Washington Law Review

Volume 12 Number 4


A Selected Index to Legal Periodicals, September, 1936 to June, 1937

Daniel M. Reagh

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Recommended Citation Daniel M. Reagh, Index, A Selected Index to Legal Periodicals, September, 1936 to June, 1937, 12 Wash. L. Rev. & St. B.J. 1 (1937). Available at: https://digitalcommons.law.uw.edu/wlr/vol12/iss4/15

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September, 1936 to June, 1937

Compiled by DANIEL M. REAUGH



The purpose of this Index is to make available to the legal profession of the State of Washington the leading legal periodical literature published in the English lan- guage during the past law review year. An attempt has been made to select the material which appears to be of interest to the judge, the attorney, and the law professor. In this respect special attention is called to the "Washing- ton Cases" title where all notes, published during the past year, discussing Washington cases are collected. Legal periodicals are constantly receiving added atten- tion from courts and attorneys because they constitute the most recent, scholarly, and unbiased analyses of the cur- rent trends and developments in the law. In one respect law reviews may be considered as the advance sheets of legal textbooks, as it is through this channel that many experts in their respective fields critically analyze the current de- cisions and legislation, developing the ideas and theories which, later, are embodied in the standard legal treatises. All articles cited in this Index are available at the Uni- versity of Washington Law Library. Subject to the para- mount needs of the Law School, judges and attorneys living outside of Seattle may obtain them on a loan basis for a period of one week, subject to renewal, upon assuming the transportation costs and risk of loss. Attorneys living in Seattle are urged to use the law reviews at the Law Library only.


Page Page

ACCOUNTING ...... 3 CROP INSURANCE ...... 21 ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ...... -- 3 DAMAGES ...... -..- 21 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW ...... 3 DECLARATORY JUDGMENTS ...... - 21 ADMIRALTY LAw ...... -...... 4 DESCENT AND DISTRIBUTION ...... 21 ADULTERY ...... 4 DEFAMATION ...... 22 AGENCY ...... 4 DIVORCE ...... 22 AnLAw 4 DOMESTIC RELATIONS ...... 22 ANTI-TRUST LAWS ...... ------5 ECONOMIC DURESS ....-...... 23 APPEAL AND ERROR ...... 5 EMINENT DOMAIN ...... 23 In General ...... -...... 5 EQUITABLE CONVERSION . --...... 23 Federal ...... 5 EqUmTy ...... 23 State...... 5 EVIDENCE ...... 24 ARBITRATION ...... 5 EXCULPATION ...... 25 ARREST ...... 5 EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS ...... 26 ATTACHMENTS ...... 6 EXEMPTIONS ...... 26 ATTRACTIVE NUISANCES ...... 6 FARM RELIEF LEGISLATION - ...... -.. 26 ATTORNEY AND CLIENT ...... 6 FEDERAL REGISTER .. .. 26 AUTOMOBILE LAW ...... 6 FRAUD AND DECEIT ...... 6...6 BAILMENTS ...... --...... 7 FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCES ...... 27 BANKRUPTCY ...... 7 FUTURE INTERESTS ...... 27 BANKS AND BANKING ...... 8 GARNISHMENT .. -... -...... 27 BAR ASSOCIATIONS ...... 8 GOVERNMENT ...... -...... 27 BASEBALL LAW ...... -- 8 HABEAS CORPUS ...... 28 BLOOD TESTS ...... 8 HOMICIDE ...... - 28 BONDS AND BONDHOLDERS ...... -... 9 HosPITALs ...... 28 BULK SALES ...... 9 HOUSING PROGRAM ...... 28 CARRIERS ...... -.....-...... 9 HUSBAND AND WIFE ...... 28 CHATTEL MORTGAGES ...... 9 INcoME TAXATION ...... 28 COMMUNITY PROPERTY ...... 9 In General ...... 28 COMPARATIVE LAW ...... 9 Federal ...... 28 CoNDrIoNAL SALES ...... -.-. 101.....0...... State ...... -... 29 CONFLICT or LAws ...... 10 INHERITANCE. TAX ...... 30 CONSPIRACY ...... -... 11 In General ...... 30 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ...... 11 Federal ...... 30 In General ...... 11 State ...... 30 Foreign ...... 11 INJUNCTIONS ...... 30 United States ...- 11 INSOLVENCY ...... 31 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS ...... -...... -- 13 INSURANCE ...... 31 CONTRACTS ...... 13 INTERNATIONAL LAW ...... 31

CONTRIBUTION ...... -...... 14 INTERSTATE CARRIERS ...... 31 CONVEYANCING ...... 14 INTERSTATE COMMERCE ...... -...... 32 CORPORATE REORGAIRATION ...... 14 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMmiSSIOIT..... 32 In General ---...... ------..... 14 INTERSTATE COOPERATION ...... 33 Bankruptcy ...... -... 15 INTOXICATING LIQUORS ...... 33 CORPORATIONS ...... 16 INVESTIGATING POWERS ...... 33 COURTS ...... 18 JOINT ADVENTURE ...... 34 In General ...... 18 JUDGES ...... 34 Federal . - ...... 18 JUDGMENTS ...... 34 State ...... ------18 JUDICIAL REVIW ...... 34 CREDIT TRANSACTIONS ...... ---- 18 JUDICIAL SYSTEMS ...... 34 CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDUE...... 19 JURISPRUDENCE...... 34 CRIMINAL SYNDICATISM ...... 21 JURY TRIALS ...... - 35 TABLE OF TITLES

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KIDNAPING ...... 35 RADIO LAW ...... 47 LABOR LAW ...... 35 REAL PROPERTY ------...... ------.------47 LANDLORD AND TENANT ...... 38 RECEIVERSHIPS ...... 47 LARCENY ...... 38 RES IPSA LOQUITUR ...... 48 LAW SCHOOLS ...... 38 RES JUDICATA ...... 48 LEGAL EDUCATION ...... 38 RIGHTS IN LAND ...... 48 LEGAL PERIODICALS ...... 38 SALES ...... 48 LEGAL PROFESSION ...... 39 SCHOOL LAW ...... 49 Lis PENDENS ------39 SECURITIES REGULATION ...... 49 LoTTERIEs ...... 39 In General ...... 49 MALICIOUS PROSECUTION ------39 Federal ...... 49 MANSLAUGHTER ------39 State ...... 50 MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE ------39 SOCIAL SECURITY ACT ...... 51 MINING LAW ...... 40 SOVEREIGN IMM-UUNITY ...... 51 MINORS ...... 40 STARE DECISIS ...... 51 MONEY ...... 40 STATUTE OF FRAUDS ...... 52 MORTGAGES (Including Trust Deeds) ...... 40 STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ...... 52 MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS ...... 41 STATUTES ...... 52 MUNICIPAL COURTS ------...... 42 STERILIZATION LAWS ...... 52 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ------.------42 SUPREME COURT ...... 52 MUNICIPAL POWER DEVELOPMENT ------42 SURETYSHIP ...... 53 NATIONAL-STATE COOPERATION ...... 42 TAXATION ...... 53 NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS ...... 42 In General ...... 53 NEW TRIAL ...... 43 Federal ...... 54 PARTNERSHIPS ...... 43 State ...... 54 PATENT LAW ...... ------43 TORTS ...... 55 PERSONAL PROPERTY ------...... ------43 TRADEMARK LAW ...... 56 PERSONAL RIGHTS ------43 TRADE REGULATION ...... 57 PLEADING ...... 43 In General ...... 57 In General ------43 Federal ...... 57 Code ------44 State ...... 58 Common Law ...... 44 TRUST AND TRUSTEES ...... 59 PLEDGES ------44 UNFAIR COMPETITION ------60 POWERS ...... 44 USURY ...... 60 PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE ...... 44 VENDOR AND PURCHASER ...... 60 In General and State ------44 W ASHINGTON CASES ...... ------60 Federal ...... 45 W ATER LAW ...... 61 PRESUMPTIONS ...... 46 W ILLS ...... 62 PROBATE LAW ...... 46 WORKMIEN'S COMPENSATION ------62 PROPERTY ------...------...... ------46 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BOARD ...... 62 PUBLIC UTILITIES ...... 46 W RONGFUL DEATH ...... 62 QUASI-CONTRACTS ------...... 47 ZONING ...... 62 A SELECTED INDEX to LEGAL PERIODICALS

September, 1936 to June, 1937.

OHIO- Accounting (Dec. 1936) 3 Ohio St. L. J. 33-47. R. WILKIN, A Study in Administrative Law: In General- The Conservancy Act in Ohio. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PERIODICALS: SYmposnm ON- THE ACCOUNTANTS DIGEST (L. L. Briggs, (Dec. 1936) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 38-61. Sym- University of Vermont) Burlington, Ver- posium: Administrative Law and Pro- mont. Quarterly, Sept. 1935 to date. cedure. Accountants- Public Administrative courts- LIABILITY oF- (Dec. 1936) 15 -Kent Rev. 1-23. IN GENERAL-GERmaAN- W. R. MacMILLAN, Sources and Extent of (March & April, 1937) 31 Ill. L. Rev. Liability of a Public Accountant. 847-78, 1028-46. R. E. UTJLMAN & HE. G. RUPP, The German System of Admfinis- Securities Act- trative Courts: A Contribution to the Dis- (April, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. cussion of the Proposed Federal Admin- 191-217. Symposium Article: T. i. SAN- istrative Court. DERS, Accounting Aspects of the Securi- PROPOSED FEDERAL- ties Act. (Nov. 1936) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 43-64. Law office systems of- 0. R. McGUIRE, The Need for a Federal (April, 1937) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 337-60. D. Administrative Court. R. LEVIN, Accounting Systems for Law (Nov. 1936) 70 U. S. L. Rev. 612.6. Notes Offices. and Comment: A Proposed Federal Admin- istrative Court. (Dec. 1936) 22 A. B. A. J. 853-9, 870. Adm. of Debtors' Est. 0. R. McGUIRE, Sailing Close to the Wind, or the Need for a Federal Administrative See BANKRUPTCY. Court. (Dec. & Feb. 1936-37) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 193-252, 565-96. R. M. COOPER, The Pro- Adm. of Estates posed United States Administrative Court.

See also Ex'ns & ADMr'RS; PROBATE LAW; Administrative determinations- TRUSTS AND TRUSTEES. FULL FAITH AND CREDIT GIVEN- (March, 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 461-524. Assets- A. S. ABEL, Administrative Determtina DEBTS OWED BY DISTRIBUTEE-EFFECT OF- (May, 1937) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 452-9. Com- tions and Full Faith and Credit. REVIEw-See that heading this ment: W. TAYLOR, Retainer of a Dis- JuDicIAL title. tributive Share for Debts Owed the Estate. Creditors' claims- Investigating powers- STATUTE OF L1211TATIONS ON- See that title. (March, 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 557-64. Judicial review- Notes: The Application of Statutes of Lim- FEDERAL COI]rUNICATIONS COMMISSION- itations Which Limit Creditor's Claims 930-48. Against Decedent's Estates. (May, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. J. E. KELLER, Judicial Control and the Communications Commission. Administrative Law FINDINGS or FACT-IN GENERA- (March, 1937) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 315-26. In General- Comment: L. RODE, Judicial Review of ANALYSrS oP ADMINISTRATIVE ADJDICA- Administrative Findings of Fact. TION- FINDINGS OF FACT- COMMERCE (Sept. & Dec. 1936) 51 Pol. Sci. Qu. 383- COMISSION- 417, 516-37. C. S. HYNEMAN, Administra- (Feb. 1937) 31 I'll. L. Rev. 757-69. Notes tive Adjudication: An Analysis. and Comments: The Illinois Commerce AUSTRALIA- Commrission: Findings of Fact and Scope (April, 1937) 15 Can. Bar Rev. 247-69. of Review. H. V. EVATT, The Judiciary and Ad- FINDINGS OF FACT--JURISDICTIONAL- ministrative Law in Australia. (April, 1937) 22 Cornell L. Qu. 349-78. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

F. R. BLACK, The "Jurisdictional Fact" Theory and Administrative Finality. Adultery RATE ORDERS-IN GENERAL-- (April, 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 328-68. (Nov. 1936) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 78-93. W. E. OHLSON, Adultery: A Review. Notes: Judicial Review of Rate Orders of Administrative Boards: A Reexamination. RATE ORDERS - FEDERAL CONTROL OVER Agency STATE RATE ORDERS- (Dec. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 274-83. Com- ments: D. L. QUAIFE, Administrative Law Employees, who are- TO CONTROL"- -Johnson Act-Jurisdiction of Federal IN GENERAL--"RIGHT (April, 1937) 15 Can. Bar Rev. 285-94. Courts to Grant Injunctions against En- Case and Comment: Agency-Liability for forcement of Rate Orders of State Com- missions. the Torts of Servants or Agents-Who Is a Servant?-"Right to Control". National Adjustment Board- LIFE INSURANCE SOLICITORS- See INTERSTATE COMMERCE. (May, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 894-929. A. J. BUSCHECK, Life Insurance Solicitor National Labor Relations Act- -Employee or Independent Contractor. See LABOR LAW. Fraud of agent- Officers- PRINCIPAL'S LIABILITY FOR- TORT LIABILITY OF- (Nov. 1936) 11 St. John's L. Rev. 129-30. (Feb. 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 263-314. E. Recent Cases: Ernst Iron Works v. Dura- G. JENNINGS, Tort Liability of Adminis- lith Corp. (1936) 270 N. Y. 165, 200 N. E. trative Officers. 683. Public utility commissions- Infant principals- STATE-See PUBLIC UTILITIES. LIABILITY FOR TORTS OF AGENT- (April, 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 395-9. Radio programs- Notes and Comments: A. L. ROTTEN- REGULATION oF--See RADIO LAW. BERG, Agency - Liability of an Infant Principal for the Torts of His Agent. Supreme Court and- (Jan. 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 1-42. R. Personal service contracts- OPPENHEIMER, The Supreme Court and NEGATIVE COVENANTS-ENFORCEMENT OF- Administrative Law. (Feb. 1937) 22 Cornell L. Qu. 246-50. Notes and Comment: J. H. MANN, Con- tracts-Equity-Contracts in Restraint of Admiralty Law Trade-Severability of Covenants-Injunc- tions Against Breach of Negative Covenant Carriage of Goods by Sea Act- in Personal Service. (March, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 590-600. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE OF- Legislative Note: Carriageof Goods by Sea (Oct. 1936) 3 The Solicitor, 227-8. Com- Act. mon Law: The Enforcement of Contracts of Personal Service. Federal liability laws- (Nov. 14, 1936) 182 Law Times, 363-4. AMENDMENTS TO- Slavery and Contracts of Service. (Nov. 1936) 11 St. John's L. Rev. 14-39. A. I. SPRINGER, Amendments to the Presumption of agency- Federal Law Limiting the Liability of Ship- FROM OFERATION OF CAR-See AUToMo- owners. RILES. Vicarious liability- Inexperienced seamen- IN GENERAL- DUTO TO WARN AND INSTRUCT- (Nov. 1936) 14 Can. Bar Rev. 725-37. (March, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 788-93. G. F. CURTIS, Vicarious Liability for Tor- Comments: J. H. ROBERTON, Right of tious Acts. Seamen to Indemnity-Duty of Ship-Owner FAMILY CAR DOCTRINE-See AUTOMOBILES. to Warn and Instruct Inexperienced Sea- men. Mutiny- Air Law AT THE DOCK- (Nov. 1936) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 41-51. A. In General- SAPIRO & E. H. FRANK, Mutiny at the BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PERIODICALS: Dock. THE JOURNAL OF AIR LAW (Air Law Institute) 357 East Chicago Avenue, Chi- Salvage- cago, Illinois. Quarterly, 1930 to date. RIGHTS OF VESSELS AND AIRCRAFT- AIR LAW REVIEW (American Acad- (April, 1937) 8 J. of Air Law, 159-90. emy of Air Law) Washington Square A. W. KNAUTH, Salvage as Between Ves- East, City. Quarterly, 1930 to sels and Aircraft. date. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Flight by aircraft- Economic Theory and the Sugar Institute DAMAGES- Decisions: I. J. L. (Dec. 1936) 48 Juridical Rev. 365-72. (Dec. 1936) 46 Yale L. J. 228-54. Decisions and G. R. THOMSON, Damage Caused by Air- FLY, The Sugar Institute craft. the Anti-Trust Laws: 2. LEGAL STATUS OF- Trade regulation- (May, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 1123-30. See also that title. Comments: P. A. HART, JR., Air Law- Legal Status of Airplane Flight. PROPERTY RIGHTS VS.- Appeal and Error (April, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 572-85. In General Notes: Aeronautics-Property Rights in the Air Column-Flight by Aircraft as Con- Affirmance without opinion- stituting Trespass or Nuisance. (May, 1937) 6 Fordham L. Rev. 212-27. TRESPASS- P. MARCUS, Affirmance without Opinion. (Dec. 1936) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 499-505. Notes Appellate review- and Comments: L. GREEN, Trespass by EVIDENCE- Aircraft. (Sept. 1936) 24 Calif. L. Rev. 733-5. Re- (June, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 773-804. cent Decisions: Inyo Chemical Go. -v. Los H. H., HACKLEY, Trespassers in the Sky. Angeles (1936) 5 Cal. (2d) 525; 55 P. (2d) 850; Southern Pacific Go. v. Los Angeles Radio law- (1936) 5 Cal. (2d) 545, 55 P. (2d) 847. See that title. FINDINGS OF FACT- (Feb. 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 190-217. C. E. CLARK & F. F. STONE, Review of American Law Inst. Findings of Fact. Restatements- Records on appeal- See various subjects covered by. (Nov. 1936) 36 Colum. L. Rev. 1133-41. Notes: Form and Scope of Trial Record on Appeal. (May, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 766-97. F. F. Anti-trust Laws STONE, The Record on Appeal in Civil Cases. Aluminum industry- (Feb. 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 269-92. Federal Notes: The Aluminum Industry: An Anti- No entries. Trust Experience. State Amendments proposed- Illinois- IN APPEAL- See PROPOSED REVISIONs this title. PROPOSED REVISIONS (Dec. 1936) 2 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 160-71. Freight discrimination- A. J. RESA, Necessity of a Change Con- BASING-POINT AND FREIGHT-ZONE PRICE SYS- cerning Appeals in Illinois. TEMS-- District Courts- (May, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 690-715. (Jan. 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 50-80. J. R. WITHROW, JR., Basing-Point and L. B. NEWMAN, Appellate Review in the Freight-Zone Price Systems Under the An- District Courts of Massachusetts. ti-Trust Laws. Price discrimination- RELATION OF ANTI-TRUST LAWS TO- Arbitration (June, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. 301-19. Sym. Art.: A. R. BURNS, The In General- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PERIODIcALS: Anti-Trust Laws and the Regulation of (Amer- Price Competition. THE ARBITRATION JOURNAL ican Arbitration Association) 8 W. 40th Proposed revisions- Street, New York City. Quarterly, 1937 to (Nov. 1936) 22 A. B. A. J. 804-8. D. R. date. RICHBERG, The Need for Revision of the THE JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE Anti-Trust Laws. OF ARBITERS (The Institute of Arbiters) (Nov. 1936) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 1-14. 10 Norfolk Street, London, W. C. 2. Quar- D. R. RICHBERG, A Suggestion for the terly, October, 1927 to date. Revision of the Anti-Trust Laws. Sugar industry- Arrest (Nov. 1936) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 320-49. S. MERMIN: Sugar: A Rugged Collectivist. Force in making- SUGAR INSTITUTE DECISIONS- (Nov. 1936) 25 Ky. L. J. 64-9. Notes: (June, 1936) 45 Yale L. J. 1339-72. J. L. A. CLARK, The Use of Force in Making FLY, Observations on the Anti-Trust Laws, an Arrest. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

LAYMEN-MISSOURI-CLARK V. AusTIN- Attachments (April, 1937) 5 Kan. City L. Rev. 200-6, A. M. MEYER, Clark v. Austin-The Prac- Stock- tice of Law by Laymen. SITUS FOP PURPOSES OF- (May, 1937) 42 Comm. L. J. 147-50. H. S. (March, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 522-8. GLEICK, The Supreme Court of Missouri Notes: Situs of Stock for Purpose of At- Deals with Unauthorized Practice. tachment. REGULATION-INHERENT POWER Or COURT TO- (May, 1937) 71 U. S. L. Rev. 241-8. Notes Attorney and Client and Comment: Inherent Power of the Courts with Respect to Unlawful Practice Advice to young attorneys- of the Law. ENTERING PRACTICE- REGULATIONS-RULES OF COURT- (Dec. 1936) 22 A. B. A. J. 874-8. D. B. (Dec. 1936) 9 Rocky Mt. L. Rev. 83-91. SALMON, How and Where to Begin Prac- Comments: L. 0. KELSO, The Trend- tice of the Law. Regulation of Practice of Law by Rule of VISION AND WORKMANSHIP- Court. (Nov. 1936) 11 St. John's L. Rev. 1-13. Z. CHAFEE, Vision and Workmanship. (An address.) Attractive Nuisances Corporate clients- In General- (April, 1937) 11 Temple L. Qu. 291-313. LOUISIANA- N. D. WILLIAMS, The Lawyer and Cor- (April, 1937) 11 Tulane L. Rev. 468-75. porate Clients. Comments: S. I. ROSENBERG, Attractive Indorsement- Nuisances in Louisiana. POWER TO INDORSE CLIENT'S CHECK- - (Nov. 1936) 41 Comm. L. J. 502-4. J. H. (April, 1937) 21 Marquette L. Rev. 116- GRIMM, Right of an Attorney to Indorse 31. L. B. ALDERMAN, The Attractive His Client's Name to a Check. Nuisance Doctrine with Emphasis upon Its Application in Wisconsin. Legal profession- See that title. Practice of law- Automobile Law IN GENERAL- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PERIODI- Accession- CALS: (July, 1936) 70 U. S. L. Rev. 363-9. Notes UNAUT.HORIZED PRACTICE NEWS and Comment: Automobiles and the Law (American Bar Association Committee on of Accession. Unauthorized Practice of the Law) 1140 N. Dearborn S tree t, Chicago, Illinois. Accidents- Monthly, December, 1934 to date. IN GENERAL- (April, 1937) 2 Peabody L. Rev. 1-6. R. IN GENERAL-- (Dec. 1936) 41 Comm. L. J. 529-36. H. H. HARRIS, After the Accident-Law. D. McLELLAN, The Authorized and Un- - authorized Practice of Law. (June, 1937) 41 Dickinson L. Rev. 213-24. (May, 1937) 5 J. B. A. St. Kan. 281-302. J. D. McHUGH, After the Automobile Acci- C. M. DAVIS, The Unauthorized Practice dent in Pennsylvania. of Law. Clear distance statutes- BEFORE ADMINISTRATIVE BODIES-See indi- OHIO- vidual bodies. (Jan. 1937) 11 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 60-5. DEFINED-- Ed. Notes: F. L. KRUSE, The Assured (Nov. 1936) 41 Comm. L. J. 505-7. M. M. Clear Distance Statute in Ohio. GOLMAN, The Unauthorized. Practice of Law-Definitions and Limitations. Family car doctrine- (Dec. 1936) 14 Tenn. L. Rev. 307-14. DRAFTING INSTRUMNENTS- J. A. APPLETON, Special Phases of the (March, 1937) 16 Mich. St. B. J. 123-32. Family Purpose Doctrine. G. E. BRAND, Simple Documents. (April, 1937) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 394-9. Com- Financial protection- ments: T. M. TRACEY, Unauthorized Prac- IN GENERAL- tice of Law-Execution of Legal Instru- (Oct. 1936) 3 Law & Contemp. Probs. ments as Practice of Law. 465-610. Symposium: Financial Protection GOOD WItL COURT- for the Motor Accident Victim. (Dec. 14, 1936) 9 Ohio Bar, 471-4: (Dec. CLASSIFICATION OF STATUTES- 17, 1936) 12 Los Angeles D. A. Bul. 137. (Dec. 1936) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 96-110. H. P. American Bar Association Committee's Re- ZARKY, Automobiles-Financial Responsi- port: Court Radio Programs Criticized. bility Laws Classified. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

FOREIGN STATUTES- Vehicle Statutes on Ownership and Own- (Jan. 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 123-43. F. ers' Liability. DEAK, Liability and Compensation for Presumptions- Automobile Accidents-A Survey of For- AGENCY FROM OPERATION~ eign Legislation. (Feb. 1937) 5 Kan. City L. Rev. 130-7. STATUTES- Recent Decisions: R. P. ROGERS, JR., (March, 1937) 7 L. Rev. 41-7. M. Agency-Presumption from Operation of H. MARKS, Effect of Michigan's Motor Master's Car-Presumptionof Law or Fact Vehicle Statutes on Ownership and, Owner's -Permissible Fact Inference. Liability. Sales of- STATE STATUTES IN GENERAL-- See SALvES. (June, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 823-37. Notes: Auto mobiles-Statutory Liability of Sleeping drivers- Owners for the Negligence of Persons Op- (March, 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 525-42. erating Automobiles with the Owners' Con J. A. APPLEMAN, Sleeping at the Wheel. sent. Guest passengers- Bailments (March, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 804-16. Comments: J. L. WHITE, Negligence- Carriers- The Determination of Existence of Gross See that title. Negligence Making Automobile Host Lia- ble to Non-Paying Guest. Bank Nights Guest statutes- IN GENERAL- See LOTTERIES. (Jan. 1937) 11 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 24-59. G. W. WEBER, JR., Guest Statutes. IN GENEAL-WASHINGTON- Bankruptcy (April, 1937) 12 Wash. L. Rev. 13843. In General- Comments: J. W. RICHARDS & L. L. WOLFSTONE, The Washington Automo- See also InsoLwvmY. bile Guest Statute. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PERIODICALS: AMERICAN BANKRUPTCY REVIEW CoNSTITUTIoNALITY- (American Bankruptcy Review, Inc.) 11 (Nov. 1936) 12 Notre Dame Law. 72-6. West 42nd Street, New York City. Monthly, A. W. BRICK, JR., Automobiles-Liability August, 1924 to date. of Private Owner or Operator to Occupant JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL ASSO- -Care Required and Liability in General. CIATION OF REFEREES IN BANK- Intoxicated drivers- RUPTCY (National Association of Ref- HOMICIDE BY- erees in Bankruptcy) Winona, Minnesota. (July, 1936) 24 Calif. L. Rev. 555-71. S. Quarterly, December, 1926 to date. A. REISENFELD, Homicide Committed CHANGING DESIGN OF- Through the Operation of a Motor Vehicle (Feb. 1937) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 13547. S. While Intoxicated;-Cal. Veh. Code, §§ 501, TEISER, Changing Design of Bankruptcy 502. Legislation. STATUTORY PREVENTION OF- Amendments- (April, 1937) 11 St. John's L. Rev. 188- See PROPOSED REVISIONS this title. 211. F. W. LEHRICH, Statutory Prohibi- tion of Driving While Intoxicated. Appeals- (March, 1937) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 296- Liability insurance- 328. R. G. HUNT, Appeals in Bankruptcy See FINANCIAL PROTECTION this title. Cases. (May, 1937) 42 Comm. L. J. 131-4. R. G. Liability legislation- HUNT, Appeals from the District Court to See FINANCIAL PROTECTION this title. the Circuit Courts of Appeal in Bank- Non-resident motorists- ruptcy Case:. (April, 1937) 1 Md. L. Rev. 222-30. J. M. Assets of bankrupt- MULLEN, Jurisdiction over Non-Resident EXEMPnOns-See that title. Motorists for Suits Arising from Local Ac- LIFE INSURANCE AS- oidents. (April, 1937) 41 Dickinson L. Rev. :137-9. (June, 1937) 43 W. Va. L. Qu. 316-24. J. W. OLER, Life Insurance as Constitut- Ed. Notes: E. C. DICKINSON, Legislation ing Part of a Bankrupt's Estate in Penn-. -Service of Process on Non-resident Mo- sylvania. torists. Chandler Bill Ownership- See also same heading under CORPORATE STATUTES REGULATINO--MICHIGAN- REORGAN.-BANKRUPTCY. (March, 1937) 7 Detroit L. Rev. 41-7. (Nov. 1936) 23 Va. L. Rev. 54-8. Notes: M. H. MARKS, Effect of Michigan's Motor Editorial (Chandler Bill). INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

(April, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 369- Bankruptcy reorganization- 402. J. A. McLAUGHLIN, Aspects of the ELIGIBLE FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS-See Chandler Bill to Amend the Bankruptcy CORPORATE REORGAN.-BANKRUPTCY. Act. Deposit insurance- Ed. (May, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1177-1210. (Feb. 1937) 9 Miss. L. J. 257-76. 0. C. Notes: Bankruptcy Reform and the Chand- SNYDER, Safeguarding the People's Sav- Zer Bill. ings-A Challenge to the Law. (June, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 880-97. J. M. LASHLY, The Chandler Bill. Directors- LIABILITY OF- Co-debtors in- (Nov. 1936) 25 Georgetown L. J. 146-60. See also CORPORATE REORGAN.; and IN- Notes: Civil Liability of National Bank SOLVENCY. Directors. How TREATED IN- Federal Reserve Act- (May, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 1099-1122. Co-Debtor CONSTITUTIONALITY OF AMENDMENTS- F. T. HANSON, Insolvency-The (April, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 629-53. D. as a Factor in Distribution. M. WRIGHT, Is the Amended Federal Re- Contingent claims- serve Act Constitutional?-A Study in the (Jan. 1937) 6 Fordham L. Rev. 18-42. Delegation of Power. E. J. KEEFE, Provability of Contingent National banks- Claims in Bankruptcy. IN GENERAL-- (June, 1937) 12 Ind. L. J. 369-99. W. L. Creditors claims- TRAVIS, An Epoch in the History of Na- See various types of claims this title. tional Banking Associations. Essentials of bankruptcy- Savings banks- (Feb. 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 373-88. G. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PERIODICALS: GLENN, Essentials of Bankruptcy, Preven- SAVINGS BANK JOURNAL (Natamsa tion of Fraud, and Control of Debtor. Publishing Co.) 110 E. 42nd Street, New March, 1920 to date. Exemptions- York City. Monthly, ASSOCIATION NEWS BULLETIN (Sav- See that title. ings Bank Association- State of New Frazier-Lemke Acts- York) 110 E. 42nd Street, New York City. CoNsTrrUTIoNALITY- Monthly, 1934 to date. (Nov. 1936) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 80-9. Ed. Notes: C. R. REYNOLDS, JR., New Frazier-Lemke Act Litigation. Bar Associations (May, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 1130-6. Comments: H. E. HALLADAY, Constitu- integration- tional Law--Due Process and the Frazier- BY COURT RULES- Lemke Acts. (Oct. 1936) 10 Fla. L. J. 265-71. R. F. MAGUIRE, Inherent Power of Su- Guarantors - preme Court to Provide for Integration See CO-DEBTORS this title. of the Bar by Court Rules. Municipal corporations- DEBT RELIEF-See CORPORATE REORGAN. Baseball Law Reorganization- See CORPORATE REORGAN.-BANKRUPTCY. Organized baseball- Secured claims- (June, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1386-90. Com- EQUITABLE LIENS AND PLEDGES- ments: Organized Baseball and the Law. (April, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 621-30. Notes: Equitable Liens and Pledges: A Study in Security and Bankruptcy Law. Bills and Notes

Sureties- See also NEGOTIABLE INST. See also CO-DEBTORS this title.

Banks and Banking Blood Tests

In General- In General- (Nov.-Dec. 1936) 27 J. Crim. L. &. Crim. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PERIODICALS: & F. E. LAW JOURNAL (Banking 578-97. C. W. MUEHL]ERGER BANKING INBAU, The Scientific and Legal Applica- 465 Main Street, Cambridge, Law Journal) tion of Blood Grouping Tests. Massachusetts. Monthly, May, 1889 to date. BANKING [Journal of the American NEW YORK- Bankers Association] (American Bankers (Dec. 1936) 70 U. S. L. Rev. 667-72. Notes Association) 22 E. 40th St., New York City. and Comment: Blood Grouping Tests. Monthly, 1908 to date. (Dec. 1936) 70 U. S. L. Rev. 683-91. A. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

S. WIENER, Blood Grouping Tests in the The Problem of Transfers Under Bulk New York Courts. Sales Laws: A Study of Absolute Trans. (Jan. 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 156-61. fers and Liquidating Trusts. Recent Statutes: Domestic Relations L- .Blood Grouping Tests to Determine Non- Paternity-The New York Legislation of Carriers 1985 and 1936. (Feb. 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 450-5. Legis- Interstate- lation Notes: Judicial Recognition of Blood REGULATION OF- See INTERSTATE CAR- Tests for Determination of Parentage. RIERS. (June, 1937) 23 A. B. A. J. 472-5. W. L. FLACKS, The Forensic Value of Blood Intrastate- Tests in Evidence: A Review. REGULATION oF-See PUBLIC UTILITIES. Admissibility of- Shipping damages-- IN GENERAL-BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PERIODI- (Dec. 1936) 9 Miss. L. J. 234-41. Notes: CALS: D. P. GHOLSON, The Admissibility of Blood Tests in Evidence. THE LOSS AND DAMAGE REVIEW (H. C. Lust & Co.) Fowler, Indiana. Quar- Cultural lag in acceptance- terly, May, 1917 to date. (May, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 671-702. S. H. BRITT, Blood-Grouping Tests and the Law: The Problem of "Cultural Lag". Chattel Mortgages Probative value- (Nov. 1936) 11 Temple L. Qu. 79-85. Equitable jurisdiction- Notes and Legislation: Blood Group Tests (May, 1937) 12 Notre Dame Law. 399- as Probative Evidence in Determining 405. P. P. FALLON, Equity's Jurisdiction Parentage. of Chattel Mortgages. Shifting stocks of goods- WASHINGTON- Blue Sky Laws (Nov. 1936) 11 Wash. L. Rev. 199-211. See SEcunrm s REGUmATIoN. W. Z. KERR, Chattel Mortgages on Shift- ing Stocks of Goods in Washington. Bonds and Bondholders Gold clauses in- Child Labor See MONEY. See LABOR LAW. Income bonds-- LEGAL AND BUSINESS ASPECTS OF- Common Law (April, 1937) 11 Temple L. Qu. 330-54. J. W. HANSEN, Legal and Business As- See also JURISPRUDENCE. pects of Income Bonds. REmEDIES UNDER- (Dec. 1936) 22 Cornell L. Qu. 64-82; Community Property (March, 1937) 2 Legal Notes on Local In General-- Govt. 261-71. J. PERSHING, Revenue Bond Remedies. CALIFORNIA- (April, 1937) 12 (Calif.) St. Bar J. 84-90. Maturity dates- E. WINTERER, Mysteries and Delusions POSTPONEMENT OF- of Commnunity Property. (April, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1041-8. Com- Conflict of laws and- ments: Postponement of Maturity Dates (June & Nov. 1936) 11 Wash. Under Trust Indentures. L. Rev. 121-33, 212-34. C. HOROWITZ, Conflict of Law Problems in Community Property. Briefing Service Law School- Comparative Law (Dec. 1937) 1 Ky. St. B. A. J. 21-4. J. A. In General- McCLAIN, JR., Briefing Service for Ken- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF tucky Lawyers by the University of Louis- ARTICLES: ville Law School. (Nov. 1936) 23 Va. L. Rev. 22-37, at 33. Sym. Art.: F. DEAK, The Place of Foreign and Comparative Law in the American Bulk Sales Law Reviews. LEGAL PERIODICALS AND-See preceding Liquidating trusts and- article. (March, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 731-61. Jurisprudence- T. C. BILLIG and W. L. BRANCH, JR., See that title. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Legislation- Foreign actions- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PERIODICALS: CREDIT GIVEN - STATUTORY ACTIONS RE- THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE TWEEN SPOUSES- LEGISLATION AND INTERNATIONAL (Oct. 1936) 6 L. Rev. 100-2; LAW (Society of Comparative Legislation) (Nov. 1936) 36 Colum. L. Rev. 1158-60, 1 Elm Court, Temple, E. C. 4. Monthly, 5 Fordham L. Rev. 496-9, 1 Mo. L. Rev. 1896 to date. 348-9, 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. 93-5, 11 St. John's L. Rev. 122-4, 10 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 473-81; (Dec. 1936) 50 Harv. L. Conditional Sales Rev. 351-2, 3 U. of Pitts. L. Rev. 128-31; (Feb. 1937) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 792-3. Case In General- Notes: Mertz v. Mertz (1936) 271 N. Y. KENTUCKY- 466, 3 N. E. (2d) 597. L. J. 123-32. W. L. (Jan. 1937) 25 Ky. judgments- ROBERTS, Conditional Sales in Kentucky. Foreign ALIMoNY-See DIVORCE. - (April, 1937) 1 Md. L. Rev. 187-221. B. CONFISCATORY DECREES OF RUSSIAN GOV- M. ARNOLD, Conditional Sales of Chattels E]RNENT- in Maryland. (Nov. 1936) 36 Colum. L. Rev. 1160-2, 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 120-2; (March, 1937) Assignments of- 21 Minn. L. Rev. 456-7. Case Notes; United As COLLATERAL SECURITY- States v. Belmont (C. C. A. 2nd, 1936) 85 (Nov. 1936) 11 Wash. L. Rev. 181-98. F. (2d) 542. (Reversed by Supreme Court.) De WOLFE EMORY and W. L. SHAT- (June, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 955-6. Re- TUCK, Assigned Conditional Sale Con- cent Decisions: United States v. Belmont tracts and Accounts Receivable as Col- (1937) - U. S. - , 81 L. Ed. *715, 57 lateral in the State of Washington with Sup. Ct. 758. Suggested Legislative Treatment. DISCRIINATORY GERMAN DECREES- Bankruptcy reorganization- (Jan. 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 288-97. Notes: (April, 1937) 14 Tenn. L. Rev. 485-93. Public Policy of the Forum. as Ground for W. G. BROWN, Sections 74 and 77B of the Enforcement of Foreign Contract Dis- Bankruptcy Act and the Security of a Con- charged by Discriminatory Foreign De- ditional Vendor. cree. TAX JUDG-ENTS-Seo that heading this Conflict of Laws title. Full faith and credit- In General- See various types of foreign acts, judg- DEVELOPMENTS DURING PAST FIFTY YEARS- ments, decrees, etc., this title. (April, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 887-96. J. H. BEALE, The Conflict of Laws, 1886- Garnishments- 1986. FEDERAL INTERPLEADER ACT AND- (April, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 403-29. DEVELOPMIENTS DURING 1935-36- H. W. HOLT, The Federal Interpleader (May, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 1119-1206. Act and Conflict of Laws in Garnishment. Notes: Developments in the Law-Conflict of Law-1935-36. Jurisdiction- PERSONS-AILEGIANCE AS BASIS FOR- DEVELOPMENTS SINCE RESTATEMENT- (April, 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 399407. B. A. J. 119-24. H. F. (Feb. 1937) 23 A. Notes and Comments: J. QUATTROCCHI, Conflict of Laws Since the GOODRICH, JR., Conflict of Laws-Jurisdiction Over Restatement. Individuals Based on Allegiance. determinations- Administrative Personal property- See ADMINISTRATIVE LAW. JURISDICTION OVER-See PERSONAL PROP- Alimony decrees- ERTY. See DIVORCE. Tax judgments- Beale, Joseph Henry- FULL FAITH AND CREDIT- (April, 1937) 2 Mo. L. Rev. 131-60. A. (Nov. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 131-33; L. HARDING, Joseph Henry Beale: Pio- (Jan. 1937) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 197-200. neer. Case Notes: Milwaukee County v. M. E. White Co. (1935) 296 U. S. 268, 80 L. Ed. Characterization- 220, 56 Sup. Ct. 229. (April, 1937) 15 Can. Bar Rev. 215-46. J. D. FALCONBRIDGE, Conflict of Laws: Wrongful death statutes- Examples of Characterization. (Feb. 1937) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 234-44. Com- (April, 1937) 53 Law Qu. Rev. 235-58. J. ments: C. STEINER, Conflict of Laws- D. FALCONBRIDGE, Characterization in Wrongful Death Statutes-The Problem the Conflict of Laws. (To be continued.) in General. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

A. A. A. case- Conspiracy FOU:NDING FATHERS AND- (Nov. 1936) 25 Georgetown L. J. 48-66. Criminal syndicalism- J. W. BRABNER-SMITH, The Hoosac Mills See that title. Case and Our Founding Fathers. Elements of- Abolition of civil actions- AGREEMENT AS- ANTI-H1EART BALM STATUTES-See DOMEs- Va. L. Rev. 898-912. (June, 1937) 23 TIC RELATIONS. T. W. COUSENS, Agreement as an Ele- ment in Conspiracy. GUEST PASSENGER STATUTES-See AUTo- MOBILES. Child labor- Constitutional Law See LABRo LAW. In General Civil liberties- JUDICIAL REVIEW AND- Trade regulation- (May, 1937) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 409-22. CONSTITUTIONALITY IN THREE FEDERAL 0. K. FRAENKEL, Judicial Review and SYSTEMs- Civil Liberties. (June, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 618-45. Notes: Unconstitutionalityand Free Trade Class legislation- in Three Federal Systems. See also EQUAL PROTECTION this title. ANOTHER TWILIGHT ZONE- Foreign (Dec. & Feb. 1936-37) 12 Ind. L. J. 109- British- 32, 183-202. F. E. HORACK and M. E. ABDICATION OF EDWARD VIII- WELSH, Special Legislation: Another (March, 1937) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. Twilight Zone. 341-57. P. WEIDENBAUM, British Con- Commerce power- stitutional Law and the Recent Crisis. See INTERSTATE COMMERCE. German- Common law- DICTATORSHIP AND THE CoNSTITUTIoN- OF THE CONSTrruOTiN- (June, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 537-74. (April, 1937) 15 Tex. L. Rev. 31742. K. LOEWENSTEIN, Dictatorship and the Bar Section: J. C. HUTCHESON, JR., The German Constitution: 1933-1987. Common Law of the Constitution. United States Delegation of power- Note: Most constitutional questions are FEDERAL RESERVE ACT- indexed under the respective subjects in (April, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 629-53. D. which they arise. M. WRIGHT, Is the Amended Federal Re- serve Act Constitutional?-A Study in the In General- Delegation of Power. DECISIONS, REVIEWS OF- (Nov. 1936) 25 Georgetown L. J. 95-105. LEGISLATIVE-IN GENERAL- Comments: The Supreme Court of the (Jan. 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 314-37. United States. 0. D. WEEKS, Legislative Power versus (Nov. 1936) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 108-18. Delegated Legislative Power. C. E. CARPENTER, Current Constitution- LEGISLATIVE-To PRIVATE PARTIES- al Law Decisions of the United States Su- (March, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 447-61. preme Court. Notes: Delegation of Power to Private (Nov. 1936) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 27-79. Parties. 0. K. FRAENKEL, Constitutional Issues Due process- in the Supreme Court. EVOLUTION OF-- (Feb. 1937) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 206-33. (Dec. 1936) 5 Kan. City L. Rev. 36-57. H. E. WILLIS, Constitution Making in T. J. PITTS, Evolution of Due Process 1935-36. Clause in the Constitution. (April, 1937) 31 Am. PoL Soi. Rev. 253- TREATIES AND- 79. R. E. CUSHMAN, Constitutional Law LABOR in 1935-86. (March, 1937) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 338-49. A. C. WEINFELD, Labor Treaties and the MODERN TRENDS IN DECISIONS- Due Process Clause. (Nov. 1936) 25 Georgetown L. J. 3-47. J. R. PENNOCK, From Rule to Discretion. PROCEDURAL-TRIAL BY JuRY-See JuRy TRIALS. PHILOSOPHY OF AMERICAN GOVERNmNT- (Jan. 1937) 12 Notre Dame Law. 109-26. Equal protection clause- C. MANION, Two Preambles: A Distinc- CLASS LEGISLATION -See that heading tion between Form and Substance. this title. THEORY-CoURT AND CONSTITUTION AS CORrORATION TAXPAYErS- SYMBOLS- (Dec. & Jan. 1936-37) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 463- (June, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1290-1319. M. 98, 567-95. J. B. SHOLLEY, Corporate LERNER, Constitution and Court as Sym- Taxpayers and the E q u a 1 Protection bols. Clause. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Federal lands- Ed. Notes: C. S. RHYNE, Constitutional- ity of Federal Acts Divesting Prison Made JURISDICTION OVER- Goods of Interstate Character. (July, 1936) 24 Calif. L. Rev. 573-93. H. R. FIELDS, Jurisdiction over Nation- Privileges or immunities- ally Owned Areas within the States. (Sept. 1936) 24 Calif. L. Rev. 728-32. Comment: W. W. GODWARD, Constitu- Federal system- tional Law - Privileges or Immunities COOPERATION IN - See NATIONAL-STATE Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Coop. Proposed amendments- Flag salute- (Nov. 1936) 11 Temple L. Qu. 28-45. J. (Nov. 1936) 16 Bost. U. L. Rev. 803-44. TANGER, Recent Proposals to Amend the G. K. GARDNER and C. D. POST, The Constitution of the United States. Constitutional Questions Raised by the SUPREME COURT-See that title. Flag Salute and Teachers' Oath Acts in Massachusetts. Radio FEDERAL CONTROL OVER-See RADIO LAW. Frazier-Lemke Acts- "Reference" legislation- See BANKRUPTCY LAW. (Jan. 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 198-222. Full faith and credit- J. W. BRABNER-SMITH, Incorporation by See CONFLICT OF LAWS. Reference and Delegation of Power, Valid- Gold clauses- ity of "Reference" Legislation. See MONEY. Rules of court- Intergovernmental cooperation- See COURTS. See NATIONAL-STATE Coop. and INTER- Separations of powers- STATE COOPERATION. See also GOVERNMENT. Intergovernmental taxation- IN GENERAL- See TAXATION-IN GENERAL. (Feb. 1937) 14 Tenn. L. Rev. 390-405. Separation of Interstate commerce- S. A. MacCORKLE, The Powers. See that title. immunity- Interstate compacts- Sovereign See that title. See INTERSTATE COOPERATION. Intoxicating liquors- Special legislation- See CLASS LEGISLATION this title. REGULATION oF-See TRADE REGULATION. power of Congress-- Irreparable injury in- Spending STATES UNDER COMMERCE Yale L. J. 255-72. Com- ASSISTANCE TO (Dec. 1936) 46 POWER- ments: Irreparable Injury in Constitu- (Feb. 1937) 9 Rocky Mt. L. Rev. 101-17. tional Cases. A. R. HIMBERT and F. F. STONE, Con- Judicial review- gressional Assistance to the States Under See that title. the Commerce Power. Jurisprudence- LIMITATIONS ON- CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES AND--- (April, 1936 & 1937) 10 Tulane L. Rev. (March, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 577- 446-61, 11 Ibid., 451-68. Comments: M. S. 606. H. E. YNTEMA, Constitutional Prin- STEEG, JR., Limitations on the Congres- ciples and Jurisprudence. sional Power to Spend. FOR Jury trials- LOANS AND GRANTS TO MUNICIPALITIES DEVEL. See that title. POWER PLANTS-See MuNIc. POWER -FEDERAL SUBSIDIES. Minimum wage laws- SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY TO SUITS TO EN- See LABOR LAW. JOIN- National-state cooperation- (April, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 956-63. See that title. Notes: Sovereign Immunity in Suits to Enjoin the Enforcement of Unconstitution- Old-age pensions- al Legislation. RAILROAD RETIREMENT AcT--See INTER- STATE CARRIERS. State- (Aug. 1936) 30 Am. Pol. Sci. Rev. 692- Pardoning power- 712. J. A. C. GRANT, State Constitutional See CRIm. L. & PRoc. Law in 1935-36. Price regulation- States' rights v. nationalism- See INTERSTATE COMMERCE; LABOR LAW; (Jan. 1937) 42 Comm. L. J. 5-11. J. PUBLIC UTILITIES; TRADE REGULATION. DICKINSON, States and the Nation. Prison-made goods- (Feb. 1937) 14 Dicta, 98-105; 7 Law Soc. CONSTITUTIONALITY OF ACTS DIVESTING J. 626-33. G. R. FARNUM, States' Rights, GOODS OF INTERSTATE CHARACTER- Nationalism and the Supreme Court-Since (Nov. 1936) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 100-11. Marshall. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Statutes- WILLISTON, Law of Contracts Since the SPLIT DECISIONS iNVALiDATiNG-1933-37. Restatement. (May, 1937) 23 A. B. A. J. 329-34. C. J. (April, 1937) 11 Tulane L. Rev. 412-24. SHEARN, JR., Split Decisions in the Su- G. W. GOBLE, Trends in the Theory of preme Court Invalidating Federal and Contracts in the United, States. State Enactments and Attempted Exer- Anticipatory repudiation- cises of Powers, 1933-37. (Tables.) (April, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 610-20. SUITS TO ENoIn-See SOVEREIGN ImmuIN- Notes: The Election Theory of Relations ITY. Following Anticipatory Repudiation of Taxation- Contract. IN GENERAL-See that title. Building contracts- Treaties- See CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS. LABOR TREATIEs-See LABOR LAW. Charitable subscriptions- TERmINATION OF- See CONSIDERATION this title. (Nov. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 88-94. Com- Conditions- ments: Constitutional Law-Termination (May, 1937) 15 Can. Bar. Rev. 309-30. of Treaties. 3. L. MONTROSE, Conditions, Warranties Twilight zones- and Other Contractual Terms. IN GENERAL- Consideration- (Dec. 1936) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 8-37. A. M. IN GENERAL- CATRCART, No Man's Land and the Con- (May, 1937) 43 Comm. L. J. 134-9. C. N. stitution. HULVEY, The Doctrine of Consideration. CLASS LEGISLATION AS- CHARITABLE SUBSCRIPTIONS- (Dec. & Feb. 1936-37) 12 Ind. L. J. 109- (April, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 430- 32, 183-202. F. E. HORACK and Mi. E. 41. Comment: L. C. MURTAGH, Charita- WELSH, Special Legislation: Another ble Subscriptions in Illinois. Twilight Zone. DISCHARGES AND MODIFICATIONS-See Dis- NATIONAL-STATE COOPERATION AND-See CHARGES this title. that title. GRATUITOUS PROMISES- Unconstitutional statutes- (April, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 908-45. PROHmITING REFUNDS UNDER- W. L. SHATTUCK, Gratuitous Promises- (Feb. 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 322-9. A New Writ? Notes: Prohibiting Refunds of Unconsti- PROMISES TO PERFORM EXISTING UTY- tutional Taxes. (1937) 6 Cambridge L. J. 20216. A. G. RECOVERY OF FINES PAID UNDER- DAVIS, Promises to Perform an Existing (March, 1937) 11 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 273- Duty. 90. Ed. Notes: W. SCHWERDTFEGER, Discharges- under Statutes Recovery of Fines Paid CONSIDERATION REQUIREMENT - STATUTORY Later Declared Unconstitutional. ABOLITION- (Feb. 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 446-50. Legis- lation notes: Further Encroachment upon Construction Contracts Doctrine of Consideration by New York Statute Abolishing Requirement of Consid Performance- eration in Modiftcation or Discharge of RECOVERY FOR SUBSTANTIAL PERFORM- Obligations. ANCE- (May, 1937) 11 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 379-90. Duress- Ed. Notes: J. IV. FISCHER, Rights of Re- EcoNowac-See EcoNomic DURESS. covery by a Contractor on Building Con- Exculpation clauses- tracts Partiallyor Substantially Performed. See EXCULPATION, LAW OF. Plans and specifications- Formation- EFFECT OF ERRORS IN-LIABILITY FOR- INTERFERENCE WITH-See TORTS - CON- (Dec. 1936) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 70-80. TRACT RELATIONS. Notes: Building Contracts- Warranty- Liability for Loss Caused by Defects in Fraudulent misrepresentations- Plans and Specifications. See FRAUD & DECEIT. Gold clauses- See MONEY. Contracts Impossibility- SCHOOL CLOSINGS- In General- (March, 1937) 25 Ky. L. J. 261-73. Notes: DEVELOPMENTS IN T. HALL, Rights of a Teacher in the Pub- (Jan. 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 449-75. A. L. CORBIN, Recent Developments in the lic Schools when School is Closed. Law of Contracts. Lotteries- (March, 1937) 23 A. B. A. J. 172-77. S. See that title. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Mutuality by implication- Conveyancing (Nov. 1936) 11 St. John's L. Rev. 51-76. F. A. WHITNEY, Implying a Promise to See also FUTURE INTERESTS; REAL Establish Mutuality. PROPERTY. Offers- After-acquired title- MISTAKES BY TELEGRAPH COMPANY- PENNSYLVANIA- (Nov. 1936) 16 Bost. U. L. Rev. 1016-20, (Feb. 1937) 3 U. of Pitts. L. Rev. 165-80. 11 Temple L. Qu. 112-4; (Jan. 1937) 21 J. J. LAWLER, Estoppel to Assert an Minn. L. Rev. 209-10. Recent Cases: Holtz After-Acquired Title in Pennsylvania. v. Western Union Tel. Co. (Mass. 1936) Boundaries- 180. 3 N. E. (2d) LOCATION OF-- Releases- (April, 1937) 15 Tex. L. Rev. 300-16. (Jan. 1937) 11 Temple L. Qu. 179-90. W. R. WATKINS. The Constitutional P. P. FALLON, The Nature of Release. Power of the Texas Supreme Court to De- termine the Location of Boundaries. Rewards- Cotenancy- REVOCATION OF- EXCESSIVE CONVEYANCES BY ONE'- (March, 1937) 71 U. S. L. Rev. 132-6. (Jan. 1937) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 203-12. Revocation of Offer Notes and Comment: Comment: L. F. KUECHLER, Cotenancy of Reward. -Effect of Conveyances, Leases and En- Seals- cumbrances of one Cotenant in Excess of NEW YORK STATUTES- his Interest- Joint Tenancy -Effect of (Nov. 1936) 11 St. John's L. Rev. 146-51. Lease as to Severance-Remedies of Co- Current Legislation: S. W. REYNOLDS, tenants as Against Each Other. The Legal Effect of the Seal on an In- Escrow deeds- strument. RIGHT OF THIRD PERSONS- Textbooks- (Oct. 1936) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 79-88. WnLLIsToN's NEW EDITION- Notes: Deeds in Escrow and Deeds Condi- (Dec. 1936) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 30-44. tioned upon Death of Grantor-Interven- M. P. SHARP, Williston on Contracts. ing Rights of Third Parties. Third party beneficiaries- Real covenants- IN GENERAL- See RIGHTS IN LAND. (Aug. 1936) 53 S. Afri. L. J. 279-86. L. Sales of land- B. BEERMANN, The Rights of the Parties CONDITIONS IN- under a Contract for the Benefit of a (Sept. & Dec. 1936; March & -, 1937) Third Person. 1 Conveyancer (N.S.) 3-29, 116-35, 230-60. (Oct. 1936) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 64-78. 0. E. WALFORD, Conditions of Sales of Ed. Notes: Third Party Beneficiary Con- Land. (To be continued.) tracts-A Survey of the Rights, Powers and Obligations of the Promisee. Seisin- LIVERY OF- ALTERATION BY CONTRACTING PARTIES- (July, 1936) 52 Law Qu. Rev. 345-64. (Feb. 1937) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 141-84. W. S. E. THORNE, Livery of Seisin. H. PAGE, The Power of the Contracting Parties to Alter a Contract for Rendering Title Insurance- Performance to a Third Person. TORRENS SYSTEM AND- (April, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 589- LOUISIANA- (Dec. 1936) 11 Tulane L. Rev. 18-58. J. D. 612. E. H. CUSHMAN, Torrens Titles and SMITH, Third Party Beneficiaries in Lou- Title Insurance. isiana: The Stipulation Pour AUTRUT. Corporate Reorgan. Contribution In General Joint tort feasors- Authority to- (May, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 764-6. Re- POWER OF MAJORITY TO REORGANIZE BY cent Cases: Parker v. Rodgers (Pa. Sup. TRANSFERRING ASSETS- Ct. 1937) 189 Atl. 693. (Feb. 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 626-36. Comments: K. K. LUCE, Corporations- Power of Majority Stockholders to Reor- Cooperative Assns. ganize by transfer of Assets to New Cor- poration in Exchange for Stock. Incorporation statutes- Bibliography of periodicals- OREGON- CORPORATE REORGANIZATIONS (Cor- (Feb. 1937) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 180-91. Note porate Reorganizations) 11 W. 42nd Street, and Comment: J. R. DEVERS, The Oregon New York City. Monthly, August, 1934 to Cooperative Associations Act. date. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Cumulative preferred stock- Notes: Collateral Attack Upon Decrees, SCALING-DOWN ARREARAGES ON- Orders and Findings of a 77B Court. (June, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 645-57. Conditional vendors- Notes: Scaling-Down of Arrearages on (April, 1937) 14 Tenn. L. Rev. 485-93. Cumulative Preferred Stock. W. G. BROWN, Sections 74 and 77B of the Foreclosures and- Bankruptcy Act and the Security of a Con- (Nov. 1936) 31 Il. L. Rev. 287-319. N. ditional Vendor. W. MacCHESNZY and E. M. LEIESMAN, Mortgages, Foreclosures and Reorganiza- Eligible corporations- tions. IN GENERAL- (Jan. 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 144-61. L. Securities Act and- M. TONDEL, JR., Corporations Eligible (April, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. for Relief Under Section 77B. 218-40. Symposium Article: A. FORTAS, FINANCIAL ASSOCIATIONS- The Securities Act and Corporate Reor- (Dec. 1936) 15 Tex. L. Rev. 65-83. B. L. ganizations. BIRD, Financial Associations Which May Be Reorganized Under Section 77B of the Tax-free exchanges- Bankruptcy Act. IN GENERAL- (Dec. 1936) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 199-208. Landlord's claims under 77B- J. S. SEIDMAN, Some Problems Emerging (March, 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 550-7. from Tax-Free IntercorporateLiquidations Notes: Provability of Landlord's Claims Under the 1986 Federal Income Tax Act. Under §77B of the Bankruptcy Act. PYRnAMMIN GAINS AN LOSSES THROUGH- (Nov. 1936) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. 59-77. Mortgage foreclosure- J. M. JACOBSON and M. H. JOHNSON, (Jan. 1937) 23 A. B. A. J. 41-7, 51. N. W. The Revenue Act of 1986: Pyramiding MacCHESNEY, The Mortgage Foreclosure Gains and Losses Through "Tax-Free" Ex- Problem-Its Evolution in Reorganizations changes. Under Bankruptcy Act Amendments. (April, 1937) 31 II1. L. Rev. 1114-22. Re- Tort claims- cent Cases: Mortgages-State Foreclosures (Nov. 1936) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 60-105. F. and Reorganization. C. UNDERHAY, Tort Claims in Receiver- Municipalities- ships and Reorganizations. ASHToN CASE- Bankruptcy (Nov. 1936) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1-42. W. C. SAUER, An Experiment in Muni- In General- cipal Refinancing: Factual Background of AN APPRAISAL oF- Ashton v. Cameron County Water Improve- (March & April, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. ment District No. One. 503-37, 654-76. J. B. ALLEY, An Appraisal (Dec. 1936) 46 Yale L. J. 199-227. G. H. of Some Phases of the Corporate Reorgan- DESSION, Municipal Debt Adjustment and ization Statutes. the Supreme Court. FIRST FOUR YARS OF- STATE CONTROL OF DISSENTING MINORI- (May, 1937) 71 U. S. L. Rev. 268-82. J. TIES- B. ALLEY, Four Years Under the Corpo- (April, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 946-56, rate Reorganization Statutes. continued in (May, 1937) 2 Legal Notes Chandler Bill- on Local Govt. 332-8. Notes: State Control See also same heading under BANK- of Dissenting Minority Creditors in Muni- RUPTCY. cipal Debt Readjustments. (Nov. 1936) 23 Va. L. Rev. 74-8. Legisla- Non-assenting creditors- tion Note: Proposed Amendments, Exten- (Nov. 1936) 46 Yale L. J. 116-30. Notes: sions and Corporate Reorganization. Provisions for Non-Assenting Classes of (Jan. 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 361410. Creditors in Bankruptcy Reorganizations. J. I. GERDES, Section 77B, The Chandler Plans- Bill and Other Proposed Revisions. FAIRNESS OF- (March, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 628- (Dec. 1936) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 505-27. Notes 41. G. GLENN, Proposed Revision of Na- and Comments: Fairness of Reorganization tional Bankruptcy Act: Corporate Reor- Plans: The Bondholder Pays. ganization and Stockbrokers. NEW HAVEN RAILROAD PLAN-See RAIL- Co-debtors in- ROAD REORGAN. this title. See also BANKRuPTCY; INSOLVENCY. Priority of claims- IN GENERAL- (June, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 813-27. (Jan. 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 432-41. H. Notes: Priority Claims Under Section 77B KRIPKE, Collateral Liabilities Under Sec- of Bankruptcy Act. tion 77B. Railroad reorganizations- Collateral attacks- INTERSTATE COMMERCE COM!MISSION AND- (June, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 827-42. (March, 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

749-78. Symposium Article: C. S. RHYNE, 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 537-8; 23 Va. L. Rev. Work of the Interstate Commerce Com- 579-84; (April, 1937) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 1092- mission in Railroad Reorganization Pro- 1101. Case Notes: Keller v. Wilson (Del. ceedings Under Section 77 of the Bank- 1936) 190 Atl. 115. ruptcy Act. POWER OF STATE TO A[ENID-LmrrATIONS MULTIPLE INCORPORATION AS A FORM OF ON- REORGANIZATION- (March, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 579-84. (June, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1370-86. Com- Notes: Equitable and Constitutional Limi- ments: Multiple Incorporation as a Form tations on the Reserved Power to Amend of Railroad Organization. Corporate Charters. NEW HAVEN RAILROAD PLAN- POWER OF STATE TO AMEND-REGULATION (May, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1247-51. Notes: BY- The New Haven Reorganization Under Sec- (Feb. 1937) 9 Rocky Mt. L. Rev. 178-84. tion 77. Comments: P. GREGG, The Trend-Regu- lation of Corporations Through the Re- Secured claims- served Power to Amend, Alter or Repeal CONDITIONAL VENDORS- the Corporate Charter. (April, 1937) 14 Tenn. L. Rev. 485-93. W. G. BROWN, Sections 74 and 77B of the RECAPITALIZATION BY- Bankruptcy Act and the Security of a (April, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 985-1005. Comments: Corporate Conditional Vendor. Recapitalization by Charter Amendment. FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF- (May, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1109-23. J. Cooperative associations- HOWLAND, The Enforcement of Secured See that title. Creditors' Claims Under 77 and 77B: A Functional Analysis. Corporate entity- DISREGARDING--IN GENERAL- (Feb. 1937) 43 W. Va. L. Qu. 141-6. Corporations Student Notes: Corporations-Diregardof the Corporate Entity. In General- (Feb. & April, 1937) 1 Peabody L. Rev. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PERIODICALS: 84-92, 2 Ibid., 7-12. C. E. GURNEY, Behind the Corporate Screen. CORPORATE PRACTICE REVIEW (Corporate Practice Publishing Co.) 60 E. DISREGARDING - QUESTION OF LAW OR 42nd Street, New York City. Monthly, Nov. FACT- 1928 to date. (April, 1937) 11 St. John's L. Rev. 294- 302. Notes and Comments: S. SAXON, Is CORPORATION CALENDAR (United the Problem of Disregarding the Corporate States Corporation Co.) National Press Entity More a Question of Fact than of Building, Washington, D. C. Quarterly, Law? Jan. 1932 to date. THE CORPORATION JOURNAL (The Cumulative preferred stock- Corporation Trust Co.) 120 B'roadway, New SCALING-DOWN ARREARAGES ON- York City. Monthly (except July, August (June, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 645-57. and September) 1908 to date. Notes: Scaling-Down of Arrearages on THE NATIONAL CORPORATION RE- Cumulative Preferred Stock. PORTER, 555, 111 W. Washington Street, Cumulative voting- Chicago, Ill. Weekly, Sept. 13, 1890 to ELECTION OF DIRECTORS- date. (March, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 351-70. H. E. BOWES and L. A. DE BOW, Cumu. Attachment of stock- lative Voting at Elections of Directors (March, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 522-8. of Corporations. Notes: Situs of Stock for Purposes of At- tachment. Definitions- CAPITAL-CAPITAL STOCK-STOCK- Attorneys- (Dec. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 283-6. Com- CORPORATE CLIENTS AND- ments: F. K. BROWN, Corporations-Capi- (April, 1937) 11 Temple L. Qu. 291-313. tal, Capital Stock and Stock. N. B. WILLIAMS, The Lawyer and Cor- porate Clients. Directors- USE OF KNOWLEDGE GAINED WHILE A DI- Charter amendments- RECTOR- ALTERATION OF REDEMPTION FEATURES OF (May, 1937) 9 Miss. L. J. 427-54. 1 B. PREFERRED STOCK BY- LAKE, The Use for Personal Profit of (April, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1055-8. Notes: Knowledge Gained While a Director. Alteration of Redemption Features of Pre- Dissolved corporations- ferred Stock by Charter Amendment. CHOSES IN ACTION OF- EFFECT ON ASSENTING STOCKHOLDERS- (May, 1937) 9 Miss. L. J. 455-79. U. R. (Jan. 1937) 31 Il1. L. Rev. 661-70; (Feb. MILLER, The Status of Choses in Action 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 620-6; (Mar. 1937) of Dissolved but Unadministered Corpora- INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

tions After Expiration of the Statutory Promoters- Period tor Winding Up. ACCOUNTABILITY FOR PROFITS- Dividends- (Jan. 1937) 12 Wash. L. Rev. 30-5. Com- DEPLETION OF ASSETS- ments: M. GERSHON, Accountability of (Dec. 1936) 43 W. Va. L. Qu. 53-62. Ed. Promoters to the Corporation for Profits. Notes: C. C. WILLIAMS, JR., Dividends CONTROL OF PROFITS- fron Wasting Assets Corporations. (Jan. 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 269-92. C. McGOWAN, Legal Control of Corporate Estoppel- Promoters' Profits. DOCTRINE AS APPLIED TO CORPORATION CON- SECURITES ACT AND- TRACTS- (Nov. 1936) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 66-79. B. (Sept. 1936) 2 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 76-84. MacCHESNEY, The Securities Act and the Comments: L. S. SCHMITZ, The Applica- Promoter. tion of the Estoppel Doctrine to Corpora- tion Contracts. Reorganization of- Federal licensing bill- See CORPORATE REORGAN. (March, 1937) 35 Georgetown L. J. 700- Securities regulation- 13. Federal Legislation: A Federal System See that title. of License and Charters. Stock- Foreign- TRANSFERS AT COMMON LAW AND UNDER BRAZILIAN- UNIFORM ACT- (Dec. 1936) 11 Tulane L. Rev. 59-80. (March, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 729- H. P. CRAWFORD, The Brazilian Business 33. Notes: The Transfer of Stock at Com- Corporation. mon Law and Under the Uniform Stock SERVICE BASED UPON SOLICITATION- Transfer Act. (April, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 969-76. TREASURY-LEGAL STATUS OF- Comments: D. H. LARMEE, Corporations (April, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 622-8. -Foreign Corporations-Serviceof Process Notes: The Legal S t a t us of Treasury Based. Upon Solicitation. Shares. Foreign actions against- Stockholders' Liability- BURDEN ON INTERSTATE COMMERCE- FOREIGN ENFORCEMENT OF- (March, 1937) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 352-61. (Nov. 1936) 36 Colum. L. Rev. 1108-21. Ed. Notes: The Commerce Clause as a Lim- Notes: Foreign Enforcement of Stockhold- itation Upon Imported Actions. ers' Liability. WATERED STOCK-EFFECT OF STATUTE DE- Incorporation statutes-' CLARING VOID-- DEVELOPMENTS DURING PAST FIFTY YEARS-- (Nov. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 108-19. (Nov. 1936) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 27-59. E. Comments: Corporations-Statutes M. DODD, Declar- JR., Statutory Developments in ing Watered Stock Void-Effect Business Upon the CorporationLaw, 1886-1986. Stockholders' Liability to Creditors. FEDERAL TAXATION VERSUS- (April, 1937) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 280-312. Stockholders- G. S. HILLS, Federal Taxation vs. Corpora- POWER TO TRANSFER STOCK ON BOOKS- (May, tion Law. 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 1136-46. Comments: R. E. THOMPSON, Corpora- RECENT TRENDS- tions-Power of Attorney to Transfer Stock (April, 1937) 3 U. of Pitts. L. Rev. 273- on Books of the Corporation. 307, 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 305-43. W. B. RUTLEDGE, JR., Significant Trends in Stockholders' Suits- Modern Incorporation Statutes. IN GENERAL- (Feb. 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 597-614. H. Parent-Subsidiary liability- BERLACK, Stockholders' Suits: A Possible STATUTE AS ANSWER TO- Suibstitute. (March, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 794-8. CAPACITY OF PLAINTIFF TO TERMINATE- Comments: E. R. LATTY, Corporation (Jan. 1937) 46 Statutes as the Answer Yale L. J. 421-35. C. B. to Parent-Sub- McLAUGHLIN, Capacity of Plaintiff-Stock sidiary Liability. holder to Terminate a Stockholders' Suit. SURSIDIARY'S OBLIGATIONS- Taxation- (Jan. 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 467-74. Comments: Corporations-Parent'sLiabil- IN GENERAL-See that title. ity for Subsidiary's Obligations. Transfer of Assets-- MAJORITY'S POWER TO REORGANIZE BY- Preferred stock- (Feb. 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. ALTERATION 626-36. OF REDEMPTION FEATURES- Comments: K. (April, K. LUCE, Corporations- 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1055-8. Notes: Power of Majority Stockholders Alteration of Redemption to Reor- Features of Pre- ganize by Transfer of Assets to New Cor- -erred Stock by Charter Amendment. poration in Exchange for Stock. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

MINORITY'S POWER TO PREVENT- State (Feb. 1937) 21 Marquette L. Rev. 84-6. Note: T. J. BERGEN, Corporations-Trans- Judicial integration- fer of Assets-Protests by Minority Stock- WASHINGTON holders. (Feb. 1937) 20 J. Am. Jud. Soc. 187-8. Seek Judicial Integration in Washington Trust Fund doctrine- State. (Note: This is a favorable com- UNPAID STOCK SUBSCRIPTIONS AND-- ment upon former President L. R. Hamb- (March, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 725-8. len's Address to the Bar Association.) Notes: The Trust Fund Doctrine-Liability of Stockholders on Unpaid Stock Subscrip- Jurisdiction- tions. ENFORCEMENT OF FE D E R AL MONETARY CLAIMS- Trust indentures- See NATIONAL-STATE Coop. See TRUSTS AND TRUSTEES - CORPORATE TRUST INDENTURES. Justice courts- See MUNICIPAL COURTS. Ultra Vires- CONTRACTS-MARYLAND- (Feb. 1937) 1 Md. L. Rev. 145-62. Case Covenants Notes and Comments: Ultra Vires Con- tracts of Corporations in Maryland. Real covenants- Watered Stock- See RIGHTS IN LAND. EFFECT OF STATUTE DECLARING VOID-- (Nov. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 108-19. Com- ments: Corporations-Statutes Declaring Credit Transactions Watered Stock Void-Effect Upon Stock- holders' Liability to Creditors. Agriculture- See CRoP FINANCING this title. Assignments of rent- Counties HISTORICAL ANALYSIS oF-NEW YORK- (Oct. 1936) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 25-53. Government- R. ABELOW, An Historical Analysis of See MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Assignments of Rent in New York. Bailment leases- Courts PENNSYLVANIA LIITATIONS ON- (April, 1937) 3 U. of Pitts. L. Rev. 321- In General 36. Comments: W. J. KENNEY, Pennsyl- vania Limitations Upon the Bailment Lease Judgments- Devise. See that title. Judicial review- Chattel mortgages-- See that title. See that title. Judges- Conditional sales- See that title. See that title. Rules of court- Crop financing- POWER TO MAKE- AGREEMENTS TO- (Feb. 1937) 9 Rocky Mt. L. Rev. 122-37. (Jan. 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 483-92. Com- W. H. ROBINSON, JR., Self-Help or Self- ments: Effect of Agreement to Finance Destruction? The Rule-Making Power. Agricultural Marketing on Bank's Liability REGULATION OF PRACTICE OF LAW BY- to Payee of Check. See ATTORNEY AND CLIENT. PRODUCTION ADVANCES- PREPAYMENT OF REGULATION OF PROCEDURE BY-CONSTITU- PURCHASE PRICE- TIONALITY- (April, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 630-47. (Nov. 1936) 25 Georgetown L. J. 173-81. Notes: The Effect of Prepayment Upon Notes: Constitutional Las--Regulation of the Buyer's Right to the Goods. Court Procedure, Pleading and Practice by Rules of Court. Equitable liens and pledges- IN GENERAL-SECURITY AND BANKRUPTCY Federal LAW- Criminal procedure-. (April, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 621-30. Notes: Equitable Liens and Pledges: A See CRIM. L. & PRoc. Study in Security and Bankruptcy Law. Jurisdiction- Intangible collateral- See PRACTICE & PROCEDURE-FEDERAL. See also PLEDGES. Supreme Court- ACCOUNTS RECEIVALE-WASHINGTON- IN GENERAL-See that title. (June, 1936) 11 Wash. L. Rev. 134-50. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

- C. G. BRINCK, Accounts Receivable as REDUCTION OF SENTENCES- Collateral. (April & May, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. (Nov. 1936) 11 Wash. L. Rev. 181-98. 521-56, 762-83. L. HALL, Reduction of De WOLFE EMORY and W. L. SHAT- Criminal Sentences on Appeal. TUCK, Assigned, Conditional Sale Con- TECHNICALITY AND PREJUDICIAL ERROR- tracts and Accounts Receivable as Col- (Jan. & Feb. 1937) 27 J. Crim. L. & Crim. lateral in the State of Washington. with 668-95. L. B. ORFIELD, Criminal Appeals Suggested Legislative Treatment. -Technicality and Prejudicial Error. Mortgages- Arrest- See that title. IN GENERAL- Pledges- (June, 1937) 3 Ohio St. L. J. 329-38. See that title. Notes and Comments: W. T. CREME, Ar- rest. Suretyship- NORTH CAROLINA- See that title. (Feb. 1937) 15 N. Car. L. Rev. 101-35. Trust deeds- A. COATES, The Law of Arrest in North See MORTGAGES. Carolina. USE OF FORCE IN MAXING-- Trust receipts- (Jan. 1937) 25 Ky. L. J. 172-9. Notes: See that title. J. L. DAVIS, Criminal Procedure-Arrest -ZUse of Force in Making Arrest. Vendor-vendee relations- RELATI INTEREST IN A FINANCED AUTO- Attempt- MOBILE- INTENT IN- (May, 1937) 11 U. of Cin L. Rev. 364-75. (Feb. 1937) 3 U. of Pitts. L. Rev. 181-90. Ed. Notes: L. D. SLUTZ, Relative Interest R. H. SKILTON, The Mental Element in a of the Vendor and Vendee in a Financed Criminal Attempt. Automobile. REQUISITE ACT TO CONSTITUTE- (April, 1937) 3 U. of Pitts. L. Rev. 308- 19. R. H. SKILTON, The Requisite Act in Crim. L. & Proc. a Criminal Attempt. In General- Civil death statutes- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PERIODICALS: ANALYZED-- THE JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW (April, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 968-77. (The Journal of Criminal Law) 69 Great Legislation: Civil Death Statutes-Medie- Russell Street, London, W. C. 1. Quarterly, val Fiction in a Moder World. 1937 to date. Conspiracy- THE JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW See that title. AND CRIMINOLOGY (American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology) North- Criminal appeals- western University Press, Chicago, Illinois. See APrEAL this title. Bi-Monthly, May, 1910 to date. Criminal codes-- Administration of.- RATIONALE OF- SURVEY FOR PAST FIFTY YEARS- (April, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 549-63. (Feb. 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 583-615. A. J. HARNO, Rationale of a Criminal S. B. WARNER and H. B. CABOT, Changes Code. in the Administration of Criminal Justice During the Past Fifty Years. Criminal syndicalism- See that title. Appeals- Declaratory judgments- IN GENERAL- (Nov. 1936) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 2941. (March, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 855-61. Com- L. D. ORFIELD, History and Structure of ments: Declaratory Decisions in Criminal the State Appellate Courts with Special Law. Reference to Criminal Cases. Double jeopardy- IN GENERAL-ENGLAND-- CITY ORDINANCES- (Nov. 1936) 1 Mo. L. Rev. 326-38. L. B. (Jan. 1937) 25 Georgetown L, J. 293-318. ORFIELD, History of Criminal Appeal in J. A. C. GRANT, Penal Ordinances and the England. Guarantee Against Double Jeopardy. (Jan. 1937) 12 Wash. L. Rev. 52-69. Bar MASSACHUSETTS- Section: A. T. VANDERBILT, Work of (April & Nov. 1936) 16 Bost. U. L. Rev. England's Court of Criminal Appeal. 380-401, 892-913; (April, 1937) 17 Ibid., INDIGENT CRIMTNALS- 369-87. E. M. DANGEL, Double Jeopardy (Oct. 1936) 3 U. of Pitts. L. Rev. 1-6. L. in Massachusetts. B. ORFIELD, Appeals by Indigent Crime MULTIPLE CONSEQUENCES OF A CRIMINAL inals. ACT- INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

(June, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 805-22. Murder- F. E. HORACK, JR., The Multiple Conse- See HO cIcDE. quences of a Single Criminal Act. Extradition Pardons- BOARDS- UNIFORM ACT IN NEW YORK- (Nov. 1936) 5 Fordham L. Rev. 484-91. (Dec. 1936) 2 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 192-9. Legislation: The New York Extradition W. S. STEWART, Abolish the Pardon Act. Board. (Jan. 1937) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. POWER OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE- 232-40. Notes: Legislation-Extradition- (May, 1937) 6 Fordham L. Rev. 255-69. Recent Statutory Changes in Interstate Comments: The Pardoning Power of Chief Rendition of Criminals. Executive. Failure to testify- Parole systems- COMMENTS BY JUDGE- (Dec. 1936) 1 Ore. St. Bar Bul. 69-124. (April, 1937) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 361-5. Sta- Proceedings and Addresses of the Western tute Law: E. M. SHEALY, Criminal Law,- States Parole and Probation Conference. Comment on Failure of Accused to Testify. Presumptions- Federal- STATUTORY- See various phases this title. (April, 1937) 11 St. John's L. Rev. 167- Homicide- 87. E. J. O'TOOLE, Artificial Presumptions See that title. in t7,e Criminal Law. Indictments- Seizure of goods-- FEDERAL SHORT FORf- RIGHT TO RETURN OF- (Jan. 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 456-67. (Dec. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 306-19. Com- Comments: J. H. ROBERTON, Constitu- ments: D. DOW, Searches and Seizures- tional Law--Federal Criminal Procedure Right of an Individual to Force the Re- -Short Form Indictment. turn of Goods Seized and Held by Police Interstate crime- Officials. CONTROL BY INTERSTATE COOPERATION- Self-incrimination- See INTERSTATE COOPERATION. LImITATIONS ON- EXTENSIONS OF THE "LOCAL CRIMINAL" (Jan. 1937) 2 Mo. L. Rev. 78-87. Com- CONCEPT- ments: M. M. LEIBOWITZ, Proposed Lim- (April, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 692-701. itations Upon the Privilege Against Self- Notes: Extensions of the "Local Criminal" incrimination. Concept. Self-defense- LEGAL ASPECTS OF- (Feb. 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 229-62. CHARACTER AND THREATS OF VICTI- J. E. HOOVER, Some Legal Aspects of In- (May, 1937) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 459-69. terstate Crime. Comment: S. AVAKIAN, Evidence-Prose- cution for Homicide or Assault: Self-De- Jury trials- fense: Admissability of Character and CONTINENTAL COUNTRIES- Threats of Victim. (Jan. 1937) 53 Law Qu. Rev. 99-117. H. MANNHEIM, Trial by Jury in Modern Con- Sterilization- tinental Criminal Law. (To be continued.) See that title. NON-uNANnm£Ous VERDICTs-See VERDICTS Substantive law of- this title. DEVELOPMENTS DURING PAST FIFrT YEARS- Kidnaping- (Feb. 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 616-53. L. See that title. HALL, The Substantive Law of Crimes- 1887-1936. Lotteries- See that title. Theory of punishment- (Dec. 1936) 22 Cornell L. Qu. 17-38. N. Manslaughter-- CANTOR, Measures of Social Defense. See that title. (April, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 549-63. Medical jurisprudence- A. J. HARNO, Rationale of a Criminal See that title. Code. Mistake of fact- Third degree- (Jan. 1937) 41 Dickinson L. Rev. 115-20. (June, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 761-77. Notes: P. A. KOONTZ, Mistake of Fact as E. R. KEEDY, The Third Degree and Legal a Defense to Common Law Crimes. Interrogationof Suspects. Mistake of law- Uniform Crim. Extradition Act- TEXAS- See EXTRADITION this title. (April, 1937) 15 Tex. L. Rev. 287-300. Verdicts- G. W. STUMBERG, Mistake of Law in CONSTITUTIONALITY OF NON-UNANimOUS- Texas Criminal Cases. (Nov. 1936) 35 Mich. L, Rev. 146. Re- INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS cent Cases: State v. Osbourne (1936), 153 New trials- Ore. 484, 57 P. (2d) 1083. CoNSTrrUToNAx=rrY OF STATUTE REFUSING NEW TRIAL BECAUSE OF INADEQUATE DAM- Witnesses- AGES- UNIFORM ACT TO COMI'PEL ATTENDANCE OF (Jan. 1937) 12 Notre Dame Law. 206-19. OUT-OF-STATE- Notes: W. J. FISH, Damages--Oonsttu- (May, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 717-25. tionality of the Indiana Statute Refusing Legislation: Compelling the Attendance of a New Trial Because of the Smallness of Witnesses from Without the State in Crim- Damages. inal Trials. Reliance element- (Nov. & Jan. 1936-37) 46 Yale L. J. 52-96, Criminal Negligence 373-420. L. L. FULLER and W. R. PER- DUE, JR., The Reliance Interest in Con- See MANSLAUGHTER. tract Damages.

Criminal Syndicalism Decedents' Estates See also CONSPRACY. Administration of- In General- See ADMr. OF ESTATES. (March, 1937) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. 369-75. Notes: Criminal Law-nsurrec- tion and Sedition-Criminal Syndicalism. Declaratory Judgments Oregon statute- CONSTITUTIONALIT-DE JONGE CASE- In General (April, 1937) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 279-85. C. Criminal law- E. SPENCER, Criminal Syndicalism-Dc See that title. Jonge v. Oregon. (Feb. 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 689-90, 3 Insurance contracts and- U. of Pltts. L. Rev. 229-33; (March, 1937) (Dec. 1936) 46 Yale L. J. 286-99. Com- 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 532-3, 46 Yale L. J. ments: DeclaratoryJudgments and the I.- 862-6, 25 Georgetown L. J. 736-8, 14 N. Y. surance Contract. U. L. Qu. Rev. 369-75; (April, 1937) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 427-30, 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. Federal 489-90; (May, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 857- (March, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 424-34. 60, 21 Minn. L. Rev. 744-6. Case Notes: Notes: Courts-Declaratory Judgments- Scope of Declaratory Judgment Procedure De Jonge v. Oregon (1937) - U. S. -, 81 L. Ed. *189, 57 Sup. Ct 255. in Federal Courts. State MISSOURI- Crop Insurance (Feb. 1937) 5 Kan. City L. Rev. 77-113. A Discussion of the Missouri Declaratory Federal legislation- Judgment Act. PROPOSED BILL DISCUSSED- (Dee. 1936) 15 Cong. Dig. 289-320. Pro and Con: Federal "All Risk" Crop Insur- ance. Deeds (May, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 994- See CONVEYANCING. 1007. Federal Legislation: Proposed Fed- eral Crop Insurance Bill. Descent & Distrib. Damages Disinheritance- Liquidated- RESTRAINTS ON- (March, 1937) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 879-92. J. (Dec. 1936) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 139-53. R. PRENTICE, Liquidated Damages in E. N. CAHN, Restraints on Disinheritance. Illinois. Family settlements- Measure of- REGULATION BY FEDERAL GIT AND INHE (Lent Term, 1937) 2 U. of Toronto L. J. ITANCE TAXES- 1-23. A. L. GOODHART, Two Cases on (Feb. 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 265-80. Damages: The Edison and the Arpad. R. MAGILL, Federal Regulation of Family Moral damages- Settlements. PHILIPPINES- Succession in civil law- (March, 1937) 16 Phil. L. J. 383-403. AK (April, 1937) 11 Tulane L. Rev. 399-411. T. REYES, Present Tendency in the Law H. S. DAGGETT, General Principles of of Moral Damages in the Philippines. Succession on Death. in Civil Law. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

A. C. JACOBS, Attacks on Decrees of Di- Defamation vorce by Second Spouses. In General- Defenses to actions for- (Feb. 1937) 15 Tex. L. Rev. 157-84. F. See various defenses this title. V. HARPER, Malicious Prosecution, False Foreign divorces - Imprisonment and Defamation. VALIDITY-IN GENERAL- Radio statements- (June, 1937) 3 Ohio St. L. J. 348-53. See RADIO LAW. Notes and Comments: R. W. VANDE- MARK, Divorce-Domestic Relations-Rec- Statements constituting- ognition of Foreign Decrees of Divorce NEW ARTICLES BASED ON PLEADINGS- Where Domiciliary Requirement is Short (Aug. 1936) 70 U. S. L. Rev. 419-26. or Absent. Notes and Comment: New Articles Based on Defamatory Statements in Pleadings. VALmimy-ILLINOIS- (March, 1937) 2 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 363-86 Comments: M. A. BONFIGLIO, The Effect of Foreign Divorce Decrees on the Marital Divorce Status and on Marital Rights in Real Property in Illinois. In General- DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY OF LAWS BY VALmITY-MISSOURI- JURISDICTIONS- (April, 1937) 2 Mo. L. Rev. 193-200. Com- (Feb. 1937) 7 Law Society J. 688-752. ments: A. A. ST.OCKARD, Validity of B. GINSBURG, Divorce. Foreign Divorces in Missouri. TENNESSEE- Innocent Spouse- (June, 1937) 14 Tenn. L. Rev. 588-617. MYTH OF THE- H. C. WARNER, Divorces in Tennessee. (April, 1937) 11 Tulane L. Rev. 377-98. WEST VIRGINIA- J. S. BRADWAY, The Myth of the Inno- (Feb., April & June, 1937) 43 W. Va. L. cent Spouse. Rev. 120-33, 203-220, and 298-315. C. L. Jurisdiction- COLSON, West Virginia Divorce Law. CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE- Adultery- (March, 1937) 1 Ky. St. B. J. 15-9. S. IN GENERAL-See also ADULTERY. Y. TRIMBLE, IV, The Forty-ninth Divorce. LOUISIANA- (Dec. 1936) 11 Tulane L. Rev. 95-112. Comments: A. L. DART, Adultery as a Domestic Relations Defense to a Divorce Action in Louisiana. Actions between spouses- Alimony agreements- NEGLIGENCE-CONFLICTS OF LAWS- MOEIFICATION-EFFECT OF AGREEMENT ON (Oct. 1936) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 100-2; COURT'S POWER TO- (Nov. 1936) 36 Colum. L. Rev. 1158-60, 5 (April, 1937) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 392-401. Fordham L. Rev. 496-9, 1 Mo. L. Rev. 348-9, Note: J. L. ANDING, Alimony Agreements 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. 93-5, 11 St. John's as Limitations on the Court's Power to L. Rev. 122-4, 10 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 473-81; Modify Decrees. (Dec. 1936) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 351-2, 3 U. of Alimony decrees- Pitts. L. Rev. 128-31; (Feb. 1937) 31 Ill. ENFORCEMENT IN FOREIGN STATES- L. Rev. 792-3. Case Notes: Mertz v. Mertz (May, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 726-32. (1936) 271 N. Y. 466, 3 N. E. (2d) 597. Notes: Enforcement of Money Alimony De- cree by Equity Process in a Foreign State. Adopted children- INHERITANCE RIGHTS OF- See PROBATE FULL FAITH AND CREDIT GrvEN- LAW. (April, 1937) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 288-93. Note and Comment: J. R. DEVERS, Con- Adultery-- flict of Laws-Full Faith and Credit- See that title. Foreign Alimony Decrees. Alimony- Condonation- See DIVORCE. KNOWLEDGE OR BELIEF AS A PREREQUISITE- Anti-heart balm statutes- (March, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 408-23. CONSTITUTIONALITY OF- E. R. READER, Knowledge or Belief as a (Nov. 1936) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 89- Prerequisite to Condonation in the Law 100. Ed. Notes: B. MARGOLIUS, Consti- of Divorce. tutionality of Anti-Heart Balm Legislation: PENNSYLVANIA- Due Process Under State and Federal Con- (April, 1937) 11 Temple L. Qu. 409-16. stitutions. Notes and Legislation: Condonation in (May, 1937) 11 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 360-4. Pennsylvania Divorce Law. Ed. Notes: L. NIEDERLEHNER, Consti- Decrees in general- tutionality of Marriage Protective Statutes. ATTACKS BY SECOND SPOUSES- NEW YORK- (Feb. 1937) 15 N. Car. L. Rev. 136-54. (Nov. 1936) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 110-1; INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

(Jan. 1937) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 277-80; (March, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 6024; (April, Economic Duress 1937) 17 Best. U. L. Rev. 415-21, 11 St. John's L. Rev. 305-7; (June, 1937) 3 Ohio In General- St. L. J. 338-41. Case Notes: Fearon v. FRENCH AND GERmAN LAW- Treanor (1936) 272 N. Y. 268, 5 N. E. (2d) (April, 1937) 11 Tulane L. Rev. 345-76. 815. J. P. DAWSON, Economic Duress and the FairExchange in French and German Law. (May, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 1008-12. Notes: Abolition of Action for Breach of Exculpation clauses and- Contract to Marry. (Feb. 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 248-69. Notes: The Signiftcance of Comparative PENNSYLVANiA- Bargaining Power in the Law of Exculpa- (April, 1937) 11 Temple L. Qu. 396-404. tion. Notes and Legislation: Anti "Heart-Balm" Legislation. Consortium- Eminent Domain WIFE'S RIGHT TO- Highways- (March, 1937) 12 Notre Dame Law. 329- WHAT CONSTITUTES A TAKING- 35. Notes: A. W. BRICK, JR., Consortium (Feb. 1937) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 155-60. Com- -Right of Wife to Sue for Loss of Con- ment: J. R. DEVERS, Constitutional Law sortium Where Husband's Injury is Due -- "Taking" Property Without Jmt Com- to Defendant's Negligence. pensation-Highways. Custody of children- (Nov. 1936) 5 Fordham L. Rev. 460-73. Equitable Conversion Comments: Custody and Control of Chil- dren. In General- ORIGIN AND BASIS OF DOCTRINE- Desertion- (Jan. 1937) 25 Ky. L. J. 166-71. Notes: LEGAL EFFECT OF- A. CLARK, The Origin and Basis of the (May, 1937) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 423-44. Doctrine of Equitable Conversion. C. FEIT, The Enoch Arden: A Problem in By contract - Family Law. ORIGIN OF DOCTRINE- (Nov. 1936) 25 Ky. L. J. 58-63. Notes: Domicile- J. L. DAVIS, The Origin of the Doctrine (April, 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 293-327. of Equitable Conversion by Contract. B. CROZIER, Domicile in Marriage Law. Illegitimate children- LEGITIMATION OF IN THE CONFLICT OF Eqty LAWS- (April, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1049-54. In General- Notes: Legitimation of the Issue of In- DEVELOPMENTS DURING PAST FIrTY YEARS- valid Marriages in the Conflict of Laws. (Dec. 1936) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 171-25L S. P. SIMPSON, Fifty Years of American Marriage law- Equity. CANADA- Alimony- (March, 1937) 49 Juridical Rev. 1-18. W. See DIVORCE. P. M. KENNEDY, Some Aspects of Cana- dian Family Law. Arbitration- See that title. WASHINGTON- (April, 1937) 12 Wash. L. Rev. 112-37. Contract relations- R. T. YOUNG, An Evaluation of Washing- INTERFERENCE WITH-See TORTS. ton MarriageLaws. Economic duress- WEST VIRGINIA- See that title. (Dec. 1936) 43 W%.Va. L. Qu. 32-52. C. Equitable conversion- L. COLSON, West Virginia Marriage Law. See that title. Marriages- Equitable servitudes- RIGHTS IN MORGANATIC-"ISTORY OF- See LAD. (June, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 597- Foreign judgments- 617. M. RADIN, Legal History of the Mor- IN GENERAL-See CONFLICT OF LAWS. ganatic Marriage. Fraud- TAMPERING WITH- -EFFECT OF FAILURE TO PROVE CHARGE OF- (March, 1937) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 277- (April, 1937) 14 Tenn. L. Rev. 494-507. 301. J. S. BRADWAY, Tampering With T. H. MALONE, Denial of Equitable Relief Marriage. Upon Failure to Prove Charge of Fraud. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Injunctions- Tax relief- IN GENERAL-See that title. See TAXATION. Insolvency- AS A JURISDICTIONAL REQUISITE- (Nov. 1936) 25 Ky. L. J. 38-56. K. A. Escrow Deeds HOWE, Is Insolvency Alone Sufficient to See CONVEYANCING. Give Equity Jurisdiction? Irreparable injury- IN CONSTITUTIONAL CASES- Evidence (Dec. 1936) 46 Yale L. J. 255-72. Com- ments: Irreparable Injury in Constitu- In General- tional Cases. DEVELOPMENTS DURING PAST FIFTY YEARS- Jurisdiction- (April, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 909-36. INJUNCTIONS IN ABSENCE OF PERSONAL E. M. MORGAN and J. M. MAGUIRE, JURISDICTION- Looking Backward and Forward at Evi- (Jan. 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 495-500. dence. Notes: Equity Acting in Rem: Injunctions Admissions- in the Absence of Personal Jurisdiction. HEARSAY RULE AND- Labor law- (March & April, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. See that title. Rev. 484-509, 564-88. J. S. STRAHORN, JR., A Reconsideration of the Hearsay Latent equities- Rule and Admissions. MARYLAND-- (Dec. 1936) 1 Md. L. Rev. 1-31. C. G. Blood tests- PAGE, Latent Equities in Maryland. See that title. Mistake of law- Burden of proof- EQUITABLE RELIEF AGAINST- See also PRESUMPTIONS this title. (Jan. 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 298-306. DIRECTING TIlE JURY ON- Notes: Equitable Relief Against Mistake (1936) 10 Australian L. J., Supp. pp. of Law Today. 86-94. J. E. VIRTUE, Directing the Jury as to Presumptions and Burden of Proof. Multiplicity of suits- RES IPSA LoQUiTUR CAsEs-See that title. As A BASIS FOR EQUITABLE RELIEF- (March, 1937) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 362-71. Common disaster- Ed. Notes: Prevention of Multiplicity of STATUTORY SOLUTION OF SURVIVORSHI IN- Suits as Sole Basis for Equitable Relief. (Dec. 1936) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 344-9. Leg- Part performance- islation: Statutory Solutions of the Prob- REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS- lem of Survival in a Common Disaster. (Feb. 1937) 15 N. Car. L. Rev. 203-9. Competency and credibility- Notes and Comments: C. C. BENNETT, EFFECT OF CONVICTION OF CRIME-VI- ,tatute of Frauds-Oral Contracts to Con- GINIA- -vey or Devise-Part Performance-Dam- (Feb. 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 470-80. D. W. ages. WOODBRIDGE, The Effect in Virginia of Privacy, right of- Conviction of Crime on Competency and Credibility of Witnesses. See PERSONAL RIGHTS. Curative admissibility- Property rights- (Feb. 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 636-41. IN LETTERs-See PROPERTY. Comments: T. R. VOGT, Evidence-Cura- Reformation- tive Admissibility. IN GENERAL-NORTH CAROLINA- (Feb. 1937) 15 N. Car. L. Rev. 155-82. Dying declarations- PROPOSED EXTENSION OF DOCTRINE- W. S. MALONE, The Reformation of Writ- (April, 1937) 2 Mo. L. Rev. 201-5. Com- ings Under the Law of North Carolina. ments: C. D. TODD, JR., Proposed Exten- FOR MISTAKE-ENGLAND-- sion of the Dying Declaration Exception (March, 1937) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. to the Hearsay Rule. 318-29. G. W. KEETON, Rectification of Instruments for Mistake in England. Hearsay rule- IN GENERAL- Rescission- (Jan. 1937) 12 Wash. L. Rev. 1-19. E. M. LAESIO ENORBIIS- MORGAN, The Hearsay Rule. (May, 1937) 25 Ky. L. J. 321-41. J. B. ADMISSIONS AND- THAYER, Laesio Enormis. (March & April, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Specific performance- Rev. 484-509, 564-88. J. S. STRAHORN, ARBITRATION AGREEMENTS-See ARBrrRA- JR., A Reconsideration of the Hearsay TION. Rule and Admissions. PERSONAL S E RVI C E CONTRACTS - See COURSE OF DUTY DECLARATIONS- AGENCY. (Oct. 1936) 14 Can. Bar Rev., 688-99. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Case and Comment: Palter Cap. Co. Ltd. v. Opinion- Great West Life Assurance Co. (1936) 0. RELATION TO FACT- R. 341. (Jan. 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 37-49. PARTICULAR PHASES-See also various ex- H. BARRETT, Fact-and the Relation of ceptions this title. Opinion to Fact. Husband and Wife- Physician-Patient- -- COMPETENCY TO TESTIFY- WAIVER AFTER DEATH OF PATIENT (Nov. 1936) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 94-6; (July, 1936) 70 U. S. L. Rev. 359-63. (Dec. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 329-33. Case Notes and Comment: Communications to Notes: Yoder v. U. S. (C. C. A. 10th, 1935) Physician-Waiver of Privilege after Pa- 80 F. (2d) 665. tient's Death. LOUISIANA- Presumptions- (Feb. 1937) 11 Tulane L. Rev. 243-65. P. DIRECTING THE JURY ON- BROSMAN, Edward Livingston and Spous- (1936) 10 Australian L. J., Supp. pp. al Testimony in Louisiana. 86-94. J. E. VIRTUE, Directing the Jury Illegally obtained evidence-- as to Presumptions and Burden of Proof. IN GENERAL- (Jan. 1937) 2 Mo. L. Rev. 87-91. Com- (Dec. 1936) 3 Ohio St. L. J. 73-8. Notes ments: E. C. CURTIS, Trials-Charges on and Comments: Admissibility of Evidence Presumptions. Obtained by Illegal Search and Seizure. SPECIFIC omrs-See PRESUMPTIONS. (Note: Rules of all states are collected.) Privileged communications- FEDERAL LIQUOR LAWS- SPECIFIC ONES- See various ones this (Nov. 1936) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. title. 79-83. Notes: Federal Liquor Laws-Ad- missibility of Evidence Obtained Through Recording devices- Unlawful Search or Seizure. ADMISSIILITY OF- Impeachment- (Dec. 1936) 3 U. of Pitts. L. Rev. 150-4. IMPEACIIER'S WITNESS- Notes: J. L. OSTROW, Evidence-Admissi- (Nov. 1936) 16 Bost. U. L. Rev. 967-71. bility in Evidence of Speak-O.Phone Rec- Notes and Comments: G. A. CAMPBELL, ords. Evidence-Impeaching One's Own Witness. Res gestae- (Dec. 1936) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 69-96. IN GENERAL- M. LADD, Impeachment of One's Own (April, 1937) 12 Wash. L. Rev. 91-111. Witness-New Developments. E. M. MORGAN, Res Gestae. PRIOR INCONSISTENT STATEMENTS- Self-defense- (Jan. 1937) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 135-65. ADmIssmILrrY OF CHARACTER AND THREATS W. G. HALE, Im'peachment of Witnesses OF VICTIM- by Prior Inconsistent Statements. (May, 1937) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 459-69. Interpretation- Comment: S. AVAKIAN, Evidence-Prose- WILLs-See that title. cution for Homicide or Assault-Self-De- fense-Admissibility of Character and Judicial notice- Threats of Victim. (Aug. 1936) 5 So. Afri. L. T. 154-5. H. S. Transaction with deceased- VAN WYK, Procedure and Evidence. OHIO- Jury system- (March, 1937) 3 Ohio St. L. J. 200-10. EFFECT ON EXCLUSIONARY RULES OF EVI- C. L. BULLOCK, The Ohio "Dead Man" DENCE- Statute. (Feb. 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 247-58. TOaTIOUS ACTS AS- E. M. MORGAN, The Jury and the Exclu- (Nov. 1936) 11 Wash. L. Rev. 270-1; sionary Rules of Evidence. (Jan. 1937) 6 Fordham L. Rev. 130-3; (Feb. 1937) 5 J. B. A. St. Kan. 266-7. Case Medical evidence- Notes: Macieiczak v. Bartell (1936) 187 IN GENERAL - See MEDICAL 'JURISPRU- Wash. 113, 60 P. (2d) 31. DENCE. WrrTNSsEs- (Dec. 1936) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 155-66. Exculpation M. STEINBRINK, The Medical Witness. Comparative bargaining power Negligence-- in- COrPETENCY OF PROOF OF CUSTOM TO PROVE SPECIFIC ACT OF NEGLIGENCE- (Feb. 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 248-69. (Jan. 1937) 12 Wash. L. Rev. 35-40. Com- Notes: The Significance of Comparative ments: J. F. FALKNOR, Competency of Bargaining Power in the Law of Exculpa- Proof of "Customary" Negligence in sup- tion. port of Charge of Specific Act of Negli- Trust indentures- gence. (ADril, 1937) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 1060-80. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Notes and Comments: Exculpatory Clauses in Corporate Trust Indentures. Federal Register (Nov. 1936) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 357-69. Notes and Comments: The Federal Register. Ex'rs & Adm'rs (April, 1937) 3 Fed. B. A. J. 37-40, 48, 57. J. J. BRAUNER, Federal Register. Co-executors-- APPORTIONMENT OF COMPENSATION BE- TWEEN- (March, 1937) 25 Ky. L. J. 258-60. A. E. Federal-State Coop. Evans, Apportionment of Compensation of Co-Executors. See NATIONAL-STATE Coop. POWERS AND REGULATION IN GENERAL- (Jan. 1937) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. 127- 61. A. E. EVANS, The General Powers Foreclosures and Relations of Co-Executors. Powers- Mortgages- SPECIAL POWERS-See POWERS. See that title.

Exemptions Foreign Law Homesteads-. See also OOMPARATIvE LAW. STATE LAWS IN GENERAL- In (April, 1937) General- 46 Yale L. J. 1023-41. Com- See the various subjects of the law. ments: State Homestead Exemption Laws. TAXATION AND-- (Feb. 1937) 15 N. Car. L. Rev. 211-7. Notes and Comments: J. M. VERNER, Foreign Trade Taxation-Homestead Exemption. Trade Agreements Act- IN GENERAL-1934- False Imprisonment (Feb. 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 647-70. Com- ments: The Trade Agreements Act of 1934. In General- (Feb. 1937) 15 Tex. L. Rev. 157-84. F. V. HARPER, Malicious Prosecution, False Fraud and Deceit Imprisonment and Defamation. Concealment and non-disclosure-- IN GENERAL- Family Car Doctrine (Dec. 1936) 15 Tex. L. Rev. 1-40. W. P. KEETON, Fraud-Concealment and Non- See AUTOMOBILES. Disclosure. DUTY TO DISCLOSE SUBSEQUENT FALSITY- Farm (Dec. 1936) 22 Cornell L. Qu. 97-102. Relief Legis. Notes and Comments: S. A. CRAFT, Con- A. A. A.- tracts-Rescission-Duty to Disclose Sub- sequent Falsity of Representations True CONSTITUTIONALITY OF- When Made. (May, 1937) 25 Ky. L. J. 291-320. R. L. HOWARD, The Supreme Court, the Con- Merger clauses- stitution, and the A. A. A. (May, 1937) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 446-55. Bankruptcy- Ed. Notes: The Merger Clause and Its See that title. Application to Fraud. Crop insurance- Misrepresentations- See that title. INNOCENT-- Mortgage relief- (March, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 434-49. See MORTGAGES. Notes: Fraud-Negligence-Liability for Innocent Misrepresentations. Tenancy control- BANKHEAD-JONES FARM TENANCY BDILL-- INTENTIONAL- (Jan. 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 387-415. (Feb. 1937) 15 Tex. L. Rev. 185-220. Federal Legislation: Some Aspects of W. P. KEETON, Statements of Intention. Farm Tenancy. OPINION- (Feb. 1937) 16 Cong. Dig. 37-64. Pro (May, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 643-70. and Con: Federal Legislation to Aid the W. P. KEETON, Fraud:Misrepresentations Farm Tenant. of Opinion. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Perpetuities, rule against- Fraudulent Convey. IN GENERAL--- (March, 1937) 1 Conveyancer (N.S.) 193- In General- 217. F. E. FARRER, The Modern Law WEST VIGInIA- Against Perpetuities. (June, 1937) 43 W. Va. L. Qu. 266-97. L. E. WOODS, JR., The Law of Fraudulent ALIENABILITY AND- Conveyances in West Virginia. (March, 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 437-60. P. BORDWELL, Alienability and Perpetu- Subsequent creditors-- ities. (To be continued.) RrGHT TO SET ASIDE- CONTINGENT REMAINDERS AND--MISSOUTB.- (April, 1937) 43 W. Va. L. Rev. 225-8. (Dec. 1936) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 31-63. Student Notes: The Right of Subsequent C. E. CULLEN and L. H. FISHER, The Creditors to Set Aside a Fraudulent Con- Modern Rule Against Perpetuities and Le- veyance. gal Contingent Remainders in Missouri. LIVING TRUSTS AND LIVING LHE INSU.- ANCE TRUSTS- Future Interests (May, 1937) 11 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 327-56. E. F. MORRIS, The Rule Against Perpetu- In General- ities as Applied to Living Trusts and Liv- DEVELOPMENTS DURING PAST FIFTY YEARS- ing Life Insurance Trusts. (March, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 749-83. L. M. SIMES, Fifty Years of Future In- Survivorshp- terests. OHIO- (Dec. 1936) 3 Ohio St. L. 3. 48-68. A. T. Acceleration- MARTIN, The Incident of Survivorship in IN GENERAL-OHIO- Ohio. (March, 1937) 3 Ohio St. L. J. 171-83. J. H. FOLKERTH, Acceleration of Future Interests in Ohio. Garnishment CONTINGENT REMAINDERS- (April, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 628-34. In General- Notes: The Acceleration of Contingent Re- NEW YORK- mainders. (May, 1937) 6 Fordham L. Rev. 283-95. WIDOW'S RENUNCIATION- Legislation: Garnishment of Intangible (March, 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 543-50. Debts in New York-Its Past, Present and Notes: Acceleration of Future Interests Future. After the Widow's Renunciation. Conflict of laws- FEDERAL INTERPLEADER ACT AND- Conditions subsequent- (April, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 403-29. IN GENERAL-CALIFORNIA- H. W. HOLT, The Federal Interpleader (July, 1936) 24 Calif. L. Rev. 512-23. Act and Conflict of Laws in Garnishment. W. W. FERRIER, JR., Determinable Fees and Fees Upon Condition Subsequent in California. Gift Taxes Conditional estates- See INmH. TAXAT.ON. REAL COVENANTS AND- (Jan. 1937) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. 162-96. W. F. WALSH, Conditional Estates Government and Conditions Running with the Land. See also JuJiSPiUDENCE. Contingent remainders- MIsoUI- American- (Dec. 1936) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 31-63; LEGAL PH31.osopHY oF AmrEncAiv GovERN- C. E. CULLEN and L. H. FISHER, The MENT- Modern Rule Against Perpetuities and Le- (Jan. 1937) 12 Notre Dame Law. 109-26. gal Contingent Remainders in Missouri. C. MANION, Two Preambles: A Distinc- PENNSYLVANIA- tion Between Form and Substance. (Jan. 1937) 41 Dickinson L. Rev. 120-5. Democracy- Notes: R. C. DAVIS, Contingent Remain- STRUGGLE FOR SURVIVAL- ders in Pennsylvania. (Dec. 1936) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 1-7. R. F. M A G U I RE, Democratic Government's Duke of Norfolk's Case- Struggle for Survival. (March, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 538-68. H. BARRY, Duke of Norfolk's Case. Delegation of power- Gift over clauses- - See CONsTrrUmONAL LAw. IN WILLS- Dictatorships- (April, 1937) 31 11. L. Rev. 1080-8. Notes DRi -r TO- and Comments: Vesting of a Legacy: Ef- (June, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 863-79. J. B. fect of a Gift Over Clause. MOORE, The DictatorialDrift. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

GERMANY- Notes: H. B. CRYTZER, Homicide by Non- (June, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 537-74. feasance. K. LOEWENSTEIN, Dictatorship and the German Constitution: 1933-37. Hospitals Government corporations- liability of- IN GENERAL-FEDERAL- Tort (June, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 778-94. (Oct 1936) 14 Can. Bar Rev. 699-708. Comment: Hospitals-Liability 0. R. McGUIRE, Some Problems Arising Case and and Doctors- from Government Corporations. for Negligence of Nurses Respondeat Superior. Home rule- (Oct. 1936) So. Afri. L. T. 197-8; (Nov. See MuNIcIPAL Gov'T. 1936) 2 Fortnightly L. J. 104-6. Case Notes: Lindsey County Council v. Marshall (1936) Investigation powers- All E. R. 1076. See that title. (Dec. 1936) 10 Australian L. J. 317-9. Recent Cases: Strangways-Lesmere v. Clay- Judicial systems- ton, L. R. (1936) 2 K. D. 11. See that title. Municipal- See MUNICIPAL GOV'T. Housing Program National-state cooperation- (Jan. 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 239-60. See that title. E. H. FOLEY, JR., Low-Rent Housing and State Financing. Separation of powers- (Jan. 1937) 6 Fordham L. Rev. 1-17. CONSTITUTIONAL QUESTIONS-See CONSTI- E. H. FOLEY, JR., Legal Aspects of Low- TUTIONAL LAW. Rent Housing in New York. Soveregn immunity- See that title. Veto power- Husband & Wife IN GENERAL-OHIO- (June, 1937) 3 Ohio St. L. J. 259-83. A. Actions between- THE CONFLICT OF H. TUTTLE, Legal Aspects of the Ohio STATUTORY CAUSES AND Executive Veto. LAWs-See CONFLICT OF LAWS. ITEM VETO PROPOSED FOR THE PRESIDENT- (Nov. 1936) 25 Georgetown L. J. 106-33. Federal Legislation: The Item Veto in the Income Taxation American Constitutional System. In General Income--- Habeas Corpus GERMAN CONCEPT OF WHAT IS TAXABLE- (Jan. 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 353-88. (May, 1937) 7 Law Soc. J. 863-906. H. G. Symposium Article: F. M. JOSEPH, The FELDMAN, Habeas Corpus. Concept of Taxable Income in German Law. Intergovernmental- Homestead Exemptions See also same heading under TAxATIoN. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. See EXEMPTION LAWS. (May, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 1013- 21. Notes: Income Taxation of Govern- mental Employees. Homicide Federal In General- Avoidance and Reduction- (May, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 701-61. H. IN GENERAL- WECHSLER and J. MICHAEL, A Ration- (Dec. & Jan. 1936-37) 23 Va. L. Rev. ale of the Law of Homicide. (To be con- 107-39, 265-86. L. A. BUCK, Income Tax tinued.) Evasion and Avoidance: The Deflection of Manslaughter- Income. See that title. (May, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 863-76. L. A. BUCK, Income Tax Evasion and Murder- Avoidance: Some General Considerations. MURDER IN NEW YORK- FELONY MASSACHUSETTS TRUST AS A DEVICE FOR- Rev. (Jan. 1937) 6 Fordham L. 43-74. (Jan. 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 1-36. C. T. J. L. CORCORAN, Felony Murder in SILBERT, Voluntary Trusts and Federal New York. Taxation-A Study of the Use of Volun- Nonfeasance and- tary Trusts as an Aid in the Reduction (Jan. 1937) 41 Dickinson L. Rev. 126-32. of Federal Income and Estate Taxes with INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

ParticularReference to the Massachusetts Tax-free exchanges- Trusts. (Dec. 1936) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 199-208. PURCHASE AS A MEANS- J. S. SEIDMAN, Some Problems Emerging (Jan. 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 500-11. from Tax-Free Intercorporate Liquidations Notes: Avoidance of Income Tax Through Under the 1936 Federal Income Tax Act. Purchase. Undistributed profits tax- PYRAMIDING GAINS AND LOSSES THROUGH IN GENERAL- TAX-FREE EXCHANGES- (Oct. 1936) 12 Ind. L. J. 19-46. M. H. (Nov. 1936) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. MILLER, The 1936 Federal Corporate Sur- 59-77. J. M. JACOBSON and M. H. JOHN- tax. SON, The Revenue Act of 1986: Pyramid- ing Gains and Losses Through "Tax-Free" (Nov. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 44-72. J. Exchanges. B. MARTIN, JR., Taxation of Undistrib. uted Corporate Profits. Deductions- (Nov. 1936) 46 Yale L. J. 1-18. B. GRA- BAD DEBTS-PROPOSED REVISIONS- HAM, The Undistributed Profits Tax and (Feb. 1937) 22 Cornell L. Qu. 196-215. the Investor. R. E. PAUL, Suggested Modifications of (Nov. 1936) 46 Yale L. J. 19-51. H. HEN- Bad Debt Provisions of the Federal Rev- DRICKS, The Surtax on Undistributed enue Acts. Profits of Corporations. TAX PAYMENTS-EFFECT OF ERRORS- (Dec. 1936) 36 Colum. (Feb. 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 385-404. L. Rev. 1321-54. Legislation: The Corporate Undistributed R. C. BROWN, The Treatment for Federal Income Tax Purposes of Errors in the Profits Tax. Deduction of Other Taxes. (Dec. 1936) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 1-30. C. B. PEPER, Corporate Policy Under the Exemptions- Surtax on Undistributed Profits. EDUCATIONAL CHARITIES- (March, 1937) 2 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 340-50. (Jan. 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 489-95. L. RYAN, The Surtax on Undistributed Notes: Educational Charities of Limited Profits Section of the Revenue Act of 1986. Public Benefit. ADMINISTRATIVE PROBLEMS OF- STATE UNIVERSITY FOOTBALL GATE RE- (Dec. 1936) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 332-44. CEIPTS- Legislation: The Surtax on Undistributed (March, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 570-8. Profits. Notes: Federal Taxation of Admission to AVOIDANCE BY STOCK DIVIDENDS- Football Games Conducted by State Uni- (Feb. 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 311-22. versities. Notes: Use of Stock Dividends to Avoid UNmIVRsIEs IN GENERAT- Undistributed Earnings Surtax. (Dec. 1936) 22 Cornell L. Qu. 13541. Notes and Comments: W. H. DUNHAM, ECONOMIC ASPECTS- Taxation-University Tax Exemptions- (Jan. 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 423-36. Federal Legislation: Economic As- What Are State and Educational Func- Some pects of the Surtax on Undistributed tions? Profits of Corporations. Income- MISCONCEPTIONS CONCERNING- RENTS AND PROFITS FROM SALE OF PROP- (June, 1937) 3 Ohio St. L. J. 284-99. R. ERTY AS- M. WESTON, Some Common Misconcep- (May, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 1021-8. tions About the Profits Tax. Notes: Rents and Profits from the Sale of Property Used or Held for Rental Pur- Windfall taxes- pose as Taxable Income. INJUNCTIONS AGAINST- REVGCA13LE TRUSTS- (Jan. 1937) 25 Ky. L. J. 133-41. L. BRAR- (April, 1937) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 388-94. KAHN, Injunctions in Federal Tax Cases Comments: W. MENDELSON, Taxation- with Special Reference to the Windfall Income-Revocable Trusts. Tax. WHEN REALIZED- REFUND PROVISIONS AND- (Dec. 1936) 2 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 200-13. (Jan. 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 477-89. Comments: F. C. LAIRD, When Is Income Notes: Windfall Tax and Refund Provi- Realized? sions of the Revenue Act of 1986. Judicial relief against- State See TAXATION-IN GENERAL. In General- (Jan. 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 181-436. Revenue Act of 1936- Symposium: A Symposium on State In- (Nov. 1936) 85 U. of Pa. L%Rev. 83-108. come Taxation. Legislation: The Federal Revenue Act of 1986. Administration- (Dec. 1936) 14 Dicta, 27-36. W. D. NEW YORK - MORRISON, Phases of the Revenue Act of (Jan. 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 313-52. Sym. 1936. Art.: R. H. PALMER, Administration of INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS the Personal Income Tax Law in New York State. Inher. Taxation Constitutional limitations- In General PROGRESSIVE TAXES- (Jan. 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 246-67. Sym. Federal interpleader- Art.: R. C. BROWN, Constitutional Limi- In GENERAL-- (April, 1937) 11 St. John's L. Rev. 346- tations on Progressive Taxation of Gross 50. Current Legislation: E. J. CARRY, Income. Federal Interpleader Applied to Inheri- Exemptions and deductions- tance Tax Disputes. (Jan. 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 185-245. AVOIDANCE OF DOUBLE TAXATION BY- Sym. Art.: R. R. NEUHOFF, Gross In- (Dec. 1936) 15 Chicago-Kent Rev. 41-6. come and Deductions Under State Income Notes and Comments: H. MacDONALD, Tax Laws. Avoidance of Double Inheritance Taxation of Intangibles by Federal Interpleader. Federal instrumentalities- TAXATION OF INCOME DERIVED FRoM-See Retroactive taxes- also TAXATION-IN GENERAL. CONSTITUTIONALITY- (Jan. 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 430-6. Notes: (March, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 785-90. State Taxation of Income Derived from Notes: Retroactive Death Taxes in Light Federal Instrumentalities. of Binney v. Long. Income- Federal CONSTRUCTIVE RECEIPT OF- In General- (Jan. 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 390-411. (Sept. 1936) 2 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 120-4. Notes: Burnett v. Wells and Constructive Lecture Digest: J. J. ROBINSON, Federal Receipt of Income. Estate, Gift and Business Tax Laws. DEDUCTIONS- (Jan. 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 185-245. Avoidance and reduction- Sym. Art.: R. R. NEUHOFF, Gross In- MASSACHUSETTS TRUST AS A DEVICE TO- come and Deductions Under State Income (Jan. 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 1-36. Tax Laws. C. SILBERT, Voluntary Trusts and Fed- eral Taxation-A Study of the Use of Vol- Jurisdiction to tax- untary Trusts as an Aid in the Reduction IN GENERAL- of Federal Income and Estate Taxes with (Jan. 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 292-312. ParticularReference to the Massachusetts Sym. Art.: H. ROTTSCHAEFER, State Trusts. Jurisdiction to Tax Income. (June, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 795- Family settlements- 811. J. M. JACOBSON, State Jurisdiction REGULATION BY FEDERAL TAXATION- to Tax Incomes. (Feb. 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 265-80. DIVIDENDS AND STOCK PROFITS- R. MAGILL, Federal Regulation of Fan- (Jan. & March, 1937) 25 Calif. L. Rev. ily Settlements. 139-69, 285-309. A. L. HARDING, State State Jurisdiction to Tax Dividends and Stock Profits to Natural Persons. In General- - INCOME FROM FOREIGN LAND-- (Feb. 1937) 1 Peabody L. Rev. 73-83. (Jan. 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 261-7. R. E. CLARK, Maine Inheritance and Notes and Comments: J. QUATTROCCHI, Estate Tax Law. JR., Taxation of Incomes- Domiciliary State's Power to Tax Income Derived from Domicile- Ownership of Real Estate in Another State. DETERMINING BY ORIGINAL ACTION IN SU- (April, 1937) 2 Mo. L. Rev. 242-6. Re- PREME COURT- cent Cases: Cohn v. Graves (1937) - U. (May, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1235-42. Notes: S. -, 81 L. Ed. *409, 57 Sup. Ct. 466. Deterninatoin of Domicile for Inheritance (May, 1937) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 444-50. A. Purposes by an Original Action in the L. HARDING, State J11risdictionto Tax In- United States Supreme Court. come from Foreign Land. Municipal securities Power of appointment- MASSACHUSETTS STATUTE- TAXATION OF INTEREST FROM- (April, 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 408-14. (Jan. 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 411-30. Notes and Comments: G. D. BLEICKEN, Notes: Taxation of Interest upon Obliga- - Equal Protection tions of the Taxing tate and Political Constitutional Law Clause-Power of Appointment. Subdivisions. Trust income- STATE TAXATION OF- Injunctions (Jan. 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 268-91. Sym. Art.: R. J. TRAYNOR, State Taxation of Breach of contract- Trust Income. See TORTS-CONTRACT RELATIONS. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Fed. Alcohol Adm. Act- Policy STATUTORY InxUNcTIONS UNDE- DUTY To READ-- (March, 1937) 6 Brooklyn. L. Rev. 302- (Feb. 1937) 9 Miss. L.* . 293-306. 0. B. 37. A. A. ALEXANDER, Statutory Injunc- TRIPLETT, JR., The Insurance Contract tions Under the Federal Alcohol Admin- -Should a Duty to Read Be Imposed on istration Act. the Insured? Personal service contracts- Title- See AoirNcy. See ConvEYANcING. Tax cases- Waiver and estoppel- See TAx TIoI-IN GENERAL. (Jan. 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 437433. Notes: Insurance-The Doctrines of Waiv. Insolvency er and Estoppel. See also BANMUPTCY. ]International Law Co-debtors- HOW TREATED IN- In General- (May, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 109941.22. BmBOGAPHY oF PEIODCALS: F. T. HANSON, Insolvency-The Co-Debtor THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTER- as a Factor in Distribution. NATIONAL LAW (The American Society of Internationar Law) 700 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C. Quarterly, January, Insurance 1907 to date. THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE Federal courts- LEGISLATION AND INTERNATIONAL STATE INSURANCE CASES In- LAW (Society of Comparative Legisla- (March, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. 3. tion) 1 Elm Court. Temple, E. C., Lon- 642-59. C. H. BROWN, State Insurance don. Monthly, 1896 to date. Decisions in Diverse Citizenship Cases in DEVELOPMENTS DURING PAST FIFTY YEARS- Federal Courts. (Jan. 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 395-448. Fire- J. B. MOORE, Fifty Years of International MORAL IHAZARD CLAUSES- Law. (March, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 410-28. Jurisdiction- G. W. GOBLE, The Moral Hazard Clauses PERsoNs-See CONFLCT OF LAWS. of the Standard Fire Insurance Policy. Jurisdiction on high seas-- Incontestible clauses- ANT-SMUGGLING BILL OF U. S.- COM1BINATION LIFE POLICIES- (May, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 1146-57. (Feb. 1937) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 769-91. Notes Comments: J. H. ROBERTON, Interna- and Comments: Incontestible Clause in tional Law--Ant-Smuggling Bilt--furisdic- Combination Life Insurance Policies. tion on High Seas. Life- Neutrality- AERONAUTIC RSK EXCLUSzONv- BY COOPERATION- (July, 1936) 7 J. of Air Law 305-35, 560- (Feb. 1937) 85 U. of Pi. L. Rev. 344-57. 89. F. M. GLASS, Aeronautic Risk Ex- C. C. HYDE, International Cooperation clusion in Life Insurance Contracts. for Neutrality. DimND APPORTIONNT- Recognition- (March, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 790-802. EFFECT ON PRIVATE RIGHTS-See Co'LIcT Notes: Dividend Apportionment to Life OF LAWS--FpEITGx Insurance Policies with Disability Benefits. JUDGMENTS. U. S. NON-RECOGNMON LAW- PRESUMTION OF DEATH- (May, (Jan. 1937) 6 Fordham 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 1071-98. L. Rev. 91-106. K. A. DOUKAS, The Non-Recognition Law Comments: Life Insurance and the Pre- of the United sumption of Death. States. SUICIDE AND- Sovereign immunty- (Oct. 1936) 52 Law. Qu. Rev. 575-85. A. See that title. L. GOODHART, Suicide and Life Insur- ance. Interpleader Mortgages- STANDARD CLAUSES CONCERNIN- Federal- (Oct. 1936) 12 Ind. L. 3. 50-65. Com- See PRACTICE & PROCEDURE-EDEAL. ments: H. P. COOPER, JR., The Effect of the Standard Mortgage Clause in Insur- ance Policies. Interstate Carriers Omnibus coverage clauses- Joint rates-- (Oct. 1936) 41 Dickinson L. Rev. 27-36. DxvsroN OF AND THE BALTnORE & Ono M. J. MEYER, The Brawer Anomaly. CASE- INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

(March, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 811-32. Com- Railroads- ments: Division of Joint Rates and the IN GENERAL-See INTERSTATE CARRIERS. & Ohio Case. Safety legislation- Motor Carrier Act- INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION AND-- ANALYSIS OF- (March, 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 712- (March, 1937) 2 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 438-64. 48. Sym. Art.: B. MARGOLIUS, The In- Lecture Digest: J. L. WALKER, Analysis terstate Commerce Commission and the De- of Motor Carrier Act, 1935. velopment of Safety Legislation. PROGRESS IN REGULATION OF- (March, 1937) 5 Ceo. Wash. L. Rev. 791- State regulations-- 808. Sym. Art.: A. R. de FELICE and oth- AUTOMOBILE "CARAVAN" ACTS- ers, Progress in the Regulation of Motor (May, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 1169-73; Carriers by the Interstate Commerce Corn- (June, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 840-2. Case mission. Notes: Ingels v. Morf (1937) - U. S. 81 L. Ed. *406, 57 Sup. Ct. 439. Pension systems- TRANSITORY ACTIONS- RAILROAD RETIREMENT ACTS- (March, 1937) 6 Brooklyn Rev. (Nov. 1936) 25 Georgetown L. J. 161-73. L. 352-61. Ed. Notes: Notes: Constitutional Law-Railroad Re- The Commerce Clause as a tirement Acts. Limitation Upon Imported Actions. Reorganization of- Unreasonable burdens on- See CORPORATE REORGANIZATION. See STATE REGULATIONS this title.

Interstate Commerce Interstate Commerce

Character of goods-- Commission POWER OF CONGRESS TO DIVEST GOODS OF INTERSTATE CHARACTER-See TRADE REGULA- In General- TION. BIILIOGRAPHY OF PrERIOmCALS: I. C. C. PRACTITIONERS' JOURNAL Commerce power of Congress- (Association of Practitioners Before the DEVELOPMENT OF- Interstate Commerce Commission) 2218 (June, 1937) 3 Ohio St. L. J. 307-27. I. C. C. Building, Washington, D. C., J. ALVIES, The Commerce Power-From Monthly (Except July and August), Nov. Gibbons v. Ogden to the Wagner Act Cases. 1933 to date. Commission- (March, 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 289- See INTERSTATE COMMERCE COaMISSION. 808. Symposium: Interstate Commerce Comnmission - Semi-Centennial Commemo- Federal licensing bill- rative Issue. (Note: This 519-page issue (March, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. covers many phases of Interstate Com- 700-13. Federal Legislation: A Federal merce regulations.) System of Licenses and Charters. Analysis of status- ,History of act- (March, 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. I Rev. 701- (March, 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 289- 11. Sym. Art.: G. -. MORTIMER, Should 403. Sym. Art.: C. B. AITCHISON, The the Interstate Commerce Commission Re- Evolution of the Interstate Comimerce Act: main an Independent Tribunal? 1887-1937. Appraisal of- Interstate carriers-- (April, 1937) 46 Yale L. 3. 915-54. 1. L. IN GENERAL-See that title. SHARFMAN, The Interstate Commerce Motor Carrier Act- Commission: An Appraisal. See INTERSTATE CARRIERS. Commissioners- National Rd. Adjust. Bd.- 3IOORAPHICAL SKETCHES OF-- (Feb. 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 567-98. L. K. (March, 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 580- GARRISON, The National Railroad Ad- 700. Sym. Art.: C, A. MILLER, The In- justment Board: A Unique Administrative terstate Commerce Commissioners- The Agency. First Fifty Years: 1887-1937. National-State cooperation- Commissioners-. COMMERCE CLAUSE AND- COOLEY'S CONTRIBVITIONS- (Jan. 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 43-60. (March, 1937) 7 Detroit L. Rev. 1-8. E. F. D. G. RIBBLE, National and State C. MEYER, Judge Cooley's Contribution to Cooperation Under the Commerce Clause. the Interstate Commerce Commission. Radio communication- Judicial review- See RADIO LAW. (March, 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev 503-42. Sym. Art.: M. TOLLEFSON, Judi Railroad reorganization-- cial Review of the Decisions of the Inter See CORPORATE REORGANIZATION. state Commerce Comdssion. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Legislation- J. R. STARR, Reciprocal and Retaliatory INFLUENCE ON- Legislation in the American States. (March, 1937) 5 Gee. Wash. L. Rev. 462- CRImE coNTRoL-See CRIm CONTROL this 502. Sym. Art.: J. J. ESCH, The Inter- title. state Commerce Commission and Congress -Its Influence on Legislation. Practice before- Interstate Crime (March, 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 404- See CRDI. L. & PRoc.; INTERSTATE Coop- 61. Sym. Art.: D. A. SMITH, Practice and ERATION. Procedure Before the Interstate Commerce Commission. Safety legislation and- Intoxicating Liquors (March, 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 712. 48. Sym. Art.: B. MARGOLIUS, The In- Fed. Alcohol Adm. Act- terstate Commerce Commission and the INJUCTIONS UNDER- Development of Safety Legislation. (March, 1937) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 302-37. A. A. ALEXANDER, Statutory Injunctions Standard Time- Under the Federal Alcohol Administration (March, 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. Act. 779-90. Sym. Art.: W. H. KNIGHT, Stand- State regulation- ard Time in the United States. POWER UNDER 21ST A.M:END.NT- Stare decisis-- (March, 1937) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. DOCTRnE OF- 361-9. Notes: Constitutional Law-Power (March, 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 543- of States to Regulate Manufacture and Sale 79. Sym. Art.: W. H. PITTMAN, The of Liquor Under Twenty-first Amendment. Doctrine of Precedents and the Interstate Commerce Commission. Investigating Powers In Interstate Compacts OFFCERS-General-

See INTERSTATE COOPERATION. (April, 1937) 15 N. Car. L. Rev. 229-48. A. COATES, Limitation on Investigating Officers. Interstate Cooperation Congress- UsE OF TELEGRAMS ILLEGALLY OBTAINED-- In General- (Jan. 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 141-63. NECESSITY FOR- Notes and Comments: L. P. HAFFER, (Nov. 1936) 9 State Govt. 228-32. H. Constitutional Law-Right of Senate Com- W. TOLL, The States: Cooperation or mittee to Use Telegrams Illegally Acquired. Obliteration. (An Address.) Intergovernmental- Compacts- STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCY- IN GENERAL- (Nov. 1936) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 128-31. (Oct. 1936) No. 29 Penn. Bar Assn. Qu. Recent Cases: ConstitutionalLaw-Separa- 25-30. D. B. BURKE, Interstate Compacts. tion of Powers-Investigations-States- COMPILED-OCTOBER, 1936- Immunity of Federal Agency. (Oct. 1936) 70 U. S. L. Rev. 557-78. A. Nat. Lab. Relations Bd.- M. DODD, Interstate Compacts. (Dec. 1936) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 81-99. UNIFORMI LEGISLATION THROUGH- Notes: W. FREEDMAN, The Inquisitorial (Jan. 1937) 12 Notre Dame Law. 127-33. Powers of the National Labor Relations H. U. FEIBELMAN, Uniform State Legis. Board. lation Through Interstate Compacts. Securities Exchange Commission-' (Nov. 1936) 5 Geo. Whash. L. Rev. 126-8, Crime control- 23 Va. L. Rev. 88-9. See also Crim. L. & Poc. Case Notes: Jones v. Security Exchange Commission (1936) 298 IN GENERAL- U. S. 1, 80 L. Ed. 423, 56 Sup. Ct. 497. (April, 1937) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 382-90. J. MILLER, Crime Control as an Inter- state Problem. Investment Regulation RECIPROCAL LEGISLATION- (March, 1937) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. See SECUmrrS REGurATION;. and TRUSTS 330-40. J. MILLER, Reciprocal Legislation AND TRUSTEES. in the Field of Criminal Law. Reciprocal legislation- IN GENERA- Joinder of Actions (March, 1937) 21 Minm. L. Rev, 371-407. See PLEADING. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Judicial questions- Joint Adventure (Dec. 1936) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 1-29. E. Partnership law- BORCHARD, Justiciability. APPLICABILITY IN JOINT ADVENTURE- Federal (Dec. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 297-306. Comments- M. K. GRASDERG, Joint Ad- In General- venture--Extent to Which PartnershipLaw (April, 1937) 22 Cornell L. Qu. 299-348. Applie:.. H. W. EDGERTON, The Incidence of Ju- dicial Control Over Congress. Proposed revisions in- Judges IN GENERAL- (Nov. 1936) 16 Bost. U. L. Rev. 874-86. Executive control over- H. L. McBAIN, Some Proposals for Alter- (May, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 745-65. H. S. ing Judicial Review. BACON, The Subjection of Judges to the SUPREME CouRT--See that title. Executive; An Exhaustive Experience. Removal- State IN GENERAL- In General- (Dec. 1936) 5 Kan. City L. Rev. 1-10. MARYLAND- M. E. OTIS, McAdoo v. The Judges. (April, 1937) 1 Md. L. Rev. 232-7. Edi- torial: An Early Maryland Decision on FEDERAL JTUDGES-PROPOSED PLAN- Judicial Review of Legislation. (Jan. 1937) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 631-43. Notes and Comments: Removal of Federal Judges: A Proposed Plan. Judicial Systems Retirement- SUPREME COURT JUDGES - See SUPREmE In General- COURT. CANADA- (Feb. 1937) 15 Can. Bar Rev. 57-67. N. W. ROWELL, The Place and Function of Judgments the Judiciary in Our Canadian Constitu- tion. (An address.) Declaratory- See DECLARATORY JUDMENTS. Future of- (Jan. 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 259-64. W. D. Deficiency- LEWIS, The Future of Our Judicial Sys- See MORTGAGES. tem of Stating and Developing Law. Summary judgments- Non-partisan- MOTION FOR- (Feb. 1937) 14 Dicta, 81-93. R. L. (Dec. 1936) 21 Marquette L. Rev. 33-52. STEARNS, A Non-Partisan Judiciary. (An L. C. RITTER and E. H. MAGNUSON, address.) The Motion for S-ummary Judgment and Its Extension to All Classes of Actions. PROPOSED FEDERAL RULES OF PROCEDURE- Jurisprudence (Dec. 1936) 22 A. B. A. J. 881-5. M. CONBOY, Depositions, Discovery, and Sum- In General- mary Judgments. DEVELOPIENTS DURING PAST FIFTY YEARS-- (Feb. 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 557-82. R. Void- POUND, Fifty Years of Jurisprudence. RESTITUTION OF PROPERTY TRANSFERRED UNDER- (To be continued.) (Dec. 1936) 9 Miss. L. J. 157-87. C. W. Anglo-American- TAINTER, 2d, Restitution of Property CONTINENTAL VIEW OF- Transferred Under Void or Later Reversed (Oct. 1936) 52 Law Qu. Rev. 530-45. G. Judgments. RADBRUCH, Anglo - American Jurispru- dence Through Continental Eyes. Judicial Review Common law- (Nov. 1936) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 4-26. H. F. In General STONE, The Com'non Law in the United Analysis of- States. (Feb. 1937) 12 Ind. L. J. 167-82. C. E. (Feb. 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 176-89. MANION, Reviewing Judicial Review. (An R. POUND, What is the Common Law? Address.) (An address.) Civil liberties and Constitutional principles and- (May, 1937) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 409-22. (March, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 577- 0. K. FRAENKEL, Judicial Review and 606. H. E. YNTEMA, Constitutional Prin- Ciril Liberties. ciples and Jurisprudence. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Fascist- Group interests- (Dec. 1936) 36 Colum. L. Rev. 1267-83. (April, 1937) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 293-6. Note H. A. STEINER, The Fascist Conception and Comment: J. D. BARNETT, Group of Law. Interests on Juries. Functional approach- Questionnaires on- (Jan. 1937) 6 Fordham L. Rev. 75-89. (March, 1937) 11 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 247- W. B. KENNEDY, More Functional Non- 57. C. F. LUBERGER, Analysis and Sum- sense-A Reply to Felix S. Cohen. mary of Questionnaires. (On Trial by German- Jury.) STRUGGLE BETWEEN EQUITY AND STABIL- Right of trial by- rry- REsTRIcTIoNs ON THE- (Dec. 1936) 3 U. of Pitts. L. Rev. 91-103. (March, 1937) 3 Ohio St. I J. 184-99. M. RHEINSTEIN, The Straggle Between L. M. GOERLICH, Restrictions on the Equity and Stability in the Law of Post- Right of Trial by Jury. War Germany. Government- Selection of jurors- See that title. RACE DISCRIMINATION IN- (April, 1937) 11 Tulane L. Rev. 475-82. Justiciability- Comments: C. M. HORTON, JR., Race or (Dec. 1936) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 1-29. Color Discrimination in the Selection of E. BORCHARD, Justiciability. Jurors. Legal reasoning- Verdicts- WAS CoBE RIGHT? SEALED-.- (April, 1937) 12 Ind. L. J. 247-65. M. (Sept. 1936) 70 U. S. L. Rev. 479-85. SEASONGOOD, Was Coke Right? (An ad. Notes and Comment: Sealed Verdicts. dress.) Profit concept- LuGAL CONTENT OF- Justice Courts (Jan. 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 436-46. C. A. COOKE, The Legal Content of Profit Con, See MuNicIPAL CoURTS. cept. Robinson, Edward S.- Kidnaping (June, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1282-9. I,. W. ARNOLD, The Jurisprudence of Ed- Lindbergh law- ward S. Robinson. (Feb. 1937) 31 I1l. L. Rev. 734-40. T. A. Rules of law- COWAN, Ex parte Snatch. HOW UNDERSTOOD- (Feb. 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 259-64. J. H. WIGMORE, Looking Behind the Let- Labor Law ter of the Law. Science and law- In General- (Sept. 1936) 9 China L. Rev. 107-24. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF' PERIODIc L: S. LOBINGIER, The New Science of Man AMERICAN FEDERATIONALIST and Law's Place Therein. (American Federation of Labor) Wash- Soviet- ington, D. C. Monthly, March, 1894 to date. (July, 1936) 52 Law Qu. Rev. 402-24. THE AMERICAN LABOR LEGISLA- S. DOBRIN, Soviet Jurisprudence and So- TION REVIEW (American Association for cialism. Labor Legislation) 131 E. 23rd St., New (Dec. 1936) 36 Colum. L. Rev. 1236-66. York City. Quarterly, January, 1911 to J. N. HAZARD, Soviet Law: An Introduc- date. tion. THE INDUSTRIAL BULLETIN (The Industrial Commissioner of New York State and social process- State) Albany, N. Y., Monthly, January, (Dec. 1936) 9 Miss. L. J. 147-56. S. 1936 to date. SMITH, The State and the Social Process. Anti-injunction statutes- CONSTrrUTiONALITy OF STATE ACTS- Jury Trials (April, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1064-70. Notes: Constitutionality of State Statutes Lint- In General- ing Injunctions in Labor Disputes. (March, 1937) 11 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 119- MiNNESoTA- 246. Report of the Cincinnati Conference (May, 1937) 21 Minn. I Rev. 619-42. on Trial by Jury. H. L. McCLINTOCK, The Minnesota Labor BIBLIOGaAPHY ox- Disputes Act. (March, 1937) 11 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 258-9. NORRIS-LA GUADIA AcT- Bibliography. (Jan. 1937) 2 Mo. L. Rev. 1-27. H. N. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

MONKBMEYER, Five Years of the Nor- G. RICE, JR., A Problem of the Division ris-La Guardia Act. of Power Between Central-State and Mem- ber-States in a Federal Union. Bituminous Coal Act of 1937- CONSTITUTIONALITY OF- (May, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 986-93. (March, 1937) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 338-49. Federal Legislation: The Bituminous Coal Act of 1937. A. C. WEINFELD, Labor Treaties and the Due Process Clause. Child labor- Minimum wage laws-- (April, 1937) 5 Kan. City L. Rev. 184-91. IN GENERAL- B. R. TRIMBLE, The Child Labor Prob- (Nov. 1936) 16 Bost. U. L. Rev. 845-73. lem. J. E. HANNIGAN, Minimum Wage Legis- CONSTITUTIONAL POSSIBILITIES- lation and Litigation. (May, 1937) 11 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 357-9. (Nov. 1936) 15 Cong. Dig. 257-87. Pro Ed. Notes: M. J. SCHLOSS, Child Labor and Con: The Minimum Wage Contro- Regulations Under the Kentucky Whip & versy. Collar Co. v. Illinois Central Railroad Case. (Nov. 1936) 11 St. John's L. Rev. 78-87. RESURRECTED- Notes and Comment: L. H. RUBINSTEIN, (March, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 671- The Minimum Wage Law. 89. Federal Legislation: Regulation of (March, 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 565-79. Child Labor Resurrected. Notes: Legislation-Progress in the Min- imuian Wage Struggle. Collective bargaining- (Feb. 1937) 5 J. B. A. St. Kan. 256-61. (April, 1937) 2 Peabody L. Rev. 14-7. M. P. CALDWELL, Minimum Wage Laws. WILLIAMS, Sit Down Strikes, Collective CONSTITUTIONALITY-TPALDO CASE- Bargaining. (Nov. 1936) 16 Bost. U. L. Rev. 938-43, APPROPRIATE UNITS FOR- (April, 1937) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 367-75. W. 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 122-4, 25 Ill. B. J. 75-7, 23 Va. L. Rev. 82-3; (Dec. 1936) 21 T. TUTTLE, Labor Law - Appropriate Minn. L. Rev. 98-100, 15 N. Car. L. Rev. Collective Bargaining. Unit for 50-3, 15 Tex. L. Rev. 129-30; (Jan. 1937) DEVELOPiMENTS DURING PAST FIFTY YEARS- 11 U. of Cia. L. Rev. 82-9. Case Notes: (May, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 1071-1117. Morehead v. New York ex rel. Tipaldo C. MAGRUDER, A Half Century of Legal (1936) 298 U. S. 587, 80 L. Ed. 1347, 56 Sup. Influence Upon the Development of 00- Ct. 918, 103 A. L. R. 1445. lective Bargaining. CONSTITUTIONALITY-WEST COAST HOTEL Criminal syndicalism- CO. V. PARRISH- See that title. (May, 1937) 11 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 307-26. J. K. CHEADLE, The Parrish Case: Min- Employers- imum Wages for Women and, Perhaps, for INTERFERENCE WIT UNIONS- Men. (May, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 81641. (April, 1937) 11 Temple L. Qu. 424-7, 71 Notes: Employer Interference With Law- U. S. L. Rev. 181-8; (May, 1937) 23 A. B. fal Union. Activity. A. J. 372-5, 21 Minn. L. Rev. 743-4, 11 U. YELLOW DOG CONTRACTS-See that head- of Cin. L. Rev. 422-4; (June, 1937) 14 ing this title. Tenn. L. Rev. 636-9. Case Notes: West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish (1937) - U. Guffey Coal Act decision- S. -, 81 L. Ed. *455, 57 Sup. Ct. 578, EFFECT OF- affirming (1936) 185 Wash. 581, 55 P. (2d) (Dec. 1936) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 67-80. Note 1083. and Comment: T. H. TONGUE, III, Con- stitutional Law-The Guffey Coal Act De- HISTORY OF- cision and the Future for Federal Price (March, 1937) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 565-79. Regulation. Notes: Legislation-Progress in the Min- imum, Wage Struggle. Injunctions- CANADA- JUDICIAL STATISTICS ON CONSTITUTIONAL- (April, 1937) 15 Can. Bar Rev. 270-84. ITY OF- B. LASKIN, The Labour Injunction in Can- (May, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1227-8. Notes: ada: A Caveat. Judicial Statistics and the Constitutional- ity of Minimum Wage Legislation. PICKETING-See PICKETING this title. Labor disputes- National Labor Relations Act- (Nov. 1936) 12 Notre Dame Law. 81-7. IN GENERAL- Notes: R. J. SCHMELZLE, Injunctions- (Nov. 1934) 3 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 51-64. Boycotts-Strikes. Ed. Notes: T. S. JACKSON, The National Labor Relations Board-A Landmark in ANTI-INJUNCTION STATUTES - See that Federal Settlement of Industrial Disputes. heading this title. (Nov. 1935) 35 Colum. L. Rev. 1098-1128. Labor treaties- Legislation Note: The Wagner Labor Dis- CANADA AND- putes Act. (Feb. 1937) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 185-97. W. (March, 1936) 30 Ill. L. Rev. 884-930. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Notes and Comments: The National Labor Injunctions Against Picketing in Labor Relations Aot-Constitutional and Statu- Disputes. tory Problems. Picketing--Specific phases- (April, 1936) 22 A. B. A. J. 245-50, 281-3. AGAINST PRODUCTS-See SECONDARY B oY- H. P. CHANDLER, The National Labor cor this title. Relations Act. PEACEFU- John's L. Rev. 358-72. (April, 1936) 10 St. (Nov. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 73-87. F. E. National Labor Re- Legislation: L STARR, COOPER, The Fiction of Peaceful Picket- lations Act. ing. L. Rev. 433-74. (May, 1936) 4 Geo. Wash. (Dec. 1936) 1 Peabody L. Rev. 71-2. Edi- Legislative Purpose and E. G. LATHAM, toral: Peaceful Picketing-Injunctive Re- Administrative Policy Under the National lief. Labor Relations Act. (Oct. 1936) 3 U. of Pitts. L. Rev. 33-48. Regulations in general- Comments: R. H. LARRY and C. D. COW- (Sept. 1936) 2 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 124-36. LEY, The National Labor Relations Act. Lecture Digest: M. F. GALLAGHER, Fed- Since the N. CONSTITUTIONALITY- eral Industrial Regulation (Dec. 1936) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 109-30. R. A. Notes: Constitutionality of the National Secondary boycott- Labor Relations Act. NEw YoRK- (April, 1937) 71 U. S. L. Rev. 199-210. (Nov. 1936) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. 83-91. M. G. LEE, The Supreme Court Catches Notes: Labor Law-Secondary Boycott- up with the Nation. Legality of Picketing Against Product. (May, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 860-1. Re- (Dec. 1936) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 209-27. cent Decisions: Constitutional Law-Com- M. H. FEINBERG, Analysis of the New merce Clause-The National Labor Rela- York Law of Secondary Boycott. tions Act Decisions. Sit-down strikes- PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF- IN GENERAL- Rev. 39-43. (Dec. 1935) 2 U. of Pitts. L. (March, 1937) 31 I1. L. Rev. 942-59. and Scope of the M. ROSS, The Purpose Notes and Comments: Sit-down Strikes: A Labor Act. New Problem for Government. Labor Relations Board- (March, 1937) 3 Ohio St. L. 3. 237-42. National Labor DECISIONS OF FIRST YEAR- Notes and Comments: G. BAILEY, (Dec. 1936) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 97-108. Law-Legal Aspects of the Sit-down Strike. Comment: L. M. DESPRES and M. J. MY- (April, 1937) 2 Peabody L. Rev. 14-17. ER, The National Labor Relations Board M. WILLIAMS, Sit-down Strikes-Colle- -Decisions of Its First Year. tive Bargaining. INVrsTIGATImG POwERS oF- CONGRESS AND THE- Dig. 133-60. Pro (Dec. 1936) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 81-99. (May, 1937) 16 Cong. Notes: W. FREEDMAN, The Inquisitorial and Con: Congress and the Sit-down Powers of the National Labor Relations Strikes. Board. PLACE IN DEVELOPAfENT OF LABOR LAW- L. Rev. 799-815, SUITS TO ExJOIN- (May, 1937) 23 Va. (March, 1936) 4 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. Notes: The Relative Status of the Sit 391-9. Ed. Notes: S. S. MINTZ, Suits to down Strike in the Development of Labor Enjoin the National Labor Relations Law. Board. Transportation of strike break- Norris-La Guardia act- ers- See ANTi-IN UNcTiON STATUTES this title. FEDERAL STATUTE pRo n niT - (Fed. 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 406-13. Peaceful coercion- Legislation: Congress Assails Industrial LEGALITY OF- Thuggery. (March, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 456- (June, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 657-66. 83. B. ESKIN, The Legality of "Peaceful Notes: Industrial Strikebreaking - The Coercion"l in Labor Disputes. Byrnes Act. Picketing-In General- Treaties- CANADA- See LABOR TREATIES this title. Term, 1937) 2 U. of Toronto (Lent insurance- J. FINKELMAN, The Law of Unemployment L. J. 67-102. See SOCIAL SECURITY. Picketing in Canada. CANADIAN AND AMERICAN DOCTINES- Unions- (Jan. 1937) 15 Can. Bar Rev. 10-20. B. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING-See that heading LASKIN, Picketing: A Comparison of Cer- this title. tain Canadian and American Doctrines. EQUITABLE PROTECTION OF MEMBERSHIP- TExAs- (Nov. 1936) 23 Va. L. Rev. 86-7. Recent (April, 1937) 15 Tex. L. Rev. 344-55. Cases: Gleason v. Thomas (W. Va. 1936) Notes and Comments: W. W. GOODRICH, 186 S. E. 304. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

INTERFERENCE By EMPLOYERS-See EM- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PERIODICALS: PLOYERS this title. THE AMERICAN LAW SCHOOL RE- Company) St. RIGHTS UNDER WORKING AGREE- VIEW (West Publishing SENIORITY Paul, Minnesota. Irregular, October, 1902 MENT- (April, 1937) 11 Temple L. Qu. 355-81. to date. C. L. CHRISTENSON, Seniority Rights ENGLAND- Under Union Working Agreements. (March, 1937) 15 Can. Bar Rev. 151-73. F. VALLAT, Legal Education in England. Wagner Labor Disputes Act- See NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS ACT this Adjective law courses- title. (Maroh, 1937) 12 (Calif.) St. Bar J. Yellow-dog contracts- 58-63. Adjective Law Courses: The Prob- (Nov. 1936) 11 St. John's L. Rev. 40-50. lem Stated. Contracts. W. TAPLEY, The Anti-Union Challenge to- (June, 1937) 43 W. Va. L. Qu. 253-65. Tenant T. P. HARDMAN, A Challenge in Legal Landlord & Education. Alterations- Law school association- REFUSAL OF LANDLORD TO GIVE CONSENT- L. Rev. 352-5. WORK OF IN FUTURE- (Nov. 1936) 52 Scottish (Dec. 1936) 9 Rocky Mt. L. Rev. 1-20. Withholding of Consent. Unreasonable G. G. BOGERT, The Future Work of the Department leases- Association of American Law Schools. (Nov. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 95-108. (Feb. & March, 1937) 7 Utah Bar Bul. Comments: Contracts-Agreements for 28-31. W. H. LEARY, Work of the As- Leasing Departments in Retail Stores. sociation of American Law Schools. Lease instruments- Legal aid clinics- EFFECT OF PHYSICAL CANCELLATION- EDUCATIONAL VALUE OF- (Feb. 1937) 9 Miss. L. J. 376-84. Notes: (June, 1937) 3 Ohio St. L. J. 300-6. S. R. T. THOMAS, The Effect of Physical A. HARRIS, The Educational Value of Cancellation of an Instrument Creating a a Legal Aid Clinic. Leasehold Interest. in Law School- Oil and gas leases- Length of course FOUR-YEAR COURSES- See MINING LAW. (June, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 527-36. Rent- W. G. KATZ, A Four-Year Program for ASSIGNMENT OF IN MORTGAGES-See MoRT- Legal Education. GAGES. Pragmatism in- Submeterer- (Jan. 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 338-50. LEGAL STATUS OF- C. C. WHEAT.ON, Law Teaching and Prag- (Feb. 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 227-46. matism. M. PICKET, Legal Status of Submeterer of Electric Current. Scholarship- (May, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1124-41. M. RADIN, On Legal Scholarship. Larceny Presumption of- Legal Ethics POSSESSION OF STOLEN GOODS- (March, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 616-22. Practice of law- Notes: Presumption of Larceny from the See ATTORNEY AND CLIENT. Unexplained Possession of Stolen Goods. Law Schools Legal Periodicals Briefing service- In General- SYM[POSIUM1 ON- KENTUCKY- (Dec. 1936) 1 Ky. St. B. J. 21-4. J. A. (Nov. 1936) 23 Va. L. Rev. 1-52. (Sym- Briefing Service for Ken- posium on Law Reviews.) McCLAIN, JR., Ed. by the University of Louis- (Dec. 1936) 1 Md. L. Rev. 59-64. tucky Lawyers Reviews ville Law School. Section: A Symposiumn on Law in a Neighboring Journal. (Comment on Symposium in November, 1936 issue of the Legal Education Virginia Law Review.) Comparative law- In General- PLACE IN LAW REVIEWS- (April, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 357-68. (Nov. 1936) 23 Va. L. Rev. 22-37. Sym. R. M. HUTCHINS, Legal Education. Art.: F. DEAK, The Place of Foreign and INDEX TO LBGAL PERIODICALS

Comparative Law in the American Law Reviews. Malicious Prosecution Goodbye to- (Feb. 1937) 15 Tex. L. Rev. 157-84. F. (Nov. 1936) 23 Va. L. Rev. 3845. Sym. V. HARPER, Malicious Prosecution, False Art.: F. RODELL, Goodbye to Law Re- Imprisonment and Defamation. views. AN ANSWER- (Nov. 1936) 23 Va. L. Rev. 46-8. Sym. Manslaughter Art.: G. GLENN, Law Reviews-Notes of an Antediluvian. Criminal negligence- INTOXICATED DRIVERS- Need for state reviews- (July, 1936) 24 Calif. L. Rev. 555-71. (Nov. 1936) 23 Va. L. Rev. 49-52. Sym. S. A. RIESENFELD, Homicide Committed Art.: J. G. WERNER, The Need for "State" Through the Operation of a Motor Vehicle Reviews. While Intoxicated. New fields for- NON-FEASANCE AS-- (Nov. 1936) 23 Va. L. Rev. 1-21. Sym. (Nov. 1936) 25 Ky. L. J. 103-2. Student Art.: D. F. CAVERS, New Fields for the Notes: T. HALL, Criminal Negligence- Legal Periodical. Omission to Discharge a Legal Duty. STATUTORY NEGLIGENCE- (Nov. 1936) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 1-40. S. A. Legal Profession RIESENFELD, Negligent Homicide - A Study in Statutory Interpretation. In General- (Nov. 1936) 25 Ky. L. J. 70-8. Student (April, 1937) 2 Mo. L. Rev. 161-70. B. Notes: S. MILNER, Criminal Negligence- G. CLARK, In the Public Interest. Statutory Regulation. (I.) Defending- (Nov. 1936) 25 Ky. L. 3. 78-92. Student (Nov. 1936) 12 Notre Dame Law. 1-6. W. Notes: J. S. FREELAND, Criminal Negli- M. CAIN, Don't Be a Lawyer-A Reply. gence-Statutory Regulation. (II.) (Nov. 1936) 25 Ky. L. J. 98-103. Student Status and function of- Notes: D. W. CARTER, Criminal Negli- (Oct. 1936) 22 A. B. A. J. 713-5. LORD gence-Regulation by Statute. THANKERTON, Real Status and Function of the Lawyer in the Body Politic. Master and Servant Lis Pendens See also AGENCY. In General- CAIxFORNIA- Medical Jurisprudence (May, 1937) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 480-5. Com- ment: R. L. CONDON, Real Property-Re- In General- cording Statute-Lis Pendens-Rights of a BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PERIODICALS: Grantee Under an Unrecorded Deed Against THE MEDICO-LEGAL AND CRIMINO- One Who Has Previously Recorded a Lis LOGICAL REVIEW (Medico-Legal Soci- Pendens in an Action Affecting Title. ety) 7 & 8 Henrietta Street, London. Quarterly, 1933 to date. MEDICO-LEGAL JOURNAL (A. W. Her- Lotteries zog, Ph.B.) 149 W. 82nd Street, New York City. Di-Monthly, June, 1883 to date. In General- NATURE AND ELEMENTS- Apoplexy- (Feb. 1937) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 164-75. Note (April & June, 1937) 41 Dickinson L. and Comment: W. W. McINTURFF, Lot- Rev. 145-74, 201-12. K. GARVE, Apoplexy teries-Nature and Elements-Regulations. in Law. Bank nights as- Criminal law and- (Nov. 1936) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 1124, 85 (Oct. 1936) 3 Cur. Leg. Thought, 1-93. U. of Pa. L. Rev. 119-20; (Dec. 1936) 23 Symposium: Me di c a l Jurisprudence of Va. L. Rev. 218-9; (Jan. 1937) 21 Minn. Crime. (A digest of selected articles.) L. Rev. 215-7. Case Notes: Sproat-Temple Theatre Corp. v. Colonial Theatricel En- Mental examinations- terprise, Inc. (Mich. 1936) PROCEDURE IN ONTARIO- 267 N. W. 602. (May, (May, 1937) 14 Law Student, 5-9. W. N. 1937) 15 Can. Bar Rev. 348-60. HENSLEY, The Legality of Theater "Bank K. G. GRAY, The Mental Examination of Nights". Prisoners. (May, 1937) 9 Miss. L. J. 495-50L Notes: Pneumonia- L. A. WYATT, A. FLAMM, and J. FA- (June, 1936) 6 Detroit L. Rev. 169-84; RESE, Lotterles--"Bank Night" Schemes. (March, 1937) 7 Ibid., 9-40. K. GARVE, INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Pneumonia: Its Place in the Various Decisions in the Supreme Court and the Branches of the Law. House of Lords. Theory of- (April, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 865-907. Milk Control A. NUSSBAUM, Basic Monetary Concep- tions in Law. See TRADE REGULATION. Mortgages Minimum Wage Laws (Including Trust Deeds) See LABOR LAW. Assignment of rent clauses- NEW YORIC- Mining Law (Oct. 1936) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 25-53. R. ABELOW, An Historical Analysis of In General- Assignments of Rent in New York. DEVELOPMENTS DURING PAST FIFTY YEARS- Counterclaim and set-off- (April, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 897-908. CALIFORNIA- B. G. DAVIS, Fifty Years of Mining Law. (May, 1937) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 347-57. leases- Comment: C. L. HEMMINGS, Mortgages Oil & Gas ForeclosureIs Re- OF COVENANTS IN- and Trust Deeds-When DIVISIBILITY California Code-Counter- 1937) 25 Ky. L. J. 142-64. H. H. quired Under (Jan. When One Claim Is Se- LESAR, Divisibility of Covenants in Oil claim and Set-off and Gas Leases. cured. LANDOWNERS' INTEREST IN CALIFORNIA- Deficiency judgment acts- (Jan. 1937) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 220-9. Com- In GENERAL- ment: R. H. WALKER, Oil and Gas-Na- (Nov. 1936) 11 Temple L. Qu. 63-7L ture of Land-Owner's Interest in California Notes and Legislation: Legislative Relief -Rights of Cotenants-Nature of Oil Roy- for the Mortgage Debtor. alties. (Jan. 1937) 41 Dickinson L. Rev. 75-91. F. C. FIECHTER, JR., Considerations Re- LESSEE'S INTEREST IN CALIFORNIA- Acts. 1937) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 230-8. Com- garding the Late Deficiency Judgment (Jan. 11 Temple L. Qu. 404-9. ment: A. R. KIMBROUGH, Oil and Gas- (April, 1937) Relief The Nature of the Lessee's Interest. Notes and Legislation: Legislative for the Mortgage Debtor: A Continuing Securities- Problem. See SECURITIES REGULATION. (June, 1937) 12 Ind. L. J. 353-68. P. F. DARBY, Deficiency Judgments. CONSTITUTIONALrrY- Minors (Jan. 1937) 41 Dickinson L. Rev. 67-74. D. J. FARAGE, Mortgage Deficiency Judg- In General- ment Acts and Their Constitutionality. ques- See also various subjects in which MORTGAGEE'S RIGHTS- tions of infancy arise. (Feb. 1937) 1 Md. L. Rev. 128-40. J. Contracts- SLINGLUFF, JR., Mortgagee's Rights in ESTOPPEL AND RATIrIcATIoN-MISsISSIP- the Event of a Deficiency. Pi- Foreclosure- (May, 1937) 9 Miss. L. J. 484-95. Notes: CALIFORNIA- W. N. ETHRIDGE, JR., Contract Relations (May, 1937) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 347-57. of the Infant in Mississippi-Estoppel and Comment: C. L. HEMMINGS, Mortgages Ratification. and Trust Deeds-When Foreclosure Is Re- quired Under California Code- Counter- claim and Set-off When One Claim Is Se- Money cured. DEFICIENCY JUDGMENTS AND- Gold clauses- (Dec. 1936) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 167-98. DECISIONS- J. L. WARM, A Study of Some of the (April, 1937) 2 Mo. L. Rev. 219-23. Re- Problems Concerning Foreclosure Sales cent Cases: H. L. LISLE, Holyoke Water and Deficiency Judgments. Co. v. American Writing Paper Co. Power PARTIAL- (1937) - U. S. -, 81 L. Ed. *383, 57 Sup. (April, 1937) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 1056-60. Ct. 485. Car. L. Rev. 249-54. Notes and Comments: E. M. LEESMAN, (April, 1937) 15 N. Only Outline of the Gold The Effect of Foreclosure of Part A. D. MacLEAN, of a Mortgage Debt. Clause Cases. (April, 1937) 71 U. S. L. Rev. 188-94. PROPOSED REVISIONS-NEw YORK- Notes and Comments: Recent Gold Clause (Feb. 1937) 22 Cornell L. Qu. 216-28. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

A. E. SUTHERLAND, JR., Foreclosure and Sale-Some Suggested Changes in the New Municipal Corporations York Procedure. In General- RECEIVERSHIPS IN KENTUCKY- BIBLIOGRAPHY (Nov. 1936) 25 Ky. L. J. 26-37. OF PERIODICALS: M. R. LEGAL NOTES GLENN, ForeclosureReceiverships in ON LOCAL GOVERN- Ken- MENT (American tucky. Bar Association, Section of Municipal Law) 100 Washington Square REORGANIZATIONS AND- East, New York City. BI-Monthly, March, (Nov. 1936) 31 Il. L. Rev. 287-319. N. 1936 to date. W. MacCHESNEY and E. M. LEESMAN, Mortgages, Foreclosures and Reorganiza- Bankruptcy reorganization- tions. See CORPORATE REORGANIZATION. STRICT FORECLOSURE-See that heading Bondholders- this title. REMEDIES ON REVENUE RONDS- UPSET PRICES- (Dec. 1936) 22 Cornell L. Qu. 64-82. (April, 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 451-6. J. PERSHING, Revenue Bond Remedies. Notes and Comments: R. W. BISHOP, Mortgages-Sale on Foreclosure-Refusal Finances- to Confirm Because of Inadequacy of Price. IN GENERAL-KENTUCKY- Incorporation by reference- (March, 1937) 25 Ky. L. J. 230-56. G. W. MEUTH, The Development No-AcTIoN CLAUSES- of Financ- (Dec. 1936) 2 ing Public Improvements by Kentucky J. Marsh. L. Qu. 172-91. Municipalities. K. E. OHI, Whether a No-Action Clause of a Trust Deed or Mortgage Can Be Incor- DEBT LIMITATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS- porated in a Bond or Note by Reference. (Feb. 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 177-211. C. D. WILLIAMS and P. Insurance R. NEHEMKIS, policies- JR., Municipal Improvements as Affected STANDARD MORTGAGE CLAUSES- by Constitutional Debt Limitations. (Oct. 1936) 12 Ind. L. J. 50-65. Com- ments: H. P. COOPER, JR., The Effect of DEBT LIImITATIONS AND TORT JUDGM ENTS- the Standard Mortgage Clause in Insur- (Nov. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 120-9. Com- ance Policies. ments: Municipal Corporations-Effect Up- on Collection of Tort Judgments of Con- Mortgagee's remedies- stitutional and Statutory Limitations on See REMEDIES OF MORTGAGEE this title. Indebtedness and Taxing Power. Priority- FEDERAL SUBSIDIES-POWER DEVELOPMENTS ASSIGNED NOTES- -See MuNic. POWER DEVEL. (March (1937) 2 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 422-4; INSOLVENCY-PRACTTr0mnR'S PROBLEMS- 12 Notre Dame Law. 336-8; (April, 1937) (Jan. 1937) 2 Legal Notes and Local 31 Ill. L. Rev. 1111-4. Recent Cases: Do- Gov't. 195-201. A. FRYE, Municipal In- meyer v. O'Connell (1936) 364 Ill. 467, 4 solvency: Its Special Problems From the N. E. (2d) 830. Point of View of the General Practitioner. EFFECT OF WRONGFUL RELEASE- REVENUE BONDS- (Nov. 1936) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 350-7. Notes (Nov. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev, 1-43. E1. and Comments: E. M. LEESMAN, Mort- H. FOLEY, JR., Revenue Financing of gages-Trust Deeds, in the Nature of- Public Enterprises. Release. REVENUE BONDS-INDIANA- Remedies of Mortgagee- (April, 1937) 12 Ind. L. 3. 266-80. A. FoREcLOsURE-See FORECLOSURE this title. H. ZWERNER, Indiana Municipal Revenue INJURIES TO MORTGAGED PROPERTY- Bond Financing. (March, 1937) 3 Ohio St. L. J. 161-70. Government- F. G. DENTON, Right of a Mortgagee to See MUNICIPAL GovT. Recover Damages from a Third Party for Mob Injury to Mortgaged Property in Ohio. violence- LIABILITY FORn- Strict foreclosure- (May, 1937) 6 Fordham L. Rev. 270-83. MYTH OF- Legislation: Liability of the Municipality (June, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 575-96. for Mob Violence. . TEFFT, The Myth of Strict Foreclosure. Sales taxes- Suretyship releases- LEGAL PHASES OF LOCAL- (April, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 469- (Nov. 1936) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. 28- 79. Notes: Suretyship Releases in the 58; continued In (May, 1937) 2 Leeal Notes Law of Mortgages. on Local Gov't. 329-32. M. BAUM, Legal Trustees- Phases of Local Sales Tax. SALVAGE OF MORTGAGES BY- Sidewalks- (Jan. 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 61-75. ICE AND SNOW INJURIES- H. C. VAUGHAN, The Salvage of Mort- (May, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 703-16. gages by Trustees. Notes: Highways - Sidewalks - Liability INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS of Municipality and, Abutting Owner for Finances- Injuries Resulting from Ice and Snow. IN GENERAL-See also MUNICTPAL CoRPo- Status and classification- RATIONS. Mississippi- Federal subsidies- (Feb. 1937) 9 Miss. L. J. 314-20. W. HEM- CONSTITUTIONALITY OF- INGWAY, Legal Status and Classification (March, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 607- of Municipalities in Mississippi. 27. F. X. WELCH, The Validity of Federal Loans and Grants to Municipalities for Taxation- Construction of Power Plants. IN GENERAL-IBLIOGRAPHY- (April, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 956-63. (March, 1937) 2 Legal Notes on Local Notes: Sovereign Immunity in Suits to Govt. 271-7. A Selected Bibliography on Enjoin the Enforcement of Unconstitu- Legal Problems in Local Taxation. tional Legislation. Tort Liability- PUBLIC AND PRIVATE FUNCTIONS- (April, 1937) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 250-70. J. Murder D. BARNETT, The Foundations of the Dis- See HOMIcrDE. tinction Between Public and Private Func- tions in Respect to the Common-Law Tort Liability of Municipal Corporations. National-State Coop. STATUTORY DEVELOPMENTS IN- (Sept. 1936) 2 Legal Notes on Local Federal statutes-- Gov't. 89-100. E. M. BORCHARD, Recent STATE ENFORCEMENT OF-IN GENERAL- Statutory Developments in Municipality in (May, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 816-23. Notes: Tort. Power of Federal Government to Compel a State Government to Execute a Federal Law. Municipal Courts STATE ENFORCEMENT OF-FEDERAL MONE- TARY CLAIMS- Fee system- (June, 1936) 11 Wash. L. Rev. (June, 1937) 14 Tenn. L. Rev. 565-75. 152-61. H. Notes and Comments: A. J. SCHWEPPE, C. SIMPSON, Constitutionality of the State Court Jurisdictionof Claims for Fed- Fee System of Justices of the Peace. eral Penalties, Taxes and Customs Duties. Minor courts- (Jan. 1937) 12 Wash. L. Rev. 41-9. Com- IN ILLINOIS- ments: De WITT WILLIAMS, State Court (April, 1937) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 1047-55. H. Jurisdiction of Claims for Federal Penal- K. ALLEN, Administration of Minor Jus- ties, Taxes and Customs Duties. tice in Selected Illinois Counties. Interstate commerce- See that title. Municipal Govt. Possibilities of- (Feb. 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 599-623; County boards- (April, 1937) 8 Am. L. S. Rev. 687-707. INDIANA- E. S. CORWIN, National-State Cooperation (April, 1937) 12 Ind. L. J. 281-315. C. -Its Present Possibilities. F. SNYDER, The Organization and Func- Prison-made goods- tion of County Boards in Indiana. See TRADE REGULATION. County government- Securities regulation- PROPOSED REVISIONS IN- See that title. (Feb. 1937) 14 Tenn. L. Rev. 406-19. E. KEFAUVER, Reorganization of County Government Upon Council-ManagerPlan. Negotiable Instruments Home rule- In General- NEW YORK- (April, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 557-81. COMPARATIVE LAW- (Dec. 1936) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 139-54. J. L. WEINER, Municipal Home Rule in P. W. THAYER, Comparative Law and the New York. Law Merchant. RECENT DECISIONS- Munic. Power Devel. (Oct. 1936) 12 Ind. L. J. 1-18. R. T. STEFFEN, Some Recent Supreme Court In General- Decisions Relating to Negotiable Instru- (May, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 827-62. ments. J. GEFFS and W. M. HEPBURN, Public Fictitious payees-- Authorities and Cooperatives to Promote IN GENERAL-A COMPARATIVE STUDY- the Use of Electricity. (March, 1937) 25 Ky. L. J. 203-29. P. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

W. THAYER, Fictitious Payees in Bills of Exchange: A Comparative Study. Perpetuities Gold clauses- Rule against- See MONEY. See FUTURE INTERESTS. Incorporation by Reference- No-AcTIoN CLAUSES-- Personal Property (Dec. 1936) 2 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 172-91. K. E. 0HI, Whether a No-Action Clause Accession- of a Trust Deed or Mortgage Can Be In- DocTnE IN AUTOMOBILE LAW- corporatedin a Bond or Note 'by Reference. (July, 1936) 70 U. S. L. Rev. 363-9. Notes and Comments: Automobiles and the Negotiability- Law of Accession. ACCELERATION CLAUSES IN CHATTEL AND COLLATERAL NOTES- Bailment leases- (March, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 430-47. STATUS IN PENNSYLVANIA- Notes: Acceleration and Negotiability in (April, 1937) 41 Dickinson L. Rev. 140-4. Chattel Notes and Collateral Notes. A. M. HANKIN, The Present Status of Bailment Leases in Pennsylvania. NOTES PAYABLE IN SPECIFICS- (Feb. 1937) 9 Miss. L. J. 277-92. M. S. Co-tenancy- CULP, Negotiability of Promissory Notes NEW YORK- Payable in Specifies. (Oct. 1936) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 54-62. R. H. SCHNELL, Cotenancy of Personal Property in New York. Gifts of- New Trial -- RELAXATION OF DELIVERY REQUIREmENT Grounds- (Jan. 1937) 6 Fordham L. Rev. 106-22. INADEQUATE DAMAGES - CONSTITUTIONAL- Comments: Relaxation of the Requirement ITY OF STATUTE REFUSING BECAUSE OF- of Delivery in Gifts of Personal Property. (Jan. 1937) 12 Notre Dame Law. 206-19. Jurisdiction- Notes: Damages-Constitutionalityof the OVER TANGIBLE- Indiana Statute Refusing a New Trial Be- (April, 1937) 2 Mo. L. Rev. 171-88. R. cause of the Smallness of Damages. A. LEFLAR, Constitutional Jurisdiction Over Tangible Chattels. Letters- Officers' Reserve Corps RIGHTS IN- (Jan. 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 493-505. Com- Legal status of- ments: Property Rights in Letters. (Jan. 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 162-80. B. COLBY, The Legal Status of Members of Pledges-- the Officers' Reserve Corps. See that title. Personal Rights Oil & Gas Privacy, right of- See MINING LAW. IN GENERAL-PROPOSED RE-DEFINITION OF-- (Aug. 1936) 70 U. S. L. Rev. 435-56. G. DICKLER, The Right of Privacy: A Pro- Partnerships posed Redefinition. NEWSPAPERS AND-- Infant partners- (Feb. 1937) 5 J. B. A. St. Kan. 203-14. (Jan. 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 351-70. E. N. DOAN, The Newspaper and the Right D. E. BENNETT, Rights and Liabilities. of Privacy. Pleading Party Walls In General See RIGHTS IN LAND. Amendments-- EFFECT AFTER STATUTE -OF LIMITATIONS HAS RUN- Patent Law (Nov. 1936) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 128-36. Notes: "Cause of Action" and Amendments Sales contracts-- After the Statute of Limitations Has Run. PATENT CLAUSES IN- (April, 1937) 14 Tenn. L. Rev. 508-18. Demurrers- R. D. SADTLER, Patent Clauses in Sales HISTORY OF- Contracts. (Dec. & Jan. 1936-37) 31 fI1. L. Rev. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

429-62, 596-630. R. W. MILLAR, The For- tunes of the Demurrer. Pledges Pledgor's remedies- History- . ON DEBT- 14 N. Y. U. L EFFECT OF PLEDGEE'S BREACH (Nov. & Jan. 1936-37) (Dec. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 253-73. W. Qu. Rev. 1-27, 197-226. R. W. MILLAR, The New in Civil Pro- F. FARNHAM, Effect of Pledgee's Breach Old Regime and the on Existence of the Debt. cedure. of Duty Code Property in warehouses-- In General- (Jan. 1937) 12 Wash. L. Rev. 20-8. A. DEVELOPMENTS IN PAST FIFTY YEARS- KANE, The Theory of Field Warehousing. (May, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 1017-70. R. W. MILLAR, Notabilia of American Civil Procedure. Pneumonia HISTORY OF- See MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. (Nov. & Jan. 1936-37) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. 1-27, 197-226. R. W. MILLAR, The Old Regime and the New in Civil Procedure. Politics Cause of action- Function of the lawyer- DEFINED-- (Oct. 1936) 22 A. B. A. J. 713-5. LORD (Dec. 1936) 22 Cornell L. Qu. 1-16. C. THANKERTON, Real Status and Function C. WHEATON, The Code "Cause of Ac- of the Lawyer in the Body Politic. tion": Its Definition. (Feb. 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 281-310. 0. L. McCASKILL, The Elusive Cause of Powers Action. Appointment- Counterclaims- DELEGATION OF POWER OF- CRoss-CoiMiPLAINTS AND-- (April, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 938-46. (June, 1937) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 415-58. Notes: Delegation of Powers of Appoint- S. HOWELL, Counterclaims and Cross- ment and the Creation of New Powers by Complaints in California. the Donee. DEVFLOPfTNTS IN- FRAUD ON SPECIAL POWERS OF- (March, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 462-76. (Nov. 1936) 25 Ky. L. J. 3-25. A. H. Legislation: Recent Trends in Joinder of EDLEM, Fraud on Special Powers of Ap- Parties, Causes and Counterclaims. pointment. Fast pleading- INHERITANCE TAXES AND EQUAL PROTEC- (Feb. 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 233-46. TION-MASSACHUSETTS STATUTE- W. W. COOK, "Facts" and "Statement of (April, 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 408-14. Fact". Notes and Comments: G. D. BLEICKEN, Constitutional Law-E q u a l Protection Joinder of causes- Clause-Power of Appointment. (Nov. 1936) 5 Fordham L. Rev. 452-8. E. Q. CARR, Some Aspects of Joinder of Co-executors- Causes. SURVIVAL OF POWER TO SELL LAND--- (Dec. 1936) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 154-74. DEVELOPMENTS IN- (March, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 462-76. A. E. EVANS, The Survival of Powers of Legislation: Recent Trends in Joinder of Joint Executors to Sell Land. Parties,Causes and Counterclaims. Parties- Practice & Procedure WEST VIRGINIA- (Feb. 1937) 43 W. Va. L. Qu. 87-109. In General and State L. CARLIN, Parties to Actions and Suits Error- the Revised Code. Appeal and Under See that title. Theory pleading- MissouRI- Code pleading- (Feb. 1937) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 251-62. See PLEADING. F. L. KUHLMANN, The Theory of a Pleading Under the Missouri Code. Demurrers- See PLEADING. Common Law Declaratory judgments- Trespass on the case- See that title. ORIGIN OF- (May, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1142-76. E. Developments- J. DIX, The Origins of the Action of Tres- DURING PAST FIFTY YEARS- pass on the Case. (May, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 1017-70. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

R. W. MILLAR, Notabilia of American G. G. TYLER, The Origin of the Rule-Mak- Civil Procedure, 1887-1937. ing Power and Its Exercise by Legisla- tures. Discovery- WIscoNsN- Summary judgments- (Dec. 1936) 21 Marquette L. Rev. 1-32. See JUDGMENTS. R. A. McDERMOTT, Discovery Examina- tion Before Trial-History, Scope and Supplementary proceedings - Practice. COLLECTION OF MONEY JUDGMENTS- (Nov. 1936) 36 Colum. L. Rev. 1061-98. History- I. H. COHEN, Collection of Money Judg- (Nov. & Jan. 1936-37) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. ments: Experimentation With Supplemen- Rev. 1-27, 197-226. R. W. MILLAR, The tary Proceedings. Old Regime and the New in Civil Pro- cedure. Verdicts- Jurisdiction- See JURY TRIALS. IN GENERAL- Federal (Jan. 1937) 71 U. S. L. Rev. 17-24. G. M. MOSCOWITZ, Some Aspects of Federal In General- Procedure. (June, 1937) 1 Ky. St. B. J. 15-20. P. B. STATE RATE ORDERS-See ADM. LAW-JU- MILLER, Some Aspects of Our Federal DICIAL REvIEw. Laws and Federal Jurisdiction and Pro- cedure. Jury trials- See that title. Civil Procedure- PROPOSED RULES DISCUSSED- Law and fact- (Nov. 1936) 22 A. B. A. J. 780-9, 809-13, NON-jURY TRIALS- 825. Addresses by: W. D. MITCHELL, E. (Feb. 1937) 4 U. of Chli. L. Rev. 218-32. B. TOLMAN, C. E. CLARK, E. R. FINCH E. R. SUNDERLAND, Findings of Fact and J. H. WIGMORE. and Conclusions of Law in Cases Where (Dec. 1936) 22 A. D. A. J. 881-5. M. Juries Are Waived. CON-BOY, Depositions, Discovery and Sum- Law of the case- mary Judgments. RELATION TO DOCTRINE OF RES .ADUDI- (Dec. & Feb. 1936-37) 43 W. Va. L. CATA- Qu. 23-32, 110-9. F. W. NESBITT, The (Oct. 1936) 70 U. S. L. Rev. 539.46. Notes Proposed Rules for Changes in Federal and Comments: Res Adjudicata and the Practice. Law of the Case. (Feb. 1937) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 103-20. J. A. FEE, The Proposed New Rules for Uni- Lis pendens- form Procedure in the Federal District See that title. Courts. (An address.) Misconduct of counsel- (March, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. .551- (March, 1937) 11 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 260- 76. J. W. MOORE, Federal Rules of Civil 66. Ed. Notes: J. D. NESTROFF,Miscon- Procedure: Some Problems Raised by the duct of Counsel. Preliminary Draft. (April, 1937) 5 Kan. City L. Rev. 192-9. Pleading- J. H. GRIMM, Uniform Rules of Procedure See that title. for the District Courts of the United Reforms- States. ROLE OF COURTS AND JUDICIAL COUNCILS (April, 1937) 11 St. John's L. Rev. 212- IN- 70. W. ILSEN, The Preliminary Draft of (March, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 441-55. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. S. B. WARNER, The Role of Courts and Criminal procedure- Judicial Councils in ProceduralReform. See Cam. L. & PRoc. Res judicata- IN GEmRAL-See that title. Depositions- PROPOSED RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE-- Rules of court- (Dec. 1936) 22 A. B. A. J. 881-5. X. See also COURTS. CONBOY, Depositions, Discovery and Sum- CONSTITUTIONALITY OF- mary Judgments. (Nov. 1936) 25 Georgetown L. J. 173-81. Interpleader- Note: Constitutional Law-Regulation of INHERITANCE TAX DISPUTEs-See IwNm. Court Procedure,Pleading and Practice by Rules of Court. TAXATION-IN GENERAL. REMOVAL OF CAUSES BY- HISTORY OF- Rev. 403-29. (Feb. 1937) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 187-205. (April, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. L. M. HYDE, From Common Law Rules H. W. HOLT, The Federal Interpleader to Rules of Court. Act and Conflict of Laws in Garnishment. OuRIIN OF AND EXERCISE BY LEGisLATuRE- Jury trials- (Nov. 1936) 22 A. B. A. J. 772-5, 817. See that title. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Proposed revisions-- Property ROOSEVELT PLANS OTHER THAN APPOINT- MENT OF ADDITIONAL JUSTICES- Personal- (May, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 967-75. See PERSONAL PROPERTY. Federal Legislation: Procedural Changes in the Federal Judiciary. Special property rights- RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE IN GENERAL- BUSINESS IDEA- See CIVIL PROCEDURE this title. (Nov. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 164-6; (Dec. 1936) 36 Colum. L. Rev. 1375-7. Case Remittitures and additures- Notes: Ryan & Associates, Inc. v. Century DEMIICK v. SCHIEDT DOCTRINE- Brewing Ass'n. (1936) 185 Wash. 600, 55 (March, 1937) 3 Iowa Bar Assn. 54-63. P. (2d) 1053. Bar Section: J. J. CHERNY and C. D. LETTERS- MELOY, Remittitures and Additures. (Jan. 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 493-505. Com- Removal of causes- ments: Property Rights in Letters. CONFUSION IN- Real- (Dec. 1936) 9 Miss. L. J. 188-203. L. C. See CONVEYANCING; REAL PROPERTY and ANDREWS, Federal Removal Confusion. RIGHTS IN LAND. GARNISHMENT PROCEEDINGS- (April, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 403-29. H. Wf. HOLT, Federal Interpleader Act Public Utilities and Conflict of Laws in Garnishment. In General- Summary judgments- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PERIODICALS: PROPOSED RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE- P U B L I C UTILITIES FORTNIGHTLY (Dec. 1936) 22 A. B. A. J. 881-5. M. (Public Utility Reports, Inc.) Munsey CONBOY, Depositions, Discovery and Sum- Building, Washington, D. C. Bi-monthly, mary Judgments. Feb. 21, 1929 to date. Accounting regulations- Presumptions RECENT INNOVATIONS IN- (April, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 955-84. . W. MOREHOUSE, Innovations in Public In General- Utility Accounting Regulations. See EVIDENCE and various subjects in which they arise. Conmmissions- STATE-See STATE ComuiSsIoNS this title. Death- FROM SEVEN YEARS ABSENCE- Cooperative utilities- (Jan. 1937) Bost. U. L. Rev. 186-91. COMMISSION JURISDICTION OVER- Notes and Comments: J. F. DEAMIS, JR., (Jan. 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 411-31. Evidence-Presumption of Death-Proofof I. PACKEL, Commission Jurisdiction Over Death at Specific Time Within Seven Year Utility Cooperatives. Period. POWER DEVELOPMENTS-See also Muzuc. POWER DEVEL. Statutory presumptions- CRIMINAL LAW-See CRIM. L. & Poc. Definitions of- STATUTORY- (March & May, 1937) 12 Notre Dame Principal and Agent Law. 246-94, 373-98. J. GEFFS, Statutory Definitions of Public Utilities and Car- See AGENCY. riers. Developments in law of- (May, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 877-93. Probate Law H. E. 'WILLIS, Significant Changes in Public Utility Law. Adm. of estates- See that title; also EX'RS. & ADx'RS. and Federal courts- TRUSTS AND TRUSTEES. LIMITATIONS OVER STATE REGULATIONS- JOHNSON ACT- Adopted children- (March, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 813-21. INHERITANCE RIGHTS OF- Legislation: The Johnson Act: Defining (Nov. 1936) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 145-54. Leg- a "Plain, Speedy and Efficient" Remedy in islation: Legislation and Decisions on In- the State Courts. heritance Rights of Adopted Children. Interstate carriers-- Oregon code- See that title. SOURCES OF- Rate regulations- (April, 1937) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 271-7. E. TEMPORARY RATES- J. CLARK, Sources of the Oregon Probate (Jan. 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 505-18. Com- and GuardianshipCode. ments: Temporary Utility Rates. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

State commissions- FEDERAL CONTROL- As EXPERT COURTS- (Nov. & Jan. 1937) 12 Notre Dame Law. (Dec. 1936) 15 N. Car. L. Rev. 12-40. 15-39, 134-78. J. E. KELLER, Federal F. W. HANFT, Utilities Co issions as Control of Defamation by Radio. Expert Courts. Elections- ORGANIZATION OF- NATIONAL- (Feb. 1937) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 149-55. Note (Jan. 1937) 11 Temple L. Qu. 213-7. and Comment: T. H. TONGUE III, Ad- Notes and Legislation: Radio Law in Rela- ministrative Law-Public Utilities-Organ- tion to Election of President and Vice-Pres- ization of State Commissions. ident. Fed. Communications Comm.- JUDICIAL REVIEW OF- Quasi-Contracts (May, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 930-48. In General- J. E. KELLER, Judicial Control and the (Nov. 1936) 14 Can. Bar Rev. 758-67. Communications Commission. Case and Comment: Quasi-ContractualLIa- biltty-Unjust Enrichment-Quantum Mer- Railroads uit. (May, 1937) 15 Can. Bar Rev. 331-47. See INTERSTATE CARREs. T. RINFRET, The Doctrine of Unjustified Enrichment in the Law of Quebec. Real Property Building contracts- See CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS. Actions- FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER- Defaulting plaintiff- (Nov. 1936) 12 Notre Dame Law. 76-81. NORTH CARLIA- Notes: J. H. LEVI, Forcible Entry and De- (April, 1937) 15 N. Car. L. Rev. 255-66. taier-Trespass-Assaultand Battery. J. E. MULDER, The Defaulting Plaintiff in North Carolina. Boundaries- See CONh-VEYA1,TCING. Gratuitous promises- (April, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 908-45. Cotenancy- W. L. SHA.TTUCK, Gratuitous Promises- EXCESSIVE CONVEYANCES BY ONE- A New Writ? (Jan. 1937) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 203-12. Comment: L. F. KUECHLER, Cotenancy- Requested benefits- Effect of Conveyances, Leases and Encum- RENDERED UNDER MISTAKE OF FACT- brances of One Cotenant in Excess of His (Jan. 1937) 12 Notre Dame Law. 219-24. Interest-Joint Tenancy-Effect of Lease Notes: A. W. BRICK, JR., Quasi-Contracts as to Severance-Remedies of Cotenants as -Recovery for Benefits Conferred at Re- Against Each Other. quest, But in the Absence of Contract- Su'RvvonsHip IN Ono- Mistake as to a Material Fact. (Dec. 1936) 3 Ohio St. L. J. 48-68. A. T. Roman law of- MARTIN, The Incident of Survivorship (Jan. 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 241-58. M. in Ohio. RADIN, The Roman Law of Quasi-Con- tract. Covenants real- See RIGHTS IN LAND. Sales, law of- QUASI-CONTRACTUAL RECOVERY IN- Equitable servitudes- (April, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 529-71. See that title. A. ANDERSON, Quasi-contractual Recov- Lis pendens- ery7n the Law of Sales. See that title. Sales of- Radio Law See CONVEYANCING. Titles- Broadcasting regulation- See also COxvEYANCIN-G. (Jan. 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 157-97. ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF- A. B. HALEY, The Law on Radio Pro- (Feb. 1937) 22 Cornell L. Qu. 229-39. grams-I. Public Interest in Radio Pro- W. FAIRCHILD, Economic Aspects of grams; II. Defamation by Radio. Land Titles. CANADA- (Feb. 1937) 15 Can. Bar Rev. 93-98. G. Trespass- W. RICHARDSON, A Survey of Canadan By AiBcAFr-See Am LAW. Broadcasting Legislation. Defamation by radio- Receiverships (Dec. 1936) 22 A. B. A. J. 848-52, 878. L. G. CALDWELL, Comment on Current Creditor's cause of action- Problems of the Lai of Communications. WHEN RECEIVER MAY ASSERT- INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

(May, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1229-35. Notes: Power of Receiver for Corporation to As- Rights in Land sert Cause of Action Vested Solely in Cred- itor. Air space- FLIGHT BY AIRCRAFT-See AIR LAW. Mortgages- FORECLOSURE RECEIVERSHIPS IN KEN- Covenants- TUCKY- RUNNING WITH THE LAND-See REAL Cov- (Nov. 1936) 25 Ky. L. J. 26-37. M. R. ENANTS. GLENN, Foreclosure Receiverships in Ken- Easements- tucky. RECIPROCAL-NATURE OF- Tort claims in- (Dec. 1936) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 114-20. Com- (Nov. 1936) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 60-105. F. ments: J. R. FRAMPTON, Reciprocal Ease- C. UNDERHAY, Tort Claims in Receiver- ments-Natural Rights or Incorporeal In- ships and Reorganizations. terests in Land? Equitable servitudes- See also REAL COVENANTS this title. Res Ipsa Loquitur IN GENERAL-CALIFORNIA- (March, 1937) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 281- In General- 95. W. E. BURBY, Land Burdens in Cal- CALIFORNIA- ifornia: Equitable Land Burdens. (Jan. 1937) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 166-87. IN GENERAL-ENGLAND- C. E. CARPENTER, The Doctrine of Res (April, 1937) 53 Law. Qu. Rev. 259-64. Ipsa Loquitur in California. C. V. DAVIDGE, Equitable Easements. (June, 1937) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 459-66. W. L. PROSSER, Res Ipsa Loquitur: A Nuisances- Reply to Professor Carpenter. AICRAFTI-See AIR LAW. (June, 1937) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 467-73. Party walls- C. E. CARPENTER, Res Ipsa Loquitur: REPLACEMENT AND REMOVAL- A Rejoinder to Professor Prosser. (April, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 976-82. NEW YORK- Comments: C. W. ALLEN, Party Walls- (Dec. 1936) 22 Cornell L. Qu. 39-63. M. Replacement and Removal. F. ROSENTHAL, The Procedural Effects of Res Ipsa Loquitur in New York. Real Covenants- (April, 1937) 11 St. John's L. Rev. 280-9. CONDITIONAL ESTATES AND- Notes and Comments: M. R. WYNNE, The (Jan. 1937) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. Doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitur in New 162-96. W. F. WALSH, Conditional Estates York. and Covenants Running With the Land. PENNSYLVANIA- Restrictive covenants- (Jan. 1937) 11 Temple L. Qu. 191-211. IN GENERAL- P. L. GETTYS, The Res Ipsa Loquitur (Nov. 1936) 18 The Bell Yard, 4-13. G. Rule as Applied in Pennsylvania. R. Y. RADCLIFFE, Restrictive Covenants. BENEFIT RUNNING WITH THE LAP]- Procedural effects- (Sept. 1936) 14 Can. Bar Rev. 628-32. IN GENERAL-NEW YORK- Case and Comment: H. A. DYDE, Restric- (Dec. 1936) 22 Cornell L. Qu. 39-63. M. tive Covenants Affecting Land- Benefit F. ROSENTHAL, The Procedural Effects Running With the Land. of Res Ipsa Loquitur in New York. ENFORCEMIENT OF- As A RULE OF PLEADING- (Oct. 1936) 3 The Solicitor, 225-6. Con- (May, 1937) 11 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 375-9. veyancing: The Enforcement of Restrictive Ed. Notes: F. P. HARGETT, Res Ipsa Covenants. Loquitur as a Rule of Pleading. NECESSITY OF A BUILDING SCHEME- DIRECTED VERDICTS- (Oct. 1936) 52 Law Qu. Rev. 467-70. (Dec. 1936) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 100-9. Notes: Restrictive Covenants Where No Notes: M. J. GARDEN, Directing a Ver- Building Scheme. dict for Plaintiff in Res Ipsa Loquitur Cases. Spite fences- REGULATIONS- (May, 1937) 25 Ky. L. J. 356-64. Notes: Res Judicata J. S. FREELAND, Statutory Regulation of Spite Fences in American Jurisdictions. Federal tax cases-- See TAXATION. Sales Law of the case- Bulk sales- RELATION TO DOCTRINE OF RES JSUDICATA- (Oct. 1936) 70 U. S. L. Rev. 53946. Notes See that title. and Comment: Res Judicata and the Law Buyer's remedies-- of the Case. PREPAYMENT OF PURCHASE PRICE- INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

(April, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 630-47. rent Cases: Gross v. Loft, Inc. (1936) - Notes: The Effect of Prepayment Upon the Conn. -, 185 Atl. 80. Buyer's Right to the Goods. (Dec. 1936) 3 Ohio St. L. J. 106-8. Notes RECOUPM1ENT FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY- and Comments: R. W. VANDEMARK, (Nov. 1936) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 118-28. Sales-Implied Warranties of Food Sold Notes: Recoupment for Breach of War- in a Restaurant-Sale or Service-Joinder ranty. of Actions. REcIssIoN FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY- (Jan. 1937) 2 Mo. L. Rev. 73-8. Com- (Feb. 1937) 43 W. Va. L. Qu. 134-40. ments: E. HUNTER, Liability of Manu- Ed. Note: Recission for Breach of Seller's facturer to Consumer for Personal In- Warranty. juries Resulting from Unwholesome Food and Beverages. Consumer protection- (Jan. 1937) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 188-94. See also WARRANTY THIS TITLE. Comments: A. B. ARMSTRONG, Liabili- IN GENERAL- ties of Restaurant Owner for Fitness of (May, 1936) 36 Colum. L. Rev. 699-744, Food Served. (March, 1937) 37 Ibid., 341-409. K. N. (Feb. 1937) 9 Miss. L. J. 365-76. Notes: LLEWELLYN, Warranty of Quality and C. R. GALLOWAY, The Implied Warranty Society. That Food Will Be Fit to Eat. (Jan. 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 77-86. (April, 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 462-7. Notes: The Marketing Structure and Judi- Notes and Comments: A. L. ROSEN, Sales cial Protection of the Consumer. -Breach of Warranty. (June, 1937) 14 Tenn. L. Rev. 646-9. EFFECT OF ADVERTISEMENTS- Student Case Notes: Sales-Implied (Dec. 1936) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 113-5. War- ranty of Bottled Beverage. Comment on Recent Decisions: Chanin v. Chevrolet Motor Co. (N. D. Ill., 1935) 15 MERGER CLAUSES, EFFECT OF- F. Supp. 57. (Note: Case repudiates Baxter (May, 1937) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 446-55. v. Ford Motor Co.) Ed. Notes: The Merger Clause and Its (April, 1937) 22 Wash. U. L. Q. 406-25. Application to Fraud. Notes: R. L. SCHNEIDER, Effect of Ad- Protection of consumer in gen- vertising on the Manufacturers' Liability. eral- MANUFACTURER'S LIABILITY IN TORT-See See CONSUMER PROTECTION this title. also TORTS. RIGHTS OF REMOTE VENDEES- (Feb. 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 315-25. School Law Notes: Sales-Manufacturers and Dealers -Liability of a Supplier of Goods to One In General- Other Than His Immediate Vendee. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PERIODICALS: YEARBOOK OF SCHOOL LAW (Ameri- Credit in general- can Council on Education) 744 Jackson See CREDIT TRANSACTIONS. Place, Washington, D. C. Yearly, 1933 to Quasi-contractual recovery in- date. (April, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 529-71. A. Tort liability- ANDERSON, Quasi-Contractual Recovery (1937) Yearbook of School Law, 77-83. in the Law of Sales. R. M. LOCHENOUR, The Tort Liability of Real Property- School Districts and School Personnel. See CONVEYANCING. Risk of loss- Securities Regulation See VENDOR & PURCHASER. In General Seller's remedies- Corporate debentures- REFUSAL TO ACCEPT GOODS- PROTECTION FOR HOLDERS- (May, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 716-37. (Nov. 1936) 46 Yale L. J. 97-116. Com- Notes: Sales-Seller's Remedies-Refusal ments: Protection for Debenture of the Buyer to Accept the Goods-Seler's Holders. Measure of Damages. National-state cooperation- (Feb. 1937) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 718-33. J. W. Warranties- KEARNS, Coordination of Securities Acts. IN GENERAL- (April, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. (May, 1937) 15 Can. Bar Rev. 309-30. 241-55. Sym. Art.: R. A. SMITH, The Re- J. L. MONTROSE, Conditions, Warranties lation of Federal and State Securities and Other Contractual Terms. Laws. DEATH AS A RESULT OF BREACH OF-See Federal WRONGFUL DEATH. Corporate trust indentures- DISCLAIMER oF--See EXCULPATION. PROTECTION OF HOLDERS- FooD- (Nov. 1936) 46 Yale L. J. 97-116. Com- (Sept. 1936) 70 U. S. L. Rev. 533-4. Cur- ments: Protection for Debenture Holders. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

SEC. & EXCH. COMMISSION AND- PROMOTERS AND- (Dec. 1936) 36 Colum. L. Rev. 1197-1235. (Nov. 1936) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 66-79. B. H. C. McCOLLOM, The Securities and Ex- MacCHESNEY, The Securities Act and the change Commission and Corporate Trus- Promoter. tees. REGISTnATION- Federal acts- (Jan. 1937) 4 Law. & Contemp. Probs. EFFECT ON HIGH FINANCE- 19-31. Sym. Art.: R. W. GOLDSCHMIDT, (May, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 785-816. Registration Under the Securities Act of Notes: High Finance in the 'Twenties: The 1983. 4 Law. & Contemp. Probs. United Corporation (I). (April, 1937) 154-90. Sym. Art.: A. H. DEAN, The Law- Pub. Utility Holding Co. Act- yer's Problem in the Registration of Se- CONSTITUTIONALITY OF- curities. (April, 1937) 23 Ya. L. Rev. 678-92. REGISTRATION STATEMENTS- Notes: The Constitutionality of the Public (Nov. 1936) 31 I1. L. Rev. 369-79. Notes Utility Holding Company Act of 1985. and Comments: Withdrawal of Registra- TERMS OF SECURITY OFFERINGS UNDER- tion Statements-The Jones Case. (April, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1058-64. RELATION OF SEC. & EXCH. ACT OF 1934- Notes: Regulation of the Terms of Security (April, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. Offerings Under the Public Utility Holding 256-68. Sym. Art.: J. HANNA, The Securi- Company Act of 1985. ties Exchange Act as Supplementary of the Securities Act of 1933- Securities Act. IN GENERAL- & Exchange Act- (Sept. 1936) 2 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 105-20. Securities Lecture Digest: A. D. CHILGREN, The (Sept. 1936) 2 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 145-9. Federal Securities Act of 1988, as Amended. J. HALSTED, Securities and Exchange Act (Jan. & April, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. of 1934 Regulating Stock Exchanges, Trad- Probs. 1-270. Symposium: Three Years of ing in Securities, etc., Under Administra- the Securities Act. (Note: These two is- tion of the Securities and Exchange Com.- sues contain articles on all phases of the mission. Securities Act.) EFFECT ON MARKET MANIPULATIONS- Pitts. L. Rev. ACCOUNTING ASPECTS OF- (Oct. & Dec. 1936) 3 U. of J. H. MATHIAS, Manipulative (April, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. 7-31, 104-18. 191-217. Sym. Art.: T. H. SANDERS, Ac- Practices and the Securities Exchange Act. L. 624-47. Com- counting Aspects of the Securities Act. (Feb. 1937) 46 Yale 3. ments: Market Manipulation and the Se- CORPORATE REORGANIZATIONS AND- curities Exchange Act. (April, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. 218-40. Sym. Art.: A. FORTAS, The Se- RELATION TO SECURITIES ACT- 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. curities Act and Corporate Reorganization. (April, 256-68. Sym. Art.: J. HANNA, The Securi- EXEMPTION PROBLEMS UNDER- ties Exchange Act as Supplementary of (Jan. 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. the Securities Act. 89-127. Sym. Art.: A. E. THROOP and C. T. LANE, Some Problems of Exemption Securities & Exchange Com.- Under the Securities Act of 1988. IN GENERAL- FULL DISCLOSURE UNDER- (Jan. 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. (April, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. 3-18. Sym. Art.: A. C. JOHNSON and A- 133-53. Sym. Art.: B. MacCHESNEY and JACKSON, The Securities and Exchange R. H. O'BRIEN, Full Disclosure Under the Commission: Its Organization and Func- Securities Act. tions Under the Securities Act of 1983. INEFFECTIVE ISSUES- CORPORATE TRUSTEES AND- (Jan. 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. (Dec. 1936) 36 Colum. L. Rev. 1197-1235. 32-43. Sym. Art.: E. G. GALE, A Study H. C. McCOLLOM, The Securities and Ex- of Ineffective Investment Trust and Pre- change Commission and Corporate Trus- cious Metal Mining Issues. tees. INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS- INVESTIGATING POWERS- (Jan. 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. (Nov. 1936) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 126-28 80-8. Sym. Art.: C. J. KUHN, The Securi- 23 Va. L. Rev. 88-9. Case Notes: Jones v. ties Act and Its Effect Upon the Institu- Securities Exchange Commission (1936) tional Investor. 298 U. S. 1, 80 L. Ed. 423, 56 Sup. Ct. 497. INVESTMENT BANKING- (Jan. 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. State 44-71. Sym. Art.: P. P. GOURRICH, In- vestment Bank-Ing Methods Priorand Since Stockholder's liability- the Securities Act of 1988. EFFECT OF VOID 'WATERED STOCK- (Jan. 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. (Nov. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 108-19. 72-9. Sym. Art.: G. E. BATES, Some Ef- Comments: Corporation-Statutes Declar- fects of the Securities Act Upon Invest- ing Watered Stock Void-Effect Upon the ment Banking Practices. Stockholder's Liability to Creditors. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

sation-State and Federal Social Security Social Security Act Act. CoNsTnrUoT0 YAlrr-Nsw YoRK STATUTE- In General- (Nov. 1936) 5 Fordham L. Rev. 499-504; BIMoRAPHY OF PERIODICALS: 31 Ill. L. Rev. 386-90; 14 N. Y. L. THE S 0 C I A L SECURITY ANALYST Qu. Rev. So. La 95-6; 11 St. John's L. Rev. 110-2; (Dec. (The Foundation Press, Inc.) 11 1936) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 97-8; (Jan. 1937) Salle Street, Chicago. Monthly, Jan. to 25 Georgetown L. J. 467-70; 5 Geo. Wash. March, 1937, and weekly to date. L. Rev. 276-7. Case Notes: W. H. H. Cham- Constitutionality of- berlin, Inc. v. Andrews (1936) 271 N. Y. (Sept. 1936) 2 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 84-98. 1, 2 N. E. (2d) 22. - Comments: B. E. SEIDL, Some Observa- CONSTITUTIONALITY-STATE LAWS- tions on the Constitutionality of the Fed- (April, 1937) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 344-56. eral and State Social Securities Program. T. H. ELIOT, Some Constitutional Aspects (Nov. 1936) 11 Temple L. Qu. 1-10. B. of S t a te Unemployiment Compensation R. TRIMBLE, Social Security and Consti- Laws. tutional Reform. (May, 1937) 9 Miss. L. J. 407-26. T. A. COWAN, The Social Security Act and Free Sovereign Immunity Judicial Choice. Commercial paper- Discussion of- (Oct. 1936) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 1-24. S. (Dec. 1936) 2 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 303-19. R. WACHTELL, Sovereign Immunity Lecture Digest: J. D. BLACK, Application and Its Application to Commercial Paper. of the Social Security Acts. (Dec. 1936) 8 N. Y. St. Bar Assn. Bul. Courts of claims- 224-33. T. H. ELIOT, The New Social Se- IN GENERAL--ILLINois- curity Law. (April, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 442-61. (Dec. 1936) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 45-68. Notes: The Court of Claims Act in Illinois. G. ABBOTT, The Social Security Act and Relief. Germany- EFFECT OF EXPULSION OF JEws UPON OBLI- Employees, who are-- GATIONS- LIFE INSURANCE SOLICITOR-- (Jan. 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 102-29. (May, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 894-929. Notes and Comments: J. H. KLEIN, Con- A. J. BUSCHECK, Life Insurance Solicitor flict of Laws-Contracts-4urisdiction- -Employee or Independent Contractor? Public Policy. Old age and welfare provisions- Government corporations- (April, 1936) 3 Law & Contemp. Probs. IN GENERAL- 173-334. Symposium: The Old-Age Security (June, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 778-94. and Welfare Titles of the Social Security 0. R. McGUIRE, Some Problems Arising Act. From Government Corporations. Proposed revisions-- Mob violence- (March, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 690-9. (May, 1937) 6 Fordham L. Rev. 270-83. Federal Legislation: Proposed Amend- Legislation: Liability of a Municipality for ments to the Social Security Act. Mob Violence. Unemployment insurance- Tort liability- (Jan. 1937) 3 Law & Contemp. Probs. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE FUNCTIONS- 1-172. Symposium: Unemployment Com- (April, 1937) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 250-70. pensation. J. D. BARNETT, The Foundations of the (Feb. 1937) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 236-50. Distinction Between Public and Private Notes: J. H. WEAR, Compulsory Unem- Functions in Respect to the Common-Law ployment Insurance Under the Social Se- Tort Liability of Municipal curity Act. Corporations. CoNsTTUTIoNA=IT'r-II GENERAL- Unconstitutional legislation- (Dec. 1936) 8 N. Y. St. B. Assn. Bul. SUITS TO ENJOIN- 215-23. H. EPSTEIN and J. C. CRARY, (April, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 956-63. JR., Unemployment Insurance, Constitu- Notes: Sovereign Immunity in Suits to tional Aspects. Enjoin the Enforcement of Unconstitution- (March, 1937) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 253- al Legislation. 80. J. A. PIKE, Unemployment Insurance and Worl-men's Compensation. (April, 1937) 21 Marquette L. Rev. 138- Stare Decisis 41. Notes: R. S. HOAR, Constitutional Law-Unemployment Insurance-Effect of British courts- Four to Four Decisions. (April, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 946-67. (May, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 1060-3. J. A. FAIRLIE, The Doctrine of Stare Recent Decisions: Unemployment Compen- Decisis in British Courts of Last Resort. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Interstate Commerce Commis- Interpretation- sion- LEGISLATIVE MATERIALS- (March, 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 543- (Jan. 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 235-42. 79. W. H. PITTMAN, The Doctrine of Ed. Notes: K. M. McMANES, Effect of Precedents and the Interstate Commerce Legislative History on Judicial Decision. Commission. (March, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 822-6. Legislation: Legislative Materials to Aid Modifications in- Statutory Interpretation. (March, 1937) 11 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 266- 72. Ed. Notes: F. J. TRIEST, Modifica- tions of the Doctrine of the Law of the Sterilization Laws Case. (Jan. 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 246-60. Philippine Islands- Notes and Comments: F. R. SCHOEN- (April, 1937) 16 Philippine L. J. 404-19. BACH, Sterilization Laws-Their Consti- E. L. Y. MINA, The Doctrine of Stare tutionality--Their Social and Scientific Decisis and the Supreme Court of the Phil- Basis. ippine Islands. Succession States See DESCENT & DISTRIB. Compacts between- See INTERSTATE COOPERATION. Supreme Court Decisions, Review of- Statute of Frauds See also CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. See following periodicals: Part performance- AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION JOUR- See EQUITy. NAL, GEORGETOWN LAW JOURNAL, UNITED STATES LAW WEEK. Departments in- Statute of Limit. DISCUSSED- (April, 1937) 71 U. S. L. Rev. 194-6. Decedent's estates- Notes and Comments: The Objection That CLAIMS AGAINST--See ADM. OF ESTATES. the Supreme Court May Not Function in Pleadings- Decisions. AMENDMENT AFTER STATUTE HAS RUN- (Nov. 1936) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 128-36. History of Court and Members- Notes: "Cause of Action" and Amendments (March, 1937) 9 N. Y. St. B. A. BDu. After the Statute of Limitations Has Run. 46-55. G. R. FARNUM, The Constitution and the Higher Court. Quasi-contracts-- MISsIssIPPI- Jefferson and the- (Feb. 1937) 9 Miss. L. J. 349-56. Notes: (Jan. 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 81-9. C. T. COFFMAN, The Statute of Limita- R. E. IRETON, Jefferson and the Supreme tions as Applied to Quasi-Contracts in Mis- Court. sissippi. Original actions- DETERMINING DOMICILE- Statutes (May, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1235-42. Notes: Determination of Domicile for Inheritance Bill-styling- Tax Purposes by an Original Action in the EFFECT OF CONSTITUTIONAL RESTRAINTS United States Supreme Court. ON- Proposed revisions- (Spring, 1937) 2 U. of Newark L. Rev. IN GENERAL, 1937- 25-63. T. SINCLAIR, The Operation of (Feb. 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 212-26. a Constitutional Restraint on Bill-Styling. 0. K. FRAENKEL, What Can Be Done About the Constitution and the Supreme Inconsistent enactments- Court? CONSTRUCTION OF- (Feb. 1937) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 121-34. R. H. (Feb. 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 292-302. Notes: Repeal of Amendment Implied from WOLCOTT, Accelerator or Brakes? (Plus Later a Discussion Panel.) Inconsistent Enactment. (Feb. 1937) 4 The Solicitor, 31-2. Com- Incorporation by reference- mon Law: The American Supreme Court DELEGATION OF POWER BY- on Trial. (Jan. 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 198- (Feb. & April, 1937) 71 U. S. L. Rev. 222. J. W. BRABNER-SMITH, Incorpora- 61-73, 196-8. Notes and Comments: The tion by Reference and Delegation of Power, Presidenzt and the Court. Validity of "Reference" Legislation. (March, 1937) 16 Cong. Dig. 66-96. Pro INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

and Con: Roosevelt's Supreme Court Plan. Symbols and- (March, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 762-87. (June, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1290-1319. K. B. FITE and L. B. RUBINSTEIN, Curb- M. LERNER, Constitution and Court as ing the Supreme Court-State Experiences Symbols. and Federal Proposals. (March, 1937) 3 Ohio St. L. J. 125-44. Tax burden of- R. M. HUNTER, Shall the Supreme (Nov. 1936) 5 Fordham L. Rev. 426-51. Court C. L. B. LOWNDES, The Tax Burden of Have New Blood? the Supreme Court, 1985 Term. (March, 1937) 3 Ohio St. L. J. 145-60. R. R. MARTIG, New Glasses for Old Eyes Unwritten law and- to Use. (April, 1937) 17 Bos. U. L. Rev. 388-93. (March, 1937) 71 U. S. L. Rev. 121-7. E. A. HARRIMAN, The Supreme Court Notes and Comment: Constitutional and and the Unwritten Law. Other Questions Suggested by the Presi- dent's Judiciary Bills. Suretyship (March, 1937) 71 U. S. L. Rev. 139-49. C. E. CARPENTER, The President and Collateral Securities-. the Court. SURETY'S RIGHT TO- (April, 1937) 23 A. B'. A. J. 233-80. (May, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1242-6. Notes: Symposium on the Supreme Court Issue. Availability to a Surety of Collateral Se- (April, 1937) No. 122 () Bar curities Held by the Creditor. Bul. 1-30. (Supreme Court Issue.) Corporate sureties- (April, 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 281-92. (Nov. 1936) 5 Fordham L. Rev. 473-83. G. R. FARNUM, The Constitution and the Comments: The Contract of the Corporate Embattled Court. (An address.) Surety. (April, 1937) 22 Cornell L. Qu. 299-348. Defenses- H. W. EDGERTON, The Incidence of Ju- AvA3LABILTY OF PRNcCIPATS TO SURETY- dicial Control Over Congress. (March, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 833-55. Ed- (April, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 481-511; itorial: The Availability of a PrincipaPs 5 Kan. City. L. Rev. 151-83. L. I. PER- Defense RIGO, The Federal Judiciary: An Anal- to His Uncompensated Surety. ysis of Proposed Revisions. Guaranty- (April, 1937) 43 W. Va. L. Qu. 171-83. D IsTINUISHED FROM SURETYSHEM- J. H. HATCHER, Some Vital Principles of (June, 1937) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 371- the American Constitutional Government. 414. J. M. CORMACK and N. G. McCAR- (An address.) ROLL, The Distinction Between Surety- (April, 1937) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 313-36. ship and Guaranty in States Having the J. P. CLARK, Some Recent Proposals for Field Code Provisions. Constitutional Amendment. Insolvency- (May, 1937) 23 A. B. A. J. 315-68, also 381-94. CO-DEBTORS, HOW TREATED IN- Symposium on Supreme Court Is- (May, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 1099-1122. sue. F. T. HANSON, Insolvency-The Co-Debtor (May, 1937) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 389-412. as a Factor in D. 0. McGOVENEY, Reorganization of the Distribution. Supreme Court. Letters of credit and- (May, 1937) 6 Fordham L. Rev. 179-89. (Dec. & Jan. 1936-37) 85 U. of Pa. L. I. M. WILKINSON, The President's Plan Rev. 175-201, 261-95. M. C. CAMPBELL, Respecting the Supreme Court. Guaranties and the Suretyship Phases of (May, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 659-77. Letters of Credit. A. T. MASON, Politics and the Supreme Notice due a guarantor- Court: President Roosevelt's Proposal. (Feb. 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 529-64. M. (May, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 678-89. C. CAMPBELL, The Notice Due to a Guar- T. R. WHITE, Disturbing the Balance. (June, 1937) 23 A. B. A. J. 401-24, plus. antor. (Miscellaneous materials and articles on Release in law of mortgages- the President's Proposal.) (April, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 469-79. (, 1937) 4 U. S. Law Week, Sup- Notes: Suretyship Releases in the Law of plement. Majority Report of Senate Ju- Mortgages. diciary Committee on Bill for Reorganiza- tion of Federal Judiciary. Taxation Split decisions- TABLE OF CASES iN wH cH LAWS WERE In- In General VALTDATED- Corporations- (May, 1937) 23 A. B. A. J. 329-34. C. J. CONSTITUTIONALITY OF TAXES ON- SHERN, JR., Split Decisions in the Su- (Dec. & Jan. 1936-37) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 463- preme Court in Invalidating Federal and 98, 567-95. J. B. SHOLLEY, Corporate State Enactments and Attempted Exercises Taxpayers and the E q u a I Protection of Powers, 1938-1937. Clause. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

TRUSTS TAXABLE AS- G. S. HILLS, Federal Taxation v. Cor- (Dec. 1936) 5 Kan. City L. Rev. 27-35. poration Law. A. F. HILLIX, Trusts Constituting Associ- ations Taxable as Corporations. Estate taxes- See INHERITANCE TAXATION. Income taxation- See that title. Res judicata in tax cases- (June, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1320-58. E. N. Inheritance taxes-- GRISWOLD, Res Judicata in Federal Tax See INHERITANCE TAXATION. Cases. Injunctions- Undistributed profits tax- FEDERAL COURTS-POWER TO ENSOIN COI, See INCOME TAXATION. LECTION OF STATE AND LOCAL TAXES- (July, 1936) 70 U. S. L. Rev. 371-84. M. State PEPPER, Enjoining the Collection of State Double taxation- and Local Taxes in the Federal Courts. DUE PROCESS CLAUSE AS LIMITATION ON- (Dec. 1936) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 132-4. (May, 1937) 5 J. B. A. St. Kan. 310-25. Comment on recent decisions: Huston, etc., L. R. SMITH, The Due Process Clause v. Iowa Soap Co. (C. C. A. 8th, 1936) 85 as a Safeguard Against Multiple State Tax- F. (2d) 649, 4 U. S. L. Week, 85. ation. WINDFALL TAXES- Judicial relief- (Jan. 1937) 25 Ky. L. J. 133-41. L. BRAH- ILLINOIS- KAHN, Injunctions in Federal Tax Cases (April, 1937) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 993-1027. With Special Reference to the Windfall H. F. CAREY and D. M. SCHUYLER, Tax. The Illinois Taxpayer's "Day in Court". Intergovernmental- Jurisdiction to tax- IN GENERAL- DIVIDENDS AND STOCK PROFITS- (March, 1937) 15 Chicago-Kent Rev. 87- (Jan. & March, 1937) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 112. C. J. HYNNING, Intergovernmental 139-69, 285-309. A. L. HARDING, State Taxation. Jurisdiction to Tax Dividends and Stock Profits to STATE TAXATION OF FEDERAL INSTRUMEN- Natural Persons. TALITIES- DOMICILE VERSUS SITUS AS BASIS FOR- (Nov. 1936) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 39-59. H. (Dec. 1936) 12 Ind. L. J. 87-103. R. C. W. STOKE, State Taxation of Federal In- BROWN, Domicile versus Situs as the strumentalities. Basis of Tax Jurisdiction. (April, 1937) 11 Temple L. Qu. 383-95. FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT- Notes and Legislation: State Taxation of (Jan. 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 448-62. Federal "Proprietary" Instrumentalities. Notes: L. F. DANTE, Jurisdiction to Tax (May, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 1193-5. Under the Fourteenth Amendment. Recent decisions: Taber v. Indian Terri- INTANGIBLES OF A FOREIGN CORPORATION- tory Ill. Oil Co. (1937) - U. S. -, 81 (April, 1937) 43 W. Va. L. Rev. 221-4. L. Ed. *368, 57 Sup. Ct. 334. Student Notes: Power of a State to Tax (June, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 922-42. Intangibles of a Foreign Corporation. Notes: Potential Limitations of the Im- PERSONAL PROPERTY-See munity of Federal Agencies from State also PERSONAL Taxation. PROPERTY. Municipal taxes- Judicial relief- See MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS. IN GENERAL- (April, 1937) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 993-1027. H. Occupation taxes-- F. CAREY and D. M. SCHUYLER, The Illi- RETAILERS-ILLINOIS- nois Taxpayer's "Day in Court". (Feb. 1937) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 741-53. M. PHILIPSBORN, JR., The Illinois INJUNCTION-See that heading this title. Supreme Court and the Retailers' Occupation Tax. TAX rURDEN OF THE SUPREME COURT- (Nov. 1936) 5 Fordham L. Rev. 426-51. Sales taxes- C. L. B. LOWNDES, The Tax Burden of COMMERCE CLAUSE AND-- the Supreme Court, 1985 Term. (Nov. 1936) 10 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 351-65. T. C. LAVERY and T. W. MAXSON, State Municipalities- ,gales Taxation and the Commerce Clause. See MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS. COMMERCE CLAUSE AND--A PLAN TO AVOID Windfall taxes- LEAKAGE- See INCOME TAXATION. (March, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 714- Federal 25. Notes: J. W. AHERN, State Sales and Use Taxes-A Plan to Protect Against In General- Revenue Leakage Through Extrastate or REVENUE ACTS-See INCO51E TAXATION- Interstate Sales. FEDERAL. COMMERCE CLAUSE AND - COMPENSATING Corporate practice and- TAX- (April, 1937) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 280-312. (Nov. 1936) 36 Colum. L. Rev. 1179-81, INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 149-51. Case Notes: Consumer protection- Northern Pacific Ry. Co. v. Henneford (E. See MANFACTURER'S LIABILITY this title; D. Wash. 1936) 15 F. Supp. 302. and SALES. LocAL-LEGAL PHASES OF- Contract relations- (Nov. 1936) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. 28- 58; cont'd in (May, 1937) 2 Legal Notes See also EQuI. on Local Gov't. 329-32. M. BAUM, Legal INDUCING BREACH OF- Phases of Local Sales Tax. (Oct. 1936) 52 Law Qu. Rev. 494-529. H. LAUTERPACHT, Contracts to Break Uniformity requirement- a Contract. ExcisE TAXES-KENTUCKY- INDUCING BREACH OF-QUASI-CONTRACT AS (May, 1937) 25 Ky. L. 3. 342-54. E. G. ALTERNATIVE REMEDY- TRIMBLE, Excise Taxes and the Uniform- (Nov. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 161-4. Re- ity Clause of the Constitution of Ken- cent Decisions: Quasi-contract as Alterna- tucky. tive Remedy for Inducing Breach of Tort [Contract]. INTERFERENCE WITH FORMATION- Time (Dec. 1936) 6 Brooklyn L. Rev. 238-43. Standard- Notes: Preventing the Formation of a (March, 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 779- Contract. 90. Sym. Art.: W. H. KNIGHT, Standard Comparative negligence- Time In the United States. IN GENERAL- (Dec. 1936) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 1-18. C. 0. GREGORY, Loss Distribution by Com- Title Insurance parative Negligence. LOUISIANA- See CONVEYANCING. (Dec. 1936) 11 Tulane L. Rev. 112-26. Comments: H. HILLYER, Comparative Torts Negligence in Louisiana. Criminal negligence- In General- See MANSLAUGHTER. DEVELOPMENTS DURING PAST FIFTY YEARS- Defamation- (March, 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 725-48. See that title. F. H. BOHLEN, Fifty Years of Torts. Economic duress- DEVELOPMENTS SINCE THE RESTATEMENT- See that title. (April, 1937) 23 A. B. A. J. 291-5. 0. W. BRANCH, Intentional Harms and, Neg- Electricity- ligence Since the Restatement of Torts. LiABIIY OF SUPPLIRS OF- (April, 1937) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 357-81. SOVIET TORT LAW- L. W. FEEZER, Liability of Suppliers of (Nov. 1936) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 1-38. A. B. Electricity. HOLMAN and M. SPINNER, Basis of Lia- bility for Tortious Injury in Soviet Law. Emotional disturbances-- IN GENERAL-MISSoUni- Amusement centers- (Jan. 1937) 2 MO. L. Rev. 67-73. Com- Lunn=rrT TO PATRONS- ments: W. G. MAUPIN, Liability in Mis- (Nov. 1936) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 67-77. souri for the Physical Consequences Re- Comments: J. HALL, Torts-Voluntary As- sulting from Emotional Disturbance. sumption of Risk - Contributory Negli- FRIGHT INJURIES- gence-Injuries to Patrons at Places of (April, 1937) 2 Mo. L. Rev. 251-3. Recent Amusement. cases: Mitnick v. Whalen Bros., Inc. (1932) (April, 1937) 17 Best. U. L. Rev. 485-94. 115 Conn. 165, 163 Atl. 414. Notes and Comments: F. S. HALL, Torts- Amusements-Assumption of Risk. NEW THEORY FoR RECOVERY- (Dec. 1936) 9 Miss. L. J. 228-34. Notes: Assumption of risk- F. C. BERGER, Emotional Disturbance DEFENSE TO ACTIONS BY DEPENDENTS- and Resulting Physical Injuries-A New (Nov. 1936) 53 So. Afri. L. J. 413-26. Theory for Recovery. R. G. McKERRON, Voluntary Assumption False imprisonment- of Risk as a Defense to an Action by Dependents. See that title. HIospitals- Attractive nuisances- See that title. See that title. Host-guest relationship- Automobiles- ASSUMPTION OF RIsK-WIscoNsIN- See that title. (April, 1937) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 376-84. Comments: C. M. BYSE, Negligence--As- Claims against the state-- sumption of Risk-The Host-guest Rela- See SOVEREIGN I.mmuxNy. tionship. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

AUTOAIOBILEs-See that title. tric Co. (Mo. App. 1936) 97 S. W. (2d) 849. Imputed negligence- BENEFICIARY OF CAUSE OF ACTION- Officers- (Sept. 1936) 24 Calif. L. Rev. 739-42. LIABILITY OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS- Recent Decisions: Torts-Contributory Neg- See ADMINISTRATI VE LAW. ligence of Husband as a Bar to Recovery STATUS IN PREMIISES- by Wife. (May, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 1157-63. (Sept. 1936) 70 U. S. L. Rev. 502-15. Comments: Torts-Are Firemen and Po- Contributory Negligence of Beneficiary of licemen Licensees or Invitees? Death Action. Privacy, right of- Joint torts- See PERSONAL RIGHTS. CONTRIUTION-See that title. Proximate cause- LIABILITY FOR- (May, 1937) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 413-43. IN GENERAL-MINNESOTA- W. L. PROSSER, Joint Torts and Several (Dec. 1936) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 19-69. W. Liability. L. PROSSER. The Minnesota Court on Proximate Cause. Last clear chance- FEDERAL COURTS AND- Res Ipsa Loquitur- (March, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 816-24. See that title. N. EVANS, The "Last Clear Chance" Doc- School Districts- trine in the Federal Courts. See that title. Liability without fault- Slander- RYLANDS V. FLETCHER- See DEFAMATION. (Nov. 1936) 14 Can. Bar. Rev. 775-9. Sidewalks- Case and Comment: Rule in Rylavds v. ICE AND SNOW INJURIES- Fletcher-Negligence. (May, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 703-16. RYLANDS V. FLETCHER-IOWA. Notes: Highways-Sidewalks-Liability of (Nov. 1936) 22 Iowa L. Rev. 136-44. Muricipality and. Abutting Owner for In- Notes: The Rule of Rylands v. Fletcher in juries Resulting from Ice and Snow. Iowa. Vicarious liability- RYLANDS V. FLETCHER RULE-LIMITS ON- See AGENCY. (April, 1937) 10 Australian L. J. 472-8. G. W. PATON, The Limits of the Rule in Rylands v. Fletcher. Trademark Law RYLANDS V. FLETCHER-TEXAS- (April, 1937) 15 Tex. L. Rev. 355-67. In General- Notes and Comments: M. S. LINDSAY, See also TRADE REGULATION. Liability Without Fault-The Rule of Ry- (Dec. 1936) 14 Tenn. L. Rev. 321-31. R. lands v. Fletcher in Texas. E. SADTLER, Trade-Marks. Libel- BIPLIOGRAPH-Y OF PERIODICALS- See DEFAMATION. BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES TRADEMARK ASSOCIATION (U n i ted Malicious prosecution- States Trademark Association) 187-89 Col- See that title. lege Street, Burlington, Vt., Monthly, Nov. Manufacturers' liability- 1904 to date. See also WARRANTY and CONSUMER PRO- Newly discovered products-- TECTION under SALEs. (Jan. 1937) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 224-30. IN GENERAL- Editorial Note: I. B. KIRKLAND, Jr., (Feb. 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 709-13. Notes: Trademark Rights in Newly Discovered Grant v. Australian Knitting Mills, L. R. Products. (1936) A. C. 85 (P. C.) Non-competing goods- (Oct. 1936) 3 U. of Pitts. L. Rev. 84-7. (April, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 582-608. Notes: J. M. DUFF, Bird v. Ford Motor Co. J. WOLFF, Non-competing Goods in Trade- (W. D. N. Y. 1936) 15 F. Supp. 590. mark Law. MCPHERSON V. BUICK MOTOR Co.- (April, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 461-9. Trade-names- Note: Manufacturers' Liability-McPher- TERRITORIAL EXTENT OF- son ?;. Buick Comes of Age. (Nov. 1936) 5 Fordham L. Rev. 516-9, 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. 106-8. Recent TnIRD PERSONS AND- Decisions: Maison Pruiner's v. Pruiner's (March, 1937) 2 J. Marsh. L. Rev. 387-99. Restaurant - Cafe, Inc. (1936) 159 N. Y. Comments: R. G. PHELPS, Extent of Man- S. 529. tfacturers' Duty of Care to Persons Other Than. the Immediate Purchaser. Word-marks- (April, 1937) 2 Mo. L. Rev. 247-50. Re- EFFECT OF ACQUING DESCRIrPIVE CONNO- cent Cases: Jacobs v. Frank Adams Elec- TATION- INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

(April, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 989-95. CONSTITUTIONAL SIGNIFICANCE OF EARLY Comments: G. C. GRISMORE, Effect of PENNSYLVANIA STATUTES- Word-Mark Acquiring a Descriptive Con- (April, 1937) 11 Temple L. Qu. 314-29. notation. R. C. BULL, The Constitutional Signifi- cance of Early Pennsylvania Price Fixing Legislation. Trade-names Prison-made goods- NATIONAL-STATE COOPERATION n REGuLA- See TRADEMARK LAW. TION- (March, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 584-9. Notes: Regulation by Federal and State Trade Regulation Cooperation of Convict-Made Goods in In- In General terstate Commerce. Trade morals- Anti-trust laws- (May, 1937) 6 Fordham L. Rev. 190-211. See that title. F. I. SCHECHTER, Trade Morals and Reg- Constitutionality- ulation: The American Scene. IN THREE FEDERAL SYSTEMS- Unfair competition- (June, 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 618-45. IN GENERAL-See also that title. Notes: Unconstitutionality and Free Trade in Three Federal Systems. Federal In General- Intoxicating liquors- SINCE THE N. R. A.- See that title. (Sept. 1936) 2 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 124-36. Lecture Digest: M. F. GALLAGHER, Fed- Motion picture industry- eral Industrial Regulation Since the N. (April, 1937) 21 Marquette L. Rev. 105- R. A. 15. C. ZOLLMANN, Moving Picture Abuses and Their Correction in the United States. Bituminous Coal Act of 1937- PROPOSED ACT DISCUSSED- Price control- (May, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 986-93. ATTITUDES OF TRADES ON- Federal Legislation: Bituminous Coal Act (June, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. of 1937. 375-91. Sym. Art.: E. T. GRETHER, Soli- darity in the Distributive Trades in Re- Child labor- lation to the Control of Price Competition. See LABR LAW. EFFECT ON NON-PRICE COMPETITION- Commodity Exchange Act- (June, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. (April, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 614-21. 356-62. Sym. Art.: W. ALDERSON, The Legislation: Commodity Exchange Act of Effect of Price Controls on Non-Price Com- 1936. petition. Federal licenses and charters- FICTION OF QUOTED PRICE- PROPOSED O'MAHONEY FEDERAL LICENSING (June, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. BML-- 363-74. Sym. Art.: I. TILL, The Fiction (March, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 700- of the Quoted Price. 13. Federal Legislation: A Federal Sys- tem of Licenses and Charters. Price discrimination- IN GENERAi-HISTORY OF- Federal Trade Commission- (June, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. PROPOSED REVISIONS- 273-300. Sym. Art.: B. P. McALLISTER, (May, 1937) 25 Georgetown L. J. 976-85. Price Control by Law in the United States: Federal Legislation: Proposed Legislation A Survey. Amending the Federal Trade Commission IN GENERAL-SYMPOSIUm ON- Act. (June, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. Government contracts- 271-422. Symposium: Price Discrimination WALsH-HEALEY ACT- and Price Cutting. (Nov. 1936) 25 Georgetown L. J. 140-5. ANTI-TRUST LAWS AND- Comments: Walsh-Healey Government Con- (June, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. tracts Bill-History and Purposes of the 301-19. Sym. Art.: A. R. BURNS, The Bill. Anti-Trust Laws and the Regulation of (Nov. 1936) 5 Gee. Wash. L. Rev. 66-80. Price Competition. Ed. Notes: S. S. KITTELLE, Industrial COST AS A STANDARD FORI PRICE- Regulation T h r o u g h Government Con- (June, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. tracts: The Walsh-Healey Act. 321-33. Sym. Art.: W. H. HAMILTON, (Jan. 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 102-21. Cost as a Standard for Price. Legislation: The Walsh-Healey Act:' A Congressional Gesture. Price fixing- (Jan. 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 297-306. See also PUBLIC UTILrrIES; INTERSTATE Legislation: Conditions in Government CARRIERS; and INTERSTATE COMMERCE. Contracts-The Walsh-Healey' Act. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Guffey Coal Act- 29. L. A. JAFFEE, Some Comments on EFFECT OF UNCONSTITUTIONALrrY- the Price Discrimination Act. (Dec. 1936) 16 Ore. L. Rev. 67-80. Note (Dec. 1936) 36 Colum. L. Rev. 1285-1321. and Comment: T. H. TONGUE, III, Consti- Legislation: The Legality of Discrimina- tutional Law-The Guffey Coal Act Deci- tion Under the Robinson-Patman Act. sion and the Future for Federal Price Reg- (Dec. 1936) 23 Va. L. Rev. 140-77. C. D. ulation. EVANS, Anti-Price Discrimination Act of 1936. Hours and wages- (Jan. 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 306-16. See LABOR LAW. Legislation: Robinson-Patman Act. (Jan. 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 447-82. Com- Price discrimination- ments: Robinson-PatmanAct in Action. CARRIER RATES- (March, 1937) 31 Ill. L. Rev. 907-42. (May, 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 690-715. Notes and Comments: Marketing Under J. R. WITHROW, JR., Basing-Point and the Robinson-Patman Act. Freight Zone Price Systems Under the (March, 1937) 2 J. Marsh. L. Rev. 464-77. Anti-Trust Laws. Lecture Digest: M. F. GALLAGHER, The FEDERAL POWER OVER- Robinson-Patman Act. (Nov. 1936) 10 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 430-53; (March, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 705-31. (Jan. 1937) 11 Ibid., 1-23. E. M. BROWN, B. SMITH, The Patman Act in Practice. The Scope of Federal Power Over Price (April, 1937) 42 Comm. L. J. 111-7. S. Discriminations. BLUMBERG, The Robinson-Patman Price FEDERAL FOWER OVER-STATE REGULATION DiscriminationAct. AND- CONSTITUTIONALITY AND INTERPRETATION- (June, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 914-22. (June, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. Notes: The Federal Aspect of Resale Price 410-9. Sym. Art.: J. A. McLAUGHLIN, Maintenance. The Courts and the Robinson-Patman Act: HEPBURN AcT-ComMtODITIES CLAUSE AND Possibilities of Strict Construction. INDUSTRIAL RAILVAYS- EFFECT UPON EXISTING LAWS- (Dec. 1936) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 322-32. (Dec. & Jan. 1936-37) 23 Va. L. Rev. Notes: The Commodities Clause: Its Ap- 201-10, 316-29. Legislation Notes: Changes plication to Industrial Railways. in Federal Price Discrimination: Law Ef- RODINSON-PATMAN AcT-See that heading fected by the Robinson-Patman Act. this title. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION HEARINGS Price fixing- AND- HOURS AND WAGES-See LABOR LAW. (Nov. 1936) 70 U. S. L. Rev. 620-9. B. A. ZORN and G. J. FELDMAN, Federal Trade Prison-made goods- Commission Hearings and the Robinson- ASHURST-SUMNER ACT- Patman Act. (Feb. 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 615-20. Com- MARKETING FUNCTIONS AND- ments: J. H. MUELLER, Constitutional (June, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. Law- Interstate Commerce- Validity of 334-55. Sym. Art.: M. P. McNAIR, Market- Federal S t at u t e Prohibiting Interstate ing Functions and Costs and the Robinson- Shipment of Prison-Made Goods. Patman Act. CONSTITUTIONALITY OF ACTS DIVESTING OPERATION-FIRST YEAR- GOODS OF INTERSTATE CHARACTER- (June, 1937) 4 Law & Contemp. Probs. (Nov. 1936) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 100-11. 392-409. Sym. Art.: E. B. GEORGE, Busi- Ed. Notes: C. S. RHYNE, Constitutionality ness and the Robinson-Patman Act: The of Federal Acts Divesting Prison-Made First Year. Goods of Interstate Character. WaIsh-Healey Act- HAvES-CoOPER ACT-CONSTITUTIONALITY- See GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS this title. (Dec. 1936) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 94-6. Re- cent Cases: Whitfield v. Ohio (1936) 297 State U. S. 431, 80 L. Ed. 778, 56 Sup. Ct. 532. Fair trade acts- NATIONAL-STATE COOPERATION IN REGULA- See also RESALE PRICE MAINTENANCE this TION OF- title. (March, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 584-9. Notes: Regulation by Federal and State Milk control- Cooperation of Convict-Made Goods in In- NEW YORK- terstate Commerce. (Jan. 1937) 17 Bost. U. L. Rev. 130-6. Notes and Comments: 0. E. NEIDLIN- Robinson-Patman Act- GER, Constitutional Law-Delegation of IN GENERAL-See also PRICE DISCRIMINA- Power to Board to Regulate and Control TION this title. Milk Industry. (Nov. 1936) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 106-25. (March, 1937) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. Legislation: The Robinson-Patman Act: 375-84. Notes: Legislation-Milk Control Some Prospective Problems of Construc- Statutes. tion and Constitutionality. (June, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1359-70. Com- (Nov. 1936) 10 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 412- ments: Milk Regulation in New York. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Price discrimination- Charitable- See also TRADE PRACTICES this title. MARYLAND>- REGULATION OF-CALIFORNA- (Feb. 1937) 1 Md. L. Rev. 105-27. C. M. (Sept. 1936) 24 Calif. L. Rev. 640-700. HOWARD, Charitable Trusts in Maryland. E. T. GRETHER, Experience in California Constructive trusts- with Fair Trade Legislation Restricting As A REMEDIAL DEVICE-A NEGLECTED RM- Price Cutting. EDY IN OHIO- (Nov. 1936) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 18-28. (Nov. 1936) 10 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 366- Sym. Art.: J. W. CUPP, The Unfair Prac- 401; (Dec. 1936) 3 Ohio St. L. J. 1-32. tices Act. H. W. VANNEMAN, The Constructive Resale price maintenance- Trust: A Neglected Remedy in Ohio. IN GENERAL- AS A REMEDIAL DEVICE-PROBLEM OF THE (Feb. 1937) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 226-34. Com- RES- ments: F. L. LAURENT, Business Com- (Feb. 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 420-31. Notes: petition-PredatoryPrice Cutting-Resale The Problem of the Res in Constructive Price Maintenance-FairTrade Acts. Trusts as Remedial Devices in the Frus- EFFECT OF FEDERAL POWER OVER ON STATE tration of Testamentary Intent. R GULATIONS- See PRICE DIscRMINATioN BY LARCENY- this title Federal Section. (March, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 798-804. CONSTITUTIONALITY OF STATE FAIR TRADE Comments: J. L. KEEDAN, Equity-Con- ACTS- structive Trusts-Thieves and Embezzlers (Jan. 1937) 22 Wash. U. L. Qu. 271.4; as Constructive Trustees. (Feb. 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 667-71, 35 Corporate Trust indentures- Mich. L. Rev. 659-62; (March, 1937) 23 IN GENERAL-A STUDY OF- Va. L. Rev. 604-6. Case Notes: Pep Boys (March, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 737-800. L. M. M. & J. v. Pyroil Sales Co. (1936) S. PASNER, The Trustee and the Trust In- - U. S. -, 80 L. Ed. *138, 57 Sup. Ct. denture: A Further Study. 147. EXCULPATION CLAUSES IN-See EXCULPA- (April, 1937) 22 Cornell L. Qu. 445-51. Legislation: T. W. KHEEL, Constitutional TION. Law-Validity of Fair Trade Act-Resale PROTECTION FOR HOLDERS-See SECURITIES Price Maintenance. REGULATION. REGULATION or-CA.jFORNIA- Cotrustees- (Nov. 1936) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 1-17. LIABILITY OF ONE FOR MISCONDUCT OF Sym. Art.: S. D. ELLIOTT, FairTrade and OTHER- Resale Price Maintenance. (June, 1937) 41 Dickinson L. Rev. 229-34. Notes: A. R. APPEL, The Liability of a Trade practices- Trustee for Misconduct by His Cotrustee. (April, 1937) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 266-79. F. M. WYLIE, The Regulation of Trade Express terms- EMERGENCY POWER OF COURT TO CHANGE- Practices by Codes. (Dec. 1936) 15 Chicago-Kent Rev. 24-40. J. E. BRUNSWICK, The Power of a Court of Equity to Alter, Vary or Modify the Trade Restraints Express Terms of a Trust in an Emer- gency. See ANTI-TRuST LAWS. Income allocation- STOCK- Trespass (Feb. 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 358-84. R. BRIGHAM, PennsylvaniaRules Govern- ing the Allocation of Receipts Derived by In General- Trustees from Shares of Stock. See PLEADING-CoMMON LAW. Investments- CONFLICT OF INTERESTS- Trusts and Trustees (Sept. 1936) 14 Chicago-Kent Rev. 329-50. J. M. HADSALL, Conflict of Interest When In General- a Trustee Invests Trust Funds. DEVELOPMENTS DURING PAST FIFTY YEARS- Investment trusts- (Nov. 1936) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 60-76. A. REGULATION FOR PROTECTION OF INvES- W. SCOTT, Fifty Years of Trusts. TOES- Actions- (May, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1211-26. Notes: The Regulation of Management Invest- NECESSARY PARTIES-BENEFICIAZY AS- (Feb. 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 648-53. ment Trusts for the Protection of Inves- Comments: C. W. ALLEN, Trusts-When tors. Is the Beneficiary of a Trust a Necessary Life Insurance trusts- Party in a Proceedings Involving the Trust IN GENERAL- Estate? (Jan. 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 511-20. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Legislation: The Life Insurance Trust. RECONSIDERATION OF BASIC CONCEPTS- (Jan. 1937) 71 U. S. L. Rev. 25-36. A. (Spring, 1937) 2 U. of Newark L. Rev. EPSTEIN, Personal Life Insuranee Trusts. 1-24. R. E. LUM and J. J. BIUNNO, Unfair (Feb. 1, 1937) 6 Fortnightly L. J. 200-1. Competition-A Reconsideration of Basic Life Insurance Trusts. Concepts. RULE AGAINST PERPETUITIES AS APPLIED STATIC AND DYNAMIC CONCEPTS OF- TO- (Nov. 1936) 1 Mo. L. Rev. 299-311. I. (May, 1937) 11 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 327-56. H. FATHCHILD, Static and Dynamic Con- E. F. MORRIS, The Rule Against Perpetui- cepts of the Law of Unfair Competition. ties as Applied to Living Trusts and Living Trusts. Equitable relief- Life Insurance (June, 1936) 1 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 292-327, Powers of trustees- and (Sept. 1936) 2 Ibid. 30-51. I. S. KOLB RIGHT TO BID AT FORECLOSURE SALE- and W. JAFFE, Equity and the Restraint (Feb. 1937) 21 Marquette L. Rev. 61-73. of Unfair Competition. 0. H. BREIDENBACK, Right of Trustee to Bid at Foreclosure Sale. Restatement- Usury IN GENERAL- In General- (Jan. 1937) 15 Can. Dar. Rev. 21-31. K. Law Insti- MlINNESOTA- G. MORDEN, The American (April, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 585-93. of the Law of Trusts. tute's Restatement Notes: Usury-What Is Usury in Minne- (Lent Term, 1937) 2 U. of Toronto L. J. sota? 50-66. H. G. HANBURY, The American Law Institute's Restatement of Trusts. (May, 1937) 6 Fordham L. Rev. 228-40. E. B. BUTLER, Some Reflections on the Vendor and Purchaser Restatement of the Law of Trusts. ACCEPTANCE BY COURTS- Risk of loss- (June, 1937) 23 A. B. A. J. 443-7, 475. (Jan. 1937) 14 N. Y. U. L. Qu. Rev. A. W. SCOTT, Reception by the Courts of 240-6. Notes: Legislation- Vendor and the Restatement of Trusts. Purchaser-UniformRisk of Loss Act. Revocation- IRREVOCABLE TRUSTS- Veto (May, 1937) 6 Fordham L. Rev. 242-55. Comments: Revocation of "Irrevocable" See GOVERNMENT. Trusts. Spendthrift- ILLINOIS- Warranties (Dec. 1936) 2 J. Marsh. L. Qu. 219-34. Comments: J. J. EGAN, The Evolution of Sale of personal property- the Spendthrift Trust Doctrine and Its See SALES. Application in Illinois. MINNESOTA- (Dec. 1936) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 80-90. Washington Cases Notes: Trusts-Spendthrift Trusts-Valid- ity of Restraints Upon the Involuntary BENJAMIN FRANKLIN STORES V. HENNE- Alienation of Beneficiary's Right to Re- FORD (1936) 187 Wash. 472, 60 P. (2d) 86. ceive the Principal of a Trust in Minne- (Jan. 1937) 50 Harv. L. Rev. 535. sota. B'LANCIIARD V. GOLDEN AGE BREWING CO. 397. Termination of- (1936) 188 Wash. 396, 63 P. (2d) (April, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 1005-23. Com- (March, 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 606-7; (April, ments: Termination of Trusts. 1937) 4 U. of Chi. L. Rev. 500-2. BROCK V. BUTTON (1936) 187 Wash. 27, Tracing trust funds- 59 P. (2d) 761. (May, 1937) 12 Notre (Nov. 1936) 11 Temple L. Qu. 11-27. Dame Law. 455-9. S. H. HIRSCH, Tracing Trust Funds- COLIAN'S ESTATE, IN RE (1936) 187 Modern Doctrines. Wash. 312, 60 P. (2d) 113. (Jan. 1937) 12 Wash. L. Rev. 87-8. CRANDALL ENGINEERING Co. V. WISLOW Unfair Competition MACHINE CO. (1936) 188 Wash. 1, 61 P. (2d) 136. (March, 1937) 14 N. Y. U. L. See also TRADE REGULATION. Qu. Rev. 414-5. In General- DEMPSEY v. CITY OF SEATTLE (1936) 187 syvrroslur ON- Wash. 38, 59 P. (2d) 923. (Nov. 1936) 16 (Jan. 1936) 21 Iowa L. Rev. 175-486. Bost. U. L. Rev. 1020-4; (Feb. 1937) 21 A Symposium on the Law of Unfair Com- Minn. L. Rev. 334-6. petition. FISHER'S BLEND STATION, INC. V. TAX INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

CommSSION (1936) 297 U. S. 650, 80 L. Ed. RYAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. V. CENTURY 956, 56 Sup. Ct. 608, reversing 182 Wash. BREWING ASSN. (1936) 185 Wash. 600, 55 163, 45 P. (2d) 942; 49 P. (2d) 1151 P. (2d) 1053. (Nov. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. (1935). (July, 1936) 7 Air L. Rev. 323-5; 164-6; (Dec. 1936) 36 Colum. L. Rev. 1375-7. (Dec. 1936) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 96-7; (March, SAFEWAY STORES, INC. V. RETAIL CLERKS' 1937) 10 So. Calif. L. Rev. 352-6. UNION (1935) 184 Wash. 322, 51 P. (2d) GORD V. F. S. HARMON & Co. (1936) 188 372. (Dec. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 340-2. Wash. 134, 61 P. (2d) 1294. (July, 1937) SHEDDY V. INLAND MOTOR FREIGHT (1936) 12 Wash. L. Rev. 212-3. 89 Wash. 41, 68 P. (2d) 430. (Jan. 1937) GREAT NORTHERN Ry. Co. v. WASHING- 12 Wash. L. Rev. 35-40. TON (1937) - U. S. -, 81 L. Ed. *350, 67 SILAS MASON CO., INC. V. HENNEFORD (E. Sup. Ct. 397, reversing (1936) 184 Wash. D. Wash. 1936) 15 F. Supp. 958. (Nov. 648, 52 P. (2d) 1274. (April, 1937) 4 U. 1936) 5 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 149-51; (Jan. Chi. L. Rev. 505-6; (May, 1937) 21 Minn. 1937) 23 Va. L. Rev. 346-7. L. Rev. 746-8; (May, 1937) 46 Yale L. J. SImoND's ESTATE, IN RE (1936) 188 Wash. 1251-6. 211, 61 P. (2d) 1302. (May, 1937) 21 Minn. GREB V. KING COUNTY (1936) 187 Wash. L. Rev. 763-4. 587, 60 P. (2d) 690. (Jan. 1937) 12 Wash. STATE EX REL. ALEXANDER-COPLIN & Co. L. Rev. 89-90. v. SUP'R COURT (1936) 186 Wash. 354, 57 HENNEFORD v. SILAS MASON Co., INC. P. (2d) 1262. (Jan. 1937) 37 Colum. L. (1937) - U. S. -, 81 L. Ed. *526, 57 Sup. Rev. 137-9. Ct. 524, reversing (E. D. Wash. 1936) 15 STATE EX REL. TROY v. LUMBERMAN'S F. Supp. 958. (April, 1937) 1 Md. L. Rev. CLINIC (1936) 186 Wash. 384, 58 P. (2d) 263-70. 812. (April, 1937) 12 Wash. L. Rev. 146. JOHNSON V. STATE (1936) 187 Wash. 605, STOVER V. WINSTON BROS. Co. (1936) 185 60 P. (2d) 681. (Nov. 1936) 11 Wash. L. Wash. 416, 55 P. (2d) 821. (Feb. 1937) Rev. 274. 46 Yale L. J. 706-9. KESELEFF V. SUNSET HIGHWAY MOTOR FREIGHT CO. (1936) 187 Wash. 642, 60 P. THOMAS V. NATIONAL BANK OF COmmERCE (1936) (2d) 720. (Nov. 1936) 11 Wash. L. Rev. 187 Wash. 521, 60 P. (2d) 264. (Feb. 271-2. 1937) 22 Cornell L. Qu. 280-4. KNUTSON v. ICMAHoN (1936) 186 Wash. TRAINOR v. INTERSTATE CONSTRUCTION CO. 518, 58 P. (2d) 1033. (Jan. 1936) 50 Earv. (1936) 187 Wash. 142, 60 P. (2d) 7. (Nov. L. Rev. 528-9. 1936) 11 Wash. L. Rev. 264. LONG v. ROYAL INS. Co. (1935) 180 Wash. TYLER V. PIERCE COUNTY (1936) 188 360, 40 P. (2d) 132. (Dec. 1936) 11 Tulane Wash. 229, 62 P. (2d) 32. (April, 1937) L. Rev. 134-5. 12 Wash. L. Rev. 149. MAciEJczAx v. BARTELL (1936) 187 Wash. WEST COAST HOTEL CO. V. PARRISH (1937) 113, 60 P. (2d) 31. (Nov. 1936) 11 Wash. - U. S. -, 81 L. Ed. *455, 57 Sup. Ct. 578, L. Rev. 270-1; (Jan. 1937) 6 Fordham affirming (1936) 185 Wash. 581, 55 P. L. Rev. 130-3; (Feb. 1937) 5 J. B. A. St. (2d) 1083. Kan. 266-7. (May, 1937) 11 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 307-26. MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INS. Co. v. J. K. CHEADLE, The Parrish Case: Min. BANK OF CALIFORNIA (1936) 187 Wash. 565, imum Wages for Women and, Perhaps, for 60 P. (2d) 675. (April, 1937) 12 Wash. Men. L. Rev. 147-8. (April, 1937) 11 Temple L. Qu. 424-7; NORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Co. V. HENNE- 71 U. S. L. Rev. 181-8; (May, 1937) 23 FORD (E. D. Wash. 1936) 15 F. Supp. 302. A. B. A. J. 372-5; 21 Minn.. L. Rev. 743-4; (Nov. 1936) 36 Colum. L. Rev. 1179-81. 11 U. of Cin. L. Rev. 422-4; (June, 1937) 14 PARRISH V. WEST COAST HOTEL Co. (1936) Tenn. L. Rev. 636-9. 185 Wash. 581, 55 P. (2d) 1083, cert. grant- WESTERLUND V. ARGONAUT GRILL (1936) ed, - U. S. -, 57 Sup. Ct. 40. (Nov. 1936) 187 Wash. 335, 60 P. (2d) 228. (Jan. 1937) 85 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 117-8. See also WEST 25 Georgetown L. J. 482-3; 12 Wash. L. COAST HOTEL Co. V. PARRISH. Rev. 85-6. PATRICK v. ILWACo OYSTER Co. (1937) WESTERN STEEL CASTING CO. V. EDLUND 189 Wash. -, 63 P. (2d) 520. (April, (1936) 187 Wash. 666, 61 P. (2d) 155. 1937) 12 Wash. L. Rev. 144. (Jan. 1937) 12 Wash. L. Rev. 88-9. PEOPLES' BANK & TRUST CO. v. L. ROMANO ENGINEERING CO. (1936) 189 Wash. -, 62 P. (2d) 445. (Jan. 1937) 12 Wash. L. Rev. Water Law 81-2; (May, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 852-4. PORTER V. KING COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY Interstate streams- (1936) 186 Wash. 410, 58 P. (2d) 367 (Dec. RiPARIAN RIGHTS IN- 1936) 36 Colum. L. Rev. 1371-3; (July, (Nov. 1936) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 176-8. 1937) 12 Wash. L. Rev. 213-4. Washington v. Oregon (1936) 297 U. S. PUGET SOUND STEVEDORING CO. V. TAX 517, 80 L. Ed. 837, 56 Sup. Ct. 540. CO!mSSION OF WASHINGTON (1937) 189 WATER RIGHTS IN- Wash. -, 63 P. (2d) 532. (April, 1937) (Dec. 1936) 9 Rocky Mt. L. Rev. 21-35. 12 Wash. L. Rev. 144-5. G. COSULICK, Streams of Strife. INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS

Jurisdiction over rights- cupational Diseases From a Legal View- CONFLICT BETWEEN FEDERAL AND STATE point. COURTS- (Jan. 1937) 46 Yale L. J. 545-8. Notes: Conflict of Jurisdiction Between Federal Work. Comp. Boards and State Courts With Respect to Water Rights. Judicial review- AGREEMENTS AND AWARDS- Riparian rights- (Jan. 1937) 41 Dickinson L. Rev. 92-102. (April, 1937) 21 Minn. L. Rev. 512-28. S. H. TORCHIA, Review of Agreements S. V. KINYON, What Can a Riparian Pro- and Setting Aside of Final Receipts Under prietor Do? the Workmen's Compensation Act. Transmountain Diversions- Practice before- (June, 1937) 14 Dicta, 185-94. L. LEWIS, UNLAWFUL- Transmountain Water Diversions. (Jan. 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 442-56. Com- ments: C. R. MOON, JR., Attorney and Client-Unlawful Practice Before Indus- Wills trial Commission in Workmen's Compensa- tion Proceedings. In General- LEGISLATIVE SUGGESTIONS- (Feb. 1937) 14 Tenn. L. Rev. 381-9. W. R. Wrongful Death BLACKARD, Some Suggested Legislation in the Field of Wills. Actions- WHEN ACCRUE UNDER FEDERAL EMPLOYERS' Conditional- LIABILITY ACT- (May, 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 1049-70. (Dec. 1936) 12 Ind. L. J. 104-8. G. W. A. E. EVANS, Conditional Wills. HULBERT, When Does a Cause of Action Execution- for Wrongful Death Accrue Under the Fed- ORDER OF SIGNING- eral Employers' Liability Act? (May, 1937) 11 U. of CID. L. Rev. 390-7. Breach of warranty- Ed. Notes: F. S. ROWLEY, The Order of DEATH RESULTING FROM- Signing in Execution of Wills. (April, 1937) 3 U. of Pitts. L. Rev. 362-5. Estate created- Notes: Greco v. S. S. Kresge Co. (1937) See FUTURE INTERESTS. 293 N. Y. S. 53. Interpretation- Personal injury actions- EXTEINSIC EVIDENCE- RELATION TO DEATH ACTIONS- (May, 1937) 37 Colum. L. Rev. 842-51. (April, 1937) 11 St. John's L. Rev. 272- Notes: Extrinsic Evidence and the Inter- 80. Notes and Comment: H. T. PERS, pretation of Wills. Some Aspects of the Relationship Between Personal Injury and Death Actions. Powers under- SPEciAL-See POWERS. Proposed revisions- CALIFORNIA- Revocation- (Jan. 1937) 25 Calif. L. Rev. 170-201. DY BIRTH OF CHILD-- L. V. KILLION, Wrongful Death Actions- (Dec. 1936) 1 Md. L. Rev. 32-50. W. In California-Some Needed Amendments. LENTZ, Revocation of a Will by Birth of a Child. Statutes- CONFLICT OF LAWS AND- Testamentary capacity- (Feb. 1937) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 234-44. Com- BURDEN OF PROOF- ments: C. STEINER, Conflict of Laws- (May, 1937) 12 Notre Dame Law. 459-63. Wrongful Death Statutes-The Problem in Notes: W. J. FISH and F. P. KELLY, General. Wills-Testamentary Capacity-Burden of Proof. TESTIMIONY OF SUBSCRIBING WITNESS CON- Zoning CERNING- (Oct. 1936) 70 U. S. L. Rev. 546-52. Esthetics- Notes and Comment: Testimony of Sub- POLICE POWER AND-- scribing Witness Concerning Testator's (Feb. 1937) 5 J. B. A. St. Kan. 215-23. Mental Capacity. R. C. CONNELLY, The Police Power and Esthetic Zoning. Repairs- Work. Compensation PROHIBITING REPAIR OF EXISTING STRUC- TURES- Occupational diseases- (Feb. 1937) 35 Mich. L. Rev. 642-8. Com- COMPENSATION FOR- ments: Constitutional Law--Zoning Ordi- (Feb. 1937) 12 Wis. L. Rev. 198-218. nances -Prohibiting Repair of Existing W. W. RABINOVITZ, Compensation of Oc- Structures.