Number 172 April 2016 Shottisham Village Newsletter FROM THE CHURCH Dear Friends As new life continues to unfold around us during April our church communities turn their attention to honouring and celebrating all that took place during the past year and to looking forward to the future. This month each of the seven parish churches of the Deben ‘cluster’ will hold their annual meeting. Far from being a boring business meeting it is an opportunity for everyone to find out what has been happening and to have a say in plans for the future. Each annual meeting is, in fact, 3 meetings rolled into one. The first meeting is the ‘Annual Meeting of Parishioners’ (previously known as the ‘Vestry meeting’). Everyone who lives in the (ecclesiastical) parish, together with all those on the church electoral roll, is entitled to attend and vote at this first meeting at which two churchwardens are elected to serve for the next 12 months. It is the responsibility of the churchwardens to ensure that the people and church building(s) are cared for and church services provided. Anyone aged 21 or over can stand for election as a churchwarden provided they are on the church electoral roll, receive communion regularly, and are not disqualified from being the trustee of a charity. If you would like to be included on the church electoral roll forms are available at the back of church. The second meeting is the main one where we review the activities of the church in 2015 and make plans for the future. Several people (usually 6) are elected to the ‘parochial church council’ (PCC) to take forward those plans over the coming year. Whilst only those on the church electoral roll can stand for election and vote at this meeting, I encourage and welcome anyone who is interested to come and hear what is going on, ask questions, and express their views on the activities of the church past, present and future. Among the plans we will be discussing is a change to the regular pattern of services so that there is a better balance, with a traditional (Book of Common Prayer) communion service, a modern language communion service, a service without communion and an evening service available somewhere within the Deben ‘cluster’ every Sunday (except 5th Sundays). Finally, the newly-elected PCC holds a short meeting to elect a vice-chair (the vicar is the chairman of the PCC), secretary and treasurer and discuss any urgent business.

Annual Church Meetings are being held as follows: Friday 8th April 4pm Ramsholt Arms Shottisham Sunday 10th April 12.30pm St Margaret’s Church, Shottisham Sutton (including ) Monday 11th April 6pm All Saints’ Church, Sutton Alderton Wednesday 13th April 7pm St Andrew’s Church, Alderton Thursday 14th April 7pm Bawdsey Village Hall (including Shingle St) Wednesday 20th April 7pm All Saints’ Church Hollesley Boyton & Saturday 23rd April 10am Boyton Village Hall

I do hope you will join us. Wishing you every blessing Ruth Hatchett

April 2016 SHOTTISHAM SUTTON Sunday April 3rd 6.30pm Evensong 9.30am Holy Communion (CW) 2nd Sunday of Easter Revd Ruth Hatchett Cannon David Lowe Sunday April 10th 11.00am Holy Communion (BCP) & APCM 6.30pm Evensong 3rd Sunday of Easter Revd Ruth Hatchett Revd Ruth Hatchett Sunday April 17th 11.00am Morning Praise 4th Sunday of Easter Lay Elders Sunday April 24th 9.30am Family Communion (CW) 5th Sunday of Easter Revd Ruth Hatchett Each Wednesday at Noon at Sutton – a quiet reflective service of Holy Communion

Mon – Wed April 4th, 5th and 6th all KS1 & KS2 children are invited to the Easter Holiday Club at Hollesley Church 10am - 12.30pm. Come for 1, 2 or all 3 days. No charge. Transport can be arranged. Further details from Rev. Ruth on 01394 412052, or [email protected]

Saturday April 16th 12.00pm Hollesley, Messy Church Di Barnard

Edward Saxelby Price (Ted) It was with great sadness that we received the news of Ted’s death on March 20th, in his 91st year. Ted was a key figure in the village, originally being involved with Riding for the Disabled, and then as a keen supporter of the local church he became church warden. He was involved in all manner of activities and all aspects of village life, and was often the ‘go-to” man when needed – volunteering to organise, fix or advise. As a result he made many good friends in the village; he was a much loved and unique gentle man, and he will be missed by us all. Our thoughts are with Dorothy and the family.

SHOTTISHAM PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS are usually held on the 2nd Tuesday of alternate months in the Trust Hall. If you would like an email or hard copy of the minutes of the last meeting please contact the Parish Clerk [email protected]. The next Parish Council Meeting is Tues May 10th at 7.30pm in the Trust Hall. All welcome. The Agenda will be put up on the Parish Council notice board at least three days before the meeting or can be viewed on the Shottisham website which has recently been revived. Mike Hazelwood, Chairman

ROAD WORKS. From April 18th – 22nd Road Works on Ford Hill (The Bridge) out of Shottisham from 9am. No finish time given. Any enquiries to 0345 6066171 [email protected]

SHOTTISHAM WI TRUST HALL TRUST HALL COMMUNITY ORCHARD On Saturday 5th March the young fruit trees were planted. The apple trees include Crimson Newton Wonder, Barnack Beauty, Emneth Early, Laxron's Blue Tit and also a pear tree, greengage tree and a plum tree. They all have their own individual tree guards to protect them against deer and rabbits. The WI would like to thank everyone who sponsored a tree, who contributed to the cost of tree guard Number 172 April 2016 materials, to Colin and Yvonne Potter for donating the tree posts, to Andrew, Ivan, and John for all their hard work, to Diana Bickerton our local history recorder and to everyone else who has helped to start up this small community orchard. SHOTTISHAM WI PLANT AND CAKE SALE Saturday April 30th 10.30 AM - 12.00pm Tombola, Raffle, Bric-a-Brac, Refreshments etc Donations of plants or cakes will be gratefully received, please bring to the hall at 9.00am. Proceeds from the sale pay for the annual insurance costs so that the hall can be used by all Shottisham WI - meet at the Trust Hall at 2.00pm on the second Wednesday of the month. Anyone interested in becoming a member please contact Terrie on 410134. The programme for 2016 is now available or please look at .Trust Hall hire please contact Terrie on 410134 Shottisham WI Committee

THE SORREL HORSE After 5 years of pondering, prevarication and pencil sharpening we are finally delighted to say that we have a kitchen fit for the modern world, and one that we feel will provide a signicantly improved working environment for the staff especially during the summer months. We have a special St George's Day menu on Sat 23rd April and will publish the details closer to the time on the website and Facebook, in the meantime, we continue to offer our special meal offers on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings, along with our core menu and daily specials - do bring yourself up to date by going to QUIZ NIGHTS: Wednesdays 13th and 27th April Sorrel Horse Music at 8.30pm Mon April 11th Folk with The Ross Burkit Trio Our local favourites, Ross Burkit, Alison Ward and Eliza promise an exciting evening playing a beguiling mix of contemporary and traditional music. Last time we enjoyed a very exciting performance, and can once again be sure of an evening to remember. This acoustic trio sing and play using guitar and flute, with Eliza playing her fiddle. Mon April 25th Jazz with Chasing Storms Mike Hynes, Kelly Pritchard, Ben Watson and Mark Sewel make a full jazz quartet. At the heart of their sound is a delicate blend of Mike's intricate guitar patterns and Kelly's captivating vocals. Reflective lyrics, subtle arrangements and highly accomplished musicianship complete their unique style. They are also well known for covering a large repertoire of both classic and contemporary Jazz pieces. Hope to see you there. Why not come early and enjoy a meal as well? Chris Harvey

Regular Village Services Community Car Service for Doctor/Hospital appointments Woodbridge and . Part Funded by County Council. Cost Woodbridge £5 / Ipswich £10. Colin Beecroft Tel 411794 Mobile Grocer – every Thurs 10.30 - 10.45am to Heath Drive and 10.50 – 11.15am at the Knoll For more information Tel Sonya 07810370314 Mobile Library – Tues April 5th at the Knoll from 3pm – 3.20pm. Wilford Link Bus can be contacted on 0845 6041802 or

Would you like to be able to buy your fresh fish weekly? Cath from visits the village weekly on a Tuesday (except Bank Holiday weeks). To place an order or arrange a delivery contact Cath on Tel 01502 530965 Mobile 07971 970836

SUTTON, HOLLESLEY AND BAWDSEY DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Sat April 4th Bawdsey Yacht Club last Winter Talk on "North West Passage" by John Andrews at Bawdsey Village Hall 7.30pm. Admission: Adults £2/under 18's 50p. Refreshments available. Wed April 20th Suffolk Punch Trust Talk on "all about Climbers" by Sarah Cook and Jim Marshall start 7.30pm. Tickets £6. To book call 411327. Sat April 23rd St Mary's Church Annual Spring Bazaar at Bawdsey Village Hall at 2pm. Grand Draw/Cakes/Refreshments etc

Bawdsey Quay Boathouse Café now OPEN Fri, Sat, Sun and Bank Holidays 11.00am to 5.00pm. Ferry running weekends 10.00am - 5.00pm from Easter Suffolk Punch Trust OPEN Friday to Monday 10.30am – 4.00pm from March 18th

Would you be interested in going to a local Slimming World or Zumba class? I'm contacting instructors for both SW and Z with a view to persuading them to establish classes in Hollesley Village Hall. The more people I can prove are interested, the more likely I'll succeed. If I can 'put you on my list' please email [email protected] or phone 411526. Thanks, Sylvia Wade.

SWIFTS in WOODBRIDGE – please contribute to our 2016 survey The Woodbridge RSPB Local Group is continuing its campaign to save our swifts and again we need your help. For information about our 2015 survey please see the article on the group website. In our 2016 survey we are looking for swift nest sites either in roofs or nest boxes. Between early May and early August if you see swifts flying at roof level, particularly around the eaves, this could be a nest site. You may see them flying directly into a hole or through a loose tile into the nest with food for the young. If it is your house you may hear them from the upstairs rooms. Another sign of breeding swifts is ‘screaming parties’. These are the groups of birds which fly around in a tight group, at or just above roof top height. We would like to hear about nest sites and screaming parties. So please send us your records with your name, the address and post code of the nest site. For screaming parties please tell us the date, the address and postcode. We would be glad to receive any extra details about the activity around your swift nest such as when the swifts arrived and how often you see them. Please send the information to this email address [email protected]. For swifts sightings in Ipswich please contact Chris Courtney or email [email protected]. This year we are working with Save Our Swifts, the Suffolk based group which is aiming to record all known swift nest sites by 2020. All the data which we receive will also be entered onto the RSPB and SWT websites. In this way we will be making a major contribution to the national picture of swift numbers and distribution. We have several leaflets available which can be sent by email, contact [email protected] or viewed and downloaded from our website, where you will find links to other swift websites. You also can obtain them from the RSPB Woodbridge Group’s monthly meetings on the first Thursday in the month from October to May at Woodbridge Community Hall. Jenny James RSPB Woodbridge Local Group

For further information about any church related items please contact Revd. Ruth Hatchett 412052 or email [email protected] For future contributions to the Shottisham newsletter please contact Diana Bouscarle 411215 or [email protected] by 20th of previous month