Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority

Application Code: E/03/41 Committee Date: 08/10/2019 Location: Land adjacent to the Village Hall, Maulds Meaburn


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© Crown copyright and database rights 2017 Ordnance Survey 100023740. Additional information: © Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority Schedule No:2

Application No: E/03/41

District: Eden


Applicant's Name: Mr A Knowles, Eden Stonework Limited

Grid Ref: NY62491615

Received by YDNP: 15/07/2019 Officer: Michelle Clowes

PROPOSAL: approval of reserved matters following outline permission S/2016/460 granted on 22.09.2016, for the erection of 3 no. dwellings and associated access and parking

LOCATION: Land adjacent to the Village Hall, Maulds Meaburn

CONSULTEES Crosby Ravensworth PC Resolved to object to the application on the following grounds: Highways Issues (1.), Capacity of Physical Infrastructure (2.), the effect on the Maulds Meaburn Conservation Area (3.). It was felt that the proposals were of generic type that would have detrimental impact on the conservation area.

Councillors felt that conditions to address/mitigate the impact should address the following concerns: •(3.) Specification of Local (recovered Slate). •(3.) The use of ‘Random’ Local Stone in facing the buildings. •(3.) The negative impact of the proposed white UPVC doors and window frames (It was noted that the drawings showing coloured doors and the materials descriptions were at odds). •(2.) A requirement that surface water must be retained on site to avoid excessive run off on to the roads in an area that was subject to downstream flooding. The use of porous materials on the hardstanding car parking should be a condition of a consent. •(1.) 6 parking spaces were deemed to be inadequate and would lead to parking congestion in the area of the Maulds Meaburn Village Institute. It was felt that some proposed garden space should be sacrificed to provide this and that an alternative arrangement of spaces could be more efficient. •(3.) Rainwater goods should be specified that were in keeping with the conservation area. •(3.) It was felt that the uniform door canopies as

E/03/41 08 Oct 2019 Schedule No:2 proposed would make a detrimental impact on the conservation area and that a variety of types and shapes including V shapes like that on Hill House (Gable porch styles would add variety and pick up themes from other houses in the village). •(3.) It was felt that the front boundary should be a drystone wall bearing in mind that this type of boundary was in use throughout the settlement adjoining the green which was grazed by animals who could have easy access to the back of the properties. •It was felt that the development should include Swift and Bat boxes. •It was noted that drawings 04P8 and 6047.01 were at odds. County The details shown in regards to the landscaping and Council Highways appearance are satisfactory. No objections. CTO - Eden No comments received. United Utilities Water No comments received. Ltd Natural The proposed development will not have significant adverse impacts on statutorily protected nature conservation sites. Wildlife Conservation No objection subject to the development being carried Officer out in accordance with the approved plans. Historic England No comments. Trees & Woodlands No objections. PUBLIC RESPONSES

None to date. RELEVANT PLANNING POLICIES DEV5 (E) - Design of New Development ENV10(E) - The Historic Environment OFFICER OBSERVATIONS REASON FOR COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION This application is reported to the Planning Committee for the following reason; the recommendation of the Parish Council is contrary to the decision that the Head of Development Management proposes to take.

APPLICATION SITE The application site is an agricultural field located close to the centre of Maulds Meaburn, abutting the edge of the roadside between the Village Institute and the dwelling of The Barn. The site is enclosed by a drystone wall and slopes down from west to east towards the road. The site is within the Conservation Area and the back of the site adjoins the southern edge of a Scheduled Monument.

PROPOSAL The current application seeks approval for the matters which were reserved from the

E/03/41 08 Oct 2019 Schedule No:2 original outline application, including appearance and landscaping.

The proposed dwellings would form a terrace of 3 two storey properties including 1 larger 3 bedroomed dwelling and 2 smaller, 2 bedroomed dwellings. Vehicular access would be provided to the south of the site with a single access road leading to a parking area to the south west of the site for 7 vehicles.

RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY Outline planning permission was approved for this site in September 2016 under delegated powers for the erection of 3 dwellings with associated access and car parking.

KEY ISSUES: - Principle of development - appearance (design) - landscaping - impact on Conservation Area - Parish Council comments

PRINCIPLE OF DEVELOPMENT The Eden Local Plan (2014 – 2032) was adopted by the National Park Authority in December 2018. Policy CS1 of the Development Plan identifies Maulds Meaburn as a smaller village or hamlet. Here development of an appropriate scale, which reflects: the existing built form of the settlement, adjoining and neighbouring development to the site, and the service function of the settlement, will be permitted.

The principle of siting 3 dwellings on this plot of land has already been established via the granting of the outline permission. The outline permission also established the proposed access, layout and scale.

APPEARANCE (DESIGN) Policy DEV5 of the adopted Eden Local Plan (2014 – 2032) requires all new development to be of a high quality design, which reflects local distinctiveness. The site is visually prominent being located on the main road through the village and next to the Village Hall. The proposed dwellings would form a terrace of 3 properties that would face towards the public highway and be level with the front elevations of the existing buildings to either side of the site. The properties would be set back a small distance from the edge of the road with front gardens enclosed by a traditional dry stone wall. Amended plans have been received to ensure that the dwellings would have a traditional appearance with a good solid to void ratio between solid walls and openings. They would be constructed of stone under a slate roof with the gable elevations to the side and the height of the properties is instep with the gradient of the land which slopes from south to north. The rear of the properties will not be publically visible due to the rising land behind the buildings.

Bat and swift boxes have been incorporated into the fabric of the end gable elevations of plots 1 and 3 to improve the biodiversity potential of the site in line with paragraph 175 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2019).

Access to the site is provided to the south with a private access drive leading to car parking for 6 resident’s spaces and 1 visitor car parking space. A communal car parking area is considered preferable to private drives for each of the property which would give a much more suburban layout and appearance to the development.

E/03/41 08 Oct 2019 Schedule No:2 The proposed dwellings now take their architectural cues from existing properties within the village. This will ensure that the new development will integrate successfully with the character of the area, whilst providing a modern level of accommodation for future occupants. On this basis the appearance and design of the development is considered to be in accordance with policy DEV5.

LANDSCAPING The proposed dwellings would be located at the front of the site with the land rising behind forming the garden areas for each property. The proposal as originally submitted, involved significant engineering operations to level the land to form terraced areas within each garden which would have appeared out of character for such a rural setting. This has now been amended so that the rear gardens generally work with the existing gradient of the land, aside from the provision of level patio areas to enable future occupant’s space to sit outside.

The proposed boundary treatments have also been amended to remove the proposed 1.5m solid timber fences to the rear garden boundaries and instead replace them with traditional stone walls of the same height. As there may be public views of the rear garden’s particularly that of plot 1, this will ensure that the external appearance of the site is appropriate for an edge of village location.

In terms of soft landscaping, 3 trees are proposed, 1 within each of the rear garden areas. Further tree planting was requested to the front of the properties. However, due to the limited land between the front elevations and the edge of the carriageway it was considered that there was insufficient room to accommodate appropriate native tree planting without there being future pressure to remove them.

It is considered that both the proposed hard and soft landscaping would be compatible with the character and appearance of the new dwellings and their setting within the village. In this regard, the proposal is considered to comply with policy DEV5 of the adopted Eden Local Plan (2014 – 2032).

IMPACT ON THE CHARACTER & APPEARANCE OF THE CONSERVATION AREA The application site sits within the Maulds Meaburn Conservation Area. Section 72 of the Town & Country Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990 requires Local Planning Authorities to have special regard to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of conservation areas. Likewise policy ENV10 of the adopted Eden Local Plan (2014 – 2032) requires all proposals for development to conserve and where appropriate, enhance the significance of all heritage assets and their setting.

The site is visually prominent within the Maulds Meaburn Conservation Area and as such will affect views within the designated heritage asset. The character of the Conservation Area is predominantly made up of terraced cottages and occasional larger detached farmhouses. The terrace of 3, 2 storey dwellings would therefore be reflective of the character of the Conservation Area. Due to the sloping nature of the access road will be visible from various points within the Conservation Area. It is important that the surface choice for the road and car parking spaces is appropriate to the rural setting of the site.

For the reasons discussed above in the appearance and landscaping sections, it is considered that the proposed development is of a scale and design that will ensure that the development would conserve and enhance the significance of the Conservation Area, in accordance with policy ENV10. E/03/41 08 Oct 2019 Schedule No:2

PARISH COUNCIL COMMENTS Crosby Ravensworth Parish Council objected to the application on 3 grounds; highways issues, capacity of physical infrastructure and the affect on the Maulds Meaburn Conservation Area. The first 2 matters cannot be revisited as part of this reserved matters application and the impact of the development on the Conservation Area has been discussed above. The Parish Council were also concerned that the new properties should be constructed from random local stone and reclaimed Westmorland slates, without upvc windows, with appropriate rainwater goods and set behind a stone wall. Apart from the stone wall, these matters can all be dealt with via a conditional planning approval and samples of material will be requested to ensure a quality finish to the development. The amended plans show a traditional wall to the front of all 3 properties and around plot 1 alongside the access road. The door canopies have all been removed and the larger dwelling would now benefit from a traditional porch. Likewise, due to concerns about surface water flooding, the Parish Council requested that the hardstanding for the access road and car parking area be of a porous material and this can be secured via condition. A swift and bat box has been incorporated into the gable ends of the properties.

The Parish Council also consider that 6 car parking spaces are inadequate and would lead to parking congestion around the Maulds Meaburn Village Institute. They suggested that some garden space should be sacrificed to provide off – street parking. Amended plans have been provided now including 7 car parking spaces (including 1 visitor space) within the communal car parking area. It would be difficult to accommodate any further spaces in this area due to the topography of the land and the presence of an existing electricity pole. Car parking spaces would not be supported to the front of the dwellings as they would dominate views of the properties from within the Conservation Area. There are no parking restrictions on the main road in front of the application site and the road is sufficiently wide enough for vehicles to pass any parked cars. Irrespective of this, access arrangements were considered at the outline stage and have already been considered to be acceptable by Officers and the Highway Authority.

The Parish Council were consulted on the amended plans but have not responded at the time of writing. It is considered that there are insufficient grounds to refuse this application on the reasons put forward by the Parish Council.

ANALYSIS AND MATERIAL CONSIDERATIONS The approval of this application would enable the development of 3 dwellings to be brought forward. The proposed appearance and landscaping of the site would not harm the setting of the site and would preserve the character and appearance of the Maulds Meaburn Conservation Area. The development would therefore accord with policies ENV10 and DEV5 of the adopted Eden Local Plan (2014 – 2032) and approval is recommended subject to conditions. RECOMMENDATION That reserved matters approval is granted subject to conditions including the following;

1.Standard time limit for reserved matters implementation 2.Accordance with outline permission and approved plans 3.Sample panel of stonework and sample of roofing material 4.Window and door frames made of timber and recessed 5.Approval of porous surfacing material for access road and car parking 6.Planting to be carried out in accordance with submitted scheme E/03/41 08 Oct 2019 Schedule No:2 7.Bat and bird boxes to be retained 8.External lighting to be approved 9.Conservation rooflights 10.Removal of pd rights.

E/03/41 08 Oct 2019