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SHALDON PARISH COUNCIL (SPC) Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held in the Methodist Church Hall on Tuesday 23 October 2018 starting 6.45pm to transact the business below

SPC Present: Cllr Tim Biddlestone (TB) chairing this meeting; Cllr Chris Clarance (CC), Cllr Tim O Donnell (TO) Cllr Andy Burnham (AB)

Karen Turner (Clerk).

Cllr Alistair Dewhirst (DCC)

1. Apologies: Cllr Geoff Hobbs

2. Declaration of Conflicts of Interest: None

3. Minutes of the meeting of 25 September 2018: Approved (CC) & (TO)

4. Co – option of Matt Wilding to the Parish Council, Declaration of Office signed.

5. Matters arising from the minutes of 25 September 2018 : None

6. Correspondence: to consider items on the correspondence list. Nothing from the list. Arch Street a email had been received – (AD) I have asked Meg Booth DCC Highways about it, still awaiting a reply. Locally a cul de sac, is exit under Arch unsafe? Are DCC going to do anything re the boxes etc? Many roads are highways - by law it is a highway. The questions are 1. should vechiles have access 2. should you screw anything to the ground (nothing to say you can’t) Need to wait and see and take Meg Booth advice. Parishioner stated Meg Booth has confirmed it is a Highway, MW declared an interest and did not wish to see traffic return for safety reasons. SPC will write to Meg Booth to ask for more clarification.

7. County Councillor’s Report : County Councillor’s Parish Council Report 23rd October - Shaldon

Good evening.

Closure-threatened community hospitals in Devon should be used as health and wellbeing centres for local people, the county council told the NHS. Redundant community hospital buildings should be converted to health and wellbeing centres where it is appropriate.

It was felt that looking after people as close to home as possible is the right thing to do after there was cross-party support for a notice of motion to welcoming Health Secretary Matthew Hancock’s commitment to community hospitals. He said “the era of blindly, invariably closing community hospitals is over”.

Councillors agreed that the county council should work closely with the NHS to influence decision-making and ensure any community hospitals that were closed should be used as health centres for local people where appropriate.

As you know I sit on the County Farms Estate Committee and we have been asking aspiring farmers to explore four soon-to-be vacant farms on the County Council’s estate this month.

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The holdings, which will be available to rent from March 2019 on a seven-year Farm Business Tenancy. They include:

Ten Oaks Farm, Roborough,

A residential starter dairy farm extending to 37.82 ha (93.48 ac)

Furze Cottages Farm, ,

A residential starter mixed livestock farm extending to 42.51 ha (105.08 acres) with an optional additional 30.56 ha (75.60 acres)

Churchlands Farm, Cadeleigh Park, Ivybridge

A residential starter mixed farm extending to 15.05 ha (37.19 acres)

Fairfield Farm, Denbury, Newton Abbot

A residential starter dairy farm extending to 51.72 hectares (127.81 acres)

Libraries Unlimited, the charity responsible for running Devon and Torbay’s library service, has been named as one of the 50 most radical thinking organisations changing the UK for the better.

New Radicals is a search led by Nesta (the innovation foundation) and The Observer to find the top people, projects and organisations offering innovative ways to tackle social challenges. The winners being selected by a panel of independent and high-profile judges as well as Geoff Mulgan, Chief Executive of Nesta and Jane Ferguson, Editor of the Observer New Review.

Libraries Unlimited ‘spun-out’ from Devon County Council in April 2016 and is one of only four public service mutual library services across the country. In less than 3 years, the charity has opened four new libraries, a state-of- the-art FabLab (a digital making space) and Business and Intellectual Property Centre, won the contract to deliver Torbay Libraries on behalf of Torbay Council and been shortlisted for the 2018 Charity Awards.

Libraries Unlimited is also one of six library sector organisations to become an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation this year, bringing additional funding to Devon’s libraries to provide high-quality arts and cultural activity across the county.

At my Scrutiny Committee two weeks ago we commended the organisation for increasing footfall in our Libraries but expressed grave concern at the reduction in book issues. We asked Cabinet to add two important Key Performance indicators that LU should report to – stock issues to children and professional hours worked by LU staff.

The County Council has been awarded £1m of EU funding to help deliver a range of energy projects which will boost Devon’s low carbon energy sector and reduce its carbon footprint. The money is Devon’s slice of £3m of funding from the European Local Energy Assistance (ELENA) initiative.

The three-year programme will consist of a series of energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transport and heat networks projects across the region. In Devon this includes reducing the running costs of 55,000 street lights by cutting the amount of energy they use by around 60 per cent. Other projects include installing solar arrays on

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public buildings to reduce costs and making them more energy efficient, new cycle paths for commuters and increasing the number of electric vehicle charge points in Devon.

The week after next is Responsible Gambling Week and a Report I put before Cabinet earlier this month on Problem Gambling has now become policy, part of which is to promote Responsible Gambling Week. Although much of the work that Councillors do is in Committee, often it is helpful to sit down around a table and discuss a controversial topic without the trappings of a formal committee. To this end seventeen people joined me in August at County Hall to discuss Problem Gambling in Devon and what measures we could take to treat this addiction.

We heard from the Gambling Commission Area Manager about how he worked with District and City Council colleagues to ensure that the various laws that govern the gambling industry were enforced and they in turn explained that all premises where gambling took place were closely monitored. We were told that there were about 5,400 problem gamblers in the County and heard the effects their gambling had on their health, their family, their employers and business colleagues. The Chief Executive of GamCare - the body set up by government - explained how people with a gambling problem can be helped and how few problem gamblers receive help by comparison with those suffering from alcoholism. A Police Inspector outlined their responsibilities and the Deputy Director of Public Health explained the mental processes that drive people towards this addiction. Our final witness was a County Councillor who movingly explained the consequences of his addiction and its devastating effect on his family and how he finally conquered his addiction.

After much discussion we identified four recommendations that were pertinent to County and District Colleagues, the Police and the NHS. The recommendations included: training front line staff to recognise the warning signs associated with problem gambling; to work with the Coroner’s Office to identify gambling as a diagnosable mental health condition and ensure that suicide associated with gambling is recorded as such; that we should ask government to ban the use of credit cards in on-line gambling and that we should raise awareness of GamCare and identify and promote services that offer help for people and families who are suffering from the effects of problem gambling. Our report can be found here

8. District Councillor’s Report: Districts Councillors Report Oct 2018

I have allocated the following organisations money from my Teignbridge Community Allowance. The following organisations have / are, or about to receive monies. The Shaldon KG5 Play Park Renovation Group,£1000 towards the provision of better play equipment. The Taste of the Teign Festival.£200(self explanatory).The Shaldon PCC for maintenance of the Church Yard Burial area £500. The Shaldon Singers £150 (self explanatory). Shaldon Tourism Centre £500 for an outside the cabin tourist map, to help when the cabin is closed. The Teignmouth Sea Shanty Festival 2019(self explanatory) who in 2018 performed in Shaldon too, £150.Stokeinteignhead too, whom I represent as well as Shaldon receives similar attention

Planning applications continue to occupy a considerable amount of my time and I am always pleased to hear both sides views when lobbying, both for and against. I always want to hear first what Shaldon Planning Committees view is (a Committee on which I am not a member) and should I request a committee hearing on what I believe is a finely balanced or contentious application after hearing all the speakers at Teignbridges Planning Committee I vote accordingly.

I am pleased to hear feedback that our KG5 Car Park, the only Short Stay Car Park in Teignbridge to allow up to 5 hours parking seems to have been a positive move, in going from just 4 hours to 5 hours.

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Meanwhile I hope SPC can work out a future relationship with TDC over how we can continue or not to manage Shaldon Beach. SPC has been looking at the possibility of signing or not the actual lease after managing as best possible the situation for the past three years under a heads up agreement. Whether the actual overall clauses in the lease prove too onerous for SPC to take on remains the subject of much debate.

9. Parish Councillor’s Reports: None, covered within the Agenda. 10. Planning meeting: See separate agenda 11. Budget and accounts: (a) to approve and adopt the monthly accounts. Approved unanimously.

12. Discuss Parish Council owned Land and buildings: A visual walk around and report will take place early 2019 where it will be documented and reported if any work is required.

13. Beach Lease: The lease will go on the January meeting, the swing moorings and sailing club is also up for separate discussion with TDC. Clerk to write to Graham Smith TDC to say that the Lease will be considered in December and any negotiation will be included in the January meeting. Regarding the dinghy registrations, it is disappointing that 1 owner has refused to register. Clerk to write a letter to explain that we ask owners to sign the registration form to ensure that they realise their responsibility and liability, also if we need to contact the owner. The Parish Councils insurance only covers the beach not individual’s boat or property.

14. Benches – SPC do not wish to see the old TUDC benches disappear, the quote received is £750 per bench, it was felt this was expensive and a second quote was needed, although these benches could be put up as memorial benches (currently £1500 with a 20-year maintenance package) this would then cover the repair costs. Clerk please arrange a second quote.

15. Bonfire and Firework night – we are still looking for volunteers if you can spare a few hours Please let the Clerk know. Scouts unable to use normal spot along Marine Parade for their stand. Mr & Mrs Virley agreed to step in and help.

16. Date of next meeting 27th November 2018 6.45pm at the Methodist Hall.

17. Public Comment None

(CC) & (TB) Can we get 40 bags of salt and sand. Clerk please write. (CC) Thank you Alistair for Ringmore and the road repairs I know you took some stick. (AD) I am meeting with heads of departments as no resident should need to go through that again. (TB) Marine Parade sea wall? (AD) Not likely to be until 2019.

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(TB) Coombe? (AD) Only to be surfaced dressed. (AD) Shaldon Bridge – 10am lift likely to be a 3 ton weight restriction until inspections are completed. Piling – inspection by divers – wait and see conditions of steel and wood. (AD) Any speed restrictions in the village will not be up for discussion until June 2019

Meeting Closed 8.20pm

Shaldon Parish Council Parish Council Meeting 23.10.2018