Grateful Living


“Give people what they need: food, medicine, clean air, pure water, trees and grass, pleasant homes to live in, some hours of work, more hours of leisure. Don't ask who deserves it. Every human being deserves it.”

-Howard Zinn from Marx in Soho: A Play on History

Order of Service Sunday, November 18, 2018

+Opening Music My Lord, What a Mornin’ African American Spiritual, arranged by Calvin Taylor

Opening Words Eve Stevens, Minister

+*Opening Song 298 [Gray Hymnal] Wake, Now, My Senses

*Chalice Lighting Beth Mussay, Lay Service Leader

*Chorus words by Bruce Findlow, music by Patrick Rickey

For all that is our life we sing our thanks and praise; For all life is a gift which we are called to use To build the good And make our own days glad.

+latecomers may enter; *please stand as you are able

Musical Offering Walk a Mile by Jan Nigro

I want to walk a mile in your shoes I want to walk a mile in your shoes I want to know what you think and what you feel So I really want to walk a mile in your shoes Remember that fight that we had Why did we both have to lose? It’s because we both walked away mad Instead of walking a mile in each other’s shoes. I want to walk a mile in your shoes . . . You hear how the world is a mess Whenever you turn on the news But all countries could have happiness If they’d be walking a mile in each other’s shoes I want to walk a mile in your shoes . . . Tempers start to cool down A frown turns into a smile Anger cannot be found When you’re wearing their shoes and you’re walking that mile I want to walk a mile in your shoes . . .

Reading by Pema Chodron From Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living

+latecomers may enter; *please stand as you are able


Song 134 [Gray Hymnal] Our World is One World


Musical Offering Adorable flujo words by Gabriel Navar, music by Paul Basler

Translation: energy flows, flows… within me as it enters in abundance… the senses are a bridge when I fall with the force of water like a petal of light towards the fountain of the intimate immensity of the divine kiss of my mind… adorable cosmic flow, I am yours in root and constellation the senses are a river when I fall in lightning towards the ecstatic celebration of the fertile garden where

+latecomers may enter; *please stand as you are able (continued on next page)

I find you planting rays of light and nourishment you run like the water with its energy and celestial smile, smile that makes me flow smile that imitates the sun… and for its abundant warmth, I jump as I laugh because I enjoy a blade of grass as I do an entire forest… I shout as loud as I can “I love living, I love living”

Welcome and Personal Reflection

Concerns of the Congregation

Interlude Beautiful by Linda Perry

Meditation and Aspiration

Offering Words

+latecomers may enter; *please stand as you are able

Offering Music Thanksgiving by George Winston

We invite anyone to light a candle of celebration, concern or remembrance as all honor this time with respectful silence

*Affirmation of Faith by Norman Cousins I am a single cell in a body of [billions of] cells. The body is humankind. […]

I am interlocked with other human beings in the consequences of our actions, thoughts, and feelings. […]

Together we share the quest […] for a society in which we need not live beneath our moral capacity, and in which justice has a life of its own.

*Closing Song 21 [Gray Hymnal] For the Beauty of the Earth

*Closing Words and Extinguishing the Chalice

+latecomers may enter; *please stand as you are able

Closing Music by and Lionel Richie

We are the world, we are the children, We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving. There’s a choice we’re making, we’re saving our own lives, It’s true we’ll make a better day, just you and me.

Service Notes

Thank you to the pledging members of this congregation whose generosity makes our Sunday services possible. John Herrick, Beth Mussay, and Eve Stevens contributed to the planning of this service. The Children’s Choir sings under the direction of Donna Fisher and is accompanied by Ben Schomp on guitar and John Herrick on piano. The Adult Choir sings under the direction of John Herrick, accompanied by Paul Wilson on French horn. John Herrick plays the piano and organ. Manny Allen, Chris Clark and Franklin McClelland and assist with A/V for today’s services. Large print copies of the Order of Service and personal hearing assistance devices are available on the table at the entrance to the Sanctuary.

The flowers in the niche are in loving memory of Hannah Miller, from Susie Lake


The images displayed in today’s service is 1 Paula Motorsohn-Becker, Birch Trees in Front of a Barn 1900 2 Louis Hayet, Sunshine, 1887-1888 3 Mabel May Woodward, Native Home in Charleston, SC, 1932 4 Barbara Regina Dietzsch, Tulipa (parrot), circa 1750-1759 5 Nathan Dumlao 7 Frank Applegate, Sculptured Rocks, circa 1922 8 Frank Applegate, Landscape, Taos, N.M., date unknown 9 Frank Applegate, Man Plowing Fields, date unknown 10 Frank Applegate, Chimayo Valley, date unknown 11 Frank Applegate, Taos Mountain Landscape, date unknown 12 Frank Applegate, Village in Valley, date unknown 13 Public Domain 14 Frank Applegate, Village Landscape, date unknown 15 Frank Applegate, Sunrise, Hopi Country, date unknown 16 Frank Applegate, Fields, date unknown 18 Mary Fairchild MacMonnies Low, Autumn Day, date unknown