EDUCATION JOHN G. KELLETT, M.SC., Ph.D., DIRECTOR OF TELEPHONE IN REPLY should be addressed CHESTER 24678 QUOTE Alt letters on official business PLEASE impersonally to the Director of Education EXTN. . I 48 lcEs/B 2 2 n4AY i,ESB Dear Sir or Madam, Selection of Pupils for Appropriate Secondary Education, t 958

F-tAtL SKEA&&$ fstSSE!"frY- :::,. &s*\ff. uiiiAffirffiAR '.s..HQQL tsighlsn Psrl Frurays

After giving careful consideration to the inlormation contained on his Primary School Record Committee has results he obtained in the C"**"- n"rt"".e Examination this year, the and. to the above with decided to allocate a place to. your roo i"-itt. Secondary Grammar School named School Year in Septgmber, 1958. This place is not transferable' ;i;;;; ift.""itig ;i ,ir; ir; ^ i;r;;p;;";; *iti inuofr" you in no expenditure for iuition fees or for books. complete the enclosed It is important for you to note that, if I^ou ac.:ePt'fi:.plutt:.Iou-should Form of Agrtement, rnd return it to me, if pos sible, within seven days. If you do not wish to accepr the place, it is still most important that' you should inform me accordingly as early as possible. Bv accepting the place now ofiered you undertake. to-keep your son at the Sec-ondary rtt" iftJ Scbool Year in which he the.age of l6..years' Cru*rii, $irHf,i"tii'"rtf**r ""i.f '-eaches failed to you will appreciare ifr"i ii he is withdrawn from the School before this, he will have of a Grammar school Course. Furthermore, he will have occupied a place ir*"#i"'ii"-f,iri"f"""ni. *fii.ft some other boy might have obtained this advantage. Education If vour child .n..pu'"dresides more than three miles fi om the Secondary Grammar School,,the co-*jrrlJiiffi; a consider dn application. for the payment.:i t'it gllelling^expenses' Cl**itt"" prouidis special transporl ior children attendine Secondarv In some cases, howev.i;h; "made. You Grammar Schools and in these cases, no fares are charged,-u"a-"o-gtu"t is therefore .ilJd i" the first pla; ;pply to your local Di visionai Education Officer to ascertain whether a soecial bus will be availabli 'to .oho.y your son to and from the- Secoldary Grammar School ;"""#; .t""".^'irl.,, ;;e if he resides'niore than three miles from the- school, application may be liris Office on the enciosed Form IUGS for a^grant.towards his-travelling expenses. The "*.J.1. address of your local Divisional Educa tion Oftcer is given overleaf. ""il. ""a cost of The Countv Ed"ucation Committee also ofiers grants in necessitous cases towards the ."r,uirr^".ii#..rr""i.r.irti"g r;a school dinneri and if you wish jo apPly for these, you should write to me for a form of application (Form i/Czl, Grants #itt onty be ritid" in those cases where the total parental l".or". iirir-*itrti"'tn" li*it. Lr trrg committeet scale of Aid. The articles of ii"r";;;^.i;ilG f*;hi.h grants can be made for boys are limited to a cap and badge. yo,u in the near future The Headmaster of the secondary Grammar school will be ]4Ittll"s Jo invitine vou to visit the school to discusi various matrers connected with-the school. If you accePt ;h;;;.d,-;o" rfto"fJ keep the Headmaster infarmed of any change of address you may make whili your'son is attending the School. Yours faithfully,

JOHI\.I G. KtrLLETT, Director of Education. Area No, District Divisional Education Officer I. Bebington Municipal Borough. J. B. ISRIGGS, Ese., Education Office, 33 Bound.ary Road, Port Sunlight. ?. Hoylake, I{eston and Wi rral Urban R. L. WALSFIAW, Ese., ' Districts. B The Quadr arat, Hoylake, Wirral. 3. Urban l)istrict and Runcorn N,{ISS D. HESFORD, County Rural District. Council District Offices, Waterloo Road, Runcoru. +. Altrincham Municipal Borough, C. E. JONES, Ese., Bowdon and Hale Urban Districts, Education Office, and the Civil Parishes of Dunham Market Street, Altrincham. Massey, , Agden, Millington, Ashley and Ringway. 5. Sale Municipal Borough, C. K. LISTER, Ese., Education Urban District, and the Civil Office, Westminster Buildings, Parishes of Carrington, Partington School Road, Sale. and Warburton. l, 6. Urban District, F. H. FOX, Ese., "Remenham," Cheadle and Gatley Urban District. Alderley Road, . t and Wilmslow Urbin Districr a F? t. Bredbury and Romiley Urban E. RICHARDS, Ese., District, Marple Urban. District, 78 Church Gate, Stockport. Hazel Grove and Bramhall Urban District and Rural District. B. Eyd" Municipal Borough, Longden- H. BUSTIN, Ese., Iiducation dale Urban District, and Tintwistte . Office, Union Street, Hyde. Rural District. 9. Dukinfield 1-, W'. Ese., Education "Stalybridge Municipal Borough, WOOD, Municipal nororign. Office, Technical School, Town Lane, Dukinfield. 10. Municipal Borough, A. H" ASHI{ESS, Esq., Bollington Urban District, and King Edward Street, Macclesfield Rural District. Macclesfield. 11. Municipal Borough, l{. L. MORRIS, Esq., Education Urban District, Office, Chapel Street, Urban District and Congleton Congleton. Rural District 12. I\{iddlewich Urban District. K. A. HOOPER, Ese., Urban Disrrict Education Office, Urban District and London Road, Northwich. Northwich Rural District 13. Municipal Borough. I). R. HOLLAND, Ese., Imperial 'Chambers, Prince Albert Street, Crewe. 14. Urban District and R. PETERS, Ese., Nantwich Rural District. Education Office,

Pillory Street, Nantwich. . 15. Ellesmere Ilorr l\{unicipal Borough, S. MacARTHUR, - H. Ese., Chester Rural I)istrict. Education Office, Cook Street, . 16. Urban District, and the A. M. NICKSON, Ese., Civil Parishes of , Mere, Education Office, , Rosrherne, Road, Knutsf,ord. lllatton, Mobberlev, , Tabley fnferior, , Bexton, , T'ofto Peover Supeiior, , Ollerton, and il,Iarthall. t7. Tarvin Rural tr)istrict. A. HULL, Ese., ltegister Office, Town Hall, Chester.