FaO • THE VILLANOVAN ToMday, F«b. M, 1M3 Pre-Cana culi, Matrimonial Court of the Archdiocese of . (Continued from Plsc« D Sunday, March 80th: A For Seniors Sunday, March 23rd: The Catholic Physician looks at useful Law on I to the graduates, is a Marriasre—Canonical Marriasre. Jamef P. Quindlen, "Career," an annual publi- scholastic index giving >k •^ and Civil. Rev. Thomas J. M.D. Outstanding: Gynecologr- cation whose expressed a list- by Clarence B. Randall, presi- pur- ing I of the types of majors in Welsh, J.C.D. Defensor Vin- ist of Philadelphia. pose is aiding the graduating dent of Inland Steel Company, which companies are college senior in finding the inter- and an introduction of em- ested. right place in the business ployment outlook prepared by In This Week s Job world, has been made avail- cooperation witii the Re- the U. S. Bureau of Labor Interviews ligion ,->... '•-'./ able to each Villanova senior, department, "Career" Statistics. .,_ , ,.> free of charge, by George A. will recommended reading 011 The followin^r are the companies whose representatives during the portion an Harris, Placement director. of the sen- will interview graduating seniors for jobs during the ior course that coming Some 600 copies of the hun- . deals with Last Garden weeK* Meet « dred-page choosing a life's work. Vol. No. 15 COLLEGET VILLANOVA, PA. Tuesday, March 4, 1952 prospectus are now This (Continued from Pagre 6) 27— VILLANOVA For further information and appointments consult place- in the placement office, 102 will be given about the middle Speciale, and Joe Gaffney will ment director, George Harris in room 102 Mendel. Mendel, and each senior may of next month, according to . supply pick up his copy during the the course syllabus. Before competition for two of First Pre-Cana Conference B'mobileHere TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th next three days. that time all four senior re- the foremost relay teams in Forum Presents National Biscuit Co., David Taylor Model Basin, Navy Invaluable Aid ligion professors will remind the country—Manhattan and Dept. The book is described students to pick up the book Presents Talk By Fr Regan Has Overflow by Seton Hall. Manhattan will WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27th Harris as an invaluable aid at placement office. be out to break the meet rec- Fr Lord Tonight Brown Instrument, Koppers Co., Inc. to Villanova students who Other Features ord of 3:18.7 Series Begins On Pint Quota haven't yet made up their Other features of the book established last THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28tii year when minds about the particular include an index of job pos- Seton Hall finished This Sunday Blood donor applications An American Jesuit of considerable prominence comes American Cyanimid . ' u Co. '^-^ ^ phase of business or industry sibilities according to geo- a scant four yards in front of far exceeded the goal set up to Villanova tonight when Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J. appears they will enter. as guest speaker at fourth Forum of the current series in the ^-^^^^^.^ graphical locations, a preface! Villanova. for the Red Cross Blood- :'4 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29th The 1952 Pre-Cana Confer- It contains reviews of more mobile's visit here today. Commerce and Finance auditorium at 8:30 p. m. The author Scintilla Magneto Div. of Bendix Aviation, American ence series will get underway than 50 leading national and The quota of about 200 was and lecturer will deliver his address on the topic "Christ as Stores. . next Sunday, March 9. 'The eastern companies, giving reacbed last Thursday, an- the Center of Catholic Culture."i MONDAY, MARCH 3rd HAMBURG HEARTH Nature and Ideals Chris- word-pictures of their organi- of nounced student representa- Father Lord's work as an ^ Philco Corp., Factory TRY A CH1CKEN-IN.THB.BASKET tian wi»' he -the Mutual. zations, products, past actions Marriage" tive George .Crist, and many author, pamphleteer, religious HEARTHBURGERS AS USUAL and future aims. subject of the first \ . to be playwright and youth counse- TUESDAY, 4th more students were turned MARCH •t|(/2 "Career^ Recommended Uioatttr AV0RI0, BryH Mawr I. M. delivered by Rev. Robert E. away. Among those who were lor won him the 1951 Marian Retail Credit Co., Philco Corp. Hw In addition, and especially Regan, O.S.A. turned away were more than award, conferred by Dayton Father Regan, presently 85 seminarians from St. University for outstanding service in the -United States teaching religion at ViUanova, Mary's Hall. The Bloodmobile unit is Mother of God. -i^ffCf^r selling received his Doctorate of to the CHESTERFIELD cigarette in AMERICA'S now stationed in Barry Hall, of COLLEGES Sacred Theology from the The writing Father Lord and will handle about forty is concerned with two ideas: University EV. lOBEIT BEGAN Catholic of Amer- an hour until 4:30 First Cana Lecturer donors the fundamental truths as ica. Recently he participated p. m. seen with the eyes of a mod- in a panel on religion at cemed with the functions and Student Council took The em Catholic : and the modern Bucknell University, Lewis- responsibilities of the voca- applications at booths set up problems with their solutions burg, Pa., as the Catholic rep- tion of marriage. throughout the campus last obtained by going to Christ's resentative on the panel. Sunday afternoon's talk, week, and in addition, NROTC teachings. n^^^m weie registered in the first in a series of four, students The Pre-Cana conferences, Over 100 Books which are informal talks and will be held in the Commerce Barry II nil. This he has accomplished discussions, are arranged pri- and Finance auditorium at 3 NEWS STAFF by the publication of more the benefit of Villa- p. m. marily for hundred brief book- DANIEL A. LOBD. S. I. There will be a meeting than one nova students. They are con- Topics of the succeeding in addition to a number Speaks At Forum Tonight of the news staff of the lets ;lerfield talks have bejpn announced as books. His latest "Villanovan" tomorrow af- of full-length follows: "Choice of a Life work is a pr«ver>H)ok, "Christ Selective Service ternoon at 3 o'ck)ck in the Partner." March 16; 'The **Villanovan" office. Jesus Our King." Council to Solicit Law of Marriage^^anonical MIIDNESS All members of the news Playwriting and producing Exam Deadline and Civil,'' March 23; and, staff must be present at have long been maior inter- Gift for Arizin •'A Catholic Physician Looks that time for reorganiza- ests of Father I^rd. Civic Villanova's Student Council At Marriage," March 30. tion of staff. shows of a spectacular na- Set for March II will initiate a campaign to- ture are his forte ; in 1951 he morrow to raise funds for the • • • • • • wrotft and produced "City of • • • • •• • purchase of a gift for Paul UHPLEASANT A release from the office of Freedom" to commemorate SIGNED Cats' Mooney, Penn's Beck Arizin, Villanova's great for- NO Major General Lewis B. Her- the 250th anniversary of the MANAGE* mer Ail-American. The gift C/ DEn". shey, director of Selective founding of . will be presented to Arizin at >. r- Service, reminds all student?* Get Second Sport Awards after-taste:^ Catholic Action the Philadelphia Arena March that applications, for the Anril .:* > Father Lord as a leader of 11, when the Warriors take of 24 Selective Service Qualifv For the second year run- squads. Presentation youth in 1931 organi- \iiL Catholic on Boston's Celtics. cations Test must be post- irning, Jim Mooney, agressive awards will take place Thurs- zed th» Summer School of The drive, which will last marked not later than mid-^ ^red-headed guard of the Wild- day evening, March 7, at the •• Catholic Action to provide three days, will include a • night next Mondav, March 10. cat team, and Eniie Franklin Inn during the Class training for young men and door-to-door canvass of cam- The deadline is necessarv. Beck, sensational Penn junior of '48's annual mid-winter nCHESTERF women to perform their share pus residents for donations. to allow the admini.«.*." He will be placed in the Pie Shop ^iSsSfts^s^r^ ing Service at Princeton. Class of '48 Sportsmanship to further promote friendly Knights and Handmaids of and other pit)minent campus J., time to process the ap relations between the two col- N. Awards. the Blessed Sacrame^^t. (Continued on Page 4) plications and assign each ao- Both Mooney and Beck leges sharing Palestra double- plicant to the testing center were selected this year, as headers, and to help keep in- Sure 'n lt^8 True requested by the student—or they were previously, on the tercollegiate basketball a t to the closest nossible alt«»r- basis of votes by^ the Villa- highest level of sportsman- nate center—also to nui*re nova and Penn basketball ship. ''H. administration arrangements Student Council Sees Green; consistent with the number who will take the test. |IM MOONEY. No School St. Patrick's Day 1000 Centers husky Wildcat Mm There are more than 1000 i f I guard, d i •- Quick, favorable results fol- In deciding the date for the testing centers throughout plays .during U. lowed the Student Council's holiday, a right contained in a the United States and the Conn, game, declaration of Monday, March series of amendments to the Territories. of the fine 17, St. Patrick's Day as its Council Constitution passed Headquarters esti- some :lU-- National second annual holiday. The ac- two years ago, the Student that upward to 100.000 work that won mate tion, taken at the group's Council experienced its second to the April him Pen n 's FiEin r »(-(<' will apply take last Monday night, non-unanimous of '48. meeting vote of its «• 24 test. This will be the Class Sportsmon- received the sanction of the cuiTent tenure. A 14 Va to 7 last test given during the car- administration within three vote carried the March 17 k.

T VI •• fVI HE La A N O V A N TttMdar, March 4, 19S2 Tuesday, March 4, 1952 THE VILLAN O V A N Pag« 3 Ediimah Bl€€Ji Proaomci -• Two-Timing It Junior Queen Title 'Career' Predicts Freshmen Pick Ennis, Kohler, Do They Sell It? Less Food And More Fish Blaring Competition Rosemary Clooney Returns Bright Job View For Student Cou ncil Posts Toda/s Bloodmobile drive turned out to Leaps Bleakness Of Holy Lenten Season A ,0 be a hearty success—^in spite of some ugly By Jim Maaan For In their first formal activity, the Class of 1955 went to rumors on campus durinfir the Augustinian Guild Show For Current Crail sisrnin£r-up Betty Montgomery, Junior Prom date of the polls last Thursday to elect two members to the Student period. Seems that some of the men had Joe Reams, is the entrant in the "Queen of Well, it's Lent A good Couixpil. heard from again. To deal is said about a friend who knew a friend that Junior Week" contest who is many of us pictured this this probably con- the positive side of Lent, yet Rosemaiy Clooney is com- This year's graduating col- Choosing fi-om a group of nine men who were nominated the Red Cross was selling the blood donated week. Betty is a student at the Franklin veys a set of mixed impres- this is an aspect of the holy ing back to Villanova April lege student faces one of the at a class meeting earlier, the Freshman selected William E. to it and beguiling charitable Americans in School of Science and Arts, in Philadelphia. sions. Perhaps we think of season we are likely to forget brightest job prospects in Kohler and James Ennis to represent them at the Council this big hoax. 17. Her appearance here last Miss Montgomery and the other entrants fish on Wednesdays, exhorta- or disregard. If we do nothing year with the Augustinian American history according meetings^ Such reports demanded tions investigation, and in the contest will have their pictures sub- to self-denial and, in the to actively help ourselves gain Seminary Guild's Variety to a U. S. Bureau of Labor this paper checked with the remote people running mitted to the contest judges, who are to be future, an Easter re- grace, it is possible that Lent, Show caused over 2,00 people Statistics stpdy in the 1952 the campus campaign. The cess. conclusion is this announced shortly. Some are faced with the for us, will indeed be just a to crawd into the Field House edition of Career, the annual nobody ^»uld say for sure that such expectation rumors The "Queen," "Lady-in-Waiting," and her of only one full succession of meatless Wed- for a glimpse of the "Come guide to business opportuni- were groundless regarding Red Cross solici- meal daily for nesdays. ties. Court will be announced for the first several weeks. 'On a My House" Giri. tation time i of blood in hospitals, but they em- It is a rather The book is now available in the Junior Week edition of the "VILLA- bleak pros- Bring Closer This year she is returning phatically stressed that thfere is none of pect. The of charge all this NOVAN." student naturally is The Church intends that to the Variety Show as a star free to gradu- type doings with the Bloodmobile program, inclined to wonder ating seniors at the College Crowning At Prom why the Catholics should make an ef- of many hit records and tele- the one on campus today. Church should impose these placement office. 102 Mendel. The girl chosen as queen will be crowned fort to bring themselves into sion and radio appearances. The blood you are giving today over at discomforts upon him, espe- closer union It will be used as outside at the Junior Prom, Friday evening, May 9. with God during Donating Service the Navy ' cially at a time reading for senior religion ; building becomes, immediately the of year when Lent. The Lady-in-Waiting and court will also be She realizes, however, Though her fame is even property of the Department the dreariness of nature courses when vocations are of Defense, and only that this cannot be achieved greater now. Miss Clooney is not, repeat, not, sold by the adds to the general gloom. He treated this month. Red Cross. without a certain abstention will donate her talents for You can be surd that your blood will can see no particular benefits Even students who will ex- be put from things of the body. No the evening, thereby contri- to good use medicating wounded which accrue to himself or change caps and gowns for members of one is likely to increase his buting to the Guild fund the armed forces. anyone else as a result of his ROSEMARY CLOONET service uniforms will find it sanctity while finishing off roughly $1,200, her fee for mortifications. fairly easy to find employ- This paper is not defending the Red Cross his third helping at breakfast one evening appearance. ^eminarY Guild Star on Everything ment when they are dis- . any other than this one, because, Has Purpose or while watching the fights Shortly after this second the charged, the study indicates. frankly, we don't know anything about how Now Church, in her an- down at Eddie's. stint at Villanova, Rosemary Rev. John J. Coffee, O.S.A., cient wisdom, the rest of the organization works. But as does nothing Though these things are (may we use the first name) Guild Director, said he could Employment Up without a for the campus Bloodmobile, you can be purpose, and she morally indiff'erent t h e m - will travel to Hollywood to not state with certainty what "Unemplo3rment," says the has a very sure that it is on the up-and-up. grave purpose in- selves, they definitely make us complete a movie contract. other well known talent will Career article, "has declined deed when she thus concentrate ^> sharply from about three and So the authorities tell us, and* so long as disrupts all our attention In releasing this information appear with Miss Clooney. the private we are assured that the blood does reach lives of her mil- on material things, to the ex- a half million at the outbreak

lions of members. ' of hostilities the service wounded, we know you were glad Broadly clusion of spiritual values. Korean to well speaking, her pui-pose is under two million."* NEWLY ELECTED Freshman Student Council members, lames to give it. And thanks for making the pro- that Today most of the world's gram a success. through our physical self-den- troubles can be traced to an It will be necessary by the Ennis (leit) and William Kohler, congratulates each other al we should achieve spiritual exclusive preoccupation with end of the year, the study aft«r their victory. sanctity. And, after all, the material things. Lent offers shows, "to draw into the labor Kohler, a Commerce and place James Ennis in otfice achievement of sanctity is the us an opportunity to nourish market between one and one ^'W^^^ Signs'^ W.' Finance student from Min- with 102 votes. He is a native reason for our existence. Dur- our souls by mortifying our and a half million more work- eola, N. Y., tallied the highest of Elizabeth, N. J., and gradu- ing l^^t the Catholic denies bodies; an ers than would be available It was with a good opportunity to < By "Yankee'' ^=' deal of satisfaction and BETTY Pasha number of votes with 110. He ated from Regis High school. less MONTGOMERY himself his usual heavy break- come a little closer to by on the basis of recent trends." no pride that the results of the Fresh- God attended Chaminade High Both candidates obtained a fast, he is affirming his be- moving a little apart from the ::AMPUS COVORTING: The members of a dormitory clan Greatest spur to employ- man elections last week showed close to 250 school on Long Island before clear-cut majority in the vote, presented at the prom. The Queen, and her * lief that the body is lave taken to collecting great art treasures. . . . Latest news ment has been the revived members of the Class of '55 turning out to second in world. It might be worth a de- runner-up, the Lady-in-Waiting, will re- entering Villanova. as the nearest competitor importance to ^ las it that one of the lK>ys has an excellent group of etchings fense effort, vote for their first the souL I try. and "employment Class officers, two Student ceive The engineers united to polled only 53. several gifts at the time of the crown- n his garrett. ... A week ago the critics had a day at this prospects are expected to be . -,• Council . members^ „ ; ; y\ ing. V^illanovan Greenwich Village. .. . How 'bout the little-ole gal fi:ood at least as long as mobi- Official figures regarding the size of the She's A Slight Although the deadline for entries in the :hat has Jack Conroy whistlin' DIXIE. . . . Poor guy has to lization lasts," the article Class have not been released yet, but an Senior Tom Morgan to Question contest is still more than a month away. vear a rebel cap to keep in good standing. . . . The arrival points out. unofficial estimate w6uld place the percent- Just One Of Those Things' As Joe Juniors are urged by the contest committee )f Lent and an excuse for student fasting. College Needed age of voters at about 65%. A good average, Men to enter their dates' photos early, thus en- FOX-PASS FABLES: Last edition, this writer commented "In this kind of labor mar- Gen. Hershey, Draft Head, at Forum •all things considered. abling the publication of the pictures in this Attempts Being Nice To Blind Date ". . . all will begin to make preparations for the storm of ket, the bureau's study ob- And in addition to this, the pre-election paper. ' " Li.^i«...»i_ By Joe Mawcuch Junior Week which is not in the too distant future"—Mr. serves, "The need for person- Thomas J. Morgan, a senior majoring in history, will campaigns proved to be the eye-openers that I'm Rules for the contest were piinted in the a sociable chap and an self. T tried to break ice Fischer of the English Dept. asked "Where is it if it isn't nel with college training is attempt today to clear of the uncertainity showed the Freshmen have caught onto the the up much surround- last two issues of the paper. The pictures adventurer by nature. I prove distant future? . . . Guess did lose it in the accentuated i n practically Villanova by telling her that she could in thc^ too we ing the student under present draft regulations by direct spirit and are eager to show it. this may be left either, 1) in the "Villanovan" every now and then by be in th?? movies or shuffle of that righteous road to recovery. every segment of the econ- questioning of General Lewis B. Hershey. Signs plastering the campus, though not some office, in the basement of the Commerce letting my room-mate arrange other dark place where no one At this writing, the big man from omy. Engineers, teachers, the all of them in the best taste, showed a MIKAN MAULING: During the and Finance Building, or) 2) in Jim Glavin's a blind date for me. We had whole gamut of specialized spirited group. could see her. My room-mate DePaul has conceded victory to the Tall one from Villanova. second session G. Vining, Miss Margaret De room, 310 Alumni Hall. - an arrangement a few eve- and scientific personnel, ad- laughed like crazy. . . . The only rea^n Mikan has waited, all these many years, Ronde and Mr. Rudolph F. From the exalted position of Villanova sen- of the annual nings ago. ! \ Like A Stranger because of the fact that Arizin had to go through college ministrative and managerial Vogeler. iors, this paper offers is congratulations and My room mate's girl" is an personnel, te(;hnicians in Philadelphia Student's I squirmed my way through first before becoming a pro. ... It will certainly seem odd Mr. Charles P. Bruderle, advice, i.e., keep up the spirit in the Class Rating For inmate at local fields Bulletin forum a refinishing a newsreel, a comedy, four to see Paul endorsing Snappy Cripsies for that added many are finding not Assistant Professor of His- and try to get an even better percentage next school and she had a friend only a long-run increase in this afternoon coming attractions, two strength and stamina. i tory, selected Morgan to rep- election. You've already got a good start for Facu ty Is Proposed who was "just dying to go shorts, and two features. (All demand, but a demand under- a panel group what can turn NAVCAD WINGS IN: Grounded' college dodos will have an resent Villanova at the out to be the best four years out." ActusJly, she was /just scored as well by the needs this for sixty five cents.) I opportunity to see what the Navy airarm has to offer when will discuss the Forum. Final approval was of your life if you work together. So go it, By JUn Clavin to dying. I was elected to kill her might just as well have been of a defense economy." Mister Several Navcad representatives make an appearance of this campus, topic, "What given by the Bulletin after Frosh. week ago the^ Philadelphia dailies off. Survey Five Fields ( sitting next to a stranger. I Morgan appeared at a preli- took a brief note of the Thursday morning. . . . All Seniors are asked to take atten- Next for fact that Temple My nerves were shattered figure this girl out. The Career article pro- couldn't tion, to this meeting which will feature addresses on flight Youth." Parti- minary session and presented University had joined with many other col- vides a survey of prospects in on the trip over to meet them. She didn't know me well cipating in this his question. leges in the utilization training as well as motion pictures concerning the curricula. of students' opinion five major fields : My last date had swung out of enough to dislike me so much, Manufactur- discussion with for rating faculty THE SIVER WHISTLE: Belle Masquers will collaborate with Forum In Annual Feature members. a maple tree as I drove up the so much. ing, trade, transportation and The idea is not new. Various members of Rosymont's Jest and Gesture Club in a presenta- colleges from main road and I still hadn't We stopped off at a quiet public utilities, agriculture TOMMOIGAN The Philadelphia Bulletin coast of SIVER WHISTLE which is to be presented at ^jents, Morgan to coast, including many of the most it. tion THE and finance. Forum has been an annual VILLANOVA COLLEGE VILLANOVA, PA. gotten over little place for something to will pose his question to the prominent, have long used the system. the Field House March 20 to March 23. . . . From past per- In other articles, feature of the Bulletin for But, Real Sight eat. It was here that I found some of distinguished person- JAMES J. panel of OALLAQHEfi EDITOR-IN-CHIEF how many students know that Villanova's In the quiet of a tomb-like formances of this theatrical combine, one might be assured the nation's largest industrial many years and has attracted I was out with a very popular ages and direct it specifically Engineering Department has utilized of a most enjoyable evening at the theatre. ... Of course, and professional concerns of- many distinguished speakers JAMES QLAVIN DAVE MAVNES the ixMm we waited like expectant girl. She knew everyone in the toward General Hershey. idea? Dean. Stanley Morehouse, all Villanova is aware of the talent which these two groups fer have contributed H»w Editor :.;.,"•: ManaolfHI Editor and several fathers. Trying to be non- place, including the custom- a view of this year's per- who much of his faculty, have ali-eady possess and of the wonderful direction that is afforded them sonnel Montgomery Will Moderate our understanding of na- OKRALD MICALLEF TEO SHBEHAN given themselves chalant and make a sophisti- ers. She looked like a over- prospects. to the under Father Krupa. . . . And ain't those Rosymonters JEST Faatur* Editor Sports Editor "acid test" of student rating. cated first impression, I lit up active windmill as she waved "Our aim," says Theodore The panel will be moderated tional and world problems. To many the idea is WONDERFUL AT GESTURIN'. R. Robertson, Montgomery. In The Forum session in which JOSEPH BOQNEfl ALBEirr OUOAS comparatively recent. a White Owl. After putting to all her friends. If she had president of by Robert :" •uoinoao Managor Picturo Editor When the news of Temple's venture hit the the match in my coat pocket, had another arm she would MARI-NAYING Happened by the diner last P. M. aix>und Career, Inc., "is to better in- addition to General Hershey Morgan will participate is ANTHONY OALATi papers, "Just what is this student evaluation I began a frezied search for have taken off. I tried to catch supper time and was greeted by four bulging walls in which form the college graduate of it will include the Hon. part of an overall meeting of

test" was heard more than . been in job opportunities, but even S. Winnet, Hot- two days which will discuss Copy Edior once on the Villa- an ash tray. With my pants her eye once, but couldn't She were contained vitamin buying Villanovans . We've Nochem Dean nova campus. cuffs flUed with ashes I was places but it was twelve o'clock Mass on Sun- more important to show him tel, Frank N. Piasecki, Rev. the national security program JOSEPH MULLEN, ROBERT EWINO cought mine though. She at- more crowded Not local how to go about getting the Earnest De Bordeneux, Dr. and its phases here and CIrcMlatiofi Mofioflora Why The Students introduced to my date. She tempted to shake hands with day. . . . Can't understand this great migration to the The student evaluation test is lovliness, career of his choice." Ira D. A. Reid, Mrs. Elizabeth abroad. just that, wasn't any vision of someone standing behind me. eatery. . . . Have the men lost their head or have they gained AESOCIATE EDITORS: B. Russo, R. AllOfi, D. Jonot, a test—for the faculty! Day in and day out but she sure was a sight! I a ? W. Shillfna, 0. Crtst, R. Booro, W. Houoton, C. Fiom- We discovered that am their senses Ins, W. Andoraoft, R. Quinn, W. Oraartoy, A. Honnasaoy. during each scholastic year, faculties give We immediately agreed to solid. They may save the eye. MAGAZINE MEANDERINGS: Don't miss this month's is- T. Paaha, J. QrtfTin, B. Allan, Q. Dolan, J. Maacueli. their opinions, their ratings like the F. DoLuca, J. Minahan, N. Clocliitti, j. Nolln, O. Forgu- of their stu- disagree. She didn't Had Everything sue of True mag. ... It contains an article involving the aon, R. Caahman, B. SoHor, J. Corcoran, J. Qillman, B. dents' abilities. : I like But who rates the faculties? way I said hello didn't On the trip back to school basketball fixes of a few seasons back. . . . The author is Farroil, S. Conway, E. Drauch, M. MaeOrogor, J. Barnaa. Why not the students ? the way she said hello. She I should have gotten a ticket the man who arranged the set-ups. ... He attributes his STAFF: J. McNulty. L. Patrick, F. Mancal, J. McClai. Such fields as the instructor's helped me on ^with my coat speeding. date said ^e brilliant and outstanding play of Paul Arivn Ian, S. Lyon*. J. Hayaa, E. Long, J. Conway, J. Outhria, knowledge, for My downfall to the R. Winfiold, O. Font. R. Stianar. C. Staffin, J. Maaon, ability to present facts, faimess of tests, and we left. couldn't have had a better in the Villanova-Kentucky game of 1949 "He ruined us." A. MIniconi, R. Simonic, D Skoliy. faiiTiess of marking, hostility or respect for Nothing Worked time if she had gone out. I Soon thft red-breasted robin will return to the campus FACULTY ADVISOR—REV. Jw A. KLEKOTKA, O.S.A. students and their opinions, general class- After slamming the car gave her back her wallet and gi«en and destroy the winter serenity with hii loud and Tlila papor la dodlcatod to ona of tlia finoat man wno avor room manner, rating as door on her dress, which went if she had eveiy- the late sleeping resi- •ntorod V4tlanova: Scfholar, Athloto, aontlomon — and compared to she asked me wild chirping much to the chagrin of LEO OOOOREAU other instructors are covered. over like a lead ballon,we were I tdld her no, but that girls again. ... The girls thing. dents. . . . FeDows wiU go out with Pvfefialiod wookly during tho aciiooi yoar by tha atudanta Temple University, which assured frank off. I tried discussing the wea- she had eveything she ^me wiU acquire a romantic outlook on life and the feUows in turn o# yfiUmm9¥m CoMogo. Sybacrlytion ratoa aro fSJX) par student opinion by allowing its student coun- ther, telling jokes, making with. and telecasts of the znajor voor. Of tiM amovnt otvdonts pay ao • tvltlon foo, fi.00 wiU take to the baseball diamond la for a yoar'a ovbOcrlptlon. cil to faces, singing and even being got back to 209 handle the administration of the tests, When we league contests. . . . Cntorod ao aa c tnd olaaa mattor at tiio Villanova Poat is to nice to her. Nothing worked, asked me what one of many colleges recently adopt the my room-mate They'll be tired of the run-around that they received Offlco, Doc. tr, IflSS. Under ttio Act of Mar. I. 1S7*. idea. Perhaps it will spi-ead from the engi- so I looked out of the window. kind of a time I had had. "It will give way to the tt winter The dosed-in automobile Mombor of Aaaoeiatod Colloglato Praaa. Mambor of Cattt. all neering department to the entii-e school at When we arrived at the was just otie of those things. will just give /•lie Pfooa Aaooalatlon, Catiiolic Collogo Prooa Aaaoeiatton. convertible and the Villanovan without a car Villanova. theater I was talking to my- way. , .

- -—-- •- - — ——- — —

H E Y 1 L L A N Q V A K TMdbr^Jitfcli ^ IMl TiMday, March 4^ lfS2 f H E V I LL A ri dvU N T&T Plans John Smith, Esq/ Art Contest Seeks Entries Relity Runs Second To Georgetown R«v. Daniel P. Fdvegr, personalities or activities. In p.S.A., college Mbniian, le- order for any entry to be con- Returns By Popular Demand Council Solicits minds the sti]^ent hpdy of the sidered it must be on some third annuid Junior Bspeet of Villanova life. (Continued from Pag« 1) Wedc Art En<* Uconns Upset Severancemen, 63-58 Contest to be oondocted by tries win be judged by a com- locations to enable day stur For Four Evenings Showing the library. Entries of paint- mittee of faculty members. dents to contribute. ings, water color or mt and The prizes to be awarded Scored 85 In One Game photographs may be sobmit- April 23, 24, 25, and 26 footlights. will be: Stewart Scores 18 MEANT MO Team Closes Indoor Season Arizin was named "College ted by any Villanova student. have been announced as the Rehearsals for the musical 3 First Prizes of $15 each. 'ABM. Bob Player of the Year" by the Theme of the i^otos or dates on which Turf and Tin- comedy, a hit of early 1948. Second Prizes of each. As 'Cats 5-Gaffle Schofer, Wild- Helms foundation in 1949, paintings must in some way 3 $5 At New York K. of C. Meet sel's "John Smith, Esq." will got underway last week. At c t Freshman hig senior year her^. Known be related to the ViDanova 3 Third Prizes of Honorable a once a^rain hit the Field House a rehearsal last night the final Mention. Skein bjhattered oce, sneaks a Bsr TED SHEEHAN to Villanovans as "fall Paul," campus, either campos scenes. -• ••. cast personnel were to be an- Sports Ediiar Arizin is the holder of every Winners will have their two- pointer nounced. Bob Whelan, George By Tofn Egan major Villanova scoring rec- Gene Ruane, college Publi- work reproduced in the Belle past the out- Junior Week Plans Noake, and Don Straka are ord, and scored the most city Director, is a member of Air. Last Saturday night at the stretched arms again handling the T&T di- points ever tallied by a colle- the "Arizin (Hght" omnmit- Palestra in the first game of of. Connecti- rectorial reins. In Full Progress, griate performer in a game iee, which is planning for the a doubleheader, the Main Line cut's Bill Ebel Turf and Tinsel officials Patronize Our Advertisers 85! affair March 11. Tournament Trolley was per- (20) and Burr stated that "John Smith, manently derailed for the Carlson, in the. Chairmen Praised Esq.," was being brought back 1951-52 season bv an explosive Palestra Satur- on popular demand. They re- wrecking crew irom the Uni- vr : day Schafer's ported that there had been "4. ning, at the Arena, 45th months. This I opening mass on Mothers' O KPKP G.F.PF.P. runner long to be remembered group completes V.kibrxn. If.S « I W H»iiiiCM«v. If « 3 12 and Market. its training, Jc'i'.i'. « : Mooni'v 4 i U 9 Day, at 11 a. m. in the college i» J in track circles. 0.:imt>v. rl . I S t •i.SCh»fir. i-f.-.r^ 2 2 8 at <' I* various Navy centers for OiIhiii/o O.J. iVlauuire . C. chapel. K.i-e 10 i ' Brmnaji. iv .i ;? u < specialized educational back- <»il»on. r : t ll^lDfNlnf . I 5 3 Sollami said that the con- EolP. U . I o :: J ClaMnire. !« .0 2 3 2 >i li . . « 1 sti'»«rt 2 18 grounds. Major college fields P»ttrr»oii 3 I & test sponsored by the class Uirthuim. r( i •• ri c;«pp. rb A which may qualify candidates Cats vs. Kings Tomorrow and the "Villanovan" for the Tolil .:%iJM»63' TOU! ... 25 120 58 for specialist commissions are v 4. DrvliM a. Btmnaa. the coronation of the Queen Stewart, Schatcr. and mathematics. ClauiBlrt. at the Prom on May 9 would Ben Stewart scored the first be the highlight of the week. A usually mild-mannered and easy-going Wildcast of the pe- riod after a 7Va minute lad, he really made the fur fly when he realised famine. Connecticut had 7 for Dr. Georg» C. Mortlli the trickiness of most of the so-called cigarette 22 and Villanova 4 for 25 in OPTOMETRIST the second quarter. Stewart's Q mildness tests! He knew there was one point contribution in the 14 serving Fhilaclelphio*s Etm fitted. first half kept Villanova from honest test of cigarette mildness. Millions of smokers W«tt Suburbs from A':»< falling completely out of 100 E. Lancaster Ave. everywhere know, too — there's one true test! sight. 69th STREET WATNE. 9A. With the score 84-3Ji. 9 o. m. - S p. m. Daily Yokabaskas, who had only (Continued on Papc 6) TERMINAL 9 a. m. • 1 p. m. Sotuday It*8 the »ensible tp§t ... the 30-l)ay Camel Evening* by Appointment StatisticsL | Urn ffSr Mildness Test, which simply asks you to try Camels Basketball ffCOffOMICAi riAMSFOtfAnOM WATNE 3431 as your steady smoke — on a pack-after-pack,


you\e tried ('aniels in your "T-Zone"

»T for Throat. T for Taste ,». you'll see why . . .

After oil the MildiMW T< — ; 1 .

PAff« 6 THE VILLANOYAN TiMfday, March 4, 1982 Toeadar, March 4» 1M2 THE VILLANOVAN Pagtt 7 SPORTS CHATTER' I I-M Hoop Tourney Dwyer Completes Stewirt Scores 18 AIEE4RE fireijM (Continued from Pag« 5) ^Continued from Puge 6) Baiid Concert At St. Joe's Second Annual Field Trip track shoes for the first time just been inserieo in the line- Featured numbers of the Begins on Monday; Travel te The Villanova Gets His Night to run for his Seton Hall College band band were "On The Trail" LPaul High up took charge, running oflf and glee club made their Attended School team. Running the a persona] string of nine ,..•• sec- from Grofe's "Grand Canyon By Marketing Club 22 Teams Eligible mile, Ffed finished N. Y. City ond appearance of the season Suite", and TED SHEEHAN» SporU Editor the spring points which blew the game the overture from Br season last night at St. Joseph's Hos- "South .• undefeated, his first Pacific." . Outstanding » . v,i<; wide open and gave the Yesterday, members of the and last pital. It was the first time in Over one hundreil and Producer of WCAU-TV. By John CUlman season as a high Uconns a 43-33 lead. The Villanova Chapter of the applause rewarded a medley members The player who, brokef every Philadelphia Collegiate school several years that the organi- of the runner, for he was a Huskies had 6 field goals in AFEE-IRE made a trip to of songs written by George Villanova chapter At noon, the stadents at- scorin^r record while at Villanova, and is proceeding to break This Thursday the I-M bas- New zation has appeared there. senior. Not to be forgotten 20 third quaiier attempts to York to attend Gershwin. American Marketing Associa- tended luncheon at the War- professional ketball season will the National every scoring record while playing for the Phil- come to a This year the band is again tion wick was his memorable perionn- build up a commanding 51-39 Convention of the Institute of The glee club made its sec- attended the second an- Hotel, after which ssr- adelphifv Warriors is being honored next Tuesday night by close and the next Monday under the baton of student ance in the Nev Te»*«?pv State advantage. The Wildcats hit Radio and Electronics. ond appearance since Tom nual fiield trip Thursday, eral speakers from the mar- the proud fans of the city of Brotherly Love. the championship tournament conductor Tom Pasha. Pasha meet, where he broke all for 3 out of 21 in the quarter. The Blackmore became student di- hifirhhghted by visits to the keting field addressed the will begin. Convention was high- tQok On Tuesday night, 's followers will tender existing mile records. Villanova never any over the direction of the rector. He studios of WCAU-TV and the group. The following teams, with came lighted by the radio and elec- assumed the posi- him th^ honors that he so justly deserves. The Arena will All Events closer than 7 points during band when the Rev. Ralph E. tion when the expansive warehouse of their standings, tronics exhibit, which is an former director. Included among these were be hopping as the bashful employee of has his are eligible Handran, O.S.A. returned to Smith, Kline The indoor season in 1951 the fourth quai-ter until the annual feature of the Bill Miller, was graduated last and Frendi, drug Mr. Psul AltentohU Vice PMs- "night". for the tournament: Nation- show at the Navy as a saw very end, as the Uconns zone Chaplain. semester. wholesalers. ident of Altentohl al League, Viz Eds 6-1, Ram- Dwyer entered in all New York's Grand Central Corp.; Mr. When Paul was at Villanova the sports writers did defese continued to trouble Place. **Strictly for the Girls" Landon Haynes of cats 4-1, T-Squares 3-1, Amer- major 880 and 1000 yard The Villanova delega- Familiar songs featured by the Atlan- themselves dizzy with their bagful of superlatives. He was events. the erractic Wildcats. The tion first field trip of this kind the After a prompt 8:00 a. m. tic Refining Company; ican League, Sophs 6-0, Representing the Jer- consisted of fifty Junior new edition of the glee Mr. t^e greatcist, the best, the finest, ad infinitum. But the Main Liners shooting did im- taken club start, the students arrived at Gordon Van Citters, Haunts 5-1, Rumrunners 5-2, sey AC in non-title meets, he and Senior members of the by the AIEE-IRE this I were "TTie Jolly Roger; Promo- cynics said, "Well that's fine, but wait till he hits the pros. prove (9 for 27) in the final the studios, of WCAU-TV in tion Manager of the Firehouse 5 4-2. Barracks achieved the second fastest student chapter. This was the year. land "Ave Maria." Philadel- Then well see." it time to view the Ed Mc- phia Bulletin, half mile and third fastest ten minutes but was too Ed McMahon, . •"> League, Redmen 6-0, Jersey Mahon show, JMikan Gives In 1000 for that season, the late. "Strictly for Darwin Heath of the AmdT Jets 6-2, Shamrocks 5-2, Blue the Even the most die-hard nonbeliever must have been times being 1:58 and 2:12 Girl", at which several Advertising Agency. Dean M. Eagles 5-2. B-League, Mets students received forced to change his opinion last gifts vary- Wister Wood of the Charles week when , 5-0, Fedigan Bomber 4-0, Pis- respectively. Switching to the HOW MANY TIMES A DAY ing from a Bulova clock the duly authorized king of basketball made the following mile in the IC4A games, he to a Morris Price School delivered ton 3-0, Hustlers 5-1, Mendel- Toni Home Permanent. remark to the Associated Press. ^ upset the experts and was the main speech on job selec- Following this show, the tion after '^^'-^•-.'-:- crowned as the new collegiate graduation. "Paul Arizin is going to win the National Basketball As- Tournameiil IImIIii{ students observed mile champion. the techni- The final series of speeches sociation scoring title this year unless he breaks a leg." . I > cal aspects of the There will be a meeting This year Fred has con- Wanamaker was conducted by Mr. Rodney And in another article he said, "You don't get 36 point? show through a bird's on Wednesday, March 5th, centrated upon the mile and eye D. Day, Comptroller of the against fellows like , Howie Schulz and Vem view of the control room. This at 4:30 in Room 112 has waged many a battle to Smith, Kline, French Drug Mikkleson without earning every point, and I guess that just part of the trip was Alumni. Each team that is the tape wiVi Don Gehrmann made Co. After the luncheon, the about proved it. I concede." possible through the efforts students in the basketball tourna- and Fred Wilt. Such specta- took in the impres- In Paul's story there is a twist that would astound even ^^M-^ of an ex-Villanova, Mr. Joseph sive ment MUST have a .repre- cular times as 4:10.8 and 4: system of organization the fictionj writers. Arizin never played basketball while at sentative present. Tenney, Jr., Vice-President used in their 10.9 were still not quite drug warehouse. LaSalle High. It's not that he was sick, or just didn't care. enough to beat such a runner He wasn't good enough. / ;>; cases 4-3. A-League, Toppers as Gehnnann. With the al> Initiations Tonite For So when graduation came, Paul decided upon Villanova 4-0, Doms 4-1, Zips 4-2, Bul- sence of Gehnnann and Wilt, Phi Kappa Pi and the engineering school. He didn't try for the freshman lets 4-2, Troopers 2-2, and however. Dwver successfully team ; he was an engrineer. In the meantime Paul has found a Cats 2-2. defended his IC4A indoor mile team that he was good enough to play on. It was a team in crown with an easy 4:13 vic- the South Philly church league. It was just for laughs, and Bowlers To Make Awards tory inspite of sickness that besides it was fun. afternoon. One night, Al Severance, as was his custom, was tipped The Bowling League has Fred now looks forward to off about a certain player in this league (not Paul) and he tentatively announced the the Olympic tryouts in Cali- was down to scout him. Once the game started Severance awards for this years keglers. fornia this summer, where forgot all about the original kid, it was with this Arizin that They ai-e: 1. Individual three men will be selected to he was interested. awards to each active member represent the U. S. in the leg gettinar to see of the winning team ; 2. Indi- After the game, At nearly broke a over 1000 meter run, one of whom DON SOUNSKY this new prospect and to ask him if he would like to go to vidual awards to the man is sure to be little Fred Dwyer, Bennies' Captain Villanova. When the kid said that he was already enrolled with the highest average on as fine a representative of the usually eloquent Severance experienced: 1. surprise, 2. other teams; 3. 200? each of the 7 Villanova, as there could be.

" doubt. 8. complete joy. ^; :.r : ! ^ An award for the highest in- Cats vs. Kings As someone once uttered In a poetic mode, **The rest is average in the league dividual Closes (Continued from Page 6) . histonr". 4. Awards to each man scor-* Team Bill Edwards, 6'5", handles So shy was Paul that when the "Villanovan" began mis- ing a single game of 200 or (Continued from Page 6) most of the work. IF YOU'RE AVERAGE Delling his name (it usually is good with names) as Arizen, over; (No member is eligible SMOKER run. Facing such opposition Leo Corcery and Bill Kenville he never corrected them. It took some clever writer over here for more than two awards.) Horace Ashenfelter and Curt round out tlie starting five. whole year to get his in spelling. important meeting of a A An Stone, Qarry continued his Bowling League will be The Bonii^es are noted for THE RIGHT IS OVER 200! Creates World's Record the limited come back by taking held Thurs., March 6, at 7:15 their coolness and composure It was on February* 12. 1949 that Paul was to hit the third in the lighning fast p. m., in 215 Mendel. pressure. Last season, .\y:'b> 1 papers across the nation. Villanova was plaving the Naval 8:54:4 time. under substantially the same YeS/ rimes every Air Materials Center at the Field House on a Saturday night. VolIeybaU with SOO day '"' .' '' '. ' With a single lap remaining Paul began popping the ball in the hoop and bv the time the men, they were in five over- PHI KAP raESIDENT James Conway your nose and riiroat are •/ addresses a group of half was over he had accumulated 51 points. When the sec- Applications are now being Barry moved into third plaite time games and one double ;y::t prospective pledges prior to initiation ceremonies tonight. ond half resumed he got in the same bad habits and at the accepted from teams for a and remained there, beatittg overtime, winning them all. exposed to irritarion . . • game's completion he had totalled 85 points for a new world's volleyball tournament to be off a serious threat in the last Phi Kappa Pi, Villanova's president, and E. Orzechow- The Villanova game was an record. held in the latter part of eighty yards by brother Bill Engineering Frat, initiates its ski, initiation chairman, will with the New REASONS It might be a coincidence but this was the same* night March. Entries close March Ashenfelter. Barry's unoffi- overtime affair, aOO GOOD WHY pledges this evening in Men- be in charge this evening. that George Guida was creating a new world's record for the 14. cial time was 9:22. York Staters winning 74-69. YOUHE BEmROFF^SMOKING del Hall. Rev. John O'Leary, O.S.A., 500-yard run. The largest group of group moderator, will address After Paul's 85-point contribution, national recognition pledgees in recent years is ex- the group immediately foUow- •" soon began to arrive. That was the year we were invited to Phiup MorrisI pected to be inducted at the ing the initiations. the NCAA tournament—oddly enough, the only post season Jtrleasure, initiation proceeding^. Plans Refreshments will be served tournament that he was to play in (shades of Ty Cobb). for tonight's activities were following the meeting. PROVED definitely milder . . . PROVED laid last Friday. Jim Conway, I If these accomplishments were good it was in senior year the sou reign oiliss that his greatest feats were to occur. definitely Usi irritating than any ocher That was the year that he poured 735 points through MMHOTATIfni leading brand . . . PROVED by outstanding Tom fl«l«iiMl«r — Bill Landls the hoops. He did it with nightly contributions of 41, 37, 34, of humankiha am F«die«fi Han nose and throat specialists. 88 (4) » and he went below 24 on only six of 29 occasions. iumiTrs Alexander Pope, Some Remarks IRTR MAWR FLOWER SNOP January and .llajf FU KIM TO EUROPE COISACI IPKUUSTS When Paul ended his collegiate career many remarks NIW LOW All TOURIST SATIS k«M irya Hmir Mtft ' fwCMk were uttered as : Arizin is an all-time, All-American if there MMtIv* May IM. To quiet thinking or quick action. ever was one."—^Toledo coach Jerry Bush ; "This season Paul lOUND TKIP NEW YOUK TO I Arizin left no doubt about his All-American greatness". Ice-cold Coca-Cola brings the EXTRA ATTENTION AU COLLEGE STUDENTS SNAMNON OnirM33.«0 Cy Kritzner of the Sporting News ; "Arizin definitely belongs LONDON* Only 4««.00 Aktwnnoti • • • pleasure of real refreshment. Every Sunday Evening over CBS on an All-time All-American— team. Arizin rates with Holman, PARIS Only 522.00 For Luisetti and the re fo «ev«rM(ii«n> approval. —^Al Severance: "Arizin is of priceless value to the team even Goad fow-cMf m«alf ^ PresenU evo/tobft on pJan«J wheo he's not scoring. If he isn't All-American then they an Outstanding College Student stop picking them." ought to Featured with Famous Hollywood Stars His eoilege caree** over, he began an entirely new phase, ^iJn the professionai uorid with the Philadelphia Warriors. in the PHILIP MORRIS Intercollegiate Acting Competition ^%e transition mustn't have been too difficult because Paul WM able to get a starting berth on a team that had such fifores as George Seneskey, Joe Fulks and a league that has suchjrfayen as the Bfikan brothers. KIM Royal Dutch Airlines Some pablic spirited students decided Ihat it would be 572 Fifth Avenue. New York IV. N. fitting to honor Paul on his night with a delegation and are Pirate tend full Informiiitnn on mew KLM Air Totriu Katn to Eutopr. biudlj engaged in scurrying around the campus raising funds. UNOCt AUTMO«TT Of OH COCA-COIA COMfANT tY IOTTU»> NAME ...,.».k1 When they come to you give what -you can. If any one Xtm fUBbmUkakkm Ct— Csia IsJRIf C—psilT niup MORRIS AnORRSS FimClMsWoik gift from Villanova, it's this kid. TMt COCACOU COMfAHT merits a nU-mmk. ' W*l -Cfc." h a r^ghHr^ Q >•**,*••• The "xireatesc ' oeserves our best. Popular Prices

ij^'J^k«_...„ .f..^L>r. .-^.^ \ii ^TS^ii ^-<»#He?^tqn^^»f;::ilifi<5nte- .


TiMMlay, March 4, 1982 Paff« 8 THE VILLANOVAN fOR nn MABS NFCCS Regional Conference Nayy Has Twin Programs To Be Hosted Here March 9 The Villahova campus will Abrahams stated that the in AYiation Conunander Ginn will sup- EnraHnMnt INTERVIEWS be the site of the annual re- congress will get under way ply information on the Naval srional congress of the Nation- with Mass and Benediction in Or LiiM School Open (Aviation Cadet Program The following companies unmarried men will interview graduating al Federation of Catholic Col- St. Mary's Hall Chapel at 9:00 Villanova students will have I under which Students, Sunday, March a. m. refiristration fee of between the ages o^ 18 and seniors for jobs during the lege A the opDortunity to obtain in- Chairman Tom will be charged. 26 who have completed at coming week. 9, congress fifty cents mm formation on enrollinif in For additional informa- Abrahams reported today. Vol. 27—-No. 16 VILLANOVA COLLEGET VlLLANbVA; PA. Tuesday, March 11, 1952 either the Nav3r*s Aviation least two years of college at March Workshop tion and appointments con- Renresentation from re- Navv's the end of the current semes- Additional activities on the Cadet ProfiT«ni or the sult placement director gional member schools will in- ter are given training in pre- NFCCS agenda for March in- Officer Candidate School, this George Harris in room 192 clude delegates from Immacu- 6 when flight, basic and advanced cludes a Workshop on Region- Belle Masque Publicity Plans Thursday. March Mendel. late, Rosemont, Chestnut Hill, William H. Ginn. flight training at Pensacola, al Commissions to be held in Pre-Cana Lectures Begin; Commander Tuesday, March 4 Gwvnned Mercv. Manor. La Officer of Florida. Renile Hall on the LaSalle Public Information Retail Credit Co., Philco Salle, St. Joseph's and Villa- Turn Actors To Advertisers Air the successful com- College campus beginning on the Willow Grove Naval Upon Coi-p. nova. Commander pletion of this traininir the March 28 at 2:00 p.m. Station, and Lt. Wednesday, March 5 Sneaking for the Villanova Villanova's Belle Masque Society has put into effect a 'Choosing Mate' Topic Sun. David I. Jacobs of the Phila- Cadet is designated a pilot in Villanovans have been in- A 1 1 i s-Chalmers Manuf NFCCS chanter will be Ed publicity plan, unusually far-reaching for the group, to ad- delphia Office of Naval Offi- the Naval or Marine Reserve vited to attend the Workshop Co. Kearney. Abrahams announ- veitise its forthcoming production, "The Silver Whistle." in for approximate- problems confronting The first address in the current series of Pre-Cana talks for students of the local cer Procurement will be and is ready Thursday, March 6 ced. Guest speaker of the con- where col- extra-curricular activities The central idea is to utilize every oral and visual means leges was held last Sunday when Rev. Regan, Room 102, Mendel Hall from Iv two «nd one half years of Navy Recruiting Team, gress, will be Brother Robert the Robert O.S.A., of the Villanova faculty, ad- campuses of regional of making known the vital facts about the play to students 10 a. m. to 12 noon and 1 to duty with the fleet. Radio Corporation of of Mary, F.S.C. of LaSalle on the dressed the conference on "The Nature and Ideals of Christian Marriage". ''- ''' ":•'"-'•:••.., schools will be discus- and friends of the society. ~ 4 p. m. Grads Can Apply America. College. member The next lecture of the Mr. Jacobs will have infor- Grad. sed. Frank Scerbo, publicity- Main Line colleges as well. pictures concem- Friday, March 7 Cambride As series will held this Sunday as Motion pre- mation for members of the Institute graduate of Cambridge Opportunities wilt be it,. ing naval aviation and ac- Massachusetts A director, put "We started Many Guests Invited scheduled, despite the holi- graduating class relative to Technology, Budd Co. University, Brother Robert sented for those campus clubs tual carrier operations of at word-of-mouth and have Numerous guests have been day Monday. enrollment in the O.C.S. Col- Monday, March 10 will deliver an address on the not having regional commis- showing Navy and Marine gotten as far as painting the invited to the Sunday matinee Due the fact that the lege graduates or seniors Airplane Co. "Comparison of the European sions representing them to in action in Korea Boeing sign opposite the Ck)llege. aviation next and discuss com- performance. Disabled veter- speaker, Rev. Gilbert J. Mc- 202 irraduating within the Tuesday, March 11 and American Ideas of the get together will be shown in room Don't be surprised where you ans will from Valley Devitt, four months in anv course of Boeing Airplane Co., University," in keeping with mon problems. come J. C. D., was con- Commodore John Barry see the play advertised from study may apply for this pro- Glass Co., the theme of the congress, Forge Military Hospital, and tracted to appear before the Hall from 1:30 p. m. to Pittsburgh Plate gram. Burroughs Adding Machine "The University and the Fed- now until the twentieth nuns, from seventy-five dif- holiday was announced, other 8:30 p. m. during Navy in- Patronize Our Advertisers eration." (opening night)." ferent terviews Thursday. (Continued on Page 4) Co. convents, and almost arrangements could not be Scerbo went on to name as many different orders. made, according to Father several other proposed outlets The set for the "Whistle" is Regan, conference moderator. s^^i-f^G cigarette in America's colleges for "Silver Whistle" propa- about midway to completion. Diocese Judge CHESTERFIELD-^^'^fi^^^ ganda. They included adds in Side flats, which represent Father McDevitt is Pro- THE VILLANOVAN and the walls of the Church of Synodal Judge of the Matri- other Maine Line publications, and the old peoples' monial Court of the %., -.> (' John Arch- radio time over Philadelphia's home, reach a height of over diocese of Philadelphia and WIP, and "light-boxes" for twenty feet. hence well qualified to spe^k on the topic of "Choosing a y t,. use at night about the cam- This iextraoi*dinary height Life Partner." pus. is necessary in order to give impression of reality on the Along with Rev. Thomas J. if^ Literacy Unnecssary oversized Field House stage. Welsh, J.C.D. who will speak "If anybody hasn't heard March 23 on "Canon Law Con- From the rear, the stage- about the play by this time lEV. lOBEKT BEGAN. O.SJL. Pre-Cana Conference modera- cerning Marriage", Father work appears to be more next week," Scerbo concluded, tor, opened the Lenten series with an address Sunday on the McDevitt recently completed makeshift, but from the front, "he either can't read or under- "Nature and Ideals of Marriage." (Continued on Page 4) even at this early date, some stand English. But you won't smoothness and detail appear. IIS even have to know the langu- By opening night, the Editors Predict Bill Connelly Resigns Post I age, if our plan works out." stage-crew hopes to be able to For '*The Silver Whistle," mt unveil a satisfactoi-y replica May Dbtribution A$ Cots' Athletic Director loudspeakers will in be action of the difficult Broadway set, ^ [ jbW^ ' ^ at Villanova and on the cam- By TED SHEEHAN >. t which was the backbone for For '52 "That's the only reason I'm Belle Air Editor puses of Rosemont, Bryn the action of the Ferrer ver- Sports leaving. I've enjoyed working » A l\ Mawr, Haverford, and other sion. at Villanova. Everypne William M. (Bill) Con- there The Belle Air Yearbook of fine to ;•• was me". 5^!Wi"-"- J: nelly, Athletic Director at *>J 1952 will definitely be ready His Far ''Tail PaaP' Villanova since 1948 announ- resignation as Athletic i for distribution in early May. Director leaves ced last Saturday night that not only that W:' This encouraging news, offer- post he was resigning his post to open but raises the ques- ed by Editor-in-Chief Bill Arlzln Receives Gift Tonight enter private business. The tion of what will be done as •^^^' Lohr, is based upon the fact as his status as the presi- ^-^^-b resignation is to be effective far that the last, and all inclu- dent of the Eastern Inter- From Students And Alumni on March 31. CO sive deadline of the publica- .^' I****' collegiate 150-lb. football lea- ,«•' ^:i:K ^t, tion was met successfully. W ^1*^ Collections have been taken gue is concerned. -It*' .f-^ o'-' Late last week the final up during the past week to dum- Connelly was elected to this

* ?:, ^ ! < --^i my of the yearbook was for- ^»^- ^ v^ present a gift from the stu- post two years ago and was warded to Campus Publishing ,5r£^^ dents to Villanova's great All- re-elected last, fall. Although \.i'i- CHf Company. American, Paul Arizin. This no direct statment was com- While a great deal of work gift will be presented tonight ing from him on the matter remains, such as proof read- at the Warriors-Celtics game it is presumed that he will re- ing the entire book after it is at the Arena by a representa- linquish this post to another set in print, the heavy burden tive of the student body. person. of creative work that goes Tonight has been proclaim- into this annual publication '27 Graduate ed Paul Arizin night by the ft has been completed. Connelly was graduated Warriors to honor the ex-Vil- from Villanova in 1927 and •it -n lanovan, who has more than Many Innovations l^ttWtt #. while here made quite a name proven himself in profession- excellent cover- Along with for himself in basketball and al basketball during the past activities, age of all campus baseball. After graduation he CHESTERFIELDS are two years. His all-around (Continued on Page 7) remained as an ardent fol- playing ability and phenon- <^ lower of all Villanova teams menal scoring this year have ST. PATRICK'S DAY and travelled with them on much MiLDER andgive you undoubtedly established him WN. BL CONNELLT many of their far flung trips. as the outstanding ball pUyer Through the efforts of ChestetfieW^^^ Connelly emphasized in the league. the Student Council, next that During the years he do- he was leaving the ADDED PROTECTION of Student Council chairman Monday, March 17, has Villanova on nated the Connelly Trophy the best of terms and that Tom Delaney last week pro- been proclaimed a holiday which was yearly awaixled to he didn't particularly posed that a gift be presented in honor of St. Patrick. desire the dormitory that had the to leave and that the NO UNPLEASANTAFTER-TASTE ( to Arizin as a small tribute The next issue of the college best display for the annual authorities didn't want ^ •prom the report op a WCLl.Kr40WN RESEARCH ORGANIZATION from the students and alumni "Villanovan" will be pub- him home coming game during ^he lished Wednesday, March to, but that a "combination of of this It * ' schooL is expected football season. >k. because of this holiday. circumstances" made his ac- that a iMTjife turnout of stu- 19, SJ^^^^rr^^^ for tion necessary. He assumed tKe Attill^c ^J^ dents will attend the game to Deadline this issae will be at the regular time Into Private Business Director's job in March, 1948 SI0MK» witness the tribute to the \\\ Tharsday afternoon. "I'm just going into private after holding the post "unof- famed alumnus. ^ From Cats to Xing business", Connelly said. ficially" for six moritKa.

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