

To: You say: Interrupt Second Debatable Amendable Vote Needed Needed Adjourn "I move that we adjourn" No Yes No No "I move that we recess until…" No Yes No Yes Majority Complain about noise, room "Point of privilege" Yes No No No Chair temp., etc. Decides Suspend further consideration of "I move that we table it" No Yes No No Majority something End debate "I move the " No Yes No No 2/3 Postpone consideration of "I move we postpone this matter No Yes Yes Yes Majority something until…" a motion "I move that this motion be amended No Yes Yes Yes Majority by…" Introduce business (a primary "I move that…" No Yes Yes Yes Majority motion) The above listed motions and points are listed in established order of precedence. When any one of them is pending, you may not introduce another that is listed below, but you may introduce another that is listed above it.

To: You say: Interrupt Second Debatable Amendable Vote Needed Speaker Needed Object to procedure or "" Yes No No No Chair decides personal affront Request information "Point of information" Yes No No No None Ask for vote by actual count "I call for a division of the house" Must be done No No No None unless to verify voice vote before new someone motion objects Object to considering some "I object to consideration of this Yes No No No 2/3 undiplomatic or improper question" matter Take up matter previously "I move we take from the table…" Yes Yes No No Majority tabled Reconsider something "I move we now (or later) reconsider Yes Yes Only if original No Majority already disposed of our action relative to…" motion was debatable Consider something out of its "I move we suspend the rules and No Yes No No 2/3 scheduled order consider…" Vote on a ruling by the Chair "I the Chair’s decision" Yes Yes Yes No Majority The motions, points and proposals listed above have no established order of preference; any of them may be introduced at any time except when meeting is considering one of the top three matters listed from the first chart (Motion to Adjourn, Recess or Point of Privilege).


NOTE: Nothing goes to discussion without a motion being on the .

Obtaining and assigning the floor

A member raises hand when no one else has the floor • The chair recognizes the member by name

How the Motion is Brought Before the Assembly

• The member makes the motion: I move that (or "to") ... and resumes his seat. • Another member seconds the motion: I second the motion or I second it or second. • The chair states the motion: It is moved and seconded that ... Are you ready for the question?

Consideration of the Motion

1. Members can debate the motion. 2. Before speaking in debate, members obtain the floor. 3. The maker of the motion has first right to the floor if he claims it properly 4. Debate must be confined to the merits of the motion. 5. Debate can be closed only by order of the assembly (2/3 vote) or by the chair if no one seeks the floor for further debate.

The chair puts the motion to a vote

1. The chair asks: Are you ready for the question? If no one rises to claim the floor, the chair proceeds to take the vote. 2. The chair says: The question is on the adoption of the motion that ... As many as are in favor, say ‘Aye’. (Pause for response.) Those opposed, say 'Nay'. (Pause for response.) Those abstained please say ‘Aye’.

The chair announces the result of the vote.

1. The ayes have it, the motion carries, and ... (indicating the effect of the vote) or 2. The nays have it and the motion fails


1. Listen to the other side 2. Focus on issues, not personalities 3. Avoid questioning motives 4. Be polite



You want to propose a new idea or action for the group. • After recognition, make a main motion. • Member: "Madame Chairman, I move that ______."


You want to change some of the wording that is being discussed. • After recognition, "Madame Chairman, I move that the motion be amended by adding the following words ______." • After recognition, "Madame Chairman, I move that the motion be amended by striking out the following words ______." • After recognition, "Madame Chairman, I move that the motion be amended by striking out the following words, ______, and adding in their place the following words ______."


You feel that an idea or proposal being discussed needs more study and investigation. • After recognition, "Madame Chairman, I move that the question be referred to a committee made up of members Smith, Jones and Brown."


You want the membership to have more time to consider the question under discussion and you want to postpone it to a definite time or day, and have it come up for further consideration. • After recognition, "Madame Chairman, I move to postpone the question until ______."


You think discussion has gone on for too long and you want to stop discussion and vote. • After recognition, "Madam President, I move the previous question."


You think discussion is getting long, but you want to give a reasonable length of time for consideration of the question. • After recognition, "Madam President, I move to limit discussion to two per speaker."

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You want to kill a motion that is being discussed. • After recognition, "Madam Moderator, I move to postpone the question indefinitely."


You are against a motion just proposed and want to learn who is for and who is against the motion. • After recognition, "Madame President, I move to postpone the motion indefinitely."


You want to take a break for a while. • After recognition, "Madame Moderator, I move to recess for ten minutes."


You want the meeting to end. • After recognition, "Madame Chairman, I move to adjourn."


You have made a motion and after discussion, are sorry you made it. • After recognition, "Madam President, I ask permission to withdraw my motion."


At the beginning of the meeting, the was adopted. The chairman is not following the order of the approved agenda. • Without recognition, "Call for orders of the day."


The agenda has been approved and as the meeting progressed, it became obvious that an item you are interested in will not come up before . • After recognition, "Madam Chairman, I move to suspend the rules and move item 5 to position 2."


The noise outside the meeting has become so great that you are having trouble hearing. • Without recognition, "Point of personal privilege." • Chairman: "State your point." • Member: "There is too much noise, I can't hear."

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You are going to propose a question that is likely to be controversial and you feel that some of the members will try to kill it by various maneuvers. Also you want to keep out visitors and the press. • After recognition, "Madame Chairman, I move that we go into a committee of the whole."


It is obvious that the meeting is not following proper rules. • Without recognition, "I rise to a point of order," or "Point of order."


You are wondering about some of the facts under discussion, such as the balance in the treasury when expenditures are being discussed. • Without recognition, "Point of information."


You are confused about some of the parliamentary rules. • Without recognition, "Point of parliamentary inquiry."


Without recognition, "I appeal from the decision of the chair."

Rule Classification and Requirements

Class of Rule Requirements to Adopt Requirements to Suspend Charter Adopted by majority vote or Cannot be suspended as proved by law or governing authority Bylaws Adopted by membership Cannot be suspended Special Rules of Order Previous notice & 2/3 vote, 2/3 Vote or a majority of entire membership Standing Rules Majority vote Can be suspended for session by majority vote during a meeting Modified Roberts Rules of Adopted in bylaws 2/3 vote Order

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April 13, 2018 Robert’s Rules of Order Cheat Sheet for Nonprofits

Written by Nick Price

Robert’s Rules of Order is a manual of that governs most organizations with boards of directors. In 1876, adapted the rules and practices of Congress to the needs of non-legislative bodies and wrote them in his book, which is still in use today. The Robert’s Rules Association published brief versions of the book in 2005 and 2011. The newest versions have about 700 pages, which makes it difficult to look things up during a meeting. Meeting facilitators with little

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experience may find it helpful to keep a cheat sheet on parliamentary procedure at their fingertips during a meeting.

Types of Motions:

1. Main Motion: Introduce a new item 2. Subsidiary Motion: Change or affect how to handle a main motion (vote on this before main motion) 3. Privileged Motion: Urgent or important matter unrelated to pending business 4. Incidental Motion: Questions procedure of other motions (must consider before the other motion) 5. Motion to Table: Kills a motion 6. Motion to Postpone: Delays a vote (can reopen debate on the main motion)

Every Motion Has 6 Steps:

1. Motion: A member rises or raises a hand to signal the . 2. Second: Another member seconds the motion. 3. Restate motion: The chairperson restates the motion. 4. Debate: The members debate the motion. 5. Vote: The chairperson restates the motion, and then first asks for affirmative votes, and then negative votes. 6. Announce the vote: The chairperson announces the result of the vote and any instructions.

TIP! If the board is in obvious agreement, the chairperson may save time by stating, “If there is no objection, we will adopt the motion to…” Then wait for any objections. Then say, “Hearing no objections, (state the motion) is adopted.” And then state any instructions.

If a member objects, first ask for debate, then vote and then announce the vote.

Requesting Points of Something

Certain situations need attention during the meeting, but they don’t require a motion, second, debate or . It’s permissible to state a point during a meeting where the chairperson needs to handle a situation right away. Board members can declare a Point of Order, Point of Information, Point of Inquiry or Point of Personal Privilege.

Point of Order: Draws attention to a breach of rules, improper procedure, breaching of established practices, etc.

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Point of Information: A member may need to bring up an additional point or additional information (in the form of a nondebatable statement) so that the other members can make fully informed votes.

Point of Inquiry: A member may use point of inquiry to ask for clarification in a report to make better voting decisions.

Point of Personal Privilege: A member may use point of personal privilege to address the physical comfort of the setting such as temperature or noise. Members may also use it to address the accuracy of published reports or the accuracy of a member’s conduct.

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*A member may make a motion to reconsider something that was already disposed; however, the reconsidered motion may not be subsequently reconsidered. A motion to reconsider must be made during the same meeting and can extend to a meeting that lasts for more than one day. Tips and Reminders for

Robert’s Rules of Order, which is also widely known as parliamentary procedure, was developed to ensure that meetings are fair, efficient, democratic and orderly. A skilled chairperson allows all members to voice their opinions in an orderly manner so that everyone in the meeting can hear and be heard. The following tips and reminders will help chairpersons to run a successful and productive meeting without being run over or running over others.

• Follow the agenda to keep the group moving toward its goals. • Let the group do its own work; don’t overcommand. • Control the flow of the meeting by recognizing members who ask to speak. • Let all members speak once before allowing anyone to speak a second time. • When discussions get off-track, gently guide the group back to the agenda. • Model courtesy and respect, and insist that others do the same. • Help to develop the board’s skills in parliamentary procedure by properly using motions and points of order. • Give each speaker your undivided attention. • Keep an emotional pulse on the discussions. • Allow a consensus to have the final authority of the group.

All board members should be familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order, which they can find online and in bookstores.

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