Março, 1998 Ao. Soc. Entomol. Brasil 27(1) 55


The Taxonomic Status of Xyonysius major (Berg) (: ), an Occasional Pest of Sunflower in Brazil

Carl W. Schaefer' 'Departrnent of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Univcrsity of Connecticut, U-43 75 North Eagleville Road, Storrs CT 06278-3043, USA.

An. Soe. Enlomol. Brasil 27(1): 55-58 (1998)

A Situação Taxonômica de X- onvsius major (Berg) (Herniptera: Lygaeidae). urna Praga Ocasional no Brasil

RESUMO - Exemplares de urna espécie de Orsillinae do gênero Xvonvsius foram coletados em girassol (Helianthus annuus) em Londrina, Paraná. Os exemplares parecem ser da espécie X. major (Berg), mas essa espécie ti colocada como sinônimo de X. calfbrnicus (SlãI). Demonstra-se aqui que as duas espécies devem ser consideradas distintas, ao menos até que o conceito "Xvonvsius californicus" seja esclarecido. Desta forma, o Iigcídeo do girassol deve ser considerado X. major.

PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Insecta, Lygaeidae, Orsillinae, girassol.

ABSTRACT - Specimeiis of a species of the orsilline genus Xvonvsius have been collectcd on sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in Londrina, Paraná. The speci- rncns appeared lo he X. major (Berg), but this species has heen synonyrni.ed with X. californicus (StM). Herc 1 show the Iwo species should hc considered distinct, ai least until the concept 'Xvonysius califomicus' has heen clarilied. The sunflower ]ygaeid is X. major.

KEY WORDS: Insecta, Lygaeidae, Orsillinac. sunflowcr.

Sunflower, Hclianthus annuus, is grown bc idcntified. Accurate identification is es- commercially in the Brazilian slates of Paraná, pecially imporlanl because what is prohably São Paulo, Mato Grosso, and Goiás. About this species has already hccn rcported as a 25,000 hectares are planted to the crop each minor sunflower pest: by Boiça cl aI. (1984) year, yielding some 40,000 tons of seed (as "Nizius" sp.), in Mato Grosso Slate; and (Regina V. C. Leite, personal conlmunication). by Zucchi etai. (1993) (as JVvsius sp.), more In Fehruary, 1997, several specimens of a general ly. species of Xvonvsius (Orsillinae: Metrargini), Of lhe Xvonvsius species recorded from were collected on sunflower grown in the Brazil (Ashlock 1967). the Londrina speci- greenhouse, in Londrina, Paraná State, Bra- mens are too large (5.6-6.8 mm long) lo hc X. zil. Because of the commercial importance ellipticus Berg—spelted "elvpticus' in ofsunflower in Brazil, these specimcns should Ashlock (1967),— descrihcd by Berg (1892) 56 Schaefrr as 3.7-4.3 miii long. The sunflowcrXvonvsius Coileclion, and mine); P. D. Ashlock was lhe c]oscly resenibles .V. volxe.'ni (Distani), but the authority on orsilline lygaeids. and M. H. rostrum rcachcs hetwccn lhe Iii nd coxac, Sweet is a leading authority on Lygaeidac. whereas in X. cotve,ni ii "almosi reachy Isic] The X. major specimens were collccled "nr. the inicrrncdiate coxae" [Distant 18881); lhe Campo Grande," Mato Grosso Siate, Brazil, anlennae are lcss inluscatcd in the sunflower and in Carmen and Independencia, Paraguay; specimcns ihan in X. voixeini; and lhe lalter the X. californicus are from Illinois (U.S.A.) insCcts are somewhat sniallcr (5 mm long) south through central Mexico and lhe Domini- (Distant 1888). The Londrina spccimcns most can Repuhlic. 1 compared thesc specirnens closely resembie X. ca/ijornicus (StI). And also with those from sunflower in Londrina. herein tics a problem. Xvonvsius ca1ifnnicus was descrihcd hy Results and Discussion StI in 1 859 (as Nvsius), and X. major was describcd hy Berg in 1 879 (again, as Nvsius). In general, X. major specimens are uni- In 1947, Barber synonymized major with forrnly darkcr than are X. californicuv, cak/oflhicUs. Ashloek and Lattin (1963) sepa- whether froni Mexico and the United States rated from NvsilLv lhosc species with hoth soulhwesl or from the less dry midwestcrn costa] and abdominal stridul itra mio a new United Statcs. 'lhe Brazilian specimens from genus, Xvonvsius. Ashlock and Lauin Iisted sunflower are a!so dark. The thoracic and both X. calijonucus and X. major, and wrote abdominal venlers of X. major and the sun- further, "For the preseni state ol synonymy of flower specimens are mostly black; those of thesc nanies, sec Barber (1947)' (p. 702). In X. californicus are pale, although occasion- his 1967 rcvision nf orsilline genera. Ashlock a]ly dark. again listed hoth species. Thus it is unclear In males, lhe ventral rims of the genital and thc Brazilian sun- wheiher Ashlock - the authority on lhe lygacid capsules oU X. major rounded subfamily Orsi]linac - meant to remove X. ma- flower specimens are more hroadly jor t'rorn synonymy or foi; he did not do so than are those of lhe eapsulcs of X. cxplicitly either in 1963 or in 1967, and lhe caltjornicus. The blade of the latter's catalogs of lhe Lygaeidae (SIaler 1964, Slaicr pararneres is slighl]y longer than those of the and O'Donnell 995) quite properly lisi only paramcres oUX. major and the Brazilian speci- lhe synonymy of Barber (1947). Ncvcrthe- mens (Table 1). These differences are slighl. less, hy rcferring lhe reader to Barber (1947), however. Ashlock and Latim (1963) seemed to he ac- AI its base, the corium is contracted, that cepting Barber's synonyniy. Yct. by foi meti- is, il curves medially (Table 1). The sunliower tioning hat synonymy, and listing major as a specimens and X. major have a sharper con- species oí Xvonvsius like lhe others, Ashlock traction ihan does X. ccilífornicus, although (1967) impliciily rejectcd Barber's synonyniy. Barber (1947) says this sharper contraction occurs in X. californicus (with which he Material and Methods synonyniizes X. major). The costal (outer) margin of the corium is straight in X. major, In order to determine whether the hut that ofX. californicus and olhe sunliower Londrina spec imcns are Xvonsius specimens is slightly curved (Table 1); calitornicus, ii hecomes nccessary to deter- Ashlock (1967), however, says ihis margin is mine if luis species and X. ina for are lhe sarne. siraight in hoth X. major and X. cairfornicus To do this. 1 have conipared specimens of X. (which - signifícanlly - he lisls as apparently major dctcrmincd hy P. D. Ashlock (in J. A. ol' equal rank). Slater Colieclion), with specimens of X. Ashlock (1967) suggests that the relative cahj~);- j?iciu detcrmined hy H. G. Barber, P. lengths of anterinal segments may help sepa- D. Ashlock, and M. H. Sweet (J. A. Siater rale species of Xvonvsius; the relative lenglhs Março, 1998 Au. Soc. Entorno!. Brasil 27(1) 57

Tah]c 1. Charactcristics of Xvouvsius calijoruicus. X. major, and Londrina specimens from sunilower.

Xvonvsiu.r calijornicus Xvonvsws major Londrina specimens Total length (mm) 3.8, 46h, 5• 4•8d, 5.6 5.6-5.8 Color pale dark dark Coriuni's basal less sharp sharp sharp constriction Corium's costal slightly curved straight slighliy curved margin Rostrum onto metasternum onto metasternum onto metasternum Anlennal lengths 2>3=4>1 2>3=4>1 2>3=4>1 Gcnitai capsule less hroadiy rounded broadiy rounded broadly roundcd entrai rim Pararnere biade siightly longcr slightly shortcr siighlly shorter México and Doniinícan Rcpuhlic (n=5); hcastcrn Unitcd Stales (n=9); Arizona and Texas (U.S.A.) (n=6); "Brazil (MT) (n=2); Paraguay (n=3).

of the three groups here are the sarne (Table ler from Arizona and Texas (U.S.A.). With 1). Howcvcr, from the nicasurcmcnts Barber respect to siructural charactcristics, the lwo (1947) gives, the relative lengths of X. specics cither differ s]ightly or not ai ali (Ta- calU,rnicus should be 2=4>3>1; and, of his ble 1). lo addition, the ambiguities rnentioned suhspecies X. californicus alabaniensis Bar- above suggest that ii is not clear jusi what ber, the relative icngths should be 4>2>3>1, "Xvonvsius californicus" is. 2 hcing only s]ightly greater ihan 3. 1 have Uniu 1 the concept "Xvon VSÍUS ca/itornicus" mcasured thrce U.S.A. specinlens in the J. A. is ciarified, via a thorough analysis of varia- SiaterColiection, ali identiíicd by Barber, as tion within bolh SpCCiCS, 1 helicvc the iwo loliows (in niiliirncicrs): spccinien from liii- should be treated as separate. Thereíore 1 nois: 0.36, 0.99, 0.82, 0.82; specirnen from explicitly remove X. major (Berg) from syn- North Carolina: 0.36,0.73, 0.63. 0.66; speci- onymy with X. californicus (Slid), just as, ii men from Arizona: 0.36, 0.82. 0.66, 0.63. appears, Ashlock had a]rcady impiicitly done. Thus the relative Icngths ofantenna] segments The Brazilian specimens, collectcd in of specirnens idcntthed by Barber as X. Londrina on sunfiowcr. are X. major. californicus are the sarne as 1 givc in Table 1 Very little is known aboul the hiology and The North Carolina specimcn is X. ccology oíXvonvsius. Therefore, and hecause co li/ora icuv alabwnensis, ao easlern North lhis spccics may becorne a pesi on sunflower American suhspecics which is srnaller than the in southern Brazil, ils biology and life hislory lypical suhspecies. Bui the similar specirncn should be sludied. from Arizona is presurnahly the typical sub- species, as is also the Illinois specimen. The Acknowledgrnents concept "Xvonvsius californicus" is cicarly a confuscd une. 1 am very grateful to Ms Andréa B. In general, the differcnces bctween X. Ma]aguido (EMBRAPA! Soja, Londrina), major and X. califi.irnicus are ones ofdegree, who lold me about thcse and izencr- not ot kind. X. major is darkcr and larger than ousiy collectcd thern for me, 1 ani indehtcd X. californicus, excepi specinlcns of the lat- to J. A. Siater (Prof. Emerilus. Universily of 58 Sc/iaeJ'er

Connecticut) for rnuch (and rnuch needed) Boiça, A. L., Jr., A. C. Bolonhezi, & J. taxonomic advice, and for open acccss lo his Paccini Neto. 1984. Levantamento de coliection of Xvonvsius, Dr. A. R. Panizzi insetos-praga e seus ininhigos naturais em (EMBRAPA! Soja) was a mosi gracious host gi rasso! (Heliantijus annuus L.), during my stay in Brazil, which was sponsored cultivado em primeira e segunda época, hy JICA! EMBRAPA PROMOAGRO. Fi- no município de Selvíria-MS. An. Soe. na!!y, 1 thank A. R. Panizzi for furnishing lhe Entornol. Brasil 13: ! 89-196. Porluguese abstraci, and an anonymous re- viewer for severa! references. Distant, W. L. 1888. Enumeration of [he Van Voixem Coliection of Rhynchota Literature Cited containcd in lhe Brussels' Museum. Part III. Ann. Soc. Entorno]. Bc!g. 32(3): Ashlock, P. D. 1967. A generic classification 1 xxviii-]xxxiii. of lhe Ors iii i nae aí lhe world (1-Temi plcra- Hctcroptcra: Lygaeidae). Univ. Calif. Siater, J. A. 1964. A catalogue aí the Pubi. Entoino!. 48: 1-82. Lygaeidae of lhe world. University of Connecticut, Storrs, 1 668p. Ashlock, P. D. & J. D. Lattin. 1963. Strid u 1 atory mccli ao isni s in thc Siater, J. A. & J. E. O'Donnell. 1995. A Lygacidae, with a ncw American genus catalogue of the Lygaeidae aí the world of Orsil!inae (Herniptera: Lygacidac). (1960-1994). N. Y. Entorno!. Soc., Ncw Ann. Entorno!. Soe. Am. 56: 693-703. York, Ncw York, 4] Ip.

Barber, H. G. 1947. Revision of lhe genus StâI, C. 1859. Herniptera. Speeies novas in the Unitcd Statcs and Canada descripsit. Kong!. Svcnska Fregatten (Hcmiptcra Heternptcra: Lygaeidae). J. Eugcnics Resa Ornkring Jorden, Entorno]. Wash. Acad. Sei. 37: 354-366. Bidrag. 1859: 219-298.

Berg, C. 1879. Herniplera Argentina Zucchi, R. A., S. Silveira Neto, & O. cnurneravit spccicsque novas. Pauli E. Nakono. 1993. Guia de identificação Coni, Bonariae, 3161). de pragas agrícolas. FEALQ, Piracicaba, SP, l39p. Berg, C. 1892. Nova Hemiplera faunarum Argcntinae ci Uruguayensis. Lygacidae. Ao. Soe, Cicni. Argeni. 33: 151-165. Received 24/IX/97. Accepted 2911198.