LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 100 100 proficiently. complexity bandindependentlyand the highendofgrades 6–8text stories, dramas, andpoems, at comprehend literature, including By theendofyear, readand Reading Literature  Model Annotation First-Read Guideand the PulitzerPrizeforDrama. win manyawards, including Frank, two yearswriting Goodrich andHackettspent Father oftheBride Wonderful Life The ThinMan for such classicfilmsas writings includescreenplays married in1931.Thecouple’s together in1927andwere (1900–1995) beganworking 1984) and Frances Goodrich About the Playwrights


UNIT 2•The MAKING MEANING which went on to whichwentonto

(1934), (1946), and (1946),and The Diary of of The Diary (1950). (1950). (1890– H oloca It’s a It’s a

u s t As youconductyourfirstread of Concept Vocabulary ofThe Diary , I Act opportunity tocompletetheclose-read notesafteryourfirstread. Apply thesestrategiesasyouconductyourfirstread. You willhavean First ReadDRAMA review yourrankings.Markchangestooriginalrankingsasneeded. After completingthefirstread, comebacktotheconceptvocabularyand familiar (6). each word. Thenrankthewords inorder from mostfamiliar(1)toleast encounter thesewords. Before reading, notehowfamiliaryouare with have already read. already knowandwhatyou the selectiontowhatyou CONNECT they do. why and about, NOTICE thoseinvolvedreact as when hysterically what restraining bickering anxiously quarrels whom tension WORD it happens, and ithappens,and ideas within ideas within happens, the story is the storyis where

The Diary ofAnneFrank The Diary the selection. by writingabriefsummaryof the Comprehension Checkand you wanttorevisit. vocabulary andkeypassages ANNOTATE RESPOND YOUR RANKING by marking by marking by completing by completing , ActI,youwill

31/10/19 7:19 PM Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. ANCHOR TEXT | DRAMA

The Diary of Anne Frank, Act I Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett

BACKGROUND Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl living in during SCAN FOR MULTIMEDIA the Nazi occupation of the in World War II. Fearing for their lives, the Frank family was forced into hiding. The diary that Anne kept during their time in hiding is one of the most famous NOTES and heartbreaking pieces of literature from the . Anne’s diary gained recognition both for its historical significance and for her incredible talent as a and storyteller. Tragically, Anne died in a concentration camp just weeks before it was liberated by British soldiers. The play you will read was based on her life and diary.

Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. Learning Company LLC. Copyright © SAVVAS Characters Anne Frank Mrs. Van Daan Mr. Kraler Mr. Van Daan Mr. Dussel Peter Van Daan

The Diary of Anne Frank, Act I 101

LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 101 31/10/19 7:19 PM LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 102 of thesedetails? 102 CONCLUDE: QUESTION: ANNOTATE: CLOSE READ NOTES the setting? playwrights notethesedetailsof various rooms. the dimensions,orsizes,of paragraphs 1–5thatdescribe 3. 2. 1.

of thescale. bells, eachproducing onenote carillon past decades. played bystreet musiciansin musical instrumentoften barrel organ from theair. might bevisibletobombers that concealalllights blackout curtains

UNIT 2•The (KARuhlon) Whydothe Markdetailsin Whatistheeffect

mechanical H darkcurtains oloca n. setof u s t 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 After asecondhedrops hisrucksackonthecouchandmovesslowly self-control. Heisweak,ill. His clothesare threadbare. He standslookingslowlyaround, makingasupreme effortat middle years.There isstilla trace ofaGermanaccentinhisspeech. comes upthestepsintoview. Heisagentle,cultured European inhis The dooratthefootofsmallstairwellswingsopen. overturned. The rooms are dusty,thecurtainsinrags.Chairsandtablesare November 1945. The curtainrisesonanemptystage.Itislateafternoon, been concealedontheoutersidebyabookcaseattachedto from thebuildingbelow. Whenthedoorisopenedweseethatithas stairwell, withstepsleadingdowntoadoor. Thisistheonlyentrance in theslopingceiling.Directly underthisroom isasmallsteep The room ontheleftishardlymore thanacloset.There isaskylight a sink,gasringforcookingandwoodburningstovewarmth. From thestreet belowwehearthe soundofabarrel organ hour ofsix,thenhemovesrestlessly on. the back,lookingoffatWestertoren asitscarillonstrikesthe abruptly closesitagain,turningaway.Hegoestothe windowat about. Heopensthedoortooneofsmallerrooms, andthen [ Scene 1 I Act church tower, theWestertoren, whosecarillon rooftops, stretching awayintothedistance.Nearbyisbelfryofa sharply peakedroof ofthebuildingisoutlinedagainstaseaother of awarehouse andofficebuildinginAmsterdam,Holland.The suddenly allofhisself-control is gone.Hebreaks down,crying. Itisawoman’sthe floor. whiteglove.Heholdsitinhishand and starts backforhisrucksack, hiseyeiscaughtbysomethinglyingon from anail. children’s voicesatplay.There isamany-colored scarf hanging covered withmakeshiftblackout curtains. chairs, cots,atableortwo.Thewindowsare paintedover, or leads uptotheattic.Therooms are sparselyfurnishedwithafew ofstairsattheback bathroom, outofsight.A narrow steepflight two smallrooms, slightlyraised,oneitherside.Ontherightisa exposed toourview. Thelargest oftherooms isinthecenter, with andasmallatticspaceaboveare The three rooms ofthetopfloor whistle from thecanal. children playinginthestreet, thetrampofmarching feet,aboat upfrom below:thevoicesof Occasionally faintsoundsfloat The scene remains the same throughout the play. It is the top floor The sceneremains thesamethroughout theplay.Itistopfloor Mr. Frank takesit,puttingitaround hisneck.Ashe 2 Inthemainroom there is 1 ringsoutthehours. Mr. Frank

it. 3 and

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 10 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 toward coat andhat,ready togohome.Sheispregnant. Herattitude Mr. Frank. Miep We hearfootstepsonthestairs. Only three yearsago.[ two.” [ begins toread. Mr. Frank. Miep. Mr. Frank. Miep. Mr. Frank. floor after.youleft. papers tohim. There are someofyourpapershere. [ Miep. rucksack, goingbacktogetit. around. Kraler. I’llremember itaslongIlive.[ Mr. Frank. [ Miep. suffering . to youlikethis ..afterallthatdidforusthe a bitteroldman.[ out there . . .I’mnotthepersonyouusedtoknow, Miep.I’m house welivedin.theschoolthatstreet organ playing memories forme.Everywhere there’s something.the Mr. Frank. there are thingsthat. you . . You’re neededhere .Nowthatthewarisover, Amsterdam isyourhome. Your businessishere, waitingfor Miep. Mr. Frank. Miep. Miep. Mr. Frank. of torturingyourself likethis? [ Miep. Mr. Frank. Miep. As she speaks,shestraightensachairwhichisoverturned. Then pleading [ No.Itwasn’tsuffering. You can’tsaywesuffered. Mr. Frank,youcan’tleavehere! Thisisyourhome! Whatdoyoumean?Where are yougoing?Where? Everyoneintheoffice hasgonehome.It’saftersix. Are youallright,Mr. Frank? Burn But,Mr. Frank,there are letters,notes . To Mr. Frank ] Come,Miep.[ Hurrying uptoacupboard Miep]Nineteenforty-two. Isitpossible,Miep?. Burnthem.[ [ Burnthem. All ofthem. Idon’tknowyet.haven’tdecided. I’vecometosaygood-bye.I’mleavinghere, [ I knowwhatyouwentthrough, youandMr. I can’tstayin Amsterdam, Miep.Ithastoomany Quickly controlling himself Quietly this ] We foundtheminaheapofrubbish onthe ] “Monday, thesixthofJuly, nineteenforty- ] Don’tstayuphere, Mr. Frank.What’stheuse ? [ isaDutchgirlofabouttwenty-two.Shewears isprotective, compassionate. Breaking off She handshimapaperboundnotebook. ] Anne’s diary. [ He startsforthesteps,thenremembers his As hecontinueshisreading, he sits down He openshisrucksacktoputthegloveinit. ] MiepGies ] Forgive me.Ishouldn’tspeak ] Mr. Frank,didyousee? He opensthediaryand ] Yes, Miep,yes. She bringsabundleof comes up,lookingfor He givesonelastlook ] ] ] ] The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI NOTES

31/10/19 7:19 PM 103 LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 104 104 NOTES 6. 5. 4.

capitulation and heavy. portly on theirclothing. ordered allJewstowearthem symbols ofJudaism.TheNazis the six-pointedstarsthatare yellow stars shuhn)

UNIT 2•The (PAWRT lee) n. surrender. (kuhpihchuhLAY StarsofDavid, H oloca adj. large u s t 31 30 29 28 27 2 1 thetwelfth ofJune,nineteentwenty-nine. As my name is Anne Frank.Iamthirteenyearsold.wasbornin great friends,Iwillstartbytellingyouaboutmyself. My on thecouch. capitulation, nineteen forty. Thenthewarcame,and theDutch importing spiceandherbs.Thingswentwellforusuntil Mr. FrankandAnne. the air. Itis [ to power.” family isJewish,weemigratedtoHollandwhenHitlercame Mr. Van Daan, they are nowcleanandorderly. [ Scene 2 clothes andovercoat are expensiveandwellcut. room, pacingupanddown,nervouslysmokingacigarette. His yellow stars. that. Theyforced Fatheroutofhisbusiness.We hadtowear Anne’s Voice. lights dimslowlytodarkness.Thecurtainfallsonthescene. [Mr. Frank’sVoice things gotverybadfortheJews.” on. [ Van Daansbutwehadnevermetthem. us . .theVan DaansandtheirsonPeter.Fatherknewthe have hisbusiness.Three otherpeoplewere cominginwith place wastobeupstairsinthebuildingwhere Fatherusedto our waythatIlearnedwhere wewere going.Ourhiding walked alongcarryingsuitcases.Itwasn’tuntilwewere on many clothesasIcould.Itwouldlooktoosuspiciousif we me andtoldtohurrygetdressed. Iwastoputonas he wouldn’tsay. At fiveo’clockthismorningMotherwoke Yesterday Fathertoldmewe were goingintohiding.Where, things. Butsomehowwechildren stillmanagedtohavefun. an automobile,orevenonastreetcar, andamillionother Dutch schoolanymore. Icouldn’tgotothemovies,or ridein As It isearlymorning,July1942.Therooms are bare, asbefore, but During thelastlinescurtainrisesonscene.Thelightsdim Anne’s Voice Anne’s Mr. Frank Anne’s Voice.] ] “DearDiary, sinceyouandIare goingtobe 4 5 followedbythearrivalofGermans.Then Ihadtoturninmybike.couldn’tgoa You couldnotdothisandyou reads on,anothervoicejoinshis,asifcomingfrom a tallportly fades out. dies out. “My fatherstartedabusiness, ] 6 maninhislateforties,is themain Anne’s Voice Anne’s ⌘ ⌘ ⌘ continues alone.The ]

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. Anne inhappiertimes,out forastrollwithherfamilyandfriends. 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Peter Van Daan wears afurcoatoverherotherclothes. hatbox, bags,etc.Sheisapretty womaninherearlyforties.She Mrs. Van Daan “plus fours.” sixteen. Hewearsacap,raincoat,andlongDutchtrousers, like right, lookingdownatthestreet below. Heisashy,awkwardboyof with eachofthem. small cardboardbox.Hecrosses tothe manner confident.Hewearsanovercoat andcarrieshishata Mr. Frank main room as [Peter Mr. Van Daan. [Mr. Van Daan happened. They’vebeentaken. Mrs. Van Daan. expect . . . Mr. Van Daan. o’clock. Hesaid. Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Van Daan. happened tothem!Iknowit! Mrs. Van Daan. The yellowStarofDavidisconspicuousonalltheirclothes. takes uphiscarrierandschoolbag,etc.,goesintothe looksmuchyoungernow. Hismovementsare brisk,his 7 Mr. Frank Athisfeetisablackcase,carrierforcat. Yousee? Theyhavetwomilestowalk. You can’t Now, Kerli! indicates thathehearssomeonecoming sits onthecouch,clutchingherpossessions,a They’vebeenpickedup.That’swhat’s Mr. Franksaidthey’dbehere atseven [ is standingatthewindowofroom onthe ] Rising, nervous,excited comes upthestairwellfrom below. Van Daans ] Something’s , shakinghands .]

] The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI help convey? feeling, doesthispunctuation CONCLUDE: QUESTION: ANNOTATE: NOTES punctuation marks? playwrights haveusedthese anxious orbeinginterrupted. suggests thecharactersare 6–10, markpunctuationthat CLOSE READ 7.

for activesports. plus fours Whymightthe Inparagraphs What


short pants worn shortpantsworn mood , or

31/10/19 7:19 PM 105 LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 106 106 NOTES 10. 9. 8.

confused andvulnerable. night—when peopleare most victims inthemiddleof raiding housestoround up because oftheirpractice the ,especially arrested ordeportedfeared Those indangerofbeing known fortheirbrutality. green uniforms andwere or Nazipolice,whowore Green Police shortage. meat orgasoline,intimesof of scarce items,suchas ensure theequaldistribution books ofstampsgivento ration behavior. adj. mercurial

UNIT 2•The quickorchangeablein (RASHuhn) (muhrKYUReeuhl) DutchGestapo, H

oloca books

u s t 15 14 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Mr. Frank. hurries out Miep. Mr. Kraler. ration books,they’llknowwe’re here. Mrs. Van Daan. Police explanation oftheirlateness Mr. Frank. Miep. Mrs. Frank. here. Your drugs are here .soap,linenhere. Miep. plenty ofleisure toarrangeeverythingourselves. Mr. Frank. Mr. Kraler. brought onthe Miep of hand. Thensheimmediatelystartsoffonatourofinvestigation [Anne Anne. them. Mrs. Van Daan [Mrs.Frank Mr. Frank. She wearsacape,longwoolsocksandcarriesschoolbag. books I’ve gottogotheothersideoftowngetsome ration Mr. Kralersaid.[ movements, interested ineverything,mercurial [ Mrs. Frank. Mrs. Frank As kindly. slight Germanaccent. young mother, gentlybred, reserved. She,like clothing. and soforth.TheStarofDavidisconspicuousonallthe pregnant now) [ Up thestepscome Anne

her newhome,goingupstairstotheatticroom. Mr. Kraler ] . .theirson,Petermydaughters,Margot and and 10 8 comesrunningupthestairs.Sheisthirteen,quickinher Don’tworry. Your nameswon’tbeonthem.[ Imadeupthebeds.wayMr. Frankand [ onthestreets .wehadtotakethelongwayaround. gives apolitelittlecurtsyassheshakes foryou. To Margot Mr. Kraler Mrs.Frank]We putthestores offoodyousentin ] I’llbeuplater. Thankyou,Miep. There isn’tanything. I’msorrythere isstillsomuchconfusion. turnsbacktocall Mrs. Van Daan,Mr. Van Daan,Peter. [ [ Please. Don’tthinkofit. After all,we’llhave Introducing them Thank you,Miep. Anne?


shelves. and iseighteen,beautiful,quiet,shy. Rationbooks?Iftheyseeournameson She startsout. Margot Frank,Mrs.Miep Mr. Kraler. Miep Mr. Kraler are puttingthevariousthings theyhave ] goupstagetoputdowntheirparcels, ] There were toomanyoftheGreen Anne hurries over, shakinghandswith ] Mywife, Edith.Mr. and All ofthemcarrybags,packages, ] Forgive me.Ihavetohurry. isaDutchman,dependable, . ] Mr. Frank, Mr. Van Daan’s 9 inheremotions. Mrs. Frank Then, in (not As she hasa ] Franks’ isa

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 32 31 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 [ think— man likeMr. Frankwouldhavetogointohiding.Whenyou Mr. Kraler. [ Mrs. Frank. Mr. Frank. again, aftertheworkmenleave. Mr. Kraler. Mr. Frank. about thenoise? open only atoursignal.[ the stairs.Itneedsaboltthatyoucanthrow yourself and Tomorrow I’llgetyouabetter boltforthedooratfootof bring you foodandnewsfindoutwhatyourneedsare. leading out. the office before theworkmengethere. [ Mr. Kraler. Anne. comes downthestairs. Mr. Kraler [ and hundreds whoare hidingoutin Amsterdam. what wecallthewhitemarket.helpingallofhundreds David. coats, sweaters,blouses,suits, dresses, isanotheryellowStar of [ Mr. Frank. Mrs. Frank. back upthesteps, goes overto bolting thedoorafterhim.Inintervalbefore hereturns, regulations. Mr. Frank. We’ve neverdoneanythingillegal. Mrs. Frank. Mr. Kraler. to her. things, suchasmatches,soap,etc.,from hispockets,handingthem [ The othersmurmurtheirgood-byes. They allstarttotakeoffgarmentaftergarment.Oneach oftheir He breaks off,goingout. The carillonisheardplayingthequarter-hourbefore eight. As Mr. Kraler ] It’stheWestertoren! Mr. Margot Good-bye,Mr. Kraler. I’lltellthem. We won’tbelivinghere exactlyaccording to and ] MieporI,bothofus,willbeupeachdayto looks athiswatch.Annestopsthewindowasshe IneverthoughtI’dlivetoseethedaywhena Good-byethenforthemoment.I’llcomeup Imustgo.beoutofhere anddownstairsin First letustakeoff someoftheseclothes. This isn’ttheblackmarket, Whatdidhemean,aboutthenoise? [ [ To Shaking hishand Mrs.Frank reassures Mr. Kraler]It’sillegal,then,therationbooks? Mrs. Frank , shakinghandswithher. As ] Mrs.Frank, Mr. Frank To are underdressed quitesimply. Mr. Frank]Oh. You’ll tellthem questionshim ] Howcanwethankyou? ] follows himdownthesteps, he takesvarioussmall 11 Mrs.Frank.Thisis He startsforthestairs anxiously. Mr. Frank ] Peter

comes The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI lee) NOTES anxiously worried way 11.

buying scarce items. market black adv . inanervousor

(ANGK shuhs illegalwayof

31/10/19 7:19 PM 107 LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 108 impossible that makesrelaxation or excitedcondition n situation? detail clarify thecharacters’ 108 tension CONCLUDE: QUESTION: ANNOTATE: CLOSE READ NOTES playwrights includethisdetail? characters tofeelafraid. mark thesoundthatcauses 12. . nervous,worried,


UNIT 2•The

watercloset;bathroom. (TEHN shuhn) Whydothe Inparagraph54, Howdoesthis


oloca u s t 48 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 Mrs. Frank. [ over, if weare tosurvive. in thestoveatnight.Thisiswaywemustliveuntilit here .notevenapotato paring.We mustburneverything thrown outwhichmightreveal thatsomeoneislivingup resumes hisinstructionstothe group Mr. Frank, tramping feetpasswithoutstopping.The of thewindow. Mr. Frank from thestreet below. Everyoneismotionless,paralyzed withfear. [Mr. Frank through theworkrooms. Itwouldbeheard. Notrash. and read, likeonefamily. will beourcommonroom, where we’llmeettotalkandeat no placeupthere forPeter. Buthewillbehere, nearus.This you andyourhusbandwillbeupstairs.Iregret thatthere’s rooms, andwere settledbefore eighto’clock.Mrs.Van Daan, And nowIthinkitwouldbewiseif weallwenttoour games .justaswewouldathome.[ can talkandlaughhaveoursupperread andplay Mr. Frank. along thestreets .Petronella withafurcoatinJuly.and Mr. Van Daan. aprons, nightgowns, etc. The the sink,oreven,forgive me,thew.c. above awhisper. We mustnotrun anywater. We cannotuse is necessary, andtheninstockingedfeet.We mustnotspeak morning untilsixintheeveningwemustmoveonlywhenit at aboutfive-thirty. So,tobeperfectlysafe,from eightinthe the offices too.Themencomeatabouteight-thirty, andleave can beheard downthere, notonlyintheworkrooms, butin building below, wemusthavecompletequiet.Everysound Mr. Frank. surplus clothes,theylookto [ Anne. Mrs. Frank. Anne. cryingalltheway.that catofPeter’s There issilenceforasecond. She pullsofftwomore. Finally,astheyhaveallremoved their

others wearseveralthings:sweaters,extradresses, bathrobes, It’salright.I’vegotonthree more. [ As sheisremoving apairofpanties followedby goes quietlyintotheroom ontherighttolookdownout [ Now. About thenoise.Whilemenare inthe stops abruptlyashehearsthesoundofmarching feet Untilitisover. [ Reassuringly Shocked Anne It’sawonderweweren’t arrested, walking runsafterhim,peeringoutwithhim.The ] Anne, please! ] Anne, Anne ] ] After sixwecanmoveabout. Mr. Frank, ] , returns tothemainroom and .] .Notrashmusteverbe waiting forhimtospeak. 12 He looksathiswatch. tension Thepipesgodown ] Acat? isrelieved. ] ]

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 60 59 58 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 [ Mr. Frank. Mr. Van Daan. Peter. with us. Mrs. Frank. Anne. Mrs. Frank. [ you forget. Peter . . .it’sbestthatyoutakeoff yourshoesnow, before Mr. Frank. hasn’t hadhermilk. Mrs. Frank. [ with me. You andMargot rest inthisroom forthetimebeing. straighten thingsinhere. [ Mr. Frank. last nightinmyownbed,andyetIsleptsoundly. Anne. close youreyeslastnight.Noryou,Margot. Mr. Frank. to [ Peter. Mrs. Van Daan. liefje Mr. Van Daan. to to speakthelanguage.Icanneverrepay himforthat.[ when Icametothiscountry.knowingnoonenotable Mr. Frank. happened tous,if ithadn’tbeenforMr. Frank. you. [ Mrs. Van Daan. best arrangement.Theonly Mr. Frank. Together He leadsthewaytoroom, followedby He picksuptheirclothes,startingfortheroom ontheright. They startupthestairstoatticroom above. Mrs.Frank.] Mr. Van Daan] MayIhelpyouwithyourthings? . 13 Then to Islept,Father. Wasn’t thatfunny?Iknewitwasthe Yes, Mrs.Frank. I feelfine.I’mgoingtohelpFather. [ Embarrassed ] I’mglad, Anne. Nowyou’llbeableto helpme I’llgiveittoher. [ You toomusthavesomerest, Edith. You didn’t You don’tknowhowyourhusbandhelpedme Please.I’vethoughtthisoutforweeks.It’sthe and youtaketheroom upstairs. Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Van Daan. This room isalsoourbedroom. Peter, I’mgladyouare tobe You’re sure you’re nottired, Anne? You’re sure .?Icouldhelp And Anne Mrs.Frank]Idon’tknowwhatwouldhave And where doyouandMrs.Franksleep? No.[ [ You’ll beallright,Peter? You’re notafraid? To ] Please,Mother. Mr. Frank]Never, nevercanwethank To To It’syourplace. Mrs.Van Daan]Comealong, Mrs.Frank That isn’tright.We’ll sleephere To Anne and and Margot.] Peter] Anne, Margot] Come Mr. Frank Going turns ] The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI NOTES 13.

“little love.” liefje (LEEFyuh)Dutchfor

31/10/19 7:19 PM 109 LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 110 110 NOTES to leavetheirhomeswithoutnotice. wereregularlyroundedupandforced

UNIT 2•The H oloca u s t 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 [ without yourstar. Anne. Peter. Anne. David. Peter. Anne. of abunchkids.[ Peter. Anne. Peter. around. Anne. Peter. you know, fighting.Where didyougotoschool? Anne. Peter. Anne. Peter. He tosseshisknifeonthetable. I’msortofalonewolf. [ .Intheschoolyard. You were alwaysinthemiddle No. ] But youcan’tdothat.They’ll arrest youif yougoout What are youdoing? Why didn’tyouevercomeover? You did? But that’swhere Margot andIgo!neversawyou Oh, yououghttohavehimfixed—tokeepfrom— Did youhavehimfixed? Taking itoff. I usedtoseeyou.sometimes Jewish Secondary. [ Startled 84 83 82 81 80 79 85 takes thecatfrom her, puttingitbackinitscarrier. Peter. him oraher? I’m goingtomissherterribly. Whatisyours? A a notefortheneighborstotakecare ofher. made meleaveherbehind.Ileftsomefoodand cats. Ihaveone.adarlinglittlecat.Butthey up thecat,walkingawaywithit.To Anne. Peter. Anne. carrier. remove theirshoes. themselves. Inthemainroom The Then hepersuadesthembothtoliedownandrest. Margot [ [Mrs. Frank stranger, won’t I?Ishefixed? Anne. During thefollowingscene ] Huh? Van Daans ] He takesapenknifefrom hispocket. Mouschi! [ What’s yourcat’sname? [ He’s atom.Hedoesn’tlikestrangers.[ Mouschi. Unabashed and Mrs.Frank goes tojoin in theirroom abovesettle ] Peter He startstoripoffhisStarof ] ThenI’llhavetostopbeinga Mr. Frank to hanguptheirclothes. takes hiscatoutofthe Mr. Frank Anne Peter]Ilove and and helps Peter Margot.] She picks ]

He ]

31/10/19 7:19 PM Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 111

Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 118 off. them anymore. [ Anne. Peter. Mr. Frank. Peter. skylight. Are you hungry? Not aninch,oryou’llhavetosleepwithyourfeet outofthe your room. ButIwarnyou,Peter, youcan’tgrow anymore. Mr. Frank. Peter. comfortable inthat? [ brought yourcat. Anne wasfeelingsobadly abouthers. find abedforyourcat.[ Mr. Frank. [Mr. Frank Peter. Mr. Frank [ isn’t it? Anne. you? with . . . ?Thattheymadeyouwearsocouldspiton Peter. throw mineaway. Idon’tknowwhy. Anne. Peter. his star. the star. off herstar, theclothunderneathshowsclearlycolorandformof breakfast dishesinthesink.bedsnotmade[ we lefteverythingasif we’dsuddenlybeencalledaway. she’ll goovertothehouse.Iwonderwhatthink when shetelephonesandthere’s noanswer?.Probably Anne. Peter. pong atherhouse.DoyouknowJopiedeWaal? Anne. Peter. show uptoday? Getting ausedsmallwashtub In thebedroom, right, ] Iwonderwhatourfriendswillthinkwhenwedon’t Iknow. Iknow. Butafterall,it [ Jopie’smybestfriend.Iwonderwhatshe’llthink Oh,Idid.hadadatewithJopietogoandplayping- Maybeit’sdifferent foragirl. You can’tthrow .?Somethingtheybrandedyou Burnit. No. Why, ofcourse! You’re right!Ofcoursewedon’tneed Who’s goingout? I didn’thaveanydateswithanyone. No. [ ] What’re yougoingtodowithyours? ] Look!It’sstillthere! [Peter She startstothrow hersin,andcannot. Gathering uphisthings starts quietlyout. We havesomebread andbutter. Forgive me,Peter. Nowletmesee.We must comes intothemainroom. [ Opening thedoorofroom ontheleft She picksuphisknifeandstartstotakeherstar Margot He goestoacupboard ] ] Here weare. Will itbe and ] Thanks. Mrs.Frank ] goes overtothestovewith is theStarofDavid, ] It’sfunny, Ican’t .] I’mgladyou are lyingdown. ] And here is As shepulls

The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI character? actions showabouthis CONCLUDE: QUESTION: ANNOTATE: CLOSE READ NOTES of Peter’s actions? playwrights includethedetails World War II.Whydothe the yellowstarrepresents during what Peterisdoingandwhy. 94–107, markdetailsthatshow Thinkaboutwhat Inparagraphs WhatdoPeter’s

31/10/19 7:19 PM 111 LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 112 Franks’ situation? the extreme nature ofthe details helpreaders appreciate 112 CONCLUDE: QUESTION: ANNOTATE: CLOSE READ NOTES details? playwrights includethese mood. show thechangesinAnne’s 129–135, markdetailsthat 16. 15. 14.

nickname for“Anne.” Anneke to 1948. Netherlands from 1890 MEE nah)Queenofthe Queen Wilhelmina for “Anne.” Annele

UNIT 2•The (AHNehleh)nickname (AHNehkeh)another Whydothe Inparagraphs Howdothese

H (vihlhehl oloca

u s t 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 138 137 136 135 Mr. Frank. to theradio? everyone isgone?OronSundays?Can’tIgodown tolisten Anne. beyond thatdoor. Mr. Frank. Anne. and pullingherback. Mr. Frank. down totheoffice togetapencil. pencil, pencil.[ I’ve alwayslongedforone.[ throws herarmsaround herfather. Anne. goes overtothesink,pouringaglassofmilkfrom athermosbottle. Mr. Frank. How wonderful! Anne. [ must nevergobeyondthatdoor. looking forthemthismorning.andQueenWilhelmina! My moviestars!Iwaswonderingwhere theywere! Iwas we—[ A very peculiarsummerboarding house,liketheonethat think ofithere? I’mgoingtothinkofitasaboarding house. Anne. table. Inthestreet belowthere isthesoundofchildren playing. [ Peter. we willhaveareal supper.ourfirsttogether. Mr. Frank. Peter. Mr. Frank. [Mr. Frank see formonthsandmonths. Anne. Mr. Frank. Anne. Mr. Frank. following scenehearrangeshispossessionsinnewroom. He indicates acartononthecouch. For thefirsttime She breaks offasshepullsout somephotographs. [ Isee. [ Icertainlyhopeso,sincehe’stheonlyboyI’mlikelyto No,thankyou. [ [ He’s awfullyshy, isn’the? Thanks. [ Startled As sheopensthecarton Sobered Pulling outapasteboard-boundbook sitsdown,takingoffhisshoes. Never. Iamsorry, Anneke. Itdoesn’tmatter. Idon’twantyouevertogo There’s somethingmore. Goon.Lookfurther. [ Anne! No![ Annele, You’ll likehim,Iknow. That’s aniceboy, Peter. You canhaveitforluncheonthen. And tonight ] Never.?Notevenatnighttime,when ] Butthere’s nooneinthebuildingnow. Anne 14 ] there’s aboxthere. Will youopenit? realizes what“goingintohiding”means. She startsdownthestairs. He goesafterher, catchingherbythearm He goesintohisroom. Duringthe She looksaround theroom. ] You knowthewayI’mgoing to ] I’veneverhadadiary. And Anne 16 ] brings ittothecenter Itisn’tsafe.No,you ] A diary![ ] I’mgoing ] Father! She ] Pencil, ] ] 15 He

] ]

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 will read history, poetry, mythology. [ anyone canputonyourmind.Miepwillbringusbooks.We Anneke. There are nowalls,there are nobolts,locksthat Mr. Frank. and thenwithgrowing strength. In thedarkness falls. Anne a newspaper. Mrs. Van Daan their clothesintheclosetandare nowseatedontheiron bed. Upstairs, intheatticroom, on thesettee,hisarmcomfortinglyaround her. sound ofthecarillon. In theroom attheright, opens herdiary. Anne fountain pen,andthengoesintotheroom attheright.Forasecond puttingthemilkbeforefloor, thecat. milk from herglassintothe saucer forthecat. starts awayagain, board. Thethree ofthemare frozen foraminuteinfear. As too late. street below. Heturnsto of eight.Hetiptoestothewindowatbackandlooksdown [ Mr. Frank. Mouschi before . Peter. with asaucerinhishand.Heiscarryingcat. [Anne’s for you! practice onthepiano.Itellyou,thisisgoingtobeafinelife to wearthatanymore. And thepiano! You won’t haveto And thecoatthatyouinheritedfrom Margot, youwon’thave here youwillneverhavetowearovershoes!Isn’tthatgood? had towearthem?Well now, yousee,foraslongweare you’d ratherdiethanwearovershoes?Butintheendyou mother theotherdayonsubjectofovershoes? You said For instance,youremember thebattleyouhadwithyour between us, Anne, beinghere hascertainadvantagesforyou. the couch,sittingdownsidebyside. milk. As hestartstowardthesinkcarillonbeginstochimehour ] Here’s yourmilk.[ starts towriteinherdiary.Thelightsdimout,thecurtain watches thecat,thenshegoesovertocentertable,and I.thoughtI’dbettergetsomewaterfor Peter panicisgone. It’llbehard, Iknow. Butalwaysremember this, Ofcourse. startsbackforhisroom. Hestepsonacreaking Anne’s Voice Anne’s leansbackexhausted. Anne Mr. Frank Peter Mrs. Frank Peter tiptoes overtohimandpourssomeofthe Mr. With hisarmabouther, theygooverto appearsinthedoorwayofhisroom, comes tousagain,faintlyat first, , indicatinginpantomimethatitis and ] comes inandsitsdownbesideher Mrs.Van Daan ] As amatteroffact, hassatupquicklyatthe Mr. Frank Mr. Van Daan He giveshertheglassof Peter gives ] squats onthe have hung Anne fans herwith Peter his The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI NOTES

31/10/19 7:19 PM 113 LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 114 characters’ dailylives? details suggestaboutthe 114 CONCLUDE: QUESTION: ANNOTATE: CLOSE READ NOTES about thismoment? playwrights gointosuchdetail or lettinggo. details thatrelate tobeing free or confinement.Markother mark detailsthatrelate to quiet

UNIT 2•The Whydothe Inparagraphs4–8, Whatdothese

H oloca u s t 149 148 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 never tobreathe fresh air.nevertorun andshout only knowit’sfunnynevertobeablegooutdoors. like togointohiding.ButIreally don’tknowyetmyself. I Anne’s Voice. Anne. [ workman hasleft. Mrs. Frank. window. After afewsecondsofmotionlesssilence, have leftthebuildingbelow. window attheback,watchingtobesure thatalloftheworkmen Frank, signal whichwillrelease themfrom theirday-longquiet. Their eyesare on them are wearingtheirshoes. with herfurcoat,onwhichshehasbeensewing,inlap.Noneof their lessons. opposite eachotheratthecentertable,where theyhavebeendoing The rest ofthe“family”isin themainroom. lying downintheatticroom above. Margot [ Scene 3 [ Otherwise thingsare goingbetter. Theweatheris. She insistsontreating melikeababy, whichIloathe. I’m goingtotellyouourgeneralnews.Motherisunbearable. Friday, thetwenty-firstof August, nineteenforty-two.Today as if there were nothingintheworldtobotherthem. yet whentheycomeuphere, they’re alwayscheerfulandgay same fatethatwewould.Imagine!Theyknowthis,and out theywere hidingus.Pimsaidthattheywouldsuffer the asked Fatherwhatwouldhappentothemif theNazisfound there belowusintheoffice. Ourprotectors, wecallthem.I bad. At leastweknowthatMiepandMr. Kralerare down outside, I’msure they’re comingforus.Thedaysaren’t so Every timeIhearacreak inthehouse,orasteponstreet jump. It’sthesilenceinnightsthatfrightensmemost. There isanimmediatestirofrelief. It isalittleaftersixo’clockintheevening,twomonthslater. As Anne’s Voice Anne’s [ his shoesinhand,standslookingdownoutofthe Her pent-upenergy explodes. ] is inthebedroom attheright,studying. [ Mrs. Frank Quietly, tothegroup I expectshouldbedescribingwhatitfeels Mr. Frank, isfadingout,thecurtainrisesonscene. is onthecouch. waiting forhimtogivethemthe ⌘ ⌘ ⌘ ] ] It’ssafenow. Thelast ] WHEE! Mr. Frank Mrs.Van Daan Anne Mr. Van Daan and turns from the Peter Mr. is seated

sit ] is

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 11 10 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 9 starts uptothesinkprepare supper. [ Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Frank. dignified. Anne. with Peter. It’snotdignified. Mrs. Frank. Peter. Anne. Peter. Anne. Peter. Anne. Peter. dance withme. Anne. and startsforhisroom. [ Mrs. Frank. Don’t! Peter, stopit.Ouch! the floor. Anne. Peter. Mrs. Frank. him, dodgingbehindhermother. [Peter Anne. Peter. Anne. Peter. Anne. Peter. shoes. Inthemainroom [Margot Mr. Frank. goes into from underthetableandhidesthembehindherback. She hurriesofftothebathroom. Suddenly Whocares if it’sdignified? Idon’t wanttobe Peter, please. CanIwatch? I’llteachyou. [ Idon’tknowwhatyou’re talkingabout. [ Itellyoudon’tknowhow. [ goes afterher. No! [ I’m waiting![Peter Am I? I’m goingtogiveMouschihisdinner. Wait tillIgetyou! You’re goingtobesorry! You’ve takenthem,haven’tyou? He doesn’tlikepeoplearound whileheeats. Following him Innocently To Peter Margot’s gets up,stretching. Peter Anne] Haveyouseenmyshoes? [ [ Anne, dear, Ithinkyoushouldn’tplaylikethat Anne! .Peter! [ He goesintohisroom. Startled, amused To Protesting Margot] Six o’clock. School’s over. Margot] Sixo’clock.School’s pins herdown,wrestling withhertogettheshoes. becomesself-conscious. He grabshisshoesroughly I’m firstforthew.c. ] Yourshoes? room. Anne, ] Peter, where are yougoing?Come ] Peter ] Anne, dear! ] Anne, ] with hisshoesinherhand,runsfrom Mr. Frank makes alungeforher. Theybothfallto ] Anne! triestofindhis. ] Mrs. Frank Anne Anne sits downtoputonhis slams hisdoorafter him. puts onhershoesand sneaks ] Peter’s Peter’s Mr. Frank shoes ] ] The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI NOTES

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UNIT 2•The H oloca u s t 37 36 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 Mrs. Frank. correct goes tohelphermother. [Mr. Frank Peter. Anne. Mrs. Van Daan. lunch. Peter. the couch,sewingonliningofherfurcoat. Mrs. Van Daan. Peter. Anne. Peter. Anne. him outofthere, willyou? They bowtoeachotherwithextravagantformality. his worknotdone.[Mr. Frank killhimif hecatcheshiminthere withthatcatand father’ll Mrs. Van Daan. Anne. her shoes. Mrs. Van Daan. bathroom. his [ When wegetoutwon’tremember athing. Anne. Margot. on, please. hold of Anne. Mr. Frank. with that boy. you’ve gottohavesomefun.Idon’tknowwhat’sthematter with . After you’vesatstillalldayandhardly moved, Anne. like agrownup. ButwhenIdo,youresent it. She startstosinganddancebyherself.

arms, waltzingwithher. Time? Isn’ttwomonthstime?Icould cry. [ I’llfeedhim. Your mothersaystocomeout. [ [As Forheaven’ssake,Ihaven’tevenlookedathim since I’mgivingMouschihisdinner. [ Margot] Comeon,Margot .dancewithme.Come Margot’s You knowwe’re goingtoforget howtodance. I onlywantsomefun.someonetolaughandclown I don’twantyouinthere. At Opening thedooracrack Ihavetohelpwithsupper. ] Where’s Peter? ] Peter’s Peter’s

they are and He isn’tusedtogirls.Givehimalittletime. [ To Margot Anne] You complainthatIdon’ttreat you I’mjusttellingyou,that’sall. You knowwhatyourfathersays.[ Hehasn’tfinishedhislessons,hashe?His Next?[ school papers. door

dancing] Where wouldhebe! Mr. Frank ] Peter? come from theroom ontheright. She looksaround asshestartsputtingon Mrs.Van Daan ] ] Whatisit? and starts forthecentertableto Anne Mr. Frank finish theirdance. comes infrom the ] ] Anne, get ] Anne, takes herin Catching She sitson Margot

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 58 57 56 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 [ out, youhear? Peter. Mrs. Van Daan. Mrs. QuackQuack.” made youwriteacomposition.“‘Quack,Quack,’ said class theycalledyouMrs.QuackQuack.HowMr. Smitter Peter. Anne. Peter. only alittlefuzz.Iamhoping.intime alike. ButTom hasthemostbeautiful whiskers,andIhave there. MyfriendTom. Tom Cat.Somepeoplesaythatwe look [ Anne. fury. Theothersare amused. entrance. Sheisdressed in Anne relief sweepsoverthem.They pickuptheiroccupationsagain. tense, motionlessintheirterror. Thecarstartsaway.A waveof automobile comingtoascreeching stopinthestreet below. Theyare [ where Miepis.She’susually soprompt. Mrs. Frank. Mr. Frank. be related andthen. you, Mr. Frank, if thiswarlastsmuchlonger, we’re goingto Your tenyearsolderthanIam.[ father’s Mrs. Van Daan. Peter. of. It’snothingtobeashamedof,havealittlegirlfriend. Mrs. Van Daan. Peter. Mrs. Van Daan. saying that? Peter. your littlegirlfriend? Mrs. Van Daan. after heranddisappearsbehindthecurtaincoveringhiscloset. He comesbacktothetable. She jumpsuponachair. Suddenly everythingelseisforgotten astheyhearthesound ofan flings openthedoorof flings Goodevening,everyone.Forgive meif Idon’tstay. Please!I’mnot.anywayletmealone,willyou? Iheard aboutyou.Howtalkedsomuchin All right,Mrs.QuackQuack! [ [ You’re crazy. She’sonlythirteen. Mother .forheaven’ssakewillyoupleasestop Outraged—jumping down To Anne] Thengivehimhisdinnerandcomeright Mazel tov! [ Deliberately changingtheconversation Peter! Sowhat? And you’re sixteen.Justperfect. Heactslikeitwassomethingtobeashamed [ Look athimblush!him! To Peter]Nowisthatanywaytotalk 17 ] Ihaveafriendwaitingformein Peter’s Peter’s Anne ] Peter’s Peter’s shuts thedoorof clothes. ] Peter! room, makingadramatic Peter To Mr. Frank]Iwarn looks atherin Peter’s Peter’s ] Iwonder room

] The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI NOTES 17.

congratulations. Yiddish; aphraseusedtooffer “good luck”inHebrew and Mazel tov (MAHzuhltohv)

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LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 118 118 NOTES

UNIT 2•The H oloca u s t 74 73 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 Peter. classes! read itoutloudtotheclassandthenread ittoallhisother Anne. Anne. come outofthew.c. pills. Iwaitedforfifteen minutes thismorningforherto Mrs. Van Daan. very wide Mrs. Frank. [Anne Mr. Frank. Otto . . . ? tongue. [ Mrs. Frank. Anne. illness before itcomes.Letmeseeyourtongue. There’s onlyonethingto do .watchcarefully. Prevent an Mrs. Frank. Anne. Mrs. Frank. into hershoes. Anne. Anne’s Mrs. Frank. picks himselfup,andgoesonintohisroom. [ my room! Peter. locked upwithonelikeyou! Anne. to him! Mrs. Van Daan. Peter. after them. [ ever met! Anne. [Anne As She throws theclothesdownstairwell. Peter You are themostintolerable,insufferable boyI’ve Iwaswashingmyhair! Mother, thisisperfectlyabsurd. [ Please,Mother. [ Quack,quack,andfrom nowonstayoutof Quack!Quack. pulls offthecoatandtrousers. flicks outhertongueforasecond,thenturns away. flicks With alltheboysinworld. Why Ihadtoget Well, goon.Tell themtherest. Howitwassogoodhe Quack, quack,quack! Pulling away forehead. ] You seemallright.butperhaps anaspirin. As passes her, ] You hearyourmother, Anne. Anne Anne, dear, don’tbesuchababy. Letmeseeyour [ Come on—openup![ You knowwecan’tcalladoctorhere, ever. [ ] Quietly Following her ] You’re warm. Are youfeelingallright? [ For heaven’ssake,don’tgivethatchildany To refuses, Anne Anne] That’sright, Anneke! Giveit ] No. ] Anne, dear.yourhair. [ She goesovertothecentertable,slipping Mrs. Frank puts outherfoot,trippinghim.He ] You haven’tafever, haveyou? As ] Anne appeals to Peter ] opens hermouth goesdown Mr. Frank] She feels ] .

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 115 95 99 98 97 96 Mr. Frank. Anne. Latin. excellent inyourhistorypapertoday.andverygood Mr. Frank. away. He’sbeenouthere allthetime,doinghislessons. Mrs. Van Daan. your cat. Mr. Van Daan. his studies. place atthetable,becomingimmediatelyabsorbedin [Peter beans withstrings,withoutstrings. “bean cycle.”Beansboiled,beansencasserole, Anne. back. [Mr. Van Daan can wedo?That’sallthatMiepbrought us. Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Van Daan. Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Van Daan. while ago. Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Van Daan. subjunctive Mr. Frank. Anne. Margot. Mr. Frank. Anne. up withme.We’ll leaveittoMargot tocorrect. managed tostayaheadofyouinalgebra.Today youcaught Isn’t thatso, Anne? with herfriendJopiedeWaal wouldn’tcure. with our Anne thatarideonherbike,orvisit Mr. Frank. and aburstofack-ack. outside wehearfaintsoundsofbombersgoingover [Mr. Van Daan Anne [ [ has comeoutofhisroom. He slidesintohis We are nowinwhatisknown asthe Isn’t algebra Sitting besidehim Getting up [ To ] [ Vile! follows behindhim,imitatinghim. I’ll havetomakeaconfession.UpuntilnowI’ve [ I thinkthere’s nothingthematter 19 Mr. Frank]HowdidIdo? To Looking upfrom thepapers here . Margot] You shouldhaveused the [ Notagain! Miepnotcomeyet? starts topace,hishandsbehind comes downintotheroom. From What’s fordinnertonight? To He justwentinforasecond,puttinghiscoat Poor Putti!Iknow. Butwhat Beans. The workmenjustleft,alittle ] Excellent,excellent,excellent! Peter]Isawyou.inthere, playingwith vile 18 ] , Pim! ] Howaboutalgebra? ] Anne, yougotan ] that heldtheSecretAnnex. This photoshowsthefrontofbuilding The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI NOTES 18. 19.

an anti-aircraft gun’s fire. ack-ack uncertainty. is usedtoexpress doubtor tihv) subjunctive n. formofaverbthat (AKAK) (suhbJUHNGK n. slangfor

31/10/19 7:19 PM 119 LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 120 120 NOTES Mr. Van Daan? Daan’s actionsaffect Peterand CONCLUDE: QUESTION: ANNOTATE: CLOSE READ her personality? words andphrasesreveal about Daan’s words andactions. phrases thatshowMrs.Van 123–133, markwords and

UNIT 2•The Whatdothese Inparagraphs HowdoMrs.Van

H oloca

u s t 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 134 133 132 131 130 Anne. [ it here . Margot. is goingonbelow. The soundofthebombersfadesaway. [Anne Mrs. Van Daan. Don’t youknowsheputsitalldowninthatdiary? Mr. Van Daan. [ Anne. “Remember, Mr. So-and-So, remember I’malady.” He toldme,if anyofthemgetsfresh, yousaytohim. used toworryaboutme,withsomanyboyshanginground. the girlyoumarryhasasgood.[ Mrs. Van Daan. Peter. Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Van Daan. about it,Mr. Frank? not beaspretty asIusedtobe,butstillhavemylegs. How pulls upherskirt,goingto skirts veryshortthosedaysandIhadgood-lookinglegs.[ a jampot. And whenIwassixteen!. .We were wearingour in .Theboyscamebuzzinground likebeesaround few wordsinunisonwithher. Anne, Mr. Van Daan Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Van Daan. always swarmingwithboys.WhenIwasagirlwehad. Mrs. Van Daan. courteous toaskpersonalquestions. Mrs. Frank. before youwere married? Anne. money couldbuy. that theyearbefore hedied.Healwaysboughtthebestthat with it.[Anne Mrs. Van Daan. Mrs. Frank. The twobecomeabsorbedinthepapers. She gives Mrs.Van Daan,mayItryonyourcoat? stretches listeningtowhat out,puttingherearto thefloor, Mrs. Van Daan,didyouhavealotofboyfriends “Remember, Mr. So-and-So,remember I’malady.” Mother, forheaven’ssake. ShouldI?.Ithoughtlookhere .Ididn’tuse Mrs.Van Daan Anne, that’sapersonalquestion.It’snot No, Anne. puts itonandstrutswithit. Oh,God.Notagain! Look atyou,talkingthatwayinfront ofher! All right. All right.We seethem. [ OhIdon’tmind.[ [ So,if shedoes?I’monlytellingthetruth! Oh,Iembarrassyou,doI?Well, Ijusthope I’m notaskingyou.Mr. Frank. Good-humored Giving itto mimics Mr. Frank.]Istillhave’em.may her coat. ] Onesummerwehadabighouse Mrs.Van Daan, Anne] It’sallright.butcareful ] Shutup![ Then to ] To ] Anne] Ourhousewas Anne] Myfather ] Myfathergaveme Without apause,to speaking thefirst ] She

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 155 [Peter Anne. moved youovertothecouch? Mrs. Frank. Mr. much, youwouldn’tbe so bad-tempered. Mrs. [Anne your sprawlingallovertheplace? Mr. talking. Anne. door afterthem. stops himandwipesthelipstickfrom hislips.Thenshecloses the [ to Mr. Frank.Mr. Frankisahighlyeducatedman. Mrs. Van Daan. [Peter Mr. Mr. Frank. him downonthecouchbeside met thatonethere. Here, sitdown,Mr. Frank.[ Frank. An angel.Idon’tknowwhy didn’tmeetyoubefore I Mrs. Van Daan. make ourschoolcoeducational? Mr. Frank. won’t listentome. You goahead.if youwant. Mr. Van Daan. Mr. Frank. [ just thatyouhaven’tanyonetohelpyou,likethegirlshave. Mrs. Van Daan. Why doIgoon? Peter. Mr. Van Daan. Peter. yet? Mr. Van Daan. Mrs. Van Daan.] As To Mr. Frank]Maybeyoucouldhelphim,Mr. Frank? Mr. Frank

Frank Van Daan Van Daan

Van Daan [ All right. All right.I’madunce.hopelesscase. jumps upeagerly,leadingtheway. picks uphispapers,goingovertothecouchbeside sits up [ No. On the floor, listening On thefloor, Listening . It might be better for us to go into Peter’s room. . ItmightbebetterforustogointoPeter’s [ I’msure thathisfather.? [ Going to .] Setting thetable . Am Ismoking? Doyouseemesmoking? . [ is abouttofollowPeterintohisroom, ] Notme.Ican’tdoanythingwithhim.He You oughttobeashamedofyourself. [ . [ To That’sright. You gointhere, Peter. You listen [ Accusingly, to ] Miepmusthavetheradioon. You’re nothopeless.Don’ttalkthatway. It’s To Kissing Anne] Isn’titbadenoughhere without Mr. Van Daan]Ifyoudidn’t smokeso Peter]Whataboutit,Peter?Shallwe Mr. Frank] You’re anangel, Mr. Peter.] Now, Peter, youlistento ] Shh!Icanhearaman’svoice ] Would youmind,Peter, if I Peter]Haven’tyoufinished ] Mrs.Frank She forces

The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI Daan’s relationship clearer? making PeterandMr. Van of thesedetails,especiallyin CONCLUDE: QUESTION: ANNOTATE: CLOSE READ NOTES details? playwrights includethese and blame. disappointment, anger, and phrasesthatsuggest 138–148, markwords Whydothe Inparagraphs Whatistheeffect

31/10/19 7:19 PM 121 LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 122 122 NOTES

UNIT 2•The H oloca u s t 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 172 171 package. Mr. Van Daan. cigarettes. Mrs. Van Daan. gives heraglassofmilk. Mrs. Frank [ five minutes. talking? Supposeyoutrykeepingstillforfiveminutes. Just Mr. Van Daan. pick themupoff thestreets— they’re doingwithsomeoftheyoungDutchmen.they Germany toworkinoneoftheirwarplants.That’s what Dirk, andMiep’safraidtheNaziswillshiphim off to Mrs. Van Daan] Didyouknowshewasengaged? Hisnameis latest news,Miep.[ starch. Pleasetakemyhair outandhaveitcut.Tell meallthe we makeherrun errandsforus.Please,Miep,getmesome Anne. when shecomes? Mrs. Frank. soap. Imadealist.[ Margot. ask hertobringmesomemore wool. [Anne Mrs. Frank. Mr. Van Daan. Anne. never heard children sorude before. Mr. Van Daan. children quarreled. Anne. at him. discussion interestedly. eyes down.But [ Mr. Van Daan. that, don’tyou? Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Van Daan. break yourself. Mrs. Van Daan. He startstopaceagain.Again During this, [ ] And whatare youstaringat? goes togetit. I neverheard grownups quarrel before. Ithoughtonly It’s awonderthatMiephaslife ofherown,theway Rising, indignantly [ Going toherroom jumps upandtakesherby the armuptosink,and Mrs.Frank [ [ To Quickly Anne, Thisisn’taquarrel! It’sadiscussion. And I Onepackage.Mieponlybrought meone [ Yes! Anne] Haveyousomelibrarybooks forMiep Will youshutup? Oh, stopit,please. Interrupting You’re smokingupallourmoney. You know It’s afilthyhabitanyway. It’sagoodtimeto Don’t tellmeyou’veusedupallthose ] Imustremember, whenMiepcomes,to She goesover, kneelingonthecouchbeside She goesintoherbedroom togetthelist. ] Anne, willyougetmemyknitting? seated on the floor, hasbeenfollowingthe seated onthefloor, Mr. Van Daan ] and ] ] Ineedsomehairpinsand I , rude! ] Don’tyouevergettired of Margot Anne follows him,mimickinghim. turns toseeherstaringup have studiouslykepttheir ]

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 175 176 173 [ Where ismy.?Everyeveningit’sthesametalk,talk. Mr. Van Daan. Mrs. Frank. Anne in [ something wonderful. Anne. Mr. Van Daan. Anne. Mr. Van Daan. be remarkable! I’mgoingtoParis. Anne. her husband.wholovestocookandsew while .adomesticgirl,who’llkeepherhouseshiningfor know that? A manlikesagirlwho’lllistentohimoncein young lady. Mendon’tlikethatkindofthinginagirl. You to showoff allthetime?Letmegiveyoualittleadvice, you niceandquietlikeyoursisterMargot? Whydoyouhave Mr. Van Daan. mouth, thenpicksupherglassofmilk. So Anne. old‑fashioned spanking. with youis,you’vebeenspoiled.Whatneedisagood Mr. Van Daan. Anne. Mrs. Frank. pipe? . . . Anne! Mr. Van Daan. hiding itbehindherback. [Anne Margot. seen my pipe? mouth! [ Mr. Van Daan. tobacco. Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Van Daan. Mrs. Van Daan. He looksaround. She makesawidegesture, spilling theglassofmilkonfurcoat Mrs.Van Daan’s - and tries tobrushthemilkoffwith herskirt. I’mgoingtobeafamousdancerorsinger. [ Am Iallowed totalknow? puts herglassofmilkonthetableandpicksuphispipe, . tostudymusicandart. I’d cutmythroat first!I’dopenmyveins!I’mgoingto - Mimicking So, remember I’malady.” [ Itwasonthetablelastnight. Opening Come here, Anne. It’stimeforyourglassofmilk. Anne, Mr. Van Daanisspeakingtoyou. [ You’re themostaggravating.Thetrouble Iknow. Iknow. Anne, didyouseemy At leastI’llhavesomethingtoholdinmy Mypipe.Haveyouseenmypipe? Yeah! Yeah! Talk, talk,talk.Ineverheard suchachild. [ Whatgood’sapipe? You haven’tgotany What’re youlookingfor? ] Where ismy.? Restraining Scoffingly Margot’s Mrs.Van Daan]“Remember, Mr. lap . Margot ] ] Paris! bedroom door himselfwithdifficulty rushes quicklyoverwitha towel. She thruststhepipeintohis ] ] Margot, haveyou ] ] Whyaren’t The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI NOTES one’s emotions v restraining . holdingback;controlling

(rih STRAY(rih nihng)

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LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 124 relationships withherfamily? portraying Anne’s characterand of thesedetails,especiallyin 124 CONCLUDE: QUESTION: ANNOTATE: CLOSE READ NOTES contrasting details? playwrights usethese or strong emotions. details related tolackofcontrol to control andcalm.Markother 202–207, markdetailsrelated

UNIT 2•The Whydothe Inparagraphs Whatistheeffect

H oloca u s t 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 198 197 196 195 194 193 208 207 206 Mrs. Van Daan. Anne. little fool!Mybeautiful furcoatmyfathergaveme. Mrs. Van Daan. Margot. aren’t youlikeMargot?” I hearfrom everyone.howwonderfulMargot is.“Why Anne. fight, andisn’tshe.? Mrs. Frank. myself! I’ve gottofightthingsoutformyself! Makesomethingof “Yes, Mother.” “No,Mother.” “Anythingyousay, Mother.” Anne. talk to me . . . wild, self‑willed. IfIhadevertalkedtomymotheras you on them.Idon’tknowwhathappenstoyou, Anne. You are over you, Anne. I’mafraidforotherpeople,thatyou’llwalk Mrs. Frank. No, thanks! Anne. Margot. her distance. And theyrespect herforit.Try tobelike She’s alwayscourteouswiththem.Neverfamiliar. Shekeeps getting intoarguments withthem,doyou?Watch Margot. why wemustcontrol ourselves. You don’thearMargot Mr. Van Daan under terribletension.[ always showthegreatest courtesytothem.We’re allliving You mustnotanswerback.Theyare ourguests.We must Mrs. Frank. Anne. Mrs. Frank. the supper.comeback! Mr. Van Daan. Daan [Mrs. Van Daan Mrs. Van Daan. Anne. look atit!Look ruin it!Doyouknowwhatthatcoatcost?you? And now starts afterher. I’mvery, verysorry. [ Thingshavechanged.Peoplearen’t likethatanymore. And have themwalkalloverme,thewaytheydoher? It wasanaccident. Anyone canhaveanaccident. I’m sosorry. Violently rebellious [ Protesting Idon’tmeanthat.theansweringback. I’mnotafraidthatanyoneisgoingtowalkall Anne, youmustnotbehaveinthatway. It isn’tnecessarytofightdoit.Margot doesn’t can hear. Whenheisgone,shecontinues. Petronella . Whatdoyoucare? Itisn’tyours.Sogoon, Nowlookwhatyou’vedone.youclumsy goes upthestairs,clutchingcoat. I couldkillyouforthis.justyou! ] Oh,comeon, Anne, don’tbeso. ] She stopsas ] Margot! Margot! Margot! That’sall Liefje! Margot .Comeback indicates that Mr. Van ] That’s

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 226 225 224 223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 227 [ all againstme!. And youworstofall! everything Idoiswrong! I’mthegoataround here! . You’re Anne. Mr. Van Daan Mrs. Frank. Mr. touched it. I am aboutMrs.Van Daan’scoat. Anne shouldneverhave Mrs. Frank. Mr. Margot. Mr. Van Daan. the mirror, smoothingherhair. [Margot Anne your list. [Margot Margot. open theouterdoor Mr. Frank. [Mr. Frank door. Margot. Mrs. Frank. [ Margot. quarrels him, hesaid.Well, heknowsnowthatIwasright!These no . . . no.hehadtoaskthem,saidowedit the Mrs. Frank. laughing andjoking. Margot. to Anne .shefliesatme know howwecangoonlivingthisway.Ican’tsayaword bread out?[Margot there’s anyonewhocares toeat.Margot, willyoutakethe Mrs. Frank. hersobs. stifling She rushesoffintoherroom andthrows herselfdownonthesettee, The buzzerforthedoorsounds. Van Daans.].Itoldyourfatheritwouldn’tworkbut

Van Daan. Van Daan. ] Father? sits up,hidinghertears,as [ Paying noattention Yes. gonedowntoletherin. Father’s I’llgetmybooks.[ [ [ ! . . .This picks upherbooksandgoesback. You know Anne. Inhalf anhourshe’llbeouthere, Starting for With awarninglook Thankyou,Margot. [ comes quicklyfrom [ And .[ Every timeIhearthatsound,myheartstops! [ Is there anythingIcando? To To . Don’tworry. She’llbeallright. [ Mr. Van Daan]Ican’ttell youhowunhappy At lastI’llhavesomecigarettes! Margot] Let’sputthesouponstove.if Mrs. Frank Coming downthestairs ] Haseveryonehislist? bickering goes intoherand gets thebread from thecupboard. Peter’s Peter’s She makesamotionupwards,indicating ] Everythingshedoesisright,and sighs andstartstowardthestove. Giving hermotheralist ] ! ] Shush. Peter’s Peter’s door Mrs.Frank Margot As hegoesdownthestepsto ] It’sMiep.[ Anne’s room. ] IsitMiep? comes in. Anne gasps, startled. bedroom ontheright. ] She knocksatthe hurries overto ] Miep’shere. ] Here’s ] Idon’t ] ] The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI bickering arguments; disagreements things arguing overunimportant quarrels NOTES

(KWAWR uhlz)

(BIHK uhrihng)

n .

n .

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UNIT 2•The H oloca u s t 242 241 240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 248 247 246 245 244 243 Mrs. Frank. grave. steps. Itis [ Mr. Kraler. Mr. Frank. Mr. Kraler. Mr. Frank. Mr. Kraler. Mr. Frank. didn’t knowwhere toturn. find someotherplace.Thishappenedsosuddenly thatI Mr. Kraler. Mr. Frank. take himinwith you? terrible thingtoaskofyou,livingasyouare, butwouldyou him ahidingplace?.SoI’vecometoyouIknowit’s begged me,couldIdoanythingforthisman?Couldfind friend livingnearhim. A dentist.Hesayshe’sintrouble. He know, cametomejustnow. HetellsmethathehasaJewish today somethinghashappened.DirkMiep’sDirk,you news whenthere’s nothingthatyoucandoaboutit? But some bitofgoodnews.What’stheusetellingyoubad Mr. Kraler. Anne cabbages, milk,etc.,from hisbriefcase,givingthemto [Mr. Kraler Mrs. Frank. immediate decision. Something hashappened,hesays,whichdemandsan Mr. Frank. still, willyouhavesupperwithus? Mrs. Frank. hands withthem. [Mr. Kraler Mr. Kraler. Mr. Van Daan. Mrs. Frank. Margot. Mr. Van Daan. He turnstomeet to putaway. Anne Thisisasurprise. Mr. Kraler, Mr. Kralerhassomethingtotalkoverwithus. Good.Bringhimup. Where ishe? Nottonight. I’llgethim. [ Usually, whenIcomeuphere, Itrytobringyou Dussel .Ithinkknow him. Of coursewewill. goes to sits downonthecouch.Ashetalkstakesbread, His nameisDussel.JanDussel. Downstairs intheoffice. [ Mr. Kraler! comes from thebedroom. Rising Wouldn’t youlikeacupofcoffee? .Or, better When Mr. Kralercomes,thesunbeginstoshine. Fearful Miepiscoming? Howare you,Mr. Kraler? ] Miep. ] ] It’llbejustforanightortwo.untilI Margot ] Whatisit? followed by But itisnot and Mrs.Frank Mr. Frank. Peter Miep who comesupthe comes from hisroom. and Their facesare Anne, Margot shaking and ]

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 266 265 264 263 262 261 260 259 258 257 256 255 254 253 252 251 250 249 Mr. Frank. the Mr. Frank [ [Anne sleep witha.Please, Anne. Don’targue. Please. Mrs. Frank. Anne. [Margot your thingsinhere. Helpher, Anne. and hecanhaveherbed.It’stheonlyway. Margot, bring Mrs. Frank. Mother, andMr. Dusselcanhavemybed. Anne. brave.Hedoesn’tmind. Peter’s neither younor Anne. Mouschihascaughtsomeratsinthere. Mr. Frank. Margot. Dussel. room andPetercangoinourroom withMr.take Peter’s here withyouandMother, andMargot can Anne. your room’s toosmall . . . evenfor Mr. Frank. the floor. Iwouldn’t mind. Peter. Where? Otto, where are yougoingtoputhim? Mrs. Frank. Mr. Van Daan. It’s onlyforafew days. Mr. Frank. [Peter and totakeinanotherperson. thing Ifeel.there’s solittlefoodasitis. a righttodoexactlyasyouplease.Theonly consult anyone.Thisisyourplace. You have Mr. Van Daan. consulting you.ButIknewyou’dfeelasdo. He goesquicklydownthestepsandout.

others. turnsaway,ashamedofhisfather. [ Thenhowabout Ihaveamuchbetteridea.I’llcomein starts slowly away. He canhavemybed.Isleepon To hermother That’sright.We coulddothat. hurries intoherroom togetherthings. ] suddenly becomesconsciousof Forgive me.Ispokewithout No,Margot. You mustn’tsleepinthatroom . That’sgoodofyou,Peter. But We canstretch thefoodalittle. Becauseitwouldn’tbeproper for Margot to Ithinkit’sfinetohavehim.But, No. No! You wanttomakeabet? There’s noreason foryouto ] WhyMargot? Whycan’tIcomeinhere? this Margot willcomeinhere with us ] ? I’llcomeinhere withyouand you

] . ] bookcase. Secret Annexthatwashiddenbehindaswinging This photographshowsthestairwayto The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI NOTES

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UNIT 2•The H oloca u s t 282 281 280 279 278 277 276 275 274 273 272 271 270 269 268 267 286 285 284 283 Mr. Frank. Anne. Mr. Dussel,doyou, Anne? Mr. Frank. Dussel. David onit. Underneath ishiswhitedentist’s jacket,with ayellowStarof [Dussel I leaveyouingoodhands.Oh.Dirk’scoat. Mr. Kraler. [Dussel my daughters,Margot and Anne. Edith .Mr. andMrs.Van Daan.theirson,Peter . and briefcase, but Mr. Frank. Dussel. Mr. Kraler. Mr. Frank. full, andasmallmedicinecase. bewildered now. Hewearsaraincoat.carriesbriefcase,stuffed Dussel [Mr. Frank Mr. Van Daan. him anotherplace. Margot. Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Van Daan. the bustle. sourly. glasses that main room. carrying herpossessions,whichshehangsbehindacurtaininthe [Peter Peter, willyougetfiveglassesforme? Mr. Frank. illness. Mrs. Frank. the cognac? Margot. Mr. Frank

Van Daan.

Van Daan. No.No,ofcoursenot. goes fortheglasses. Mrs. Van Daan is amaninhislatefifties,meticulous,finicky. [ Mr. OttoFrank? hurriedly takesofftheraincoat,givingitto shakes handswitheveryone. It’sonlyforanightortwo.untilMr. Kralerfinds To ] Peter Ithinkwecouldn’tfindabettertimetouseit. Good.[Anne Yes. Letmetakeyourthings. [ Comein,Mr. Dussel. Mr. Frank Thankyou,Mr. Frank.Thank youall.Mr. Dussel, ThisisMr. Frank. ] Mr. Kraler]WhatcanIsaytothankyou.? hurries overas [ It’sthere. But,Otto,Iwassavingitincaseof Dussel To Anne] You don’tmindsharingyourroom with Someone’smovinginwithus. Yeah! Yeah! What’shappening?goingon? In here? You’re joking. brings him. starts tosearch inthecupboards. clings tohismedicinecase. finds thecognacandpoursitintofive comes downstairsandlooksaround atall Margot Mr. Kraler goes offintoherbedroom, helping Mr. Van Daan ] comes outofherbedroom, ] and Dussel He takesthehatand stands lookingon ] Thisismywife, Mr. Kraler. come up. ] Where’s

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 304 303 302 301 300 299 298 297 296 295 294 293 292 291 290 289 288 287 305 isn’t thatatall.We simplydon’tliketheNazis.[ Mr. Kraler. life line.Without them wecouldn’tlive. Mrs. smiles andraiseshisglass. [ welcome Mr. Dussel. Mr. Frank. says thatpeoplebelieveweescapedtoSwitzerland. Anne. [Anne Mrs. Frank. Dussel. would thinkthatverything! Anne. Zurich. an address inZurich.She saidyoumusthaveescapedto paper inthewastebasketwithanaddress scribbledonit. disorder, dishesinthesink.Shesaidshefoundapieceof to yourhouse . . .thedoorwasopen,everythingin Switzerland then? A womantoldme.Shesaidshe’dgone Mr. Otto Frankhere! [ Dussel. cognac. [Mr. Dussel Mrs. Frank. of the“grownups” aglassof cognac. [Mr. Kraler etc., etc. Group. Mr. Kraler. Mr. Frank. Peter. door afterme,won’tyou,Peter? Frank] Don’ttrouble tocomedownagain.Peterwillboltthe up tomorrow toseethatthey’re treating youright.[ Mr. Kraler. us DutchmenwhattodowithourdamnJews!” Mr. Frank. like theirmethods.We don’tlike. who offershimadrink Before theycandrink,

Frank. Itworked,Pim.theaddress youleft!Mr. Dussel Fatherputthatthere purposely.justsopeople speaks toherfatherashecomesback ] Yes, sir. I’mdreaming. Iknowit. I can’tbelievemyeyes. Good night,Mr. Kraler. We’ll seeyoutomorrow, And you’vebeen I’mglad. And nowlet’shavealittledrinkto [ Please. You makeusseemveryheroic. It Thank you,Peter. I’lldoit. [ goes outwith Good night. [ All thetime.eversinceJuly. Please,Mr. Dussel,sitdown. sinks intoachair. Smiling To To Dussel]PaynoattentiontoMr. Frank.I’llbe Dussel]Mr. KralerandMiep.They’re our ] Iknow. Iknow. “Noone’sgoing totell ] No,thanks.[ Mr. Dussel To Mrs.Frank] You’re notin ] Mr. Frank.Mrs.Frank here Mrs.Frank allthetime? bolts hisdrink. ] Then goingon ] gives himaglassof Mr. Frank gives eachone ] We don’t To Mr. Frank, To Mr. The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI NOTES

31/10/19 7:19 PM 129 LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 130 of thesedetails? 130 CONCLUDE: QUESTION: ANNOTATE: CLOSE READ NOTES details? playwrights includethese world. Dussel’s newsoftheoutside how thecharactersreact to paragraphs 312–322thatshow 20.

concentration camp. that wasthesiteofaNazi zuhn) village inAustria Mauthausen

UNIT 2•The Whydothe Markdetailsin Whatistheeffect (MOWtow

H oloc au s t 319 318 317 316 315 314 313 312 311 310 309 308 307 306 323 322 321 320 Anne. Dussel. same class.Jopie’smybestfriend. What’s becomeofthem?TheirdaughterJopieandIare inthe Anne. Dussel. worse. Mrs. Frank. lived nearus.? Mrs. Van Daan. around her. comfort her. [ Anne. Dussel. [ Mrs. Frank. with us. To Mr. Dussel. ship youoff toMauthausen. notice, thentheycomeanddragyoufrom yourhomeand you cancarryinarucksack. And if yourefuse thecall-up theater onsuchandadayhour.bringonlywhat Dussel. Mrs. Frank. I know . . .theHallensteins.Wessels . gone. Hundreds are beingdeported.peoplethatyouand house. Children comehomefrom schooltofindtheirparents disappear . .Theysurround ablockandsearch houseby others. starts hischaracteristicpacing, that. You don’trealize what’sgoingon.[ happening outsidethatyoushouldwarnmeofathinglike Dussel. [Peter among thesevenofus.andnowyoumakeeight. much toeathere? You canimagine.three rationbooks Mr. Van Daan. Mrs. Van Daan. She turnsaway,intears. The Van Daans ] Righthere in Amsterdam everydayhundreds ofJews Oh,no.NotJopie! Gone? walks away,humiliated.Outsideastreet organ ishearddimly. [ With alltheothers. Forgive meforspeaking so. [ Theygettheircall-upnotice.cometotheJewish Coming to They are gone. Rising ] Margot [ We didn’tknowthatthingshadgotsomuch To Mr. Dussel,welcome. In tears

DidMr. Kralerwarnyouthatwon’tget ] Mr. Van Daan,youdon’trealize whatis Welcome. We’re veryhonored tohaveyou There were somepeoplecalled Wagner. They murmur awelcome.The“grownups” drink. Um. Thatwasgood. Dussel]DoyouknowthedeWaals? . goes to ] Oh,no.No! Mrs.Frank Anne, 20 Dussel Thedeathcamp! putting herarmscomfortingly motions to turns tospeakthe As Margot Mr. Van Daan to ] ]

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 340 339 338 337 336 335 334 333 332 331 330 329 328 327 326 325 324 341 settled before supper. want toask.ButI’msure thatMr. Dusselwouldliketoget should putthisoff untillater. We allhavemanyquestionswe Mr. Frank. even haveapet? A cat,oradog? Anne. Dussel. Anne. bottles onthedressing table. Dussel. live allalone?Haveyounofamilyatall? Anne. learn. adjust myself toothers.Ihopeyou’llbearwithmeuntil Dussel. Anne. room. In [ Mr. Van Daan. are improving. different from whatMr. Kralertellsus.Mr. Kralersaysthings Margot. her mother. [Dussel Anne. and theothersare subdued. [Dussel years .[ Holland, andmygrandfather. And now.afterallthese Dutch. IwasborninHolland.Myfather been suchashocktome.I’dalwaysthoughtofmyself as haven’t really expressed mygratitudetoallofyou.Thishas Dussel. Mr. Dussel? [ Anne. you liketotakeMr. Dusseltohisroom? schedule ofhours.We’ll tellyouaftersupper. Anne, would uncomfortable. We’ve hadtomakestrictrules here .a give youaroom alone.ButIhopeyouwon’tbetoo Mr. Frank. Dussel. They resume theiroccupations, quietly. Idon’tthinkcouldever getusedtoit.Didn’tyou Howdreadful. You mustbeterriblylonely. Letmehelpyou.[ You’re goingtoshare theroom with me. [ [ Turning onthelight Controlling hertears I’musedtoit. I’mamanwho’salwayslivedalone.Ihaven’thadto [ Anne’s looks around theroom. Inthemainroom gives alittlebowandhurriesoffafter No one.[ Thank you.Iwould.brought verylittlewithme. Thenewssoundspretty bad,doesn’tit?It’sso Shaking handswitheachinturn He breaks off. ] [ [ Interrupting, withaglanceat Giving himhishatandbriefcase She startsforherroom. IlikeitbetterthewayKralertellsit. room, He openshismedicinecaseandspreads his Anne ] Ifyou’llexcuseme. ] She takeshisbriefcase. ] ] Well, here weare. ] Ifyou’llcomewithme, turns to ] Dussel.] Peter ] Forgive meif I Anne] Ithinkwe ] I’msorrywecan’t Anne. Mr. Frank goes offintohis Margot ] Doyoualways speaks to The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI NOTES

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UNIT 2•The H oloca u s t 355 354 353 352 351 350 349 348 347 346 345 344 343 342 360 359 358 357 356 Dussel. Anne. me asthma. Dussel. [Dussel bother toyou.Iseem be abletogeteveryone’sbackup. Anne. helps thedigestion. like toliedownquietlyfortenminutesbefore eating.Ifindit Dussel. Anne. Dussel. Anne. Where amIspendingmy time?Inthere, withallthepeople? Dussel. in theafternoons. Anne. Dussel. and Itookthemornings.Would thatbeallrightwithyou? afternoons forstudying,reading .lessons,youknow the wayMargot andIdid .shehadittoherself inthe to be,especiallywhenyou’re frightened. About thisroom, thing likethat.Butyoudon’tknowhowimportantitcanget Anne. Dussel. You canuseitnowif youlike. about thetimeswehavetobequiet. And timesforthew.c. Anne. Dussel. canal someday. Iwatchhim. beginning towalkandI’msoafraidhe’sgoingfallintothe there withhisfamily.Theyhaveababyandhe’sjust houseboat . . .youcanseetheendofitabargeman lives and seeabitofthestreet andthecanal.There’s a window. We cleared theseoff foryourthings.[ sleep onthesofathere. [ Anne. Dussel. all thetime.I’msure itwillbeallright. Anne. [ Oh,dear. Peterhasacat. Ofcourse.IhopeI’mnotgoingtobetoomuch of a We havesupperathalf pastsix. Yes. Isupposeyouthinkit’sawful,mytalkingabouta That’s Margot’s bed,where you’re goingtosleep.I Yes. Butwehardly everseeit.Hekeepsitinhisroom You stayhere inthemornings then.I’lltaketheroom Coming awayfrom thewindow [ Letushopeso.[ Here? Hehasithere? [ Isee. Tell me,whenyou’re inhere, whathappenstome? I’mnotatmybestinthemorning. [ ] Thebestpartaboutthisroom .youcanlookdown lies downonthesofa,curled up,hisbacktoher. I haveanallergy forfur-bearing animals.Theygive Interrupting Going overtothesofa Stiffly ] No,thankyou. ] Your fatherspokeofaschedule. Indicating theclotheshooksonwall He takessomepillstofortifyhimself. ] Then,if youdon’tmind.I ] Oh,yes.It’smostly She goesovertothe ] ] ]

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 366 365 364 363 362 361 1 4 3 2 [Anne get onwellwiththem.Sodon’tyouworryaboutthat. patients allbringtheirchildren tome,becausetheyknowI Dussel. A girl’shigh giggle isheard.Thesoundofrunningfeetheard From outsideweheartwodrunkensoldierssinging“Lili Marlene.” their accustomedrooms. behind acurtainstretched across forprivacy.Theothersare allin Margot double main room, whichhasbeenpulledouttoserveasamakeshift Everyone isinbed. room. except foralittlelightwhichcomesthrough theskylightin [ Scene 4 scene. [ goodness, won’tplay. flirt withFatherare gettinghernowhere. Pim,thank subject ofMrs.Van Daan.Imusttellyouthatherattemptsto everything tooseriously. To pauseforamomentonthe someone totalkto.Margot’s adarling,butshetakes that Peterwasagirlinsteadofboy. ThenIwouldhave Particularly thegrownups thatneverhadany. Ikeepwishing grownup thinksheknows thewaytobringupchildren? that you’llflyrightuptotheceiling!Whyisitevery on atmeIthought . ..sometimeI’llgiveyousuchasmack appearance, mycharacter, mymanners.Whilehewasgoing nothing, Irepeat . . . nothing, another battleyesterday. Yes, Mr. Dussel! According tohim, of September, nineteenforty-two.Mr. DusselandIhad definitely letmychildren read her. Mondaythetwenty-first Marxvelt’s latestbook.Ithinksheisafirst-classwriter. Ishall Anne’s Voice. Voice [ Anne. It isthemiddleofnight,severalmonthslater. Thestageisdark As sheissayingthelastlines,curtainrisesondarkened The lightsdimtodarkness.curtainfallsonthescene. comes tousfaintlyatfirst,andthenwithincreasing power. Anne’s Voice

bed. leans overhim,takinghishandandshakingitgratefully. Thank,Mr. Dussel. Ialwaysgetalongverywellwithchildren. My is sleeping on a mattress on the floor inthemainroom, is sleepingonamattress onthefloor . And yesterday IfinishedCissyVan Mr. fadesout. and Mrs.Frank ⌘ ⌘ ⌘ ] lie onthecouchin Peter’s Peter’s Anne’s ] ] The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI as thestorycontinues? character andconflictsthatarise details showaboutMr. Dussel’s CONCLUDE: QUESTION: ANNOTATE: CLOSE READ NOTES contrasting details? playwrights includethese feelings toward Anne. paragraph 365thatrefer tohis children. Markdetailsin Dussel’s feelingstoward mark detailsthatrelate to Whydothe Inparagraph361, Whatdothese

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LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 134 134 NOTES

UNIT 2•The H oloca u s t 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Anne’s Dutchpassportandsamplesofherwriting. It’s nothing,mydarling. Itwasjustadream. kind enoughtoturnonthe light,Mr. Dussel?[ all right.It’s[ Mrs. Frank. terrified. hurriedly getsup,puttingonhisovercoat. her. Sherushesinto [ hear? Dussel. her, tryingtowakeher. [ Anne. Dussel. terrified. [ Anne. Suddenly, outofthesilenceanddark,wehear airplanes, andrunningfeetonthestreet below. There isquietforasecondor two,broken onlybythesoundof The dimfigure isseentosteal backupthestairs. up,and isasquicklyblownout. match flares stairs, andgoestothecupboardwhere thefoodisstored. Againthe Daan upintheattic.We dimlysee A matchsuddenlyflares scene there isthedistantsoundofairplanespassingoverhead. coming closerandthenfadinginthedistance.Throughout the In themainroom She screams andscreams. She moans,tossingandcryinginhersleep.Theotherpeoplewake, . Heisgettinghisbearings.comesquicklydownthe

[ [ Still inhernightmare Screaming

For God’ssake!Quiet! You wantsomeoneto Shush! Anne! Anne, forGod’ssake,shush! Peter’s Dussel [ To To sitsupinbed,furious. lightgoesoninhisroom. Anne Mrs. Frank ]

No! Don’t.don’ttakeme! Anne ] , inherroom Over hershoulderto , takingherinarms. Dussel ] Saveme! grabsashawlandpullsitaround getsoutofbed,goingoverto ]

Hush, darling,hush.It’s ] ] Margot Dussel] Will yoube Anne sitsup, Back to Mr. Frank Mr. Van scream. Anne]


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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 17 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 quickly tothewindow, lookingouttobesure thatnooneoutside trembling withhorror. in herarms.Gradually [Dussel Anne. me .? shakes herhead. Mrs. Frank. room, andgetsuponachair, turningoutthecenterhanginglamp. the lightandlookingoutwindow. Thenhegoesbacktothemain [Peter Mr. Frank. bedroom. Mr. Frank [ Dussel. Mr. Van Daan. Dussel. Mr. Van Daan. down thestairs. [ going tothew.c. Theoneplacewhere there’s peace! Dussel. She’ll beherself inaminuteortwo.Won’t you, Anne? happened. [ Mrs. Frank Peter Mr. Frank [Margot spend half mynightshushingher. And nowit’snightmares! Dussel. Mrs. Frank. endangering allour lives. knows butthere’s somebodyonthestreets? She’s done aboutthatchild,Mrs.Frank. Yelling likethat!Who Dussel. overhead. center hanginglamp.A lightgoesoninthe to her. Inthemainroom has heard He goesintothebathroom. He stalksout. takes goesbacktohisroom. I’d rathernottalkabout it. turnsonthelightinbedroom. [ comestothedoorof Unfortunately, no. A nightmare. Shewashavinganightmare! [ Every nightshetwistsandturns.Idon’tsleep. ] Picking upabookandpillow To Peter Anne’s , inthemainroom, sends goestothem,indicatingthateverythingisallright.

Margot . [ Thank you,Peter. Gobacktobed. Mrs. Frank

To To [ Anne, darling. To To To To Mr. Van Daan putshisrobe on,comingoutofhisroom. ] ] Was itaverybaddream? Perhaps if youtold Dussel] Please,Mr. Dussel,gobacktobed.

I thoughtsomeonewasmurdering her. [ Anne] You’re here, safe,yousee?Nothinghas Anne] Would youlikesomewater?[Anne To To screams. back. Dussel] Whatisit?happened? Mr. Frank Anne Margot , blowinghisnose ] Mrs.Frank Mr. Van Daan Mr. Frank comesoutofhernightmare still Anne’s , inunderwearandtrousers, comes standsonachair, turningonthe comesintotheroom, andgoes Peter room, followedby holds ] Thankyou,butI’m follows him,turningout backtohisown ] Somethingmustbe Mrs. Frank goesbackupthestairs. Van Daans Anne , talkingsoftly holds ’ room Peter ] Anne .


The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI NOTES

31/10/19 7:19 PM 135 LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 136 136 NOTES 24. 23. 22. 21.

German for“Gotoher.” Geh zuihr because of fear.” Go in,Otto,sheishysterical you whensheneedscomfort. to God thatatleastsheturns for “It’s allright.Ithankdear Es macht. . . vor Angst German for“Dear, look.” Liebe, schau “She isaskingfor you.” langt nokhDIHR)Germanfor Sie verlangt nachDir

UNIT 2•T (GAY tsooeer) (LEEbuhSHOW) he H olo (zeeFER

German ca ust 35 34 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 hinein, Otto,sieistganzhysterischvorAngst. sie sichwenigstensanDichwendet,wennTrost braucht!Geh Mrs. Frank. hesitates Mr. Frank. Anne. Mr. Frank. and startedtodragmeoutthewaytheydidJopie. Green Police!Theybroke downthedoorandgrabbedme Anne. to him.Inthedistancewehearsoundofack-ack. sitting downby as [ Margot. Mrs. Frank. give alltheirlovetofathers. through it.theyturnto theirfathersatthisage.they Margot. kiss her. nothing ofme.ShepulledawaywhenIleaneddownto comes overtoher, puttingherarmsaround her. her faceinhands,tryingtokeepfrom sobbingaloud. to getacupofwaterfor Anne. sitting there. beside youuntilfallasleep.[ Mrs. Frank. Mr. Frank. Sie verlangt nachDir! out intotheotherroom. Mrs. Frank. Anne. nothing thatyouwant? hiding herhurt,kisses Anne Mrs. Frank. Anne. Really. Mrs. Frank. She smoothsthebedfor Mrs. Frank throws herarmupoverface,turningaway. Whatisit? Oh,Pim.Idreamed thattheycametogetus!The I’dratheryoudidn’t. You don’thaveto. Will youpleaseaskFathertocome. ] She’llgetoverit. It’saphase. You heard Father.Mostgirlsgo Geh zuihr Iwantyoutotakethispill. [ Something toquietyou. ]

[ Sensing herhurt Es machtnichts!IchdankedemliebenHerrgott, dass You weren’t likethis. You didn’tshutmeout. Good night,then.[ But I’dliketostaywithyou.verymuch. Poor darling.Try tosleepthen.I’llsitrighthere After asecond lies down.In Anne. Anne . 24 Anne’s 21

[ Mr. Frank Mrs.Frank Anne. Mrs.Frank He looksatherforasecondandthengoes ] Ofcourse, Anne dear. [ Anne’s ] Edith, flings herarms around him,clinging flings arm. She leansdowntokiss comes toherasshein. ] You’ll beallright?There’s She bringsastoolover, room and sitsbesideheramoment Liebe, schau Mr. Frank sinks downonthebed, 23 ] Shewants [ As 22 ] . Mr. Frank Mrs.Frank, comes in, She hurries Margot Anne. ]

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 52 51 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 while? Mr. Frank. out thelightandgoesbacktoherbed. [ laugh atmeif I’mserious.So themean Anne comestothe But I’mscared toshowit.I’m afraidthatpeopleare goingto again! .Ihaveanicer side, Father.asweeter, nicerside. I maydosomethingworse.butatleastI’llnever do my mind,I’mnevergoingtodothatagain.Never! Ofcourse now withMother. Isaytomyself, thatwaswrong. Imakeup putting thewetmopinMr. bed.andthisthing Dussel’s all ofthethingsIdidthatdaywere wrong .like Anne. own character. the way. Therest youmustdoyourself. You mustbuildyour our children. We canonlytrytosetagoodexample. . point Mr. Frank. phase! Helpme. it. What’sthematterwithme?Tell me.Don’tsayit’sjusta myself doingitandknow it’scruel andyetIcan’tstopdoing wasn’t I? And theworstofitis,Ican standoff and lookat here . . .[ Anne. She’s inthere crying. Mr. Frank. asks meif I’mconstipated. me. WheneverItrytoexplainmyviewsonlife tohershe Anne. She I’d behappierif yousaidlovedyourmotheraswell . Mr. Frank. You’re theonlyoneIlove. Anne. Mr. Frank. but you. you likeababy.Iloveyou,Father. Idon’tloveanyone grownup . .andthensomethinghappensIrun to I think I’veconquered myfear.IthinkI’mreally Anne. Mr. Frank. heard? yell terriblyloud?Doyouthinkanyoneoutsidecouldhave Anne. She takesitanddrinksthewater. Inthemainroom I’mtrying.ReallyIam.Everynightthinkback over Ican’thelpit.onlytoldthetruth. Ididn’twanther No.Justsitwithmeforaminute.Was Iawful?Did We havenothingincommon.Shedoesn’tunderstand It’s true. I’vebeenthinkingaboutitforalongtime. I’m aterriblecoward. I’msodisappointedinmyself. Then, withsuddenchange [ There issolittlethatweparents candotohelp You hurtherverymuchjust now. She’scrying. [ No.Liequietlynow. Try tosleep. It’s finetohearyoutellmethatloveme.But To Reproachfully Anne] Doyouwantmetoread toyoufora ] Annele! ] Oh,Pim,Iwashorrible, ] Margot that turns

The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI character? detail reveal aboutAnne’s NOTES CONCLUDE: QUESTION: ANNOTATE: CLOSE READ behavior? others—about Anne’s bad include thisdetail—butno playwrights havechosento out againstadultsintheAnnex. kinds ofmischiefAnnecarries mark thedetailsthatsuggest Whymightthe Inparagraph63, Whatdoesthis

31/10/19 7:19 PM 137 LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 138 138 NOTES 27. 26. 25.

in amenorah. candle usedtolighttheothers Shamos Hanukkah. candles, usedduring n. Menorah eight days. Jewish celebrationthatlasts Hanukkah

UNIT 2•The candleholder withnine (SHAHmuhs) (muhNAWR uh) (HAHnukah) H oloc n. au s t 66 65 64 2 1 lights theShamos, standing attheheadoftableonwhichisMenorah. Hanukkah lights.Praised beThou,ohLord ourGod,Rulerof with Thycommandments andbiddenuskindlethe Lord ourGod,Ruleroftheuniverse,whohassanctified us Mr. Frank. best. Themenwearhats, blessing. Seatedlisteningisallofthe“family,”dressed intheir and mightbe.if only. outside andthebad Anne insideandbewhatI’dliketo. on tryingtoswitchthemaround andhavethegood Anne outside andthegood Anne staysontheinside,andIkeep lights dimonas [ be backinschoolwithmyfriends . . . hot tubfilledtooverflowingandwallowinitforhours. aches .tohavenewclothesfrom theskinout.tohavea many things.torideabikeagainlaughtillmybelly He’s afraidheislosinghistouch.Formyself, there are so to amovie.Mr. Dusselwantstogetbackhisdentist’sdrill. her .thebestthatmoneycouldbuy. Peterwouldliketogo her needlepointchairs,theBecksteinpianofather gave here. Mrs.Van Daanlongstobehomewithherownthings, what wasthefirstthingwewantedtodowhengotoutof for anearlyfinishtothewar. Just forfunheaskedeachofus The Allies havelandedin Africa. Pimsaysthatwecanlook the ninthofNovember, nineteenforty-two.Wonderful news! the mostfrightened?NooneelsebutPetronella! .Monday, What willbe,be.Butwhentheplanescomeover, whois the endofwar. Mrs.Van Daanpretends tobeafatalist. be musictoourears.Themore planes,thesoonerwillcome over dayandnight.Thenoiseisterrifying. Pimsaysitshould Anne’s Voice . growing strength. the scene. off thelight,andstartsout.Thelightsdimcurtainfallson [ [ Scene 5 As thelastlinesare beingsaid,thecurtainrisesonscene. The She isasleep It isthefirstnightofHanukkah Anne’s Voice Anne’s [ Reading from aprayerbook . Mr. Frank Anne’s Voice Anne’s .Theairraidsare gettingworse.Theycome ] 27 orservantcandle,andholdsitashesaysthe ishearddimlyatfirst,andthenwith Peter watches herforamomentandthenturns ⌘ ⌘ ⌘ fades away. wears hiscap. 25 celebration. ] “PraisedbeThou,oh ] ] Mr. Frank 26 He is

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 5 4 3 in, from thistimeforthandforevermore.” Amen. thy soul.TheLord shallguard thygoingoutandcoming night. TheLord shall keeptheefrom allevil.Heshallkeep hand. Thesunshallnotsmitetheebyday, nor themoonby Lord isthykeeper. TheLord isthy shadeuponthyright He thatkeepethIsraeldothneitherslumbernor sleep. The thy foottobemoved.Hethatkeepeththeewillnot slumber. from theLord who made heaven and earth. He will not suffer mountains, from whencecomethmyhelp.Myhelp Mrs. Frank. [Mr. Frank All. help.” Amen. us thatweshouldeverlooktoGod,whencecomethour and theyrestored ourTemple tous.Maytheselightsremind fought againstindifference, againsttyrannyandoppression, hearts oftheheroic Maccabees, twothousandyearsago.They deeds wrought through thezealwithwhichGodfilled this Hanukkahlighttocelebratethegreat andwonderful lights theonecandleofMenorahashecontinues. sustenance andbrought ustothishappyseason.”[Mr. Frank Ruler oftheuniverse,thatThouhasgivenuslife and our fathersindaysofold.PraisedbeThou,ohLord ourGod, the universe,whohaswrought wondrous deliverancesfor Hanukkah scene. This stillimagefromafilmversionoftheplayshows Amen. hands [ Reading Mrs.Frank ] “Ilift upmineeyesuntothe the prayerbook. ] ] “We kindle The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI of thisexplanation? NOTES CONCLUDE: QUESTION: ANNOTATE: Hanukkah story? this explanationofthe playwrights haveincluded are lit. why theHanukkahcandles mark thesentencesthatexplain CLOSE READ Whymightthe Inparagraph2, Whatistheeffect

31/10/19 7:19 PM 139 LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 140 140 NOTES 28.

the Netherlandsreceive gifts. the dayChristianchildren in St. Nicholas’Day

UNIT 2•The December6, H oloca u s t 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 day theygotbetterandbetter. when wewere little.eightdaysofpresents .andeach Margot. Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Mrs. Frank. Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Van Daan. Mrs. Van Daan candles itistruly beautiful. until youhaveeightcandlesburning.Whenthere are eight night youlighttwocandles,thenextthree .andsoon the candles.Firstone,aswehavetonight.Thensecond Mrs. Frank. Jew are youthatdon’t knowHanukkah? Mrs. Van Daan. [ Dussel. Mrs. Van Daan. Anne. Mrs. Frank. grabs asatchelbulgingwithparcels andcomesrunningback. room, hurriedlyputsonalittlehatimprovised from thelampshade, Anne. present enough. Mrs. Frank. puts themaside. and wine. [Mrs. Frank All. Dussel. presents .everyone! Mrs. Van Daan. Mrs. Frank. Dussel. Anne. Mrs. Van Daan. Anne. Dussel. There isachorusof“no’s” from thegroup.

Amen. Frank. [ Presents! No, itisn’t.I’vegotsomething.[ There’s alotmore, songsandpresents. Pulling himback Look! LikeourSt.Nicholas’sDay. Presents? [Rising]Thatwasverymoving. What Iremember bestisthe presents weusedtoget Margot Godwilling! [ Whatisit? [ Inviteusallnextyear.inyourownhome. puts downtheprayerbookandgoestogetfood Not thisyear, unfortunately. As shebringsthefood Sitting down ] . And thepotatopancakes. Don’t talkaboutthem! No!NotlikeSt.Nicholas!Whatkindofa Presents! Imakethebest ButalwaysonHanukkaheveryonegives Sitdown! God willing. helps her. ] Itisn’toveryet! ] We are allhere, alive.Thatis Mr. Frank latkes ] Iremember particularly 28 takes themen’s hatsand youevertasted! ] She rushesintoher ]

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 34 33 32 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 hands itto Anne. Peter. Mr. not much. Anne. [Mr. Van Daan Putti! Lightit. Mrs. Van Daan. Pim did. pocket liningofhiscoat.andwemadethem .orrather. Anne. Mr. Van Daan. Cigarettes! than anything.[ Van Daan,isreally something.youwant more have time.[ Anne. Mrs. Van Daan. and mixedthemwiththelastofmytoiletwater. Anne. Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Frank. anything foranyone.Ineverthought Mrs. Van Daan. Anne. [ never knowitwasn’tnew. Margot. over again. all out,andif youwaitalittleandforget, youcandoitall Anne. Where didyougetit? [ Put allyourcross words here.” But if youshould, You are sogood. You neverwill,Ifear, “You haveneverlostyourtemper. Margot. From outsidewehearthesound ofastreetcar passing. She tearsopenthepackage.

Van Daan. It’stobacco,really itis!There’s a little fluff init,but Two ofthem!Pimfoundsomeoldpipetobaccointhe Iwantedtowriteapoemforallofthem,butdidn’t It’shairshampoo.Itookalltheoddsandendsofsoap [ Itisn’tnew. It’sonethatyou’vedone.ButIrubbed it A lampshade! [ With anothergift She picksoutoneatrandom. [ [ Margot Sitting Reading Thisisall Anne’s idea. Offering alarge boxto What’sshegotonherhead? Cigarettes! hesitates. As shewaitsforhimtoopenit Letmesee.Well, lookatthat!Lightit, Oh, Anneke! [ ] It’swonderful, Anne. Thankyou. You’d [ Holding upabottle ] Taking it , pullinghertofeet. ] Mrs.Van Daan. ] ] A newcrossword puzzlebook! ] Thisisawful.Ihaven’t Mr. Van Daan] Yours, Mr. ] ThisisforMargot. [ ] Whatisit? ] Readitoutloud. ] Look! ] She The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI NOTES

31/10/19 7:19 PM 141 LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 142 character? showing growth inAnne’s of thisscene,especiallyin 142 CONCLUDE: QUESTION: ANNOTATE: CLOSE READ NOTES details? playwrights includethese gift. Mrs. Frank’s reaction toAnne’s paragraphs 57–63thatshow

UNIT 2•The Whydothe Markdetailsin Whatistheeffect

H oloca u s t 54 53 52 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 Mrs. Van Daan. Peter. up.Everyonelaughs. The cigarette flares [ Well . . . openit. Aren’t yougoingtoopenit? from Mrs.QuackQuack.[ Anne. Peter. Anne. [Anne you, Annele. Mr. Frank. afraid itlooksbetterinthedark! knitted itinthedarkeachnight,afterI’dgonetobed.I’m ascot, youknow. Imadeitmyself outofoddsandends.I Anne. [ Mr. Frank. Anne. the firstscene. the satchelandpullsoutascarf,scarfthat [ had! Mrs. Frank. Dussel. Anne. Anything you’re told? Dussel. her close. Frank.” [Mrs.Frank, pay. Ten hours ofdoingwhateveryousay. Signed, Anne Mrs. Frank. [ Hanukkah greeting. Anne. [Anne Mr. Van Daan. Everyone watchesintentlyas He takesit,unfoldingitandshowingtotheothers. She sits,showingherpresent totheothers. She pullshermothertofeet. That’sright. [ [ That’sforMouschi. It’samuffler .toputround yourneck.likean [ [ rushes backtohersatchelforanotherpresent. hands It works! Handing hermotherapieceofpaper Hesitant, handinghimagift Offering ittoherfather Rising tobow [ You wouldn’twanttosellthat, Mrs.Frank? ] To Anne [ Anneke .Iwasn’tsupposedtohave apresent! [ Never!Thisisthemostprecious gift I’veever Putting iton Peter ] She reads [ Lookathim. Spluttering ] Ten hoursofdoingwhatyou’re told? a ballofpaperwithstringattachedtoit ] Onbehalf ofMouschi,Ithankyou. touched, takes ] “Here’s anI.O.U.thatIpromise to ] It’sfine.Itfitsmeperfectly. Thank As heholdsitgingerlyinhis hands ] Thankyou, Anne. Thankyou. Mr. Van Daan ] ForPim. ] ] And .this isyours. Anne ] Anne in herarms,holding ] ForMother, Mr. Frank cautiously lightsit. hurries backto ] ] found in .] ]

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 75 74 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 Anne. and hitme. Peter. They’re notreal ones.Imadethemoutofcottonand thrash around atnight.Isaw themadvertisedinamagazine. Anne. Dussel. Anne. Dussel. Anne. [ Dussel. Anne. gift to [ Mr. Van Daan. [ Peter. Dussel. Peter. let thecatlickitoff. Dussel. a mustache. Anne. Dussel. secondhand. Butyoureally doneedarazornow. Anne. odds andends. Mrs. Van Daan. Anne. Dussel. Anne. Show it. Mrs. Van Daan. He opensthesmallboxshegiveshim. In thedistancewehearadogpersistentlybarking. He goesintohisroom, slammingthedoorbehindhim. Dussel.] No.It’snothinglikethat,really. To putinyourearssoyou won’thearmewhenI They’re ear-plugs! Imadethemmyself. And last butneverleast,myroommate, Mr. Dussel. Lookonhisupperlip.youcanseethebeginningof [ Arazor! [ I’mgoingtogiveMouschihispresent! [ I’mscared to.Iknowsomething’sgoingtojumpout To To Excitedly Starting forhisroom Ear-plugs? [ Forme? You havesomething forme? Look!Hecan’twait!He’sgoingintotryit! Hewantstogetridofthat?Putalittlemilkonitand Forwhat? Awhat? Puzzled Peter] Miepgotitforme.It’snotnew. It’s [ [ [ ] It’sasafetyrazor! Disgustedly ] Capsules!Two capsules! Looking atit As heisopeningit ] Thinkyou’re funny, don’tyou. ] Mouschi,Mouschi. ] You didn’tmakethatoutof ] Whatisit,Peter?Goon. ] Anne ] bringsa The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI NOTES

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UNIT 2•The H oloca u s t 104 109 108 107 106 105 103 102 101 100 112 111 110 99 [ in . . . so. Dussel. can hearmetalk . . . candle wax.Try them.Seeif theydon’twork.seeif you Peter. Haven’t youanysense?Getthatcatoutofhere. Mr. Van Daan. many times.ItoldyouOut! holding hiscat,anddangling his bedroom, ostentatiouslyholdingabulgeinhiscoatasifhewere Dussel. snorting andwheezing. [ you andwhen. Mr. Frank. shout! Anne. rejoicing. Oneisapttobecome tooenthusiastic. that songtonight.[ Mr. Frank. celebration ..” [ Hanukkah ,Mr. Dussel?Thesongisthewholething! Father . . . please.[ Anne. Thank you, Anne! Thankyou! out ofhisears.Finallyhegetsthemout.Puttingaway [ Dussel. Anne. Dussel. Anne. Together As She sings. They laughas Anne Are youready? Are youready? Oh,please,please.Let’ssingthesong.Ipromise notto [ [ Sitting atthetable Innocently GoodGod!They’vegoneinside!Ican’tgetthemout! Huh? [ [ ] Putting theminhisears Pointing to startstosing,sheisinterruptedby ] “Oh,Hanukkah!Oh,Thesweet Very well.Butquietlynow.I’llkeepaneyeon [ Quieting her Margot. Mrs. Frank. Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Van Daan. Mr. Dussel [ Going to ] Cat? To Peter] You . You! [Peter Dussel]It’sasongofjubilation, To ] Ilovemypresent. Dussel]Haveyouheard the ] I’mafraid, Anne, weshouldn’tsing ] And now let’shavethesong, Peter] What’sthematterwithyou? Idon’tknowwhenshedidit. jumps about,tryingtoshaketheplugs Anne’s A real Hanukkah! Wasn’t itcuteofher? ] Wait nowuntilIgetthem present before it. Dussel, is comingfrom ] How who is ]

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. much asitdidwhenAnneFranklivedthere. In thisphotograph,thecommonroomofSecretAnnexappears 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 124 Peter. Mrs. Frank. Peter lovesthatcat. Anne. Peter. cat looksbetterthananyofus.Outhegoestonight! Mr. Van Daan. Peter. all ourfood. the table. That’s allinyourmind.ofit![ Mr. Van Daan. Dussel. more. We’re gettingridofit. Mr. Van Daan. clothes are enough.whenhecomesoutofthatroom . Dussel. the joke. and pullsoutabathtowel.Thegroup atthetablelaugh,enjoying Peter. Mr. Van Daan. Mr. Van cat. Daan,youcan’tdo that!That’sPeter’s That’snottrue! Ionlygivehimbones.scraps Ihavenocat.[ [ No! ] To At lastyoulistentome.[ [ ] I’mdoingitbecausesickofseeingthatcateat Still wheezing Mr. Van Daan]Ifhegoes,Igo. [ Quietly [ Don’tworry. You won’tbebothered any You heard me.Getitoutofhere! Don’ttellme!Hegetsfattereveryday!Damn Calling afterhim ] Anne. Delighted withhisjoke,heopenscoat ] Itdoesn’tneedtobethecat,his ] I’mnotdoingitforyou. He goesoffintohisbedroom. He startsbacktohisplaceat ] The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI NOTES

31/10/19 7:19 PM 145 LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 146 the scene’s tension? series ofshortsentencesaddto 146 CONCLUDE: QUESTION: ANNOTATE: CLOSE READ NOTES scene? of shortsentencesduringthis characters speakinaseries four words orless. 133–140, marksentencesof 29.

brutality. Germany, knownforits secret policeforce ofNazi Gestapo

UNIT 2•The (guhSTAH poh) Whydothe Inparagraphs Howdoesthe

H oloca

n. u s t 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 140 139 138 137 136 Mr. Van Daan. Before theycomeback. Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Frank. papers . time tocelebrate.What’sthematterwithallofyou?Come Now please.thisisHanukkahthe Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Van Daan. Mr. Van Daan. get help.That’sall.They’llbeback! Mrs. Van Daan. here bynow. Mr. Frank. Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Frank. The dogisheardbarkingexcitedly. room. light leftcomesfrom theHanukkahcandle. Mr. Van Daan. Therethe floor. isasoundoffeetbelow, runningdownthestairs. goes outfrom underhim.Hefalls.Theiron lampshadecrashesto chair. Justasheistouchingthelamploseshisbalance.Thechair lamp. out alightnearhim.Hemotionsto shoes. Theothersnoiselesslyfollowhisexample. a fewsecondsthere iscompletesilence. of somethingfallingbelow. Theyallfreeze inhorror, motionless.For [ festival.” sustained usandpermittedtocelebratethisjoyous blowing itout Mr. Frank. Margot. candle . . . thenwe’llhavesomethingfortomorrow night. Mr. Frank. “Oh, Hanukkah!Oh,Thesweetcelebration.” Anne. on, Anne. Let’shavethesong. He isabouttoblowoutthecandlewhensuddenlythere isacrash Peter Mr. Frank [ Singing But,Father, you’re supposedtoletitburnitself out. [ I’msure thatGodunderstandsshortages.[ [ Iftheyhad,wouldn’thaveleft.They’dbeup [ tries toreach it,realizes hecannotandgetsupona Interrupting Rising In awhisper ] “PraisedbeThou,ohLord ourGod,whohast There isn’tanythingtodo.Just wait. Go! OritmayhavebeentheGestapo, [ ] We’ve gottodosomething .Quick! You’re notgoingandthecat’sgoing! Iknowit’stheGreen Police.They’ve goneto It’stheGreen Police.They’vefoundus. Under hisbreath creeps overtothestairwelland standslistening. ] Ithinkweshouldfirstblowoutthe ] No.Ithinkthey’vegone. ] Orathief,lookingformoney. ] God Almighty! [ ] Doyouhearanything? Peter Mr. Frank to turnoffthecenter Dussel Mr. Frank slips offhis comes from his 29 The only lookingfor Before turns ]

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 she falls to the floor inafaint. she fallstothefloor sound from below. Suddenly intently. There iscompletesilenceastheyallstraintohearany [Mr. Frank can standitnolonger. helping herupontothesofa. There isasecondofsilence,then [ Mr. Van Daan. something, Itellyou! stand there andwaitforthemtocomeupgetyou?Do be draggedoff toaconcentrationcamp? Are yougoingto Mrs. Van Daan. Mr. Van Daan. upstairs quick!Getthemoney! hear youcanbuytheGreen Policeoff, somuchahead.Go Mrs. Van Daan. for it. [Mrs. Frank Mr. Van Daan. close tome.[Margot down thestepsandoutthrough thedoorbelow. Mrs. Frank. Margot. Monday morning.We cannotlivewiththisuncertainty. what hashappeneduntilMieporMr. Kralercomeson Mr. Frank. waiting . . . Itmaybeatrap! Margot. consciousness. [Margot flashlight water. [Margot Mr. Frank. run water! Mr. Van Daan. [Margot Mrs. Frank. andtakingherinarms. sitting besideheronthefloor He goesovertothestairwelllisten. ] startsforthesink. Don’tgo,Father! No,Father, no!There maybesomeonethere, rushes tohim,clinginghim. ] I’mgoingdown. ThisisSaturday. There isnowayforustoknow Ifthey’vefoundus,us.Getthe holds uphishandforthemtobequiet.Heislistening Hush,darling,hush.[Mr. Frank Getsomewater, please!Getsomewater! whispers to ] Keepstill! Shush! [ [ starts againforthesink. [ Putti,where’s ourmoney?Getmoney. I Grabbing Pushing heraside Kneeling before him,pleading ] goes tohermother. Margot Margot] No!Noone’sgoingto ] Anne Mrs.Frank to getthewater. beginstosway.With alowcry ] Will youkeep still! Peter Anne ] Mr. Frank, goes toherquickly, goes tohismother, ] Margot! Stay struggles to ] Doyouwantto slips quietlyout, Margot getting a ] goes Anne The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI NOTES

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UNIT 2•The H oloca u s t 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 176 175 174 173 Mr. Van Daan. Peter. Anne. here, yes.Butwhoisthesomeone? A thief! A thief! You think Mrs. Van Daan. knows we’re uphere, hiding! someone nowwhoknowswe’re uphere! Someonenow Dussel. him, tryingtocalmher. [Mr. Frank Mr. Frank. we are ingreater dangerthan ever? Dussel. small lamp. Mr. Frank. Margot. think itwouldbegoodtohavesomelight. was swingingwideopen.[ in suchahurrythathedidn’tstoptoshutthestreet door. It Mr. Frank. Mrs. Van Daan. away. Mr. Frank. him tight. tensely. [ slumber ..” thy foottobemoved.Hethatkeepeththeewillnot from theLord who made heaven and earth. He will not suffer mountains, from whencecomethmyhelp.Myhelp Mrs. Frank. her protectively inherarms. [Anne Mr. Van Daan. Anne. burying hisfaceinhands. Peter [ She stopsasshehearssomeonecoming.Theyallwatchthedoor He pushes grabsachairasiftohithimwithit,thenputsitdown, Please,please,Mr. Van Daan.GetFather. SomeonegoafterFather!MakeFathercomeback! [ is shockedintosilence. Mr. Frank Starting forthedoor [ Whosaysthedangerhaspassed?Don’tyourealize Are yousure it’sallright? Pointing to ] Peter ] Don’tbesoterrified, Anne. We’re safe. Mr. Dussel,willyoube still! Thedangerhaspassed.[Margot Hetookthecashbox. And theradio.Heranaway Itwasathief.Thatnoisemusthavescared him takes [ Softly, praying Quiet! Haven’tyoudoneenough? Anne [ roughly away.Inhisangeragainstfather Thank God. Going to comes quietlyin. Peter]Thankstothisclumsyfool,there’s ] back tothetable,makinghersitdownwith ] Dussel] Someoneknows we’re ] I’llgo. A breath ofrelief sweepsoverthem. ] “Ilift upmineeyesuntothe Mrs.Frank Mrs. Frank Anne begins topraysoftly. pulls hercloser, holding rushestohim,holding goes tolightthe ] ] I

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 192 Dussel. my head? You thinkathiefisgoingtodothat? robbing aplacetheothernightandIheard anoiseupover a thiefisgoingtogotheGreen Policeandsay.Iwas standing beside [Dussel Many are thereasons forgood cheer. Now ishere. Happiest ofsea.sons In complete.jubilation Group. still shakingwithfear. [ celebration . ..” “Oh, Hanukkah!Oh,Thesweet. Anne. Mr. Frank [ song! then turnsto Thou hastagainseenfittospare us.”[ “We thankThee,ohLord ourGod,thatinThyinfinite mercy prays. alive, safe.[Mr. Van Daan We were sure itwastheend.Butwasn’tWe’re courage? A momentagowethoughtthatthey’dcomeforus. Mr. Frank. Mrs. Frank. Mr. Van Daan. Let’s go. Anne. Mr. Van Daan. [ tell themwhere someJewsare hiding! a bargain withtheGreen Police.Ifthey’lllethimoff, he’ll Dussel. protectively, pushing [ Mrs. Van Daan. As shegoesonsinging,theothersgraduallyjoinin, their voices He startstosing. He goesoffintothebedroom. There isasecondofappalledsilence. She stumblesbacktoherseatatthetable. ] [ Father, let’sgetoutofhere! We can’tstayhere now. Around thefeast .wegather Singing Yes. Ithinkhewill. Ithinksomedayhe’llbecaughtandthenmake comes from thebedroom. Hecomes overtothetable, urges heron.Hervoiceishardly audibleatfirst. [ [ Anne.] Comeon, Anne. Thesong!Let’shavethe Rising, tothemall Sinking intoherchairatthetable Margot, Go!Where? He’sright. ] [ Anne Hysterically Dussel Mrs.Van Daan finally startsfalteringlytosing,as listening tothemastheysing. goes tothetableandsits. aside. ] Havewelostallfaith? All ] You’recrazy! ] sobs asshesings. He blowsoutthecandle, Peter ] Yes.Where? follows Mr. Frank ] ] ]

] The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI ihk lee) hysterically emotion that showsuncontrolled NOTES

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31/10/19 7:19 PM 149 LIT17_SE08_U02_A1C_WC.indd 150 CLOSE READ of thisfinalsceneActI? 150 CONCLUDE: QUESTION: ANNOTATE: NOTES lights? between thesingingand playwrights setupacontrast singing andthestagelights. related tothecharacters’ 194 and 198,markdetails

UNIT 2•The Whydothe Inparagraphs Whatistheeffect

H oloc au s t 198 197 196 195 194 193 went intohiding. This photoofAnneFrankwastakenbeforesheand her family [ Whatever tomorrow maybring.” We’ll weather “Together [ The Hanukkahsongthatwesing.” And merrilyvoicing “Hear usrejoicing [ Hoy!” The Hanukkahsongthatwesing. And merrilyvoicing “So hearusrejoicing As theysingonwithgrowing courage,thelightsstarttodim. They are stillsinging,asthecurtainfalls. The lightsare out.Thecurtainstartsslowlytofall. ]

❧ ] ]

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Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. Complete thefollowingitemsafteryoufinishyourfirstread. Check Comprehension Research to Explore Research to Clarify Research RESEARCH 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. the play? that detail. what In way the information does you of learned shed light an on aspect a research question.

What happenstointerrupttheHanukkahcelebration? Why doesMr. Dusseljointhegroup intheattic? Why musttheFranksandVan Daansbequietduringtheday? How doesthetimeperiodchangeinScene2? In Scene1,whatyearisit?


Write asummaryof

Choose unfamiliar at one least Briefly research detail from the text.

Choose something that interested you and formulate from the text, The Diary ofAnneFrank, The Diary ActI. The DiaryofAnne Frank,ActI

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