Agenda Item No: 3 Report author: Mike Ross

Tel: 39 51479

Report of : Director of City Development

Report to : Property Panel

Date: 26 September 2011

Subject: Vacant Caretaker’s Cottages:

Lobb Cottage, 70 Lane, School, Roundhay, LS8 The Lodge, 30A Thorn Lane, Roundhay School, Roundhay, LS8 The Cottage, Spen Road, , West Park, LS16

Are specific electoral Wards affected? Yes No If relevant, name(s) of Ward(s): Roundhay and Weetwood

Are there implications for equality and diversity and cohesion and Yes No integration?

Is the decision eligible for Call-In? Yes No

Does the report contain confidential or exempt information? Yes No If relevant, Access to Information Procedure Rule number: Appendix number:

Summary of main issues

1. Lobb Cottage is a derelict former caretaker’s cottage located in the grounds of Roundhay School adjacent to the Gledhow Lane entrance which also serves Kerr Mackie Primary School. It is proposed to declare the property surplus to requirements and sell it on the open market by way of public auction together with a separate small area of land for car parking and associated rights of way, in order to allow its repair/refurbishment and bring it back into beneficial use.

2. The Lodge, 30A Thorn Lane is a vacant former caretaker’s house also located in the grounds of Roundhay School adjacent to the service access road off Thorn Lane. This property has recently been surrendered back to the Council from ESCo, the PFI school operator, as it is no longer required by them. As no alternative Council use has been identified it is proposed to declare the property surplus to requirements and sell it on the open market by way of public auction together with associated rights of way for access.

3. The Cottage, Spen Road is another vacant former caretaker’s house located in the grounds of Lawnswood School adjacent to the rear entrance off Spen Road. This property has also recently been surrendered back to the Council from ESCo, the PFI school operator, as it is no longer required by them. As no alternative Council use has

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been identified it is proposed to declare the property surplus to requirements and sell it on the open market by way of public auction together with associated rights of way for access.


4. It is recommended that the Acting Chief Asset Management Officer declare three former caretakers houses surplus to the requirements of the Council and offer them for sale on the open market by way of public auction. The reserve prices will be agreed by the Head of Property Services prior to the auction in accordance with powers delegated by the Director of City Development.

1 Purpose of this report

1.1 The purpose of this report is to seek the approval of the Acting Chief Asset Management Officer to declare three vacant former school caretaker’s cottages surplus to the requirements of the Council and to offer them for sale on the open market by public auction.

2 Background information

2.1 Lobb Cottage is located adjacent to the Gledhow Lane entrance to Roundhay and Kerr Mackie Schools as shown edged black on the attached plan A. The property comprises a vacant former caretaker’s cottage which has been empty for a number of years and has suffered from vandalism and anti social behaviour. A separate small area of land also shown on the plan, together with rights of way for access shown dot hatched, will be included to provide ancillary parking. The property requires extensive modernisation and repair and there will be an obligation on any purchaser to carry out these works within an agreed timescale

2.2 30A Thorn Lane is a vacant former caretaker’s house located adjacent to the service access to Roundhay School on Thorn Lane as shown edged black on the attached plan B together with rights of way for access shown dot hatched. The property was included in the lease of Roundhay School to ESCo, the PFI contractor which operates the school, but has recently been surrendered back to the Council as it is no longer needed as caretaker accommodation.

2.3 The Cottage, Spen Road, is another vacant former caretaker’s house located adjacent to the rear entrance to Lawnswood School as shown edged black on the attached plan C together with rights of way for access shown dot hatched. The property was included in the lease of Lawnswood School to ESCo, the PFI contractor which operates the school, but has recently been surrendered back to the Council as it is no longer needed as caretaker accommodation.

2.4 Lobb Cottage and 30A Thorn Lane were declared surplus to the requirements of Education by the then Director of Learning and Leisure on 6 September 2006. At this date 30A Thorn Lane was leased to the PFI contractor operating the school and has recently been surrendered back to the Council. In respect of Lobb Cottage detailed discussions have been taking place to amend the site boundaries and the access arrangements via the school gates in order to provide sufficient garden to the cottage and a car parking space. This has taken a long time to resolve as discussions have taken place between the school, Education Leeds and

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ESCo to resolve the access issues which ultimately led to amendment of the PFI contract.

2.5 30A Thorn Lane and The Cottage Spen Road were surrendered by ESCo back to the Council on 31 March 2011.

3 Main issues

3.1 All three properties have been handed over to Corporate Property Management to manage on behalf of the Council pending their disposal.

3.2 No alternative Council use has been identified for the properties

3.3 As there is no alternative Council use for the properties it is proposed and recommended they be:-

i) declared surplus to operational requirements, and

ii) that they be sold by public auction, with the reserve price being agreed by the Head of Property Services prior to the auction in accordance with powers delegated by the Director of City Development.

3.4 Options relating to the proposal to dispose of the houses are considered below:

i) Retain the properties for Council use. This has been considered but no alternative Council uses have been identified for the properties. It is therefore not considered appropriate to retain the properties.

ii) Dispose of the properties by way of auction. This is the recommended option. Due to the nature of the buildings and their location there is likely to be great interest in their purchase and recent sales of houses by auction has proved successful.

3.5 It is recommended that option ii) be pursued.

4 Corporate Considerations

4.1 The sale of these properties to bring them back into beneficial use supports the corporate priority for creating better neighbourhoods and confident communities.

4.2 The properties are to be declared surplus to Council requirements as no operational reason has been identified to justify retention. In these circumstances disposal represents prudent and economic asset management, minimising holding costs associated with managing the properties and therefore supports Best Value objectives of the Council. The disposal of the properties will generate a substantial capital receipt and support both the Departmental objective of generating capital receipts in support of the capital programme and corporate Best Value objectives.

4.3 Consultation and Engagement

4.3.1 Ward Members were consulted by letter and e-mail on 15 April 2011 to Roundhay Members and 17 May 2011 to Weetwood Members. Further e-mails were sent on 21 July 2011 seeking expressions of support for the proposed sale of the subject properties. The following comments have been received:-

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i) Lobb Cottage/Thorn Lane – Two Ward Members have responded supporting the sale of these properties with one expressing concern at the length of time that Lobb Cottage has taken to be put on the market. No response has been received from the third Ward Member.

ii) Lawnswood - One Ward Member has responded supporting the sale of the property. A second Ward Member has responded indicating that the recently appointed Head Teacher of Lawnswood School may be interested in making use of the property. No response has been received from the third Ward Members.

4.4 Equality and Diversity / Cohesion and Integration

4.4.1 The proposal has no specific implications for equality, diversity, cohesion amd integration.

4.4.2 Marketing details can be made available in large print, computer disk, Braille and audio cassette. They can also be made available in a number of languages.

4.5 Council Policies and City Priorities

4.6 The sale of these properties to bring them back into beneficial use supports the corporate priority for creating better neighbourhoods and confident communities.

4.7 The properties are to be declared surplus to Council requirements as no operational reason has been identified to justify retention. In these circumstances disposal represents prudent and economic asset management, minimising holding costings associated with managing the properties and therefore supports Best Value objectives of the Council. The disposal of the properties will generate a substantial capital receipt and support both the Departmental objective of generating capital receipts and corporate Best Value objectives.

4.8 Resources and Value for Money

4.9 If the properties are sold the Council will cease to be responsible for the current and future maintenance liabilities of the buildings.

4.10 Disposals will generate a capital receipts which will support the Capital Programme.

4.11 Legal Implications, Access to Information and Call In

4.11.1 Under Part 3 Section 3E Paragraph 2(a) of the Council’s Constitution (Officer Delegation Scheme (Executive Functions)) the Director of City Development has authority to discharge any function of Executive Board in relation to the management of land (including valuation, acquisition, appropriation, disposal and any other dealings with land or any interest in land) and Asset Management.

4.11.2 The Acting Chief Asset Management Officer has authority to take the decisions requested in this report under Executive functions 1 and 10 (specific to the Director of City Development) of the Director of City Development’s sub delegation scheme.

4.11.3 The proposal constitutes a significant operational decision and is therefore not subject to call in.

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4.12 The Head of Property Services confirms that the proposed methods of disposal set out above is the method most likely to result in the Council achieving the best consideration that can reasonably be obtained under Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972 (or under the Housing Act 1985).

4.13 Risk Management

4.14 Risks associated with the proposal to dispose of the houses are considered below:-

i) A purchaser may not be identified and the properties may remain vacant and at risk of vandalism and anti-social behaviour for longer than expected. This is considered unlikely as significant interest is expected in these properties. Recent sales of houses by auction have proved successful and these houses are likely to be popular, attract a high level of interest and should sell well.

ii) Lobb Cottage has been subject to vandalism and anti-social behaviour. If it is not sold the property may become a serious Health and Safety problem with the Council being responsible for the associated costs.

5 Conclusions

5.1 The proposed sales should be progressed to generate capital receipts in support of the Council’s capital programme

6 Recommendations

6.1 It is recommended that:-

Lobb Cottage, Gledhow Lane, Roundhay Leeds 8 30A Thorn Lane, Roundhay, Leeds 8 The Cottage, Spen Road, West Park, Leeds 16

Be sold on the open market by way of public auction. The reserve price will be agreed by the Head of Property Services in accordance with powers delegated by the Director of City Development prior to the auction.

7 Background documents

7.1 Report of the Director of Learning and Leisure 6 September 2006

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