— —»— * ~ ^‘*“u*^ttrfTfffrffrrffjjijiiiji utifi rrrfiiinriiiijj|iijiijfiftfiiiiriffrfrrnr""‘,“^"'“ *| II 1 The BROWNSVILLE HERALD SPORTS SECTION EEEEJ

BOYS r ▼ w.y w f y WRESTLING LAST NIGHT YOU'LL HEAR FROM THESE CHAMPION The Associated I -■■n (By Press; _ I Clark Leads Pro PASSING GAME CORN HUSKERS Notre Dame It -Rudy Dusek, 112, Omaha, and Olno Oaribaldl, 3*4, * Satisfied sue CART. Ground Gainers Italy, drew. 83:00 (bout stopped by eleven o'clock rule;; Abe Coleman, spearman SOUTH BEND. Ind.. Nov 10.— IS EXPECTED — WILL COMPETE 305. , threw Dick DaHs- (A*i—Notre Dame football teams oourt, 330. , 38:04. and oo»:hes arent to NEW YORK. Nov. lO—'^P!—Earl expected — Qua Bonn en berg, win all their games, the Rev. Portsmouth State (Dutch) Clark of the 301, Boston, defeated Jack Wash- Eighteen Champions Charles L. O'Donnell, president Ponies end Arkansas Both Spartans has passed Bronko Na- burn, 238. California, two out o( of the university, said today In In Contest Slated gurskl. the Chicago Bears’ big three falls (Washburn first, 33:48; to Resort denying report* that a change Expected Sonner.berg second, 11:30; third, In athletic policy was contem- line bucker, In the race for ground At Galva, 111, 6:30). plated. honors In the national foot- gaining CAMDEN. N. J-Sandor a “Our share of victories is all ball lea flie. Soabo, Hungary, threw Bruno we can expect." Father O'Con- Clark has 383 yards in Oocassinl, GALVA, 111., Nov. 10.—y&t— gained 36:17. nell said. “Our while Italy, (Special to The Herald; Eighteen husky sons of the agrarian schedule should eight games the ex-leader, contain in who was held in check last Sun- . Nov. 10.—One ol Li middle* est. each a champion or games which our op- ponents have a day. has dropped to fourth place most thrilling games ol the aeaso. the runner-up in his own state, sporting chance to defeat us. That is what with 283 yards. Two Stapleton is expected here Saturday when th. were assembled here today to take we seek and therefore we players hold second and thira University of Arkansas RazorbaciL part In the national corn husking must ex- contest, otherwise pect defeats." places. Bob Campigllo has gained Invade Stadium for an aer- known as the Ownsby 300 yards and Sykoff 205. “IN OUR ial “corn belt derby.” Doug battle with Southern Metho- a a a a a. Arnold (Flashi Berber of Green dist’s One of them, ere the golden aerial circus. The number of Bay leads the having com- tinted corn fields of Henry county Gl'S KALLIO against the best advice of his passers, spectacular passes anticipated from 14 passes In 24 attempts ALLEY” are shrouded in darkness tonight, friends. Ernie Stephens pleted both teams is expected to offset the who claims the world middle- arranged Ray Flaherty, end of the New Yorx will be crowned champion. this in order to get even for a deal fact that both clubs are out of the weight wrestling championship Giants, has caught 12 tosses lor To win, the champion, it Is ex- which Ben over about 'sail over, even the running for the conference title. will grapple here Thursday night. put a month of 215 yards pected. will have to husk between ago. Against the Texas Aggies last George Hughes. Boston's Hawaii- 33 and 34 bushels of com In SO 4c 4c 4c 4c 4t shouting. week the Methodists tossed no less VC04CH an halfback, holds the edge over minutes. The com to be free of The voice of the than 27 passes, eleven of which were SCHMIDT Clark HlnZle of Oreen Ba\ in people, husks and non left in the rows. Ft. Brown Quints completed for a total gain of 154 punting with an average of 47 Has Officials have prepared for a spoken. yards. Morrison had two yards. Red Grange of the Bears Ray pass- crowd of spectators they expect to CHAMP KALLIO Open Season Here And all of us— combinations in a man- and Jack Oroasman of ing working exceed 30.000. The contest will be ner that reminded The Ft. Brown basketball the scoring lead with 30 Mustangs fans held on the Robert Peterson farm, league sha^e GOP’S, Dems, or what- of the got under at the points each. great Methodist passing three miles east of here, where 100 way post Wed- teams nesday evening with nots, of former years. Capt. How- farmers have worked all this week HERE TONIGHT Troop a win- over B 20-8 ard Sprague passed with deadly a 65-acre tract in which ning Troop Holly stood Are all going to pitch preparing out for the accuracy to Raymond Fuqua, the the contestants will labor. Tne winners, ringing uo 16 of their 20 points. in— sophomore flasl from Shreveport. field, they report, has an estimated WAKE UP YOUR Fans to Contests will be La., and Whitey Baccus' accurate yield of 95 bushels to the acre. Select Opponent; played every And help bring the Monday, and heaves found the waiting arms of Orville Welch, cham- Wednesday Friday defending Ben Freudenstein evening. This good old ship of state. Kenneth Mills in uncanny fashion. pion, lost his state title Friday Headquarters LIVER BILE— troop la to Lack of a goal line punch nullified last week to Carl Seiler, left- play Machine Gun Back to an even keel. To Referee Troop. the passing game, however, as far handed com husker from Knox The games under WITHOUT CALOMEL And some of us are— as scoring was concerned. county last week. p*t way at 7:30 p. m. on the tennis court and there Tiie Porkers flashed a brilliant CPPT And You'll Out of Bed in Starting right by buy- Gus Gallio. middleweight cham- is no ad miss.on charge. Jump overhead game Saturday against the VAUGHT will show Brownsville ing right, Rice Owls that had the Houstonians pion. mat fans the Morning Rilin' to Go the and wherefores And with their backs to the $300,000 Prizes whys of cham- by buying right battling If feel »our and flunk and tbs wc>d pionship wrestling here Thursday The Winnah! you wall throughout the game. Long looks punk, don't swallow a lot of rsit«, now. night against an to be LOS ■unarm] water, laxative randy or Tom Murphy's tossing to "Carrie” opponent ANGELES. Nov. 10. (>Pj— oil, chewing We don't care if it’s men Set At Hialeah designated by the fans. George gum and expert them to make you suddenly was Zaharias. Pueblo. Colo., es- Nations, elongated wingmau sweet and buoyant and full of sunshine. women— Promoter Ernie will sayed a tackle or the feature of the game, which was Stephens put flying which earned Far they can't do it- They only move the six middleweight in the the Indian bowels and a mere movement doesn't at We claim that the time won by the Owls in a great fourth MIAMI, Fla., Nov. 10. f4V-The good ring big and his opponent, get the cause. The reason for your down-and-out winter at Hialeah with the champion and will let the Nick Lutze, Venice. into the come— period rally. meeting Park. Oalif.. feeling is your liver. It ahould pour nut tws has 19 to fans select h opponent from this lap of Ned a of bile bow. is A large crowd is expected to be January March 11. will offer Cronin, sports writer, pounds liquid into your daily. To quit quitting— group. The contender who obtains at a bile not on hand for the scrap as it will oc horsemen stakes and purses total- wrestling match here last night. If this is flowing freely, your food the doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. And to in and buy, the conference Satur- ling more than 1300.000. most applause will go to the Cronin, a giant in his own rights, pitch game ■■ only •r*-—*'• ----- ■■ Gas bioata up your stomach. You hare a Several mat with Champion Kallio. arose in and with of courie, day. Six thousand seats will be plac- Coach Francis A. Schmidt and his Texas Christian are in innovations are planned. disgust dumped the thick, bad taste and /our breath is fouL discretion, j Frogs The remainder of the akin often breaks out ft bl«imet»«. Your bead ed on sale at bargain accord- Ora* is the arrangement of the grapple.*s pair cm the floor, knocking both un- The we need. prices, for a hard battle against the Longhorns here Friday. Capt. Johnny aches and feel dram and out. Your wbois things stake to will be matched and this should re- conscious. Seconds flourished towels you ing to Methodist officials. Vaught at guard and Blanchard Spearman, shown above with Coach program give horsemen who syru m is poisoned. Let’s go Brownsville, sult in a whirlwind card as middle- and water on the dormant Schmidt, will lead the Frogs into action. develop good performers as the meet poured It takas three food, old CARTER'S Texas and America. progresses an opportunity to cash weights always furnish plenty speed. pair to no avail. After the 20-second LITTLE LIVEK HU.S to gst these two at bile flowing freely and make yam in on them the later The champion is an all around time-limit, when neither arose, the pounds * * * * * * * during days feel ‘‘up and up.’* They contain Won .liefid. of performer. He can slug, he can referee called a Interest Grows the season. it draw. Each had harmima, gentle vegetable extracts, a maxing wrestle and he can press the ac- won a fall. when it conns to making the bile flow freely. A supplementary class is pro- preyious vided for the eellerator with the best of them Hut don’t ask for liver pills. Ask for Carter's Florida derby with little Lever PiBa. Look for the name Carter’s Ben Freudenstein, the village wit. A machine has been invented in In Horse Show All Centered On $10,000 added which will be run Little Liver Pills on the red label. Riwrnt a Eyes the will referee th" bout to wall —hatWn i s 25c at all stuns. O lUdl C. M_ Os. final day of the mating. Reg- championship England hang paper. ular entries will close January 21 with NEW YORK Nov. 10—The a nominating fee of $25. Colt* Texas-T. C. U. Contest be prospect* for interesting competi- may nominated as late as March mi nl .11)11 1MIL J%M*I'-TTSS 1. however, for *100 under --M * J* tion in the international military FORT WORTH, Nov. 10— For either ot their last two So the plan games. to 01 the fourth give owners a chance to study lumping contest, the high spot straight yeai, the Tex- this means that the conference candidates before 47th national horse show, were as Christian-University of Texas entering them. **» j title winner will be decided Nov. A ail the brighter today after an game will have an important bear- juvenile championship for two- unusually fine showing by the ing on the conference title of the 11. If the game ends in a tie. then year-olds also is planned It will be the two Canadian army team in a prelim- Southwest. Tne game this year has teams are a1 most certain open to youngsters which have won inary event, a class for pairs or perhaps cast the others Into the to share the title jointly. a race with maidens excluded. International officers shown abreast background in the matter of pre- With the iwaslble exception of The Canadians, who w.U com- game interest. Jack Lang don, the Christians will take Colt Stars pete against the Irish Free State, The series had its beginning in the field in perfect shape. It to The Herald» France and the , in 1929 when the Frogs won the*r appears now that the flashy end (Special the big event Monday, carried off first championship. The two teams will be kept on the sidelines with DALLAS, Nov. 10.—Four former first honors as Michael and Red met in Austin. Texas had Dexter an Injured shoulder. Herd Floore all-State high school players are in- reserve cluded in Plume, ridden by Capt. Ed Ham- Shelley and the Christians had Cy center who received a dis- the Southern Methodist mond and Lieut. C. C. Mann, cov- Howard and located elbow in the Austin Col- freshmen for the Allen Aca- Leland, Grubbs Mike lineup one too to turn toward is It’s not minute early your thoughts ered the difficult course almost as Brumbelow. The Frogs emergen lege game, back In uniform now. demy game at Bryan Friday night. one horse. They were charged with from the battle as the winner and Maco Stewart, last year all-state And Mr. Hilliard Christmas! And. with this destined to be a year of practical only a half fault. won the conference title. In 1930 end at Corsicana high, will start at Three pairs from the Irish Free the battle was staged in Port one end. 8Lamps, all-state The Longhorns boast the m06t Billy you will be interested in these fine Electrical Appli- State team took the next three Worth. Texas won the and guard at Corsicana In 1930 and giving, game the elusive back in the conference in places, Slievenamon and Callow la a who with the st. Martin’s championship, 1931, crippled the person of Bohn Hilliard. The pastimed ances. which are priced for Chriitmas shopped. Glass. w;th Daniel Christian outfit lost to the Steers eleven at Wash specially Captains Corry Texans may be surprised at the Academy , and Fred Ahearne in Austin. The Steers last will up, coming in were nosed speed, elusiveness, and change of fall, start at one of the With our set for advance before the end of December, eeoond with one fault. Southern prices Two Frencn out by Methodist for the pace that Spearman of Texas guard berths. Buster Rabom, cen- teams and four from the United crown but finished in the all-state laurels high Christian shows. The Frog coaon- [ ter, gained at El you art *ure to recognize the advantage of buying now I States army followed them. race. es for SHE Will Like The New Model believe that Spearman is a more Dorado, Ark., three years. The The United States army team Highly important dangerous runner than Hilliard. fourth all-stater is Don Saulsbury, however, made for up some trou- The game this year is not the It appears now ‘hat the weath- mainspring of the Pam pa eleven bles in the final event for Jumpers, final word in the matter o' deter- er will be perfect for the Friday last fall. the pen. when two of its horses mining the flag winner, but it has game. The 4orther is due to have TOASTMASTER followed Hugh Bancroft Jr 's Fair- more to do with it than any other run its course by that day, and FIGHTS LAST NIGHT 1 Blixts. fax In the the Irlsn placing with game to date. It is not likely that the afternoon should be still and SAN FRANCISCO—Lou Scozzt, Slievenamon fourth. 1}lashes. either of the teams will drop cool. The frosh were sche uled to Buffalo, N. Y.. won by a technicai Just in the The second day of the show to- drop play a game Thursday in the new knockout over James J. Braddock. day was featured the bread and down 'Whips. by competi- stacLum. but officials had it trans- Newark. N. J., (6). Pietro Georgi. push tion for F. D. Mackav Memorial Creams. ferred to old Clark Field to insure Buffalo, N. Y, outpointed Chic the lever. Up pops trophy for hunt teams along with to that the turf of the stadium Raines. Kansas City, (4). Jack cjhe rwr Stirs, numerous classes Frog browned for Jumpers and Tigers Play be in excellent Beasley. Oakland, won decision evenly shape for the by hunters. Beats. homecoming game* over "Big Boy" Rawson, Boston. toast, done just the (4). Extracts Craters like it! Friday 17th way you ____ i Meeting IruitJukt, to I FORT WORTH. Nov 10— MIXMASTER Jefferson When “Flexible Clock” Play the Texas The Brownsville Tigers have two Christian Homed Frogs Chops. and AVHISPERED assures Oklahoma fhe Texas ‘ uniformity Aggies games scheduled with the San Longhorns meet in more different kinds Cans, the T. c. t mCireat ( omplexion 1 Slice model. Does Opens Benito Box Makers, the first to U. stadium Armistice in toasting from the 0ALLA8. Nov. 10 t/Pr—Coach Day to match Secret! be played Friday and the second power and speed, ^ sii.5o. 2- of and does them Sharpens Dobbs sent Ills Jefferson Uni- n. will mark the 1x3^ first slice to the last. jobs Kick These will be seventeenth clash her friend she con- * Sunday. games play- TO the of her 'knives. versity Rangers through a hard between the two schools. liwd seem Stic*. SI 6. Hi Finest household ed at Tiger park, beginning at 3 fiawicasclear white skin more than any workout and will 1897 Add-Ran. 10- efficiently Blends. yesterday taper p. m. Texas i« Long ago she learned Eaiy term*. DOWN off 1898 toaster made. his oohorts today in prepara- The Tiger line-up: Bill Kauch- Add-Ran. 0 Texas’ 6 that no cosmetic would other mixer under tion for their game here 1898 Add-Ran. 0 hide blotches, pimples or selling Friday- tik p. Ramos c. Ed Kauchtik 2b, TelH' 29 saliownrss. Snc found with the undefeated Okla- 1904 T. C. U. o night Joe King cf. Joe Salmas lb. Cantu Texas’ 40 the seem of real com- $50.00. This A. & M. 3905 T. c u. in NR appliance homa Aggies. rf. champion If, Saino ss, Jacobs 6; i££‘ n plexion beauty are the Mis- 1906 T. C. U. Tablets (Nature'sRetn* The Aggies leading 3b. C. Santiago, cf. 0; Texas’ 22 and Th* 1908 T C. ady).They clganaed WAFFLEMASTER will be used every day in U. — souri Valley conference race. Jef- The Box Makers: Schact ss. 6 Texas n cleared the eliminative tract corrected slug \\\ni|||(////M 1909 T. is undefeated and C. U. 0; gtsh bowel action—drove out the poisonous First cousin to the Toast* ferson university Alvarez 2b. Castillo 3b. Lupe Tell1 and will be a r~4 wastes. She felt better, loo, full of pep. tingling your home c»«rp«« untied this season, and boast om lb, U' 10; Tex“- 30 master, and a splendid rRlCll ||^ Rodriguez Lefty Rodriguez rf, ioi? £ £' with vitality. Try this mild, safe, dependable, south's scorers in J U. too! Makes uni* ^*** of the leading Rodriguez c. Contreras cf, Pete 0; Texas. 72 all-vegetable corrective tonight. See your com- appliance, source of conven- Pariahs* Modal isis T.£ £C. U. 0‘ well-cooked waffles. lasting White, who ha.' Garrison Texas 10 plexion improve, _ formly Jodie halfback. If, Ogden p, C Garcia 9.50 Katf' 1924 T. c. see headaches, SI S«'.rp»aar u. 0: m It's for 72 points. 2b. Texas 13 dullness vanish 0^~ completely ience. galloped 1927 T. , C. U. automatic and Sin o":t Modal Ci" opaatf The game, to be held at the Fair S tIIZ' 0 At a i d'.atgists' ■ k JJWWmmspfMpw J 1928 T. C. Kfj #,« or- H'OTTA U. 6 —only 25c /t smart in de- SIS 75 Park stadium, will start late In HOPPER o! Tex"! # T. j''# a see the FISHERMAN: C. U. 15; for acidmdige- *'*" der to give fans chance to Boys. I caught the Texas, 12 | war" Quick relief nOV*/Kl °",g 18301^9 T. C. DOWN University of Texas and Texas biggest fish of my career last night. U. 0; Texas. 7 TIJMS tion. heartburn S14.50. T. Christian game at Fort Worth, and It was a bass, and what a wopper! 1931 C. U. 0; Texas. 10 drive here for the con- Believe me or not, it six then night weighed We Are Proud to Offer test. pounds and three ounces. WESTINGHOUSE LITTLE SON: Yes. and daddy You a Value Like th« was so kind. He Deluxe Defeats gave it to our kitty. tyVhatShall /Give?" Harlinpen —Answers. PENTAGON Athletic Club 11-3 HERE'S THE ANSWER: ADJUSTOMATIC PLAYGROUND BALL Waffle Iron Electric Mixmaster Result Wednesday PAIN Range Harlingen 11. Ath. Club 3 Games Friday Vacuum Cleaner Toastmaster vs. • STOP! Rotary V.F.W BAP. vs. Klwanis. DEADENED Coffee Urn Set Wafflemastcr • discomfort These Harlingen boys play play- Stop enduring Electric Waahex Percolator ball. too. A visiting team ground 1 over the Brownsville Ath- CHEST COLDS when you shave. Try the knocked Electric Ironer Refrigerator pile club here Wednesday 11-3 “BLUE BLADE” and learn and did the job up In convincing ONLY DOWN fashion *125 Adjust-O-Matic Iron Pentagon Waffle Iron LOOSENED the ease and convenience The Brownsville league players are making arrangements for a thousands and thousands of 25% leu beat, but stand- (fame with a La Ferla team here ! in the near future. WITHOUT DRUGS A long-lasting appliance ard size. Faster' beating men Get the benefit of in Get relief from neuralgia enjoy. Friday night regular league quick pain, that does excellent faster Rotarv takes on the VFW. sciatica pain, neuritis pain, rheumatic pain, baking ~t(i and ironing, Fully plav • lame hack, (tiff neck, headache. trains this blade's slotted flexing cen- o&£ and BA-P tangles with the and chest colds by rubbing plenty of of waffles, cakes, breads. fh and fully auto- Raumc Bcngue (pronounced Ben-Gay) on adjustable Kiwanis. our store fttdUacji!see the spot, it doesn't blister or stain. Rub ter and rust-resisting finish. Every item in that you marked it sinks down and soothes the heat indica- matic rubber grip it in till Never-failing w ith a Red is an Christ' Sponge GRID DOC KET or breaks the chest cold. Take no Tag extraordinary pain up a of “BLUE Thursday drugs. for any drug that is powerful Buy package tor. Rich-looking appear- mas reductions are marked relieves fatigue. Price enough to "deaden" pain or loosen a chest special. Large Mercedes at La Feria. may not be for in on the cold good you. BLADES” on our money- ance. Just $6.95. plain figures right tags. Take $7.75. Friday But beware of imitations. Ask your of these for Baume name advantage bargains! P-8J-A at Fxllnburg druggist Bengut by (called "Ben Gay' in English). There a-e back guarantee of satisfaction. Prices are Harlingen at San Benito many analgesic baumes. mostly cheap imi- quoted for cash. On terms, slight extra charge is added St. Josephs at Raymond ville tations of Ben-Gay made out of synthetic drugs- That is why they are cheap. That Weslaco at Donna. Is also why they are ineffective, insist o* Mission at McAJem. bsa-uar a&d you tui *«t c«al mull*