In the parish or township of Hamsterley.— Station in Butterknowle-lane and in Hagger- The Green, Hamsterley. leases-road. In the parish or township of Helmington-row. Level crossing on the Woodland Collieries line —California-terrace, Sebastopol-terrace, Bowden- in East Butterknowle-road. terrace,Bovden Close, Cross-row, Low Jobs Hill; Level crossing on the Woodland Collieries Old Wheatbottom-street, Lawsons-yard, Osborne- private railway in Huts-road, Woodland. gardens, Linton-terrace, Military-row, Beckside- Level crossings on the Todhills branch of the street, road from Wheatbottom to Crook Ceme- North Eastern Kailway in By'ers Green Station- tery, Wheatbottom; Low-yard, High-yard, road, Colliery-lane and Todhills-lane, Byers Helmington; Bridge-street, Helmington-terrace, Green. West-street, Percy-street, Hill-street, Queen- Level crossing on the Newfield Colliery line street, Central-street, Chapel-stroet, Sunderland- in Spring Bank-road. atreet, Soulh-slreet, Dean-street, road from Level crossing on the Auckland Park Colliery Sunnybow Cottage to Queen-street, Sunnybow, line at Auckland Park Colliery in Coundon Sunnybrow. Grange New-road. In the parish or township of llunwick and Level crossing on the wagonway from Auck- Helmington.—Thompson-terrace, Back Thomp- land Park Colliery to brickyard in Coundon son-terrace, road from west end of Back Grange New-road. Thompson-terrace to main street, Oxford-street, Level crossing on Bolckow Vaughan and Eough Lea-terrace (back}, Hun wick Lane-ends; Company's private line in the road from Close The Green, road from Hunwick-lane to brick- House to Gurney Valley. works, Quarry-row, Primrose-terrace (back), Level crossing en the Westerton branch of the Hun wick. Leasinglhorne Colliery Eailway in the road from In the parish of Merrington.—The Green. Coundon to Middlestone. Merrington. Level crossings on the Leasingthorne branch In the parish or township of Middlestone.— line in the road from Leasinglhorne to Merring- Heap-row, Yew-terrace, Larch-terrace, LeaBishop Auckland and so by letter addressed to the Board of Trade, branch of the North Eastern marked on the outside of the cover enclosing it Eailway in the and Sunderland Bridge " Electric Lighting Acts," on or before the loth main road and West Aiickland and Uorbridge of January, J90S. A copy must at the same main road. time be sent to the undersigned Sydney Morse. Level crossing on the Bishop Auckland and Dated the 20th day of November, TJ02. Durham branch of the North Eastern Eailway at SYDNEY MOUSE, 87, Norfolk - street, llunwick Station. Strand, London, W.C., Solicitor for the Level crossing on the Wear Valley branch of above-named County of Durham Elec- the North Eastern Eailway at Witton-le-Wear. trical Power Distribution Company Level crossings on the Haggerleases branch of Limited. the North Eastern Eailway in the road from Even- wood Village to Evenwood Station, and in the Board of Trade.—Session 1903. road from Lands to Cockfield. STAFFORD ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Level crossings on the Woodland Collieries (Application to the Board of Trade under the Company's private line at Crakes Scar, and in Electric Lighting Acts, 1882 and 1888, and Haggerleases-road at High Wham. the Electric Lighting (Clauses) Act, 1899, for Level crossing on the tubway from Carter- a Provisional Order to enable the Mayor, thorne Colliery to Evenwood Station, at Carter- Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Borough of thorne South Pit. Stafford to Produce and Supply Electricity Level crossing on the wagon way from Butter- for Motive Power and all Public and Private knowle Colliery to Butterknowle Station near Purposes outside the limits of the said Butterknowle Bridge. borough but within parts of the parishes of Level crossing on the wagonway from Seighford, Tillington, Hopton and Coton, Quarry Pit to Butterknowle Station in Quarry- Baswich and Castle Church, all within the lane, o Stafford Rural District, in the county of Level crossings on the wagonway from Stafford; Power to construct Works ; to make Butterknowle Colliery to Butterknowle Goods Charges; to acquire Lands ; to make arrange-