th Agenda published 12 December 2019

Welcome to the meeting of Parish Council.

If you are attending as a member of the public, you are invited to sit in the seats facing the stage. The meeting will follow the agenda as described below. If you would like to make a specific presentation to the council, please give your name (or make yourself known) to the clerk and you will be invited to speak during the public participation section – but please note we do limit time to about 3 minutes per speaker. When you make your presentation, please start by giving your name and the subject of your presentation. The council may ask supplementary questions or invite other members of the public present to join the discussion. We must remind you that you are not permitted to speak in any other section of the meeting unless invited to do so by a councillor.

The time allotted for Matters of Community Concern at the end of the meeting is not a forum to discuss or comment on what has taken place during the meeting. Any matter raised here would likely be added to the NEXT meeting agenda for discussion.

You are very welcome to stay until the end of the meeting unless we have an item to discuss which is deemed to be sensitive or confidential in which case all members of the public will be asked to leave.

Please respect the council’s policy for respect and tolerance of the views of others and remain courteous at all times.

1. AGENDA for Mawnan Parish Council’s meeting on Thursday, 20th December 2019 at 7.30pm, at the Memorial Hall.









10. TO CONSIDER PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM BY THE DATE OF THE MEETING (please check the parish website for any extra items arriving within the 7 days prior to the meeting date) Ref. No: PA19/09906 Bareppa Farm Bareppa Mawnan Smith TR11 5EG The erection of a conservatory to the South East elevation

Ref. No: PA19/09907 Bareppa Farm Bareppa Mawnan Smith TR11 5EG Listed Building Consent for the erection of a conservatory to the South East elevation

Ref. No: PA19/09943 St Mawnans Church Old Church Road Mawnan TR11 5HY Listed building consent for demolition of derelict shed building. Repairs to lychgate and erection of new boundary wall.

Ref. No: PA19/10386 | Tideway Anna Maria Lane Budock Vean Mawnan Smith TR11 5LJ Works to trees subject to a tree preservation order - Removal of 4 trees: Norway Maple; Sessile Oak, Lombardy Poplar and Ornamental Cherry







17. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES AND REPRESENTATIVES (may include reports from recent training/conferences & Climate Project).



20. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING - The next full council meeting will be held at 7.30pm, on Thursday 16TH JANUARY 2020, in the Memorial Hall.

21. MATTERS OF COMMUNITY CONCERN (not already covered in this agenda)

FOR NOTE: The parish offices will be closed now until the 6th January 2020, with the clerk only sporadically checking emails & phone messages. Happy Christmas Page 1 of 9


PRESENT: Cllrs Marsden (chair), Bradley, Gladstone, Moyle (late), Nash, Prasad, Sadler, Toland & Whibley

ALSO PRESENT: Mrs L Clements, Clerk & 6 members of the public

3068.19 SAFETY PROCEDURES– explained by the chair





3073.19 TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FULL COUNCIL HELD ON THE 17th OCTOBER 2019 AND THE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN THEM It was proposed by Cllr Bradley, seconded by Cllr Sadler and RESOLVED that the minutes (with changes to confidential item) of the Parish Council held on 17th October 2019 be approved and signed by the Chair on a vote being taken the matter was approved unanimously

3074.19 TO REPORT MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES NOT ON THE CURRENT AGENDA (please note the confidential items minuted can only be discussed in a further confidential session) – DBS checks Boundary review – where are we? The clerk reported that public meetings had taken place and that discussions on Phase 2 recommendations had been undertaken by Cornwall Councils Electoral Panel. No changes to Mawnan had been recommended at this stage; however changes to Budock were still being discussed. Further public consultation would take place in the New Year (next Electoral Panel meeting in December). DBS checks – information received from the Safeguarding Team at county: Standard checks are for specific users only (solicitors, accountants etc); Enhanced check are for those users in regular contact (nor than 4 times a month); basic checks can be done on any group. It was agreed to review this at the January O&F meeting.

3075.19 TO NOTE ANY PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS UNDERTAKEN, ANY ENFORCEMENT COMPLAINTS OR PLANNING DECISIONS RECEIVED SINCE THE LAST MEETING OF THIS COUNCIL FROM CORNWALL COUNCIL Cllr Sadler wanted it noted that on the Trestannor application birds and squirrels are in active competition with each other, so enhancing the woodland for both groups is contra-indicatory. He also said that Esturine Oaks do not grow 4m upwards, they are a spreading variety.

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3076.19 TO CONSIDER PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM CORNWALL COUNCIL BY THE DATE OF THE MEETING (please check the parish website for any extra items arriving within the 7 days prior to the meeting date) Ref. No: PA19/08651 Bosvean Carlidnack Road Mawnan Smith TR11 5HA It was proposed by Cllr Nash seconded by Cllr Sadler & RESOLVED that Mawnan Parish Council support this application in principle but we still have some reservations about the design. Given the increase in ridge height, topography of the plot and inclusion of large ground-floor rear patio windows we would still like consideration given to 'digging down' into the plot.

We agree with the comments from the AONB Unit with regards to the roadside Cornish hedge - it more of it could be kept without affecting the visibility splay along this road we would be much happier.

Mawnan Parish is a climate conscious parish and would appreciate any efforts the developer could make towards mitigating environmental impact and making the build process as carbon neutral as possible.

on a vote being taken the matter was approved unanimously

Ref. No: PA19/09356 3 Coomb Pines Helford Passage Falmouth Cornwall TR11 5LB It was proposed by Cllr Toland seconded by Cllr Moyle & RESOLVED that Mawnan Parish Council object to this application. This development was specifically built as a holiday flat complex and we feel the original constraints set up it still stand.

Although we understand that changes to the overall complex have happened over intervening years the residential capacity of the immediate area has remained fairly consistent - the change of use, which is what lifting this condition would effectively do, is inappropriate via this method. If change of use is what is in mind then we ask that a formal application for this be submitted and discussed in context.

on a vote being taken the matter was approved unanimously

Ref. No: PA19/09525 Higher Tregarne Farm Mawnan Smith Falmouth TR11 5JW It was proposed by Cllr Moyle seconded by Cllr Sadler & RESOLVED that Mawnan Parish Council would support this application PROVIDED that there are assurances that the other residences have been notified and are in agreement.

Condition 11 seems to apply to the storage barn as a communal entity, incidental to the dwellings. The fact that Barn 3 is up for sale with 'their' storage area in Barn 2 already listed as a self contained study/store has raised concerns with us.

on a vote being taken the matter was approved unanimously

Ref. No: PA19/09609 Land South Of Rosemaen Maenporth Road TR11 5HR It was proposed by Cllr Sadler seconded by Cllr Toland & RESOLVED that although the Parish Council do not object to this application we would be more likely to support this application if the more of the Cornish Hedge were retained, although we sorrowfully note that a large number of established trees on this corner have already been removed.

Mawnan Parish Council have concerns with the scale of this dwelling. The majority of dwellings along this stretch of the road are of single or dormer style and are set back from the road behind established hedges. This proposal is for a 2 storey dwelling that will be highly visible from the road, and thus out of keeping within the area and specifically the AONB.

Mawnan Parish is a climate conscious parish and would appreciate any efforts the developer could make towards mitigating environmental impact and making the build process as carbon neutral as possible.

on a vote being taken the matter was approved with one objection

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Ref. No: PA19/09031 St Mawnans Church Old Church Road Mawnan TR11 5HY It was proposed by Cllr Bradley seconded by Cllr Whibley & RESOLVED that whilst Mawnan Parish Council support the works to the lychgate and the removal of the shed we note comments made about works to the large beech tree outside of the wall. We feel that, given the age of the beech, the lychgate is prioritised, rather than extending the life of the tree, however given it is actually outside of the church boundary and is on National Trust land (as it sits in the carpark) so would ask that they also be consulted on this application and their approval for any works to the tree sought. We are also aware that further along part of this hedge contains the remnants of iron-age earthworks and that the replacement wall is in keeping with the existing wall and does not cause any damages.

on a vote being taken the matter was approved unanimously

3077.19 TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE THE STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS, RECEIPTS AND BANK RECONCILIATION FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER 2019 It was proposed by Cllr Sadler seconded by Cllr Whibley & RESOLVED that the statement of payments, receipts & bank reconciliation for the month of October be received & approved as a true record

on a vote being taken the matter was approved unanimously

3078.19 TO APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS IN NOV 2019 It was proposed by Cllr Whibley seconded by Cllr Sadler & RESOLVED that accounts totalling£7,140.45(inc. VAT) be approved for payment & duly signed

on a vote being taken the matter was approved unanimously

3079.19 TO RECEIVE CORRESPONDENCE AND AGREE RESPONSES IF APPROPRIATE This was read out. Item 20 (Standing water at Tresooth) had been action by clerks of Budock 7 Mawnan along with Cllr Bastin & general users. Although the drain had been cleared waste was once again just put to the side to fall right back in again. This is a long standing issue and need more done about it.

3080.19 TO NOTE DAMAGES TO THE GRAVEYARD GATEPOST & AGREE SUITABLE REPLACEMENT Cllr Moyle agreed to look into prices for a replacement (galvanised) gatepost … although if anyone knew of granite one going spare it would be readily snapped up! He would talk to Tim Marsh to see the costs of a new granite post and return them for the December meeting.

3081.19 TO DISCUSS A REQUEST FUNDING TO GO TOWARDS THE CLIMATE CHANGE INITIATIVE (£1000) Cllr Whibley asked for funding to support the parish wide Climate Group, which had already incurred some expenses in creating the project logo from the successful winner at the Village Show competition (this was shown round); Cllr Faiers having had it worked on by a graphic designer to create a useable logo. How this group would run (is it a parish committee or more like the NDP Steering Group) were discussed with the feeling that it should run more as they NDP with the parish council only having a “light touch”. As such an initial funding pot of £1000 was agreed with this being released upon invoices/ receipts being received by the clerk.

Cllr Sadler added that the NDP Group had worked very well and was very successful and that we should be encouraging more community groups to take actions themselves but with the knowledge that there is parish council help, assistance and support available to them if they need it.

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3082.19 TO RECEIVE INFORMATION ON THE FOOTPATH LEAFLET REPRINT & STORAGE OPTIONS The clerk explained that after a couple of late stage changes the proof had gone off for printing and the agreed 15000 copies should arrive before Christmas. She had done some investigating into storage for this without having to rely on councillors sheds, garages and attics and although the storage site at Mabe was cheaper it was in part of a larger container and was not monitored at all time. The new laundry site in Penryn was monitored 24 hours and we would be renting a specific storage locker (costs were £24 per month, with a 10% reduction for an up-front 6 month lease). She also pointed out that we would be able to make use of the storage freed up as we distributed the leaflets to cater to pre-office move requirements.

It was proposed by Cllr Bradley seconded by Cllr Toland & RESOLVED that a storage locker in Penryn be rented for an initial 6 month period

on a vote being taken the matter was approved unanimously

3083.19 TO RECEIVE ANY INFORMATION ON NOTED TRAFFIC & FOOTPATH ISSUES Cllr Bradley is unable to attend the Road Safety event on 3rd December. Cllr Whibley read her footpaths report (attached), especially noting the works of Carol Hurst towards a Plastic Free Helford. She has had recent success in getting Barrett’s Homes to remove the use of balloons as promotional items. Cllr Whibley hopes to get a ranger out to walk stretches of the footpaths through Meudon Woods as the paths here do not appear to have seen much maintenance works done with trees, streams & fords lacking upkeep. Clerk to request the woodland management plan from County Farms. Helford Dog bin – the clerk had received a request for this to be moved by BIFFA as they say it is inaccessible to their vehicles as the turning space is being used for construction. Residents were taking/ having taken some rubbish up to the carpark bins – clerk to see if this bin could be cleared in the same way.

3084.19 REPORT FROM THE NDP STEERING COMMITTEE ON THE CURRENT POSITION Terry Damer reported back on the last meetings before Christmas. 60+ people attended the September exhibition with lots of comments (all but 1 positive) received and now amalgamated into the final plan. There is still lots to do to finalise the documents - 5 supporting and 1 main. Comments from the SEA draft have now been adopted and have changed the structure if not the format of the draft NDP policy document itself. The design statement is still being worked on and is 99% done (although there are some issues still to be discussed with the parish council). The non- designated heritage assets lists itself and how to advise homeowners of their inclusion on this list also need to be discussed. This listing given an additional layer of protection to buildings within the NDP area but cannot really be policed. Green space designations are still incomplete – these are areas that do not already have protections but are recognised as being of value to the community. The Consultation Statement is being worked on as well, which now appears to have to be a single electronic document and is taking much more work than originally thought. Hopefully all the documents should with the Parish Council by December 12th to allow them to be agreed to on the 19th, after which they can go to the 6 week public consultation phase early in the New Year. And congratulations to our Media content editor, Melissa on her new baby. This has meant that there has been a gap in newsletters etc. but hopefully there should be something new as a quick roundup before Christmas.

Cllrs Sadler & Marsden both asked that our wholehearted thanks be given to everyone that has been involved in the NDP process for all of the effort and hard work that they have put into the project

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3085.19 REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES AND REPRESENTATIVES (may include reports from recent training/conferences & Climate Project).  Cllr Whibley reported on the Climate Change group. The winning logo design for the Climate Conscious ‘brand’ is ready and was shown round. This would now be included on all project information. The points raised on the Tree of Life during group discussions have all been collated and split into ‘works areas’ for future review. Running on from this, Sunday sees a ‘recycle & reuse fair’ at the Memorial Hall where the organisers have generously said they are looking to donate any profits from the renting of stall on the day to local community green projects. Cllr Whibley has been talking to them. Next Friday sees another presentation at Budock about climate change – this time focussing on energy conservation, saving and clean creation. Cllr Marsden added that climate change should now be integrated into everything that we as a parish do – from planning comments to using resources. New village signs with “climate conscious community” should be investigated – emergency given an unfavourable impression.

 Cllr Sadler asked that the works of the clerk in organising the Remembrance Services be recognised – she did a lot of work to make sure that the even went smoothly and the wider community was all involved. The WI also needed thanks for the work on the Poppy cascade, which had to be moved between venues overnight and to the school for their participation. He did however think that we should be considering the inclusion of the Millennium Cross during the services, since apart from being a visible point for the wreaths to be placed; it did not have an association to the Remembrance celebrations. He thought that with some reworking suitable sites at the front of the Memorial Hall could be found to display wreaths & crosses, since with war memorial for the village. The clerk had also been asked by a member of the public why the parish chose to hold our services on the 11th and not Remembrance Sunday, which they felt would be easier for people to get to and better attended – she had said that Armistice Day was the 11th November and that this was the day that the parish had chosen to remember it’s fallen and that there were church services on the Sunday that could be attended. It was noted that the 2 minutes silence was in reality 2 x 1 minutes; the first for the fallen and the 2nd for those lost since or affected by loss, which seems appropriate for our Armistice Day remembrances.

3086.19 REPORT FROM CORNWALL COUNCIL WARD MEMBER It appears that the parish are not receiving the Localism Newsletter – clerk to chase up. Included this month are:  Xmas refuse collection schedule – should remain as normal for Tuesdays with trees collected as rubbish during the two weeks beginning 6th & 13th January.  Survey underway on private sector rentals and how to improve local provisions  Green open Spaces – funding available for pocket parks but application needs to be in by 31st December (£15000 for new £25000 to upgrade existing).  Resilience Networks – money available for planning.

The Police & Crime Commissioner – wants more police advocates from parish councils.

20+ at the CNP Climate Group Meeting. St Gluvias have agreed to act as “treasurer” with Terms of Reference being drafted to change this to a freestanding unit, separate from the CNP. Parish volunteers are needed to fill “offices” and they all will need to sign up to a commitment to the group, with a change to regular monthly meetings.

The situation as to ongoing ‘Highways Pot projects’ is still being chased and a works progress report requested for the next meetings in January.


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3088.19 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING - The next full council meeting will be held at 7.30pm, on Thursday 19th December 2019, in the Memorial Hall. (Mince pies & mulled juice to follow)

3089.19 MATTERS OF COMMUNITY CONCERN (not already covered in this agenda)

This meeting finished at 9.30pm

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Item 3075.19 – Planning decisions Oct & Nov 2019 Ref. No: PA19/08318 | Received: Mon 23 Sep 2019 | Validated: Mon 23 Sep 2019 | Status: Approved unconditional Land Adj Heatherlea Budock Vean Lane Mawnan Smith Cornwall TR11 5LQ Non material amendment to decision PA16/06597 for amended external finishes and door and window alterations.

Ref. No: PA19/06836 | Received: Tue 06 Aug 2019 | Validated: Thu 15 Aug 2019 | Status: Approved with conditions 1 Roscarrick Bungalows Carwinion Road Mawnan Smith Cornwall TR11 5JF Demolition of substandard bungalow and construction of new dwelling with variation of condition 2 and removal of condition 3 of decision PA18/04380 dated 09/07/2018

Ref. No: PA19/07534 | Received: Wed 28 Aug 2019 | Validated: Fri 20 Sep 2019 | Status: Approved with conditions The Lookout In The Boathouse Helford Passage Falmouth Cornwall TR11 5LB Continued use of premises as four flats for staff/holiday accommodation and continued use of part of ground floor as office and recreational area for use ancillary to holiday accommodation on site without complying with condition 1 (occupancy restriction) of decision 88/00491/F dated 01.08.1988

Ref. No: PA19/02995/PREAPP | Received: Sun 10 Nov 2019 | Validated: Mon 11 Nov 2019 | Status: Closed - advice given Tideway Anna Maria Lane Budock Vean Mawnan Smith Falmouth Cornwall TR11 5LJ Removal of dead oak. 2 Sessile oaks have been dismantled/partially dismantled so should re-grow to form coppice stools.

Full Applications Ref. No: PA19/08384 | Received: Tue 24 Sep 2019 | Validated: Tue 24 Sep 2019 | Status: Refusal Land Adjacent Chygwyn Sampys Hill Mawnan Smith Cornwall TR11 5EW Proposed dwelling

Ref. No: PA19/08316 | Received: Mon 23 Sep 2019 | Validated: Mon 23 Sep 2019 | Status: Approved with conditions 1st floor west shower/bedroom obscured glass Proposal for a single storey sun lounge extension, replacement porch and installation of dormer windows 6 Goldmartin Close Mawnan Smith TR11 5HG

Ref. No: PA19/08011 | Received: Thu 12 Sep 2019 | Validated: Fri 20 Sep 2019 | Status: Approved with conditions 35 Shute Hill Mawnan Smith Falmouth Cornwall TR11 5HQ Proposal to replace a polycarbonate single pitched roof with a warm roof

Ref. No: PA19/07973 | Received: Tue 10 Sep 2019 | Validated: Tue 10 Sep 2019 | Status: Approved with conditions 1.75- 2m sitka spruce to be replated within 1 yr +/- 5yrs Trestennor Budock Vean Lane Mawnan Smith Falmouth Cornwall TR11 5LQ Fell clump of 7 Sycamores. Replace with home grown Sitka Spruce. Reason - continuity of generaltional family tree cultivation. To introduce new nesting habitat.

Ref. No: PA19/06733 | Received: Fri 02 Aug 2019 | Validated: Thu 08 Aug 2019 | Status: Approved with conditions as previous – tree protection & boathouse as incidental use only Tranquebar Budock Vean Lane Mawnan Smith Cornwall TR11 5LH Demolition of the existing substandard dwelling and replacement with a new dwelling and associated external works to include for replacement boathouse (Revised Design to Conditional Approval PA15/11903 & PA17/03207)

Ref. No: PA19/04989 | Received: Tue 11 Jun 2019 | Validated: Tue 16 Jul 2019 | Status: Approved Mawnan Parish Council Administrative Hub Carwinion Road Mawnan Smith Falmouth Cornwall TR11 5JD Proposed office building

Ref. No: PA19/08420 | Received: Wed 25 Sep 2019 | Validated: Fri 27 Sep 2019 | Status: Approved with conditions Summer Court Carlidnack Road Mawnan Smith TR11 5HA Proposed alterations & extension

Ref. No: PA19/06245 | Received: Fri 19 Jul 2019 | Validated: Fri 19 Jul 2019 | Status: Approved with conditions 1st floor norther windows obscured glass Windyridge The Square Mawnan Smith TR11 5EP First floor extension over existing garage to form new independent dwelling

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Item 3078.19 – accounts for payment Cheque VAT No PAYE Expense Total (inc VAT) 2834 Lisa Clements Wages & Expenses £13.16 £1,177.87 2835 KC Payne Public Services- toilet cleaning contract £243.46 2836 R Sanders Open Spaces/ graveyards £334.60 £2,067.60 2837 SLCC Training - Regional training@ 13.11.19 £16.00 £96.00 2838 Cornwall Council Training - planning 29.10.19 (Clerk) £15.00 2838 Cornwall Council Training - planning 13.11.19 (Cllr Marsden) £15.00 2838 Cornwall Council NDP - exhibition timeline boards £22.00 £132.00 2839 MS Electrical Rent - to 27/4/20 £1,560.00 2839 MS Electrical Misc - defib installation £28.71 £172.26 2840 CALC Training - budget & Sole Trustees x 2 16.10.19 £26.00 £156.00 2841 J Whibley Training expenses - (AONB & Incident report card) £53.02 2842 A Prasad Training - mileage to CALC training 16.10.19 £1.24 £27.90 2843 Complete Business Solutions Stationary - toners,paper,planner, toilet rolls etc £19.67 £118.03 2844 BIFFA public services - litter bins £111.04 £666.26 2845 T Damer NDP - exhibition expenses £5.50 £247.80 2846 Re, KA & JNJ Richards village xmas tree £36.00 £213.00 (Tregaminon Farm) DD BT Telephone + internet £11.60 £69.63 DD NEST pensions clerks pension £85.63 DD British Gas Toilet utilities - oct/nov 2019 £1.14 £23.99 TOTAL FOR PAYMENT £626.66 £7,140.45

Item 3079.19 – Correspondences Rec’d Description From actions agenda 1 24.10.19 Localism newsletter Localism team For info 2 24.10.19 DBS checks for councillors CC pending 3 31.10.19 CIL enquiry – plot splitting CIL Enquiries CC Clerk dealing 4 1.11.19 Consultation – housing SPD CC 5 1.11.19 Long term plan update - NHS Kernow 6 1.11.19 AONB Annual Conference (23.11.19) AONB team 7 4.11.19 CNP – Cimate Change meeting Localism Cllr whibley Polling districts & places review – general 8 5.11.19 Democratic services CC For info election Dec 19 9 5.11.19 CALC AGM notice CALC For info 10 5.11.19 Cornwall Land Trust – newsletter CLT Cornwall Cllr marsden 11 7.11.19 Notice of general Election – Democratic Services Clerk dealing 12 8.11.19 SWCP newsletter SWCP website 13 8.11.19 Cemetery gate – rotten post Churchwarden pending 14 11.11.19 Road closure – port navas 2-15/11 Highways For info 15 11.11.19 Localism summit – slides CC For info 16 12.11.19 CNP meeting agenda etc Localism Cllr Marsden 17 12.11.19 Complaint about jpf – tree down Resident Clerk dealt 18 13.11.19 Purdah & parish / parliamentary elections CALC Clerk dealing 19 14.11.19 Road Safety Forum – meeting dates Highways Cllr Marsden/ 20 14.11.19 Standing water at tresooth Various Cllrbradley Bastin/Budock

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Item 3083.19 – Footpath report

Nov - Dec 2019

Items in red are summaries of conditions applied to applications, other than the conditions within 3 years & as to provided plans (Tree works are 2 years & to BS3998 standards) Amendments & Discharge of Conditions notifications


Full Applications

Ref. No: PA19/08756| Validated: Mon 07 Oct 2019 | Status: Approved with conditions Avalon Maenporth Road Maenporth TR11 5HN T1 - 1 x mature large Sycamore - fell (by dismantling) - due to further decline in structural and physiological condition. Replace with a light standard Copper Beech

Ref. No: PA19/08188 | Validated: Thu 26 Sep 2019 | Status: Approved with conditions Mawnan Reach Grove Hill Mawnan Smith TR11 5ER Internal alterations to form an additional bedroom and provision of a en-suite to existing study to include installation of 2 new windows and alteration to existing window on upper floor with variation of condition 2 in respect of decision PA19/05503 dated 05.09.19.

Ref. No: PA19/08018 | Validated: Tue 24 Sep 2019 | Status: Approved with conditions Rose Bank Carwinion Road Mawnan Smith TR11 5JD Proposed Rear and Side Extension including new dormers to attic room and new en suite

Ref. No: PA19/03865 | Validated: Tue 07 May 2019 | Status: Approved with conditions Penavon Helford Passage TR11 5LB Alterations and extensions to existing dwelling MAWNAN PARISH COUNCIL 2020/21 BUDGET version 3 FINAL Dec 2019

2019/20 2019/20 2017/18 end 2018/19 end Q1 revised 2019/20 projected end 2020/21 of year of year budget current of year draft notes General Reserves £43,349.09 £50,606.27 £71,974.96 Ear Marked Reserves £47,546.45 £49,527.19 £41,866.56 Closing Balance £90,895.54 £100,133.46 £113,841.52

INCOME Precept £42,337.00 £42,760.00 £44,470.40 £44,470.40 £44,470.40 £48,917.00 10.00% CTS grant £770.70 £678.24 £617.44 £614.77 £614.77 £444.68 CC - Footpaths/SWCP/Weeding £1,457.51 £1,416.50 £1,450.00 £0.00 £1,450.00 £1,444.81 Bank Interest £64.25 £296.12 £300.00 £122.70 £230.00 Misc £27.05 £557.95 £1,000.00 £1,892.81 £2,000.00 Publications £775.56 £0.00 £150.00 Graveyard £4,380.00 £5,225.00 £4,500.00 £4,650.00 £5,000.00 £4,000.00 Solar Farm Grant £6,165.00 £6,875.00 £6,500.00 £0.00 £6,900.00 £6,500.00 not income as such - ringfenced NDP grant £5,117.00 £3,883.00 £3,730.00 VAT Reclaimed £3,887.30 £2,197.28 £3,693.63 £2,250.00 Total Income £59,088.81 £65,898.65 £62,720.84 £59,324.31 £60,065.17 £61,306.49

EXPENDITURE VAT paid £3,380.21 £3,159.22 £3,267.01 £4,000.00 Administration/Rent £4,513.64 £4,854.58 £5,000.00 £4,012.18 £4,550.00 £5,000.00 ** move to Carwinion Admin Hub may council may have an effect Insurance £667.95 £744.67 £800.00 £772.46 £772.46 £1,000.00 ** move to Carwinion Admin Hub may council may have an effect Meeting Room Hire £345.50 £309.00 £425.00 £232.00 £450.00 £350.00 ** move to Carwinion Admin Hub may council may have an effect Internal Audit Fee £225.00 £225.00 £250.00 £225.00 £225.00 £250.00 standard External Audit Fee £300.00 £300.00 £300.00 £300.00 £300.00 £450.00 ** move to Carwinion Admin Hub may council may have an effect Parish Council Website £99.86 £60.38 £100.00 £0.00 £50.00 £100.00 Publications £0.00 £1,177.14 £0.00 £21.07 £0.00 £0.00 Salaries £12,118.22 £13,256.07 £13,708.40 £9,328.69 £13,980.00 £16,000.00 Training & Conference Fees £475.61 £122.91 £1,000.00 £513.81 £350.00 £1,000.00 Chairman's Allowance £18.00 £0.00 £100.00 £18.87 £0.00 £100.00 Subscriptions £676.17 £688.60 £750.00 £887.80 £890.00 £900.00 now includes HMVCG (£100pa) Paths & Open Spaces £5,376.31 £3,042.10 £3,400.00 £2,762.98 £3,460.00 £3,500.00 Public Services £3,038.70 £4,168.13 £3,500.00 £2,676.35 £4,090.00 £4,500.00 includes new line for rubbish bins (£522) Misc £287.32 £1,394.49 £100.00 £826.68 £450.00 £0.00 NDP - Grant Funding £2,275.76 £6,724.24 £3,189.29 £3,000.00 £0.00 small amount left to call down - may be used by april NDP - parish pot £1,044.25 £397.77 £3,557.98 £0.00 £0.00 £3,557.98 S19 - Carwinion Playing Field £4,200.00 £5,363.00 £6,240.00 £4,500.00 £6,240.00 £6,240.92 Grass (£4000) + insurance (£1200.77) + 20% S19 - Junior Playing Field Trust £3,425.00 £2,658.00 £3,377.00 £2,070.67 £3,377.00 £5,000.00 ONE OFF AMOUNT Donations/Grants £6,705.56 £7,480.45 £7,000.00 £8,293.75 £7,000.00 £2,000.00 PENDING DEC REVIEW = spend include £1000 solar grant Graveyard -S314 £4,974.21 £4,719.09 £6,709.00 £4,190.07 £4,681.00 £1,500.00 2020/21 = plus cfw previous years income

Total Expenditure £50,827.26 £56,396.36 £63,041.62 £48,088.68 £57,865.46 £51,448.90 *** see admin hub page

Difference (income - expenditure) £8,261.55 £9,502.29 £9,502.29 £11,235.63 £1,521.71 £9,857.59 Bank Reconciliation period ending: 30/11/2019

Council Name: Mawnan Parish Prepared by: Mrs Lisa Clements(clerk & RFO) Date:

Balance per bank statements as at: Nov-19 £ £ Total Current Account - Lloyds £7,077.38 Deposit Account - Lloyds £76,464.35 95 Day Saver Account - Nationwide £32,116.56

£115,658.29 Less: any un-presented cheques (normally only current account) Cheque number 2837 £96.00 2838 £15.00 2838 £15.00 2838 £132.00 2839 £172.26 2839 £1,560.00 2840 £156.00 2845 £247.80 2846 £213.00


Plus unreconcilled debit card payments: £69.18

Add any unbanked cash: £0.00

Net bank balances: £113,120.41

The net balances reconcile to the Cash Book (receipts and payments account) for the year, as follows

CASH BOOK Opening Balance £100,397.83 Add: Receipts in the year £60,783.36 Less: Payments in the year -£48,060.78

Closing balance per cash book [receipts and payments book] as at end of month (must equal £113,120.41 amount we have on hand @ bank net bank balances above)

VAT commitment: PAYE/ NI Commitment:

Approved by: Correspondence Nov to Dec ‘19 Rec’d Description From actions agenda

Church repairs; vacancies; monthly 1 Dec CALC Clerk for info update; advice; s137 limits Town & parish newsletter – 2 22.11.19 Cllr Bastin Clerk dealt forwarded 3 22.11.19 Localism summit – info & slides E Richmond – localism For info 4 24.11.19 HMCG- draft minutes S Scott Cllr nash/whibley FOI request – climate change – 5 25.11.19 Individual Clerk dealt concluded B Jones – Stephens 6 25.11.19 Carwinion lease – progress update Clerk dealt Scown Plastic free council info / CNP climate Cllr Whibley/ 7 26.11.19 E Richmond – localism working group info toland 8 29.11.19 Support for “local Electricity Bill” pending P Hodgson – area 9 3.12.19 Footpaths updates Full council ranger CC 10 4.12.19 Downed tree at Trebah/Durgan & fix Resident/trebah dealt 11 5.12.19 NDP - Non-designated heritage assets J Evans – consultant Clerk dealing 12 5.12.19 New JPF path – thanks Resident – Scott House 13 6.12.19 Dec Newsletter HRCST For info 14 9.12.19 5 day request – PA19/08651 N Brabyn Planning Emailed 15 11.12.19 Kernow Tree – parish tree survey Andrew Clerk dealing 29.11.19+ 16 TPOs & planning app for PA19/09609 Resident Clerk dealing 11.12.19 Fal TC/ Budock PC 17 11.12.19 Tree issues along maenporth road Full council /Maenporth estate 18 12.12.19 Cornwall Council Budget Consultation CC Pending Statutory Declaration form – 19 12.12.19 Nalders LLP Clerk dealing interment 20 21

Explanation of actions: for info - no action required Clerk dealt – clerk has replied/actioned Full council – already on agenda Pending –may need further investigation/discussion

Please note: If copies of a specific item (not already referred to in the agenda) are needed by individual councillors please request from the clerk. They will need to be destroyed after the meeting. lisa

From: Hodgson Penny Sent: 03 December 2019 11:40 To: Jackie Whibley Cc: Countryside Access Team (Environment); '[email protected]' Subject: RE: Public Footpath sign (and post) needs replacing: lay-by stile Mawnan 220/4/1

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Dear Jackie,

Huge apologies, I have only just found this email while dealing with my backlog of emails that I just haven’t had chance to get on top of recently.

I will respond to each point below in red underneath your comments. I hope this will help. Any further questions please ask.

Kind regards,

Penny Hodgson Countryside Ranger (Area 2)

Public Rights of Way Environment CORMAC 0300 1234 202 [email protected]

Please note I work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only.

Room 106, Scorrier Depot, Radnor Road, Scorrier, TR16 5EH  Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

From: Jackie Whibley [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 02 October 2019 11:27 To: Hodgson Penny Cc: [email protected]; Countryside Access Team (Environment); Caroline Toland Subject: Re: Public Footpath sign (and post) needs replacing: lay-by stile Mawnan 220/4/1

Hi Penny, Many thanks for responding. This post is in the layby where two stiles are on opposite sides of Penwarne Road, between Penwarne Manor and Bosilliac Cottages. The layby is next to the property called "Croft Wilkie" Thank you, this will be logged 1 How can we support you in progressing the works for footpath 220/18 (Meudon)? With winter ahead matters can only get worse. There is the gradient to consider, especially for walkers going downhill.I'm concerned about accessibility and safety. This has been answered in a previous email There are other footpath/prow matters in the parish of Mawnan, which it may be helpful for me to summarise here:

*We need a new, much clearer SWCP signpost on 220/30 to keep walkers to the SWCP footpath as they leave Polgwidden Cove/ Trebah area towards Helford Passage. The WW2 'Tank Road" is padlocked shut at the top of that road so there is no exit for walkers (I hear that some climb over the metal gate to get in or out of there): we need to make it clear they are to keep to the footpath running parallel with the shore. I will check this on my next coast path survey, hopefully this side of christmas * We still need a post and footpath sign fitted at the bottom end of 220/35 the steps leading up to Bar Road from Bar Beach in the Helford Passage area. The post probably needs to be metal as it will lie on the shore in reach of sea spray? This has been logged but unfortunately is not a health and safety priority and won’t be addressed as a priority. *I think we need a kissing gate fitted on SWCP 220/33 where it joins 220/23/3 above Prisk Cove/ Cow beach. There is a metal gate partially open, embedded in the mud. Cattle are activley grazed on both sides. Additionally the granite stile itself is puddled when it rains and I think needs digging out to drain better. Further to this the small path down to Cow Beach there is narrowing with brambles and prickly vegetation (blackthorn?) which could do with cutting back. this has been answered previously: gate is landowner responsibility. Puddling at stile will be checked when doing coast path survey. Brambles on path to cow beach are not on a prow so will be responsibility of the landowner to clear back. * I have reported to our Clerk (Lisa) some issues on popular FP 220/11(Carlidnack Lane to Maenporth beach): a BT metal "drain cover" sticking up at an angle into the footpath, close to a BT pole. We need a better from of steps or stones to get over the wet and muddy, tree-rooted section over the stream, and a gully is developing from run off from the tarmac bridleway leading downhill to the entrance to "Glen Mawnan". Please can you show on the map below where the issues are on 220/11?

2 *Do you have any advice for how we keep walkers off the busy road on the final small section of SWCP down to Maenporth beach after passing the Lifeguard hut near Westbay? This is a tricky one because I don’t recall that there is much space off the road to create a path for people to walk on. It is only a very short stretch but not a very nice bit. If you can see a possibility for an off road path then it would be worth contacting the landowner to see if they’re keen to allow a permissive route over their land. I will look when I am on coast path survey too. *There is a PROW/ footpath sign missing at the start of 304/40/1 ('Fine and Brave Lane") from Maenporth. (Budock Parish Council?) Oh I thought there was a signpost here for the footpath. Again I’ll check on coast path survey. If you can support us on any of these matters we would be very grateful.

Thank you Penny.

Kind regards,

Jackie Whibley for Mawnan Parish Council.

On Tue, Oct 1, 2019 at 3:30 PM Hodgson Penny wrote: Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Dear Jackie and Lisa,


There is no further update about Mawnan 18 I’m afraid. The plan is still to remove the concrete steps and replace with a much easier to use timber staircase and to add a few steps further on to make passage easier. However the issue is currently out of my hands and with Cornwall Council procurement team to put the work out to tender with numerous other works projects on the south west coast path.

Please can you let me know where this signpost is and I will add it to the database for attention.

Many thanks,

Penny Hodgson

Countryside Ranger (Area 2)

Public Rights of Way



0300 1234 202 [email protected]

Please note I work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only.

Room 106, Scorrier Depot, Radnor Road, Scorrier, TR16 5EH

 Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

4 Mawnan Community Hub

Update – December 2019


Developing a project like the proposed Mawnan Community Hub is a journey.

Previously, Mawnan Parish Council members agreed the proposed modular building be sited beside the Mawnan Pre-school. A planning application was submitted while concurrently, information was sought on accessing services and their likely cost.

Cornwall Council planners responded by requesting the building be moved 3 metres further away from the existing Cornish hedge, they also wanted a revised drawing showing the realigned path, these were submitted.

It was thought the proposed community hub could, if necessary, be sited over the existing path, with a re-aligned path being constructed. However, all the pre-school services are sited under this path, and they would then become inaccessible; so have to be moved, at significant expense and disturbance.

This led to moving the hub to the right of the existing path; which would then mask part of the front of the Pre-school and intrude further onto the field – less than ideal. An alternate location in the pre-school garden was considered, but it’s too small.

Additional unhelpful factors then emerged including the existing access path may be too narrow for motorised wheelchairs and require a new wider replacement. Also, services costs - water, sewerage, telephone, power – were becoming significantly more complex than at first thought, with costs of these spiralling upwards.

Given the above, it is suggested at this early stage, the pre-school location proposal be abandoned and an alternative, less problematic site be selected.

Re-locating the Community Hub beside the existing car-park would offer a range of benefits, and overcome many of the problems highlighted above.

It’s proposed an area, currently grassed, to the right of the entrance to the existing car-park about a metre from the Cornish hedge offers a number of benefits. The building would be much easier and closer to access for the public, including people with mobility issues; services access would also be simplified, reducing services costs substantially as it’s very close to existing services.

With regard to planning and this proposed change of location, Cornwall Council Planning helpfully advises we submit a Section 73 application to vary condition 2 of PA19/04989 - to substitute the approved site layout plan with an amended plan showing the alternative siting of the proposed building.

Members are asked to approve this proposed location change. It is anticipated, following this approval, more detailed project information including costings can then take place to be brought before members and Mawnan residents early in 2020. N N

Position of New Parish Council Office 12.4 x 4m

Position of New Parish Council Office 12.4 x 4m

Location Plan 1:2500 Block Plan 1:1000

Mawnan Parish Modular Office

Location Plan, Block Plan Mawnan Parish Council Playing Field Carwinion Road Mawnan Smith TR11 5JD

project no. drawing no. date rev checked 1:2500, 1:1000 @ A3 Planning 2.1 11/12/2019 A N

Low 700m high Sportsfield boundary wall


Cornish Hedge Modular office













r a

Existing Carwinion C Pavillon

Mawnan Parish Modular Office 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LSoitcea Ptiloann Plan Mawnan Parish Council Playing Field Carwinion Road Mawnan Smith TR11 5JD

project no. drawing no. date rev checked 1:200 @ A3 Planning P4.1 11/12/2019 A