. The Axe of Iron 6909 Third Ave. Brooklyn, New York 11209 Tel: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 www.nordicdeli.com We ship via UPS all over the U.S.

Scandinavian Importers of Food Chocolates and Gifts Christmas orders taken now! We will be open the last two Sundays before christmas!

Special (hard to find) chriStmaS itemS: Pinnekjøtt, Svinneribbe, Middags Pølser, Midisterpølser, Fishpudding & Fishcakes Nøkkelost Cheese (limited quantities available) Kong Haakon 500 gr., Marsipan Pigs (large & small) The Vikings of Greenland. What happened to them? Full line of Freia Chocolates, Bestemor’s Lerim Jordbær Syltetøy Read the fascinating fictional series by award-winning author homemade cookieS: J.A. Hunsinger about the Greenland Vikings in North America. Smultringer, Fattigmann, Serinakaker, Pepperkaker, Sandkaker, Sirupsnippers, Krumkaker, Kransekaker, Julekaker etc. Order today for Christmas gifts! Call toll-free (800) 247-6553 or place an order at your local bookstore chriStmaS giftS: Available online: such as hats, gloves, Gjestal Norwegian sweaters, www.atlasbooks.com and www.amazon.com tablecloths and much, much more! Vi ønsker våre kunder Vinland Publishing Email: [email protected] God Jul &Godt Ny ttÅr! Online: www.vinlandpublishing.com Visit our Facebook page! norwegian american weekly November 19, 2010 • 9 Christmas gift guide

Christmas Gift Guide

Add a touch of heritage2010 to your Christmas season with these Norwegian-inspired gifts for family and friends.

With a variety of gifts for all ages, give your loved ones the gift of Norway!

Lefse Tradition Kit Kong Haakon Boxed Chocolates For the whole family For the holiday hostess Share the tradition of lefse making with younger genera- tions with a customizable lefse kit! Choose the style of rolling pin, potato ricer, lefse stick, and Bethany lefse griddle to complete the set of lefse- making tools. Available at www.lefsetime.com. Price: $169

A tradition since 1905, Kong Haakon boxed chocolates were at one time an exclusive commodity because of rationing during World War II and high taxes on chocolate. Be the favorite guest at this year’s holiday party when you bring along a box of Kong Haakon. Avail- able at www.nordicdeli.com and other speciality Scandinavian retailers. Norwegian ABC Blocks Price: $40 For the littlest Norwegian Oleana Blanket

For the newest addition to the family

Get comfortable, get cozy! Oleana blankets from Norway are beautifully designed and extraor- dinaily woven using the best of natural cotton and merino wool fi- bers. These gorgeous blankets will warm the heart of your home and make a wonderful heirloom gift for the newest addition to your family.

Available through Chalet in the Woods (visit www.chaletinthe- woods.com) and other Oleana dis- Lindenwood’s Norwegian language set includes 30 blocks providing four complete alpha- tributors. bets, three sets of numerals, and 30 different animal pictures. Made from Michigan bass- wood, brightly colored with child-safe inks, and handcrafted with attention to detail. The blocks are a generous 1 ¾ inch (44mm) cubed, a perfect size for small hands! Price: Available online at www.lindenwoodinc.com. $175 – $325 Price: $37 10 • november 19, 2010 norwegian american weekly christmas gift guide Men’s Verglas Down Insulator Jacket I know exactly what was my fa- vorite Christmas gift. Joan and I were For the athlete Judy Hochat MarstalStudio JewelrySmithy to be married on Dec. 27, 1955. For Christmas, Joan stunned me with a The gift that lasts a lifetime. beautiful Norwegian sweater that she Helly Hansen Verglas is a thin and Jewelry made with stones personally knit. Not only was it a mag- lighweight down jacket that can be from Scandinavia nificently handsome and warm sweat- comfortably worn both as outerwear or All pieces are numbered one of a kind. er, but it told me that I was marrying a mid-layer in the Helly Hansen 3-layer Made to your specifications. Work a wonderful person. So here, 55 years protection system. This winter jacket is in sterling silver and 18ky gold. later, we still have a great marriage and highly compressable to fit into a back- family. I think that Norwegian sweater, pack and well-designed for mountain or From Norway – thulite, vasskis, aquamarine, peridot, green which I still cherish, had something to urban use. Available at outdoor outfit- amazonite do with it. ters or www.hellyhansen.com. From Sweden – Sweden stone – From Denmark from the old iron smelters – amber

From Finland – labradorite, spectrolite Walter Mondale From Greenland – Christmas stone, Vice President of the satellite stone 1977 – 1981 Price: $200 View stones and more jewelry online Retired Consul General of Norway www.judyhoch.com Minneapolis, Minn. Judy Staby Hoch • 719.539.5494 PO Box 1407, Salida, CO 81201

Gård Vintners Wine Club For the wine lover

Enjoy Gård Vintners estate wine year- round with your family and friends! Gård, meaning “farm” in Norwegian, is a tribute to the Lawrence family’s Scandinavian heritage and farming tradition in Royal City, Wash. Their award-winning wines are distributed three times annually in four-bottle ship- ments. It’s a gift that keeps giving all year long. Sign up at www.gardvintners.com, or call (509) 346-2585.

Price: $70

It was war-time in Norway and the gifts were few. But for Ju- laften 1944, my mother made me a doll. She had a bright smile, big blue eyes and pretty yellow locks. I named her Lise. And when the air sirens sounded and we had to run for cover in the dirt basement, I kept her close. When my little girl became eight years old I gave her the doll and told her the story. In return, my daughter has passed Lise on to her daughters. She has been part of our family’s Christmas for many years.

Astrid Karlsen Scott Author and Publisher Nordic Adventures Olympia, Wash.

bqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqb Collectible Porcelain Dolls Celebrate Your Norwegian Heritage! Each Porcelain Doll wears handcrafted bunad. Great Family Keepsake; Excellent Gift!

763-424-4343 [email protected]

www.scan-dolls.com norwegian american weekly November 19, 2010 • 11 Christmas gift guide Kubb – The Viking game In post-war Norway, we had very few “luxury” items, and Christmas gifts were normally much needed practical items. For kids aged 6 – 106 When I was seven years old, we had a very cold winter with lots Kuub (pronounced Koob) of snow, and my father built me a toboggan with good help from is a Scandinavian game dating the local blacksmith. It was equipped with a steering wheel and back 1,000 years to the Vikings. brake, and I had the greatest toboggan for miles. It is a cross between bocce ball and horseshoes, but with varia- tions to make the game more Steinar Opstad interesting and challenging. Author and Contributing Editor Unlike those games, KUBB Grålum, Norway can be played in the snow. The game KUBB is addictive, em- ploys skill and strategy, and has sometimes been called The DVDs from Norway Viking Chess Game. Order online at www.old- Price: $60 – $75 timegames.com or call (800) 833-1448. For the movie buff “We are going to pick Potatoes” A growing number of Nor- Norway and the Holocaust, the Untold Story way’s top films are available in the U.S. with American DVD zoning. A memoir by Norwegian native Check out the blockbuster hit “Max Manus” about the Norwegian resist- Irene Levin Berman ence movement during World War II. The full collection of the Norwegian Published by Hamilton Books American Foundation’s documenta- ries are available for purchase on- Online at amazon.com, line and by calling (206) 441-3044. barnesandnoble.com, Available on Amazon.com, or check with your local Scandinavian store. and hamilton-books.com Sponsored by Norway’s Resistance Museum “This ‘untold story’ about Price: $20 – $25 (Norges Hjemmefrontmuseum) what happened to Norwegian Jews during the Holocaust, Questions? Contact Irene at deserves to be told – and now [email protected] it is.” – Elie Wiesel or (860) 242-5330

www.norwayandtheholocaust.com 12 • November 19, 2010 norwegian american weekly christmas gift guide “Fading Footprints of the Norwegian Knitting Supplies American Dream” DVD Thank God for little things. For the ambitious knitter For those with Bay Ridge roots When I was 6 years old, well that is a long time ago. Living in Norway Knit a present that the recipient will treasure forever! Each of these books con- before the war, Norway was a very tains knitting patterns inspired by traditional Norwegian garments. Knit warm, wool- poor country and we would only get en scarves, hats, mittens and more this winter with these inspirational guides. Find one present for Christmas. Well, my a wide selection of high-quality Norwegian present was a pocket mirror and to wool yarn at The Troll’s Cove in Waupaca, me it was an unforgettable present. Wis. (www.thetrollscove.com). Call (715) I cherished it for many years. The 256-9930 for selection. present was from my older sister, I asked her many years later how much Prices vary it cost. She told me about 25 øre, or about 25 cents. My most memorable Christmas present. Bjarne “Skipper” Anthonsen “Fading Footprints of the American Dream” is a documentary about the strong Contributing Editor Norwegian community in Bay Ridge, Bonsall, Calif. Brooklyn, N.Y. and the American influence in Lista, Norway. To order, call Arnie Berg- man at (718) 851-6899 or email arnieb33@ optonline.net. Price: $25 + S&H Lefse Queen T-shirt

NORWAY ART ®, Minneapolis For the lefse maker

The premiere Lefse is made with love, so celebrate the head lefse maker in your family with this fun place for art from t-shirt. It’s 100 percent cotton with screen- Norway in America! printed graphics. Sure to be a favorite Christ- mas present this year! Available at Scandina- vian Specialties (www.scanspecialties.com) 612-339-7829 or other Scandinavian stores. www.norwayartonline.com Price: $15.95

The Nordic Maid The best Christmas gift I ever got was a Fender Stratocaster electric guitar. The West Coast’s Premier Scandinavian Store! It was so beautiful with its rosewood neck and old, cream-yellow body. I have had many hours of mind-blasting fun playing it. God Jul og Godt Nyttår! Stefan Dahlkvist Featuring great Gifts such as: Lifestyle Designer, Moods of Norway Shop vesterheim.org! for Norwegian specialties and folk-art gifts including Dale of Norway sweaters.

Traditional Dale of Norway sweaters Books Christmas Decor Norwegian Christmas December 4 & 5 Bring the whole family! Free Admission Traditions, Folk-arts, crafts, music, and food God Jul Christmas Dishes Henning Carvings Welcome Lights Sponsored by Bank of the West with matching funds from the David and Brenda Carlson family and Decorah’s Sons of Norway Valdres Lodge. Plus CDs, tees and so much more!

The Nordic Maid Gift Shop 18954 Front Street NE — Poulsbo, WA 98370 Phone: (877) 355-5791 — Email: [email protected] Preserving a heritage. Connecting us all. www.nordicmaid.com 523 W. Water St., Decorah, Iowa • 563-382-9681 • vesterheim.org norwegian american weekly November 19, 2010 • 13 christmas gift guide Spark: A Norwegian kicksled For those who live in snowy climates

This handmade spark, which means “kick” in Norwegian, is a bit of Norwegian genius. Made by Ben and Linda Lind of Scandia Kicksled, it is a great way to have fun on the snow and ice, and a terrific way to stay in shape. The operator kicks, steering with the handlebars, and there is a seat for a passenger or cargo. It is also a great alternative to cross- country skiing.

Price: $195 – $250 Tor Ove Bag For the trendsetter

The ultra-cool lifestyle company Moods of Norway brings a new side to Norwegian fashion with wild colors, trac- tors and cocktails. The black Tor Ove bag is perfect for traveling to the homeland! Available through Grandma’s Webshop at www.moodsofnorway.com. Price: $250

Mörkt lantern For a housewarming party

In Norway, warm candlelight fills the dark winter nights. Follow tradition and light up a housewarming party with this cozy lantern from IKEA. This steel lantern is 11 inches tall and holds a taper candle. Find in any IKEA store.

Price: $20 14 • November 19, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us norwegian american weekly arts & Style Recommended reads Want a good book to give (or receive) for Christmas? Here are some of our favorite books by Norwegian and Norwegian-American authors

Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Managing Editor

“Axe of Iron” series by J.A. Hunsinger fined by courage, hard work, integrity and What happened to the Vikings in Green- faith. The book features personal interviews land? After decades of research, author J.A. and memories, and documents the impor- Hunsinger’s knowledge of Norse and Native tance of Norwegian heritage in America. customs turns history into adventure in this To order an autographed copy, contact the sweeping saga of adventurers who toil tire- author directly at [email protected] lessly, love lustily, and fight fiercely to con- or (508) 362-4272. Price: $39.90 + S&H. quer a raw and brutal land. “The Settlers” ISBN: 0-9746515-5-9. (Price: $17.95, ISBN: 978-0-9801601-0-9) and “Confrontation” (Price: $16.95, ISBN: “A Handbook of Scandinavian Names” by 978-0-9801601-5-4). Nancy L. Coleman and Olav Veka This book is a dictionary of more than “Defiant Courage: A World War II Epic 1,500 names from Norway, Sweden and of Escape and Endurance” by Astrid Denmark, plus some from Iceland and Fin- LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Karlsen Scott and Dr. Tore Haug land. Each entry provides pronounciation, This book is an incredible story of sur- origin and meaning of the name, as well as Sales and Service vival: Jan Baalsrud, a Norwegian saboteur variations and usage in the Nordic countries. who was the sole survivor of an attack by Price: $27.95. ISBN: 978-029924834-5. the Nazis in 1943, swam icy fjords, climbed snow peaks, endured violent snowstorms “In Cod We Trust: Living the Norwegian and suffered frostbite – all while trying to Dream” by Eric Dregni flee the Gestapo. “Defiant Courage” brings In this cross-cultural memoir, author Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK the whole truth behind this edge-of-your- Eric Dregni tells the hair-raising, hilarious phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 seat, real-life survival story. Price: $16.95. and poignant stories of his family’s year- fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 ISBN: 978-1-61608-160-7. long Norwegian experiment as a Fulbright student in Trondheim. This laugh-out-loud “Eirik Bloodaxe” by Gareth Williams memoir shows modern Norway through The latest release from Saga Publishers, the eyes of a fourth-generation Norwegian- [email protected] “Eirik Bloodaxe” is the first biography ever American, and it will warm your heart with 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 written about the legendary Viking king who its humor. Price: $22.95. ISBN: 978-0-8166- was heir to the Norwegian throne. Murderer 5623-3. and warrior, he established reigns of power in Norway and England. Price: $25. ISBN: “Kitchen of Light” by Andreas Viestad Great christmas gift! 978-82-91640-51-8. Norway’s top food writer, Andreas Viestad, brings new Scandinavian cooking Pete quietly revels “Following the Waters: Voices from the to the American kitchen. Part cookbook, part Final Norwegian Emigration” by Astrid in his Scandinavian introduction to a region, Viestad takes tra- Tollefsen ditional Norwegian ingredients and recipes, heritage while This 512-page tome is an oral history and streamlines them for the modern kitch- pursuing justice for a about the lives and culture of courageous en. Its beautiful photography and inspired grieving mother. Norwegian fishermen and their families who recipes will hold a treasured place in a home In the process, he came to America. Known as pendlers (com- cook’s arsenal of go-to cookbooks. Price: uncovers a sinister muters), these Norwegian families were de- CONTINUES PAGE 19 web of evil where old grudges linger just beneath the surface.

“MUST READ! Target is E 801 Lauritzen Lane, Waupaca, WI 54981 fast, fun, and daring in (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] its ability to turn bullets into warheads. Its engrossing storyline God JuL oG Godt Nyttår! and friendly lead character will plant you Find all your Christmas presents here! in your seat from the first page to the last.” ~ BookReview.com ISBN 978-098181269-4 $17.95

Purchase your copy today! Laila perfume — Norwegian sweaters — Suzanne Toftey tiles BUY IT NOW at your favorite bookstore (can special ordered for you). Alternatively, order online at Amazon.com — search “TARGET by Robert Wangard” — or send Trolls & Gnomes — and much, much more! $25.95 (includes S&H) to the publisher at Ampersand Inc., 1050 N. State, Chicago, IL 60610 www.rwangard.com Visit us online at www.thetrollscove.com norwegian american weekly November 19, 2010 • 15 Obituaries & Religion Reckless Courage In Loving Memory The true story of a Norwegian boy under Nazi rule, by William F. Fuller with Jack Haines Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? “A captivating issue of survival under German rule... a welcome Contact us at (800) 305-0217 or [email protected] to place an obituary free of charge. and much appreciated addition to World War II history and narrative shelves.” The Midwest Book Review’s Small Press Bookwatch jim vatn… “I have read the charming story with great interest... it is valuable to (…continued from page 1) be able to see and experience historical events through the eyes and minds of a specific family.” Ingolv Austad, Director of Stavanger University Reading Centre its Norwegian heritage in Seattle, Wash. And Jim Vatn was a proud Norwegian-American. Now in its 4th printing and available in paperback! Like the Norwegian royal family, Jim dedicated himself to the motto: “Alt for $9.95 + S&H Norge.” For more than three decades, he To order, contact Skandisk’s Tomten Catalog at (800) 468-2424 or www.taberhallpress.com was the heart and soul of Seattle’s 17th of Also available on Kindle! Published in Norway as “UNG MOTSTAND” by Commentum Forlag May festival, serving as the ubiquitous pa- rade chairman, announcer for the parade and, on several occasions, chair of the entire com- mittee itself. A Nordlending and a Trønder, he was active in Nordlandslaget for as long 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 as I knew him. It was once said of Jim that he was a Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] “professional Norwegian-American.” In the best sense of the term, it was true. In 1997, Featuring great Nordic products King Harald V of Norway must have agreed because he awarded Jim the prestigious St. Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments Photo: Ellen Beck Olav Medal, an award that made him beam Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats Jim at his mother’s 93rd birthday party in July with pride. In 2009, the Norwegian-Ameri- 2009. and more! can Chamber of Commerce recognized Jim for his numerous contributions to the com- vers basketball and football games. He was Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com munity by proclaiming him “Norwegian- a member of the Nordic Heritage Museum American of the Year.” Everybody who met and Seattle’s Leif Erikson Lodge of the Sons Jim didn’t have to wait long to find out what of Norway. A graduate of the University of his heritage was and how much he treasured Washington, he was a member of the adviso- being an American of Norwegian heritage. ry board of the Department of Scandinavian Jim Vatn was one of those rare individu- Studies since its inception in 1984, serving als who possessed an expansive world view as board president in its early years. Auto- but who never lived anywhere except in the graphed baseballs decorated the shelves of community where he was born and raised. his home and he could talk about the Seattle While the ballast of Jim’s life was always Mariners for hours. his connection to Norway, his anchor had Jim died Nov. 7 following a long and long ago been thrown over the side in Bal- noble struggle against cancer, but his mem- lard. He was a member of Ballard Rotary, ory in the many people he touched with his the Ballard Chamber of Commerce, the Bal- humor and dedication to service will con- lard High School Athletic Committee, the tinue to inspire. Jim Vatn: “Mr. Norway” in Ballard High School Foundation, and the Seattle. Goodbye, my friend. announcer of the Ballard High School Bea- Fred over hans minne. gift of travel… for hotels or cabins ahead of their trip. That (…continued from page 17) allows people to enjoy their vacation instead of spending time looking for available ac- Just south of Bodø, watch up to 400 mil- commodation.” lion m³ (tonnes) of seawater force its way I asked Frode what their long term goal through a 3 km long (1.8 mile), 150 m wide was and he laughed. “ To be the world’s best (164 yard) strait every six hours, with water travel route!” Kystriksveien is an alternative speeds reaching 22 knots (about 40 km/hr or to the E6 (the main highway); it’s the road 25 miles/hr). Saltstraumen is the strongest less traveled and will give you and yours a tidal current in the world. glimpse of northern Norway you will never When you drive along Kystriksveien, forget. nature comes to greet you at the side of the road and mountains meet the sea. See (or Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – hike) de Syv Søster (the Seven Sisters), a I took the one less traveled by, mountain range outside of Sandnessjøen, and And that has made all the difference. Torghatten with its natural tunnel through the (“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost) center, (accessible by foot) outside of Brøn- nøysund. Contact information: Downloadable travel guides, maps, route Kystriksveien Reiseliv AS information, ferry routes and prices, videos, Frode Lindberg (Manager) and extensive lists of activities are available Tel. +47 74 40 17 17 on the Web site in English. Email: [email protected] Frode Lindberg and his crew are there Web site: www.rv17.no to help you find the route that is just right for Be a fan on Facebook! Go to www.fa- you – at no cost. They will book hotels, ar- cebook.com, and search Kystriksveien fra range car or boat rentals and point you in the - Bodø, Coastal route North Nor- direction of unique experiences. “We always way. Full Service Agency With Experienced recommend that people make reservationsNorwegian Speaking Consultants! Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] Verrazano TraVel & leisure NordicWeeklyNov152010.indd 1 11/12/10 5:59:03 PM 1 (718) 979-6641 [email protected] [email protected] 16 • November 19, 2010 norwegian american weekly taste of norway NordiC AdveNtures A touch of sugar and spice 7602 Holiday Valley DR. NW. Olympia, WA 98502 Toll-free: (800) 618-0013 [email protected] Ekte Norsk Jul I -Traditional Norwegian Christmas $4.00 Ekte Norsk Jul II - Traditional Norwegian Christmas Foods $4.00 Ekte Norsk Jul III – 23 Traditional Norwegian Christmas songs in English and Norwegian Let us bring Christmas $12.00 in Norway DVD (1 hour) into your home Begin Christmas now! for only $24.95 The Little Viking Gift Shoppe a touch of Scandinavia in southern California Come see our new shop in Temecula! Available through Amazon.com or iUniverse Call toll-free: 1-800-288-4677 Fine $18.95 gifts and collectibles, cooking supplies, clothing, and more! Seaport Village • 817 West Harbor Dr. (619) 232-7160 • (951) 676-6800 Old Town • 28480 C Old Town Front St. San Diego, CA 92101 www.thelittleviking.com Temecula, CA 92590 www.carladanziger.com Mystery &Romance in Norway Hidden Falls by Carla Danziger An American woman investigating the death of her cousin, a feisty Norwegian journalist, encounters ghosts from the past, danger, & international intrigue in the Sognefjord and Bergen. “An exciting cliff-hanger...” ~Midwest Book Review Available through Amazon.com or iUniverse Call toll-free (800) 288-4677 $18.95 www.carladanziger.com Photo: Marte Kopperud/Innovation Norway A Norwegian Christmas would not be the same without pepperkaker, delicious spice cookies. Norges beste pepperkaker 1 1/8 cup butter 1 tsp cinnamon 1 cup white sugar 1 tsp black pepper, ground 1/4 cup cream, scant 1 1/2 tsp cardamom 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp baking powder 3 – 3 1/2 cups flour

Cream butter and sugar until white. Add cream. Blend the baking soda in a little water or coffee and add to the mixture. Sift spices and baking powder into flour and mix the wet in- gredients to form a uniform dough. Roll into sausages about 2 1/2 inches in diameter, and set to chill thoroughly. Remove chilled dough, cut into thin slices and bake on a lightly greased cookie sheet in 375°F oven for 6 to 8 minutes. God Jul og Recipe from “Ekte Norsk Jul: Traditional Norwegian Christmas Foods” by Astrid Karlsen Scott Nordic Treasure Tours Godt Nyttår! Give the gift of travel! Come see our Christmas items and order Norway: Mountains & Fjords your traditional meats and specialty items! May 27-June 8, 2011 Your adventure starts in Oslo, the modern capital of Norway, continues by bus north through the Olympic City of Lillehammer, on to Røros and then Trondheim, Holiday Hours: the capital of Norway until 1217 during the Viking age. We move on by ship Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. south to Bergen, visiting several idyllic coastal towns along the way. Sunday 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Norway: Coast to Coast July 11-21, 2011 Your adventure starts in Oslo, then continues by bus south to . We travel www.scanspecialties.com by boat through the locks of the Telemark canal and on to the center of Telemark and over the mountains to the majestic fjord country and Bergen. 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (866) 784-7020 Call or email Ingeborg to find out more: We ship via UPS, Mastercard and Visa accepted. Call for product list. 612-532-6618 l [email protected] www.TrilliumToursllc.com/NordicTreasureTours norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/travel November 19, 2010 • 17 travel The gift of travel: Visit the Norwegian coast Follow the scenic Kystriksveien between Trondheim and Bodø for a trip to remember

Kystriksveien is one of the most beautiful, scenic roads in Europe. Photo: Kystriksveien Reiseliv

He i d i Hå v a n Gr o sc h “If we think it is interesting, we can do more time, and many tourists want to visit highlights along Kystriksveien,” says Lind- Sparbu, Norway it,” Frode says, “that is the advantage of be- one of the many islands and stay there for a berg. “To be able to say. ‘Here I stand, at the ing independently/privately owned.” He and couple of days.” Kystriksveien Reiseliv AS Polar circle,’ is a once-in-a-lifetime event.” It is the opportunity to share what we his business partner, Anne Haga, began their is there to hold your hand, walk you through Take a course in Tømmervika, a love with those we love that makes a gift work as part of a special project in 1992, es- your options and give you that once-in-a- guided mountain tour in Meløy, or a moose special. For many of you, a trip to Norway is tablished themselves as an enkeltpersonfore- lifetime gift you have always wanted to give safari for memorable photo opportunities. such a gift; an opportunity to share the land tak (sole proprietorship) in 1994, and became yourself, and your family. They can help you Discover the Innherred region from of your forefathers with family and friends. an AS in 1998. “Our main goal is to match avoid that “Tuesday, it must be Belgium,” Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim, along But many never make it north of Trondheim tourists with good products,” Lindberg says. phenomenon, rushing through to add miles Norway’s third longest fjord (Trondheims- (Sør-Trøndelag). “What is up there in the far “We can be a little more specialized because instead of experiences to your travel belt. fjorden) to Stiklestad (where Olav Haralds- north anyway?” you ask. we are private and focus on one area.” They If salmon fishing’s your thing, then vis- son battled the last remaining peasant army) Frode Lindberg, co-owner of Kystriks- do this all for free, as a service to you. iting one of the world’s best small salmon stopping at small medieval churches and veien Reiseliv AS (Kytriksveien Travel Life), So what makes this route special? rivers in Namdalen may be just the ticket. farms that sell local wares and produce along has the answer. “Kystriksveien, the coastal About 10,000 years ago, during the last For over 1,000 years the residents of the the way. route between Trondheim and Bodø, is prob- Ice Age, Norway was covered by a 2.5 mile islands of Vega have tended the birds that This is a unique region where rock carv- ably one of the most beautiful scenic roads in thick (4 kilometer) layer of ice. When the ice nest there. Once the ducks leave, the bird- ings and rock art from both periods of pre- Europe,” he says. “We know Kystriksveien finally retreated, it left behind many islands, keepers harvest the soft eiderdown and make history (the Stone Age 8000-1800 B.C. and after years of experience and we love to share lakes and streams, also carving out the deep the world’s best duvets. This unique eider- the Bronze and Iron Ages 1800 B.C. – 400 this with our customers, mostly individual valleys that became Norway’s famous fjords. down production provides the livelihood for A.D.) meet; experience them at places like groups in cars or on . We often plan Kystriksveien, and the over 12,000 islands the islands’ communities and was the reason Bøla, Bardal and Egge. their trip and lay out a rough schedule for that it encompasses, is one of the Ice Age’s Vega was awarded World Heritage status by Want to see glaciers up close? At them. The rest is up to them to explore.” This greatest calling cards. UNESCO in 2004; in Lånan you can stay Svartisen in Meløy you can go right to Nor- past summer, Kystriksveien Reiseliv AS or- “A few years ago most people spent two with the bird-keepers. way’s second largest glacier, only 20m (65 ganized a special bus tour of the area, to great or three days on Kystriksveien,” Lindberg “Crossing the Arctic Circle and experi- feet) above the ocean. reviews, so everything is possible! reflects. “Now people tend to spend much encing the midnight sun are two of the many CONTINUES PAGE 15 We don’t just connect great cities. We connect great families.

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7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11209 The boys from Vangen: Tel: (718) 748-7400 • Toll-free: (800) 822-5838 • Fax: (718) 238-3604 God Jul og Godt Nyttår! Written by Leif Halse Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual English/Norwegian se- Holiday airfare Special rialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian Ameri- At these prices, treat yourself and your family can Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic! to an early Christmas present!

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De legger faren på skikjelken og tar a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w and take off their jackets to cover him. av seg trøyene og breier over han. Using the ski poles as shafts, they Med stavene som drag begynner de begin to pull their father home. On level å trekke faren heimover. På flat mark går Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, ground the going is easy, but going uphill det lett, men i motbakkene er det tungt. commercial transactions and estate planning. is difficult. The boys pull with all their «Gutane» tar i av alle krefter og sparer seg strength, pushing themselves to their lim- ikke. Snart ser de at det lyser fra vinduene its. Soon they see a light coming from the i stua på Vangen. Da får de liksom nye 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 living room window at the Vangen farm. krefter, så det siste stykket av løypa går i Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 They somehow find new strength, so they god fart framover. make good speed on the last section of the Hans Vangen blir alvorlig sjuk, og de trail. må hente legen. «Her er det bare en medi- Hans Vangen becomes terribly ill, and sin som kan hjelpe,» sier han. «De må dra they have to send for a doctor. “There is til Kvanne og hente medisinen på apoteket, The Viking Game™ only one medicine that can help,” he says. og det haster, for her er det bare spørsmål KUBB- “You have to go to Kvanne and get the om timer. Så snart dere når fram i bygda, medicine from the pharmacy, and there is får dere leie en bil. Gjør alt for å spare tid, (Pronouned KOOB) no time to lose, because it is only a matter og ta nå korteste vegen med det samme. of hours. As soon as you reach the village, hire yourselves a car. Do everything you Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods The Coolest Lawn, Beach, can to save time, and take the shortest road Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen right away.” Party, Tailgate Game Ever! Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. TEST YOUR ACCURACY AND SKILL. www.astrimyastri.com AGES 6 TO 106… energy… (…continued from page 5) out long-term research, the centres also edu- 2-12 players cate new researchers through doctoral and Played by Viking FME scheme) established by the Research post-doctoral programs and conduct applied Enjoy outdoors research of direct use to industry. children and Adults Council of Norway in 2009. In 2011, the scheme will be expanded by establishing two Industrial partners for the project: Nor- A Scandinavian 1,000 years ago Get a group together and play or three FME Centres for Social Science-re- wegian Water Resources and Energy Direc- tossing game Kubb... lated Energy Research. torate (NVE), Sira-Kvina kraftselskap, Ener- in the grass gy Norway, Statkraft SF and TrønderEnergi. worldwide Discover a new side The FME centres are assured funding in the snow for up to eight years. In addition to carrying For more information, visit www.cedren.no. competitions of the Viking age! in the sand As seen on the The Boys from Vangen: hit TV show The Amazing Race! 1,000 year old game! WrITTen By LeIf haLse Adult supervision recommended Vangsgutane has been a classic series in Norway since 1941. Right after World War II, Vangsgutane was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series A fun Christmas gift the whole family is sure to had easy-to-read text with pictures. Heritage, culture, and language practice for all ages on both sides of the Atlantic! enjoy together! Order your set today! • Bilingual english & norwegian in the same book • Translated into english by alexander Knud huntrods • Illustrated by Jens r. nilssen To order contact Old Time Games • hardcover, 176 pages in full color, 6x9inches www.oldtimegames.com • $19.95 with free shipping in U.s.a. Astri My Astri Publishing Deb nelson gourley www.astrimyastri.com (800)833-1448 • [email protected] 602 3rd ave sW email: [email protected] Waukon, Ia 52172 Phone: (563) 568-6229 norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports November 19, 2010 • 19 sports It’s Christmas time at

Featuring Stanwood’s original lefse! Stan Boresen music – Christmas aprons – Krumkake irons – Scandinavian table runners – Lefse grills Come visit us! St. Nick and Father Christmas figures – Danish Viking Village candleholders – Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Stanwood, WA Photo: Drammen.no (360) 629-3006 Strømsgodset fans were thrilled with the 2 – 0 win against Follo. German, and Finnish tiles – Cookbooks Monday- Saturday and much more! 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. strømsgodset… Sunday (…continued from page 1) very good Follo goalie. Glenn Arne Hansen, Do all your holiday shopping with us! with six years behind him as a Strømsgodset 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. game without of respect for Strømsgodset. keeper, saved Follo from a bigger loss after Visit us online at www.uffdashoppe.com Already in the sixth minute they had a shot many very good saves. Strømsgodset could in the post after a corner, and Follo clearly bring its fifth trophy back to 10,000 support- started the game on the right foot. But in ers waiting for them at Bragernes Torg in Christmas GreetinGs! Drammen. the 30th minute, Ola Kamara won a header Reserve space for your personalized greeting in our annual Christmas Issue that gave Strømsgodset a 1 – 0 lead. Glenn In the first qualification games for the last Tippliga spot, Fredrikstad won 2 – 0 Andersen followed up with another goal just Name:______before half time. In the second half, Strøms- against Lov/Ham from Bergen and Hønefoss managed to win 2 – 1 in overtime over Ra- godset had full control of the match, and cre- Message:______ated excellent scoring opportunities without nheim. Hønefoss and Fredrikstad will play being able to put the ball in the net behind a each other twice for the last spot in next City, State:______Phone:______year’s Tippeliga. books… Merry Christmas! God Jul og (…continued from page 14) Connecting Norway and the New Land” Godt Nyttår til by Odd Lovoll Bjorn and nina alle venner! $35. ISBN: 978-1579-652166. Renowned Norwegian-American histo- steffensen rian Odd Lovoll gives a comprehensive look Staten Island, N.Y. Ola og Berit nordmann “Norwegians in America: Their History at the Norwegian-language press, celebrat- Blue Mounds, Wis. and Record” by Martin Ulvestad ing the tireless writers, editors and publish- $10 for small ad $20 for large ad A translated version of the 1907 and ers whose efforts helped to guide Norwe- 1913 “Nordmændene i Amerika, deres His- gian immigrants on their path to becoming Deadline: DeCemBer 1 – mail this form today! torie og Rekord,” this book is a compilation Norwegian-Americans. By highlighting the of Norwegian-American pioneer stories. diligent editors and analyzing topics of in- Over 100 years ago, author Martin Ulves- terest to readers through the years, Lovoll tad wrote, “Have we – modern Norwegians shows how newspapers maintained ties to in America – seen and understood what our the homeland while nuturing cultural prac- forefathers have done for us? Have we ever tices in the New World. Price: $24.95. ISBN: shown them that we properly appreciate their 978-0-87351-772-0. struggles, sufferings and deprivations – that benefited us? Have we made sure that their “Target” by Robert Wangard memory could live among us and our de- In the tradition of Nordic crime fiction, scendents?” This highly anticipated bilingual there’s a new Norwegian-American hero on English-Norwegian book is the first volume the scene. Wangard’s debut novel, “Target,” in a three-part series published by Astri My presents Pete Thorsen, a lawyer on a relax- Astri Publishing. Price: $29.95. ISBN: 978- ing vacation who suddenly finds himself in 0-9760541-6-0. a tangled web of evil in the small, lakeside town of Clear Lake in the Upper Midwest. “Norwegian Newspapers in America: Price: $17.95. ISBN: 978-098181269-4. baltimore.. (…continued from page 1) sador Wegger Strømmen and the Defense Attache Trond Grytting, together with Cap- During Statsraad Lemkuhl’s visit to tain Thomas Wedervang, superintendent of Baltimore, several events were hosted on the the Royal Norwegian Naval Academy. ship. On Nov. 7, when the Norwegian Armed The three-month voyage in the North Forces’ commemorates its fallen soldiers, Sea and across the Atlantic is part of the first Navy Chaplain Cecilie Jørgensen Strømmen year officer cadets’ training. During the trip, held her inaugural sermon aboard the ship. the cadets learn old-fashioned seamanship, On Nov. 8, more than three hundred knots, tackling, shanties and maintenance. guests attended a reception at the ship. The Onboard professors are giving lectures in crew served Norwegian food, including history, English, international affairs, leader- cured meat and many types of seafood. The ship, psychology and ethics. reception was hosted by Norwegian Ambas- Statsraad Lemkuhl is currently making the return voyage to Norway. Looking for a special Christmas gift? Just $40 for any new gift subscription purchased through Dec. 10 Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217 for details! Don’t waste your time. Get to your meetings and back home on time. Apart from being Europe’s most punctual airline* we offer the most fl ights to and from Scandinavia, always to primary city airports.

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