Chesslecture e chessfm: (dai 10 ai 30 Mb circa ciascun video) A) Aperture 1) Bill Paschall - Should I In The Opening 2) David Vigorito - Transpositional Guide to the Closed Openings - Part 1-2 3) David Vigorito - How To Choose Your Openings 4) Bill Paschall - What is a in 5) Dzindzichashvili - Sound and Unsound Opening Traps; Part I; The Sound 6) Dzindzichashvili - Sound and Unsound Opening Traps; Part II; The Unsound 7) Dzindzichashvili - Secrets of Building an Opening Repertoire Viste dalla parte del Bianco Bird 1.f4 8) Bill Paschall - Double Caro Kan 9) David Vigorito - Caro-Kann, Panov Attack 10) Jesse Kraai - A System Against the Caro-Kann: 2 Knights’ System 11) Perelshteyn - Exchange Variation from White's Perspective - Part 1-2-3 Catalana 12) David Vigorito - The Catalan - Part 1-2 13) Jesse Kraai - The Very Fluffy Catalan 14) David Vigorito - Move Orders in the Opening Difesa 2 Cavalli 15) Jesse Kraai - Fried Liver Attack - Part 1-2 16) Valeri Lilov - The Canal Trap Francese 17) Jesse Kraai - A System Against The French – Part 1 18) Jesse Kraai - A System Against the French - Part 2 - 3...Nf6 4.Bg5 Be7 19) A System Against the French - Part 3 - The MacCutcheon Variation 20) Jesse Kraai - A System Against The French - Part 4 - The Winawer 21) Pete Tamburro ( - The French defense - Winawer variation 1-2 Gambetti 22) John Watson - Tactics in the 's Declined - Part 1-2 23) Attila Turzo - for White - 5...Ba5 Line 24) Attila Turzo - Ideas Behind the Evan's Gambit 25) Jesse Kraai - Pinning the Evans Gambit Declined 26) Jesse Kraai - The Halloween Gambit 1-2 27) Attila Turzo - Ideas and Plans Behind the Scottish Gambit 28) Jesse Kraai -Introduction to the 29) John-Paul Wallace - Winning with the Anti-Benko 30) Jesse Kraai - The Smith-Morra Gambit 31) Tamburro ( Falkbeer Counter Gambit – 1-2 32) Tamburro( Gambit - 1 (1.e4 e5;2.Cf3 d5) 1-2-3 33) Dana Mackenzie - 's Gambit Declined - Inspiration from Bronstein 34) Attila Turzo - The Hypermodern 1.Cf3 c4 g3 35) Bill Paschall - Hypermodern Chess - Part 1-2-3 King's Indian Attack 36) Eugene Perelshteyn - An Invisible Trap in the King's Indian Attack 37) Perelshteyn - A Guide to Opening Concepts - The King's Indian Attack 38) Jesse Kraai - Introduction to the King's Indian Attack Kopec System 1.e4 2.Cf3 3.Ad3 39) Danny Kopec ( - The Kopec system 1-2 Kramnik 1.Cf3 40) Jesse Kraai - Kramnik Comes Home to 1.Nf3 - Part 1-2-3 Nimzoindiana 41) David Vigorito - Nimzo Indian for White - Part 1-2-3-4 42) Diesen ( - Dangerous Line Against Nimzo-Queen's Indian Def. 43) John Watson - Play and Win with the Samisch - Part 1-2 44) Bill Paschall - An Aggressive New Idea in the Classical Nimzo Indian Philidor 45) Bryan Smith - Shirov's Wild Attacking Line Against The Philidor 46) Valeri Lilov - Crushing The Philidor With The Leonhardt Trap Scandinava 47) Bill Paschall - An Experimental Idea in the Scandinavian 48) Bryan Smith - Answer to the - Part 1-2 49) Valeri Lilov - A Crushing Line Against the Qd6 Scandinavian- Part 1-2 Scozzese 50) Attila Turzo - Ideas Behind the for White - Part 1-2-3-4 Siciliana 51) Josh Friedel-Yugoslav with a Ending 52) Bryan Smith - Sicilicide - Part 1 - The Kan 53) Bryan Smith - Sicilicide - Part 2 - The Najdorf 54) Bryan Smith - Sicilicide - Part 3 - The Najdorf with 6...e5 55) Bryan Smith - Sicilicide - Part 4 - The Dragon 56) Bryan Smith - Sicilicide - Part 5 - The Richter-Rauzer 57) Bryan Smith - The Dragon Labyrinth 58) David Vigorito - Bishop b5 Sicilian - Part 1-2-3 59) Mark Diesen ( - Smashing the Sicilian - Rossolimo Variation 60) Bill Paschall - Dealing with the Sicilian - Review from Mtel 61) Bill Paschall - Judit Strikes Back with the Perenyi Variation 62) Mackenzie - Nuke the Sicilian! How to Sac Your Queen on Move 6 63) Dana Mackenzie - Nuke the Sicilian - Part II 64) David Vigorito - Opening Ideas - Anti-Sveshnikov Sicilian 65) Turzo - Basic Principles of the Closed Sicilian for White - Part 1-2-3-4 66) Eugene Perelshteyn - A Positional Masterpiece by Aronian 67) Bill Paschall - Taking on the Sveshnikov 68) John-Paul Wallace - Moro on the Attack-sicilian alapin against najdorf 69) John-Paul Wallace - A Weapon vs. The Sicilian: 2.Na3 70) Mark Diesen ( - The Qb6 Sicilian 71) Tamburro ( - Sicilian - 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.e5 Nd5 4.Nc3 e6 72) Tamburro ( Against The Sicilian Defense - 1-4 73) Tamburro( Attack Lezioni singole 74) John Watson -Fundamental Opening Strategies - A Good Look at 1.d4 75) Perelshteyn - How to Punish Your Opponent for Opening Mistakes 76) Bill Paschall - Why Not to Play the Classical Pirc with White? 77) Pete Tamburro ( - The Pirc defense - Byrne variation 1-2 78) Mark Diesen ( - Beating the King's Indian Defense

79) David Vigorito - A Secret Weapon Against the Leningrad Dutch 80) David Vigorito - Ideas Behind the Symmetrical English 81) Tamburro ( according to Botvinnik 1-2-3-4 82) Pete Tamburro ( - Both sides of the 83) David Vigorito - - Main line for White 84) David Vigorito - The Basics of the Colle System 85) Valeri Lilov - Winning with the 86) Eugene Perelshteyn - An Easy System for White in the Reti 87) Eugene Perelshteyn - Tactical Melee in the a6 Semi-Slav 88) Eugene Perelshteyn - Taming the Hippo 89) Perelshteyn-Throw Your Opponent Offbeat Playing Reversed Openings! 90) Perelshteyn - Navigating the Opening Jungle - Breyer 91) Jesse Kraai - The 92) Mark Diesen ( - King's Indian Defense 93) Mark Diesen ( - Winning with the Colle-Zukertort 94) Jesse Kraai - The Lakdawala Accelerated (1.c3) 95) John-Paul Wallace - Attacking with the Larsen 96) Mark Diesen - Winning with the Stonewall Attack 97) Mark Diesen - Winning with White with the Trompowsky Attack 98) Valeri Lilov - The Bogoljubow Trap in the Semi-Slav 99) Valeri Lilov - The Tarrasch Trap 100) The Petroff for the beginner-Valeri Lilov Viste dalla parte del Nero 1.e4 e5 101) David Vigorito - Beating The Club Openings - 1 e4 e5 For Black 102) David Vigorito - 1.e4 e5 - The Four Knights for Black 103) David Vigorito - 1.e4 e5 - The for Black 104) David Vigorito - 1.e4 e5 The Scotch for Black - Part 1-2 105) Tamburro ( - Center Game(1.e4 e5; 2.d4) 106) Josh Friedel - A Weapon for Black Against the Ruy Lopez Part 1-2-3 107) David Vigorito - The Spanish Exchange 108) David Vigorito - The Gajewski Variation of the Ruy Lopez 109) Perelshteyn - A Simple System Against the King's Gambit - Part 1-2 110) Tamburro( Ruy Lopez–1-2-3(Modern Steinitz-1-8) 111) Tamburro( Defensive System to the Scotch Game 112) Pete Tamburro ( - e4-e5 defenders 113) Mark Diesen - How to Beat e4 with the Marshall Attack - Part 1-2 2 Secret weapons for black contro 1.d4 114) Bill Paschall - A Secret Opening Weapon Against 1.d4 - Part 1-2-3 115) Diesen-How to Win Against 1.d4 with Noteboom Variation-Part 1-2-3-4 Est-Indiana 116) Bryan Smith - A Poisonous System Against the KID 117) David Vigorito - King's Indian for Black - Part 1-2-3-4-5 118) Eugene Perelshteyn - A Model in the King's Indian Defense 119) Eugene Perelshteyn - Instructive Game in King's Indian Na6 Variation 120) Eugene Perelshteyn - My Pet King's Indian, Na6 - Part 1-2 121) Perelshteyn - King's Indian Against The Four Pawns Attack - Part 1-2 122) Diesen - Using the Panno Variation Against the Samisch King's Indian Francese 123) Bill Paschall - The Importance of the d4 Square in the French- Part 1-2 124) Jesse Kraai - The Advanced French from Black's Perspective 125) Jesse Kraai - The French Defense 126) Jesse Kraai - The Philosophy of the French Defense 127) Jesse Kraai - A New Wrinkle in the Bareev Line of the French 128) John Watson - The French Defense - Guimard Variation - Part 1-2-3 Inglese e Reti 129) Jesse Kraai - A Zebra Game (Inglese Simmetrica) 130) Paschall-A Complete System for Black Against the English- Part 1-2-3-4 131) Tamburro( Opening Nimzo e Bogo-Indiana 132) Eugene Perelshteyn - Ideas Behind the Bogo-Indian - Part 1-2-3 133) David Vigorito - Ideas for Nimzo Indian players vs 1.c4, then vs 1.Nf3 134) David Vigorito - Ideas for Nimzo-Indian Players vs.. 1.Nf3 135) Valeri Lilov - A Surprising Trap in the Nimzo-Indian 4.Qc2 Variation Pirc 136) Attila Turzo - Ideas Behind the Pirc Defense - Part 1-2-3-4-5 137) John Watson - Writing Investigations - The Pirc Defense Scandinava 138) Bill Paschall - A Secret Weapon for Black: 2…Cf6 - Part 1-2-3-4-5 139) Bill Paschall - Qd6 Scandinavian - Part 1-2-3-4-5-6 140) Mark Diesen - A Surprise Weapon Against 1.e4 - Qd6 Scandinavian Siciliana 141) David Vigorito - Najdorf Sicilian 6 Bg5 - A Line for Black - Part 1-2-3 142) David Vigorito - Najdorf Sicilian 6.Be2 - A Line for Black 143) David Vigorito - Najdorf Sicilian 6.g3 - A Line for Black 144) David Vigorito - Najdorf Sicilian English Attack - A Line for Black 145) David Vigorito - The Sicilian Najdorf - Sozin for Black 146) David Vigorito - Sicilian Grand Prix - A Line for Black 147) David Vigorito - Closed Sicilian from Black's Perspective 148) David Vigorito - Opening Ideas - Anti-Sveshnikov Sicilian 149) Bryan Smith - The Dragdorf For Black 150) Bill Paschall - Playing the Black Side of the Smith-Morra Gambit 151) David Vigorito - The 2.c3 Sicilian for Black - Part 1-2 152) Bill Paschall - What to Do Against Zvjaginsev's 2.Na3 153) Perelshteyn - Attacking Chess in the Accelerated Dragon, Maroczy Bind 154) Eugene Perelshteyn - Accelerated Dragon Against Bc4,d3 Setup 155) Perelshteyn - Against the c3 Setup in the Hyper-Accelerated Dragon 156) Eugene Perelshteyn - Two Miniatures in the Accelerated Dragon 157) Eugene Perelshteyn - Facing the Grand Prix as Black (6.a4) 158) Jesse Kraai - The 'Siberian Trap' in the Smith-Morra Gambit 159) Jesse Kraai - The Sicilian Dragon - Why the Bad Reputation 160) John-Paul Wallace - The Kan, Taimanov, and Paulsen Variations 161) Mark Diesen - An Overview of the Accelerated Dragon 162) Mark Diesen - Opening Ideas - The Chinese Dragon 163) Mark Diesen ( - English attack from black's point of view 1-2 Slava,Semislava,Slava Moderna 164) David Vigorito - A Model Game For Black In The Slav 165) Attila Turzo - from Black's Point of View 166) David Vigorito - The Slav Defense with 6.Ne5 - for Black 167) David Vigorito - Semi-Slav, Meran for Black - Part 1-2 Lezioni singole 168) Bill Paschall - A New Tactical Look at the Grunfeld 169) Bill Paschall - Ignoring the Trompowsky 170) Bill Paschall - The Albin Counter Gambit 171) David Vigorito - Advance Caro-Kann for Black - Part 1-2 172) David Vigorito - Ideas in the Dutch Stonewall 173) David Vigorito - Opening Ideas for Black - An Early Fianchetto 174) David Vigorito - The Two Knights' Tango 175) David Vigorito - Von Hennig Schara Gambit 176) David Vigorito - A Peek at the Queen's Gambit Accepted 177) Vigorito - Black's Basic Problem in the Queen's Gambit - Introduction 178) Josh Friedel - The Chigorin System for Black 179) Jesse Kraai - The Portuguese Gambit 180) Tamburro( Defending against Colle, Stonewall and London 181) Tamburro( From's Gambit 1-2-3 B) Mediogioco

182) Mark Diesen ( - Sacrifice 183) Danny Kopec ( - The good, the bad and the ugly bishop 184) Attila Turzo - Winning with Space Advantage 185) Bryan Smith - The One That Got Away 186) Bryan Smith - Strategy - Part 1 - Using the Pawns in an Attack 187) Bryan Smith - Pawn Strategy - Part 2 - Petrosian's Pawn Artistry 188) Mark Diesen ( - The Cramped Position 189) Mark Diesen ( - The King Hunt 190) Mark Diesen ( - The 191) Mark Diesen ( - The Lasker Sacrifice 192) J. Kraai - Balance of Time, Material and Quality of Position - Part 1-2-3 193) Josh Friedel - Master's Example - Why Bishops Are Better Than Rooks 194) Josh Friedel - Master's Example - Why Rooks are Better than Bishops 2 195) Bryan Smith - The Chess Magician, Alekhine - Part 1-2-3-4-5 196) John-Paul Wallace -Fischer Files - Part 1 - Fischer on the Fischer Sozin 197) John-Paul Wallace - The Fischer Files - Part 2 - Reinventing the Rules 198) John-Paul Wallace - The Fischer Files - Part 3 - The Kingside Plan 199) John-Paul Wallace - The Fischer Files - Part 4 – 200) Wallace- Fischer Files - Part 5 - Creative Concept Against the French 201) John-Paul Wallace - The Fischer Files - Part 6 - Knocking Out Nikolic 202) John-Paul Wallace - The Fischer Files - Part 7 - Endgame Mastery 203) John-Paul Wallace - The Fischer Files - Part 8 - Fischer on the Najdorf 204) Wallace - The Fischer Files - Part 9 - Beating Najdorf in the Najdorf 205) John-Paul Wallace - The Fischer Files - Part 10 - Game of the Century 206) Attila Turzo - Vision - How To Create A Plan - Part 1-2 207) Paschall - Fundamentals of Isolated Queen Pawn Positions - Part 1-2-3 208) Bill Paschall - Isolated Queen Pawn Endgames - Part 1 209) Mark Diesen ( - Minority Attack 210) Jesse Kraai - The Minority Attack in the Queen's Gambit Declined 211) Jesse Kraai - The Queenside Majority 212) Mark Diesen - The Advantage of the Bishop Pair - Part 1-2 213) Jesse Kraai - Two Minor Pieces vs. A Rook - Part 1-2 214) Attila Turzo - Building Your Plan - A Step-By-Step Example 215) Attila Turzo - Winning With Space Advantage 216) Bill Paschall - The Importance Of The d5 Square In The Sicilian 217) Jesse Kraai - Tesuji Of The 218) Dana Mackenzie –The Hook and Ladder Trick 219) Attila Turzo - Analysis - Understanding the Blockade 220) Attila Turzo – Vision- How to Create a Plan in the Middlegame 221) Bill Paschall - Breaking the Lines of Communication 222) Bill Paschall - Coordination of Pieces and Pawns 223) Bill Paschall - Creating and Exploiting Weaknesses - Part 1 224) Bill Paschall - Learning from Your Losses 225) Bill Paschall - The Advantage of a Central Pawn Majority 226) Bill Paschall - The Dangers of Playing Without a Plan 227) Paschall-Thought Process of a Master-Practical Defense in Lost Position 228) Bill Paschall - When Are Good 229) Bryan Smith - Sacrifices - Intuition or Calculation 230) Vigorito -Carlsbad Structure (Queen's Gambit Exchange Variation) 231) David Vigorito - The Calculation of Variations 232) Jesse Kraai - A Universal Training Program 233) Jesse Kraai - From the Opening to the Endgame - Part 1 234) Jesse Kraai - Playing Against a Flexible Opponent 235) Jesse Kraai - The Color Complex 236) Jesse Kraai - Ulf Andersson's Positional Mastery 237) John-Paul Wallace - Spectacular King Sortie 238) Mark Diesen - Opposite Side with Queens on the Board 239) Roman Dzindzichashvili - A Good Lesson on General Principles 240) Roman Dzindzichashvili - Art of Positional Squeezing 241) Roman Dzindzichashvili - Developing Intuition 242) Roman Dzindzichashvili - Perfect Game 243) Valeri Lilov - Attacking Chess; The Piece Fist 244) Valeri Lilov - Attacking Chess; in the Opening 245) Valeri Lilov - Attacking Chess; The Uncastled King 246) Valeri Lilov - Attacking Chess; The Castled King 247) Valeri Lilov - The Secrets Utilization of the Initiative 248) Valeri Lilov - The Great Masterpieces - The Immortal Game C) Finali

249) Jesse Kraai - Bishops Of Opposite Color Endgames 250) Jesse Kraai - Pawn Endgames - Zugzwang, , 251) Attila Turzo - Endgame Analysis - Understanding the Blockade 252) Bill Paschall - Active Defense in the Endgame 253) Bill Paschall - Capablanca in the Endgame - Part 1 254) Bill Paschall - Defense in Inferior Endgames 255) Bill Paschall - Endgame of the Week - Knight and Pawn vs. Bishop 256) Bill Paschall - Fundamental Positions - Opposite-Colored Bishops 257) Bill Paschall - King and Pawn vs. King 258) Bill Paschall - Master Endgames - Good Knight vs. Bad Bishop 259) Bill Paschall - Master Endgames - Two Bishops vs. Two Knights 260) Bill Paschall - Rubinstein Endgames - King In The Center - Part 1-2 261) Bryan Smith - Defense in Rook and Pawn Endgames 262) Jesse Kraai - An Instructive Bishop Endgame 263) Jesse Kraai - Bishop and Bishop vs. King 264) Jesse Kraai - Bishop and Knight vs. King Checkmate 265) Jesse Kraai - Introduction to Knight Endgames 266) Jesse Kraai - Practical Knight Endgame 267) Jesse Kraai - Rook Endgames - Part 1 - Lucena Position 268) Jesse Kraai - Rook Endgames - Part 2 - 269) Mark Diesen - Endgame Strategies - Critical Rules You Should Know 270) Mark Diesen - Rook and Pawn Endings