
H om e o f G a te w a y Ranger To F am ed C o lle g e The Ranger Times Lake Leon VOL. 42- NO. 56 PRICE 10c A Small City with Big Industry - A Bright Spot for New Industry RANGER. TEXAS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23. lUbl : National Pecan Shellers Assn. To New C of C Directors Give Trophies At County Show Five New Directors Elected Pecan grower, in Baatland and' *or*d by the Ktnger I :»* 7 Club, on* to adjoining reuntie*, are urged to will draw entnev from variou» Uld 11* I • I- enter nut. in the ninth annua! part- of the county Th* queen To Chamber of Commerce Eaatland County pecan ahow, to be contest will be neld Thuraility All 1 .# , arrood »rtd I hi. <1 p!; • mm * re a# i alae appeined for Chrietma# light, ui downtown Ran. held in Ranger f>er. R-iith, accord- j night, I let- 7. ro wimur* In th» vi>r.,u> »ai t ing to Rill Herrington, chairman. The National I'rcan She Her. and • pu pn r .J Diiiug \araat alere ger aragid be turned on Thunke » !ll Iw sent to A4M College to j win too on Main Street fur the giving a«ghv of the local arrangement, con- l 'n c t i e n Asocial ion, Chicago, entered in th* .talc pot .in ,.io * niittee I urill award two trophie*, one to f Snatmao aoaaun. Feitoa Braehier A reae lulHm wa* p te e f by dig. Entries that Ho not plate mil L U» d fhaatn# Deonii mere named ectur# espreumig their ippreeta The Ra.tland County Pecan | * inner of the grand champ- i.turned to the owners. Thu in th# Arit rroup of dirvr- to Ihta < ommillee. tiuti to R. V. Gallon ay and retiring Grower* Aaaociation, jointly with tun to bo r!crtr#' by thy lion *y A oente Oeroralien t oateal wtil iiv r lo n , for their fafthful ee»A the local Chamber of Commerce, tom att up loot *ym w r wr Hereby bo held avain tht# year Tbe < ham i l the Chamber of Commerce. Gal- are sponsoring the annual affan. d itfrlo n orv — lorlo-t b\ vqI# of ber of ( umnerw will furnub pnae loway, ai a eager for man> yean, 4 (•rower* in adjoining countie, Santa W ill Be In Ranger Um* CiuMubor nooiborA l r the money and tbe Ranger Garden wiR retire on January 1. are welcome to enter their pecan, obi dirortort wei ame.1 «'!»*• wll conduct Die c«.laM and DirocUn p to .n l Maada> Kiatlt in th* ahow, “ Hank" Sint*, preai- by tho R injrf r City ( ummiuion award pnio. Tkv rentaal ia k e p i ____ . „ , , , , _ dtnt of the aaaociation, remarked from i group of 1$ • rne# 6t ih vach pear Ran^r and prae. ” 1 K « when **krd if they were eligible to Saturday At Wards mitUd to tho nooimi on by the ,rrft awardeda -.rd i fur the iruat aUXacl A TunneU. Bill Herr,apt•*, C. B. •how. Chamber o f Coinntotro. Th# r euUide i hr atmaa deroratien* I'ruct, diaries Millikan, De> d I*, “ Wc would be delighted to have | C. W. Sooter, manager of the ha* o.ir of the Urge 4 ...ortiuenU mi--ion rhnt# f,%# lumei fro home, in Kaiqrer 1‘lekreU, Felton Braakier, Wiiaan C. W. SOOTER MORRIS CAMPBELL them enter their pecan.” , state* I Ha nger Montgomery Ward atom. „ f toy* this year that the atore lift onrh year, It wa. alao announced that 1 Gueat and Gallows) R V. Galloway, manager o f the .aid today that h. had received fc,,, h »l in mnny year.. He ealend Ballot# t f i f rcHiiitrd M mi*} Ranger Chamber of Cnmiuerre. j word from tiie North I'olr atating ml a .ure al invitation to all par- n;*ht by tbr rroup a n d H A quart Jar full o f nut. con Santa Clau.c wro.HH he at 'he Ran cut* to bring the children in to Adann, Jr . V#r#U f'vmpbell C. atitute. an entry. Grower* are lim I x*r .tore on Saturday, Nov. 25 talk with Ol. St. Nick. W S#o'#r, W T. fjtg n a n d Ited to one entry of each paper- trom 3 to ft p.m., and eaci Sat------_ n «iin # |t»ni%i# w«*r# named a# nr# ahell variety, auch a. Hurkot*, We,- uritay at that time from now until director*. tern Schley, Stuart, Comanche and Chliatnuu. BJC Takes Ad in* t# k**uftat*d with big t other*. There ia no limit however, Santa will arrive in Hanger father In th# If. (J. Adam# favo­ on the number o f native needling.. Saturday afternoon on a red rer) and Market, Campbell i# The hake ahow will feature pc pickup truck and will ro directl 79-61 W in on nrr-operater of Campbell'# wan cake*, pies rookie, and ran. to the Montgomery Ward atore, liumble Stnt on, Sooter ie ms nog. d ie . The division will be under the where he will have free cmdv for or M tit*r«mor\ Ward 4 #r# Eaton supervision of the Eaclland County all of th* children that come te Over Gainsville ii manager of Lon# Stir Go# Co­ viait him. Santa‘a throne will be Home Demonstration Council The Itanrer Junior College Ran- mpany. and DennU t« editor mart- M rs C. M McCain, Eastland. I. located In toyland at the atore. at+r of th# Rtnjrvr Time#. president. mil he invite, all of hi* little *«#*•« bill I Pour of th# dinrrtor# have made The pecan queen conte «t, »pon- frleiiih1 to come and talk to him. *»"** lS» *•*«««• Tueaday n ght Im> been Gain.ville and came home with their horn## it) Kiiiirvr I'e o d all Arrangement* have a win. The Ranger Ranger* worm! of thrir life, while 3oo*er has been nr.de with Capp Studio of Km • resident of Ranger for a lit'l# ger to have a photographer P ^ .7 p o i n '* Ju" ijr over a year. •ant to take picture, of the child- <■ •" * ■ « '‘• ‘t « !»•"*•■ * « • R#tiling d rertorn a r # Felton ran and SanU. Parent* of the ro"f'"?,rB •""’l' ' Kmrhter. R A. Tunnel), and Rill children may have picture, tawen Tbe Ranger Ranger, will take tka- M* ,ia j|> oi» < i#ro Junior Coli#*# her# ne*t H G. ADAMS. JR DWAINE DENNIS Herrington The nee director* urill l»#ctn Mr Snout mid the! th# «Ur« *•*»•■** n* M a t 7:30 in th# , LY. n-Jktion HtinmUf their tbren year term of office on December I. th# beginning of BOX ■TORE: DEN MOTHER THAT IS the fiaral year for th# Chamber Fomtei Ranger RANGERJCNOR COLLEGE of Commerce. Five term# of of­ Name FG FT PU. | fice eaplre each year, and under R ill J COLLING8 A K. LARSON Mnrshiill 2 1 8 | Five Boys hr new ayotem. no d*recor may . new Ranter manager any ren.uKant School Teacher Serrm 13 R an rurreed himaetf in office for one Bench S 6 1$ year. MrDnniel 2 0 *1 In other bumnee# during t h # Rites Held Fnulkenbarry a 4 meeting. C. H Pruet gave a report * Need A J r Codings Replaces Larson Kdwardit 3 0 4 on the joint chamber of commen t Funeral service* were held In t b r ' Boyul 1 0 2 venture for Hunger, ICaetiand gnd Texas City at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday TOTAL 30 19 T9 | Cf#co. A motion #*• made to table for lineal S. Riehm, 71, who died M other the 'tiggedionMiaritf for the preen Sunday In a Texa. City Ho.pital GANHVLLE JCNOR COLLEGEi t h M f l As Ranger TESCO Head Burial wn. held In Galveston Mem- \Name * nie FG FT Pu Cub Seoul Pack 34 ol Roagor TwoPwo roraimill rommittee# were appointe*! orial Cemetery Km N. A llraw Tom___ ^ (Alin, T 2 14 Hilt J. foiling# of R%atia*d, dnre 1-1 4. who will berom« now has 55 boy# r«|i«6*r»d for ner, pa.lor of the First Methodi»t McMcCord Cord 1 1 3 pre# intriet Camiaerria) Mrpreaenta- romp1 • > nnaharvt scouting #nd K«v# *•*•« toporato Church. Texa. City, officiated Copp 1 0 10 a nominating t*omti»i?t#e, com five for Te&a» Kiectric Jtervtce Catling#, who ana been wit) Htm Ftvo boy# *ro without o Mr Riehm had been ill for several Sryrt,,!,Scyrkela 1 *2 4 po*ed of ('harle# Milliken, C. B. 1 Compan>. on December will Texas ElectHr alnce 1943, hg. M33 PATRICIA WHTE don mothor at tbi# tun# and can­ 4V w f«k i. Briton 3 2 a Pruet end WsUon Gue#t, to #elert I ■me the romnany'. manager la lived In Kaattend since that flftO, not moot without • loodor Tho W T EATON Mr Riehm, a chemistry teacher Horton 0 1 1 officer# for the coming year. A Hanger, it boa been anaeen red by bu| ha, inaM ft-o-iant wail* m boy# aro making on appoal to Frank Seyre, district manager. in the Texa. City achoola, wa. a Turner n 4 4 Hanger on carigany an..m e. Patricia White •nyln# that will bocomo tbotr He will succeed A. N. Lareon teacher in the Ranger school ay.- llryant 4 4 14 He ia a veteiwn of World #i*» I*a dvr Mooting# aro bold onto company manager in Ranger IL xml !ia. been active ia rlab tern in 1933. T O T A L 23 14 42 b 1961-62 FFA a wook for don mooting# and and rhurrh grou|> He wa. a member of the Parent- one# a month for • joint pock Teacher Association and attended Ranger Marching Band Coiling*, hla wife and daughter, m ooting. will move to Ranr-r a* soon aa the First Methodist Church. College Personnel Sweetheart Anyon# intoroatod in bocoming they can make arrangement* for He ia survived by a couain, Ed­ Leon Lewis To • don motbor for tboao bov# i# ward Seers of Michigan. Answer Questions l*atrlria Ann White, daughter of ##kod to contact P a t Colhn#( Attends Contest Sat. Mr. and Mrs. Finia Wheat, ha* Receive Pension C uk m aitor. On Thanksgiving been elected 19#;i-42 .weetheart of I Ranirer llltli School hand mem-.and received a number two rntiny the Ranger Chapter of the Future Thomas Walton ber. were in San Angelo last Sat j Twirler. from Ranjrer receiving i A M poll taker among Ranger Jun- Light Bulb Farmers of America. Pat, a *op- From W ards tirday to attend the mare king and I number one rating, were Donna iur College teacher, and .tudenta homore in Ranger High School, ia 'twirling event in Regional I'niver- Drennan, Linda Watford and I‘at reveals that Thatiki«tving mean* Reenlists James E. McCulloch, personnel a member o f the F.H.A. and ia a Final Rites eily Inlerwholaalic Leajrut* com- White Number two pbtre* w#nt te about the aame to all, though to Sale To Be majorette in th* high school hand. BEEVILLE. Te«, — Thomas director of Montgomery Ward in petition. Approxim«t*-!\ l non Celeet# Scott, Bandi Halbnook#, th«. 0f end of Ahe ia replacing Sandy Vlnaon, W Walton. air controltnan third Chirac*, ha* notified Clauda Soo­ bandmmen were on hand for thr l.indM Hatton and 8»«#v Blackwell. ^ holiday i* dominant, meaning ter, local manager of the retail Held Wednesday who reigned aa F.F.A Sweetheart class, USN, aon of Mr and Mra event. A twirHng tnaambl. rompo«ed ** it m fww day# awa> from Staged by Lions last year. Edgar I Walton of Ranger, ia Montgomery Ward Stare in Han Hand# were judged on marching D lfU M S Wkk#. Bu m of th# ret* • ger, that a pension plan has been Tlauger Lion* w ll .ell light Monday, Dec 4th, Pat will re­ serving at the Chaae Field Naval *or R.D.McGraw and tw frtin were graded on pro- I Hallhrook#, Hatton, a ll 4 Black gu#»tion, "What doe# Thankagiv- net up for Leon Lewis, an *m bu!b» from hOU*e to house, ba- present the Ranger F.F.A. Chap­ Auxiliary Air Station. Beeville ficiency. Band* and to trier* did I well, won a fir«t d lion award. itig menr t4> you " are a# follows ployee of the Ranger store The Hurl David McGr.w, 47, a resi­ ginning Monday afternoon, to ter at the Cross Timber. F.F.A. He reenliated for aix year*. not corip v ar tinn each ot »#r Mr». Jim Lewie: A ilay of thanka- ^ . g , , funds for theii local child pension will he retroactive to Aug dent of Hunger for most of hi* IJi.trict Sweetheart Conte.t to be Oct 13 but nguinirt ftlft4iiH< #rt tv th# gfvingw welfare work. I of this year. Hfe. died at 9 p.m. in a jVittturho' held in Stephenvlllo. She will com­ Before entering the service in I e\gu­ October Bond David AIlnup A •pectai day to l*con hi# been an employe# of hoepital. ftr v. x j„ i r ♦ , •i The bulbs will be packaged With pete against .weetheart* from 23 July 1961. he wax graduated from he with friend * and family and to th# Hangar utor# for 28 year# and Funeral »#rvir«# were held W « L \ \ div -’or’ und r#. i\ two mi a n d four 100 watt F.F.A chapter, in the I>1 strict at Ranger High School Sales Total He thankful for being alive. bulbs to the sack, and will sail fo r it now in the Ranirer General Ho# neiutay, Nov. 22 at 4 p m. in th# be* v i r ■ n U buDfi tbe Banquet. Mrs. Marjorie Th#Berg# : A nperioj *1 30 intnl ##riou#ly ill with cancer. 1 Church o f the Naaaren# with Boh- m ()!# » A A receiviny n id»er tw< SS0.229 The winning sweet'mart will re O l r i n n ^ C . I H l P r in County day to give thank# for one*# ble*- I ion« Pet® Braehier, ' harle* Other employee* of th# local by Fcnru^on, iMutor, officiatinjr. * ruling w#i« • present Mm Cpoaa Timber* Dl.t W IQ B n JW IU W I uu - MHlikm and BUI AuvemOiine herd itor# utagacl a benefit dinner for | Interment wa# in Kvrrjrreen < e* Colcnvui and BaHLmre1 Num ber "Saving# Bunds sales fot the rict at the Area IV F.F.A. Conven f n m n l p f p t , V e h i c l e Ro Phillips, Eastland, and Don the committee for the one-day him l«#t year nt ThankNtivlnir. He | metery. on# ratines if» the wime clan# were firat 10.. ---- rnonthaI------in W- Eaatland . -- « ^------, . ■ext May. whar* th* winner. ■ V a O f f i p i e T e S » ^ lg, Juicy whirlwind sales e ffo rt ha# been ill for over a year. niM'le by Hamlin. Winter*. »««*- County t«Hal# reunion of Mr and Mra T ia v u K*c ; 1920 Club to he moved with hi. parent, to Rnn. T .warded <•• poInU out Parker Chairman of th* East Kami# Wie-t, Victoria Goo(l To R etire Olden, completed the light vehi­ r \ r r ' * r v « f *% •* •■•>••• *••••1 •»- ■ land County Savings Honda Coin- time- at h*tne Temporary Mail cle driver course at Fort I-eon U> EH* Nora Key on Jan. 4, 1910 FamUand wn# Jutrvelou« re.pmiM- ' of Torrance, Calif., and Hurl E. campaign la now under way in the past year and for being able' Ru.aell joined Sinclair at Ran- •t Caddo, Breckenridge, Ahany. He la a IN t graduate of Olden was Indication o f their appreont M.Grau Jr. of Olden four .laugh On Th*«%»g'vlng mernlng a per Texa* During this extra naieo to •** my family. ! gw , In I M l and h*a been with Cisco, Eastland, Oldan, Ranger. High Schmd ion " Tbi, la a comment |h*t wa* | ter*. Mrv. A. N Anderson of A»- lod of devotion and merlitatlen ant efinrt group# «vfrh aa labor nmont Sandy Vinaen, Ranger: Th* Tux the eompuny mntinuauaiy aincu Rl3»wn, Mingns, Gordon, Santo doteil by the Rotary Interaetional permont. Mr*. W H. McGee and repression of grat tnde for Gavl'i credit uniiuw. iwnaton funds fra |a, AdM-Texs, game November 192$. He worktet U* •rd Palo llnto to Mineral Well, Conference about Mia* Helen Poe Mra. Fred Wieaeo, both of Rate love and un^urpnaaed Mewing, will irm al nrgxmjta'Kwi*. veteran* .lame Pot',. Rrackenridge A Fry, Tax., for five year, and waul are now o|»*n. The rauta would be • of Dalla*. who will apevk at th# «*r. and Mra. L. B Reynold* o f he observed al the FVaatalde Rapt- orgamxatiofu. estate,, trusts, m h g bed, clean towel*. >o*p. a n d to Price bt 1912. from rterciuber I t to 22, 1941. { Firat Methadiirt Cbureh Nov SO, Eastland; 13 grandchildren a a d tat Church aurancu cotnpaitte, and others. mother He wa* barn In Mineral Walla, i. For further details, check with f j at 7:Sn p.m. The I92<> Club i* d l great grandchildren and a bro. Ran ire* are art for HttMl a m. • UI hr urged to punch axe their Reterley Craddock, Sira wn and attendud achsel there four local post office. Bid. must be aponaor'ng thl* lecture I titer, C. P. Mctlraw of Choadtee Everyone i« tuvtted to attend Until in E and H Ronds ' Chair ( thanka for the 12-point i Mr. and Mr* Rttaaell live oa received in the office of th* Die- | TWtet* for th# lecture may be Patlbearers were! C, E Wheal, The program will comdat of man Parker pointed out. buck I'm going te ,ho*4. . Rt i , Haudaraon The* have « u tribution and Traffic Manager terured from membera of the tttO J. L. Jone*. Gernge Fh!!«, Ramie hymn •m m * and iqteclal mu»lc. Under recent Treoaury regula Mclha Rue Wright, Ranger ; daughter, Mra Harold B. Ifuiu • 3< t»a t Office Box 22M ro tt Worth Club lYncredv will be uxad for Needham Heel < amphelt. T C, prayer, ar.d testimony of Thanka torn* any im ed m ether than a I,Texa- by ttt a.a Monday. Nov , the Ranger i -.lleg* acholarahip Weaver, Norman Huffmna a n d *t*in* and a meaaage of Thanks- rom iiu-ii ml liaok may purchase Celia .liwenex. Ranger Holiday, T iey are IT. I fund. Herman Cupp. fivWig IE and H Saving# Ronds (Continued on Pag* Turn) I Ragtlat

•ES. .

* Two RANGER TIMES, THL'RSDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1961 Ranger. Texur

VISITS HERE VISITS GRANDMOIHLR I tor** vioiting hi* grandmother, Eu Lane l*rc»liir from Otic -a ia nice 1‘rwalar over the weekend. Recent Vtutor* in the home af Mrs. Beck is ISO Present At Coiiege- The Ranger Times | Mr*. Maym* fry ware Mr and (Continued from page One) Mra. T. D Pritchard of St. Luute, Hostess to Mary Gorm an Singing Harbaru Craig, Ranger: Family “Sm U i i C M auily lallwaiaal Ju<« 1* 1*" { Mr. and Mr,. I). Kotiyin and get-together*. KLM 3TRBET —HANGER. TEXAS ESTABLISHED JUNE I, 1919 ' grandson. Runny of I tamer City. The regular Third Sunday Sing­ Kay llenity. Eastland: Giving Enured an aecund i l t a u t t t r at the poatefflce at Ranger, T u n ua | Mr and Mra. T L Bennett a n d Lockard Circle ing ot Gorman wa* held in the thank*. t o l l u a t l t t Congress af March S, lIT t . I Michelle of Port Worth. Congreationnl Methodiat Church Vir CrinwrU, Eastland, Johnny The Mary I orhard Circle o f the there November 17th. Valadex, HaHingen. Muddy Mar- Second Kaptixt Church met Nov­ Published Saaii Weekly Thurwdeye and Sunday# About 160 person* were preae it ■hall and George Cotter, V o r t ember 2# at 3 p m in the home By Eastland County Newspaper*. Inc. I Chiropractor from over Eastland and Comanche VA orth, and Morrow Hunaakcr, Ro* ------UW A IKK“ DENNIS, ENr Editor ot Mr.. Churl e Heck counties. DR. E. R. GREEN The nieeung wan open#*I with n tun (in fart, ju»t aliout everyone Out WfEMtk L»Jf enrrier IB Cltjl . ______... .IA di votional riven by the circle ; in school): He Wool’s out and we go I I S S 4p«g ill Kte.k llr « B l NURSE GRADUATE Out month ky t n r itr In city ...... at chairman. Mm. Prank Brook - home. 'M b a , W b4 , Fri.,— 1 ! • S p.i O l a t u t tku mni] Nen#tr KKI1 KcMl^Pt 2 96 The program, "E ve* of t h e Corene Sutton graduated from The g rla in Mary France. Jam- World," urn. prevented by the er*>- Hendrick* School of Nur.ing in ruin Dormitory: Giving thank* for One ytmr by mail in county ...... - ... 4 96 i-ram rhairni-in. Mm. G. I*. Ho*e Abilene on November 16, and ia what we have, being with family 0«>t y ttr by mail Lb i UI b ...... - - - - . 4 96 Thone taking part on (he program now employed in t h e Eastland and friend*, giving thanha for our One vunr hw ibju! uut af B l U . a 96 wore Mine*. M u- Rodger* Mah- ho-pltal. Mina Sut‘ on t* the daugh­ country ami f»r our bleaoing* and privilege*, and remembering our N o n e * TO K I’ BUC— A ay arrwneo. raClarbaa upon the character, FORMERS deen Wymer, Benny# Caraway, ter of Mr and Mrs. II It Sutton We extend our l)est wishes Ruth Ntchola and Hetty Shaw, I vr* father*. •CanJmg or reputation of aay paraon. firm or corporation wh in na> of Kangor The cocretary, Mr*. Mary appear ia ike column* of this newspaper mill ho gladly corrected upon to you und yours on this Wheat read tb. minute* o f the MONAHANS VISITORS THANKSGIVING VISITORS being brought to the alientioo of the publisher*. lad meeting. The treasurer’s re­ port w i* given by Mra. Louie Cnul- Mr and Mr*. J S. Starkey, from Mr. and Mr*. Kenneth Ambroae Thanksgiving Day. der. Monahan* werowere here over thein# weekwees of Tu)>> ok.lahoma, are viMting Kefroehmenta for the Junior G- end visiting in the home of Mr and j . |hf of r , lvin Brown dur- Mt- a . Straw . Mr* ^ ^ ' E i . n g the Thanksgiving Holhlay*. AUTO ■ TRUCK • FIRE aad A.‘a will bo provided next week by c Mr*. Rom ami Mra. Shaw. wa* formerly Chawla Strong. | ______THANK YOU FOR CLASSIFIED EXTENDED COVERAGE The next meeting will be held m o m m i T-1101 BOATS Ada Muat Ba Pond Poe la in the home of Ruth Nirhotn In WEEKEND VISIT GOES TO OKLAHOMA YOUR PATRONAGEI December, Mr and Mr*. R. V. Robimwn Mr and Mr*, lw# Kuwa-II and NipnrE Private Tartu O ne and "Dietdeed Seviaft” For a Community Mi**ton* pro­ and daughter, Ann Robinson of liaug'iter, Mr* Charle* Blanton ! Dome Phone Strata n 2401 Polka • Misc. For Sale ject the circle derided that each Snyder are viaiting la the home are .pending the Thanksgiving | Dot for rewrvatlona RUBY SPRINGER member* will take food and make of Mr and Mr*. E. E Knbb. Holiday* In Stroud. Oklahom* .Eloetwlua SaWa a n d Sarewe P L Ml 7-3230 320 W Mam a viait to *umeon# during thi* and family of I tel la* over the with Mr and Mr*. Hugh Ruwwll. I‘hone Ml 7-UUB______month. Ranger Lumber & Supply Co. SCHOOLS — IN f RUCTIONS weekend. who are relebrvting tiieir RRk t Mi N AND WOMEN NEEDED The interact renter prepared for ______• wedding annivernary Calvin Brown—Earl Brown FOR SA LE : New Setborling tire TO TRAIN thr orraaion by the prayer chair­ ARKANSAS VISITORS rajaet* from a new carload Late POR CIVIL irlRVKF. man, in keeping with the ThanV of whitewall*. Horton Tire Seri tee W# prepare Men and Women giving maaon wa. an arrangement Mi and Mr*. J. A. Canon ami family from Idttle Rock. Arkan- tj^ Jutland. Age* IS hi. No eapone .ro norea- of frvit and autumn leave*. THr _ HEAD THE CLASSIC!EDS — aary (irammar arhoot education names of m i« unanr* on the pray *a are here vfait ng Mra Jack I'ockru* over the weekend ■ _ i r i T ------— tX>K SALE: New T.dOaU Ur* and usually sufficient Permanent fob*, e> ralendar were written on tur­ tube, white sidewall, nylon card. j no layoffa. abort houra. High pay, key* (tending among Urn fruit I advancement Send name, home Y 0 1 R epenJen. ~ t a. I‘hone Ml 7 #***. ' 1‘rnyer Chairman, Mm. Hannv. add re an. phone number and lima NOTICE Caraway, brought the closing med. home. Wrir* Boa IIS A. Rangvr. Insurance GENT >K BALE: Vary nice well built itatien and calendar of prayer. From now until Christmai 4 'a room home on bprtug nhni NOTICP Gram* Ac rear Nurae Refreshment* were nerved to the TMotl. rn in aeary raayat-t; t* o homo, M B. aw duty at all time*. following member* Shirley Hrook Our Ratail Store will be concrete patios. well hailt atore 1 we care far all type of patients, Ik nnye Caraway. Ruth Nichol*, Open on Friday and Saturday --ro o m . shade tree* Will sUnd goo. I j State lice-ened with homo atmoo- Mahdeen Wymer, Katy Row, •“ loan. Phene Mi 7-17*7. nher* 111 North Dwmrhtery St., l < uie Caulder Mae Rodger*. Betty until 8 p.m. lor your thoppinq convenience Phone Ma *-2*24. Shaw. Mary Wheat and hadru U ra Reck. " ^ K mT.KAUC: Two ho. I room hath See our complete new line NOTICE • Matures##*, new or re­ ot quality qiftware itemx ~ i»o u - Screen**! in porch l acre*. novated, baaed apringa quality —“Mf> yoean trooa. After I call Ml made, aave up to iu % renovated ROMCO — EASTLAND CO. t a l - I W L ("hone af aiae or firmness. Guar Hospital News antaed. We* tor a Mattreaa Co.. Sar Highway 80 East On this typiraly -onFor Sale: Kamotm ACME welling Angelo. Phono Banger Ml 7-1222, Mr*. Florence Roan, Clare, me Eastland. Texas dical • • ton rough outside boot- for Hoy. leave addrea*. » (formerly Horton Ceramics) _*i»e* from IS ta b‘a, MAh. Al­ Kunire Tootie, Ranger, medical American Holiday we wish ee ad kind* uf wwrk ahaae y d t _ ** Ed March, Ranger, medical boot* far awn, from I ' ■# to • p Q f K l t l t Mr* Emma Green, Ranger to express best wishes .1 1 ).96. Army Burplu* Store, Rant Elmer Abernathy O. W Edward* Wad. Taaaa. FOR RENT Apartment. Neat, OUR EVERY DAY LOW PRICES Clean, Bill* Paid, JU» Ptm //omcoif ning C an Mr*. Lelhrr Buck bee to all our many friends •w>Pdt> Sale NapAtn. far all o rr*» Mr*. Ada Cave* ion* wedding*, annivercarie., hri- Hr Hazartlom T m I Ncute Conner ON CARPETS. and wish you a anadai *hower., baby vbawwra, par Ju%t pt lip i * f f |ifpf maf if. Della Reen# lie* Solid rater* in white, yellow, • Misc. Wanted J R Hale «•**• •••>*«a(l<4n* v.ftk ipttPM,1 All Kinds Floor Covering. Furni­ u*>ti4 pith. Party match#* in r*d. HELP W ANTED Male help want Mr. Slmpwon , black, gold. green, nilvar a n d Mr* R E Harrell A HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL ad, reliable, mature, dependable •• » i . 4 P»f i«t«rjp ip Iptpi ture, Appliance* Means Savings for e^whlte. See at the Ranger Time* man for T V arrviro work in D W Boone • kftBRft. or rail Ml T-il»l KjMtland. Ranger and Clara. No Mr*. W. A. KeaMiner You. No Carrying Charges On Fur­ A <«• aa^tpH. 00 PlpM ipB Jim Lovel FtIR SALE: Four room oapononro noceemry Contort MA niture For One Year. Ranger Dry Cleaners in » 2044. Eoattend for further 4 9**i 9f ► t k««hf A m k^M»y Mr*. Ixryd Eaten — ••ML attarhad garage i tem in an Leon 1-ewia Mae and Jess Weaver wwpagwmnt Call Ml 7-14U6. inf ormation. • •.'#*' *4 l»tw l Mr* Laural Melton Mr*. D C Singleton SBBeuae far Solo or Tra,i. I* roe #»• a .eetee.ee> dee7 down payment taw monthly pay t*r 1**41. **.* re* by ncpie. Mr* J A. Acker* and baby girl FREE DELIVERY mdBL Aim four room* amd far C «P root tee el .edepmdeet to* Mra. V. R tVRoar j “ “ mture W II mil tog*ttier or o p ••'•*** *«**• ewd let tea* protect. Grady Rodger* orataly 714 Cypto.* Baby G rl Condra * * » •»#**#*» -OA inter aoco* Diamitmed: Ranger Furniture Exchange ..P O R S A 1 .E IM 7 Buirk Jtpoctaf pieced •• a C e* 1*1 Stect In***. E. L Ellis *»F icterv aw. Power mooring Ml C *•# .«* tie it ended J. K. Dandy “BRASHIER'S” Robinson 7-21T«. beeean *« ■.<**. *>electee fe> Mra. C. B Norvol ee>c »Aoe a canter*. Mr*. Annie Stephenson 123 N. Rusk Ranger Phone Ml 7-1404 Mr*. Jack Condra • N o l l e * Food Market ac-NOBICF.: Gat your .mall home ap •■•pHUUr*. repaired. Fra* pick ap ■*r* SPECIALS FOR .and delivery All repair, gtmran FRIDAY — SATURDAY. NOV. 24 • 25 metood. VaugbR Pritchard. Ml 7 14 _ !0 C. I. MA0U0CK8 A CO A 121 North RuU St. Phone Ml 7-3530 * * SiOTtCK Sawing Wanted * / 1 - - M P T - I M l. Inauranca - Real Estate £7 Mam Phone Ml 7-1171 DECKERS ALL MEAT

ELECTROLUX r/ronfti Larfggt Sollinq Vacum A N D L O N G CWaiter DISTANCE RECAPPING BOLOGNA 39* SALES A SERVICE , M O V IN G , HORMEL THICK SLICED Vaughn N. Pritchard SPECIAL Pho. Ml 7-1810 I STORAGE For November end December BACON 2 “- $105

TOR RENT DECKERS L in In Comfort This Winter I FRANKS ‘ *49* Will rrmodel, «ir condi­ A rartoa or a arl-md . . we tion. and carpet any size moeo It promptly, carefully 8-OZ BANQUET FROZEN Storage facil.tiao and aaretea EMM IMS MAGNIFICENT (XOSMOB'U IN YOUR DRIVE ARU CHICKEN apartment you need In the are the finest Lam ratoa la ruranea available. BEEF L - i E m T T / V TURKEY beautifully remodeled . . . TREE ESTIMATESI Ranger Transfer PIES4 89-1 *• GHOLSOM MOTEL r x » x _ # c / Bed* . and 7 50 each Otd 8iBo8 4e *4 |||i leti-Yigril Ig I8iw OfROtt rORe8 I8 8tlOR RUFFY or BIG MIKE ~ Utllitiai Paid M. D. Uedweveeed. Ml 7-1344 •Een.ei II | a e i I An* «fH8i |oo4 fomot »99* Nho e th# *«tMKttvo bt,* For a fully new retread HkftTB ORHWlK dfty qng ,, , A f -— tttff MHlOFM | 8 « H A*pf©« hat put oa your tire or our re­ >w % R tiRel IMT b •«< OMel Atwft • ftftw m m >uf> ot #«•< ty tread exchange lor your 9*4 tftftl NRfthMB »w y OWiFhoWW • Cft» «f BxiEftFtorftyl •#»!•# otftit vftwr Olftomftftfto Ouftftni Dftftf* mw 0*U* ttte car tNat e craem** DogFood 14i$1°° tire SINCE 1 8 8 4 COME IN NOW JENNIE LEE—303 Siae Cut Green HORTON rr.em . W oM grHftea nrr**4 m l..* .,I nmnMg an OkOR r Beans 3:35c Tire Service — ------au roue iocai. m itm ooucs otJxiaoaiki quAurt ix*u> ----- n o r t h e r n COLORED Eait Main Struat Alex Rawlins & Sons Phone MA 8-1420 PIPKIN OLDS-CADILLAC

Eastland. Teua* 314 w . m a in STatrr • i a j u a n d Texas IY 4-2724 TISSUE 3-25' SaibarUng Tire Distributor * cu e TV- iixm iiiu i * Ranger, Texas RANGER TIMES. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2.1. 1961 Pag* Three who frequently offers helpful one tree and it produced .» pound for record in the Hist District The following instruments were arena Land Board, Austin, war­ YOU CAN NOW pay your IIMJ suggestions about this and that of nuts, you're elgihte Other Court last week filed for record in the County ranty deed Grey Investment Co poll tax Everybody between 21 Courthouse News Quote he the show Lucille Harrtgal vs. Beriey Clerk's office teat w eek: to C. W Cathey, lease. Huffman Publisher's ami HO years of age who i es-ded ‘‘It seems to me a country Mr Galloway reportg- 4hat Harngal, divorce. W L. Andrus to Bill Carlton, A Klein to R C. Calkins, dba in Texas on January 1, 1M)J, editor must be hard put to write everything points lo a auew ssf jl Hillie Virginia Kenton vs. Clyde release id vendor's lien. C L Globe St i m o Co MMI. .. f f i must pay their poll tux hefore | editorials in this day and age Shove again tide year. § And Records VerneII Fenton, divorce. Allen to Robert E. L. Moon, war davit. Pat S. Holloway. Trustee I January 31. 1*62 i„ ordei vo„ ] He could, of course, expand a James Franklin Davis, et us ranty deed Bankers Life Com to Tlie Prudential Insurance Co., ui the city, school, county, state i MORATI bit now and then on the desir­ LUNCHBOS SHORTCUT vs Lola H. Wtlrus. damages. puny to Hull Walker, release of conveyance A D Honor, de­ REPORT and national elections Mr* Ralph Dean, deceased, ability of teaching character to Prepare a batch of sanriwtcA. . ORDERS AND JUDGMENTS deed of trust Harold W Brown ceased to The Pubic . proof uf e People and Things Poll taxes are |! 75 each and applii'jii .n to probate will the young But his readership may be purchased at the county at one tim e and freeze thwdUfc ' The following orders and Judg to Socony Mobil Oil Co.. Inc.. heirship use in lunch duxes later on. Top Id* We hater ginltham. dscen tnent* were rendered from the Oil. gss and mineral lease. Lloyd Edward D Hutton to Neomi is split so evenly on stales' lax assessor's office After Jan e News and Viaw* aouid do a week * M n .iiv. of aad. auplualtun to probate will Slat Dlatrict Court last leek: M Bruise n to W H Powell, Hutton, warranty deed J. C. rights vs strong central govern juary j, sub-stations will prob MARSH M .r LKUNftBM sandwiches, and they w Id be Penney Co to Employee’s De­ by JWS ment (o r as Newsweek would ably be opened in Cisco and In The M ailer of. Sherre M., release of deed of trust fesdy for quick insert i n into WtUlam A Hensley and Mrs 1 Lloyd E Joseph I., Tony E . City of Eastland to Mrs Ad ferred Profit Sharing Plan of interpret it. on Republican vs Hanger like in the past years Patsy Janette Tate Democrat principles I that he has both father's and ch hired'a 1 and Rickey Andrews, order. daisy Sellers, cemetery deed First National Bunk of Cisco, Exempt from paying poll taxes lunchbuxes warranty deed Richard Wayne THE UNTIMELY passing of to risk offending a very great Harold Gene Ainsworth and Hertha A Bunks vs. Charles Belle Coats, deceased to The are prople who became 00 years Take them from the I r, eggr Lauderdale to Jerry R Smith, Mr Sam Rayburn last week segment of them if he takes a of age prior to January I. ||M>1 Prance* Jo McGowan V Banka, order of dismissal Public, proof of heirship Bill In the early morning and itigy warranty deed Rudoli>h G brought to mind a visit we made strong stand against everything ADITS FILED i Lowell Rogers vs. Edward Carlton to Veterans Land Board, You don t have to get an exeinp-1 will be ready 1st eat b) n ch- Lewis to United States of Amer­ to Washington. D C , a uoupie except Communism lion if you live in a town o f ! The following suits were tiled Clyde Rogers, order of dlsmis- warranty deed Lee Coats to Ume Rem em ber that herd rook­ i sal. The Public, affidavit E Ixmiae ica. deed of trust. W E Morris of years ago It was our privi­ ‘ ‘I confess 1 do not know the leas than 10.000 people, which! lege to attend a banquet for you do ed egg white, rear vegetsides Evelyn Gage vs Larry Gage, Clark to Neomi Hutton, warran­ to A B Foster, Jr., warranty answer Maybe • country editor University of Texas Ex-Students and mayonnaise do not freexe order of dismissal ty deed Leona Chastain Scott deed ought to write an editora! mm There will be several elections! well. Charles to A S Kimmell, war­ Ambrose V McCall, Jr. to J at the Press Club there. And Horace E Horton, et us vs and then on the hard choices next year Besides the regulai | E. Connelly, assignment oil and the program featured an out­ facing country editors " Trinity Universal Insurance Co., ranty deed I City and school voting, there will ! QUICK'N EASY CONCRETE gaa leaae National Life A Acci­ standing award preaentation to 1 order of dlsmiaaal Employee's Deferred Profit In our experience, the biggest be several county offices to be Festive Egg Nug F y q r^ dent Insurance Co. to Gordon Mr Rayburn by Mr Lyndon TANKS Helen Brooks vs Louie Ed­ Sharing Plan of the First Nat reason that country editors don't filled Also, the state electrons 1 quart cold egg nog sem e Davla, release of deed of trust Johnson Just about every ft-1 write very many editoials (as a will he held Steal R e ia lw ttl ward Blocks judgment. ional Bank of Cisco to Ed Hues- 2 cup# chilled orange JtHe«P L. C Phagan. dbu L C Phagun mous Texan In Washington was general rule l is that they don't J. B Gardner vs. John A tit. deed of trust Em ployee's Poll tax holders will get their '« cup lemon juice TRI-CITIES Gasoline Co. to Tom Freeman, there and. as you can imagine have the time Frequently the Taliaferro, final judgment Deferred Profit Sharing Plan of money's worth to IM2 Better I 7 ounce bottle carbunarfO— TRANSIT MIX dba Freeman Premier Service, we were all eyes and ears. editor doubles as an advertising Donald Ray Brown and El the First National Bank of Cisco get jrours and he ready h" ust-lime beverage CONCRETE to J C Penney Co . lease First leaae L C Phagan. dba L C And the next day. Congress man. proof reader, type setter *> cup whipped i ream Dora Brown. Individual^ and Phagun Gasoline Co to Tom and makeup man 401 Smith Malhrvan National Bank of Abilene vs E man Omar Burleson invited us MR RIP GALLOWAY called: Mix egg nug. orange M In for and on behalf of Trent Wayne Freeman, assignment at lease Phone MA 9-1795 L McClelland, abstract of judg to a luncheon of the Texas dele But you won't find many coun­ from Ranger to report that 8»on juice. Put scoop* at ice Brown, a minor vs. Texas A W H Powell to Frank A Zac- Esstised. Tessa ment First Federal SAL Assn Cation of senators and repre­ try editors who aren't happy in things are moving along nicely Cream in punch howl Pour Pacific Railway Co . judgment harry, wariaaly deed. Prudential ass—aH asww B' of Ranger to Trudy Baker Mat- sentatives We met Mr Sam their work and who wish very lemon-lime beverage over u «* Insurance Co lo Texas Pacific for the annual Eastland County hena. release of deed of trust and he looked straight into our much that they had more than cream Stir in egg nug n a x tife Coal A Gil Co conveyance and , Pecan Show ihere next month Ross R Floyd to Roland S eyes and he said: "So you're 24 hours a day to devote being 1 He advises that Mr J. M Coop »f»d lop with whipped . Bond. Jr . partial assignment of agreement Rutherford A Steel a country editor in Texas . . . a bet leer editor. Yield 20 aervingD w* • J Co lo The Morris Assn of I *r- **»• county agent, will drop gas and mineral lease Hrnrv I hope jrou're a good one Texas by the local Chamber uf Com­ Fry t o Douglas Fry, partition | Rruwr.wood. transit* of lien E needs good country editors " G Rue to B F Thomas, assign WE ARE VERY grateful to merce office from time hi lime deed First Federal SA L Aaon We resolved right there and to pick up cntrias uf pecans in Tw as a poor bawling day ment of interest the Boy Scouts of this district of Ranger to John L Hurler then to try a little harder every fur a handsome certificate uf the show Hll Cracks Pnd release of deed of trust Or re Fred Rir>' •-> C t. Hudson. day to be a belter country appreciation for support giving Fill up a quart fruit jar or For E ffie MrBaime. T Ford to First Federal 8&1 1 ,|u.t clan:i dceJ State at Texas editor their movement This is appreciat­ “ pound Mae coffee can and Assn of Hanger, deed uf trust vs Elmo Evans, abstract of Holes Better ed but a new spaper Is supposed to you'll have enough pecans to Graridge Corp to W F Nuaa. judgment Snrony Mobil Oil On . She hs.l three splits ALL OF WHICH rails to mind support the Boy Scouts, the Girl enter the show They re always Jr . assignment Inc U> Charles A Clark deed s letter in the mail the other Scouts and all other organisa­ glad to have as many people Wesley E Gage to Roy E Rescue L. Seay to Lloyd John­ PLASTIC WOOD' day from a Fort Worth fellow tions in town as post!hie to enter If you own In the very last gams. Gage, warranty deed Robert G son. warranty deed D K Scott fb# ftmuetr Aoospr *h> got .-iidte. Green to Billy Highsinith, war to A S Kimmell. warranty deed ranty deed J D Griffin to Vet Veterans Lend Board of Texas to Bobby J Carlton, contract of sale A purchase Veterans Land Board uf Texas But don’t let that worry YOU! Stop in - - to Jams* D Griffin, contract of After-Thanksgiving sale A purchase Earl K Wll bowl for fun, bowl for health. Always a son to Roland S Bond, Jr., \WORTH sporting good time partial assignment oil, gas and mineral lease Woodson Oil Co. -at- to The Prudential Insurance 1 Co . quit claim deed Western Natural Gas Co to J J Haw­ FOOD SALE! FIESTA BOWL kins. release of oil and gas Eastland MA 9 8853 Prices Effective Friday and Saturdc / C o u rt o f C ivil Closed All Day Thanksqivina Dai Appeals The following proceedings were had In the Court of Civil Appeals. Seel Riinp Rust Eleventh Supirrnr Judicial Dis­ Save Money On trict of Texas Afirm ed in Part and Revers G ood C lean ed and Remanded in Part The Texas A Pacific Hallway W C Q Heavy lwass Prsaaa Hereford Ham 8.00x15 14.50 Notions Submitted 7- 50x14 10.00 Cora Davis v. Tom Stamey Breaded Shrimp „ n . 59c Beef Patties 8.00x14 1250 Appellant's motion for rehear 8.50x14 13.00 mg ft 9.00x14 15 00 Travelers Insurance Company (A ll prices plu* tax) V. Joe H Seabult Appellant * motion for rehearing FAB DETERGENT le The New Mur P iiiig r p Motions Overruled Cora Davla v. Tom Stamey ft HORTON Applant's motion for rehearing ... let us be ever thankful Travlers Insurance Company COKES or SPRITE KING SIZE (Met Depot.!) ft V. Joe B Seabult Appellant's TIRE SERVICE mol ion for rehearing. B In looking back to Thanksgiving celebrations of East Main St. MA 9-1420 No Beam years gone by, it is only fitting that we should re­ Eastland. Texas n m v WOLF PLAIN CHILI M #• member to be grateful for the countless blessings that — READ THE Cf-ASSIFIEDM - M have been bestowed upon this nation since Its early Cksf't Prid# With Now Krona F.d(e Blades tj Pilgrim Days. Pinto Beans 2 .ur-Lb. Cellecu. 19c Schick Injector Razor t.eck ft W ia -A II Witk Nrw Krona £df#

Apple Sauce SO]'. Cee* 29c Schick Injector Blades Baaq«at— Cluckan, Baal or Turkey *» -Fries Special, Woodbury I! Planning • et M M eat Pies Fkf 19c Hand Lotion F let All Varialiaa Naw! Willi Stannoue Florida

Fb, To Build Banquet Dinners I I ee. 49c Cue Tooth Paste G ieel Tube

THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY Medium Sire Do ten Or Remodel? SPECIAL MATINErTHURSDAY SUNCO GRADE "A" EGGS BOXOFFICE OPENS 1:45 HUNT'S TOMATO JUICE 46-oi C«m . . . or buying an older home which you can improve 3s£ SU E fl-Sfall-ftlS Eitra-fO0 VmM 4Mae M » . Nam » m i M ftk-Stutfotuoui Carrots 2 , Lk Pi|4 25c R. WOPTH rooo M.IRT swaiMsowu Maeucrm. • cauvsss nrsms aausi. Wauaei Minnemlg ft Butabaga Turnips u Sc ft. STARTING SUNDAY FOR 4 BIG DAYS First Federal Savings & CLIP A ND SAVE • | Tandar, Oaan till* /tNO M ltfl R «• BONUS - U N " OtfBN ITAMBI IB OONVt UN AtftN IT Aim . Fresh Spinach I c- ... 25c Wm m* Caapam mm* Pacha# ft af IMa >• md #♦ OmrnH CaHaa ad Bwtrrt "O f" PtANtfT Bom* BBMOBV BOO MOO HOI l S. Ne I YELLOW ft Loan Association Void 4Nar M l . Nacr 1% 1941 ANar U> . IBm. M. m i ft Onions 2 15c ■iu 'Bi r r » >r I WCIdTM lO O b M AP

ft \

RANGER TIMES. THl'RSDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1961 Ranger. Texas I M l 7- 1101 fo r WSCS Continues Study on LatinWEEK VISITORS 9 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. W Harper and Around the Keith of Odesaa wore hero lost America at Regular Session week visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Robinson. Campus The Woman's Society of Christ-1 Lows, G. O. Strong. R. E. John­ Almost half of the Ranget lan Service of the Methodist Chur, son, Af J. Ratliff, K. L. Hanley, H A P P Y ^ College Sophomore Class of IUBI rh met Monday far a continuation C. N. Adams, O. B. I'oynor, Kos are now attending senior • f the study, “ The Christian Mis­ roe Hopper, Hevarly Hudley..lr., Mr ami M r* Pat ParnpUo. colleges Ranger College is re­ sion in Lotin Amrrira.” with Mrs. Houston Moore, James Townirn, Owner aad Administrator presented by the greatest num­ Rose os Hopper as leader. C. K Mny, W. F Crrager, Joe Stats 111 isiad. *4 hssr ooraiag ber at North Texas State Uni­ Mrs. C. K. May, president, of Franris, A. W It mid.i Mickey versity in Denton Former ’61 the society, presided Mr*. K. L ’ 104 E. 4th, PV llillcrest S-S4II Slagle. W A. Robmcoa and Ted students attending NTU are Hanley led the group in prayer, Close. Taaaa Nirksirk. Larry Brockman. Wuodaon, BUI and the minutes were read and Stuart, Hanger. Jerry and •pneoved. Kohhy Collins Haskell, Horst The devotional, entitled “ Hi, Krause. Fort Worth, Robert Peace" sms brought by Mrs. O. Norris, Carbon, and Clyde R. Povnor She road xeripture It has been a pleasure to „ Smith. Carrollton At East Teg from tho 14th chapter o f John, the as Stale College in Commerce ; JTth verso, serve so many families in we have Ueth Key and Birnda Mr*. Hopper presented the prose Huberts uf Throckmorton and release that was given out before Larry Tankeraiey, Eastland Adlai Stevenson’s address to the 1HMK56/VIN6 osar community during the Prinlaaa Oidney Crowell; United Nations. She discussed tho , Robert HalencaS Lockett. and goals o f his visit to South Amer past year. .. we are grate­ Leon Walker. Hanger, are at­ irs and President Kennedy's al­ tending West Texas State Col­ liance for progress. Mr*. Theo­ ful for your trust in us. ’ lege at Canyon At Tarletun dore Nirksirk discussed Steven­ State Collage in StephrnvUie son's addros* nnd stated that M arc Addle Varner, Hanger, and per rent o f w ealth of South A n o We are thankful to you, our Johnny Graham. Eastland let is owed by f per cant o f tho Knicky Arthur of Eastland and people friends and cuxtomer*. for your Tommy Warlord of Hanger are A question and answer period patronage We hope you enjoy students at the University of on Stevenson's address was con­ Texas ui Austin Clinton and ducted by Mrs. James Townie a this day of feasting. family Nancy Humphreys of Eastland and Mrs. Hopper are at Sul Roas State College Swaney s Pharmacy The group was dismissed with a gatherings, fun, and church­ In Alpine Ml 7-3211 prayer led by Mr*. W F Crrager. going; and, that you remember HJC la represented with one Those present were Mm«». K. T. student in each of several other to bo tiiankful for our abund­ colleges Fred Wcndeborn of DANGHTER VISITS Sagerton la attending Texas Tech ance as individuals, an Amer­ in Lubbock. Pat Blakey of Sea- Mrs. Bess Rrinmenan from Hot- graves is a student at Howard ttosville, Oklahoma is hero muting icans. MR AND MRS. DAN DIXON Payee College m Brown wood her mother, Mr*. Nora Kuurh. > i . A . JOHNSON At Texas Christian University of Fort Worth we have Sonny EXCLUSIVEs rv c ft!REPRESENTATIVE Miss Alta Mae Thurman Becomes Oates of Loop Charles Pel sue, VISITS SON Haskell, is attending Midwestern — RAN Mr and M r* L. T Rushing are # » T i MS Pine S t — RANGER Ph. Ml 7 1450 University in Wichita Falla, and MAY INSURANCE ACENCY spending the holidays with Mr. Howard Stallings. Fort Worth, ta Bride of Dan Dixon Nov. 10 and Mrs. Jerry Rushing of Athens. W J. Sipes continuing his education at Texas P w Miss Alta M m Thurman and rust Mrthodixt Church. Hanger. Wesleyan College in Fort Worth. CLASSIFIEDS Dun Wayne Dixon were married before an arch oI greenery and Don Musset Dailaa. lx attending READ THE Beautiful. Distinctive Friday. November 10. at 7 30 p garlands of white mums The Eastern Oklahoma College in m in their home 1001 Young white pre dteu wax flanked with Wilhurtun. Oklahoma, and Glen Street The brute is the da ugh white aatui and tulle Clark. Newcastle, is attending MONUMENTS ler of Mr* Mattie Thurman of Mr* Duke Dixon of Dallas wax McMurry College tn Abilene Comanche and Vernon Thurman matron of honor and Duke Dixon Two of our former students are of Pecos The bridegroom is the served fits brother as best man in the Armed Forces Jerry Don ann at Mr and Mrs Gaston The bride wore a white o r -1 Anderson of Knox City Is In the Dixon of Hanger ganxa. ballerina length dress Air Force, stationed in CoJorvdo Vow. were read by Reverend with maUhing pumps She wore Harvey Bryant. Hanger, is with Warren A Flynn pastor of the a white gardenia corsage, and the kWh Armored Division of her only jewelry was a string the National Guard of pearls, a gift of the bnde a few of the UI atu groom i denta are now working, and W r o For Prompt and Thr brulr attended Hrcoa a n d ____some have married since grad- Efficient Service l iwnanchr High School The UNtton. Glenn Clark. Newcastle. Iis h ir o w n « • graduate of — and lives in Abtlrnr RILXT GARDNER Radio, TV and Ranger High School and hr at- aj*, B, . rn#d mn |>«ui Coober. i. nded North Texas University , Haskell, who is working tn Abi- s e r v ic e ''Designers nnd Bnrldnra Refrigeration ui Denton He la preoentlv em ioag gnd Hill Hallmark of ?* Call I ..Slog M.n— nnW For a wdn wpfriwn trip, tn® J Ra!rfTaTW * “° “ « bride wore a be.gr suit with L m * . Marker, Ran l, r. HomiHnn. T mm JOHNSON matching accesxor u-» T h e working in Dallas Others work APPUANCE CO. making their home in( arc Oscar Galloway, Axper- i Is llisorantssd That TSr Mr Phoae MI 7 34B0 Will Novae TUt at 1001 Young Strati monl. Kenneth Hart. Seograves, fhst of town guests included u-lb*rl Jones. Woodson; Mike Mr* Mattie TTiurnian Ilenc Leonard. Sundown. Verne Mcro- Hayoa. Mr and Mrs Reuben Hanger (who » working U T US CHECK YOUR CAR NOW Adams. Sharon Kay and Curtis „ . dlK. Jottey m Odessa 1. Abilrnr Lanme Smith and tVrry Inland; Phll- ... FOR ROUGH DRIVING AHEAD; Jim Arrrndale of Denton. Mtaa ti(> Herd. Bixbee, Arizona; Connie Johnson and Miaa Jan Frank Rice, Breckenridge, who Hill of Pecos and Mrs Jem la working ui Hoswell. New Mex­ • BRAKES • RADIATOR • HEATER • ANTI FREEZE Westmoreland of Seminole. ico, and Carroll Hichardson. New London, who is working ut —READ THE CLASSIFIED] biiravajiort, Louisiana Dutch Scot! of Anson is w-ork- ! mg in Anson. Sand! Taylor of ANDERSON CHEVROLET CO. I Eastland is Director of th« Ill S. AUSTIN RANGER PHONE MI 7-1161 F rt* Estimates danger College Rangeanng god also works for the Texas Hign- O* A Now ■voy Mopartment in Eastland. Dannjr Walawort is working at ROOF ft anger, works in Eastland, ■j home in O'Brien. James Varner, We Are Having A Of Repair Other* working are Fielding ~ ‘ ‘ itlal 4 Winchester of Albany, working in Odesaa, Charlex Wolford of Ranger, and Janes Yancey of BIG BIG CHRISTMAS SALE Fas Hand - Ran gar Dcsdertiona. STARTING NOVEMBER - SAT. THE 25TH Roofing Co. VISITS PARENTS Mr and Mrs. ltob Revels and THROUGH SATURDAY. DEC. 9TH it family sn.nl Thanksgiving m the FK MA SSJ70 haul, of Mr. and M r* Be Sure To See Our Specials Before You Buy ats of Cheaaaf, g lH IH Our New Fall And Back To School We Have A Real Buy On FINANCIALLY EMBARRASSED? Dresses Reduced 207. SHOES GirU end Boy* Cotton Cbmllie end FUmnml Come In Early While We Have Sisee Pejemeu Reduced Group No. 1 Frew US f | B H »nd SO MUCH TO BE Nylon Velvet Dress Shoes Some Far Leu »«*> 'yee fo *gmi THANKFUL FOR.. £ ROBES " f A hcare turkey dinner, with friends and loved ones SeMeen*—Quilted Jeriey Group No. 2 tYom | | |H T« | | | H ) aryttnd us these are the traditions of Thanksgiving Some sites of nylon velvet Oxfords for Girls. Also Saaee Kanqaroo Leather (hat first Pilgrim feast. Americans have had much Girl* RefuUr Siam* Flats Reduced From te bo. thankful for. in their whole way of life, writh its God- see os iota * • » f ilm T* given abundanri' and hard-won freedom As we observe Hm .T * Thanksgiving 1961, w e Join all Americans In heartfelt LOW COST QUILTED COTTON thank* for f*e great blesaings be­ • | M r« 2 M Group No. 3 tri stowed upon this nation . . ■ and HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN Some Boys and Girls Leather Shoes U Reduced From 6M and 4.SS to of# extend to you and yrwtr*. ottr ^ S F R V IM P We'll Help ygu rglae the rrw*f' But. we're not restrict- Bore end Girt* ed to roof-raising loan* only; we offer all types of CORDUROY BUTCHER SETS - i . 'is ft'tiif w isJp s for a happy holi­ home Improvement financing. Irat an estimate of P day. A u work to be done, then come to us. A loan, with our | I3 To *g77 low interest charge, can be vonvoRM^tfly arranged Several Shoos Reduced to SI.00 to fit your budget — quickly! J| (jk Commercial R a n k i n g a . m m U Bo Sure To See A Group O f Entirely Now Skirts N l l First Federal Savinfls»Loan At A REAL BARGAIN! S tate Bank Association of Ranger STILES YOUTH SHOP * i m ; ttn 203 A M ain St. Ranker, Texaa Tel. Ml 7-1414 (

Ranger. Texas RANGER TIMES. T IIt’RSDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 196) Pag* n » t

U visiting in the Raney home. A 1 IL N IM ICU AND 1 LXAS A I TENDS BAl.l.GAM L He is a brother-in-law CAME Thanksgiving day Mr. ami Mrs, —Call Ml 7-1101 for Classifieds— Lacasa Lines Mr and Mrs Zelnig Herring­ K. F. A rtet born attended the ton and Larry und Mrs Mary Mr sn f other.' h#v« uUo built chifrhp und son, who had been visiting WEEKEND DEER HUNTER* rnoli over the weekend. Mrs A. W. Knuds spe it the ps Jeau* jrav#» but on# «ioctr je or AiitJl A FSfsb 4:5~Ju

IrlBB Mi* WUdl.1, t«o»S«nta has • gift far th.ml SANTA WILL BE AT WARDS;

J . ** Saturday From 3 P. M . to 5 P. M. Bring The Kiddos & let them talk to Santa

Candy For All Children That Visit FREE Wards Sat. 3 to 5 p. m.

Capps Studio Will Be On Duty

To Take Pictures Of Your MATTEL OCTAR— SCAUR TO H U - CHEMISTRY LAB — SNUB-NOSI .31 IN ITS AUTOMATIC VIUBU MAN KIT * SAFI, THmLING! SHOULDER SLING Ju*t tfrum the rhythm— Put plastic port* o f hu- Children and Santa, If You Build models of com­ it automatically ploy* o Like a detective *) Load mon body, organs, res- pound*, conduct excit­ hidden music disc. W • 8 revolving cylinder—fire ptrotory system togeth­ ing experiments) Basic changeable cop*, »afe "bullet*". er, moke 16' o m So Desire chemical*, With wallet, tong diict. 3 4’ life-like man ^ in* true lion* ^ b ad g e. - • • . «rw -- • b m l . " i M 231 Y || f •4

COUNTRY CLUB ROCNIR ELECTRONIC FALCON STRUCTO PICK-UP tint roro M in im Tott love to rock, tool Solid fllot, loops, divot by romoit 'I0VS* tfool badv—aid. PUSH-BUTTON RIMCTE-CONTROL SUB 3-kvl corabinotion with hom- oak with hondsomo s g g g control' Plottic sgag romp dropt to load 14’ mmilo-flrmg tub, poworod by 2 RaU>- #>AO mer, pagi for peg- naluroi finiih. I T M eJ body, battory run. MT ligl.lbattsriov futh bottom to move lobmormo 2 ’ ’ 5 * * Windthiold wipers !*• booid.blockbooid anj flio rockoft; whoA to control steering. II

K j e - ' SB’ radiant 25y/ bride doll LOVELT IN FRILLY SATtN-N-LACE

TC7*5 ITIW -UP* SCENIC EXNXFSS Fully jointed, full-figurgd vinyl, w moving eye*, rooted Flattie angiwv, 3 cart tpeed around 21 la ' 714“ PtVNM SAUCin TOM THUMOfRBIRO hair. W ear* luxurious netffiock- HYDRAULIC colorful metal bote wilt, tunnelt Even roil 2?3 flathe, llghtv "boept," ro- Full loodt— "boys" at poly 11' Kale model - tleert by ed *o»in gown, matching-stole pawt rotaie, tail battory romotecon- smog 13VS' strocto tteol body—• road gate, temaphore tignolt work1 vertet direclion —even ho* earrings, high heel*. •aKery run import I 2 *' wigglet! 13V4*. 2 ** troll Top retroett. J * raitot lowon1 With Air harm, morel / ----- h

•V i" TRACTOR CUMKf 3.00 MONOPOLY DOCTOI/NURH kit CUMMNO TRACTOR Snap-lock cat# with many Shoolt tof o tparkt from wdnd- Win a fortune by totting platHc "in- up motor. In Purdy dkel banker, nay ", Wind hoy tpr,B0 motor — flfumenH". loch V O ‘ tteel rubber troadt. !*• hootot, money I 3 H rubber Iroadl w u , move! J W plottK.

i t 6-room doll house toy service stotlon r \.„ FULLY FURNISHED—READY FOR TENANTS COLOSSAL 3B-DC. SIT-W AR DS O W N Beautifully decorated with 4PSQ9 Hot everything to keep ottend- A | | swinging Dutch doors, bay win- ■ ont butyl Battery-run elevator 1 BATTERY-RUN TANK dow, modem plastic furniture lifts cars fo upper level, 2 ramps 749 K (■treat.*, cllmba, firex CAT MUHCAL even has an attached patis. ___ 1Tf return them to street. Sturdy *afe shell* 22 V long; Sock o pretty thing—to corn­ 12' colorful i uses D-cell Cuddly dog of flnotl beige Smoothly finished steel asaaMH” f t metalmetol w/fruck*. “grease" rock. er and cantontodl phMh with brown — n*OwRP JW tgp bitlrrici V 3' toft rabbit fur. bo*/ moi'tfg 2 4* m x . 'll EXCITING UNDtR-THE-TREE SURPRISES fOR CHRISTMAS MORN. . . AT WARDS LOW PMCESI

- < ? * r RANGER TIMES. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2X 1961 Ranifwr, TVxrp

tl*uif!it«r »rul family, Mr. ami Haiard and Mr*. White. aintar THURSDAY VISITORS Mih. Hob Hillowd), (.leu ami j and brothcr-ln law, Mr and Mr*. Read The Classifieds Marta of Dell**. Ala# visiting with 1 Richard M yrtck o f Abilene, Sum Model Meeting Held Tuesday Viaitinf in the home of Mr. and I thorn went Mr. ami Mra. Harris*)m 1 day. Mr*. F F Kobiimon during and family o f fort W orth, who •Mr. aad Mrs. shortic Koa aad By Rho Pi Chapter for Rushees Thanksgiving were Mr and Mra j There is an Old Chinese Proverb^ a ’ciwpinwii (Am Hallow#®*. family movad from Uti* romiuuir- F M William* and Suaan of Wich | . . . which say* that every long Journey begins with JG*. /*nn*h HourUn.l *n«J Boi it., to Ubien laat Friday, a ft or The Kho FI Chapor of lha Kata ved by the hoatoaaea, Mmea. Jack iU Falls >nd Mr. and Mr*. Hill the first step Likewise, nil achievement* require the tjr * Karttanri■ aatland wprnt apent the the weekend w#efcen« ® 6r Mr*. BourUmd Nuherv | moving their hoaaa than. They Sigma I’hi Sorority mol Tuoaday, Hlodgo and Charlta Kota to the fol Cooper and children Hilly, Becky ' " ort Worth ‘L war# at th#ir act of startinii. He w ho never starts, never does, never »| theft? lak»M will b« rm winbm il Louaiana where her hunband it given to tho now ruahooa. Thoao a. Margaret Horn, daughter of Merriman Church *tatloa*d. Mr*. Ruihmg returned Earl Bender & Company taking part in thu waro Mm**. Mai WEEK END GUEST SERVICE Mr aiul Mm. J T Horn of Oldan , early thi* week. Mr Kwrti** u .tationo.1 at the Youth Fellowship wes held at vin Crouch, Charlio Ro m , a n d Guoata laat week end in tho Eastland I Abstracts Star* 1921) Taut air ha** in Abil*n» *mc« thro* the Mrrrunan It a pi ml Church Hal- Jaapor Williamaon. homo of Mm. F. C Williamaon, PH AN I 5 TV ymm,. . f w n irt in A lu la Thay urdajr nifkt at t p m. Tho program on Poetry waa giv­ wor* her r lildron, Mr and Mr. alu> viaitml Mr. and Mr*. Hor i in 1 Churches from Stephenville en by Mr*. Fat Collina. after which Eddie Wiliiomaon. Wichita Falla. Or STEPHENVILLE DuMin and De»(lemona presen ted the eloaing ritual waa repeated Mr and Mra. F. C. Williamaon, Get The JUMP a short program. Ihrlirtou* rofroahmonta won M r vUI ha hi *.»«» u w at Cariabad. New M o n a , Mr. and The neat meeting will be Dec Mr. Terrill Williamaon ami Kddie Th A i uU «.l.nUr On ember lb in Stephen ville. THROCKMORTON VISITORS Frank, Ahilenr, her brother*, WELCOME I In IK H I L«n* Word At Crow d ing adjeumment. refresh Flay F. White. Hartford, Coan., v#nn*TTnas menu of donut*, i*off*e and ceid Mr and Mra. Hurl Shook of Mr. and Mr,. H C White. Fro# RANGER drink* wore nerved. Throckmorton n r o .pending port, and Mr and Mr*. Ralph L lfj Supply Co. in tho homo of Mr and Mra. A l­ White. Rurkburnett, her aiaterw, rirome Ml T-13TT 1 H ton I'adneuood. Mra. Eunice Peanon of I’ampa, VISITS IN DALLAS her nephew. Mr. and Mra. Nowell c o t s TO n o YD Mr*. L» 9 MiuheH left Monday. W hite and Fatty of Fort Worth, NOW THE M EN S SHOP and Mr. a.id Mra r larin White November 2<» to vi*i| Mr. and During Thanksgiving Mra. G. IN EASTLAND WELCOMES YOU Mr* K. F. Anbk* la Dalian dur­ W Wilaon ia viaitmg Ira Wilton and da ugh torn, laroi and Jana of SELECT YOU I ing Thanksgiving. of Rovd and H. J Wilaon of Fort AMteno, a niece, Mr and Mra • Nunn Bush Shoes • Botny 500 Suits Worth. loo Moore and children, Molua, Gary and John of Fort Worth *4 Diamonds • Arrow Shirts • Stetson Hats OVER THE WEEKEND The. ai-.i ware gueaU of Mra * Watches MOTOR REWINDING Roy Campbell. All Famous Brand Names In Men end Boy's Wear KELLER S FIX IT SHOP VISITORS * Waterford Chrystal Mr and Mra. Charlo. Hla tton * Costume Jgw glry No Motor too Small THANKSGIVING VISITORS or too Large aad daughter from Levellond wore O’ Watch Bands James Smith - owners - Onous Dick Eastland. Toxai liorw over tho weeaend viaiting Vi.itor* in the tome of Mr. and * Clocks Mr aad Mra. Loo Kuaaoll. Mra T L Browning duripg * and Many othar Gilts Thaiikwiv ing art Mr aad Mra PUT ON LAY A WAY Going* Cava# and family of llolih.. N M . Mr. and Mra Jack / Norton and family from Duncan \'lie. Mr. and Mrv J. A. Troaclain l£n Ml GIVE THANKS and f .mil., from Colene, and Mr D. E. PULLEY / and Mra Jack Browning and ion from Eden. Diamendi Watch** J*w*lry Shaitkaijnttm i San Silv*rw*r* (n ry day shouldba ona ol Thankaqmnq tor ua who THANKSGIVING VISITOHS 103 Mai* St R****r. Tea** U*e in America Tor. we enioy blessings undraumad W * - Invit* • Your • Charg* Mr a:>d Mr.. Frank Johnton sl in othnr porta ot the world Ac and children, Mark and Janice of co u n t Delia* will bo Thanksgiving viait­ or. in the homo of hi* parenta C. E. Maddocks & Co. Mr and Mra J. A. Johnnon. 207 Mom Ml 7-117) Mr. end Mrs. Lloyd L. Bruce READ THE CLASSIFIEDS




Up to 60 Months To Pay

Well, If money Is all you need, don't delay a minute more. It's easy and quick

• . . obtaining one of our low-cost homeloans. Like-rent monthly payments are

tailored to suit your budget and needs. Call or come in? I*

See the ’6tChevrolet, the new Chevy I I and the ’6t Corvair at your loeal authorized Chevroletdealer's RANGER LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. CHEVROLET COMPANY UIVtN MOWN - EARL MOWN RHONE Ml 7 1411 • RANCH) 111 I. AUSTIN EB n o u s Ml 1-11*1

W9T' K 1'