1 66 1


u or of Historicals G rad uate s A th , Antiq uities, and ,

of o o . N rthampt n , Mass


W " — Th a 0 G od is in the San tu a r . SAL M 77 13 . y y, , c y P



1891 .

0 , w

— — 8 FIFTH MEETING H O U SE E RE C TE D 1 877 7 .

I N R D T O U CT I O N .

W ork here of The introduced , covering a period two hundred and thirty years, solicits the charitable d ju gment of an intelligent com munity .

has It is not claimed to be perfect , though that

’ been the writer s steady purpose and endeavor . At

n fi the beginni g, dif culties , arising from the absence of yearly dates in receiving Members , were to be met . 100 For the first almost years , the precise time when people united with the church is omitted . This was 1 66 1 4 m the order steadily pursued from 1 till 75 . Fro

’ this latter date , the beginning of Mr . Hooker s min i str . y, the admissions and the year go together

Note another particular . But one in terval appears

o when names of Members have been lost . This c h curred near the close of Jonat an Edwards pastorate .

Alienation existed . The church went into a dark

F e w d . cloud . conversions occurre Fewer still unit Th . e ed with the church record of that interval , and of those admissi ons is missing . The only one of the kind during the long period covered by this history . INTRODUCTION .

- The Work , embracing over forty two hundred and

b of constantl fifty names, has een one , y increasing w ’ interest on the riter s part . Gratitude is hereby expressed that he is permitted to see its completion . It is offered as a tribute of the author ’ s esteem for his native place . May it serve as a reminder of the

o t o superior w r h of those , who , so l ng ago , laid in

o this community the f undations of the first church . CH A P TER I .


’ lea ar Ma ther s i r 8 — 1 69 R ev . E z M ni s t 1 65 6 . y ,


Samuel Wright . One of th e first settlers . His

h ome lot lay between King and Market streets .

On it are , The First National Bank The Smith

Charities and other buildings .

John Marsh . 16 6 Thomas Woodford . Was of Springfield in 3 and

of Hartford 1 639 . Where he collected funds in 64 1 5 for the students at Cambridge .

o Bathorn Wilt n .

Abigail Strong .

Margaret Wright .

Arthur Williams .

Mary Alford .


George Alexander . Had a son Alexander Alexander 16 6 in 5 .

e Isaac Sheldon . Lived on King Str et for near fifty

years , father of fifteen children . Ancestor of

the Northampton Sheldons .

Mary Sheldon .

Alexander Edwards . Came from Wales . See the origin of that name in Northampton where he

" v li ed , Welsh End , toward the Hospital .

W o o illiam Hannum . Came fr m Windsor, C nn . His

son n Joh had thirteen children .

Nathaniel Phelps .

Bathorn Williams .

Ann Bartlett .

Deliverance Hanchett .

George Langton .

Es ther Mather .

o D rcas Lyman .

Ruth Baker .

Hannah Langton .

Honor Hannum .

. f Aaron Cooke A man of daring and energy , a a

. of mous wolf hunter Had the title Major .

Joanna Cooke .

William Holton . One of the Springfield petitioners

. o and one of the first settlers The first deac n , 1 6 chosen in 63 . ’ MATH ER s 7 ELEAZAR MINISTRY .

Mary Holton .

Sarah Clark .

unlifI Susan C .

Elizabeth Woodward .

Alice Hutchinson .

Susan Alexander . b Richard Lyman . Chosen on the first oard of Se

lectm n 1 e in 655 . Prominent in promoting the

business and welfare of the community . Recorder

N onotuck o of the proprietors of , or N rthampton , 1 65 4 1 6 him from to 5 7. Six generations followed

on his Pleasant street homestead .

Hephzibah Lyman .

ortham John Lyman , brother of Richard , was in N p

lu m . ton 1658 . He married Dorcas P

John King . A man of intelligence and worth . Lived

on King street ; received its name from him .

John Ingersoll .

Mary Burt .

Sarah King .

i Th . e Eleazar Mather first pastor , preached eleven

- years , deceased at thirty two . Esther Mather , his

widow, was a remarkable woman . She married

the second minister, Rev . Mr . Stoddard , and lived

- seventy seven years in Northampton .


William Clark , viz . , Lieut . William . In public life

o one of the ass ciate justices for Hampshire County , ffi filled other o ces, one of the seven pillars of the

church .

John Strong . Same as Elder John . Came to

Northampton the same year with Lt . Wm . Clark ,

1 6 9 o 5 . Both aided in devel ping the infant col

ony . The descendants of both were numbered by

the th ousands .

C u nlifi Henry .

Henry Woodward . One of the early pillars of the

e o first church , anc stor of the late Samuel W od

ward , M . D .

Thomas Root . His descendants lived in Southamp

ton and elsewhere .

. 1 Thomas Hanchett Chosen second deacon in 668 .

o W estfield t M ved to wi hin the next two years .

William Janes . Was recorder of lands for twenty

o years, als a school teacher, and bore the honorable

Mr title of . , conferred only on a few . "

o . o Th mas Bascom Came fr m the North of England .

His grandson . Jonathan , was a first settler in

Southampton .

William Hulburd .

Avis Bascom .

Ann Hulburd .

Elizabeth Curtis . ’ 9 ELEAZAR MATHER S MINISTRY .

Abigail Strong James .

Josiah D udy .

Mary Strong . A John Stebbins . Father of sixteen children . p pointed in 1661 with others to build a meeting

o - 150 house , f rty two feet square , costing not over pound s 1 662 Joseph Eliot . Born in Roxbury . He came in ;

’ preached as Mr . Mather s assistant , with a view

s. to settlement, remained not over two year

Clemence Mason .

Elizabeth Phelps .

Richard Weller .

Sarah Smith .

Robert Bartlett . Killed by the Indians March 1 4th 1 676 , when they broke through the palisades at

the lower end of Pleasant street , setting fire to

several houses and barns .

Joseph Leeds .

Freedom Strong .

Sarah Hannum .

Sarah Allen .

Samuel Smith .

Mary Smith .

Joseph Parsons . United with the little band at itl 1 t e . Northampton in 655 . Had the of Cornet

Kept the first house of entertainment in the place .

The Parsons families there descended from him . F CHA TER II .

olom on Stod d ard s Ministr 1672 1 729 . R ev . S y ,


Solomon Stoddard . The second minister . A man

of learning ; a plain , successful preacher . Five

harvests crowned his labors . Married Esther

Mather, widow of the first minister, the hon ored mother of thirteen children all reared fam

ilies of their own , often a large household . His

son , Anthony Stoddard , preached nearly sixty

years .

Medad Pomeroy . Became one of the first men in

town . Served as selectman , town clerk and

of treasurer, register deeds, representative to leg

- islature . , forty one years deacon

Josiah Dewey .

Thomas Bascom , Jr .

Caleb Pomeroy .

of Nehemiah All e n . Ancestor Col . Ethan Allen

o f Vermont .


Timbthy Baker . Belonged to the same race with

O sm n m y , late a me ber of Congress, President of

the Board of Trustees of the Smith Charities .

Joseph Parsons , Jr . Third justice of the Court of

Common Pleas , a man of large business, public

and private . Lived with his wife sixty years,

reared twelve children , all married , had large

families . His son , Joseph , was pastor at Leba

— o . 1 700 8 . non , C nn ,

John Bridgman . Son of James the settler .

Samuel Davis .

John Hann um .

John Holton .

John Clark . The first deacon John . Son of Lt .

William . Lived where the Art Gallery stands .

Constantly in public service . Went representa i tive to Boston fourteen t mes . His devotion to public duties injured his health and shortened

his life . By his ten children had over eighty

grandchildren .

David Burt .

Joshua Pomeroy .

o Jonathan Hunt . From Hartford . Home lot n n what became Elm street . His dwelling ear the

’ Mills place , afterwards Miss Burnham s . A

O . ooper , a skilled workman Chosen deacon in 1 680 . A valuable citizen . 1 2 FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

John Woodward . Mind w ll . e Benjamin Edwards His daughter , , mar

ried Noah Parsons , Sr . , who lived on South

e . . street , near the ntrance to L B Williams

house , where his twelve children were born .

Eleanor F rarey.

Mary Holton .

Katherine Wilton .

Susanna Alexander .

Hephzibah Marsh .

Mary Hunt .

Ruth Limon .

Katherine Branch .

Elizabeth Weller .

Freedom Strong.

Sarah Allen .

Mary Bascom .

Abigail .

Elizabe th Sm ead e .

Mary Brid gman .

Mary Phelps .

Experience Pomeroy,

Hephzibah Pomeroy .

Thankful Taylor.

Sarah Clapp .

Hephzibah Lyman . ’ 13 SOLOMON STO DDARD S MINISTRY .

. 1 674. Joseph Hawley Graduated at Harvard , u Came at once to Northampton . Ta ght a gram

mar school . Chosen captain , received title of

M r . Ancestor of Northampton Hawleys .

William Sm ead e .

Enos Kingsley . Came from Dorchester . Married

1 662 . in Northampton ,

’ Samuel Langton . The Samuel L . Parsons place on West street came int o that family through h Samuel Langton , an ancestor, who boug t it in

1 709 .

Samuel Smith .

Samuel Allen . Came unmarried to Northampton 1 65 in 7 . Received his home lot on King street , Ed corner of King and Back Lane , now called

. 165 9 . wards street Married , , Hannah Woodford The Allens of Northampton and Pittsfield de

o scended fr m them .

Ebenezer Strong . A farmer and tanner . The

third and last ruling elder in the First Church .

The seventh child of Elder John . He was ser

geant , constable , and for a long time one of the

selectmen .

t Samuel Bartlet .

John Taylor .

Nathaniel Phelps, Jr .


John French .

James Wright .

Samuel Clark . Brother of the first deacon John ,

s ons of Lt . William . The two received from

their father six acres each on Elm street . John

on the south and Samuel on the north side .

or Jonathan Parsons . The first of three more of

that name in Northampton .

John Hulburt .

Ebenezer Wright . Established himself on Bridge

street about 1 684. The homestead is still owned

O f by his descendants . Filled the office deacon

- forty four years .

o William Holt n , Jr .

o Robert Lyman . F nd of hunting, fishing, and the him ’ like , hence from the names Robert s Hills

’ and Robert s Meadow . The first w ho discovered m the Westha pton lead mines .

Jacob Root .

Rachel Strong .

Sarah Alexander .

Joanna Ingraham .

Elizabeth Langton .

Rebecca Rust .

Sarah Bartlett .

Elizabeth Lyman .

Sarah Merry .


n Nathaniel Edwards . Son of Alexa der from Wales, 1 65 born in Northampton 7, soon after the fam

ily came .

Cl ss n Matthew e e .

William Phelps . His father , Dea . Nathaniel ,

came from England in the great ship , Mary and 1 . n 65 7 . John William was born in Northampto ,

Lived near Shady Lawn .

John Broughton .

Thomas Hunt .

Samuel Smith , Jr .

Samuel Parsons .

John Alexander .

William Southwell .

Nathaniel Curtis .

Philip Paine .

of Thomas Sheldon . One the fifteen ch ildren of

. 1 02 Isaac Chosen the seventh deacon in 7 . '

W ri ht J r. 16 Samuel g , A selectman in 55 . His d homestead on Bri ge street till recently , contin

ued in the family, through the long period of

225 years .

m ad Mehetabel S e e . All n Hannah e .

Elizabeth Parsons .

Broughton .


Abigail Phelps .

Mary Clark .

Hannah Sheldon .

Thankful Edwards .

Hephzibah Pomeroy .

Abigail Holton .

Hannah Alexander .

Sarah Baker .

Mind w ell Sheldon .

Mary Paine .

Sarah Wait .

Abigail Alvord .

Clemence Hunt .

Sarah Hol ton .

Martha Dickins on .

Elizabeth Stebbins .

Warham Mather . Son of Rev . Eleazar . Has the

h onor of being the first native of N orthampton

. 1 685 . who graduated , viz , at Harvard , Preached

also . some , taught Finally was Justice of Peace at New Haven ; also Judge of Probate there

— 1 716 27 .

Nathaniel Alexander . h o . . d au J hn King, Jr Was a lieutenant Married g

ter of Dea . Medad Pomeroy . She lived into her

n inetieth year . 2 18 FIRST CHURCH IN NOR T HAMP T ON .

o Jedediah Strong, Sr . Was a c nstable , received

e ar o eigh teen shillings a y , for bl wing the trum

m o to pet Sabbath morning, to su m n people

- church . He lived to be ninety six . Had four

teen children .

Jose ph Wright .

Benjamin Carpenter .

Noah C ooke .

Preserved Clap . Son of the renowned Roger of

th . D orchester . Chosen second Elder of e church

b to o Described as a lessing N rthampton .

n . Jedediah Stro g, Jr

John Livermore .

Eleazar Smith , " John Sear , Jr .

Samuel Allen , Jr . He was deacon of the church

' w d in the time of Jonathan Ed ar s , third pastor .

Samuel Rust .

o M ses Hutchinson .

H ope Root . In the first half century about sixty

Roots were born .

. L t. Nathaniel Clark Grandson of William . The first of several of the same name who lived on

the South street homestead . d Isaac Shel on .

John Hutchinson . i Abjah Ingersol l. ’ 19 SOLOMON STODDARD S MINISTRY .

Benjamin Janes .

Abigail Root .

Elsie Ingersoll .

Hephzibah Janes .

Joanna Smith .

Elizabeth Parsons .

Mary Parsons .

Abigail Strong .

Sarah Parsons .

Elsie H annum .

Sarah Alexander .

Mary Sheldon .

Sarah Wright .

Sarah Southwick .

Mary Stebbins .

Mary Ashley .

Rhoda Parsons .

Sarah King.

Mary Miller .

Abigail Wright .

Elizabeth King .

Samuel Davis .

the Elizur Wrigh t . Within first h alf century

ab out eighty Wrights were born in Northampton .

o o Ben ni Janes . Pr bably the same , with two chil

the 1 704 Paskhom u ck dren , killed by Indians , , at

now Easthampton . 20 FIRS T CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

o k J seph Coo . 1 k 68 . . 7 Mar Warner From Hadley , His home

t n s ead included the cor er where John Clarke ,

o N ortham the banker , lived . Ancest r of the p

ton Warners .

Benjamin Hastings .

o Ebenezer P omeroy . Acted as att rney in the trial d of four Indians, for the crime of mur er, com

m itted . a in Hadley He was a Major, lso Hon

orable .

Samuel Kingsley .

Nathaniel Rust .

o Ebenezer Str ng, Jr . His family numbered thir

teen children .

Benjamin Wright .

Samuel P helps .

to . t. 09 C 1 . David Lee Removed Coventry, , in 7

Re v o His granddaughter married . Th mas Allen . Pitt fi first minister in s eld .

Preserved Strong .

R oger Clap . Chosen captain . Went representa

tive . Had eight sons and a daughter ; all mar

ried and reared families .

S amuel Edwards , Jr . Grandson of Alexander from 80 Wales . Lived South street . His oldest was

Dea . Samuel , lived in Southampton , grandfather

of Prof . B . B . Edwards . ’ 21 SOLOMON STODDARD S MINISTRY .

- h J 0 n . Alvord , Sr

John Alvord , Jr .

J oseph King . Accidentally killed while hunting

with another .

Sarah Smith .

Ruth Alvord .

Abigail Searls .

Mercy Allen .

Sarah Rust .

Hannah Janes .

Elizabeth Porter .

Hannah Hutchins on .

Marcy Field .

M ary Burt .

Priscilla Webb .

Thankful Davis .

Lydia Taylor . i l M ndwe l Lyman .

Joanna S mith .

Mary Hastings .

Sarah C urtis .

Mary Miller .

Sarah Allen .

Thankful Lyman . h Me etabel Wright .

Anne Lyman .


Black ole Mark Warner, Jr . Homestead on p , same as Prospect street continued ; h ad seven d au gh ters and four sons ; removed beyond Florence to

what became the Warner district . Attained his

ninetieth year .

Thomas Strong . Son of Elder John . Received

from his f ather a homestead on Pleasant street .

Whole number of his children , sixteen . w Benjamin Alvord . A eaver, an express rider,

actively engaged in the French and Indian war .

Ebenezer Edwards .

Benjamin Lyman . A lieutenant . An enterprising

man , traded some , an extensive farmer, fatted 5 00 cattle in the stall , owned acres near Gran

ville , Mass . Two of his sons were graduates .

of Jonathan Strong . The first of five or six the

same name . Selectman five times . Number of

n . his children , seve teen Thirteen of them were

married .

William Phelps , Jr .

Jonathan Alvord .

Jonathan Rust .

n . on Ebe ezer Hunt Lived Bridge street. Moved 1 23 7 . his large family in to Lebanon , Conn

. 2d John Clark Styled the Deacon John . Built 04 1 7 . on South street Captain and deacon . De

at - ceased the age of eighty nine .


Clemence Judd .

Mercy Pomeroy.

Martha Hunt .

Lydia Lee .

Hannah Langt on .

Sarah Sheldon .

Mary Strong .

Increase Clark . Born where the Art Gallery stands . 1 o 1 0. Built opp site the same , 7 O ne descendant

continues on the place , viz . , Mrs . Mary Tenny .

o . John St ddard . The renowned Col . John An

eminent civilian . As a Statesman had no supe

rior in his day .

Ebenezer Alvord .

o J nathan Sheldon .

John Hannum , Jr . His son , Eleazar, lived in

Southampton .

Joseph Meacham .

John Parsons . The two , Esther Alvord and John

. 8 Parsons, were drowned the same day, Oct th ,

1 707.

Samuel Bartlett, Jr . His father received permis

sion in 1 686 to erect a grist mill at the falls of

the Manhan river .

Nathaniel Curtis .

Nathaniel Alexander, Jr .


Thomas Stebbins .

Ebenezer Clark . A lieutenant . His house , the

second built by Lieut . William , stood near Pres

’ ident Seelye s. His age almost one hundred .

John . Baker . Usually styled Capt . John . Built

1 10 hitt ls about 7 the John W e ey house . His six

verv - sons , tall men , averaged eighty two years

each . Mind l we l King .

Sarah French .

Mary North .

Thankful Phelps .

Mercy Rust .

Rebekah Stoddard .

Mary Phelps .

Mehetabel King .

Thankful Alvord .

Hannah Wright .

Mary Smith .

Sarah Pomeroy .

Ruth Wright .

Rebekah Strong .

Sarah Clark .

Mary Root .

Elizabeth Clark .

Dorcas Alvord .


Mary Searl .

Mercy Parsons .

Mary Smith .

Experience Clark .

Elizabeth Alvord .

Marv Sheldon .

Rebekah Clark .

Joseph Hawley . The second of this name , a lien l Co . h tenant . Married Rebecca, sister of Jo n

Stoddard . This marriage united the Hawley and Stoddard families and ga ve to Northampton one of the ablest advocates of civil freedom before

the Revolution , viz . , Major Joseph Hawley .

William Holton .

Samuel Sheldon .

Samuel Strong .

N oah Cook . His house on West street stood on

. 1 712 Smith College grounds Married , , Abigail ,

daughter of first deacon John Clark . When 1 39 chosen deacon , 7 , the First Church enjoyed

a bright period .

S h of J o Josiah Parsons . The ixt child Esquire

’ seph s large family and the first of the name in

town .

Preserved Clap , Jr . Was captain , married Mehet

of d abel Warner Hatfield . Among his chil ren

o o . were R ger, Preserved , J hn , Eliphaz , Ezra ’ 2 SOLOMON STODDARD S MINISTRY . 7

Samuel Curtis, Jr .

J ohn Kingsley .

Abraham Miller . He married the daughter of

Elder Preserved Clapp .

Benoni Stebbins .

Thomas Cheney .

Ebenezer Lyman .

Preserved Bartlett .

Jonathan Wright .

John Wright .

Samuel Holton .

Nathaniel Parsons . d Ebenezer Bri gman .

Ebenezer Sheldon . The first Sheldon on the

s 1 01 Bridge treet homestead . In 7 , married Mary ,

daughter of first deacon Jonathan Hunt , a lady

of refinement , a favorite among the young ; her

- age eighty seven .

Mary Edwards .

Esther Curtis .

z Eli abeth Stebbins .

Mary King .

Thankful Strong .

Experience Lyman .

Mary Wright .

Dorothy Hawley .


Abigail Holton .

Mary Sheldon .

Lydia Hawley .

Mary Baker .

Abigail Langton .

Abigail Clark .

Mary Sheldon .

Mehetabel Clap .

Miriam Co ok .

o Mehetabel Str ng .

Elizabeth Bartlett .

Thomas Sheldon .

Samuel Clark .

John Bascom .

James Sear".

D avid Rust .

to 1 0 Thomas Alvord . Previous 73 owned the

’ house , barn , hatter s shop which , at the above

date , came into possession of Dea . Ebenezer

Hunt , in the center .

i u n J . l e te ohn Lyman The second of this name , a

at ant . Settled South Farms , molested by the

n 1 704 P ascom ac I dians , , a year disastrous to

neighbors .

Moses Lyman . Chosen captain . His daughter

Hannah married Elijah Hunt , on Elm street .

u His da ghter Phebe married Lt . Caleb Strong ,

and became the mother of Gov . Caleb Strong . 29 SoLoMoN STODDARD S MINISTRY .

William Bartlett .

Thomas Holton .

Noah Pars ons .

Isaac Sheldon .

William King .

o J hn Porter .

Jeremiah Webb .

Benjamin Stebbins .

William Parsons .

Samuel Smith .

J onathan Parsons .

Elizur Wright , Jr .

ait till n W s Stro g .

Nathaniel Searl .


Eliakim Strong .

John Hulbert .

" . Timothy Dwight . Same as CO . Timothy Lived

and on Market street , Styled Esquire Surveyor

of D wight . One the first in full , legal practice

in the c ommunity . l Grace Phe ps .

Mary Clapp .

Sarah French .

Hannah Stebbins . Sarah Southwell ;

Ruth Edwards .

Mary Sheldon . MP T N 30 FIRST CHURCH IN N oRTHA O .

Hannah Miller .

Sarah Rust .

Hannah Wright .

Lydia Parsons .

o Mary C ok . i Mary Stebb ns .

Esther Edwards .

Elizabeth Hodge .

Hannah Bascom .

Thankful Bascom .

Sarah Phelps .

Mary Bridgman .

Sarah North . n H annah Clesso .

Mary Clark .

Abigail Clark .

Sarah Wright . l Mind w el Parsons .

Samuel Hulbert . John VV aH;

J arnes II ulbert.

Eliakim Co ok .

and son Noah Clark . The ninth child fifth of the

o . o first Dea . J hn His h mestead was at the top

O f the hill above the Baptist Church . Eighty

d o two at his ecease , y unger than any of six

brothers .


Experience Wright .

Elizabeth Judd .

Thankful Alexander .

Hannah Porter .

Elizabeth Alexander .

Esther Cook .

Abigail Strong .

Jemima Sheld on.

Sarah Smith .

Sarah Smith .

Hannah Porter .

Priscilla Searl .

Mehetabel Strong .

Hannah French .

Elizabeth Phelps .

Sarah Searl .

Hannah Wright .

Elizabeth Wright . w Mind ell Lyman .

Susanna Webb .

Mind w ell Holton .

Sarah Edwards .

Mind w ell Parsons .

Mind w ell Strong .

Experience Dwight .

Hewett Strong .


Ezra Strong .

Samuel Wright .

Thomas Alexander .

William Sanderson .

Samuel Wright .

John Alexander .

Ebenezer Southwell .

Ezekiel Bascom .

Joseph Lyman , first born of Lt . Benjamin , home

on Pleasant street . Married in Farmington , Ct .

His second child , Mercy , married Hon . Joseph

Hawley , the patriot .

o n J nathan Ki gsley .

Eliakim King .

Ezekiel Bascom .

Samuel King .

Ebenezer Pomeroy . Son of Major Ebenezer . Chos

1 - 39 . fi en deacon 7 Served thirty ve years . Saw

ten spiritual harvests . i . h s Noah Wright Captain Noah . Succeeded

father, Dea . Ebenezer, on Bridge street home

stead .

William Clark .

Deliverance Brid gman .

Samuel Pomeroy .

Samuel Sheldon .

Joshua Lyman . 3 34 I F RST CHU RCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

George , an Indian .

Josiah Pomeroy . Same as Ensign Josiah , brother

’ of o of Dea . Ebenezer, one Maj r Ebenezer s six

sons .

. 1 698 Joseph Alvord Born , grandson of Alexander l A vord , by occupation a weaver . Married Clem

ence , daughter of Dea . Ebenezer Wright .

Eunice Clark .

Abigail Lyman .

Mary Lyman .

Abigail Hulbert .

Hannah Hunt .

Jemima Cook .

Sarah Strong .

Martha Strong .

Mary Phelps .

Lydia Searl . Hannah

Esther King .

Joanna Clark .

Thankful Sheldon .

Abigail Phelps .

Esther Lyman .

oo Hannah R t .

Elizabeth Clapp .

Bethiah Lyman .

Mary Strong. 1 2 4 1 1 4 ?


Mary Strong .

Abigail Lyman .

Deborah Alvord .

Elizabeth Pomeroy .

Es ther King .

Thomas White .

William Wait , Jr . m Sa uel Marshall . A prominent citizen , selectman ,

captain , house stood near the site of the Baptist m Church . Capt . Joseph Hawley arried Lydia,

daughter of Capt . Samuel Marshall .

o Ebenezer Co ke or Cass .

Jonath an Allen . 1 09 Noah Sheldon . Born 7 , on the Bridge street

homestead . Second child of Ensig n Ebenezer .

Jonathan Hunt, Jr . Same as Lieut . Jonathan ,

ancestor of Madam Henshaw . He was the first

to occupy what is now the S . E . Bridgman place .

A public spirited man . Gave twenty pounds

to wards the town schools .

u Sam el Stebbins .

Phinehas Lyman . He entered Yale and died be

fore completing his college course . G ideon Lyman . Same as Lieut . Gideon , held sev

eral town ofii ces.

ri a Je j h Strong . The eighteenth and youngest child fi of Elder John . Baptized by the rst minister, 36 FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

’ Mr . Mather, he lived through Mr . Stoddard s

the long pastorate , also through eventful one of

’ Mr . Edwards, into Mr . Hooker s attaining the

age of about ninety .

Preserved Clapp . He settled on South street . The 1 747 place was afterward owned , , by Josiah

Clark , Jr .

John Clark . The third Dea . John , lived in South

ampton .

Nathan Lyman .

J onathan Root .

Ebenezer Miller Jr .

Elias Root .

Aaron Lyman .

Preserved Wright .

Joseph Wright , Jr .

Hezekiah Wright .

John Bridgman .

Benjamin Lyman .

Thomas Bridgman .

Benj amin Root .

Miriam Clark .

Mary Clark .

Mary Alvord .

Mary Wright .

Elizabeth Edwards .

Hannah Southwell . ’ 3 SOLOMON STODDARD S MINISTRY . 7

Elizabeth Burt .

Elizabeth Lyman .

Hannah Strong .

Sarah Parsons .

Anna Wait .

Lydia Wrigh t .

Deborah Phelps .

Elizabeth Hunt .

Rebecca Clary .

Rebecca Strong .

Thankful Alexander .

Clemence Wright .

Miriam Sheldon .

Ruth Alexander .

Keziah Wright .

Experience Stebbins .

Margaret Leonard .

Ruth Bascom .

Esther Strong .

Samuel Allen , Jr .

Moses Kingsley .

ne . John Clapp . O of the five sons of Capt Pre

served .

J o Ebenezer Hawley . His father was the first

se h p Hawley . Gave his property to his nephew ,

the eminent Major Joseph .


Jonathan King .

John Burt .

Jonathan Burt, Jr .

Eliakim Clark .

Eliakim Phelps .

Supply Kingsley . The church chose him associate 1 4 deacon with Ebenezer Hunt in 75 .

Elisha Clark . The last one killed by Indian

cruelty . At the time he was threshing in his 1 4 Hi barn , 7 7 . s father was the second Dea .

John .

Aaron Leonard .

Jonathan Rust .

Amos Loomis .

Samuel Phelps, Jr .

Nathaniel Clark , Jr . Was ensign , afterwards lieu

tenant, chosen selectman several times .

Roger Clapp , Jr . Son of Capt . Preserved . His

son , Roger, was a settler of Southampton .

Jonathan Graves .

Josiah Alvord .

Ebenezer Hunt . The same that was chosen dea

con . He kept a record of passing events, which

has served and still does, a valuable purpose .

Lydia Wright .

Esther Webb .

Eunice Judd .


’ i r 1 2 — 1 50 R ev J onathan E d w ard s Min st 7 7 7 . . y,


Jonathan Edwards . The third minister of North

w u ncom ampton . His pastorate , attended ith

- mon success, continued twenty three years . Con sid ere d the greatest of American logicians and

theologians .

Ebenezer Parsons . Same as Captain Ebenezer .

Third son of Esquire Joseph . His home lot was

near the Norwood House . Active and useful in

public affairs ,

Josiah Strong . i Noah Bridgman . The town voted h m a tract of

land at Horse Mountain or North Farms .

James Lyman .

Jonathan Dwight .

Stephen Root .

Ephraim Ayres .

Jonathan Burt, Jr .

Eleazar Hannum .


Elisha Searl .

Gideon Parsons .

Eleazar Hutchinson . K Eleazar ingsley .

Elisha Sheldon .

Zebadiah Miller .

Asa Wright .

Elkanah Burt .

Thomas Burt .

Phinehas King .

Amos , a Negro .

Benjamin Phelps .

Joseph Hunt . Son of second Jonathan . Gradua

at 1 29 ted Yale , 7 . Entered no profession . His

dwelling stood on Elm street , on the left hand

of the road leading to Round Hill . r Jonathan Strong, Jr . He was the fi st of five

Jonathan Strongs on South street . He married , 1 30 7 . , Elizabeth , daughter of Capt Roger Clapp ,

in same neighborhood . The first tything man ,

viz : in 1761 .

Elizabeth Wait .

Esther Wright .

Mary Parsons .

Mehetabel Strong .

Elizabeth Strong .


Eunice King .

Mary Leonard .

Elizabeth Allen .

Hannah Allen .

Hannah Root .

Martha Root .

Mind w ell n Ki g .

Mary Hunt .

Hannah Strong .

Hannah Clark . l Rache Langton .

o Mary Basc m .

Hannah Miller .

Theod otia Hunt .

Hephzibah Pomeroy .

Jerusha Clark .

Abigail Bridgman .

Hephzibah Hulbert .

Elizabeth Langton .

Aaron Clark .

Samuel Dank .

1 26. . 7 Samuel Mather, M D . Graduated at Yale ,

Studied medicine . Lived here in full practice h fifty years , being the first educated p ysician

O fii ciated that settled in Northampton . as a

magistrate and selectman .

Samuel Clapp , Jr . ’ 43 JONATHAN EDWARDS MINISTRY .

Joseph Clark .

Jonathan Bascom .

Daniel Pomeroy . Same as Lt . D aniel . The

’ younges t of Major Ebenezer s six sons . Killed 1 at the battle of Lake George in 755 .

Joseph Allen . Father of fourteen children . Three

of them were ministers . His wife acted as phy

ian sic with remarkable success .

Nehemiah Dwight . Came from Dedham . The w first in to n to own a sleigh . It had plank

runners . At that time pleasu re sleighs did not

exist .

Benjamin Stebbins .

D aniel Alexander .

Reuben Case .

Thomas Porter . o J seph Bascom .

Eleazar Burt .

Jonath an Clark .

Ebenezer Wright , Jr . h Ne emiah Allen .

Ithamar Clark .

Ebenezer Miller, Jr .

Ichabod Strong .

. 1 5 6. Samuel Mather , Jr Graduated at Yale, 7 tfi l A physician in W es e d . A special justice of

the Court of Common Pleas . 44 FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

Jonathan Clapp . Born on South street , lived in

Easth ampton , kept a public house , rose to the

rank of major, had fourteen children , ancestor

of Allens , Lymans, and other races .

Caleb Strong . A lieutenant of superior intellect ,

father of Caleb , eleven times governor of Massa

chu setts.

Daniel Warner . The first of that name who lived

d . . in the Warner istrict , near John F Warner s

~ Elizabeth Warner .

Mary Stebbins .

Hannah Pomeroy .

Mary Marsh all .

Mary Lyman . Mind w l e l Burt .

Sarah Edwards .

Martha Bascom .

l n Mary C esso .

Eunice Parsons .

Abigail Lyman .

Rebecca Leonard .

Eunice Strong .

Thankful Pomeroy .

Lydia Rust . l Elizabeth C ap .

Jemima Parsons .

Thankful Phelps .


Hezekiah Root, Jr .

Reuben Wright .

Titus Wright .

Elnathan Wright .

Joseph Bridgman .

Seth Pomeroy . General Seth , a patriot of the

Revolution , at the battle of Bunker Hill , a

- ffi fire . brave o cer . A manufacturer of arms

Gad Lyman . An early settler in Goshen .

Ephraim Parsons .

Israel Rust , Jr .

Seth Marshall .

Josiah Phelps .

Enoch Southwell .

Nathaniel Edwards . He taught the first school on

South street . His son Nathaniel went to college ,

but did not graduate .

Sarah Langton .

Lydia Burt .

Mary Bartlett .

Abigail Bridgman .

Mary Wright .

Marv Kingsley .

Sarah Root . n Elizabeth Ki g .

Sarah Hutchinson .


Ruth Root .

Mary Clark .

Experience Allen .

Wait Parsons .

Sarah Clap .

Lydia Bridgman .

Mary Burt .

Elizabeth Alvord .

Abigail Langton .

Elizabeth Clark .

Jemima Danks .

Doro thy Mather .

Esther Root .

Mary Hannum .

Mind well Clapp .

Eleazar King .

Joseph King .

Seth Strong .

Moses Wright .

Pelatiah Holbrook .

n Ephraim Wright . His home lot near the ce ter,

. 1 794 between King and Market streets , he

- s gave three and one half acre to his son Seth .

Near the end of the century, Seth sold to Asa

hel Pomeroy and went to Boston . 40 n Jr. 1 Ebe ezer Clark , Built, 7 , on Elm street .

Three generations lived there, among them Dea .

Jared and his family . 4 8 FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

3 d . Mark Warner,

Elihu Parsons .

Charles Wright .

Thomas Strong . Son of the first Jonathan . Grad 4 uated 1 7 0. at Yale , Settled in the ministry at 1 44— New Marlborough , 7 77 .

3d . Ebenezer Wright ,

Joseph Miller .

itstill W a n . Stro g, Jr

Aaron Miller .

Nathaniel Day .

Selah Clark .

Ebenezer Phelps . The first of that name , house

near Shady Lawn .

n John Hu t . Built and occupied the Henshaw

mansion where S . E . Bridgman lives . Set ou t

the elms which gave name to the street .

Eliphaz Clap .

John Baker , Jr .

Paul Dudley .

Ezra Clark . Lived on Bridge street near the toll

1 9 . n gate . Commenced there 73 Was o e of the Committee of Fifteen in the war of the Revolu

tion .

William Lyman . Same as Capt . William . His 1 776 son , William , a graduate of Yale , , a mem

ber of Congress, Consul to London under Jef ’ I 49 JONATHAN EDWARDS MIN STRY .

ferson 1 81 1 , died there buried Gloucester

Cathedral , England .

Samuel Clark , Jr .

Rebecca Searl .

Lydia Pomeroy .

Sarah Cass .

Mary Pomeroy .

Elizabeth Allen .

ind ll M w e King .

Prudence Stoddard .

Thankful King .

Rebecca Stebbins .

Miriam D anks .

Mary Parsons .

Rebecca Mix .

Rachel Judd .

Hannah Alexander .

Martha Alexander .

Phebe Stockbridge .

Elizabeth D anks. l Mind wel Parsons .

Rebecca Alvord .

n Ha nah Bartlett .

Sarah Janes .

Mercy Edwards .

Elizabeth Clark .


Hannah Phelps .

Ro Elias Lyman , Jr . Kept a public house near ck

Ferry, South Farms . Educated two sons at Dart

mouth College .

Zebulon Wright .

Elisha Strong .

Abel Ingersoll .

Gideon Hale .

Ebenezer Wait .

John Wright , Jr .

Stephen Sheldon and Israel Sheldon . Broth ers ,

of sons Ensign Ebenezer on Bridge street .

Samuel Strong .

Aaron Wright .

Reuben King .

. 1 16 Joseph Strong One of this name moved , 7 , to

Conve ntr . y, Conn A man of property and great

worth . Became town treasurer, selectman and

fift - j ustice of the peace . For y two times was

representative . Including extra sessions, he was

- a member during sixty five sessions . In his

ninety - first year he was moderator of the town


Benajah Strong . His son , Asahel , a deaf mute , 9 th 1 70. was drowned July , 7

Phinehas Clark . Lived on Elm street next be

’ yond Prof . Stoddard s . ’ T I 5 1 JONA HAN EDWARDS M NISTRY .

h Noah Baker . Became a Baptist minister, preac ed

- in Sunderland , lived to be ninety one .

Noah Clark , Jr .

Timothy Baker .

Samuel Bridgman .

Noah Wait .

Eleazar Root .

Simeon King .

Joseph Hunn .

. 1 740. Ezra Clapp Graduated at Yale , Lived at

W estfield . l 1 40. Samuel Kings ey . Built about 7 The house 1 9 stands on South street , number , owned for

merly by Dea . Daniel Kingsley .

Priscilla Searl .

Sarah Edwards .

Miriam Edward s .

Mary Warner .

Eunice Parsons .

Est her Wait .

Thankful Clark .

Sarah Baker . k Mary Ba er .

Elizabeth Clark .

Mary Strong .

Elizabeth Edwards .


Mary Bridgman .

Hannah Loomis .

o Na mi Strong .

Hannah Wait .

Damaris Wait .

Sarah Parsons . l n Abigail C esso . l n Thankful C esso .

Hannah King .

Abigail Clark .

Mind ll w e Lyman .

Dinah Wright .

Aaron Clapp .

Daniel King .

Thomas Wright .

Medad King .

Asahel King . h Timot y Root .

M oses Sheldon .

Moses Kellogg.

. n 80 S amuel Edwards , Jr Lived umber South

street , great grandfather of Prof . Bela B . and

Dr . Justin Edwards, both eminent Bible scholars .

. 1 726 d au h Abner Lyman Married about , Lydia, g fi ter of the rst Mark Warner .

Asahel Clapp .

n Moses Han um .


Dorothy Root .

Rachel Clapp .

Experience Strong .

Esther Sheldon .

Anna Bartlett .

Rachel Parsons .

Anna Phelps .

Eunice Searl .

Eunice Wright .

Abigail Judd .

Submit Clapp .

Rachel Maudsley .

Rachel Searl .

Abigail Hutchinson .

Lois Clark .

Experience Wait .

Rachel Parsons .

Phebe Lyman .

Hannah Edwards .

Catharine Clark .

Naomi Warner . l Martha She don . l Timothy C ark .

Aaron Baker .

Benj amin Edwards , Jr .

Thomas Wait .

Samuel Langton , Jr . ’ 55 JONATHAN EDWARDS MINISTRY .

Nathan Graves .

Eldad Pomeroy .

Zebadiah Alvord .

Onesimus Nash .

Elisha Warner . Son of the first Mark . Lived in

Chesterfield . Had no children . A O rt a . Simeon Clark . Born pposite the G llery 4 1 9 . Married Rebecca Sheldon , 7 The next year

moved to Amherst . Chosen deacon there . The

homestead continued till recently in same family .

n Jerijah Stro g, Jr . Lived on North Market street . The fifth and sixth generations now occupy the

place . 4 . 1 5 . John Searl Graduated at Yale , 7 Entered

n Ed the ministry . Assisted in prepari g some of

’ wards works for publication .

Jacob Parsons . Married daughter of first Ebenezer

Hunt . Father of twelve children . Lived on

Bridge street .

3d . Ebenezer Pomeroy, Son of Deacon and gran d

oi son Major Ebenezer .

Nathaniel Searl .

" r J . Nathaniel Sear ,

J ames Downing .

Caleb Clark .


Robert Danks . A descendant probably of the Rob

ert 1665 who began , , the settlement at Nasha

’ w annu ck , and from whom Danks pond received

its name .

D avid Burt, Jr .

Edward Cotes .

s William Bartlett, Jr . One of the early settler at

Westhampton in 1 768 was William Bartlett .

Built the first frame house , paid the largest tax .

1 45 . Elihu Lyman . Graduated at Yale , 7 Studied

his law , lived at New Haven , partner of brother

Daniel .

Eunice Sheldon .

Martha King .

Thankful Parsons .

Experience Wright .

Sarah Wright .

Sarah Holton .

Lydia Wright .

Naomi Wright .

Martha Phelps .

Sarah Burt .

Silence Clark .

Abigail Janes .

Mary Searl .

Rachel Pomeroy .


Hannah Miller .

Sarah Miller .

Mary King .

Eunice Edwards .

‘ Eunice Cook .

Eunice Wait .

Abigail Phelps .

Hannah Judd .

Eunice Phelps .

Miriam Wrigh t .

David Bartlett .

Noah Lyman .

Charles Coles .

Jonathan Alvord .

Ephraim D anks .

Samuel Hannum .

. 1 54 Matthew Clark Married 7 , Sarah , daughter of

the second Dea . John Clark on South street .

Matthew Clark lived at Lebanon , Conn .

Jonathan Edwards .

Benoni Danks .

Zadok Lyman .

Jason , servant to Major Pomeroy .

s . Simon , ervant to Capt Dwight ,

Ishmael , servant to Nathaniel Edwards .

Joab, a colored man . 58 FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

Josiah Clark , Jr . Son of Ensign Josiah . Settled

O fii iat d n and lived on South street . c e as deaco

- thirty four years .

Gideon Henderson .

John Wait , Jr .

Thomas Starr . Elm William Clark . A farmer on street . Married

’ W hittelse s and settled nearly opposite John y , 1 4 1 53 7 6. D rove fat cattle to Boston between 7

5 7 . He and Daniel Clark , his cousin , were

- neighbors fifty eight vears.

Daniel Strong . Brother of Job the collegian , aided t his brother in obtaining an ed u cation . Ano her Daniel Strong was drum maj or in the war of the

" Revolution , went by the name of D ub Strong .

Nathaniel Phelps, Jr . 4th Ebenezer Pomeroy, .

Ebenezer Bartlett , Jr .

o o J o Benj amin Pars ns . An unmarried br ther of

se h e - p on South street , lived to be ighty eight . The place went into the hands of William Par

sons, hatter, same as Major William .

v Da id Bartlett , Jr .

Rachel King .

Christiana King . A nna King .


Sarah Lyman .

Mercy Searl .

Elizabeth Root .

Mary Hannu m .

Sarah Pomeroy .

Mary Churchill .

Elizabeth Phelps .

Martha Root .

Mary King .

Freedom Edwards .

Abigail D anks .

D orothy Danks .

Elizabeth Cass .

Hannah Keet .

Rachel Wright .

Patience Alvord .

Abigail Judd .

Jemima Bartlett .

Esther Parsons . tl Mabel Bar ett .

Elizabeth , servant to Col . John Stoddard .

Joseph Parsons . His homestead on South street

joined that of Noah Parson s . Always lived on

- fi . the place . Age eighty ve

Seth Clark .

Ebenezer Alvord .


Bela Strong . Ithamar Strong . Same as Capt .

Ithamar, boatman on the Connecticut river . He li ved on the westerly corner of Main and South

streets . Bela Strong lived where Memorial Hall

stands .

Obadiah Frary .

Medad Lyman .

William Sheldon .

Simeon Lyman .

John Miller, Jr.

Stephen Wright , Jr .

' Timothy Wright . Lived on King street . His

daughter , Elizabeth , married Dea . Enos Wright,

one of the best women that ever lived . Grand

parents of William K . Wright .

Gershom Clark .

John Langton .

Samuel Janes, Jr .

- fift - o . J hn Lyman , Jr An inn keeper for y three

years at South Farms . Himself one of ten chil d ren , so in his turn he became the father of the

same number . One went to Yale .

Supply Clapp . m Benja in Parsons, Jr .

Caleb Wright .

Noah Ed wards .

Gideon C lark .


Sarah King .

Jemima Wright .

Martha Hunt .

a M ry Baker .

Rachel Phelps .

Sarah Alvord .

Elizabeth Edwards . n Lucy Stro g .

Charles Brewster .

u n Sam el Ki g .

Noah Copley . l Jedediah C ark .

J oseph Cook .

Seth Wright .

Edmund Taylor .

Abraham Miller, Jr .

Noah Langton .

Thomas Judd , Jr . His father lived first in the

o center, then at S uth Farms . Reared ten chil

dren . The Ju d ds of South Hadley were his de

scend ants .

. 1 726 . Enoch Clark Born , near the Art Gallery

- A Lieut . , also an inn keeper .

J oseph Hawley . The third and most eminent of

. 1 742 . th at name Graduated at Yale , As an

- advocate of American li berty stood pre eminent . Rendered important service to his country in his ’ 63 JONATHAN EDWARDS MINISTRY .

seat in the legislature . Served twenty six years

as deacon .

d . Phinehas Lyman . Son of Lieut . Gi eon Eliza t h ’ w beth Hawley, Cap . Elis a s wido , after a few

years of widowed life , married Phinehas Lyman .

J r. . . Timothy Dwight , , viz Major Timothy An

extensive trader, large land holder , for sixteen

years was Judge of Comm on Pleas . Had four

of teen children , several them graduates .

Jo hn Pomeroy .

John Alvord , Jr .

M n John ackla e .

Moses Webb .

Ebenezer Clapp .

Elisha Pomeroy .

Ebenezer Edwards . Killed by the fall of a tree ,

- . 22d 1 1 fift 77 . Aug , , aged y one

Benjamin Lyman , Jr .

Aaron Hannum .

o J nathan Kingsley, Jr .

Preserved Bartlett , Jr .

Matha Clark .

Jemima Clark .

Eunice Alvord .

Abigail Lyman .

Sarah Parsons .


Rebecca Marshall .

Anna Wright .

Jemima Sheldon .

Esther Lyman .

Rachel Hunt .

Sarah Miller .

Hannah Strong .

Mary Parsons .

ia L vd Parsons .

Phebe Edwards .

Abigail Pomeroy .

Dinah Corse .

Cath arine Munn .

Mary Lyman .

Elizabeth Bartlett .

Lois Phelps .

Lu cy Warner .

Sarah Clark .

Bathsheba, a colored woman .

Eliakim Wright .

Elish a Baker .

Jonathan Miller.

Stephen Dorchester .

Eliakim Marshall .

Noah Pomeroy .

Samuel Alvord . d Caleb Shel on . ’ 65 JONATHAN EDWARDS MINISTRY .

n Samuel La gton .

Medad Edwards . Home on South street . A tra

" be dition remains that occupied a block house ,

much used in those times as a means of defence .

o C nstructed of logs , the lower story penetrated below the surface of the ground several feet ; the upper projected on all sides beyond the

lower .

1 21 . Elias Sheldon . Born 7 The second who lived

on Sheldon place , Bridge street . Continued 1 there till 793 .

Isaac Lyman . Son of Capt . Moses . Graduated at

1 747 . Yale , Was pastor at York , Maine , sixty — 1749 1 809 . years,

Simeon Pomeroy . Lived on King street near the

" ’ Edwards Elms, between Mrs . Dr . Fisk s and

the Aaron Breck place .

Samuel Clarke . A native of Windsor, Ct . Came 1 47 to Northampton , 7 , a saddle and harness

maker . Lived on corner of Bridge and Hawley

streets . Nine children born there . Ancestor of

John the banker , Edward , Christopher, Richard ,

' n of a d the present Christopher .

Dorcas Lym an .

Lydia Lyman .

Margaret Alvord .


Elizabeth Rust .

Ruth Connor .

Mary Downing .

Sarah Parsons .

Hannah Edwards .

Experience Phelps .

Catharine Wright .

E" perience Birge .

Jerusha Alvord .

Margaret Parsons .

Mary Tule .

Experience Lyon .

Rebecca Sheldon .

Sarah Strong .

Sarah Bartlett .

Jemima Root .

Elizabeth Cook .

Jemima Miller .

Rebecca Searl .

Rachel Barnard .

Sarah Strong .

Lydia Hutchinson .

Martha Alvord .

Sarah Langton .

nfi ld Mary Ca e .

Sarah Searl .

Beulah Parsons . ’ 6 JONATHAN EDWARDS MINISTRY . 7

Elizabeth Bartlett .

Jerusha Clark .

1752 . Esther Edwards . Married , , Rev Aaron Burr,

president of Princeton College .

" . Jerusha Edwards . E pected to marry Rev David

’ Brainerd , missionary . He died at her father s ,

1 747 .

Mary Edwards . Married to Major Timothy Dwight . O ne of her fourteen children was Timothy

— w 1 95 1817 . D ight, president of Yale College , 7

Her husband built the Mrs . Dr . Fisk house .

Her children were all born there . The three

foregoing , Esther, Jerusha, and Mary Edwards ,

were daughters of Rev . Jonath an Edwards, third

pastor .

Mary Alexander .

Exp erience King.

Hannah Baker .


’ tr 1 5 — 1 ev J ohn H acker s Minis 7 777 . R . y, 4


Abner Barnard .

Charles Clapp .

Stephen Baker .

Silas Brown .

Philip Clark .

Obadiah Janes .

Moses Bartlett .

Thomas Williston .

’ Oscar Munson .

Nathaniel Bartlett .

Silas Hamilton .

Elihu Clark . The first of that name . The young

est son of Lieut . Ebenezer . Lived near Presi

’ dent Seelye s .

Elish a Cook . Son of Dea . Noah . O wned with

his brother Aaron , the upper mill . (68)


M iriam Phelps .

Mary Clark .

Eunice Brown .

Eunice Phelps .

Elizabeth Elmer .

Naomi Bartlett .

Hannah Baker .

Hannah Bascom .

Joseph Stebbins .

Medad King .

Eleazar King .

2d - e Samuel Judd , . Lived seventy sev n years on — 1 685 1 762 . Pleasant street , Followed there by

3d . Samuel ,

Elijah Hunt . House and lot west of Miss Burn

ham place on Elm street . He reared and edu ’ H cated s . his sister son , Hon Elijah unt Mills,

born in Chesterfield .

Joseph Root .

Moses Parsons . Among the removals to D urham ,

Conn . , is found the name of Moses Parsons .

Elizabeth Burt .

Mercy Clark . t Es her Hunt .

Margaret Hutchins . ’ 1 JOHN HOOKER S MINISTRY . 7

Catharine Parsons .

Mary Phelps .

Hannah Hunt .

1 75 6.

Silas Clark . Home lot above the Baptist meeting

house . Succeeded his father, Noah . Whole i of S las . number children , twelve

Elijah Clark . Born and lived opposite the Art

Gallery . One of the committee of fifteen in the 1 85 . war of the Revolution . Chosen deacon in 7

Three of his son s were deacons .

William Phelps . F i fi Thomas a r eld .

Samuel F airfield .

Samuel Judd .

Simeon Alvord .

Gideon Lyman .

Thomas Allen . Graduated at Harvard College ,

1 62 . fi 7 First minister of Pitts eld . On account of his valor at the battle of Bennington was

" " called the fighting parson . Father of Presi m W . . dent Allen , grandfather of Judge William

Mrs . Nathaniel Phelps .

Hau not Root .

Elizabeth Wright .


Hannah Clark .

Thankful Clark .

Prudence Parsons .

Mrs . Jonathan Janes .

Sarah Hooker , of Springfield , wife of Rev . John

Hooker, the fourth minister . She was Col .

’ Worthington s daughter .

Miriam Lyman .

Thankful Lyman .

Eunice Pomeroy .

Lydia Phelps .

Obadiah Clark .

Aaron Kingsley .

Joseph Lyman .

Simeon Clapp , on South street , practiced as a phy i i n s c a .

Rhoda Kingsley .

Mary Bartlett .

Sarah Clapp .

1 758 .

George Hodge .

Jane Hodge .

Jerusha Sheldon .

Sarah Allen .

Martha Pomeroy . ’ 3 JOHN HOOKER S MINISTRY . 7

Freelove Chilson .

Mrs . Elisha Alvord .

Lois Shattuck .

Elnathan Phelps .

John Graves .

John Hurlburt .

Samuel Phelps .

m ar Noah Bridgman and William Judd . Both

1 5 9 . ried , 7 , and settled at North Farms Their

families intermarried .

Catharine Brown .

Sarah Allen .

Mercy Bridgman .

Susanna Judd .

1 760.

Joseph Alvord . A weaver, home Bridge street .

Hannah Parsons .

Prudence Stoddard .

Mary Hunt .

Lydia Clark .

Lois Parsons.

Joel Clark .


Paul King .

Joel Parsons .

Pliny Pomeroy, brother William clothier, i and father of G a ns. J erush a Burt .

Martha Clark .

Mary Miller .

Lois Pomeroy .

Jemima Burt .

Mary Burt .

Lucy Baker .

Thankful Star .

Experience Clark .

Lydia Cook .

Mary Ring .

Mrs . Joel Parsons .

l O iver Lyman .

Mr . Strickland .

Asahel Clark .

Oliver Burt .

James Hulburt .

Simeon Strong . Hawley street ,

- five eighty years, a farmer and

eleven children .

Joseph Clapp . ’ JOHN HOOKER S MINISTRY . 75

Simeon Bartlett .

Elias Lyman . The second Elias , kept a public

house near Rock Ferry, largely patronized .

Elijah Southwell .

Asahel Dank s.

Rufus Brown .

Noah Strong, Jr . i fi Joseph F a r eld .

Ezekiel Bascom . r Moses Kingsley . The thi d of that name , became 1 4. deacon in 785 . Moved to Chesterfield 1 79

- t His grand daughter, Judith , married the la e

Moses Breck .

Joel Pomeroy .

Caleb Pomeroy .

Daniel Alexander .

John Strong .

Joel Strong . h Phine as Allen .

Jonath an Stearns .

Joseph Clark . Son of the first Nathaniel , a far

mer in Southampton .

Elisha Wright .

Ebenezer Strong . Son of Elder Ebenezer . Had

thirteen children . His house and barn stood on

the homestead of Gov . Caleb Strong .


Mrs . Downing Warner .

Jerusha Brown .

Mrs . Asahel Clark .

Mrs . Philip Clark .

Lucy Bartlett .

H annah Searl .

Rachel Lyman .

Miss Lyman .

Hannah Strong .

Naomi Bascom .

Mary Buck .

Jerusha Phelps .

Sarah Wrigh t .

Rebecca Burt .

Mary Kingsley .

Rachel Strong .

Hannah Strong .

Elizabeth Bascom .

Mrs . Benjamin Wright .

Jemima Alvord .

Mary Brown .

Jerusha Clark .

Rebecca Miller .

Miriam Tufts . J Hannah anes .

Mary Rust .

Ann Ashley .


Moses Allen . Born on King street . Graduated at

. J . 1 7 2. . Princeton , N , 7 a minister ‘ Became

Preached in Virginia , South Carolina . A faith

ful preacher , highly esteemed .

Elijah Parsons . Son of Isaac . Graduated at Yale , — Ct 1 2 1 . 1 68 . . 82 7 Settled at East Haddam , , 77 7 Left a tract of land in Ohio to two N orthamp

ton nephews .

Paul Guilford .

Benjamin Edwards .

Mr . Kelton .

John King .

3d . Nathaniel Edwards , The first at Roberts

viz . 1 773 . d . Meadow , , Had thirteen chil ren

- A farmer, inn keeper, also keeper of toll gate .

Titus King . Same as Master King . Had m any

droll ways as a teacher . His school on School n house Square , between M ain and Ki g streets,

w s a for a time the only public sch ool in town .

Nathaniel Day .

Joel Bartlett .

Jonathan Wait .

Elisha Southwell .

Joseph Allen , Jr . i fi l Samuel F a r e d .

oma 1 36 . Pasc c 7 John Parsons Commenced at , , — 1 36 85 . n lived there 7 His twin childre , David ’ HN K T Y 9 Jo HOO ER S MINIS R . 7

and Jonathan , were much attached

other .

Martha Clark .

Hannah Clark .

n Eleanor Stro g .

Martha Alexander .

Abigail Clark .

Experience Clark . W Esther right, n Ha nah Birge .

n He ry Burt .

Thankful Day .

v Sarah Al ord .

n Eunice Lyma .

Hannah Pomeroy . W Naomi right .

Martha Wright .

Mary Starr .

Hephzibah Chilson .

Mrs . Nathaniel Day .

Esther Wright .

Esther Parsons .

Mrs . Titus King.

Mehetabel Parsons .


Martha Lyman .

Hannah Bridgman .

Mrs . Jonathan Strong .

Phebe Pomeroy .

Mrs . Moses Bartlett .

Abigail Searl .

Esther Lyman .

Eunice Root .

Eunice King .

1765 .

. be Elisha Lyman Lived on Pleasant street . It

came a public house .

o Daniel P meroy . Same as Major Daniel . The red tavern which s tood where the present Catholic

Church stands, was associated with his name , — 1 75 5 1805 .

Benjamin Sheldon .

Samuel Munson .

Jonathan Allen .

h . Mrs . Benjamin S eldon

Sarah Wait .

Mrs . Samuel Phelps .

Ruth Phelps .

Mrs . Jonath an Allen .

Mrs . Elijah Hall . ’ 81 JOHN HOOKER S MINISTRY .

1 766.

David Lyman .

Lemuel Lyman .

John Clark .

v Oli er Wright .

Martha Stoddard .

Eunice Cotes .

Sarah Smallage .

Mrs . John Clark .

Mary Bartlett .

Elizabeth Tayl or .

Mrs . Joel Wright .

Mrs . N . Langford .

1 767 .


J r. Benjamin Southwick , d o . J oel Hunt . Br ther of Elijah His house stoo on Prospect street on the northeast corner of

’ Elijah Hunt s homestead .

Sarah Pomeroy .

Abigail Clark .

Tamar Danks .

Lucy Clapp .

Mrs . Elisha Lyman .

Mrs . Elias Lyman .

Sybil Pomeroy .

Mrs . Solomon Ferry . 6 I N 82 FIRST CHURCH N NORTHAMPTO .

1 768 .

Robert Breck . From Springfield . Graduated at


1 75 6. Yale , A lawyer and clerk of the Court

of C omm on Pleas .

d . 1 762 . Thomas Bri gman Graduated at Harvard ,

f of o Read law in the o fice Maj r H awley . Began

n . 1 7 1 practice in his ative place Deceased 7 , age

- th irty one .

69 1 7 .

Israel Rust .

J oseph Putney .

Samuel Parsons .

Heman Pomeroy .

Esther Clark .

Mrs . Joseph Putney .

Esther Warner .

Mrs . Daniel Elmer .

. 1 64. John Hunt Graduated at Harvard , 7 Four

years pastor Old South Church , Boston . His

1775 . early death , , much lamented

Benj amin Tappan . A patriot of the Revolution .

o Acted on the c mmittee of fifteen. Went with others to repel the invasion of Burgoyne at Sara H d m k o . a n t ga eleven childre . A re ar able


1 770.

Moses Clark . Moved to Sunderland , had fourteen

children ; one of the number was Dea . Israel l C ark on Bridge street .

o o o S l m n Allen . Attained th e rank of Major in 1 9 the Revolutionary war . Chosen deacon in 7 7 . 1 801 m n Entered the ministry , , a pioneer issio ary

in western New York . Four churches organized

as the fruit of his labors .

D avid Parsons . P m asco ac. Jonathan Parsons . Home at Baptized m by Rev . Jonathan Edwards . Married and ad it

ted to church by Rev . . John Hooker . m Ti othy Wright .

Mrs . Joel Strong . m Naomi Ly an .

Marth a Wright .

Abigail Lym an .

Jerusha Rust .

Mrs . Simeon Birge .

n Rhoda Stro g .

Esther Wright .

Mary Wright .

Mary Wright .

Rachel Alvord .

Catharine Knight . h Rac el Burt . 84 T FIRS CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

Lydia Holton .

Sarah Alvord .

Mind w ll e Phelps .

Mrs . Samuel Judd .

Hannah Day .

n Sarah Worthi gton .

Martin Clark .

Jonathan Strong, Jr . Lived on South street . m n Same as Ensign Jonathan. Tything a in

1 767 .

Gideon Clark , Jr .

Benj amin Pomeroy .

Daniel Wright . Was postmaster about seventy

years ago . Father of F . Hunt Wright , a cashier .

Elisha Mather, a tanner on Hawley street .

Azariah Lyman .

Eleazar Wright .

Moses Bartlett . Settled at West Farms .

1 771 .

Dr . Levi Shepherd . Father of Thomas , Levi and

Charles . The three sons built on Round Hill .

. 85 D r Levi Sons had a factory on Pleasant street .

Theodore Hopkins .

Abijah Lyman .

Mrs . Timothy D wight .

Lucy Parsons .



Mary Shepherd . m Miria Bartlett .

Naomi Clark .

Thomas Starr .

Thomas Levake .

Lucius Knight . 1 4 . n . 76 . Gov Caleb Stro g Graduated at Harvard ,

. Constitu . o U S Senator , assisted in f rming the

tion of and of the United States .

Eleven times governor . An eminent lawyer .

. 1 770. Dr Ebenezer Hunt . Began practice before

A druggist from 1769 to the present century .

Mrs . Thomas Starr .

Mrs . Elij ah Lyman .

Rachel Bridgman .

Mrs . Samuel Clark .

Mr . Bullard .

Joel Lyman . A lieutenant at South Farms . Lived

S nearly ixty years .

Mrs . Bullard .

Hephzibah Guilford .

Esther Hunt .

Mrs . Daniel Alexander . 8 6 FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

Abigail Alexander.

Mrs . Benjamin Edwards .

1 774.

Phinehas Parsons . Lived on West street , father

of Capt . Samuel Parsons .

Herrick Leonard .

Elijah Rust .

Timothy Parsons . Brother of Noah , J r . Both h were neig bors on South street . Both set out ,

1 5 5 . 7 , each an elm tree Timothy s tree died

’ many years ago . Noah s still lives . — 8 . 1 15 9 . Isaac Parsons Home on Bridge street , 7

His descendants still occupy the place .

Mrs . Dr . Ebenezer Hunt .

Mrs . Jonathan Lyman .

Mrs . Phinehas Wright .

Hannah Elwell .

Mrs . Enos Kingsley .

Rebecca Clark .

Martha Parsons .

Mrs . Rhoda Fowle . The Fowles lived in the brick

u ho se on Pleasant street .

Anna Barnard .

Ruth Edwards . ll Mind we Parsons . ’ JOHN HOOKER S MINISTRY .

1 775 .

Nathaniel Clark . The third of that name on the

n homestead in South street . Lived there seve ty 1 2 8 3 . fou r years , till

Joseph Ensign .

o J el Hannum .

3d . Ebenezer Clark ,

Israel Parsons .

Timoth y Guilford .

Ebenezer Stearns .

Mr . s. Ebenezer Clark

Meribah Miller .

Mrs . Ephraim Wright .

Mr . s . Benjamin Tappan

Mrs . Ezra Clark .

Mrs. Josiah Dickinson .

Amasa Clapp .

Stephen Clark .

Hezekiah Porter , M . D . Lived street . Resided there from 1776 until

Mrs . Hezekiah Porter .

Mrs . Amasa Clapp . M rs. Stephen Clark .

Mrs . Samuel Wright .


Lucy Edwards .

Mrs . Amasa Strong .

n . Mrs . Noah Ja es

Min ll d w e Lyman .

of Sarah Hooker . Daughter Rev . John Hooker

1 777 . the pastor . She married , , Hon Caleb

o . Str ng . They were the parents of Hon Lewis

Strong .

1 777 .

Enos Wright . His son Ebenezer , studied for the

a ministry with Rev . D r . Lyman , of H tfield .

Elisha Alvord . His home lot in the center was

b ought by fifty- six persons and given to the

u Co nty as a site for a Court House , the remain der to be used for a Common and for no other

purpose .

Of . Quartus Pomeroy . Brother Asahel A black

o on smith . Occupied the large mansi n Pleasant

N n k o otu c . street , known as the House His shop stood where the first passenger depot on

the Conn . R . R . R . was built . Had ten chil

dren , four sons and six daughters .

Jonathan Clapp . d Phebe Clark . Lived on Bri ge street , a relative

of Job Clark .

Elizabeth Wright . Wife of Dea . Enos .


Josiah Sheldon .

Lyman Clark .

Sylvanus Parsons .

Justin Clark .

Reuben Wright . S olomon Wright . th Daniel Edwards . Home on West street on e

righ t. A n lle . Samuel Breck . Married 1 777 Eunice

Father of Aaron and Moses Breck .

Seth Wright . Son of Ephraim , a trader at the

o c rner of King and Main streets . Moved to

o n . 1809 B sto , became wealthy In bought the

place owned by H . Rose Hinckley .

Solomon Clark .

Seth Strong .

Medad Strong .

Simeon Day . He was deaf, used a trumpet, lived

o on N rth street . 1 84 Isaac Clark . Married 7 Nancy , daughter of 1 09 Ebenezer Edwards . In 8 moved from Roberts

Meadow to South street . Had ten children , one

of them , Isaac , the druggist .

Irene Parsons .

Naomi Parsons .

Patty Wright .

Mind well Parson s. 91 SOLOMON WILLIAMS MINISTRY .

Rhoda Parson s.

Roxy Brown . a Mer b Allen .

Prudence Parsons.

Dorcas Wright .

Anna Parsons .

Eunice Lyman .

Anna Strong .

n Susan a Baker .

Susanna Wright .

Phebe Lyman .

Salome Rust .

Mabel Strong .

Lucy Parsons .

Esther Burt .

Phebe Clark .

Rachel Edwards.

Cynthia Wright .

Eunice Root .

Thankful Strong.

Abigail Eliot .

Penelope Cook .

Asenath Clark .

Martha Root .

rusha Je Warner .

Sarah Parsons .


Hannah Parsons . d Rho a Hulbert .

Elizabeth King .

Abigail Brown .

Rachel Parsons . P riscilla Parsons .

Mrs . Abiathar French .

Mrs . William Pomeroy .

Elizabeth Strong .

Sarah Wright .

Hannah Lyman .

Mrs . Elisha Brown .

Mrs . Ebenezer Clapp , Jr .

Phebe Phelps .

Abigail Phelps . B Mrs . ela Parsons .

Mrs . Jonathan Bartlett .

He ziah Allen .

Anna Wright .

1 782 .

d Medad Alvord . Residence on Bri ge street , on

o left hand g ing towards the Bridge . Married Sarah Baker ; for his second wife widow Betsey

Partridge .


1 785 .

. son D a Eli Clark Second of e . Elijah . Moved

. Y . 1801 to Skaneateles , N , , then almost a

wilderness . Has descendants in the place .

Nathaniel Edwards . The second Nathaniel on

o S uth street , who went by the name of M aster

Edwards . He devoted part of his leisure instruct ing the girls of his neighborh ood in the ordi

nary school branches .

Israel Brid gman .

Medad , a colored man .

Sarah Wright .

Elizabeth Pomeroy .

Mrs . Nathaniel Edwards .

Mrs . Job Strong .


o o . O ne Mr . and Mrs . J seph Co k , Jr of that name 1 6 kept the j ail on Pleasant street in 78 .

Maria Alvord .

Sarah Clapp .

Nabby Baker .

Abigail Phelps .

Bela Strong .

Erastus Bridgman . ’ I I I 95 SOLOMON W LL AMS MIN STRY .

Br kfi l oo e d . Samuel Hinckley . Native of Gradu 1 1 ated at Yale 78 . Register of Probate twenty

n . n ine years , Judge of Probate seve teen years f Home and o fice on Pleasant street .

Mrs . Samuel Hinckley .

Nancy Clark .

Hannah Parsons .

Mrs . Silas Brown .

Esther Wright .

Patty Lyman .

1 788 .

1 8 . Charles Starkweather . Came in 7 7 His pew

was near the pulpit . When the choir rose to

sing , he also rose , faced the singers , the only one who did so except the venerable Asahel

Pomeroy .

Asahel Wright .

Hezekiah Reed .

Lydia Cook .

Mrs . Ch arles Starkweather .

1789 .

Medad King .

o Aaron C ok Jr . The son of Dea . Aaron and

brother of the late Enos Cook . 96 IN FIRST CHURCH NORTHAMPTON .

Luther Clark . Fourth child of Dea . Elij ah . Lived

eigh ty - eight years on Elm street ; built 1 795

o the gambrel r of hou se opposite the Art Gallery . f Held the of ice of deacon fifty years . Father of

six sons and three daughters .

Abner Hun t . Father of Thomas Merrick and i Th od oc a . e Hunt , wife of Silas M Smith , also

other children .

Jacob Clark .

’ Calvin Clark . The fifth of Deacon Elij ah s seven 1 92 7 . sons . M arried Lucy Parsons That year

started his hom e six miles out , at Rail Hill ,

beyon d Leeds . Attained the age of 92 . The

4th generation continue on the place .

Enan Clark .

Justin Parsons .

Simeon Parsons Jr . His homestead included the

o the corner on which J hn Clarke banker lived ,

o now occupied by the Norwo d House .

Joseph King .

Alpha Hurlburt .

Jacob Sprague .

Luke Day . A neighbor at Rail H ill of Calvin

Clark . Lived one mile nearer the center .

Th omas D ay .

Ebenezer Brown .

Oliver Strong .


. J Joseph Warner . Son of Daniel He married e

a d . rush . daughter of Noah Edwar s Had four

teen children . He was the first of several Joseph

’ Warner s .

Samuel Henshaw . Born in Eastern part of the


Colle in 1 3 . state . Graduated at Harvard ge 77 Failure of voice compelled him to leave the

to ministry for the legal profession . Came 1 9 Northampt on in 1 788 . Appointed in 7 7 Judge

o of Pr bate , afterwards Judge of Common Pleas .

His son , John Hunt Henshaw , was admitted to

of the Bar Hampshire County .

Mercy Parsons .

Asenath Bartlett . h Elizabeth P elps .

Hannah Bartlett .

Mrs . Ph inehas Parsons .

Mrs . Lewis Smith .

Mary Bartlett .

Mind well White .

Mrs . Thomas Clapp .

Mrs . Supply Clapp .

Mrs . Jonathan Miller .

o Mrs . M ses Legg .

o Irene Pars ns . I I I 99 SOLOMON W LLIAMS M N STRY .

Deborah Pratt .

Lydia Parsons . K Mrs . Moses ingsley .

Mrs . Seth Phelps .

Mary Sheldon .

Betty Taylor .

1 792 .

Andrew Phelps . M Widow ary Strong .

Mary Y em ons.

Phebe Blackm an .

Mrs . Stephen Strong . w Wido Martha Clark .

Martha Barnard . M rs . Mary Edwards .

Her niece , Miss Bartlett .

Elizabeth Bartlett . L Lucretia yman .

Mrs . Nabby French . a Esther P rsons .

1 9 7 3 .

Nathaniel Phelps . The fifth of that name , an

innkeeper on South street , a blacksmith , used a

his trumpet in church to assist hearing . 100 T FIRS CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

Warham Parsons . His two sons , Thaddeus and 9 1 7 7 . . Elihu , settled , , in Skaneateles , N Y In his later years sold to Elisha Graves and followed

his sons to Western New York .

Daniel Rust .

Ethan Marshall .

Catharine Parsons .

n Sally Jypse .

Mrs . Bohan Clapp .

Mrs . D avid Wrigh t .

Mrs . Joseph Ring .

Mrs . Levi Upson . i Mrs . Abiga l Hitchcock .

Mrs . Ebenezer Kingsley .

Mrs . William Rust .

Mrs . Calvin Clark .

Emma Clark .

Rufus Phelps .

Jabez Denison .

o J nas Clark . Home near the bridge on Bridge

street . Keeper of toll gate , several times chosen

of selectman , grandfather Jonas M . Clark , Super

intend ent of Water Works .

Mrs . David Turner .

Mrs . Hezekiah Parsons , Jr .


Rhoda Bridgman .

Mrs . Benjamin Clark .

Mrs . Eleanor Clark .

Jemima Baker .

John Bullard .

H annah Bullard .

Alm ey Hewitt .

Az arina Root .

Experience Smith . Wife of Justin Smith , Sr . , and

mother of Mrs . Mary Tenney . Pitt fi l . s e d Bancroft Fowler A native of , a gradu

oi N orthfield ate Yale , minister at , professor in i Bangor Theological Sem narv .

Benjamin Bartlett .

Azarina Root .

Mrs . Joseph Root .

Mrs . Thaddeus Parsons .

Mrs . Julius Barnard .

1 798 .

Mrs . Eliza Phelps .

Mrs . William Edwards , daughter of Benjamin

Tappan . Her husband and her sons were eminent

business men . 103 SOLOMON WILLIAMS MINISTRY .

1 799 .

Mrs . Moses Bartlett .

Hannah Miller .

Mrs . David Nash .

Mrs . William Stockwell . P Esther omeroy .

Anna Sackett .

1 800.

Dorcas Sheldon .

Lydia Lyman .

Mr . s . Smith Copeland

n Mrs . Eunice Stro g .

Thankful Smith .

Mrs . William Bliss . Eunice

Rachel Phelps .

Polly Little .

Mrs . Joel Strong .

Mrs . Phinehas Allen

u . Mrs . Simeon B tler N orthamp

ton bookseller .

Mrs . Oliver Pomeroy .

Mrs . John King, Jr .


o 1 9 . 7 9 . J nathan Strong, Jr Married , , Eunice Clark

u nm ar Lived farther end of South street . Two

ried brothers , Asahel and Samuel , very tall men ,

li ved near .

o . En s Clark . The youngest of Dea Elijah s eight

1818 . children . Chosen deacon in At the for 1 832 mation of the Edwards Church , , received f the same appointment . Held the of ice till his 4 1 86 . . . . death , Rev T J Clark , now of North fi eld . , was his son

William Carson .

Lydia Patterson .

Mrs . John Clapp .

Mrs . Enos Clark .

Beulah Allen . Married William Clark , of Utica, t N . Y . A daugh er married Rev . Ansel Eddy ,

of Newark , N . J .

1801 .

Abigail Clark .

Mrs . Justus Parsons . Her home near the South

Street bridge . l Sa ly Gould .

Esther Cook .

Mrs . Sarah Mather .

Mrs . Rebecca Kingsley .

Mrs . Asenath Baker .


Julius Phelps . Capt . Northampton Artillery . 1815 Moved to the Warner district , . Place now

o ccupied by his son Julius .

Increase Clark . Sixth son of Dea . Elijah . Home

’ o o stead pp site Dea . Jared Clark s, Elm street .

Justin Smith . Father of Alvah , Theodore , Justin ,

Jr and several d aughters . m Francis Po eroy .

o Samuel Phelps . His house stood on Pr spect street

where Mr . Trumbull lives . He had the name of

being honest . When the public house in the 1 792 center was burnt , , he with others assisted

in clearing the house . He found the money

o dep sit , took care of it , giving it in due time

" to the owner , who said , If it had not been for

honest Samuel Phelps , I should have lost all my

money .

- Erastus Clark . An inn keeper, near President

S el e s . 180 e y In 7, sold to Major Erastus Lyman

and went west . Lived into the middle of this

century .

Joseph Bridgeman .

Bilhah .

Mrs . Medad Clark .

1 803 .

Rachel Breck .


Miss Holt .

Bela Amsden .

Mr . and Mrs . D r . Joseph Clark .

Mr . and Mrs . David Dole .


h Nancy Bolter , wife of William Bolter, arness

maker .

Mrs . James D unham .

Mrs . Daniel King .

Mrs . Asahel Phelps .

Mrs . Seth Wright .

Thankful Clapp .

Mrs . Sarah Parsons .

Mrs . Phinehas Rust .

Justus Clark .

Dea . Israel Clark .

Mrs . Israel Clark .

William Phelps .

1805 .

Mrs . D avid Clark . k Martha Clar .

Mrs . Joel Clark .

Mrs . Olive Wright . M rs. Thankful Webb .

Mrs . Heman Pomeroy . 108 FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

6 180 .

o oo . at En s C k A miller the upper mill , father of

o Horace, Rev . Theodore , Aar n , Mrs . Elihu Clark

on Elm street .

Mrs . Enos Cook .

Deborah Ramsdell .

Mary Pomeroy .

Mrs . Merrick Pomeroy . Her husband was a prin

ter ; his shop was in the old Tontine building ; 1 1 805 His home was on South street . Dec . , ,

his child was burnt .

Mrs . Elihu Clark . Her husband was the second

of Elihu . Three Elihu Clarks different genera

tions were born near Smith College .

Anne Kingsley .

Marilla Searl .

Mrs . Asahel Wrigh t .

Mrs . Lydia Hodge .

Ursula Wright .

Electa S . Lyman .

Elizabeth Wright .

Achsa Clark .

Anne Wright .

Widow Mary Wallace .

Mrs . Sylvester Lyman .

Eleanor Clapp .

Esther Clark .


Elisha Parsons . Lived in the upper part of King

street . Father of Esquire Enos .

Noah Strong .

Calvin Smith .

Samuel Bosworth .

David B . Spencer .

Alvah Judd , Jr .

Mrs . Nathaniel Clark .

Spencer Clapp .

Mrs . Spencer Clapp .

Electa Bridgman .

Julia Edwards .

Sarah Warner . Mi nd well Strong .

Mary Alexander .

Sally Miller .

Margaret Dwight .

Eliza Tappan .

o S phia Brown .

Laura Hunt .

Chester Clark .

181 1 of Wainwright Breck . Deceased , at the age

- twenty one . Brother of Aaron and Moses .

Nabby Everett .

Eleanor Wright .

Sarah Clark .

ot Betsey D ey. ’ 11 SOLO MON WILLIAMS M INI STRY . 1

Elizabeth Steel .

r . Mrs . Aa on Clapp

1816. Ebenezer S . Phelps . Chosen deacon , With

o 183 1 others left Northampt n , , and settled in

- fiv . . e Princeton , Illinois Attained age of eighty

Levi Strong. A farmer and cooper on Hawley

street . A leading tenor singer in the First

Church choir .

Mrs . Gershom Clark .

Phebe Hurlburt .

Susanna Warner .

Mary Clark .

Elizabeth B . Pomeroy .

Mrs . Jacob Miller . M m iriam Wright , a ember of the First Church

choir .

Nancy Parsons .

Rachel Parsons .

o Dorothy Pars ns .

Experience Strong .

Aurelia Tappan .

Jerush a Warner .

Sally House .

. o Harriet Mills Wife of Senat r Mills . Their J 0. daughter Helen , married udge P . Hunting l . . ton Sa ly Mills married Prof Benjamin Pierce .

Mrs . Mills lived to be over ninety . 112 T FIRST CHURCH IN NOR HAMPTON .

Jane K . Welch . A Boston lady , lived much in

’ Senator Mills family .

Ashur Shepherd . Home in the Warner district .

K ntfi l Samuel e e d .

John Miller . Lived at West Farms .

Elk o e . Lydia M . y, a c lored woman

Charlotte Jane , a colored woman .

1 807 .

l Seth C ark and wife .

Mrs . Seth Pomeroy .

Mrs . Thomas Gardner .

Amasa Strong .

Sally Strong .

Nancy Whitney .

Dolly Edwards .

Josiah Clark . Son of Dea . Isaac . Graduated at

1 809 . , Principal of Leicester

— . 09 1 1 8 8 . Academy , Pastor at Rutland twenty

seven years . Always an acceptable preacher .

W . Enos right , Jr

Timothy Wright .

John Smith .

Ansel Clapp .

S ophia Clapp .

Anne Parsons .

Thomas Warner .

William Field .


Legislat u re in the House and the Senate . Chief

of o o 1 825 . Justice the C urt of Sessi ns, Also ,

1 0 d au h u . 8 8 Co nty Attorney Married , , Sophia, g t ter of Judge Hinckley . Number of heir chil w dren , thirteen . Four were graduates . In to n

meetings an eminent presidi ng officer .

Rebecca Barnard .

Bilhah , a negress .

Paul Wright and wife .

Mrs . Luther Strong .

Sally Evarts .

Martha Parsons .

Asenath Edwards . Daughter of Nathaniel Ed

3d at . wards , , Roberts Meadow She married

Rev . Josiah Clark , teacher at Leicester and pas

tor at Ru tland .

~A William Bliss . carpenter on South street . Has

o Philad el a son in business in Tr y, another in

o phia, another in New York a banker, M rton ,

(it Bliss Co .

Mrs . Cecil Dwight .

Esther Strong .

Elisha Graves . His dwelling on Market, near

Bridge street , fitted up early as a fort , was one of

the most ancient houses in Northampton . ’ I I 1 15 SOLOMON W LLIAMS M NISTRY .

1 809 .

Polly Graves .

Eleanor Whitney .

Mrs . Sarah Wrigh t .

. . w as Mrs John Breck Her husband , a trader, the

first postmaster in Northam pt on .

Mrs . Samuel Hinckley .

Roxana Starkweather .

Son . . Joseph Lyman . of Capt Joseph Graduated

1 83 . 1 7 8 . at Yale , Admitted to the bar 7 7 d Clerk of the Courts, Ju ge of Common Pleas,

old and Probate . President of the Hampshire

ff. of Bank , High Sheri Father Judge Samuel

F . Lyman .

Theod ore Lyman . The sixth and last occupant of the Richard Lyman homestead on Pleasant

to . v 1 828 . street Sold and mo ed Amherst ,

o f . Father Henry , the martyr missionary

h . Mrs . T eodore Lyman

18 10.

o Thomas Wright . H me on Bridge street . Moved

to Tecumseh , Michigan .

Irene Wright .

Mr . and Mrs . Ralph Payson .

Mrs . Isaac C . Bates . Daughter of Judge and


Julia Strong .

n Mrs . Martha Stro g .

h . . Mrs . Jonat an H Lyman Daughter

Hinckley .

Mrs . Uriel Sikes .

Electa Roberts .

Lucretia Allen .

Mrs . Isaac Gere .

Lucy Knight .

18 11 .

Mr . and Mrs . Eliph az Burt .

Mrs . Daniel Stockwell .

Mrs . Lewis Strong . She was Maria Chester of

W ethersfield . , Conn Whole number of their

u children , ten , five sons and five da ghters . All

the sons received a public education . Two of D the sons , Edward , M . . , and Rev . Stephen

Chester, live in the eastern part of the state .

Mrs . Clemence Patterson .

Mrs . Harvey Tillotson .

Mr . and Mrs . John Danks .

Mrs . Daniel Clark .

Mr . and Mrs . Isaac Webster .

Mrs . Ebenezer Hunt , Jr . She was a daughter of

n Madam He shaw . Her husband graduated at 9 1 7 5 . o Harvard , For nearly f rty years a drug


C o ll re n» gist . A member of the Constitutional — 1820 2 1 . e now tion , His house stood on the sit

occupied by the City Hall . His successor as

o druggist was Winthr p Hillyer .

Elizabeth Davies .

Ruth Edwards .

1 812 .

F r e . 1803 . o L wis Strong Graduated at Harvard ,

" thirty years a lawyer of great ability . A trustee

a of Amherst College . For many years de con of

h e d . First Churc , universally este me

t 1 8 . . a 7 8 Daniel Stebbins Grad uated Yale , Came

o N o rtham ton 1806. B t p , Li ved on ridge street

- five . fifty years . County Treasu rer thirty y ears

. A Attained the age of ninety s a citizen , a pub ffi lic o cer , a member of the church , held in high

esteem .

Clarissa Stebbins .

Abigail Graves .

Mrs m ; . Warha Judd

Miriam Wright .

. . a P Mr and Mrs Jon than arso ns . The second of

Pascom ac 1 4 that name at , born 78 , Continued

1 841 . o there till Mrs . H . A . C llins , a daughter ,

m F r resided at S iths erry , ecently deceased.

Mrs. Reuben Smith . — — 1 811 12 . F OURT H M EETING HOUSE ERECTED


Mrs . Elijah Allen , Jr .

Ebenezer S . Phelps .

Anna Phelps .

O Cecil Jewett . The ldest of the four sons of Tim

oth Black ole y, located at the westerly end of p ,

now North Prospect street .

Mrs . Ebenezer Kingsley .

Seth Pomeroy . Built the brick house on Pleasant

street . Son of Quartus . His son George , a pub

lic spirited man , was the first to start the ex

of press business west Albany .

o Samuel Clarke , Jr . Brother of J hn , Christopher ,

Edward who built on Round Hill , Richard who

d . settle in Chesterfield The above , Samuel

J r. . , traded for several years in Northampton

When beyond middle life , closed his business .

turned his attention to the ministry . Resided M in aine , preached only a short time . Spent th his last davs with his children at e west .

1813 .

Lorane Redford .

Mrs . Asahel Pomeroy .

Mrs . Polly Crossett .

1 4 81 .

Nancy P . Russell .

Electa Russell . ’ 9 SOLOMON WILLIAMS MINISTRY . 1 1

Sally Jud d .

Mrs . Ann Clark .

Ralph Snow . A dry goods trader for many years AI on Shop Row . Father of Lorenzo , George ,

. o on a bert , and several daughters H me H wley

street .

Theodosia Sno w .

1 8 15 .

" o . CO . William Edwards Styled Edwards, grands n

of the distinguished Rev . Jonathan . Smith Col

An lege stands where he lived . Prof . Park , of

u . dover , married his da ghter Henry and Ogden

were his sons . By occupation a tanner .

on Thomas Lyman . A farmer, house Bridge

street .

Dolly Lyman .

Electa Stebbins .

Fanny P . Ayres .

Mary Parsons .

Mrs . Hannah Flint .

Robert Peckham .

Ruth Peckham .


Ruth Smith .


n Polly Pomeroy . Daughter of Asahel , a promi ent

alto si nger in the large choir of the First Church .

Mrs . Eli Ash man . She was Lucy , the youngest

d u a ghter of Rev . John Hooker , and mother of

two sons much celebrated , viz . , John Hooker

o Ashman , profess r of law at Harvard , and George

Ashman , a statesman and lawyer , Springfield .

Samuel Peckham . Became a minister, preached in

South Royalston .

M rs . Hannah Clark .

Zeruiah Clark .

Ase nath Wilder .

Fidelia Strong .

Mrs . Jonas Clapp .

Clarissa Lyman . Daughter of Esq . Levi . She

1822 . R married , , Rev William ichards, mission h ary to Sandwich Islands . W ole number of their

children , eight . Her sister Elizabeth married

A . . George . , oldest son of Dea . Luther Clark

3d . Harriet Parsons . Daughter of the Moses

f o fi Married r her rst husband a Mr . Munn of

Greenfield . Her second husband , Rev . Joseph

Knight, preached eighteen years in Peru . She

- attained her eighty eighth year .

Sally Starkweather . She married Rev . James San

o f o . o E . f rd , uncle Hon . J hn , Speaker of Mass

House of Representatives .


Eliza .

Fanny Hunt .

Sophia Pomeroy .

Abigail Phelps .

Clarissa Phelps .

Elizabeth Parsons .

Asenath Sanford .

Dennis Porter .

George Strong .

George Bridgman . Succeeded Col . Edwards in tan

n . ni g business Moved to Canada .

Moses Breck . An active temperance worker .

Pliny Dickinson .

George Strong .

Lucy Clark .

Clarissa Rogers, daughter of Dr . Rogers .

Cordelia Snow .

Anna Wright .

Mary , a colored woman .

for Asahel Lyman . Lived near Rock Ferry . Left

missionary objects from twenty to twenty - five

thousand dollars .

Mrs . Asahel Lyman .

Sally Noble .

Lois Kingsbury .

Esther Dickinson .


Belinda Dickinson . The wife of Zenas Clapp on

South street , and the mother of Rev . William D l . , remembered for his superior pu pit talents

and preaching abilities .

Sarah Warner . l Sally C ark .

Sally Clapp .

Dolly Allen .

Widow Thankful Sikes .

Reuben Colton .

Mrs. William Clapp .

1817 .

John Graves .

Mrs . Graves . n Sarah Stebbi s .

Elizabeth Gardner .

Mrs . William Gardner .

Mrs . Joseph H . Clark .

Mrs . Nancy Clapp .

Abigail Clark .

Dolly Clark .

Mrs . James Sanford .

Mary Warner .


Theodore Rust . United with the First Church

- seventy four years ago , a remarkable instance of

a longevity . Continued till recently mong the

business men of the community . Recently de

. ‘ deceased M rs . . John Sanford

18 1 8 .

o William Clark . The third on Elm street, ab ve w 1 94 the Je ett place . Born 7 . A farmer, owned

the paper mill . Father of William , Lucius ,

Fred .

Louise Whitney .

Pamela Wright .

Mary Wright . A Chauncey Clark . member for several years of

the Legislature in the House , twice a State


Senator . Held an office in Custom House .

Hiram Ames .

Major Josiah Dwight . Graduated at Harvard Col

1 86. lege 7 Clerk of the Courts , Treasurer of

Massachusetts . His family numbered seventeen

children .

Mrs . Dwight , styled Madam D wight, tall , hand

som el y formed , genial , sympathizing , highly

esteemed .

Mrs . Elihu Pomeroy . Her husband was a cooper

’ next west of Dea . Luther Clark s on Elm street .


Rhoda Clark .

Eunice Clark . d h Theresa Henshaw , Eliza Hensh aw , aug ters

Judge Henshaw .

Mrs . Betsey Town .

1 819 .

Jane Shepherd .

Lydia Clark .

A . . . Eli P . shman Received honorary A M from

1807 o Middlebury College , , and the same fr m

. o 18 1 6. 1 809 . . Harvard , Chosen U S senat r

. O Bohan Clark wned the lower mill , father of h h W . Jr. h Enoc , Bohan , Josep and Lut er, the

last a banker in New York .

Mrs . Mary Clark .

Mrs . Sarah Hooker .

William Warner .

Juliette Warner .

. . o 1802 . Isaac C Bates Graduated at Yale C llege ,

’ A member of Congress, also of the Governor s

Council and of the U . S . Senate . Father of S .

Henshaw Bates, of Mrs . Fordyce Hubbard , Mrs .

H . H . Chilson , and Mrs . L . J . D udley .

Elisha Mather , M . D . An estimable physician , at

one time partner of Dr . J . H . Flint . One of n the musicia s of the First Church choir . 126 T FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMP ON .

Mrs Sarah Mather .

Joseph Warner, Jr . Brother of Oliver , Solomon ,

Seth , Moses , Rev . Aaron and others .

Mrs . Nancy Warner .

Elijah M . Hayden .

Lucinda Hayden .

Mary Ingalls .

Hannah Ingalls . 1 839 . Aaron Breck . Chosen deacon Father of

l of Samue , a teacher and graduate Brown Uni

1848 . versity ,

Mrs . Aaron Breck . i . G a ns . Mr . and Mrs Burt

Mr . and Mrs . Levi Clark .

B . Col . Jacob ates and wife They were the parents

. th e of Hon . Isaac C He was a lieutenant in

Revolutionary war .

Adam R . Hamilton , Nancy , his wife .

— . 1 0 78 1 860. Joseph Strong , Hawley street Num

ber of his children , eight .

on Chloe Str g .

n . o Luther Strong, Polly Stro g He was grands n

of Jerijah , Jr . Their home on North street .

Esther Strong .

Mehetabel Warner .

Eliza Smith .

no . Mrs . E ch Jewett


Mary Lee .

am w ll Esther C e .

Patrick Houghton .

A nsel Bartlett .

D avid Sylvester .

Joseph Parsons .

Charles Parsons .

Joseph Allen .

Cordelia Allen .

Betsey Allen .

Sally M . Judd .

Pamela Judd .

Lydia M . Parsons , afterwards Mrs . Elish a Turner .

o h . . M t er of Wm E Turner, a lawyer .

Ge orge Wells .

Lyman Knowlton .

Ira Cook .

. on B d Horace L y man Home ri ge street . Father

of the late Gen . Luke Ly man .

1 828 u h Hiram Ferry . Married , , Lucretia, da g ter th of Lemuel Clark . A relic preserved by e

Ferrys is a cradle , in which Dea . Josiah was

1 721 h of rocked when a babe , , in which ot ers

o that line were r cked .

H iram Smith .

James Ross .


Louise Winslow .

Mrs . Elijah Wright .

Betsey Taylor .

Lucinda G . Smith .

Salome Graves .

Abigail W . Clark .

Harriet Shepherd .

Joanna Davenport .

Mrs . Charles Johnson .

Joann a Ingals .

Hephzibah Edwards .

Anna Shelton .

Nancy Graves .

Roxana Cutler .

Esther Clark .

Charlotte Clapp .

Hannah Wright .

of Nathaniel Clark . The fourth th e same name

on the South street homestead . He lived there — - 1 775 1 85 7 . , eighty two years

o Sarah Whitney . Wife of J siah D . Whitney . She

the was the mother of two professors , Josiah

D . of Harvard and William D . of Yale , both

eminent in their departments of learning .

Dolly Fowle .

Betsey Dickinson .


Hannah Severance .

Sally Ramsdell .

Joanna Herrick .

Sybil Taylor .

Marth a Edwards .

. n Mrs Joseph Alle .

Mrs . Urania Webster .

an F ny Wright .

n Na cy Sayre .

Sally Dillen .

o Jac b Lesten .

Marv Lesten .

Charles Johnson .

Moses Parsons .

Lucy Warner .

Mrs . Warham Judd .

d . d 1 785 Eunice Ju d She marrie , , Lewis Smith , l at South Farms . Number of their chi dren ,

h o n . e e eleven C arles Smith , of the leven , owns

the place .

Widow Mary Wilson .

Rebecca Clark .

Clifton Wh ite .

Eunice White .

Fanny Wright .

Eliza S . Stebbins .

Abigail Ingals .


Mrs . H . K . Starkweather .

Betsey Shepherd .

C atharine Shepherd .

a Mrs . Charles Shepherd . Her husband gradu ted

his 1 798 . at Yale , Went into business with

h . o . fat er , D r Levi and two br thers Charles

Shepherd built on Round Hill .

Mrs . F . Hunt Wrigh t . She lived to be over

ninety . Her husband was cashier of the old

Hampshire Bank .

r Abigail H . Pie ce .

H arrie t Cl arke . h Miriam Pomeroy . D aug ter of Asahel , a member

of the First Church choir, an alto singer .

Sarah Tappan Pierce .

Content Curtis .

Eliza Eldredge .

Caroline Russel .

Theodosia Phelps .

Mary M . Clapp .

Electa Parsons .

Naomi Clark .

Susan Clapp .

Prudence G raves .

Lu ther Clark , Jr . ’ 133 SOLOMON WILLIAMS MINISTRY .

Daniel J . Cooke . At one time in company with

w o David Judd , cabinet makers , h se daughter ,

oo Malissa, he married . Her son , David B . C ke ,

o . at last accounts , lived in Chicag

Jacob N . Brewster .

Mrs . Sophia Clapp .

William Bigelow .

Anna Bigelow .

u of Martha Starkweather . Da gh ter Charles mar

ried Hon . Chauncey Clark . They left no chil

1869 . dren . Both deceased

Frances A . Henshaw .

Mary Pomeroy .

Solomon , a colored man .

Seth Warner .

o . Harriet Cook , daughter of Enos Co k

1 820.

Widow Esther Smith .

Mrs . F . D ickinson .

Solomon Stoddard . Second son of Solomon the ff high sheri . Was town clerk and clerk of the

courts . His wife was daughter of Benjamin

Tappan .

Nathan Rust , Jr .

Mrs . Nathan Ru st .

Cecilia Lyman . Married Dea . J . P . Williston .

Mother of Hon . A . L . Williston . 1 34 FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

Lucy Whipple . A Miss Whipple taugh t

for young ladies . The building stood

Art Gallery .

Mr . and Mrs . Andrew Lord .

Hannah Eliza Harding . h William Hutc ens .

Alexander Hayden .

Mrs . Nathaniel Edward s .

Sophia Ashmun .

1 1 82 .

o . m Cath arine Bigel w Daughter of William , arried

H u mphrey Farrar and lived in Petersham .

Naomi Pomeroy .

Mrs . Justus Clark .

Nancy Breck .

Elizabeth Stebbins .

Mr . and Mrs . Zebina Smith .

Timoth y Graves and wife .

Widow Mary Day .

o Eli L veland . Married a sister of Chauncey Clark .

The family moved to Marion , Alabama, where

they lived over forty years .

Nancy Killingly .

Lydia Strong .

Letitia Gould .


Asrmall a o d Woods . W rked in the tan ning b usiness .

Occupied and owned the residence where J ohn

i t lse i u n W hittelSey lives . Mrs . W h t e y was h s d gh

1822 .


Louisa A . Henshaw . J ohn Doty .

o . Israel R . Pilgrim . Home on Uni n street l on . . Mrs . Caroline Pars s Wife of Capt Samue ,

L . . d . West street Parents of Sy enham Samuel , B . o . h Col J seph , Sara , and others .

Mr . and Mrs . Ashur Shepherd .

Widow Sarah Adams . Daughter of Se th Wright .

Lived at the H . R . Hinckley place . Penley Thayer


Eliph alet Williams . Son of Rev . Solomon , the

d n o pastor . Presi e t of Nor thampt n Nati onal

y - one le In the Bank thirt yea , deacon First

‘ - Church forty thre e ye ars . Attained the age of

- ninety four .

Julia Philli pe.


h Mrs . Sylvester Judd . Her h usband was t ird edi

tor of the Hampshire Gazette . Under him the

circulation of the paper steadily increased . Com

m en d ce a history of Hadley . Became an honor ary member of the C onnecticut and Massachu

setts H istorical Societies .

Laura Bartlett .

Abigail Ingals .

Lucy Mather .

Anna Strong .

Mary Bigelow .

Martha Clark .

Lucretia Clark .

Sarah Parsons .

Sarah Clark .

Julia Clark . t Ru h Conners .

Martha Day .

Widow Susan Parsons .

Harriet Hutchins .

Eunice Strong .

Asenath Clark .

Elizabeth L . Clark .

Esther Maria Cook .

Julia Wright .

Julius Rust .

Josiah D . Ashley . 1 SOLOMON WILLIAMS MINISTRY . 37

Henry Hill .

J . Metcalf Wilson .

Reuben Peck .

Stephen Whitney .

Marsh .

Mrs . Lucy Conners .

Jabez French . Father of M . M . French . A i s cian of the First Church choir . Played

double bass viol . CHAPTER VI .

’ ev Mar k u cker i r r 1 2 R . T s M nis t Ma ch 10 8 y, , 4

Au 182 g . 7 .


2 18 4.

Mrs . George Bridgman .

Lydia Bartlett . t Samuel Wells . Graduated at Dartmou h College , 1 1 P 8 3 . A lawyer, Justice of eace , Clerk of the

Courts , highly esteemed citizen , and member of

the church .

Mrs . Samuel Wells .

~ tor s. . th s e A G . Duncan . A clerk in one of e

J . P . Williston . Son of Rev . Payson and brother

Hon. of . of Samuel Williston , Easthampton

- benev Deacon for thirty four years . Practically

olent on a large scale .

Nancy Jane Rider .

Emel ine Rider .

Mary Eaton .

Mrs . Elijah Abbott .


Elihu Atkins .

Abel Marsh .

Betsey Marsh .

1 825 .

Mrs . Elizabeth Wells .

Mrs . Desire Atkins .

o . o Thomas Pomer y Son of William , a cl thier ;

brother of Daniel , Northville , Michigan ; also of

Nancy, wife of William Bolter . Attained the

rank of colonel . Chosen deacon in Florence

C ongregational church .

En och Jewett . He and Dea . Thomas Pomeroy were among the first to build and settle in Fl or

ence .

on . Ursula Clark . Her home was Water street

Widow Charlotte Wright .

Mrs . Ebenezer Wright .

Zephaniah Hunt . Lived on Market street .

Mary Hunt .

Mrs . Eli Judd .

Mary Ann Dwight .

Elisha Graves, Jr . Brother of Mrs . John Clarke ,

- wife of the banker . Lived eighty two years on

’ r the Graves homestead , Market st eet .

Eliza A . Graves .


Benjamin Eastman . Lived on Market street , a

cabinet maker .

Persis Parsons .

Esther Upson .

Lydia Upson .

Elizabeth Upson .

Edward Upson .

o . Justus Upson . The Upsons lived at S uth Farms

Caroline Day .

Julia White .

Mrs . Levi Parsons .

Samantha Parsons .

W . Sally L . hite

a hronia W S p hite .

Spencer Taylor .

Amos Smith .

Henry B . Winslow .

Milo J . S mith . Home at South Farms . rep

n ti 1 2 rese ta ve to the Legislature in 84 . Chosen

selectman nine times . d Mrs . Mark Tucker . Her husban was the sixth W pastor of the First Church . illiams College

1 831 . conferred on him the degree of D . D . in

d d au h Fre eric Janes . Married Paulina Burnell , g

1 833 . ter of Joseph the miller, in Pursued col

l iat eg e studies at Yale and Amherst . Lived sev eral years in New York editing the Christian

1 90. Parlor Magazine . Deceased in 8


f George A . Crossett . An o ficer on board of U . S .

ship Potomac .

Benj amin Barrett , M . D . Came to Northampton ,

1 823 . . Partner with Dr David Hunt , as Hunt 1 4 . 8 2 Barrett Chosen to Legislature , State 184 —4 n 3 1 84 . Se ate , County Commissioner 7

of 1 4—64 85 . Treasurer Northampton Savings Bank ,

Levi Wright . Home on Bridge street .

Julia Clark .

Mrs . Anna Birge .

Phebe Tuft .

t n o Sally Willard . Home af erward Che ang County,

o Mrs . Fanny Clapp . Became sec nd wife of Phin h Pitt fi l H e as s e d . as Allen , editor of Sun re l h cent y celebrated h er ninetiet birth d ay .

David Clark .

Th omas Stearns and wife .

o h Mrs . S p ia Clark .

Priscilla Peck .

Adaline Brewer .

Sarah Hubbard .

Mrs . Nancy Loveland .

of Judith Breck . Wife Moses Breck , from Ches

terfield .

Sally Eustis .

Persis Pease . ’ 14 MARK TUCKER S MINISTRY . 3

Abigail J . Lyman .

Nancy A . and Lucy H . Clark . Sisters , daughters

. n . of Dea . Luther Clark , Elm street Na cy A

married William Wells of Greenfield . They lived

o . at Port Gibs n , Miss Parents of Helen an d

n . Charles Wells , at Saratoga Spri gs

Almira Clapp .

Caroline Bliss . Eliza Brown

Elizabeth M . Chester .

. d of Angeline and Julia Snow Sisters , aughters

n J O Ralph , the trader . Angeli e married Rev .

h o se . p Hunt Breck , a native of Northampt n

Preached in Massachusetts , Vermont and Ohio .

Susan Dwight .

Hannah W . D wight .

Caroline W . Dwight . Daughter of Major Josiah .

1 832 . . Married , , Rev Samuel Hopkins They

- lived together not quite fifty years .

o . Lucy Pomer y Daughter of Heman . She mar

- ried Luther, son of Theodore Clapp , inn keeper

at Easthampton . They lived at Gloversville ,

N . Y .

Temperance Clark . She married Charles , fourth

son of Dea . Luther Clark . They were parents

of James Dickson and Charles Henry Clark . 144 FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

Mary and Hannah Butler . Sisters, daughters of

bo . Simeon , the okseller . Hannah married Mr

Sunstead .

Frances M . Storrs .

Abigail Pease .

Hannah Clapp .

Frances Greenwood . Reared in the family of SO I i d . h s omon Sto dard , Esq , Elm street . Married

o son S lomon , author of Latin Grammar and

Professor at Middlebury College .

. P . 5 7 Fanny Dickinson Sister of George , Elm

street . For many years her home has been at

the west .

Octavia Smith . 1 3 . 8 3 Stella Shepherd Daughter of Levi , married , ,

Rev . Mark Niles . They had five children .

Marth a Strong . 1 o . 830. Erastu s H pkins Graduated at Dartmouth ,

o Settled in ministry six years . M ved to North 1 41 m ampton 8 . Nine years a ember of the Leg

i l r . . . . s atu e . First president of Conn R R R

Isaac Smith .

Orren Phelps .

D avid B . Spencer .

Sophia Wilder . tt Fanny Jew e .

Lucy Parsons .


Almira Wright .

Delia Tower .

Sarah and Theodosia Hunt sisters . Daughters of m Abner Hunt . Sarah arried Theodore Burt .

Theodosia m arried Silas M . Smith , the parents

h . of W . L . and George H . Smit

Anson D wight .

Justice S . Parsons .

S usanna Clark .

Asenath Meachem .

Esther Jewett .

El isha Parsons , Jr . Born on King street . Left

n o Northampton and located in Cinci nati , Ohi .

Ann Tappan .

Mary Temple .

Sarah Parsons .

W . Edward T . ade

Ahira Staples .

William Converse .

Samuel F . Phelps . From Westhampton , a clerk

Row . u on Shop Married Phebe , da ghter of Jus

’ tus Parsons . A prominent member of D r. Storr s

n Y . . Church , Brookly , N . , for many years

Dwight Lathrop .

Joh n L . Clark .

Asa J . Clark .

G eorge Edwards . ’ 14 MARK TUCKER S MINISTRY . 7

James Colton .

James Converse .

Thankful White .

Cynthia Pierce .

Jane F . Fowler .

Josiah D . Whitney . A merchant, afterwards Cash ier and President of Northampton National

a Bank . Three of his sons are professors in v rious colleges ; another is principal assistant in

Boston Public Library .

o Daniel R . Clark . For about fifty years a mas n

D a . e . by occupation Home near his brother ,

Jared .

David Judd . Was cabinet maker on South street . h d . t e d Edmun M Bartlett . Home in mea ow ,

South street .

Elizabeth Tower .

Betsey Fisher . Removed to Chicopee .

Elihu Clark . The third and youngest of that

name . His widow resides in the upper part of

Elm street .

Elizabeth Mather .

Ann Bowers .

Julia Butler .

William Butler . The originator of the Hampshire 1 86 Gazette in 7 , also editor and proprietor . 148 FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

Elizabeth Butler .

of Theodore Butler . Bookseller , and member First

ff . Presbyterian Church in Bu alo , N . Y H as a

son in Chicago in the stationery business .

K itteredge Earl . l C arissa Miller .

Rebecca Clapp .

Hannah Day .

Lorenzo and George W . Snow . Sons of Ralph the

trader . m Elizabeth Strong . Daughter of Theodore , ho e

of o w formerly at the east end Sh p Ro . Mar 41 D 1 8 . . . ried , , Rev Augustus C . Thompson , D ,

Rox bury or Boston .

Eliza Day .

Joseph D . Smith .

Abigail T . Smith .

Justin Smith , Jr . Home opposite the Art Gallery .

William S . Smith . Residence later in Troy , N . Y .

Isaac Bridgman . 1 39 Lewis Bridgman . Graduated 8 at Oberlin Theo d l ogical Seminary . Has preache mostly at the

west . At last accounts was in Dakota .

Moses Bryant . Resided at Amherst .

Horace Hills .

i . . 1 Mo es . John , Jr Lived at Pawtucket , R

o Pit fi l . Edward H . Little . H me afterward in ts e d


- Daniel Butler, Jr . Fifty eight years ago went to n Green Bay . Died there not long si ce .

d . . John Wells . Associate in trade with J D Wh it

ney, under the firm of Whitney Wells . C HAPTER VII .

’ ’ 1 1 1828 R ev er ini s tr e t. I . . enc s M . S S S p y , p ,

March 12 1832 . ,


1 828 .

Lyman Parsons .

Benjamin Clark , Jr .

Charles F . Sheldon . Home at Rochester , N

Mrs . James Phelps . Previous to her marriage

taught on Elm street .

James Phelps . Homestead beyond the Hospital

toward Easthampton .

M . r . . Mr . and s. Elisha C Strong South District

Mrs . Maria Strong .

Sally O . Lyman .

Mrs . Isaac Clark . Wife of the druggist . Clark

Williston . They were the parents of Isaac

C . Ed Edwards , connected with the Bureau of i n u cat o . . , Washington , D C

Caroline H . Dewey . Wife of Judge Charles A .


Mary D wight . D aughter of Cecil in the Warner t distric .

Mrs . Ruth Sheldon .

1 829 .

Sophronia Sheldon .

Nancy Wade .

Rhoda Stetson .

Eunice Hunt .

Roxana Hunt . Married Roswell Hubbard , on

Bridge street . Long a valuable member of the

First Church choir .

Ebenezer M . Dwight .

Edwin Spooner .

Samuel C . Clark .

Laura B . Bartlett .

Mary Edwards .

Stephen Chandler .

Lydia Ch andler .

Mrs . Harriet N . Clark .

Mrs . Hannah Spencer .

Mrs . Elvira Bartlett .

Mrs . Charity Judd . From South Hadley . Wife of

the W arham . Became one of oldest persons in

North ampton .

John Phillips .

Electa Phillips .


Rhoda Everett .

William Griffi n . Located afterward in Michigan .

Roxan a Noble .

. d Octavia Clapp At a later ate lived in Hartford ,

Conn .

Widow Sarah Edwards .

Clarissa A . Cook . Home on Pleasant street .

n John Bridgman . Brother of A sel , Sylvester and

Theodore , of Brecksville , Ohio .

Mrs . John Bridgman .

Mrs . Nancy Wright , Mrs . Juliana Bridgman . Both

lived at Horse Mountain .

Amanda Bridgman.

Susannah F . Judd . Afterwards at Brecksville , O .

o Horace Wright , Laura Ann Mo dy, Clarissa Allen .

These three belonged at Roberts Meadow .

Huldah Converse . h Mrs . Elvira S epherd . Wife of George Shepherd ,

h atter .

Esther Bridgman .

Mrs . William H . Judd .

Mary B . Kingsley .

Esther H . Starr .

Widow Keziah Starr .

Orra Lyon . Home in Whately .

Abigail Warner . ’ 155 I . S . SPENCER S MINISTRY .

1831 .

Thankful Phelps .

Mrs . Lucy Barnard . Before her marriage was Lucy

Sage , on Elm street .

Henry R . Hayden .

Charles T . Hayden .

Lavinia B . Hayden . The Haydens l ived at the

Factory , now Leeds .

Cynthia C . Hunt .

Mary Smith . Now Mrs . Tenney, opposite the Art

Gallery .

Elizabeth Pierce . Daughter of Rev . John Pierce

n - of Brookli e , grand daughter of Benjamin Tap

pan .

Lucy Gregory, Mrs . Nancy North , and Laura

Witherell . The three foregoing lived at Leeds .

Marcus T . Moody .

Solomon Strong .

Jr. Solomon Stoddard , The fourth of that name

1820. in Northampton . Graduated at Yale ,

Father of Prof . Francis H . Stoddard of New

York City .

William H . Stoddard . Chosen deacon in Edwards

Church . A merchant for many years in his na

tive place .

William K . Wright , Prospect street . Son of Rev .

Ebenezer, employed by Hampshire Missionary

o S ciety in St . Lawrence County, N . Y . 156 IN FIRST CHURCH NORTHAMPTON .

Justus Taylor .

o Theodore B . R gers .

Marcus C . Parker .

Charles R . Stearns .

Webster Herrick .

. r . l Roxana R Pa sons Graduated at Mt . Ho yoke .

1841 . . Seminary Married Mr Green Homer,

N . Y .

Harriet Day .

Tryphena Day . The three lived at South Farms .

D aniel Willcutt .

Melissa Strong .

Sarah Wh ite .

Fanny B . Eastman .

o Ansel Jewett . Third son of Tim thy . His widow

still survives on the homestead , Elm street .

Mary H . Kirkland .

t ; o . o Mary Pars ns H me af erward in Springfield , O

Tryphena Hartwell .

Ch arles Morton .

Polly M orton .

Jonathan Wood .

Eliab Barnard .

Lewis Phelps .

Jonathan Ring .

Elvira Ring .

Orinda Negus .


Ansel Abels .

Martha Abels .

Asahel S . Abels .

Ephraim Cushman .

m . Wealthy Cush an Lived at the Paper Mill .

Susan Furbush .

r . Mrs . Ma garet Clapp

Joseph T . Herrick .

James P . Bradley .

Silas M . Smith . Lived nearly sixty years in North

ampton . In the furniture business . Leading

singer for many years of the First Church choir .

Trustee of the Lunatic Hospital . Ch osen dea

of . of con the First Church Father W . L . and

George H . S mith .

Enos Parsons . Son of Elisha . A lawyer for

many years .

of . James Greenwood . Brother Mrs Solomon

o . e . St ddard , Jr Became a minist r

Cephas Strong . Home on North street . Sexton

of First Church twenty years .

. 1836. Sylvester Judd , Jr Graduated at Yale , 40— 18 53 . Pastor at Augusta , Me . , A public lec

turer and author .

George Strickland .

John W . Little .


Sarah Hamilton .

Elizabeth Mather .

Mary Ann Sm ith .

Elizabeth Strong .

Mrs . T . Chamberlain .

Susan Pratt .

o Mrs . Mary Tayl r .

Mary Strong .

Mrs . Harriet Powers .

o J anna Clark .

Estes H . Smith .

Mrs . M . H . Wetherell .

Sarah Little .

Sarah T . Butler . A daughter of Daniel on Pleas

ant street .

Mrs . Hannah Clark .

Lucy Gleason .

Elizabeth White .

Cynthia Slack .

Mrs . Mary D . Phelps .

Caroline Strong .

Avesta C . White .

D . aniel Kingsley A tailor for nearly fifty years .

u d Went twice to the Legislature . S perinten ent

of S abbath School twenty years . Served as dea

con sixteen years .


f . O Elizabeth Strong Daughter Jonathan , South

street .

William N . Moore .

Sarah Eustis .

Sarah Phelps .

’ o Josiah D wight . Major J siah s son ; brother of

Margaret , Susan , Caroline , Ogden and others .

Harriet S . Clark .

Caroline Starr .

Moies Ellen M . .

Richard B . D avis , South street . Carriage maker .

Harriet G . Chandler .

Mrs . Nancy B . Clark .

Elizabeth M . Phelps .

. o Elijah Kingsley A carpenter on S uth street .

of . Lewis Parsons . Son Justus Succeed ed his

on father the homestead , near the South street

bridge .

Sarah A . Strong .

Elizabeth W . Russell .

Abigail Clapp .

George Brown . h N ort field . John S . Reed . Lived in

n . Lovisa Weller . Home on Lyma s Lane

Ge orge Sheldon , D . D . Graduated at Williams h 1 835 . 1841 . College , Ordained Married Mart a

1 839 . . Lyman , They had eight children Four

sons graduated at Princeton College . ’ 161 I . . S . SPENCER S MINISTRY

Phebe Parsons . Married Samuel F . Phelps , Brook

lyn, N . Y .

Mary Russell .

Mary Wright .

b . Mrs . Ze ina Smith

Sarah W . Breck .

Abigail M . Joy .

E benezer Allen .

Joseph Allen .

Mrs . Mercy Moody .

Emma C . Phelps .

Emeline Barnu m .

Ruth Edwards .

o . L visa H . Phelps

Augusta Shepherd .

d . Ly ia M . Clapp

Lydia Janes .

Sally Pratt .

Mrs . Rachel Clapp .

Clarissa Phelps .

Mary I . Shepherd .

George Ellsworth .

Edward C . Smith .

Sarah T . Stoddard . An only daughter of the third m . 183 . Solomon Married , 7, Rev Albert S ith ,

o . Pr f . at Middlebury . Their son , Rev Arthur

H . Smith , is a missionary in China . 1 1 162 T IN FIRS CHU RCH NORTHAMPTON .

m Tho as Bridgman . Published Inscriptions on the 1 850 Grave Stones of Northampton , ; also sub seq uently several b ooks of inscriptions relating to w cemeteries in Boston and else here .

Theod ore Bartlett .

Mrs . Eunice N . Bartlett . P Elizabeth . Augur .

Mrs . Sarah Wright .

Sarah Clark .

Laura N . Bryant .

Mrs . Wealthy Clark .

Elizabeth Furbush .

Evelina Bannister . 2 d . Luther Clark , , Bridge street

Charles Hayden , at Leeds .

o 182 . Benjamin E . Cook . Came to N rthampton , 7

Partner of Nathan Storrs , jeweler . Chosen 1 50 8 . Brigadier General , , served five years

" S o Reminiscences of sixty years on h p Row ,

in the Centennial Hampshire Gazette , by Gen .

k . B . E . Coo , is an interesting sketch

Bathsheba Steadman .

o . Mr . and Mrs . Cornelius Delan The name recalls the mode of travel by the stage coach one and

’ two generations ago . Mr . Delano s connection with a stage line first brought him to North

ampton .


Catharine M . Graves .

of a . Lucy Gere . Daugh ter Isaac , goldsmith She

d to . married Dr . Brown , remove Ohio

Ellen G ou ch .

Eli Edwards , West street , right hand .

Israel Graves .

Mrs . Fanny Graves .

Mary Ann Clark . Daughter of Bohan , married , D 1835 to . . , Watson Loud , M , Romeo , Michigan ;

. 1829 the parents of eight children In January , ,

t 85 he en ered the office of Hunt Barrett , North m a pton , as a medical student .

Barton Bisbee .

Mrs . Frances F . Merritt .

Mrs . G eorge Day .

o Mrs . Lucretia Tayl r .

Fidelia Herrick .

Moses G age .

Osea Church .

Mrs . Melinda Church .

o Elihu Sanf rd .

Mrs . Sanford .

Mrs . Electa Sage .

m o Mrs . Moses Rich nd .

. . 1 832 N ortham Henry Lyman Ordained Oct , at p

. 1833 ton Sailed , , with other missionaries for ’ I . S . SPENCER S MINISTRY . 165

of . 1 834 on Batavia, Isle Java Started April , , an exploring tour with his associate , M Mun L 28 . son . Both suffered martyrdom , June y

- man was only twenty four, Munson was thirty . A monument to Lyman ’ s memory stands near

’ Brainerd s grave in the Northampton cemetery . C HAPTER V III .

Minis tr o R ev s e h enn ne J o P D . D . u . J y f p y, ,

5 1833— N ovem ber 23 1835 , , .


1833 .

Mrs . Margaret Penny .

Mrs . Dorcas Hancock .

George Kingsley . The organist .

Mrs . Nancy Kingsley .

Mrs . Mary W . Bissell .

Sarah B . Hunt .

1 4 83 .

Solomon Clark . Fifth son of Dea . Luther . Grad

u ated a 183 at Willi ms College , 7, and the Semi

Ct . 1840. nary now at Hartford , , Pastorates at

Plainfield . Petersham , South Canton , and Goshen

Historicals Author of Antiquities, and Gradu f ates o Northampton . Published Historical Cat

1891 . alogue of the First Church , Northampton ,

Strong Burnell . (166)


Nancy Bliss .

Maria Tower .

Lydia A . Braden .

Irene Bishop .

Ruth Allen .

Harriet Ramsdale .

n d au h Hetty S . Butler . The you gest of the four g 1 84 6 . ters of D aniel . She married , , Rev Eli

D . 1869 Smith , D . . , missionary to Syria Since t her home has been at Amhers . The three sons

are graduates . Two daughters married and live

at the west .

Sophia French .

Julia Ann Sophia K ing .

Mirand a Wright .

Hadassah Durant .

Sally Strong .

M argaret Tower .

. . on Clarissa C Barnard Lived B ridge street , a

dress maker .

Vesta Wright .

Anna Wright .

Maria Barnard .

Mary Bridgman .

Sophia Lyman .

Harriet Phelps .

Persis Kingsley . ’ 1 69 JOSEPH PENNY S MINISTRY .

Lucy M . Work .

Jacob Osborne . 1 91 Nathan Storrs . In 7 opened a jewelery shop

’ where Dr . Roberts house stands . The next year

. 1 828 he located on Sh op Row In , he erected a

granite block , considered the finest building of

the kind in the county .

Elihu Strong .

Henry R . Noble .

Timothy A . Russell .

Cephas Parsons .

Lewis C . Tower .

Cyru s Noble , Jr .

Alpheus Lyman .

Ira Strong .

Charles Strong .

Zenas Clapp . Homestead on South street . The

father of William D .

Ambrose French .

William Bliss , Jr . A captain in the war of the

- Rebellion . A book binder . Lives in Troy, N . Y .

Daniel R . Burnell .

Levi Wright .

Jonas M . Clark . Superintendent of North ampton

Water Works .

Edwin Clark .

Francis W . Shepherd . 1 0 7 FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

William Judd . The last of the Judds that con

tinned at Horse Mountain . G Abner B . Warner . Son of Oliver . raduated at 1833 Williams , and at Gilmanton Seminary ,

H . o 1 834 . . Pastor at Milford , N , and Medf rd ,

fo u rteen years .

George Day .

Oliver Jones .

Ebenezer Strong .

Medad Strong . i 1841 O l ver . Warner, Jr Graduated at Williams .

For fourteen years Secretary of State . State

Librarian and Clerk of Board of Education .

at Elijah Allen . The third of this name , Roberts 1849 Meadow many years . Married , , Lovisa

Clark , Westhampton .

Asa Strong .

Elihu Judd .

John Smith . m Willia Fisk .

Henry B . Wolcott .

Neal Sebastin .

Susan Wright .

Hannah Clayton .

Julia Ann Hunt .

Elvira Ann Smith .

Eunice Cramp .


Mrs . Electa Smith , wife of Justin Smith , Jr .

Sidney P . Williams . Son of Dea . Eliphalet . 1 829 Graduated at Yale , and at the College of

Philad el Physicians and Surgeons . Settled in

phia . C HAPTER IX .

i tr o ev harle W ile N ovem ber M ni s R . s 7 y f C y ,

183 — F ebru ar 9 18 5 7 . y , 4


1837 .

Harriet N . Mather .

David Warner .

Louisa Chapin . A native of Hatfield . Her home L was in the family of her aunt , Mrs . Asahel y

at 1842 man South Farms . She Married , , Wil

oo . liam D . Clapp, member of Sch l Committee

Taught at Williston Seminary . An excellent

man , a gifted preacher .

Seth Warner .

1838 .

Mrs . Lydia Clark .

Margaret Clark .

Clarissa Curtis .

Clarissa Curtis, Jr .

Sarah M . Wright . 1 4 T 7 FIRS CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

1 4 8 0.

M rs . Marcia H . Wright .

Theodore Parsons .

Mrs . Theodore Parsons .

Anna Parsons .

Mrs . Electa S . Strong .

Pamelia Strong .

Seth Parsons .

H annah H . Lyman . Daughter of Jonathan H .

Esq . , married Rev . Charles Mason of Grace

Church , Boston .

. . P . 5 Mary C Dickinson Sister of George , 7 Elm

street .

William A . Graves .

Elizabeth W . Hubbard . h Fanny W . Lyman . Married and lived in Mic igan .

o Home in Ohi .

Sarah P . Hubbard . Married ; her home was in

Michigan .

o . Adaline F . Wo dward

Emily D avis .

Harriet A . Smith .

Isabel Lyman .

Martha C . Hitchcock . h Franklin K . Hitc cock .

Alexander Wright .

l n . A nse C . Parso s


Dorcas A . Clark .

Martha A . Weller .

Nancy Wright .

. t o . . w Rev Wm . Allen , D D President of colleges ,

m H . o o Dart outh , N . , and B wd in Me . Removed


1839 . on to Northampton , Delivered the sec d

h . 29 th Centennial Address at Nort ampton , Oct , 1 4 85 .

o Mrs . Sarah J . Allen , Elizabeth L . Allen , Charl tte

F . Allen . Wife and two daughters of President

. 1 843 . n Allen . Elizabeth L married , , Rev He ry

B . Smith , Prof . of Theology in Union Theolog

o . ical Seminary , New York City . Charl tte F

1841 . married , , Rev Erastus Hopkins . T . . 1849 . Susan W Clark Married , , Rev Josiah y

o to ler , missi nary South Africa for forty years .

Hannah Elwell .

1 1 84 .

Nancy Parsons .

Jane Anna Cook .

Joseph Lathrop . Merchant on Shop Row, firm of

Stoddard Lathrop .

o Abba A . Lathr p .

Sydenham Parsons . Druggist , member of the First

Church choir .

Mrs . Mary L . Williams . C ’ 1 HARLES WILEY S MINISTRY . 77

Erastus Slate .

Mrs . Sarah Slate .

1842 .

Mrs . Mary Miller .

Mira Chapin .

Hannah W . Lyman .

Eunice Hunt .

Nancy E . Warner .

Emily C . Shepherd .

Julius Phelps . Son of Capt . Julius . Homestead

’ the same as his father s in Florence .

L vak . Marietta B . e e A Lydia . Clark .

. 1 44 8 . Jane S Daniels . Married , , Hon Oliver War

ner, Secretary of Massachusetts .

Caleb Clapp .

Sara Maria Clapp .

Roland Weller .

Plainfi l Zenas Joy . He originated in e d .

William Strong, Hawley street . Reserved one acre ’ d of his father Joseph s home lot where he live .

Number of his children nine .

’ George Sergeant . A clerk in Stoddard Lathrop s

store .

George A . Abbott .

O zro Hillman . 12 178 FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

Silas D . Thayer .

Francis Hunn .

Aaron Breck , Jr . Moved to Lawrence , Kansas,

where the family resides .

Levi Parsons .

Lewis C . White .

Oshea Walker .

Thaddeus Gooch .

John Adams .

Mrs . Abby S . Adams .

o Harriet Eliza Str ng .

Abigail J . Shepherd .

Lucius A . Clapp .

Elizabeth N . Thayer .

Samuel Breck . Son of Aaron , graduated at Brown 1 4 8 8 . University , Taught in several places .

Gave up teaching and came home to rest . Sick

1 . ness ensued . He deceased 853

Ge orge Shepherd . In company with N athan Dike

man , hatters .

Julia Ann Janes .

Martha A . Janes . t Josiah W . Smi h .

Jane Sophia Smith .

Julia R . Phelps .

o o Mari n Laidl w .


1 4 8 5 .

David B . Phelps .

Jesse McIntire . M I i Mary c nt re .

Hatty B . H . Bull . d A elia Shepherd .

Mrs . Corinth E . Bartlett .

Olivia Noble .

. 1 831 . David S . Sheldon Graduated at Middlebury ,

Principal of Northampton High School . Prof .

in Griswold College , Davenport , Iowa .

Mrs . Mary L . Sheldon .

M nti Lewis cI re .

M Intir c e . Mrs . Margaret

J . W . Smith , M . D . A dentist . His successor was

D r . Thomas W . Meekins .

Mrs . Clarinda Smith . C HAPTE R X .

Mini s tr o R e w E Y . i v . S t N ov em be r 1 y f . f 9

18 5 — e m r 22 18 1 S te be 5 . 4 p ,


4 18 6.

of mis James Lyman . Brother Henry the martyr i s onar d . y. Lived at Tole o , Ohio

Frances P . Lyman .

Mrs . Levi Strong .

Mrs . Mary A . Bray .

Elihu King .

o Rev . C . J . Tenny , D . D . Resigned past ral l abors

on account of failure of voice . Dr . Sprague

" " styles him a man of princely intellect . H is d daugh ter married Ju ge William Allen .

Ruth C . Tenny .

Lydia Morton .

il . Catharine G fillan. Graduated at Mt Holyoke

1 852 . Seminary,


th . . a . . e C tharine L Swift Wife of pastor , Rev E

Y . Swift .

G . H . King .

Charlotte King .

Ebenezer T . Wood .

Betsey R . Wood .

Robert Chase .

Andrew S . Wood . A druggist, succeeded Winthrop

Hillyer on Shop Row . Afterward lived in

Montreal .

of u rac William Boies . Son Justus, st died and p

ticed law in Northampton . In the life insurance

business .

Silas D . Childs .

Jonathan H . Lyman . A physician , afterwards in

California . Grandson by marriage of the first

President D wight of Yale College .

Samuel B . Bridgman .

Reuben Pierce .

Jonathan Brewster . Kept the Mansion House ,

which stood near the present Catholic Church .

ilfill n . Moses G a . Father of Thomas and James ilfill El izabeth G an.

Anna M . Phelps .

fiin Cla . Eliza D .

l fiin Harriet W . C a .

Persis L . Clark .


Mary L . Kingsley, West street .

Caroline R . Parsons . D aughter of Capt . Samu el ,

West street .

Elizabeth H . Strong .

Caroline M . Durant .

Catharine Clark .

Susan S . Stebbins .

Nancy H . Powers .

W . . Julia Shepherd Daughter of George , King

street .

Sarah E . Bois, Gothic street . Daughter of Justus .

Lucy A . Wade .

Harriet D avis .

Caroline B . Dewey . Daughter of Judge Chas . A .

Martha P . Lyman . Home afterward in Boston .

Jane Elwell and Harriet Elwell , Water street .

Olive Converse and Wealthy Slate . Lived on

North street .

Mary S . Davis .

Barton Bisbee and Sarah G . Bisbee . Removed to

Springfield , Illinois .

1 847 .

Mrs . Frances Hanners and Mary A . Hanners,

street . Came from Charlemont .

Fanny W . Hayden .

Harriet C . Elwell . ’

. . 1 5 E Y SWIFT S MINISTRY . 8

Harriet E . D avis .

Helen M . Clark .

Sarah W . Allen .

Ann S ophia Allen .

Mrs . Hannah D . Clark and Helen M . Clark .

Mother and daughter, Maple street .

Mrs . Experience D . Kellogg .

Frances C . Bascom .

Mary Bascom .

Martha A . Strong .

Sophia Chester .

Franklin Stiles .

Mrs . Roxana Stiles .

Mrs . Sophia P . Strong . Wife of William , Hawley

street .

Nancy J . Parsons .

Martha S . Damon , Boston .

Frances S . Lyman .

Abbottf Mrs . Harriet A .

George Kellogg .

1 848 .

Eliza M . Cook .

Julia Elliot .

of . o Mrs . Frances E . Stoddard . Widow Prof Sol

184 . mon , who deceased 7, at Middlebury , Vt

Mrs . Amelia P . Warner . 186 FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

Charles H . Dickinson , Martha C . Dickinson , Mar

ket street .

Mrs . Emma Graves .

Mrs . Princes Wood .

Mrs . Harriet Hutchins .

Mrs . Lucy B . Lyman .

Horace Clark .

Mrs . Mary Clark .

Truman Meekins .

Polly Meekins .

Luthera Meekins .

Cordelia A . Case .

Eliza M . Barnard .

Sally Ann French .

Mary E . French .

Lucy M . Burnell .

Francis Williams .

Sarah B . Delano .

Moses Clark .


Allison H . Palmer . Teacher of music, chorister

R . the First Church . emoved to Chelsea

Mrs . Ruth G . Palmer .

Thomas G reen .

Mrs . Sarah Green .

Sarah P . Green .


Minerva Smith .

Elizabeth H . Tenny . t Sarah P . Kingsley , Judi h B . Kingsley , of South

street .

Charles C . Rust .

Catharine Davis .

Esther A . Graves .

a . 1 85 5 . . Louisa He ley Married , , Rev Stephen C

Pixley, a missionary to South Africa .

Caroline Lawrence .

Joseph H . Parsons .

Edwin G . Durant .

Elizabeth Adams . An Charles B . Kingsley . Druggist , successor to

in 1 . drew Wood . Chosen deacon 873

John Warner .

l . Al en. David Removed to D avenport, Iowa

Laura Day .

Harriet Hunt .

Sarah E . Allen .

1851 .

Mrs . Esther A . Loomis .

S arah C . Bray .

Camillus M . Chapin .

Eliza White .

Maria Hubbard . ’ I 189 E . Y . SWIFT S M NISTRY .

Mrs . George Kingsley .

Mrs . Susan F . Clark .

1 852 .

Plainfield Mrs . Frances P . Clark . Removed to in

1 189 1 . 873 . Deceased hitt l . W e se . Mrs . Martha B y Mother of cashier i h ttels M W . W e . y, also of Julia W and ary ,

South street .

Mrs . Julia Parsons .

Ruth Wolcott . t Rev . S . S . Smith . Pastor at Westminister . Agen

th e for one of benevolent societies . Lived at

Northampton .

Mrs . L . B . Smith .

Cornelia E . Smith .

Caleb Wright .

Mrs . Sarah L . Wright .

Amanda S . Wright . CHAPTER X I .

Min is tr o R ev . P l J . eav eland y f . C

- 18 53 J v.l 1 1 1855 y , .


1 85 3 .

James Williams .

Nancy Williams .

Mrs . Elvira Parsons .

Mrs . Charlotte P . Edwards at Pine Grove .

Rev . John P . Cleaveland . Pastor at Detroit Sa

lem , C incinnati , and Providence .

Mrs . Juliana C . Cleaveland .

Susan P . Cleaveland .

. . 1 825 . William M Lathrop Graduated at Yale ,

Enfield First a lawyer at , next in mercantile

business . Later in the insurance work , Boston .

Mrs . D iana D umont .

. w d o Julia Butler Wido of Elihu , e i tor of C mmer

cial Advertiser in New York .

in Rial Clafi .

lafiin C . Hannah W . , Cherry street ( 190)


Daniel Strong . Son of Joseph , Hawley street .

reserved one acre for his homestead .

Rachel Strong .

Susan D . Phelps .

Mrs . Clarissa M . Smith .

Mrs . Sarah Ann Parsons .

Mrs . Harriet E . Parsons . M t rs . Pamelia Fit s , Removed to Sunderland .

Emeline C . Bourne . ? CHAPTER X II .

Mini s tr o R ev Za char E d d Jll ar ch 8 y f . y y , ,

1858 — A ril 1 1867 p ,


1 858 .

o h Rev . Zachary Eddy . Twelfth past r of Nort

ampton First Church . Published a Church

Manual in 1860.

M rs . Malvina R . Eddy .

o Ge rge L . Wright , from Westhampton . Chosen

1 42 . deacon 877 . Residence South street

Betsey Bentley .

Leonard H . Field . Went into business in Jackson

Michigan .

Submit Field and Dency L . Field . Resided on

U ni on street .

u . Samuel T . Spa lding Settled in Northampton ,

1 6 o . A 85 . District Att rney for nine years p

of 1 872 . pointed Judge Probate ,

Isabella Simpson . 1 3 194 FIRS T CHURCH IN NORT HAMPTON .

Haynes K . Starkweather , Jr . Chosen deacon in

18 3 . . . 7 Martha P Starkweather , Maple street

A . Lyman Williston . President First National

Bank . One of the deacons of the First Church .

Home on Round Hill .

. 1864 . Hannah M . Williston Married , , Rev George D S . Bishop , D . . , pastor at East Orange , N . J .

o Martin L . Willist n . Pastorates in several places .

o N orthfield Profess r at Carleton College , , Minn . i t l N John W h t e sey. Cashier orthampton National

of Bank . Trustee and Treasurer Cooley Dickin

son Hospital .

Henry Roberts . l Addison W . Bea s . Removed to Warren , Mass .

Edward L . Bartlett . Residence New York City .

Theodore Bartlett.

‘ Mary Jane Church .

Julia E . Clark . l i C afi n. David B .

Mary J . Perigo .

Charles Hillman .

Mind well . o K Pars ns .

Charles T . Parsons .

. o Mary S Lathr p , Abby P . Lathrop, Elizabeth D .

o Lathr p , Hawley street .

Caroline M . Kingsley , Nancy E . Kingsley , West

street .


William B . Hale . Formerly President of First

National Bank , Northampton .

Harriet A . Hale .

Mary S . Lee .

J . S . Lath rop .

Elizabeth S . Lathrop .

K . Albert H . ingsley

B . William M . arnard

William Bliss .

Martin L . Clapp .

. to D rfi l . Frederic C Hillman . Removed South ee e d

Edward M . Kingsley .

J . D wight Kellogg .

Elijah D . Clapp .

Mary Cl app .

Martha A . Clark .

Emma C . Bliss .

Frances C . Hunt .

Mary E . Shepherd .

Frances A . Phelps .

Martha M . Phelps .

Ellen W . Converse .

Helen M . Clapp .

Mary Edward s .

Elizabeth H . Clark . P Abby . Lathrop . D Elizabeth . Lathrop . ’ 1 9 ZACHARY EDDY S MINISTRY . 7

Alfred J . Munyan .

o Jonathan E . C llins .

Laurentia P . Collins .

William P . Derby .

Susan E . Clark .

Helen E . Phelps .

. o o Sarah T Stoddard . Daughter of Pr f . S lomon , 6 18 1 . W o Married , , Hon . A L . illist n , Presiden t

First National Bank .

o . o Louisa G . Stoddard . Daughter of Pr f S lomon ,

1869 o married , , Martin Luther Willist n , who

o studied in Germany . Prof . in Carlet n College .

w . George W . Ed ards, at Pine Grove

Frances A . Clark .

z . O ro C . Wright

Ellen M . Kingsley .

Sarah W . Lyman .

Mary Jane Simpson .

Sarah B . Foster .

Sarah E . Parsons .

Emily Kingsley .

Sarah C . Bridgman .

Elizabeth P . Knapp .

Joseph B . Whitehouse .

Martha A . Whitehouse .

Mary El well .

Lizzie H . Stockwell . 1 98 FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

Emily S . Love .

Marth a R . Birge .

1 85 9 .

w Ed ard W . Curtis . Removed to Cambridgeport .

Mary E . Ferry .

Anna E . Clark .

Elizabeth C . Kingsley .

Mary Baker .

Jane A . Baker .

Clarissa E . Clark .

Jemima H . Thayer .

Elizabeth B . Lyman .

George W . Perigo . l Sal y H . Perigo .

y Elbridge Kingsle .

Mercy Moody .

Clarissa Hancock . A Laura . Perkins .

Sarah C . Strong .

Ebenezer W . Strong .

Mrs . E . W . Strong . n George D . Clark . Druggist, u der the firm of

Clark Parsons .

1860 .

Elizabeth Wood .

lafiin. Mary S . C


Isaac R . Clark .

Sarah R . Clark .

M . Josephine Kellogg .

Mrs . Catharine J . Prince .

W o o Elizabeth P . righ t . Graduated at Mt . H ly ke

1869 . Seminary ,

Charlotte E . Graves .

Heman White , Jr .

Clarissa White .

Mrs . Maria Noble .

Mrs . Amanda Edwards .

Almira A . Eames .

Mrs . A . W . Olmsted .

Henry Tucker and Amelia E Tucker . Removed

to the west .

1 863 .

Timothy P . Phelps .

Anna Phelps , West Farms .

o S phronia Starkweather .

o William Richards n .

o John M . Kn x .

Jerusha E . Warner .

Elizabeth 0 . Baker .

. h Edith M Eddy , daug ter

Known by her writings . ’ 201 ZACHARY EDDY S MINISTRY .

at H enry A . D wight . Son of Cecil . Gradu ated

1829 . . Williams , Taught at Norfolk , Va After

the war he lived in Northampton .

w . Lucia D . D igh t

Achsa L . Shumway .

ilfillan 1 54 . n G . 8 Hele graduated , , at Mt Holyoke M d rs . . Seminary . Afterwar s H G . Collins,

Elizabeth , N . J .

Luthera F . Norton .

Eliza Towne .

Willis W . Clapp .

Charles F . Warner .

Lucy A . Ayres .

George Bennett .

Francis P . Searle .

Everett R . Sanders .

H arriet E . Brooks .

Henrietta Strong, Hospital Hill .

Abby P . Burnham .

1 864.

Julia H . Strong .

Harriet Williams .

Henry F . Williams Sarah Williams

o o P mer y Terrace .

M argaret Dickey .


George E . B . Howard .

Helen D . Howard .

. . . O 1884. S W Lee , Jr rganist of First Church in

Hephzibah Lee .

Frances Livermore .

Lucy Phelps .

Rosetta E . Crossett .

Sarah Norris .

Milo Loveland .

Mary M . Loveland .

Jame s Allen .

O tis A . Skilton .

Adaline M . Skilton .

Hattie C . D avis .

Ella S . Thompson .

Sarah J . Strong . fi Ef e Warner.

L . W . Joy . From Hawley . The fourteenth post

in fi master Northampton . Held the of ce twenty

four years .

Re becca W . Joy .

o u J hn H nt Hastings .

81 E . Williams Tyler, lawyer, Peckham Tyler,

Trinity Building , N . Y . City .

Wilbert A . North .

Mary A . Knapp .

Eliza Ring .


o Marietta C . C peland . h Rev . Ephraim Lyman . Removed to Nort ampton 4 186 . Spent his last years in Minnes ota .

Hannah D . Lyman .

Lucy D . F . Lyman .

George R . Ly man .

Ellen H . Lyman .

Minerva Hart .

Julia Brown .

1 865 .

Henry J . Walker .

Phila A . Walker .

o . . J nathan P Strong . By occupation a mason

Long a member of the First Church ch oir .

Levi Parson s Morton .

Lucy E . Dewey .

Mary E . Clark .

Noah H . Lee .

Caroline A . Nutting .

H . J . Rudd .

Annie C . Rudd .

Orrin E . Livermore .

Elizabeth L . Livermore .

Andrew S . Cook .

Marion A . Cook .

Elizabeth L . Baker . ’ Z I ACHARY EDDY S M NISTRY .

Julia Prentiss .

Lewis H . Fellows .

Elizabeth R . Fellows . t William P . S rickland . Graduated at Williams h 185 1861. t e 8 . Admitted to the Bar Clerk of

1 4 . Courts 86 . Judge of the District Court Dea

oi con First Church .

Mary Strickland .

o Sarah Strong . Daughter of Jonathan , S uth street . A teacher ; taught in the same school buildi ng

o on Center street over a quarter f a century .

Shortened her days by teaching .

Sarah C . Phelps .

J . Hunt Butler . Bookseller on Shop Row . Father

o m o of several graduates . President of N rtha pt n

National Bank .

Sarah M . Butler .


Mrs . E . P . Strickland .

Laura L . Davenport .

Mary H . Northam . H arriet W . Harrington .

Erastus C . Hall .

Elizabeth Hall .

Oliver Walker . Secretary and Treasurer n Hampshire Mutual Fire I surance Co . 206 T U IN T T FIRS CH RCH NOR HAMP ON .

Virginia Clark .

Catharine Slate .

Cath arine S . Kingsley .

George S . Seymour .

Mary F . Clark . Graduated at Mt . Holyoke Sem i

1865 . nary ,

Lizzie A . Clark . Taught Kindergarten Sch ool in

Nor thampton .

Ella L . North . n Mary Anna Parso s .

Harriet Lyman , Sarah C . Lyman , Bridge street

u and Grant aven e . 14 H orace Lamb , Harriet H . Lamb , High street .

Emily S . Church .

’ i James O N e l .

Eunice C . Walcott .

Sarah J . Prou ty .

Mrs . Margaret J . Hooker .

David E . Phillips .

Mrs . Lucy E . Morton .

Emily W . Fairman .

William P . Starkweather .

Charles D . Hastings .

Farnum E . Sawin .

John A . Prentiss . Formerly Sexton

Church .


’ i m r 188 1 ev W ill a L eavitt s Mi ni s t 1867 . R S. y


1 867 .

Mrs . Theodosia H . Leavitt .

1 8 68 .

Sarah J . Gibbs .

Mrs . Felicia S . Burt .

Mrs . Clarissa Fox .

Mrs . Martha A . Turner .

Maria N . Dewey . Daughter of Judge Charles A .

Dewey .

Mrs . Sarah Marshall .

Mrs . Lucretia Smith . d James D ickson Clark . Son of Charles, gran son

W 1 848 . of Dea . Luther . Graduated at illiams ,

u t 1 85 1 . St died law and admi ted to practice,

— Bio o 1 855 64. Taught in Bro klyn , Published graphical Record of Kappa Alpha Society of

m 1881 . Willia s College , (208) ’ V 9 I . 20 WILL AM s LEA ITT S MINISTRY .

Mrs . Catharine A . Edwards . h . . . w o Mrs Susan R Boies Wife of William Boies ,

r t 1 ~ p acticed law in Nor h ampton . In 871 he re

o to m ved Troy , N . Y .

d . Evans B . Har ing Graduated at Medical Depart

1 863 . ment of Bowdoin College , Located in 1 64 8 . North ampton ,

Mrs . E . B . Harding .

1 69 8 .

oo on Mary C . Dickinson . Had a private sch l

Ki ng s treet .

u Ann McLa ghlin .

Mrs . Lydia W . Williams .

Fred G . Hastings .

Isaac D . Smith .

Mrs . I . D . Smith .

Fanny J . Walker .

J . B . Ackerman .

Mrs . E . G . Ackerman .

Mary H . Ackerman .

Henry A . Wright .

Jennie Wright .

G o . . 1 9 o e rge S Hunt , Mrs Fanny Hunt , S uth

o street . He riginated in Goshen .

Newton Thayer . 1 4 10 I I T 2 F RST CHURCH N NORTHAMP ON .

1 6 ff . 8 7 . Frank Cli ord Lyman Graduated at Yale ,

N e w Taugh t in York City , also in Peeksville , N . Y .

William H . Nowell , Mrs . W . H . Nowell . He was

chosen deacon of the Fi rst Church in 1 877 .

n Elizabeth A n a Dwight .


Mrs . Henry R . Hinckley . Wife of Henry Rose II . B y professi on a lawyer . He was lieutenant in

Mass . Cavalry in the Rebellion .

u . . Mrs . L cy M Webb

Maria L . Wood . t Alfred S arkweather .

Mrs . Fannie A . Starkweather .

Eliza J . Witherell .

Mrs . I . R . Miner .

Catharine D . F . Sergeant .

Nellie E . Kellogg.

Fanny A . Edwards .

Mary G . Leavitt .

Elizabeth L . Fairman .

Susie H . Lyman .

Jennie Jenkins .

Charles H . Ch andler .

Mrs. Stella S . Chandler .


1 873 .

George W . Hu bbard . Treasurer of Smith College Trustee of Savings Bank and of Forbes Library ;

also of Hampshire Mutual Fire Insurance Co . President of Cooley Dickinson Hospital ; Presi

of dent Smi th Charities . i . Ph l na Mrs e T . Hubbard .

. n o Mrs Caroli e B . Al vord . Removed to W rcester . t Mo her of Rev . James C . Alvord .

Willis W . Clapp .

Frederic A . H ildreth .

H . K . W . D ickinson .

Angeline Dickinson .

. 1885 Sidney Dickinson . A journalist In lectured

Art on at Smith College .

Edward Dickinson . Son of Henry . Graduated at

1 876. rofes Amherst College , In the musical p

sion at Elmira, N . Y .

. . C C . H Dickinson , Jr Graduated at ollege of 8 o 1 78 . Physicians and Surge ns , Practiced at

Faribault , Minn .

Andrew Sawin .

Mrs . Mary J . Stone .

s Mrs . Sarah J . Bate .

Mrs . Sarah W . Lyman . Home at Montreal .

Mrs . Kitty L . Hill .

Mrs . W . P . Abernathy . ’ V WILLIAM S . LEA ITT S MINISTRY . 213


Francis H . Stoddard . Son of Prof . Solomon . 8 1 69 . Graduated at Amherst College , At Oxford

University 1885 . Professor in University of New

York .

Lucy M . Stoddard .

Jenny Spaulding .

Nancy L. Miller .

S arah M . Butler .

Clara W . Lathrop . 1 2 . Bessie Lathrop , Bridge street

Etta Theresa B . Kraus . Home in Boston .

Mrs . Sarah B . Smith .

Mrs . Harriet A . Kingsley . d Arthur W . Clark . Removed to Hartfor , Ct .

Lucy L . Strong .

Rutherferd . Lucy R .

John M . Turner .

Mrs . J . M . Turner .

Lizzie Turner .

1 875 .

E . W . Higbee , M . D . Began medical p ractice at

1881 . 1 8 1 . o Northampton , 7 Made European t ur ,

r . Ida J . Pa sons

Lizzie G . Parsons .

Jennie W . Kellogg . 1 2 4 FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

Elias C . Lyman .

Mrs . Jane B . Crouch .

Mrs . Hannah Belden .

n Rev . L . Clark Seelye , D . D . Graduated at U ion

nd 185 7 . a College , Studied Theology at Andover

. Prof s in Germany Pastorate at Springfield . e n sor of E glish Literature at Amherst College . 1 8 3 . Became President of Smith College , 7

Mrs . Henrietta C . Seelye .

G . v . 35 Lucia Lo eland , Annie B Loveland , Mar

ket street .

n . Myra G . Stro g

1 876.

Mrs . Fanny B . Seymour .

Elizabeth P . Breck .

Alvah Foote .

Mrs . L . Elizabeth Foote .

Ruth A . Parsons .

1 877 .

Myra Nowell .

William M . Parsons . Removed Haven .

Mrs . E . F . Comstock .

Mrs . Harriet R . Abbott .

o Ella B . Pars ns .

Sarah W . Hillman .


Emma J . Rice .

Arthur L . Fisk . At New Haven . Graduated at 1 3 88 . Yale , 3 Mrs . Mary P . Bruce , Maria E . Bruce , Market

street .

Mrs . Nettie B . Rust .

Hattie B . Comstock .

Dr . John T . Stoddard . Graduated at Amherst ,

1 4. o 87 Studied in Europe . Ch sen Professor of 1 8 8 . Physics and Chemistry in Smith College , 7


Harriet E . Strong .

Alvin L . Clapp .

George P . Dickinson .

Mrs . Mary R . Dickinson .

Anna M . Dickinson .

Charles E . Williams .

Mrs . Sarah M . Shipman .

Mrs . C . E . Laidley .

Mrs . Alvira A . Clary .

Mrs . Katharine S . Leavi tt .

Mrs . Amelia P . Warner .

Mrs . Sophia H . Parkhurst .

Ceylon Moody , Mrs . Lucy Moody, South

street .

Mrs . Mary C . Maynard . ’ V 2 1 WILLIAM S . LEA ITT S MINISTRY . 7

1 881 .

n 23 Ephraim L . Hastings, Mrs . Julia D . Hasti gs ,

Market street .

9 o Charles E . Stevens, Nettie M . Stevens, N rth

street .

r . Mrs . K . M . W ight

Lucy H . Smith .

James C . Alvord . Graduated at Williams College ,

1 . . 885 . Grandson of Judge Charles A Dewey

Pastor at Hamilton .

Sall y M . Bush .

S tephen D . Hadley . Superintendent of Sabbath

School of the First Church . C HAPTER XIV

ini r r r W h 1882 18 9 1 M s t o R ev . H e be t . L at e y f , .


1 882 .

Mrs . Mary A . Jones .

o Ruth B . Dickins n .

Z rvia . e h C . Hillman

Jennie D . Smith .

Sarah A . Clapp . d Harriet L . Hillman . Gra uated at Smith College , 1 884.

Harriet C . Seelye . Graduated at Smith College ,

1 . 888 . . Abigail T Seelye , Elm street

Minnie D . Gibbs .

Fred W . Con nolly . Home in Boston .

Irene F . Pratt . a 18 3 . . . 7 Rev Herbert W Lathe Graduated at Y le ,

18 7 . and at Andover, 7 Pastorate in Portland , — 1877 8 1.

: . . Mrs . H W Lathe


Mrs . Esther P . Phelps .

Mrs . Electa Nims .

A . L . Williston . A corporate member of the

B . A . . C F . M . ~

Mrs . S . T . Williston .

Lucy Will iston .

- . . . . d 1 872 . Prof J B Clark Gra uated at Amherst ,

Professor in Carleton College , Minn . Now Pro

e fess r at Smith College .

Mrs . Myra S . Clark .

Charles H . D ickinson . Graduated at Amherst ,

1881 . J u Took the Ely Prize for Composition ,

1 880. nior year , Graduated at Yale Theological

1884. Seminary,

. . 23 Samuel D Smith , Lavinia M Smith , King

street .

Mattie C . Burnham .

l . . He oise E Hersey , Hatfield House

ff . Mary B . Sa ord

C aroline Thayer .

M . . Mrs . arietta K Smith

1 883 .

nd . . Son Charles B . Kingsley, Jr Druggist a suc

b . . cessor in usiness of his father, Dea Charles B

Kingsley .

Helen A . Hillman . B ’ HER ERT W . LATHE S MINISTRY .


D. o Sarah W od ru fl .

Sarah M . Marsh .

Julia Parsons .

o . d . 36 The dore C Gladden , Harriet C Glad en ,

Bridge street .

Mrs . Maria Porier .

Elijah Allen , Lovisa C . Allen , Miriam L . Allen , 43 Elm street .

Mar E . y Clark .

1 n . 0 . 5 Waldo H Lamb , Helen Lamb , Fra klin

avenue .

of Helen W . Shute , and Mary A . Shute members

1 883 . Smith College ,

Kate B . Shipman .

Mary P . Fisher .

Mary B . Dwight .

Henry E . Smith .

Dora C . Smith .

o J . o Harriet N . R wland , Olivia R wland , Juliette

7 . Rowland , Fruit street

1 884.

Prof . Benj . C . Blodgett . Born in Boston . Grad

u ated 1 861 of m n . , at University Leipsic , Ger a y

Professor of Music at Smith C ollege .

Mattie B . Blodgett .


Louisa B . Adams .

Anna W . Edwards . Graduated at Smith College ,

1888 .

r . Ca rie G Brigh am .

Elizabeth A . Wright .

Mary J . Herrick .

Mary L . Spaulding .

Nellie B . Spaulding . Graduated at Smith College , 6 1 88 .

. n Mary A May ard .

Annie P . Kellogg . Graduated at Smith College ,

1888 .

n . Harriet L . Billi gs

Martha L . Hadley .

Josie P . Robertson .

Laura E . Sawin .

Mabel D . Kingsley .

Mrs . Mary L . Lyman . at Harry Norman Gardiner . Graduated Amherst

and o o h 1 878 . Professor of Mental Moral Phil s p y

at Smith College .

1885 .

Mrs . Lydia A . Clark .

Caroline R . Clark .

Berth a M . Clark .

Anna B . Strong .


Bessie H . Kellogg .

Emma B . Starkweather .

Mary F . Merrick .

Katherine E . Phelps .

u Ma d E . Parsons .

Mrs . Martha A . Clark .

Mrs . Esther M . Wetherell .

Eliza A . Wilder .

Ella M . Platt .

Harriet F . Copeland .

Eva M . Robinson .

Theresa B . Williams .

Walter C . Kingsley . l . o Robert L . Williston A member of Amherst C

lege .

. . o Harry S Williston Entered Amherst C llege ,

1 89 1 d n n ; brother of the prece i g . Both so s of

Hon . A . L . Williston .

Charles A . Clark .

Mary Hussey .

Mrs . Mary E . Staab .

Charlotte Webber .

Jessie P easely.

Nellie C . Moody .

Susie Lathrop .

Mary L . Roberts . ’ B H 225 HER ERT W . LAT E S MINISTRY .

Maud E . Strong .

Lottie B . Strong .

' Hi bee fi Mrs . Netta E . g

Mrs . E . A . Simison .

a . Charles M . Starkwe ther Graduated at Amherst

1 886. n a College , Co nected with a University p

per in New York City .

Sarah J . Edwards .

Clementine M . D avis .

Ellen A . Watson .

John L . Clapp .

Annie G . Snell .

M rs . Martha M . Rolfe .

Cornelia B . Strong .

Bertha F . Clapp .

Myron L . Elwell .

l . Mrs . K . M . E well

1 889 .

Mrs . Elizabeth A . Wright .

Charles M . Wright .

F annv I . Hussey .

Thomas B . Ewing .

Ada L . Ewing .

Mrs . Clara Fletcher .

Annie F . Fletcher .

Hewitt G . Fletcher . 15 6 22 FI RST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

Mrs . Elizabeth Spear .

Mrs . Lillian D . Fitts .

E . Mrs . Harriet . Bates

Mrs . Diantha L . Graves .

Mrs . Ellen Clark .

Mrs . Sarah L . Clark .

o Mrs . Annie A . Pars ns .

M rs . Alice M . Wal ker .

n . n An a M Stro g .

Etta M . Locke .

Sarah L . Daly .

Elizabeth Simison .

George H . Walker .

Alle n L . Strong .

Walter C . Seelye . Preparing to enter college .

William G . Bassett . Judge of Probate C ou rt .

. . o . . Mrs . Mary C Bassett Daughter f Rev A

Colton , Easth ampton .

Mrs . Mary Swift .

Rufus Ames .

Mrs . Sarah A . Ames .

Lucy J . Ames .

Bstie B . Ames .

Addie Pease .

L u u e s. Mrs . Elizabeth N . q

Mrs. Ella M . Bradley .


Ministers s ettled s ince the organi z ati on of the

i r t hu r ch F s C .

h 1 661— 1669 Eleazar Mat er, Ordained Solomon Stoddard 1 672— 1 729 1 727— 1 50 Jonathan Edwards , 7

o 1 753— 1 777 J hn Hooker, 1 778— 1834 Solomon Williams , 1824— 1 827 Mark Tucker , Installed 1 1 828— 1 832 . S . Spencer , Ordained

o 1 833— 1835 J seph Penney , Installed 1 837— 1844 Charles Wiley , Ordained 1 4 — . . 8 5 1 1 E Y Swift , Installed 85

— . . 1853 1 5 J P Cleaveland , 8 5 1858— 1 6 Zachary Eddy , 8 7 — W . 186 1 1 illiam S Leavitt , 7 88 — . 1882 1 891 Herbert W Lathe , E C HAPT R XVI .

E ld ers and D eacons Sin ce the organ iz ation

the F i rs t hu rch a n e 18 1661 C , J , .


1 663 . John Strong, ordained

Preserved Clapp .

Ebenezer Strong .

E C O D A NS .

o 1 663 William Holton , Ch sen

Hanchet 1 668 Thomas ,

Removed to W estfield .

Medad Pomeroy ,

Jonathan Hunt ,

Nathaniel Phelps ,

John Clark ,

Thomas Sheldon ,

Ebenezer Wright ,

Samuel Allen ,

John Clark ,

Noah Cook ,

o Ebenezer P meroy, 2 0 3 FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON .

t 1 739 S ephen Wright , Chosen

Removed to Easthampton . Ebenezer Hunt

Supply Kingsley ,

Joseph Hawley , n Jo athan Hunt ,

Aaron Cook ,

Josiah Clark ,

Elijah Clark ,

Moses Kingsley ,

1 94. Removed to Chesterfield , 7 Enos Wright, 1 79 1 1 97 Solomon Allen , 7

Became a minister 1804. Preached in Western

New York till 1821 . 1 804 Israel Clark , chosen 1 805 Luther Clark ,

. 1 81 6 Ebenezer S Phelps ,

183 1 . Removed to Illinois,

Enos Clark ,

Dismissed to the Edwards Church .

Eliphalet Williams ,

Lewis Strong,

1858 . D ismissed to the Edwards Church ,

. 183 1 David S Whitney , chosen 1 838 John P . Williston , 1 9 Aaron Breck , 83


H om e a nd F or e ign llf is si onar i es of the N orth

m i r t hu r h a p ton F s C c .

Job Strong labored in company with David

Brainerd among the Indians in New Jersey . — o n 1804 21 n . S lomo Allen , , a pio eer preacher in

w . Western N e York . Planted several churches — 1 809 14. Ebenezer Wright , Under the patron age of the Hamp shire Missionary Society in St .

Lawrence County , N . Y .

Clarissa Lyman , daughter of Esq . Levi . Married , 2 1 82 . , Rev William Rich ards of the Sandwich

Islands Mission . 1825 Jerusha Lyman , married about , Jackson

Kemper, missionary Bishop of the Northwest .

Ansel Bridgman . Home Missionary in Michigan .

Henry Lyman , martyr missionary to Batavia .

Joseph Hunt Breck and wife , both of North ampton . Home Missionaries on the Western Re serve . Q 233 MISSIONARIES .

Timothy D wight , son of Cecil . His early death prevented him from being a foreign missionary .

Robert Ogden D wight, son of Major Josiah , mis sionary to Madura .

u Miss Hetty S . B tler, married Rev . Eli Smith , missionaries to Syria .

Susan Wright Clark , married Rev . Josiah Tyler, about forty years in South Africa .

. o . David T Stoddard , missi nary to Persia

r Clara M . Brewster , or Mrs . Hi am Bingham , over

- thirty five years in the foreign field . Now at the

Sandwich Islands .

on S . Russell Butler for twelve years the Lab rador coast .

Sarah M . Cooke , married Prof . Silsby . Five years at Siam . C H APTER XVIII .

Dece a s ed Me mbe rs of F i rs t C h u r ch a nd P a r is h w ho left large beq u es ts to H om e a nd F or eign JlIi ss ions a nd other

ha rita le e t C b O bj c s .

Benjamin Tappan .

John Hopkins .

Asahel Lyman .

Mrs . Asahel Lyman .

Dr . Benjamin Barrett .

D r . Edward B . Barrett .

Dea . J . P . Williston .

Mrs . J . P . Williston .

John Clarke , the banker .

William Allen , D . D .

t . Solomon S oddard , third Clerk of Courts

George W . Hubbard . m i Ta e s n Clark .

Silas M . Smith .

Two names of the last century may be added . 1 75 4 Thomas Allen , deceased , gave between six (234)


C h u rches a id ed i n the i r F orm ation and Mem

ber s hi d u r i n the las t ce ntu r a nd s in ce p , g y

r r r h by the N o thamp ton F i st Chu c .

Almost a score could be mentioned , indebted to this Mother in Israel . Begin with some near at

o home . Southampton , Westhampton , Easthampt n , settled largely from the mother town . They were model communities and the churches in them .

o Count up the graduates, ministers , auth rs , teach ers , professors , valuable men , they h ave sent out into the world , more than one hundred and twenty .

Ct . on Lebanon , , settled previously , stands high

the roll of educated communities . But that place received its first start from families connected with

re the Northampton First Church . The same specting Durham , Coventry, Woodbury, of that

t o sta e . One of the first ministers of Wo dbury,

Rev . Anthony Stoddard , was a Northampton boy .

1 02 w as Settled in 7 , preached nearly sixty years ,

Clerk of Probate forty years , acted as lawyer and (236) CHURCHES AIDED . 237

f physician , managed one of the largest arms in

r town , eared a family of eleven children , admitted 5 00 to the church . It is proper to say that the intelligence of some N orthampt on families which settled in Amherst 1 750 about and earlier, had something to do in Am bringing into existence that noble institution , herst C ollege . Recall the in fluence of the First Church in the

N orthfield Pittsfield Sk aneate early times of , ,

. Y . . . les , N , Princeton , Ill , Brecksville , O The churches in those places were much indebted for their excellent beginning to families of the North ampton First Church .

Coming back to the Connecticut Valley , the

Edwards Church , so efficient , far reaching in its

fl o w o in uence for g od , o ns and ackn wledges the

First Church as Mother . Has not this been the feeling on the part of both toward each other from the first till now ? Will conclude by adducing the Florence Congre

ational . n g Church In aidi g its early membership , did not the Northampton First Church perform an important part ? A C H PTER XX .

W h at H ath G od W r ou ght 2

Tw o r a o hundred thi ty years g ,

A faithful few , a little band , to G od o Wishing serve their bel w, o And thus c nfess his guiding hand ,

United all with willing mind To o f rm a church , a sacred band o o k i Rej icing in a past r nd , T t o guide them o the better land .

The little ones were gathered in ’ B C ov nant o of y v ws parents dear , to And early taught hate all sin ,

As from these records doth appear .

M o First ather came , a h ly man ; S o " of And t ddard ne t, earnest mien , o ook fi rm And many s uls t a stand , k Whose names within this boo are seen .

r o of o Edwa ds , a w nder l gic rare ; His o preaching , earnest, faithful , s und , His ook o o o o b s pr f und bey nd c mpare ,

Have spread his fame the w orld around .

’ G ook oo ifted H er in manh d s prime , Well served his three and twenty years ; on And Williams preached a l ger time , ’ E e n si" o and f rty busy years . (238)