23667 Hon. Michael C. Burgess Hon. Doris O. Matsui Hon
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October 25, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 23667 Through their valiant efforts they assisted 2005 Monarchs successfully beat the Con- civic pride to the city of Sacramento. Their stabilizing the city of Hit in the province of Al necticut Sun three games to one in a thrilling success and loyal following is truly a testa- Anbar, protecting Iraqis and their comrades, best of five games series to be crowned ment to the ever increasing importance of aiding in the arrest of 116 insurgents, and as- WNBA royalty. By winning the 2005 WBNA women’s professional sports, and it is a great sisting in exposing over 150 weapons stores championship series, the Sacramento Mon- honor for me to have the opportunity to com- and 160 bombs. archs gave Sacramento its first national title in mend them on their accomplishments. I ask all Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the residents of professional basketball. I ask all of my col- of my colleagues to join with me in congratu- the 27th Congressional District and all Ameri- leagues to join with me in saluting the trium- lating the Sacramento Monarchs on a memo- cans I wish to extend my sincerest gratitude to phant 2005 Sacramento Monarchs. rable season and wishing them continued suc- these courageous and noble soldiers. Their The 2005 Sacramento Monarchs were com- cess in the future. service and sacrifices help protect the safety prised of an outstanding blend of seasoned f and freedoms that make this Nation great. professionals with several years of WNBA ex- RECOGNITION OF MRS. BONNIE f perience under their belts, as well as young, talented recent college graduates. The team MANLEY CONGRATULATING MARIELA was led by Yolanda Griffith, a former WNBA AGUILLON MVP and four-time WNBA All-Star. During the HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY regular season, Griffith averaged nearly four- OF ILLINOIS HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS teen points and over six rebounds a game. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TEXAS Against the Sun, when it mattered the most, Tuesday, October 25, 2005 she increased her averages to eighteen points IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise and ten rebounds a game and was named Tuesday, October 25, 2005 today in recognition of Mrs. Bonnie Manley of Finals MVP. San Diego, California and Mr. Ron Blackman Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to During the playoffs, point guard Ticha of Fort Wayne, Indiana. These special individ- congratulate Ms. Mariela Aguillon for receiving Penicheiro led the league in assists, and aver- uals dedicated their lives to educating the the PacifiCare Latino Health Scholarship. aged five a game throughout the Monarchs’ United States’ next generation of cosmetolo- Since 2003, PacifiCare has awarded playoff run. She was recently recognized in gists. Mrs. Manley and Mr. Blackman were $356,000.00 to 155 deserving students in the her hometown of Figueira da Foz, Portugal, owners of Pivot Point International member Latino Health Scholars program. This program with the ‘‘Medalha de Honra ao Merito schools, part of a global beauty education was created to educate students about career Desportivo,’’ a medal honoring her outstanding company headquartered in my district. They opportunities for Hispanics and Latinos in the achievement in the WNBA. healthcare field. In order to qualify for this In addition, the 2005 WNBA Championship honorably supported the company’s philan- $2,000.00 scholarship, applicants are required team was assisted by the contributions of thropic commitment to the National Center for to demonstrate a grade point average of 3.0 many other great players including Olympia Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). Mrs. Manley was passionate about the wel- or better and be fluent in Spanish and English. Scott-Richardson, DeMya Walker, Kara fare of children. Whether it was caring for her In addition, applicants must be enrolled in an Lawson, Rebekkah Brunson, and Nicole Pow- own grandchildren, or a missing child hun- approved health care program at a university, ell. All of these Monarchs proved themselves dreds of miles away, she inspired her students community college or accredited technical col- to be among the best in the entire league. to raise more than $50,000 for NCMEC. lege. Whether a veteran or a recent addition, every Ron Blackman refused to allow even a dis- According to the Office of Minority Health, member of the championship team dem- aster to stop his commitment to the National there is a nationwide shortage of bilingual and onstrated excellent team work, dedication, and Center. Despite severe flood damage to his bicultural professionals in the health care field. integrity as they fought their way to win the school, he continued to raise money. Each Specifically, the shortage of Spanish speaking title. Later this month, the entire team will find year their students joined hundreds of others personnel in nursing and other allied health themselves on supermarket shelves across nationwide to raise money for NCMEC. Their professions, coupled with the growth of the the country, as they will be the first WNBA contributions are now approaching the Latino population in the United States, re- team featured on a Wheaties box. $500,000 mark. Besides having an extremely talented roster, quires training and recruitment of an ever- Tragically, both of these amazing individuals the Monarchs could not have gone as far as greater number of qualified professionals. Mr. have recently passed away. To honor their they did without the commitment of a great Russell Bennett, Vice President of PacifiCare’s commitment to children, the Pivot Point Mem- coaching staff and an uncompromising leader- Latino Health Solutions, notes that the Latino ber Schools have created the ‘‘Manley- ship team in the front office. On the bench, Health Scholars program has ‘‘made a positive Blackman Spirit Award.’’ This award will be head coach John Whisenant and his able as- difference in the lives of these deserving given to a Pivot Point school owner, faculty sistant coaches Tom Abatemarco, Steve youths who are beginning their journey toward member, or staff person who demonstrates a Shuman, and Monique Ambers each contrib- realizing their academic and professional aspi- willingness to push limits, has shown a com- uted countless hours of film watching, rations.’’ mitment to community service, inspires others strategizing, and coaching to transform the I extend my sincere congratulations to Ms. to be the best they can be, and demonstrates Monarchs into champions. Mariela Aguillon on receiving this scholarship perseverance in the face of adversity. I hope In the front office, the Monarchs are led by funded by the PacifiCare Foundation. As a that all my colleagues join me in recognizing the ownership of the Maloof Family and the doctor of over 21 years, I commend Ms. the lives and achievements of Bonnie Manley astute management of team president John Aguillon’s dedication and desire to help others and Ron Blackman. by pursuing a career in the health care profes- Thomas. Under the Maloofs, the Sacramento sion. Monarchs have taken great steps to gain a f f widespread following among area fans. Given THANKING OREGON SCIENCE the team’s commitment to their fans, it is no TEACHERS ASSOCIATION A TRIBUTE TO THE 2005 wonder that Sacramento fans are so loyal to SACRAMENTO MONARCHS their professional sports teams. In September, HON. DAVID WU over 3,000 fans cheered the Monarchs on as OF OREGON they paraded through downtown Sacramento HON. DORIS O. MATSUI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA with the WNBA championship trophy. Tuesday, October 25, 2005 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, as the Sacramento Monarchs revel in their most successful season in their Mr. WU. Mr. Speaker, I would like to state Tuesday, October 25, 2005 nine year history and prepare for another out- for the record my thanks to the Oregon Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise in tribute standing season, I am honored to pay tribute Science Teachers Association for its participa- to the 2005 Sacramento Monarchs, the de- to the many hardworking women and men of tion in National Chemistry Week. serving winners of the 2005 Women’s National the Monarchs’ franchise. Over the past few Just last week, the Oregon Science Teach- Basketball Association championship. The months, they have brought so much joy and ers Association focused one of the sessions at VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:41 Mar 01, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00140 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK17\NO-SSN\BR25OC05.DAT BR25OC05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.