www.graciejj.co.uk Gracie & MasterGracie Cycle Combatives Training Calendar schedule - April Gracie2021 Combatives Calendar ® GRACIE Monday COMBATIVESMonday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday ® Thursday Saturday Saturday

TheCombatives Fastest Way to StreetMaster Readiness.GRACIE cycle Guaranteed. COMBATIVESCombatives Master cycle Combatives Master cycle Combatives Master cycle

Gracie Combatives AugustThe Fastest 200 Way9 to Street Readiness. Guaranteed.1 3 23 36 Essential Techniques Classes Gracie CombativesCLOSEDMonday TuesdayCLOSED Wednesday CLOSED Thursday CLOSEDFriday CLOSEDSaturday CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED Trap and Roll Escape – August 2009 1 Leg Hook 23 27 28 29 30 31 August 1 Americana – Mount 36 Essential Techniques 2 Classes Class 15 - 11:30a Class 16 - 12:30p Class 17 - 11:30a Class 18 - 12:30p RD Class - 11:30a Class 7 - 10:30a Clinch (Aggressive Opponent) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Class 4 - 7:00p Standing Focus Bring a Friend! Positional Control – Mount 5 6 7 8 15 3 Trap and Roll Escape – MountPhilosophy - 8 p Class 5 - 8:30p Body Fold Takedown 1 Leg HookClass Takedown 3 - 8:30p (Training Focus) Bring a Friend! Class 6 - 7:00p RD Class - 6:30p Take the Back + R.N.C. – Mount 4 27 28 29 30 31 August 1 Clinch (Conservative Opponent) Americana Armlock – Mount Block Series (1-4) –2 Class 15 - 11:30a Class 16 - 12:30p Class 17 - 11:30a Class 18 - 12:30p RD Class - 11:30a Class 7 - 10:30a 5 Clinch (Aggre3 ssive Opponent)4 5 6 7 8 (Standing) CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSEDStanding Focus CLOSED CLOSED Class 19 - 11:30a Class 20 - 11:30a Class 21 - 11:30a Class 22 - 11:30pClass 4RD - Class7:00p - 11:30a Class 23 - 10:30a Bring a Friend! Straight Armlock – Mount Positional Control – Mount 6 Class 9 - 7:00p Side mount Focus ClassBring a 5Friend! - 8:30p Guillotine Defense 3 Philosophy - 8 p Body Fold Takedown Philosophy - 8 p Class Class10 - 8:30p 3 - 8:30p – Guard (Training Focus) Bring a Friend! Class 6 - 7:00p RD Class - 6:30p 7 Class 8 - 8:30p (Life Focus) Bring a Friend! Class 11 - 7:00p RD Class - 6:30p Haymaker Punch Defense Take the Back + R.N.C. – Mount 4 Elevator – Guard 8 Clinch (Conservative Opponent) Rear Takedown 10 11 12 13 14 15 Escape – Mount Punch Block Series (1-4) – Guard11:30am (45mins) 9 5 Class12 1 – 11:30a Class 2 - 12:30p Class 33 - 11:30a13 Class 4 - 12:30p4 14 RD Class - 11:30a 5Class 12 - 10:30a 15 6 8:00pm7 (1 Hour) 24 8 11:30am (1 Hour) Pull Guard Guillotine Choke (Standing) 8:00pm (1 hour) Class 13 - 7:00 p Freestyle Focus Bring a Friend! Positional Control – Side Mount 10:30am (45mins) Class 19 - 11:30a Class10:30am 20 - 11:30a(45mins) Class 21 - 11:30a Class 22 - 11:30p RD Class - 11:30a10:30am (45mins)Class 23 - 10:30a 10 Class 12 – 8:30p– Philosophy - 8 p Class 14 - 8:30p Double Leg Takedown (Aggressive) Straight Armlock Mount Side mount Focus 6 (History Focus) Bring a Friend! Class 15 - 7:00pClass 9RD - Class7:00p - 6:30p Bring a Friend! Headlock Counters – Mount Guillotine DefenseLesson 2 Leg lock Attacks Lesson 3 Leg lock Attacks Leg lock Attacks Lesson 8 Leg lock Attacks 11 Philosophy - 8 p Class 10 - 8:30p Standing Headlock Defense Triangle Choke – Guard Class 8 - 8:30p Headlock Escape 1 – Side Mount7 17 6:00pm (45mins) 18 19 20 (Life Focus)21 Bring22 a Friend! 6:00pmClass (45mins) 11 - 7:00p RD Class - 6:30p 12 Haymaker Punch Defense Gi No Gi Gi No Gi Standing Armlock Class7:00PM 5 - 11:30a (45mins) Class 6 - 12:30p Class 7 - 11:30a Class 8 - 12:30p RD Class - 11:30a Class 20 - 10:30a 7:00pm (45mins) Straight Armlock – Guard Class 17 - 7:00p Mount Focus Bring a Friend! 13 Elevator Sweep – Guard Clinch (Aggressive Opponent)8 Lesson 6 Philosophy - 8 p Class 18 - 8:30p Lesson 7 Rear TakedownClass 16 - 8:30p Bring a Friend! Class 19 - 7:00p RD Class - 6:30p Double Ankle Sweep – Guard (Health Focus) 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 11:30am (45mins) Guillotine Choke (Guard Pull) Elbow Escape19 – Mount 20 21 22 31 8:00pm (1 hour) 8:00pm (1 Hour) 11:30am (1 Hour) Headlock Escape 2 – Side Mount9 24 25 26 Class 1 – 11:30a27 Class 228 - 12:30p Class29 3 - 11:30a Class 4 - 12:30p RD Class - 11:30a Class 12 - 10:30a 15 Pull Guard Clinch (Conservative Opponent) Class10:30am 9 - 11:30a (45mins) Class 10 - 11:30p Class 11 - 11:30a Class 12 - 12:30pClass 10:30am 13RD Class- 7:00(45mins) - 11:30a p Class 13 - 10:30a Freestyle Focus 10:30am (45mins)Bring a Friend! Shrimp Escape – Side Mount Positional Control – Side ClassMount 22 - 7:00p Guard Focus Bring a Friend! 16 10 Class Class23 - 8:30p 12 – 8:30p Philosophy - 8 p Class 14 - 8:30p Body Fold Takedown Double Leg TakedownLesson 4 (Aggressive)Philosophy - 8 p Lesson 6 Lesson 12 Leg lock Attacks Kimura Armlock – Guard Class 21 - 8:30p (TrainingLeg Focus) lock AttacksBring a Friend! Class 1 - 7:00p(History RDFocus) Class - 6:30p LegBring lock a Friend!Attacks Class 15 - 7:00p Leg lockRD Attacks Class - 6:30p 17 Headlock Counters – Mount Leg Hook Takedown 11 Punch Block Series (5) – Guard Standing Gracie Headlock Combatives6:00pm (45mins) Defense® 6:00pm (45mins) 18 7:00PM (45mins) No Gi Gi 7:00pm (45mins) No Gi Gi Haymaker Punch Defense Although there are over 600 techniques in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu studies17 of real fights have shown that18 36 techniques have been used more19 often and with greater 20 21 22 Hook Sweep – Guard Headlocksuccess thanEscape all the 1other – Side techniques Mount combined. These 36 techniques were divided into 23 different classes (left) to make up the Gracie Combatives Course. All 19 12 Guillotine Defense Standing23 classes Armlock canLesson be completed 9 in any order. Class 5 - 11:30a Class 6 - 12:30p Class 7 - 11:30a ClassLesson 8 10 - 12:30p RD Class - 11:30a Class 20 - 10:30a Take the Back – Guard Reflex Development Class (RD Class) 20 Straight Armlock – Guard 11:30am (45mins) Class 17 - 7:00p Mount Focus Bring a Friend! Standing Headlock Defense A “Combatives26 ” will be used to track your progress through the27 course and once you attend each28 lesson two times, you qualify to participate in the Reflex 29 1 MAY 13 8:00pm (1 hour) 8:00pm (1 Hour) 11:30am (1 Hour) Elbow Escape – Side Mount ClinchDevelopment (Aggressive Classes Opponent) where you will learn to execute all variations of the 36 techniques in every possiblePhilosophy combination. - 8 p Class 18 - 8:30p 21 Pull Guard Blue Belt Class 16 - 8:30p (Health Focus) Bring a Friend! Class 19 - 7:00p RD Class - 6:30p Double Ankle10:30am Sweep (45mins) – Guard ® 10:30am (45mins) Leg lock Attacks 10:30am (45mins) Twisting Arm Control – Mount Once you complete each Gracie Combatives class three times, and you perfect the 36 techniques in every possible combination you can test for your Blue Belt. 22 14 Rear Takedown GuillotinePlease see Choke Blue Belt (Guard Qualification Pull) Requirements for details. Double Pass – Guard Lesson 7 Leg lock Attacks Lesson 8 No Gi Leg lock Attacks Lesson 15 Leg lock Attacks 23 Headlock Escape 2 – Side Mount 24 25 26 27 28 29 Double Leg Takedown (Conservative)15 Web: www.GracieAcademy.com Address: 3515 Artesia Blvd. Torrance, CA.90504 Phone: (310) 353-4100 Clinch (Conservative Opponent) 6:00pm (45mins) Gi Class 9 - 11:30a Class 10 - 11:30p Class 11 - 11:30a 6:00pmClass (45mins) 12 - 12:30p RDGi Class - 11:30a Class 13 - 10:30aNo Gi Shrimp Escape7:00PM –(45mins) Side Mount Class 22 - 7:00p 7:00pm (45mins) Guard Focus Bring a Friend! 16 ©2010 Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy Body FoldOfficial TakedownLesson Instructor 13 Manual Page 60 of 108 Philosophy - 8 p Class 23 - 8:30p Lesson 14 Kimura Armlock – Guard Class 21 - 8:30p (Training Focus) Bring a Friend! Class 1 - 7:00p RD Class - 6:30p 17 Leg Hook Takedown Punch Block Series (5) – Guard ® 18 Gracie Combatives Haymaker Punch Defense Although there are over 600 techniques in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu studies of real fights have shown that 36 techniques have been used more often and with greater Hook Sweep – Guard success than all the other techniques combined. These 36 techniques were divided into 23 different classes (left) to make up the Gracie Combatives Course. All 19 Guillotine Defense 23 classes can be completed in any order. Take the Back – Guard Reflex Development Class (RD Class) 20 Standing Headlock Defense A “Combatives Card” will be used to track your progress through the course and once you attend each lesson two times, you qualify to participate in the Reflex Elbow Escape – Side Mount Development Classes where you will learn to execute all variations of the 36 techniques in every possible combination. 21 Pull Guard Blue Belt Twisting Arm Control – Mount Once you complete each Gracie Combatives® class three times, and you perfect the 36 techniques in every possible combination you can test for your Blue Belt. 22 Rear Takedown Please see Blue Belt Qualification Requirements for details. Double Underhook Pass – Guard 23 Double Leg Takedown (Conservative) Web: www.GracieAcademy.com Address: 3515 Artesia Blvd. Torrance, CA.90504 Phone: (310) 353-4100

©2010 Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy Official Instructor Manual Page 60 of 108