Anali Za Istrske in Mediteranske Študije Annali Di Studi Istriani E Mediterranei Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies S

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Anali Za Istrske in Mediteranske Študije Annali Di Studi Istriani E Mediterranei Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies S UDK 009 ISSN 1408-5348 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Series Historia et Sociologia, 24, 2014, 4 KOPER 2014 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 24 · 2014 · 4 ISSN 1408-5348 UDK 009 Letnik 24, leto 2014, številka 4 UREDNIŠKI ODBOR/ Simona Bergoč, Furio Bianco (IT), Milan Bufon, Lucija Čok, COMITATO DI REDAZIONE/ Lovorka Čoralić (HR), Darko Darovec, Goran Filipi (HR), Vesna BOARD OF EDITORS: Mikolič, Aleksej Kalc, Avgust Lešnik, John Martin (USA), Robert Matijašić (HR), Darja Mihelič, Edward Muir (USA), Claudio Povolo (IT), Vida Rožac Darovec, Mateja Sedmak, Lenart Škof, Tomislav Vignjević, Salvator Žitko Glavni urednik/Redattore capo/ Darko Darovec Editor in chief: Odgovorni urednik/Redattore Salvator Žitko responsabile/Responsible Editor: Uredniki/Redattori/Editors: Mateja Sedmak, Gorazd Bajc Gostujoča urednica/Guest editor Mateja Režek Tehnična urednica/Redattore tecnico/ Urška Lampe Technical Editor: Prevajalci/Traduttori/Translators: Grens-tim Oblikovalec/Progetto grafico/ Dušan Podgornik , Darko Darovec Graphic design: Tisk/Stampa/Print: Grafis trade d.o.o. Izdajatelja/Editori/Published by: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko - Koper / Società storica del Litorale - Capodistria© Za izdajatelja/Per Editore/ Salvator Žitko Publisher represented by: Sedež uredništva/Sede della redazione/ SI-6000 Koper/Capodistria, Kreljeva/Via Krelj 3, Address of Editorial Board: tel.: ++386 5 62 73 296, fax 62 73 296; e-mail: [email protected], internet: Redakcija te številke je bila zaključena 20. 11. 2014. Sofinancirajo/Supporto finanziario/ Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije Financially supported by: (ARRS) Annales - Series historia et sociologia izhaja štirikrat letno. Maloprodajna cena tega zvezka je 11 EUR. Naklada/Tiratura/Circulation: 300 izvodov/copie/copies Revija Annales, Series historia et sociologia je vključena v naslednje podatkovne baze / La rivista Annales, Series historia et sociologia è inserita nei seguenti data base / Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in: Thomson Reuters (USA): Arts and Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) in/and Current Contents / Arts & Humanities; IBZ, Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur (GER); Sociological Abstracts (USA); Referativnyi Zhurnal Viniti (RUS); European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH); Elsevier B. V.: SCOPUS (NL). ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 24 · 2014 · 4 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies UDK 009 Letnik 24, Koper 2014, številka 4 ISSN 1408-5348 VSEBINA / INDICE GENERALE / CONTENTS Slobodan Selinić: Jugoslovenska diplomatija Jovan Čavoški: Od Alpa do Himalaja: 1945–1950: stvaranje partijske diplomatije ............ 553 ambasador Dušan Kveder i razvoj La diplomazia jugoslava 1945–1950: nascita jugoslovensko-indijskih odnosa ............................. 625 della diplomazia di partito Dalle Alpi all’Himalaya: l’ambasciatore, Yugoslav Diplomacy 1945–1950: Creating Dušan Kveder, e lo sviluppo delle relazioni a Party Diplomatic Service fra la Jugoslavia e l’India From Alps to the Himalayas: Ambassador Andrej Rahten: Kraljevi ali maršalovi diplomati? Dušan Kveder and the Evolution Politične dileme in opredelitve slovenskih of Indo-Yugoslav Relations diplomatov na prehodu iz monarhistične v komunistično Jugoslavijo .................................... 563 Dragomir Bondžić: Školovanje studenata Diplomatici del re o del maresciallo? iz zemalja u razvoju kao deo spoljne politike Dilemmi e scelte politiche dei diplomatici Jugoslavije 1950–1961 ........................................... 637 sloveni nel passaggio dalla Jugoslavia La formazione degli studenti provenienti monarchica a quella comunista dai paesi in via di sviluppo quale parte King‘s or Marshal‘s Diplomats? della politica estera jugoslava 1950–1961 Political Dilemmas and Decisions The Education of Students from Developing of Slovene Diplomats in the Transition Period Countries as a Part of Foreign Policy from Monarchist to Communist Yugoslavia of Yugoslavia 1950–1961 Vladimir Petrović: Josip Broz Tito’s Summit Vladimir Lj. Cvetković: Jugoslavija Diplomacy in the International Relations i istočnoevropske zemlje u susedstvu of Socialist Yugoslavia 1944–1961 ......................... 577 1953–1958: opservacija, akcija, rezultati ............... 649 La diplomazia apicale di Tito e le relazioni La Jugoslavia e i paesi confinanti dell’Europa internazionali della Jugoslavia socialista 1944–1961 orientale 1953–1958: contesto, strategie, risultati Titova »summit-diplomacija« in mednarodni Yugoslavia and the Neighboring East European odnosi socialistične Jugoslavije 1944–1961 Countries 1953–1958: Observation, Action, Results Aleksandar Životić: Insistiranje na principima? Marijana Stamova: Bulgarian-Yugoslav Relations Jugoslavija i počeci rata u Koreji (1950–1951) ....... 593 and the Macedonian Question (1948–1963) ........... 661 Perseveranza dei principi? La Jugoslavia e Le relazioni bulgaro-jugoslave e la questione l’inizio della guerra di Corea (1950–1951) macedone (1948–1963) Insisting on Principles? Yugoslavia Bolgarsko-jugoslovanski odnosi in makedonsko and the Beginning of War in Korea (1950–1951) vprašanje (1948–1963) Mateja Režek: Vroča jesen 1956: sueška kriza, Jan Pelikán: Kosovo in jugoslovansko-albanski madžarska vstaja in vloga Jugoslavije ..................... 601 odnosi v letih 1966–1968 ....................................... 671 Autunno caldo 1956: la crisi di Suez, Il Kosovo e le relazioni jugoslavo-albanesi la rivolta ungherese e il ruolo della Jugoslavia negli anni 1966–1968 Hot Autumn 1956: the Suez Crisis, the Hungarian Kosovo and Yugoslav-Albanian Relations Uprising, and the Role of Yugoslavia between 1966 and 1968 Dragan Bogetić: Jugoslavija i nesvrstanost: Mira Radojević: Savez »Oslobodjenje« o spoljnoj prilog prevazilaženju predrasuda i stereotipa ......... 615 politici jugoslovenske države (1948–1961) ............. 681 La Jugoslavia e il non allineamento: contributo L'alleanza »Oslobodjenje« (Liberazione) in materia al superamento dei pregiudizi e degli stereotipi di politica estera dello stato jugoslavo (1948–1961) Yugoslavia and Non-Alignment: a Contribution The »Oslobodjenje« (Liberation) Alliance about to Overcoming Prejudices and Stereotypes Foreign Policy of Yugoslavia (1948–1961) ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 24 · 2014 · 4 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Radmila Radić: Jugoslavija i Vatikan Bojan Godeša: Oblikovanje odnosa 1918–1992. godine ................................................ 691 do sosednjih držav (Italija, Avstrija) Jugoslavia e Vaticano 1918–1992 v slovenskem/jugoslovanskem partizanskem Yugoslavia and the Vatican 1918–1992 gibanju (1941–1945) ............................................. 749 Lo sviluppo delle relazioni con i paesi confinanti Dušan Nečak: Slovenski diplomati (Italia, Austria) nel movimento partigiano v nemško-jugoslovanskih odnosih 1949–1973 ........ 703 sloveno/jugoslavo (1941–1945) I diplomatici sloveni nelle relazioni The Shaping of the Attitude towards the tedesco-jugoslave 1949–1973 Neighbouring States (Italy, Austria) in the Slovene Diplomats in German-Yugoslav Slovenian/Yugoslav Partisan Movement (1941–1945) Relations 1949–1973 Jože Pirjevec: Iskanje socializma Gorazd Bajc: Dietro le quinte della visita s človeškim obrazom ............................................. 763 di Tito a Roma nel 1971: il contesto locale e La ricerca di un socialismo dal volto umano internazionale letto dalla diplomazia britannica ..... 713 The Search for Socialism with a Human Face Behind the Visit of Tito in Rome – 1971: the Local and the International Context Kazalo k slikam na ovitku ........................................ 780 Seen by the British Diplomacy Indice delle foto di copertina V zakulisju Titovega obiska v Rimu leta 1971: Index to pictures on the cover pogledi britanske diplomacije na lokalne in mednarodne razsežnosti Navodila avtorjem ................................................... 781 Istruzioni per gli autori Jure Ramšak: »Socialistična« gospodarska Instructions to authors diplomacija: dejavnost Socialistične republike Slovenije na področju mednarodnih ekonomskih odnosov 1974–1980 .......................... 733 Diplomazia economica »socialista«: l‘attività della Repubblica socialista di Slovenia nei rapporti economici internazionali 1974–1980 »Socialist« Economic Diplomacy: Activities of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia in the Field of International Economic Relations 1974–1980 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 24 · 2014 · 4 original scientifi c article UDC 327(497.1)"1945/1950" received: 2014-05-14 JUGOSLOVENSKA DIPLOMATIJA 1945–1950: STVARANJE PARTIJSKE DIPLOMATIJE1 Slobodan SELINIĆ Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, Trg Nikole Pašića 11/IV, 11000 Beograd, Srbija e-mail: [email protected] IZVLEČEK Članek se opira na arhivske fonde Arhiva Jugoslavije in Diplomatskega arhiva Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Srbije ter na relevantno literaturo. Avtor opisuje spremembe v jugoslovanski diplomaciji in na diplomatskih predstav- ništvih po zmagi partizanske strani v drugi svetovni vojni v Jugoslaviji. Obenem pojasnjuje proces odstranjevanja diplomatov z jugoslovanskih diplomatskih predstavništev, za katere je nova oblast menila, da so njeni nasprotniki, ter kadrovsko politiko in način,
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    PREFACE PREFACE Peter Mackridge “I much doubt Crete being a picturesque country in any way, or that it will repay much trouble in seeing it. Its antiquities, etc. so old as to be all but invisible; its buildings, monasteries, etc. nil; its Turkish towns fourth-rate. Rats O! and gnats.” (Edward Lear, The Cretan Journal, ed. Rowena Fowler (Dedham: Denise Harvey, 1984), p. 31 (15 April 1864)) 1. Preamble Professional photoportrait of R.M. Dawkins by G. Maragiannis, Herakleion, 19031 R.M. Dawkins first came to Crete during the period of his Craven Scholarship, which was awarded to him by Emmanuel College, Cambridge as a reward for his Double First in the Classical Tripos. Under the terms of the scholarship, he spent the academic year 1902-3 attached to the British School at Athens. During this period, in early 1903, excited by Arthur Evans’ discoveries at Knossos, he sailed to Crete not only to familiarize himself with the recently discovered Minoan finds that were housed in the archaeological museum at Herakleion, but also to take part in one of the excavations. In a letter to Xan Fielding (19 January 1952) he writes that he landed at Suda Bay, from where he rode to Candia (the Venetian name for modern Herakleion)2 1 Photo from the Dawkins archive, University of Oxford. The photographer Maragiannis was employed by Arthur Evans to take photos of Knossos during the excavations there: Ann Brown, Arthur Evans and the Palace of Minos (Oxford: Ashmolean Museum, 2000), p. 11. 2 The name Candia derives from the Arabic khandaq ‘moat’, which the Arab conquerors of Crete used as the name of the town they founded in the 820s as the capital of the Emirate of Crete.
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