IEC 61850 Embedded Client/Server Development Toolkit

The Xelas Energy product portfolio enables:

• Embedded IEC 61850 development: significant time and cost savings when porting to embedded operating systems and integrating with device logic. • IEC-61850 Client development: full management systems, web GUI, metadata SCL-databases, Xelas protocol stacks. • IEC 61850 edition 2 standard compliance and interoperability testing: fully scripted and highly automated IEC61850 test suites. • Advanced Client and/or Server Simulation. • SCL modeling • High performance and secure network data 61850/CIM integration.

The Xelas 61850 Embedded Client/Server development Toolkit is built using the latest technology while drawing upon Xelas Software’s 25 years of software engineering expertise in delivering reliable and scalable communication and management solutions.

This datasheet describes the features of the Xelas IEC 61850 Embedded Client/Server Development Toolkit.


IEC 61850 embedded development Solutions ...... 2 Product Highlights ...... 3 Development Architecture and Features ...... 4 Summary ...... 6 Product Details...... 7

IEC 61850 embedded development Solutions

The IEC 61850 embedded Client/Server development toolkit provides the functions to easily implement 61850 management (either server or client) functionalities on embedded systems within processor driven network equipment or switch gear.

Embedded systems can be characterized as systems with limited processor (CPU) power and limited memory space using a Real Time Operating System (RTOS).

Many different RTOSs are used in the IEC 61850 space - MontaVista Linux, VxWorks, pSOS, Symbian OS, Windows CE and other embedded Linux variants are widely deployed.

The IEC 61850 embedded software within Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) can be used for all aspects of network management: control, protection, monitoring, fault restoration, configuration, performance, accounting (metering, usage data) and security management.

Many network devices will over time be upgraded from simpler legacy protocols to IEC 61850, while new functionality is continuously added to IEC 61850.

The Xelas 61850 embedded server development toolkit is provided as an off-the-shelf (binary deliverable) on various embedded platforms including i686 servers running Linux, VxWorks, pSOS and some embedded Linux variants. The software can also be purchased as a source code package for customers performing in house portations to specific RTOS/hardware. Xelas also provides portation services to any requested i686 server or specific RTOS/hardware platform.

All three 61850 protocols are available for integration into an embedded IED application: MMS (for client-server communications), GOOSE and SV. The embedded development toolkit supports the development of all 61850 features: MMS Client and Server, Goose and SV publishers and subscribers.

Real differentiators offered by the 61850-embedded development toolkit are: • Easy binding to existing RTOS (using dedicated “Jupiter” binding/encapsulation library) • Strong integration through manufacturer API • Interaction with networks is simplified (by a strong ACSI layer implementation) • Market best embedded transport service (ETS)


Figure 1 – IEC 61850 Embedded Toolkit Architecture

Product Highlights

The following are highlights of the Xelas 61850 embedded server toolkit:

➢ Optimized architecture for embedded RTOS ➢ Includes embedded Xelas RFC 1006 transport stack (ETS-TCP) – widely recognized as the best embedded RFC 1006 stack in the marketplace allowing transport of MMS and other OSI protocols over the TCP/IP networks ➢ Fully interoperable with Xelas Energy 61850 client simulators and other third- party clients or simulators ➢ Dynamic loading of SCL files with various information model e.g. 61850-7-420 (DER,) 61850-7-410 (Hydro,) 61850-7-x (substations,) 61400 (Wind power) ➢ Full protocol support for IEC 61850-6, 61850-7-2, 61850-7-3, 61850-7-4, 61850- 8-1 (MMS, GOOSE), 61850-9-2 (Sampled Values) ➢ Value adding Fault, Configuration, Auditing, Performance and Security (FCAPS) test and inventory discovery service features ➢ C development Environment ➢ All ACSI operations implemented. This greatly reduces application development time over a standard MMS API Library ➢ ACSI Operations are implemented in a separate task independent of the transport protocol (MMS, GOOSE, SV) ➢ Multiple transport protocols: MMS, GOOSE, Sampled Values ➢ Extendable with IEC 62351-4 Security plugin ➢ Testing of the final embedded 61850 server functions can be performed 99% in house using the Xelas 61850 client simulator. The client simulator provides a full 61850 conformance testing suite, allowing automated 61850 validations for all


functions described in Edition 2. (test suite includes PICS support for customer specific IED implementations) ➢ Customer system integration using manufacturers API (POSIX compliant C-API) with example code and API documentation.

Development Architecture and Features

The Xelas embedded 61850 client / server toolkit is designed for ease of portation to RTOS systems. The Xelas Jupiter RTOS portation library facilitates rapid embedded portation of the product. All OS requirements are encapsulated in a single module. Once this module has been ported a test module (Jupiter tester) confirms that all necessary RTOS functions are available to support the protocols stacks and other IEC 61850 functions.

Xelas embedded 61850 client / server toolkits are designed to meet the highest reliability and scalability requirements by using:

i. Multi-threaded solutions for single stack high performance ii. High performance embedded RFC1006/OSI protocol stacks

A professional process management function enables overall control.

Integration with the network device can be achieved in several ways: i. Use the existing manufacturers API which runs as a separate task and receives and sends ACSI compliant messages. ii. Add additional customer task which can handle ACSI compliant messages to the server adapter. Xelas embedded server provides sample C-sources for the final server adapter (ANSI-C compliant, development edition) iii. Configuration in the SCL XML file which is loaded on startup can be imported into the database and copied into memory iv. The default implementation can detect changes in a text file and act upon this, this allows for a sample file-based interaction.


Figure 2 – IEC 61850 Embedded Server Simulator Detailed Architecture

Component Explanation SCL_preinvoke_msg Callback when a IEC 61850 operation is about to be processed. Part of documented manufacturers C-API. SCL_postinvoke_msg Callback when a IEC 61850 operation has been processed. Part of documented manufacturers C-API. Memory DB (SCL) Memory based database containing loaded SCL and updated values from API. end_system Server binary, which handles the IEC61850 operations from clients, as well as sends reports, goose message or SV messages in accordance with IEC61850. It contains layers: MMS, GOOSE and SV for external communication. Jupiter portation API This is a library which provides OS independence for other components, and has all functions for file, OS, system specific access. MMS Manufacturing Message Specification, used with mappings as specified in IEC 61850-8-1 standard. RFC1006 This supplies OSI on top of TCP/IP on top of Ethernet. GOOSE Generic Object Oriented Substation Events, allows for transmission of sets of data with high performance on top of Ethernet. SV Sampled Values (Unicast and Multicast), with mappings as specified in IEC 61850- 9-2. Files: IEDSIM.scl, IEDSIM.txt Loaded during initialization time (see next paragraph for details) and also used to write data to (during updates) File: IEDSIM.scl.dyn, Files loaded at runtime (see next paragraph for details) as part of example code in IEDSIM.txt.dyn manufacturers API Files: audit.rec, audit.hdr Audit files, recording IEC61850 operations from clients with date and result. This is verified by test suite scripts. File: .log Traces from the end system can be redirected to a file Figure 3 – server components table


The 61850-embedded development toolkit enables easy addition of IEC 61850 operations into your device/equipment/gear. It can be implemented in days and is built to provide highly reliable, professional and flexible management. The embedded systems are then in principle ready to support ANY of the IEC61850 defined operations. This ensures easy and powerful conformance testing.

Adaptations to the devices can be automatically loaded as SCL compliant files. IEC 61850 provides various different information models (substation automation, wind, hydro and DER).


The Xelas 61850 Embedded Client/Server Toolkit provides more functionality than comparable 61850 products. • All communication protocols supported • Easy porting to RTOSs using the Jupiter library and ETS (embedded transport service) • Full implementation of ACSI Layer functions in a separate task, enabling much faster development • Simulator and Conformance test tools easily integrated • Fully implemented ACSI layer reduces greatly the application development time compared to “plain MMS” libraries sold by competitors • 61850 Server Simulator facilitates rapid Test and QA cycles (it can e.g. also model your IED behavior) • Multi-tasking embedded Architecture which can be customized to fit target hardware

Business cases with clients have shown that the Xelas embedded development toolkit enables equipment vendors and integrators considerable cost savings in the development and integration of IEC 61850 equipment.

Integrators, DSOs and TSO engineers may use the embedded toolkit to enable 61850 interoperability (embedded servers and embedded clients can be developed) on process bus and station bus level.

Cost reductions during testing, validating and ensuring interoperability using the client simulator (with conformance test suite) are up to 70 % higher than with any other product on the market.


Product Details


UNIX or Linux server – Redhat Linux and Suse Linux Embedded RTOS - VxWorks and embedded Linux variants.

The Xelas packages for Linux are delivered in RPM format as commonly used by the Linux package manager tools. The packages can have an extension for 32-bit or 64-bit. The packages may have an extension for runtime or development usage.

Differences between runtime and development edition: ➢ The Runtime edition allows development and startup of the IEC 61850 server edition on the platform for which it was delivered, and allows modification example code based on manufacturers API. Some example sources are provided along with an API description. ➢ The Development edition can be used for cross-compilations and portations to other embedded RTOS platforms.

Memory Requirements

Minimum memory requirements depend on specific OS port and on loaded SCL memory information model. On Linux: ~5 MB RAM

Standards Supported

➢ Full protocol support for IEC 61850-6, 61850-7-2, 61850-7-3, 61850-7-4, 61850- 8-1 (MMS), 61850-9-2 (Sampled Values) ➢ Multiple information models supported such as 61850-7-420 (DER,) 61850-7-410 (Hydro,) 61850-7-x (substations,) 61400 (Wind power) ➢ OSI: Presentation, Session, Transport, ACSE, ROSE, embedded RFC1006 –OSI on top of TCP/IP)

Headquarters Europe 13160 Mindanao Way, Suite 252 Kleine Loo 284 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 2592 CK Den Haag Web: Netherlands Phone: +1-310-301-7222 +31-6-5151-4346 E-mail: [email protected]

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