Physical Chemistry Chemical Thermodynamics Dr. R. R. Misra Reader in Chemistry Hindu College, Delhi – 110007 E- mail:
[email protected] CONTENTS Thermodynamics Thermodynamic process Isothermal process Adiabatic process Isobaric process Reversible process Irreversible process Cyclic process Concept of internal energy, work and heat Concept of internal energy Concept of work in thermodynamics Concept of heat in thermodynamics Thermal equilibrium The first law of thermodynamics Definition of enthalpy Characteristics of enthalpy Heat capacity Joule’s Law Joule – Thomson Coefficient Carnot theorem Thermochemistry Enthalpy of reaction Enthalpy of combustion Enthalpy of neutralization Bond enthalpy Kirchhoff’s equation Second law of thermodynamics Concept of entropy Third law of thermodynamics Nernst heat theorem Concept of residual entropy Evaluation of absolute entropy Need of a new thermodynamic property Gibbs energy Gibbs energy change and useful work Helmholtz energy Introduction In the study of chemistry the following fundamental questions need to be answered. (i) Why does a reaction occur? That is, what is the driving force of a reaction? (ii) How far a reaction can occur? That is, what is the extent (or progress) of the reaction? (iii) How fast a reaction can occur? That is, what is the rate of the reaction? We get the answer of the first two questions by the study of thermodynamics, while third question forms the domain of the study of chemical kinetics. In this unit we shall focus our attention mainly on thermodynamics while the study of chemical kinetics will be taken up in other unit of the book Thermodynamics The branch of science dealing with the relations between energy, heat, work and accompanying changes in the nature and behaviour of various substances around us is called thermodynamics.