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TGF-b Family Signaling in Connective Tissue and Skeletal Diseases

Elena Gallo MacFarlane,1,6 Julia Haupt,2,3,6 Harry C. Dietz,1,4 and Eileen M. Shore2,3,5,6

1McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21205 2Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 3Center for Research in FOP and Related Disorders, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 4Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Bethesda, Maryland 21205 5Department of Genetics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected]

The transforming growth factor b (TGF-b) family of signaling molecules, which includes TGF-bs, activins, inhibins, and numerous bone morphogenetic (BMPs) and growth and differentiation factors (GDFs), has important functions in all cells and tissues, including soft connective tissues and the skeleton. Specific TGF-b family members play different roles in these tissues, and their activities are often balanced with those of other TGF-b family members and by interactions with other signaling pathways. Perturbations in TGF-b family pathways are associated with numerous human diseases with prominent in- volvement of the skeletal and cardiovascular systems. This review focuses on the role of this family of signaling molecules in the pathologies of connective tissues that manifest in rare genetic syndromes (e.g., syndromic presentations of thoracic aortic aneurysm), as well as in more common disorders (e.g., osteoarthritis and osteoporosis). Many of these diseases are caused by or result in pathological alterations of the complex relationship between the TGF-b family of signaling mediators and the extracellular matrix in connective tissues.

he transforming growth factor b (TGF-b) flammation, fibrosis, and cancer (reviewed in Li Tfamily of cytokines comprises the three and Flavell 2006; Gordon and Blobe 2008; TGF-b proteins (TGF-b1, TGF-b2, and TGF- Ikushima and Miyazono 2010). This review fo- b3) and related growth and differentiation fac- cuses on the role of these proteins in develop- tors such as activins, inhibins, bone morpho- ment and homeostasis of the skeleton and other genic proteins (BMPs), and growth and differ- connective tissues (summarized in Fig. 1) and entiation factors (GDFs). These molecules play on the diseases that ensue when these pathways critical roles both in normal development and are altered. Aberrant signaling in these pathways in several pathological conditions, including in- has been associated with common connective

6These authors contributed equally to this work. Editors: Rik Derynck and Kohei Miyazono Additional Perspectives on The Biology of the TGF-b Family available at Copyright # 2017 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved Advanced Online Article. Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a022269

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E.G. MacFarlane et al.

Vessel wall homeostasis Palate development TGF-β TGF-β Prenatally and perinatally - Promotes fusion of palatal shelves - Required for formation of the vascular through apoptosis-dependent plexus and differentiation of endothelial disintegration of the midline epithelial and vascular smooth muscle cells seam - Required for elastogenesis BMP - Required for normal morphogenesis of - Promotes proliferation of palatal the cardiac outflow tract mesenchymal cells Postnatally - Increased signaling is associated with development of thoracic aortic Endochondral ossification aneurysm (TAA) and longitudinal bone growth - Increased signaling is associated with TGF-β increased matrix deposition (i.e., - Induces commitment to osteoblastic cell collagen) as well as increased matrix lineage degradation (i.e., increased expression - Stimulates mesenchymal condensation; of MMP2 and MMP9 leading to elastin commitment to the chondrogenic lineage degradation) - Prevents terminal osteoblastic and chondrogenic differentiation BMP - Required for terminal osteoblastic and chondrogenic differentiation - Promotes maturation of cartilaginous Limb and digit development elements in growth plate TGF-β - Digit patterning/establishment of phalanx-forming region (PFR) Bone remodeling BMP (see Fig. 5) - Induction of apical ectodermal ridge (AER) - Proximodistal elongation of digits - Induction of apoptosis for formation of joint cavity - Induction of apoptosis of interdigital mesenchyme

Figure 1. Summary of the roles of transforming growth factor b (TGF-b) and bone morphogenetic (BMP) signaling in the development and homeostasis of connective tissue and the skeletal system.

tissue disorders such as osteoarthritis and oste- ylation of type II receptors, which in turn phos- oporosis. In addition, mutations in several phorylate and activate type I receptors. Activat- members of the TGF-b family, their receptors, ed type I receptors phosphorylate, and thus or signaling mediators have been shown to activate receptor-regulated Smad proteins (R- cause hereditable connective tissue syndromes Smads). Phosphorylated R-Smads bind the that are characterized by defects in the develop- common Smad (co-Smad, known as Smad4 or ment and homeostasis of soft and hard connec- DPC4), translocate into the nucleus and mod- tive tissues (Table 1). ulate expression by interacting with other transcription factors to regulate target gene ex- pression (reviewed in Schmierer and Hill 2007; OVERVIEW OF TGF-b SIGNALING Massague´ 2012; Hata and Chen 2016). In this All members of the TGF-b family of cytokines review, we have broadly grouped the TGF-b share conserved structural motifs and signal family into two general pathways, TGF-b and through similar mechanisms, although the ex- its main signaling molecules Smad2 and act signaling pathways activated by any given Smad3 (Fig. 2) and BMP and its main signaling differ. Signaling is initiated by binding molecules Smad1, Smad5, and Smad8 (Fig. 3). of the ligand to tetrameric complexes formed Seven type I receptors and five type II recep- by two type I and two type II receptors, all pos- tors have been identified in humans (Heldin sessing serine, threonine, and tyrosine and Moustakas 2016). Type I receptors are also activity. Ligand binding induces autophosphor- known as -like (ALK-1

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Table 1. Connective tissue and skeletal disorders caused by known mutations in the transforming growth factor b (TGF-b) family signaling pathways Change in Clinical manifestation Disorder (official Gene signal symbol) [MIM #] mutation activity Cardiovascular Ocular Skeletal Other Acromesomelic GDF5  All AMD: acromesomelic limbs and dysplasia (AMD) brachydactyly Hunter– Joint dislocation in elbow and ankles,

Thompson type also frequently found in hip and knee onSeptember26,2021-PublishedbyColdSpringHarborLaboratoryPress (AMDH) [201250]

odSrn abPrpc Biol Perspect Harb Spring Cold Grebe type Ball-shaped reduction of phalanges (AMDG) [200700] Du Pan syndrome Hypo-/aplasia of fibula, short limbs, [228900] ball-shaped reduction of phalanges, partial syndactyly Brachydactyly (BD) All BD: shortened digits BD type A2 (BDA2) BMPR1B  Shortening of middle phalanx in second [112600] GDF5 and fifth digit BMP2 TGF- o:10.1101 doi: BD type B2 (BDB2) NOG  Shortening of distal phalanges b

[611377] symphalangism and partial Tissues Connective in Signaling Family syndactyly, fusion of carpal/tarsal /

cshperspect.a022269 bones BD type C (BDC) GDF5  Shortening of middle phalanx in second, [113100] third and fifth digit, shortening of first metacarpal, hypersegmentation of second and/or third digit Camurati– TGFB1  Sclerosing bone dysplasia, thickening of Engelmann disease the diaphyses of the long bones (CED) [131300] Continued 3 Downloaded from ..Mcaln tal. et MacFarlane E.G. 4

Table 1. Continued Change in Clinical manifestation Disorder (official Gene signal dacdOln ril.Ct hsatceas article this Cite Article. Online Advanced symbol) [MIM #] mutation activity Cardiovascular Ocular Skeletal Other

Fibrodysplasia ACVR1  Extra-articular joint ankylosis, tibial Postnatal soft tissue ossificans osteochondroma, cervical spine and ossification progressiva (FOP) femoral neck malformation, big toe [135100] malformation onSeptember26,2021-PublishedbyColdSpringHarborLaboratoryPress Hereditary ENG  Telangiectases and hemorrhagic ACVRL1 arteriovenous telangiectasia malformations of skin, (HHT) mucosa, and viscera HHT1 [187300] HHT2 [600376] odSrn abPrpc Biol Perspect Harb Spring Cold Loeys–Dietz TGFBR1 / Aortic root aneurysm, Hyper- Arachnodactyly, cleft palate/bifid uvula, Increased susceptibility to syndrome (LDS) TGFBR2 arterial tortuosity, telorism craniosynostosis, pectus deformity, asthma, allergy, eczema, LDS1 [609192] SMAD3 aneurysm of other scoliosis, joint laxity, malar gastrointestinal LDS2 [610168] TGFB2 vessels hypoplasia inflammation LDS3 [613795] TGFB3 LDS4 [614816] LDS5 Marfan syndrome FBN1  Aortic root aneurysm Ectopia lentis Arachnodactyly, dolichostenomelia, o:10.1101 doi: (MFS) [154700] pectus deformity, scoliosis, joint laxity, malar hypoplasia Multiple synostosis / cshperspect.a022269 syndrome (SYNS) SYNS1 [186500] NOG  Progressive symphalangism, carpal, Progressive hearing loss tarsal, and vertebral fusions SYNS2 [610017] GDF5 Continued Downloaded from dacdOln ril.Ct hsatceas article this Cite Article. Online Advanced

Table 1. Continued Change in Clinical manifestation Disorder (official Gene signal symbol) [MIM #] mutation activity Cardiovascular Ocular Skeletal Other

Orofacial cleft 11 BMP4 a Nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without (OFC11) [600625] cleft palate onSeptember26,2021-PublishedbyColdSpringHarborLaboratoryPress Proximal symphalangism odSrn abPrpc Biol Perspect Harb Spring Cold (SYM1) SYM1A [185800] NOG  Multiple joint fusions restricted to Common: conductive proximal interphalangeal joints in hearing loss hand and feet, fusion of carpal/tarsal bones SYM1B [615298] GFD5 Sclerosteosis (SOST1) SOST - Sclerosing bone dysplasia, tall stature,

[269500] syndactyly TGF- o:10.1101 doi:

Shprintzen–Goldberg SKI  Aortic root aneurysm Hypertelorism Arachnodactyly, dolichostenomelia, b syndrome (SGS) craniosynostosis, pectus deformity, Tissues Connective in Signaling Family [182212] malar hypoplasia, joint laxity / cshperspect.a022269 Stiff skin syndrome FBN1  Syndesmodysplasic, dwarfism, Skin fibrosis (SSS) [184900] cutaneous nodules in distal interphalangeal joints Van Buchem disease SOST - Sclerosing bone dysplasia, increased (VBD) [239100] inner and outer diameter of metacarpals SNPs in components of BMP/TGF-b pathway are further implicated in osteoarthritis and osteoporosis but have not been functionally determined. aMutant protein activity has not been functionally determined. 5 Downloaded from on September 26, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

E.G. MacFarlane et al.

CED (LAP-β1) LDS type 4 (TGFB2) LDS type 5 (TGFB3)

RGD RGD RGD RGD MFS (FBN1) SSS (FBN1) LAP-β1 TGF-β1 TGF-β2 TGF-β3 LAP-β2 LAP-β3 RGD LTBP LTBP LTBP Fibrillin RGD Proteases Conversion of latent Integrin-binding TGF-β into active TGF-β acidic environment

Angiotensin II


LDS type 2 (TGFBR2) Integrins LDS type 1 (TGFBR1) ? P P

? Angiotensin P P receptor Smad2 Smad2 SGS (SKI) LDS type 3 (SMAD3) P P Smad3 Smad3 Ski

P Smad2 Smad4 Smad4

P Ski Cofactors Smad2 P Effectors Cofactors Smad4 Smad3

Figure 2. Summary of the transforming growth factor b (TGF-b) signaling pathway and mutations causing connective tissue disorders. TGF-b molecules (TGF-b1, -b2, and -b3) are secreted in latent forms that are unable to interact with the receptors. In the latent form, dimeric TGF-b molecules are noncovalently associated with dimeric latency-associated peptides (LAPs), which are made from the same gene as the corresponding TGF- b molecule. This complex, which is referred to as the small latent complex (SLC), is then covalently linked by disulfide bonds to a member of the latent TGF-b binding protein (LTBP) family, to form the larger complex called large latent complex (LLC). The LLC complex interacts noncovalently with various components of the extrcellular matrix (ECM), including fibrillin microfibrils and integrins, the major adhesion molecule linking cells to the ECM. Both fibrillin and TGF-b (TGF-b1 and -b3, but not TGF-b2) contain an arginine-glycine- aspartic acid (RGD) domain that can bind integrin molecules. Cross talk between LTBP,fibrillin, and integrins is thought to be critical for proper localization, sequestration, and conversion of latent TGF-b to active TGF-b. Once activated, dimeric TGF-b binds to a tetrameric receptor complex formed by two type I (TbRI) and type II (TbRII) receptor subunits, leading to direct phosphorylation of R-Smads (Smad2 or Smad3), complex forma- tion with co-Smad (Smad4), and induction or repression of target . Heterozygous inactivating mutations in both “positive” and “negative” regulators of this pathway have been identified as the cause of genetic disorders that are characterized by pathological alterations in the connective tissue due to misregulated expression of TGF-b gene targets (i.e., tissue metalloproteinases, collagen, integrins, and several other ECM components). The syndromes associated with these mutations, and the human gene mutated in each condition, are highlighted in yellow.

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TGF-b Family Signaling in Connective Tissues

Antagonist SYM1A, SYNS1, BDB2 (NOG)




BMPRI Extracellular BMPRII Cell membrane Cytoplasm P P

FZD LRP5/6 FOP (ACVR1) BDA2 (BMPR1B) P P Smad 1/5/8 Smad 1/5/8


Smad4 P Smad 1/5/8 SOST1, VBD (SOST ) Smad4

Nucleus P Smad 1/5/8 Effectors P (i.e., SOST Smad4 Smad 1/5/8 Runx2)

Figure 3. Summary of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and growth and differentiation factor (GDF) signaling pathway and mutations causing connective tissue and skeletal disorders. The BMP signaling pathway is activated by extracellular ligands, such as BMPs and GDFs, through binding to type I (BMPRI) and type II (BMPRII) receptor complexes. Extracellular antagonists, such as , can block ligand–receptor binding and pathway activation. Smad (shown) and non-Smad (not shown) mechanisms mediate BMP to regulate transcriptional target , including sclerostin (SOST), a Wnt pathway inhibitor. Key components of the BMP pathway are shown to illustrate positions at which gene mutations act to cause specific human connective tissue and skeletal syndromes. Cross talk with the Wnt pathway is also shown. Specific disorders and their gene mutations (in parentheses), as discussed in text and Table 1, are shaded in yellow if the mutation enhances pathway signaling or in red if the pathway has diminished activation. White boxes indicate disorders for which the BMP pathway is either not directly affected or the functional consequence of the mutation is unknown. BDA2, Brachy- dactyly type A2; BDC, brachydactyly type C; AMDH, acromesomelic dysplasia Hunter–Thompson type; AMDG, acromesomelic dysplasia Grebe type; FOP,fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva; VBD, Van Buchem disease.

to -7). The BMP type I receptors (BMPRIs), activin A receptor type IB), TbRI (transforming ALK-1 (also known as ACVRL1, activin A growth factor-b receptor, type I, also known as receptor-like 1), ALK-2 (ActRI, ACVR1, activin ALK-5), and ALK-7 (ACVR1C, activin A recep- A receptor type I), BMPRIA (bone morphoge- tor type IC), primarily signal by phosphoryla- netic protein receptor type IA, also known as tion of Smad2 and Smad3. The type II receptors ALK-3),andBMPRIB(bonemorphogeneticpro- are ActRII (also known as ACVR2, activin A tein receptor type IB, also known as ALK-6), receptor type IIA), ActRIIB (ACVR2B, activin primarily signal by phosphorylation of Smad1, A receptor type IIB), TbRII (TGFBR2, trans- Smad5, and Smad8. ALK-4 (ActRIB, ACVR1B, forming growth factor-b receptor type II),

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E.G. MacFarlane et al.

BMPRII (bone morphogenetic protein receptor clear factor-kB) pathways (reviewed in Derynck type II), and AMHRII (anti-Mu¨llerian hor- andZhang2003).Activation ofthese noncanon- mone receptor type II). The type III receptors, ical pathways is highly cell-specific and context- betaglycan (TGFBR3, transforming growth dependent. factor-b receptor type III) and (ENG, also known as CD105), and decoy recep- EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX–DEPENDENT tors, such as BAMBI (BMP and activin mem- REGULATION OF TGF-b BIOAVAILABILITY brane-bound inhibitor), do not signal indepen- dently but influence the signaling properties of Connective tissue disorders are a family of dis- receptor tetramers formed by type I and type II eases characterized by alterations in the compo- subunits. sition, structure, or turnover of the extracellular The preferential pairing of each type II re- matrix (ECM), a complex mixture of carbohy- ceptor with a specific type I receptor, the affinity drates and proteins that includes collagens, pro- of each cytokine for different receptor complex- teoglycans, and glycoproteins (Mouw et al. es, temporal and spatial coexpression of recep- 2014) that is secreted by cells in multicellular tors, coreceptors, or decoy receptors, all vary organisms. The specific properties of each type and influence the probability that a certain of connective tissue (i.e., cartilage, bone, liga- complex will form and activate a specific signal- ments, skin, muscle, and vessel walls) are depen- ing cascade. TGF-b1, -b2, and -b3 ligands are dent on the tissue-specific molecular composi- thought to primarily bind and activate tetra- tion of the ECM. In addition to providing mers composed of TbRI and TbRII subunits, physical support to cells, tissues, and organs, resulting in phosphorylation of Smad2 and the ECM participates in regulating complex cel- Smad3. Activins and some GDFs (including lular behaviors including proliferation, migra- /GDF-8 and GDF-11) also signal tion, apoptosis, and differentiation. Dynamic through Smad2 and Smad3. Other GDFs and remodeling of the ECM through regulated dep- BMP ligands are thought to primarily function osition, assembly, and degradation is critical for through receptor complexes that cause activa- all ECM functions. ECM exerts its influence on tion of Smad1, Smad5, and Smad8 through surrounding cells through its interaction with tetramers formed by BMPRIs and BMPRII, matrix-sensing receptors on the cell surface, ActRII, or ActRIIB. Although specific combina- such as integrins (Campbell and Humphries tions of tetramers are more likely to form in 2011), and by regulation of the bioavailability response to a given ligand, data suggest that a of signaling molecules through regulated se- certain degree of promiscuous pairing occurs. questration, release, and activation (Hynes For example, TGF-b-bound TbRII interacts 2009). The importance of the ECM to normal and activates not only TbRI but also ALK-1 development and homeostasis is highlighted by (Goumans etal.2003),thus leading to activation the numberof disorders that are either caused or of both Smad2 and Smad3 and Smad1, Smad5, exacerbated by abnormal ECM function (re- andSmad8in cellsthatexpressbothtypesof type viewed in Bateman et al. 2009; Bonnans et al. I receptors. In addition to activation of Smad- 2014). dependent pathways, TGF-b family ligands can TGF-b ligands (TGF-b1, TGF-b2, and also activate additional “noncanonical” path- TGF-b3) are secreted as biologically inactive la- ways including the TRAF4–TRAF6 (TNF-re- tent complexes that are converted into an active ceptor-associated factor 4 and/or 6)-TAK1 form through a tightly regulated process that (TGF-b-activated kinase 1)-p38 MAPK path- depends on interactions with components of way, the PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase)- the ECM (Munger and Sheppard 2011; Robert- Akt pathway, the Rho-ROCK (Rho-associated son and Rifkin 2016). TGF-b latent complexes protein kinase) pathway, and the JNK (c-Jun (referred to as the small latent complex, or SLC) amino-terminal kinase), Erk (extracellular sig- are comprised of TGF-b dimers and latency- nal-regulated kinase) MAPK, and NF-kB (nu- associated peptide (LAP) dimers. LAPs are

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TGF-b Family Signaling in Connective Tissues

translated as prodomains from the same genes interaction between fibrillin-1 and BMP-4 has and mRNAs encoding the corresponding TGF- been shown to be important for regulating bs and are referred to as b1-LAP for TGF-b1, BMP-4 bioavailability (Nistala et al. 2010). Al- b2-LAP for TGF-b2, and b3-LAP for TGF-b3. though latent TGF-b can also be found in asso- LAP prodomains are cleaved during posttrans- ciation with glycoprotein-A repetitions pre- lational processing and remain associated with dominant protein (GARP) (Stockis et al. 2009; the corresponding TGF-b molecule through Wang et al. 2012), expression of GARP appears noncovalent interactions (Munger and Shep- to be limited to platelets and regulatory T lym- pard 2011). Disruption of noncovalent interac- phocytes (Macaulayet al. 2007; Tran et al. 2009), tions between TGF-b and LAP molecules, suggesting that this regulatory molecule is not a through LAP degradation (Lyons et al. 1988; major regulator of TGF-b bioavailability in the Yu and Stamenkovic 2000), chemical modifica- ECM (Stockis et al. 2009; Tran et al. 2009; Wang tion, such as that caused by reactive oxygen spe- et al. 2012). cies or low pH (Lyons et al. 1988; Barcellos-Hoff and Dix 1996), and/or through binding-in- b duced conformational change (Munger et al. ROLES OF TGF- AND BMP SIGNALING IN BONE FORMATION, SKELETAL 1997; Shi et al. 2011), results in conversion of DEVELOPMENT, AND PATTERNING latent TGF-b into active TGF-b. TGF-b–LAP dimers (SLC) covalently bind to one of the la- Bone is described as a hard connective tissue tent TGF-b binding proteins (LTBP-1, -3, and because the terminally differentiated osteoblasts -4) through disulfide bonds formed between that form much of the bone tissue produce an LAP and LTBPs (Todorovic and Rifkin 2012), ECM that mineralizes, and provides bone with resulting in the large latent complex, or LLC. its rigid structure. Bone tissue forms through Most cell-types do not secrete TGF-b as a SLC two distinct mechanisms that either depend ex- but rather already in complex with LTBP pro- clusively on osteoblasts or additionally on chon- teins. Interactions between LTBPs and ECM drocytes (Yang 2013). Most flat bones, such as components, in particular with fibrillin micro- craniofacial bones and part of the clavicle, are fibrils, are thought to be important for proper intramembranous, developing by direct differ- localization, concentration, and activation of entiation of mesenchymal progenitors into latent TGF-b (Ramirez et al. 2007). Important- osteoblasts (Soltanoff et al. 2009). The entire ly, integrins (and in particular avb6, avb8, and appendicular and most of the axial skeleton avb1) have been shown to be necessary for ac- have an endochondral origin, forming through tivation of TGF-b1 and TGF-b3 through their a cartilage template that is subsequently re- interaction with arginine-glycine-aspartic acid placed by osteoblasts and bone (Soltanoff et al. (RGD) amino acid domains present in b1-LAP 2009). TGF-b and BMP signaling are crucial for and b3-LAP (but not b2-LAP) (Munger et al. the development of both bone types (Chen et al. 1998; Mu et al. 2002; Dong et al. 2014; also 2012) and for regulating chondrogenesis and reviewed in Munger and Sheppard 2011). Al- osteogenesis (Kulkarni et al. 1993; Mishina though prodomains similar to LAPs are present et al. 1995; Winnier et al. 1995; Zhang and Brad- in other members of the TGF-b family and as- ley 1996; Sanford et al. 1997; Sirard et al. 1998; sociate noncovalently with their corresponding Gu et al. 1999; Beppu et al. 2000; Dunker and ligands, they are not known, with the exception Krieglstein 2002; Wang et al. 2014; Salazar et al. of myostatin, to be associated with latency. 2016; Wu et al. 2016). These prodomains might, however, facilitate Although BMP signaling promotes differ- binding to the ECM through interactions with entiation and maturation of osteoblasts, TGF- fibrillin microfibrils. For example, fibrillin has b exerts a dual role during osteogenesis by in- been shown by surface plasmon resonance to ducing commitment to the osteoblast lineage bind BMP-2, BMP-4, BMP-7, BMP-10, and while at the same time preventing terminal dif- GDF-5 (Sengle et al. 2008). In particular, the ferentiation (Moses and Serra 1996; Serra et al.

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E.G. MacFarlane et al.

1999; Alliston et al. 2001; Derynck and Akhurst mining region Y-box 9 (Sox9), which is the mas- 2007). R-Smads physically interact with and ter regulatorof chondrogenesis (Zehentner et al. regulate the transcriptional activity of runt-re- 1999; Akiyama 2008; Pan et al. 2008). Genetic lated 2 (Runx2, also known disruption of Sox9 results in perturbed skeleto- as Cbfa1), a master regulator of mesenchymal genesis throughout the body (Akiyama et al. differentiation toward the osteoblastic cell line- 2002; Mori-Akiyama et al. 2003). Differential age (Komori et al. 1997; Otto et al. 1997; Leboy regulation of Runx2 by TGF-b and BMP signal- et al. 2001; Miyazono et al. 2004; Hecht et al. ing, as discussed above, also participates in reg- 2007; Javed et al. 2008, 2009; reviewed in Lian ulation of chondrocyte maturation. TGF-b and et al. 2004; Schroeder et al. 2005). Runx2 func- BMPsignaling regulate chondrogenesis not only tion is repressed by TGF-b and Smad2 and during embryonic skeletogenesis but also dur- Smad3 signaling, and enhanced by BMPs and ing postnatal bone growth. Longitudinal growth Smad1, Smad5, and Smad8 signaling (Cohen of long bones is mediated by proliferation and 2009; van der Kraan et al. 2009). differentiation of chondrocytes within the Activin A, another member of the TGF-b growth plate, where morphologically distinct family of ligands, is also expressed in bone and zones are recognized, each containing chondro- cartilage, and activates the Smad2- and Smad3- cytes at different stages of differentiation and dependent pathway with potential overlap with producing stage-specific ECM. Growth plates, TGF-b functions (Ogawa et al. 1992; Massague´ located between the epiphysis and diaphysis at and Gomis 2006; Eijken et al. 2007; Tsuchida et the ends of long bones, are normallyspared from al. 2009; Pauklin and Vallier 2015; Salazar et al. ossification until the end of longitudinal growth 2016). (Kronenberg 2003). TGF-b and BMP signaling are both required for growth plate progression and maintenance (Brunet et al. 1998; Yang et al. Regulation of Chondrogenesis and 2001; Zhang et al. 2003, 2005; Yoon et al. 2005; Longitudinal Bone Growth by TGF-b Pogue and Lyons 2006; Seo and Serra 2007; Kel- and BMP Signaling ler et al. 2011; Jing et al. 2013). In addition to its dual role in osteoblastogenesis, BMP signaling occurs throughout the vari- TGF-b signaling exerts a similar dual role in ous zones of thegrowthplateindicating multiple chondrogenesis by inducing the condensation roles in growth plate development and mainte- of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells, stimulat- nance (Solloway et al. 1998; reviewed in Pogue ing their commitment to the chondrogenic lin- and Lyons 2006). Mice deficient for the BMP- eage, and promoting proliferation of chondro- specific antagonist, noggin, show overgrowth of cytes and deposition of cartilage-specific ECM, skeletal elements (Brunet et al. 1998) support- but also inhibiting terminal differentiation of ing that BMP signaling promotes cell prolifera- chondrocytes (Leonard et al. 1991; Ballock tion, differentiation, and maturation within the et al. 1993; Mackay et al. 1998; Worster et al. growth plate. Conversely, chondrocyte-specific 2000; Yang et al. 2001; Tuli et al. 2003; Zhang overexpression of noggin results in gross reduc- et al. 2004; Song et al. 2007; Mueller and Tuan tion of cartilaginous elements (Tsumaki et al. 2008; Furumatsu et al. 2009). BMP signaling, in 2002). A balance between positive and negative contrast, is dispensable for the initial step of regulators of the BMP pathway is essential for mesenchymal condensation but required for proper bone growth, as shown by dysregulated commitment to the chondrogenic lineage, pro- bone development when the BMP pathway is liferation, differentiation, and maturation of over- or underactivated in genetically modified chondrocytes (Li et al. 2003; Horiki et al. 2004; mouse models. Both genetically enhanced and Yoonet al. 2005; Retting et al. 2009; Culbert et al. genetically ablated BMP signaling result in im- 2014). BMP-mediated chondrogenic induction paired bone growth, which is caused by either is achieved through the direct transcriptional premature onset of chondrocyte maturation to- activation of the transcription factor Sex deter- ward hypertrophy or impaired proliferation

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TGF-b Family Signaling in Connective Tissues

within thegrowthplate(Francis-West etal.1999; inactive protein that is not secreted, and acts Mikic 2004; Kobayashi et al. 2005; Yoon et al. in a dominant-negative manner by preventing 2005; Pogue and Lyons 2006; Jing et al. 2013). the secretion of other BMP molecules, consis- TGF-b signaling in the growth plate occurs tent with the severe phenotype in patients car- in proliferating and hypertrophic chondrocytes rying this mutation (Thomas et al. 1996, 1997). and in the periosteum, suggesting a role in Although homozygous carriers of AMDG mu- maintenance of these tissues (Ellingsworth et tations display severe autopod (digit) malfor- al. 1986; Sandberg et al. 1988; Gatherer et al. mation with reduction of fingers and toes to 1990; Pelton et al. 1990; Millan et al. 1991; Mo- ball-shaped structures, heterozygous carriers rales 1991; Serra et al. 2002; Ivkovic et al. 2003; are only mildly affected, indicating a dose-de- Serra and Chang 2003; Minina et al. 2005). TGF- pendent effect of GDF-5 on growth plates. The b signaling controls longitudinal bone growth phenotypic finding of AMD is recapitulated in through inhibition of chondrocyte terminal dif- mice deficient for Gdf5, including severe size ferentiation and maintenance of the proliferat- reduction of long bones and abnormal joint ing chondrocyte pool (Serra et al. 1997; Alvarez development (Storm et al. 1994). et al. 2001; Yang et al. 2001; Alvarez and Serra 2004). Consequently, conditional inactivation Roles of TGF-b and BMP Signaling in Limb of Tgfbr2 or Tgfbr1, which leads to ablation of Formation and Digit Patterning TGF-b signaling, results in severe shortening of the limbs among other skeletal manifestations During embryogenesis, the development of the (Baffi et al. 2004; Seo and Serra 2007; Matsu- appendicular skeleton first becomes evident by nobu et al. 2009; Hiramatsu et al. 2011). the outgrowth of limb buds. Limb bud out- growth and patterning is a multistep process that is orchestrated by “signaling centers” with- Growth Plate Defects Caused by Altered in the limb field that provide positional and TGF-b and BMP Signaling instructive information to the surrounding cells Acromesomelic dysplasias (AMDs) are charac- through gradients of growth factors, including terized by brachydactyly (BD) and short stature BMPs, fibroblast growth factors (FGFs), Sonic (Table 1). Various forms of AMD are caused by hedgehog (SHH), and Wnts (Johnson and Ta- mutations in the gene coding for GDF-5, also bin 1997; Martin 1998). BMPs are widely ex- known as cartilage-derived morphogenetic pressed in a dynamic pattern during limb de- protein 1 (CDMP-1), and impaired BMP signal- velopment and have a range of diverse functions ing. Growth retardation and the decreased size (Bandyopadhyay et al. 2006; Robert 2007). Dur- of appendicular skeletal elements are a result ing limb bud initiation, BMP signaling is crucial of premature growth plate closure (Thomas for the induction of the apical ectodermal ridge et al. 1996). Distal skeletal elements are more (AER), a specialized epithelial structure located severely affected by size reduction than proxi- at the distal tip of the developing limb that con- mal elements. Clinical manifestations in acro- trols formation of the proximal–distal axis mesomelic dysplasia Hunter–Thompson type from body center toward tips of appendages (AMDH), Grebe type (AMDG), and Du Pan (Johnson and Tabin 1997; Martin 1998; Ahn syndrome are overlapping with the most severe et al. 2001). Early ablation of the AER or con- growth retardation in AMDG and with specific ditional inactivation of BMP signaling in the fibulamalformationinDuPansyndrome(Lang- ectoderm leads to limb truncation (Saunders er and Garrett 1980; Langer et al. 1989; Costa 1948; Summerbell et al. 1973; Rowe et al. et al. 1998; Faiyaz-Ul-Haque et al. 2002; Szcza- 1982; Ahn et al. 2001). The AER functions to luba et al. 2005). initiate and maintain normal gene expression AMD-associated GDF5 mutations result in patterns in the progress zone (PZ), an area of loss of GDF-5 protein function. The AMDG- undifferentiated cells in the mesoderm directly specific GDF5 mutation, C400Y, results in an underlying the AER, and is furthermore re-

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quired for the maintenance of SHH expression divides into three discrete layers. Cells within within the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA), a the medial layer express BMP-2 and subse- crucial signaling center located at the posterior quently undergo cell death, thereby forming the margin of the limb that controls anterior-pos- joint cavity, whereas the remaining outer layers terior pattering. Together, the AER and ZPA will give rise to the articular cartilage (reviewed coordinate gradients of growth factors to regu- in Pacifici et al. 2005). During joint formation, late formation, size, shape, and location of fu- noggin is expressed within the intermedial layer ture bone and joints in the appendicular skele- of the interzone (Brunet et al. 1998; Capdevila ton (reviewed in Johnson and Tabin 1997; and Johnson 1998; Merino et al. 1998; Gou- Galloway and Tabin 2008). Interlinked feedback mans and Mummery 2000; Pizette and Niswan- loops between AER, ZPA, and mesenchymal der 2000; Seemann et al. 2005; Lorda-Diez et al. BMP signaling regulate initiation, propagation, 2013), where it counteracts the effect of GDF-5, and termination of the limb signaling system the key molecule required for defining the fu- (reviewed in Benazet et al. 2009; Zeller et al. ture joint interzone within the unpatterned dig- 2009). Disruption of these feedback loops result ital ray. Loss of GDF-5 function leads to abnor- in impaired progression of limb bud develop- mal joint development with complete or partial ment and specification of digit identity (Kawa- fusion of consecutive skeletal elements and kami et al. 1996; Ahn et al. 2001; Khokha et al. structural changes in autopods, along with oth- 2003; Ovchinnikov et al. 2006; Montero et al. er skeletal defects, whereas loss of noggin activ- 2008; Suzuki et al. 2008; Benazet et al. 2009). ity results in failure to initiate joint formation BMP signaling controls patterning of digits and thus symphalangism (Storm and Kingsley via a crescent-like structure located at the distal 1996, 1999; Brunet et al. 1998). tip of each digit ray, called the phalanx-forming region (PFR). The PFR is marked by high levels Digit Malformations Caused by Disruption of of BMP activity and is formed and maintained TGF-b and BMP Signaling by continuous recruitment of cells from the PZ. Cells recruited from the PZ aggregate distal to Depending on the specific perturbation, disrup- metatarsal and metacarpal condensations, com- tion in the BMP signaling pathway can cause mit to chondrogenic fate, and are eventually various types of BD, all characterized by reduc- integrated into the condensing underlying dig- tion or absence of phalanges in one or more ital ray. PFR-ablation or inhibition of BMP sig- digits and resulting in shortened toes and/or naling via noggin results in truncation of the fingers (Bell 1951; Stricker and Mundlos 2011). digit (Montero et al. 2008; Suzuki et al. 2008). Although BD can occur as an isolated malfor- TGF-b and activin signaling are also needed to mation, more commonly it is one of several fea- establish the PFR and to induce Sox9 expression tures of syndromes caused by mutations that (Chimal-Monroy et al. 2011). impair BMP ligand or receptor function, for ex- To form joints, the initially continuous dig- ample, in AMDs (see previous section; Table 1). ital rays become segmented. Many studies Depending on the affected digit, BD is clas- showed the importance of a balanced interplay sified into groups A to E (Table 2) (Fitch 1979). among multiple factors for both joint forma- Inactivating mutations in genes coding for the tion and homeostasis (Storm and Kingsley BMPRIB receptor or its ligand GDF-5 (Nishi- 1996; Brunet et al. 1998; Rountree et al. 2004; toh et al. 1996; Lehmann et al. 2003, 2006) cause Koyama et al. 2007). Location of a future syno- BDA2, which is characterized by short middle vial joint is initially indicated by cell condensa- phalanges in the second and fifth digits. A mi- tions within an area of the digit ray called the croduplication in a downstream regulatory interzone (reviewed in Archer et al. 2003; Deck- element of BMP-2, which is thought to affect er et al. 2014). Cells in this region do not un- limb-specific expression, was also found in some dergo chondrogenic differentiation but adopt a patients with BDA2 (Dathe et al. 2009). GDF5 flattened morphology. The joint interzone later mutations also can cause BDC, characterized

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TGF-b Family Signaling in Connective Tissues

Table 2. Summary of brachydactyly types and associated clinical manifestations Brachydactyly type Gene (OMIM #) mutation Clinical manifestation in the skeletal system A1 (112500) IHH Hypoplasia/aplasia of all middle phalanges A2 (112600) GDF5, BMP2 Hypoplasia/aplasia middle phalanges of digit 2 and 5 B1 (113000) ROR2 Hypoplasia/aplasia of distal phalanges of digits 2 to 5, fusion of distal interphalangeal joints; duplication of distal phalange in digit 1 B2 (611377) NOG Hypoplasia/aplasia of distal and middle phalanges, syndactyly (variable) C (113100) GDF5 Shortening of metacarpal 1, shortening or absence of middle phalanges of digit 2, 3, and 5, hypersegmentation of digit 2 and/or 3 E1 (113300) HOXD13 Shortening metacarpal 4; sometimes shortening of metatarsal 4 E2 (613382) PTHLH Shortening of metacarpals (variable in affected digits but most common in digit 4 and 5)

by short or absent middle phalanges in second, by gain-of-function mutations in GDF5 that third, and fifth fingers, short first metacarpal strongly increase ligand affinity for the BMPRIA and hypersegmentation of the second and/or receptor and result in loss of binding specificity third finger (Polinkovsky et al. 1997; Robin for BMPRIB (Nickel et al. 2005; Seemann et al. 1997; Galjaard et al. 2001; Everman et al. et al. 2005). Increased BMP signaling activity 2002; Savarirayan et al. 2003; Holder-Espinasse also follows from GDF5 mutations that render et al. 2004; Schwabe et al. 2004). These BD phe- GDF-5 resistant to noggin and cause SYNS2 notypes are recapitulated in vivo by ablation of (Schwaerzer et al. 2012; Degenkolbe et al. Bmpr1b or Gdf5 in mice, which results in im- 2013). SYNS1 and SYM1 can also result from paired proliferation of mesenchymal progeni- heterozygous missense mutations in the gene tors and increased apoptosis in phalanges, coding for the BMP inhibitor noggin. Although with preservation of interdigital mesenchyme secretion of noggin is only reduced in SYM1, it (Baur et al. 2000; Yi et al. 2000). That impaired is completely abolished in SYNS1, explaining signaling through BMPRIB or GDF-5 in the the more severe SYNS1 phenotype and pointing developing autopod results in very specific mal- toward a dosage-dependent effect of this inhib- formations and does not affect all phalanges or itor during skeletogenesis (Marcelino et al. digit identities suggests that other BMP ligands 2001). or pathways compensate for this specific defi- The importance of balanced levels of BMP ciency during limb development. signaling during digit development is further Although reduced GDF-5 and BMPRIB sig- emphasized by other congenital syndromes, in naling causes BDA2, excessive BMP signaling which mutations, such as those found in BDB2, activity through GDF-5 and BMPRIA leads to induce a shift in this tightly regulated process. proximal symphalangism (SYM1), multiple Short distalphalanges in combinationwithsym- synostosis syndromes (SYNS1 and SYNS2), phalangism, fusion of carpal and tarsal bones and BDB2. SYM1, SYNS1, and SYNS2 syn- and partial cutaneous syndactyly are character- dromes are characterized by multiple joint fu- istic skeletal malformations in BDB2 patients. sions that are restricted to proximal interpha- Point mutations within the NOGGIN (NOG) langeal joints of the hands and feet and carpal gene cause reduced binding capacity to BMP and tarsal bones; SYNS1 and SYNS2 patients ligands and result in reduced sequestration of additionally display multiple joint fusions in BMP ligand by the mutant protein, which shifts vertebrae and the hip (da-Silva et al. 1984; the state of the BMP signaling pathway balance Gaal et al. 1987; Gong et al. 1999; Takahashi toward activation (Lehmann et al. 2007) and et al. 2001; Mangino et al. 2002). SYM1 is caused results in disruption of digit patterning.

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Roles of TGF-b and BMP Signaling et al. 2011). The main function of TGF-b in in Craniofacial Development palate development is to promote fusion of the shelves. Before palatal shelf elevation, epi- TGF-b and BMP signaling are required for thelial expression of TGF-b1 and TGF-b3is proper formation of craniofacial structures, induced within the future adhesion site, and and in particular for proper development of then diminishes during disintegration of the cranial bones and palate (Rigueur et al. 2015). MES (Cui et al. 1998; Cui and Shuler 2000; During craniofacial development, plates of cal- Yang and Kaartinen 2007; Bush and Jiang varial bone interconnected via fibrous sutures 2012). Global ablation of TGF-b2 or TGF-b3 envelop the brain. The fibrous sutures serve as ligands or cranial neural crest specific knockout the sites of bone expansion during postnatal of Tgfbr2 or Tgfbr1 causes cleft palate, high- growth and provide plasticity to the skull in lighting the importance of this signaling path- response to the growing brain (reviewed in Op- way in palatogenesis (Kaartinen et al. 1995; Pro- perman 2000; Warren et al. 2001). Alterations in etzel et al. 1995; Sanford et al. 1997; Ito et al. both TGF-b and BMP signaling have been as- 2003; Dudas et al. 2006; Xu et al. 2006). In sociated with premature closure of sutures and Tgfb3-null mutants, palatal shelf adhesion oc- craniosynostosis. Increased Smad-dependent curs, but impaired apoptosis causes persistence BMP signaling induced in cranial neural crest of the MES resulting in non-union of the palatal cells by a constitutively active BMPRIA receptor mesenchyme. Treatment of these mice with re- causes premature suture closure in mice, which combinant TGF-b3 or overexpression of Smad2 can be rescued by genetically or chemically in- rescues palate fusion (Kaartinen et al. 1997; Taya hibiting this pathway (Komatsu et al. 2013). et al. 1999; Cui et al. 2005; Dudas et al. 2006; Xu During calvarial development, a major role of et al. 2006). BMP signaling regulates specifica- FGF is to suppress expression of the BMP in- tion and migration of cranial neural crest cells to hibitor noggin via Erk1 and Erk2 MAPK signal- the facial primordia (reviewed in Nie et al. ing and thus induce suture closure by increasing 2006), and also controls mesenchymal cell pro- BMP signaling (Warren et al. 2003). TGF-b liferation. Tissue-specific inhibition of this sig- ligands are also expressed in the developing naling pathway by conditional inactivating mu- skull and most likely involved in regulating su- tations in BMP receptors or overexpression of ture closure. TGF-b1 and TGF-b2 are expressed the antagonist noggin causes a reduced prolif- in sutures undergoing fusion, whereas TGF-b3 eration rate within the palatal mesenchyme and expression is restricted to patent sutures, possi- results in palate clefting (Dudas et al. 2004; Liu bly suggesting that TGF-b1 and TGF-b2pro- et al. 2005; He et al. 2010; Baek et al. 2011). mote, whereas TGF-b3 prevents, closure (Op- perman et al. 1997; Most et al. 1998; Chong et al. 2003). In accordance with these observations, Craniofacial Defects Caused by Altered TGF-b or BMP Signaling TGF-b2 has been shown to induce suture clo- sure in an Erk1 and Erk2 MAPK-dependent Cleft palate with or without involvement of the manner in an ex vivo murine calvaria model lip is a common congenital defect in humans (Opperman et al. 2006). (Parada and Chai 2012) that has been associated In addition to their role in calvaria fusion, with loss-of-function mutations in BMP4 (or- BMP and TGF-b signaling are also essential for ofacial cleft 11; OFC11) and BMP7 (Suzuki et al. development and fusion of the palatal shelves 2009; Wyatt et al. 2010). Although the function- (Bush and Jiang 2012). Fusion between the al consequences of these mutations are not fully shelves requires first formation and then disin- understood, some observations support that tegration of the midline epithelial seam (MES). they alter posttranslational processing to reduce This leads to mesenchymal fusion of the palate, protein activity in a tissue-dependent manner and subsequent bone formation, which occurs (Akiyama et al. 2012). In addition, both cleft through intramembranous ossification (Baek palate and craniosynostosis are associated with

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TGF-b Family Signaling in Connective Tissues

Loeys–Dietz syndrome, which is caused by mu- The internal elastic lamina separates the tunica tations in critical mediators and regulators of intima from the tunica media, which is popu- TGF-b signaling, and is discussed below in lated by vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) greater detail. and contains elastic fibers, complex structures that contain both elastin and fibrillin-contain- ing microfibrils, collagen fibers, and proteogly- TGF-b SIGNALING AND VESSEL WALL cans (Wagenseil and Mecham 2009). Although HOMEOSTASIS the majority of VSMCs reside in the tunica me- dia, some VSMCs or VSMC-like cells are also Structure of the Arterial Vessel Wall present in the tunica intima and/or can be re- The vessel wall of major arteries is composed of cruited to the intima in response to vascular three connective tissue layers: an inner layer (tu- injury (Shanahan and Weissberg 1998; Owens nica intima), a middle layer (tunica media), and et al. 2004; Fukuda and Aikawa 2010; Iwata et al. an outer layer (tunica adventitia) (Wagenseil 2010). The tunica intima, which is generally and Mecham 2009), each composed of different much thicker in human arteries compared types of cells and ECM components (Fig. 4). with other mammals, does not contain elastic Endothelial cells line the lumen of the vessel fibers. The outer layer or tunica adventitia is and are anchored to a basement membrane populated by adventitial fibroblasts, is rich in that separates these cells from the tunica intima. collagen, does not contain elastic fibers, and is


Endothelial cells Internal Tunica intima Proliferation elastic migration lamina

Tunica media Collagen Vascular smooth muscle cells, MMPs elastic lamellae,collagen fibers, and External elastic lamina Tunica adventitia Adventitial fibroblasts, collagen

Figure 4. Schematic representation of the vessel wall of major arteries. (A) The vessel wall of arteries is organized in layers, which are referred to as tunica intima, media, and adventitia. Endothelial cells line the lumen and are attached to a basement membrane. The connective tissue immediately below the endothelial cell layer is referred to as tunica intima. The internal elastic lamina separates the tunica intima from the tunica media, which contains vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and elastic fibers, organized in fenestrated sheets (also called lamellae). The external elastic lamina separates the tunica media from the tunica adventitia, which contains mostly fibroblasts and collagen, but no elastic fibers. (B) Arterial wall remodeling associated with aneurysm development include increased VSMC migration and proliferation (and associated loss of contractile function), increased secretion of matrix-degrading (such as matrix metalloproteinases [MMPs]), and increased deposition of collagen and fragmentation of elastic fibers. The ultimate effect of these processes is the replace- ment of the ordered and layered architecture of elastic lamellae and vascular smooth muscle cells with disor- ganized and weak connective tissue.

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separated by the tunica media by the external Mummery 2000; Goumans et al. 2009). Of par- elastic lamina (reviewed in Wagenseil and Me- ticular importance to the focus of this review are cham 2009). Some studies have suggested that the effects of altered TGF-b signaling on the the adventitial layer contains progenitors that development of aneurysm, a pathological dila- trans-differentiate into VSMCs (Sartore et al. tion of a blood vessel that can result in fatal tear 2001; Hoofnagle et al. 2004; Hu et al. 2004; and rupture. Passman et al. 2008). The composition of the The effects of TGF-b and BMP signaling on ECM secreted by vascular cell types, and by the biology of the vessel wall vary depending on VSMCs in particular, varies depending on the developmental stage, cellular context, and pres- type of blood vessel and in response to devel- ence of other ligands or stimuli. Prenatally, TGF- opmental, physiological, and pathological stim- b and BMP signaling are key regulators of both uli (Kelleher et al. 2004; Xu and Shi 2014). For development and morphogenesis of the vascu- example, a study of the type of ECM compo- lar system (Goumans and Mummery 2000; nents secreted by VSMCs at various stages of Goumans et al. 2009). Early during embryonic mouse development identified a critical period development, TGF-b signaling is required for from embryonic day E14 to 2 weeks after birth formation of the vascular plexus and differenti- during which expression of matrix proteins, ation of both endothelial cells and VSMCs such as elastin and fibrillar collagens, is very (Dickson et al. 1995; Oshima et al. 1996; Gou- pronounced, and which is followed by a period mans and Mummery 2000; Larsson et al. 2001; of low-expression that continues into adult- Carvalho et al. 2007; Goumans et al. 2009). hood (Kelleher et al. 2004; Wagenseil and TGF-b signaling is also required for morpho- Mecham 2009). Under physiological circum- genesis of the cardiac outflow tract and stances, elastin is thought to only be secreted VSMC-dependent deposition of elastic fibers and productively deposited by VSMCs during (Wurdak et al. 2005; Choudhary et al. 2006). the fetal and neonatal periods (Davis 1993; Prenatal or perinatal ablation of TGF-b sig- Kelleher et al. 2004). naling in mouse models by deletion of Tgfbr2 in Both mechanical stimuli and biochemical VSMCs with a VSMC-specific Cre (Langlois signals regulate the interaction between the et al. 2010), neural crest- and mesoderm-specific ECM and vascular cells (Owens et al. 2004; Cre (Choudhary et al. 2009), or an inducible Mack 2011; Humphrey et al. 2015). Changes VSMC-specific Cre (Li et al. 2014) results in de- in the ECM are sensed by vascular cells through fective elastogenesis, vessel wall dilation, aneu- matrix-binding receptors, such as integrins, and rysm, and dissection. However, deletion of influence cell migration, proliferation, and sur- Tgfbr2 in VSMCs after 8 weeks of age has no vival (Moiseeva 2001); in turn, vascular cells can apparent consequence on VSMC function and modify the composition and structure of the vessel wall homeostasis (Li et al. 2014), suggest- ECM by increasing or decreasing secretion of ing that complete loss of TGF-b signaling in matrix proteins and matrix-remodeling en- adult VSMCs does not cause major pathology zymes (Leung et al. 1976; O’Callaghan and Wil- in the adult vessel wall. The early developmental liams 2000). sensitivity to TGF-b signaling ablation in VSMCs might relate to the timing of physiolog- ical elastin deposition, which is complete TGF-b Signaling in Vascular Homeostasis once animals reach adulthood, at 4–8 weeks The importance of TGF-b signaling regulation after birth (Davis 1993; Kelleher et al. 2004; in the complex relationship between ECM and Wagenseil and Mecham 2009). The expression vascular cells is highlighted by the number of of other determinants of vessel wall homeostasis vascular disorders that result from failed ECM- might also require TGF-b signaling during this dependent regulation of TGF-b signaling or critical time window, but then become irrele- from mutations in critical mediators of TGF-b vant, redundant, or independent of TGF-b sig- signal transduction (reviewed in Goumans and naling later in life.

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TGF-b Family Signaling in Connective Tissues

In the adult aorta, excessive TGF-b signal- TGF-b signaling. They serve both as “positive” ing, rather than impaired TGF-b signaling, has regulators of TGF-b signaling, by concentrating been linked to maladaptive remodeling of the latent TGF-b at sites of intended function, and vascular ECM, VSMC dysfunction, and devel- as “negative” regulators of TGF-b signaling, by opment of thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA), a sequestering latent TGF-b and preventing its common form of aneurysm often associated conversion to the active form (Ramirez et al. with genetic syndromes (Chen et al. 2013). 2004; Robertson et al. 2015). TGF-b-dependent changes during aneurysm Despite these two contrasting roles, several development include increased expression studies examining a diverse set of MFS pheno- and/or activities of matrix-degrading enzymes types, both in patients and mouse models, have such as metalloproteinases, degradation of elas- shown that a signature consistent with increased tic fibers, enhanced proliferation and migration activation of the TGF-b signaling pathway is of VSMCs, and excessive collagen secretion and associated with MFS pathology, and that phar- deposition (reviewed in Jones et al. 2009). Over- macological antagonism of TGF-b with neu- all, the effects of these alterations, which target tralizing antibodies attenuates or prevents dis- both matrix degradation and matrix deposi- ease progression (Neptune et al. 2003; Ng et al. tion, weaken the aortic wall rendering it more 2004; Habashi et al. 2006; Cohn et al. 2007). prone to dilatation, dissection, and rupture. Studies conducted in MFS mouse models have suggested that effects of TGF-b signaling atten- uation with neutralizing antibodies are depen- Marfan Syndrome dent on the developmental stage of the vessel The importance of TGF-b signaling in the con- wall, with early TGF-b inhibition, between text of ECM homeostasis is well illustrated by three and six weeks of age, being deleterious, the case of Marfan syndrome (MFS). MFS is and late TGF-b inhibition, after 6 weeks of an autosomal dominant disorder caused by het- age, being beneficial (Cook et al. 2015). These erozygous mutations in the gene that encodes observations are consistent with the studies dis- fibrillin-1 (FBN1), the main component of ex- cussed above suggesting that TGF-b signaling tracellular microfibrils (Dietz et al. 1991). It is has a protective role prenatally and perinatally, characterized by cardiovascular, ocular, and when it is required to complete vessel wall de- musculoskeletal defects (Table 1), including a velopment and elastogenesis, and a pathogenic high risk for aortic root aneurysm and dissec- role after such events are completed. tion (Judge and Dietz 2005). MFS pathology was Importantly for clinical management of initially attributed to a structural deficit caused MFS patients, the Food and Drug Administra- by defective fibrillin-1 assembly into microfi- tion (FDA)-approved angiotensin II type 1 re- brils. However, simple structural changes could ceptor (AT1) blocker losartan, an antihyperten- not explain some MFS manifestations, such as sive drug, has been shown to reduce TGF-b craniofacial dysmorphism, bone overgrowth, signaling and ameliorate many manifestations myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve, of MFS in mouse models (Neptune et al. 2003; and low-muscle mass and fat stores, all of which Ng et al. 2004; Habashi et al. 2006; Cohn et al. pointed to a more complex relationship between 2007; Lacro et al. 2007). Additionally, in a ran- the ECM and developmental signals. This obser- domized clinical trial of pediatric MFS patients, vation led to the hypothesisthat dysregulation of losartan, at the FDA-recommended dose for hy- TGF-b signaling contributed to MFS pathology. pertension, was shown to be equally effective as It is now recognized that most manifestations of atenolol used at a dose far above the FDA-rec- MFS can be understood as a failure in the ECM- ommended daily dose, with both drugs leading dependent control of TGF-b signaling (Nep- to a significant decline in Z-score over time tune et al. 2003). Under physiological circum- (body size-indexed aortic root dimension over stances, extracellular microfibrils serve complex time) (Lacro et al. 2014; Mallat and Daugherty and somewhat divergent functions in regulating 2015). A trial in adults with MFS showed that

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use of losartan was associated with a significant might also alter binding of fibrillin-1 to BMPs reduction in aortic root growth rate and also (Arteaga-Solis et al. 2001; Sengle et al. 2008; attenuated dilatation of the more distal ascend- Nistala et al. 2010), suggesting that skeletal ing aorta in patients that had undergone aortic abnormalities in MFS might result from altered, root replacement (Groenink et al. 2013). and perhaps misbalanced, BMP and TGF-b Although several studies have shown that signaling. antagonism of angiotensin II signaling results in decreased TGF-b signaling in a variety of tis- Loeys–Dietz Syndrome sues, including kidney, lung, skeletal muscle, heart, and aorta (Shihab et al. 1997; Sun et al. Loeys–Dietz syndrome (LDS) is an autosomal 1998; Lavoie et al. 2005; Habashi et al. 2006; Yao dominant Mendelian disorder with widespread et al. 2006; Cohn et al. 2007; Podowski et al. phenotypic overlap with MFS, including bone 2012), the exact mechanism by which this oc- overgrowth, skeletal deformity, and a strong pre- curs is not fully understood (Gibbons et al. disposition for aortic root aneurysm and dissec- 1992; Stouffer and Owens 1992; Wolf et al. tion (Loeys et al. 2005). When compared with 1993, 1999; Kagami et al. 1994; Lee et al. 1995; MFS, LDS also shows many unique features (Ta- Campbell and Katwa 1997; Fukuda et al. 2000; ble 1) in the craniofacial, skeletal, cutaneous, Boffa et al. 2003; Naito et al. 2004; Rodriguez- and cardiovascular systems (MacCarrick et al. Vita et al. 2005; Zhou et al. 2006; Chen et al. 2014). Patients with LDS can also show evidence 2013). Suppression of excessive Erk1 and Erk2 of immunologic dysregulation including asth- MAPK activation with losartan or an inhibitor ma, eczema, and gastrointestinal inflammation of MAPK kinase (MAPKK, also known as MEK) that associates with increased numbers of T- has been shown to normalize aortic architecture regulatory cells that inappropriately secrete and aneurysm pathology in MFS mouse models proinflammatory T-helper 2 cytokines (Frisch- (Habashi et al. 2011), indicating that Erk MAPK meyer-Guerrerio et al. 2013). Inactivating mu- activation is critical to aneurysm progression. tations in the genes encoding TGF-b receptors Although not fully elucidated, the pathogenic (TGFBR1 or TGFBR2) (Loeys et al. 2005), intra- effects of Erk1 and Erk2 MAPK signaling might cellular mediators of TGF-b signaling (SMAD3 relate to induced expression of metallopro- and SMAD2) (van de Laar et al. 2011; Micha teinases (Ghosh et al. 2012) or TGF-b1 ligand et al. 2015), or TGF-b ligands (TGFB2 and (Hamaguchi et al. 1999). TGFB3) (Boileau et al. 2012; Lindsay et al. Perturbed sequestration of TGF-b ligands 2012; Bertoli-Avella et al. 2015), have all been in bone and cartilage might also explain the shown to cause LDS or LDS-like syndromes. skeletal features of MFS. MFS patients show in- In contrast, mutations in genes coding for creased length of appendicular skeletal ele- TGF-b family receptors primarily expressed in ments, especially in phalanges. Although the endothelial cells, such as the ENG (McAllister TGF-b bioavailability in skeletal tissue of MFS et al. 1994) and ACVRL1 (Lesca et al. 2004) patients has not been evaluated, TGF-b ligands genes, cause hereditary hemorrhagic telangiec- are abundantly expressed in growth plates and tasia type 1 and type 2, syndromes characterized bone (Pedrozo et al. 1998; Minina et al. 2005). by dilated small blood vessels (telangiectasias) Osteoblasts derived from fibrillin (Fbn1 or and improper connections between arteries and Fbn2)-deficient mice show abnormal activation veins (arteriovenous malformation, or AVMs), of TGF-b signaling (Nistala et al. 2010). The but typically without aortic aneurysm or wide- stimulatory effect of TGF-b on cell proliferation spread connective tissue involvement (and as and chondrogenesis in the growth plate and its such not the focus of this review). The pheno- inhibition of chondrocyte maturation suggest typic similarities between MFS and LDS suggest that bone overgrowth in MFS may result from that these syndromes share a common patho- growth plate enlargement. In addition to per- genic mechanism. However, although the role turbed TGF-b bioavailability, MFS mutations of enhanced TGF-b signaling is well established

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TGF-b Family Signaling in Connective Tissues

in MFS, the mechanisms by which LDS muta- failed mesenchymal fusion of palatal shelves tions cause disease and a tissue signature for (Yang and Kaartinen 2007) and thus in cleft increased TGF-b signaling during aneurysm palate. An alternative, yet controversial, expla- progression remain unclear. In vitro experi- nation (Iwata et al. 2012) is that in Tgfbr2-null ments consistently show that mutant receptors mice, cleft palate might result from an imbal- are expressed, traffic to the cell surface, and bind ance between Smad and non-Smad TGF-b sig- ligand but fail to phosphorylate Smad2 in re- naling caused by “noncanonical” pairing of sponse to exogenous TGF-b (Mizuguchi et al. TbRI and TbRIII/betaglycan, and overactiva- 2004; Horbelt et al. 2010; Gallo et al. 2014). tion of the TRAF6–TAK1–p38 signaling path- However, histological and biochemical assess- way, which leads to a proliferation defect ment of aortic tissue derived from patients responsible for nonunion of the palatal shelves affected by LDS, or mouse models, show a (Iwata et al. 2012). This idea was supported by paradoxical signature of high TGF-b signaling the observation that concomitant deletion of (van de Laar et al. 2011; Lindsay et al. 2012; the Tgfbr1 gene rescued the cleft palate pheno- Gallo et al. 2014). These contrasting observa- type in cranial neural crest-specific Tgfbr22/2 tions have generated controversy in the field mice. TbRI or TbRII receptors with LDS mu- regarding the specific role of TGF-b in the ini- tations, which traffic to the cell surface and can tiation and progression of aneurysm (Lavoie bind ligand, might in a similar fashion increase et al. 2005; Dietz 2010; Mallat and Daugherty signaling by favoring “noncanonical” pairing of 2015). Variousmechanisms have been proposed the remaining functional receptors in the devel- to explain how LDS mutations can paradoxical- oping palate of LDS mouse models and patients. ly result in increased TGF-b signaling in vivo, including the possibility that angiotensin II re- Shprintzen–Goldberg Syndrome ceptor signaling, rather than TGF-b signaling, might be responsible for the observed increase Shprintzen–Goldberg syndrome (SGS) is in Smad2 and Smad3 phosphorylation and up- characterized by virtually all the craniofacial, regulation of TGF-b-driven gene products skeletal, cutaneous and cardiovascular manifes- (Davis et al. 2014), or that different intrinsic tations found in LDS and MFS, with the addi- susceptibility to LDS-causing mutations in cells tion of highly penetrant intellectual disability. of different type or embryonic origin might re- It is caused by heterozygous loss-of-function sult in overdrive caused by mutations in the Sloan Kettering Institute excessive secretion of TGF-b1 ligand (Lindsay proto-oncogene (SKI) (Carmignac et al. 2012; and Dietz 2011). However, none of these mech- Doyle et al. 2012), a potent inhibitor of TGF-b- anisms has been validated to date. A possible induced Smad signaling. Ski-dependent inhibi- paracrine mechanism is suggested by the obser- tion of TGF-b signaling occurs through sup- vation that expression of TGF-b1 is increased in pression of Smad2 and Smad3 phosphorylation tissues derived from LDS-3 and LDS-4 patients and nuclear translocation, by displacement of and in LDS mouse models (van de Laar et al. positive regulators of TGF-b-induced transcrip- 2011; Lindsay et al. 2012; Gallo et al. 2014), and tion, such as p300 and CREB-binding protein that treatment of LDS mouse models with los- (CBP), and recruitment of negative regulators artan, which normalizes aortic root growth and such as histone deacetylases (Akiyoshi et al. aortic wall architecture in these animals, is 1999; Nomura et al. 1999; Prunier et al. 2003). associated with reduction of excessive TGF-b1 All mutations causing SGS occur in amino-ter- expression and Smad2 and Erk MAPK activa- minal domains of Ski that participate in Smad2 tion in LDS mice (Gallo et al. 2014). and Smad3 binding, and cultured fibroblasts Perturbations in TGF-b signaling in LDS from patients with SGS show increased Smad- are also associated with cleft palate (Table 1). and non-Smad-mediated TGF-b signaling and In LDS patients, defective TGF-b signaling expression of TGF-b-driven genes (Doyle et al. during palate development might result in 2012). The fact that mutations in SKI that cause

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SGS increase TGF-b signaling and fully pheno- of avb3 and/or a5b1. Treatments that mimic copy LDS supports the notion that enhanced engagement of b1 integrin, such as administra- TGF-b signaling contributes to the pathogene- tion of a b1 integrin-activating antibody, ame- sis of both conditions. liorate skin stiffness and normalize expression of both avb3 and/or a5b1 in the dermis (Gerber et al. 2013). Similar results are observed INTEGRIN–FIBRILLIN INTERACTIONS AND by inactivating the gene encoding b3 integrin, OVERACTIVATION OF TGF-b SIGNALING treatment with TGF-b neutralizing antibody, or As discussed above, fibrillin-1 regulates the bio- inhibition of the Erk MAPK pathway, suggest- availability of TGF-b by both concentrating and ing cross-talk between integrins and TGF-b sig- sequestering latent TGF-b in the ECM, and mu- naling pathways in SSS (Gerber et al. 2013). tations that interfere with this functions cause Increased TGF-b signaling in SSS skin might MFS. Interestingly, a specific subset of fibrillin-1 be caused by excessive integrin-mediated TGF- mutations causes stiff skin syndrome (SSS), a b activation and/or increased TGF-b bioavail- condition characterized by perinatal onset of ability and activation of Erk1 and Erk2 MAPK dense dermal fibrosis and joint contracture, in in a b3 integrin-dependent manner, with the the absence of any features of MFS. Skin derived bulk of current evidence favoring the latter from SSS patients shows large macroaggregates (Scaffidi et al. 2004; Munger and Sheppard of disorganized microfibrils that concentrate la- 2011; Gerber et al. 2013). tent TGF-b in the dermis and increased levels of SSS mice recapitulate multiple aspects of Smad2 phosphorylation, indicative of overacti- systemic sclerosis (SSc), including tightening vation of TGF-b signaling (Loeys et al. 2010). and hardening of the skin, a tissue signature SSS-causing mutations all cluster in the only for excessive TGF-b signaling, and a propensity fibrillin-1 domain that harbors an RGD domain to develop autoantibodies and other markers of used to mediate cell–matrix interactions via autoinflammation. In this light, it is notable binding to integrin receptors, suggesting that that SSS mice show excessive concentration disruption of integrin–fibrillin-1 interactions and activation of plasmacytoid dendritic cells contributes to the pathogenesis of this disorder. (pDCs) in the dermis. pDCs normally perform Fibrillin-1 fragments with SSS mutations fail to a surveillance function for viral pathogens support attachment and spreading of cells that (Swiecki and Colonna 2010). On activation, express integrins avb3and/or a5b1, which are pDCs express high levels of interferon-a, inter- the integrins that were reported to bind the RGD leukin (IL)-6, and TGF-b; this can lead to domain in fibrillin-1 (Loeys et al. 2010). In ad- autoantibody production and T-helper cell dition, mice heterozygous for an RGD to RGE skewing toward proinflammatory subsets (as encoding mutation in Fbn1, predicted to cause seen in both SSc and mouse models of SSS). an obligate loss of integrin binding, recapitulate Wild-type pre-pDCs showed increased adher- the dermal sclerosis found in patients and mice ence and activation when plated on ECM pro- heterozygous for SSS mutations (Gerber et al. duced by SSS fibroblasts, when compared with 2013). Taken together, these data indicate that wild-type cell-derived ECM, suggesting that the failed integrin binding to fibrillin-1 initiates altered matrix environment is sufficient to ini- and sustains a sclerotic phenotype in the skin. tiate this process. The current view is that the A unique population of cells that express altered matrix in SSS increases integrin expres- high levels of integrins avb3 and/or a5b1is sion by pDCs and the local concentration and present in the dermis of SSS mouse models activity of TGF-b, known to induce pDCs (Gerber et al. 2013), suggesting that disruption to produce even more TGF-b. The resulting of the interaction between fibrillin-1 and integ- increased concentrations of profibrotic and rins results, directly or indirectly, in increased proinflammatory cytokines in the skin provide expression of these integrins and/or recruit- a plausible mechanism by which point muta- ment of cells that naturally express high levels tions in a connective tissue protein can pheno-

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TGF-b Family Signaling in Connective Tissues

copy autoimmune scleroderma (SSc), a condi- (Teitelbaum and Ross 2003; Capulli et al. tion that also shows microfibrillar macroaggre- 2014). Osteoblasts exert key regulatory roles in gates and increased dermal concentration of bone homeostasis by controlling the differenti- TGF-b, albeit through an unknown initiating ation of osteoclasts from the hematopoietic cell event (Loeys et al. 2010). lineage and by regulating osteoclast activity and survival. Osteoblasts secrete RANKL (receptor activator of NF-kB ligand, also known as OPGL, ROLE OF TGF-b AND BMP SIGNALING TRANCE, ODF) and osteoprotegerin (OPG, IN BONE HOMEOSTASIS also known as OCIF, TNFSF11B), the antago- In addition to their crucial functions in skeletal nist of RANKL. Binding of RANKL to its cog- development, it has become clear over the last nate surface receptor RANK on preosteoclasts few years that balanced BMP and TGF-b signal- induces osteoclast differentiation and bone re- ing is necessary for postnatal bone homeostasis sorption. OPG protects the skeleton from exces- (Fig. 5). Bone remodeling maintains bone qual- sive bone loss by sequestering and thus neutral- ity and stability, and occurs through continuous izing RANKL by inhibiting binding to its cycles of bone resorption by osteoclasts and new receptor. Balanced levels of RANK, RANKL, bone formation by osteoblasts and osteocytes and OPG are required to maintain bone ho-

TGF-β Mesenchymal Myeloid precursor BMP - Recruitment of both osteoblast precursor Differentiation into the osteoclast and osteoclast precursors to sites cell lineage of bone remodelling - Proliferation of both osteoblast and osteoclast precursors. RANKL M-CSF Low dose RANK Expression of M-CSF and RANKL Wnt Expression of OPG (RANKL in osteoblasts inhibitor) in osteoblasts High dose Pre-osteoclast Expression of M-CSF and RANKL Expression of WNT inhibitor Osteoblast in osteoblasts sclerostin (SOST), an antagonist Expression of OPG (RANKL OPG Osteoclast of Wnt signaling; SOST inhibits inhibitor) in osteoblasts Wnt-dependent osteoblastogenesis

Cathepsin K + - Expression of Runx2 and Osteocyte H+ H Expression of bone-degrading terminal osteoblast differentiation Metalloproteinases enzymes Promoted Inhibited Bone (MMP2, MMP9)

Figure 5. Roles of transforming growth factor b (TGF-b) and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling in bone homeostasis. Bone homeostasis is maintained through continuous cycles of bone resorption by osteoclasts and new bone formation by osteoblasts and osteocytes. Both TGF-b and BMP signaling participate in regulating this process. TGF-b can act as a chemoattractant and recruit both preosteoblast and preosteoclasts to areas of bone remodeling and also promotes proliferation, differentiation, and survival of osteoclasts. At low doses, TGF- b increases secretion of RANKL (receptor activator of NF-kB ligand) and suppresses expression of the inhibitor OPG (osteoprotegerin), thus promoting osteoclastogenesis by activating RANK signaling in preosteoclasts. At high doses, it suppresses RANKL and increases OPG expression and thus inhibits osteoclastogenesis. This biphasic effect limits excessive bone degradation in the presence of high levels of active TGF-b derived from conversion of latent TGF-b by proteases and acid secreted by osteoclasts during bone degradation. BMP signaling suppresses osteoclast differentiation by increasing expression of OPG in osteoblasts. It can, however, also promote bone resorption by increasing the expression of sclerostin (SOST), an inhibitor of Wnt signaling which is a pathway that normally promotes osteoblastogenesis and bone formation. M-CSF,Macrophage-colony stimulating factor.

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meostasis, and imbalance results in excess re- mal stromal cells, thus coupling bone resorption sorption, as found in osteoporosis, or excess with new bone formation. bone formation, as found in sclerosing bone BMP signaling is well characterized for its dysplasias and . Osteoblasts, fur- bone-protective functions both in vitro and in thermore, promote osteoclast proliferation, vivo. This effect is in part mediated by the function and survival by secretion of macro- BMP-dependent increase of OPG expression phage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF, also in osteoblasts, and consequent suppression of known as CSF1) that binds to its cognate surface osteoclast differentiation (Kaneko et al. 2000; receptor CSFR1 (aliases C-FMS, CD115) on the Wan et al. 2001; Jensen et al. 2010; Kamiya and membrane of osteoclasts (Sherr et al. 1988; Suda Mishina 2011). However, BMP signaling also et al. 1999). Targeted inactivation of the gene regulates bone resorption, as is apparent by encoding M-CSF in mouse models leads to an the high bone mass phenotype when Bmpr1a osteopetrotic phenotype because of complete expression is specifically inactivated in osteo- absence of osteoclasts (Wiktor-Jedrzejczak et blasts, which results in failed osteoclastogenesis al. 1990; Marks et al. 1992). OPG expression (Kamiya et al. 2008). This effect appears to be in osteoblasts is controlled by multiple bone mediated by BMP-dependent effects on the metabolic regulators, including vitamin D, pros- Wnt signaling pathway. Wnt signaling controls taglandin E2, tumor necrosis factors (TNFs), commitment of mesenchymal progenitors to and IL-1, and also by TGF-bs and BMPs (Hof- the osteoblastic lineage and stimulates the ex- bauer et al. 1998; Murakami et al. 1998; Takai pression of the osteoclast inhibitor OPG (Glass et al. 1998; Thirunavukkarasu et al. 2001; Wan et al. 2005; Hill et al. 2005; Kennell and Mac- et al. 2001; Sato et al. 2009). TGF-b signaling has Dougald 2005; Rodda and McMahon 2006; Ka- both positive and negative effects on osteoclasto- miya and Mishina 2011; Baron and Kneissel genesis, which initially led to controversial re- 2013). Wnt activating gene mutations cause ports on the role of TGF-b in bone homeostasis. high bone mass, whereas inactivating muta- It is now understood that TGF-b acts as a che- tions cause osteopenia characterized by severely moattractant and recruits both preosteoblast reduced bone mineral density (Gong et al. mesenchymal stromal cells and preosteoclasts 2001; Boyden et al. 2002; Little et al. 2002; Patel to areas of bone remodeling (Pfeilschifter et al. and Karsenty 2002; Babij et al. 2003; Winkler 1990; Pilkington et al. 2001; Tang et al. 2009). et al. 2003). The high-bone-mass phenotype in TGF-b can promote bone resorption by directly mice with osteoblast-specific Bmpr1a silencing regulating proliferation, differentiation, and was found to be triggered by impaired expres- survival of osteoclasts (Tashjian et al. 1985; sion of sclerostin (SOST) (Kamiya et al. 2008), Dieudonne et al. 1991; Kaneda et al. 2000) or an antagonist of Wnt signaling that acts by indirectly by regulating the expression and secre- sequestering the co-receptor low-density lipo- tion of pro-osteoclastic proteins in osteoblasts protein receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5) into (Quinn et al. 2001; Mohammad et al. 2009; inactive complexes (van Bezooijen et al. 2007; Tang and Alliston 2013). The TGF-b effects on Kamiya et al. 2010; Krause et al. 2010), as also osteoblasts are dose-dependent, with low doses discussed below in the context of sclerosteosis increasing secretion of RANKL and suppressing and Van Buchem disease. In addition, treat- expression of OPG to promote osteoclastogene- ment of osteoclastic precursors with BMP in- sis, and high doses suppressing RANKL and in- duces differentiation along the osteoclast cell creasing OPG to inhibit osteoclastogenesis lineage, and further stimulates expression of (Karst et al. 2004). This mechanism functions key enzymes for bone degradation (Kaneko to limit bone resorption when vast amounts of et al. 2000; Jensen et al. 2010). The observation latent TGF-b are released from the bone matrix that BMP can regulate both bone formation during high osteoclast activity. Excessive bone and bone resorption is consistent with the no- resorption is also prevented by TGF-b’s action tion that, with the exception of fibrodysplasia as chemoattractant for preosteoblast mesenchy- ossificans progressiva (FOP), mutations in

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TGF-b Family Signaling in Connective Tissues

BMP signaling components do not generally BMP pathway-specific R-Smad phosphoryla- cause anabolic bone diseases. tion in vitro; it also successfully blocks HO in transgenic mice expressing a constitutively ac- tive form of the ALK-2 receptor not found in Heterotopic Ossification Caused individuals with FOP (Shimono et al. 2011) and by Dysregulation of BMP Signaling in a knockin mouse with the FOP ALK2 Postnatal bone formation is normally restricted c.617G.A (R206H) mutation (Chakkalakal to the skeleton during fracture healing; however, et al. 2016). The efficacy of palovarotene is cur- heterotopic ossification (HO) can occur at ex- rently tested in a phase II clinical trial (Clinical- traskeletal sites, frequently in response to severe, NCT02190747). Moreover, a mono- tissue trauma (Kaplan et al. 2004; McCarthy clonal antibody against activin A was reported and Sundaram 2005; Evans et al. 2014). In a to impair HO in a mouse model and in iPS cells rare genetic form of HO, FOP, ectopic endo- with the FOP mutation (Hatsell et al. 2015; chondral ossification forms episodically and Hino et al. 2015); although the cellular mecha- progressively at extraskeletal sites within soft nism for this mode of action has not been de- connective tissue, including skeletal muscle, termined, the data suggest that activin A may be fascia, tendon, and ligaments, resulting in severe a therapeutic target for FOP. disability (Kaplan et al. 2008a; Shore and Kap- In progressive osseous heteroplasia (POH), lan 2008, 2010). At birth, only minor skeletal a second genetic form of HO, ectopic bone abnormalities occur in FOP patients, with con- forms by intramembraneous ossification and genital big toe malformation as the most char- is caused by inactivating mutations in the gua- acteristic feature. Most cases of FOP are caused nine nucleotide binding protein alpha stimulat- by a c.617G.A point mutation in the ACVR1 ing (GNAS) gene (Kaplan and Shore 2000; gene, which encodes the ACVR1/ALK-2 type I Shore et al. 2002; Shore and Kaplan 2010). Al- receptor and confers a moderate gain-of-func- though a detailed mechanism for HO forma- tion in this BMP type I receptor (Shafritz et al. tion in POH remains to be elucidated, data sug- 1996; de la Pena et al. 2005; Fiori et al. 2006; gest that the mutations lead to overactivation of Shore et al. 2006; Billings et al. 2008; Fukuda the hedgehog and BMP pathways and failure to et al. 2009; Kaplan et al. 2009; Shen et al. 2009; inhibit osteogenic differentiation (Bowler et al. Chaikuad et al. 2012; Culbert et al. 2014). Sig- 1998; Wang and Wong 2009; Zhang et al. 2012; naling through the ALK-2 receptor occurs in Regard et al. 2013). Currently, there is no effec- chondrocytes and osteoblasts, and is required tive treatment for POH other than surgical in- for early stages of chondrogenesis (Culbert tervention (Pignolo et al. 2015). et al. 2014). Because surgical removal of ectopic bone frequently leads to recurrent or even exac- Gain of Bone Mass in Camurati–Engelmann erbation of HO shortly after surgery in FOP Disease patients, treatment has been limited to pain management that is associated with the bone Sclerosing bone dysplasias are human syn- formation process by counteracting the inflam- dromes characterized by abnormal accumula- matory reaction using high doses of glucocor- tion of bone within the skeleton. There is a ticoids (Kaplan et al. 2008b; Pignolo et al. wide range of clinical manifestations, severity 2013). The discovery of the genetic cause of of bone accumulation, and genetic causes. In FOP is leading to the development of alternative Camurati–Engelmann disease (CED), one therapeutic strategies to directly prevent HO form of sclerosing bone dysplasia, progressive formation (Kaplan et al. 2013). Palovarotene, diaphyseal cortical thickening occurs in long a retinoic acid receptor g (RARg) agonist, has bones (Janssens et al. 2006), with first mani- emerged as a potent candidate for treatment of festations usually occurring in femur and tibia, HO. Pretreatment with palovarotene renders and then expanding progressively toward distal cells unresponsive to BMP-2 and decreases areas of the limb, accompanied by chronic

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pain (Ribbing 1949; Janssens et al. 2006). Cal- ous individuals (Beighton et al. 1977; Stein et al. varial and pelvic bone thickening are also com- 1983; Gardner et al. 2005). mon (Janssens et al. 2006). CED is caused by Deletion of a long-range regulatory element TGFB1 missense mutations in the LAP region distal to the SOST gene results in decreased ex- or signal peptide that destabilize the disulfide pression of sclerostin, the protein product of the binding needed for homodimerization of la- SOST gene, and causes a form of sclerosing tent TGF-b1, resulting in increased TGF-b sig- bone dysplasia known as Van Buchem disease naling through either premature activation or (VBD) (Wergedal et al. 2003; Loots et al. 2005; intracellular retention of the protein and intra- van Lierop et al. 2013). Patients with VBD de- crine signal transmission (Saito et al. 2001; velop progressive increased thickness in calvar- Janssens et al. 2003, 2006). Clinical manifesta- ia, ribs, diaphysis of long bones, and tubular tions do not include fibrosis or aneurysm, and bones of hand and feet accompanied by hearing no evidence for increased TGF-b signaling impairment and facial palsy (Van Buchem et al. has been described in the aortic wall or other 1962; Fryns and Van den Berghe 1988; Van Hul tissues, suggesting that these mutations have et al. 1998; Brunkow et al. 2001; Balemans et al. tissue-specific effects on TGF-b activity. It ap- 2002; Staehling-Hampton et al. 2002; Wergedal pears that patients with CED have increased et al. 2003; van Lierop et al. 2013). rates of bone resorption as well as bone forma- The overall VBD phenotype is similar to tion, with the overall balance shifted toward SOST1, but less severe and without the appear- bone formation, possibly because of increased ance of hand malformation or gigantism. proliferation of osteoblasts (Hernandez et al. Deletion of an evolutionarily conserved region 1997; Saito et al. 2001; McGowan et al. required for sclerostin expression in osteoblast- 2003). CED can be successfully treated with like cells and skeletal anlagen is able to recapit- glucocorticosteroids, which decrease prolifera- ulate the VBD phenotype in mouse models tion, maturation and ECM synthesis in osteo- (Loots et al. 2005). Sclerostin-deficient mice blasts and osteocytes, and also increase the rate or mice expressing a dominant missense muta- of apoptosis of these cells, thus resulting in a tion in the LRP5 gene (encoding a Wnt receptor net decrease in bone mass (Low et al. 1985; component) that leads to reduced sclerostin Naveh et al. 1985). binding show a high-bone-mass phenotype with increased bone strength, thereby recapitu- lating the key features of SOST1 and VBD High-Bone-Mass Disorders, Sclerosteosis (Semenov and He 2006; Li et al. 2008). Con- and Van Buchem Disease, Caused versely, sclerostin overexpression in mice shows by Mutations in Sclerostin (SOST) a reciprocal phenotype—that is, low bone mass Autosomal recessive loss-of-function muta- and decreased bone strength—emphasizing the tions in the SOST gene, a direct target of BMP negative regulatory function of sclerostin on signaling, cause sclerosteosis (SOST1) (Fig. 2; bone formation (Winkler et al. 2003). Table 1) (Beighton 1988; Balemans et al. 2001; Analysis of serum from patients with SOST1 Brunkow et al. 2001). SOST1 is characterized by and VBD revealed an inverse relationship be- progressive skeletal overgrowth and increased tween levels of the bone formation marker pro- bone mass and strength (Brunkow et al. 2001). collagen I amino-terminal propeptide (PINP) Syndactyly and gigantism are also frequently and sclerostin. PINP is the larger precursor of found in patients with SOST1, and the appear- collagen type I that, when cleaved to its mature ance of a square-shaped jaw is a common facial form, constitutes 90% of all collagens in bone feature (Beighton 1988). Heterozygous carriers (Parfitt et al. 1987; Prockop and Kivirikko 1995; are only mildly affected and display age-related Young 2003). Serum from VBD patients con- thickening of the calvaria, mandible, ribs, clav- tains a low level of sclerostin coupled with a icles, and long bones with increased bone min- significant increase in PINP, whereas heterozy- eral density in otherwise clinically inconspicu- gous carriers display sclerostin and PINP levels

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TGF-b Family Signaling in Connective Tissues

intermediate between those in unaffected con- was found in articular chondrocytes of OA trols and homozygous patients (van Lierop et al. mouse models (Blaney Davidson et al. 2006). 2014). Sclerostin protein levels are undetectable In cartilage, BMP-2 has both anabolic and cat- in SOST1 patients, explaining the more severe abolic effects by stimulating expression of ECM phenotype in this disease in comparison to proteins, such as collagen type II, and matrix VBD (van Lierop et al. 2011). degrading enzymes, such as MMPs (Blaney Da- Knowledge gained from both genetic dis- vidson et al. 2007; van der Kraan et al. 2010). eases, SOST1 and VBD, has led to the develop- Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in ment of novel treatment strategies against BMP2 were found in OA patients but their func- osteoporosis by using humanized antibodies tional relevance is unknown (Valdes et al. 2004, against sclerostin to counteract the osteocata- 2006). The expression levels of BMP7 decline bolic effect of sclerostin (Kim et al. 2013; Clarke with increasing age and with progression of 2014). Romosozumab is currently in phase II OA (Chubinskaya et al. 2002), and the expres- clinical trial, whereas a phase I trial of blosozu- sion domains of GDF5 and GDF6 expand in mab is completed. Current treatment of SOST1 adult human OA articular cartilage (Erlacher and VBD, however, is limited to either surgical et al. 1998). BMP-7 possesses cartilage-protec- removal of excess bone, which harbors a high tive properties by enhancing the expression of risk (du Plessis 1993; Tholpady et al. 2014) or cartilage ECM and counteracting catabolic en- treatment with the glucocorticoid prednisone, zyme synthesis (Huch et al. 1997; Im et al. 2003). which can successfully counteract bone accu- Clinical application of BMP-7 as a treatment for mulation as well as bone resorption in a VBD OA is promising with greater symptomatic im- patient (van Lierop et al. 2010). provement in comparison to placebo treated group (Hunter et al. 2010; Matthews and Hun- ter 2011). Dysregulation of TGF-b or BMP Signaling The role of TGF-b signaling in human OA in Catabolic Bone Diseases pathology is not well understood, but increas- Signaling through TGF-b and BMP pathways ing evidence supports its function in maintain- has been implicated in catabolic bone diseases, ing articular cartilage. Age-related loss of TbRI such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, that are expression, which may shift signal transduction common in the population but with limited from TbRI and Smad2 and Smad3 to ALK-1 therapeutic options. These conditions, unlike and Smad1, Smad5 and Smad8, was found in the genetic disorders already described in this two independent OA mouse models (van der review, appear to have a complex genetic basis Kraan et al. 2012). This resulted in the forma- with contributions from multiple genes and in- tion of transcriptionally active Runx2–Smad1 teracting pathways. or Runx2–Smad5 complexes, which in turn ac- Arthritis is a chronic, destructive disease af- tivated terminal chondrocyte maturation and fecting articular cartilage and subchondral bone MMP13 expression (Blaney Davidson et al. leading to loss of joint function and pain. Oste- 2009). MMP13 is the main collagenase that oarthritis (OA) is the most common form with cleaves type II collagen in articular cartilage increased prevalence in the aged population and leading to OA (Reboul et al. 1996; Billinghurst characterized by progressive degeneration of ar- et al. 1997). Expression of a truncated form of ticular cartilage, aberrant chondrocyte matura- TbRII (Serra et al. 1997) or silencing Smad3 tion, and osteophyte formation in subchondral expression (Yang et al. 1999) also results in an bone, resulting in remodeling and functional OA phenotype in mice, further showing the im- loss of the joint (Zhang and Jordan 2010). portance of TGF-b signaling in the mainte- Proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-a, IL-1) and nance of joint homeostasis. OA is observed in matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play central all characterized etiologies of LDS (mutations roles in OA (Lories and Luyten 2005; Wojdasie- in TGFBR1, TGFBR2, SMAD3, and TGFB2), wicz et al. 2014). Elevated BMP-2 expression but appears to be particularly frequent in pa-

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tients with SMAD3 mutations (van de Laar et al. TGF-b signaling in vivo, the mechanisms lead- 2011). Although all of these alterations lead to ing to osteoporosis in LDS remain unclear. That impaired TGF-b signaling in vitro, all also as- the osteoporotic skeletal phenotype in LDS pa- sociate with paradoxically increased signaling tients is recapitulated in LDS mouse models in vivo, precluding a definitive conclusion re- with heterozygous missense mutations in garding the precise role of TGF-b in this process. TGFBR2 (Dewan et al. 2015) suggests that this The TGF-b family member GDF-8, also mouse model will provide informative mecha- known as myostatin, was reported to be highly nistic insight into the bone pathology of LDS expressed in human rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoporosis. synovial tissues (Dankbar et al. 2015). Myosta- Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is an inherit- tin was found to increase RANKL-mediated os- ed disorder characterized by brittle bones and teoclast differentiation through Smad2 activa- fractures due to aberrant connective tissue ma- tion and regulation of nuclear factor of activated trix that is caused by mutations in collagen type T cells (NFAT) c1. The absence of myostatin in I (dominant OI) or in posttranslational modi- genetically null (Mstn2/2) mice or depletion of fiers of collagen I (recessive OI) (Van Dijk and myostatin by myostatin-specific neutralizing Sillence 2014). Increased TGF-b signaling was antibodies decreases osteoclast formation and shown in mouse models for each form of OI, bone destruction at joints in a RA mouse model and the OI phenotype could be rescued by TGF- (Dankbar et al. 2015), suggesting a potential b inhibition, consistent with aberrant TGF-b new therapeutic target for RA. activity causing the underlying OI bone pathol- Osteoporosis occurs when bone remodeling ogy (Grafe et al. 2014). These results emphasize is unbalanced and bone loss exceeds bone for- the sensitivity of the TGF-b-mediated balance mation, either by insufficient new bone forma- between bone resorption and deposition; how- tion or by excessive resorption, and results in ever, further investigations are needed to fully increased fracture risk (Raisz 2005). The preva- understand the roles of BMP and TGF-b in lence of this disease increases with age. Many bone homeostasis and quality. candidate genes are associated with osteoporo- sis, including multiple TGFB1 polymorphisms CONCLUDING REMARKS that may reduce the secretion of TGF-b1(Ya- mada et al. 1998; Langdahl et al. 2003). SNPs in Numerous human syndromes are caused by mu- TGFBR1 and TGFBR2, SMAD2, SMAD3, and tations in the TGF-b and BMP pathways, reflect- SMAD4/DPC4 genes, as well as SMAD7 were ing the fundamental functions of these signaling correlated with osteoporosis, but their relevance molecules and their pathways in development, needs to be confirmed (Watanabe et al. 2002). patterning, and homeostasis in many tissues. Polymorphisms in BMP2 and BMP4 are also Both pathways have synergistic and overlapping linked to osteoporosis, low bone mineral densi- effects but also possess discrete functions that ty, and fragility fracture risk (Styrkarsdottir are revealed in pathway-specific human genetic et al. 2003; Ramesh Babu et al. 2005), although diseases of connective tissues. Mutations affect- a correlation between a SNP in BMP2 and oste- ing the functions of the BMP pathway are oporosis remains to be confirmed (Medici et al. predominantly associated with skeletal tissue 2006). Osteoporosis, which presents with a high diseases, whereas those affecting TGF-b-specific risk of pathologic fractures and delayed bone components are more diverse in their manifes- healing, is also a feature of LDS, and appears tation, including cardiovascular pathologies, to be particularly frequent and most severe in along with a range of connective tissue effects. patients with heterozygous missense mutations in TGFBR1 or TGFBR2 (Kirmani et al. 2010; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Tan et al. 2013). Given the dual roles of TGF- b signaling in bone formation and resorption, This work is supported in part through the and the paradoxical effects of LDS mutations on Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Leducq

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TGF-β Family Signaling in Connective Tissue and Skeletal Diseases

Elena Gallo MacFarlane, Julia Haupt, Harry C. Dietz and Eileen M. Shore

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol published online February 28, 2017

Subject Collection The Biology of the TGF-β Family

TGF-β Family Signaling in Early Vertebrate TGF-β Family Signaling in Mesenchymal Development Differentiation Joseph Zinski, Benjamin Tajer and Mary C. Mullins Ingo Grafe, Stefanie Alexander, Jonathan R. Peterson, et al. Bone Morphogenetic Protein−Based Therapeutic TGF-β1 Signaling and Tissue Fibrosis Approaches Kevin K. Kim, Dean Sheppard and Harold A. Jonathan W. Lowery and Vicki Rosen Chapman TGF-β Family Signaling in Ductal Differentiation Bone Morphogenetic Proteins in Vascular and Branching Morphogenesis Homeostasis and Disease Kaoru Kahata, Varun Maturi and Aristidis Marie-José Goumans, An Zwijsen, Peter ten Dijke, Moustakas et al. TGF-β Signaling in Control of Cardiovascular TGF-β Family Signaling in Epithelial Function Differentiation and Epithelial−Mesenchymal Marie-José Goumans and Peter ten Dijke Transition Kaoru Kahata, Mahsa Shahidi Dadras and Aristidis Moustakas TGF-β Family Signaling in Tumor Suppression TGF-β Family Signaling in Connective Tissue and and Cancer Progression Skeletal Diseases Joan Seoane and Roger R. Gomis Elena Gallo MacFarlane, Julia Haupt, Harry C. Dietz, et al. Targeting TGF-β Signaling for Therapeutic Gain The TGF-β Family in the Reproductive Tract Rosemary J. Akhurst Diana Monsivais, Martin M. Matzuk and Stephanie A. Pangas Regulation of Hematopoiesis and Hematological TGF-β Family Signaling in Drosophila Disease by TGF- β Family Signaling Molecules Ambuj Upadhyay, Lindsay Moss-Taylor, Myung-Jun Kazuhito Naka and Atsushi Hirao Kim, et al. TGF-β Family Signaling in Neural and Neuronal Signaling Cross Talk between TGF-β/Smad and Differentiation, Development, and Function Other Signaling Pathways Emily A. Meyers and John A. Kessler Kunxin Luo For additional articles in this collection, see

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