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served always. Much has changed, but some scheme has been modest in numbers but aspects remain the same. Faculty, staff, and strong in quality. student body are much more diverse, but the I have to tell you that I am not so encour- commitment to diversity has been present aged by the prospects today for a theology for a long time. Already in the late ’60s and that is able to effect actual changes in public early ’70s we were committed to the place of policy in the direction of social justice, eco- African Americans and women and to the logical responsibility, and peaceful dialogue. close relationship between Judaism and Powerful interests, political and economic, Christianity in theological education; other are too firmly entrenched to be much shaken When the commitments — such as those articulated in by theologians, pastors, and professors who the Divinity School Catalogue — came later. are more on the margins of society now than In a sense the whole trajectory of the they were half a century ago. The church, School for the past 43 years was set by the insofar as it speaks publicly today, does so Photograph Lawson crisis of 1960 when the Divinity with a reactionary voice on many of the School very nearly went under and when critical issues. Tillich hoped for a new kairos Vanderbilt University began to wake up to in our time. It has not come, but we should new realities. Strong leadership by people not cease to yearn for it. In the meantime we Becomes the Picture such as Lou Silberman, Walter Harrelson, can, as George Eliot observed, work for the Kelly Miller Smith, Sallie McFague, Peter better if not the best. Paris, Jack Forstman, Ed Farley, David ESSAY AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY wo weeks have passed since I from 110–120 degrees regularly with cloud- 1 JASON DAVIS FRAZIER, MTS2 returned from Mexico, and I am just less skies and an unrelenting sun. The area is Buttrick, Howard Harrod, Gene TeSelle, Dale Recently I have been going through my files in preparation now picking up the photographs from home to rattlesnakes and coyotes. What Johnson, Frank Gulley, Don Beisswenger, of vacating my office. I am reminded what a labor-intensive T Liston Mills, and Joe Hough—a list of near- work teaching and scholarship is. All the correspondence the camera shop. I discover that one roll of would motivate people to endure willingly relating to this or that project, all the manuscripts, all the During the 2003 summer term, 15 representa- saints (some closer than others to sainthood)— film is ruined—probably from a faulty shutter these conditions while leaving their homes committee documents and meetings, all the conferences on my camera. Somewhat perturbed, I get and families, especially when they are aware helped to get us to where we are today. Our tives from Vanderbilt University Divinity School and professional groups, all the course syllabi and bibliogra- into my car and hurriedly flip through the of the risk of failure and the number of peo- present leaders, James Hudnut-Beumler, phies, all the lecture and reading notes, all the student Alice Hunt, and Douglas Knight are taking files, all the recommendations and grading, all the dis- traveled to the border town of Nogales Sonora in photos. Something is missing. us to new levels of accomplishment. So I am sertations, all stretching back 38 years! I am exhausted The 105 pieces of photo- just to contemplate it. I have not kept a good record of all Mexico for a field education immersion experi- graphic paper in my hands A photograph fails and becomes a picture encouraged about the prospects for Vanderbilt the things I have done, and most of the physical evidence Divinity School and the Graduate Department reveal nothing of the experi- will go to the University Archives where someday an ence in the political and economic circumstances of Religion. Our contribution to the larger industrious researcher can dig it all out — though I can’t ences I had two weeks ago. when the viewer relates only to the properties imagine why anyone would want to do it. As a student of theology, I that contribute to immigrants seeking better lives think that having directly of colors, shapes, and dimensions of the image. experienced the events in the United States. The VDS delegation, in con- depicted in these photos junction with the nonprofit organization Border- now alters my perception of the images and ple who have died alone in the desert mak- restricts their meanings. I am not completely ing this trek? Simple heat exhaustion or a Links, was led by Lloyd Lewis, assistant professor convinced by that thought. I place the photos sprained ankle will cause a person to become back in the envelopes and begin driving. stranded and die. I cannot fathom this reali- of the practice of ministry and assistant dean for I recall memories from the trip for what ty. Having never gone hungry or thirsty, hav- seems the millionth time: a 45-mile stretch of ing never experienced even a possible lack- student life, and included Andrew Barnett, desert from Sasabe, Mexico, to the pick-up ing of food or water, I am, despite having point in Arizona; immigrants, with little or witnessed the circumstances on the border, Nathan Brown, Amy Cates, Brian Costilow, no water, traversing a terrain of cactus and aware of my inability to relate directly. mesquite trees over three days. That’s not What value of border and separation can Mosung Eam, Karlen Evins, Nancy Jenkins, that big a deal, or is it? Temperatures soar be worth these stakes? Life, liberty, and Kara Kleinschmidt, Brian McCre- property? Is the United States so intent on making herself an island, only accepting the anor, Lindsay Meyers, Paul world’s commodities while ignoring the world’s hardships? If so, why? Homeland Noreika, Michaela Rangel, security? Currently I fear my home more than any other land — the land of the William Simmons, and Jason Above: Stylized sculptures made by local artisans Frazier, from whose journal from recycled materials depict the struggles of the Mexican immigrants who try to cross the this essay was compiled. border into the United States. Left: Drums of water placed by relief workers may be found on the American side of the border. 18 THE SPIRE Fall 2003 19 In the United States, has freedom become a four-letter word, a nihilistic fantasy, its meaning always relative to context? Freedom in the United States is ownership. trapped, the home of the afraid. I’m only comfortable on the outside. My breath realized as if it is the last. I stand here Food is often priced as high, or higher, than the photograph of which we are members. Looking through the barrio in commodities are a reflection of my “well- as a participant in this being. Even if just for in the United States. American and other for- The immersion experience places a per- Nogales Sonora, Mexico, precon- being.” Oh well, I’ve got it better than most, the second of this thought, I am not “the eign-owned factories have taken advantage son in an immediate relationship, as a mem- ceived images run through my I really shouldn’t complain. No. I feel like an other” observing this place called Mexico; I of lower labor costs, unenforced environ- ber of the situation, without the degree of head. I want to see more houses animal domesticated by its fears, no longer am Mexico—not culturally, not economical- mental regulations, and less-organized labor separation that exists when looking at a pho- made of scrap pieces of plywood, willing or able to live by its natural free- ly, not in terms of material prosperity, but in rights groups. Jobs are few, so people leave tograph. My realization of this failure has used cardboard, and rusted metal doms. In the United States, has freedom humanity. The separation I had expected to their homes and families to seek work in become the theme from this immersion expe- sheets. There are supposed to be become a four-letter word, a nihilistic fanta- feel between Mexico and myself is only other parts of Mexico or the United States. rience. I went to Mexico with the mindset fewer cars and more violence. sy, its meaning always relative to context? material, not spiritual. The divide between The lack of creature comforts in Mexico is that I would find some strategy to help change There should be children shirtless Freedom in the United States is ownership. my world and this has never seemed more lamentable to most U.S. citizens; however, the situation — perhaps a new economic, and hungry with dried grains of In the morning, a mid-sized pickup truck futile than at this moment. There is no room this lack cannot be used to judge the condi- political, or philosophical theory using mod- rice sticking to unsmiling mouths with a bed full of five-gallon water bottles for the self-seeking individual here. tions of Mexico. To do so would be to ignore ern technology and reason. Through this on expressionless faces. I want to drives slowly up the road. Attached to its Now, it is early evening and people are the existence of a vibrant Mexican culture. experience, however, I have come to realize see these conditions; I want experi- hood is a horn speaker blaring an enthusiastic returning from a day of work. Both children Yes, Mexico needs improvements, but not that we, the citizens of the U.S., do not need ences that will make me feel sorry message of which I understand only the and adults are outside visiting with neigh- nearly as much as the United States.