Mattia Cattaneo, Ph.D.

Personal details

Address Via Marconi 43, 24033 Calusco D’Adda () - Phone (Mobile) +39 340 9675122 E-mail [email protected] Place/Date of birth Ponte San Pietro (Italia), 21 Ottobre 1986

Position held

2016-today Assistant professor of Business and Organization at the Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering,

. Research assistant at the HERe (Higher Education Research – Conference of Italian University Rectors) – University of Bergamo. . Research assistant at the CCSE (CISAlpino Institute for Comparative Studies in Europe) – University of Bergamo and University of Augsburg. . Research member of the International Center for Competitiveness Studies in the Aviation Industry (ICCSAI).


2015 Ph.D in Economics and Technology Management, University of Bergamo.

Sept. 2013 – Jan. 2104 Research visiting-period at the Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research IN+/ dell’Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon, PT) under the supervision of Prof. Manuel Heitor Valsassina (Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Portugal) and Prof. Hugo Horta, (Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong).

Referee Activity Transport policy; Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review; Journal of Technology Transfer; Higher Education; Small Business Economics; Technology Forecasting and Social Change; Journal of Air Transport Management; Tourism Management; Internaitonal Journal of Aviation Management; Eurasian Business Review; Journal of Industrial and Business Economics; Computers in Human Behaviour.

Publications Morlotti, C., Cattaneo, M., Malighetti, P., Redondi, R., (2017), “Multi- dimensional price elasticity for leisure and business destinations in the low-cost air transport market: Evidence from easyJet”, 61, 23-34.

Cattaneo M., Malighetti M., Meoli M., Paleari S., (2016), “University Spatial Competition for Students: The Italian Case”, Regional studies, DOI:10.1080/00343404.2015.1135240.

Cattaneo M., Malighetti P., Paleari S., Redondi R., (2016), “The role of the air transport service in interregional long-distance students’ mobility”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 93, 66-82.

Cattaneo M., Horta H., Malighetti M., Meoli M., Paleari S., (2016), “Effects of the financial crisis on university choice by gender”, Higher Education, DOI: 10.1007/s10734-016-0076-y.

Horta H., Cattaneo M., Meoli M., (2016), “PhD funding as a determinant of PhD and career research performance”, Studies in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2016.1185406.

Cattaneo M., Malighetti P., Spinelli D., (2016), “The impact of U3A courses on ICT adoption”, Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 613- 619.

Seeber M., Cattaneo M., Huisman J., Paleari, (2016), “Why do higher education institutions internationalize? An investigation of the multilevel determinants of internationalization rationales”, Higher Education, 72, 685-702.

Cattaneo M., Malighetti M., Morlotti C., Redondi R., (2016), “Quantity price discrimination in the air transport industry: The easyJet case”, Journal of Air Transport Management, 54, 1-8.

Cattaneo M., Meoli M., Signori A., (2016), “Performance-based funding and university research productivity: the moderating effect of university legitimacy”. The Journal of Technology Transfer. 41, 85- 104.

Cattaneo M., Meoli M., Vismara S., (2015), “Financial regulation and IPOs: Evidence from the history of the Italian stock market”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 31, 116-131.

Cattaneo M., Meoli M., Vismara S., (2015), “Cross-border M&As of biotech firms affiliated with internationalized universities”, The Journal of Technology Transfer, 40, 409-433.

Porta F., Cattaneo M., Donina D., Meoli M., (2015). “Funding Mechanisms of Five Higher Education Systems in Europe: A Comparative Study”. Scuola Democratica, 6, 103-122.

Chapters in international books (peer-review) Cattaneo M., Meoli M, Paleari S. (2015), Why do universities internationalize? Organizational reputation and legitimacy. In D. Audretsch, E. Lehmann, M. Meoli and S. Vismara (Eds.), University Evolution, Entrepreneurial Activity and Regional Competitiveness, pp. 327-346. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-17713-7_15.

Cattaneo M., Meoli M., Paleari S., Vismara S. (2013), The M&A Exit from Science-Based Firms. In C. Karlsson, B. Johansson, R. Stough (Eds.), Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Technology and the Transformation of Regions. Routledge, pp. 178-193. Taylor & Francis Group, Regional Studies Association. DOI: 10.4324/9780203486634.

Cattaneo M., Meoli M. (2013), Investor Protection and IPO survival in the Italian Stock Market. In M. Levis, S. Vismara (Eds.), Handbook of Research on IPOs, pp. 141-158. Edward Elgar. DOI: 10.4337/9781781955376.00015.

Teaching Assistant professor of Business Economics and Organization at the Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering, University of Bergamo (2016-2017).

Course of Transport Economics - ITS Sustainable Mobility, 2014/2015-2015/2016, Region (Italy).

Lesson on spatial economic analysis - joint PhD program between University of and University of Bergamo, 2014-2015.

Lesson on the evaluation of IPO-firms at the Graduate School of Business - Polytechnic – Master 8 MBA PART TIME WEEKEND, 2014-2015.

Seminar on spatial economic analysis - joint PhD program between Istitute Superior Técnico (Lisboa) and the Carnegie Mellon University (US), 2013.

Bergamo, 20/03/2017 Mattia Cattaneo