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Post Anna Yeritsyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 12 minutes ago near , Write something... Dear Hungary - my money will never support neither your tourism nor any other industry. Share Like · Comment

Haygagan Ardziv shared a link . 54 minutes ago Edgar Peter Zenger Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 58 minutes ago new offer buy Hungary price 3 billions $ negotiable . for more details follow the link, http://hungary.radam.us/ WHAT A FUCKING DISGRACE!!! You idiots should ashamed of yourselves for selling out your own legal system. This person was Buy Hungary found guilty of pre-meditated murder in a courtroom. His claims hungary.radam.us of insanity were debunked, and he was sentenced by a Buy this EU-member country for 3 Billion Hungarian judge. I guess this shows that Hungary is really, really Euros hard up for money, and is willing to sell out anything and everything, including criminal judgements in a Hungarian court. Fuck you, and your government. I hope that as a result of the Hungarian Debt Management Agency's actions, your country goes Like · Comment · Share bankrupt and your paychecks bounce.

Like · Comment Judy Norsigian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC about an hour ago

Arus Gevorgyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC I am shocked to learn that was extradited despite about an hour ago the fact that he had murdered Armenian lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan with an axe, while Margaryan was asleep. Please do mek barov -- TAKANQ. what you can to rectify this situation. Thank you. -Judy Like · Comment

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John Kevranian shared a link . Melina Gregorian Embassy of Hungary in Washington about an hour ago DC about an hour ago

Hungary, How much were you paid to release Safarov? You are a This is truly a travesty of justice. So terribly disappointing and disgrace to the World and to human dignity! unbelievable. What were you thinking????

Ramil Safarov, a brutal murderer of Armenian officer, is treated as hero Like · Comment in

http://news.am/rus/news/119165.html Karo Adamyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC about an hour ago

Like · Comment · Share Hungary's decision to release the Azeri MURDERER is a disgrace. Shame on you Hungary, shame on your SLUT government for selling yourselves to MURDERER AZERBAIJAN and you becoming a MURDERER as well. Your country is obviously not a safe place Art Gevondyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC about an hour ago near Belmont, CA for anyone to travel to.

DISGUSTING!! Like · Comment

Like · Comment Suren Divanyan shared a link . about an hour ago near Fresno, CA

George Barbar Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 2 hours ago near Vancouver, British Columbia Hungary - this is how you helped a coward that killed a sleeping person with an axe to be greeted as a "hero" with roses and Azeri flag around. Well racist Azerbaijan ruled by a tyrant dictator does Everyone can buy justice in Hungary for 2 billion dollars and kill not surprise me, but now this coward animal is also a "hero" of sleeping people. Hungary.

Like · Comment Hungary did not have to sell its dignity to get an oil deal from Suren Divanyan likes this. Azerbaijan, just sell your country to Russia for cheap oil.

Write a comment... http://rt.com/files/news/armenia- azerbaijan-hungary-murder- 087/image-websait.jpg rt.com Lev Gevoglanyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 2 hours ago

"I was appalled to learn of Hungary's extradition and the Like · Comment · Share subsequent Azerbaijani Government release of Ramil Safarov, a lieutenant in the Azerbaijani military who was recently extradited from Hungary, where he was serving a life sentence for the pre- David Tamuzian Embassy of Hungary in Washington meditated axe murder of Armenian lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan, DC in his sleep, during a NATO program. I urge 2 hours ago you to build upon your August 31st statement of concern over this injustice by publicly demanding Safarov's re-incarceration for Hungary's decision to release the Azeri MURDERER is a disgrace. the remainder of his life sentence." I will never travel again to Hungary.

Like Comment Like · Comment file:///C:/Users/Gabi/Desktop/Embassy%20of%20Hungary%20in%20Washington%20DC.h ... 9/ 1/ 2012 Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Page 2 of 15

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Anna Amirkhanyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington Shoshana Shahbazian Embassy of Hungary in DC Washington DC 2 hours ago 3 hours ago

Hungary today you proved that it's a good and legal thing to kill a How much money The Hungarian government received from sleeping person with ax . I wonder willl you forgive an Azeri who Turks and Azeries ? I can't beleive that Europian country could do kills your soldier or one of your relatives ???/the answer is this action. What is the next that genocide or holocaust is obvious Yesss and you know why??/because for money as it eligible? became explicit you will sell justice, order, your own country ...Shame on you and your justice Like · Comment

Like · Comment John Kevranian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Artsrun Ohanyan likes this. 3 hours ago Write a comment... A good friend of mine just cancelled his family of 5 vacation plan to Hungary. Hungary you asked for it and you shall receive it!

Noric Rostami Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Like · Comment 3 hours ago 3 people like this. How much money from Azerbaijan purchased the integrity of Write a comment... your justice systems? I think you should put a price list up for all to see.

Hungarian Sale Menu Mesrop SoundLogic Khachaturyants Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 1- Justice system integrity ...... sold to Azerbaijan. 3 hours ago 2- Human Decency ...... Not available 3- National pride ...... sold to Azerbaijan You claim that "democracy is the ruling tendency of the spirit of 4- Gorgeous girls ...... In at Service our age". In this case, your actions have spoken louder than your words. By pardoning axe-killer Ramil Safarov. , you have sent a All other items at %95 Off. message to the international community: We allow murderers to walk free. In light of the tensions between Azerbeijan and Come Visit us, you may not find something of moral value, but Armenia, you have shown your true colors. Clearly, Hungary is you will have good time. not a nation that represents democracy. Your political agendas precede moral and ethical responsibilities. Like · Comment Like · Comment 6 people like this. 4 people like this. Write a comment... Write a comment...

Emma Tatoolian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Kren Gasparian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 3 hours ago 3 hours ago near Glendale, CA

Hungary. Today's event, has just given me the green light, to go Very disappointed in the Hungarian Government for releasing a to a peace-keeper, and axe them to death in their sleep, because murderer back to the Azeri Government so he can immediately be apparently in this day and age, we are more than able to get pardoned by the Azeri President...Shame on you..To think I was away with it :) thinking of visiting your beautiful city Budapest...Words can't describe how disappointed I am in your government...Shame on ...so long as we're Azerbaijani ;) you Hungary!!!

Thank you for the message of Green light. I'm sure many Azeris Like · Comment are taking note of this, and copy cat killings will ensue. 3 people like this. Thank you for showing your true colours. Write a comment...

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3 people like this. Artashes Art Bashmakian Embassy of Hungary in Write a comment... Washington DC 4 hours ago near Long Beach, CA

Hungary, you just removed yourself form the list of civilized Arthur Artsakh Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC nations of this fragile earth and placed yourself on a pile of 4 hours ago excrement. Wow! I never thought you were that evil!!

Used to like Hungary, its history and culture... Now disappointed Like · Comment and angry... Shame on you! 4 people like this.

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Write a comment... Ara Mardirosian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 5 hours ago

Khachatur Papanyan shared a link . Shame on you Hungary you are murderer as Azerbijani Animals. 5 hours ago near Houston, TX

Like · Comment New national slogan: Hungary, come to our country, vent your 4 people like this. racial and ethnic prejudice through brutal murder and go home as a hero: Write a comment... file:///C:/Users/Gabi/Desktop/Embassy%20of%20Hungary%20in%20Washington%20DC.h ... 9/ 1/ 2012 Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Page 3 of 15


military-officer-serving-life-for-murder-in-hungary-is-freed-when- Arman Vardanyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington sent-home/2012/08/31/8aae7450-f371-11e1-b74c- DC 84ed55e0300b_story.html 5 hours ago near Erevan, Yerevan via mobile

Azerbaijani military officer serving life for murder in Hungary is Shame on you Hungarian government and people who hold free freed when sent home safarov www.washingtonpost.com

BUDAPEST, Hungary — An Azerbaijani military officer sentenced to life Like · Comment in prison in Hungary was sent back to his homeland and, despite 2 people like this. assurances, was immediately pardoned and freed by Azerbaijan’s

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Vahé Manoukian Embassy of Hungary in Washington Write a comment... DC 5 hours ago near Montreal, Quebec

Shame on your Government Hungary! Avo Khano Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 5 hours ago Like · Comment

Very sad and awful decision by the Government of Hungary the 3 people like this. country that is well known by its Democracy and fair decisions. But today did fall ones again to evil’s hands. Very Ashamed of Write a comment... your Government officials today.

Szégyen Vahan Djerrahian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Like · Comment 5 hours ago


bullshlakhen 4 people like this.

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Write a comment... Garen Oganezov Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 5 hours ago

Sam Jabaghyan shared a link . Shame on you Hungary, you don't deserve to be called a civilized 5 hours ago nation.

http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2012/08/197250.htm#.UEE156 Like · Comment 51fHI.facebook 4 people like this.

Pardon of Azerbaijani Soldier Write a comment... www.state.gov

Vicki Kirakosian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 5 hours ago

Like · Comment · Share everyone should boycott and not visit or buy any merchandise from Hungary. The only way to hurt these people is to attack John Kevranian likes this. their poor and patetic economy. Write a comment... Like · Comment

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Sam Jabaghyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Write a comment... 5 hours ago

Statement by NSC Spokesman Tommy Vietor on Azerbaijan’s Decision to Pardon Ramil Safarov Artashes Parsadanyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC President Obama is deeply concerned by today’s announcement 5 hours ago that the President of Azerbaijan has pardoned Ramil Safarov following his return from Hungary. Safarov confessed to the Press Statement murder of Armenian Army officer Gurgen Margaryan in Budapest Patrick Ventrell in 2004, and was serving a life sentence in Hungary for this Acting Deputy Spokesperson, Office of Press Relations brutal c... See More Washington, DC August 31, 2012

Like · Comment Share on facebookShare on google_plusone Nan Skukurik likes this. Share

Write a comment... The United States is extremely troubled by the news that the President of Azerbaijan pardoned Azerbaijani army officer Ramil Safarov, who returned to Baku today following his transfer from Hungary. Mr. Safarov had been serving a life... See More Nairi Alexandrian Kozobiokian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 5 hours ago Like · Comment file:///C:/Users/Gabi/Desktop/Embassy%20of%20Hungary%20in%20Washington%20DC.h ... 9/ 1/ 2012 Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Page 4 of 15

I just wonder what would you have done if the roles were reversed and the murdered soldier was one of yours... rtashes Parsa anyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 5 hours ago Like · Comment

2 people like this. Statement by NSC Spokesman Tommy Vietor on Azerbaijan’s

Write a comment... Decision to Pardon Ramil Safarov

President Obama is deeply concerned by today’s announcement that the President of Azerbaijan has pardoned Ramil Safarov Grant mirlian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC following his return from Hungary. Safarov confessed to the 5 hours ago murder of Armenian Army officer Gurgen Margaryan in Budapest in 2004, and was serving a life sentence in Hungary for this Release of Axe Murderer Ramil Safarov who murdered the brutal ... See More Armenian lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan in his sleep, was a very poor decision which does not serve justice from any pint of view Like · Comment

Nan Skukurik likes this. Like · Comment Write a comment... 3 people like this.

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Da i rutyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 5 hours ago near Yerevan, Armenia

Hera hya Hakobyan ahakyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Shame on you Hungary,you don't have justice,your price is too 5 hours ago low to exist on the Earth as a country,I want to spit on you, you are the most bribable nation for me.Money is more important for SHAME ON YOU Hungary, Armenia says it is severing diplomatic you then your honour. ties with Hungary after the release of an Azeri army officer convicted of murdering an Armenian soldier in Budapest. Like · Comment

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am abaghyan 5 hours ago Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 5 hours ago https://www.facebook.com/antiiturkey

Shame on you..... nti Nothing else can express the feeling...... Հզոր է միասնական հայությունը: † How much is the cost of the justice??????? Page: 3,269 like this

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Write a comment... arkis Dallakian shared a link . 5 hours ago near Chula Vista, CA

Azeri President is a lier, has no integrity and should never be am abaghyan trusted! 6 hours ago

http://www.anca.org/action_alert/action_disp.php? https://www.facebook.com/Gourgen.Margaryan aaid=61788781

/ Gourgen argaryan rmenian ational Committee of Gurgen Margaryan (Armenian Գուրգեն Մարգարյան; meri a September 26, 1979 - February 19, 2004) was a www.anca.org lieutenant in the Armenian army who was murdered on 19 February 2004 by Ramil Safarov, a lieutenant in the Azerbaijani army. Education Margaryan was born in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. He received his s... Page: 16,497 like this

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Ho akim akaryan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC i ayel Grigoryan Embassy of Hungary in Washington 6 hours ago near Yerevan, Armenia DC 6 hours ago vásárolta a demokrácia és az igazságosság. Szégyelld magad Hungary!!! üledék

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arine ir oyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington lenoush i a ian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC DC 6 hours ago 6 hours ago file:///C:/Users/Gabi/Desktop/Embassy%20of%20Hungary%20in%20Washington%20DC.h ... 9/ 1/ 2012 Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Page 5 of 15

"The spirit of our age is democracy. All for the people, and all by Hungarian Justice: serve me your oil, I'll forget about your dirty the people. Nothing about the people without the people. That is ass and you're more than welcome to repeat your past! SHAME democracy. And that is the ruling tendency of the spirit of our ON YOU HUNGARY!! age." Like · Comment These words are only words. SHAME ON YOU. You are very far 3 people like this. from the people, democracy, and justice. You are the propagandist of injustice.... Write a comment...

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Nan Skukurik likes this. i ayel Grigoryan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Write a comment... 6 hours ago

Korrupt Szemetek!!

Hayarpi a hatryan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Like · Comment 6 hours ago near Yerevan, Armenia

Hmmm... Just 3 words: SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! am abaghyan shared a link . 6 hours ago Like · Comment

3 people like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=osRNGI5zoh4&feature=relmfu Write a comment... http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=osRNGI5zoh4&feature=relmfu www.youtube.

her Di aryan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 6 hours ago

Shame on Hungary !!! Более восьми лет назад в Будапеште произошло страшное преступление — азербайджанский офицер Рамиль Like · Comment Сафаров убил армянского военного

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uren Para yan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 6 hours ago near Fayetteville, NC

u an Chi a Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC SHAME on you Hungarian government. So many years in Europe, 6 hours ago still haven’t gotten any values from the west. You don’t have a place among civilized countries. Looks like anything can be How much is the price of Hungarian soul these days? shame on bought and sold in Hungary, no national pride whatsoever. you Now your hands are as bloody as that animal safarov’s hands.

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ra antar ian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC affi . e orkian Embassy of Hungary in Washington 6 hours ago near Cresskill, NJ DC 6 hours ago Animals! Is Hungary resurrecting the politics and spirit of PM Ferenc Szálasi? Why pardon Ramil Safarov (the unrepentant Azerbaijani Like · Comment soldier who murdered Armenian lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan, in 3 people like this. his sleep with an axe, during a 2004 NATO training exercise). Write a comment...

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2 people like this. Da o rm nino Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Write a comment... 6 hours ago near Schiltigheim, Alsace


u an Chi a Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 6 hours ago Like · Comment

Shame on you....i hate uuuuuuuuuu hungary Da o rm nino Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 6 hours ago near Schiltigheim, Alsace Like · Comment

4 people like this. SHAME ON YOUUUUUUUUUUU !!!!!!!!!

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Gurgen argsyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington Write a comment... DC 6 hours ago

Shame on you Hungary! argarita Da tyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 6 hours ago near Yerevan, Armenia Like · Comment

3 people like this. file:///C:/Users/Gabi/Desktop/Embassy%20of%20Hungary%20in%20Washington%20DC.h ... 9/ 1/ 2012 Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Page 6 of 15

SHAME ON YOU HUNGARY...... Write a comment... Like · Comment

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Harut Hovhannisyan Embassy of Hungary in Write a comment... Washington DC 6 hours ago near Novosibirsk, Russia

SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD .....Shame shame shame....Fuck you Nvard Vardanyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington Hungary DC 6 hours ago near Erevan, Yerevan via mobile Like · Comment Shame on you!!! 3 people like this.

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Write a comment... Al Bert Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 6 hours ago

shame! shame! shame! shame! shame!shame!shame!shame! Armine Grajyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC shame!shame!shame!shame!shame!shame!shame!shame!shame! 6 hours ago shame!shame!shame!shame!shame!shame!shame!shame!shame! shame!shame!shame!shame!shame! The Azeri still is in your debt for the innocent life that he viciously stole, and you just let him go? Is that how Hungary treats all it's Like · Comment murderers? Or just the ones that don't kill Hungarians. Shame on you!! 3 people like this.

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Write a comment... Der Führer shared a link . 6 hours ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPUuzN2m88A Silva Sossikian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 6 hours ago

Երկիր Հնամյա / Древнейшая Страна / Yerkir Hnamya shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame on you

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Ծովիկ Աւետանեան likes this.

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Hayk Torosyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Albert Tunyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 6 hours ago 6 hours ago

shame! shame on Hungary for what they did with that ruthless murderer safarov. you did not extradict him, you in fact released him.

Like · Comment released a MURDERER.

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Ani Tonapetyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Narine Grigoryan Embassy of Hungary in Washington 6 hours ago DC 6 hours ago

Shame on you! Shame on you Hungary!! You just proved that you can be sold like a prostitue to that azeris.. Like · Comment

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Artashes Parsadanyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 6 hours ago Nellie Malkhassian shared a link . 6 hours ago near Yerevan, Armenia You do not deserve to be a part of EU, Shengen states or the civilized world. For a corruption like this you should be thrown out Hello to all Hungarian friends, Greetings from Armenia! May I of both, unless EU supports corruption and immorality like this. invite you to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtXRVR5QnuM - very much hope this'll help to refresh the historical memory of Like · Comment some...

3 people like this. Hungarian Heroes of Armenian Write a comment... Descent

13 Martyrs of Arad, Hungarian History, Hungarians, Hungary,Hungarians

Ani Tonapetyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 6 hours ago

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Shame on Hungary for extradicting murderer terrorist ramil 5 people like this. safarov. Write a comment... Like · Comment

3 people like this. Gayane Sahakyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington Write a comment... DC 6 hours ago

It is already hard to live and understand this life , all of us know Suren Divanyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 6 hours ago that we are just a human being and nothing else , that is why we never should forget about it , please people of Hungary keep being humans or everything what is still alive in the world are It is disgusting that the government of Hungry, a NATO and EU hopeless !!! It is shame that you don't respect the soul of the member, made a deal with a openly racist regime of Azerbaijan soldier, no matter which country soldier he was !!!!!! to release a convicted and unrepentant axe-murderer who is declared a national heroe of Azerbajan! willingly or not the Like · Comment government of Hungry has taken a part in celebration of racially driven and hydenous crime, a crime of cowardly killing a sleeping 3 people like this. man with an axe! Shame! Write a comment...

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3 people like this. Gor Hovhannisyan shared a link . Write a comment... 6 hours ago

http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- ash3/564658_458891567488843_31744271_n.jpg Hagop Kevorkian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 6 hours ago http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hp hotos-ak- ash3/564658_458891567488843_ what blood tainted deal the hungarian gov got from azerbaijan 31744271_n.jpg for the release of a murderer??!! may christ forgive you a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net

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Raymond Hovsepian Embassy of Hungary in Ruben Isahakyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington Washington DC DC 6 hours ago 6 hours ago

It is with great sadness that I learned of your government's Hungary - the most miserable nation in EU, nation were 70% of decision to extradite Safarov, the condemned killer. We will not population is employed as porn stars, porn directors, porn script forget this act by your government. supervisors, porn gaffers, and porn extras. What we could probably expect from these whores ??? Like · Comment Like · Comment 3 people like this. 3 people like this. Write a comment... Write a comment...

Aram Balian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 7 hours ago Haik Hambartsumyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 7 hours ago Whatever was done to to liberate the killer of Armenian sodier is very obvious, your hungry political people in Butapest got How much is the price of Hungarian soul these days? undertable money and have kissed the ass of Aliyev with love. That is all politica bargain. Tell me what do you think that the parents of Armenian soldier and millions of armenians will feel Like · Comment toward you country???????????? politics have changes and 5 people like this. history will tells the truth and somebody will pay nometer how, got it ?????? i am the son of orphan father who survived from Hagop Kevorkian aglass of beer 6 hours ago · Like turkish massacre in 1915. I can not tolerate this. Write a comment... Like · Comment

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Write a comment... Goga Baghdasaryan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 7 hours ago

Albert Grigoryan Embassy of Hungary in Washington Shaaame,shaaaame,shaaame on YOOOOU!!!! DC 7 hours ago near Erevan, Yerevan Like · Comment

6 people like this. AND YOU ARE IN UE ????? SHAME ON HUNGARY Write a comment... Like · Comment

7 people like this.

Write a comment... Kristine Barseghyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 7 hours ago

Berdj Tashjian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC You made a hero from a murderer, what a shame! file:///C:/Users/Gabi/Desktop/Embassy%20of%20Hungary%20in%20Washington%20DC.h ... 9/ 1/ 2012 Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Page 8 of 15

7 hours ago ike Comment

y high opinion of Hungary as totaly re erse by your release 8 people like this. of the mur erer. hame shame shame on you. Write a omment...

ike Comment

6 people like this. Garen Yegparian Embassy of Hungary in Washington Write a omment... DC 7 hours ago

thought Hungarians ha enough horrible e perien es at the Gor Hovhannisyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington han s of the urks to kno better than to trust the likes of DC 7 hours ago liye .

ant to take an a an kill a man Hungarian you tell me hy ike Comment say let them see hat e sa . 7 people like this. ts a shame hen people an see your Hungarian fa e. ou Europeans Write a omment... m rmenian

ike Comment Sona Mityush Mitoyan Embassy of Hungary in 5 people like this. Washington DC 7 hours ago Gor Hovhannisyan http://a .sphotos.ak.fb n.net/hphotos ak ash / 2 8 12 10150997 5562 269 27 608 8 07 6 n.pg Hungary you sol your fame an pri e. ou broke the rmenian http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos Hungarian frien ship he mur er took pla e in your ountry an -ak-ash4/ espite that you ere sol . H E U 423812_10150997556242693_276088 076_n.jpg a .sphotos.ak.fb n.net ike Comment

6 hours ago ike people like this.

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Arpine Martirosyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington Arman Shekyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC DC 7 hours ago 7 hours ago

t is really a shame on Hungary an its usti e. ant belie e that H E HU G H E HU G U a orruption in a EU member state oul be at that highest le el. H E UE WH E E ou ere ell a are that the mur erer oul be par one upon his return to erbai an but you e tra itte him. here is no ike Comment e planation e ept orruption at top le el as one of the ri hest people like this. eri businessmen an a frien of Putin as in ol e in se ret negotiations ith Hungarian Go ermnet for a year those are the Write a omment... or s of eri offi ials .

ike Comment

Armine Harutyunyan Embassy of Hungary in people like this. Washington DC 7 hours ago Write a omment...

U be ome a nation of mur erers ... an it ill be ritten in history Raffi Jamgotchian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC ike Comment 7 hours ago

7 people like this. am eeply isappointe in the Hungarian go ernments e ision Write a omment... to release amil afaro the unrepentant erbai ani sol ier ho mur ere rmenian lieutenant Gurgen argaryan in his sleep ith an a e uring a 200 training e er ise.

Kurken Alyanakian Embassy of Hungary in Washington erbai ans Presi ent lham liye imme iately par one an DC 7 hours ago near os ngeles C then free afaro upon his arri al in aku an no a mur erer is free. ou sure ha e no be ome the shame of humanity by releasing a ol bloo e mur erer an a killer of H E C E. Who are ike Comment you people hat alues o Hungarians ha e or ont ha e.... people like this.

Arsen Arushanyan ike Comment 7 hours ago ike people like this. Write a omment... Write a omment...

Robert Meliksetyan Embassy of Hungary in Alvina Ghazarian-Ayvazian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Washington DC 7 hours ago 7 hours ago near Grana a Hills C fu k you H E U ike Comment ike Comment 2 people like this. people like this. Write a omment... Write a omment...

Arman Gabrielyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC file:///C:/Users/Gabi/Desktop/Embassy%20of%20Hungary%20in%20Washington%20DC.h ... 9/ 1/ 2012 Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Page 9 of 15

Gegham Azatyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington 7 hours ago DC 7 hours ago hame on you

shame on you ike Comment

ike Comment people like this.

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Janine Shamshoian Economides Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Gor Ayzak Hovhannisyan Embassy of Hungary in 7 hours ago Washington DC 7 hours ago near ere an rmenia Dear Embassy of Hungary an r. mbassa or s an meri an iti en ha e ome to kno the alue of Hello Hungary. ust ante to say smt about you an your emo ra y as it has affe te my people an my family in this usti e. ou are shit you are ero in usti e sphere. H E on u ountry far a ay from the lan in hi h my an estors e perien e ra ist an religious hatre an geno i e. ike Comment Unfortunately in that nati e lan rmenian people ha e not 9 people like this. es ape geno i al hatre both ra ist an religious. n e pression o... ee ore Seda Kalantaryan keep on en ouraging annibals 7 hours ago ike 2 ike Comment Write a omment... people like this.

Janine Shamshoian Economides P am referring in my post to your uotation at the top of the page that the spirit of our Hovik Merzayan Embassy of Hungary in Washington age is emo ra y. hank you for listening to my emo rati DC protest. 7 hours ago 7 hours ago ike

Write a omment... here is the European Hungary usti Dro ne un er bla k tra e bet een Hungary go ernment an presi ent of a erbai an ilham alye Aram Kirakosyan share a link . ike Comment 7 hours ago near Glen ale C

people like this. http://en. ikipe ia.org/ iki/ rmenians in Hungary Write a omment... U E WE C E HU G

Armenians in Hungary - Wikipedia, Hayk Ghalumyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington the free encyclopedia DC en. ikipe ia.org 7 hours ago near Chi ago rmenians in Hungary Hungarian: rm nyek are ethni rmenians li ing H E hU G .. in the mo ern Hungary. n estimate

ike Comment ike Comment hare people like this. Worl for rmenian Geno i e e ognition likes this. Write a omment... Write a omment...

Tigran Cholakyan share a link . Dzovinar Melkonian Embassy of Hungary in 7 hours ago near os ngeles C Washington DC 7 hours ago

http://i.imgur. om/ Eif . pg

Communi u e protestation e a rie e ur erer amil http://i.imgur.com/AEifX.jpg afaro i.imgur. om P E DE P E E e gou ernement hongrois e tra liye Gra i sol at a erba anais sol at arm nien e mort

e gou ernement hongrois a e tra lib r amil afaro le sol at a erba anais imp nitent ui a tu le lieutenant arm nien ike Comment hare Gurgen argaryan ans son sommeil a e une ha he au ours 2 people like this. un e er i e e formation 200 e l . e pr si ent a erba anais lham liye a imm iatement gra i s puis lib r s Write a omment... afaro son arri e akou.

Comment a e ous pu lib rer un assassin i et homme a ait tu lun es tres laurie ous lib r e la m me fa on Honte Tigran Cholakyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC la Hongrie 7 hours ago near os ngeles C ee ranslation

Hungary is the true riminal to ay. hame on you. ike Comment

Worl for rmenian Geno i e e ognition likes this. ike Comment Write a omment... people like this.

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Artsrun Ohanyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 7 hours ago near haumburg Garabet Haciaturian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 7 hours ago near u harest u uresti am profoun ly trouble by the Hungarian go ernment s immoral an ill a ise e ision to e tra ite release amil afaro the file:///C:/Users/Gabi/Desktop/Embassy%20of%20Hungary%20in%20Washington%20DC.h ... 9/ 1/ 2012 Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Page 10 of 15

I protest against the extradition of Safarov by your government. unrepentant axe-murderer who killed Armenian lieutenant Gurgen Garabet Haciaturian-Romania Margaryan, in his sleep, during a 2004 NATO training exercise. (Azerbaijan's President immediately pardoned and Like · Comment then freed Safarov upon his arrival in Baku.)

3 people like this. Like · Comment Write a comment... 3 people like this.

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Levon Julfikyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 7 hours ago Artsrun Ohanyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington You acquited the murder who killed sleeping Armenian only DC 7 hours ago near Schaumburg, IL because for that that he was an ARMENIAN...BRAVO!!!!You sold out your soul your honor your conscience for money.And here i What was the price you were sold? can say only death hungary!!!!! http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/azerbaijani- military-officer-serving-life-for-murder-in-hungary-is-freed-when- Like · Comment sent-home/2012/08/31/8aae7450-f371-11e1-b74c-84ed55e 3 people like this. 0300b_story.html

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Hayk Maghakyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington Write a comment... DC 7 hours ago

Shame on you!!!! You are sold..... Rouben Sulahian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 7 hours ago Like · Comment

3 people like this. It’s hard to expect such carless and weak action from a civilized European nation such as yours – how could you??? Write a comment...

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3 people like this. Rouben Sulahian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Write a comment... 7 hours ago

Azerbaijan pardons, frees convicted killer Artyush Movsesyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 7 hours ago By PABLO GORONDI, Associated Press – 16 minutes ago

Shame on you! Hungary out of EU! BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Armenia broke off diplomatic ties with Hungary after an Azerbaijani military officer sentenced to life in prison here for killing an Armenian officer was sent back to his Like · Comment homeland on Friday and, despite assurances, immediately 2 people like this. pardoned and freed. Write a comment...

Lt. Ramil Safarov was given... See More

Like · Comment Gogi Seyranyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 3 people like this. 7 hours ago near Yerevan, Armenia

Write a comment... shame!!!!!!!!

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Narine Barseghyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington 3 people like this. DC 7 hours ago near Yerevan, Armenia Write a comment...


Like · Comment John Kevranian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 7 hours ago 3 people like this.

Write a comment... SHAME!, SHAME!, SHAME!

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3 people like this. Morgan Ann McDowell Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Write a comment... 7 hours ago

What is that Azeri doing in Hungary anyways?

John Kevranian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Oh if another Turk kills another Armenian, are you going to take 7 hours ago Turkey's side? HUNGARY IS FOR SALE! I don't even understand why that person had to die! The man killed his comrade!!!! Like · Comment

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Emma Ohanyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC file:///C:/Users/Gabi/Desktop/Embassy%20of%20Hungary%20in%20Washington%20DC.h ... 9/ 1/ 2012 Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Page 11 of 15

7 hours ago near Yerevan, Armenia Karen Ovsoyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 7 hours ago "The spirit of our age is democracy. All for the people, and all by the people....." where are your values, Hungary? Are you happy Shame on hungary... You are murderers... now of what you did?! Shame.

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Vahan V Yeghiazaryan Embassy of Hungary in Tigran Shakhbekyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Washington DC 7 hours ago near Yerevan, Armenia 7 hours ago

SHAME ON U! Shame on your nation !!!!

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Tigran Shahbazyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington Suren Tovmas Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC DC 8 hours ago near Yerevan, Armenia 7 hours ago

SHAME ON YOU !!!!! Shame on you, weak hungary......

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Der Myron shared a link . Edgar Sargsyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 8 hours ago near Mississauga, Ontario 8 hours ago

SHAME ON YOU HUNGARY! Sham on you....!!!!!

ACTION ALERT: ANCA Calls on Like · Comment Community to Protest Axe-Murderer Safarov’s Release 2 people like this. www.armenianweekly.com Write a comment... Published by the Hairenik Association, Inc.

Like · Comment · Share Նարեկ Ադամյան Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 3 people like this. 8 hours ago near Yerevan, Armenia

Write a comment... Shame on you

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Ռաֆայել Արամյան Embassy of Hungary in 2 people like this. Washington DC 8 hours ago Write a comment...

Shame shame shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like · Comment Տիգրան Խալաթյան Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 2 people like this. 8 hours ago

Write a comment... Shame on hungary... You are murderers...

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Артур Лалаян shared a link . World for Armenian Genocide Recognition likes this. 8 hours ago Write a comment... SHAME ON YOU!!!

Hungarian Heroes of Armenian Tigran Ghazaryan Embassy of Hungary in Washington Descent DC 8 hours ago near Yerevan, Armenia 13 Martyrs of Arad, Hungarian History, Hungarians, Hungary,Hungarians Shame on you hungary !!!

Like · Comment Like · Comment · Share 2 people like this. 3 people like this. Write a comment... Write a comment...

Hayk Khachatryan Embassy of Hungary in Washington Carlos Fernandez Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC DC 8 hours ago 8 hours ago file:///C:/Users/Gabi/Desktop/Embassy%20of%20Hungary%20in%20Washington%20DC.h ... 9/ 1/ 2012 Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Page 12 of 15

Shame on You Hungary. Your Government acted Like I like Hungarian embassy from USA!! I am studying laws in Spain, Prostitutes..... at university!! I like Hungary, and hungarian politics. Greetings from Spain!!! Like · Comment

Like · Comment 3 people like this.

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Hripsime Sahakyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 8 hours ago Talar Danayan Rostami Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Shame on you Hungary.... 8 hours ago near Woodland Hills, CA

Like · Comment This is a disgrace, especially for a country who hosted a peace

2 people like this. training. No words can explain the failure on the part of your country to preserve the stance of a democracy you post in your Write a comment... FB site. I will personally boycott Hungarian products I run into in American and Armenian markets here in Los Angeles.

Like · Comment Gary Prudian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 8 hours ago 2 people like this.

Write a comment... Shame on Hungary for releasing convicted axe-murderer Ramil Safarov to Azerbaijan, where he was immediately pardoned and given a hero's welcome for hacking an Armenian to death. Toros Cholakyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington Like · Comment DC 8 hours ago 2 people like this.


Like · Comment Levon Sargsyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 2 people like this. 8 hours ago near Erevan, Yerevan

Write a comment... shame on Hungary for acting like good people, you guys deserve the worst. True talk.

Kamo Gabrielyan shared a link . Like · Comment 9 hours ago 4 people like this.

Write a comment... SHAME ON HUNGARIAN JUSTICE!@@@@

Armenia breaks ties with Hungary www.bbc.co.uk George Saroyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Armenia is severing diplomatic ties with 9 hours ago near North Hollywood, CA Hungary after the release of an Azeri army officer convicted of murdering an President of Azerbaijan pardons murderer Ramil Safarov, who Armenian soldier to Baku. killed a fellow Armenian officer, in his sleep with an Ax, in Hungary. Who is now branded a national hero. How could you Like · Comment · Share have failed a loyal officer a second time? THIS IS A GREAT 5 people like this. INJUSTICE. Stand up for human rights, and to the racist Azeri government for their deception and disregard for this cold- Write a comment... blooded murder. It is your duty to honor the sacrifice of a man willing to give his life for your country. This is a great shame to your noble country. Vilen Khlgatyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 9 hours ago Like · Comment

World for Armenian Genocide Recognition likes this. If anyone had a doubt that the government of Viktor Orbán are Write a comment... of a fascistic nature, the release of the murderer Ramil Seferov just confirmed it.

Like · Comment Arman Papazoglu Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 5 people like this. 9 hours ago Write a comment...


Like · Comment Seryozha Melqonyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 5 people like this. 9 hours ago

Write a comment... Shame on you hungary, all ARMENIANS FUC you and azerbajan, you will be sorry for your actions...

Alex Sarafian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Like · Comment 9 hours ago 5 people like this.

Hungarian justice is for sale! What else are you selling, Hungary? Write a comment...

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8 people like this. Aram Stepanian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Write a comment... 9 hours ago file:///C:/Users/Gabi/Desktop/Embassy%20of%20Hungary%20in%20Washington%20DC.h ... 9/ 1/ 2012 Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Page 13 of 15

Anush Martirosyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington Dear Ambassador György Szapáry DC 9 hours ago Embassy of Hungary

SHAME ON YOU ....Is this how justice works in Hungary? Your I feel shocked and disappointed by the Hungarian government's decision to release Ramil Seferov is inexplicable . Ramil Safarov immoral and ill-advised decision to extradite which really means the unrepentant axe-murderer who killed Armenian lieutenant release Ramil Safarov. Gurgen Margaryan, in his sleep. (Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev immediately pardoned and then freed Safarov upon his Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev immediately pardoned and arrival in Baku.) then freed Safarov upon his arrival in Baku.This man has committed a murder by killing another human being who Like · Comment happened to be an Armeni... See More 5 people like this. Like · Comment Write a comment... 5 people like this.

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Артур Лалаян Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 9 hours ago near Yerevan, Armenia

Նունե Փիլոշյան Embassy of Hungary in Washington Hungary, Azerbaijan showed to you and to the whole world, for DC one more time, that they can p*ss on what you call "justice" and 9 hours ago "human rights" in your states..... WELL DONE, HUNGARY..... OFF!!!!! Your decision to release Ramil Seferov is inexplicable. What explanation could one possibly have for releasing such a plague Like · Comment upon humanity?

7 people like this. Like · Comment Артур Лалаян http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=RtXRVR5QnuM 5 people like this.

Hungarian Heroes of Armenian Write a comment... Descent 13 Martyrs of Arad, Hungarian History, Hungarians, Hungary,Hungarians Elena Semerdjian Embassy of Hungary in Washington 8 hours ago · Like · 1 DC 10 hours ago near Las Vegas, NV Write a comment... President of Azerbaijan pardons murderer Ramil Safarov, who killed a fellow Armenian officer, in his sleep with an Ax, in Hungary. Who is now branded a national hero. How could you World for Armenian Genocide Recognition Embassy of have failed a loyal officer a second time? THIS IS A GREAT Hungary in Washington DC 10 hours ago INJUSTICE. Stand up for human rights, and to the racist Azeri government for their deception and disregard for this cold- Your decision to release Ramil "Coward" Seferov is gravely blooded murder. It is your duty to honor the sacrifice of a man disappointing. You have single-handedly made this world a more willing to give his life for your country. This is a great shame to violent, dangerous place by releasing that barbarian into your noble country. freedom. Like · Comment

SHAME ON YOU & AZERBAIJAN. 5 people like this.

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5 people like this.

Write a comment... Hayk Avdalyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 10 hours ago near Yerevan, Armenia

Rafik Mughnetsyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington Shame on you. Azerbaijan fucked you !!!!!!!!! DC 10 hours ago near Glendale, CA Like · Comment

I am profoundly troubled by the Hungarian government's immoral 5 people like this.

and ill-advised decision to extradite (release) Ramil Safarov, the Write a comment... unrepentant axe-murderer who killed Armenian lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan, in his sleep, during a 2004 NATO training exercise. (Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev immediately pardoned and then freed Safarov upon his arrival in Baku.) Sevag Parsehian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 10 hours ago Like · Comment

4 people like this. What a shameful act and a disgrace. Is this how justice works in Hungary? What an immoral and ill-advised decision to release Write a comment... Ramil Safarov, the unrepentant axe-murderer who killed Armenian lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan, in his sleep, during a 2004 NATO training exercise. Garry Bakunts Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 10 hours ago Like · Comment

8 people like this.

Dear Mr. Ambassador, Write a comment...

I am profoundly troubled by the Hungarian government's immoral and ill-advised decision to extradite (release) Ramil Safarov, the unrepentent axe-murderer who killed Armenian lieutenant Gurgen Ara Abrahamian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Margaryan, in his sleep, during a 2004 NATO training exercise. In 11 hours ago Azerbaijan Safarov was awarded with the title of "Man of the Year 2005" for killing an Armenian. Well done folks, well done. You should be proud of your decisions. The world has literally gone to hell with people like this Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev now pardoned and then freed and yet you let them free. Class act and great role model for all Safarov upon his arrival in Baku. the youth in Hungary. BRAVO (if you can't sense the sarcasm, it file:///C:/Users/Gabi/Desktop/Embassy%20of%20Hungary%20in%20Washington%20DC.h ... 9/ 1/ 2012 Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Page 14 of 15

ha e to all this a t hat it is: hameful is there ..

ike Comment amil afaro e eryone nee s to take a long look at this terrorist ho but here the rmenian offi er Gurgen argaryan 4 people like this. ith an a uring a Partnership for Pea e program in 2004 Write a omment... in u apest. o ay after ser ing eight years afaro as e tra ite to erbaian here he as offi ially par one by Presi ent lham liye .

Alenoush Aivazian Embassy of Hungary in Washington He re ei e Heros Wel ome in aku DC 11 hours ago ike Comment

is this ho Hungarian usti e orks 5 people like this.

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3 people like this.

Write a omment... Armén Sahakyan Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 11 hours ago

Эрнест Варданян Embassy of Hungary in Washington Hungarys e ision to e tra ite an a e mur erer ba k to DC erbaian here he as imme iately par one hi h Hungary 11 hours ago ha to reali e oul o ur is simply immoral outrageous an ontrary to international stan ar s an simply human e en y. hame on you Hungary eris fu e you What a shame

ike Comment ike Comment

5 people like this. 4 people like this.

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Vahe Na Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Aghet Genozid Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 11 hours ago 11 hours ago

on er ho mu h the usti e ministry as bribe in or er to Dear r. mbassa or transfer amil afaro . e ause if you erent bribe hy i you ignore all the information regar ing if he oul ha e been am profoun ly trouble by the Hungarian go ernment s immoral release or not. Do you release all your Hungarian e mur erers an ill a ise e ision to e tra ite release amil afaro the so soon t smells like Petrol unrepentent a e mur erer ho kille rmenian lieutenant Gurgen argaryan in his sleep uring a 2004 training e er ise. n ike Comment erbaian afaro as a ar e ith the title of an of the ear 2005 for killing an rmenian. 5 people like this.

Write a omment... erbaians Presi ent lham liye no par one an then free afaro upon his arri al in aku.

ha e to all this a t hat it is: hameful Raffi Pilavjian share a link . 11 hours ago near resno C ike Comment

4 people like this. E U GED D E U G E E C H U CE Write a omment...

Hungary Frees Azeri Officer Jailed For Brutal Killing Of Armenian .a atutyun.am Vahe Keushguerian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Hungary has reporte ly repatriate an 11 hours ago erbai ani military offi er ho as senten e to life imprisonment for What a shameful ay for Hungary. ol for a a fe barrels of oil.

ike Comment hare ike Comment 5 people like this. people like this. World for Armenian Genocide Recognition ll human beings shoul be outrage . Write a omment... 10 hours ago ike 1

Write a omment... Mary Merdkhanian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 11 hours ago Arman Uniqueman Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC ir 11 hours ago s an rmenian am truly outrage ith the fa t that your ountry releases a U DE E an allo s him to return to Hungary the ountry has iolate its international obligations a erbey an here he ill be a free man. hat mur erer ED an rmenian sol ier hile he as sleeping. ourken argaryan ike Comment i nt e en ha e the han e to efen himself. Ho an you o 5 people like this. this hame... hame.

Write a omment... ike Comment

4 people like this.

Write a omment... Michele Nezamian Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC 11 hours ago

ust ante to let you kno that am eeply upset that your David Oganesyan share a link . 12 hours ago ountry release offi er amil afaro . Ho you oul allo file:///C:/Users/Gabi/Desktop/Embassy%20of%20Hungary%20in%20Washington%20DC.h ... 9/ 1/ 2012 Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC Page 15 of 15

anyone to be release from prison that oul sho E E from behea ing an inn oent man. u h a brutal killing Hungarian Embassy an that person as el ome home as a hero...you shoul be ashame of yourself oul like to all your attention to this arti le poste by er Press gen y to ay: http://en.apa.a /ne s.php i 1 0 .

ike Comment his e tra ition as isgusting. Presi ent liye laime e en 4 people like this. before to ay that afaro W U ... ee ore

Write a omment... APA - Officer of Azerbaijani Army Ramil Safarov released en.apa.a

ike Comment hare

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file:///C:/Users/Gabi/Desktop/Embassy%20of%20Hungary%20in%20Washington%20DC.h ... 9/ 1/ 2012