July 23 to July 30, 2004 Volume 11, Issue 28

SINCE 1994 IN THIS ISSUE: Bonaire Walking Team 6 Referendum Chronicle 7 Pet Professor (Puppy Training) 8 ! Dutch Caribbean Bonaire’s Best Riders Overseas 9 Exel’s (DCE) successful Smallest Fish (Pygmy Goby) 10 first flight from Am- The My Travel Lockheed Tristar sterdam to Curaçao Dietitian (Cholesterol Level) 11 was not greeted by any then ordered to stop and the runway closed. Satellite Tracking Continues 13 representatives of the After an hour the passengers were able to Special Olympics in Jamaica 18 Curaçao Island Govern- disembark. Efforts to move the plane under ment, (although the its own power during the rest of the day Curaçao Lt. Governor failed, so the cargo and remaining fuel were WEEKLY FEATURES: and other officials were removed and the plane was towed to the Flotsam & Jetsam 2 especially invited) when cargo platform. Most of the 310 passengers Letter (Praise) 5 it landed at Hato Airport were housed in hotels nearby and Air Luxor Police Update 5 because of “other com- sent another plane to try again on Wednes- Vessel List & Tide Table 9 mitments.” The Curaçao day. Classifieds 12 Government owns ”It’s not our fault,” was the first reaction of Pet of the Week (Cliff) 12 DCE’s local competitor Dutch Caribbean Airlines (DCA) commer- Picture Yourself (Iran) 15 on the trans-Atlantic cial manager César Prince concerning the What’s Happening 15 Screenshot of the webcams route, Dutch Caribbean incident. Shopping Guide 16 Airlines (DCA), which Then the replacement Tristar, leased from fter an anxious few months when it experienced extraordinary difficulties last Air Luxor’s subsidiary, Portugal’s Luzair, Dining Guide 16 A wasn’t known who would “adopt” week (see next items). had to also abruptly abort its takeoff on its On the Island Since the service, the Bonaire Webcam, includ- DCE is offering a special fare of NAƒ699 flight from Curaçao to be- (Jake & Linda Richter) 17 ing the Reef-Cam, is back in action at the ($395) round trip to Amsterdam. See their cause of engine problems. A fire in the left Bonaire Sky Park 19 combined WannaDive Shop, Eden Beach ad on page 3. engine was the reported problem. The air- The Stars Have It 19 Resort and Bongos Bar venue. The four plane, tires squealing, stopped just before cameras snap a new scene every two min- ! The Lockheed Tristar, which Dutch Car- the end of the runway. The 221 passengers utes. We think the picture quality is im- ibbean Airlines leased from Air Luxor of were able to disembark safely. Four tires one-time only affair. The return flight from proved over the previous webcams. Portugal to fly from Holland to Curaçao were blown out and the aircraft spent the Amsterdam was with a DC-10 owned by The Bonaire WebCam was the first Reef- and back, had to abort its takeoff from next week parked at the runway’s end My Travel Airways. Cam in the world in 1999. Now the camera Schiphol airport last Tuesday. A Dutch awaiting engine repairs and four new tires. Then as we go to press DCA announced is focused on the wreck of the sailboat, “plane spotter” reported that several bangs In a press release DCA stated that a delega- they will fly this weekend using, of all Baka di Laman, which should prove most had been heard and flames were seen com- tion would travel to Portugal to discuss the things, a Boeing 767 leased from Dutch interesting. The webcams are accessible ing from the left engine. The abrupt stop Tristar fiasco. A witness who viewed the Caribbean Exel. The fare is NAƒ650. from The Bonaire Reporter website, www. caused all four left and two right tires to aircraft in Curaçao said it was in a visibly In Miami, a DCA MD-80 was also bonairereporter.com or the cam’s website blow as the brakes locked and the plane bad state of repair. grounded. “Engine problems,” reiterated www.bonairewebcams.com. If you espe- was engulfed in smoke. After a few minutes DCA then leased another plane, again a Prince. He believes the entire engine will cially enjoy the site you should consider the plane was given permission to taxi back Lockheed Tristar, from Euro Atlantic Air- have to be replaced. Meanwhile, DCA is becoming a “member.” Jake Richter, the to the terminal, but because of overheating ways, also from Portugal, to get its passen- flying to the US using one of its ancient force behind the webcams, is the subject of and possibly an oil leak, there was a small gers to Amsterdam the next day. This DCA DC-9s. this week’s “On the Island Since…” fire in the right landing gear. The plane was flight with Euro Atlantic Airways was a (Continued on page 4)

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Offering comprehensive services multiple locations and ATMs Waterfront Economical Convenient Friendly Full GOLDENGOLDEN REEFREEF INNINN Facilities STUDIOS $48.00 per night (Flotsam and Jetsam. Continued from page 2) ! The ! The Rotary Club of Bonaire in- ! M a r i o Evertsz has tended his res- brother vited two guest speakers to present ignation as director of Dutch Carib- of Cura- ideas and thoughts on how it can bean Airlines (DCA). Evertsz, who was çao FOL assist the Bonaire community visiting Cuba, confirmed the news. He leader in social development programs. declined to comment on the reasons for Anthony Ruth Bernabela from Bonaire’s his stepping down. Godett SASO requested the Club to ac- Mario Evertsz was appointed Director of allegedly tively assist in educational support, the national carrier ALM, the predecessor con- not just financial support, for her top projects: Family Values, Child of DCA, on August 23, 2000. At the time spired in Abuse, Elder Care and Drop Outs. it was predicted that privatization of the a death threat Rob Glaser, a former environ- airline was three to six months away. But mental government inspector and close to four years later this still does not against PAR advisor from Middelburg, Hol- seem to even be on the horizon, espe- Ruth Bernabela and Evert Piar leader, land, suggested various ways of cially since the ownership of the airline Prime Minister Ys. now organizing and funding by organi- was assumed by the island government of Prime Minister, Etienne Ys. The FOL zations to assist the commercial and private sector in the waste water recyclable meth- Curaçao. Under Evertsz’s leadership per- leadership had claimed that the 24-hour ods and energy plant developments. sonnel were cut and profitable trans- security provided Ys had nothing to do The Rotary Club of Bonaire, headed by President Evert Piar, is taking a proactive role Atlantic flights were initiated. Now an with politics but rather his love life. in investigating the community needs and in researching projects where the Rotary injection of NAƒ15 million from the Godett’s brother is mentioned in an An- Club of Bonaire can assist. Curaçao Island Government is not tillean Security Service VNA document enough to help the company overcome its according to a prominent member of the been models of honesty and good citizen- refinery in which supplies fuel debts. Evertsz tended his resignation once Curaçao community who saw it. It also ship. Nelson Monte, the behind-the- for Bonaire's Flamingo Airport include before at the end of last year but recon- says the brother tried to hire a hit man to scenes FOL advisor, got four years in more profit, cleaner production, cleaning sidered his decision under pressure. He execute Ys, then an opposition Island prison without possibility of parole. up rubbish left on the refinery grounds by may have to do it again. Council member These two defendants plus Hendriks its predecessors, Valero Chief Executive Based on the intelligence, Lt. Governor Abraham; De Antillean, plc; George Officer Bill Greenley said during a com- ! The Dutch Government is willing to Lisa Richards-Dindial decided to pro- Lichtveld; Edsel Lourens; Eugene Mid- pany reception. He said the refinery was station members of the Dutch military vide 24-hour protection for the PAR delhof; Rob Salas; Foundation Papa processing more than 200,000 barrels a police, Marechaussees, in the Nether- leader. Godett (fined NAƒ40,000 for money day, to be increased to 285,000. If Bon- lands Antilles but says the manner in laundering); Johnny and Chris Winkel aire separates from the Curaçao-based which they are to be deployed must still have 14 days to appeal to the Supreme Central Government, Valero may be able be discussed. The new Ys cabinet men- ! The Appeals Court has upheld all Court. to supply other fuels to Bonaire at lower tioned using the Marechaussees to help the convictions of FOL party leaders Godett says he’s run out of money for prices than Curoil. tackle the serious crime problem in the and others who were convicted earlier legal defense. He has already spent ! According to published reports, if the islands. It is envisaged that they will be this year. Anthony Godett, the leader of NAƒ150.000 on his court battle. He said Curoil distributing company, which sup- placed under the Prosecutor’s Office. The the popular Curaçao political party, FOL, that if every one of Curaçao’s 130,000 plies Bonaire with most of its petroleum Antillean police union, NAPB, does not had his sentence for corruption extended residents contributes one guilder to his products gets its way, the price of gaso- favor the idea, nor does the police com- to 15 months (from 12) plus five months cause, he will surely appeal and will al- line will go up to almost two guilders missioner in St. Maarten where Mare- suspended. The judge strongly castigated most have paid off his legal bills. per liter in the third quarter of 2004. chaussees were stationed in the early all the convicted public officials for their 1990s. criminal behavior when they should have ! The future plans of the Valero oil (Continued on page 6)


are normally used to hold suspects for LETTERS POLICE UPDATE two or three days until they can be charged and transferred to the regular THANKS FOR THE PRAISE from residents of an apartment at Kaya jail. The regular jail is expected to be Dear Editor: Amsterdam, saying they had just ap- ready to receive inmates by October. Congratulations on your 10th Anniver- prehended a young man breaking The Bonaire jailhouse is designed to sary of The Bonaire Reporter! I just read the anniversary issue and fondly remem- into their home. A patrol car was im- hold 30 prisoners, with most cells hous- bered the journey of your newspaper from mediately dispatched to the scene. The ing four inmates. Port Call to its present day professional police arrested 15-year-old suspect S.J. The more “hardened” criminals have newspaper. We read Port Call in those B. on the spot. The young burglar tried been transferred to Curaçao. In the early days and got hooked. You two have to convince them that he was only try- meantime, police authorities are looking done such a service to the island of Bon- ing to pay a surprise visit to a woman at the old jailhouse in Rincon which aire by your work as well as informing us whose name he couldn’t remember. The they feel can be readied for occupancy "off-islanders" of what's happening on police didn’t buy his story and he was in two to three weeks. There has been a our beloved island. immediately taken to the police station. verbal agreement from Holland allocat- That information has been so critical to Once they arrived there it turned that ing the funds for the repair. Police are our decision making that we are now seri- Police spokesman Charles Souriel another complaint had been made awaiting a written confirmation. ously planning to retire to Bonaire in against him for the theft of a car. The 2006. We are soon to make an offer on a Charles Souriel of the Police youngster still had the car keys in his (Continued on page 6) condo at Sand Dollar (thought about a Department reports: pocket and was ar- house, but wanted to be close to the wa- rested pending fur- ter), so we'll be seeing more of you • On July 14 and 15 police arrested ther investigation. soon. Perhaps I can volunteer my ser- vices to your newspaper when we ar- three persons in connection with robber- Assistant Public rive. Am thinking about volunteering at ies against tourists. On July 14 a sus- Prosecutor Justine the donkey sanctuary too! pect, C., 13 years old, was arrested after Gonggrijp reports: Keep up the good work. sufficient information was gathered by Diane Amos Public Prosecutor Wesselius. The fol- • Although the big Diane Amos was one of the first subscrib- lowing day two more suspects were jail in Playa is tempo- ers to the mailed brought in: A., 23 years, and M., 20 rarily closed for re- edition of Port years. All three are suspected of robber- pairs due to the fire Call (the prede- ies against diving tourists. The suspect set by one of the in- cessor to The C, after being interrogated and coming Bonaire Re- mates recently, newly before the fiscal auxiliar was set free arrested suspects porter) and still due to his age during investigation of subscribes. She are still being kept the case. The other two have been jailed in the holding cells has just bought a pending further investigation. condo on the upstairs from the Police Department. island. Ed. • Last week the police received a call These holding cells The Bonaire Jailhouse (Continued on page 6) Diane Amos

page 5 (Police Report. Continued from page 5) • As of last Thursday, July 15 a new policy has been established whereby the pass- ports of all accused drug traffickers will be confiscated for a period of two and possibly three years. The accused will be deported via one-way ticket to where they came from and the bevolking (population registry) offices will be notified so the accused cannot get another passport. In cases where the accused has had a previous conviction the passports are confiscated for three years.

• Current cases such as the Customs Officer allegedly attempting to shoot his girl- friend’s ex-boyfriend and the assault in their home of a man and a woman by an- other man will come up before the judge in the early part of August. AVBO Photo • What can you legally do if someone attempts to break into your home and before the police get there? Anyone is allowed to make a “citizen’s arrest,” notify- Nazario Alberto (center), The North Salinja Road ing the intruder that you are doing so. You may try to grab them to keep them from Runner, departs. He is the sixth Bonaire entrant. running but cannot tie them up or hit them unless you are defending yourself. The fter months of prepa- best idea is to photograph them, possibly by setting up a security camera which A ration, Bonaire’s delegation to the and was held annually except for the peri- TH automatically takes a photo when movement is detected. Police are very familiar 88 edition of the world famous “Four ods during the two World Wars, after with the faces of many of these intruders and can make an arrest based on the photo. Days of Nijmegen” left for Holland last which the march was opened to male civil- week. The International Nijmegen Four ians and even later to females. (These cameras can be ordered through a security company on the island such as th SSS). L.D. Days March took place from July 20 It has grown to a world famous event and through the 23rd but results did not arrive this year marks the first time that a regis- by press time. tration ceiling has been made to stem the (Flotsam and Jetsam. Continued from page 4) lion guilders a year. In addition to Nazario Alberto, the group flow of participants. The maximum num- ! The Antilles Central Bank manage- Interest payments alone have grown from consisted of Arie Marsera, Bòi Antoin, ber has been set at 47,000 with an ex- ment team was on hand for the presenta- 9% of the budget in 1996 to 16% last twins Roy and Rollie Martines and Marcel pected drop-out rate of 10-12%. tion of the 2003 annual report, de- year. The 2003 report also revealed that Nahr. The latter had already successfully The group wishes to thank the following scribed as “a year of lost opportuni- unemployment in the Antilles had in- completed the (longest) 50 Km category sponsors: ties,” especially where it concerns tack- creased from 14.6% to 15.3%, with some and was approached by the others in the Maduro & Curiel’s Bank Bonaire, God- ling the national debt of 4.4 billion guild- 5,000 more people out of work. While beginning of this year to help organize dard Catering Bonaire, Krioyo Paint Bon- ers, which comprises 90% of the annual there was economic growth of 3.3%, be- another trip. The group has thoroughly aire, Bopec NV, City Shop, Bous Scholts, Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The cause of inflation the real growth prepared itself by organizing several walk- WEB NV, Napa Bonaire NV, RentoFun, budget deficits and the debt increased amounted to just 1.4% and is expected to ing and hiking events to help cover the Yacht Club Apartments & Total Car costs. Rental, Caribbean Laundry Services, Pasi- again. While Curaçao and the Central level off at 1% this year. The Four Days of Nijmegen bon S Services, and a few more that did Government complied with rules of fi- The country’s most important economic ( www.4daagse.nl ) originated in 1909 not wish to be mentioned. Marcel Nahr nancial and budget discipline protocols pillar is tourism. It produces one third of with 300 participants as a military exercise the islands of St. Maarten, Saba, Statia the country’s foreign exchange earnings, and Bonaire did not. Secretary is Ms. Judy Diaz of RBTT proved performance of the local banking The Antilles also failed to make use of ! The Bonaire Bankers' Association Bank N.V. and Treasurer is Mr. Norbert sector, as well as the island's economy in historically low interest rates, which are (BBA) announced its new Board. The Goyla of Banco di Caribe N.V. The new general. L./G. D. now increasing again, to refinance the President is Ms. Orphaline Saleh of Board will continue to promote the Asso- debt. This could have saved 24 to 75 mil- Maduro & Curiel's Bank (Bonaire) N.V.; ciation’s objective to achieve an im-

page 6 calls it an illusion to think that the relations Referendum within the Kingdom could remain basically unchanged; the autonomy of the Nether- lands Antilles and Aruba would be put un- Chronicle der great pressure. Changing the Charter of the Kingdom in the event of choosing the he past weeks were eventful ones in Holland. However, inferences UPT status is practically inevitable. The T the process leading to a Referen- can certainly be drawn for capability of Bonaire, whose capacity is dum on the future political structure of Bonaire. a small fraction of either the Antilles or Bonaire. First, the new Referendum date The report outlines the options Aruba, to handle UPT obligations was of September 10th was confirmed by the available if the Antilles/Aruba not even considered by the commission. Bonaire Executive Council. should retain their OCT status • Also in the case of maintaining the pre- Then, a second Referendum, to choose (Overseas Countries and Terri- sent OCT status it would seem reasonable the precise type of closer arrangement tories) or shift to UPT (Ultra- to work on a scenario in which the Nether- with Holland, was documented, according Peripheral Territories, which lands Antilles and Aruba and the Kingdom to Michael Bijkerk, the government advisor are territories that do not lie would better use the possibilities of the for the Referendum (a suggestion that was within Europe but are part of an EU mem- “mother” country. OCT status. The commission dubbed this made several months ago in The Reporter ber state and to which the complete EU • The Commission has not been able to “OCT plus.” The Kingdom should make Referendum Chronicle. Ed.). treaty applies) or some other status, with- establish any convincing financial and concrete plans to this end. Again this is And finally, a report detailing the conse- out making specific recommendations . economic advantages for the Nether- new news-that an OCT plus status is quences of the choices presently avail- Among other things, the report compares lands Antilles and Aruba in the event of even conceivable. able to Aruba and the territory of the Neth- the options of OCT and UPT. The conse- a transfer to the UPT status. A prelimi- • It is, according to the Commission, erlands Antilles (not individual islands) quences of each choice are described. The nary estimate indicates that the balance imaginable that one country chooses to was released. The report, “The European Bonaire Reporter Chroniclers have high- in due course of time will most likely be maintain the OCT status and another, UPT Union Commission Inventory of Options,” lighted the major conclusions below. The negative. status, although that would be complicated. was under the direction of the respected complete report (in English or Dutch) can • The Commission holds the view that the The situation in which one island terri- Dutch ex-ambassador to several European be found on the Ministry of the Interior and Antilles and Aruba, in the tory of the opts for countries, Ronald van Beuge. It paints a Kingdom Relations website ( English at event of a transfer to the UPT status, will the UPT status and another for the OCT dismal picture for the Antilles should it http://www.minbzk.nl/uk). have to introduce the euro currency. status is, according to the Commission, choose to become a foreign (ultra periph- • The choice for the desired status is ex- incompatible with the unity of the coun- eral) territory of the European Union CONCLUSIONS: plicitly a political choice which cannot be try. This means that Bonaire would (UPT). On July 7, the final report, six • The Commission considers the OCT and made on the basis of finances. have to secede from the Antilles, pre- months in preparation, was presented in UPT status both realistic options for the • In the event of integration into the EU, cisely one of the four current Referen- Aruba. Antilles at present. the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba will dum Choices. It should be noted that the van Beuge • The Commission does not doubt that the have to take on the implementation and • A choice for the UPT status is not con- Commission did not consider the possi- particular association of the EU with the maintenance of the total EU regulatory sidered irreversible; it will not change any- bility of a single island of the Antilles OCT will continue to exist until there are framework. This puts too heavy a burden thing with respect to the right to self- selecting a particular status, but rather no European countries and territories with on the capacity of the countries, accord- determination. Chroniclers the five islands of the Netherlands Antilles a special tie with one of the EU member ing to the Commission. The Commission as a single entity. Therefore, the conclu- states. For many this is new news, be- sions do not specifically apply if Bonaire cause OCT status was once considered a The aim of the Chronicle team of editorial and staff writers is to inform, not to influence (separate from the rest of the Antillean is- transitory status that would eventually public opinion or “sell” a particular option. Critical comments, useful additions and ques- lands) chooses to achieve closer ties with lead to complete independence from the tions by the readers are welcomed and published whenever possible.

page 7 particular spot are important so that he learns the difference be- Susan Brown and pupil tween “taking care of business” and just going out to play (you can play with him after he takes care of business!). As he gets older, take him out less and less frequently. Never scold him for having an “accident” - he won't PUPPY TRAINING understand. Just clean it up and keep track of when he goes so arly Leash Training: Start with a that you can try to prevent future E lightweight 4 ft.-long leash. Attach accidents. it to the puppy's collar and let him just Success will only come from run around with it the first few times praising him when he goes in the (make sure he is in a secure area where right place, not from scaring and confus- he can't get the leash caught on any- ing him when he goes in the wrong or jump up on you (walk away from him, thing). Then pick up the leash for short place. refuse to play with him). Be careful not periods and say, “let's go,” using a treat Crate Training: As your puppy grows to reward the wrong behaviors (e.g. to encourage him to walk with you. you will need to get a larger kennel crate don't bribe him with a bone every time Praise him as long as he stays with you, for him (large enough for him to stand he barks at you while you're trying to and ignore him when he doesn't (NEVER and turn around). Every now and then, talk on the phone), and don't allow him drag him). If he runs ahead and pulls on for varying lengths of time, coax him to dominate your life. the leash, simply stop and wait for him to into the crate with a treat and close the Establish from the start what is and is not notice that you're not coming with him. door. As he goes into the crate say, in a acceptable behavior (is he allowed on the As soon as he returns to you, praise him cheerful tone, “go to bed” or “kennel” or sofa or not?) and don't change the rules. and continue walking. any command you choose. With early Be worthy of his trust, be worthy of his House Training: You should be able to training, he will love his crate, and this respect, BE CONSISTENT!! train your pup to eliminate outside by will be very useful for taking him to the about four months (depending on the in- vet, traveling, or for whenever he may Next time: some basic obedience com- dividual dog, breed etc.). To start, you need to be confined (e.g. when service mands. Susan Brown will want to take him out every hour or people or non-dog people come to your Susan Brown is a professional dog so, especially after naps and after feed- house). Crate training gives him security trainer on the island who has been in ing. Always take him (on a leash) to the and gives you a way to keep him safe the “pet business” for 28 years. “I do same spot in the yard, tell him to “go and out of trouble. anything related to pet care,” she ahead” or “hurry up” or whatever com- Remember the following: Call your says, “training, pet sitting, grooming, mand you choose, and simply wait pa- puppy often, saying his name and even help with the after care of recu- tiently till he goes. Then reward him “come,” and always praise him every perating animals.” For all your dog with a treat and lots of praise (make sure time he comes to you. Never punish him training or pet care needs contact you wait quietly till he's done before you for behaviors you don't approve of - ig- Susan at the Pet Professor, e-mail: reward him, or you'll just distract and nore him if possible, distract him if not. [email protected] or call 717- confuse him). Using a command, and a Never allow him to put his teeth on you 2620.


s some of you Photo by author. A might know the young talented windsurf- ers are on the profes- sional windsurf tour once again. Kiri Thode (sponsored by Gaastra, Starboard, Fiberspar, Jibe City), Taty Frans (Gaastra, Starboard, Fi- berspar, Jibe City), Tonky Frans (Gaastra, Ruben’s spock maneuver Jayson Jonge (Worldsails, HiFly, Jibe City), and Ruben Petrisie (Brunotti boards & sportswear, Palm Trading, Solar) left Bonaire about two weeks ago to take part in the Professional Windsurf Association tour of events. The first competition was on Lanzarote, a Spanish island in the Atlantic Ocean. It was a three-day freestyle event with a lot of great competitors like Ricardo Campello (VEN), Kauli Seadi (BRA), Robby Swift (UK) and Diony Guadignino (VEN). The venue provided gusty offshore winds, sometimes over 30 knots, and instead of flat water like in Lac bay, there were big breaking waves up to four meters high. In the begin- ning most of our boys had to get used to the sailing in these heavy duty conditions, but they did the best they possibly could. Ruben survived the first round several times. Unfortunately, he had some equipment diffi- culties but even that could not take the big smile off his face. Photo by author. He ended 31st. Kiri, our young- est rider, stole the show once again, showing everybody that size really doesn’t matter. He was content with 26th position. Jayson wasn’t very lucky on the water, but his funny stories on shore totally made up for that. He ended 36th. Taty really needed a warm up. But in the end he got to show a double forward loop in one of his heats, which he, of course, won. He had to settle for 16th place but he will definitely work himself up in the stand- Tonky’s back loop ings for next event at Fuerte- ventura. Tonky had a great time. He displayed all kinds of maneuvers and combinations. His new double spock scored a lot of points. He fought a good battle and even ended up on the award stage one day. Overall he was 4th in the event. In the final standings it was World champion 2003, Ricardo Campello, on top, followed by Kauli Seadi, and in the 3rd place Diony Guadignino. The Bonaire boys are getting ready for the next event, Fuerteventura. The wind is around 19 knots at the moment, perfect to show the world that Bonaire really does have unforgettable top sailors. Femke van der Valk.

KRALENDIJK TIDES (Heights in feet, FT) Remember: Winds and weather can further influence the local tides DATE TIME HEIGHT COEF 7-23 11:31 1.1FT. 19:38 1.5FT. 67 7-24 4:34 1.2FT. 5:56 1.2FT. 10:52 1.1FT. 19:41 1.6FT. 59 7-25 5:17 1.0FT. 8:15 1.1FT. 10:20 1.0FT. 20:05 1.8FT. 53 7-26 6:00 0.9FT. 20:38 2.0FT. 52 7-27 6:36 0.8FT. 21:24 2.1FT. 58 7-28 7:23 0.7FT. 22:06 2.2FT. 67 7-29 8:05 0.7FT. 22:49 2.2FT. 79 7-30 8:44 0.7FT. 23:38 2.2FT. 89


Aleluya Macaby, Netherlands Sojourner Angie Makai Sovereign III Alegria, USA Mariele Sylvia K Atrea Methuselah, USA Triumphant Lady Camissa, Chan Is. Natural Selection, USA Ta B Cape Kathryn Nonsuch, USVI Ti Amo, USA Casette Pamela Jean Trio, USA Chacuco Panda Ulu Ulu, USA Delphinius Pastime Unicorn, Norway El Sabor Pau Hana Varedhuni, Germany Flying Cloud, USA Polecat Wanita Gabrielle, USA Pomona Windborne Galadrial, USA Precocious Gale, USA Windmiller, Canada Gatsby, USA Sandpiper, USA Wonbat of Sydney Goril Too Santa Maria, Sweden Ya-T, BVI Guaicamar I , . Scintilla, Germany Zahi, Malta Honalee, USA Shades of Blue Zeno’s Arrow, USA Lady Alice Side by Side Luna C, USA Sirius

page 9 Reefnet photo

nother distinction for Bonaire's reef still known as the smallest fish in the en- A fish was documented with photo- tire Atlantic. On that documentation I graphs in July 2001 by the Wilk family. returned to the site, at a depth of 46 feet, It was the first photographs ever taken of repeatedly in order to see it out on the the Pygmy Goby, Lythrypnus minimus, open coral head after it had first disap- and after receiving their 3rd Edition CD peared into a tiny hole near a small patch in March of this year, I have been trying of black encrusting sponge. to find this rare and difficult-to-see spe- It was an early morning dive, around 9:30 cies. It is not found or mentioned in Paul am. The site was along Bonaire's north Humann/Ned DeLoach's ever popular shoreline, Barcadera, that was still in fish identification field guides for the shadow, a habitat and time of the day that Caribbean. In fact the only photos are on I prefer when looking for those tiny spe- Wilk’s CD. Even a Google search turns cies that prefer the darker, shadowy up another fish by the same common places. Diminutive size means that a fish Pygmy Goby, Lythrypnus minimus name, but the species name indicates that must use this type of shadowy habitat as they are not the same species, and the an aid in its defense considering that the other Pygmy Goby is found in the Pa- hungry predators are all bigger than they. first ever taken of this species in its natu- I obviously wish everyone a lot of luck in cific. The Guinness Book of World Re- With the aid of Candace's flashlight and ral habitat. That is to say that museum finding these Lilliputians, but what really cords lists a category for the world's my magnifying glass we were able to see specimens exist, but up until July of 2001 helps is to study the ReefNet CD (for de- smallest species of fish as one found in it for five or six minutes and it appeared no authentic photos had ever been taken tails see www.reefnet.ca), which has not the fresh water streams of Luzon in the quite active during that time. in its natural habitat. For me this makes been distributed to dealers and to dive Pacific and it measures 9.5 mm in length Its description is: reddish or brown with this species even more of a treasure hunt shops on Bonaire that I am aware of. in the adult stage. In trying to visualize tiny white stripes across the back and than ever especially since Les Wilk told By the way, the ReefNet CD, especially the size of Bonaire's Pygmy Goby with down each side. These stripes are tiny, me that the photos were taken on Bonaire now that the 3rd Edition is out, is my pre- something in our everyday world, con- about the width of a human hair and ap- and I was determined to find it. In the ferred medium for teaching my Fish sider that it is almost exactly the length of pear to be broken, not solid and conspicu- process I passed over more common and Watching courses at Bonaire Dive and one and a half grains of rice. ous, and impossible to see without mag- tiny species: Orange-sided Goby, Gobio- Adventure. nification. The ReefNet CD describes soma dilepsis, Flagfin Blenny, Emble- Oh, and Recently, on a dive with my excellent the stripes as 10 in number behind the mariopsis signifera (Spikefin Blenny in start diving friend and excellent fish documenter, pectoral fins and two in front, but this fits Paul Humann’s ID book) and even others with a Candace Platz, I found one and actually only the adult male, and not the immature that I could not identify. But these spe- magnifying was able to show it to her with the aid of or the female. cies are very common and are two to glass as my ever handy magnifying glass. This Nothing is known about their ecology - three times larger than the Pygmy Goby, standard one measures only 11 mm in length, and what they eat, how they reproduce or measuring usually over one to one and a equipment. even though the fresh water species tops how frequently - and the photos taken by half inch. The Pygmy Goby measures Jerry Jerry Ligon this one for the Guinness Record, it is the Wilk family were confirmed to be the 0.4 inch. Ligon

page 10

eat to 75 grams prepared weight

• Eat fish at least two to three times a week

• Eat a meatless meal (vegetarian) at least once or twice a week

• Eat a variety of fiber-rich foods, like hen you have your regular blood checkup, the results oats, whole-grain bread, whole grain W will say something about your total cholesterol level rice, whole-grain pasta, potato, fruits and LDL and HDL cholesterol. But does everyone understand and vegetables. Fiber helps reduce what these terms mean exactly? cholesterol levels. Fiber-rich foods can also help when you’re trying Angélique Salsbach to lose weight because they make high that the artery becomes blocked and you feel full. blood can’t flow through it. If an artery What is cholesterol? • Limit your intake of saturated fats, Cholesterol is a fat-like substance pro- that supplies blood to your heart becomes blocked, you may have a heart attack. If like dairy fats (in ice cream, full duced in your body in your liver. Choles- cream milk, heavy cream, butter) and terol is also contained in certain foods an artery that supplies blood to your brain becomes blocked, you may have a stroke. palm and coconut oils. It helps to that you eat, such as eggs, meat, shell fish read the labels on food packages. A or organ meats. When you eat these foods What can I do to lower my choles- label may say the food is low in cho- often, the amount of cholesterol in your lesterol, but the food could still be blood will increase. Foods high in satu- terol level if it is too high? high in saturated fat. You should rated fat also raise the amount of choles- Eating healthful foods can lower your look for the total fat, and from this terol in your blood. total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol total fat the greatest part should con- Cholesterol travels through the blood in level, and it may protect you from the sist of unsaturated fat. different types of packages called lipo- damaging effects of cholesterol. You can proteins. The low density lipoprotein raise your HDL cholesterol level by exer- • Limit high cholesterol foods like egg (LDL cholesterol - the bad one) delivers cising, quitting smoking and losing yolks and liver. Eat no more than cholesterol to the body. The high density weight. three eggs a week. Eat shellfish or lipoprotein (HDL cholesterol - the good Eating healthy foods that are low in fat organ meat no more than once every one) removes cholesterol from the blood usually lowers cholesterol level. two weeks.

stream. Eating smart tips: • Use low fat dairy products such as • Eat more fruits and vegetables low fat or skim milk or milk prod- How can a high cholesterol level • Use low fat cooking techniques, like ucts and low fat or non fat yogurt. Angélique Salsbach, a dietitian with hurt your health? Bonaire’s Department of Health and broiling, grilling, stir frying, etc. • Avoid eating fried foods Too much cholesterol in your blood can Hygiene, has a radio program every

raise the risk of a heart attack or a stroke. • Εατ skinless chicken and less fried other Tuesday 9 to 9:30 on Bon FM. Of course, besides eating healthily you Extra cholesterol may be stored in your meat Her patients successfully win the bat- should exercise regularly, avoid too much arteries (large blood vessels), causing • tle of the bulge and become health- Choose lean meat and meat products alcohol, quit smoking and manage stress. them to become narrow. The amount of ier! Write her at dieti- A.S. cholesterol in an artery wall may be so • Cut down the amount of meat you [email protected]

page 11 GOT SOMETHING YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL? REACH MORE READERS THAN ANY OTHER WEEKLY NEWSPAPER BY ADVERTISING IN THE BONAIRE REPORTER ere’s H “Cliff.” FREE FREE FREE FREE This pup is a Non–Commercial CLASSIFIED ADS (UP TO 4 LINES/ 20 WORDS) perfect model for a toy Commercial ads are only NAƒ0.70 per word, per week. Free ads run for 2 weeks. maker who Call or fax The Bonaire Reporter at 717-8988 e-mail [email protected] wants to cre- ate the cutest stuffed toy JanArt Gallery, Kaya Gloria puppy that 7, Bonaire Local Art, Art will sell like Supplies, Framing, and Art For Sale: single beds, mini fridge hotcakes. Classes. Open Tu-We-Th & (bar), fridge, 6-sided table with 6 What a sweet Sat 10 am- 5 pm Friday 1- 7 bench seats, kitchen sink (good for face and what pm; or phone 717-5246 for appt. kunuku), tennis rackets, misc. items. beautiful blue call 717-8603 eyes Cliff has. SEMPERFLORENS And his long- NURSERY for healthy, strong, For Sale Tel / Fax / Copy machine ish fur is soft affordable plants all grown on Sharp UX-355 LR Only for NAƒ 280.- as silk. Cliff, Bonaire. Also landscaping. Fol- Call 717 6860 or e-mail: ieff- along with his low signs starting in front of Lagoen [email protected] mom his three Hill. Tel. 790-3348 siblings were For Sale for Divers BCD Scubapro BonaireNet is the leading con- with R2 (Regulator) for only US$50.- brought into “Cliff” the Shelter sumer and business informa- Call 717 6860 or e-mail: ieff- after they tion source on Bonaire. Tele- [email protected] were found, having wandered onto dren’s and adults’ sizes and you can phone (599) 717-7160. For on- someone’s kunuku. Cliff’s mom find them at Carib Inn or at the Manag- line yellow pages directory in- 12’ hard bottom (RIB) Carib dinghy looked after her pups very well, and ers’ Parties at Buddy Dive, Habitat and formation go to http://www. w/15 hp. Yamaha outboard, good Cliff, now three months old, inherited Divi Flamingo Hotels. yellowpagesbonaire.com condition, about 4-5 years old. $2,000. his mom’s sociability. You may meet If you have a houseful of pets already Contact Yacht Methuselah in the har- Cliff at the Bonaire Animal Shelter on but want to help out, drop your extra bor or The Reporter at 717-8988/786- 6125. Leave name and phone number. the Lagoen Road, open Monday change in the artistically decorated lit- PSYCHOLOGY through Friday, 10 am to 2 pm, Satur- tle dog houses around town that say PRACTICE BONAIRE. Lots of Things For Sale: Double bed days until 1. Tel. 717-4989. “Bonaire Animal Shelter.” It’s your Consultation, Supervision, The most “in” tee shirts sold on Bon- donations that help keep the Shelter & mattress NAƒ175; Strijkblank Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy (Ironing Board) NAƒ10; 2 stereo sets aire are those from the Animal Shelter. open. Stop by the Shelter and see for Drs. Johan de Korte, Psy- All the profits go to helping the Shelter yourself how your donations are help- & speakers NAƒ50; Answering ma- chologist, Phone: 717-6919 chine NAƒ15; 2 hammocks NAƒ40; keep their doors open to unwanted ing the “orphans.” L.D. pets. Tee shirts are available in chil- transformer NAƒ25; stove NAƒ175. CAPT. DON’S ISLAND GROWER Call 785-9008. Trees and Plants, Bonaire 2 grown. 8000m of plants and For Sale: several Dutch Oak Closets nursery. Specializing in gar- with stained glass. Kaya Neerlandia den/septic pumps and irriga- 31, across from Gas Expres. tion. Kaminda Lagoen 103, Island Growers NV (Capt. Don and Janet). Phone: 786-0956 or 787-0956

’87 Nissan pickup in excellent condi- LUNCH TO GO- Starting tion. NAƒ3,800 791-0343 (don’t call from NAƒ5 per meal. Call Thursday morning). CHINA NOBO 717-8981 For Sale: Chevrolet S10 Pick up, Sin- gle cab, metallic gray, good condition. NAƒ4.500. Call 785-9008.

FENG SHUI CONSULTATIONS Interior or exterior design advice, For Rent: Comfortable 2-bedroom clearings, blessings, energy healing beach villa-weekly or monthly-choice China trained, Experienced. location-Privacy & security- July 15 Inexpensive. Call Donna at 785-9013 to Jan 15-Brochure available-Phone (Bon) (599) 717 3293-or (US) (570)- 586 0098-e/mail [email protected]

Looking for home for Rabu. Rabu needs a new owner! Rabu is a very sweet, well-trained dog. He’s a Traditional Bonairean real Bonairean dog, but we can’t take Sailing Sloop. Wood, him with us to Holland. If you want to traditional construc- give it a try please call 785-9008. tion, about 21’ long. Fiberglassed in and out Wanted: HOUSE TO RENT- We are for minimal mainte- looking for a house with 3 bedrooms, nance. Two time win- 2 bathrooms and if possible, a not-too- ner of Bonaire Re- small porch. Kind of garden would be gatta, Class A. A marvelous. Please phone 717-4200. dream to sail. Bargain at NAƒ9,999. One of Couple looking to rent a kunuku the last of its kind. Call long term. Call 785-9013 717-8988 or 785- 6125.

page 12 ea turtle nesting is in full transmitter at Klein Bonaire. The S swing at Klein Bonaire this large turtle, with a shell length of summer, which means lots of 85 cm and distinguishable from nests on the beach, baby turtles females by its long tail and running towards the water and hooked nails on its front flippers, big mother turtles that make it all was caught in the morning by happen. These big turtles visit STCB staff Gielmon Egbreghts Klein Bonaire only during a few and Robert van Dam at Ebo's Reef months every two to three years, and lifted into their research boat and it remains a mystery where Nancy Too. A small transmitter they go after leaving Klein Bon- was then attached to the shell of aire. Building on the success of the turtle, which will make it pos- last year's tracking of two hawks- sible to follow the movements of bill turtles, 'Schillie' and 'Nautila,' this animal for up to a year. The Sea Turtle Conservation Bonaire large hawksbill was released later (STCB) is continuing this re- in the morning at the same loca- Turtle-tracking sponsor, Bob Bartikoski . search in 2004 with the place- tion where it had been caught. Ac- ment about two weeks ago of the cording to his first transmitter on a massive fe- radio reports male loggerhead turtle. The aim he’s still of this work is to find out where hanging 'our' turtles live, how they get around Klein there and learn of potential Bonaire and threats they face during their mi- spends about gration. an hour un- This loggerhead has a shell derwater on measuring over one meter in Release of transmittered female ‘Extra’ (Kawama) his dives. length and is estimated to weigh at least 140 kg. She was captured on a Fri- globe, yielding location data for each turtle Male sea day morning at 'No Name' beach, Klein that are e-mailed daily to STCB and turtles almost Bonaire, and quickly fitted with a small mapped on the website www.bonaireturtles. never return transmitter that was glued onto the carapace org. to land after before her release back into the water. The The big loggerhead female, named 'Extra,' entering the ‘Extra’ (Kawama)’s Route. Half-way to the coast of Nicragua turtle was very cooperative and remained is heading towards the northwest, now near water as calm throughout the procedure. Upon re- Aruba and more than 600 km away from hatchlings and very little is known about possible through a full sponsorship pro- lease she swam straight back to the reef, Bonaire. She continues swimming about 80 their behavior. Male hawksbills are thought vided by Bob Bartikoski of REMAX Bon- where she will rest until she needs to crawl km per day, now in a west-north-westerly to breed every year, as opposed to females aire. This hawksbill is named 'Tom' in onto the beach again to lay another nest. As direction that puts her on a course towards who return only every two to three years. memory of Bob's late brother who was a soon as this turtle has laid her last nest, con- Belize or Honduras. She is in deep open Also, males may not travel as far as females resident of Bonaire. The movements of taining about 120 eggs, she is expected to water, and we expect her to continue to because of their need to return to the breed- 'Tom' will be mapped regularly and this migrate back towards her feeding grounds. swim many hundreds of kilometers further ing area every year. Male sea turtles are information will be available on the website The turtle tracking works through signals in order to reach a suitable feeding habitat. known to depart from the breeding area www.bonaireturtles.org. sent out by the transmitter which is Her average dive time is about 10 minutes. earlier than females, which is why a male switched on whenever the turtle comes to was selected for transmitter placement now, For more information contact: Robert van the surface to breathe. These transmissions STCB’s turtle tracking effort expanded while it is still early in the hawksbill nest- Dam, (599) 717-2225 or 790-0433, e-mail: are then collected by Argos system receiv- again after the release of an adult male ing season. [email protected] Robert van Dam ers onboard weather satellites that circle the hawksbill turtle (karet) fitted with a satellite Tracking of this hawksbill turtle is made

page 13 ©2004 The Bonaire Reporter

Published weekly. For information about subscriptions, stories or advertising in The Bonaire Reporter, phone (599) 717-8988, 791- 7252, fax 717-8988, E-mail to: [email protected]

The Bonaire Reporter, George DeSalvo, Publisher. Laura DeSalvo, Editor in Chief. Address: Kaya Gob. Debrot 200-6; Bonaire, Neth. Antilles. Available on-line at: www.bonairereporter.com

Reporters: Susan Brown, Jack Horkheimer, Greta Kooistra, Jerry Ligon, Marcel Nahr, Angélique Salsbach, Michael Thiessen, Robert van Dam, Femke van der Valk

Features Editor: Greta Kooistra; Translations: Peggy Bakker, Sue Ellen Felix

Production: Barbara Lockwood; Distribution: Yuchi Molina (Rincon), Elizabeth Silberie (Playa); Housekeeping: Jaidy Rojas Acevedo.

Printed by: DeStad Drukkerij

page 14

Friday- Open House with Happy Hour at the JanArt Gallery at Kaya Gloria #7, from 5-7 pm.

Saturdays during summer Rincon Mar- eterinary Doctor New! Usually 9:00 pm shé opens at 6 am - 2 pm. Enjoy a Bo- nairean breakfast while you shop: fresh V Niels Wuyts, a Shrek 2 (Eddie fruits and vegetables, gifts, local sweets frequent diving visitor to Murphy, Cameron Diaz) and snacks, arts and handicrafts, candles, Bonaire from Belgium, incense, drinks and music. is showing some Iranian Early Show (usually 7:00 pm) Every day by appointment -Rooi students from the Tehe- Harry Potter and the Lamoenchi Kunuku Park Tours Authen- ran University of Veteri- Prisoner of Azkaban tic Bonairean kunuku. $12 (NAƒ12 for nary Medicine what tur- Bonaire residents). Tel 717-8489, 540- tles really look like. For Kaya Prinses Marie 9800. Behind Exito Bakery Daily- The Divi Flamingo Casino is open lack of demonstration Tel. 717-2400 daily for hot slot machines, roulette and material he is using a Tickets - NAƒ10,50 (incl. Tax) black jack, Monday to Saturday 8 pm– 4 picture from the Bonaire High Schoolers - NAƒ7,75 am and Sunday 7 pm– 3 am. Reporter. Like always in

NEW FILMS BEGIN EVERY FRIDAY Iran, everything happens FREE SLIDE/VIDEO SHOWS under the watchful eye SATURDAY 4 PM Pietje Bell 2: De Sunday- Discover Our Diversity Slide of the Ayatollahs. jacht op de Tsarenkroon Show, Buddy Dive at the pool bar, 7 pm SUNDAY MATINEE 4 PM 717-5080 The Punisher Friday- Week in Review Video Presenta- Iran tion by the Toucan Dive Shop at the Plaza’s COMING Tipsy Seagull , 5 pm. 717-2500. Saturday, July 31 - Stress Management Friday- The Captain Don Show- Conver- WIN GREAT PRIZES! Training – sponsored by the Junior Cham- sation, fun, yarns, a few slides. Guaranteed Take a copy of The Bonaire ber International (formerly Jaycees). Prac- 85% true. Aquarius Conference Room. Reporter with you on your tical ways to handle stress situations. Captain Don's Habitat 8:30 pm Tel. 717- next trip or when you return Speaker: Julien deWindt, senior facilitator. 8290 to your home. Then take a Divi Flamingo Conference Room 9 am to 2 CLUBS and MEETINGS photo of yourself with the newspaper in hand. THE BEST PHOTOS OF THE YEAR pm. NAƒ50, includes drinks & snacks. AA meetings - every Wednesday; Phone 717- WILL WIN THE PRIZES. Mail photos to Bonaire Reporter, Kaya Gob. Debrot 200-6, Call 520-5679 to reserve. 6105; 560-7267 or 717- 3902. Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles (AN). E-mail to: [email protected]. (All 2004 Sunday, August 1 - Mega FM Run, 5 km Al-Anon meetings - every Monday eve- photos are eligible.) for Adults, 2 km for kids. Starts at 7:30 am ning at 7 pm. Call 790-7272 at Mega FM. Sponsored by Comcabon. Bridge Club - Wednesdays, 7:30 pm at Tel. 717-8629. the Union Building on Kaya Korona, Special Olympics - Contact Delno Sunday Services at 9 am; Sunday Prayer across from the RBTT Bank and next to Tromp, 717-7659 Meeting at 7:30 pm in English. Tel. 717-8332 EVERY WEEK Kooyman’s. All levels invited. NAƒ5 entry fee. Protestant Congregation of Bonaire. Sunday -Live music 6 to 9 pm while en- Call Cathy 566-4056. BONAIRE’S TRADITIONS Wilhelminaplein. Services in Papiamentu, joying a great dinner in colorful tropical Darts Club plays every other Sunday at Mangazina di Rei, Rincon. Enjoy the view Dutch and English on Sundays at 10 am. ambiance at the Chibi Chibi Restaurant City Café. Registration at 4, games at 5. from “The King’s Storehouse” while learning Thursday Prayer Meeting and Bible & Bar. Open daily 5 to 10 pm. Live Fla- Tel. 717-2950, 560-7539. about Bonaire’s history and culture and visit Study at 8 pm. Rev. Jonkman. 717-2006 Bingo with great prizes, starts 7 pm, Divi Kiwanis Club meets at APNA Plaza, Kaya typical homes from the 17th century. Daily. Call The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Flamingo International, every other Tuesday, 7 717-4060 or 790-2018 Day Saints, Kaya Sabana #26 Sundays Monday -Soldachi Tour of Rincon, the pm. Tel. 717-5595, secretary Jeannette Go to the source. Visit the Bonaire Museum on 8:30 - 11:30 am. Services in Papiamentu, heart of Bonaire, 9 am-noon. $20-Call Rodriguez. Kaya J. v.d. Ree, behind the Catholic Church in Spanish and English. Maria 717-6435 Lions Club meets every 2nd and 4th town. Open weekdays from 8 am-noon, 1:30-5 Catholic San Bernardus in – Monday -Rum Punch Party on the beach Thursday of the month at 8 pm at Kaya pm. Tel. 717-8868 Services on Sunday at 8 am and 7 pm in at Lion’s Dive. Dutch National Products Sabana #1. All Lions are welcome. Washington-Slagbaai National Park, Papiamentu 717-8304 . Saturday at 6 pm introduces Time Sharing and how to save Rotary lunch meetings Wednesday, 12 Museum and Visitors’ Center. Open at Our Lady of Coromoto in Antriol, in on your next vacation. 6:15 to 7 pm noon-2 pm - Rendez-Vous Restaurant, daily 8 am-5 pm. Closed on some holidays. English. Mass in Papiamentu on Sunday at Tuesday-BonaireTalker Dinner/ Kaya L.D. Gerharts #3. All Rotarians are 717-8444/785-0017 9 am and 6 pm. 717-4211. Gathering at Gibi's Terrace-6:30pm welcome. Tel. 717-8454 Sunday at Cai- Live music and dancing Assembly of God (Asemblea di Dios), -call Jake at 717-6773 or e-mail starts about 12 noon at Lac Cai. Dance to Kaya Triton (Den Cheffi). Services in Eng- [email protected] for more infor. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES the music of Bonaire’s popular musicians. lish, Dutch & Papiamentu on Sunday at 10 Tuesday -Harbour Village Tennis, Social The Bonaire Swim Club- Contact Valarie Rincon Marshé- every Saturday - 6 am to am. Wednesday Prayer Meeting at 7:30 Round Robin 7 to 10 pm. $10 per person. Stimpson at 785-3451 or [email protected] 3 pm. Open market in Bonaire’s historic pm. 717-2194 Cash bar. All invited. Call Elisabeth Vos at Cinnamon Art Gallery - Volunteers to town. Soldachi Tours show you the Rincon New Apostolic Church, Meets at 565-5225 /717-7500, ext. 14. help staff gallery during the day. Contact area starting at 10 am. Call Maria at 717- Kaminda Santa Barbara #1, Sundays, 9:30 Wednesday -Meditation at Donkey Beach Wendy Horn, at 717-3902 or 785-9700. 6435. To reserve. am. Services in Dutch. 717-7116. from 7:30 to 8:30 pm. Open to all. Call S. Bonaire National Marine Park - 717-8444. Dos Pos Scenic Walk– Second Saturday * * * * * * * H.Y. 790-9450 Bonaire Animal Shelter -717-4989. of the Month. NAƒ10-Call Maria 717- Send in your events to Wednesday -Sand Dollar Manager’s Donkey Sanctuary - 560-7607. 6435 The Bonaire Reporter Cocktail Party, Mangos Bar and Restaurant Jong Bonaire (Youth Center) - 717-4303. CHURCH SERVICES Email [email protected] Friday -Manager’s Rum Punch Party, Sister Maria Hoppner Home (Child International Bible Church of Bonaire – Tel/Fax. 717-8988, Cel. 791-7252 Buddy Dive Resort 5:30-6:30 pm. Care) Tel. 717-4181 fax 717-2844. Kaya Amsterdam 3 (near the traffic circle)


Bella Vista Restaurant Moderate. Sea Side Restaurant at Buddy Dive Resort Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Magnificent Theme Nights: Sunday: Beach Grill; Wednesday: Mexican 717-5080, ext. 535 Open every day Night; Friday: Manager’s Rum Punch Party and All-You-Can-Eat B.B.Q Moderate Caribbean Club Bonaire at Hilltop Breakfast, Dinner, closed Sunday What a place! Friendly bar next to the pool, home cooked meals, happy hours 5 minutes north of “Hotel Row” 717-7901 5 to 7. Serious BBQ on Tuesdays, reservations only, NAƒ25. Calabas Restaurant & Chibi Chibi Restaurant and Bar Moderate-Expensive Get a view of the beach and beautiful turquoise setting when enjoying a At the Divi Flamingo Beach Resort. Waterfront Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner breakfast buffet or a la carte lunch and dinner at the 'Chibi Chibi' restaurant 717-8285 Open 7 days & bar. Enjoy inspiring vistas and a high standard of international cuisine.

Croccantino Italian Restaurant Moderate-Expensive Skilled chef direct from Tuscany prepares exquisite dishes. Authentic ingredi- Downtown at Kaya Grandi 48 Dinner ents and romantic setting make dining a total delight. Be served in a garden 717-5025 Closed Monday setting under floating umbrellas or in air-conditioned comfort. Garden Café Moderate Finely prepared Middle Eastern cuisine plus Venezuelan specialties. Kaya Grandi 59 Monday-Friday, Lunch & Dinner Excellent vegetarian selections. 717-3410 Saturday, Dinner. Closed Sunday Pizza and Latin Parilla La Balandra Moderate Cuisine by Chef Alberto Roldan of the Bonaire Culinary Team. On the Water at the Harbour Village Resort Breakfast-Lunch If you are using the NAƒ25 Beach Pass, a NAƒ15 credit is given for meals 717-7500, ext 62; 785-0902 Special Dinners on Friday, Sunday Bonaire’s best seaside location. The Last Bite Bakery Low-Moderate Enjoy a delicious dessert or savory baked meal in the comfort of your home or 717-3293 Orders taken 8 am-4 pm; Deliveries 6-7:30pm , resort. This unique bakery offers gourmet class items -always from scratch- Home Delivery or Take Out Closed Sunday for take out or delivery only. The Lions Den Beach Bar And Restaurant Moderate-Expensive Spectacular setting overlooking dive sites and Klein Bonaire. On the sea at Lions Dive 717-3400 Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Imaginative menu, open kitchen. 717-6616 Open 7 Days Owned and operated by Kirk Gosden. The Lost Penguin Low-Moderate Across from MCB Bank in downtown Kralendijk Breakfast, Lunch, Early Dinner Watch the bustle of downtown from this street side Caribbean-style bistro Call 717-8003 Closed Tuesdays & Wednesdays owned and run by a European educated Master Chef and his wife.

Nonchi’s at Cultimara Low Delicious local and international food to take out, or eat there. Everyday a different 791-4280 Open 5 am-8 pm Monday-Saturday combo. Sandwiches and roast chicken too.

Pasa Bon Pizza Bonaire’s best. The Real Thing! Freshly prepared pizzas made with the finest in- On Kaya Gob. Debrot Low-Moderate gredients. Salads, desserts. Eat in or take away. Nice bar too. ½ mile north of town center. 790-1111 Open from 5-11 pm Wednesday-Sunday Call ahead to eat-in or take out 790-1111 Low-Moderate The Seahorse Cyber Café Open 7 am - 7 pm Closed Sunday Tasty breakfasts, pastries, fresh tropical juices, homemade bread, Kaya Grandi #6. Phone 717-4888 special sandwiches, delicious desserts and more make this a favorite.

AIRLINES directly on the waterfront in the heart of town. Friendly, REPAIRS BonairExel. Bonaire’s own ON TIME airline flying be- highly experienced with an exceptional staff. Bon Handyman is here if you need something fixed or tween Bonaire, Curaçao and Aruba. Look for The Bon- built. Ultra reliable, honest and experienced. Electrical, aire Reporter on board. FITNESS plumbing, woodworking, etc. Bonfysio offers comprehensive fitness programs to suit APPLIANCES/FURNITURE/COMPUTERS your needs whether they be weight loss, sports or just RESORTS & ACTIVITIES City Shop is Bonaire’s mega-store for TV, Stereos, Air keeping in shape. Convenient schedule. Buddy Dive Resort offers diving, Adventure Fun tours conditioning, large and small kitchen appliances. Name Fit 4 Life at the Plaza Resort Mall. Classes in Pilates, including kayaking, mountain biking, cave snorkeling brands, guarantees and service center. Aerobics, TaeBo and more. Professional trainers, fitness and exploration. machines and classes for all levels. BANKS SECURITY Maduro and Curiel’s Bank provides the greatest num- GARDEN SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Special Security Services will provide that extra meas- ber of services, branches and ATMs of any Bonaire bank. Green Label has everything you need to start or maintain ure of protection when you need it. Always reliable. Call They also offer investments and insurance. your garden. They can design, install and maintain it and 717-8125. offer plants, irrigation supplies and garden chemicals. BEAUTY PARLOR SHIPPING Hair Affair. Expert hair cutting, styling, facials, waxing GIFTS - SOUVENIRS - LIQUORS Rocargo Freight Air and sea shipments in/out of Bon- and professional nail care. The Bonaire Gift Shop has a big selection of what you aire. Customs agents. Professional and efficient. FedEx need to enjoy Bonaire and remember it when you get agent. Call 717-8922/8033. BICYCLE / SCOOTER/ QUADS home. Digital cameras and watches a specialty. De Freewieler rents scooters and quads; professionally SUPERMARKETS repairs almost anything on two wheels. Sells top brand HOTELS Tropical Flamingo is convenient, clean, modern, effi- bikes. Have your keys made here. Golden Reef Inn is the affordable alternative with fully cient and has the lowest prices on Bonaire. Located be- equipped studio apartments in a quiet Bonaire neighbor- hind NAPA. BOOKS hood. Just a 3-minute to diving and the sea. Visit Warehouse Bonaire to shop in a large, spotless Watercolours Bonaire and Eye on Aruba, Bonaire, Hotel Bonaire Inn (formerly Friars’ Inn), downtown supermarket. You’ll find American and European brand Curaçao are the most original ways to remember Bonaire Kralendijk, has rooms and breakfast at Bonaire’s lowest products. THE market for provisioning. and the islands at their best. At Photo Tours and many prices. Great for tourists or when visiting family and other island shops. friends. TOYS AND GAMES Bonaire Diving Made Easy, Third Edition, is an essen- Laur’an is a store dedicated to providing quality toys tial in your dive bag. The latest information on Bonaire’s METALWORK AND MACHINE SHOP and games to Bonaire. Find them on Kaya Gerharts in the shore dive sites. b c b- Botterop Construction Bonaire N.V., offers out- Lourdes Shopping Mall standing fabrication of all metal products, including BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION stainless. Complete machine shop too. WATER TAXI APA Construction are professional General Get to Klein Bonaire by Ferry. Call Bonaire Nautico at Contractors. They also specialize in creating patios and PHOTO FINISHING 560-7254. Ride the Kantika di Amor or Skiffy. Hotel walkways with fabulous sprayed and stamped concrete Kodarama- the only digital lab and studio handles all pickup too. pavement. digital media and offers the largest variety of professional services -across from MCB Bank WINES CYBER CAFES Paradise Photo in the Galeries Shopping Center offers Antillean Wine Company. You’ve tried the rest; now See Restaurant Guide for The Seahorse Cyber Café. fast, fine processing for prints and slides plus a variety of try the best: best prices, highest quality wines from items and services for your picture-taking pleasure. around the world, kept in a cooled warehouse. Free deliv- DENTURES ery. All Denture Lab. For denture repair or new ones. All REAL ESTATE / RENTAL AGENTS work done on the island, fast results. Owner-operator Harbourtown Real Estate is Bonaire’s oldest real es- YOGA denturist. Repairs while you wait. tate agent. They specialize in professional customer ser- Yoga For You. Join certified instructors Desireé and vices and top notch properties. Don at Jong Bonaire for a workout that will refresh mind DIVING Re/Max Paradise Homes: International/US connections. and body. Private lessons too. Carib Inn is the popular 10-room inn with top-notch dive 5% of profits donated to local community. shop and well stocked retail store. Best book trade on Bon- Sunbelt Realty offers full real estate, rental, and insur- ATTENTION BUSINESSMEN: aire. Good prices on regulator repair, dive computer H.Q. ance services. If you want a home or to invest in Bonaire, Put your ad in The Bonaire Reporter. stop in and see them. The most advertising for your guilder. Dive Inn Seven studio apartments and dive shop/school Phone/Fax 717-8988, Cel 791-7252 page 16 June 20th, 1997 Jake and Linda Richter

was here first in January ’96 to like to fly and the ocean is also too throughout the US and “I go on a short dive trip with a deep, so they’ve never been here.” Canada, Mexico, the friend. Linda had said, ‘No.’ She was “I was born in Jackson Heights, Caribbean, Australia, tired of traveling. I liked it here so much Queens,” Jake says. “My parents had Europe and Hawaii. that when I got home I told Linda she defected from Czechoslovakia and im- When we came here had to come back with me. So, we came migrated to the US in 1963, pretty much we were both 32. In in June that year. I was going to partici- with nothing else but their suitcase and retrospect it was one of pate in a Nikon underwater photo shoot their clothes. I was born in 1964. We the best decisions out competition and the second week lived in a one-bedroom apartment. We we’ve ever made. We was pure vacation. stayed in the New York area for another were and are living a We stayed at Captain Don’s Habitat. four years while my parents learned family life. We’re not Krystyana, ‘Yana,’ our daughter, was a English. After they’d become US citi- nightlife people so the year old. We had a local babysitter who zens we moved to Germany because quiet evenings on Bon- took her all over the place and Yana they decided they wanted to live closer aire were perfect and charmed everybody. How absolutely to where they were from. For seven still are. But we do like wonderful and nice the people were! years we lived in Germany. Then we to go to the movies. And how comfortably warm it was! We moved to Eugene, Oregon, because my We’re just addicted! just loved it! We were looking for parents had read that it was the best When we’re in the changes in life, a different work locale. place to live in the US. Unfortunately States we go as much I’d interviewed for a job with an organi- they never questioned the source of the as twice a day until zation called Ocean Futures and was article! We stayed there for nine we’ve seen everything The Richter family: Bas, Jake, Yana and Linda one of the two final candidates for the months, then moved to southern Florida that’s showing! Even job. We were either going to Washing- where my dad got a job with the Na- the children have the ton DC or Virginia Beach. tional Enquirer as a same addiction!” sunset every day or to see the ocean or Then the chairman of the photographer. In “At the time,” Jake says, “it took for- the sun shine. Since we’ve moved all board left to run the Cous- “What WebCam and Czechoslovakia he ever for business licenses to get ap- four of the cameras have moved to four teau Society and the BonaireTalk ended up had been the top- proved, so during that time we were ac- new locations. There’s still one under whole selection process ranking press pho- tually tourists and had to leave the is- water; two are on the beach; and one is fell to pieces. But we were doing is expanding the tographer in the land every three months, the first to at Bongo’s Beach Bar where they have already convinced that we feeling and the sense of country. Aruba where after three hours we the WebCam sign box and a guest book. would move out of New community we have here, We stayed in Flor- wanted to go back to Bonaire! We did What WebCam and BonaireTalk ended Hampshire. At the same beyond Bonaire’s ida for 15 months that for almost a year. I continued to up doing is expanding the feeling and time our son Sebastian, and then moved to write articles for US computer maga- the sense of community we have here, ‘Bas,’ was born. So why physical boundaries to all Massachusetts be- zines and I also became a dive instruc- beyond Bonaire’s physical boundaries not move anyway? Some- sorts of places around the cause my parents tor. Linda, who’d been painting before to all sorts of places around the world where warm. world and to people who wanted to be close the children were born and who’d won a and to people who love and appreciate I’d talked with Jack Chalk love and appreciate Bon- to good schools for couple of awards, tried to paint again, Bonaire as much as we do, but haven’t (then dive manager of aire as much as we do, me and my brother. but decided that cat, dogs, toddler and moved here yet! It’s all for fun.The Capt. Don’s Habitat) at a I had three more baby were just too much. Almost a year work part is still our Internet business. dive show in Boston and but haven’t moved here years of high school after we moved to the island we had all Two and a half years ago Linda started he’d mentioned that Bon- yet!” left, then I went to our permits in place and started work- painting again. In April this year, to- aire had been connected to college in upstate ing. gether with our friend Avi Ben-Hamron, the Internet. We’d made a short list New York where I studied computer We started some side projects. One of we opened the Cinnamon Art Gallery. where we might want to live and within science. In my second year, when I was them was Bonaire E-News; a free, The Gallery always offers Linda’s and seconds Bonaire shot to the top of the 18, 22 years ago, I met Linda. We were weekly e-mailed newsletter about Bon- Avi’s art, and every other month we list! On all accounts Bonaire met all of in the same dormitory. She thought I aire, like the Reporter, but a bit less for- have a Bonaire-based guest artist who our needs. was charming, or at least… that’s what I mal. We had over 2,000 readers, but lives and works here. We came in mid April for a week for a thought she thought.” then the tour operators began to inter- About three years ago I became a regis- ‘sanity-check,’ to make sure we could “I was 18 and I went to college for ar- fere with the news we reported, so in- tered US patent agent. Now I do quite a do it. Linda figured out how to make chitecture, but for me it was too un- stead of allowing other people to dictate bit of consulting work for US patent bagels herself and we submitted our ap- structured, so I ended up in fine arts. what we should or shouldn’t write, we lawyers. Between family and business, plication to start a business offering Jake and I have a lot in common. We closed it down. It was a lot of work, no the gallery and our friends and lately Internet services: web design and host- enjoy cooking a lot and eating it. We benefits, but fun and we got to know a our move we stay very busy, but we get ing as well as marketing consulting and both love to read - science fiction and lot of people on Bonaire. When we shut to do it in a beautiful location. We were related services. We went back, sold mysteries - and now we’re here I read down E-News we put more focus on an renting and now we’ve actually pur- everything, packed up. On June 20th we anything. After a little persuasion I on-line discussion group which ulti- chased a home. It’s not an investment in arrived with 16 trunks, a cat, a baby, a started diving and I know about com- mately became BonaireTalk. Combined real estate; it’s an investment in our fu- toddler and a teenage babysitter for the puters.” with that we started Bonaire WebCams. ture! If you have your family with you, summer.” “She’s a geek,” Jake laughs. “She We didn’t realize it, but it formed some- that’s the heart “I’d been living in New Hampshire my knows computer stuff.” thing of a cult and became very popular. of your home whole life, except for college in upstate Jake and Linda Richter are fun. She’s Between 2,000 to 3,000 people were wherever you New York,” Linda says. “Thirteen gen- pensive and witty. He’s got a great looking at the WebCams every day. Be- are and Bonaire erations of my family lived in New sense of humor and he’s bright and fast cause one of the cameras was installed allows us to Hampshire. My family still doesn’t and obviously proud of his wife and in front of our house, people learned the concentrate on quite approve of our being here, but it’s children. They’re just nice and easy go- names of all the cats, dogs and children. that more.” okay. They know we’re happy here, but ing people. We got to know lots of regular visitors Greta Kooistra given a choice they’d like to have us “We got married in ’89,” Linda contin- to Bonaire and have made countless there. My mom comes to see us quite ues, “and we did a fair amount of travel- friends. There are people who actually often, but my father and my sister don’t ing before we came to Bonaire: sign up for Bonaire WebCams to see the Greta Kooistra

page 17 Athlete Oath: “Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”

R VE CO coaches with hearing impaired athletes asked officials if there couldn’t be a signal other than the gun to start the races. It was agreed to use a flag. Later that morning at the stadium the very first gold medal of the Special Olympics was awarded to runner, 52-year-old Anto- nio de Palm (in Ireland known as “The Barefoot Flash,” but this time he wore shoes). Then there was a surprise visit to the sta- dium by the Governor General of Jamaica, Howard Cooke, who was there in time to Ziggy at speed present a Silver Medal to runner Siegmar The goal of the Olympians- gold (Ziggy) Celestin. During the Governor’s medals (before they ran out!) visit to the aquatics area he took time to pose with swimmers Lucille Soliana and onaire’s Special Olympic Team of 10 Johnny Hellmund. B athletes returned triumphant last week Governor Cooke, addressing the swimming with eight Gold Medals and seven Silver athletes, said, “A prescription for peace and Medals in the sports of Bocce, Swimming harmony is togetherness; learn about each and Running. Not only should we be very other; meet each other.” And that’s exactly proud of the athletes but of the great coach- what was happening as our athletes inter- ing staff as well who has spent untold num- acted with those from different islands; bers of hours training the athletes and pre- having fun, cheering each other on, con- paring them for this momentous event. The gratulating each other – everyone in high Bonaire Reporter traveled with the team to spirits. Athlete Johnny Hellmund, Coach record the events. On the Bocce field our experienced team Monique van Gurp and Athlete Lucille had close matches, especially when Denny Soliano anxiously await the start of the Reina battled mightily and tied, game after swimming events game, with a young athlete from Montser- rat. By an edge the Montserrat athlete won, were full of excitement and anticipation as but afterwards the two shook hands and they prepared to board the Air Jamaica posed for photos with their arms around flight on Wednesday, July 7, but since most each other. Ziggy Celestin gets his medal from of them have competed in other overseas Disappointingly, during the last two days Jamaica’s Governor General events they behaved like seasoned travelers the gold and silver but with lots of humor and good spirits. medals ran out, so Also aboard were their old friends, the team the top winners got from Aruba. ribbons instead. At takeoff, Gold Medal swimmer Lucille Sunday’s closing Soliana called out, “Bye Bye Bonaire,” ceremony was at the bringing a smile to everyone’s lips. On University of the landing in Montego Bay, Jamaica, some of West Indies where them burst into song, singing the Bonaire all the athletes and National Anthem! Even during an unex- their delegations pected five-hour wait in Montego Bay our were housed. Every- team took a good sport attitude and didn’t one was relaxed, complain. having completed The next day’s opening ceremonies were four days of great emotionally stirring as all the athletes and games. The reggae their delegations marched in with the flags music soared and of their countries to the spirited accompani- dancing began. Lo- ment of drums and a marching band. cal food was served The following day the games began, a little and long lines later than planned due to a few glitches, waited patiently for like the field event coaches asking that the a taste of Jamaica. Denny Reina concentrates on “staging” tent for the athletes be moved The team had to rolling the ball close to the bleachers. The authorities re- wait until Wednes- plied, “You can do it yourselves.” So all the day to return to The Inaugural Special Olympics Caribbean coaches, looking like determined ants, Bonaire on Air Ja- Runner Antonio de Palm was awarded the first gold medal of Games were held in Kingston, Jamaica, on walked the tent clear across the field. Other maica, so Head of the Caribbean Games July 8 to 11 the Delegation, with 500 ath- Delno Tromp ar- letes repre- ranged free tours to the Bob Marley Mu- Islands represented at the Special senting 15 seum and to Ocho Rios. Olympics in Jamaica countries from A tired but happy team boarded the flight Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Bahamas, Bar- around the on Wednesday, calling out, “Bye Bye, Ja- bados, Dominica, Cayman Islands, Ja- Caribbean. As maica” as we rose into the air. maica, Montserrat, , St. Kitts & well there Unlike the other islands where the local Nevis, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, were 200 governments subsidize their Special Trinidad & Tobago coaches and Olympic teams, the Bonaire team has to The goal of Special Olympics is to help officials, 200 raise all the money itself. Thanks to all the bring all persons with mental retardation family mem- very generous sponsors who made it possi- into the larger society under conditions bers and ble for the team to make a showing in Ja- whereby they are accepted, respected friends and maica: UTS (United Telecommunication and given the chance to become useful more than 200 Service), BonairExel, Air Jamaica, Croc- and productive citizens. Bonaire has volunteers – a cantino Restaurant, Bonaire Gift Shop, En- fielded teams for the past three world lot for an is- nia Insurance, Captain Don’s Habitat and games and is looking forward to land to deal individuals Anna and Art Kleimer and attending the next World Games from with. Bonaire’s Champion Bocce Team Sharon and Scott Barlass. L.D. October 10-19, 2007, in Shanghai, Our athletes People's Republic of China. .

page 18

*to find it, just look up

very summer in late July my For the week: E favorite summer star and constellation reach their highest July 23 to July 30, 2004 points above the horizon just after dark. And next week you can use By Astrologer Michael Thiessen the Moon to find them. Let me tell you how. ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) You will find good buys and you will lift your spirits. On any night in late July just after You need to be careful not to make promises that you can't fulfill. This will be a dark, which is about 8 to 9 pm in great time to invite friends over to visit. Listen to the advice given by others. Your the Sky Park, face due south lucky day this week will be Monday. where you'll see a pattern of TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21) Plan your days carefully. Relax and enjoy what bright stars shaped like a giant you've accomplished when you're finished. Focus on forming business partnerships. fish hook or the capital letter J. It's New emotional connections can be made through business contacts. Your lucky day my favorite summer constellation, this week will be Friday. Scorpius the Scorpion, and it GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Go with the flow and don't be concerned about your contains my favorite summer star, own job. Outbursts of passion may cause arguments with your mate. Opportunities Antares, which marks his heart if for new friendships are apparent. Make arrangements to meet friends at your local you imagine the scorpion looking something like this. And not only is Antares in dance club. Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday. the right place for a scorpion's heart but it's also the right color, red. And the reason CANCER (June 22-July 22) Talk to those in a position of power about your inten- it's my favorite summer star is because it's the biggest star we can see in summer's tions. Think twice before you say something you might regret later. Don't turn down skies. In fact it is 700 times wider than our own almost-one-million-mile-wide offers that include sports activities or children. Take advantage of your attributes Sun. So huge we could fit 350 million Suns inside it. Or if you like to think of it and lure the mate of your choice. Your lucky day this week will be Saturday. this way, it is so gigantic that if we placed one edge of it where our Sun is it would LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Travel for business will be advantageous. Real estate in- reach out past the orbits of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, even beyond the vestments will pay off. You'll have amazing ideas, but superiors may try to block orbit of Jupiter. Wow! your attempts at implementing them. Try not to allow others to burden you with ad- But if you're one of those beginning star gazers who has a hard time finding the ditional responsibilities. Your lucky day this week will be Sunday. stars, next Monday you can use the Moon as a finder because on Monday night, VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) You can meet new and exciting friends who will pro- July 26thth an exquisite 10-day-old Moon will be just to the right of the three stars vide mental stimulation. Compromise if you wish to have any fun at all. Don't over- that mark the top of the scorpion. Plus on Tuesday the 27th an 11-day-old Moon spend or give too freely to others. You may be able to get some good advice about will be just to the left of super humongous Antares. And although they'll look your personal problems. Your lucky day this week will be Friday. close, keep in mind it's just an illusion because our tiny 2,000-mile-wide Moon LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Make arrangements to spend quality time together. Do will be only 227,000 miles away, whereas Antares will be a whopping 13 1/2 bil- what you can to help them but don't neglect your own family. You need to keep eve- lion times farther away, 520 light years beyond. Or if you like to think of it this ryone on your domestic scene too busy to complain. Hidden matters are likely to way, it takes only 1 1/5 seconds for light to reach us from the Moon, but it takes surface. Your lucky day this week will be Monday. 520 years for light to reach us from Antares, which means that when we look at SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Communication will be your strong point and you Antares we see it not as it exists now but as it existed 520 years ago, just before should be able to persuade others to see things your way. Don't go hog wild when it Columbus set sail. comes to entertainment or you could find yourself short of funds at the end of the Now if you look at Scorpius on a night when there's no Moon out, during the time month. Try not to be too lavish with your lover. Be cautious who you deal with fi- of the new Moon, and if you're far from city lights you will notice that the bottom nancially. Your lucky day this week will be Sunday. half of Scorpius, including the entire stinger, is located in that faint ribbon of light SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Don't let your emotions interfere with your we call the Milky Way. And if you have really good eyesight or a pair of binocu- professional integrity. This is a great time for a trip. Don't be too quick to judge. lars you'll see two fuzzy clouds just above the stinger. They're called M-6 and M-7 Take time to do something nice for yourself. Your lucky day this week will be Tues- and they're wonderful. Indeed M-7 is a cluster of 80 stars about 800 light years day. away which means that the light we see right now is the light that left it in 1200 A. CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Your mate may want to pick a fight, but if you're D. M-6 likewise has 80 stars in it but it is 1,600 light years away which means that persistent with your affections their anger should dissipate. Focus, and concentrate the light we see now left it in 400 A.D. on yourself and your future. Lack of cash might be partly to blame for the problems So there you have it: the Moon visits Scorpius on the 26th and humongous Antares at home. Use your genuine warmth and compassion to win hearts. Your lucky day on the 27th, and on a clear moonless night you can see two clusters of stars many this week will be Tuesday. hundreds of light years away. Now you know why Scorpius is my summer favor- AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) You will benefit through hidden assets and property ite. Jack Horkimer investments. You can't do everything on your own. Don't expect romantic encoun- ters to be lasting. Your high energy should be spent pleasing your mate. Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday. First Quarter on July 25th. Full Moon on July 31st , Moon Info PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Older family members may try to put unreasonable de-

th mands on you. Don't let others saddle you with guilt that isn't warranted. Find out all the second full moon of July, a “blue moon.” Last Quarter on August 7 the facts before you jump to conclusions. You can put in some overtime and make extra cash. Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday. New Moon on August 16th

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