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Title Cardiotoxicity of and .

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Journal Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, 29(3)

ISSN 0009-9236

Authors Tobis, JM Aronow, WS

Publication Date 1981-03-01

DOI 10.1038/clpt.1981.49

License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 4.0

Peer reviewed

eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California Cardiotoxicity of amitriptyline and doxepin

The cardiotoxicity of the amitriptyline and doxepin were compared in an animal with acute overdose. The mean repetitive extrasystole threshold (RET) decreased 71.5% with amitriptyline and 27.5% with doxepin (mean blood levels 933 nglml and 1889 nglm1). reversed these effects. Sodium bicarbonate had a variable effect on the lowered RET. The toxic arrhythmogenic effects of the tricyclic antidepressants can be measured by RET and are partly reversed by autonomic tone manipulation. In the same blood level range, doxepin is less toxic than amitriptyline.

Jonathan M. Tobis, M.D., and Wilbert S. Aronow, M.D. Irvine, Calif Department of , University of California

There is controversy over the relative car- Because of the life-threatening effects of diotoxicity of various tricyclic overdose in humans, we were limited to the drugs.° Some believe that doxepin is less car- animal model to analyze the effect of amitrip- diotoxic than amitriptyline or .8 On tyline and doxepin overdose on repetitive ex- the other hand, there are several reports of fatal trasystole threshold (RET). We chose a dog intoxication from doxepin alone.' Vohra et al.' with acute and constantly infused studied the effects on bundle of His conduction drug to maintain blood levels at toxic concen- of several tricyclic antidepressants in overdose tration. Electrical vulnerability was tested by victims.' They found prolonged HV conduction measuring ventricular fibrillation threshold di- time in seven of eight patients who had taken rectly or by measuring the current required to , amitriptyline, or imipramine but produce a repetitive extrasystole. Matta et al.6 normal bundle of His studies in six patients af- found that the RET is a good marker of the ter doxepin. Most of the deaths from tricyclic ventricular fibrillation threshold in 91% of the antidepressant overdose are from ventricular dogs they studied; single repetitive extrasystoles that develops into ventricular fibril- occurred when 66% of the fibrillation current lation. Conduction abnormalities demonstrated was delivered and multiple extrasystoles at 82% by His studies suggest that electrical vulner- of the fibrillation current. In those animals with ability to ventricular tachycardia may be a dis- a significant fall in RET (taken arbitrarily as tinct characteristic. We therefore examined the >50% reduction in RET from baseline), several effect of amitriptyline and doxepin on electrical potential antidotes to the cardiotoxicity of instability. tricyclic antidepressants were tested. We have reported on the effect of amitriptyline on RET and its reversibility with sodium bicarbonate, Received for publication Oct. 27, 1980. physostigmine, , or left stellate Accepted for publication Nov. 18, 1980. ganglionectomy .7 We report here on our com- Reprint requests to: Jonathan M. Tobis, M.D., University of California, Irvine, 101 City Dr. South, Orange, CA 92668. parison of the effect of doxepin on electrical

0009-9236/81/030359+06$00.60/0 C) 1981 The C. V. Mosby Co. 359 360 Tobis and Aronovv Clin Pharmacol. Ther. March 1981

40- Table I. Effect of doxepin on RET and doxepin blood levels

36 - R ET Doxepin RET after doxepin blood level control (mA) (tnA) (ng Iml 32- Group A* 33.3 ± 4.7 31.4 7.2 1,614 ± 785 28 Group Bt 33.0 4.5 6.8 3.9t 2,379 921§

24 - *RET after doxepin was not lowered more than 50% of control RET. tRET after doxepin was lowered more than 50% of control RET. < 0.01 RET before and after doxepin in group B. 20 - a §p < 0.05 Dozepin blood level reached in group B compared E _ with group A.

16 into the right femoral vein for injection of drugs. The left femoral artery was cannulated 12- with a 16-gauge polyethylene catheter and used to measure systemic blood pressure and to ob- 8- tain arterial blood samples. A Statham P23 Dc transducer and a Grass Polygraph recorder, were to 4 - Model 7, used record systemic blood pressure. An electrocardiogram was recorded on the Grass Polygraph using a standard limb lead. CONTROL AMITRIPTYLJNE DOXEPIN Electrical testing of the heart was performed Fig. 1. Comparison of amitriptyline and doxepin on as follows. The chest was opened by a thoracot- RET. omy on the right. Two Cordis sutureless epicar- dial electrodes, Model 324-856, were placed 2 vulnerability and the results of sodium bicar- cm apart on the right ventricle midway between bonate or physostigmine to reverse the car- the apex and the atrioventricular groove. The diotoxic effects. electrodes were connected through a stimulus isolation unit (Grass SIU-5A) and a constant Methods current unit (Grass CCU-1A) to a Grass S-44 We used 26 healthy mongrel dogs weighing square-wave pulse generator. The output of this 16 to 27 kg. Anesthesia was introduced in- assembly was calibrated with an oscilloscope. A travenously with sodium 4 mg/kg and separate pacemaker was placed in line with the alpha 40 to 80 mg/kg at a concentra- Grass stimulator and was set at 200 beats per min tion of 5 mg/ml dissolved in heated normal to overcome any tachycardia induced by the an- saline. Additional alpha chloralose 20 to 50 ticholinergic effect of tricyclic antidepressants. mg/kg was given during the experiment if The heart was paced at 2 mA with a 2-msec necessary to maintain anesthesia. The dogs impulse. The pulse generator was able to deliver were intubated and ventilated with a Harvard a premature impulse with variable delay after the pump using a mixture of room air and 100% last paced beat. The pacemaker would then shut oxygen. The ventilator was adjusted to stabilize off for 3 sec, during which the effect of the the arterial blood pH at 7.30 to 7.45. Lights premature extrastimulus was observed on the were used to maintain body temperature. A electrocardiogram. 16-gauge polyethylene catheter was inserted The RET was obtained in the manner de- Volume 29 A mitriptyline and doxepin cardiotoxicitv 361 Number 3

scribed by Matta et al.6 Electrical diastole was 40-. scanned in 5-msec decrements, beginning at the end of the T wave and ending at the border of 36 - the strength interval curve, i.e., where no de- 32 polarization could be induced with the extrasys- tole. The current of the extrasystole impulses 28 - was set at 2 mA and was increased in incre- ments of 1 or 2 mA. The T wave was scanned at 24 - each successive current until a repetitive ex- trasystole was obtained. The RET was defined 20 - as the current required to induce at least one extra depolarization after the premature elec- 16 - trical input. The RET was verified by obtain- ing extrasystoles in at least two of three trials. 12 - The maximum output of our generator was 40 mA. 8 - Experimental interventions. After the base- 4 - line RET was obtained and reproduced 15 to 30 min later, amitriptyline or doxepin was infused.

Each animal received only one of the drugs. CONTROL I BICARBONATE I COXEPIN Doxepin was given at a rate of 10 to 15 mg/kg A M ITR I PTYUNE CONTROL BICARBONATE over 30 min, followed by a constant infusion of Fig. 2. Comparison of amitriptyline and doxepin on 0.01 to 0.03 mg/kg/min. Amitriptyline was RET and effect of sodium bicarbonate in cases where given as an initial intravenous bolus of 3 to 10 fixed doses of drug decreased RET. mg/kg over 30 min, followed by constant infu- sion of 0.015 to 0.025 mg/kg/min. A constant Statistical analyses were by Student's t test for infusion was used to maintain blood levels. The paired or independent means. RET was obtained 15 min after the initial bolus and was verified as stable up to 60 min later. If Results the RET did not change significantly after the Three animals were tested for up to 3 hr for initial bolus, a second or even a third 10-mg/kg control levels and stability of the RET. The dose of drug was given. Blood levels of amitrip- baseline RET was 31 ± 1 mA and remained at tyline or doxepin were obtained at the time RET 30 ± 3 mA up to 3 hr later, with measurements was established. Blood levels were analyzed by taken every 30 to 60 min. After the control val- gas chromatography at Bio-Science Labor- ues were established in these three animals, 2 atories (Van Nuys, Calif.) mg physostigmine was given intravenously. The methods and results of administering po- The repeat mean RET was 30.6 ± 5.4 mA tential antidotes to amitriptyline have been re- (control not significantly different). For the ported.7 Ten dogs received doxepin. In those control animals and at various stages during the animals where the RET fell more than 50%, 44 intervention experiments, the ventricular fibril- mEq sodium bicarbonate was given intrave- lation threshold (VFT) was compared with the nously, and the RET was reperformed within 10 RET. The RET was 90.8% of the VFT. How- min. Arterial pH was measured before and after ever, during 1.5% of the trials the VFT oc- bicarbonate. In four dogs equilibrium was es- curred at the same current level as the RET. tablished after bicarbonate treatment (as deter- Fig. 1 shows the RET in 10 dogs given doxe- mined by return of RET and pH to values before pin and in 16 dogs given amitriptyline. There bicarbonate ). Two milligrams physo- was no significant difference between mean RET stigmine was then injected intravenously over 2 control levels of the two groups. For the 16 min, and RET was repeated at 10 to 20 min. dogs given amitriptyline, 5 RET 1 SD was 362 Tobis and Aronow Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. March 1981

40 - mA after bicarbonate (not significant). Mean arterial pH was 7.31 ± 0.08 before bicarbonate and 7.37 ± 0.06 after 44 mEq sodium bicar- bonate. Mean RET was 25.3 ± 4 mA before 30 amitriptyline, 5.8 ± 3.3 mA after amitriptyline (p < 0.01), and 21.3 ± 16 mA after sodium bicarbonate (change not significant). Mean arte- rial pH was 7.26 ± 0.08 before bicarbonate and < 20 7.39 ± 0.08 after an average dose of 44 mEq sodium bicarbonate. Table II compares the effect of bicarbonate on the RET after amitriptyline or doxepin. 10 Fig. 3 depicts the RET before and after physostigmine in six dogs given amitriptyline and in 4 dogs given doxepin, which responded with more than 50% reduction in RET. The mean

CONTROL PHYSOSTIGMINE I DOXEPIN I RET was 23.5 ± 5.7 mA before amitriptyline, AM ITRIPTYLINE CONTROL PH YSOSTIGM IN E 9.8 ± 6 mA after amitriptyline (p < 0.001), Fig. 3. Comparison of amitriptyline and doxepin on and 26.7 ± 6.8 mA after physostigmine (differ- RET and effect of physostigmine in cases in which ence not significant). Mean RET was 34.6 -± 4.8 fixed doses of drug decreased RET. mA before doxepin, 5.6 -± 4.1 mA after doxe- pin (p < 0.01), and 19.8 ± 8.6 mA after 28.8 ± 7.9 mA during the control period and physostigmine (difference not significant). Dox- 8.2 ± 5.3 mA after drug (p < 0.001). The av- epin blood levels before and after physostigmine erage blood level at the time of RET determina- were not significantly different (2,533 ±- 1,261 tion was 933 ± 562 ng/ml. For the 10 dogs ng/ml and 1,633 ± 504 ng/ml). given doxepin, x RET ± 1 SD was 31.6 ± 5.3 mA during the control period and 22.9 ± 13.8 Discussion mA after drug (p < 0.01). The average blood Our data demonstrate that both amitriptyline level of doxepin at the time of RET determina- and doxepin can reduce the RET in the anes- tion was 1889 ± 899 ng/ml. All 16 dogs had thetized dog paced at a constant rate. The low- more than a 50% reduction in RET after amitrip- ered RET is consistent with the clinical finding tyline, whereas it occurred in only 4 of 10 dogs that severe overdoses after doxepin (Chi square -= 12.48, p <0.005). predispose to ventricular tachycardia and fibril- Because the RET did not consistently fall after lation. doxepin, the results are divided into those of It is important to note the apparent differ- experiments in which the RET did and did not ences in between amitriptyline and lower the RET more than 50% of control values doxepin. Amitriptyline consistently lowered the (Table I). The mean blood level was 1,614 ± RET levels in each of 16 dogs tested. The mean 785 ng/ml in the group with no response to blood level was 933 ± 562 ng/ml. Doxepin doxepin and 2,379 ± 921 ng/ml in the group in lowered RET in only four of 10 dogs, and the which RET fell more than 50% in response to mean blood level of 2,379 ± 921 ng/ml is doxepin (p < 0.05). more than 2 times the mean level needed with Fig. 2 shows the RET in four dogs given amitriptyline. The doses chosen for our study amitriptyline and five dogs given doxepin in were targeted for 1,000 ng/ml, which is consis- which RET was lowered and which were subse- tent with life-threatening overdose in humans.' quently given sodium bicarbonate. Mean RET It appears that doxepin is less toxic than amitrip- was 33.6 ± 4.8 mA before doxepin, 8.4 ± 7.3 tyline in its ability to lower ventricular vul- mA after doxepin (p < 0.01) and 11.1 ± 5.1 nerability despite higher blood levels of doxe- Volume 29 Amitriptyline and doxepin cardiotoxicity 363 Number 3

Table H. Effect of bicarbonate on RET after doxepin or amitriptyline

After drug and Control RET (mA) After drug (mA) after bicarbonate (mA)

Amitriptyline 25.3 ± 4.0 5.8 ± 33* 21.3 ± 16.0 Doxepin 33.6 ± 4.8 8.4 ± 7.3* 11.1 ± 15.1t

*p < 0.01 Compared with control level. tp < 0.05 Compared with control level. pin, but doxepin also has the same potential for doxepin can be experimentally measured by inducing ventricular fibrillation if the dose is lowering RET. This occurs partly through an high enough in susceptible animals. imbalance of autonomic tone caused by the We found the response of amitriptyline and effect of tricyclic antidepres- doxepin to sodium bicarbonate to be very vari- sants and their effect on the reuptake of cate- able. Brown et al.3 showed that the tricyclic cholamines. Our earlier studies demonstrated antidepressants have increased protein binding that propranolol, physostigmine, and left stel- at higher pH values.3 They described several late ganglionectomy can reverse the toxic effect cases in humans and in animal experiments in of amitriptyline on RET.7 Matta et al.6 de- which sodium bicarbonate reversed ventricular scribed the effect of on control RET and contracted the widened QRS levels. They found that, consistent with its an- induced by tricyclic antidepressants. Our data tiarrhythmic action, practolol elevated the were not clear. There were several instances of baseline RET by 50%. Thus the effect that amitriptyline and doxepin effects in which propranolol has on reversing tricyclic cardio- bicarbonate restored the RET to control levels, toxicity may not be specific. Left stellate but there were just as many cases in which the ganglionectomy does not raise the baseline RET remained the same or even fell after bicar- RET, yet it does reverse the effects of ami- bonate despite an average dose of 2 mEq/kg. triptyline on RET. This implies that autonomic The results with physostigmine as an antidote tone is altered by the and that the tox- were more consistent in our animal model. icity is partially mediated through this imbal- When the RET was lowered with either amitrip- ance. It appears from the comparison of ami- tyline or doxepin, physostigmine was able to triptyline and doxepin that both can act in the restore the RET to control levels. There was one same way to lower RET or VFT in dogs. At the instance of doxepin effect in which the RET same blood levels, doxepin has significantly improved less dramatically (from 2 to 8 mA) less effect on RET. after physostigmine, but ventricular fibrillation There are some who believe that the toxicity of could not be induced after physostigmine de- tricyclic antidepressants is being exaggerated." 2 spite scanning the T wave with our maximum Our clinical experience also suggests that most current of 40 mA. persons who overdose with tricyclic antidepres- The control testing studies demonstrate that sants achieve inadequate blood levels (by the the baseline RET can be expected to be stable time they reach medical care and undergo gastric and reproducible for at least 3 hr (which was the lavage) to develop life-threatening cardiac ar- duration of most of our experiments). Physo- rhythmias. There is, however, a sizable minority stigmine did not alter the control RET. Therefore who absorb large amounts of tricyclic antide- its effect on RET after treatment with toxic levels pressant and for whom an antidote is desirable. of amitriptyline or doxepin suggests that it is a Although there should be caution in extending direct effect of physostigmine interference with laboratory data to the clinical setting, our data the cardiotoxicity of tricyclic antidepressants. support the use of physostigmine and possibly From these experiments in dogs, we conclude sodium bicarbonate in tricyclic antidepressant that the cardiotoxicity of amitriptyline and poisoning. The data from our study also suggest 364 Tobis and Aronow Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. March 1981

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