that it is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking into account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their application

FUNCTIONAL AREA: West Cork, Bandon/, /, /, /Mallow, , , East Cork

FILE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME APP. TYPE DATE INVALID DATE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION 17/0061 7 Board of Management, Derrycreha Permission 06/03/2018 for the construction of a roadside boundary fence 6 meters high National School plus all associated site works Derrycreigh Co Cork

17/05070 Terry Mc Govern, Deirdre Mc Govern Permission 06/03/2018 Construction of dwelling, domestic garage entrance and installation of waste water treatment and polishing filter and ancillary works. Knockeenacurrig West Kiskeam Co. Cork

17/05480 O'Shea's Supermarket (Cobh) Ltd Permission 07/03/2018 Prop osed works to facilitate the redevelopment and extension of the existing building and reduce the store gross area and facilitate a new Primary Care function within the extended building. The works will comprise the following 1) remodeling and alterations to c.826 sq.m of the existing ground floor Supervalu convenience retail store and ancillary accommodation to facilitate a revised entrance lobby, common foyer, 4 no. ancillary retail units and an ancillary café. The above works will result in the reduction of the convenience retail Supervalu store and associated ancillary accommodation to 2112 sq.m, 2) the construction of a ground floor extension (803sq.m) to incorporate 1 no. ancillary retail unit, 2 no. GP suites, circulation and ancillary medical related accommodation, (4) the construction of a first floor extension

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(816sq.m) and infill of first floor void within the existing building (115sq.m) all for use as consulting facilities/medical related and ancillary related use, (5) various elevational alterations to facilitate the proposed development, & (6) all necessary site works and services required to facilitate the above development. Permission is also sought for change of use of the existing first floor (569sq.m) to facilitate a Primary Care Centre and related activity. SuperValu Dean and Chapter Land of , Ticknock Cobh Co. Cork 17/05801 John O'Connor Permission 06/03/2018 Construction of a cattle underpass and effluent holding tank under the public road N72 and associated works. Inchinapallas Ballyhooly Co.Cork

17/05813 Windmill Nursing Home and Retirement Permission, 07/03/2018 Retention of the single storey laundry department to the side Village Ltd Permission for elevation of the existing nursing home and Permission for the Retention construction of a new two storey extension to the rear of the existing nursing home, new footpaths and ramps, new car parking and all associated site and ancillary works Churchtown Mallow Co. Cork

17/05874 Jack & Gillian Hornibrook Permission 05/03/2018 Demol ish existing dwelling and construct new dwellinghouse, increase the existing car entrance and construct a separate pedestrian entrance with ancillary boundary wall with associated site works 'The Chalet' Pier Road Dromderrig, Kinsale Co. Cork 17/05886 Be n O'Leary Permission 09/03/2018 Construction of a new two storey granny flat connected to my existing two storey dwelling, construction of a new utility room to the rear of the existing dwelling, a new 1st floor walkway and alterations to elevations. Construction of a new detached garage with store area, upgrading to a new biofiltration waste water treatment unit, boundary treatment and all associated site works. Camphill Mansfields Land Kinsale Co. Cork 17/05904 Frank Forde Permission, 09/03/2018 Retention of as built rear extension, Permission for alterations to Permission for existing dwelling house including demolition of part of existing

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Ret ention dwellinghouse and construction of new one and half storey extension to existing dwelling house in lieu thereof together with all other ancillary site works. Knockanare Berrings Donoughmore Co Cork 17/05921 David & Patricia Hughes Permission 08/03/2018 The construction of a two storey dwellinghouse with associated site development works and car parking, with access from Lake Road, and within the historic curtilage of Almorah, Spy Hill, Cobh, Co. Cork (A Protected Structure) Lake Road Ballyvoloon, Cobh Co. Cork

17/05974 Buckley Lime Limited Permission 08/03/2018 Processing of the extracted rock using mobi le primary crushing plant on the quarry floor and for the construction of a crusher house (196sq.m), electrics container (15sq.m) and store building (370sq.m) office/canteen (37sq.m) weighbridge, bunded fuel store (15sq.m), ESB sub-station (37sq.m), proprietary wastewater treatment system and raised percolation area, perimeter landscaped berms (up to 5m high) and all associated works on a c. 1.7ha. application site at a registered quarry [Ref. No. QY-072] Access will continue at the existing quarry entrance and no increase in the rate of extraction is proposed. Subulter Quarry Subulter Cecilstown, Kanturk Co. Cork 17/06009 Grace O'Connor Permission 06/03/2018 Construct a two storey dwelling, domestic garage and all associated works Cloghlucas North Mallow Co. Cork

17/06333 David and Caroline Tuite Permission 09/03/2018 Demolition of existing derelict sheds, construction of a new single storey side extension to existing dwelling. Construction of a new shed with private domestic gym, bathroom and living area, construction of a new upgraded bio filtration unit and all associated site works. The Parochial House Canon's Cross Carrigyknaveen, Inniscarra Co.Cork 17/06558 John Ahern Permission 08/03/2018 1) Construction of a new farm storage/hay storage buildin g adjacent to the existing farm building 2) All site development

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works. Elfordstown Co. Cork

17/06583 Richard Crowley Permission 07/03/2018 Construction of dwellinghouse, domestic garage, entrance, driveway, septic tank, percolation area and all associated site works Gortmore Mallow Co.Cork 17/06593 Rob Turner Permission 06/03/2018 One dwellinghouse on serviced site previously granted permission under register no: 07/6230 and all associated site development works. Site No. 4 Cluain Ard Beennamweel West Co. Cork 17/06602 Lorraine Holland, Kieran Doyle Permission 07/03/2018 Construction of a dwelling house, waste water treatment system and all associated site works. Mawmore East Enniskeane Co. Cork

17/06663 Jim and Francis Hurley Permission 08/03/2018 Construction of a separate detached dwelling unit and to install a new treatment system to serve both the existing dwelling on site and the new separate detached dwelling unit along with all associated site works Ballynalouhy Templemichael Kinsale Co. Cork 17/06726 John and Anne -Marie O'Keeffe Permission 07/03/2018 Construct a dwellinghouse, attached garage, install a wastewater treatment unit and soil polishing filter and all associated site works. Dromskarragh More Kiskeam Co. Cork

17/06736 Norma Herlihy Permission 09/03/2018 Construction of a new 2 storey extension to existing period thatched dwelling which is a protected structure know as The Thatched Cottage RPS no. 00096, a new glass link from existing thatched cottage which requires partial removal of the existing South Gable wall, a new biofiltration treatment unit, new potable well, new vehicular entrance and all associated works.

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Knockansweeny Mallow Co. Cork 17/06852 The Concentrate Manufacturing Permission 05/03/2018 The erection and installation of solar photovoltaic panels on to the Company of Ireland roof of the main PepsiCo building and all associated site works Little Island Business Park Ballytrasna Little Island Co. Cork 17/06860 Moreinis Deve lopments Ltd. Permission 09/03/2018 Construction of 45 residential units consisting of the construction of 7 no. residential blocks consisting of 3 no. 1 bed apartments, 16 no. 2 bed apartments, 20 no. 3 bed apartments, 2 no. 2 bed townhouses and 4 no. 3 bed townhouses. Vehicular access is to be provided to the north onto Innishmore Lawn. Permission is sought for three additional pedestrian access points located to the west [onto Coolroe], the south [onto theR608] and south-east of the site of the site [onto Innishmore Lawn]. Permission is sought for the development outlined including, but not limited to, 60 no. car parking spaces, bin storage and bike storage, landscaping and play areas, boundary treatments, and all ancillary site development works. Ballincollig (Td.) Ballincollig Co.Cork

17/06933 Jason Gleeson, Paula Pravdova Permission, 09/03/2018 A) Retention of the existing ground floor extension (30m2) and Permission for existing first floor extension (12.0m2) at the rear (south) of existi ng Retention two-storey dwellinghouse, B) Permission to construct a ground floor rear extension-3.5m2 to be attached to the side of existing rear structure, thus making the rear annex the overall width of the site and C) Permission to construct a first floor extension-14.4m2 (continuation of existing first floor extension) over existing single storey annex (being retained) to the rear of existing dwellinghouse. This extension will have a fibreglass flat roof finish which will continue over existing first floor extension (being retained)-replacing the existing pitched roof-reducing the overall rear two-storey extension roof height 62 Barrymore Avenue Ballyvoloon Cobh Co. Cork 17/07013 The Board of Management of St. Mary’s Permission 06/03/ 2018 Construct a new classroom extension and an assisted user w.c. National School, Enniskeane extension to the western side of the existing school along with all associated site works Derrigra

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Enniskeane Co. Cork

17/07017 Brian Ahern Permission 07/03/2018 Dwellinghouse and domest ic garage and all associated site works Berrings Co. Cork

17/07060 David O'Halloran Permission 06/03/2018 Construction of a dwellinghouse and domestic garage and all associated site development works Ballincourneenig Co. Cork

17/07070 Anne and Dan O'Rahilly Permission 06/03/2018 Permission consequent on the grant of outline permission no Consequent 15/5217 for construction of 2 no. dwelling units, a new vehicular entrance and all associated site works , Ballintaggart Ringaskiddy Co. Cork. 17/07154 Pat Breen Permission, 05/03/2018 Retain existing farm building use as storage and housing animals Permission for and Permission to construct, 1) Farm building to cover circulation Retention yard 2) Poultry shed, with feed st orage bin, underground discharge tank and associated site works Knockeenadallane Kiskeam Co. Cork

17/07159 Daniel Corcoran Permission 08/03/2018 Construct dwelling, detached garage, and all associated site works. Gortnacrusha North Co. Cork

17/07176 Deirdre Huggard Permission 08/03/2018 Construction of dwellinghouse, new entrance and associated site works Hill Farran Co. Cork

17/07184 Kay Walls Permission 05/03/2018 Alterations to the existing dwelling, construction of a sin gle storey extension to the side and rear of the existing dwelling and all associated site works. 1 Willison Lawn Boolypatrick, Blarney Co. Cork

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17/07224 MHC Property Holdings Ltd. Extension of 07/03/2018 Residential development of 46 no. two s torey dwellinghouses Duration comprising of 39 no. four bed dwellings and 7 no. three bed dwellings, garages, car parking spaces, boundary walls and fences, estate roads, public open space and associated site works and services, Extension of Duration to permission granted under planning Ref. No. 06/11967 & 12/6492. Monadrishane Co. Cork

17/07292 Golden Gate Investments Permission 07/03/2018 Subdivision of existing residential dwelling to 2 No. residential dwellings minor elevation changes and associated site works 9 Main Street Gneeves, Mallow Co. Cork P51R243 17/07309 John Leahy Permission 08/03/2018 The removal of 21.4m of hedging to create vehicular access from a proposed forest road to a public road Killinane Kanturk Co. Cork

17/0732 5 William Joyce Permission 06/03/2018 A single storey dwelling with attic space, garage, entrance and septic tank. Curraghoo More Co. Cork

17/07360 Maire O'Callaghan Permission 07/03/2018 Dwelling house and domestic garage, with associated si te works.

Ballyshoneen Berrings Co.Cork

17/07361 Jonathan and Maire Goggin Permission 07/03/2018 Construction of a ground floor extension onto the north side of dwelling house and alterations to elevations of existing dwelling house. Greenane Kanturk Co.Cork

17/07394 Brian & Eimear Wall Permission 08/03/2018 Construction of dormer bungalow with detached garage, domestic effluent treatment plant, site entrance and all associated site development works Ballynookery

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Whitegate Co. Cork

17/07426 Pa draig and Celestine Motherway Permission 09/03/2018 Construct a single storey dwelling, garage, septic tank with percolation area, entrance and ancillary works. Rathcallan Co. Cork

17/07451 John & Orla Collins Permission 09/03/2018 The cons truction of a detached two -bedroom bungalow and all associated site works. The Old School Ballycatteen Ballinspittle, Co. Cork

17/07460 Brian Creedon Permission for 06/03/2018 Retention of: a) elevation changes to all elevations of an existin g Retention dwelling, b) an extension to the existing dwelling, c) septic tank and treatment area, d) boiler house and e) revised entrance layout Ryecourt Co. Cork

18/00071 Hugh and Dagny Holland Permission 05/03/2018 Change of use of disused agricultur al store to dwelling (it's original use), to include renovation and alterations to the existing structure and construction of a 2 storey extension to same. Planning permission is also sought for the construction of a detached domestic garage, installation of a waste water treatment system, drainage and access to the public highway Ballinglanna Co. Cork

18/00102 Anne Marie O'Neill, Barry Cody Permission 06/03/2018 Construction of detached dwelling house ancillary in use to existing dwelling, installation of wastewater treatment system and all associated site works Crumpane Beara Co Cork 18/04023 Jody Michael Buckley Permission 09/03/2018 a) Demolish existing dwelling, b) construct new two storey dwelling in place of it, c) install a waste water treatment tank and irrigation area and carry out ancillary site works. Banba Fennells Bay, Kilcolta Co. Cork

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18/04036 Ronan O'Sullivan Permission 06/03/2018 Dwellinghouse, entrance and proposed waste water treatment system and all associated site works Finure Whitegate Co. Cork

18/04042 Matthew Nieson Permission for 09/03/2018 Retention of domestic garage as constructed (change of plan from Retention that permitted under Planning Reg. No. 09/7584) Scarriff Templemartin Co. Cork

18/04129 Billy Whitnell Permission 05/03/2018 Ground floor extensions to side and rear of dwelling, new vehicular access and boundary alterations 16 Kinsale Coastal Cottages Coolbane, Garretstown Kinsale Co. Cork 18/04135 Control Integration Design Ltd. Permission 08/03/2018 Construction of extension to existing industrial unit and all associated site works. IDA Industrial Estate Kilmallock Road Rathgoggan Middle Charleville Co Cork 18/04218 Shinagh Estates Farm Services Ltd Permission 09/03/2018 Alter ations to elevations to the office building called Shinagh House, to include addition of rooflights replacement of windows and glazed screens, to demolish and reconstruct the front porch, construction of three storey extension to the rear, and for a proprietary primary and secondary treatment plant and associated percolation area to replace existing septic tank system. This application relates to a Protected Structure, Shinagh house RPS 00702. Shinagh House Shinagh Bandon Co. Cork 18/04297 Amy and Mat Whi taker Permission 07/03/2018 Demolish existing house and construct a dwelling with associated site works Kilmurry Berrings Co. Cork

18/04386 Maura O'Sullivan Permission 06/03/2018 Construct a single storey dwelling, effluent treatment unit with percolation area and all associated site works. Killathy Ballyhooley

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Co. Cork

18/04401 Patricia Lynch Permission 06/03/2018 Replacement of existing septic tank with packaged waste water treatment system and polishing filter to serve existing dwelling and associated site works. Skehanagh Co. Cork

18/04416 Bridget Caplice, Richard Fitzgerald Permission 08/03/2018 Construct (i) a single storey extension onto the side and rear of existing dwelling, (ii) Demolition of out building, existing kitchen and bath room (iii) Minor internal alterations to existing dwelling (iv) Existing vehicular entrance to be closed and replaced with new entrance and drive way (iv) Demolition of existing septic tank to be replaced with new system and percolation area and all with associated site works Glenduff Ballygiblin Co. Cork 18/04419 Brian Smiddy, Meabh Ahern Permission 08/03/2018 Construct (i) One and a half storey extension to existing single storey dwelling, (ii) Minor internal alterations to existing dwelling, (iii) Alteration to existing vehicular entrance, (iv) Demolition of existing septic tank to be replaced with wastewater treatment system and percolation area (v) garage and all associated site works Lismalaghlin Road Co. Cork 18/04546 Watfore Limited Permission 09/03/2018 Construction of a single -storey extension to the front (north) of the existing co-op store to facilitate a café use; a single storey extension with canopy to the front (north) of the existing garden centre; and all associated site development, signage and landscaping works. Existing Dairygold Co-Op Store Market Green Knockgriffin Midleton, Co. Cork Total 54

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