Recent July 1st celebrations at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village were met with historic Union Jack flag craft in the double desks of Russia School. Other displays of history, patri- otic or otherwise, occur on a daily basis as costumed interpreters invite visitors to experi- ence the past. You are also invited to visit and your unlimited ticket is available on the last page of this publication.


Friends News Enrichment Project Update…….2 Friend’s Summer Kitchen……....3

Skansen Feature………………….4

Friends Programs -Ukraine Genealogy Project Update……………..6-9; 12

Research Report………………..10

UCHV News Upcoming Events……………….13 Site Upgrades……………………14 Feature Exhibit…………………..15 Public Workshops………………16

Pamela Trischuk Historic Childrens Program Application……………………….18

Friends Society 2008 Membership Renewal Form…………...……...20 ENRICHMENT PROJECT CONTINUES

Another unique Alberta home from east was added to the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village’s collection of historic buildings and structures.

On Tuesday, April 1, the Meronyk house was moved to the village and will eventually be part of the site’s historic town site section. It will complement the already restored livery barn originally located from Radway, Alberta.

This house was built in the mid 1920s in . Ini- tially constructed as a flat-roofed shack, it was home of the first horse and wagon delivery service operated by the Sko- reyko family. Within a couple of years, the operation had be- come a partnership between the Skoreyko and Lenko fami- lies.

People with connections to the historic home are coming forward, including the Lenko family children who grew up in the house and then moved to British Columbia after World War II. The donors of the home, Ms. Linda Meronyk and her father, Nicholas, are pleased to have contributed to the further development of the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village. Mr. Mero- nyk’s late father-in-law resided in the house in the 1950s.

The Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village research staff is interested in hearing from anyone who had anything to do with the house or who might have photographs or documents that can help record the house’s history.

Photographs by David Koshman


The Friends of the Ukrainian Village Society are pleased to welcome their new Operations Manager, Lydia Migus, who joined us this Spring. Her repertoire includes the Ukrainian Canadian Congress—Alberta Pro- vincial Council & Ottawa Bureau, Sheptytsky Institute at Saint Paul Uni- versity and the Friends of St. Onuphrius Church at the Canadian Mu- seum of Civilization. Her presence is already being felt at the UCHV. Vitaiemo!


The Friends’ Society in conjunction with the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village and Al- berta Infrastructure have teamed up to get a new food service facility off the ground. The kiosk is expected to be operating for the Ukrainian Day special event on August 10, 2008. The images below were captured by Steve Eleniak, one of the volunteers. Other commit- tee members involved included Paul Garrick and Roger Pullishy. Thanks for all of the hard work!

3 SKANSENS PART IV: SKAN-SAN Скансени - ч. 4: Скан-сан

The fourth installment of our Skansen Четвертий випуск нашої серії “Музей ” series shifts attention to a different простонеба переносить увагу читачів до іншого континенту. Після Швеції, Канади continent. After examining Sweden, та України ми поглянемо тепер на острів, and Ukraine we now turn to- розташований на іншому боці Тихого ward an island located across the Pa- океану. Читайте та отримуйте cific Ocean. Read on and enjoy. задоволення. We have been asked the hypothetical Нам поставили умовне запитання: чи question whether a tourist from Japan зрозуміє японський турист, що Село would comprehend that the UCHV was спадщини української культури – це не not a real village like Andrew or реальне село як Ендрю чи Мондер, а , , but a collection of buildings колекція приміщень що їх звезли з різних куточків східно-центральної Альберти та brought from various parts of east cen- розмістили на території Села. Ось tral Alberta and assembled at the UCHV алфавітний перелік найвідоміших музеїв site. Some of the best known Japanese простонеба в Японії: open-air museums in alphabetical order are: Музей-в'язниця Абаширі, Архітеркурний музей простонеба Едо-Токіо, Ґассхозукурі Abashiri Prison Museum, Edo-Tokyo Мінкаен, Сад Ґловер, Фольклорне село Open Air Architectural Museum, Gass- Хайда, Історичне село Хоккайдо, Мейджі hozukuri Minkaen, Glover Garden, Hida Мура, та Шикоку Мура Folk Village, Historical Village of Hok- Один з найбільших японських музеїв kaido, Meiji Mura & Shikoku Mura просто неба – Історичне Село Хоккайдо. Воно складається зі старих дерев'яних і One of the largest Japanese skansens кам'яних будинків, розташованих на 54 is the Historical Village of Hokkaido. It гектарах землі в лісопарку Наппоро за consists of old wooden and stone build- містом Саппоро. Так саме як Село ings located on 54 hectares of land in спадщини української культури відтворює the Napporo Forest Park on the out- історію перших українських поселенців в skirts of the city of Sapporo. Just like Альберті, так і будинки Села Хоккайдо the UCHV represents the history of the репрезентують два періоди японської early Ukrainian settlers in Alberta, the історії: імператорські династії Мейджі buildings at the Hokkaido Village repre- (1868-1912) та Тайшо (1912-1926). sent the Meiji (1868-1912) and Taisho (1910-1926) periods of Japanese his- Подібно до споруд в Селі спадщини tory. української культури будови Села Хоккайдо перенесли в чотири спеціальні Continued on next page... зони: місто, рибальське село, фармарське село та гірське село. Наше Село (якщо не рахувати Центру відвідувачів) поділене на 3 зони: фармерська, сільське поселення 1920-х років та залізничне містечко 1920-х років.

4 Again, like at the UCHV, the buildings Зі сторінок японського туристичного of Hokkaido were relocated into 4 spe- буклету відвідувачів запевняють, що cific zones: the town, the fishing vil- історичні споруди, які вони бачать – lage, the farm village, and the moun- автентичні: “Поділене на кілька сіл, tain village. Our UCHV, if one for the Історичне Село Хоккайдо складається з time being discounts the Visitor Centre, різноманітних історичних споруд, що is divided into 3 zones: the farmstead колись розташовувалися в Саппоро та які area, the rural community (1920s) and з великими труднощами перенесли й встановили там, де ви їх тепер бачите. the rural town (1920s). Саме це робить парк унікальним. Більшість інших тематичних парків по In the Japanese tourist pamphlets, the всьому світові збудували би штучне visitors are reassured of the authentic- містечко, що, нібито, саме так виглядало ity of their historic buildings: між 1860-ми та 1920-ми роками. “Separated into different villages, the Автентичність надає паркові Historical Village of Hokkaido is made культурологічної цінності замість того, up of different historic buildings that щоби представляти Дісней-погляд на once stood in Sapporo and have been історію”. painstakingly moved and rebuilt in their current location. This is what makes the Вони також наголошують, що всі ці park unique; most other theme parks споруди було врятовано від знесення: around the world would prefer to build “Будинки збирали всюду по Хоккайдо, a false façade of what a 1860s to 1920s більшість їх врятовано від знесення, town would look like. This gives the розширення доріг та інших прикладів park some cultural value instead of a «проґресу”. На жаль, вдалося врятувати Disney view of history.” лише 60 будинків із числа значно більшої архітектурної спадщини”. They also stress the fact that these structures have been rescued from Подібні шкодування висловлюють і demolition: “The buildings were col- Приятелі Села спадшини lected from all over Hokkaido, mostly української.культури, rescued from demolitions, road widen- ing and other ‘progress.’ Sadly, only about 60 buildings out of a much larger architectural heritage could be saved.”

Similar sentiments have been ex- pressed by friends of the UCHV.

The Honjo Blacksmith from the “Guide Book to the His- torical Village of Hokkaido”.

Коваль “Гонжо”. З путівника історичного села Хоккайдо.

5 NEW PATRON AND PARTNERS FOR GENEALOGICAL PROJECT An honorary patron and two new partners have joined the Alberta-Ukraine Genealogical Project in its mandate to help families interested in exploring their past in Alberta and Ukraine.

On 5 February 2008, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress–Alberta Provincial Council became the honorary patron of the Alberta-Ukraine Genealogical Project. In support of this venture, the UCC-APC will encourage the full support of its members in documenting this part of Al- berta’s heritage.

The Alberta-Ukraine Genealogical Project is also pleased to announce that in February 2008, two new organizations partnered with the AUG project to help undertake the docu- mentation of church properties in rural communities in Alberta:

Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada (UCBC)– Eparchy Ukrainian Self-Reliance Association (USRA)– Edmonton Branch

Beginning in May 2008, the generous financial support provided through these partnerships will allow fieldworkers to travel to rural church properties in east central Alberta. While at rural church properties, the project’s fieldworkers will work with volunteers to record and photograph cemetery tombstones and markers. The information and photographs collected through the “Documenting Church Properties in Rural Communities in Alberta” will be avail- able on the internet to those persons seeking information about their family history and rela- tives.

For more information, please contact David at the Alberta genealogical research office at (780) 431-2324. Written inquiries may be forwarded to the Alberta genealogical research office by e-mail, at [email protected], or by mail:

Alberta-Ukraine Genealogical Project Old St. Stephen's College 8820 - 112 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2P8 Canada

Representatives of the newest partners and patron to the Alberta-Ukraine Genealogical Project: Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada (UCBC)-Edmonton Eparchy – partner (Joe Synyshyn), Ukrainian Self-Reliance Associa- tion (USRA)-Edmonton Branch - partner (Mitch Ma- kowsky), Ukrainian Canadian Congress-Alberta Provin- cial Council – patron (Daria Luciw), along with David Ma- kowsky of the Alberta Office (Alberta-Ukraine Genealogi- cal Project). Photo by Austin Turner

Представники найновіших партнерів і патрона Генеологічного проекту Альберти-України: Братство Українців-Католиків Канади (БУКК) – Едмонтонська епархія - партнер (Йосиф Синишин), Товариство Українців Самостійників (ТУС) – відділ м. Едмонтону – партнер (Дмитро Маковський), Конгрес Українців Канади (Провінційна Рада Альберти) – патрон (Дарія Луців), з Давидом Маковським (Генеологічний проект, офіс Альберти). [Фото Остіна Тернера]

6 Новий патрон і двоє партнерів приєдналися до Генеологічного проекту Альберта-Україна

Едмонтон...Почесний патрон і двоє нових партнерів приєдналися до мандату Генеологічного проекту Альберта-Україна допомагати родинам в дослідженні їхнього минулого в Альберті й Україні.

5 лютого 2008 року Провінційна рада Альберти Конгресу Українців Канади стала почесним патроном Генеологічного проекту Альберта-Україна. Дана інституція заохочуватиме своїх членів підтримати документування цієї важливої частини спадщини провінції Альберти.

Генеологічний проект Альберта-Україна також з приємністю повідомляє, що в лютому 2008 року дві нові організації стали партнерами цього проекту. Вони допоможуть задокументувати церковну спадщину в сільських околицях Альберти. Братство Українців-Католиків Канади (БУКК) – Едмонтонська епархія Товариство Українців Самостійників (ТУС)– відділ м. Едмонтону

Починаючи з травня 2008 року щедра фінасова підтримка, надана партнерами, дозволить польовим дослідникам здійснювати подорожі до сільських церков в східно- центральній Альберті. З допомогою волонтерів в цих міцевостях вони зніматимуть на відео і фотографуватимуть надмогильні пам’ятними і знаки. Інформація і фотографії, зібрані в контексті “Документування церковної спадщини в сільських громадах Альберти” будуть доступними на інтернеті для тих людей, які шукають інформацію про історію і членів своєї родини.

Для отримання подальшoï інфoрмаціï можна звернутися дo Давида Макoвськoгo за номером телефoну (780) 431-2324, е-пoштoю [email protected] , абo пoштoю за адресою: Alberta-Ukraine Genealogical Center Центр генеалoгічних дoсліджень Альберта-Украïна Old St. Stephen’s College 8820 – 112 Street Edmonton, AB T6G 2P8

Генеологічний проект Альберта-Україна було здійснено завдяки фінансовій підтримці Лотерейного фонду Альберти.


Radomir Bilash, project manager of the Alberta-Ukraine Genealogical Project, recently trav- elled to Ukraine on private business. While in Ukraine, Mr. Bilash did briefly visit the genea- logical research office in Lviv to review their progress in the project’s research requests to access documents and information from archives in Ukraine. ”We are relatively pleased with the progress of our research services in Western Ukraine,” says Bilash. As the proc- esses in undertaking such a research service over several oblasts is refined during these first orders, we anticipate a quicker response time to allow our clients to obtain records to complement their family history research.” The genealogical research office in Lviv has begun sending results for the requests for research services submitted in fall 2007. The Alberta office will contact clients of this research service as their files are forwarded.

The progress of the Alberta-Ukraine Genealogical Project to help locate historic documents in Western Ukraine archives, as well as Radomir Bilash’s brief visit to the ancestral village of Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach, was covered extensively in print and electronic media in Ukraine. Please visit the following link to view an online article: http://20minut.ua/ news/120752

As many villages and rural communities in east central Alberta commemorate their centen- nial, new Centenary Program submissions that honour families who settled within the north- ern and eastern boundaries of our study area have been received. This includes pioneer families who settled in 1908 or earlier within the Radway, Smoky Lake and Spedden dis- tricts, as well as those who settled to the east in rural community and school districts such as Chornick, Buczacz, Krasnahora, Bohdan, and Slawa.

Centenary Pioneer Recognition Program – Ukrainian Day, Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village will honour those families of ancestors who last summer received a centenary program certificate at this year’s Ukrainian Day event on Sun- day, August 10. A formal invitation containing specific times and details will be extended in early July.

Centenary Pioneer Recognition Program - Seeking volunteers

As a former registrant of the program, you can relate to the feelings of pride and joy to hear your family name announced at Ukrainian Day. On the other hand, you can also appreciate the effort to prepare a family’s application package. Similar to last summer, we are sending a call for interested volunteers to work within the Centenary Program office to assist and re- view Centenary Program submissions. Training will be provided and you will become better acquainted with various historical documents, resources and databases which, in turn, will assist you in your own quest for family history information.

Please contact David at 780-431-2324 to learn more about this unique volunteer experi- ence.


From May 25-June 7, representatives of the Ukraine genealogical research office visited Canada on a lecture and study tour to become better acquainted with archives and family history research in Alberta.

The Ukraine partner in the Alberta-Ukraine Genealogical Project, this genealogical re- search office in Lviv coordinates the re- quests from Albertans to locate genealogical and family history documents in western Ukraine’s archives. Representing the Ukraine genealogical research office for this trip was Prof. Stepan Pavljuk and Dr. Ro- man Chmelyk, Director and Vice-Director respectively, of the Institute of Ethnology in Lviv.

As part of their study tour in Canada, they participated in the following activities during their two week stay in Canada:

Meetings with the Government of Alberta for discussions furthering Alberta-Ukraine ge- nealogical agreements on genealogical research and service for re-establishing family ties for people living in Ukraine and Alberta;

Meeting with, and lecture presentations for, Alberta partners of the AUG project; Tour of east central Alberta and the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village;

Tour of the Provincial Archives of Alberta and Basilian Father’s Museum in Mundare;

Tour to Stry, Alberta to participate in the commencement of fieldwork for the Document- ing Church Properties in Rural Communities in Alberta project

Lecture presentations at the annual conference for the Canadian Association for Ukrainian Ethnology, part of the larger Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences.

As part of their role in the Alberta-Ukraine Genealogical Project, Prof. Pavljuk and Dr. Chmelyk discussed the status of the Ukraine genealogical research office in providing a ser- vice for Albertans to gain access to archival and family history documents from archives in western Ukraine. Results pertaining to research orders from the Lviv oblast study area were delivered to the Alberta genealogical research office.

The results of this tour will lead to more promising projects furthering families wishing to re- search their past in Alberta and in Ukraine.


The Luzan post office, which first opened in 1913, was located in a rural community south- east of Andrew which was known as Czahar or Luzan. From 1919-25 and again from 1928-39, the postmaster at Luzan was Nikolai (Nick) Ziganash. The Ziganash family, whose ethnic origins were Ukrainian and Romanian, immigrated to east central Alberta from the village of Chahor in Bukovyna. When Nick Ziganash became the postmaster in 1919, the post office was located in the Ziganash house. Nick lost the postmastership for a period of time, but after his friend Alexander Bockanesky opened a grocery store on the Zi- ganash farm in 1927, Nick once again became the postmaster and a small building was moved next to the grocery store to serve as a post office. The post office was located next to the grocery store, probably because the store was in a prominent location next to a well- travelled road. The post office also brought additional customers to Alexander Bockanesky and gave both customers and members of the Ziganash family a place to socialize when not doing business in the post office.

The building which served as the Luzan post office from 1928 to 1939, and which is now located at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village, was a simple structure which may have been a converted granary. Many of the people interviewed about their memories of the post office described the building as a “shack” or “just a granary.” The building was extremely small (about 14 x 24 feet or 4.27 x 7.32 meters), as not all the post office’s patrons would come for their mail at one time. The building was also unheated, as it was never used for extended periods of time. Because the post office was not designed for visiting, most peo- ple who came into the post office did not stay long. Local people preferred to socialize in the neighbouring grocery store. Most post office patrons remained in the building only for long enough to retrieve their mail or complete whatever other business they had planned.

The Luzan post office building in use as the Plains-Western Natural Gas field office in Willingdon, ca. 1964. Note the addition of the large win- dow and chimney. John Ziganash, son of the postmaster, is in front of the building.

10 The post office offered a variety of services. It allowed the people of the Czahar district to send and receive letters to and from the “Old Country” and elsewhere and also brought them newspapers, allowed the registration of mail, and offered postal notes (similar to money orders) for sale. Probably one of the most popular services offered at the post office was the delivery of clothing and other goods purchased from mail-order companies, often from the T. Eaton Company. The patrons of the Luzan post office probably went there most often to send and receive letters and parcels. The presence of a post office in the commu- nity allowed local people to easily place COD (cash on delivery) orders from catalogues. In- stead of sending money when they placed an order, customers could pay in cash at the post office when the parcel arrived.

Mail destined for Luzan was first shipped by train to Lamont and then hauled to Andrew with a team of horses as part of a 96-mile mail route which stopped at several east central Al- berta post offices. Mail began to be shipped to Andrew by train in 1930. George or Nick Zi- ganash picked up the mail in Andrew and hauled it to the Luzan post office, first stopping at the Zawale post office (four miles west of Luzan).

The Luzan post office was closed in 1939 and the district’s residents began to be served by rural mail delivery (this meant that mail was delivered directly to mailboxes on each farm). After the closure of the post office in 1939, George Ziganash moved the building to Ukalta, north of Andrew. George’s brother John and John’s wife Rose Ziganash later used the for- mer post office as a summer kitchen, which they called a khatchyna, on their farm south- west of Willingdon. When John and Rose Ziganash moved to Willingdon during the late 1940s or 1950, they also moved the former post office with them, and it was used by their children as a playhouse.

Beginning in about 1964, when John Ziganash began reading gas meters for Plains-Western Natural Gas, the post office building was used as the company’s field office. In 1967, John and Rose Ziganash donated the post office to The Heritage Village and Pioneer Museum at Shandro, where it remained for nearly four dec- ades. In 2004, the building was moved to the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village.

The Luzan Post Office as it appeared in 1929.

By Stefan Sokolowski


On June 4, fieldwork for the Documenting Church Properties in Rural Communities in Al- berta officially kicked off at Stry, Alberta at the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery.

In addition to the assistance of members of the local community, the kick-off for this project had an international appeal with three special guests from Ukraine participating in the cemetery fieldwork. Prof. Stepan Pavljuk and Dr. Roman Chmelyk, both of the Ukraine ge- nealogical research office, participated in fieldwork as part of their study/ lecture tour in Canada to become better acquainted with archives and family history research in Alberta. The third special guest was Dr. Maryna Hrymych, whose husband His Excellency Dr. Ihor Ostash, Ukraine’s Ambassador to Canada, was born in Stry, Ukraine and therefore feels a special connection to this Alberta community. A return trip is planned in the near future to document the remaining Ukrainian cemeteries in the community.

Over the next several months, fieldwork will expand to other rural community cemeteries in east central Alberta to help preserve an important component of Alberta’s heritage. Field- workers will travel to rural church properties in east central Alberta to record and photo- graph cemetery tombstones and markers. The information and photographs collected through the project will be available on the internet to those persons seeking information about their family history and relatives.

As part of the “Documenting Church Properties in Rural Communities in Alberta,” fieldwork- ers are especially interested to speak to parish representatives who are custodian for the parish’s register and cemetery books. The Alberta-Ukraine Genealogical Project is working with its partner, the Provincial Archives of Alberta, to ensure that parishes are aware that the Provincial Archives of Alberta is a safe alternative for the safekeeping of an aging com- munity’s parish records. The Documenting Church Properties in Rural Communities in Al- berta has been made possible through the financial assistance of: Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada (UCBC)– Edmonton Eparchy Ukrainian Self-Reliance Association (USRA)– Edmonton Branch

Members of the Stry community work with Alberta-Ukraine Genealogical Project partners to document and photograph the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery, June 4.


Ukrainian Day, August 10, 2008

Friends’ Ukrainian Music Festival, August 24, 2008

Harvest of the Past & Taste of Heritage, September 7, 2008

Ukrainian Village hosts Kalyna Country Idol Search

The Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village and Kalyna Country Eco Museum are teaming up again to launch the second Kalyna Idol contest. This year’s event will be held in conjunction with the Harvest of the Past & A Taste of Heritage Food Festival at the Village. The Kalyna Idol contest is open to amateur vocalists who are residents of east central Alberta. For 2008, auditions are being held for participants aged 12 years and under as well as 13 years and older.

Auditions took place at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village on Saturday, June 21, 2008. Participants were required to sing solo at the audition and were also allowed to bring an acoustic instrument or CD. Finalists will perform on stage at the Harvest of the Past event at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village on Sunday, September 7, 2008. Complete details can be found on the events section of the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village’s website or by contacting Kalyna Country 1-888-452-5962 (4KA-LYNA), www.kalynacountry.com

Got Talent? Musicians, vocalists, choirs, and bands are needed to perform at the Ukrainian Village during special events days. Contact Shirley Hauck, 780-662-3640.

Volunteers Welcome at the Ukrainian Village! We offer a wide variety of volunteer op- portunities as listed below. If you (and your family or friends) wish to volunteer please con- tact the Volunteer Resources area, 780-662-3640, or Toll Free (310-0000).

Administrative Services NEWSLETTER CONTRIBUTORS Admissions Radomir Bilash Collections Management Community & Corporate Relations Charlene Garvey Conservation Arnold Grandt Costuming & Textiles Shirley Hauck Curatorial  David Koshman Education Farm Program Svitlana P. Kukharenko Historic Interpretation David Makowsky Research Dr. Bohdan Medwidsky Restoration & Construction Lydia Migus Special Events Roman Petriv NEEDED BY THE FRIENDS: Stefan Sokolowski Pamela Trischuk Casino Committee Chairperson Gord Yaremchuk Call 780 662 3640 for details


A large amount of building preservation is being undertaken at the UCHV this summer. This work will ensure that the integrity of the structures will remain for many years to come. Your patience is requested as some historic buildings will be closed for short peri- ods of time.

A list of buildings receiving a fresh coat of paint are St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Greek Or- thodox Church, Bellis CNR Station, Hawreliak House roof and the Silska Domiwka.

New roofing will be applied to the CNR Station, Kiew Hall, Luzan Gro- cery, Radway Livery Barn and Post Office, Bellis Grain Elevator, Hawre- liak House, Pylypow House, Lakusta Barn and Granary, Morecambe School, Slemko Barn, Roswiyczuk Granary, Saint Nicholas Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and Saint Vladimir’s Ukrainian Greek Ortho- dox. Many of the re-roofing jobs have now been completed.

In addition to work being performed on existing UCHV structures, foundations are being planned for new site buildings.

Photographs by Pamela Trischuk


This summer, the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village is pleased to present Painting Sto- ries having fun with language hands-on exhibit. This display features the original artwork by famed international artist Larisa Sembaliuk Cheladyn for the Kazka production series of Ukrainian/English bilingual books. These books pioneered teaching children Ukrainian lan- guage though the telling of folk tales and modern verse put to music.

The exhibit will be on display at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village from May 17 to Thanksgiving Day, 2008.

Adult Art Workshops – The Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village will be offering watercol- our illustration workshops with Instructor Larisa Sembaliuk-Cheladyn.

The Art of Illustration - How to Illustrate with Watercolour June 7, 2008 or October 4, 2008 To register call: 780-662-3640


2008 Historic Children’s Program and Junior Interpretive Program

The Historic Children’s Program is a week-long summer day camp allowing children aged six to 12 years to experience pioneer life in the Ukrainian bloc settlement of east central Alberta during the 1920s. Over the course of a week, participants in the Historic Children’s Program will spend time  wearing a historic costume,  visiting historic farmsteads,  experience life in a one-room school,  learn to cook traditional foods, and  learn games that children in the 1920s played. The Junior Interpretive Program, offered in conjunction with the Historic Children’s Program, provides children twelve years or older an educational yet fun interpretive experience they help ‘role-play’ in historic buildings to the visiting public. Proudly offered by the Friends of the Ukrainian Village Society, these unique and interactive week-long day camps are offered weekly in July and August. This year’s dates are as follows (including statutory holidays): Week 1: June 30 to July 4 Week 5: July 28 to August 1 Week 2: July 7 to July 11 Week 6: August 4 to August 8 Week 3: July 14 to July 18 Week 7: August 11 to August 15 Week 4: July 21 to July 25 Week 8*: August 18 to August 22 (*/ Mundare/ Lamont week) Transportation from Edmonton for weeks 1 to 7 is provided from these four locations: - Old St. Stephen’s College, 8820-112 Street - Northwood Mall McDonalds’ parking lot - Flying J Sherwood Park on Hwy 16 East - Clark’s Esso on Hwy 16 and RR 223 Transportation for week 8 is provided from these three locations (Vegreville/ Mundare/ Lamont week): - Homesteader Hotel Vegreville - Lamont Elementary School - Mundare Arena During the duration of their visit, participants of the Historic Children’s Program will be in the care of trained Activity Guides. Register today! The registration fee is only $170 per week. A special rate of $155 if offered for multi-child household or for current members of the Friends of the Ukrainian Village Society. A confirmation package will be mailed upon receipt of registration. For more information about the Historic Children’s Program, please call (780) 662-3640 or visit www.culture.alberta.ca/uchv Historic Children’s Program and Junior Interpretive Program 2008 Registration Form

Please check: Historic Children’s Program Junior Interpretive Program

Child’s Name: ______Male Female Birth Date: ______Costume Size:______Parent’s/ Guardian Name: ______Address: ______City: ______Province: ______Postal Code: ______Telephone (home): ______Telephone (work): ______Telephone (mobile): ______E-mail: ______Emergency contact: ______Emergency telephone: ______Does your child have any medical condition or other issue that you feel activity guides should know about? Yes No If yes, please explain: ______Does your child have any allergies or dietary restrictions? Yes No If yes, please explain: ______This year’s summer day camp take place on the following dates: Week 1: June 30 to July 4 Week 5: July 28 to August 1 Week 2: July 7 to July 11 Week 6: August 4 to August 8 Week 3: July 14 to July 18 Week 7: August 11 to August 15 Week 4: July 21 to July 25 Week 8: August 18 to August 22 (Vegreville/ Mundare/ Lamont week)

Please indicate 1st and 2nd preference for program week (HCP or JIP) : 1st choice: ______2nd choice: ______

Please indicate pick-up point (weeks 1 to 7) Please indicate pick-up point (week 8 only) Old St. Stephen’s College 8:00 am Vegreville 8:15 am 8820-112 Street 4:15 pm Homesteader Hotel parking lot 3:50 pm Northtown Mall McDonald’s 8:20 am Mundare 8:30 am 95 Street and 137 Avenue 3:55 pm Mundare Arena 3:35 pm Flying J Sherwood Park 8:40 am Lamont 8:50 am Broadmoor Blvd and Hwy 16 3:35 pm Lamont Elementary School 3:15 pm Clark’s Esso 8:50 am RR 223 and Hwy 16 3:25 pm

Payment method: Single registration Multi-family registration/ Friends discount

Visa/ Mastercard # ______Cheque # _____ (Payable to Friends of the Ukrainian Village Society)

Please mail completed form with payment to: Friends of the Ukrainian Village Society Historic Children’s Program 8820-112 Street Questions? Please call (780) 662-3640 Edmonton, AB T6G 2P8 FRIENDS OF THE UKRAINIAN VILLAGE SOCIETY ТOВАРИСТВO ПРИЯТЕЛІВ УКРАÏНСЬКOГO СЕЛА MEMBERSHIP FORM / Заява на членство

Membership / Членствo: New / Нoве Renewal / Віднoвлення

Name / Ім'я та прізвище: ______

Address / Домашня адреса: ______

City / Місто:______Province / Провінція:______Postal Code / Поштовий індекс: ______

Telephone Number / Номер телефону: ( ) ______

E-mail Address / Адреса електронної пошти:______

Membership Type / Тип членства: Family / Сімейний $30.00

Individual / Індивідуальний $15.00

Make cheques payable to: Friends of the Ukrainian Village Society Чеки виписувати на: Товариство Приятелів Українського Села

Please return membership form to: Friends of the Ukrainian Village Society Надішліть цю форму за адресою: 8820 – 112 Street Edmonton, AB T6G 2P8

As a member of the Friends of the Ukrainian Village Для членів Товариства Приятелів Українського Society, you are invited to visit the Ukrainian Cultural Села вхід у Село Української Культурної Heritage Village as often as you wish FREE OF Спадщини необмежений і БЕЗКОШТОВНИЙ! CHARGE!! Membership to the Friends Society also Члени також отримують 50% знижку на entitles you to a 50% discount on admission to any of відвідування наступних музеїв та історичних the following Alberta Provincial Historic Sites: пам`яток провінції Альберти: Brooks Aqueduct * Father Lacombe Chapel * Fort George & Buckingham House * Interpretive Center * Fort McMurray Oil Sands * Head Smashed-In Buffalo Jump * Historic Dunvegan * Provincial Mu- seum of Alberta * Remington Alberta Carriage Center * Reynolds Alberta Museum * Royal Tyrrell Museum * Rutherford House * Stephansson House * Victoria Settlement *

PLUS: ТАКОЖ: « »  Subscription to the “Village Voice” newsletter  Підписка на вісник Голос Села  Voting privileges at the Annual General Meeting  Право голосування на річних загальних зборах Товариства  Pre-registration for all Friends’ sponsored programs  Попередня реєстрація на всі програми спонсоровані Товариством