Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd Mesa H – Level 2 Fauna Assessment, May 2016

Table H.1: Location of significant areas recorded during the Astron field surveys.

MGA Zone 50 K Site ID Survey Easting Northing Reason Photograph (mE) (mE) Caves

Large deep cave with single entrance facing into a small Level 1 survey Cave 1 415802 7595656 gorge. (Astron 2014) Ghost scats present.

415149 7596502

Series of significant deep caves. Deep, dark, with series of openings and in the vicinity (200 m to 300 m of permanent Cave 2 and 3 Level 1 survey water). (multiple caves) (Astron 2014) Ghost present – scats and remains of Ghost Bat. Northern scat present.

415168 7596492 Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd Mesa H – Level 2 Fauna Assessment, May 2016

MGA Zone 50 K Site ID Survey Easting Northing Reason Photograph (mE) (mE)

Level 1 survey Significant deep cave facing into a small gorge. Cave 4 417586 7594895 (Astron 2014) Ghost Bat scats present.

Level 1 survey Significant deep cave facing into a small gorge. Cave 5 417109 7593285 (Astron 2014) Ghost Bat scats present.

Series of significant deep caves. Deep, dark opening into Level 1 survey Cave 6 418068 7592683 small gorge. (Astron 2014) Ghost Bat scats present.

Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd Mesa H – Level 2 Fauna Assessment, May 2016

MGA Zone 50 K Site ID Survey Easting Northing Reason Photograph (mE) (mE)

Large deep cave with single entrance facing into a small Level 1 survey Cave 7 415265 7596486 gorge. (Astron 2014) Ghost Bat scats present.

Water Sources

Permanent pool of the Robe River, likely to support MNES Level 1 survey Pool 1 414390 7597485 bat species, migratory bird species and other conservation (Astron 2014) significant fauna species.

Permanent pool of the Robe River, likely to support MNES Level 1 survey Pool 2 414415 7596570 bat species, migratory bird species and other conservation (Astron 2014) significant fauna species.

Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd Mesa H – Level 2 Fauna Assessment, May 2016

MGA Zone 50 K Site ID Survey Easting Northing Reason Photograph (mE) (mE)

Phase 1 Level 2 Permanent Pool of the Robe River with abundant Typha. Pool 3 survey (Astron 414405 7596615 Important habitat for migratory listed birds. Fortescue 2016) Grunter recorded.

Phase 1 Level 2 Permanent Pool of the Robe River with abundant Typha. Pool 4 survey (Astron 417192 7598072 Important habitat for migratory listed birds. 2016)

Phase 1 Level 2 Permanent Pool of the Robe River with abundant Typha. Pool 5 survey (Astron 418060 7598016 Important habitat for migratory listed birds. 2016)

Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd Mesa H – Level 2 Fauna Assessment, May 2016

Appendix I: Conservation Listed and SRE Fauna Locations

Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd Mesa H – Level 2 Fauna Assessment, May 2016

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414000 416000 418000 420000

Legend ") Conservation Significant Fauna (Previous Surveys) Birds I.1A Survey Area GF Merops ornatus (Rainbow Bee-eater) Conservation Significant Vertebrate Fauna Locations Reptiles #* Rhinonicteris aurantia ( Leaf-nosed Bat) (! Liasis olivaceus barroni (Pilbara Olive Python) #* gigas (Ghost Bat) I.1B (! Notoscincus butleri (Lined Soil-crevice Skink) J" Pseudomys chapmani (Western Pebble-mound Mouse) 7600000 I.1C )" Dasyurus hallucatus (Northern Quoll)

Rainbow Bee-eater GF Northern Quoll Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat Rainbow Bee-eater )" #* Rainbow Bee-eater GF GF Rainbow Bee-eater ")

Western Pebble-mound Mouse Ghost Bat Rainbow Bee-eater ") J" ")

Rainbow Bee-eater Rainbow Bee-eater Western Pebble-mound Mouse Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat GF") Eastern Great Egret ") Rainbow Bee-eater ") Pilbara Olive Python ") ROBE RIVER (! (! ") Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat 7598000 Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat Northern Quoll Ghost Bat GF)" Rainbow Bee-eater ") Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat Pilbara Olive Python Northern Quoll ") Ghost Bat Northern Quoll GF") )"#*)"#*)" Rainbow Bee-eater Northern Quoll Rainbow Bee-eater Rainbow Bee-eater ") Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat Northern Quoll ") Pilbara Olive Python GF ") Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat (! Northern Quoll

Northern Quoll

Rainbow Bee-eater Northern Quoll Northern Quoll Ghost Bat )")"GF Northern Quoll )" Rainbow Bee-eater " Northern Quoll Rainbow Bee-eater GF #* ) ") Northern Quoll )")"") Northern Quoll )" GF Rainbow Bee-eater GF)"") Northern QuollNorthern Quoll GF ") Rainbow Bee-eater Rainbow Bee-eater

Rainbow Bee-eater Ghost Bat ") ")

7596000 ") Rainbow Bee-eater Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat Ghost Bat Robe River Mining Co. Pty. Ltd. Coordinate System: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 Mesa H Level 2 Fauna Assessment Metres 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 ± Figure I.1A: Current and previous conservation significant vertebrate fauna locations Author: J. Trainer Drawn: C. Dyde Date: 24-01-2017 Figure Ref: 14269-16-BIDR-2RevB_170124_FigI1A 414000 416000 418000 420000

Rainbow Bee-eater Ghost Bat ") ")

7596000 ") Legend Rainbow Bee-eater Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat Ghost Bat ") Conservation Significant Fauna (Previous Surveys) Birds ") I.1A ROBESurvey RIVER Area GF Merops ornatus (Rainbow Bee-eater) Rainbow Bee-eater Conservation Significant Vertebrate Fauna Locations Mammals ") #* Lined Soil-crevice Skink Reptiles Rhinonicteris aurantia (Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat) Rainbow Bee-eater (! Liasis olivaceus barroni (Pilbara Olive Python) #* Macroderma gigas (Ghost Bat) ") I.1B Western Pebble-mound Mouse GF (! Notoscincus butleri (Lined Soil-crevice Skink) J" Pseudomys chapmani (Western Pebble-mound Mouse) ") I.1C )" Dasyurus hallucatus (Northern Quoll) Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat Ghost Bat ")

Western Pebble-mound Mouse Lined Soil-crevice Skink

7594000 ")GF") ") ") Rainbow Bee-eater Northern Quoll Rainbow Bee-eater Lined Soil-crevice Skink ") #* Lined Soil-crevice Skink Rainbow Bee-eater Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat ") Ghost Bat

") Northern Quoll

Northern Quoll )" ") )" Rainbow Bee-eater Northern Quoll Ghost Bat GF(! ") Lined Soil-crevice Skink

Rainbow Bee-eater GF Western Pebble-mound Mouse Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat 7592000 #* Western Pebble-mound Mouse J" " J"J Western Pebble-mound Mouse J"

Ghost Bat Western Pebble-mound Mouse

Northern Quoll Northern Quoll )"#* Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat )" Northern Quoll Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat #*

Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat ") Robe River Mining Co. Pty. Ltd. Coordinate System: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 Mesa H Level 2 Fauna Assessment Metres 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 ± Figure I.1B: Current and previous conservation significant vertebrate fauna locations Author: J. Trainer Drawn: C. Dyde Date: 24-01-2017 Figure Ref: 14269-16-BIDR-2RevB_170124_FigI1B 422000 424000 426000 428000

Legend Rainbow Bee-eater

") Conservation Significant Fauna (Previous Surveys) Birds Rainbow Bee-eater GF I.1A Survey Area GF Merops ornatus (Rainbow Bee-eater) Rainbow Bee-eater GF Conservation Significant Vertebrate Fauna Locations Mammals GF Reptiles #* Rhinonicteris aurantia (Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat) Rainbow Bee-eater (! Liasis olivaceus barroni (Pilbara Olive Python) #* Macroderma gigas (Ghost Bat) GF I.1B (! Notoscincus butleri (Lined Soil-crevice Skink) J" Pseudomys chapmani (Western Pebble-mound Mouse) I.1C )" Dasyurus hallucatus (Northern Quoll)

Western Pebble-mound Mouse 7592000

Western Pebble-mound Mouse

Western Pebble-mound Mouse

Lined Soil-crevice Skink

") Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat #* Lined Soil-crevice Skink ") ") Western Pebble-mound Mouse Western Pebble-mound Mouse

") Western Pebble-mound Mouse


Robe River Mining Co. Pty. Ltd. Coordinate System: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 Mesa H Level 2 Fauna Assessment Metres 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 ± Figure I.1C: Current and previous conservation significant vertebrate fauna locations Author: J. Trainer Drawn: C. Dyde Date: 24-01-2017 Figure Ref: 14269-16-BIDR-2RevB_170124_FigI1C Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd Mesa H – Level 2 Fauna Assessment, May 2016

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Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd Mesa H – Level 2 Fauna Assessment, May 2016

Table I.1 Locations of vertebrate conservation listed species recorded during the Astron Phase 1 and 2 field surveys.

MGA Zone 50 K Species name Observation type Status Site ID Habitat Photograph (common name) Easting Northing (number of records) (mE) (mN) Reptiles OPP08 416809 7597283 Scat Breakaway Liasis olivaceus barroni VU / S3 OPP09 417156 7597953 Scat Breakaway No photo (Pilbara Olive Python) NOC01 418583 7597957 Individual (1) Riverine Notoscincus butleri P4 MHT03 419172 7592794 Individual (1) Loamy/Stony Plain No photo (Lined Soil-crevice Skink) Birds HA01 414405 7596614 Individuals (3) Loamy/Stony Plain HA22 423929 7592643 Individual (1) Drainage Line HA23 424018 7592961 Individual (1) Drainage Line MHT01 414614 7597885 Individuals (3) Riverine MHT02 416302 7599273 Individuals (2) Loamy/Stony Plain MHT03 419172 7592794 Individuals (3) Loamy/Stony Plain RVM12 416226 7598927 Individual (1) Breakaway Merops ornatus Mi / S5 RVM13 418743 7598258 Individual (1) Riverine (Rainbow Bee-eater) RVM15 417456 7593904 Individual (1) Low Hills and Slopes RVM16 414917 7596337 Individual (1) Breakaway OPP17 419135 7597353 Individual (1) Loamy/Stony Plain OPP23 414409 7597627 Individual (1) Riverine OPP29 416182 7598967 Individual (1) Low Hills and Slopes OPP30 419406 7595180 Individual (1) Loamy/Stony Plain OPP31 419880 7592150 Individual (1) Loamy/Stony Plain OPP32 423840 7592884 Individual (1) Drainage Line

Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd Mesa H – Level 2 Fauna Assessment, May 2016

MGA Zone 50 K Species name Observation type Status Site ID Habitat Photograph (common name) Easting Northing (number of records) (mE) (mN) OPP33 423897 7593106 Individual (1) Drainage Line OPP34 416114 7596572 Individual (1) Low Hills and Slopes OPP35 414436 7596222 Individual (1) Riverine SRE06 415332 7596472 Individual (1) Gorge Mammals MHT01 414614 7597885 Individual (1) Riverine RVM16 414917 7596337 Individuals (3) Breakaway HA21 419109 7591092 Scat Gorge CAM11 417716 7593081 Sighted on camera (1) Gorge CAM12 417951 7593003 Sighted on camera (2) Gorge CAM13 418099 7599090 Sighted on camera (1) Gorge

CAM17 414384 7596548 Sighted on camera (2) Riverine CAM18 414384 7596626 Sighted on camera (4) Gorge Dasyurus hallucatus EN / S2 (Northern Quoll) CAM20 415163 7596516 Sighted on camera (1) Gorge CAM32 414360 7597586 Sighted on camera (2) Breakaway CAM33 414412 7597587 Sighted on camera (2) Breakaway

CAM34 414390 7597588 Sighted on camera (2) Breakaway

CAM37 414395 7597589 Sighted on camera (2) Breakaway

CAM38 419085 7591202 Sighted on camera (2) Breakaway

CAM39 419092 7591197 Sighted on camera (2) Breakaway

CAM40 415252 7596465 Sighted on camera (2) Breakaway

Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd Mesa H – Level 2 Fauna Assessment, May 2016

MGA Zone 50 K Species name Observation type Status Site ID Habitat Photograph (common name) Easting Northing (number of records) (mE) (mN)

CAM41 416117 7596650 Sighted on camera (2) Breakaway

OPP03 414337 7596627 Scat Breakaway

OPP04 415146 7596479 Scat Breakaway

BAT01 419610 7599052 Acoustic recording (1) Low Hills and Slopes

BAT04 421971 7591055 Acoustic recording (1) Low Hills and Slopes

BAT08 416698 7593658 Acoustic recording (1) Gorge

Rhinonicteris aurantia BAT09 419102 7591026 Acoustic recording (1) Gorge VU / S3 No photo (Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat) BAT10 419092 7591197 Acoustic recording (1) Gorge

BAT11 414380 7597584 Acoustic recording (1) Riverine

BAT12 414397 7597585 Acoustic recording (1) Riverine

BAT14 418220 7591848 Acoustic recording (1) Gorge/Drainage Line

Macroderma gigas BAT10 419092 7591197 Acoustic recording (4) Gorge VU / S3 No photo (Ghost Bat) OPP02 419408 7596586 Scat Breakaway

HA03 418084 7598558 Inactive mound (1) Low Hills and Slopes

OPP11 419812 7591745 Inactive mound (1) Low Hills and Slopes Pseudomys chapmani (Western Pebble-mound P4 OPP12 419773 7591728 Inactive mound (1) Low Hills and Slopes Mouse) OPP13 419772 7591659 Inactive mound (1) Low Hills and Slopes

Inactive mound (1) Low Hills and Slopes OPP14 419729 7591766

Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd Mesa H – Level 2 Fauna Assessment, May 2016

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414000 416000 418000 420000

Buddelundia‘61’ ?!

Karaopsindet. sp. FG 7598000

Lychas1nov sp. Lychas1nov sp. #* #* 7596000 Buddelundia‘61’ ?! 7594000

Lychas2nov sp. #*

7592000 Legend Karaops feedtime FG Survey Area Potential SRE locations SRE Potential #* Scorpiones ?! Slaters FG Spiders

Robe River Mining Co. Pty. Ltd. Mesa H Level 2 Fauna Assessment Figure I.2: Potential SRE locations SRE Potential I.2: Figure

Author: J. Trainer Date: 08-02-2017 Coordinate System: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 Metres Drawn: C. Dyde Figure Ref: 14269-16-BIDR-2RevB_170208_FigI2 0 250 500 750 1,000 ± Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd Mesa H – Level 2 Fauna Assessment, May 2016

Table I.2 Locations of Potential SRE species recorded during the Astron Phase 1 and 2 field surveys.

WAM MGA Zone 50 K Species SRE Site(s) Landform Easting Northing Status Category (mE) (mE) Slaters Potential OPP37 Breakaway 420591 7599033 SRE – Buddelundia ‘61’ Research Also known from Bungaroo. and SRE12 Gorge 415606 7595708 Expertise Scorpiones Potential MHT01 Riparian 414614 7597592 Lychas sp. nov. 1 SRE – Probably more widespread. Molecular RVM13 Riparian 418784 7597593 Evidence Potential Sequenced for the first time. SRE – Loamy/Stony Possibly conspecific with the Lychas sp. nov. 2 MHT03 419181 7592799 Molecular Plains more widespread Lychas Evidence ‘gracilimanus’ Spiders Potential Unresolved , Karaops sp. SRE – SRE08 Breakaway 418236 7591842 additional records from indet. Molecular outside the survey area Evidence Potential Unresolved taxonomy, Karaops SRE – Disturbed OPP38 420512 7598718 additional records from feedtime Data Areas outside the survey area Deficient

Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd Mesa H – Level 2 Fauna Assessment, May 2016

Appendix J: Bat Call WA Pty Ltd Report

Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd Mesa H – Level 2 Fauna Assessment, May 2016

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Mesa H survey Ph 1 & 2

Mesa H survey, Pilbara WA, September-October 2015 / May-June 2016

Echolocation Survey of Bat Activity.


Prepared for Astron Environmental Services

Bat Call WA Pty Ltd ABN 26 146 117 839 43 Murray Drive Hillarys Western Australia 6025 [email protected] +61 8 9402 1987 +61 488 930 735

Prepared by: R. D. Bullen – Bat Call WA Issue C 14 June 2016

This document has been prepared to the requirements of Astron Environmental Services. It may be cited for the purposes of scientific research or other reasonable use. It may not be reproduced or distributed to any third party by hardcopy or electronic means without the permission of the client or Bat Call WA.

BAT CALL WA 1 of 12 14/06/2016 Mesa H survey Ph 1 & 2

Document Revision History

Issue Date Revision History

A 10 October 2015 Initial draft prepared for Astron

B 18 May 2016 Phase 2 results from May 2016 added

C 14 June 2016 Additional Areas results from June 2016 added

BAT CALL WA 2 of 12 14/06/2016 Mesa H survey Ph 1 & 2

Summary Bat species presence, with an estimate of activity level, is presented for seventeen sites at Mesa H near Pannawonica in the Pilbara, WA. Astron Environmental Services (Astron) carried out an echolocation based survey in two phases during September-October 2015 and May-June 2016. Bat Call WA has reviewed the recordings made and provided species lists for the bats present.

Ten species of echolocating bats were recorded including the two EPBC Act listed species in the Pilbara, the Orange Leaf-nosed Bat, Pilbara form (Rhinonicteris aurantia) (PLNb) and the Ghost bat (Macroderma gigas). PLNb calls were detected foraging in high numbers at site Bat 14, in medium numbers at Bat A4 and in low numbers at ten sites. A summary of call numbers and timing is provided. Ghost bat calls were detected at three site. Activity levels for the common species are provided by site.

Habitats The sites for the survey were chosen by Astron. Details of the sites are presented in Table 1. All sites are in the vicinity of Mesa H deposit. Four are on stony hills, four are in gorges, two are in cave entrances, two are under overhangs, two are on the Robe River riparian, two are in drainage lines and one is on a breakaway. The locations are shown in relation to Mesa H features in Figure 1. This range of sites is adequate to provide an accurate species list for the area and to indicate the probable direction toward the originating PLNb roost.

Characteristics of the calls recorded are presented in Table 2.

Bat Fauna An assemblage of ten echolocating species was confirmed as present at the study sites including the PLNb and the Ghost bat, Tables 2 and 3. Species activity levels were low to high, which is expected for the study area habitat and the time of year, see criteria below.

PLNb were detected at twelve of the sites. One, site Bat 14, had a high activity level with 257 calls recorded in spite of the night receiving heavy rainfall. The majority of these calls were recorded during the period of light rainfall after midnight, see below. Site ‘A4 had a medium activity level with a total of 140 calls being recorded over six nights. Ten sites had low activity levels.

Detections within 60 minutes of dusk civil twilight were recorded at four sites. The earliest call differentials from dusk civil twilight (CT) were at site Bat A4, 30 minutes on the 6th June (an overcast night with rainfall periods), 35 minutes at ‘14 and ‘A2, and 50 minutes at ‘A3. The latest calls were between 25 and 45 minutes before dawn CT, on the 6th June at ‘A4, and at sites ‘A3 and ‘A1, Figure 1. These time differentials, including that of 25 minutes at ‘A4 and 35 minutes at ’14 (both during overcast conditions) together with the progressively increasing time differentials from south to north indicates that the PLNb probably originate from a known roost approximately10 km south of the study area.

Multiple Ghost bat calls were detected at one site, Bat 10, on all four nights of the survey at that location. Calls were also detected at sites Bat ‘A1 and ‘A4although the pattern of calls at these two sites were interrupted by nights with extensive rainfall and also probably impacted by the two cold nights in June, see below.

Taxonomy presented herein is after Reardon et al. (2014) and Jackson and Groves (2015).

Survey Timing, Moon Phase and Weather

BAT CALL WA 3 of 12 14/06/2016 Mesa H survey Ph 1 & 2

The echolocation survey was conducted between 26th September and 1st October 2015, between 1st and 5th May 2016 and between 3rd and 8th June 2016.

In September-October 2015, sampling evenings were warm and dry with minimum overnight temperatures around 15OC. The moon in this period was full. In May 2016, the first four sampling evenings were also warm and dry with minimum overnight temperatures between 20 and 25OC. Heavy rain was experienced on the 5th May beginning at approximately 19:00 and continuing until dawn with a period of light rainfall between midnight and 02:00. The moon was between third quarter and new. In June 2016, the first four sampling evenings were warm with minimum overnight temperatures between 15 and 20OC while the last two were cold with temperatures around 10OC. Rain fell on the nights of 4th , 5th and 6th June. The moon in this period was new. On the warm nights, other than the four wet nights, these conditions correspond to typical levels of bat echolocation detection for the season. Activity levels are expected to be low on the two cold nights.

During the September-October survey, sunset, sunrise, dusk and dawn civil twilight times were within two minutes of 18:13, 06:00, 18:35 and 05:37. During May the respective times were 17:50, 06:54, 18:13 and 06:11. During June the respective times were 17:39, 06:49, 18:03 and 06:25.

Survey Team Sites were chosen and detectors placed by Astron ecologists. Bob Bullen of Bat Call WA completed analysis of echolocation recordings.

Sampling The survey consisted of completing a total of 47 overnight bat sound recordings, beginning at twilight, at twelve locations within the survey area. Detectors were deployed but failed to record at two additional locations. The recordings were “continuous” (Hyder et al. 2010) made using SM2BAT+ SongMeter (Wildlife Acoustics Inc, USA) detectors. The jumper and audio settings used followed the manufacturer’s recommendations for bat detection contained in the user manual (Wildlife Acoustics 2010).

For the recordings, once reformatted as .wav files, COOL EDIT 2000 (now available as AUDITION from Adobe Systems Inc.) was used to display each sequence for identification. Calls were identified manually. Only good quality call sequences were used. Details of calls analysed are provided in Table 2 as recommended by Australasian Bat Society (ABS 2006). Reference data for the species identified are available in Bullen and McKenzie 2002, McKenzie and Bullen 2003 and McKenzie and Bullen 2009.

Bat activity was then characterised as “Low”, “Medium” or “High” based on the rate of call sequences recorded.  Low species activity is referred when a species is recorded with call spacing less often than ten minutes,  Medium species activity refers to call recordings more often than 10 minutes but less often than two minutes apart for a at least an hour followed by sporadic records for the remainder of the session.  High species activity refers to call recording more often than two minutes apart for at least two hours followed by reasonably regular records for the remainder of the session.

BAT CALL WA 4 of 12 14/06/2016 Mesa H survey Ph 1 & 2

Survey Limitations The sites surveyed were accessible on foot and the SM2, using an omnidirectional microphone, was set on the ground with the microphone horizontal. Species are unlikely to be under- represented as a result.

Bat species density away from cave or adit entrances is impossible to estimate from echolocation records. Bat activity is therefore substituted as an approximate guide to the relative numbers of each species using the study area.

No data was collected from two Phase 1sites (due to battery failure) but seventeen sites remained functional.

BAT CALL WA 5 of 12 14/06/2016 Mesa H survey Ph 1 & 2


ABS (2006). Recommendations of the Australasian Bat Society Inc for reporting standards for insectivorous bat surveys using bat detectors. The Australasian Bat Society Newsletter 27: 6-9.

Bullen R.D. and McKenzie N.L. (2002). Differentiating Western Australian (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) echolocation calls. Australian Mammalogy. 23: 89-93

Hyder, B.M., Dell, J. and Cowan, M.A. (eds) (2010). Technical guide – Terrestrial vertebrate fauna surveys for environmental impact assessment. Technical report of the Environmental Protection Authority and the Department of Environment and Conservation.

Jackson, S. and Groves, C (2015). Taxonomy of Australian Mammals. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood Vic.

McKenzie N.L. and Bullen R.D. (2003). Identifying Little Sandy Desert bat species from their echolocation calls. Australian Mammalogy 25: 73-80.

McKenzie, N.L. and Bullen R.D. (2009). The echolocation calls, habitat relationships, foraging niches and communities of Pilbara . Rec. West. Aust. Mus. Supplement 78:123-155.

Reardon, T.B., McKenzie, N.L., Cooper, S.J., Appleton, B. Carthew, S. and Adams, M. (2014). A molecular and morphological investigation of species boundaries and phylogenetic relationships in Australian free-tailed bats Mormopterus (Chiroptera: Molossidae). Australian Journal of Zoology, available on-line 23 April 2014.

Wildlife Acoustics (2010). Song Meter User Manual, Model SM2, with Song Meter SM2BAT 192kHz Stereo or 384kHz Mono Ultrasonic Recorders addendum.

BAT CALL WA 6 of 12 14/06/2016 Mesa H survey Ph 1 & 2

Table 1 Site Specific details.

Recording Time & Date Habitat Easting Northing SM2 unit Phase 1

2015 Two Bat 1 26-27 Sept overnight recordings Low stony hill site 419610 7599052 using SM2 SN 7634 Two Bat 2 26-27 Sept overnight recordings Drainage line site 419524 7595067 using SM2 SN 8027 One Bat 3 28 Sept overnight recording Low stony hill site 417682 7599195 using SM2 SN 8027 Two Bat 4 28-29 Sept overnight recordings Low stony hill site 421971 7591055 using SM2 SN 7634

Bat 5 30 Sept Note 2 Breakaway site 419432 7596595

Bat 6 30 Sept Note 2 Stony plain site 419868 7592798

One Bat 7 1 Oct overnight recording Low stony hill site 416988 7593520 using SM2 SN 8027 One Bat 8 1 Oct overnight recording Gorge site 416698 7593658 using SM2 SN 7634 Phase 2

2016 Four Bat 9 1-4 May overnight recordings Gorge site 419102 7591026 using SM2 SN 11040 Four Bat 10 1-4 May overnight recordings Gorge site 419092 7591197 using SM2 SN 12791 Three Bat 11 3-5 May overnight recordings Drainage line riparian 414380 7597584 using SM2 SN 8027 Three Bat 12 2-4 May overnight recordings Drainage line riparian 414397 7597585 using SM2 SN 7634 One Bat 13 5 May overnight recording Breakaway 416235 7596587 using SM2 SN 11040

One Bat 14 5 May overnight recordings Major drainage line 418220 7591848 using SM2 SN 12791

BAT CALL WA 7 of 12 14/06/2016 Mesa H survey Ph 1 & 2

Date Recording Time Habitat Easting Northing

Phase 2 2016

Additional area, Four Bat A1 3-6 June overnight recordings Overhang in gorge 417714 7591311 using SM2 SN 15289 Four Bat A2 3-8 June overnight recordings Perm’t pool in gorge 417078 7590311 using SM2 SN 13947 Six Bat A3 3-8 June overnight recordings Overhang in gorge 417723 7589676 using SM2 SN 14909 Six Bat A4 3-8 June overnight recordings Cave entrance 419326 7588792 using SM2 SN 15281 Two Bat A5 7-8 June overnight recording Cave entrance 417641 7591471 using SM2 SN 15289

Note 1: Coordinates are Zone 50K

Note 2: Detector failed to record data due to battery failure

BAT CALL WA 8 of 12 14/06/2016 Mesa H survey Ph 1 & 2 Table 2: Summary of Echolocation call characteristics for species present.

Typical Ave. Typical Fpeak Typical Call Genus species Authority Common name Q Duration kHz Shape Note 1 msec Note 1 Austronomus australis (Gray 1838) CF– shallow White-striped free-tailed bat 12 7 12 - 23 Note 2 FM Chaerephon jobensis (Miller 1902) Northern free-tailed bat 22 5 8 - 15 Shallow FM

Chalinolobus gouldii (Grey 1841) Gould’s wattled bat 32 10 7 - 11 FM 20 – 52 2 – 20 Macroderma gigas (Dobson 1880) Ghost bat variable Complex FM variable variable Nyctophilus geoffroyi Leach 1821 Lesser long-eared bat 48 3 5 Steep FM

Rhinonicteris aurantia (Gray 1845) Pilbara leaf-nosed bat 120 30 5 - 8 CF flaviventris (Peters Yellow-bellied sheath-tailed 18 9 12 - 21 CF - FM 1867) bat Scotorepens greyii (Gray 1843) Little broad-nosed bat 38 10 7 - 13 FM georgianus Thomas CF– shallow Common sheath-tailed bat 24.5 14 9 - 18 1915 FM Vespadelus finlaysoni (Kitchener, Inland cave bat 55 14 4 - 8 FM Jones and Caputi 1987)

Note 1: Fpeak and Q are defined in McKenzie and Bullen 2003, 2009. Note 2: Taxonomy follows Jackson and Groves (2015). Until recently A. australis was known as Tadarida australis.

BAT CALL WA 9 of 12 14/06/2016 Mesa H survey Ph 1 & 2

Table 3. Survey microbat lists presented by site.

Site gigas greyii Note 1 Note gouldii jobensis australis aurantia geoffroyi finlaysoni Taphozous flaviventris georgianus Vespadelus Nyctophilus Scotorepens Scotorepens Chaerephon Saccolaimus Macroderma Macroderma Austronomus Chalinolobus Rhinonicteris

Phase 1

2015 Low Bat 1 Low Low Low Low Low Med (3 calls)

Bat 2 Low Low Low Low

Bat 3 Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Bat 4 Low Low Low Low Low Low (1call)

Bat 5 - Note 2

Bat 6 - Note 2

Bat 7 Low Low Low Low High Low Low Low Low High Med Bat 8 (1call)

Phase 2


Low Bat 9 Low Low High Low (10calls) Low (Multiple Low Low Low calls Low Med Med Bat 10 (9calls) each night) Low Bat 11 Low High Low High High (1call)

Low Bat 12 Low Med Low Med High (3calls)

Bat 13 Low Low Med Low

High Bat 14 Low (257 Low Low High calls)

BAT CALL WA 10 of 12 14/06/2016 Mesa H survey Ph 1 & 2

Site gigas greyii gouldii jobensis australis aurantia geoffroyi finlaysoni Taphozous flaviventris georgianus Vespadelus Nyctophilus Scotorepens Scotorepens Chaerephon Saccolaimus Macroderma Macroderma Austronomus Chalinolobus Rhinonicteris

Phase 2 Additional area Low (Multiple Low Bat A1 Low Low Low Low Low High High calls (23 calls) detected) Low Bat A2 Low Low Low High High (20 calls)

Low Low Low Low High Low Bat A3 (18 calls) Low (Multiple Med Bat A4 Low Low Low Low High High calls (140 calls) detected)

Bat A5 Low Low Low Low

Note 1: Total number of calls detected during the recording period at the site Note 2: No bats were detected due to detector battery failure.

BAT CALL WA 11 of 12 14/06/2016 Mesa H survey Ph 1 & 2 Figure 1. Detector sites in relation to features in the study area. Orange pins denote sites where PLNb were detected. Total PLNb call numbers and timing of the closest calls to civil twilight are also noted. Multiple Ghost bat calls were also detected at sites Bat 10, ‘A1 and ‘A4

BAT CALL WA 12 of 12 14/06/2016