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4-24-2002 The inonW an Winona State University

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Established in 1922 Wednesday, April 24, 2002 Volume 8o, Issue 24 Students move ashtrays Group uses Earth Day to promote smoking policy

Sarah Kennon WINONAN Tony Erika Doug Romaine Rulseh Stokes The unseasonable snowfall on Sunday didn't prevent the Winona State Wellness Com- mittee from going ahead with Student senate their cleanup efforts on Mon- day. The committee of about 15 students and staff celebrated Earth Day by cleaning up cam- officers elected pus and making the WSU com- Christine Behrend dent senate. munity aware of the revised WINONAN As the elected president for smoking policy put into effect student senate next year, Tony in August. The Winona State University Romaine, has already been Vice President of University Student Senate recently elected thinking about changes. Placement Jim Schmidt gave a new officers and senate mem- "My hope is that we can short presentation at the clock bers to represent students of bridge the gap between students in,, the center of campus. WSU. The student senate and the student senate. I don't Schmidt, introduced by well- assures that when making think students feel represented," ness committee student repre- important decisions for the uni- Romaine said. "It's a two-way sentative Jen Erikson explained versity, the students are well rep- street. The senate and the stu- the new policy to bystanders. resented. dents need to put an effort in." American Lung Association Some of the jobs of the stu- This year's vice president, and American Cancer Society dent senate president are to rep- Erika Nelsen explained her representatives gave awards to resent WSU at all Minnesota involvement in student senate as committee members. State Colleges and Universities being in charge of "everything Committee Co-Chairperson meetings, to be the director of internal." Cindy Duley said, "The Ameri- WSU, to oversee the functions "I basically deal with every- can Lung Society did give us an of the senate, to meet with Uni- thing within WSU. The vice award today, called 25 Steps in versity President Darrell president's job is to make sure the Right Direction; basically it Krueger and Vice President of senators are doing their job and was just about taking steps to Academic Affairs ° Steven to oversee all of the committees move the smoking areas out." Richardson of WSU and to be After the presentation, well- head representative of the stu- See Senate, Page 3 ness committee members, including both staff and stu- dents, along with many others who volunteered, divided into teams to move ashtrays further Doctor discusses away from the doors of univer- sity buildings in accordance with the new policy. Volunteers then walked sports injuries through campus picking up cig- Lindsey Senn He presented several scenarios, arette butts left on the ground. WINONAN x-rays and possible causes for "It takes up to two years for various fractures, sprains and them to disintegrate," Duley Dr. Thomas H. Berquist, tendon tears. said. Sarah Kennon/WINONAN director of education for the He also discussed the impor- A booth was also set up with Jake Wagner as "Mr. Butts" hands out anti-smoking buttons to Zach Danneker, Mayo Foun- tance of knowing the best detec- T-shirts and buttons for stu- Shawn McGerr and Jared Wills. Mr. and Mrs. Butts walked around campus to promote dation, held a tion processes and treatments dents. Also present were "Mr. the events put on by the Winona State University Wellness Committee. lecture Mon- that would be most cost effective and Mrs. Butts," who gave anti- day in Stark for the patient. smoking buttons to passers-by. also become a nonsmoking area ing buildings and when inside make people aware of the new Auditorium The most common ways to "Our main purpose is to let so children are not exposed to certain buildings. policy." to discuss detect injuries were covered at people know about the new smoke while playing. "People with health prob- Duley noted that the purpose current imag- length throughout the lecture. smoking policy," Duley said. Signs stating "For the health lems, especially those with asth- of Monday's events was not i Radiographs (particularly stress The new policy states that and comfort of our campus ma have complained about hav- intended to be an attack on approaches views), isotope scans, ultra- smokers cannot stand less than community please refrain from ing to walk through smoke to smokers. to sports- sounds and magnetic resonance 25 feet away from the perimeter smoking within 25 feet of the get to class," said Duley. "We don't want people to related images (MRI) were discussed of any building on campus. The building. Thank you," were put Duley and Erikson said they think we're against smokers; Thomas injuries and most often. area between Phelps and Som- at major entrances to the univer- had been talking about doing this isn't meant to be a personal Berquist their treat- Shoulder injuries result most sen has become a nonsmoking sity buildings as a reminder of something to promote aware- threat. Everyone has a right or ments. frequently from competitive area, because the two buildings the new policy. ness with the new policy for a choice of whether or not to Berquist's lecture, "Imaging sports such as tennis and swim- are less than 25 feet apart from Duley said many students long time. "We realized there breathe in the smoke," Duley of Sports Injuries," focused on ming and throwing sports such each other. The area around the and staff members complained was a problem and decided said. common injuries in the knee, playground behind Stark has of inhaling smoke when enter- Earth Day was a good time to ankle, wrist, hip and shoulder. See Berquist, Page 2

WSU improvements continue Sarah Goberville is activity. WINONAN Larger projects that are more involved and larger in scale may Noticeable steps are already being involve some distractions and annoy- taken toward this summer's additional ances, but the possibility of noise, dust, beautification for Winona State Uni- limited access to a selection of facilities versity's landscape. Indoor campus and occasional interruptions of the ser- improvement soon will take place to vices can be somewhat avoided and the make the inside academic environment difficulties can be prevented with plan- as comfortable as the outside. ning. Immediately following commence- Phase two of Minne Hall's remodel- ment on May 3, the improvement oper- ing and renovation will be happening ation will begin various tasks. Work on May 6 through Aug. 26 causing no the student activity center will begin access to the first and second floors and soon after school is out. very limited access to the third floor. Steve Ronkowski, WSU facilities The registrar's office in Somsen 114 coordinator said, "The bids for the pro- will be getting remodeled during the ject are due May 7 and the abatement same time and will little or no interrup- work for the project will begin on May tion of services. 6 by a specialty contractor." Other activities happening simulta- A fairly extensive amount of pro- neously with the rest of WSU's alter- jects are included in the list of improve- ations is a new roof on Lourdes Hall ments that Winona State University is located on West Campus and new undertaking ranging in size and amount chairs to be installed in the Performing of work needed to complete them. Arts Center Recital Hall. The campus improvement projects The bleachers in the Talbot Gymna- will persist throughout the summer sium will also be replaced, but timing Sarah Kennon/WmoNAN Building maintenance workers begin disassembling the bowling alley that has been in Kryzsko Commons even though summer school will be will be determined by summer events taking place. Some projects are small, that are scheduled because there will be for more than 20 years on Monday. The wood from the lanes will be used to make a stage for the new stu- dent union, scheduled to begin construction this summer. however, and will not disturb the nor- mally scheduled operations of academ- See Improvements, Page 3

Page 2 WINONAN April 24, 2002

STUDENT SENATE REPORT Senate wraps up final issues time reserve money that was will be on campus dealing with serve the students of WSU over allocated to us to make improve- statewide issues. If any student is the past year. It has been a year t Morning showers roll in JASON ments campus wide. We will be interested in coming to see how filled with ups and downs, but before partly sunny skies FOSSUM considering this issue today at MSUSA conferences work the experiences of the past year return for the afternoon. our final meeting of the year. If please stop in the office and to will undoubtedly help me greatly Student anyone has any suggestions or me. Increased participation from in the future. My only hope is Highs in the mid 50s with questions about that issue, please the student body in MSUSA that I have left not only the stu- k: Low : senate lows in the mid 30s. stop in the office and let us would be a great asset to WSU. dent senate, but the university, 35 president know. That would make everyone more better than when I took office The second issue that is left informed about issues as the last summer. thursdcuj friday saturday surlday for the year is the Minnesota school year progresses. As the year winds down, the State University Student Associ- Being that this is my last sen- Reach Jason Fossum at 457- student senate has two interest- ation Conference here at Winona ate column as president, I want- 5517 or via e-mail at ing issues left to tackle. The first State University. Students from ed to take this opportunity to say jmfossum8850@webmail. issue is how to spend the one- all the other state universities that it has been a privilege to Partly Rain/ Rain/ Mostly Cloudy Snow Sleet Cloudy BRIEFS kigh: Low : kipk: Low : 6:911: LOW : bek.: Low: 5 34 40 34 46 34 9 40 WSU College for Kids registration For additional information or ques- and internships. Applications can be to begin May 6 tions, contact the ACEED Office/College found and filled out online. This event The WSU College For Kids catalogs For Kids at Winona State University, also allows employers the opportunity to extemlied, outlook are available in local schools beginning 457-5084 or contact Julie Zuehlke, find prospective employees. Partly cloudy skies are expected for Thursday this week. More than 80 courses taught director, by phone at 507-643-6367, or To participate, sign up at by 34 professors are available during the via e-mail at [email protected] or before a system containing a mix of rain and summer enrichment program held at [email protected] snow comes in for the early weekend. Winona State University. HyVee contributes to WSU schol- source: weather .com The courses are designed for gifted Virtual Job Fair open until Friday arship fund students who have completed grades 3 Winona State is again participating in HyVee of Winona recently donated through 6 this spring. Registration is Minnesota's only college consortium vir- $1,000 toward scholarships at WSU. Berquist May 6-10. Courses are held Monday tual job fair. The Minnesota Just in Time The store employs more than 20 WSU Continued from Page 1 through Friday for two one-week ses- Virtual Job Fair runs through Friday. As a students out of its 308 employees. Store as baseball and football. like braces or casts that support sions held July 15-19 and July 22-26. virtual job fair, the event is entirely Inter- manager Tom Benoit said HyVee hopes Possible injuries include: and set the affected area. Registration forms and all other infor- net based and offers students and alum- to continue working with WSU. Physeal or Spiral fractures, A/C Hand and wrist injuries are mation is contained in the catalog. ni the ability to search for full-time jobs injuries (sprains, separations), most often, yet not always, com- muscle tears and dislocation. mon among children that partici- Berquist explained that the pate in football, gymnastics and best way to detect a specific basketball. Physeal or Hook of ROCHESTER CAMPUS NEWS injury was through either a rou- Hamate fractures can occur as tine radiograph or a stress view. well as neural or vascular Computer lab coordinator to pub- "I guess one major contributing factor and Stripes" is the only poetry she has MRIs are not necessary most injuries. lish poem behind my desire to write about the flag ever sent in as an entry for a contest or often in these types of injuries Berquist is currently the The International Library of Poetry is was seeing my father's respect for the for consideration for a publication. because they are best used for publishing a poem written by Debra flag," said Bond. "Even before the 11th, director for the radiology resi- clinical data or to correlate with a Bond, computer lab coordinator at he was always flying the flag. He sees Rochester International Film Festi- dency program at Mayo in Jack- routine radiograph. Winona State University-Rochester the flag and remembers all that his fami- val to begin Friday sonville, Fla., and a professor of Tennis players and baseball Center. Her poem is being published in ly has been through." The Seventh Annual Rochester Inter- pitchers can suffer from various diagnostic radiology at Mayo The Best Poems and Poets of 2002. Bond's father was an airplane national Film Festival, will take place elbow injuries, such as fractures, Medical School. He has written The poem, "Freedom's Flight of the mechanic instructor during World War II. April 26 - May 2. Descriptions are at ligament/tendon tears, nerve nearly 20 widely used radiology Stars and Stripes," was Bond's entry for Bond says that she writes poetry for her- injury or bursitis. textbooks and has given more a poetry contest: self, and "Freedom's Flight of the Stars Several treatments were dis- than 160 lectures and presenta- cussed to deal with such injuries tions.

CAMPUS SECURITY REPORT STUDY TIP OF THE WEEK April 9 — At 1:45 a.m. secu- judicial officer and the director matter was referred to the hall April 20 — At 11:30 p.m. When studying for finals, type your lecture notes in out- rity assisted in locating a student of security. director. security responded to a noise line form. This helps you organize material and refamiliar- who had threatened to harm him- April 17 — At 5:10 p.m. a April 19 — At 2:15 a.m. an complaint in Sheehan Hall. ize yourself with the information. Compare notes with self. The student was located and student reported that she was individual was cited for posses- Occupants were warned about classmates in study groups to ensure you have covered all the matter was referred to the exposed to by a male while in the sion of alcohol on campus near the noise violation and alcohol key concepts. hall director. library. The building was Watkins Hall. was also found in the room. The April 15 — At 5:10 p.m. sev- checked by Security and the sub- April 20 — At 11:20 p.m. matter referred to the hall direc- Study tips are provided each week by the Academic eral students reported that they ject had already fled the area. several students were stopped tor. Assistance Center. Visit its Web site, and view academic had been harassed by a male on April 18 — At 8:45 p.m. while checking into Sheehan schedules, at campus over the past several security was asked to check on Hall for having alcohol in their months. The matter was referred the welfare of a student. The stu- possession. The matter referred to the director of residence life, a dent was found to be fine and the to the hall director. Upcoming L COVE SPORTS PUB MINNESOTA CITY, MN Events 5TH ANNUAL SPRING FEST 2002 "Still At The L-COVE" BREAK Today Winona State University's Women's Studies Pro- MUSIC BY: SATURDAY, APRIL 2 7 TH SOMME • gram and FORGE, the Women's Studies student SHIVE ROAD BAND group, are hosting their annual "Take Our Sisters to 12 NOON — 8:30 P.M. * 1MA (=BM College Day" today. This event is modeled after the RODE HARD FAST ANNIE TICKETS: $15 IN ADVANCE national "Take Our Daughters to Work Day." snow 1 Winona Middle School girls are paired with Winona SCHWA * Includes Admission, Music, Beer & Fun! • BRECRIVIDG3 State women students. The middle school students Tickets available at Rascal's & L-Cove attend class or tour campus with their "sister," and go to TAP BEER DANA BUCK i A2716 lunch in Kryzsko Commons. SAND VOLLEYBALL Busses run regularly from RASCALS: 12 noon until 9:30 p.m. For more information, contact Tamara Berg, WSU FUN ON THE GRASS For Info Call 507-689-4611 or check our web site director of women's studies, at 507-457-5460. TRANSPORTATION L-COVE. corn FROM RASCALS *MUST BE 21 YEARS OF AGE TO ATTEND* April 25 The Prentiss-Lucas/Quad Annual BlockParty will be from 4 to 10 p.m. at Winona State University on King Editor-in-Chief Ad Reps Street. This is a non-alcoholic event with live music, Paul Konkol food, inflatables and a raffle. The public is welcome. Jennifer Selby Bria Bruggeman Alicia Magera Winona State University Heidi Bleier Lindsey Senn For more information, contact All Keimel at 453-1886. Managing Editor Mayumi Takahashi Missy Teff April 26 Winonan Kelly Bitter Winona State University will be hosting the Minneso- News Reporters Sports Reporters ta Association for Counseling and Development Spring News Editor Christine Behrend Zeb Baumann Workshop. Ideas for marketing counseling programs, Valerie Kramer Sarah Goberville Sara Greenlee Cheryl Johnson how counselors create meaningful relationships in Min- Established in 1922 as Winona State Univer- Ian Stauffer sity's first student newspaper, the Winonan is Sports Editors Sarah Kennon nesota's communities and professional licensure managed, funded and operated by and for Brett Carow Jen Powless Editorial Columnists issues are the focus of the MACD spring workshop. members of the WSU community. Published Chris Yarolimek Kelsea Samuelson Krystal Kapler Keynote speaker for the workshop is Minnesota and distributed weekly, the 5,000-circulation Laurie Simon Kelly Kirby State Rep. Fran Bradley (R-Rochester). newspaper investigates and reports campus Photo Editor Jacob LaRow For more information or a registration form, contact and community news that is timely, appropriate Ty Gangelhoff Photographers Ryan Lynch Mary Fawcett at 457-5338. and relevant to readers. Information is dissemi- Seamus Boyle nated in a manner compliant with the universal Feature Editor Eileen Ferguson Advertising and Busi- April 26 - 27 journalistic creed that information be delivered Stacy Booth Sarah Kennon ness: Winona State's annual Alumni Weekend is sched- lawfully, objectively, tastefully and fairly. Meghann Miller 457-5677 uledfor April 26-27. This occasion provides an opportu- The Winonan generates 65 percent of its Online Editor News and Feature: nity for all university graduates to return to university budget through advertising sales. The remain- Missy Teff Cartoonists 457-2425 roots. Saturday's activities include a dedication cere- ing 35 percent is provided through student Latham Luepke Sports and mony for the new meditation garden, student art club activities fees. Subscriptions for persons outside Copy Editor Chunlok Mah Photography: art sale, alumni dinner and musical event, "Putting It the university are available from the Advertis- Jenny Miller Jennie Silvernail 457-5520 Together." Sunday activites include a luncheon with ing/Business Manager. Andy Verncnocke Managing Editor: class photos, a recognition banquet and presentation The W i no n an is copyrighted and may not be Ad Manager 457-5119 of alumni society recognition awards at Lourdes Hall. reproduced without permission. Heather Powers Arts & Variety Fax: Please address all correspondence to: The Chris Benda 457-5317 Classifieds Michael Canavino E-mail: The Winonan accepts all news briefs, events and Winonan, Winona State University, Kryzsko Commons, PO Box 5838, Winona, MN 55987. Mike Fischer Sara Edenhofer Winonan@webmail. announcements turned in by noon Friday. Editors Tim Freitag reserve the right to edit for space and content as they Distribution Brian Gallagher see fit. Becky Allard Joe Gilman

April 24, 2002 WINONAN Page 3

Improvements Senate Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page 1 within the senate," Nelsen committee, working office said. hours, joining two all-universi- Erika Rulseh will be taking ty committees and voting on over the vice president position issues. for the student senate begin- The senators for next year ning June 1. will be Justin Jelenik, Jennifer According to Jason Possum, Thorstad, Aubrey Shermock, the current student senate pres- Sara Manz, Ava Schider and ident, a new administrative Jacob LaRow for the sopho- assistant is hired each year by more class; Valorie Bieganski, the president and hasn't yet Melissa Trettin, Justin Costel- been announced for the 2002- lo, Carrie Peterson, Jennifer 2003 school year. Reger and Richard Korish for This year's treasurer, Doug the junior class and Tressie Stokes, was re-elected for next Campbell, Robin Miller, year. Michael Hofland, Nick Szul- As of now, there are eight czeski, Kari Sather and Matt student senate committees. Sherry for the senior class. Nelsen said it's likely they will Primary elections held resume again next year. The April 9, for the executive committees currently estab- branch of student senate were lished are academic affairs, only needed for the vice presi- cultural diversity, legislative dent position this year. affairs, public relations, stu- The general election on dent services, student activity April 16 was open to the entire fees committee, technology student body. According to AD-HOC (renewed annually) Romaine, only two to three and the alcohol task force. percent of WSU students par- Six senators represent ticipated in the election. sophomore, junior and senior Romaine hopes to get more classes who have several students involved in voting for duties, some of which include student senate representatives going to meetings, being on a next election. Seamus Boyie/wIN0NAN Joel Geisser of Encompass Electric Technologies started installation of the phone and data-corn raceway in the tun- nels of Minne Hall Friday morning. It's the first of many scheduled projects for the building this summer. Hey Cheeseheads cheesehead wannabees, Vikings considered... limited access to the gymnasium "The Student Activity Center and appearance. tems, construction of new steel ). 4 during the process. Remodeling Project will include Ronkowski describes the stud and drywall partitions, An overall new addition that remodeling approximately extent of the work that will take doors, frames, hardware, win- eaut ul Fountain City will be present for the 2002-2003 10,000 gross square feet on the place in order to have the new dows, suspended ceilings, spe- (8 minutes to WSU) school year is the Kryzsko Stu- existing Winona State University student activity center hopefully cialties and finishes, mechanical dent Activity Area. The current campus," Ronkowski said. complete by late August: "The systems including plumbing, fire Panaramic River View from your Deck, Jacuzzi, Central Air, dishwasher, off street parking, heat inc., laundry bowling alley, located in the Stu- A huge transformation needs work will include, but not be protection, heating, ventilating dent Union, will no longer exist to be made in order for the cur- limited to the demolition of and air conditioning and electri- 2 d f•r 2 - 4.. people $795 total — avail. now. 5/1, or 6/1 after the summer's campus rent bowling alley and surround- walls, ceiling grid and related cal systems including power, baths for 3 - 5 people $895 total — avail. 6/1 improvement projects. ing area to have a new function mechanical and electrical sys- lighting and special systems." For more information call: 687.3538 or 458.5500

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Page 4 ARTS VARIETY April 24, 2002

SPOTLIGHT Check out Page 7 for a preview of Ce ter° summer movies Winona• State hosts Gamelan concert Jen Powless Schmidt said. States," said Schmidt. WINONAN The group is led by Schubert Club Schmidt said that even some ele- member Nicole Erikson who spent a mentary schools are now acquiring Winona State University students, year in Indonesia studying gamelan their own gamelan set. along with various members of the St. music. Winona State will be offering a Paul Schubert Club, will be perform- According to Schmidt, the core of course including gamelan music next ing a Javanese Gamelan concert at gamelan music is just percussion, semester. The course is titled World 7:30 p.m. tonight in Lourdes Hall. made up of kettle gongs and hanging Music Ensemble and is worth one A gamelan is an Indonesian orches- gongs. There are, however, other credit. tra composed of mostly percussion pieces such as a rebab (which is like a The gamelan concert at Winona instruments that are built and tuned as fiddle), vocalists and sometimes a State has become an annual event, one unit. flute-like instrument. which is now in its fourth year. Winona State's music chair, Cathy Winona State will not have a full "It's a great opportunity to hear Schmidt, is excited about the concert. gamelan set, but a majority of the music that's unique and different," "The concert is a unique opportuni- parts will be performed. said Schmidt. ty for students to be fully engaged in a "We're lucky to have the instru- Gamelan music has been described different culture," she said. ments that we have here," said as "the sound of liquid moonlight." Schmidt said the performers are Schmidt. The shimmering, pulsating sound that made up of students, Schubert Club The gamelan set that will be used is is characteristic of gamelan arises as members and community members being borrowed from a member of the the different instruments' parts blend interested in gamelan music. There are Schubert Club. together. no auditions for the group. Schmidt believes that gamelan In Indonesia, gamelan music is an "Anybody can play gamelan, there music has become increasingly more essential part of shadow puppet plays are parts that are very easy to play and popular due to the promotions by the and many dance performances, but is parts that take many years to perfect. Schubert Club. also played at important events such These parts will be filled mostly by "It's becoming something that's as weddings, funerals, birthdays and members of the Schubert Club," fairly widespread in the United planting celebrations.

Sarah Kennon/WiNoNAN Giant fruits and vegetables line the shelves above the produce section at the Bluff Country Co-op. The creations were made by art students and are on display through the month. Students grow giant veggies for art class Alicia A. Magera armature is then covered with colored WINONAN fabric or paper. "The pomegranate used glass Seamus noyie/wiNoNAN For those who have asked, the globes as the seeds," Plummer said. From left, Nicole Erickson, while playing the lead instrument the kendhang, instructs Jessica Weber, Bluff Country Co-op is not the setting Plummer hopes that people who Amira Makky and music department chair person Cathy Schmidt of the WSU gamelan to get ready for of the next installment of the Killer see the exhibit have a greater appreci- the Wednesday performance. Tomatoes movie series, but the site of ation for vegetables and see fruits and an art exhibit called Vital Veggies. vegetables in a new light. According to Anne Scott Plummer, "I think this will enhance students art department chair, the exhibit pride in their work," Plummer said. opened about month ago at the Bluff "This is usually the first art class stu- Country Co-op. dents take, and it is giving them some Summertime provides This exhibit showcases gigantic more exposure." fruits and vegetables that perch on top Usually the artwork is displayed in of the produce aisle cases. Watkins where only a handful of peo- "The exhibit contains a number of ple are able to view it. various music festivals enlarged vegetables such as ginger By exhibiting the artwork at the root, banana, pomegranate, coconut Co-op many more people, including number one priority is the around the area are sold out. notable bands that I've and others," Plummer said. community members, are able to see The artwork in the exhibit TUA Civic Tour. This summer-long If you want to get scalped included to make your tour headlines Incubus and tickets or tickets from Ebay, decision easier. was actually a part of a class assign- FREITAG features and you might be working off Those are just a few tours ment. "The exhibit contains . a Phantom Planet. If you don't your debt for the rest of the that you can check out. It'll Each semester students in the 3-D design class are asked to enlarge an number of enlarged Music see this show don't admit it to summer. make your summer that much your friends. There is some good news more enjoyable. organic object. Plummer said most vegetables such as columnist One of the stops Incubus though. The controversial Just to start you off, I have students choose fruits or vegetables. ginger root, banana, and Hoobastank are making "Lillywhite Sessions" are about 30 tickets to Serotone's Renee Heyer, an art teaching stu- dent, came up with the idea to display pomegranate, coconut is to 93X Fest, which takes being re-recorded and will show at "The Fine Line Music and others." This year has just flown place over Memorial be released in June or July Café" on May 13. It's a 21 the work at the Co-op. by. It only seems like a few Day weekend in Somerset, along with two additional and up show. So if you're 21 Heyer asked her fellow students days ago that there was snow Wis. at the Floatrite songs. and will be in the Twin Cities, along with Plummer about displaying ANNE PLUMMER on the ground. What a cruel Ampitheater. The pop-disaster tour fea- pick up some complimentary at the Co-op. Heyer then made the Art department chair arrangements with the Co-op to show- trick that was. X-Fest usually starts the tures Green Day and Blink tickets. Just send me an case the work. Now the school year is summer off the right way. 182. e-mail and let me know Plummer said that out of the 20 drawing to a close, so I'm You can't go wrong with X- Personally I would skip you're interested. students' work. pieces made for the project, about 15 going to equip you with the fest. I threw in a list of the this show. The tickets are in That's all from me this The full exhibit will be up until information you need to make lineup to get your heart excess of $30, and the music year. Congratulations gradu- of them are displayed. graduation, at which point some your summer a great one. pumping. is mediocre at best. ates. Everyone else have a The fruits and vegetables are made pieces will be removed. Based on the These concert dates will Dave Matthews Band is a As an alternative, I would great summer and I'll see you from many different materials. Stu- success of the exhibit Plummer hopes put you on the fast track so must see concert. Unfortu- suggest the Warped Tour. The next year. dents were allowed to use any type of to add to the remaining pieces next material for the piece. you can stay entertained this nately, most of the United tickets are in the $20 range semester. All start with an armature, which is summer. States thinks that same way, and it's a day full of punk, ska Bluff Country Co-op is located at Personally speaking, my so as a result, the shows and hip-hop. There are some See Tim, Page 6 made from metal or screening. The 121 W. 2nd St.

April 24, 2002 ARTS ::VARIETY Page 5

Britney babes Change attitudes to find renewable energy sources

materials. Government vehi- CHRIS cles should have the strictest fuel efficiency standards BMA placed on them and be required to implement zero emission vehicles before they Eneciirml- hit the market. mentol Governments can further columnist control the shift to renewable energies by offering tax cred- This week I promised to its to businesses, rental prop- discuss how we can make a erties and homeowners that shift to renewable ener- use innovative gies. Again, this is necessary techniques. Entire cities per- because an increasing world haps could receive federal tax population cannot reduce breaks for converting power environmental degradation supplies to renewable and pollution of life support sources. meolanniwillermimoNAN systems by allowing more I would like to see power From left, Chris Johnson, Jason Shields, Noah Alm, Carl Rosenberg, Bruce Sigfridson and Tony Romaine per- and more people to adopt companies and automobile form "I'm a Slave For You" at the Mr. WSU pagent Thursday. wasteful practices. manufacturers make the shift Instability in the Middle to renewable energies of their East, the Bush administra- own accord. They could have tion's dismissal of the Kyoto the realization that they are treaty, the Enron scam artists, harming their families, their the accumulation of oil in the customers and their environ- Summer often equals oceans, destruction of habitat ment by burning coal and Try this: due to oil exploration and producing nuclear health problems due to air waste. They could have the Strawberry pollution are all huge con- foresight to see that depend- cerns that should be the dri- ing on oil cannot last forever strawberry season ving force behind any new and the sooner the shift is bread energy policy. made the better. odd, smelling the berries is a they'll get mixed up with But some politicians What can you do person- great way to see if they're worth the vines, and you can injure MISSY 3 cups flour apparently do not feel that ally? We are all approaching buying. the strawberry plants while 1 teaspoon baking these are important concerns that age when we will be They should have a sweet weeding. to their constituents because buying or building new smell like, well, strawberries. If Birds are as crazy about soda congress was unsuccessful in homes or starting Food they're perfectly red but have no strawberries as the rest of us, but 1 teaspoon salt making a small increase in businesses. You may become scent, they probably won't have metallic pinwheels and pie plates a contractor, rental property columnist 2 teaspoons CAFE standards. This is much flavor. on sticks scattered throughout absurd considering that fact owner, warehouse manager, Strawberries should be stored the patch can help scare them cinnamon that we can save all the oil we city planner or other various in a ventilated container in the away. 2 cups sugar would get out of ANWR by occupations and in these Strawberries have always fridge. Those clear plastic con- Those with carpentry skills 4 eggs, beaten simply increasing fuel effi- positions have direct control been a food of exceptional tainers they're packed in at the can build a short box around the ciency standards by three over how energy costs can be appeal. grocery stores are perfect — they patch and cover it with a little 1 1/2 cup vegetable o miles per gallon and includ- reduced. An old Cherokee myth tells of let the berries breathe without mesh wire ("chicken wire," as 1 cup pecans ing sports utility vehicles as Any business venture that how, after a quarrel between the losing too much moisture. my dad called it) that can be 1 1/2 pints washed automobiles. you will want to be apart of first man and woman, strawber- Don't wash them until you peeled back when picking and hulled I believe the key to getting will highly value your opin- ries were the only fruit that plan to eat them, as washing will berries; this keeps the birds and the proverbial snowball ion and you can suggest that would slow her pace enough for cause them to decay quicker. Of general vermin from crawling strawberries rolling is for everyone to virgin materials not be used her husband to catch her. course, this is also a great reason around in the patch. make a change in their eco- in the production or imple- When she saw the "fruit of to eat them all in one sitting. Finally, you might need to nomic attitudes. People need mentation of the good or ser- heaven," she forgot her anger When I lived at home, I had space the plants out every few to see the long-term benefit vice you provide. At home and returned to him, where they dlleP,04rtQeve'ric t° 35 my own strawberry patch, which years. Strawberry plants that are ombine flour ; in making a shift to renew- you can buy things that can both apologized and munched on has now been handed off to my too close together will stop ss• - able energies. This is similar be recycled and made from baking salt, strawberries the whole way producing large numbers of to seeing the benefit of start- recycled materials. home. berries. acinna mon°da' s sugar ing a college fund for your The biggest roadblocks in June is the typical strawberry In the fall, dig up a few plants bowl; II- In a children when they are young the implementation of renew- month, as the season starts and move them to a more open separate bowl, mix even though that money able energy are the cost and around Father's Day. During this area. together eggs and oil. could be used to pay the the idea that old habits die short period, it's easy to find Don't get discouraged if your monthly bills. This should be hard. Costs are coming down bushels of berries at grocery new patch isn't brimming with Add liquid mixture to this easy when you consider that as technology advances and stores and farmers' markets. huge berries. It takes a little time dry mixture; mix togeth- making decisions based on there are economic controls Most people agree that straw- Seasonings for the plants to adjust to the er until just combined. short term economic gain is that can counteract berries just taste good, and that's environment. Also, you'll likely Stir in pecans; fold in what got us into this mess in this. Changing attitudes and enough reason to eat them. mom. Between the two of us, we have a smaller crop every other strawberries, Pour the first place. informing the public is much However, they also contain have learned several tips to pre- year. Don't ask me why. more difficult, but like most mixture into two greased For any large scale shift in vitamins C, A and B6 with only a serve as many berries as possi- While your strawberry energy sources to occur, all problems, the solution lies in touch of calories. Even better, ble. experiences may not be as 9x5-inch loaf pans. levels of government need to education. they're an aphrodisiac, especial- A strawberry patch is not for Hollywood-perfect as the Chero- Bake for 50 minutes to take the lead in making this The Midwest Renewable ly when dipped in chocolate and the weak. kee story, I'm sure you will have one hour or until change. They can pass laws Energy Association is doing served to a significant other. fun with this "heavenly" spring Spend a few hours out in the toothpick inserted in that require all new govern- just that through their annual When you go to buy straw- patch each week, digging around fruit. ment buildings to incorporate fair in Wisconsin. The next berries, look for firm, red berries. in the dirt to remove any weeds. center comes out clean. energy efficient features like one is this summer in Custer, Shape is less important, as bigger Because of the vines from the Reach Missy TeX!' at Cool completely on wire , daylighting, solar panels for Wis. and the three-day festi- or smoother does not make for strawberry patch, it's much [email protected] rack. energy and not using any val is the world's largest better taste. easier to pull the weeds early. supplies made from virgin And, while it may seem a bit If they have a chance to grow, See Chris, Page 6 El fest tickets now available

el fest 5 Christine Behrend playing from 5:10 to 6:20 p.m. The final band, WINONAN Three Beers 'Til Dubuque, is University of Wis- Saturday, April 27th, 2002 consin-La Crosse alumni, and will play from 6:50 El Promotions is bringing its fifth annual spring to 8:15 p.m. concert to Fountain City this year. The show is Brian George of El Promotions has been New Location: Club Midway in Fountain City being held at Club Midway on April 27. Tickets involved in planning all of the five annual shows. are $8 in Winona, $13 in La Crosse, Wis., and $10 El Promotions is a business promoting other busi- Limited Parking: Free Coach bus shuttles from Gabby's & Bullseye at the door. The show is open to students and pub- nesses, that puts things together top to bottom. He starting at 1:30 p.m. lic of 21 years of age or older. A valid I.D. must be explained his reasoning for picking each of the presented at the door. bands and believes there's something available for 2:30 - 3:30 POWER HOUR OF FREE BEER Coach buses will run from La Crosse, Wis., everyone to enjoy musically. Gabby's Bar and Lounge and Bullseye Beer Hall "I picked Three Beers 'Til Dubuque because Ticket Outlets: Gabby's, Bullseye, Club Midway, ZaZas in Winona to Club Midway. The first shuttle starts you'll like them if your 21 or if your 50. They're at 1:30 p.m. and the last one runs from Club Mid- good for the young and old," George said. way to Gabby's and Bullseye at 8:30 p.m. It's esti- According to George, Mary Ellis hits up college Entertainment: el•. mated the buses will run every half hour and tenta- rock, Eddie Mac plays "trip funk" and Straight to 2:30 - 3:35 straight to your brain promotions tive schedules will be posted at each location and Your Brain is an "in your face punk band, perfect •• •• on the buses as well. There will be limited parking for the power hour." 3:40 - 4:40 Eddie Mac ••••• available-at Club Midway. The concert is at an outdoor, covered stage with 5:10 - 6:20 Mary Ellis ZaZas Pub and Pizzeria, a main sponsor, will be a grassy lot, volleyball net and picnic tables. catering the event, offering gyros and pizza by the Bringing blankets or chairs is suggested. Merchan- 6:50 - 8:15 Three Beers 'Til Dubuque slice or whole. Kegs will be available outside and dise from both bands and El Fest 5 will be avail- 4:00 - 8:00 Bacardi Girls other drinks will be served inside. Bacardi Girls able to purchase. will be serving drinks from 4 to 6 p.m. and from At 7 p.m. there will be a raffle drawing for a 6:30 to 8 p.m. Power hour of free beer runs will 1979 Cadillac Eldorado. Proceeds go to the Rod WIN A 1979 Cadillac Eldorado from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. on site. and Gun Club of Fountain City. Raffle tickets are Raffle Sponsored By Four bands will perform throughout the night. $2 each or three for $5. The winner will be con- Rod & Gun Club of Fountain City The first one, playing from 2:30 to 3:15 p.m. is tacted by phone if not present at the drawing. Straight to Your Brain, a band of Winona State Tickets to the show and for the raffle can be Raffle tickets sold at all ticket outlets. University students. The second band, playing purchased at Club Midway, Gabby's Bar and from 3:40 to 4:40 p.m. is Eddie Mac from Min- Lounge, Bullseye Beer Hall, Del's Bar and ZaZas For More Info Visit: neapolis. The third band is Mary Ellis, originally Pub and Pizzeria. For more information, visit from Louisiana, now from Winona. Mary Ellis is .

Page 6 ARTS VARIETY April 24, 2002

Tim Music makers Continued from Page 4 Civic Tour Dates: Warped Tour ■ May 24 Floatrite Notables: Ampitheatre ■ Flogging Molly Somerset, Wis. ■ Mighty Mighty ■ May 25 Marcus Bosstones Ampitheater ■ Reel Big Fish Milwaukee ■ Good Charlotte • May 29 Rose- ■ New Found Glory mont Allstate ■ No Use For A Chicago — Sold Out Name Warped Tour Dates: 93X Lineup • June 26 River- (as of April 22) port Ampitheatre Lot ■ Kid Rock St. Louis ■ Incubus ■ July 23 ■ Papa Roach Fargodome ■ Gravity Kills Fargo, N.D. ■ Hoobastank • July 24 ■ Marcus Ampitheater ■ Reveille Lot Milwaukee ■ Static-X ■ July 27 Illnjected Tweeter Center Tinley Park, Ill. Reach Tint Freitag at • July 28 tinfreita2 13 5@webniail. Seamus BoyleAviNoNAN Harriet Island Deanna Dienger will direct "Putting it Together" by Stephen Sondheim Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in Minneapolis the recital hall in the Performing Arts Center at Winona State University. Performing and pictured from left are Cory Franson, Dienger, Ryan Rosenberg, Jason Mondl and Caroline Decoster.

D DR/4 1- 0or 4Aili tt I. er Old adage holds ovr true with God more and grow a little closer to Jog God, but now you are standing GIL MAN in the sand, and the waves are just barely touching your feet. The whole ocean is in front of Religion you, stretching farther than the columnist eye can see. (c) 2002 Foxy Catch The Summer Editions At Such is the depth of the char- acter and love of God. All of our lives can be spent growing in "The more you learn, the less depth of the understanding of his you seem to know." I know of no love for us, and still it would better example of when this likely seem that we are only Basic computer skills important quote holds true than in my rela- wading in. That is why he gives port staff here, I was part of sev- today's market? Using a laptop mat, .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .ps, etc, to tionship with God. us all of eternity to be blown eral meetings on the possibility everyday — ok, a few days a save it in, and why. Some basic The God I am coming to away by the revelation of his MICHAEL of having a class for teaching month — does put you ahead of hardware skills to have is know- know is so big and so vast, his heart. CANAVINO basic computer skills. While we the game, although not for long, ing how to setup a computer, truths so deep, and his love so So here I am standing back on all agreed students coming to as more universities are going knowing how to plug in and all-encompassing that the more I the sandy beach, finding that I this university are entering with laptop. But you're still ahead for install peripherals such has a dive into him the more I realize I barely understand the basic truth Technology more skills including computer now. As for what you can do scanner or printer, and which don't really know him. I feel like that I am sustained only by the columnist use every year, there seems to with it, knowing Office and the secret door on the printer to open an absolute novice in my under- way God feels about me, that is, be a lack of a basic set of tools. Windows operating systems is to fix a paper jam. standing of who he really is. his grace on my life. We found that while a certain essential. This includes knowing Many people think they don't Picture God as a vast ocean. And yet, there is no other group of freshman might know how to mail merge in Word, how need to know all this, that the IT When you first get to know him, journey I'd rather be on, nothing As you may have guessed by PowerPoint, they might know to make a good-looking presen- depal (Anent of their company you feel like you are up to your that fascinates me more than the now, I use computers and tech- nothing about Word, or another tation, how to use formulas in will do it for them, but who shoulders in the water. thought of taking that next step nology a lot. I probably have a group who knows networking Excel, how to make a basic Web would be less likely to be All you can really see is the and feeling the wet sand as the genetic predisposition towards might have never seen a Macin- page, and how to use Access at "reengineered," someone who water that is directly around you cool ocean water washes up to computers, and if I went outside tosh computer. While those in all. You will spends their time — and the and below your nose. You begin my toes. and joined a sports fantasy camp, charge — I'm just an underling need to company's money — waiting for to go a little deeper into your "...I consider everything a I could get a tax refund, but I — are pursuing other ideas, know how IT or someone who can fix minor understanding of who God is. loss compared to the surpassing think there's nothing wrong with such as an on-line course, or to move problems and get back to work? But now, you are only about greatness of knowing Christ being a tech. In fact, we would disc-based training, I feel we around in Computers are in 95 percent of waist high in the water and sud- Jesus my Lord..." (Phillipians be better off if more people need a class now, before the Windows the jobs out there, and if you can denly this vast body of water is 3:8). understood computers, and were knowledge gap between the and be able use one, you'll be that more all around you. taught that they're not that scary haves and have-nots grows any to manage valuable. He is more than you original- Reach Joe Gilman at or hard to understand. wider. Illy Own files with Probably the most valuable ly imagined. You press in some jgilman23@yahoo. corn As part of the technical sup- The class would teach the non-Uirtual ease. You advice I've received at Winona very basics of what computer Space should also State came from Professor James skills are required to enter know how Bovinet in marketing. He told us today's job market. The class to run more when we got our first job to read would of course include the than one version as well. Compa- the copier machine manual, Microsoft Office suite, as well as nies have every possible combi- because whoever can get those BE A LEADER basic photo editing, include nation of old and new software damn lights to stop blinking or basic hardware training, maybe and hardware imaginable. Just resize 8x11 to 11 x14 will be the go into more detail on using because they're a Fortune 500 last person fired. And it's AMONG LEADERS Excel or another program for Company or an internationally- absolutely true. basic statistics and formulas, or known hospital doesn't mean Thanks for a great year. Hope * * offer separate sections depend- they are not using Windows 95. you enjoyed this column, have ing on what college the student's Other skills to learn include an awesome summer, and see major is under. E.g., liberal arts learning how to do photo and you in the fall! Every Soldief in the U.S. Army learns hicriv to become a majors would receive extra help image editing, from scanning in *ado M. ARMY Of ONE, With your bActielor's tee,, on Web-based job hunting. a photo to retouching it, adding Reach Michael Canavino at What skills are essential to effects and knowing what for- [email protected] yr4 can become an Army Of and be leader among *advs. In Ott. Candidate SOW (OM. MI learn Chris management and leadership technic:1m, Appty rem, Continued from Page 5 Owings are Wiled venue to learn about renewable energy, energy These are just my ideas and they are not infalli- efficiency and sustainable living. ble. It would be arrogant on my part to assert that I Many of the practices addressed in my column have all the answers to our country's energy prob- can be used as a supplement until a large-scale lems. However, it is also arrogant to assume that > > Call Sergeant First WU Schawb at turnover to renewable energy occurs. For example, these suggestions will not work without even try- 501-454-2,345 to find out about college Nan in Minnesota power companies are required to buy ing. the excess power you produce. It is wise in the city So to return to the idea I presented in my first repayment and more Amy benefits. Or talk to 3 to have solar panels for when conditions are ideal, article in September, think about these things this Recruitei at the Winona Army Recruiting Station. but still have external power for poor conditions. summer as you fight gas prices and bicycle for 1215 Gilmore Avenue in Winona, Mit When you are producing more energy than you are clean air. MON FRI, using, the excess energy goes to the power compa- Reach Chris Benda at cdbenda8344@ 9:00 am - 5U pm. ny and they must compensate you for this.

CrtfAIWA if $1111013110

April 24, 2002 ARTS VARIETY Page 7 Upcoming movies show promise It's about the time of year to get ready for the big blockbuster- pretty good movies, but I'm still skeptical about Affleck. July 19 summer-movie-season. My summer movie season got off to a rocky "Undercover Brother," a film about a secret black agency that "Halloween: Resurrec- start when I went to see "The Scorpion King" on Friday. The movie fights the evil white establishment known as "The Man" starring the tion" BRIAN wasn't bad, but I can't really tell for sure. After about 25 minutes the hilarious Eddie Griffin also comes out on this date. Come on. Isn't this series film, I think it actually burned. It looked really cool on the screen, GALLAGHER dead yet? This one is about a but they couldn't get it fixed. Oh well. I'm sure the rest of the sum- June 14 bunch of kids who hold an mer will make up for it. This looks like a pretty good weekend, with three major releases Movie Internet chat from Michael coming out. "The Bourne Identity," starring Matt Damon in his Reviewer Myers' actual house. Can you May 3 first action movie, is about a former government agent with amne- guess what happens next? "Spider-Man" sia. Damon, who can't remember anything about his life is trying to The unofficial kick-off to the summer movie season starts with a escape the assassins sent to kill him by the very agency that trained July 26 bang at the release of the highly anticipated "Spider-Man." This him. "Austin Powers in Goldmember" movie stars Tobey Maguire as the webbed wonder and Kirsten Dunst "Windtalkers" is a World War II drama starring Nicholas Cage In the third installment of the hilarious series, Austin Powers as his damsel in distress. It looks to be pretty entertaining with plen- about the true story of Navajo American-Indian soldiers who use fights off Dr. Evil, falls in love with a new woman (Destiny's Child's ty of shots of Spider-Man swinging through the buildings of New their own language to communicate without having the messages Beyonce Knowles) and finds a new enemy in Goldmember. Hope- York. I wasn't sure Maguire fit the mold to play Spider-Man, but understood by the enemy. fully they didn't run out of jokes in the first two movies to keep this from looking at the trailers, it looks like he did a pretty good job. The third major release is "Scooby-Doo." Yeah. All those movies series going. that will make my top 10 for the summer take one step forward — May 16 not so fast "Scooby-Doo." Aug. 2 "Star Wars: Episode H — Attack of the Clones" "XXX" I can't wait for this one! This chapter of the saga is set 10 years June 21 No, it's not a porno. It's Vin Diesel in, guess what? A dark come- after Episode I, and deals with the Republic wanting to start a clone "Minority Report" dy? A psychological thriller? No. An action movie! I didn't see that army to help the outnumbered Jedi fight off separatists who have A futuristic movie based on the short story by Phillip K. Dick, one coming. This one is about extreme sports star Xander Cage who been succeeding from the Republic. In my daily search of movie starring Torn Cruise. This film is about a government agency that goes to work for the U.S. government on an international mission. information, I came upon an actual draft of the script for this movie. arrests criminals before the crime is committed. When Cruise is told "Signs" I'm not going to spoil it, but it is incredible! It looks like the best Star that he commits a crime, he must run for his life. This film is direct- This is the latest movie from writer/director M. Night Shyamalan Wars movie to date. For those who want to read the script, e-mail me ed by Steven Spielberg, who hopefully does a better job than the hor- ("The Sixth Sense," "Unbreakable"). This psychological thriller, and I'll send you the link. This is the one movie you should see this rible "A.I.:Artificial Intelligence." From the looks of the trailer, he's starring Mel Gibson as a farmer who sees mysterious crop circles on summer, if you see any at all. back to his old self. his farm in rural Philadelphia. Shyamalan's first two were great, and "Juwanna Mann" about a rebellious NBA player who gets I imagine this one will be no different. May 24 thrown out of the league, and becomes a woman playing for the "Insomnia" WNBA, also opens on this date. Aug. 16 This film director Christopher Nolan's follow-up to his break- "Simone" through film "Memento." It stars Al Pacino as a legendary detective, July 3 This is the one I've been looking forward to for awhile. From and Hilary Swank as his apprentice, as they chase Robin Williams, "Men in Black II" writer/director Andrew Niccol ("Gattaca," writer of "The Truman in a surprisingly creepy role as a serial killer. The film portrays In this sequel to the 1998 hit movie, Will Smith must get his old Show") "Simone" stars Al Pacino as a struggling film director who's Williams's continuously playing mind games with Pacino, causing partner, Tommy Lee Jones, who now works for the. United States latest movie is about to be canceled when his leading lady drops the him to lose sleep — hence the title. Nolan didn't write the screenplay Postal Service, to come out of retirement and stop some more aliens. film. Now very desperate, he uses a computer-generated image to this movie, as he did with "Memento," but it looks to be a very I wasn't a huge fan of the first one, but this looks fairly entertaining. actress to finish the film. When the film comes out, "Simone," which suspenseful, cerebral thriller. actually means Simulation-One, Sim-One, becomes a huge star, but July 12 doesn't actually exist. I can't wait. May 31 "The Road to Perdition" "The Sum of All Fears" Sam Mendes, ("American Beauty") directs this film which gives That's it kids. Have a good summer. I'll be back ranting about This movie, based on the Tom Clancy novel, follows the adven- an interesting look to the gangster movie genre. Tom Hanks stars as movies next year. tures of CIA agent Jack Ryan, earlier portrayed by Harrison Ford in a hitman, seeking vengeance after his wife and one of his children "Clear and Present Danger" and "Patriot Games." In this film Ben are murdered. The movie is set in the Capone-ruled 30s Chicago. Reach Brian Gallagher at [email protected] Affleck plays Ryan, destined to stop a terrorist threat to drop a Mendes and Hanks are both incredibly talented, so this looks to be a nuclear weapon on the Super Bowl. Clancy novels usually make great one.


* Applications are available at parking services

* Spring Parking Application Process ends April 30, 2002

*Current gold permit holders can renew coil? during the spring process ONLY! Additional parking information: Phone: 457-5062 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: INSIDE Brett Carow, Chris Yarolimek — editors MSU-Mankato continues their domination 507-457-5520 of the Warrior's baseball team [email protected] See page 9 SPORTS

Page 8 April 24, 2002

Score 'em

Baseball: 4/17 — 4/22 WSU netters run away with NSIC title MSU-Mankato 5 15 Warriors 6 2 Regional pairings, conference

Warriors 8 5 awards to be decided today Wayne State 6 7 Ian Stauffer Lindsey Sims. Sims won a Softball: 4/8 — 4/21 WINONAN three-set battle with Duluth's Concordia-St. Paul 4 0 Fisher 3-6, 6-1, 6-4. Warriors 5 3 Eight Winona State Uni- Sims also took home a versity women's tennis play- doubles title. She teamed up Warriors 2 0 ers and doubles teams won with Brea Bruggeman to Southwest State 0 1 conference Sunday at the defeat Duluth's Jill Barle and Northern Sun Intercollegiate Kelly Kokotovich 6-0, 6-2. Warriors 6 Conference Women's Tennis UM-Crookston "I knew it wasn't a big deal • 0 Championships at St. T's Ten- if I lost the first set," Sims nis & Sports in Winona. said. "I knew I was good Warriors 1 Winona State won the con- enough to beat her, but I just Bemidji State 3 ference title, scoring 52 needed some balls to start Warriors 21 points overall behind the landing in. UM-Morris 0 eight first place finishes and "It's really awesome that one second place finish. we made regionals. It's great Warriors 4 Karen Darveaux led the that all of our hard work is UM-Duluth 0 Warriors with a 6-2, 6-3 win starting to pay off." over SouthWest State Univer- Bruggeman was the only Warriors 4 MSU-Mankato sity's Kathryn Helget to win player who didn't win first 3 the title in the No. 1 singles place for WSU, losing an epic Women's Tennis spot. Darveaux teamed up three-set battle 5-7, 7-5, 7-5 UM-Morris lasd- with Joanne Lashomb to win to Barle. Warriors kfj the No. 1 doubles title in a Megan Krentz and Megan quick 6-3, 6-2 win over Newbauer combined forces to Track Amber Fisher and Allison win the No. 3 doubles title at St. Thomas Invite Eighth Warn of University of Min- and each won their own sin- nesota-Duluth. gles title. Krentz won in the Watch 'em "All year our goal has been No. 5 singles spot and New- See page 10 for the remain- to win conference and bauer in the No. 6 hole. ing schedule of events to advance to regionals," said "I knew we had the ability close out the 2001-2002 Darveaux, who is a favorite to and talent to win conference," school year win the NSIC tournament WSU coach Jeff Prondzinski Most Valuable Player. said. "We've had a lot of "It is a really good feeling goals all year and we've been to actually do it and move on out to meet them since day Start 'em to the next step." one. (The three-set wins) real- Crystal Teske The Warriors earned an ly shows how far our team Took fourth out of 44 com- automatic bid into the region- has come. Our freshman have petitors in the 100-meters al playoffs. The pairings, played in so many matches with a time of 12.91 sec- along with the Coach of the that they are hardly freshmen onds. She placed sixth in the Ty Gangelhoff/W ►NoNAN Year and the conference MVP anymore." 200-meters with a time of WSU's Megan Newbauyer returns a hit to University of Minnesota-Moorhead's Genna will be announced today. 27.26 in her first race of this Carlson. Newbauyer went on to shut out Carlson 6-0 in earning victory of her singles Also winning for the War- event. This occured two title in the No. 6 spot. riors was No. 4 singles player weekends ago at the Gus- tavus Invitational. Softball team takes seven of nine in six-day stretch Quote 'em Ian Stauffer WSU lost to Bemidji State University WINONAN in the next game 3-1, but responded with a 21-0 win over the University of "We just ran into the The Winona State University softball team Minnesota-Morris in its final game of team that made the plays rounded out its Northern Sun Intercollegiate Con- the day. xg when they had to and the ference schedule last week with nine games in six pitcher that made the Kari Webers pounded out three hits days. and six RBIs in the win over Morris, and pitches she needed to," The Warriors came out of the stretch winning — WSUsoft- Nicole Alexander added three hits and seven of the nine, including two big wins over four RBIs. Amber Olson, Ellen Ryan ball coach Greg Olson after defending conference champion Concordia-St. trading shutouts against and Seifert each added two RBI. Paul and a 4-0 win over University of Minnesota- Southwest State. The War- On Sunday Winona State faced riors won 2-0 then lost 1-0. Duluth, the current conference leader. Duluth and pulled out a big 4-0 win over "We have a chance to win the regular season the Bulldogs. Winona State pitcher conference title," WSU head coach Greg Jones Cyndy Schubbe pitched seven shutout said. "But we need someone to beat Duluth two innings, allowed just two hits, and Count 'em times. We need a little help, but if worst comes to struck out three. worst, we can still get the No.2 seed in the confer- WSU broke a scoreless tie with four 24-14 ence tournament." runs in the top of the sixth inning. The Over the weekend the Warriors (14-4 NSIC, 35- inning started with back-to-back singles Combined record of the 13-1 overall) played in the NSIC Crossover in from Schubbe and Anderson. Seifert Minnesota Twins and Mon- Moorhead. They opened the weekend with three plated Schubbe on an RBI single and treal Expos, both of which games on Saturday. The first was a 6-0 win over the were assumed to be con- Anderson scored on a sacrifice fly from University of Minnesota-Crookston. Webers. tracted before the courts Bridget McCabe and Jamie Benedict each stopped the Major Leagues. Seifert scored on a double from pounded in two RBIs and Rachel Seifert and Kristi McCabe and Benedict knocked McCabe Anderson each added three hits and an RBI. in with an RBI double of her own. Ear- .387 lier in the week the team took on South- Eileen FergusonWINoNAN Mike Spaeth's batting aver- west State in a doubleheader in Mar- shall. WSU took the first game 2-0 with Above: Lindsey Foster scores as the ball gets away. age. He ranks ninth in the Left: Th e Warriors get psyched up for another inning. NSIC among players with two RBI hits. 2.5 at-bats per game. He is The first was a single in the first er against Concordia-St. Paul University. Schubbe 41-106 with 6 home runs inning, scoring Alexander and the next a single in pitched both games, gaining two wins. and 30 RBIs. the third, again scoring Alexander. "Seifert came up with the chance to hit some The Warriors took the first game 5-4 and the sec- in," Jones said. "And she took care of it." ond 3-0. Webers capped a four-run third inning in the first game with a two-RBI single. The second 4,8 In the late game the Mustangs prevailed with a Triples hit by Jeff Dobbertin 1-0 win. • game was highlighted by a home run from Seifert to give WSU a 2-0 lead in the third inning. and home runs hit by Kyle "We've been getting better at making timely Butt. Only Travis Irwin of hits," Jones said. "Today we just ran into the team Winona State plays in a doubleheader today at Southwest State has more that made the plays when they had to and the the University of Wisconsin-Platteville and another one on Thursday at the University of Wisconsin- dingers (nine). Jeff leads the pitcher that made the pitches she needed to." league. On Tuesday Winona State swept a doublehead- Parkside. On Saturday and Sunday the Warriors will partake in the MSU, Mankato tournament. .209 Batting average allowed by NEWS FROM AROUND WINONA STATE the Winona State softball team. The Warriors batting average is .311. Terbilcox places 15th at Nationals SPRINGFIELD, Mass. — In her first ever nation- on the floor exercise, 9.400 on the vault, 8.825 on the 1 al championship appearance, Winona State Universi- uneven parallel bars and 37.425 in the all-around Number of quarterbacks ty sophomore Nikki Terbilcox put up an outstanding competition. selected first in the NFL performance in the USA Gymnastics Division II Teammate Leah Kindem placed 9.4 on the beam draft that went on to the Championships April 11 in Springfield, Mass. and Susan Kian chalked up a 9.100 on the floor exer- Hall-of-Fame Terbilcox landed in the 15th spot with her 9.800 cise, but neither advanced to the finals. (mspoqs-LB MILD

April 24, 2002 WINONAN Page 9 Weinkauf and the Warriors drop a pair to MSU,M Sara Greenlee game was a battle, with and retired the next three bat- weekend. W1NONAN moments of intensity charac- ters. On Tuesday, the Warriors teristic of post-season games. The Warriors were able to battled the Wayne State Col- It wasn't the best week for Take for instance the third keep it going when Dobbertin lege Cougarsin more NSIC Winona State University inning, WSU made a two-out singled home the tying run to action. baseball action. comeback with Jeff Dob- send the game into the WSU almost blew a seven- The Warriors played only bertin, Nolan Gilbertson, and eighth. But again, the Maver- run lead as they struggled to one nonconference competi- Mike Spaeth all smashing hits icks came back shortly after, win the first game of the tor last week and it didn't end to put the Warriors up 3-1. winning the game in the ninth twinbill 8-7. happily as WSU lost 6-5, in Add in Dan Gust's homer in inning without a hit. Weinkauf tossed the first yet another late-inning heart- the fourth and Winona State The second game was a game going five innings and breaker this time against had a strong hold on the game blowout that was only intense allowing five earned runs. regional threat Minnesota with a 4-1 lead. if you were cheering on The Warriors were outhit by State University-Mankato. WSU's Dan Wienkauf MSU-Mankato (18-10) and the Cougars 13-8. There Winona State (23-10 over- allowed only one run and its pitcher Aaron Heitzman, were five errors in the game. all) lost the first game in extra three hits through five innings who until the fifth inning had The second game was any- innings before getting of the first game. But it was- not allowed the Warriors a body's game right up until the thrashed by the Mavericks n't even close to being over hit. Winona State, however, last pitch. 15-2 in the second game. as the Mavericks came on allowed 15 runs on 15 hits. The Warriors, down 6-5, Wednesday's games at strong in the the sixth with The Mavericks were led by had the bases juiced with two Loughrey Field had post-sea- Eric Lonquist's lead-off dou- Nessler who picked up five outs but couldn't find a seam son value for both teams ble and his return safely home hits, two of which were home in the porous Cougar defense since the Warriors and Mav- off the next double by Jay runs. Kirk Halverson also which had already committed ericks are ranked in the top Nessler. had two homers. WSU played four more errors. eight in the region, but only After Aaron Olson home- again Monday night in a dou- - Seamans took the loss in four teams can advance to the red to tie the game 4-4, bleheader at Wayne State that relief of Larson in the second regional tournament. The first Wienkauf was back on track was postponed over the game.

Concentration WSU places 8th out of 21

Eileen Ferguson/WiNoN 4N at St. Olaf outdoor meet Dan Weinkauf delivers a pitch against MSU-Mankato. The Warriors struggled all week long, falling to 24-11. St. Olaf Manitou Classic April 20, 2002

2nd Triple Jump Tracy Knippel 36-0 1/4* Watch 'em in school's out for summer 3rd 100m Jamie Miller 12.67 Baseball Tourney: at St. Cloud State, 2, Thursday, 3rd 4x100m Knippel, Miller, Crystal 50.31 1:30 p.m. South Dakota, 9 a.m.; relay Teske, Jenny Cuculi Home vs. UM-Morris,2, South Dakota State, 1 p.m; Saturday, noon 4th Hammer Jenny Klatt 137-4* Minnesota State-Mankato 3

Home vs. UM-Morris, 2, Sun- p.m. 4th Long Jump Jamie Miller day, 1:30 p.m. 16-7 3/4

North Dakota State, Sunday, 9 Home vs. Rockhurst, 2 a.m. 4th 200m Crystal Teske 27.25 Monday, 1 p.m. 5th Long Jump Jenny Cuculi 16-6 St. Cloud State, Sunday, 11 Track a.m. 5th 200m Jenny Cuculi 27.30 at UW-La Crosse, Saturday, April 27 at NSIC Conference Tourna- ment, NEXT Friday and Satur- 7th 100m Crystal Teske 13.00 Softball day in Morris, Minn. at UW-Platteville, 8th 400m hurdles Sheena Deziel 1:08.40 Today, 3 p.m. 8th 100m Jenny Cuculi 12.93 at UW-Parkside, Thursday, 3 p.m. Ty Gangelhoff/WINONAN 8th Shot Put Alicia Slitter 39-6 NSIC WSU's Megan Krentz returns a hit against the at Minnesota State-Mankato Nefthei71 Sun Istenotiegige Cordetwe University of Minnesota-Morris's Erin Lauinger. *Denotes school record

Contact sports editors Chris Yarolimek or Brett Carow at 507-457-5520 to get your club sports printed in the Winona for next year.

Minne6ota City Se6q teicentennied Celebration. L-COVE SPORTS PUB Minnesota City, MN . CO-ED VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT SATURDAY, MAY 18TH Registration $10.00 per team 100% pay back in prizes Everyone Welcome Karaoke on the Patio following tournament Must Register by May 15th after this, the, corporate ladder Pick up your registration form at the L-Cove For Further information: will be a piece of Call (507) 689-0188

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Kelly Bitter — Managing editor Page To (507) 457-5119 April 24, 2002 OPINION [email protected] ,


Writing in communities Over the semester we've class seeks to researched information on disprove myths Afghanistan's culture, religion, Afghan women are uneducat- government and the status of ed. Afghan men are cruel. women. We've heard from aid Afghan people hate the United workers and listened to their sto- States. These are all myths that ries of the poorly thought-out we are dedicated to disproving. aid packages the United States As students of the writing in dropped at great cost from the communities class at Winona skies. State University, we were Of course, these are not the assigned a project at the begin- only issues. Even if time has ning of the semester which dulled our responses to these required reaching out to the concerns, they are still relevant community through writing. At to all of our lives today. the time we were very passion- If we do not search out the ate about getting the truth out truth we will live veiled from regarding the war on terror and reality. the consequent U.S. efforts to For more information, a Web aid the people of Afghanistan. site will soon be available on Unfortunately, it's been more these issues. Please look for than six months since the attacks future postings. of Sept. 11 and many of us are Jessica Sherlock tired of hearing about the Junior/communication tragedy, the continued violence studies and the jokes regarding Osama Annabelle Olsen bin Laden. We became discour- Freshman/undecided aged. How could we inform a Stacy Rauh community about something Sophomore/elementary they'd rather ignore? Yet, our education project continues and our goal is Maria Taylor still the same: getting at the Freshman/ truth. secondary education

Decisions we make are result of many factors

without being blasted for never So, knowing full well this may another kind of choice: internal Currently, as this view stands, tions in the world. doing a good enough job, but to sound pretentious, I submit to choice — decisions we make the decisions each of us makes We have to be careful, not. answer these questions you one way of looking at life. about ourselves. These are the are the result of many different though, to not use this as an leaves many people empty and • • II decisions we make about what factors, but the choices we have excuse for our personal actions. unable to explain life; it all Every single person on the we believe and how we view the are brought about by our actions People have the ability to be the seems arbitrary, without mean- planet makes choices, and the world. The choice of following a alone. This is too simplistic, kind of person they want to be; Editorial ing. choices we make are one of the particular religion is an example, because there are factors outside how they treat other people and columnist The reason why not being major causes of who we become. so is deciding what we feel about of each of us that affects what what they believe in are up to able to explain the why and how At every moment in our lives we an issue or what we want to get choices are presented to us. The them. Unfortunately, this is not of where we are is so debilitating are faced v✓ t" decisions, our out of life. other issue at play in our choices as true as I would like it to be. is because if we can't explain choices are how we deal with the Although it would be easy to is the randomness of life. This For many people, their situation ave you ever stopped how we came to where we are, moments of our lives. say these are the two types of randomness is the things happen in life does not allow them the and wondered why you we cannot explain what we will We make mundane choices decisions we make and each is to all of us that we cannot really choice of who they want to be. H are where you are now? become or what we will do; we about things like when we are neatly defined, that's not true. explain: accidents, the country For this reason, it is of ulti- Have you ever wondered what have no future. We all have to going to eat or if we should It's much more complicated than we're born into, whom we bump mate importance to not allow us has shaped you into who you are answer these questions. Even if watch TV or call a friend. We that; the choices we make about into on the street, etc. to fall into passivity in the face now? When people attempt to we don't sit and think them out, make choices that seem more external decisions affect what we The choices we are faced with of our choices. For those lucky answer questions like these, their write about them or even talk significant, like about who we will think of, causing us to think and the decisions we make are a enough to face the choices of responses always seem to reek of about them, we each come to a will involve ourselves with and differently about ourselves. But combination of the random who they want to be, they are the pretentiousness. The answers conclusion, a personal conclu- where we are going to live. at the same time what we think choices presented to us by the most fortunate people alive. So, they provide are too easy, usually sion. Every choice determines who we of ourselves impacts what choic- world and our own personally next time you're faced with a providing a single source for the I don't believe it is possible to are later in life. They determine es we will make about external enacted decisions. The random- choice that defines you, ask facets of existence. See, just look answer all of the questions about what set of situations we are decisions. This blurs the line ness we are presented with is the yourself what you want to be, at that, I already sound preten- existence. I do, however, think it exposed to and each leads to between the types of choices we limiter on the choices we can and ask yourself if you're willing tious. is possible to answer little bits of another set of situations. can make; each decision we face make. This is best described as and able to do it. This situation, however, is a the big questions. I believe we But what we have discussed is caused by the constant interac- luck, and some people are lucki- Catch-22. A person cannot stake can ask how each of us are external choices — decisions tion between the different situa- er than others. This is why differ- Reach Ryan Lynch at a claim to explain existence approaches the vagueness of life. about our environment. There is tions in our life. ent people are in different posi- building_man@yahoo. corn Weekend activities exist in Winona

my friends went to University of dents do the same thing I've started offering a Sunday night Wisconsin system schools, so by been doing for the majority of kickboxing class. going to Minnesota I was com- my four years here: They stay in For less athletically inclined pletely on my own. I didn't know Winona during the week, but people, there are often Universi- a single person when I arrived at when the weekend rolls around, ty Programming and Activities WSU in the fall of 1998. they head for their hometown — Committee-sponsored activities My independent streak lasted or the hometown of their and arts or sporting events. about a week. Then I discovered boyfriend or girlfriend or best Granted, if you want to go to that no one stays in Winona on friend or whatever. Some go the photography lab to finish up the weekends. During my first home to work, some go to visit an assignment you won't have t's been nearly four years weekend here, both my room- family or friends, and some just much luck on Saturday or Sun- since the day I came to mates left for their respective go because they think there's day, and if you happen to need to IWinona State University as a hometowns, so rather than sit nothing to do in Winona on the go to the library on Labor Day freshman. Like many first-year alone in a near-empty dorm weekends. you'll be out of luck, but staying students, I was 18 years old, room or go wander around cam- But is there really nothing to in Winona for a weekend or two fresh out of high school and pus to try to meet people, what do here on the weekends? a month might not be as bad as it ready to live on my own and be did I do? I called my mom and Winona State seems to be get- seems — and it's certainly easier independent. asked her to come pick me up. ting better about providing activ- to be independent by staying I chose Winona State in part I thought it would be just the ities for students on the week- than by commuting every week- because of its location, two hours one weekend at first, but pretty ends. The swimming pool, which end. from home. For me, that -was just soon I was driving back and used to be open only on week- close enough so I could go home forth nearly every weekend. days, now has short hours Friday Reach Kelly Bitter at for a weekend if it was necessary So much for being on my own through Sunday. The fitness cen- kmbitter9893@webmail. but far enough to get away. and independent. ter is open seven days a week, Being from Wisconsin, most of I've noticed that a lot of stu- and this semester the university

We invite readers and Winonan staff members to share their opinions in these columns. The opinions Jenny Miller expressed in the pages of this newspaper are not necessarily those of the Minnesota State College and Univer- Kelly Bitter sity system, Winona State University, its faculty, staff or student body. Any questions or comments should be Stacy Booth directed to the Winonan publication board, managing editor, editorial staff or submitted as letters to the editor. Jennifer Selby Letters to the editor must be received by the Sunday preceding our Wednesday publication dates and include Brett Carow your full name, major, year in school and telephone number to be published. Letters from faculty members Missy Teff Ty Gangelhoff must include full name, title or department and phone number. Letters from community members must include full name and phone number. The Winonan reserves the right to edit for space or content when necessary. Valerie Kramer Chris Yarolimek Letters may be sent via e-mail to [email protected] with "letter to editor" as the subject line. They can also be faxed to 457-5317 or delivered to the Winonan office in Kryzsko Commons. r , Kelly Bitter — Managing editor April 24, 2002 Page II (507) 457-5119 OPINION [email protected]

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Universities are 'life line' Not to mention the two-hour park- of Winona ing tickets that I get twice a day, I am a student who goes to Winona because I have somewhere else to State University and consequently park, but I just park on the street lives in Winona. because my car looks pretty there. Like all students, I hear the ever Seriously, I'd file for sexual assault present complaints about college stu- with how badly I'm being violated, but dents getting drunk and peeing on the city of Winona would have to go to I stuff, as if there's anything else to do Eau Claire before it was caught. here. I guess I wandered off on a tangent Look, I understand that it's bad there. The point is, we are the reason when someone's azaleas are ruined, you people live on Garvin Heights, but not as bad as when a town dies and have police officers and don't see too everyone has to move to Rushford! many guys with mullets driving Do these people think that it's the around in Isuzu pickup trucks. To put railroad that keeps Winona alive, or it in perspective, you people complain- Fastenal? Well, if they do it's because ing about us is like a lady in the wit- they're old enough to remember the ness protection program punching her first time they contracted syphilis back bodyguard every time he sits down. when Winona was a town full of Sure, employees aren't supposed to whore houses. sit down on the job, but if there's a hit The universities are the life line of out on your head, you don't punch the Winona. Without students, who would guy who's protecting you. Not even if buy liquor at one of the 87 liquor he gets drunk and pukes on your stores, eat food from a place as Honda. mediocre as Hardee or go into credit So get angry and bring this up at card debt paying alternate side parking your next meeting, right after you tickets? Which, on a side note, I actu- complete your plans to fire bomb the ally appreciate, because without it I porn shop. doubt that the city workers would have And while you're at it, send the been able to get up early enough to cops after me to teach me a lesson erase all evidence of the heavy snow about taking advantage of free speech. storms that we kept getting this winter. If you're wondering where I live, I mean, honestly, good work — every my name's at the bottom of this letter, time I got a ticket it looked like it had- but I swear that they can't possibly n't snowed at all. The best part was give me more tickets than they already that it forced students to practice dri- do. ving drunk, which we're all much bet- Shane Hawley ter at now. Junior/ public relations

Double standards exist in racial, gender profiling

committed at night prompt more rates than females in the same Eastern descent of Islamic faith. I had committed no prior acts to such a risk to society. That patrols by police when the sun age range. Again, there is a per- The latter was by a Libyan of warrant such a slap in the face. means more scrutiny of Middle goes down. ceived higher risk of accidents Islamic faith. Before you start The irony seems lost on many, Eastern men everywhere in addi- The reason I brought up these among males than females. Sup- shaking your head in disgust let and how this double standard tion to me paying more for car examples is because racial/gen- porters again might quote statis- me make my point here. The continues to exist dumbfounds insurance. Whatever path our der profiling is very similar, tics to justify the higher insur- world post-Sept. 11 is a vastly me. How come no one is claming society takes on this issue in the except it deals with people. I get ance rates. It seems that both of different place. I will take airline gender discrimination here? The future, I sincerely hope it is fair the impression that there is a these examples are not viewed as security in perspective for the principle between these two double standard when it comes being wrong or being discrimi- purpose of my article. Tensions examples is exactly the same: A and applies equally to everyone. natory, which they should be. flared when it was suggested that The system of double standards ocks, security alarms, to profiling. Let me first point risk is anticipated, so action, in place today, as I have outlined, police officers and video out that when all of us were in Now I am going to move on men and perhaps women of Mid- whether appropriate or not, is L cameras all have two high school and got our licenses. to something is more controver- dle Eastern descent should be taken to try to neutralize it. How- is wrong and shouldn't exist. If things in common. First, these If we were on the honor roll, the sial, but what else has anyone targeted more frequently for ever, one is deemed OK and one one group of any race, gender or examples and many more are insurance our parents had to pay come to expect from me? Every- searches by security. Critics is racist! I hope this shocks you faith is targeted for a perceived attempts to prevent damage, wasn't as much as it is if we one still remembers the tragic claimed this action was racist as much as it does me. risk so should another for the harm or loss to property or life. weren't. Some might argue that events that unfolded Sept. 11. and unfairly subjected innocent Such random implementation same reasons. Uneven applica- better students are less likely to Some may remember the bomb- people because of the color of of profiling is discriminatory in Second, all are measures imple- tion leads to discriminatory prac- get into accidents than those who ings at the World Trade Center in their skin. itself. Solutions? Perhaps doing mented on a perceived threat of tices. Think about it, perhaps you such damage, harm or loss to don't do as well. Statistics might 1993. Even more vague in our It seems strange to me that as away with profiling altogether. are being wrongfully discrimi- property or life. Homeowners back up their claim and, to them, memories is the Pan Am Flight a male I would be subject to As a result, I wouldn't have to nated. lock their doors and install secu- justify such profiling. OK, keep 103 airplane bombing in 1988 higher insurance premiums as a pay more for car insurance. I rity alarms to prevent burglars that in mind as I continue to my over the Scottish town of result of my possession of char- would be happy with that. Or we from stealing from their houses. next example. Males between 18 Lockerbie. The first two were acteristics commonly held by could apply such profiling equal- Reach Jacob LaRow at Increased frequency of crimes and 25 pay higher car insurance committed by men of Middle males of our species even though ly among all groups that pose [email protected]

CAMPUS FORUM Do you agree with WSU's new smoking policy? "I like it because I'm "It's just a bunch of "As an asthmatic non- not a smoker, but I don't political correctness that smoker, I don't like think they're going to should not be the first walking through clouds follow it because subject on campus." of smoke. I think there they're walking toward should be some shelter the door and will drop it Curtis Clemens to keep smokers from there anyway." Senior/ the doors. Then every- recreation and leisure one is happy." Shayna Kolff Sophomore/ Michael Hofland business teaching Senior/ history and English

"I think it's a good poli- "It's a bit hard to "It should be enforced; cy; I'm sick of smoke in enforce, but it's better Both smokers and non- the doorways. If I were than having a smoke- smokers have rights. a smoker, I'd try to free campus." Nothing is worse than respect people that don't walking through a nice smoke. I just don't want Rachel Jennings cloud of second-hand to smell it every time I Sophomore/ smoke." go in a building." special education Dan Chies Becky Meyers, Freshman/ Junior/psychology undeclared

Page 12 THROUGH THE SHUTTER April 24, 2002

Fishing and sailing were on the top of many people's to-do lists on what turned out to be a beautiful Saturday afternoon.

A Saturday at Lake Park

A great day of sailing, fishing, frisbee golf and Shakespeare.

Photos by Seamus Boyle

ABOVE: Julie Fassbender, of the soon to be opened Red- tail Outfitters camping and canoeing rental shop on Huff Street, tallies participant's scores in Saturday's Redtail sponsored Frisbee golf tournament. Each first place win- ner received $60. RIGHT: Tom Fassbender grills hot dogs for all the partica- pants in Saturday's tournament. "We were happy with the number of people that came out," Fassbender said about the 25 particapants.

ABOVE TOP: Puck, played by Jared Wills, closes the afternoon showing, "Shakespeare in the Park," with the final monologue from "A Midsummer Night's Dream." ABOVE MIDDLE: The poisoner, played by Erin Glawe, steals the crown from the king, Lisa Zibert, and then poisons the king in a scene from "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead." ABOVE: Lisa Zibert and Bryson Havumaki play the parts of Bianca and Mr. Stratford in a scene from "10 Things I Hate ' About You" and an excerpt from the film adaptation of "Tam- Shawn Deitering shoots his final putt on the 18th green of the Frisbee golf course during the second ing of the Shrew."

- ound of the Saturday's tournament.