Meeting Pack City and Strabane District Council

Dear Member of Derry City and Strabane District Council

You are hereby summoned to attend the Monthly Meeting of the Derry City and Strabane District Council to be held in the Council Chamber, Guildhall, Derry, on Thursday 26 January 2017 at 4.00 pm

Yours faithfully

John Kelpie Chief Executive


1 Notice and Summons of Meeting

2 Webcasting Notice

3 Apologies

4 Declarations of Members' Interests

Open for Decision

5 Chairperson's Business

6 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Meeting of the Derry City and Strabane District Council held on 15 December 2016 (Pages 1 - 14)

7 Matters Arising

8 Adoption of the Open Minutes of the following Committees

a Special Environment and Regeneration Committee held on 14 December 2016 (Pages 15 - 20) b Monthly Governance and Strategic Planning Committee held on 3 January 2017 (Pages 21 - 32)

c Monthly Planning Committee held on 4 January 2017 (Pages 33 - 42)

d Monthly Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee held on 5 January 2017 (Pages 43 - 48)

e Monthly Business and Culture Committee held on 10 January 2017 (Pages 49 - 56)

f Monthly Environment and Regeneration Committee held on 11 January 2017 (Pages 57 - 74)

g Monthly Health and Community Committee held on 12 January 2017 (Pages 75 - 90)

h Planning Committee (LDP) held on 16 January 2017 (Pages 91 - 98)

Open for Information

9 Notices of Motion

Councillor Donnelly to Move:

This Council adopts a bi-lingual policy of Irish and English on Corporate branding and signage upon scheduled replacement.

Councillor Reilly to Move:

That this Council notes the public finance scandal that the mismanagement of the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme has created;

Further notes that the loss of up to £500m of taxpayers money over twenty years will heap austerity upon austerity;

And recognises that these funds could have been used more effectively, including funding vital Northwest projects such as A5 and A6 and the expansion of Magee and calls for those responsible to be held accountable;

Further agrees to write to all political Parties requesting that they make a full public inquiry, under Section 1 of the Inquiries Act 2005 a priority before entering the Executive. 10 Responses to Motions (Pages 99 - 112)

11 Seal (Pages 113 - 114)

20 January 2017 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 6

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held in the Council Chamber, Guildhall on Thursday 15 December 2016 at 4.00 pm.

Present:- Aldermen McClintock (Mayor) (in the Chair); Aldermen Bresland, Devenney R Hamilton, Hussey, Kerrigan, Ramsey, Thompson and Warke; Councillors Boyle, Campbell, Carlin, Carr, Cooper, Cusack, Dobbins, Donnelly, Duffy, Fleming, Gallagher, Gardiner, Hassan, Hastings, Jackson, C Kelly, D Kelly, P Kelly, Logue, McCallion, McGinley, M McHugh, R McHugh, McKeever, O’Reilly, Reilly, Robinson and Tierney.

In Attendance:- Chief Executive (Mr J Kelpie), Director of Health and Community (Mrs K McFarland), Director of Business and Culture (Mr S Gillespie), Director of Environment and Regeneration (Mrs K Phillips), Lead Legal Services Officer (Mr P Kingston), Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer (Ms Ellen Cavanagh) Democratic and Customer Services Officer (Mrs S Maxwell) and Committee Clerk (Mrs T Johnstone).


C370/16 Notice and Summons for Meeting

The Chief Executive read the Notice and Summons for the Meeting.

C371/16 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Alderman M Hamilton and Councillors McGuire and McMahon. Alderman Hussey noted that he wished a speedy recovery for Alderman M Hamilton. The Mayor also wished to convey a speedy recovery to Alderman M Hamilton.

C372/16 Withdrawal of Motion

Alderman Hussey apologised and advised that he would like to withdraw his Notice of Motion and reschedule it to next months’ Council meeting.

C373/16 Webcast Announcement by the Mayor

The Mayor read the Webcast Announcement for the Meeting.

1 Page 1 C374/16 Declaration of Members’ Interests

There were no Declaration of Members’ Interests

Open for Decision

Chairperson’s Business

C375/16 The Mayor and Deputy Mayor welcomed Members to the Parlour for some festivities after the meeting.

C376/16 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on 24 November 2016

Minutes of Open Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held on 24 November 2016 (C334/16-C361/16) were submitted.

On a point of accuracy, Councillor R McHugh referred to C350/16 North West Angling Fair and his previous concern that his request (BC269/16) to have Castlederg added as a host venue, was not included in the background papers. He requested that the minute be amended to reflect his request for confirmation that Castlederg would be included in the list of venues rather than his request being simply considered.

It was agreed that the Minutes would be amended accordingly.

Subsequently Councillor Hastings Moved, Alderman Kerrigan Seconded and the Council

Resolved that the Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on 24 November 2016, as amended, be adopted as a true record of the Meeting.

C377/16 Monthly Governance and Strategic Planning Committee held on 29 November 2016

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Governance and Strategic Planning Committee held on 29 November 2016 (GSP257/16- GSP272/16) were submitted.

Alderman Thompson Moved, Councillor McKeever Seconded and the Council

2 Page 2 Resolved that the above Minutes be adopted as a true record of the Meeting.

Matters Arising From Minutes

C378/16 Deputation – Brexit (GSP264/16)

A Member of the UUP grouping queried if the legal opinion which he had requested on the relevance of the content on the presentation regarding Brexit was available.

The Lead Legal Services Officer informed the Member that he had not been in attendance at that particular meeting and asked that the Member forward him the relevant details in order for him to reply.

C379/16 Monthly Planning Committee held on 30 November 2016

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 30 November 2016 (P157/16-P173/16) were submitted.

Alderman Bresland Moved, Councillor Gardiner Seconded and the Council

Resolved that the above Minutes be adopted as a true record of the Meeting.

C380/16 Monthly Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee held on 1 December 2016

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee held on 1 December 2016 (AAR147/16-AAR159/16) were submitted.

Councillor McKeever Moved, Alderman Thompson Seconded and the Council

Resolved that the above Minutes be adopted as a true record of the Meeting.

C381/16 Monthly Business and Culture Committee held on 6 December 2016

3 Page 3 Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Business and Culture Committee held on 6 December 2016 (BC284/16-BC299/16) were submitted.

Councillor Boyle Moved, Alderman R Hamilton Seconded and the Council

Resolved that the above Minutes be adopted as a true record of the Meeting.

C382/16 Monthly Environment and Regeneration Committee held on 7 December 2016

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Environment and Regeneration Committee held on 7 December 2016 (ER255/16-ER281/16) were submitted.

Alderman Bresland Moved, Councillor Hastings Seconded and the Council

Resolved that the above Minutes be adopted as a true record of the Meeting.

Matters Arising from the Minutes

C383/16 Transport NI Gritting Policy (ER259/16)

An Independent Member of Council enquired if there was an update on the matter and if Council had taken up the responsibility for gritting the roads as this decision was needed immediately, not in February or March when the weather became milder. He gave mention to the Special Environment and Regeneration Committee meeting held on 14 December were serious concerns were raised about the adequacy Transport NI’s maintenance budget in this council area, understaffing and lack of machinery to carry out the work. He added that it was vitally important that roads in the council area were gritted and kept in good maintenance.

The Director of Environment and Regeneration reported that with regard to gritting of footpaths, public realms and commercial areas, Officers were discussing options to bring forward to Members. In

4 Page 4 relation to issues that were raised at the Special Environment and Regeneration Committee meeting regarding the gritting of roads, this was a separate issue and Members had asked if Officers could write to the Minister and request a meeting. If Members were in agreement this request will be progressed.

The Independent Member of Council welcomed the response.

The Director of Environment agreed to take the matter forward and submit a report.

C384/16 Christmas Lights Budget (ER269/16)

An Independent Member of Council reported on recent issues regarding the provision of the Christmas lights in the Sion Mills area. He stated that lights had been replaced in Sion Mills much to the delight of the residents however he commented on the lack of consultation with the residents on the matter. He went on to question why there was only a certain section of the village that had Christmas lighting.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping stated that he wished to congratulate the Council for promptly dealing with an issue that was highlighted by the residents in Sion Mills and that Council had worked very hard to acquire the lighting for the village. He added that when the issue had been brought to Council’s attention that residents of Sion Mills were disappointed in the Christmas lights provision, Officers reacted very rapidly to the situation and installed additional lights. He was unaware of anyone being critical of Council’s response. It was evident that Council did listen to residents and tried their best to accommodate them.

The Director for Environment and Regeneration reported that once advised that the residents were dissatisfied with the Christmas light provision, Officers had engaged with the residents and extra lighting had been installed.

A Member of the DUP grouping enquired if Council could extend the lights further at Sion Mills next year, as only one section of the village been covered.

A Member of the UUP grouping agreed that there had been considerable engagement with elected representatives and expressed

5 Page 5 his thanks to Council on how they had responded promptly to the concerns that had been raised. He further proposed that early in the New Year an evaluation be carried out at Officer level on how effective the schemes were throughout the district area and subsequent to that a report be given to councillors on the evaluation to improve the situation, not just in Sion Mills but in the entire district.

The Mayor stated that she would also like to thank Council on this issue as they acted very promptly and praised them for their efforts.

C385/16 Monthly Health and Community Committee held on 8 December 2016

Minutes of Monthly Meeting of the Health and Community Committee held on 8 December 2016 (HC277/16-HC300/16) were submitted.

Councillor Hastings Moved, Alderman Warke Seconded and the Council

Resolved that the above Minutes be adopted as a true record of the Meeting.

Matters Arising from the Minutes

C386/16 Chairperson’s Business – Northlands Project (HC282/16)

The following Members were nominated for inclusion within the delegation to meet with the Health Minister on 11 January 2017 in relation to the Northlands Project:

Councillor Elisha McCallion Sinn Fein Councillor Martin Reilly SDLP Alderman Allan Bresland DUP Alderman Derek Hussey UUP Councillor Darren O’Reilly IND

C387/16 Bonfire Policy and Action Plan (HC288/16)

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping asked Council to accept the recommendation of the report which was presented by the Head of Health and Community Wellbeing at the Committee meeting held on 8 December 2016.

6 Page 6 Conversely, an Independent Member of Council stated that he was asking Council not to accept the recommendation and instead to accept a new proposal not to approve the policy or to commit to the implementation of the action plan until cross community support and buy in was secured.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping asked for clarity on the matter as she understood that there was a proposal put forward that had to be seconded and therefore did the first recommendation not have to be taken first.

An Independent Member of Council stated that the proposal put forward by the Member of the Sinn Fein grouping was already in the body of the minutes and therefore did not require to be proposed.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping asked for clarity from the Lead Legal Services Officer if the proposal from the Independent Member was a complete opposite or a contradiction to the Sinn Fein proposal that was on the floor.

The Lead Legal Services Officer advised that the proposal from the Independent Member would only be rejected if it was a direct negative to the Sinn Fein proposal. The proposal from the Sinn Fein Member was to adopt the policy and if this amendment amounted to the adoption of the policy but at a later date following consultation, then it was not a direct negative.

The same Independent Member of Council stated that there had been a lot of work carried out on a cross party basis on contentious issues which resulted in some parties withdrawing from the working group. The whole benefit of the policy in its current form, was to benefit the entire community and without cross party support for the proposal then it would have to be externally screened which would incur a lot of cost, time and delay. He added that if supported, the amendment may go some way to gaining cross party support and would require the entire community to buy-in to the policy, procedures and action plan.

A Member of the SDLP grouping agreed that there was a lot of work carried out on the policy to date. He had attended the Health and Community Committee meeting and relayed his disappointment that the Unionist Parties were not prepared to back the recommendation. He stated that his party had been engaged in the process and had been trying to move this significant issue forward across the entire

7 Page 7 society for the betterment of all people in Derry and Strabane. He recognised that the policy could only be implemented for bonfires which take place on Council land but believed this policy was a step in the right direction. He added that the policy and action plan can only work through partnership with all communities and acknowledged that some Members of the Unionist Party who attended the Committee meeting raised some concerns regarding the consultation.

He added that Members were aware that there was a meeting of party representatives to try and get some movement on the policy which had resulted in the proposed amendment to the recommendation in the Health and Community minutes. He stated that it was vitally important for the policy to work and to have cross party support, otherwise it will go out to a twelve week screening process.

He further added that the issue was time bound as bonfires happened over the summer period and that Officers required time to consult with all groups; everyone who had a say in the bonfire issue within our City and District. He proposed that in terms of getting cross party support which was vital for buy-in for the policy, to defer doing anything to allow further discussions over the next number of weeks so that everyone was in a position to adopt the policy for the summer of 2017.

The Mayor then enquired if the SDLP Member’s proposal was separate to the proposal put forward by the Independent Member of Council.

Members called for a short recess to discuss the matter.

After the recess the Member of the SDLP grouping reported that work had been ongoing for the past seven or eight months and agreement still had not been reached. He added that as Members were aware, he had proposed to defer taking any action on this matter as the SDLP wanted cross party support on this issue. He informed Members that a decision had to be made and therefore requested that his proposal be withdrawn and he confirmed his party’s support for the Independent Member of Council’s proposal.

A Member of the DUP grouping informed Members that issues had been raised at a recent Health and Community Committee meeting with a number of concerns. He stated that it was very clear from the documentation that working with communities was essential in order to find and agree on alternative and safe methods of cultural expression. It was also important that there had to be community

8 Page 8 buy-in which was crucial to the outcome of any meaningful solution and he believed that the amendment put forward had given the opportunity for the community to be consulted and hopefully by 1 April 2017, Council would have total community buy-in with full cross community support for this policy. Therefore the DUP were supporting the amendment as put forward by the Independent Member of Council.

A further Independent Member of Council stated that he had no reason not to support the amendment, however he was concerned that if there was still no cross party support after the timeframe and the policy is forwarded for equality screening, what would the outcome be if cross party support had not been secured. He stated that he was very cautious on this issue because he was aware there had been a lot of work carried out over the years regarding bonfires and was concerned the policy would be pushed through without agreement. He referred to an incident last year, when a bonfire was erected on a roadway and stressed that if agreement was not been reached, such an incident could happen again causing serious problems.

A Member from the UUP grouping stated that he welcomed the recognition of the issues that he had raised when the matter first came to Committee from the working group. He added that the policy would not work without community buy-in and that it was important to allow the community to have their say in the development of a policy which hopefully all will be able to buy into. He realised that it was something that Council cannot achieve on its own and welcomed the hopefully constructive engagement of all parties on a policy that everyone can accept.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping proposed that Council accept the recommendations of the Health and Community Committee. He stated that the working group had been developing a policy over the last seven months and believed an agreement had been reached and that consultation with the community was key. He asked Members to vote the policy through in order to move in the direction of consultation with the community.

An Independent Member of Council expressed his support for the amendment and reminded Members of previous events in the Bogside. He stated that in the last year a lot of good work had been undertaken to have a bonfire in a safer and controlled environment. However, people with other issues had influenced the young people who then

9 Page 9 disengaged from the process and had the fire on the public road. He indicated that the original proposal was of the same vein and would not work. He added that if there was no buy-in from the Unionist community it would not work and the policy could not be imposed on one section of the community and not on another.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping replied saying that by comparing that particular bonfire within the current policy was being completely disingenuous. She added that the policy allowed for bonfires within Council property and to suggest that Council drive it through without consultation was completely disingenuous.

She further added that the Sinn Fein Member of Council who had made the initial proposal clearly stated that time should be taken to read the document as the action plan was all about community consultation. Everyone wanted community consultation but leadership was also required and that was what Members were attempting to provide. She stressed that consultation was a key component of the policy.

The Mayor asked if everyone was clear on the amendment and:

Councillor Gallagher Moved, Councillor Carr Seconded and the Council

Resolved That the policy be adopted by Council with the intention that it will come into force on 1 April 2017 to allow for consultation between Council and the community and will not come into effect unless there is cross party support for the policy at the Bonfires Working Group at a meeting to be held following the consultation but prior to the 1 April 2017. In the absence of agreement the matter will be referred for equality screening.

Following a request for a recorded vote the voting was as follows:

For the Proposal – Aldermen Bresland, R Hamilton, Hussey, Kerrigan, McClintock, Ramsey, Thompson and Warke; Councillors Boyle, Carr, Cusack, Dobbins, Donnelly, Gallagher, Gardiner, Hastings, P Kelly, McKeever, O’Reilly, Reilly, Robinson and Tierney - 22

10 Page 10 Against the Proposal – Councillors Campbell, Carlin, Cooper, Duffy, Fleming, Hassan, Jackson, C Kelly, D Kelly, Logue, McCallion, McGinley, M McHugh and R McHugh - 14

Abstention – Alderman Devenney – 1.

The Proposal was therefore carried.

C388/16 Notice of Motion – Gold Mining Operations at Curraghinalt and Greencastle

Aldermen Devenney and Hussey and Councillor McKeever expressed a conflict of interest in relation to the Motion.

Councillor Gallagher proposed, Councillor Carr seconded

That this Council is mindful of our responsibility to maintain and enhance the health and well-being of the people of our City and District Council Area, including that of our environment and our water ways. That this Council is also mindful of the toxic nature of gold mining operations. Therefore this Council calls on the Minister for Infrastructure to halt the current inadequate consultation process being undertaken by Dalradian Resources on their proposed gold mining project at Curraghinalt and Greencastle and calls on the Minister to establish an all encompassing Public Enquiry to investigate the issues arising from these proposed gold mining operations and the earlier permissions bearing in mind both the risks and the very sensitive environment. Also in doing so the Minister takes cognisant of the wider scale of the project and the all Ireland implications of these matters that this motion when passed is circulated to the other Councils connected linked to the Foyle River basin and to Councils involved in the Sperrins, inviting their support. That key organisations in the fields of farming; tourism; health, fishing, culture and rural and community development and outdoor activities; educational

11 Page 11 establishments, and churches are informed of these proposals at the outset.

The following amendment was Moved by Councillor M Mc Hugh, Seconded by Councillor D Kelly

That this Council welcomes the decision by the Minister Chris Hazzard that any planning application in relation to gold mining in the Sperrins will be subject to a public inquiry and that this motion when passed is circulated to the other Councils connected to the Foyle River basin and to Councils involved in the Sperrins, inviting their support. That key organisations in the fields of farming; tourism; health, fishing, culture and rural and community development and outdoor activities; educational establishments, and churches are informed of these proposals at the outset.

The Amendment was put to the vote and on a show of hands being requested was declared carried. Voting was as follows:

For the Motion – 21; Against the Motion – 13; Abstentions – 0.

The Amendment then became the substantive Motion and on a further show of hands was declared carried. Voting was as follows:

For the Motion – 33; Against the Motion – 0; Abstentions – 1.

C389/16 Response to Motion

The Chief Executive reported that he had received the following responses in relation to Motions of Council:

(i) The Private Secretary for the Department of Communities on the Housing Selection Scheme. (ii) The Minister for Infrastructure on the Road Safety Initiative.

12 Page 12 C390/16 Resolutions from Other Councils

The Chief Executive advised of receipt of a resolution from Donegal County Council commending Council’s support for Ireland’s bid to host the 2023 Rugby World Cup and welcoming the Celtic Park’s inclusion in the list of host stadia. Furthermore Donegal County Council confirmed their full and equal support for the bid.

C391/16 Seal

Councillor Hastings Moved, Councillor Boyle Seconded and the Council

Resolved that the Seal of the Council be affixed to the following documents:

Documents sealed on 8 December 2016

Deed of conveyance in triplicate: Northern Ireland Housing Executive (1) and Derry City and Strabane District Council (2) relating to purchase of land at Nailors Row, Derry for the creation of a recreational amenity space.

C392/16 Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 – Confidential Business

The Mayor Moved, the Deputy Mayor Seconded and the Council

Resolved that in accordance with Section 42, Sub Sections (2) or (4) of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014, the press and members of the public be asked to withdraw whilst the Council discuss the following matters:- (a) Adoption of the Confidential Minutes of the Meeting of the Derry City and Strabane District Council held on 24 November 2016;

(b) Adoption of the Confidential Minutes of the following Committees:

13 Page 13 (i) Monthly Governance and Strategic Planning Committee held on 29 November 2016 (ii) Monthly Planning Committee held on 30 November 2016 (iii) Monthly Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee held on 1 December 2016 (iv) Monthly Business and Culture Committee held on 6 December 2016 (v) Monthly Environment and Regeneration Committee held on 7 December 2016; and (vi) Monthly Health and Community Committee held on 8 December 2016.

The Meeting terminated at 5.45 pm

Signed ______Chair

Date ______

14 Page 14 Agenda Item 8a

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Open Minutes of Special Meeting of the Environment and Regeneration Committee held in the Council Chamber, Guildhall, Derry on Wednesday 14 December 2016 at 4.00pm.


Present:- Councillor C Kelly (Chairperson); Aldermen Bresland, Hussey, Ramsey, Warke; Councillors Dobbins, Duffy, Hassan, Hastings, M McHugh, Robinson and Tierney.

Non-Committee Member: Alderman Devenney.

In Attendance:- Director of Environment and Regeneration (Mrs K Philips), Head of Environment (Mr C Canning), Committee Services Assistant (Mrs J Short).

Representing TransportNI: Network Development Manager (Mr H Gallagher) Network Development Engineer (Mr D MacBride), Network Maintenance Section Engineer (Mr R McCartney).


SER13/16 Notice and Summons for Meeting

The Director of Environment and Regeneration read the Notice and Summons for the Meeting.

SER14/16 Apologies

There were no apologies received.

SER15/16 Declarations of Members’ Interests

There were no declarations of Members’ interests.

Page 15 2

Open for Decision

SER16/16 Deputation – To receive representatives from Transport NI to present their Works Programme Autumn Report

The Network Development Manager (NDM) presented the Transport NI Western Division Works Programme Update report (Autumn 2016), details of which had been previously circulated to Members. He provided a brief update on the following strategic road improvement schemes as outlined in detail within the report:

A5 (Western Transport Corridor)

A Northern Ireland Executive led scheme which aims to provide 55miles of dual carriageway from south of Londonderry at New Buildings to the border at Aughnacloy. Subject to the successful completion of all the statutory procedures as outlined it is hoped that construction would commence in late 2017 (between New Buildings and north of Strabane).

A6 Randalstown to Castledawson

The Regional Strategic Transport Network Transport Plan (RSTN TP) 2015 had endorsed the provision of a continuous dual carriageway from the western end of the M22 at Randalstown to the Castledawson Roundabout and the design development work was ongoing.

A6 Londonderry to Dungiven

The (RSTN TP) had endorsed the provision of a 30 Kilometre dual carriageway from Londonderry to Dungiven including a dual carriageway bypass of Dungiven and subject to making the statutory orders, approval of the final business case and procurement it was possible that the first phase of the Derry to Dungiven scheme could commence in the latter part of 2018/19.

A2 Buncrana Road

The RSTN TP had endorsed improvement of the route A2 Buncrana Road, Londonderry from Pennyburn Roundabout to the border with the Republic of Ireland and it was anticipated that the statutory process could be concluded in early 2019 however delivery of the scheme would depend on the level of funding available.

Page 16 3

The Network Maintenance Section Engineer (NMSE) provided an update on the structural maintenance planned works 2016-2017 outlined in detail within the report which included resurfacing works, surface dressing, drainage improvement to various locations throughout the DCSDC area.

Members noted that in the 2016-2017 financial year £190k had been allocated for Local Transport and Safety Measures within the DCSDC area and the location of the traffic management schemes were outlined within the report. It was also proposed to take forward an improvement scheme at Ballyarnett Roundabout for which a developer contribution had been secured.

Members also noted progress update on planned works 2016/2017 in the following areas:

 Structures – Planned works  Bridge Management  Vehicle Restraint Systems  Street Lighting

Members noted receipt of the Request/Enquiry pro-forma circulated at the meeting to be completed if necessary and returned to the Transport NI Officials to be actioned accordingly. They also made reference to the following:

- The need to prioritise progression of the A5 and A6 road schemes - The A2 Buncrana Road scheme to be progressed sooner and for traffic safety measures to be provided. A request for information on the public enquiry of A2 scheme to be provided to Members. - The ongoing drainage problems at Limavady Road, Gransha and Temple Road. - The backlog of cleaning gullies at various locations to be given priority. - An explanation on the delay in the traffic management scheme proposed at Drumlegagh Road. - The resurfacing of road from Ferguson Crescent towards Killeter Road - Welcomed the lobbying of traffic calming schemes at Nixon’s Corner and Lone More Road and for the Department to look favourably on the requests and for all safety measure to be provided when appropriate. - The backlog of street lighting scheme to be addressed and update on funding issue to be provided.

Page 17 4

- Clarification was sought on the design of the traffic calming at Ballynagard Road. - Clarification was sought on who was responsible for replenishment of Salt/Sand boxes. - Update on the provision of road safety measures at Coshquin School. - Update on the Street Light repair maintenance scheme. - Request to review road gritting on minor and major roads.

Representatives of Transport NI responded as follows:-

- The A5 strategic road scheme was being progressed and it was anticipated that works would begin on site in 2017 as reported. - The A6 judicial review was underway concerning the habitat assessment and it was anticipated that the outcome would become clear early 2017. - The progress of the A2 Buncrana Road scheme would have to be viewed as priority within the funding allocation and it was anticipated that the outcome of the public enquiry would determine the traffic problems to be addressed. - Gully clearance backlog was being worked through as timely as possible with limited resources available. - There was a reduction in funding of road maintenance works across all Council areas. - Network development funding was limited therefore the Drumlegagh Road scheme was not progressed as planned. - Traffic calming schemes included in 2 year programme of works. - Detail on the traffic calming measures at Ballynagard Road would be provided for information to Members. - Salt box replenishment to be reported by residents and the request will be logged and dealt with accordingly. - Ferguson Crescent resurfacing scheme to be progressed. - Coshquin Road – traffic calming scheme to be looked at and prioritised with other similar schemes. - External contractors appointed to repair street lighting was ongoing throughout the District area. - An information session was scheduled to take place at Pilots Row Community centre to give the residents of Rosville an opportunity to discuss the new parking scheme initiative.

Page 18 5

SER17/16 Local Transport and Safety Measures, Bridges and Street Lighting Draft Programme 2016-2019

The Network Development Engineer (NDE) presented the above report a copy of which was previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to provide details of proposed schemes however due to current funding levels it would not be possible to deliver all of the schemes included in the draft programme over the 2017-2019 period. The Division would continue to bid for funding and plan ahead by developing schemes in terms of design and land acquisition to ensure that the Division was well placed to utilise additional funding should it become available.

Discussion ensued after which the Committee

Recommended i) that Council notes for information the Transport NI Works Programme update reports Autumn 2016.

ii) that Council writes to the relevant Minister to express the view of Members in relation to the need for funding provision to deal with the backlog of roads maintenance schemes throughout the District.

The Meeting ended at 5.40pm.

Chairperson: ______

Date: ______

Page 19 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 8b

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Open Minutes of Governance and Strategic Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber, Guildhall on Tuesday 3 January 2017 at 4.00pm.

Present:- Alderman Thompson (in the Chair); Aldermen Kerrigan and Ramsey; Councillors Boyle, Cooper, Donnelly, Fleming, Gallagher, C Kelly, M McHugh, McKeever and McMahon.

Non-Members of Committee:-Aldermen Hussey and Devenney and Councillor P Kelly.

In Attendance:-Director of Business and Culture (Mr S Gillespie), Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer (Ms E Cavanagh), Insurance and Risk Manager (Mrs Annmarie Begley) and Committee Services Assistant (Mrs T Johnstone). ______

GSP01/17 Notice and Summons for Meeting

The Chief Executive read the Notice and Summons for the Meeting.

GSP02/17 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors O’Reilly and Tierney.

GSP03/17 Declarations of Members’ Interests

Councillor Patsy Kelly declared an interest in agenda item – 11 Members Development Charter and Charter Plus Accreditation.

Open for Decision

GSP04/17 Deputations

There were no deputations.

GSP05/17 Chairperson’s Business

Page 21 There was no Chairpersons business.

GSP06/17 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Governance and Strategic Planning Committee held on Tuesday 29 November 2016

The open Minutes of Meeting held on 29 November 2016 (GSP257/16 –GSP272/16) were confirmed and signed by the Chairperson.

GSP07/17 Matters Arising

There were no Matters Arising.

GSP08/17 Community Planning

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer presented the above report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to update Members on the progress of the draft Strategic and Community Plan and recommended that Members note the progress of the Plan and endorse the approach being taken.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping enquired if there was a timescale on the budgeting of various elements of the plan especially with regard to resourcing of commitments by the statutory partners.

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer responded by informing Members that Officers had kept statutory partners engaged in the development process to enable them to plan forward. She added that it was likely that detailed information was not available at this stage pending the finalisation of budgets at departmental level.

A non-committee Independent Member of Council enquired if there was any provision for the Travelling Community within the Community Plan regarding facilities, as he was concerned about the condition and abandonment of Green Brae in Strabane which was owned by the Council and was strewn with rubbish and abandoned cars.

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer relayed that she would ascertain the information and that an update would be provided at this month’s Council meeting.

A non-committee member of the UUP grouping relayed that he wished to fully support the Sinn Fein Member’s concerns regarding the other

Page 22 agencies which were contributing to the Community Plan as expectations were being raised. He added that it was very important that expectations were being met in relation to the statutory partner’s involvement and commitment to the Community Plan.

The Committee

Recommended that (i) Members note the progress in developing the Strategic and Local Community Plans outlined in this report and are advised that preparations are being made to formally launch the plan for consultation in February.

(ii) Officers to make relevant enquiries regarding the confirmation of commitment by the statutory partners to the delivery of the Community Plan.

(iii) A report is prepared detailing provision for the Travelling Community within the Strategic and Community Plan.

GSP09/17 Future Delivery of Electoral Services in Northern Ireland

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer presented the above report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report sought Members approval for a draft response for the consultation on the Future Delivery of Electoral Services in Northern Ireland.

A non-committee Independent Member of Council enquired what costs would be involved for Council to operate the Local Government Elections. He added that he was aware of the gap of five years between elections and suggested that perhaps it would be better to have four elections in the twenty year period rather than five as this provides savings to the Council and to the rate payers.

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer reported that currently Council was responsible for operating the Local Government

Page 23 Elections and that this consultation was actually proposing that going forward, Council would be responsible for covering all elections and associated costs would be reimbursed by the Electoral Office of Northern Ireland.

An Independent Member of Council recorded his support for the report and its recommendations.

The Committee

Recommended that Members approve the draft response for the consultation on the Future Delivery of Electoral Services in Northern Ireland.

GSP10/17 European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer presented the above report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report advised Members of Council’s obligation to safeguard the languages of Irish and Ulster-Scots as detailed in the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages and sought approval for the progress update to be provided to the Department of Communities.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping expressed his concern with the section on recommendations that Members report on positive progress made in relation to the Council’s compliance with its obligations under the European Charter for regional or minority languages. He conveyed his disappointment especially with Council Officers regarding an amendment to a motion which side-lined the erection of a Christmas sign saying ‘nollaig shona duit’ in Strabane. He added that it stretched beyond belief that a sign of that nature wishing everyone a happy Christmas was subjected by Council to an equality assessment.

He relayed however his congratulations to those who had taken responsibility and contributed to purchasing and erecting the sign in Strabane, especially the Gaelic community who displayed the sign themselves. He therefore found it difficult to accept the recommendation which intimated that Council was in some way congratulating itself regarding the positive progress in the Council’s

Page 24 compliance with its obligations under the European Charter, as he did not think that was justified.

A non-committee Member from the UUP grouping raised an item from Appendix 1 – Article 7 1F regarding the provision for teaching of minority languages and in particular, the Councils responses within that section. He stated that according to the response, language classes were run weekly and enquired as to how many attended the classes and what was the cost to Council.

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer informed the Member that classes were run on a weekly basis and in terms of cost, as they were provided in-house there were no associated costs. She added that in terms of numbers there were different classes for different levels with approximately ten people in each class.

The non-committee Member from the UUP grouping further enquired that in terms of equality had Council provided an opportunity for classes in the Ulster Scots Language.

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer reported that a section highlighted within the European Charter had classified Ulster Scots and Irish differently, meaning there was a differentiation in terms of Council’s obligation for each language. She added that as yet there had not been a request for language classes in Ulster Scots but Council would be happy to consider if a request was submitted.

A Member from the Sinn Fein grouping commented that reference was made to indigenous languages in this country, that there was no demand for language skills in Ulster Scots. He acknowledged however that there was a demand within the Ulster Scots community for a cultural type tradition pertaining to dance or music but not for language. He added if there was a demand for the Ulster Scots language the Members from the UUP grouping would have difficulty in sourcing a teacher.

A non-committee Independent Member of Council commented that many within the Unionist community had no problem with the Irish language and felt that Irish and Ulster Scots should have equal status in Northern Ireland. He added that the issue was that Sinn Fein were continually mentioning the subject. He went on to state that he was aware that a meeting was to be organised in relation to the demand for language training for Ulster Scots in the coming months.

Page 25 A Member of the DUP grouping stated that perhaps the main issue for Council when dealing with all languages was translation when helping people from ethnic minorities. He added that there must be other languages used within our City and District and enquired as to what the most popular language was that Council were asked to translate. He commented on the need to ensure that all languages were catered for and making one language more popular than the other was not the way forward in becoming more of an open society.

An Independent Member of Council stated that he wished to concur with the Sinn Fein Member’s comments as it was good to see people taking control on the issue. He added that the Charter recognised the Irish Language as a language and that Ulster Scots was classed as a dialect. He added that the indigenous language of the area was Irish and that there was a very enriched culture within our district.

A further Independent Member of Council stated that he believed the Charter had been very generous in giving mention to Ulster Scots as it was a dialect and not a language. He also concurred with Sinn Fein Members comments and expressed his disappointment regarding the motion relating to the Irish language sign in Strabane. He added that a Member of the Unionist community recently gave a talk discussing links between the Irish language and the Unionist community. He suggested that Council consider adopting a bi-lingual policy rather than the existing policy of tri-lingual. Unionists were catered for by the English Language and did not take away from the Ulster Scots heritage which could be expressed through events and pageants.

The Committee

Recommended that (i) Members note the positive progress made in relation to the Council's compliance with its obligations under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages

Page 26 (ii) Members endorse the report to the Department for Communities which covers the period April 2015- November 2016 and approve its inclusion in the fifth UK periodical report which will be presented to the Council of Experts (COMEX).

GSP11/17 Members Development Charter and Charter Plus Accreditation

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer presented the above report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to advise Members that Council received re-accreditation for the Members Development Charter and sought Members commitment and approval to sign up to the Elected Member Development Charter Plus.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouped stated that he wished to congratulate Officers on all their efforts regarding successful achievement and development of the Charter. He added that he had been a Member on previous working groups within and had witnessed all the hard work that Officers had undertaken and had no doubt that Council would be in the position to gain the Charter Plus Accreditation in eighteen months’ time.

A Member of the SDLP grouping concurred with the Sinn Fein Member and stated that he wished to record thanks and congratulations to the Officer team who led the efforts to achieve the Charter. He added that it was important that all organisations should be looking to improve on their Members skills and knowledge base and that the Charter was a very good way of assisting Members in appreciating how much they could achieve over a period of time. He was also aware that workshops held over the years had contributed to improving services from a Member perspective.

A non-committee Independent Member of Council added that he also wished to congratulate the Officers who had led the Charter and stated his confidence that no doubt that they will ensure Council successfully obtained the Charter Plus stated. He emphasised that all Members should contribute by giving their feedback on Member development going forward.

Page 27 A further non-committee Independent Member of the Council commented on Member’s achievement at Charter level and stated that he fully endorsed the recommendations in the report.

The Chair stated that he wished to add that as a member of the Member Development Charter Group the work carried out officers had been excellent and first class and he had no doubt that in eighteen months’ time, Council would be accredited with the Charter Plus.

The Committee

Recommended that Members (i) Note Council’s successful re-accreditation against the Elected Member Development Charter

(ii) Give approval to sign up to the Elected Member Development Charter Plus standard

(ii) Confirm that the completion of Personal Development Plans and an annual review of same will be mandatory for all Members.

GSP12/17 Scheme of Allowances Payable to Elected Members

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer presented the above report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to advise Members on Government Circular 23/2016 and to seek approval for an updated Scheme of Allowances for Elected Members.

A non-committee Independent Member of Council welcomed the recommendations from the Minister and reported that Members of the NAC had met before Christmas and the issue was again raised that of the eleven Council’s in Northern Ireland, none of these were providing the same amount of allowances regarding telephone packages or broadband and internet costs.

A further non-committee Independent Member of Council stated that he would like to be advised on the allowances provided by other

Page 28 Councils. He added that with the Strabane Legacy Council provided Members with mobile phones with call allowances. He also enquired about other councils in Northern Ireland and what they offered their Members.

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer stated that she was aware that it was a fairly contentious issue and a survey was carried out regarding what item each council was issuing allowances to and that the NAC had collated this information. She added that in terms of broadband and internet, it was suggested that Council reinstate the previous allowance which was up to £15 per month per councillor. In terms of the telephone calls, the guidance at present stated that Council cannot provide an allowance for telephone calls.

A non-committee Independent Member of Council then enquired on the number of mobile phones Council provided to Officers and to outline the costs.

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer stated she did not have the information available at this time regarding allocation and cost of Officer Mobile phones. She also reiterated that the proposed scheme reflected the recommendations of the Department.

A Member of the DUP grouping commented that this particular issue had been ongoing and at the most recent meeting in December it had been raised again. He added that he was aware that nine other Councils within Northern Ireland were receiving mobile phones and the call bundles which Councillors had previously received in the Strabane Legacy Council. He further stated that Belfast City Council were receiving everything contained on the list of allowances. He suggested a meeting take place with the Chief Executive and party leaders regarding the issue.

A non-committee Independent Member of Council commented on his confusion that of the eleven Council’s, nine were on the same Scheme of Allowances and stated that the problem lay with the application of responsibility from the Department. He added that all Councils should receive the same package and provision that Members needed to undertake their duties as an elected representative.

An Independent Member of Councillors stated that he wished to remind Councillors that Members received a raise of over £4,500 to

Page 29 cover allowances which should adequately cover the cost of telephone calls.

The Chairperson called for a vote on the proposal to accept the adopted scheme of allowances with the following results: For: 8; Against; 0; Abstentions: 0; the proposal was carried.

The Committee

Recommended that Members approve the updated Scheme of Allowances for Elected Members.

GSP13/17 28th Colmcille Winter School

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement officer presented the above report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report sought nominations for the Members to attend the annual Colmcille Winter School which takes place on 24/25 February 2017.

An Independent Member of Council stated that it was important that Councillors attended the conference and declared that he was interested in attending as the topic related to British withdrawal in Ireland. He further proposed acceptance of the Officer recommendation.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping stated that he was concerned that the report was limited in terms of information. He commented that there was a recent conference involving Councils from across the border and enquired if there was any information available regarding the Winter School as he felt the same topics may be discussed. He added that more information was needed before any decision could be made.

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer reported that the notice for the conference arrived just before Christmas and Officers have asked for more details in relation to the agenda, which has not yet been received.

A Member of the SDLP grouping stated that he wished to concur with the Sinn Fein Members comments regarding not having sufficient

Page 30 information to make a decision on the value of attending the conference and there was no benefit in attending a conference which duplicates information already provided a previous conference. He recommended that Members do not proceed until more information was available.

The Chairperson called for a vote on the deferral of the proposal with the following results: For: 8; Against; 0; Abstentions: 0; the proposal was carried.

The Committee

Recommended that Members defer a decision on attendance at this conference until more information has been received.

GSP14/17 Local Government Staff Commission

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer presented the above report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report updated Members on the correct position with the Local Government Staff Commission and sought approval for SOLACE to further develop the costing and governance arrangements for a future delivery of collaborate Human Resources.

A Member of the Sinn Fein group welcomed the update and highlighted that if Central Government did not cover the dissolution costs that it would become the responsibility of the Council. He added that hopefully this would not be the case and also suggested that it had been identified that the Staff Commission owned property and that the property should be disposed of and Council should receive a share of the return from that property.

The Committee

Recommended that Members (i) note the report

(ii) approve that SOLACE further develop the costing and Governance arrangements for a

Page 31 future delivery of collaborate Human Resources

(iii) A further report be brought back to a future meeting.

Open For Information

GSP15/17 Partnership Panel

The above report was presented for information, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report provided Members with an update on the progress and discussions within the Partnership Panel for Northern Ireland. Members were also advised to forward any issues of regional, strategic significance so that NILGA can consider at their preparation forum – scheduled to be held on the 10 January 2017 in advance of the full Partnership Panel meeting which is scheduled to be held on the 31 January 2017.

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the report.

GSP16/17 Consultation – Proposals for the Updated Multiple Deprivation Measure (NIMDM 2017)

The above report was presented for information, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report advised Members of correspondence from NIRSA consulting users about the proposed indicators to be included in the forthcoming measure, referred to as NIMDM 2017.

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the correspondence.

The Meeting terminated at 5.10pm.

Page 32 Agenda Item 8c

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Open Minutes of Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber, Derry Road, Strabane on Wednesday 4 January 2017 at 3.00pm. ______

Present:- Councillor Boyle (Chairperson), Aldermen Bresland, M Hamilton, Kerrigan, Thompson; Councillors Dobbins, Gardiner, Hassan, Hastings, Jackson, D Kelly, Logue and R McHugh.

In Attendance:- Director of Environment and Regeneration (Mrs K Philips), Head of Planning (Ms M Fox), Principal Planning Officers (Mrs S McCracken & Mr P McCaughey), Lead Legal Services Officer (Mr P Kingston), Planning Officers: (Ms S Barrett, Ms R McMenamin, Mr P McCahill, Mr K Donaghey and Ms A Moyne).

Planning Administrative Officer (Mrs C Corry), Committee Services Assistant (Mrs J Short).

Non-Committee Member: Aldermen Warke, Hussey, Devenney and Councillor P Kelly ______

P01/17 Notice and Summons for Meeting

The Head of Planning read the Notice and Summons for the Meeting.

P02/17 Member Attendance and Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillor McGuire.

P03/17 Declaration of Members’ Interests

Councillor Jackson declared an interest with Agenda Item No. 16: Section 76 Agreement Authorisation – LA11/2016/0086/F.

Open for Decision

P04/16 Deputations

There were no deputations.

Page 33 2

P05/16 Chairperson’s Business

The Chairperson wished everyone a happy and peaceful New Year. He also conveyed appreciation to Councillor Hassan (Deputy Chair) for chairing the previous Planning Committee Meeting in his absence.

P06/17 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 30 November 2016

The Open Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 30 November 2016 (P157/16 – P173/16) were agreed and signed by the Chairperson.

P07/17 Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 30 November 2016.

P08/17 Planning Application List with Recommendation for Decision

It was agreed that the meeting be adjourned for thirty minutes to allow Members the opportunity to consider late information received that afternoon in relation to the following application:

A/2013/0507/F – Application to vary Condition 6 of A/1996/0505 and Condition 4 of A/2001/0098/RM to allow mixed retailing Unit 4, Crescent Link Retail Park, Waterside, Londonderry.

The Principal Planning Officer (PPO) referred to the above planning application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. She provided an overview of the background to the application as outlined in detail within the report. She further referred to the late information received that afternoon which was previously circulated to Members for consideration and based on all material consideration and planning policy an unaltered opinion to refuse was recommended for reasons as outlined within the report.

Alderman M Hamilton left the meeting.

Page 34 3

The Chairperson invited the following Members of the public to address the Committee as requested:

 Mr Young, Niche Drinks outlined the various reasons to support the recommendation to refuse planning permission.

 Mr Stephens, on behalf of NIRTA outlined the various reasons to support the recommendation to refuse the application.

 Mr Ryan, Solicitor representing the applicant proceeded to outline to Members the reasons to support approval of the application.

A Member of the SF grouping asked officers position regarding notification with DfI.

Officers advised should Committee agree to vote to not accept officer’s recommendation then the position remained the same that officers are obliged to notify DfI in this case.

Alderman M Hamilton returned to the meeting.

Discussion ensued about retail impact, job creation, economic considerations and traffic impact. Members sought clarification that economic benefit was a material consideration after which a Member of the SDLP grouping moved, seconded by another Member of the SDLP grouping that the recommendation to refuse planning permission be agreed.

The outcome of vote: For 4; Against 8. The proposal fell.

A Member of the SF grouping moved seconded by another member of the SF grouping not to accept the recommendation to refuse planning permission and the application would be presented to the Department of Infrastructure for consideration.

The outcome of vote: For 8; Against 4. The proposal was carried.

The Committee Resolved that the application A/2013/0507/F be approved subject to presentation to DfI for consideration and thereafter returned

Page 35 4

to Planning Committee as per Protocol for the Operation of the Planning Committee.

J/2012/0069/F – Service road development linking 13 Derry Road with Ingleside Drive, including a mini roundabout on the Derry Road adjacent to, including and to the rear of 13 Derry Road, Strabane.

A Member of the SF grouping requested a site visit on this case. The Chair considered this with Head of Planning and Committee.

It was agreed to defer a decision on the above application so to allow for a site visit to take place given the nature of the application. The application would be presented to Members at a future Planning Committee Meeting.

J/2015/0004/F – Erection of single storey clubhouse, community space, changing facilities and toilets. Also covered terrace, 2 No. turnstile buildings, toilet block and control building and repairs to existing grass playing surface (amended description of proposal) at Dergview football ground, adjacent to and north of 21 Castlegore Road, Castlederg.

The Planning Officer (PO) presented the above planning application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. She outlined the background to the application and based on material consideration recommended that planning permission be approved subject to the conditions as set out within the report.

A Member of the DUP grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the SF grouping that the above planning application be approved as recommended by the PO.

The outcome of vote was unanimous.

The Committee

Resolved that planning application J/2015/0004/F be approved planning permission.

Alderman Thompson and Councillor Logue left the meeting.

Page 36 5

LA11/2015/0709/F – Proposed housing development comprising of 14 no semi-detached, 2 no detached two storey dwellings and 4 no detached single storey dwellings at 20m north east 81 Mount Carmel Heights, Strabane.

The PO presented the above planning application, details of which had been previously circulated to Members. An overview of the background to the application was provided and based on all material considerations and subject to the conditions as outlined within the report. An approval of the planning applications was recommended by the PO.

Councillor Logue returned to the meeting.

A Member of the SF grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the SDLP grouping to approve the above planning application as recommended by the PO.

Alderman Thompson returned to the meeting.

The outcome of the vote; For 9, Against 0, Abstention 0. The proposal was carried.

The Committee

Resolved that planning application LA11/2015/0709/F be approved planning permission.

LA11/2016/0001/A – Proposed panel sign approximately 50m NW of junction at Lismacarrol Road and Glenshane Road, Londonderry.

The PO presented the above planning application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The proposal sought advertisement consent for a directional panel sign for Lloyd Cooke Motors and established business in the countryside located along the Lismacarol Road at the junction with the A6 Glenshane Road.

The PO reported that having considered all material consideration including the development plan, relevant planning policies, previous planning history and consultation responses recommended to refuse

Page 37 6

the planning application for reasons as outlined in detail within the report.

The Chairperson invited the applicant (Mr Cooke) to address the Committee as requested. The applicant proceeded to outline to Members the reasons to reconsider the recommendation to refuse planning permission.

Members sought clarification on a number of queries and the Planning Officials responded accordingly. Discussion ensued after which a Member of the SDLP grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the SF grouping that the recommendation to refuse planning permission be agreed.

The outcome of the Vote: For 7, Against 2, Abstention 4. The proposal was carried.

The Committee

Resolved that planning application LA11/2016/0001/A be refused planning permission.

LA11/2016/0060/F – New footpaths network within existing green open space (grass pitches) with new pedestrian link (steps through existing woodland) between proposed footpath and adjacent Drumahoe District Park. Temporary site access/ramp from Glenshane Road for contract duration at Drumahoe lower pitches adjacent to the Glenshane Road and between the River Faughan and Drumahoe Village.

The PO presented the above planning application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. An outline of the background to the application was provided and based on all material consideration and subject to conditions as outlined within the report an approval was recommended.

The Committee

Resolved that planning application LA11/2016/0060/F be approved planning permission.

Page 38 7

LA/11/2016/0153/F – Change of use from office accommodation to provide 10 no apartments at first and second floors, 18-20 Bishop Street, Derry.

The PO presented the above planning application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The application complied with relevant planning policies and approval was recommended subject to the condition as outlined within the report.

The Committee

Resolved that planning application LA/11/2016/0153/F was approved planning permission.

LA11/2016/0774/F – 1.5 storey granny flat extension to the rear of existing dwelling with ancillary works to main dwelling house at 83A Elmvale, Culmore, Derry.

The PO presented the above planning application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The application complied with relevant planning policies and approval was recommended subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

A Member of SF grouping queried the boundary treatment in comparison to rural dwellings.

The Committee

Resolved that planning application LA11/2016/0774/F was approved planning permission.

P09/17 Planning Appeals Update

The Principal Planning Officer (PPO) presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to appraise Members on planning appeals currently in the system.

Members noted that the date of informal hearing regarding application J/2013/0187/F – Seagronan Windfarm Ltd had been changed to Thursday 2 February 2017 at 11am.

Page 39 8

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes the Planning Appeals update report.

P10/17 Review of Protocol of Operation of Planning Committee/Review of Scheme of Delegation

The Head of Planning presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to provide Members with a final draft of the Review of the Protocol for the Operation of the Planning Committee as requested at Planning Committee on 30 November 2016.

The Head of Planning referred to a minor amendment to Appendix 10 Item 5 (9) which should read as follows:

All parties wishing to address the Committee must register their wish to do so in writing with the Planning Administrative Officer…

The Head of Planning in response to a query regarding the management of late items advised that the Committee was obligated under legislation to consider all information received until the point of decision and planning officers were unable to stop applicants/objectors making further late submissions. She however agreed to discuss the issue with regards to legislation with the Department for Infrastructure and report back on same.

The Director of Environment and Regeneration in response to a query advised that Council had a policy drawn up to promote social clauses within capital projects. She agreed to liaise with relevant Officials in relation to presenting a composite report on social clauses at a future Environment and Regeneration Committee meeting.

A Member of the SF grouping referred to Appendix 11 Part B (10) and requested that it be amended to refer to all turbines not only turbines over 30m hub height. This was noted.

Discussion ensued after which a member of the SDLP grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the SF grouping that the recommendation as outlined within the report be agreed.

Page 40 9

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes the suggested final changes to the Protocol and the Delegated Scheme and a final draft of same would be presented to Full Council for ratification.

P11/17 Consultation Response to Mid-Ulster District Council re: their LDP Preferred Options Paper (POP) and Interim Sustainability Report (SA)

The PPO presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to advise Members of the content of a proposed consultation response from this Council to Mid Ulster District Council regarding the Preferred Options Paper (POP) for its Local Development Plan (LDP).

The Committee

Recommended that Council agrees with the proposed consultation response and the course of action for continued co-operation with Mid Ulster District Council, including officer participation in ‘Adjoining Councils Stakeholder Group’ and ongoing liaison at informal /formal key stages of the process.

Open for Information

P12/17 Notice of Opinion to refuse planning permission on lands to east of Crescent Link and north of Sevenoaks

The PPO presented the above report details of which had been previously circulates to Members. The purpose of the report was to advise Members on the receipt of a Notice of Opinion issued from Department of Infrastructure’s Strategic Planning Team under Section 26(11) of the Planning Act (NI) 2011. The Notice of Opinion relates to Planning Application A/2010/0241/O on lands east of Crescent Link and north of Sevenoaks.

Page 41 10

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes for information the Notice of Opinion to refuse planning permission on lands to east of Crescent Link and north of Sevenoaks.

P13/17 Summary of Applications Withdrawn

The PPO presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to advise Members on Planning Applications which had been withdrawn from the planning system.

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes for information the summary of Planning Applications withdrawn from the planning system.

P14/17 List of Decision Issued December 2016

The above report was presented for information to Members.

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes for information the List of Decisions issued during the month of December 2016.

The Meeting went into confidential business.

The Meeting ended at 6.20pm.

Signed: ______


Date: ______

Page 42 Agenda Item 8d

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Open Minutes of Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee held in the Council Chamber, Guildhall on Thursday 5 January 2017 at 4.00pm. ______

Present: - Councillor McGinley (in the Chair); Aldermen Hamilton, Ramsey and Thompson; Councillors Carlin, Donnelly, Duffy, Gallagher, Hastings, Mc Hugh, Mc Keever, Reilly and Robinson.

Non-Members of Committee: - Alderman Hussey.

In Attendance: - Chief Executive (Mr J Kelpie), Director of Health and Community (Ms K McFarland), Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer (Ms E Cavanagh), Lead Assurance Officer (Mrs D McDonnell), Head of Environment (Mr C Canning), Northern Ireland Audit Office (Mr S Knox) and Committee Clerk (Mrs S Lynch).


AAR1/17 Notice and Summons for Meeting

The Lead Assurance Officer read the Notice and Summons for the Meeting.

AAR2/17 Apologies

Apologies of absence were received from Councillor Kelly.

AAR3/17 Declarations of Members’ Interests

There were no declarations of interests.

Open for Decision

AAR4/17 Deputations

There were no deputations.

AAR5/17 Chairperson’s Business

There was no Chairperson’s Business.

Page 43 AAR6/17 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee held on 1 December 2016

The Open Minutes of the Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee held on 1 December 2016 (AAR147/16 – AAR159/16) were confirmed and signed by the Chairperson as correct.

AAR7/17 Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

AAR8/17 DCSDC Report To Those Charged With Governance

Mr Knox of the Northern Ireland Audit Office presented the above report to Members. He discussed the report in great detail highlighting certain pages which he felt contained important information.

A Member of the DUP grouping asked if there was a reason why goods were being purchased without a purchase order number.

Mr Knox advised that this was an issue which was quite common throughout a number of Councils. He was aware that although there was a proposed way to process orders i.e. identify the need for goods, obtain quotations for best price etc this may not always be adhered to if perhaps an urgent order was required.

The Lead Assurance Officer advised Members that the accounts team process a huge amounts of invoices on an annual basis and from these the auditors choose a select sample only. The sample may have included one or two invoices which did not have a purchase order number attached. She assured Members that the procedure had since been tightened up whereby invoices were not paid if a purchase order was not completed and attached. She further added that the Agresso Financial System was due to be upgraded in the coming months. This would further strengthen the controls in place in this area as the system would not allow transactions to be processed without a purchase order being raised.

The said Member thanked both officers for the clarification.

Page 44 The Committee

Recommended that the contents of the Report to those Charged with Governance for Derry City & Strabane District Council be endorsed.

AAR9/17 DCSDC Annual Audit Letter

Mr Knox of the Northern Ireland Audit Office presented the above report to Members again highlighting certain facts which he deemed significant.

A Non-Member of Committee who was a Member of the UUP Grouping referred to page 39 within the report on the point regarding absenteeism. It stated in March 2016 the average number of day’s sick absence was 17 days per full time employee. He was aware this may be an issue for the Human Resources department however he wanted to ascertain whether there were any attempts in place to reduce this in the long term.

Mr Knox stated that these figures were drawn from the financial year 2015/16 and so the performance of this financial year had yet to be assessed. He said that as 2015 saw the beginning of the New Super Council there was nothing to benchmark this against. It would be better assessed next year when the 16/17 figures were made known. He said overall this was an issue which should be managed internally by Council. He advised that the headings used within the report were universal to all Councils and not just specific to this Council and this figure was stated for information purposes only.

The Chief Executive advised Members that this topic was discussed every 6 months at the Governance and Strategic Planning (GSP) Committee where a full detailed report was presented. He pointed out the report showed figures broken down by directorate and in actual fact the most recent report had shown that for the first 6 months of the year the absenteeism figures had actually fallen. If Members required

Page 45 an immediate update on figures this could be accommodated otherwise they would be made known by default, every 6 months.

A Member of the SDLP grouping stated that he felt the processes which Council had in place seemed to be working and these type of figures were easily accessible to Members if and when required.

The Committee

Recommended that the contents of the Annual Audit Letter for Derry City & Strabane District Council be endorsed.

AAR10/17 Improvement Audit and Assessment

Mr Knox of the Northern Ireland Audit Office presented the above report to Members. Once again he went through the report in great depth highlighting to Members what he assumed to be most significant.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping thanked Mr Knox for presenting the report. She referred to page 57 where it was noted that Council met one of the three standards in relation to Planning and two of the three standards in relation to Waste Management. She asked for clarification on which standards were not met and furthermore what action would be undertaken to ensure they would be met in the future?

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer advised Members that this was as part of the continuous improvement progress review which was explained in greater detail in the Annual Performance Report for 2015/16 which could be found on the Council website. The said report included a table which displayed Performance Indicator, Target, Council Performance, The best in Northern Ireland and the Northern Ireland Average.

The said Lead Officer went on to explain the reason Council did not meet the target for two of the three Planning standards was due to the

Page 46 volume of very old legacy issues which were inherited by Council in the first year of transfer from DOE to local government. One target not met was for average processing time of major applications. The target was less than 30 weeks but the volume proved that achieving this target was very challenging and Council achieved this in 53.5 weeks. The other was the average processing time of local applications, the target was less than 15 weeks. Council achieved this in 17 weeks which was commendable given the volume and it was noted that if the Legacy applications were removed it would be 12.4 weeks. Despite this the Council’s approach to rectify this situation was commended in the audit report.

The said Lead Officer assured Members that Council was close to the Northern Ireland Average in regards to Planning and therefore happy with current progress. She then handed over to the Head of Environment to update Members with more detail on the Waste Management standards.

The Head of Environment advised that he did not have the detail to hand but that this information had previously been reported to the Environment and Regeneration Committee and would recirculate the information to Members in due course. In addition Council were currently in the process of developing a new communications strategy which would include the re-launch of the food waste campaign along with other approaches to recycling and it was anticipated that this would contribute to improved performance.

The Chief Executive re-iterated that the performance indicators were reported every 6 months at the Governance and Strategic Planning (GSP) Committee which had explanatory details behind the figures. At the last committee if KPI’s were not met an explanation was given as to why. In addition the Chief Executive stated that the Council had met its statutory target with regard to the diversion of waste from landfill.

The Chair commented that he felt it would be useful if such details could be included within the reports presented at the AAR Committee as this may help avoid unnecessary questions.

Page 47 The Chief Executive concurred with the Chair and confirmed this would be something that would be captured going forward.

The Committee

Recommended that the contents of the Improvement Audit & Assessment Report 2016/17 for Derry City & Strabane District Council be endorsed. AAR11/17 Health & Safety Update

In the absence of the Corporate Health and Safety Officer the Lead Assurance Officer presented the above report.

Members noted the contents of the report.

The Meeting terminated at 4.30 pm

Page 48 Agenda Item 8e

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Open Minutes of Business and Culture Committee Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Derry Road, Strabane on Tuesday 10 January 2017 at 4.00pm.


Present:- Councillor Cusack (Chairperson); Aldermen R Hamilton, Ramsey, Warke; Councillor’s Boyle, Cooper, Fleming, Gardiner, Logue, McCallion, McMahon, O’Reilly and Tierney

In Attendance:- Director of Business and Culture (Mr S Gillespie), Head of Business (Mr K O’Connor), Head of Culture (Ms A McCarter) PA to Director of Business and Culture (Ms J Gallowey-Doherty) and Committee Services Assistant (Mrs J Short).

Non-Committee Members: Alderman Hussey and Councillors Gallagher and Donnelly.


BC01/17 Notice and Summons for Meeting

The Director of Business and Culture read the Notice and Summons for the meeting.

BC02/17 Member Attendance and Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillor McGuire.

BC03/17 Declarations of Members’ Interests

Councillor Cooper declared an interest in Agenda Item 8: Overview of Tides Project: ERDF Interreg Atlantic Area Programme.

Page 49 2

Open for Decision

BC04/17 Chairpersons Business

Christmas Festivity Events

The Chairperson welcomed the Committee Members back from the Christmas recess. She also referred to the Christmas festivity events organised by Council Officials throughout the District and commended the work of staff involved and said that she had received positive comments from the public on the success of the events.

Expression of Best Wishes

The Chairperson referred to the Deputy First Minister, Martin McGuinness and his recent health problems and wished him a full recovery. A Member of the SDLP grouping concurred with the Chairperson’s sentiments.

The same SDLP Member referred to the current political situation at Stormont in relation to the handling of the funding for the Renewable Energy Scheme and the pending resignation by the Deputy First Minister. He expressed concern on the impact the situation had in relation to major funding projects. He further referred to a meeting scheduled with the Health Minister in relation to concerns over funding for the Northlands Centre in particular, which was regrettably postponed although assurance was given that a further meeting would be scheduled sometime in the future. He suggested that in light of the grave situation an inventory of the major projects is presented to the relevant Minister to seek confirmation on the impact the current unrest will have on progress of these projects.

A Member of the SF grouping commented that in her opinion the previous speaker’s remarks went beyond the remit of Chairpersons Business. She informed Members that earlier that day the Northlands Centre had received assurances from the Health Minister that funding was secured. She referred to the suggestion of an inventory of current projects and said that this was unnecessary because relevant projects would continue to be dealt with by the Health Minister.

The Chairperson advised Members that in light of the current situation with the Stormont Executive she was content that pertinent issues be discussed by this Committee.

Page 50 3

BC05/17 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Business and Culture Committee held on Tuesday 6 December 2016

The Open Minutes of the Business and Culture Committee Meeting held on 6 December 2016 (BC284/16-BC299/16) were agreed and signed by the Chairperson.

BC06/17 Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the Open Minutes of the Business & Culture Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 6 December 2016.

BC07/17 Alley Theatre Website

The Head of Culture presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to seek Members approval for the redesign of the Alley Website.

The Committee

Recommended that Council agrees to proceed with procurement exercise for the redevelopment of the Alley Theatre website.

BC08/17 Overview of Tides Project: ERDF Interreg Atlantic Area Programme

The Head of Culture presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to provide an update to Members on a funding application for European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) – Interreg Atlantic Area Programme and to gain approval to continue with the development of the project to completion.

A Non-Committee Member of the Ulster Unionist grouping sought clarification if the project was specific to the Foyle Estuary as opposed to the entire District Council area. The Head of Culture advised that from Council’s perspective this was correct.

A Member of the SF grouping referred to the previous speaker’s remarks and stated that from Council’s perspective the Foyle Estuary was key and pertinent in terms of material and a platform for Atlantic

Page 51 4

way and he added that it was also important for Tourism Ireland to become involved pending success of the funding application.

The same Non-Committee Member of the Ulster Unionist grouping stated that whilst he had no concerns with the previous speaker’s comments, he was simply mindful that at some stage in the future there would be representatives beyond the Foyle basin that would want to avail of the funding opportunity.

The Head of Culture in response to a query from an Independent Member clarified that the budget allocation to all project partners would be similar as to the allocation for DCSDC.

A Member of the SDLP grouping supported the recommendation and commented that it was a key project in terms of the development of tourism infrastructure given our proximity to the North Antrim Coast and Atlantic Way.

The Committee

Recommended that Council approves the acceptance of Letter of Offer should the application be successful and the allocation of the match funding.

BC9/17 Application under the Shared Education Campuses Programme (SEC)

The Head of Business presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to advise Members of a recently announced third call for application s under the Shared Education Campuses Programme (SEC) by the Minister for Education and to secure Member’s approval to support an application from even local schools to the programme as identified as an action in the Community Plan.

A Member of the SDLP grouping supported the above report and commented that it was a good opportunity for the students to embark in such a programme. These comments were echoed by a Member of the SF grouping.

Page 52 5

A Non-Committee Member of the UU grouping stated that whilst he had no difficulty with supporting the proposal, he was however mindful that the facility was more City based and hoped that educational clusters would be considered to include the wider District Council area.

The Committee

Recommended that Council supports an application from the seven schools listed to the third call for applications under the Shared Education Campuses Programme (SEC).

BC10/17 Millennium Forum SLA and Alley Arts Centre Strategic Planning

The Head of Culture presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to secure Member approval to commission a review of the Service Level Agreement arrangement with the Millennium Forum and to outline plans to commission the creation of a 5 year action plan for the Alley Arts Centre including an option analysis regarding models for future service delivery.

A Non-Committee Independent Member stated that some Members had received free tickets to attend performances at the venue in the past. The member asked for his concern to be noted and that the review consider this going forward. This was noted accordingly.

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes the report and approves the commission of a report examining the Service Level Agreement arrangement with the Millennium Forum and ultimately to commission the creation of a 5 year action plan for the Alley Arts Centre informed by the first piece of work.

Page 53 6

Open for Information

BC11/17 Alley Arts & Conference Centre 10th Anniversary Programme of Events

The Head of Culture presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to inform Members of the upcoming programme of events to celebrate the 10th Anniversary for the Alley Arts & Conference Centre, March 2017.

A Non-Committee Member of the UU grouping welcomed the report, however referred to the fact that he had received comments from the public expressing concern about the lack of representation from the Ulster Scots fraternity and requested that this be considered in going forward with the development of the events. The Head of Culture agreed to address accordingly.

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes for information the Alley Arts & Conference Centre 10th Anniversary Programme of Events.

BC12/17 Cool Route Project

The Head of Culture presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to update Members on the Cook Route Project – Cruising Oceans on Latitudes above 51 degrees north, provide an update on project activity and future project outputs.

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes for information the above report and that Officers will continue to update on project developments.

Page 54 7

BC13/17 Slow Adventure in Northern Territories (SAINT) Project

The Head of Culture presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to update Members on the Slow Adventure in Northern Territories Project (SAINT) project, share the plans for programme and anticipated project outputs.

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes for information the contents of the above report regarding the SAINT Project.

BC14/17 Derry & Strabane Rural Partnership Update

The Head of Business presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to update Members on changes to the Board of the Derry and Strabane Rural Partnership.

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes for information the contents of the above report regarding the Derry and Strabane Rural Partnership Update.

BC15/17 Update on PEACE IV Local Action Plan Objective 4.1

The Head of Business presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to update Members on progress with the Peace IV Local Action Plan.

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes for information the update on PEACE IV Local Action Plan Objective 4.1.

Page 55 8

BC16/17 Boston/Massachusetts Trade & Investment Mission

The Head of Business presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to update Members on the recent North West Trade and Investment Mission to Boston/Massachusetts.

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes for information the update report on the Boston/Massachusetts Trade & Investment Mission.

The Meeting went into confidential business.

The Meeting ended at 4.30pm.

Signed: ______Chairperson

Date: ______

Page 56 Agenda Item 8f

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Open Minutes of Environment and Regeneration Committee held in the Chamber, Council Offices Strabane on Wednesday, 11 January 2017 at 4.00 pm


Present:- Councillor C Kelly (in the Chair), Aldermen Bresland, Hussey, Ramsey and Warke, Councillors Campbell, Dobbins, Duffy, Hassan, Hastings, D Kelly, M McHugh, Robinson and Tierney.

Non-Member of Committee – Alderman Devenney.

In Attendance:- Director of Environment and Regeneration (Mrs K Phillips), Head of Environment (Mr C Canning), Regeneration Manager (Mr T Monaghan), Energy Manager (Mr L Strawbridge) and Committee Services Assistant (Ms N Meehan). ______

ER1/17 Notice and Summons for Meeting

The Director of Environment and Regeneration read the Notice and Summons for the Meeting.

ER2/17 Apology

There were no apologies.

ER3/17 Declarations of Members’ Interests

There were no declarations of Interest.

Open for Decision

ER4/17 Deputation – To receive representatives from NI Water to Provide a Briefing on their Plans and Priorities for the Council Area

The Committee received Ciaran Nicell, Customer and Insight Senior Manager, Martin Mailey, Area Manager Distribution (NW) – Water and Nigell McKee, Senior Project Manager to the Meeting. Mr Nicell then gave a powerpoint presentation on NI Water’s Plans and Priorities for the Council Area outlining the following:

1 Page 57 Our 8 Customer Promises

- We provide you with customer service you value and expect - We provide you with clean, safe water to drink - We seek to give you value for money - We adapt to deal with the effects of climate change - We want to protect and enhance the natural environment - We take care of your wastewater so it doesn’t pollute your environment - We supply you with the water you need - We provide excellent service by having the right people doing the right thing for you

Capital Investments

Top Investments

In Construction/Recently Complete Projects

Projects About to Start

Closing the Efficiency Gap

Service Improvement (OPA)

OPA Basket of Measures

- Risk of low pressure - Unplanned interruptions - Hosepipe restrictions - Customer contact - Sewage sludge disposal - Leakage assessment - Water pollution incidents (high and medium) - Sewerage pollution incidents (high and medium) - Sewerage pollution incidents (low) - Sewage treatment works consent compliance

Education Activity

- 17 Primary schools within the Council area were visited by the Waterbus in 2015/16 – 1,115 local pupils in total

2 Page 58 Current Public Initiatives

- Smartphone App Leak Reporting - Water Bus Use Water Wisely - FOG – Fats Oils and Grease - Bag it and Bin it Campaign - Winter Freeze Campaign – Pipe Protection

‘Don’t Wait Insulate’

- Winter Campaign launched 14 November - Running via print, broadcast and online media - Key message – ‘Don’t Wait Insulate’ – take preventative action to protect your property from potential severe weather while you can - Full support from Minister for Infrastructure and elected representatives at all levels


- NI Water Major Incident Plan

Tried and tested Compiled by specialists in light of best practice Based on principles of Integrated Emergency Management Incorporates lessons learned from Water Industry experience Annual audit by independent Certifier

- NI Water Winter Contingency Planning

Winter plan in place Pre-emptive measures taken in advance of the winter period Ongoing training and Mock Incident Exercise (October 2016) Regular Met Office Severe weather warnings and advice

- Civil Contingency planning and liaison

Strategic co-ordination with inter-agency groups Mutual aid arrangements

Members from all Parties thanked the deputation on their presentation and commended NI Water staff on the excellent service they provided particularly during periods of inclement weather.

3 Page 59 Members then raised the following issues:

- Was the £227.9m investment by NI Water in the Derry City and Strabane District Council area for 2016 or over an extended period? - Commended the service provided by the Call Centres and applauded the dedicated 24/7 elected representatives hotline which had proved most beneficial for Members and their constituents. - Referred to concerns which had arisen regarding the quality of drinking water amid suggestions that it may have been contaminated. - Queried the allocation of funding in respect of the Derry City and Strabane District Council area. - Concerns at ongoing drainage problems being experienced in a number of areas throughout the City and the detrimental impact thereof on local residents particularly given the number of elderly people residing in those areas most affected. - Concerns at suggestions that the current drainage system in those areas in question was inadequate to deal with the problem and the need for urgent upgrading works to be carried out to rectify this problem. - Commended the joint approach adopted by NI Water, Transport NI and staff from Council’s Environmental Health Section in addressing sewage problems at Mount Vernon. Whilst the problem in terms of raw sewage had been resolved, there were still concerns regarding the quality of the water which might be due to the drainage systems not being fit for purpose. - Referred to ongoing problems with noise nuisance being experienced at the Water Treatment Works in Culmore and concerns that assurances which had been given to address this problem had not been honoured. - Was Derry City and Strabane District Council’s 9.3% share of all NI Water’s capital spend adequate in comparison with the City’s 8% share of Northern Ireland’s population? Given that this Council area had a considerable rural topography which impacted considerably on its infrastructure, was it was fair to suggest that 9.3% was an appropriate figure. - Referred to the possibility of an infrastructure deficit and queried if 9.3% capital expenditure was sufficient to deal with the inherited deficit? - Questioned how many dwellings were still not connected to a mains water system and what action was being proposed to address this situation?

4 Page 60 - Concerns at problems being experienced in terms of sewage overflow particularly at times of high rainfall when sewage works were unable to cope with the level of water and the overflow. - Queried any incidents within the Derry City and Strabane District Council area when sewage works had been unable to cope with capacity. - Pointed out that Environmental Officers from within the former Council had carried out water testing however, they no longer had responsibility for carrying out this task. - Queried if figures were available showing the results of water testing which had been carried out in the various areas throughout the City and district. - Queried if elected representatives could request water testing to be carried out in specific locations throughout the Council area? - Referred to problems being experienced at the waste treatment plant in Campsie in terms of the odour emanating from the plant. Referred to remedial works which had been carried out. Enquired if further action was being proposed to address this problem. - Referred to an onsite meeting which had taken place when criticisms had been made regarding NI Water’s handling of complaints received. - Expressed concern at the severe lack of water pressure in a number of properties in the rural areas. The properties concerned did not appear to be benefitting from the two pumping stations operating to service the area. Queried if proposed works had been carried out at these pumping stations to address the problem? - Queried if the current system was adequate continue to service the Waterside given the level of new build taking place. - Where there any plans to replace existing pipes to ensure an efficient water supply in the area? - Queried if NI Water had sufficient resources in terms of moving forward to provide a quality service given the recent cuts in funding in respect of all public services? - Queried if the existing infrastructure was adequate to meet requirements given the extensive development within the City and district?

The representatives from NI Water responded jointly as follows:

- Advised that Water Treatment Plants which were monitored 24/7 were designed to automatically shut down if water quality parameters were outside control levels. The system was designed to prevent contaminated water from entering the Plant.

5 Page 61 - Acknowledged that an incident had occurred when raw silage had infiltrated the water supply in the Faughan following which the Carmoney water treatment plant had shut down and reopened only when parameters levels had tested safe. No water had been taken from the Faughan and the supplies required to ensure the delivery of the service were subsequently transported from Coleraine and Dungiven. - Explained that one of NI Water’s tasks was to look at pattern matching of customer issues. Recently staff had clustered a number of properties affected by similar problems. Given the limitations on expenditure those incidents reported were ranked in order of priority the cut-off point being when funding was exhausted. - Assurances were given that individual cases raised by Members would be investigated and a meeting arranged with elected representatives to address specific issues of concern. - Confirmed that information regarding complaints submitted by members of the public could be made available. - Assured that all complaints received were investigated thoroughly. - Undertook to investigate ongoing drainage problems being experienced at Leafair Gardens/Glencaw and Mount Vernon. - Pointed out that no recent complaints had been received regarding noise nuisance emanating from the water treatment plant at Culmore. When the original complaints had been received a response had been made to elected representatives. When staff had visited the site to determine the level of noise nuisance they had not observed anything unusual. However the situation would continue to be monitored. Undertook to advise those responsible that the problem had not been resolved. - Requested that information be provided regarding the number of properties which were not connected to a mains system and assured that appropriate action would be taken to address this problem. - Referred to the unit cost connection fee. - Referred to the register of water quality samples which was available for public inspection. - Confirmed that requests could be submitted to have water sampling carried at specific locations and subsequently analysed and results made available. - Confirmed that a random audit of samples was carried out. - Explained that ‘cloudy water’ whilst visually unappealing, was not caused by chemicals but through a build-up of air. Although there were normally air valves in operation to address this problem build- ups could occur when the mains water treatment supply shut down.

6 Page 62 - Confirmed that NI Water would be willing to test and analyse any water samples which were submitted. - Acknowledged that problems were being experienced in terms of odours associated with and emanating from the Campsie treatment plant. The Area Manager had stated that following receipt of numerous complaints meetings had taken place with local residents. A number of measures had subsequently been put in place to address the problem however these had proved ineffective in the longer term. Suggested that problems still being experienced in terms of obnoxious odours be submitted to NI Water who would endeavour to have the situation resolved. - Advised that NI Water had been renewing pipelines over the past number of years. - Pointed out that NI Water kept a monitor of complaints received which were scored and addressed according to priority. - Confirmed that there had been major investment within the trunk main structure to ensure the supply of water to all new developments. - Referred to rehabilitative works being carried out in terms of servicing the reservoirs throughout the City and district. - Confident that NI Water had sufficient information to target the main areas where upgrading works were required. - Appropriate systems were in place to address problems being experienced in areas in terms of low water pressure. The DG2 was registered to show areas of low pressure and included 130 properties. - Was currently considering ways to ensure connectivity between services. - Was confident that all systems and models currently in place were sufficiently robust to deal with the various problems being experienced. - Efforts would continue to improve service. - Work was currently taking place on obtaining detailed analysis which allowed NI Water to make better decisions in terms planning future expenditure. - NI Water has broadly delivered on the annual targets set for PC13 and outperformed its operations (opex) efficiency target while at the same time improving levels of service. - NI Water’s opex costs reduced in nominal terms which represented a 3.5 real terms reduction in the day to day running costs of the business. - Referred to new alerting systems recently introduced for customers who contacted NI Water on a repeated basis.

7 Page 63 - Undertook to contact an Independent non-Committee Member of proposed works to be carried out at Kilmarnock Road.

Members thanked the representatives from NI Water for their presentation and they withdrew from the Meeting.

ER5/17 Deputation – To receive representatives from Eunomia Research and Consulting Limited to make a presentation on the Zero Waste Strategy for Derry City and Strabane District Council

The Committee received Dominic Hogg Chairman and Camilla Durrant, Eunomia Research and Consulting Limited to the Meeting. Mr Hogg pointed out that the Zero Waste Strategy was a joint project involving Council, Zero Waste North West and DEAEA. Mr Hogg gave a powerpoint presentation on the Zero Waste Strategy for Derry City and Strabane District Council as follows:

Zero Waste Introduction

- Zero Waste Movement - Zero Waste Europe identifies three main elements in moving towards zero waste society

Culture Change Engaging Community Changing Infrastructure

Zero Waste for Derry and Strabane

ZWE definition to be used for project

“Zero Waste means designing and managing products and processes to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, conserve and recover all resources, and not burn or bury them. Implementing Zero Waste will eliminate all discharges to land, water, or air that may be a threat to planetary, human, animal or plant health”

Supported by DCSDC Community Plan

“Resources are used as long as possible, have maximum value extracted from them and are recovered and regenerated at the end of their service life to achieve a Zero Waste Circular Economy”

8 Page 64 Background

- Joint project – DCSDC and Zero Waste North West – a Zero Waste Circular Waste Economy Strategy

- Main Aims:

Understand best practice in relation to zero waste to promote a circular economy; Identify zero waste scenarios for Derry and Strabane District Council Develop a zero waste strategy for the Derry and Strabane District area

- Priorities Are:

A strategy that is practical, deliverable and achievable Delivering or DSCDC three thematic groups of social, economic and environmental wellbeing Meeting all NILAS and regulatory waste targets Maximising any employment opportunities Focus on collaborative approaches

Project Overview

Desk Based Review Baseline Infrastructure/Waste Streams Zero Waste Options Shortlisting Zero Waste Options Modelling Stakeholder Engagement Think Tank Public Education and Behaviour Change Strategy Development

Due To Complete March 2017

Members from all Parties welcomed Mr Hogg and Ms Durrant and the representatives from Zero Waste North West to the Meeting. They thanked Mr Hogg for his presentation and commended him on the content and on the approach being adopted. Members then raised the following issues:

- Members expressed their genuine enthusiasm for the project and the whole concept of a zero waste strategy.

9 Page 65 - Referred to the implications of such a strategy in both a European and global context. - Referred to the challenges to be met in implementing this strategy in terms of the cultural shift required but which could provide the opportunity to regard the strategy as resource management rather than waste management. - Welcomed the various strategies which had been adopted to promote this strategy. - Acknowledged the many benefits to be derived from this strategy in terms of the economy and job creation. - Referred to the success of a local business whose approach was based on the premise of waste reduction/recycling. This had resulted in job creation and training/skills for young adults. Any profits derived therefrom were invested in the local community. - Referred to the massive challenge presented by food waste and pointed out that globally approximately one-third of all food was wasted which was socially immoral and must be addressed as a matter of urgency. - Enquired as to the perspective in terms of inward investment. - Welcome Donegal’s involvement in the process. - Welcomed the progress made by Zero Waste North West since its inception. - Queried the economic viability of the project. - Concerns that education had not been listed as one of the priorities in the strategy as education was central to the success of this project. - Referred to the benefits of educating young children and the subsequent impact thereof on parental behaviours. - Referred to the success and growth of a local company which was established on the principle of ‘upcycling has replaced recycling’. Its objective was to upgrade old furniture through which it provided skills and employment for young adults. - Referred to the successful transformation of a former dumping ground in the Culmore area to a country park. - Queried the obvious critical mass at which the process would become cost neutral to society and Council. - What, if any, engagement had there been with the business sector regarding the strategy and in an effort to reduce waste given the amount of waste produced by local supermarkets in terms of packaging. Nine-tenths of this packaging was unnecessary although was likely in compliance with EU regulations. - What steps were being proposed to reduce waste from packaging?

10 Page 66 - Queried the concept of thermal processing referred to in the presentation and the issue of residual waste. - In terms of thermal processing obviously the greater plastic content which was removed the better. However this would reduce the calorific value of the product and ultimately the benefits of the process. Was there a residual component which could not be processed in any other way?

Mr Hogg and Mr P Doran, Zero Waste North West responded jointly as follows:

- Welcomed the Committee’s overwhelming support in respect of this concept. - Acknowledged the importance of education in promoting and implementing a zero waste strategy and the need to examine how this could be imbedded in the education curriculum from an early age. - Would be examining how to involve the third sector in the project. - Acknowledged the importance of inward investment and would be endeavouring to encourage this throughout the process. - Referred to the different levers available to Council to attract inward investment. - Referred to the importance of Council’s resounding support to the success of the strategy. - Referred to the scale of the process within the region and the necessary elements required to render the process more appealing. - The implications of waste across borders did not change. - Acknowledged the issues surrounding packaging and in particular concern that too little responsibility for the safe disposal thereof was placed with the packaging company’s concerned whose contribution was poor in comparison with other European countries. - Acknowledged the need for greater corporate responsibility in terms of minimising packaging. - Considered thermal processing as something which would be discussed in the context of businesses. One of the reasons that difficulties were being experienced with thermal processing was due to the contracts prepared in respect thereof which referred to tonnages to make this concept viable However, this could ultimately result in financial loss. - There was often calorific content in plastics and those countries reliant on thermal processing were keen to be regarded as zero carbon cities by 2020 which would not be achievable if plastic was infiltrating into the incinerator and were therefore examining

11 Page 67 methods of extracting the plastic. Plastic had the highest calorific value component. - The target was to minimise residual waste which could be mainly achieved by reuse, repair and recycling. - The partnership between Council, Eunomia and Zero Waste North West was the type of alliance envisaged in the Community Plan. - Explained that working on proposals for the new Programme for Government had seized on the prospect of a circular economy and what was the economic dimension and what values could be explored through other disciplines. - Referred to the need for a change in attitude on managing waste and the possibility of achieving a zero waste environment. - Considered the benefits which could be derived from this concept in terms of job creation and manufacturing. - In terms of opportunities were aiming to develop contacts with companies who held the greatest needed resources. - The importance of moving quickly and displaying leadership and ambition. - The Zero Waste project was aiming to make this concept part of our economic vision. - The need to consider those resources which were available to increase Council investment. - Referred to the need for design for sustainability; clean production; extended producer responsibility.

Members thanked the deputation for their presentation and they withdrew from the Meeting.

Chairperson’s Business

There was no Chairperson’s business.

ER6/17 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Environment and Regeneration Committee held on 7 December 2016 and Special Meeting held on 14 December 2016

Minutes of the Environment and Regeneration Committee held on 7 December 2016 (ER255/16-ER281/16) and Special Meeting held on 14 December 2016 (SER13/16-SER17/16) were submitted.

A Member of the UUP grouping referred to Minute ER269/16 of the Monthly Meeting held on 7 December and stated that during discussion thereon he had requested that Council consider an

12 Page 68 evaluation of the Christmas lights provision however this had not been included in the Minutes.

It was agreed that the Minutes would be amended accordingly.

Subsequently the Committee

Recommended Minutes of the Environment and Regeneration Committee held on 7 December 2016 (ER255/16-ER281/16) as amended, and Special Meeting held on 14 December 2016 (SER13/16-SER17/16) be accepted as a true record of the Meeting.

Matters Arising From Minutes

ER7/16 Christmas Lights Budget (Ref ER269/16)

The Head of Environment advised that a report on the issues raised during discussion on the above item at the December Meeting of the Committee would be submitted to the March Meeting of the Committee.

ER8/17 Street Naming and Property Numbering – Copperthorpe Housing Development Phase 3, Drumahoe

The Director of Environment and Regeneration presented the above report a copy of which had previously been circulated. She advised that the purpose of the report was to seek Members’ approval for the naming of a new phase of the existing housing development Copperthorpe, Fincairn Road, Drumahoe.

The Committee

Recommended that Members’ approve the name Ashbrook Court in respect of the above development.

ER9/17 Smarter Energy Communities in Northern and Arctic Regions

The Director of Environment and Regeneration presented the above report a copy of which had previously been circulated. She advised

13 Page 69 that the purpose of the report was to seek Members’ approval to submit an application for European funding under the Northern Periphery Programme, Atlantic Area (Trans-National) Programme Priority Axis 1.1 – Enhancing Innovation Capacity through Co-operation to Foster Competitiveness.

The Director of Environment and Regeneration advised that the title of the report should have read “Smart Atlantic Seafood Cluster”.

Subsequently the Committee

Recommended that approval be granted to participate in the above project.

ER10/17 Energy Efficient Education Sector (E3S) Project

The Director of Environment and Regeneration presented the above report a copy of which had previously been circulated. She advised that the purpose of the report was to seek Members’ approval to participate in the application process for European funding under the Northern Periphery and Arctic (NPA) Programme, Priority Axis 3 – Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

A Member of the UUP grouping queried the cost implications of the project.

The Director of Environment explained that there was a cost implication for Council in terms of funding which had been factored into the budget in forthcoming years. She said it was felt the benefits would lever in funding and push forward Council’s Community Plan priorities which would prove beneficial.

The Committee

Recommended that approval be granted to participate in the above project.

ER11/17 Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful Cleanliness Survey 2016

The Head of Environment presented the above report a copy of which had previously been circulated. He advised that the purpose of the report was to update Members on the results of this year’s Cleanliness Survey for Derry City and Strabane District Council area.

14 Page 70 The Committee welcomed the results of the Cleanliness Survey for Derry City and Strabane District Council area.

ER12/17 Fly Posting

The Head of Environment presented the above report a copy of which had previously been circulated. He advised that the purpose of the report was to advise Member of Council’s position with regards to the enforcement and removal of fly posting within the Derry City and Strabane District Council area.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping expressed concern at the legislation on removing flyposting however, there was still no legislation in respect of the removal of flags.

A Member of the SDLP grouping referred to a Working Party which had been established to address the issue of flags and if necessary, could address this issue.

A Member of the UUP grouping said it was ironic that Planning authority had not been granted to a business owner seeking to erect directional signage in respect of his business. However, he had observed a number of business signs which were not in compliance with criteria set down by Transport NI in respect of the erection of signage.

The Committee

Recommended (1) the development of a cross departmental group to establish the most effective enforcement and educational approaches to the issues of fly-posting and which would coordinate the activities of Planning Enforcement, Environmental Enforcement, Legal Services and approaches currently adopted by Transport NI;

15 Page 71 (2) advisory input to the planning and development of Council spaces and public realm projects to advice on good practice that would reduce the incidents of fly-posting and introduce preventative measures that will enhance the maintenance of these areas; (3) more focused operational techniques and approaches to the systematic removal of fly-posting; (4) the development of good monitoring systems that identify the perpetrators of fly-posting which would give direction to both the enforcement and educational approaches to the issues; (5) establishing forums with the business and retail sectors to formulate best practice and achieving sustainable solutions to the issues of fly-posting; and (6) consideration should be given to the development of a “Regional Approach” to the problems of fly- posting such as cross boundary issues, shared legal approaches and the development of best practice solutions.

ER13/17 Ulster Architectural Heritage Society/Irish Georgian Society Cross- Border Summer School in 2017

The Regeneration Manager presented the above report a copy of which had previously been circulated. He advised that the purpose of the report was to seek approval to provide financial assistance to support the hosting of the Ulster Architectural Heritage Society/Irish Georgian Society Cross-Border Summer School in 2017.

A Member of the SDLP grouping welcomed the above report. He expressed concern that due to a lack of previous funding buildings which were irreplaceable, had not been preserved. He stated that the

16 Page 72 SDLP was fully supportive of supporting the preservation of existing heritage.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping referred to architectural heritage which had been demolished in the past and said it would be remiss not to mention the work carried out by the Late Paddy Doherty through the Inner City Trust.

The Committee

Recommended that on the basis of the above report authority be granted to support funding for the UAHS/IGS 2017 Summer School to a maximum of £8k.

Open for Information

ER14/17 Applications Processed under Building Regulations (NI)

The Director of Environment and Regeneration presented the above report a copy of which had previously been circulated. She stated that the purpose of the report was to advise Members of applications processed under Building Regulations (NI) between 1 November 2016 and 30 November 2016.

Members noted the content of the report.

ER15/17 Proposed Provision of Disabled Parking Bays

The Director of Environment and Regeneration presented the above report a copy of which had previously been circulated. She stated that the purpose of the report was to advise Members of correspondence received dated 20 November from transport NI, Network Development Section regarding the provision of disabled parking bays at Clonmeen Drive and Lower Road, Londonderry.

A Member of the SDLP grouping advised that he had been contacted by members of the public regarding the lengthy process involved in the provision of disabled parking bays. He suggested that Council write to Transport NI requesting that this process be expedited.

The Director of Environment and Regeneration requested that details be provided of specific cases in order that the matter could be pursued.

17 Page 73 A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping requested that Officers also query Transport NI’s criteria in respect of the provision of disabled parking bays and the possibility of this being reduced given the number of genuine requests currently being refused.

The Director of Environment and Regeneration undertook to write to Transport NI accordingly.

ER16/17 Update on Nearly Zero Sports Project

The Director of Environment and Regeneration presented the above report a copy of which had previously been circulated. She advised that the purpose of the report was to update Members on the status on the Nearly Zero-Energy Sports Facilities European Projects.

Members noted the content of the report.

ER17/17 Update on SECURE Project

The Director of Environment and Regeneration presented the above report a copy of which had previously been circulated. She advised that the purpose of the report was to update Members on the status of the SECURE, Smarter Energy Communities European Projects.

Members noted the content of the report.

The Meeting terminated at 5.45 pm

18 Page 74 Agenda Item 8g

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Open Minutes of Health and Community Committee of Derry City and Strabane District Council held in the Council Chamber Strabane Council Offices, Derry Road, Strabane on Thursday 12 January 2017. ______

Present: - Councillor R McHugh (Chairperson) Aldermen R Hamilton, Hussey, Thompson and Warke; Councillors Campbell, Cusack, Gardiner, Hastings, Jackson, McCallion, McGinley and Reilly.

Non-Members of Committee: - None

In Attendance:- Head of Community Development and Leisure (Mr B O’Hagan), Head of Health and Community Wellbeing (Mr S Donaghy), Leisure and Sports Services Manager (Mr P Tamati), PA to Health and Community Director (Mrs L Shields) and Administrative Assistant (Mrs M Doherty). ______

HC01/17 Notice and Summons for Meeting

The Head of Community Development and Leisure read the Notice and Summons for the Meeting.

HC02/17 Members Attendance and Apologies

The Head of Community Development and Leisure recorded the attendance. There were apologies received for the Director of Health and Community and Councillor Carlin.

HC03/17 Declarations of Members’ Interests

Alderman Hussey declared an interest in agenda item 4 Deputations and agenda item 8 – Playing Pitch Report Update.

Councillor Jackson declared an interest in agenda item 4 – Deputations.

Open for Decision

HC04/17 Deputations – Western Health & Social Care Trust

Two Presentations were provided to Members as follows (i) Corporate Plan Consultation Engagement (ii) Mental Health Services – Bamford Implementation

Page 75 Corporate Plan Consultation Engagement

The Chairperson welcomed Ms Donna Allen, Assistant Director of Performance & Service Improvement and Mr Trevor Millar, Director of Adult Mental Health and Disability to the meeting. He invited them to make their presentations to the Committee.

Ms Allen advised Members that she would deliver the presentation on the Corporate Plan Consultation Engagement (a copy of which had been previously distributed to Members), highlighting the following:

 The Corporate Plan when agreed will provide the strategic direction for the Trust for the next four years.  Through engagement with all statutory bodies the trust will develop their Aim, Shared Purpose/Values and Outcomes.  The collaboration with the Community Planning Process and the Programme for Government.  The strategic drivers for the corporate plan  The key themes which are social, economic and environmental.  The development – to provide high quality, people-centred services through high valued and engaged staff.  Shared purpose – to deliver the best outcomes were people will experience safe, compassionate and excellent care  The values proposed as part of the corporate plan are: Excellence, Commitment, Integrity, Equality, Partnerships and Efficiency.  The outcomes proposed and how they link in with the Community plan for the City and District.  The Trust aims to provide Person Centred Health & Wellbeing.  The Trust aims to give every child the best start in life.  The Trust aim to have an engaged work force with a high morale.  The Trust endeavours to maintain sound financial governance and account for the money that they spend.  The Trust will strengthen their links with the community and continue to work in collaboration with all the statutory partners.

The Chairperson thanked Ms Allen for her detailed presentation. Ms Allen prior to leaving the meeting thanked Members for their time and referred Members to the website were Members can record any comments as part of the consultation engagement exercise.

Mental Health Services – Bamford Implementation

Page 76 The Chairperson welcomed Mr Millar to deliver his presentation to the Committee in relation to the Western Trust Mental Health Services.

Mr Millar proceeded to deliver the presentation (a copy of which had been previously distributed to Members), highlighting the following:

 A great deal of progress has been made in recent years in delivering better care to patients by modernising services.  Hospital and community based developments have been introduced to extend the range of treatments and care options.  The community developments have led to a reduction of inpatient care.  Mental Health Services have improved the quality of service through service redesign.  They offer improved facilities which protect patient’s safety, dignity and privacy.  They encourage participation of service users in the development of personal care plans.  They strengthen community and primary care services for those with mental health problems  The provision of complementary acute inpatient care in accustom designed environment.  The main aim of Mental Health Services is to provide person centred services which promote recovery and individual autonomy.  The modernisation of Mental Health Services is based on the Bamford Recommendation.  The fundamental principle is that Mental Health and Social Care should be provided in the community unless there is a reason for not doing so.  Mental Health Services have been developed based on local and regional reviews with significant investment in areas such as primary care liaison, single point of contact, crisis response, home treatment services, psychological therapies, recovery, alcohol/drug services and specialist services.  The inpatients facilities provided such as Grangewood locally and the proposed plans for new inpatient facilities for the southern sector and replacement facilities for the Beech and Cedar facilities.

The Chairperson thanked Mr Millar for his very comprehensive presentation.

A Member of the UUP grouping thanked Mr Millar for his presentation. He referred to the 3 Primary Care Liaison teams and the boundaries

Page 77 that determines which care team would have responsibility for each area. He referred to Castlederg and sought clarification if it was the responsibility of Foyle or . He further highlighted the lack of respite care provision for adult learning disability services in the Castlederg area and sought assurance that this issue would be addressed. He welcomed the work being undertaken in terms of suicide prevention and highlighted the model by Merseycare to tackle this issue.

In response, Mr Millar clarified that Castlederg would still fall under the legacy Strabane team, the staff of the Primary Care Liaison team has been assigned to each surgery and thus the GP based in Castlederg can make the referral to their point of contact. He further advised that the deficit for Learning Disabilities has been well documented and that £3million of this deficit has been invested in services. He stated that the remaining deficit has been agreed and will be invested in tackling the provision of respite care and day care services. In referring to the Merseycare model, Mr Millar advised that the Trust works with all organisations to identify measures and train staff on dealing with suicide prevention. He stressed that this is a social issue and therefore the onus is on everyone to be aware of the issues and to ensure staff have the skill mix to deal with same.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping also thanked Mr Millar for his presentation. She added that it was an area that she has always had a keen interest in. She stated that she wanted to record her appreciation for the work that Mr Millar and his team have undertaken in some very difficult times. She stated that whilst a lot of services are provided by the Trust in terms of Mental Health Services she was of the opinion that the message is not reaching the members of the public and suggested that a more user friendly road map of the services be provided to have clearer lines of communication. She referred to the need for more investment in mental health and addiction needs. She highlighted her concerns with the lack of dual diagnosis provision and sought an updated position in relation to same. She added that mental health is an issue that has been clearly identified through the community planning process and there is a need for additional resources to enable the Trust to participate in a more proactive than reactive role. She highlighted the work that Council have undertaken in terms of Crisis Intervention Service and the plans in place to bring this to fruition. She further added her concern in terms of ADHD and the lack of support for young adults and the continuation of support when a child reaches the age of 18 years plus. She stated that the waiting time for assessment of a child suspected of having ADHD is unacceptable and more should

Page 78 be done to tackle this issue. She concluded by stressing that Mental Health is a huge area that needs, through education, to be highlighted at the highest level; it can no longer be a taboo subject and it is very important that the access points for the public is much clearer.

Mr Millar thanked the Member for her comments and stressed that the Trust is receiving a lot of referrals through the proper channels and that it would only be occasionally that people would present to the Trust having not followed the proper route. He added that the Trust does at times experience an abuse of the system and therefore have to ensure that proper protocols are followed at all times. In referring to dual diagnosis he stated that this is provided at the admission stage were a complete assessment is carried out to ensure that the patient is referred to the required services. He advised that ADHD in young adults is not recognised and thus there is a lack of provision for care to address these cases; this is an area that will be monitored and may through the deficit funding be invested in.

A Member of the DUP grouping concurred with the previous members that sign posting of services needed to be improved, as lack of knowledge appears to be a common factor for patients. He queried the tiered system and the waiting times at each level.

In response Mr Millar advised that the tiered system was established to not impact on the waiting times but as Members are aware, the Trust has experienced a very difficult winter in terms of the impact on services and resources and therefore waiting times have exceeded normal procedures. He advised that a recent investment of £80,000 will assist in tackling tier 1 and tier 2 patients and that more work is been undertaken to address this issue.

A Member of the SDLP grouping in referring to the presentation highlighted the CAWT model. She welcomed the continuation of this form of recovery being provided through European funding by the Trust. She acknowledged the great work that care in the communities provides but stressed the importance of the provision for respite care for the carers who are in need of support. She referred to the presentation from Mr Millar’s colleague in terms of the Corporate Plan and she stated that it was very aspirational and that Members needed to be provided with the facts of what is reality for the Trust, not what they are hoping to achieve as the picture on the ground with over stretched staff and resources is very real.

Mr Millar acknowledged that the Corporate Plan is very aspirational but this is the vision that the Trust strives to provide to be centred on the

Page 79 people who work for the Trust and the people that use the services provided. He stated that the £600m is invested in health care provision annually and the Trust needs to have specific plans of how and where this investment is placed.

The Chairperson thanked Mr Millar for his attendance and providing Members with an update. Mr Millar left the meeting at this point.

HC05/17 Chairperson’s Business

The Chairperson welcomed Members to the first meeting of the new year and wished them well for the year ahead.

HC06/17 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Health and Community Committee held on Thursday 8 December 2016

The open Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 December 2016 (HC277/16 –HC300/16) were confirmed and signed by the Chairperson as correct.

HC07/17 Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

HC08/17 Playing Pitch Report Update

The Head of Community Development and Leisure presented the above report, a copy of which had been previously circulated to Members. The report updated Members on the current position of the former Council’s Playing Pitch Strategy. The report further advised that the purpose of the work being undertaken was to provide a strategic approach to any current and future facility development needs and to provide a framework for the prioritisation and development of sports pitches in the Council area.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping thanked Officers for the report. He welcomed the update and offered his party’s support for the recommendation. He stated that this process will allow for a clear assessment of any deficits that exist in playing pitch provision and will form part of the forward plan for Council. He stated that a further report when completed will form part of Council’s vison as part of the Community Planning Process.

A Member of the SDLP grouping referred to concerns raised by sport clubs in terms of the pricing policy and highlighted the discord that

Page 80 exists. She stressed the importance of ensuring that the issues are resolved with these clubs to allow for future opportunities to be supported by all participants and to prevent concerns escalating.

In response, the Head of Community Development and Leisure advised that the all feedback was considered by the working group tasked with developing the pricing policy and they have developed a policy that is applied consistently across the City and District. He stated that this Council provided the cheapest rates for the provision of leisure services out of all the eleven Councils. He highlighted that the pricing structure still requires a subvention from Council and therefore any reduction would see the level of subvention rise and therefore the ratepayer would be impacted upon.

A Member of the UUP grouping updated Members in relation to Darragh Park having been granted planning permission and he further advised that Strabane Athletic Pitch Football Club’s development proposals should be included. He stated that this was a valuable piece of work and that it was important to ensure it was kept up to date. He stated that this document will support clubs in the area to draw on available funding when identified.

The Head of Community Development and Leisure noted the previous speaker’s comments.

A Member of the DUP grouping stated that this was very much a work in progress document that can be added to and updated on a continual basis. He added that it was a very ambitions framework with a detailed plan of work. He thanked Officers for the report and welcomed the planned regular updates.

The Committee

Recommended that (i) Members note the current position regarding the draft playing pitch report. (ii) Officers continue to engage in the Local Community Planning process to produce a new strategic working document for the Council area. (iii) A further report to be presented in due course.

Page 81 HC09/17 Establishment of a Disability Sports Hub at the Foyle Arena

The Head of Community Development and Leisure presented the above report, a copy of which had been previously circulated to Members. The report sought Members approval for the establishment of a Disability Sports Hub at the Foyle Arena.

In response to a Member of the Sinn Fein grouping, the Head of Community Development and Leisure advised that the recruitment of an Officer as part of the ‘Get Out Get Active’ programme has been completed. The Officer is due to commence employment presently. He advised that the Officer will be tasked with working with disabled users and all groupings under section 75 for the entire Council area. He outlined the forthcoming launch of the programme scheduled for Friday 13 January 2017. He undertook to forward the contact details of the newly appointed Officer to Members.

A Member of the DUP grouping stated that Members of the public are not aware of the programmes being offered to assist disabled users and that he hoped that with the new Officer now in place that communication with the public would be improved.

In response, the Head of Community Development and Leisure advised that the launch of the ‘Get Out Get Active’ programme will promote the services being offered for disabled users and all members of the section 75 grouping. He further advised that the programme of activity will be circulated to Council’s network of community and sporting groups. He stated that the equipment that will be purchased through this programme can be transferred for use in other facilities of Council using a formalised booking system. He undertook to provide a further report to Members on how groups can participate in the programme.

In response to a Member of the SDLP grouping, the Leisure and Sports Services Manager advised that the necessary bespoke equipment to ensure disabled user access to changing facilities has been procured and will be installed, if not already in place.

A Member of the UUP grouping welcomed the provision of the programme for physical disabled users, and Councils efforts to ensure that all disabilities are provided for. He further commended the facilities provided at Foyle Arena and added that when Councils leisure facilities such as Templemore and Riversdale are brought up to the same standard it will be a welcome achievement.

Page 82 The Committee

Recommended that Members approve the Establishment of a Disability Sports Hub at the Foyle Arena.

HC10/17 Foyle Arena

On a matter related to the Foyle Arena a Member of the DUP grouping sought the consent of the Chairperson to address the committee to outline concerns that constituents had brought to his attention.

He highlighted issues around the closure of the swimming pool to the public from 3pm – 6pm, Monday – Friday and for a period on Saturday mornings. He stated that lack of communication of these changes has caused a lot of confusion for users of the Foyle Arena. He further queried if the Foyle Arena had adequate staffing levels as he had also received complaints about the length of queues and the delays in admittance to the Foyle Arena.

In response, the Leisure and Sports Services Manager acknowledged that communicating the changes to the public over the holiday period could have been better. He provided Members with a very detailed rationale as to why the Foyle Arena now operated an exclusive use for the Learn to Swim Programme rather than shared use as previously operated. He stated that the benefits of exclusive use are encouraging and allow Council to improve the quality of the programmes being offered. He advised that some measures have been introduced in the interim to address the concerns that have been raised, and that a review will be carried out at the end of the current 12 week programme to determine the forward work plan. He stated that Council currently have 1,500 children taking part in swimming lessons in Council venues and that the demand and rate of growth was exceptional. He concluded by stating that Council will listen to the feedback from users and will consider all factors as part of the review.

The Head of Community Development and Leisure referred to the level of communication for the implementation of the changes to the service and advised that measures were being taken to address this. He stated that the exclusive use operated for the Learn to Swim Programme for children ensured that there were no safe guarding issues for the users and staff. He added that the growth of the programme was significant.

Page 83 He clarified that staff resources were adequate for Foyle Arena but the implementation of the new LEGEND software has impacted on the entry to the centre; however this will be resolved shortly and the new software once implemented fully will assist in reducing the waiting times.

A Member of the SDLP grouping advised that she had experienced a long wait for entry to the Arena and asked that measures be taken to fast track the implementation of the new software to address this issue. She sought clarification around the gates at St Columbs Park and the opening and closing times of same. The Head of Community Development and Leisure undertook to refer the issue to the Environment and Regeneration section, who have the responsibility for the gates.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping advised that he also had concerns in relation to the closing of the swimming pool to public users but welcomed the interim changes that were being introduced to alleviate this. He stated that the Learn to Swim Programme was promoting physical activity in our youth. He referred to other Council venues that have swimming pools and stated that users should be making full use of these facilities at times when the Learn to Swim Programme is taking place at the Foyle Arena. In response, the Leisure and Sports Services Manager clarified that there was public swimming available in Council owned venues at the time of the exclusive use periods in Foyle Arena.

A Member of the UUP grouping welcomed the fact that the planned review will look at a District wide swimming programme. He stated that it appears Council is a victim of its own success.

A Member of the SDLP grouping concurred with the previous speaker and stated that he was delighted to hear that the Foyle Arena was being utilised to its fullest potential. He stated that services provided by Council are of exceptional value to the rate payer. He commended Officers and their teams for the work undertaken to promote the facilities and added that Council cannot keep everyone happy all of the time.

The Chairperson thanked the Leisure and Sports Services Manager for attending to address Members concerns.

HC11/17 Funding for Front Line Advisors

Page 84 The Head of Community Development and Leisure presented the above report, which had been previously circulated to Members. The report informed Members of additional funding which the Department for Communities has allocated towards support services for front line advice services. The report also sought Members approval to accept the additional funding and allocate it to those organisations currently contracted to deliver Generalist Advice.

A Member of the SDLP grouping thanked Officers for the report. She welcomed the additional funding but raised her concerns at the meagre allocation being offered. She queried what impact this funding would have and stressed that it did not go far enough. She referred to the lack of inclusion of the impending welfare reform and the forthcoming ‘bedroom tax’ and current debacle in Stormont. She stated that advisors are not in a position to provide up to date advice to Members of the public and that this was of great concern.

The Committee

Recommended that Members accept the additional funding of £18,144 and allocate it to those organisations currently contracted by Council to deliver Generalist Advice Services.

HC12/17 Move More Northern Ireland

The Head of Community Development and Leisure presented the above report, which had been previously circulated to Members. The report updated Members on the ‘Move More Northern Ireland’ initiative which has been created and developed by Macmillan Cancer Support. The report also sought Members approval to proceed with the partnership delivery of a ‘Move More’ cancer support project.

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the current opportunity to develop a partnership ‘Move More’ programme for the District.

HC13/17 Update on the Contact NI 6th International Suicide Prevention Conference

Page 85 The Head of Health and Community Wellbeing presented the above report, which had been previously circulated to Members. The report updated members on the International Suicide Prevention Conference held on 17th November 2016. The report also sought approval to offer all Council Staff and Members suicide awareness training.

A Member of the UUP grouping thanked Officers for the detailed report. He stated that he had attended the conference and was very impressed by the presentation provided by Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust. He advised that Mersey Care have made it mandatory for all staff to undertake suicide awareness training, and they offer ease of access with online participation. He welcomed the proposal to provide such training to all Council Members and Staff.

A Member of the SDLP grouping in referring to the above report stated that it was imperative that front line staff who are the first point of contact with Council were provided with such training to enable them to be knowledgeable in dealing with such situations.

A Member of the SDLP grouping referred to the recent incident in which a Translink bus driver assisted a vulnerable individual in a difficult situation and requested that a letter of appreciation for his actions be sent from Council.

Councillor Campbell, McGinley, McCallion and Jackson left the meeting at this point.

The Committee

Recommended that (i) Members note the contents of this report and agree to offer suicide awareness training for Members and staff. (ii) A letter be sent to the Translink Bus driver who recently assisted in rescuing a vulnerable individual.

HC14/17 Annual Food Service Plan 2016-2018

The Head of Health and Community Wellbeing presented the above report, which had been previously circulated to Members. The report sought Members approval to adopt the Food Service Plan 2016-2018 for the Food Safety section of the Environmental Health Service.

Page 86 The Head of Health and Community Wellbeing advised that the key focus of the Food Service Plan was to demonstrate how the Council will fulfil its statutory obligations and duties in relation to food safety. The plan also outlines the service aims and objectives, service delivery and resources. He further outlined that the current officer allocation to food control within the Council is 5.6 full time equivalent Officers and in order to carry out all food safety functions outlined in the plan, 7 Officers would be required.

The Head of Health and Community Wellbeing stated that he would initially look at streamlining processes across service areas within the Health and Community Wellbeing section and where possible re-direct staff resources to the food safety section.

The Committee

Recommended that Members adopt the Food Service Plan for 2016-2018.

HC15/17 Request to Install Cardiac Defibrillator at Cranagh Public Conveniences

The Head of Health and Community Wellbeing presented the above report, which had been previously circulated to Members. The report informed Members of a request by Cranagh Community Association to install a cardiac defibrillator at Cranagh public conveniences.

In response to a Member of the DUP grouping, the Head of Community Development and Leisure confirmed that cardiac defibrillators are located in Council owned leisure centres and community buildings. He advised that currently no cardiac defibrillators are provided at sports pitches or pavilions, however it was an issue that Council were aware of and are currently reviewing resources and available funding to assist in procuring such equipment for these locations. A report will be presented for Members approval once completed.

The Committee

Recommended that Members approve on an interim basis for the defibrillator to be installed subject to any indemnification and insurance issues being satisfactorily

Page 87 addressed. The interim approval shall be reviewed upon completion of the review of public conveniences across the Council area.

Open for Information

HC16/17 Air Pollution in Northern Ireland 2015

The Head of Health and Community Wellbeing presented the above for information report, which had been previously circulated to Members. The report made Members aware of the DAERA Air Pollution in Northern Ireland report for 2015.

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the contents of the report.

HC17/17 Noise Complaint Statistics for Northern Ireland 2015-16

The Head of Health and Community Wellbeing presented the above for information report, which had been previously circulated to Members. The report made Members aware of the DAERA Noise Complaint Statistics for Northern Ireland 2015-16.

A Member of the SDLP grouping in referring to the above item advised that she had received numerous complaints from constituents with regard to barking dogs. She referred to the deputation to Members in relation to Mental Health and the impact that barking dogs has on some constituents lives. She acknowledged the process that has to be undertaken by Officers after receiving an initial complaint, but stressed that such complaints need to be treated more seriously which in her opinion was not always the case.

In response, the Head of Health & Community Wellbeing confirmed that his department receives a high volume of complaints in relation to barking dogs and that the process applied following receipt of the initial complaint was necessary to carry out enforcement action. He acknowledged that record keeping of the backing can be onerous for

Page 88 the complainant but should court action be taken the information gathering process was vital.

A Member of the UUP grouping stated that it was not always the decibel volume that was the key issue but the annoyance and distress caused by continued noise.

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the contents of the report.

HC18/17 Prohibition or Restriction of Use of Public Roads: Special Events

The Head of Community Development and Leisure presented the above for information report, which had been previously circulated to Members. The report informed Members of the deferral of the commencement date of the ‘Prohibition or Restriction of Use of Public Roads: Special Events’ legislation by the Department for Infrastructure (DFI).

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the contents of the report.

HC19/17 Correspondence

The following correspondence was provided for Members information:

. The NI Executive Office – SEUPB Peace IV Programme. . Office of the Taoiseach – SEUPB Peace IV Programme. . Volunteer Now – Volunteers Supporting Delivery of the Public Services Conference. . National Council for Palliative Care; NI Hospice, Foyle Hospice, All Ireland Institute of Hospice & Palliative Care – Who Cares for Carers Conference. . Department for Communities – Welfare Reform Awareness Sessions.

The Committee

Page 89 Recommended that Members note the contents of the report.

HC20/17 Consultations

The following consultations was provided for Members information:

. Housing Executive – Homelessness Strategy for Northern Ireland 2017-22: ‘Ending Homelessness Together’. . Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs – 2017 Review of Bathing Waters in Northern Ireland. . Department of education – Executive Strategy for Children and Young People. . Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs – Proposals to ban the use of plastic microbeads in cosmetics and personal care products in the UK and a call for evidence on other sources of micro plastics entering the marine environment.

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the contents of the report.

The Meeting then went into Confidential Business.

The Meeting terminated at 6.20pm

Chairperson: ______

Date: ______

Page 90 Agenda Item 8h

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Open Minutes of Planning Committee – Local Development Plan (LDP) held in the Council Chamber, Derry Road, Strabane on Monday 16 January 2017 at 4.00pm. ______

Present:-Councillor Boyle (Chairperson); Aldermen Bresland, M Hamilton, Kerrigan, Thompson; Councillors Gardiner, Hassan, Hastings, Jackson, D Kelly, and Logue.

In Attendance:-Director of Environment and Regeneration (Mrs K Philips), Principal Planning Officer (Mr P McCaughey) Senior Planning Officer (Mr J McNee), Project Officer (Mr E Molloy), Committee Services Assistant (Mrs J Short).


PLDP01/17 Notice and Summons for Meeting

The Principal Planning Officer read the Notice and Summons for the Meeting.

PLDP02/17 Member Attendance and Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillor’s McGuire and R McHugh.

PLDP03/17 Declaration of Members’ Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

Open for Decision

PLDP04/17 Deputations

There were no deputations.

Page 91 2

PLDP05/17 Chairperson’s Business

Agenda Item 9: Housing in the Settlement Hierarchy – Options for Preferred Options Paper Agenda Item 10: Economic Development and LDP – Options for Preferred Options Paper

The Principal Planning Officer (PPO) advised that the above appendices associated with the above reports had not been released into the public domain as they were works-in-progress and would be published as part of the Evidence Base along with the Preferred Options Paper (POP) in accordance with Regulation 10(2) of the Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations (NI) 2015. Therefore, they will not be placed on the public website until after they have been updated and finalised.

The PPO also advised that the Planning Appeals Commission had recently released for consultation on Draft Procedures for Independent Examinations of the Local Development Plan (LDP), due for the end of February. He gave the web address of if Members wish to read it. A Paper will be brought to the Planning Committee meeting on 1st February 2017.

PLDP06/17 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Planning Committee - LDP held on Monday 19 September 2016.

The Open Minutes of the Planning Committee – LDP (PLDP17/16 – PLDP29/16) held on Monday 19 September 2016 were agreed and signed by the Chairperson.

PLDP07/17 Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the Minutes.

PLDP08/17 Overview of LDP Process and Stage towards Delivery

The PPO presented the above report, details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to remind Members about the process of preparing the new Local Development Plan 2030 (LDP) for Derry City and Strabane District and in particular to update Members on the progress achieved to date and the ongoing delivery of the Plan preparation.

Page 92 3

A Member of the SF grouping commended the work achieved. He enquired if the PPO had any update in relation to the timeframe of the publication of LDP - POP, as he was aware that other Councils had reached that stage of the process already.

The Director of Environment and Regeneration advised that discussions had taken place with the Council’s Chief Executive in conjunction with the Community Planning process and it was anticipated that a meeting of the Project Management Board would be convened shortly to agree a timeframe and a proposal would be brought before Committee at a future meeting.

The PPO advised a Member of the SF grouping that formal engagement with the public would commence following publication of the POP. He added however, that at this preliminary stage of the process, the public were invited to comment through the IMPROVE project on the Council’s website and this process would be repeated over the coming period. Local Stakeholder groups would also be targeted to participate in the process, over the coming months.

A Member of the SF grouping suggested direct engagement with the tourism providers eg. Visit Derry and Tourism NI. She also commented that it would be beneficial to consult with young people to seek their views and aspirations for the City and surrounding District.

The Director of Environment and Regeneration assured Members that the LDP consultation process will continue to be as extensive and comprehensive as possible and that the Directorates within Council in particular Business and Culture will ensure that any proposals/ recommendations presented to Members will reflect interlinkages with the LDP process.

The SPO agreed to circulate the website details of the IMPROVE project, a European funded project of which the Council is a partner, which Planning Officials have developed to specifically enable the early and effective engagement by citizens into both the LDP and Development Management process. The SPO encouraged all Members to view and use the Improve website and also to promote it amongst their respective electorate through social media, etc to ensure they actively engage in the development of their LDP for the District.

Page 93 4

A Member of the SDLP grouping commended the work of Officials to date. He highlighted the need to promote the North West and existing partnerships with Cross Border initiatives. He however referred to the difference in opinion from Members on various issues and queried how this would be reflected in the reporting process.

The PPO in response to a Member of the SDLP grouping advised that the consultation process provided Members with the opportunity to voice their opinions on the LDP POP process and the comments/concerns were reflected on the paper presented at the Meeting today. He added that there would be a series of opportunities to present options to the Planning Committee – (LDP) and hopefully a general consensus of the LDP process would be achieved in the coming months.

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes the report for information and agree that Officials proceed with the decision-making process and broad timescales as outlined within the Workplan.

PLDP09/17 Housing in the Settlement Hierarchy – Options for LDP Preferred Options Paper (POP)

The PPO referred to the above paper, details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the paper was to present a summary of the salient issues, discussed at the LDP Workshop and to seek Members agreement as to how best to progress this subject towards the POP stage of the LDP in early 2017.

A Member of the SDLP referred to the housing growth figure referred to within the report and commented that it was low. She sought clarification in relation to the figure quoted and if it reflected the overall housing need or just social housing need within the District.

The PPO in response to the previous query clarified that the figure was the DFI / RDS estimate of houses needed, based upon the population projections for the District up to 2030. He agreed that the figure did not seem to reflect the current social housing need throughout the District and the relevant statisticians that provided the figure had been

Page 94 5

alerted to this issue. However, it was emphasized that the HGI was just an indicator of housing required and it needed to be considered against existing commitments, when putting together a sound case for the housing land provided.

Aldermen M Hamilton and Thompson left the meeting to attend to other Council business and would not be returning.

The PPO clarified for a Member of the SF grouping that it was necessary to repeat a review of the topics presented previously and discussed at the workshops that involved all Council Members. He further advised that it was now necessary for this Committee to reach a preliminary opinion/decision so that the POP was further developed.

A Member of the SF grouping expressed concern that other Councils had deviated from the Regional Development Strategy in terms of statistical information provided to the PAC and sought clarity in that regard. He also raised the issue of housing for Travellers, commenting that their representative wished to engage with the Council on their needs.

The PPO assured Members that there was ongoing negotiations with DFI and the PAC in terms of the assessment of the LDP and what level of proof or evidence would be required in order to produce a very good case for Derry City and Strabane District Council.

The PPO raised the various Scenarios put forward in the Paper for strategic allocation of housing across the settlement hierarchy, to which there was agreement that officers should pursue Scenario 4, the Balanced and Sustainable approach.

The Committee

Recommended i) that Council accepts the contents of the paper as part of the Council’s ‘evidence base’ and SA ‘environmental baseline’.

ii) that Council agrees for Planning Officials to proceed with the development of the options in line with the paper and in consultation with key consultees and

Page 95 6

stakeholders, including NIHE and the various Housing Associations. The updated Housing Monitor will also assist in ensuring that the options are firmed up as part of the subsequent LDP Preferred Options stage.

PLDP10/17 Economic Development and LDP – Options for POP

The SPO presented the above report, details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to present a summary of the salient issues discussed at the LDP workshop that dealt with the LDP Topic. The paper also sought agreement from Members as to how best to progress the topic towards the POP stage of the LDP in early 2017.

Discussion ensued after which Members raised the following concerns/opinions in relation to the above paper:

 There are more leisure facilities to be accommodated than those that are urban focused.  Need to accommodate small businesses located in rural areas, especially in line with the Rural Development Programme  Development of tourism in rural areas to be enabled  Car parking provision is required with employment sites, especially near town centres, for the betterment of economic development  Economic Development sites can also be close to city/town centres, as part of regeneration.  Some industrial sites have been transformed into retailing, offices and leisure type provision – resulting in traffic management and conflict issues  LDP is an opportunity for Council to be imaginative with employment land allocations and policies.

The Committee

Recommended that Council agree for Planning Officials to proceed to develop options as outlined within the

Page 96 7

report and in consultation with key consultees and stakeholders.

The Meeting went into confidential business.

The Meeting ended at 5.35pm.

Signed: ______


Date: ______

Page 97 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 10

Title of Report: Officer presenting: Responses to Motions Chief Executive Author: Lead Democratic and Improvement Services Officer.

1 Purpose of Report/Recommendations

1.1 To advise Members of responses received regarding Motions passed by Council.

2 Background

2.1.1 The following Notice of Motion was passed at the Council Meeting held on 24 November 2016:

This Council notes the recent establishment of Smart Pass Equality Campaign, endorses its call for the full fare concessionary travel pass to be issued to all people who are unable to drive for medical reasons and writes to Minister for Finance urging them to implement this extension as soon as possible.

2.1.2 Correspondence was sent to the Department of Finance and subsequently to the Department for Infrastructure.

2.1.3 Responses have now been received from the Department of Finance and the Department for Infrastructure. (Copies attached at Appendices 1(a) and 1(b)).

2..2.1 At the Council Meeting held on 24 November 2016, it was agreed to write to the Minister for Economy and the Department of Health requesting that they reaffirm their support for the siting of a Medical School in the North West and requesting that they unite with University of Ulster to promote the siting of a Medical School at Magee University as the first phase of the development of this campus.

2.2.2 A response has been received from the Office of the Minister for the Economy. (Copy attached at Appendix 2). A response is still awaited from the Minister of Health.

Page 99 2.3.1 The following Notice of Motion was passed at the Council Meeting held on 29 September 2016:

That this Council supports the nine recommendations in the "WHERE NEXT FOR CANCER SERVICES IN NORTHERN IRELAND?" report published this month by Cancer Research UK

That this Council also notes that earlier this year Macmillan NI also called for the Northern Ireland Assembly to “implement the reviewed Cancer Services Framework and deliver high quality, person-centred care to everyone facing a cancer diagnosis”

and therefore this Council calls on the Health Minister to act on these calls to improve the drugs available to cancer patients, the services available to them and the health outcomes experienced by those with a cancer diagnosis across Northern Ireland.

2.3.2 A response has now been received from the Minister of Health (Copy attached at Appendix 3).

2.4.1 The following Notice of Motion as passed at the Council Meeting held on 29 September 2016:

That this Council acknowledges the long standing support provided by the Quaker Service to the families of prisoners form this Council District and that Council write to Quaker Service to put on record our appreciation and express disappointment at the decision to transfer that service at Maghaberry prison to a private company.

2.4.2 A response has been received from the Quaker Service together with a copy of an information leaflet. (Copies attached at appendices 4(a) and 4(b) respectively).

3. Recommendations

3.1 Members note the responses received.

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Page 101 Page


















































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From the Office of the Miniterjj4:;a Departmentforthe Economy www& 15 DEC (IL Massey Avenue V BELFAST BT42JP Tel: 02890529452 — [email protected] MrJohn Kelpie Our Ref: COR 1348/2016 Chief Executive Derry City & Strabane DistrictCouncil C/a Council Offices 98 Strand Road Londonderry

BT487NN . l4December2Ol6

Dear Mr Kelpie

I refer to your correspondence of 12 December regarding the siting of a Medical School in the North West.

The issues you refer to fall more appropriately within the remit of the Department of Health and as such your correspondence has been passed to the DoH Ministerial Office, who willrespond to you in due course.

Yours sincerely


DAMIENHEGARTY Correspondence Secretary to Simon Hamilton MLA

Page 105 This page is intentionally left blank





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Page 107 Page









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take 29 This page is intentionally left blank Quaker 16 December 2016 I SERVICE 190Ec John Kelpie Chief Executive 4L3 Derry City&Strabane District Council LtL 98 Strand Road U Derry H - BT487NN

Deariohn Kelpie j____

Motion at a Meeting of Derry Cityand Strabane District Council held on 79th September 2016

26th Thank you for your letter of October 2016 which Iread to our Management Board at their most recent meeting at the beginning of December.

On behalf of the Management Board of Quaker Service, Iwould liketo thank the Councilfor their very encouraging and helpful sentiments. We look forward to hearing the outcome of your communication to the Justice Minister. We had raised concern with the previous Ju5tice Minister and the NI Prison Service about the removal of the shuttle bus service which we believe has caused unnecessary difficulties for older people, people visiting prison with disabilities, those with young children and many others who find this an additional barrier to a visit with a loved one. 4 Your councillors may be interested in hearing that Quaker Service continues to provide services for the most disadvantaged in our prisons, despite having lost the contract for visitor centre services last November. Our Quaker Connections isolated prisoner befriending volunteer programme is now \operating in all 3 prison establishments. It is currently working in a small way at MagilliganPrison but we have plans to extend this work and will be seeking to recruit more volunteer befrienders in the New Year in the Derry area. We would be delighted to come and speak to you about the project if you thought this might be useful, and we would really value your support in publicising the volunteer opportunities when these are advertised. lam attaching a leaflet for information, and if you would like more copies, please let me know. Please also visit our website for further information on the services we provide as we endeavour toL make love visible, particularly for those often most forgotten or undervalued in our communities.’ 44 A 4’ Iwould liketo wish you all a very happy Christmas and a peaceful, healthy and prosperous New

Year, and I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

In friendship

‘L. Jinette cKnight Registered Office: —áirector 541 Lisburn Road Belfast Enc 8T9 7GQ

Tel: 02890201444 Fax: 02890201881 Email: [email protected]

Charity Registration Number: N1C102457 Religious Society of Friends Registered as a company limited by guarantee in Northern Ireland No: N1063929 Page 109 WwW.quakerserviCe.Com This page is intentionally left blank r



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Page 111 Page I z. I


Bg visiting the most isolated pr soners, our fulig trained volunteer befrienders bring a bit of the outside world into prison. It changes the wa’ theu see themselves and the world. With a wide range of backgrounds our volunteers find their role challenging get hugelg rewarding - COULD YOU JOIN THEM?

&‘ktk’‘I I

‘QjakerPage 112 SERVICE Agenda Item 11

Documents Sealed 16th December 2016

Grant of Easement in triplicate:- Derry City and Strabane District Council ~and~ Choice Housing Ireland Limited relating to lands at Nelson Drive, Derry.

Documents Sealed 19th December 2016

Agreement made Under Section 76 of the Planning (NI) Order 1991 in duplicate:- Derry City and Strabane District Council ~and~ Lynwood Homes Limited relating to Residential Development Lands located at Buncrana Road and Whitehouse Road, Derry.

Documents Sealed 3rd January 2017

Transfer Deed in triplicate:- Northern Ireland Housing Executive ~to~ Derry City and Strabane District Council relating to Lands at the Fountain, Derry.

Documents Sealed 6th January 2017

Articles of Agreement in duplicate:- Derry City and Strabane District Council ~and~ ENVA Northern Ireland Limited relating to Tender OJEU Contract Notice Reference Number 2016/S 159/288533

Documents Sealed 11th January 2017

Form of Agreement in duplicate:- Derry City and Strabane District Council ~and~ Doherty Architects Ltd relating to Top of the Hill Community Centre Tender Ref: No. T ENV16-08 Project Ref. No. ED-07-12

Form of Agreement in duplicate:- Derry City and Strabane District Council ~and~ RPS Ireland Ltd relating to Clondermott Sport Pitches Project Project NO. ED-02-14 Articles of Association in duplicate:- Derry City and Strabane District Council ~and~ Eunomia Research & Consulting relating to Production of a Costed Circular Economy/Zero Waste Strategy – TENV16-21.

Articles of Association in duplicate:- Derry City and Strabane District Council ~and~ WDR & RT Taggart relating to Feasibility Study on Anaerobic Digester TENV16-34.

Documents to be Sealed on 26 January 2017

Amendment to November 2016, Sealing List – Grant of Right of Burial in Strabane Burial Ground

Page 113 Nicole Callaghan, 44 Ingleside Drive, Strabane, Co. Tyrone, previously incorrectly recorded as Nicole Cunningham of the same address

Grants of Right of Burial in Castlederg Burial Ground

Mrs Mary Haire, 21 Edenreagh Road, Castlederg, Co Tyrone, BT81 7SQ

Grants of Right of Burial in Strabane Burial Ground

Miss Arlene McLaughlin, 33 Innisfree Gardens, Strabane Mr Martin Truffitt, 6 Glenfinn Park, Strabane

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