THE HERALD October 23, 2019

Volume 51, Number 42

Children’s Sabbath Mission Sunday MISSION To Make Disciples And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; of and great shall be the peace of thy children. Jesus Christ Isaiah 54:13

VISION And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, We are seeking to reach and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. beyond ourselves by Acts 16:31 Inviting others to a Life in Jesus, For the promise is unto you, and to your children, Growing as Disciples, and and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. Caring for People. Acts 2:39

MINISTRY TEAM There are many Scriptures in the Bible that speak of children. We are to Every Member teach the children about the Lord and show them The Way, The Truth, and The Minister Life. I watched Sunday as two precious children brought their Bibles to Dr. Steven A. Screws Children’s Time. They were so proud of those Bibles that were once their Pastor parents’ Bibles. Just knowing the background was a precious lesson. Dr. Les Hutson This Sunday is Children’s Sabbath and the children will be leading us in Music worship at both services. It will be a powerful me. Thank you to Dr. Amy Dr. Amy Holder Holder, Elizabeth Stout, Kassidy Cunningham, and all the teachers and volunteers Children who work with and love our children. Dr. Hardin Coleman The United Methodist Women will be recognizing some of the church Youth members for their outstanding service in missions. The United Methodist Jane Doss Women’s main purpose is missions. Thank you to Mary K Carlton who serves as Pianist president and all the ladies who work so diligently for God. One of their projects Dr. Les Hutson is this week’s Harvest Fesval. Interim Organist The United Methodist Men will have Sunday Dinner for us. Please bring Hunter Holderfield your family and friends. This is their last Sunday Dinner for 2019. Thank you Praise & Worship Leader men for helping provide this atmosphere of Chrisan fellowship. Joe Barnes Andrew Skelton helped with the inial idea from Fort Payne’s UMM. Dr. Bill Coleman is the Church Administrator president of United Methodist Men. Thank you to all the men for their outreach Amy Holder and service. Nursery Sunday evening at 5:30 p.m. is the annual Fall Fesval for everyone! Yvonne Marchik Children’s Place Director Yours in Christ, Joy Overby Steve Church Secretary

PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition THOSE 1st Kids SERVING CHILDREN'S SABBATH Financial Our Children will be leading both of our services next Sunday morning! Please join October us as God's word and message will be brought with a very young and sweet voice! 8:45: Joe Barnes 11:00: Mike Simmons/Bonnie Weeks FALL FESTIVAL AND TRUNK OR TREAT Sunday 10/27/19 Altar Guild 5:30-7pm October Mary K Carlton Lots of treats and no tricks! We need trunks ready to host lile ones with candy or Richi Reynolds if you would like to donate candy just leave it in the office.

Children’s Church October 27 HEALTHY SPIRITUAL HABITS Karen Suggs/Sonja Jones Our Youth Group course of study recently has been focused on creang the November 3 habit of good spiritual pracces. It is a sad truth that bad habits come quickly and Lora Hass/Avery Hammon linger longer. We must be intenonal with our me to build a beer relaonship Acolytes & Crucifer with Christ and glorify HIM in all we do...and don’t do. Exercise is known to October 27 strengthen muscles, improve health, and extend life. When we exercise our soul Ella White we reach similar outcomes; growing stronger, having a beer today, and taking Grace White next steps down our narrow path home. Here is todays workout... Parker Bell November 3 1. Start each day talking to God. I am blessed to be able to visit the Sanctuary Ray Walden each morning before work but God is just as pleased with a casual coffee chat. Gabby Walden 2. Seek God’s response in sllness, conversaon with other believers, Chrisan Chandler Hurt music, devoonal readings, and consuming the scriptures. HE answers prayers - Snack Supper listen. October 27 3. Give God your best - save nothing for later. Everything we do will glorify God Fall Fesval/Trunk or Treat when it is to please HIM whether the world agrees or not. November 3 4. See a flaw - say a prayer. Let us quit condemning others and start commending Corky Hood them before the Lord. Judge not and hold a grudge not!

5. Be you according to God’s blueprint - you are enough. Don’t let praise or Sound System/Audio Visual Byron Burton cricism define you; serve God where you are, with what you got, whenever you Von & Michael Marchik can. Leisha Holland 6. Make me to love those God has put close to you. Work, Hobbies, & even Ministry will always be there - make me for important relaonships. 7. Risk an open heart to know others and be fully known. You may get betrayed but so was Jesus and HE is sll a healer of every hurt. It is worth the risk to trust, love, and share. 8. See an opportunity - be an opportunist. Don’t miss a single God moment, conversaon, blessing, prayer, or personal connecon for Christ. 9. Be accountable. We will all feel loneliness but don’t choose alone. Always, always be willing to ask for help. 10. Forgive and seek forgiveness. Savor life. Keep it simple. Have the courage to say yes or no. See any failure as a next step in growth. Give others the benefit of the doubt. If it is uncomfortable...God is waing there.

Hope you have enjoyed my top ten Healthy Spiritual Habits (OK - might have squeezed more than 10 in on that last one but we have been studying this for almost 2 months!). Blessed to have FUMC and Youth teaching me to know, grow,

Worship and show a life for Jesus Christ. Attendance Blessings, Hardin Week ended YOUTH ANNOUNCEMENTS: October 20, 2019 Friday, Oct 25th - 10 - 11:30pm = 5th Quarter at FUMC 383 Nov 22-24th Hearts on Fire Youth Conference (Discounted Reg due Oct 25th!) Dec 27-30th - Winter Mission Trip!! The congregaon A Mercy Minute We connue UMW Annual of First United to collect Relapse is real says everyone who has ever Meeng has been Methodist Church crayons for used, lied, cheated, doubted, or returned to other moved to extends Chrisan Children’s selfish behaviors again. There are many tools and Oct. 26th. Love and Hospital. The resources to aid us in relapse prevenon...the Please contact Sympathy to the collecon tub family of Steve is in the greatest of these is simply Trusng Jesus Christ. This Mary Layton or Richards. stairwell near week, Pastor Kenneth Wells will be sharing a Step Ruth McCauley if the Study on prevenng relapse by living forward for the you would like to office. glory of Christ. Living in today in the footsteps of aend. Jesus will connue to lead us far from our hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Blessings, Hardin

PRAYER LIST Our Church Family JoAnn Sims Brooke Gogan Pat Nolan Barbara Akin Fran Steelman Waylon Gorham Jeremiah and Amy Molly Bailey Chrisne Sumner Joey Grahm McCamy Bailey Family Courtney Thomas Dee Harrington Paerson Ben Beasley Irene Turner Gladys Helms Chrisne Perkins Dru Beae Virginia Wallingsford Teri Hess Hamp Price Hoppy Bishop Keith Webb Dorothy Holcomb Feri Raiis Bey Burton Lynee Webb Randall Holder Steve Richards Family Amy Cameron Cody Weimer Wendy Hubbert Doris Rousseau Frances Chapman Our Church Friends Aiden Hughes Bonnie Rowe Johnnie Coleman Joe Abercrombie Deborah Hutchins Susan Ruprecht June Corren Karen Adams Addison James Tracy Scoggins Brandy Crosslin Shelia Ar And the James Zeb Scheurman Bill Green Ken Bonner Family Phillip Sharpe Edith Hambrick Mary E. Brown Bill Johnson Travis Shelton David Hopps Kip Cameron Elaine Johnson Brenda Talley Sco Huffstetler Becky Joyner Carr Lois Johnson Tanya Talley Harold Jensen Patricia Combs Bill Karrh Denise Weeks Thomas Jim Johns Maria Cooper Ina King Our Troops Joyce Lankford Kevin Dukes George Lee Tony Welks Bill Layton Judy Durham Abby Lusk Michele Cleveland Juanita Lee Ann Duon Patricia Chandler Lusk Wells Vonda Proctor’s Family Heather Foote Maria Mae Dennis Williamson Dana Raispis Carolyn Frakes Kindal Mason Ashley Wilson Marilyn Reed John Frey James (Bear) McGregor Heather Basile Winfrey Barbara Rogers Jody Gamble Emily McNew Jon Rogers John Gentle Reuben Miller Kay Rogers Amber Gilbert Charles Murphy Rick Sanders Rita Williams Glasz Myers Family

All of our members who are homebound, at assisted living facilies, and nursing homes. SOUTHERN ESTATES HIGHLANDS ROSEWOOD HOME Jo Smith Bryan Woodall Hazel Butler Elisabeth Collins Charlene Larson Fran Steelman Faye Berry Dean Woodall Francis Chapman MARYVILLE, TN Bey Burton Joyce Kennamer Dorothy Hopps Beye McGahey REHAB SELECT CLOVERDALE Edith Hambrick Juanita Lee Fannie Pearl Eidson Revia Melton THE HERALD, published weekly, THE HERALD except two weeks vacaon and First United Methodist Church Christmas week, by the First United Methodist Church, 1105 South Broad 1105 South Broad Street Street, Scosboro, 35768. Scosboro, Alabama 35768 Periodical postage i s paid at Phone: 256-574-2545 Scosboro, Alabama 35768. USPS 554-720. Fax: 256-259-5715 E-MAIL: ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED

Sunday, October 27 6:00p.m. Praise Band Practice Children’s Sabbath/Mission Sunday 7:00p.m. Mercy Place Band Practice 8:45a.m. Contemporary Worship Wednesday, October 30 9:45a.m. Sunday School 6:30a.m. Men’s Bible Study 10:00a.m. Sunday School at Fellowship 12:00p.m. Noon Cane Club at Stevarino’s 11:00a.m. Traditional Worship 4:00p.m. Nourish One Child Bagging 11:00a.m. UMM Sunday Lunch 4:30p.m. Youth Choir 2:00p.m. Scouts at Fellowship 5:15p.m. Bell Quartet 2:30p.m. Trustees 5:30p.m. Youth 4:00p.m. Youth Choir 6:00p.m. Chancel Choir 4:00p.m. Read THE BOOK Bible Study 6:00p.m. ‘Voices of the Heart’ Book Study 5:00p.m. Children’s Choir Thursday, October 31 5:30p.m. Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat 9:30a.m. Ladies Prayer Group Monday, October 28 10:00a.m. Ladies Bible Study 5:30p.m. Children’s Place Board 5:30p.m. Celebrate Recovery Meal 6:00p.m. Life Resources Night Program 6:15p.m. Mercy Place Service At Fellowship 7:15p.m. CR Small groups 6:00p.m. MVP at Fellowship Friday, November 1 Tuesday, October 29 Saturday, November 2 6:00p.m. MVP at Fellowship 12:00p.m. MVP at Fellowship Music Notes Aer ten years of working with an amazing youth choir, I believe we have come to the end. I reflect back on all the amazing performances throughout the years and what an impact they have made in the region. Every year the youth choir has been instrumental in spreading God’s love and word on the many mission trips Hardin and I and Clayton have put together. In the community, every year, represenng FUMC, they gave no less than 15 performances. December 2015 alone, they gave seven performances including backing up the recording arst, Jim Brickman at the VBCC. Over the years they have sung the Naonal Anthem at many sporng events including Chaanooga Lookouts, Nashville Sounds, , UAH Hockey, SHS , Huntsville Havoc, University of Alabama and Soccer, and more. They have sung for Judge Grahams “Drug Court graduaon, the legal communies “Red Mass” service, and for many of the other churches in the community. They sang for the enre North Alabama Conference to great applause. And the list goes on. There is not another choir like this in North Alabama. Then I think of all the great youth who sang in the choir, I can not help to think that the choir made a small difference in their lives. God used their awesome talent and many of them today connue to use that talent where ever they may be. And with a sad heart, I think of the two youth who tragically passed away. Their lives cut too short! The youth choir was like a family. They cared for each other, put up with each other and focused on singing praises to God. Thanks to all the youth throughout the years, that have helped this become an awesome “Service to God” effort!! Les

The United Methodist Men will host their Sunday Lunch Fundraiser this Sunday, October 27, 11:00 a.m. unl 12:30 p.m.

Thank you Jim Harkness for your help with our church computers over the years!!!

Welcome Susan Kane our new Administrave Assistant!!!