21 and 25 May 2021


Friday 21 May 2021 (12 noon)

Present: Councillors Balsevics, Hill, Hoy, Human, Imafidon, Ketteringham, Lynn, Maul, Pehlivanova, Prest, Rackley, Tibbs, Tierney, Topgood and Wallwork

Apologies: Councillors Meekins, Oliver and Patrick.

Members and guests were seated in the garden of Castle to await the Mayoral party, which entered at 12 noon.

The outgoing Mayor, Councillor Balsevics, opened the meeting.

1/21 Membership of Wisbech Town Council

(1) Vacancy

Further to minute 43/20, the Clerk reported that, as a result of the by-election held on 6 May 2021 to fill the vacancy in the Octavia Hill Ward of Wisbech Town Council, Sidney Imafidon had been elected to membership of Wisbech Town Council.

The outgoing Chairman/Mayor welcomed Councillor Imafidon to his first meeting of Wisbech Town Council.

Members decided that the situation be noted.

(2) Political groups

The Clerk reported that he had received notification, on 18 May 2021, that Councillor Meekins had become a member of the town council’s Conservative Group. That means that the Conservative Group now holds 15 of the 18 seats on the council.

Members decided that the situation be noted.

2/21 Election of Chairman of the Town Council (to be known as Town Mayor) for the municipal year 2021/22

Members decided, unanimously, on the proposal of Councillor Hoy, seconded by Councillor Prest, and there being no other nominations, that Councillor Lynn be elected as Chairman of Wisbech Town Council and Mayor of Wisbech for the municipal year 2021/22 and that he paid an annual allowance of £3,100 in relation to the performance of that role.

The Chairman/Mayor read and signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office in relation to that position. In addition, he swore his allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her heirs and successors.

Following his election as Chairman/Mayor, Councillor Lynn gave a short speech. He expressed his thanks to everyone who had played a part in the arrangements for the Mayor-making proceedings today and to those who had supported him in being elected to this position. In addition, he thanked the Clerk and the other council staff, in advance, for the support that he would need during the 1

municipal year 2021/22 to enable him to fulfil the duties of Chairman of the Town Council and Mayor of Wisbech.

3/21 Outgoing Mayor

Councillor Hoy, the Leader of the Council, paid tribute to the outgoing Mayor, Councillor Balsevics, and invited him to give a short speech about his Mayoral Year (2020/21).

Councillor Balsevics made the point that the past 12 months had been a very challenging time for everyone, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, and one which had certainly had an effect on his role as Mayor of Wisbech. He commented upon the ways that the pandemic had impacted upon people and the economy across the world.

Councillor Balsevics mentioned that, having been unable to perform many of the usual duties of the Mayor, he had, instead, devoted his time to helping people as part of the Wisbech Covid Volunteer team; doing shopping, collecting medications and delivering shopping, as well as other assistance to elderly and vulnerable people in their time of need.

The point was made by Councillor Balsevics that, despite many restrictions, he had been able to raise thousands of pounds for local charities and community groups; he read to members a list of those charities and groups and the respective funding that he had awarded.

Councillor Balsevics expressed his thanks to the members and staff of Wisbech Town Council for their support throughout his Mayoral year and also to his Deputy Mayor, Councillor Lynn, who had always been there when needed.

The comment was made by Councillor Balsevics that his year as Mayor had not been without issues, for which he is sorry. He made the point that he had, however, done his best in that role during a turbulent time, one which had affected many people in many ways.

Councillor Balsevics stated that it had been an honour to have been the Mayor of such an amazing town and that he would remember that time, despite the strange circumstances, for the rest of his life.

Following the speech from Councillor Balsevics, he was invited by the Mayor to be presented with a Past Mayor’s badge.

4/21 Election of Vice-Chairman of the Town Council (to be known as Deputy Town Mayor) for the municipal year 2021/22

Members decided, unanimously, on the proposal of Councillor Tibbs, seconded by Councillor Tierney, and there being no other nominations, that Councillor Wallwork be elected as Vice- Chairman of Wisbech Town Council and Deputy Mayor of Wisbech for the municipal year 2021/22 and that she be entitled to claim the travelling allowance agreed by council.

5/21 Adjournment of the meeting until 7.30 pm on 25 May 2021

Members decided, unanimously, that the Annual Meeting of Wisbech Town Council be adjourned (at 12.30 pm) until 7.30 pm on Tuesday, 25 May 2021.


Tuesday 25 May 2021 (7.30 pm)

Present: Councillor Lynn, Chairman (and Town Mayor); Councillors Hill, Hoy, Human, Imafidon, Ketteringham, Oliver, Pehlivanova, Prest, Rackley, Tierney, Topgood and Wallwork.

Apologies: Councillors Maul, Meekins, Patrick and Tibbs.

Public Participation: None requested.

6/21 Presentation

Councillor Hill presented to the Mayor a framed certificate, which had been presented to Councillor Hill on 22 May 2021 by a representative of the Royal British Legion Riders involved in the Cambs 876 Remembered project (a group which had been awarded the Freedom of the Town of Wisbech in 2015), on the occasion of the last service to remember the 876 men of the Regiment who had lost their lives during World War One.

The certificate gives thanks, from the Cambs 876 Remembered committee, to past and present Mayors and the members of Wisbech Town Council for their help and support throughout the seven years of the project.

Members decided that receipt of this certificate be noted and that arrangements would be made for its display in the Council Chamber at Wisbech Town Hall.

7/21 Signatories to the council’s bank accounts

Members considered authorising a number of councillors to act in the capacity as signatories to Wisbech Town Council’s bank accounts.

Members decided, unanimously, on a proposal by Councillor Human, seconded by Councillor Tierney, that the Chairman of the Town Council (Town Mayor), Vice-Chairman of the Council (Deputy Mayor), Leader of the Council and the Chairmen of the Council’s Committees be authorised as bank account signatories, with at least one of the signatories to a cheque (or to authorise BACS payments) being the Chairman of the Council (Town Mayor), Vice-Chairman of the Council (Deputy Mayor), Leader of the Council or the Chairman of the Resources Committee.

8/21 Council

(1) Information

The Clerk reported that information in respect of CCTV performance, Section 106 Planning Obligations details and the council’s Environment newsletter, had been forwarded, last week by e-mail, to all members of the council.

Members decided that the situation be noted.

(2) Community groups

Councillor Wallwork, in her capacity as a Fenland District Councillor, mentioned that both Age UK and Age Concern are seeking to recruit volunteers and that she would be assisting those organisations in that regard. She suggested that Wisbech Town Council uses its social media to help “spread the word” not only with regard to the organisations’ need for volunteers but also the services that the organisations provide to the community.


Members decided that the comments of Councillor Wallwork be noted and endorsed.

(3) Wisbech Park

Councillor Wallwork, in her capacity as a Fenland District Councillor, made reference to recent incidents of criminal damage at Wisbech Park and made the point that it is important for such incidents to be reported to the police. She made the plea to councillors to report to the police any incidents of vandalism or criminal damage that come to their attention.

Members decided that the comments of Councillor Wallwork be noted and endorsed.

(4) Meeting with Members of Parliament

Councillor Tierney, in his capacity as a Fenland District Councillor, reported to members briefly on a very recent visit to London, where Councillors Hoy, Lynn and he had met with Stephen Barclay MP and Robert Jenrick MP, the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government.

Councillor Tierney mentioned that there had been discussions at that meeting regarding the opposition to the proposed incinerator for Wisbech, levelling-up opportunities for Wisbech and strengthening relationships between Fenland and the department for local government. He commented that further detail of the meeting would be available in the near future.

Members decided that the information reported by Councillor Tierney be noted.

9/21 Cambridgeshire County Council

(1) Membership of Cambridgeshire County Council

Councillor Tierney, in his capacity as a Cambridgeshire County Councillor, made mention of the fact that, as result of elections on 6 May 2021, there is no longer one political group with overall control of Cambridgeshire County Council; although the Conservative group is the one which holds the highest number of seats, it does not have an overall majority; the Labour, Liberal and Independent councillors have formed a coalition to take control of the council.

Councillor Tierney expressed the opinion that we will need to wait and see whether this change would have any detrimental impacts upon the commitments which had been made by the previous administration in relation to things such as the Communities Capital Fund and funding for Local Highway Improvement schemes etc. He expressed the hope that the change in political control at Cambridgeshire County Council would not result in funding being “diverted” to the south of the County.

Members decided that the information reported by Councillor Tierney be noted.

(2) Local Highway Improvement schemes 2020/21

Further to the council’s approval of a design concept for a scheme for North Brink, Wisbech (minute 18/20 refers), the Clerk informed members that the Project Engineer at the Local Highway Authority now possesses a finalised cost for the drainage survey which is required so that the drainage aspects of the scheme could be included within the design; the cost of the survey works would be £2,963.04.


Members were reminded that the Local Highway Authority’s contribution towards the cost of this scheme would be £15,000 and the contribution from Wisbech Town Council would be approximately £6,800.

Members decided, unanimously, on the proposal of Councillor Oliver, seconded by Councillor Prest, that

(1) the drainage survey works proposed by the Local Highway Authority, to facilitate the delivery of this scheme, be approved;

(2) given the historic nature of North Brink and to minimise the visual impact of such markings, if possible, the "thinner" double yellow lines be laid as part of the scheme.

(3) Local Highway Improvement schemes 2021/22

a) New Drove, Wisbech

Further to minute 12/20 (2), members considered a draft design, produced by a Project Engineer at the Local Highway Authority (LHA), for the proposed Local Highway Improvement scheme (LHI) scheme for the introduction of “all-time” parking restrictions (i.e. double yellow lines) at the junction of New Drove and Leach Close, Wisbech.

The Project Engineer has asked whether any informal consultation had been undertaken by Wisbech Town Council prior to submitting this LHI application and also whether the Town Council considers that the LHA should letter-drop the residents (to be able to gauge the reaction of residents before we put any costs towards the scheme for advertising) prior to undertaking the formal consultation process.

Wisbech Town Council is also being asked by the LHA if it is happy with the proposed location and lengths of the double yellow lining.

Members decided, unanimously, on the proposal of Councillor Hoy, seconded by Councillor Human, that the Local Highway Authority be informed that

• Wisbech Town Council is happy with the proposed location of the double yellow lines but would also like, if possible, the scheme to be extended into Thurloe Close;

• with regard to informal consultation in relation to this scheme, Councillor Hoy had suggested this LHI scheme because of comments that had been made to her when the Council's Conservative Group had undertaken some informal consultation via the group's regular newsletters. There had been no adverse comments from people living in that area in respect of the scheme that Local Highway Authority has produced.

b) Approval of applications

Further to minute 56/20, Councillor Tierney reminded members that Wisbech Town Council had submitted two applications for Local Highway Improvement schemes for 2021/22 (minutes 12/20 (2) and 17/20 (2) refer) and that both had been supported by the County Council’s assessment panel for Fenland at a meeting on 1 March 2021; the recommendations from the panel need to be considered by that council’s Highways and Transport Committee. He made the point that the County Council would be holding no committee meetings before 21 June 2021.


Members decided that the situation be noted.

(4) Wisbech Access Study

Councillor Tierney, in his capacity as a Cambridgeshire County Councillor, informed members that the most recent meeting at which this matter had been discussed had been approximately three months ago; as a result of that discussion, some consultation had been required. A further meeting had been scheduled for tomorrow but it had been cancelled today. He expressed his concern as to the situation and whether the implications for the Wisbech Access Study may not be positive.

Members decided that the information reported by Councillor Tierney be noted.

(5) Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority

Councillor Tierney, in his capacity as a Cambridgeshire County Councillor, made mention of the fact that, as result on an election on 6 May 2021, there is a new Mayor for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough; the previous Mayor, James Palmer, losing that position, through use of the Supplementary Voting System, to Nik Johnson.

Councillor Tierney expressed the opinion that we would need to wait and see whether this change would have any detrimental impacts upon funding, projects and service delivery for local communities.

Members decided that the information reported by Councillor Tierney be noted.

10/21 Minutes of the Town Council meeting of 15 March 2021

Members decided, unanimously, on the proposal of Councillor Oliver, seconded by Councillor Ketteringham, that the minutes of the Town Council meeting of 15 March 2021 be confirmed and signed.

11/21 Membership of Committees for 2021/22

Members considered the appointment of members to the committees of the council for the municipal year 2021/22; these are, currently:

• Policy and Resources Committee • Planning and Community Infrastructure Committee • Assets Management Committee • Staffing Committee • Community Events and Festivals Committee • Wisbech Castle Management Committee • Wisbech Market Place Management Committee.

In addition, members considered revising the terms of reference of both the Policy and Resources Committee and the Staffing Committee to replace them with a Resources Committee and a Staffing and Communications Committee. In the event of such a decision, the Clerk would produce terms of reference to reflect that situation, for consideration at a future meeting of the Town Council.


Members decided, unanimously, on the proposal of Councillor Oliver, seconded by Councillor Tierney, that

(1) the terms of reference of both the Policy and Resources Committee and the Staffing Committee be revised, to replace them with a Resources Committee and a Staffing and Communications Committee;

(2) the membership of the council’s committees for the municipal year 2021/22 be as set out in the appendix to these minutes.

12/21 Dates of meetings for 2021/22

Members considered setting the dates of meetings of the town council and its committees for the municipal year 2021/22. The Clerk had circulated to members, in advance of the meeting, a schedule of proposed dates.

Members decided, unanimously, on the proposal of Councillor Hill, seconded by Councillor Wallwork, that the dates of the meetings of the town council and its committees for 2021/22 be as proposed on the list which had been produced by the Clerk.

13/21 Youth Participation Panel

Councillor Wallwork proposed to members the creation of a Youth Participation Panel for Wisbech.

Councillor Wallwork had produced a document setting-out the proposal, which the Clerk had forwarded to members, on behalf of Councillor Wallwork, in advance of the meeting,

Members were informed by Councillor Wallwork that she sees the purpose of a Youth Participation panel as a way of providing an opportunity for young people of the town to share their views and experiences on specific subjects, helping to identify/create new ways for young people to engage in their local community. They would lead in identifying what they would like to know and learn, enabling them to be peer-educators within their immediate communities by feeding-back on how the council works and what could be done in their communities in terms of community groups and general engagement in local authority processes.

Councillor Wallwork expressed the opinion that, equally, Wisbech Town Council would benefit by having the input of young people and their experiences and how they could be used to effect change or help steer decisions that relate directly to them and their peers; a platform for young people to share their views, ideas and concerns and for them to be taken into consideration as much as possible and resulting in information sharing, creating change or developing learning opportunities for them and their peers.

The point was made by Councillor Wallwork that a large number of people choose not to vote at elections; this project would be a positive move towards engaging the wider community and introducing Town Council level structures and responsibility to families through their children. This would hopefully foster an interest in local authority procedures through to their adult life.

Members were informed by Councillor Wallwork of how, in her opinion, the proposed Youth Participation Panel, which could be attended by any young person of secondary school age, would operate. The panel would:

• meet quarterly at a community venue in Wisbech • operate on the principles of youth participation and joint collaboration


• agendas for panel meetings being set jointly by young people and Councillor Wallwork • have appropriate safeguarding measures in place.

Councillor Wallwork gave examples of some of the matters that could be discussed by the panel.

Councillor Wallwork made the point that the Youth Participation Panel would be operated as a Wisbech Town Council project, headed by her and with participation from other councillors when appropriate. As a Wisbech Town Council project, she would expect the council to meet the cost of room hire, refreshments and membership badges. She suggested that a review of the project be undertaken following one full year of operation.

Councillor Wallwork responded to members’ questions.

Members decided, unanimously, on the proposal of Councillor Oliver, seconded by Councillor Hoy, that

(1) the creation of a Youth Participation Panel, to operate in the manner described by Councillor Wallwork, be approved;

(2) the sum of £500 be allocated to meet the operational costs (as indicated by Councillor Wallwork) associated with the Youth Participation Panel;

(3) the situation be reviewed following one full year of the panel’s operation.

14/21 Welcome Back Fund 2021/22

Members considered the submission, to Fenland District Council (FDC), of ideas and thoughts which could help inform an application by FDC (to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government) for monies from the Welcome Back Fund to deliver activities which would support local high streets.

Information in relation to this potential funding had been circulated to members, by the Clerk, in advance of the meeting.

Members were informed by the Clerk that the Welcome back Fund, which had been announced by the Government in April 2021 (and is an extension of the High Street Fund), would provide up to £92,000 across Fenland for activity to support the district’s high streets within the current financial year. The deadline for the submission of applications to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government is 30 May 2021.

The purpose of the Welcome Back Fund is to support additional measures to create and promote a safe environment for local trade and tourism, particularly in high streets, and could fall into one or more of the following areas:

• Covid-safe activities within town centre areas • Town centre “welcome back” events • Public space enhancement, such as new street planters and seating • Public space maintenance.

Any monies provided under this fund would be paid to Fenland Land District Council, which would then procure the activities/measures.


Members acknowledge the importance of undertaking activities and measures which would help support the people of Wisbech and the local economy to return to “normality” in a “post-Covid” world.

Members decided, unanimously, on the proposal of Councillor Hoy, seconded by Councillor Tierney, that

(1) they would like Fenland District Council to bid, on behalf of Wisbech, for a "pot" of £10,000 for the Town Council to deliver an events and activities programme with a working title of "Summer of Fun". (Given the tight timescale for the submission of bids, the programme has not been thought-through in terms of detail but would provide, over the school s summer holidays period, a programme of entertainment and activities in the town centre aimed at various audiences/participants (could include an outdoor theatre production, a prom, musical performances, fairground rides, sporting events, outdoor cinema, arts activities, artificial ice rink, 1940's themed event, a "Lazy Sunday" event etc));

(2) in addition, Wisbech Town Council wishes a bid to be submitted in respect of the "You Are Important" project which is being proposed by Blackfield Creatives. (Members are aware that there had already been a dialogue between Blackfield Creatives and Fenland District Council concerning that project).

15/21 Access to Employment (A2E) Project

Further to minute 64/20, members considered an application from the YMCA Trinity Group for a contribution of £2,000 towards the cost of delivering the A2E project.

A copy of the application form had been provided to members, by the Clerk, in advance of the meeting.

Members decided, unanimously, on the proposal of Councillor Tierney, seconded by Councillor Prest, that the grant application be approved.

(Councillor Hoy declared her non-pecuniary interest in this item of business, by virtue of knowing the author of the application through the councillor’s Cabinet role at Fenland District Council)

16/21 Wisbech Town Council’s accounts and AGAR for 2020/21

Members considered the request of the Clerk (and RFO) that, because of issues that officers are experiencing in terms of the council’s current accounting software and the consequent delay in producing a completed AGAR for the financial year 2020/21, this item of business be deferred to the next meeting of Wisbech Town Council.

Members decided, unanimously, on the proposal of Councillor Oliver, seconded by Councillor Wallwork, that the consideration of Wisbech Town Council’s accounts and AGAR for the financial year 2020/21 be deferred to the next meeting of the council.

17/21 Leader of the Council’s Report

The Leader of the Council, Councillor Miss Hoy, welcomed Councillor Imafidon to his first meeting of Wisbech Town Council and expressed the hope that he finds being a member of the council to be an enjoyable experience.


Councillor Miss Hoy informed members of her opinion that the Mayor-making ceremony, which had taken place on 21 May 2021, had been a very successful event; one which appeared to have been enjoyed by all of those who had attended.

Members were informed by the Leader of the Council that the council is ready, as the country “comes out” of the Covid-19 pandemic, to begin the delivery of a number of projects; she expressed the hope that the funding which had been awarded to the Town Council by Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) and the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) in relation to the Wisbech Market Place enhancement scheme would, despite the recent political changes at CCC and CPCA, still be made available to the Town Council.

Councillor Miss Hoy informed members that planning for the WisBEACH Rock Festival – a combination of the usual WisBEACH Day and the annual Rock Festival – to take place at Wisbech Park on 8 August 2021 – is well underway.

The Leader of the Council expressed the opinion that the municipal year 2021/22 would be a positive one.

Members decided that the comments of the Leader of the Council be noted.

18/21 Clerk’s report

The Clerk reported to members on: updates in relation to council projects/initiatives; correspondence received which would be of interest to councillors; advance notice of events/activities etc; the minutes of meetings of committees held since the last meeting of the council:

Delegated decisions

Since the time of the delegated powers coming into effect, on 24 March 2020, a number of decisions had been made by the Clerk (in liaison with, at least, the Leader of the Council and the relevant Committee Chairman). In addition to those reported to the previous six meetings of Wisbech Town Council, there has been:

• Grant funding of £500 to the 3rd Wisbech Guide Unit towards annual operating costs (£250) and the purchase of a 4-person tent (£250) • Provision of a waste bin on Railway Road, Wisbech • Purchase and installation, at Wisbech Town Council, of Scribe accounting system, in pursuance of minute R7/20 • Grant funding of £500 to the Friends Committee of St Peter’s Junior School towards the cost of providing an outdoor classroom and sensory garden, to support children’s mental health • Grant funding of £500 to Cambridgeshire Search and Rescue towards the cost of providing equipment for a Search Technician • Grant funding of £500 to Youths of Fenland CIC for a project involving young people making nesting boxes for installation in the community • Taking-on, subject to agreement of the terms of a lease, the management and operation of the toilets at the Horsefair Shopping Centre, Wisbech. The Clerk is waiting to receive the Heads of Terms for a lease • Approval of the design concepts for the 2020/21 LHI scheme for North Brink, Wisbech • Funding the purchase of 600 books at £4 each, for distribution as part of the annual Wisbech Reads festival.

In accordance with the decision at 15 March 2021 meeting of the council (minute 71/20 refers), this power no longer had affect after 6 May 2021. 10

Projects and service delivery

Community Support

The council continues to provide support to those members of the community who require assistance with shopping and the collection of medicines etc.

The Clerk is currently working with other agencies locally, via the Fenland Diverse Communities Forum, to develop “messages” to encourage people to access Covid-19 vaccinations and to undertake Covid-19 tests; there are some groups that “fear” the vaccinations; the group is looking to provide “myth” busting publicity (in a number of formats and languages).

Officers continue to share other partners’ information and undertake “sign posting” to other services/organisations.

Wisbech Town Council has signed-up to the Great British Spring Clean and, as a result, received 1,000 litter bags. These would be shared with Fenland District Council, which will distribute to its “litter heroes” during the clean-up period.

The Love Wisbech Partnership, which is chaired by the Town Clerk, continues to meet on a regular basis. The partnership includes representatives from Wisbech Town Council, Fenland District Council, Cambridgeshire County Council, Clarion Futures, Blackfield Creatives, Ferry Project, Oasis Centre, CP Learning Trust, College of West Anglia and Living Sport. One of the projects which is being supported by the partnership is the Vertical Gardens project, which was supported by Wisbech Town Council at minute 54/20.

Wisbech Market

Wisbech Market has seen various changes during the last year or so due to the Covid-19 pandemic; the market came out of the third lockdown – during which stalls selling only essential items (or a majority of essential items) were allowed to trade – on 12 April 2021.

Council officers made contact with all market traders, inviting them back from 12 April 2021. In accordance with the decision reached at minute 69/20, officers have informed traders that commencement of the council’s market trading licensing year has been deferred (from 1 April 2021) to 1 July 2021 to give traders time to “get back on their feet”.

The council continues to operate the measures necessary to ensure that the market operates in a Covid-19 compliant manner and officers continue to watch closely the guidelines issued by the Government and the advice provided by NABMA.

“Food at the Market Place” events took place during the autumn/winter of 2020 and it is anticipated that further such events, and other types of social activity, may be able to take place later this year. “Food at the Market Place” is to be used as an “umbrella” for the International Food Event which had historically taken place at the Queen Mary Centre. Three dates across three months are being planned in an open-air arena within the Market Place.

The trading levels on Wisbech Market now are generally at the “pre-lockdown” levels. The council has “lost” some traders but has “gained” a similar number of others.

Officers are investigating the possibility/feasibility of introducing Farmers’ Markets to take place on one Sunday per month.


The officers who are currently looking after Wisbech Market, its traders and promotion are using new software, which will be used for both markets and allotments administration, to enhance productivity in respect of licences, certificates and correspondence, as well as inspection reports and inspection images. This will take effect from 1 July 2021; when new market licences would commence.

Market Place enhancements

The council now has secured a total of £350,000 of funding towards the cost of delivering a scheme of enhancement to Wisbech Market Place; £150,000 had been obtained from the County Council’s Communities Capital Fund and a further £200,000 had resulted from a successful application to the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority’s Growing Fenland “pot”.

As a result of a recent meeting (involving the Design Engineer who has been engaged by the council, the Leader of the Council, the Chairman of the Wisbech Market Place Management Committee and the Clerk), the Design Engineer has undertaken an “invitation to tender” process for this scheme. A further meeting (to be attended by the same people) – at which the next stages of the project would be discussed – is scheduled for later this week.

With regard to the “pedestrianisation” of the Market Place area, the relevant officers at the Local Highway Authority (LHA) are planning the necessary infrastructure works, for implementation once the legal process to put in place a new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) has been concluded. The Clerk is awaiting information from the LHA as to when the new TRO would come into effect.


The council’s allotments remain popular; a number of new tenancies have been issued recently.

The measures which have been put in place to prevent further fly-tipping at the Dowgate and Halfpenny Lane sites appear successful to date.

It is understood that maintenance works are required to the access roads at both the Waterlees and Cox’s Lane sites. Arrangements have been made for the access roads to be inspected, with a view to undertaking remedial works where necessary.


The Town Council’s social media continues to create a high level presence across Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

The Wisbech App, which was launched in early June 2020, continues to be a success. The Town Guide 2021 has now been published and has been delivered to all households in Wisbech. Council officers will make copies available at community/public buildings in the area now that Covid-19 restrictions allow it.

Community events and festivals

Although it proved not to be possible to hold any community events and festivals in 2020, the council is now, in the light of the Government’s “roadmap” towards ending Covid-19 restrictions, making plans to hold events from August 2021 onwards.


As members have been informed previously, the council will be holding a joint WisBEACH Day and Rock Festival (in Wisbech Park) on Sunday 8 August 2021. The headline act will be Slade. Planning for this event is well underway.

The Wisbech Christmas Fayre Steering Group will be meeting in early June 2021 to begin planning for this year’s event.

Mayor’s fundraising

The Mayor for the municipal year 2020/21 received just under £3,000 in donations from businesses and the community. He informed members at the 2021/22 Mayor-making ceremony on 21 May 2021 of the charities and community organisations which would be the recipients of funding.

Town Hall/office

Since the Covid-19 lockdown, members of the public have generally not been allowed access to the building. Methods of contact have been by telephone, e-mail or post. This has operated very well, with no apparent reduction in service to the public. Visitors who do need to access the building, such as maintenance contractors, are permitted access but are required to operate in a Covid-19 compliant manner.

This arrangement will continue to operate until there is a change to the Government’s social distancing guidance.

Routine maintenance works continue to be undertaken at the Town Hall. Installation of the new (replacement) door entry system is scheduled currently for 25 and 26 May 2021.

The legislation which allowed meetings of the council and its committees to take place virtually using video conferencing systems – the Coronavirus Act 2020 – ceased to have effect at midnight on 6 May 2021. This means that meetings to which the public are permitted to access will need to be face-to-face but operated in a Covid-safe manner. This can be achieved in the Council Chamber for meetings of committees but not meetings of the Council. This situation should only exist until 21 June 2021 if the Government’s “roadmap” is achieved.

Wisbech Castle

The building remains closed to the public. However, despite the limited volunteer manpower available currently, internal and external work is still ongoing. Work to improve storage space, which would allow the internal public areas to be kept clear, is proceeding well.

The garden has been used for a couple of events recently, including the Mayor-making ceremony last Friday. There are a number of bookings for Wisbech Castle “in the pipeline” from late June 2021 onwards.


The post of Markets and Allotments Officer remains vacant.

Given the significant reduction in markets activity which had been seen during “lockdown”, there had been no requirement for that role to be delivered in full. The “essential” aspects are being covered currently by other staff and the council’s cleansing/maintenance contractor.


As we return to “normality”, members will need to decide how they wish to deliver the functions of that post going forward: recruit to the post “as is”; contract-out the functions; have a combination of a re-designed post and some contracting-out.


3rd Wisbech Guides

The Council has received an e-mail from the Unit Guider of the 3rd Wisbech Guides expressing appreciation of the financial support which had been provided by the council (£500 from Small Grants budget 2021/22) towards annual operating costs (£250) and the purchase of a 4-person tent (£250) – see Delegated Decisions section of this minute.

Cambridgeshire Search and Rescue

The Council has received a letter from the Fundraising Officer of Cambridgeshire Search and Rescue (CamSAR) expressing appreciation of the financial support which had been provided by the council (£500 from Small Grants budget 2021/22) towards the cost of providing equipment for a Search Technician – see Delegated Decisions section of this minute.

Friends Committee of St Peter’s Junior School

The Council has received an e-mail on behalf of the Friends Committee of St Peter’s Junior School expressing appreciation of the financial support which had been provided by the council (£500 from Small Grants budget 2021/22) towards the cost of providing an outdoor classroom and sensory garden, to support children’s mental health – see Delegated Decisions section of this minute.

Application for closure of a church graveyard

The Clerk reported to members on a Notice (to the Ministry of Justice) of Intention to apply for a Closure Order, which had been prepared by the Wisbech Saint Peter and Saint Paul Parochial Church Council, in respect of the Octagon Graveyard in Oil Mill Lane, Wisbech.

In the letter which accompanied the copy of the notice, it is made clear that the graveyard became full in 1939 and, because of building developments in that area since 1939, there is a very restricted means of access to the graveyard. The letter also makes it clear that the Wisbech Saint Peter and Saint Paul Parochial Church Council would retain the maintenance responsibility for the closed graveyard.

Members decided that Wisbech Town Council has no objections to the proposed closure of the Octagon Graveyard.

Minutes of committees

The Clerk reported the minutes of the meetings of committees which had taken place since the last meeting of Wisbech Town Council; those being:

(1) Planning and Community Infrastructure Committee – 15 March 2021 (circulated previously); (2) Planning and Community Infrastructure Committee – 29 March 2021(circulated previously); (3) Planning and Community Infrastructure Committee – 19 April 2021(circulated previously); (4) Planning and Community Infrastructure Committee – 4 May 2021(circulated previously); (5) Planning and Community Infrastructure Committee – 17 May 2021(attached).


Members decided that the contents of these minutes, including the decisions made by the committees, be noted.

19/21 Date of next meeting

Members noted that (in accordance with minute 12/21) the next meeting of Wisbech Town Council is scheduled for 28 June 2021, to commence at 7.30 pm, at the Town Hall in Wisbech

Meeting finished at 8.25 pm.

Signed ......

Date ......



MEMBERSHIP OF COMMITTEES 2021/22 (Minute 11/21 refers)

RESOURCES COMMITTEE Councillor Hill Councillor Hoy Councillor Lynn Councillor Oliver Councillor Tibbs Councillor Tierney Councillor Wallwork

PLANNING AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE Councillor Hill Councillor Imafidon Councillor Ketteringham Councillor Oliver Councillor Prest Councillor Rackley 1 vacancy - Conservative

ASSETS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Councillor Hoy Councillor Human Councillor Ketteringham Councillor Oliver Councillor Tibbs Councillor Topgood 1 vacancy - Independent

WISBECH MARKET PLACE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Councillor Hoy Councillor Lynn Councillor Maul Councillor Oliver Councillor Prest Councillor Topgood Councillor Wallwork


Councillor Imafidon Councillor Ketteringham Councillor Maul Councillor Oliver


Councillor Rackley Councillor Tierney Councillor Topgood

STAFFING AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Councillor Balsevics Councillor Hoy Councillor Human Councillor Patrick Councillor Pehlivanova Councillor Tibbs Councillor Tierney

COMMUNITY EVENTS AND FESTIVALS COMMITTEE Councillor Hoy Councillor Oliver Councillor Pehlivanova Councillor Prest Councillor Tierney Councillor Wallwork 1 vacancy - Independent