Future Melbourne Committee


Meeting Number 14 Tuesday 11 June 2013 5:30pm

Council Meeting Room Level 2 Melbourne Town Hall

PRESENT Lord Mayor, Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley Councillor Richard Foster Councillor Rohan Leppert Councillor Kevin Louey Councillor Cathy Oke Councillor Ken Ong Councillor Stephen Mayne Councillor Beverley Pinder-Mortimer Councillor Jackie Watts Councillor Arron Wood

Confirmed at the meeting of the Future Melbourne Committee meeting on Tuesday 9 July 2013 1. COMMENCEMENT OF MEETING AND APOLOGIES

The meeting commenced at 5.30pm.

The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, advised that: • the meeting was being recorded and will be made available on the City of Melbourne website before close of business tomorrow; • the agenda comprised eight Reports from Management, one of which was confidential; • one item of General Business; and • no apologies had been received.


The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, advised that conflicts of interest would be disclosed as they arose.


Moved: Cr Wood

That the minutes of meeting No 12, held on Tuesday 14 May 2013, be confirmed.

Seconded: Cr Foster

The motion was put and carried unanimously with the following Councillors present: The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley, Councillors Foster, Leppert, Louey, Oke, Ong, Mayne, Pinder- Mortimer, Watts and Wood.


There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.


The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle invited members of the public to ask questions of the Committee.

Anthony van der Greats, resident, asked a question in relation to the Minister for Planning's changes to the Victorian Planning Scheme

In response the Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, advised that he believed this was the same question asked by Mr van der Greats at a previous meeting and had been answered by the Director of City Planning and Infrastructure.



The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, advised that as at 3pm the following submissions had been received in accordance with the Council's Conduct of Meetings Local Law 2010.

In relation to Agenda Item 6.3, "Domestic Animal Management Plan 201347"

Item of Correspondence: • Rheya Linden, Campaign Director, Animal Active Inc. and National Wildlife Representative, Animal Australia.

Future Melbourne Committee — Tuesday 11 June 2013 2 In relation to Agenda Item 6.7, "Proposed Travel by Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle to Deliver Keynote Address at the Policing Global Cities Conference, London in July 2013"

Request to Speak: • Anthony van der Craats, resident.


Cr Ong assumed the role of Chair to present the one item for consideration in relation to the Planning Portfolio.

6.1 Ministerial Planning Referral TPM-2012-2: 212-222 La Trobe Street, Melbourne

The purpose of this report was to advise the Committee on a planning application which was originally referred to the City of Melbourne by the Department of Planning and Community Development, now the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, on 18 January 2012.

The Executive Officer Planning, Martin Williams, provided a presentation to the Committee making the following key comments: • the application was received in early 2012; • in August 2012 a letter was sent to the Department of Planning objecting to the application; • there are two separate sites in this area - 500 square metres and 430 square metres; • the bridge between the properties is believed to have originated from a license issued many years ago; • the lane was discontinued in 1992; • a draft permit has been received via the Department of Planning from the Minister for Planning's office; • there are some concessions in the draft permit but do not believe it goes anywhere near justifying the grant of a permit; • there are built form issues and concerns about the level of internal amenity that will be created by this design; • _ the lane is only five metres wide and the plans show windows on either side; • concerned about the 140 metre high building being straight off Little La Trobe Street; and • the site of the seven storey car park has been sold and it is expected there will be a large development in the future.

Moved: Cr Ong

1. That the Future Melbourne Committee advise the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure that the Council's original position stands and that the application is not supported on the following grounds: 1.1. the proposal by virtue of its height, lack of setbacks and poor architectural expression detracts from surrounding properties and would be contrary to the Melbourne Planning Scheme: 1.1.1. Clause 22.01 (Urban Design Within the Capital City Zone); 1.1.2. the Decision Guidelines of the Capital City Zone Schedule 1; and 1.1.3. the Design Guidelines for Higher Density Residential Development; and 1.2. the proposal is an overdevelopment of the site, which fails to meet significant requirements of Clause 22.01 and the Higher Density Residential Guidelines in the scheme; 1.3. the bridge projecting above Corporation Lane112 is an imposing and excessive structure contrary to on site's surrounds, pedestrian amenity and Council would not support use of the air space above the Lane in this way; 1.4. the proposal offers inadequate levels of onsite amenity; and ' 1.5. the proposal fails to provide adequate active street frontage, particularly to Little La Trobe Street. Seconded Cr Mayne

Future Melbourne Committee — Tuesday 11 June 2013 3 Cr Ong made the following key comments: • there are not sufficient concessions to support the application; • the development will be over 25,000 square metres, which on two small sites is excessive; and • need to make it clear to the Minister and his office that not everything gets approved in the city.

Cr Mayne made the following key comments: • this reflects the new system of any application over 25,000 square metres being heard at the Future Melbourne Committee; • this ensures that the professional views of the officers are on the public record; • sends a clear message that Council does not believe it should proceed; • this report, along with all reports for the past five years where the Minister has been the Responsible Authority will be available on the City of Melbourne's website within the next month; and • will be attending a meeting with a representative from the Department of Planning with this item on the agenda.

Cr Watts made the following key comments: • believe this has been discussed previously; • believe that the Sydney minimum standard is higher than ours; and • this should be stated in a clear letter back to the Minister.

In response to a point made by Cr Watts, the Executive Officer Planning, Martin Williams, advised there is no minimum standard in the Melbourne Planning Scheme.

In response to questions raised by Committee, the Director City Planning and Infrastructure, Geoff Lawler, made the following key comments: • believe Cr Watts was referring to the Committee's recently released discussion paper on housing; • suggest that an option might be to follow the direction of the NSW Government in establishing standards; and • at this point this is purely a discussion paper for feedback from the community, not part of the planning policy.

Cr Leppert made the following key comments: • noted that Committee has heard about future policy consideration, about disclosure of the City of Melbourne versus the Minister's opinion and about future policy contribution about amenity and size of apartments; • agree with these comments, however the question before us is one of what a referral authority needs to consider; and • the amenity of the apartments alone are enough grounds for the Minister to refuse.

The motion was put and carried unanimously with the following Councillors present: The Chair, Councillor Ong, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley, Councillors Foster, Leppert, Louey, Mayne, Oke, Pinder-Mortimer, Watts and Wood.


Cr Leppert assumed the role of Chair to present the one item for consideration in relation to the Arts and Culture Portfolio.

6.2 Music Strategy Advisory Committee — Terms of Reference

The purpose of this report was to seek endorsement of the Music Strategy Advisory Committee (MAC) terms of reference (refer to Attachment 2 of the report from management) and of the planned Expression of Interest (E0I) process to recruit members to the MAC.

Moved: Cr Oke

1. That the Future Melbourne Committee: 1.1 endorses the Terms of Reference for the Music Strategy Advisory Committee (MAC) as attached to the report from management but with the reference to "Future Melbourne (Economic Development) Committee" in section 11 replaced with "Future Melbourne (Arts and Culture) Committee";

Future Melbourne Committee — Tuesday 11 June 2013 4 1.2 endorses the commencement of an EOI process to recruit members to the committee; and

1.3 requests a report on the results of the E01 process for the MAC in August 2013.

Seconded: Cr Watts

Cr Oke made the following key comments: • big supporter of music and its development in the city; • the city has been a strong supporter of the music industry; • important to recognise the economic contribution and artistic and cultural development; since the development of the Strategy in 2010 there has been Melbourne Music Week and the Lord Mayor has hosted an industry round table; and it is clear we need to work strongly and closely with industry and develop our Music strategy accordingly.

Cr Watts made the following key comments: • pleased to see this move forward; and • clearly the case is made that this is an economic and artistic benefit to the city.

The Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle made the following key comments: hope that the relationship with live music venues is not just about what goes on in the venue but about what is pressure on existing use, which is often a live venue as its encroached upon by residential developments, which Council is encouraging to come into the city; • believe that the two can co-exist; • this is something that will have to be resolved and hope that the Future Melbourne Committee can be a part of it; and • it is an important recognition of the music industry in our city.

Cr Leppert made the following key comments: • there is quite a lot that this group could achieve; and • getting the group to work together to deliver what is a very diverse range of objectives will be quite a task.

The motion was put and carried unanimously with the following Councillors present: The Chair, Councillor Leppert, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley, Councillors Foster, Louey, Mayne, Oke, Ong, Pinder-Mortimer, Watts and Wood.


Cr Foster assumed the role of Chair to present the two items for consideration in relation to the People City Portfolio.

6.3 Domestic Animal Management Plan 2013-17

The purpose of this report was to provide the Committee with an assessment of the public consultation on the City of Melbourne Domestic Animal Management Plan (DAMP) 2013 -17 (refer Attachment 2 of the report from management) and seek endorsement of the final DAMP.

In response to questions raised by Committee, Manager Parking and Traffic, Alistair Miller, made the following key comments: • the City of Melbourne will be looking at reviewing and considering programs to address and identify the population of unowned cats; • would welcome Rheya Linden to submit some of her findings and experience as part of addressing programs; • as staff will be supplying the animal collection service, two staff have been trained for collection; • the City of Melbourne is trying to build capability and experience within the branch and an extra vehicle has been acquired; and • RSPCA has indicated that collection puts a strain on their resources.

Future Melbourne Committee — Tuesday 11 June 2013 5 Moved: Cr Foster

1. That the Future Melbourne Committee: 1.1. note the outcome' of the community consultation; 1.2. endorse the Domestic Animal Management Plan 2013-17; and 1.3. forward a copy to the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Primary Industries as required.

Seconded: Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle

Cr Leppert made the following key comments: • • note a submission had been received from Rheya Linden today about the virtues of the trap, neuter, and release program, which is a great program that should be reviewed; and • thanks to Manager Parking and Traffic and his team for their work on this matter.

The motion was put and carried unanimously with the following Councillors present: The Chair, Councillor Foster, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley, Councillors Leppert, Louey, Mayne, Oke, Ong, Pinder-Mortimer, Watts and Wood.

6.3a State Government Grant for Additional Safe City CCTV Cameras

The purpose of this report was to consider a grant proposal of $250,000 by the State Government to install additional Safe City CCTV cameras at various locations nominated by in the CBD and Docklands.

The Manager Engineering, Geoff Robinson, provided a presentation to Committee making the following key comments: • funding from the State Government is intended to support the implementation of up to nine cameras; • can purchase ten cameras with $250,000, however this would not cover installation costs; • do not have a firm estimate of what the cost of running the cameras would be; • all nine locations are roughly the same priority to Victoria Police; • general maintenance that is done on cameras is cleaning lenses, serious maintenance is the disconnection if we lose a fibre link (which is not common), there is also server and monitor maintenance ; • general maintenance costs would be $1,000 to $2,000 per year, per new camera; • the majority of costs are for labour, as part of the contract with Secure Corp is to monitor the cameras 24/7; • no feedback has been received from Victoria Police regarding data; • have met with and spoken to Police Command regarding these locations and confirmed the locations with them; and • any funding comes through the Department of Justice.

Moved: Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle

1. That the Future Melbourne Committee: 1.1 accepts the State Government grant of $250,000 to install additional Safe City CCTV cameras; 1.2 approves the installation of cameras within the limit of the grant; and 1.3 endorses Management holding discussions with the Department of Justice to obtain further funding to install the remainder of the cameras.

Seconded: Cr Mayne

Cr Watts moved a procedural motion to defer this item. The motion lapsed for want of a seconder.

The Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle made the following key comments: • this matter started on 1 April 2013 when a letter was received from the then Minister, Andew McIntosh, committing $250,000 to the costs associated with the installation of nine cameras; • the letter requested it be kept strictly confidential and in the interim, the Director of the Community Crime Prevention Unit at the Department of Justice and the City of Melbourne's Chief Executive Officer, Kathy Alexander finalised the formal funding agreement; Future Melbourne Committee — Tuesday 11 June 2013 6 • the effectiveness of the cameras can be seen in the annual audit; • the report notes that since the last annual audit in 2011 the Safe City Camera footage has assisted in the investigation of 90 criminal cases, over 7,000 incidents and 777 occasions where police were alerted; • nearly 700 requests for footage have been made by the Police or the courts; • there are very skilled and experienced operators reviewing the footage 2417; • this letter arose following the tragic murder of Jill Meagher. The Government ordered an audit by Victoria Police of the coverage of CCTV cameras in inner Melbourne; and • we need to send a message that we are about a safe city and we believe that CCTV cameras are an important part of that.

Cr Mayne made the following key comments: • based on the operation of the cameras believe that this is Council's responsibility; • this is clearly supported by Victoria Police; and • always appreciate it if Council can produce improvements to infrastructure and capital works with third party funding.

Cr Leppert spoke against the motion and made the following key comments: not speaking against the principle; • have not had the opportunity to fully understand the data; • any decision should be based on evidence; • do not believe there is any harm in deferring this item for two weeks; • question whether it is impossible to get any further justification from the Police as to why these locations have been selected over others and why CCTV is a good outcome for these particular locations; • may not receive any further data but would like to test if that is the case; and • due to this issue being about the lives of the people in the City of Melbourne would like to make sure that these decisions are right.

Cr Wood spoke in favour of the motion and made the following key comments: • believe there is quite a lot of evidence in the report, in terms of the criminal cases, incidents noted, alerts to Police and use of footage; • may be a reticence around costs, however looking at Police numbers, education or environmental design all of these things have costs associated with them as well, in particular Police on the beat is a huge cost to the State Government; • in terms of costs for a program this is relatively low; and • it supplements education, police on the beat and environmental design.

Cr Watts spoke against the motion and made the following key comments: • believe it becomes political when Ministers write in secret to the Lord Mayor, claiming we have a problem in this city but only half fund it; • if the State Government was serious about installation of these nine cameras they would not be ignorant of the cost; • believe that the funding offered was set at $250,000 in the hope that the City of Melbourne would supply another $250,000 to fund the cameras; • absolutely more data is required before this is proceeded with; • statistics are one thing but reality is another; and • believe that the Council is punching above its weight in policing matters.

Cr Watts moved a procedural motion to refer this item to be heard at the Council meeting to be held on 25 June 2013. Cr Leppert seconded Cr Watts motion.

The motion was put and lost with the following Councillors voting in favour of the motion: Councillors Foster, Leppert, Oke and Watts, and the following Councillors voting against the motion: The Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley, Councillors Louey, Mayne, Ong, Pinder-Mortimer and Wood.

Cr Ong spoke in favour of the motion and made the following key comments: • there was a similar proposal in 2009 to increase the number of CCTVs in the city; • this was a result of negative publicity from 2007-2008 about how the city was suffering from a lot of violence and assaults; • the result of this was a Safe City Summit, which involved the City of Melbourne, Victoria Police, the Salvation Army the licence owners and various community representatives; • over the past few years the city has become more active and safe; • a safe city is important for the city economy and livability; Future Melbourne Committee Tuesday 11 June 2013 • CCTV is part of the prevention and enforcement of safety; o more data and information is superfluous to the argument, since the implementation of the CCTV cameras in 2009 we have seen the city become safer; and • this is for the benefit of the city.

Cr Oke spoke against the motion and made the following key comments: • in the annual Council Plan there is an initiative auditing the safety of public space to guide priority setting and work on crime prevention environmental design; • through the audit of the city CCTV might be one of the measures that is implemented; • support the initiative and not against the installation of CCTV cameras, however against a decision made with little information and discussion; and • there has not been alternative safety initiatives reviewed for the nine locations.

Cr Foster spoke against the motion and made the following key comments: • there may be good reasons to rely on CCTV coverage, however the evidence has not been received that CCTV makes a significant difference or a reduction to crime rates; • there has only been a slight change to crimes against the person over the last few years; • there is an overwhelming reliance on CCTV in Melbourne which might not be a bad thing, but no link has been made; and • the United Kingdom spends billions of dollars every year on CCTV coverage with 1.8 million cameras, resulting in a decrease in crime of only three per cent.

The Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle spoke in favour of the motion and made the following key comments: • for this decision Council has more data than any other policy initiative that is decided; • there is an annual audit and the 2011 audit has been referred to in public commentary for the past six weeks; • the statistics are reality and represent exactly what has happened; • this is not the result of other police recommendations, this comes from the audit of inner city CCTV owned and run by council and completed by the Government following the death of Jill Meagher; • these recommendations come from Victoria Police to the State Government in Cabinet; • this is why they are sent directly to the Lord Mayor by the Minister for Justice; • it is perfectly normal for Ministers to write letters to the Lord Mayor and ask for it to be kept confidential for a period of time; • agree with Cr Oke that environmental design is important, however Council has advice from police that says the city needs nine cameras; • preventable crime does not show up in crime statistics as it has been prevented; • the operators are remarkable at directing police and attention to trouble, even before it occurs; and • it is irrefutable that in detection, investigation and in provision of evidence that CCTV cameras are a crucial element in keeping our city safe.

•The motion wai put and carried with the following Councillors voting in favour of the motion: The Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley, Councillors Louey, Mayne, Ong, Pinder-Mortimer and Wood, and the following Councillors voting against the motion Councillors Foster, Leppert, Oke and Watts.


Cr Oke assumed the role of Chair to present the two items for consideration in relation to the Transport Portfolio.

6.4 City of Melbourne's Submission to the Australian Government's High Speed Rail Phase Two Study

The purpose of this report was to recommend the Committee endorse the draft City of Melbourne submission to the Australian Government on its High Speed Rail Phase 2 report: Moving Forward with High Speed Rail.

Moved: Cr Ong

That the Future Melbourne Committee endorse City of Melbourne's submission (at Attachment 2 of the report from management) to the Australian Government on its Phase 2 report on High Speed Rail.

Seconded: Cr Wood

Future Melbourne Committee — Tuesday 11 June 2013 8 Cr Ong made the following key comments: • thanks to the Manager Strategic Planning, David Mayes and his team for their work on this matter; and • this is a very ambitious project that is very important to the city.

Cr Wood made the following key comments: • this is a bold inspirational plan; and • this is exactly the sort of project Australia needs to be looking to.

Cr Oke made the following key comments: • it is important as a capital city Council to comment on important transport initiatives; and • the high speed rail study is supported in the Transport Strategy, however is also important to follow up with submissions.

The motion was put and carried unanimously with the following Councillors present: The Chair, Councillor Oke, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley, Councillors Foster, Leppert, Louey, Mayne, Ong, Pinder-Mortimer, Watts and Wood.

6.5 City of Melbourne's Submission on the Doncaster Rail Study Phase One Draft Report

The purpose of this report was to recommend the Committee endorse the City of Melbourne's submission to the Victorian Government on the Doncaster Rail Study Phase One Draft Recommendations Report).

Moved: Cr Mayne

That the Future Melbourne Committee endorse the City of Melbourne's submission (Attachment . 2 of the report from management) to the Victorian Government on their Doncaster Rail Study Phase One Draft Recommendations Report.

Seconded: Cr Leppert

Cr Mayne made the following key comments: • good to see the City of Melbourne actively participating in discussions on major transport proposals; • this project will come after Metro One and the South Morang alignment departing at Clifton Hill; • as the Government is working towards the East/West tunnel it is worth adding into the debate the question of whether there should be rail compactly built into the tunnel; and Manningham Council is very disappointed that the study initially stops at the Park and Ride and does not continue to Westfield Shopping Centre.

Cr Wood made the following key comments: this proposal has been around for 60 years;• how people get into the city is very important and this is something Council needs to have a say in; and these projects will -have a huge impact on the city's economic capacity.

Cr Ong made the following key comments: very good report on the transport network of the city; and looking at history, if the city loop wasn't built the transport would have ground to a halt due to population growth.

Cr Oke thanked the officers for their work on this matter.

The motion was put and carried unanimously with the following Councillors present: The Chair, Councillor Oke, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley, Councillors Foster, Leppert, Louey, Mayne, Ong, Pinder-Mortimer, Watts and Wood.


Cr Mayne assumed the role of Chair to present the two items for consideration in relation to the Finance and Governance Portfolio.

Future Melbourne Committee — Tuesday 11 June 2013 9 6.6 Sustainable Melbourne Fund

The purpose of this report was to present the Sustainable Melbourne Fund (SMF) 2013-16 Business Plan, and recommend an extension to the existing arrangements between the SMF and Council. This extension is required to enable the SMF Trustees to execute the Business Plan.

Councillors Oke and Ong [eft the meeting at 7.11pm.

In response to questions raised by Committee, the Director City Planning and Infrastructure, Geoff Lawler, made the following key comments: • introduce and acknowledge Scott Boscay, Chief Executive, The Sustainable Melbourne Fund; • note Rob Jamieson, Chair of Trustees is unable to attend the meeting; • Sustainable Melbourne Fund was created by the City of Melbourne 11 years ago; • it is a unique facility with nothing else like it in Australia; • it was created as a Trust of which the Council is the sole beneficiary; • the sum of $5 million was put into the Trust by Council; • this money is managed by Trustees who give their time voluntarily; • money is used to invest into projects that stimulate and further Council's environmental objectives; • with the introduction of the Environmental Upgrade Agreement legislation and the City of Melbourne Act 2001, the Council has agreed to allow the Sustainable Melbourne Fund to develop the administration of that; • the plan combines the unique capabilities of the Sustainable Melbourne Fund of being able to work in the financial sector with a little bit more liberty than Council can to further sustainability objectives; and • the business plan represents how the Sustainable Melbourne Fund believes it can bring unique capacities and capabilities in very close alignment with Council's current goals.

Cr Oke returned to the meeting at 7.13pm.

The Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle left the meeting at 7.13pm

In response to questions raised by Cr Watts the Director City Planning and Infrastructure, Geoff Lawler made the following key comments: • it is important when involved with public money that it is used in a well managed plan; • Director Corporate Business, Mark Stoermer, assisted the Trustee in shaping the business plan; and • the structure in some degree represents Mark's view in how the Trustees could shape their business plan in a way that is very closely related to the way the City of Melbourne does business planning.

Cr Ong returned to the meeting at 7.14pm

Moved: Cr Wood

1. That the Future Melbourne Committee: 1.1. note the Sustainable Melbourne Fund (SMF) 2013-16 Business Plan; 1.2. set the SMF hurdle rate for a return to be no less than the rate of inflation over the period of 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2015; and

1.3. agree to extend the Service Level Agreement between the Council and the Trustees of the SMF for the administration of Environmental Upgrade Agreements for two years to 30 June 2015.

Moved: Cr Ong

The Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle returned to the meeting at 7.16pm.

Cr Wood made the following key comments: • note the EUA in particular the three year time line to return to being back in the black or above that; • people are anxious to see results on the ground; • results will be coming a lot thicker and faster than previously; • some of the new offerings under the Environmental Upgrade Agreement are hugely encoUraging; and • support that we do have an asset here.

Future Melbourne Committee — Tuesday 11 June 2013 10 Cr Ong made the following key comments: • encouraging business plan and what is in the pipeline for the fund; • not an easy area to get organisations to buy into the concept; and • looking forward to greater uptake of the EUA's.

The Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle made the following key comments: • note that the original corpus of around $6.5 million is quite modest; • it is still a remarkable success story; • during briefings on this item it became obvious that $6.5 million loaned in small amounts is just about to be returned for the first time; and • every three to four years Council is getting another $6.5 million projects out there and completed.

Cr Wood made the following key comments: • note that South Korea has just put half a billion dollars into a revolving fund; and within the first month had attracted $1.5 billion in business.

The motion was put and carried unanimously with the following Councillors present: The Chair, Councillor Mayne, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley, Councillors Foster, Leppert, Louey, Oke, Ong, Pinder-Mortimer, Watts and Wood.

6.7 Proposed Travel by Lord Mayor Robert Doyle to Policing In Global Cities Conference London, July 2013

The purpose of this report was to seek Committee approval for the Lord Mayor to make a keynote address at the inaugural Policing in Global Cities Conference in London at the personal invitation of Mayor Boris Johnson.

Anthony van der Craats, resident, addressed the Committee and made the following key comments: • believe that the Lord Mayor, Robert-Doyle pledged during the election campaign that there would be no junkets; • concern regarding ongoing expenditure and how much it is costing rate payers; • concerned if there is a Per Diem allowance given for overseas travel, it would seem to be contrary to the Local Government Act 1989; • concern about the pricing for the overseas travel; and • note that under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1989 within six months of the election the Council has the option to review its Councillor allowances.

Moved: Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley

I. That the Future Melbourne Committee: 1.1 approve the Lord Mayor's participation in. the Policing in Global Cities Conference in London for the period 5-12 July 2013 and events associated with the conference, noting that the keynote address is intended to cover the City of Melbourne's Strategy for a Safer City 2011-13;

1.2 approve an amount of up to $10,000 allowing for currency fluctuations, to cover the travel costs of airfare ($6000 approximately), accommodation ($1720 approximately) expenses and incidentals ($1800 approximately);

1.3 note that the Lord Mayor will prepare a report to the Future Melbourne Committee within 14 days of the finalisation of travel costs; and

1.4 request that the keynote presentation be made available on the City of Melbourne webs ite.

Seconded: Cr Wood

In response to comments made by Anthony van der Craats, the Manager Governance Services, Keith Williamson, made the following key comments: • regarding the allegation of Per Diem payments, notes that Council does not pay Per Diem as this would be a breach of the Local Government Act 1989; and • note that the legislation about Councillor allowances referred to by Mr van der Craats does not apply to the City of Melbourne under the City of Melbourne Act 2001.

Future Melbourne Committee — Tuesday 11 June 2013 11 The Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley made the following key comments: • believe that any opportunity should be applauded; and • honoured that the Lord Mayor will be the Key Note Speaker.

Cr Oke spoke in favour of the motion and made the following key comments: • the Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle is speaking about our strategy for a safer city; and • good to be a part of the global stage.

Cr Watts spoke against the motion and made the following key comments: • agree it is an important role the Lord Mayor has to be the public face of our city on matters that are advantageous; • believe that this is not one of those matters; • find it difficult to find the link to promoting Melbourne as a well policed city; and • do not believe the cities involved in the conference are comparable to Melbourne.

Cr Mayne spoke in favour of the motion and made the following key comments: • the last financial review showed the Council was $400,000 under budget in terms of international trade delegations; • this is a great opportunity to network with other major city Mayors; and • the Lord Mayor will be partnered with Rod Wilson from Victoria Police.

Cr Leppert spoke in favour of the motion and made the following key comments: • the amount needs to be consistent and reflected in the Council's goals and other criteria; and • this is about the City of Melbourne's Safety Strategy.

The Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle spoke in favour of the motion and made the following key comments: • took great care not to repeat a remark regarding travel in the last election campaign and stated I would travel on behalf of the City of Melbourne; • during the last campaign also stated I would encourage Councillors to travel in their particular areas of portfolio expertise and interest; • London has asked the Lord Mayor to speak about the innovative things that have been done in the centre of the city that are different from other cities; and • am attending to present, but also to learn.

The motion was put and carried with the following Councillors voting in favour of the motion: The Chair, Councillor Mayne, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley, Councillors Foster, Leppert, Louey, Oke, Ong, Pinder-Mortimer and Wood; and Cr Watts voting against the motion.


The Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle resumed the role of Chair for the remainder of the meeting.

There was one item of General Business for consideration in the open session.

7.1 Notice of Motion: Cr Mayne: Banner Program

Moved: Cr Mayne

1. That the Future Melbourne Committee request management: 1.1 undertake a review of the Banner Program that includes: 1.1.1 previous Council resolutions; 1.1.2 current guidelines and policies; 1.1.3 current fees charged; 1.1.4 current number of super banners (poles) and standard banners and their locations; 1.1.5 utilisation rates for CBD and Docklands for 2012-13; 1.1.6 utilisation by customer for 2012-13; 1.1.7 benchmarking against other relevant Australian Capital Cities and major international cities;

Future Melbourne Committee — Tuesday 11 June 2013 12 1.1.8 identification of opportunities for potential changes to the current program, - including expansion, that may be further investigated and costed,- and 1.1.9 any other information that management deems relevant; and 1.2 submit a report on the Banner Program covering the above elements for consideration at a meeting of the Future Melbourne Committee or Council by the end of August 2013.

Seconded: Cr Leppert

Cr Mayne made the following key comments: • the history of the motion comes from the budget process when looking for revenue; • it was unsuccessfully proposed that the City of Melbourne could put up its first advertising signs on Council building ; • City of Sydney website showed that they received $6.3 million last year in advertising from their banner program; • Council has a budget of close to $600,000 from the banner program; and • the report will bench mark other capital and international cities and potentially look at changes to the program.

Cr Leppert made the following key comments: • if there is scope to increase banner advertising then it is time to review the program; • there are iconic institutions that use the banner program; and

• would like to see what can be done creatively through the banner , program.

In response to a question raised by Cr Watts, the Director City Business, Martin Cutter, advised that banners are generally only displayed for six to 10 week periods and quality is of a high standard.

The motion was put and carried unanimously with the following Councillors present: The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, Deputy Lord Mayor, Susan Riley, Councillors Foster, Leppert, Louey, Mayne, Oke, Ong, Pinder- Mortimer, Watts and Wood.


There were no items of Urgent Business for consideration in the open session.


The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle invited members of the public to ask questions of the Committee.

Anthony van der Craats, resident, queried the response to his previous comments relating to the Local Government Act 1989 by the Manager Governance Services.

Mr van der Craats asked a further question in relation to who authorises and has the right of refusal for any projections that extend over a property boundary line on to public property or into a roadway.

In response to the question raised by Mr van der Craats the Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle advised it is the Council's responsibility.


The Chair, Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle, declared the open meeting closed at 7.46pm.

Confirmed at the meeting of Future Melbourne Committee on Tuesday 9 July 2013.

Chair Future Melbourne Committee Future Melbourne Committee — Tuesday 11 June 2013 13