Increased by the Inky darkness,, the tton. Seventeen will go to the Wash- crew under the masterly direction of ington State College at Pullman and BOLSHEVIK! PLAN the officers went coolly and methodic MAH-POWE- R B1LLT0 15 to the Oregon State College at THE STORE UNDERSELLS BECAUSE SELLS FOR CASH ally about the difficult task of bringing THAT IT the sick and wounded up on deck. Day! As many as could be handled In this T?orriarvirQ.f August 6 Is Red Cross Day at the Oaks! Enjoy the manner were placed In slings and low GERMANS ABANDON CANAL Go Cross Alone! UNION WITH HUNS ered to the escorting destroyers, which AFFECT 13 NllliOI. iVCllieillUer: Go! Every Cent Spent Will for the Red by wonderful seamanship in the rough (Continued From Page.) water managed to work In close enough Tint to the sinking ship to take off men by Press.) French troops have reached lowering ropes. the railroad line between Montdldler in The morale of the wounded, lying on and over virtually its entire Values Extraordinary Are Offered deck waiting to be taken off, is de length. They dominate the valley of Temporary Alliance Against scribed by members of the crew as "too September 5 Is Suggested as the . r fine for words." They never complained and , on opposite Czecho-SIova- ks Agitated Day for the Registration. sides of the Avre about 10 miles north . . and they never urged the rescuers to Women's, Misses' Wash Dresses at $5 hurry. of Mentdldier, are still In the hands of Measure Introduced. the Germans. During the enemy re- in Moscow. Wemea'a Coadnct Splendid. tirement west of the Avre a few pris The less seriously disabled assisted oners were captured by the French. You Quickly About 40 their more unfortunate mates to go Values That Will first. Women were placed in the first Artillery Catches Germans. Short Length boats lowered, notwithstanding their On the front before Rheiras French Recognize Appreciate EAST FRONT TO BE REVIVED protests that they should not precede AGES 18 TO 45, INCLUSIVE artillery fire caught a body of Ger and the patients. mans about four miles north of the One boat, containing six women, was city. The fire of the heavy French AH 1918 Styles Dainty, cool garments COATS thrown against another Just before guns quickly dispersed the enmy. To upset. Close touching the water and Three 6. street house wear, made of the best women from the capsized craft were Chamberlain Says Senate Military LONDON, Aug. Telegraphing for and Ten More Siberian Cities Are Freed picked up by small boat, along from French headquarters on Sunday another Only-Thre- evening, says: standard Ginghams, Voiles and other wash- FronvSoTlet Rale by Friends of with five wounded British soldiers, all Committee Will Require Reuter's correspondent of whom had managed to keep afloat, The German withdrawal on the i or Days In Fontaine-Sous-Mo- nt able fabrics all well made and trimmed in v Entente War Soon to although each had an arm in a sling. Four Avre extended to $2.00 The Warllda bad been in the Chan Which to Report. didier-an- Mesnil-S- t. Georges, which is the most approved manner all sizes in the Be Declared. nel service two years and this was her two miles straight west of Montdidier. A ridiculously low crossing The enemy is abandoning the whole first from in which lot from 16 to 42. A saving opportunity few . price. Materials are she did not carry a number of German western bank of the river south of wounded prisoners. of the Aunvlllers and along the line of heights black and white Members captured in the French attack of July women can well afford to miss. Make an 6. Government crew remarked over this fact and some checks. Silk Poplins AMSTERDAM. Aur. expressed opinion was of 23 our line has been advanced 500 circles in Moscow are aerttatlna; for i the that it yards east of Grlvesnes,. including Hill early selection. and White tmnonrr union with Germany, ac sinister significance. yORTHWEST REGISTRATION 11, and the same distance east of La cording to a letter from that city dated Steward Swings to Craft. ESTIMATES. Capelle and St. Algnan, Ho the south. July it, which la printed In the ranic T. E. Redman, one of the stewards, OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Thence it runs along the line of heights fart Gasetta. The letter reads: had an unusual escape. He had been Washington, Aug. 6. Under the northeast and east of Mesnil-S- t. "It is comprehensible that, under the in- Georges. Another Special Showing of A Great Importation move- placed with the six women in the first provisions of the draft bill tress of the foreign situation, a in- 40-Inc- boatmnd when the rope broke he seized troduced in Congress today "On the Avre River, in the Montdidier Cheney Bros.' h ment ehould be manlfeetlnir Itself in another line and clambered band over creases in registrations are esti- section, the French have occupied the part of the soviet government toward hand to the top. There be managed to mated as follows in Northwestern whole of the line of wooded hills over Sportussah and Tussah a certain temporary union with Ger states: - looking the steep valley from many, as power which must protect awing In from the end of the davit to river Foulard Silks at $1.69 Yard a the rail, where a wounded "Tommy" Oregon, 101,110. Braches to Mesnil-S- t. Georges. It is Every woman with a keen sense of economy will Pongee Silks at $1.69 Yd. Its rear lines In a fight against the awaiting rescue the steward's Washington, 174.267. reported that there is fighting in Har menace of Cseeho-Slovak- a, The seised readily recognize the exceptional values offered and the as hand and aided him to clamber aboard. Idaho. 66,570. gleourt, on the left bank of the river, The most durable as well as fashion- appointment of Dr. Karl Helfferich This man described how one woman. where, the Germans hold the station take advantage of this sale. These extremely beau- ambassador to Russia is welcomed in becoming entangled ropes as The enemy is in Morisel." able Summer Silks. They come 36 in- - government here in the she still tiful silks are shown in all the latest and best styles. this sense circles was being placed boat was inches wide and are shown in all promising military relief and aboard the WASHINGTON. Aug. 6. The new 3. as both caught between the boat and the side BERLIN, via London, Aug. At Many patterns and colorings are exclusive. All are Come ! See your- economic Under the con man-pow- er bin which would extend by wanted shades. for war, however, a break of the ship. She was frightfully in tacks the allies north of Albert and full 40 inches wide and all are this season's goods, ditions of the jured by the pressure and begged to be draft age limits to IS and 45. inclusive. on both sides of the have been self how beautiful they are and how between the soviet government and the repulsed by accord- especially undervalued at yard. prerequisite for released, but no aid was possible. The was introduced in both houses of Con the German forces, $1.69 moderately we have priced them. entente Is an essential boat finally went and the gross ing to the official communication is tht.. and since the murder of Count von small adrift today. by today. of Ger- woman fell into the sea and was The measure was referred to the sued the War Office Just Received a Special Jtlrbarh. it has been the task drowned. The communication adds that north man diplomacy In Moscow to accen- military committees. Congressional of Montdidier the Germans withdrew Showing of Dainty New tuate this prerequisite." Disaster Eads In ELxplosloa. leaders plan to have it considered this without molestation from the allies. A Fine Lot of Allies Repadlate Soviet. The Warllda settled slowly at the month. The text of the War Office statement stern suspended. Marshal-Gener- al 25c Yd. The entente diplomatic representa- and, then When the Provost Crowder to follows: Curtain Materials at Turkish Towels 48c Each Kan-dalask- up Housekeepers desiring inexpensive window coverings tives before leaving Vologda for a. water reached the boilers they blew day urged the immediate enactment of 'In Flanders, north of Albert and on according to the Russian news- In a terrifying column of fire and the Administration's man-pow- er pro both sides of the Somme, attacks by should not fail to inspect this special showing. In- Good, large sizes, heavy Turkish paper. as quoted by German steam and then darkness fell again. gramme and suggested September S as the enemy have been repulsed. I'ravda. tl-- r cluded are Bungalow Nets, Marquisettes and Scrims Towels in colored styles or all newsDaoers. declared their countries The American Red Cross is making registration day for 13,000.000 men North of Montdidier we withdrew border did not desire to maintain any sort of the survivors comfortable. between the ages of IS and 45, whose our companies on the west bank of the in white, cream and ecru an unlimited variety of white. Towels worth a great deal connection with the soviet government names are not already on the Nation's Avre River and Dombrook behind these styles and all at a yard. more above price. as long as that government was sup- A CANADIAN ATLANTIC PORT, selective service list. sectors without action on the part of 25 than the porting "the German Junker power on Aug. 6. The toll of the German sub Immediate Action Urged. the enemy. soil." marine raid in Canadian waters during We captured prisoners in minor en Russian the past four days had reached a total Unless Immediate steps are taken to terprises southwest of Montdidier. A Special Showing and Sale of A plot against Nikolai Lenlne, Kol provide Crow- hevlk Premier, and Trotsky. Win of five ships tonight. Four of these additional men. General On the Vesle the artillary activity were small fishing schooners three of der said the weekly registration of men has increased. There have been suc later of War and Marine, has been dis 21 years age covered, according to a Moscow tele them American and the other the new as they attain of will be cessful forefleld engagements south of Gowns and Chemise of Fine Muslin and Nainsook $1.19 Each Zettung" lumber Dornfonteln. necessary to fill the draft quotas Sep- Conde and west of Rhelms. After gram printed by the Vossiscbe schooner The last 1, 100,000 1918 Women who pride themselves on possessing dainty undergarments will be delighted in of Berlin. of the five was reported today when the tember when only of the warding off partial enemy attacks our crew of the Nova Scotia fishing registrants will be available. rearguards. In accordance with orders, the styles displayed at this sale and values will be found out of the ordinary. Included Both of these officials have there craft On the Introduction of bill Chair fore doubled their precautionary meas Nelson A., of Yarmouth, came ashore the withdrew to the north of the Vesle be- are both Gowns and Envelope Chemise in scores of styles lace, embroidery, In man Chamberlain announced that the fore a strong enemy on Fismes. hand urea. their dories and said their vessel attack well-ma- de had been sunk by a submarine Sunday Senate military committee would meet West of the Moselle and in the mid embroidered and smocked effects all extra garments of fine nainsook, muslin WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. Organlza. noon about five miles from Lockport, tomorrow. He said he did not think dle and upper Vosges, enemy attacks or batiste, and all on sale at 19. tton of a people's army in Siberia to re N. S. hearings would be necessary and only were repulsed. In the Sundgau we V SI. establish with allied help the battle When the crew of the Nelson A. Isst three or four days should be required captured prisoners in raids." front against Germany Is proceeding saw the raider she was speeding due to report the bill. very successfully, according to dl south In pursuit of a largo steamer. Chairman Dent, of the House com LONDON, Aug. 5. --We have pushed Opens patches received todsy by the Russian Another report of the chasing of a mittee, said since only three members forward our posts slightly during the Store , Store Closes embassy from Omsk. was brought to of his committee are in Washington, it day. at the Pacaut wood, east of Ro-bec- jfeJWfiSSfl steamer a Canadian at 8:30A.M. 5:30 Consolidation of the political factions port today by the auxiliary fishing was doubtful whether the bill could be says the British official commu- at P.M. In Siberia opposed to the Soviet gov vessel McLaughlin. acted upon before the House reconvenes nication issued tonight. 10 addi- r1 e rumen t and the liberation of The McLaughlin was chased by the on August 19. "Hostile artillery was active in the cities from the Bolshe sector of Tpres." Saturdays &fff) & Saturdays tional Siberian submarine, managed to keep out Recesses May End. south - of but mmmmsmsss- vlkl through the combined efforts of range of her guns until the raider Suggestions made on the Senate at 9 A. M. at s p. M. the Cxecho-Slova- ks and the military veered off after the steamship in the by fGi! I govern floor Senator Curtis, of Kansas, that I The Most in Value The B3st in Quality organizations of the Siberian distance. the Senate abandon its programme of ROOPS WILL FIGHT FIRE merit were announced. All Crews Escape. the new army recesses and perfunctory sessions until The relations between No lives reported August 24, the bill can be favorably and the Czecho-SIova- were described have been lost. if Forestry Service Notified Thousand brotherly. The crews of I'.ie. American fishing reported by the committee within a few as schooners M. Perry, days, were Indorsed by Senator Cham- Soldiers Available In Case of Need. Muriel and Annie tip to on Sinnott for a speech. from County Clerk George E. Gross Government's Alms Set Forth. both of Boston, Rofc Roy. berlain, -- i the call and the of The occasion was a meeting in mem- Saturday to marry M. Collins Jones, 72, It was also announced that the tern Gloucester, which were attacked Sat- However, Senate leaders now in the Mont., 5. CROWD CHEERS organ- any MISSOULA." Aug. District ory of the late Martin Sheridan, famous who gave her occupation as an evan- porary government of Siberia, urday, reached Canadian ports in their city plans to this effect would R. H. Rutledge today was no SIM 614 to be dories yesterday. ' be helderIn abeyance until the committee Forester for his victories for America in the gelist and her address as Merrimao ised at Vladivostok, and said not tified that troops will be available for Olympic-- contests. Sinnott happened street, this oity. different from the United Siberian gov The first Canadian victim of the could determine Just how much time fighting forest fires in District No. 1, to be in New York at the time of the eminent at Tomsk, has made a public raider, the lumber schooner Dornfon- would be necessary for a thorough dis- comprising Montana and Northern OREGON CONGRESSMAN UNEXPECT meeting having himself the as teln, which was looted and Fri- cussion of bill. and. been statement of its alms follows: burned the Idaho, in case the labor situation con- ON athletio champion when a BIG Creation of Russian armies to fight day at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy, The bill would amend the present as was EDLY CALLED TO SPEAK. THRIFT STAMP SALES regis- tinues bad as it last month. student at Notre Dame and an ad against Germany. was towed nto port today, still burning. selective act so as to require the He said & thousand soldiers had been mirer of Sheridan, he attended the me Recognition of all the International tration of all men between 18 and 20 held ready a month ago, but were not Congressman Murray Hurlburt Respon morial exercises as a spectator. In the Totals in Portland rostoTflce During treaties snd agreementa of Russia with WASHINGTON. Aug. 5. German years and 32 and 45 years inclusive. needed. confusion of a hurried Introduction friendly nations which were In force submarines are operating at two widely While the whole number of men in the Heavy rains have done away with sible for Unexpected Action CalHna; Sinnott was announced as a Congress- July Reach $567,791.13. when the Bolshevlkl overthrew the pro separated points along the Atlantic sea- latter classes would total 10,028,978, ths fire danger at present, the foreeter man the state of Washington, the In Important sea Colleague to Speaker's Stand. from visional government. boardone the lane General Crowder estimates the total said. presiding officer having misunderstood Sales of war Bavings and thrift Creation of an central off the Virginia coast, where the Amer number who would be eligible for class i a mention of the city of Washington. ican O. B. was only 601,236, owing to ex stamps from the Portland Postofficn authority which will be recognized. tank steamer Jennings would be OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash aggregated $567,791.43 during the of local and municl sunk Sunday, and the other in Canadian emptions for dependents for industrial Lights Lacking on Rafts. waters, where fishing smacks and other physical reasons. ington, Aug-- 6. Called upon unexpect month of July. The total recorded from al and MARSHFIELD, Or., Aug. 6. (Spe- some ROGER S. GREEN TO REWED December 3, 1917, to July 31, 1918, was Enforcement of guarantees of Indi- unimportant craft have been destroyed. Between 18 and 20 years, his estl cial.) Deputy W. A. edly to address an audience of Customs Collector 10,000 persons gathered $3,146,411.46. vidual liberty and the right of private Tw Raiders Operating. mates show that 3,171,771 would regis Clarke, who made a survey of the bay at Celtic Park, Twelve Portland letter carriers sold property. ter, while 1,787,609 men would be Saturday night, looking for violations on Long Island. Congressman Nicholas Former Washington Chief Justice baby bonds and In excess Presence of another raider in the eligible for class 1. Oregon,. thrift stickers HARBIN. July 29. General Semenoff, waters off the middle Atlantic coast In regulations, found nine of the C. A. Sinnott. of delivered a stir Takes Out License Oakland. of the amount of $3000 during July. lined. Smith Company's unlighted. The ring: patriotic address brought la Holm, office, led with commander of ik Siberian where. In May and June, upwards of Bill's Provisions Oat rafts that Fred of the main 0 vessel were sunk, became known company is liable to a fine of $1800. cheer after cheer from the assembled sales amounting to $12,969.47. S. G. forces east of Lake Baikal, has been The principal provisions of the man Aug. B. Roger S. Man today when the Navy Department an- power as The ferry operating between the two multitude. Such is the report of the OAKLAND. Cal.. Dennison, of Station E, ranked second forced to retire from the town of bill" are follows: com- Murray 77, was for 17 years Chief $6129.21. on the border between Trans- - nounced the sinking of the Jennings "The President may draft such per mill properties, also owned by the event given by Greene, who with accredited sales of churla. landing pany, lacked lights and this involves Hurlburt, who espied Sinnott in the Justice of the Supreme Court of the Baikal and Chinese Manchuria, for 10 and the of ail the members of sons liable to military service in such gave Washington, secured a license miles. the crew at Norfolk. sequence of ages and at such times as another $200 fine. audience and the presiding officer State of People la Flight. Details of the sinking were lacking. he may prescribe: . but from the fact that the steamer sent "A citizen or subject of a country The people are fleeing to Khatlar, on a wireless message saying ehe was be Trans-Siberia- n, in present war who has the railway, 60 miles ing asking assistance, neutral the east. Indescribable confusion reigns in shelled and for declared his Intention to become a citi- region. officials assumed that the submarine zen of the United States shall be re thst opened fire without giving the crew from liability to military serv The Chinese are said to be ignoring time to to the boats. lieved Austro-Germa- n take upon making a declaration in the Bolshevikl and pris boats answered the radio ice his oners who cross the frontier. Patrol call. accordance with regulations. . . and but neither the Jennings nor the sub he shall forever be debarred from be LONDON. Aug. 6. The semi-offici- al marine was In sight when they arrived coming a citizen of the United States.' Russian newspapers. Pravna and Izves-- Sunday night at the position given by The principal section of the provi tls. declare that Siberia Intends formal' the steamer. Later survivors were referring to persons engaged In ly gov- found. sion to declare war on the Soviet - Industry and agriculture providing for ernment within a few days, according Mime Trace- ts at. their relief from military duty would to an Exchange Telegraph dispatch The op THOMPSON'S aubmsrlne which has been provide: Oeep-Cur- re Lenaee from Copenhagen. erating for several days in Canadian "All male persons between the ages 1 Are Better SHANGHAI. AugTY (By the Asso waters is believed by officials to have of 18 and 45. both inclusive, shall be (Trademark Registered) sowed the mines of foreign manufac subject to registration In accordance elated Press. ) Bolshevik forces north up of Vladivostok have received reinforce ture picked off the coast of Long with regulations to be prescribed by THE SIGN OF PERFECT Island after the armored cruiser San the President, and it shall be the duty ments, according to advices from Diego Y., Vladivostok, which Include an "Inter- was sunk near Fire Island, N. of all persons of the designated ages, SERVICE over 1000 men July 19. except' officers and enlisted men of the national detachment" of Belief of officials one Na- with a machine-gu- n section. that of these regular Army, the Navy and the Eyes carefully examined mines caused the destruction of the tional Guard and Naval Militia while in Lour, la Battle Reported. cruiser was confirmed today by the re-p- the service of the United States, to and properly fitted with In a skirmish on August 1 the of the naval court of inquiry, submit to registration. glasses without the use of Bolshevlkl lost 3 killed. The Czecho- which expressed the opinion that the Age Limits Specified. drugs by skilled specialists. slovaks, who drove tbem back from loss of the ship "was due to an external ExperisSayvZeroleneis Better" explosion - shall be subject to regis- Vladivostok recently, also' suffered of a mine." "Persons Complete lens grinding factory The court found that the San Diego tration as herein provided who shall majority of cars now lubro-cat- ed casualties. proper 18th birthday and Correct Imbrication for the Why are the on the premises. was steering a course to min- have attained their Becaase imize the submarine and mine dangers who shall not have attained their 46th Valve-in-Hea- with ZEROLENE? in those waters, with a careful watch birthday on or before the day set for d Type 'does compres- WOUNDED SENT TO BOTTOM maintained and the ship the registration and all persons so ZEROLENE hold better SAVE YOUR EYES Continued From Flret Par.) at a speed of 15 knots. registered shall be subject to draft into Engine sion, does give better protection to the Captain CkrUry the forces hereby authorized unless ex- nurses testify to the heroic efforts of Vindicated. empted or excused .therefrom. . . Our illustration shows a typical moving parts, does deposit less carbon. officers and crew. Notwithstanding the Loss of the vessel with the may death of The President at such inter- Varre-in-He- ad type engine one And this is the testimony of the leading THOMPSON excitement and confusion, which were six men was.in.no way due to any vals as he may desire require all male automobile distributors of the Coast. negligence, failure to take proper pre- persons who have attained the age of of the several types of automo- OPTICAL INSTITUTE cautions or Inefficiency of Captain 18 years since the last preceding date En- They know from the records of their service de--' H. H. Christy or any bile engine popular today. of the ship's of registration ... to register in type, like all inter- partment end we know from exhaustive tests PORTIAIVD'S I.4RGKST. MOST the same manner as those pre- - gines of this that ZEROLENE, correctly refined from select- MODFRX, BEST F.IIPPKD vioualy registered nal combustion engines, require ed California asphalt-ba- e crude, gives perfect KXCLUSIVB OPTICAL an oil that maintains its full lohricatitn with less wear and less carbon tSTABLISHIIE.VT. MEN SENT ABROAD Nine Draft Men Called. 1 V 43,300 deposit. 1 -1 CORBETT BUIf.m.VG 1SOF: lubricating qualities at cylinder ST. HELENS, Or., Aug. 6. (Special.) FIFTH AJV'D MORRISON clean the combus- ZEROLENE . is the correct oil for fjftea of 1 1108 British Colombia and Yukon Con Under call 972 nine Columbia County beat, bums in for M.CE Success'Is'achieved men have been notified to report at chambers and goes. oat with automobile engine, it is the correct oil jomr T vliroroTjw mew and women. When on Freely to War. tion automobile. Get our fabrication chart showing m tribute St. Helens Tuesday, August 6. They Ucklnr Is str.nth and ndurmnc. when exhaust. fills -- mod health la wanting, when physical power will be sent to Camp Fremont, Cali- ZEROLENE the correct consistency for your car. U low ebb. la Impoaalbla called are: Clifford perfectly, be- Acij at It to accomplish VICTORIA, B. CL, Aug. 6. Statistics fornia. Those these requirements At dcM JMjm tuy u mad Standard Oil Tobacco Habit one's work. compiled Stokes, St. Helens; John W. McNulty, correctly refined from Senrroo Station One of the canses of lit health and low at headquarters of military Clifton: Ernest G. Laemmie, Portland: cause it is vitality Is the Improper functioning of the district No. 11 show asphalt-bas-e lilrinejrs. Trouble results when they fall to that since the war William G. Reid, St. Helena; Thomas selected California n. STANDARD OIL COMPANY eliminate waste and poisonous matter from began there have gone overseas from G. Johnson, Clatskanie; George Kober-stei- crude. Easily Overcome the system, and rheumatlo pains, backache, British Columbia and the-Tuko- 43.100 Clatskanie; Robert L. Berg, Blrk-enfel- d; (CALIFORNIA) stiff joints, sore muscles, and other symp- soldiers of Elnrt Hermo. Quincy, and Leslie L New Torkar, of wld experience. Iiae toms quickly follow. all ranks. The actual num Scappoose. ZEROLENE is made in sev- written a book telllnc how the tobecco or men E. Dodson, .The alternates ban-lah- ber of recruited in the district from meet , noff habit may ba eaitly and quickly 4, 1114, are Alfred raricinen, miar, ana xyster eral consistencies to August to July 15. 1918, has with scientific exactness the with dallshUul benefit. The author. totaled 62,202, showing that 8902 must G. Brlnson, Rainier. Edward J. Woods. 1821 A. Station K. Now still remain in lubrication needs of all types ZEROLENE City, hla book tree oa requeab the district. Get fork will mall banish effects of kidney and bladder trouble The number returned to British Co 1S2 Draft Men Supplied. of automobile engines. The 'Standard Oil Motor jws The health Improves wonderfully alter by removlnc the cause. They are healing lumbia wounded or disabled is said to our "Correct Lubrication for tobacoo craving la conquered. Calmneaa. and curative. They tone up and s trend hsa be approximately 10,000, of BAKER. Or.. Aug. 6. (Special.) Ex tranquil sleep, clear ayea. normal appetite. or diseased organs. whom some of special calls. Chief Clerk C. Chart' covering your car. At memory the weakened 8000 have been discharged as unfit for clusive everywhere and food digestion, manly visor, atrona H. l. Castleberry, Marine Engineer, Port service. F. Hyde, of the Baker draft board, dealers and a general gain In lllclenay are among Vincent. La., writes: "1 consider Foley Kid- further that during the month of Au- Standard Oil Service..- - the many benefits reported. Get rid ot that ney Fill the greatest medicine for kidney stated feeling; no more need of X 132 men would be Inducted into nerroua. Irritable and bladder trouble ever used. I recom- gust snuff or ctaewlag lo-- mend them to all who suffer with kidney Draft Men to Leave. Army service from the county. This Pipe, cigar, cigarette, end bladder trouble." &Oo and $1.00 sixes. Includes 111 men called in the regular ASTORIA, Or., Aug. S. (Special.) draft quota to report at Camp Lewis The calls for 12 Clatsop County men men called in special quotas for to a mechanical course and M take training training at the Benson School In Port- ELL-AS- at Portland and for four men to take a land and at Camp Fremont. Palo Alto, imllar course at Spokane have been CaL filled by enlistments. Tomorrow morn- Absolutely,. Removes ing 22 Clstsop County young men will 32 Draftees Sent to School. J AT V--k leave for the military training camps. ?lt If going to Camp Fremont and six to YAKIMA. Wash., Aug. 4. Thirty-tw- o anuigesuuu.aijruggisui. Camp Lewin The latter are to fill the Takima drafted men will be sent to refund inoneifiit.fails.a 25s shortage la former quotas. special schools for mechanical Jastruc;