?An orange tree, it is said, will bear CITIZEN. fruit until it is 150 years old; and there 8 are recorded instances of orange trees D. T. Pape J. . ZIMMERMAN flatterer. Its years old. In ST tearing fruit when S MRS. j s have told, "and cannot TRAINING GKIPMEN. | Malta and Naples 15,000 oranges ' [he jbeen picked from a single tree, and one Leading Millioej Hoist In County Extraordinary was Jailer to Plate on Sale Such Women whose IN COUNTRYMEN FOR CITY in the Sandwich Island estimated /£ ry\/ Hevtr Before Have Been in a Position blood is and BREAKING m Mr J poor to bear 20,000. In two instances in South- Stylish and Beautiful arc the Hats and Bonnets we have of a Season as at Present. \u25a0whose wnole sys- ; RAILWAY SERVICE. Values at tlie Commencement were from one tem is run down jetn Europe 38,000 picked selected for our spring trade. Yoang Farmer* Make the Ite*N (Jrlpnifu tree. Never has our stock of Millinery been so grand and at on Account of Their Strength and Can- Malarial Hitter*. prices that will astonish you. Come in and sec for yourself. Kequirea ed to look in the tlou?A Situation That CIo«e 1 We consider that we have not only body Plenty of Nerve. Our Stock of Mourning Goods Always }] argains in Spring Goods. glass. The condition of all the is Atteutlon anil ' saved our lives but also our house and Complete. [jk in face. Aunt v.-ritten the from?" home by the use of Rachael's Peru- %notThousands of worn are out "Whi-re do the gripmen come Bitters. \V e have been dragging - vian Malarial a weary, miserable existence, because a strong uruied. bine uniformed sick with malarial fever the past two SPECIAL VALUES IX NEW SPRING DRF.SS GO< 1 they do not fully realize what is the ployee of the Washington and George- vears and not able to wcifk sufficient to 1). they j.jwn night T. was as Pape with them. They know that railway asked last he taxes on our home All-Wool Novelty - matter j pay the interest and ; «c- yd!- weakness" but do a used ~s Gools at.. ha-.e "female they j eft his ear at the end of the route for and keep our family. We have Black Mohair Novelty Dr. ? ? ? j means. i S. Maui St and Scrz«s 46 inchi a 7 not really appreciate what that cip of rotfc and a sandwich in the all Aunt Kacliael's Peruvian Malarial Bitters | 122 Butler Pa. All-Wool Rack Colored , : . ? C anr. "to one to sav -,6 Black Colored Wool a ._*onn*SS £c. Tlx-v do not know that this night restaurant. j months and we rejoice that | Special Value in in. and ', all of their are " " ? trouble is traceable almost been restored and we | " Wash for 1- di Wa "Why, from the country, most of j our health has bodilv ills. They consider it a disease j ' free from malarial fever and chills, they have neuralgia, them. These fellows who arc raised on :: :: nl'^*t by itself, and if also ' W. J.Campbell and Mary Campbell, wife. ZE* n^ ' .v-'j;V- nervous headaches, biliousness, kidney cigarette-? and beer in the city don't i Ladies' New ' --;; ;; ;; to troubles and other things, they see no ; seem to luivo the muscle necessary to ?Turnips are worth more than pota- I I. B< RTON " and the de- tin the T. «« " connection between them j throw on brake and stop train ,« « er tiring enough to pay cost of freight and " !' f!-'. Busy overworked often , .. .. V Silk at |3 soto|i 5 and physicians man is mighty caretp 1 about going " as ailments, handling. was <« <« to treat these separate | aim the past to .. .. tilings ev- My year give at : flso sl2. through tin streets. He's afraid that Cloth whole trouble has the one I " " Millinery. vhen the (iff ?? an 1 Children's New Spriuß ery man he st s step the pavement is Thin and blood is made rich Ladies' «» *' are so impure " organs i .< .. ?? source. The reproductive ? ? Hosiery. going to run over, and he is absolute- and healthful by taking Hood's Sarsapa- vou the best of for the low- " " a the body that when quality goods ?' of ~ ~ .-s striiet is proing to collide Pro- my o:"Kliams to look there about two price. to say least, man has, she will do well with him. It takes him mise City lowa, says: "I bought one new th.n- in rnmities, cause. fear, then, as for the years to get over this and bottle 01 'Mystic Cure' for Uhaninausin, Em < A great many women knowingly neg- ho bee. mesa littlocareless, he has a few of did me more good than trade lias been all attended to. Samples sent on application. dread and two doses it beyond expectation. Sders promptlv lect thc'riselves, because they the smash up fenders and tako any medicine I ever took Sold hy J. C M°il to a accid'-i.ts that telling of their troubles physician paint off the coaches, and then he Kedick, atid J. F. Balph drogpista, Batter. and subsequent examination and ; the So if you wish to know what has the fired, and the road is ready to break "local treatment." All this is needless getf ?Mr. Gladstone still reads and writes iu another countryman." for Dr. Pitrce's Favorite Prescription hp for hours at a stretch without showing to permanently "How do they break them in?" caused it been found perfectly and fatigue, and seldom leaves his library ex- restore lost strength and promote regu- "Well, tiny are mighty careful with larity of functional action. them. A new man on the grip is about cept for exercise. At the dinner table, COME IN K. J. E. IMimi Tea CLUts sent to World's Dispensary the worst scared object in the world. after working all day, he astonishes his Kitter & Raiston. Medical Association, No. 663 Main Street, your condemned man being frieds by vigor and brilliancy of his 126. Successor to Y., 168 Talk about the Telephone, No. Buffalo, N. will bring a large walking out to be Iler scared when he's conversation. soon am book, called "Woman and sensations ain't in it and you will be convinced that I sealed in a plain hanged?why, his Diseases." ( Securely man car Easily Cured. ?nvelope.) with the who's running a grip fur the first time. To be sure, an experi- Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobacco headquarters for good goods at lowest enced gripman is on the ear right be- habit are ea.>ily cured hy the lire of Hill'* side him, ready to throw on the brakes chloride of Gotit Tablets. So effort re Larger, quired the patient who is allowed Ihe prices. and sound the 'lookout' bell. Hut be- of & ' HUMPHREYS' use of stimulants until ho voluntarily the wheel brake, A: \u25a0 0 SPECIFICS arc scientifically tween the grip, and their use. be given secretly in Grander ahead' quits May A ' 4 have and the track brake, and the 'go tea or coffee aud a cure guaranteed in prepared Remedies; 'stop' signals, 'look out' pale by T. BURTON j s and and the every case. For all lirst class H. AND .! !r- I'.S ijii:ftitT | e»! < been u'-ed for half a century bells, and the people jumping on undoff druggists at SI.OO per package. For tull I'arre tiff: " ituar W i #.!:iti!j»-! : ' with entire success. the grip ear, your new gripman justgets particulars mid book ol testimonials ad- 120 South Main Street Butler, Pa. 4 mc FOB Lima, *O. ' seasick. Tiiey say they don't mind it, dress The Ohio Chemical Works, Ever 1-Fer«ri, Coi»k« Inflammations. I Thau J Ohio. I Graeter but they're talking through their bon- Speak for Thcinseives:^ 2 VVorWorm Fever, W-rm Colic... 3-T*othiai«pepMla, "There's something funny about now completed. en- " 1 I - HupprcHird or IVrioda blade is forged until the Our store is »" I*alvifnl moment the WMAT^; # \\ 3*«rri«*lj braking up a grip car. Icame from the arriving 0 12 hilon, Too Prof two finished and ready for the Spring goodj are Croup, Laryncftla, Hoarseneae country to job, always instrument is pr : - r "ii ' ii; ' I'' ."i 13 my but I wasn't e Sv-i 'tl \u25a0 K daily. Wc want you to vis- l 4J 1 I *?ilt Itiienm, Erysipelas, ructions. a plowboy. When Iwas a young fellow, market. / Atpplica t llhcumaiUm, or cuinfttli I'alnjt.. PURE (iiv« a-a p 15? I. a country of- it us this spring, and you'll m,r 11UI oni'T. Hi- Miliaria, Chill*,IVv,r a:i«l Ague I used to wqrk in printing One Mintite Cough Cure touches the ?< Washing- find one of the largest stocks 1 ninrrli,Influ-nza, Cold In theHoatl fice, and used to have to run a right spot. It also touches it at the right TUB PUBLIC WANTS A. ANDRI ESSEN, J SO Whooping < ou«h f ton hand press. Ever run a Washington time if you tnke it when jon have a cough * of footwear in Butler county. J U7 Kidney Dlafaa***, newspaper or pointf Then don't < -iS Federal St., AlUr^beny. 2H \rnoiin - hand press?you're in the cold. See the Is the veiy best whisky for the least possible money. 1 D«*l»IIItv cough. ./. Til) I finxiry \V *?» I* business? What ! Never run one? Well, C. KKDICK i hro.il, <^ulm»y,L>lpliUierla.... it, 'xOiQ.cC There is no place where the wants of the people are- 31 then, Ican't tell you anything about A hiirh liver with a torpid liver will not The Almighty Dollar except that if you don't know the trick he a long liver. Correct the liver with l)e Pun, Checks illeeding, Reduces better filled than by you can't throw 'er over and get an im- Witt's Little Early Risers, little pills that Quit-is "77" for GRIP. constipation. Hicyclc s Necessity. What do this week. pression no more than a rabbit. You cure dyspepsia and J. C Inflammation, Is the $1 will MoMby nr «*nt i?« paM on r*<-«lpt <>f P*!£'NT Chrnlca rfopn POND'S " " " row square toe wast'nß cles oil them like Fitzsimmons, go out hours. " " " " " niffht aw':ft'». cores lncipieut it cure; Pile*. Wha |kf » tl 1 Gibson 10.00 button com- two coaches J " coußUiuption. on one these grips instantlv__. / /..»<' " Ladies' kid shoes, BMOTHEftS. of with ?I hope the per. r \u25a0 ? ' ' \u25a0 t . ' e " " " " " " ?The Pastor Lenten .r 1 Overholt 10.00 ' JncreaseM fttror and flesh. 'em, way they BuyGEM. /A , Ul Vvc rk. 00 «..h behind and the brake 'er . r.; " " mon sense iisl has been of great lienefit to you, Miss FTHAV* " " " " " $ np makes all the passengers think they 1 four Guckenheimer j.oo Men's buff bals, cap toe 1.00 MAKES KHD, RICH BLOOD. Swift. r i'" hr lung j havo gone to sea. Thou a little fellow, Men's bufl congress, tipped.. 1.00 J'romotes n't?iy tisaue. One of his flock?lndeed it has, Doc- Wlll»fiv.'> thn pale n»j'l puny tho j A Sure Remedy 5 who don't look heavy enough to handle Port Wine, Sherry Wine, Black Berry. Gin, Rum and .1.00 runy ?! sulky Why I won enough at our lycntcn Men's good working -ry Clio< >.' , uth a teain of mules attnehod to a tor, c shoes.. in every case and every / cents per quart and upwards. Whi kies Boy's good solid boots 1.00 jVi CUHE3 AJ.L I .*!. ; COMI'LACITS. J plow, gets a job on the road, and ho poker parties to buy my entire Kaster * GfST HOODS* Brandy 50 / Slltl Remember we Mak'-:ielr«n(» a lwomeayf < grip major \u2666UTtSt a and upwards. pay kind of Hemorrhoids or grabs that old like n drum from $2.00 gallon Hoy's fine button shoes 00 fll weakling.i outfit. 1 throwing a baton, he'll get the orders of and upwards. 1 .00 ) Piles is and all express charges on $5.00 Boy's fine bals, needle | knack of the thing right quick, and when toe... m « l>uy. * eiLMORE'S iHUfi iufiifi FILLS ho brakes 'er up the passengers think lilictimtitiHin CureK MARK]. C Its action upon the system is remarkable These arc the things that have enabled me to build i*. a maybe throwing on " Most everyone wants new < "Hut wliilo ho ) at the . and mysterious. Itremoves once last year. , BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. of off his during the lxst , the brakes all right he's kind immediately employ but the very Master, and the !,t This statement can't be cause an'l the disease disao have the most skillful, jiaiiistaking cutter; none pair of Shoes for 'Ph"7nro nrilhcr v ptJ-? nor caimtlc nr> i comes to hearing the two We domestic, and 'fil( ' ' lil pins when it (leuirt. iii craatly benefit*; 7.1 nothing but ihe very ,;.H..IS, both foreign and I': t r.ii thl: i" strong too '/ Tbi : dose workmen, l.a.idl. best will be ; .?«? raae'e too or new man for all this person we can't suit very tlis Mtotuacb or itn II- conaooiii-iiUy bells for go ahead. You soe, a | cent. Sold by J. C Kedio, and J. K. guarantee you perfect satisfaction in each and every particular, and stock is one- ? 1 i.urtthe loeih 01 y "Now "" in C'NCINNATI O- EhairtiWi Cttteitf superintendent to relieved the """ ing your wants. We are here | goes to the and lias Great South American Kidney Cure." 82 Federal St. / and your interest and wont to serve j Conv«ii>ior!" t Cimh'iins, pass an examination. They ask him all This new remedy i' a great surnrise on ac- Tailor, Hatter Men's Furnisher. about tiie signals, and where other cars count exceeding in re you, so when in need ofany kind Sera V.- icles, Eurns, of itr promptness -1 WhM. i : '.rvo lierries jj cross, and where the 'dead men' are?- lieviug pain iu the bladder, kidiioy, back the gen in Pa. of footwear, call at Cuts, 'dead man's' a block you strike if you and every part of urinary passu ; Allegheny ~.. liavc dor. firothers | Teclbsobt, j HAND SAW IS A GOOD TliliiC. JL> 1 NOT '0 £ don't let go the cable whero you have male or female. It relieves retention ol "A u: ; '/ water in it almost im- Butler's Progressive Shoe House. .' - ' ' Fac«. fr.Q, Sprains, to, ever strike a 'dead man' and pain passing SHAVE WITH." W V' f-r you. and if you mediatly, Ifyou want quick rebel and # Bc!h, your job's gone, no ifs and anils about C Dealer. 5 | f'.cj..' is, cure tuis is > our remedy. Sold by J. Wholesale Liquor 2i5 South Main SI., BUTLER PA it?and all about the street and so on. druggUt fa. '*: rtedick bailor t, U'.cors. j Well, if the new man passes the exami- nation, he $lO, and they give ?Cecil Rhodes is said to hate women, 'lw \u25a0,u- \u25a0: ?\u25a0) L«. puts up C. E. MILLER, h -y ones. Mis alleged / ? | go put SAPOLIO him a certificate, and he can and particularly white IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. up a an REP>MN« PROMPTLY DONE. >*' '' v I WfZ ) | ul! and there you are?he's a gripman, ready power forferretting out iinforiuatioii and for 20 degrees below zero and 100 do- their curiosity about matters lie wants to often asked, What Paint shall we zero his little old $2 a QUESTION is anCPermanently grees above and keep secret. THE. If arc looking for ? . r I r rfftMM ar nrnibtiiw day. ANSWER 1 you covering 4 jxisitive ane lor all YVeafcnr>se\ -j c tj :: ./"? J. N ti"!. general appearance, and r i "The company's breaking in six new U not only is so, it must bo so. One i tl tc i'iih capacity, wearing qualities, ,!i ? raid ail their aeisquickly, and IhatV must buy gripinen on the Fourteenth street line Minute Cough Cure |/- st one, rnrricurmi.. mil your money's worth, you hdfljof cvilj#* tn early error, it go. ./ 'Sfrli 'Tjfatlffnwfi* ..It. nrXINIi. FtUA ultinKfi: right now. Two of tbo old men died what makes 'KKDICK. -*JvV .1 wv.i *\u25a0 'i" I-xby«"ii.«'t>°"i-- WKxl.fMßKMSfirs i-in nc or w and later excesses; the result over- sear, MmlullIu 4 \Viih cv i f i W »'?*' \u25a0'? I'Miiraiiiflo and a couple quit. Kuch line always heals aud leaves no C«) Quick In efleet, A l'he. i'KAI. MK I»M INK . CleifeUotl. Ohio» work. jLckri'-'SS, worry, tie. ke< ps alsait a dozen extra gripinen on i'.urning, skin eruptions cur- THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS I i scalj Most Full Measure. Most, looks Best. Wears Longest, economical. fi ? hand ready for an emergency, so they're ed hy Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A p for Or. Cent* scalds, old sores, it is uisgi ifni Everything ol the 3cst at Prices breaking hi these new ones. One of the plied to burns, goods" first, last and all Always cures pilfg ./ <'\u25a0 Vineyard, Lawn, Park, Street, Cartlen Our prices are for "best i new boys had an accident at Ninth and cat in effect. chard. in the to stay and I KKDICK Crecnhouse, Rarest New, Choicest Old. the time, We business fi afternoon. Kan orej.cessive use oftobacco,opium the avenue the oilier into an Anacostia bobtail car. Hy gin- IflH ealalou-iie free Send for II before tuiybn?. Half suveil anJ »:quor, which lead to consumption I'll.Lit cure l.lver lU-, iiiite knock JItIOIVM \u25a0kSV "r y ger, I thought he was going to s ?> frelirlit.v ;i'M and insanity. in b i'nmedi- Biliousness, InillgenUon, lleuilmhe. I,V n. ,11 1.. IIV..111. e 111 111. I blirm I l.y. M'C T!»eir use lini thing to Hope hill, «*» Ku""VSo o \u25a0 dear the Good [ileasant All l>ruggl.sta. and sat MMAUM.WSriHtnm VARI* iSHES, ate improvement, hr t liavii;ij Well, A faxatlve. Me arrival i 'iixm Mp-.l » but ho didn't. Hcared? the pas- Painesville, f13| £i't N as .1. W. Pierce, Republic, Ia? says: ' I HARRISON Bux \u25a0 sengers on bobtail wasn't half STORRS Be o._ tito _THE havo 11 smi One Minute Cough Cure in my to he was. harilly get Convenient carry in vest pocket. ? H-aiey k off the grip to pick up the pieces of the tirely satisfactory that I can hardly find REDICK, riain St h\ fonder. He thought he was as good as words to express myself as to its merit. I J. C. 100 N. treatment,£s.oo. Guaranteed tocure ir'V others, J. S. YOUNG, any ca e. If not kept by your drug- 'k '( s fired, but the company never said noth- wiil never fail to recommend it to was 011 every occasion that presents itself." t them by mail, upon ing. S| Pact. iriu we make to please and lityou. ,/. r'.Kxoick. we sell and we guarantet rything All I\u25a0«*!** Gone. JOS. l :IJ-niNO & SON |ij| Ind., Hotel Lo,r Mr. Flabley?J. told me that he nev- Mrs. Mary Harlan, of Coxville, 101 South Main St., «PP° sltl! J WALL-PAPER, ' Ever? Woman pi /t'«TAlt fji.U'.Gltrtl, jl^l er knew what it was to he happy up to mother of cx t'liitcd States Senator Har- United States c The |*w. President Of will'",) 41a Market St., A*- " r ll the time of his marriage. lan, of lowa, and grandmother of Mrs. v\y, '? 1 1 ' Wll.l, BH ANNOI'NCItn I"* r ~^' n Flabley?Haven't always told was one hundred a ; 'l> ?Mrs. 1 Robert T. Lincoln, Stationery 1 « 3 'fieri' ItWji happy etc. «\u25a0 I?iimi you nr.itriage tfce only 20. iy- . \u25a0 m< xtt-mwmmmmm&rxtn 11 ii«"l that Is years old on March At the birthday The New Yoik Weekly Tribune state? reception there was present a daughter nr- Mays Free! PtAL'S Mr. but J. believ- Wear /vw 'C Flabley?Yes, seventy-eight years old and a son seventy- Silver er expects to know what it is to bo hap- OF NOVEMBER 4th, 1896. PILLS, men PENNYROYAL now.? Brooklyn Life. ?lX. liand Teapots, Cakestands. I-nnt- Public interest wMI steadily incrcn.se, and the oucst'on liow the wuoae Affnmmtt aaf - u.ln ruuni '-iit 'ilm v py ; . Handsome triple plated engraved /? are undei the ad- !'»«\u25a0 I#r. I'l-i.r o. r «iina|.;».|i.t ' ««i.tobWhnrv, sugars, castors, votes turned tin- scale lit the las' election satisfied with the u-Milts 'jJ ? THE most intensely exciting I'teai CioVi Uui'J.O* KEELEY CUBE unity. stands, the campaign the Vure'Jir both and ministration tliey elected, will make P' K*o« ' City I'hftrtTiii.HV. bftipidcl bom Iticm rmiii wh ? t i and alaim clocks and otlitr articles ornamental (lie history of the country. 1 «I;ift? <1 uneofiu ioiirly Into tl»«- »i ? 1 ':r ? We caM our readers attention to the Porcelain ,! , IK. fl III.'If h.- «h>. :i .-of Hh-.,h«ili ? I I ' I." following testimonial from undoubted Call in and inspect the ware. k useful. ? ;»?n tii'-iii, ? ? »»s *» Ij» thorn unfit :<» n ? t- Mast Use The Knife York Tribune. i i t k The IVJew Weekly .j a. «li ar Inaln. A l«>ur v ' authority on the excellence and purity I ro ri'ii iirlfiK Said thl Surgeon hut l*r. David Ken- the course of '.i uieut ul tho of Sjieer's Climax Brandy, tin- leading Republican family newspaper of the t'nited States, will publish all Mr. 1 .congratulate on nedy's Favorite Remedy was taken regardless of party Ki ni-I-V INSTIT<;T»? Sjieer: you a (lET HI). jH.litieal news of the day, interesting every Ameiican citizen unsought as to and the Knife Avoided. i\ OA Wo. 42W Fifth Avonoo, recent testimonial the affiliations. form, the news *itor» pow i:«> purity of your brandy. Lady Imffiis Union and Advertiser of Rochester, nerat nt-ws in attractive foreign eorresjH>mleiier covering fTeR.«iO!HS.F&IL ,i to tlm'Tii all tholi \u25a0 , I>l rn> ! The :, Also Suit Panfc country, re* j,V .i'it1, 'l'- tr llr ithnoi nil ii | , nr. 1 lardy, of Loudon, Huglaud, an old ac- N. Y., recently published the billowing overcoat for Men, Hoys and Children. of the world, an argieultural ?l« partment second to none in the market |<> " !m I Purchase you tor- - lli' mi « «>ii'lili ii. ll" .' stories, i< tlu* quaintance of mine, on testing from the Interesting account of how William W. Collars, Ties, Suspenders (Hiils wliieli are recognized authority, fn innling short comjdete in eacl. . ? , - ii Ntlnu)*fttfl. 1 ' Underwear, Shirts, Cufls. i-;kn I 11i I city was Hats, Capes, wi'li their best m\> m ! ik« hi r? nnu., (Ifiti la more thMi IfiOO cam tr< ! bottle of brandy we brought from I'as- Adams ol 127 South avenue, that ntmilier, tln- cream of the humorous papers, foieign un I domes.ie, nifty yinm '.il -mij;. ? « « ur<* ofall (?' to from by the use Mils, Sweaters, Umbrellas, Trunks. Valises ?!«"?* o! s attire, with a I . , nniMiiijtho»ri f.oin«* of itir ' > ? > . ? lie, immediately asked me get a like saved a painful operation (iloves, Overalls, Jackets, fashion plate anil elnliorat< liptioiis woman «ifru*'ii f.o«l 11 11. comic pictures, . vhotii .o < t> i-r with CfOfils«l? \u25a0 i ?* u » i<» thu liavid Kennedy's Remedy. noii-.'li, Weekly t»r 111..V ;i,n« ufii'i'iln I v ; mvtrnritcr it«-ur«- one for her, which I did. The Klglish of Dr. Favorite Kings, Pins, Brushes, Pocket vai an, tiact v depat mint of .Id iutiiest. Ihe "New \"ik illy j- .«! eflflel" Mi'; «»l lire, Telescopes, Watches. Chains, Charms, iiil lal i I 1 l*c « iolb IXiUU'J L.i- .!..-nl 'll Uli'l UJUUV* II ulu'«* t"i« 1 aristocrats, you know, Mr. Adams said: "Three years ago circulation larger than that <>t any othel V o*ti. Um- fillicitati't mMt \u25baonrohinrf Itive»LhtaUofi la male and female, I purchase amounts to Trihniie" is hi ideal family paper, with jillatoriuar very Bill-books,Purses,etc. and when your SIS-" i Tivlt« 1. Kc»i'l for |ti*io'>hl«;t giving I arc pretty good judges of brandy I re- was taken with kidney disease tiadti ; and weekly in the country issued from the office of n daily. l.arge change!' < iu piihlicntion it oh main, truly, at. times was completely prostrated; your choice of any of the above aitides. are lieing it', details, tending to give it greater lite and variety, and cspcci- Yours I day was set oo you get made in I'rentiee Mu'.ford, Editor Graphic. fact, was so bad that the . lor ally more interest to the women and young people of the household. * v*» the doctors to perform 1111 operation upon is US DUCIOK.S i.AKH Our Stock complete, A SPIiCIAI. CONTRACT eiiabh ? us to offei tin . journal and "TIT CITIZEN ' splendid EM 1 rr DisprNSAitv. Judge me. Upon the day set. for the operation Parker, of Fort Smith, has I Styles ffoiA peri' Avr. amo Fouiith Br. commenced the use of Dr. Duvid Kennedy's And correct C/»v In ineii to PITTi .iUWOH. PA. sentenced 157 death since he sat Remedy, iin ineiit Quality the best, <« Favorite and from that One Year For #l.r>o, ' A A'lform "f I»\u25a0 li'-nlo no'l m- was not long before Only plM'HtOft ' on the hem h. began to g.iin, and it And prices the lowest- " hh- r't i r' turn Wv weight hai increased ' (' - 1.1111111 011 lsince. SntSI'KIITIoNS MAY MKGIN ATANYTIMK. I, «.«?«. .'iv v. IHia ' >'r * uto ofnlm-'t. I>i . I.anl, nft nr calloused anil Idem and 1 never was so well as I am now. I ?? lumps TIIE CITIZI:N. I I\ ?\u25a0« iii!.i )>ostal i? n pii sprainl Till,une lliiildiug, aw a sample copy of The New \oik \\ c TUB <*.KF.AT aou. « hi '.»»f(iwnto N« rvoun Mrhlllt;, lrom?:»(:o hy use of nun bottle. Warranted the L.K FfIcNCH RFWEDY ~iCy. 11, jilr. loalnri'l inrol.'l «l< ' n««ryv, r INI«» N.Muiti I? Bl I 1 1>?» I UK HMULT* *' «j -m » ?in.if wonderful lllemish Cure ever known. lUI. I'A-? v I'iUiliUOCH Alu>V£ I i < # eir.; OldS«»rv"M * Til. i' I. Mini. 110! nilil« 1 Miaof tho Hkio Sold bv J. 0. If mlink, s W««ttriK i«.l-* Vu .'lff, r l.lia.d, f.Ul < I I liifirv«»iy o ,»fr. OuiMultntiou ni'4 Ff»titri«< Ward* «.ff rS .»t> M *|| iljjillyI'Moflh lltiii! Olliro Uto FAVORITE hoiH*, REMEDY l i l»l . LAKH, C*Sll. In speaking to said <»» wine, has, tl <\u25a0» ||!?»» Buggy <#i »i a gr* ~w"y » > Buy I of storage houses for fourteen yean, be- One day one /-«rr n m f~? Hennessey without permanent relief. MMATCIIE" t liiivrv ii,vi:u., i.ai»ii s nul I.\lN. V»r h»lh in Rtitlar, "P» liy City con e a r*val of the and other of my neighbors advised me to take 11., | ( Pharmacy, bruiiils el Cognac ?wr w> XT" I l l 11» I. it KM Itliu: 2 that's reliable when you Brandy, and much lower David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, which } UHH. Ktr. In price, ami preferred by the physicians lAIELllx t l J did. My 1rouble wan dyspepsia, and lor VWV JQ W-% ( N«II l«»fi IHIIII'H M*«l KV? ) LUTU V jo buy one. greilE / CY TV \u25a0 <>i Mttltval Ihi ol Philadelphia, New York and other cities I I I I I'ami/i/ . fl 'Si \n:r ut a long while was unable to be about at ' % Lji V j.a Vu Ali Jut li.it ' I»II" I'MIIMI If. i nrnl Wa « vinrr.. (I.'.'. ? mmIIKMTIM THE it of I JL I i l< Wlllil.lt. Of ii In,mi-iat any utlii-r ~t i completely cured, ind now RODnn l»rntni I, - " 1 alTvriwl l>y licnt j '(;kt ,i ? dfffpoi' o*\u25a0 ' Agnew ' Care for the s ' "!»'?> -I «»<«?»!». <~r. Til »\u25a0: r-i INK. i, 1 Pr i lll'urtgi heath I f '" ' ' 1'.,. > (Ml. » ? I t ' uv lii;,:i::; ;AU,Y.* l! I fr»*»#!.. r'l relief !n nil rases of Organic at Hundreds and women with that Buggies fk of men Fredonsa r- 1 i f Ii . . . ! F .ihi rV C1.0 4 <0 -v H . 111 !' Ilea! Urease in 30 minutes "run duwr," condition, unable to work, v *rs <.]«!, Jju r ? ' ? '> |f»il C mil pecdi' v efled* a Cure. It in a peer have recovered and strength through tins .ety.liing in tucir l.ivor beauty, si ability, ease. Yott can ;T if. I' .i inmj 1 oroi-i r*i>rr>nipt »t remedy for Palpitation, Shortness e. remarkable remedy. It purifies the blood tavc i 1 OK SALE. i eii "nVi|*f >.4T% h, -limittiering Pain iu Lei btirs the liver and kidneys to a healthy by lnol 'em. 'lour dealer sells tlu:ni \T" jflT fl»r turi» Hon tn 1toiltiiovnit*on i'. ( w. 11. It. <; room IAMN, \u25a0 Spells, fin.! this out .ng at ?X ?I*ll w fr io KoBT. Importer um\ Wholesaler, symptoms ol u action, rheumatism, E. P< I liovv tl hOti «*, 10l |r.'ixl,".o o;iay. ide and all tfearl In cases of kidney, GRIEB.twSE ?"/ «hi tt'lUori TtnnH I Diseased! F, wjo 116 Water SI. PitUhur];, I'a.. oppoiik 11. & j it Mmid tr mii UumX i*» it, »ltl». 0. ?ne done convinces. Sold |by|',City i'titti, j liver and urinary troubles, is a well No. 13!) Murth Main St., Butler, J'a. | Made by tkLiDON IA MFG. CO., Vouilgstown, 0. .Vulvliclu,I'd. k. K.'Depot ' (uacy. known specific.