reforms: historical experience Исторический опыт налоговых реформ

DOI 10.15826/jtr.2020.6.1.075 Original Paper Comparative Analysis of Alcohol Taxation and State Alcohol Policies in and Germany E.V. Iadrennikova1 , R.A. Busse2 1 Ural Federal University named after the first B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russian 2 Tax consultant, Halle, Germany  [email protected]

ABSTRACT The influence of excise policy on alcohol consumption has been a focus of interest among Russian and international researchers. In Russia, the socio-economic effects of alcohol abuse are as damaging to the country as its health effects. This problem can be addressed by stimulating a shift of consumer preferences from spirits towards low- alcohol beverages, such as wine and beer. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of state alcohol policies, in particular the price and non-price measures, in Russia and Germany and the influence of these policies on alcohol consumption. Based on our research findings, we are going to devise recommendations for improvement of the state alcohol excise policies in these countries. The hypothesis is that for Russia, a feasible solution would be to readjust its alcohol excise policy by increasing the tax burden on spirits and reducing the burden on low-alcohol beverages, which would change the price structure for different kinds of alcohol products. The research methodology involves the analysis of the current state and characteristics of alcohol excise and Germany, the measures of the state alcohol policies implemented in these countries and their influence on tax revenues and alcohol consumption. We also conducted comparative analysis of the restrictive measures of manufacture, distribution, sale and consumption of alcohol products in Russia and Germany; the dynamics and types of alcohol excise rates in Russia and EU countries. Yet another question discussed in this study is the influence of restrictive measures, especially excise duties, on the amount and structure of alcohol consumption in Russia and Germany. Our study has shown the need to readjust the alcohol excise policy in Russia by taking into account the experience of Germany and other European states. KEYWORDS excise tax, alcohol beverages, alcohol policy, tax rates, alcohol consumption, price and non-price measures of state regulation JEL H20, H30

УДК 336.22 Сравнительный анализ антиалкогольных мер в контексте государственной акцизной политики России и Германии Е.В. Ядренникова1 , Р.А. Буссе2 1 Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина, г. Екатеринбург, Россия 2 Налоговый консультант, г. Галле, Германия  [email protected]

АННОТАЦИЯ Влияние государственной акцизной политики на потребление алкоголя вызы- вает растущий интерес как отечественных, так и зарубежных ученых. Злоупо- требление крепкими алкогольными напитками в современной России форми- рует ряд негативных последствий и приводит к значительному бремени для

© Iadrennikova E.V., Busse R.A., 2020 54 ISSN 2412-8872 Journal of . 2020;6(1):54–72

здравоохранения, экономики и общества в целом. Поэтому смещение потреби- тельских предпочтений в сторону потребления слабоалкогольной продукции, вина и пива является крайне актуальной задачей. Целью данного исследова- ния является анализ и оценка результативности мер государственной антиал- когольной политики ценового и неценового характера Российской Федерации и Германии и их влияния на потребление алкогольных напитков и разработка предложений по совершенствованию государственной акцизной политики по алкогольной продукции в этих странах. Гипотеза исследования состоит в том, что совершенствование акцизной политики по алкогольной продукции в Рос- сийской Федерации посредством увеличения фискальной нагрузки на крепкий алкоголь и сокращения налогового бремени по алкоголю с низким содержани- ем этилового спирта позволит изменить ценовую структуру различных видов алкогольной продукции. Методика исследования включала в себя изучение современного состояния и особенностей акцизного налогообложения алко- гольной продукции России и Германии, а также мер государственной антиал- когольной политики и ее влияния на величину поступлений акцизного налога в бюджет и потребление алкогольных напитков населением этих стран. Про- веден сравнительный анализ ограничительных мер, касающихся производства, реализации и потребления алкогольных напитков в России и Германии, а так- же величины, динамики и видов ставок, применяемых при налогообложении алкогольной продукции в России и в странах Европейского Союза. Проведено исследование динамики объема и структуры потребления алкогольных напит- ков в России и в Германии под влиянием мер государственного регулирования, в частности инструментов акцизного налогообложения и иных ограничитель- ных мер. Обосновывается необходимость совершенствования государственной акцизной политики России в сфере налогообложения алкогольной продукции с учетом опыта Германии и стран Евросоюза.

КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА акцизное налогообложение, алкогольные напитки, государственная политика по алкогольной продукции, налоговые ставки, потребление алкогольной про- дукции, ценовые и неценовые меры государственного регулирования

Introduction by the WHO (not more than 8 litres per Excessive alcohol consumption con- person per year). stitutes a substantial socio-economic bur- In order to deal with the negative con- den for many countries. The World Health sequences of alcohol abuse, most coun- Organization (WHO) attributes 3.3 mil- tries adopt alcohol regulation policies. In lion deaths a year to alcohol misuse1. In the last decades, Russia has been tighten- Russia, alcohol abuse has long been one ing control over its alcohol market. of the most serious medical and social The Russian alcohol market is charac- problems. According to the WHO, in terized by the following: 2008, registered alcohol consumption per – relatively high level of overall alco- capita (15 years and older) in Russia was hol consumption; 12.09 litres in pure alcohol. In 2016, this – large percentage of spirits in the al- figure dropped to 8.42 litres per person. cohol consumption structure (spirits con- In Germany, registered alcohol consump- sumption more than twofold exceeds the tion per capita (15 years and older) fell recommended ‘ideal’ structure of alcohol from 10.71 litres of pure alcohol in 2008 to consumption that is likely to result in min- 9.55 litres in 2016. Nevertheless, the level imum harm [1]; of alcohol consumption in both countries – considerable percentage of un- is still higher than the level recommended registered alcohol (up to 24% of total consumption)2;

1 World Health Organization (WHO), Global 2 World Health Organization (WHO), Global Status Report on Alcohol 2004, Department of Status Report on Alcohol 2004, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, WHO, Mental Health and Substance Abuse, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland, 2004. Geneva, Switzerland, 2004. 55 Journal of Tax Reform. 2020;6(1):54–72 ISSN 2412-8872

– rigorous state control and regulation alcohol beverages such as wine and beer of manufacture and sale of alcohol, ban on is an important task, which will contribute alcohol advertising, restrictions on alcohol to the improvement of the demographic selling time and on the density and loca- situation in the country, increase life ex- tion of alcohol outlets. pectancy, reduce mortality and encourage Germany is a EU member country, people to lead a healthier lifestyle [2]. which means that its excise taxation con- The purpose of this study is to analyze forms with the European Commission’s and evaluate the efficiency of state alcohol directives of 19 October 1992 as far as the policies in Russia and Germany, in par- list of taxable products and the tax rates ticular the price and non-price measures, are concerned (Directive 92/83/EEC and and their influence on alcohol consump- Directive 92/84/EEC)3. The alcohol mar- tion. Based on the research findings, we ket in Germany is characterized by the are going to devise recommendations for following: improvement of the state alcohol excise – relatively high level of overall alco- policies in these countries. hol consumption; The hypothesis of this study is as fol- – healthier alcohol consumption struc- lows. The readjustment of the alcohol ex- ture, prevalence of low-alcohol drinks cise policy in Russia by increasing the tax (beer and wine account for 82%); burden on spirits and reducing the bur- – considerable differentiation of excise den on low-alcohol beverages will lead to tax rates for spirits and low-alcohol beve- changes in the price structure for different rages; kinds of alcohol products. This, in its turn, – stimulation of beer and wine-mak- will contribute to shifting consumer pref- ing through lower rates of beer and a erences from spirits towards low-alcohol zero tax on natural wine; beverages (wine and beer) and result in – insignificant share of unregistered a reduction in the share of spirits in the alcohol. overall alcohol consumption structure. Since Russia and Germany have simi- lar mentality and drinking cultures but 1. Literature review different types of alcohol consumption, it Alcohol stands apart from other is interesting to compare their price and product types as its misuse is linked to a non-price measures of state alcohol regu- number of harmful consequences such lation and identify priority areas for im- as anti-social behaviour, growing crime proving their state alcohol policies. and morbidity rates and, consequently, In recent years, per capita alcohol increased health care expenditures [3; 4]. consumption in Russia has started to Wagenaar et al. [5] showed the sig- decline while the share of low-alcohol nificant positive effects of public policies drinks, especially beer, started to grow. In affecting the price of alcoholic beverages general, however, the national drinking on alcohol-related disease and injury habits in Russia, with spirits remaining rates. The results of numerous studies of the preferred type of drink, remain quite the efficacy of alcohol policies in the USA, persistent. Abuse of hard liquors is a ma- Canada, Finland, Spain, Denmark, Swit- jor source of such problems as the rising zerland and Russia show the positive im- crime rates; social degradation; upsurge pact of such measures on alcohol-related in premature deaths and alcohol-related traffic fatalities [6–8], incidence of violence health problems. Ensuring a radical shift [9], and alcohol-related mortality [7; 10]. of consumer preferences towards low- The global strategy to reduce harmful 3 European Commission. Taxation and cus- use of alcohol approved by the WHO in toms union. Reading allowed: Tax information 2010 recommends national governments Communication database, 2019. Available at: to restrict physical availability of alcohol. According to the WHO, the most cost- ness/excise-duties-alcohol-tobacco-energy/ effective measures are the regulation of excise-duties-alcohol/excise-duties-alcoholic- beverages_en. the number and location of retail alcohol 56 ISSN 2412-8872 Journal of Tax Reform. 2020;6(1):54–72 outlets, the hours and days during which 2. Research methodology alcohol may be sold; establishing a mini- Our analysis of alcohol excise taxa- mum legal age for consumption of alcohol; tion and alcohol policies in Russia and and restricting drinking alcohol in public Germany focused on the period of 2008– places. The WHO’s recommendations are 2017. Methodologically, this study uses supported by ample evidence showing comparative analysis of the contemporary that restrictions on physical availability of state of alcohol excise taxation in Russia alcohol are in fact quite effective [4; 11]. and Germany as well as price (through Yet another impactful measure is pri- excise duties) and non-price measures cing. Pricing strategies entailing a rise in (restrictions on physical access to alcohol) the retail price of alcohol beverages are constituting state alcohol policies in these considered to be among the most effective countries. We compared the restrictive in international practice. Excise taxation measures used in both countries to control plays a key role in such strategies. There manufacture, distribution, sale and con- is research showing the importance of sumption of alcohol as well as the amount alcohol price regulation with the help of of excise , tax rates and their overall excise duties [12; 13]. An increase in alco- dynamics in Russia and EU countries. hol excise taxes is a proven measure lead- We analyzed alcohol policies in Russia ing to a rise in prices and, consequently, and Germany by focusing on the instru- a decline in alcohol sales and in drinking ments of excise taxation for the main types [14–16]. The relationship between excise of alcohol beverages (spirits, beer, wine taxes, retail prices and alcohol consump- and other alcohol containing products). tion in different countries has received In Russia, the category ‘spirits’ in- a lot of scholarly attention [5; 17]. The cludes distilled beverages containing negative price elasticity of demand for more than 9% ABV. The largest share in alcohol has been demonstrated by Wage- this category is held by vodka, but this naar et al. [5], Mäkelä P. et al. [2018] and category also comprises cognac, liqueurs, Razvodovsky Yu. [19]. brandy, calvados, etc. The category ‘beer’ State alcohol regulation has different comprises beer above 0.5 % and in the pe- aspects related to alcohol production and riod of 2013–2016 in this category there consumption, which have been studied were also included the so-called ‘beer extensively by research groups across the drinks’, that is, beverages made by adding world. State seeks to regulate alcohol con- alcohol and beer-based beverages. Other sumption, on the one hand, and, on the alcoholic beverages with ABV below 9% other, to increase its tax revenues. In order include low-alcohol drinks such as med- to balance these two goals, the government ovukha, cider, perry, champagne and spar- needs to devise an effective state policy to kling wine. control production, distribution, sale and In Germany, the category ‘spirits’ consumption of alcohol. The effectiveness comprises ethyl alcohol of any strength of these measures has been discussed by (including denatured alcohol), fortified Babor T. et al. [4] and Wagenaar et al. [5]. wine, grape must, vermouth and other Substantial data on alcohol consumption fermented drinks containing 22% ABV or and state alcohol policies have been col- more. The category ‘champagne’ (spar- lected for different countries, including kling wine) includes beverages with ABV Russia [20; 21]. It should be noted that from 1.2% to 15%. Other alcoholic beve- judging by the available evidence, so far, rages (intermediate products) include the alcohol control policy implemented in such drinks as port, sherry and Madeira Russia has been quite successful. wine (aperitifs), of 1.2% to 22% ABV. For each of the aspects discussed We also analyzed the dynamics in the above, sufficient research data have been volume and structure of registered adult gathered. The influence of differen- alcohol consumption in Russia and Ger- tiation on alcohol consumption, however, many in 1963–2016, in particular the role still remains an underexplored question. played by excise taxation. We also used

57 Journal of Tax Reform. 2020;6(1):54–72 ISSN 2412-8872 the WHO data on the registered amount beer, sparkling wine and intermediate of alcohol consumed in these countries products (port and sherry). In 2005, Ger- per year (in litres of pure alcohol per per- many started to levy an additional excise son (15 years and older)). duty on ‘alcopops’ – sweet beverages con- The data on the amount of excise taxes taining alcohol – to improve the protec- for different types of alcoholic beverages tion of young people against the dangers and tax rates were obtained from the web- of alcohol consumption. The alcopop duty sites of the Federal State Statistics Service is non-harmonized. Apart from Germany, (, Federal Tax Service (, it is applied only in two other EU coun- and the European Commission ( tries – Denmark and France; it is also used The data on alcohol consump- in Switzerland. It should be noted that nat- tion were provided by the web-site of the ural still wine in Germany is tax-exempt. World Health Organization (apps.who. Only sparkling wines are taxed at a rate int). Methodologically, this study draws per litre of beverage. For other types of from Russian and international research alcohol beverages, including spirits, beer and on the authors’ previous works. and intermediate products, the amount of tax depends on the content of pure alcohol 3. Results and discussion in the product. Excise tax rates have re- 3.1. Alcohol excise taxation mained unchanged in the 30-year period: in Russia and Germany the last time the rates were raised was in In Russia, the following types of al- 1982, when they were increased by 30%. cohol excise duties are currently applied: Alcohol excise duties play an impor- on spirits with over 9% alcohol tant role in excise taxation in Russia and (vodka, cognac); on beer, cider, perry, Germany alike. There are, however, diffe- medovukha, champagne and sparkling rences between the two countries in terms wine and other alcohol production with of excisable alcoholic beverages. For in- less than 9% alcohol. Taxes on beer, wine, stance, while in Russia natural still wines champagne and sparkling wine are calcu- are taxable, in Germany they are tax- lated based on the amount of alcohol sold exempt. Spirits and beer account for the (volume-based) expressed as roubles per largest shares in the structure of alcohol litre while taxes on other kinds of alco- both in Germany and Russia. holic beverages are calculated per unit of absolute alcohol. 3.2. Comparative analysis of state alcohol We should keep in mind that Germa- policies in Russia and Germany and their ny is a EU member state and that indirect influence on alcohol consumption taxation is harmonized throughout the State alcohol policy regulates the EU, which means that German excise leg- availability of alcohol by reducing physi- islation conforms with the EU legislation. cal access to alcohol and/or by controlling Beer, wine (still and sparkling), interme- the costs of alcohol, that is, regulating its diate products (e.g. port and sherry) and affordability. spirits (ethyl alcohol) are the main catego- International practices of state regula- ries of taxable alcoholic drinks. It should tion of manufacture and sale of alcoholic be noted that the EU legislation only sets beverages include several forms: full con- harmonized minimum rates, which means trol (monopoly); partial control (licensing); that EU countries are free to apply excise and no formal control over the manufac- duty rates above these minima, according ture and sale of alcohol. The majority of Eu- to their own needs. Since the harmonizing ropean countries exercise control through directives took effect in 1993, EU countries license systems. Only Finland, Norway have been following common provisions (alcohol with higher than 4.75% ABV) and regarding taxation of specific alcohol cat- Sweden (alcohol with above 3.4 % ABV) egories and the minimum tax rates. have state monopolies over retailing of In Germany, since 1993, excise duties alcohol beverages [22]. State regulation of have been levied on spirits (ethyl alcohol), production, distribution and sale of alco-

58 ISSN 2412-8872 Journal of Tax Reform. 2020;6(1):54–72 hol products may include the following: 3.2.1. Analysis of state alcohol policies restrictions on hours and days of alcohol in Russia and Germany aimed at limiting sale; regulations of public drinking places; physical access to alcohol bans or limitations on alcohol consump- In the first years after the collapse of tion in certain places (health care and edu- the USSR, alcohol policy was not among cation facilities, government offices, public the top priorities of the Russian govern- transport, sports events, youth festivals, ment. As market relationships were ac- etc); regulation of alcohol outlet density; tively developing, the state abandoned its setting minimum purchase and consump- control over the manufacture and sale of tion age limits for alcohol; regulation of al- alcohol, the restrictions on the days and cohol marketing (TV, online, printed mate- hours of alcohol sale were also lifted. rials, boards and signs) [2]. The efficiency A new stage in state alcohol regula- of these measures in this or that country tion began in the early twenty-first centu- depends on a range of factors, such as local ry. Table 1 illustrates the chronological or- , drinking habits, religious tradi- der in which this policy was implemented tions and so on [23; 24]. in 2008–2017.

Table 1 Stages of state alcohol policy development and implementation in Russia in 2008–2017 Year Measures 2008 Introduction of the mandatory Unified State Automated Information System (USAIS) for state control over the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages and alcohol-containing products 2009 Creation of the Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation (Rosalcogolregulirovanie) Adoption of the ‘Concept of Implementation of the State Policy to Reduce Alcohol Abuse and Prevent Alcoholism among the Population of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2020’ (Government Decree of 30 December 2009 № 2128-р) 2010 The minimum retail price on vodka was set 2011 Ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages at gas stations Setting new technical requirements for alcohol producers in order to drive small producers out of the market (the minimum capital required for vodka manufacturers was raised to 80 million roubles) Relicensing of alcohol manufacturers and distributors, with the resulting reduction in their total number of 30–40% 2012 More frequent indexation of alcohol excise rates and rise of the minimum retail price of vodka Limitations on the sale of alcohol in the evening and night hours (the federal legislation prohibits the sale of alcohol from 11 p.m. until 8 a.m.; regional and local authorities can add their own limitations by introducing extra hours) Restrictions on location of liquor stores (restrictions on the placement of alcohol outlets near sensitive locations such as schools, hospitals, sport facilities and cultural institutions) Piecemeal limitations, ending with a total ban of alcohol advertising on TV, radio and printed media 2013 Ban on selling beer in the street (from stalls and kiosks). Alcohol beverages (including beer) are allowed to be sold only in restaurants, cafes and stores with an area of at least 50 square meters 2015 The restrictions on beer commercials on TV were relaxed, more specifically, beer advertising was permitted during sports broadcasts. It was also allowed to place beer ads in points of sale Radio and TV advertising of wine made of Russian-grown grapes was permitted The minimum retail price on vodka was lowered by 16% 2016 The use of the USAIS made compulsory for alcohol wholesalers and retailers 2017 Ban on production, distribution and sale of alcohol in PET bottles with the volume exceeding 1.5 litres Source: [20].

59 Journal of Tax Reform. 2020;6(1):54–72 ISSN 2412-8872

The reform entered its most active tions where alcohol can be sold. There are phase in 2009, when the Federal Service for also certain alcohol marketing restrictions Alcohol Market Regulation (Rosalcogol- concerning beer, wine and liquor advertis- regulirovanie) was established. At the end ing on the radio and TV as well as on signs, of 2009, the Russian government also ad- billboards, in newspapers or other publi- opted the new ‘Concept of State Anti-Alco- cations. Like in Russia, in European coun- hol Policy’ aimed at ensuring a more than tries there are requirements that warning twofold reduction in the total alcohol con- labels should be used on alcoholic bever- sumption by 2020. In 2012, the government ages with information about the risks as- introduced limitations on the sale of alcohol sociated with alcohol consumption. in the evening hours and at night and the In Germany, state alcohol regulations location of alcohol outlets. Moreover, alco- concerning physical availability of alcohol hol advertising in mass media was banned. and alcohol marketing are not as stringent An important role in the Russian state al- as in Russia. Germany, like other Euro- cohol policy is played by the Unified State pean ‘beer’ or ‘wine’ countries, imple- Automated Information System (USAIS), ments protectionist policy in relation to its which is used for controlling the volume of breweries and wineries, which includes a production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, range of tax and other preferences. These alcoholic beverages and alcohol-containing countries are not trying to deal with the products. The USAIS allows the authorities problem of excessive alcohol use by pro- to monitor the movement of alcohol from hibiting alcohol consumption or inducing suppliers to end customers and thus deal cuts in the production of alcoholic beve- with the problem of off-the-books sale of rages but instead resort to other methods alcohol and counterfeit alcohol. to combat heavy drinking among the pop- In 2015, the alcohol reform in Russia ulation [25–27] such as the development slowed down: for the first time since the of national brewing and wine-making minimum retail price on vodka was set, it traditions, encouraging public celebra- was lowered by 16%. The rules concerning tions such as beer festivals and promoting beer and wine marketing were also relaxed social drinking in cafes and bars as op- somewhat. In 2015–2016, the government posed to solitary drinking at home. Price stopped raising excise rates for most types methods are also actively used. Differenti- of alcoholic beverages to stabilize the mar- ated rates of taxes on spirits and beer and ket, increase the share of legal and reduce zero-tax on natural wine are an effective the amount of unregulated alcohol. One way to achieve a shift in alcoholic bever- of the reasons behind a large percentage age consumption patterns, encouraging of alcohol being illegally imported from consumers to choose healthier options. EAEU countries (mainly Belarus and Ka- In general, it can be concluded that zakhstan) through ‘grey’ schemes is that Russia tends to impose more stringent in these countries excise rates and, con- measures to regulate the production, dis- sequently, alcohol prices are significantly tribution and consumption of alcohol than lower. Starting from 2016, manufacturers, Germany and most European countries wholesalers and retailers in Russia have which are closer to Russia in terms of their been obliged to use and record the data on cultural mindsets and alcohol consump- the products they produce and sell in the tion patterns. USAIS system, which reduced the amount of unrecorded counterfeit alcohol. In 2017, 3.2.2. Analysis of alcohol tax policies alcohol excise rates were raised again. in Russia and Germany Let us now consider the non-price In Germany, like in most other EU measures of alcohol policy in Germany. countries, excise rates remained stable Like in Russia, there is no state monopoly throughout the given period. In Germany, on alcohol production and no liquor li- the alcohol excise tax was last raised by censing. There are, however, restrictions 30% in 1982. It is interesting to compare on hours of sale and the areas and loca- the rates of excise taxes on strong and

60 ISSN 2412-8872 Journal of Tax Reform. 2020;6(1):54–72 low-alcohol beverages in Germany and comparative analysis of excise tax rates in other EU countries. Remarkably, 15 out of Russia, Germany and other EU countries 28 EU countries have zero taxes on natural for the main types of alcoholic beverages wine. Table 2 illustrates the results of our as of 2020. Table 2 Comparative analysis of the rates of excises on the main types of alcoholic beverages in Russia and EU countries in 2020 Countries Excise rates Spirits Beer and mixed Wines (except for Champagne beer beverages** champagne and and sparkling sparkling wines)** wines*** €/litre of EU €/litre EU €/litre EU €/litre absolute country’s country’s country’s alcohol ranking ranking ranking position position position Russia* 7.698 – 0.311 – 0.439 – 0.566 Minimum rates 5.500 – 0.090 – 0 – 0 of excise duty in the EU Germany 13.030 17 0.094 25 0 14-28 1.360 / 0.510 Austria 12.000 19 0.240 17 0 14-28 1.000 Belgium 29.928 5 0.241 16 0.749 8 2.563 Bulgaria 5.624 28 0.092 27 0 14-28 0 Cyprus 9.568 25 0.288 13 0 14-28 0 Czech Republic 12.529 18 0.147 23 0 14-28 0.909 Denmark 20.0927 7 0.362 9-10 1.508/0.694 4 1.957/1.143 Estonia 18.810 9 0.745 5 1.470/0.634 5 1.478/0.634 Greece 24.500 6 0.600 6 0 14-28 0 Spain 9.589 24 0.099 24 0 14-28 0 Finland 48.800 1 1.538 1 3.970/2.750 2 3.970/2.750 France 17.866 10 0.356 11 0.039 13 0.096 Croatia 7.151 27 0.259 14 0 14-28 0 Hungary 9.958 23 0.252 15 0 14-28 0.491 Ireland 42.570 3 1.082 2 4.248 1 8.497 Italy 10.350 22 0.362 9-10 0 14-28 0 Latvia 15.640 12 0.202 21 1.010 6 1.010 Lithuania 18.320 8 0.341 12 1.647/0.655 3 1.647/0.655 Luxembourg 10.411 21 0.095 26 0 14-28 0 Malta 13.600 15 0.232 18 0.205 12 0.205 Netherlands 16.860 11 0.380 8 0.883/0.442 7 0.883/0.442 Poland 14.355 13 0.220 19 0.397 10 0.397 Portugal 13.869 14 0.206 20 0 14-28 0 Romania 7.452 26 0.090 28 0 14-28 0.107 Sweden 47.813 2 1.002 4 0.507/0.242 9 0.507/0.242 Slovenia 13.200 16 0.581 7 0 14-28 0 Slovakia 10.800 20 0.172 22 0 14-28 0.795/0.542 UK 32.308 4 1.004 3 0.344/0.103 11 0.428/0.141 Source: European Commission. Taxation and customs union. (2019). Reading allowed: Tax infor- mation Communication database. Retrieved from: SearchForm.html, authors’ calculations * Excise duties in Russia were converted into euros by using the average exchange rates of the Cen- tral of Russia as of January-March 2020 (1€ = 70.6647 rbs.). ** In EU countries, beer excise rates vary in proportion to alcohol content while in Russia, the excise rates are set in roubles per litre. Since beer excise rates are expressed in a variety of ways, for the purpose of comparability, these rates were converted to euro per litre of beer of 12 degrees Plato or 4.8% ABV. *** Excise rates for wines of different strength (champagne) are indicated after the slash, the highest rate is imposed on stronger alcoholic beverages.

61 Journal of Tax Reform. 2020;6(1):54–72 ISSN 2412-8872

In setting their excise duty rates, EU Unlike Germany and other EU coun- countries including Germany follow the tries, in Russia alcohol excise duties are Directive 92/83/EEC and 92/84/EEC, raised almost every year. Let us consider which provide a harmonized list of ex- the dynamics of alcohol excise duties and cisable alcoholic beverages and the mini- their structure in Russia in 2008–2020 mum tax rates for them. As Table 2 shows, (Table 3). Finland, Ireland, Sweden, Estonia, Den- In the recent decade, Russia’s alco- mark, Belgium and Greece levy the high- hol has been oriented towards est excise duties on alcohol beverages. a steady increase of excise taxes. A nega- Taxes on alcohol are lower in Germany tive trend worthy of attention is a dispro- than in many other European countries: portionate increase in excise rates on cer- in Germany, natural still wine is exempt tain types of alcoholic beverages. In other from excise duties, the tax on beer is set words, the rates of taxes on low-alcohol close to the minimum level and on spirits beverages grow much faster than those on it is only 2.4 higher than the minimum. strong liquor. In 2008–2017, alcohol taxes Interestingly, the vast majority of Eu- were increased from 3 times (on spirits) ropean countries levy much higher excise to 7.7 times (on beer and wine). Interest- duties on spirits. The only country whose ingly, the alcohol tax revenue grew only spirits tax rate is close to minimum is 3.1 times, which shows that there has been Bulgaria. In 19 EU countries, including a considerable decline in alcohol con- Germany, the spirits tax rate exceeds the sumption in Russia (see Fig. 1, Table 4). minimum rate more than 2 times (68%) Analysis of the data in Tables 2 and 3 and in 11 countries, more than 3 times leads us to some interesting conclusions (39%). As for low-alcohol drinks, the about Russia’s and Germany’s alcohol tax situation is radically different: first, Eu- policies. ropean states can make still wines and Excise taxes on spirits (ABV over champagne exempt from taxation, which 9%) in the given period demonstrated a is a widely spread practice among these more noticeable threefold increase. Such countries. 15 countries out of 28 (54%) situation does not stimulate consumers have zero taxes on still wine and 9 coun- to reduce their consumption of spirits tries, on champagne (32%). Second, the and explains why it retains its top posi- minimum rate of excise duties on beer is tion in the overall consumption structure 61 times lower than on spirits. The actual (Fig. 2, Table 4). The cross-national com- rate of excise duties on beer only slightly parison of spirits taxation has shown that exceeds the minimum rate in seven coun- Russia belongs to the group of countries tries (25%). These countries include such with the minimum rates, which is in fact well-known leaders in beer production quite untypical for northern countries. and consumption as Germany and the For instance, in Finland, Sweden and Ire- Czech Republic, but also Bulgaria, Spain, land, the spirits tax rates are 5.5–6.3 times Luxembourg, Romania and Slovakia. higher than in Russia (see Table 2), in Only in 12 countries out of 28 (43%), the Germany 1.7 times higher. Thus, it is rec- rates of excise duties on beer more than ommended that the Russian government 3.5 times exceed the minimum rate and should explore the possibilities of excise are at the same level or above the rate ap- tax rise for spirits. plied in the Russian Federation. In Ger- In Russia, in 2007–2017, the rate many, the current rate of excise on spir- of excise on beer with ABV from 0.5 to its exceeds that on beer 139 times. Thus, 8.6 % rose 7.7 times and in 2017 it reached in Germany and other EU countries, the 21 roubles per litre, which is much higher governments regulate alcohol consump- not only in comparison with other coun- tion and ensure shifting of consumer tries of the Eurasian Economic Union preferences from strong liquors to low- (EAEU) but also with other leaders in alcohol drinks through differentiated tax terms of beer production and consump- rates on various products. tion, such as Germany (3.3 times higher)

62 ISSN 2412-8872 Journal of Tax Reform. 2020;6(1):54–72 and the Czech Republic (2.1 times high- for breweries with the annual production er). The rate of excise on stronger beer from 2 to 4 mln litres a year, the excise (ABV above 8.6%), however, increased rate is lowered by 16%; for breweries only 4.4 times, which means that the with 1 to 2 mln litres, by 22%; for those whole situation is not conducive to shift- with 500,000 to 1 mln litres, by 33%. The ing consumption towards low-alcohol maximum reduction of 44% is available beer types. As far as Germany is con- to breweries with the annual production cerned, apart from the relatively low of less than 500,000 litres a year. Further- standard beer tax rate, there are reduced more, amateur home brewers in Germany rates to support small and medium-sized are allowed to produce up to 2,000 litres breweries. Depending on the annual pro- of beer for their own consumption and in duction, a reduced tax scale is appleid: this case their production is tax exempt. Table 3 Dynamics of alcohol excise rates in Russia Indicators Years Change For reference 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 in 2017, in % to 2008 2020 2020 Change, in

(adj)* % 2020 (adj) in relation to 2020 1. Excise tax, rouble/litre of ethyl alcohol 1.1. Ethyl 25 27 30 33 37 59 74 93 102 107 428.0 544 281.4 1125.6 alcohol 1.2. Beverages 173 191 210 231 300 400 500 500 500 523 302.3 544 281.4 162.7 with over 9 % ABV 1.3. Beverages 110 121 158 190 270 320 400 400 400 418 380.0 435 225.0 204.5 with less than 9% ABV 2. Excise rates, rbs/l 2.1. Wines, 2.35 2.6 3.5 5 6 7 8 8 9 18 766.0 31 16.0 680.9 fruit wines, winy bever- ages produced through natu- ral fermenta- tion without adding ethyl alcohol (except for champagne and sparkling wine) 2.2. Cham- 10.5 10.5 14 18 22 24 25 25 26 36 342.9 40 20.7 197.1 pagne and sparkling wines 2.3. Beer, 0.5- 2.74 3 9 10 12 15 18 18 20 21 766.4 22 11.4 416.1 8.6% ABV 2.4. Beer, over 8.94 9.8 14 17 21 26 31 31 37 39 436.2 41 21.2 237.1 8.6% ABV 2.5. Cider, – – – – – – 8 8 9 21 – 22 11.4 – perry, medovukha Source: Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. Official site (2019). Retrieved from: https://, author’s calculations * The values of excise duties were calculated by dividing the excise rates as of 2020 by coefficient 1.993, which reflects the ratio between the yearly average euro exchange rate set by the Central Bank in 2020 (1€ = 70.6647 rbs) and in 2008 (1€ = 36.4466 rbs).

63 Journal of Tax Reform. 2020;6(1):54–72 ISSN 2412-8872

It should be noted that, unlike Russia, ing Germany. For EU countries, the Direc- in most countries with developed beer in- tive 92/83/EEC and Directive 92/84/EEC dustry, the excise tax rates have remained require that the minimum rate of excise practically the same for many years. duty on wine, fermented beverages (e.g. There are differences in beer taxation cider) and intermediate products (fortified between Russia and EU countries, includ- wines, liqueurs) should be fixed per hec-





4 2

0 63 6 3 2003 200 20 20 206 0 0 22 46 3 6 44 4 4 30 42 43 34 32 0 44 236 2 2 0 0 0 0 00 06 0 0 42 42 42 430 422 424 20 3 32 634 04 336 32 0 0 0 0 0 04 02 02 0 0 0 0 02 06 00 6 4 0 6 2 46 4 0 22 00 32 223 0 4 42 Fig. 1. Registered alcohol consumption per capita (15 years and older) in Russia in 1963–2016, litres of pure alcohol per person Source: World Health Organization. Official site (2019). Available at: euro.A1039?lang=en&showonly=GISAH#, author’s calculations

Table 4 Registered alcohol consumption per capita (15 years and older) in Russia and consumption structure in 2008–2016 Indicators Years Change in 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2016, in % (percentage points) to 2008 1. Registered alcohol consumption in litres of pure alcohol All types of alcoholic beverages, 12.09 11.25 10.98 10.95 10.89 9.92 8.85 8.41 8.42 69.6 including: Beer 4.66 4.20 4.09 4.13 4.17 3.96 3.64 3.49 3.29 70.6 Wine 1.27 1.26 1.02 0.96 0.93 0.84 0.89 0.87 1.08 85.0 Spirits 6.16 5.79 5.06 5.04 4.95 4.36 3.60 3.36 3.25 52.8 Other alcohol beverages 0 0 0.81 0.82 0.84 0.76 0.72 0.69 0.80 – 2. Structure of registered alcohol consumption, % All types of alcoholic beverages, 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 including: Beer 38.5 37.3 37.2 37.7 38.3 39.9 41.1 41.5 39.1 0.6 Wine 10.5 11.2 9.3 8.8 8.5 8.5 10.1 10.3 12.8 2.3 Spirits 51.0 51.5 46.1 46.0 45.5 43.9 40.7 40.0 38.6 –12.4 Other alcoholic beverages 0 0 7.4 7.5 7.7 7.7 8.1 8.2 9.5 – Source: World Health Organization. Official site (2019). Available at: data/node.main-euro.A1039?lang=en&showonly=GISAH#, author’s calculations

64 ISSN 2412-8872 Journal of Tax Reform. 2020;6(1):54–72

0 0 0 60 0 40 30 20 0 0 63 6 3 2003 200 20 20 206

Fig. 2. Registered alcohol consumption per capita (15 years and older) in Russia in 1963–2016, % Source: World Health Organization. Official site (2019). Available at: euro.A1039?lang=en&showonly=GISAH#, author’s calculations tolitre of product and for beer and spirits, sia grew most significantly despite the per hectolitre of pure alcohol4. A similar fact that the share of wine in the overall approach to alcohol taxation is used in structure of alcohol consumption is the other OECD countries which are not mem- smallest (see Fig. 2, Table 4). Our analysis bers of the EU. In Russia, the excise taxes has shown that many European countries on wine, champagne and beer of different have zero- or near-zero taxes on wine. strength are set at the rouble-per-litre rate This refers primarily to the leading wine- while for ethyl alcohol, spirits and other producing countries such as Spain, Italy, low-alcohol drinks, at rouble-per-litre of Portugal and France and helps support pure alcoholic content. Thus, in Russia a their wine industries. Germany also does similar excise tax rate is applied both for not levy excise taxes on natural wine. low-alcohol beer and stronger beer with Such approach holds promise for Russia ABV closer to 8.6%. A more promising as well, since wine is a low-alcohol drink approach would be to raise the excise on and such measure would be conducive to beer in proportion to the increase in alco- the development of wine industry in Rus- hol content [2]. sia and could bring about positive trans- Excise taxes on wine (except for cham- formations to the consumption structure. pagne and sparkling wine) in the given In order to evaluate the actual dy- period in Russia were quite low. Howev- namics of alcohol excise taxes in Russia in er, in the 10-year period, the tax rates for comparison with Germany, in Table 3 we this type of alcohol beverages grew con- listed the current tax rates (as of 2020) and siderably – 7.7. times. Moreover, in 2020, the rates adjusted (2020 (adj)) for the chang- the excise tax on wine grew 13.2 times in es in the average annual euro/rouble ex- comparison with 2007. Starting from 2020, change rate set by the Central Bank in 2020 it was decided that grapes and base wine in comparison with 2008. The excise tax on used for wine-making should be consid- spirits in comparable units increased only ered excisable goods. Therefore, the tax by 62.7% in the period of 2008–2020 while burden on this type of products in Rus- the excise tax on wine grew 6.8 times and on beer – 4.2 times. Unlike the taxes on 4 European Commission. Taxation and cus- low-alcohol beverages, there has been toms union. Reading allowed: Tax information only an insignificant adjustment of the Communication database, 2019. Available at: spirits tax rate in Russia. Such dynamics shows that in Russia the price measures ness/excise-duties-alcohol-tobacco-energy/ excise-duties-alcohol/excise-duties-alcoholic- used as a part of the alcohol restriction beverages_en policy are mostly targeted at low-alcohol 65 Journal of Tax Reform. 2020;6(1):54–72 ISSN 2412-8872 beverages such as wine and beer rather nomic well-being and reached its peak of than at strong liquors. This means that 8.46–8.96 litres of pure alcohol per person the alcohol taxation policy in Russia is in in 1983–1984. Thus, in that period alcohol need of some serious revision: it is neces- consumption increased by more than 2 li- sary to increase the tax burden on spirits tres. The most popular alcohol beverage and simultaneously reduce the burden on at that time was vodka, which account- low-alcohol drinks to shift consumer pref- ed for 50–69% of alcohol consumption. erences to healthier options. In contrast with present-day Russia, the consumption of wine was also quite high 3.3. Analysis of adult alcohol consumption (16–29%) while beer was comparatively in Russia and Germany less popular (14–20%). Most wine was Let us consider the dynamics and produced in the USSR, which explains structure of the registered (legal) adult the large percentage of wine in the over- alcohol consumption in Russia and Ger- all alcohol consumption. many in 1963–2016 and the role of state A pronounced decline in alcohol con- alcohol policies in shaping them (Fig. 1–4). sumption, which hit rock bottom in 1987 As Fig. 2 shows, Russia belongs to the with 4.59 litres per person, was caused northern type of alcohol consumption, by the massive anti-alcohol campaign of characterized by the prevalence of spir- 1985–1987. Another consequence of this its and lower wine and beer intake. In the campaign was the increase in moonshine 45-year period from 1963 to 2016, there production, in particular samogon (home- were some significant changes in the lev- distilled vodka). The share of wine in the el and structure of alcohol consumption. consumption structure also decreased Alcohol consumption was at its lowest in significantly in that period since the coun- 1987 (5.59 litres) and in 1963 (6.19 litres) try’s own wine production was all but and at its highest in 2007 (12.23 litres) destroyed and most people were strug- and in 1995 (11.22 litres). Alcohol con- gling financially and could not afford im- sumption in the USSR gradually rose in ported wine. The anti-alcohol campaign the 1960s, 1970s and in the first half of the was abandoned comparatively soon and 1980s together with the growth in eco- the figures of legal alcohol consumption





4 2

0 63 6 3 2003 200 20 20 206 660 6 3 2 2 624 4 4 3 34 3 04 063 06 63 4 2 2 22 36 40 44 442 4 42 42 0 2 4 22 2 2 2 2 3 60 4 46 6 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 66 40 04 4 2 4 6 26 62 4 00 022 3

Fig. 3. Registered alcohol consumption per capita (15 years and older) in Germany in 1963–2016, litres of pure alcohol per person Source: World Health Organization. Official site (2019). Available at: euro.A1039?lang=en&showonly=GISAH#, author’s calculations

66 ISSN 2412-8872 Journal of Tax Reform. 2020;6(1):54–72 in 1991–1995 partially recovered mainly were observed at the beginning and end due to the increase in the consumption of of the given period – 6.65 litres per per- spirits (in 1995 the share of spirits reached son in 1963 and ≈ 9.5 litres per person in its highest value of 79.1%) (Fig. 2). In 2015–2016. The highest level of consump- 1995–1999, the years of economic collapse, tion was observed in 1983 – 12.81 litres the per capita alcohol consumption in the per person. While until 1983 the level of country declined somewhat. registered alcohol consumption in Ger- In the years of economic growth, from many had been growing, after 1983 there 2000 to 2007, the consumption of legal al- was a dramatic decline, which lasted un- cohol rose from 10.7 litres to 12.23 litres til 1987. Afterwards, this figure gradually per person. The structure of consump- decreased until 2015. The main reason be- tion changed radically in this period (see hind this decline was a 30%-increase in Fig. 2). For instance, strong alcoholic bev- alcohol excise duty in Germany in 1982. erages were replaced by beer. At the turn Further downward trend was determined of the twenty-first century, international by the influence of non-price measures of beer manufacturers entered the Russian state alcohol regulation and the changes in market and bought brewing plants, re- the ethnographic structure of the popula- equipping them with imported machin- tion due to migration processes. ery, which raised the quality of produc- There are significant differences be- tion. As a result, beer consumption rose tween Russia and Germany in terms of more than four times in comparison with alcohol consumption patterns. Germany the Soviet period while the share of wine is known as a beer-drinking country with still remained below 10%. beer for more than 50% of the Since 2007, there has been a steady overall consumption (see Fig. 4). What is decline in alcohol consumption due to worth noting is the dramatic change in the state alcohol control policies and the eco- alcohol consumption structure in the giv- nomic recession periods of 2008–2009 en period: the share of beer shrank from and 2014–2015. 78% in 1963 to 37.4% in 2016 while the In Germany, the average per capita share of wine, on the contrary, increased alcohol consumption is comparable with from 7% to 45–48%. The share of spirits re- and slightly exceeds similar indicators in mains steadily low and varies within the Russia. Changes in the amount and struc- range of 15 to 20%. Factors contributing to ture of alcohol consumption in the given these transformations in the consumption period were less pronounced in Germany structure are the cultural and behavioural in comparison with Russia. The lowest shifts, changing consumer tastes, leading figures in registered alcohol consumption to some alcohol beverages being replaced

0 0 0 60 0 40 30 20 0 0 63 6 3 2003 200 20 20 206

Fig. 4. Structure of registered alcohol consumption per capita (15 years and older) in Germany in 1963–2016, % Source: World Health Organization. Official site (2019). Available at: euro.A1039?lang=en&showonly=GISAH#, author’s calculations

67 Journal of Tax Reform. 2020;6(1):54–72 ISSN 2412-8872 by others. For instance, younger genera- and cognac (–47.2%). Beer consump- tions tend to consume more wine than tion declined by 29.4%, which can be ex- vodka while more educated drinkers are plained by higher excise duties and, ac- more prone to consuming wine instead of cordingly, beer prices. It should be noted spirits [20]. that, according to the WHO methodology, In general, despite the higher level of the category ‘Other alcoholic beverages’ alcohol consumption in Germany than in comprises cider, fruit wines, fortified Russia, the structure of alcohol consump- wines, etc, which means that the amount tion in the former country is healthier and of consumption within this category can closer to the ‘ideal’ structure (beer – 50%, be in equal proportions divided between wine – 35%, and spirits – 35%) than in the spirits and wine. latter. Thus, we can conclude that price Compared to Russia, in Germany in and non-price measures of state alcohol 2008–2016, the registered per capita al- regulation in Germany have proven to be cohol consumption declined slower (by quite effective. 10.8%) and equaled 9.55 litres per person Further we are going to consider the in 2016. It was in this period that the share dynamics of average per capita alcohol of wine consumption gradually started consumption in Russia and in Germany to prevail over beer consumption in the by looking at the statistics of the WHO for overall consumption structure. A negative 2008–2016 (Table 4–5). trend is an insignificant increase in the Adult alcohol consumption per cap- share of spirits consumption. ita in Russia dropped significantly (by Analysis of adult per capita alcohol 30.4%): from 12.09 litres in 2010 to 8.42 li- consumption across the world has shown tres in 2016. The structure of consumption that in most European countries that are also changed: among the types of alcohol- close to Russia in mentality and culture ic beverages comprising the largest share of alcohol consumption, in 2010–2016, of excise tax revenue, the most significant there was a general but not radical de- decline in consumption was observed for cline in per capita alcohol consumption. strong alcoholic drinks, including vodka On average, in EU countries in the given

Table 5 Recorded alcohol per capita consumption (15 years and older) in Germany and the structure of consumption in 2008–2016 Indicators Years Change in 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2016, in % (percentage points) to 2008 1. Registered alcohol consumption in litres of pure alcohol All types of alcoholic beverages, 10.71 10.09 10.24 10.22 9.10 9.43 9.53 9.38 9.55 89.2 including: Beer 4.51 4.13 3.90 3.77 3.52 3.51 3.62 3.49 3.57 79.2 Wine 4.47 4.38 4.88 4.99 4.13 4.35 4.34 4.21 4.27 95.5 Spirits 1.66 1.52 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.57 1.57 1.68 1.63 98.2 Other alcoholic beverages 0.06 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.08 133.3 2. Structure of registered alcohol consumption, % All types of alcoholic beverages, 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 including: Beer 42.2 40.9 38.1 36.9 38.6 37.2 38.0 37.2 37.4 -4.8 Wine 41.7 43.4 47.6 48.8 45.4 46.1 45.5 44.9 44.7 3.0 Spirits 15.5 15.1 14.3 14.3 16.0 16.7 16.5 17.9 17.1 1.6 Other alcoholic beverages 0.6 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 0.2 Source: World Health Organization. Official site (2019). Available at: node.main-euro.A1039?lang=en&showonly=GISAH#, author’s calculations

68 ISSN 2412-8872 Journal of Tax Reform. 2020;6(1):54–72 period the decline in per capita alcohol namics of excise rates for different types consumption varied between 2% and of alcoholic beverages, we shall see that 15%5. The level of alcohol consumption the current alcohol tax policy in Russia is in Russia is comparable to that of Den- mostly aimed at reducing the consump- mark, Portugal, Belgium, Germany and tion of low-alcohol beverages but not Finland. A higher level is observed in spirits, which points to the need for some France (≈12 litres per person) and the readjustment of the policy. Czech Republic (≈13 litres per person). In Germany, restrictive measures Alcohol consumption is considerably low are less stringent than in Russia: both in in Northern European countries – Nor- terms of pricing (in Russia, excise rates way (≈6.5 litres per person) and Sweden are raised almost every year while in Ger- (≈7 litres per person) – and in Italy (≈7 li- many, they have remained the same since tres per person). However, the structure 1982) and physical availability of alcohol of alcohol consumption in these states (in Russia alcohol production, sale and is totally different. For example, in the consumption are regulated more heavily structure of alcohol consumption in Ger- than in Germany). Nevertheless, the al- many, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Den- cohol consumption structure in Germany mark, Finland and Norway, beer prevails can be described as healthier and closer to (it accounts for 38% to 54% in different optimal than in Russia, which means that countries). In France, Italy, Portugal and both price (especially differentiated excise Sweden, wine accounts for a considerable rates for various kinds of alcoholic bever- share of alcohol consumption – from 47% ages) and non-price measures in Germany to 65%. In all these countries, the con- are quite effective. sumption of spirits takes a comparatively small share – 25% or below. In general, 3.4. Areas for improvement such structure of alcohol consumption is of alcohol excise taxation healthier. The most effective anti-alcohol Our analysis has revealed several ar- policy measures require further investi- eas for improvement of alcohol excise tax- gation and may be applied in the Russian ation for Russia as well as for Germany. Federation. In Russia, the priority measures The ongoing anti-alcohol reform should include raising the tax burden on in Russia is accompanied by long-term spirits and lowering the burden on low- changes in the structure of alcohol bever- alcohol beverages by applying differen- age consumption such as the decline in tiation rates on various alcohol beverages, per capita consumption of spirits, being which would help change the structure of partially replaced by wine and especial- alcohol consumption. Such policy should ly beer. These trends signify that excise include the following: taxation achieves its role as a regulatory 1. Raising excise taxes on spirits (over measure. Our analysis has shown that 9% ABV). Measured in terms of pure al- in Russia, alcohol excise taxation is used cohol content, excise tax rates are practi- quite effectively for fiscal purposes. This cally the same for beer and spirits, which leads us to the conclusion that state regu- means that such excise policy is unlikely lation of alcohol consumption in Russia to shift consumer preferences towards employing instruments of excise taxation low-alcohol drinks. Liquor excise taxes in as well as non-price measures (restric- Russia are quite low in comparison with tions on alcohol advertising, launching of other countries. Therefore, a feasible op- the Unified State Automated Information tion for Russia would be to raise the tax System (USAIS)) has brought good re- duties on spirits and thus increase tax sults. Nevertheless, if we look at the dy- revenues and discourage the consump- tion of spirits. 5 World Health Organization (WHO), Global 2. Lowering excise duties on beer and Status Report on Alcohol 2004, Department of making beer excise rates dependent on Mental Health and Substance Abuse, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland, 2004. beverages’ strength. In the beer taxation 69 Journal of Tax Reform. 2020;6(1):54–72 ISSN 2412-8872 system currently applied in Russia, low- heavily than in Germany). Nevertheless, alcohol beer (less than 0.5%) and strong Germany has a healthier alcohol con- beer (up to 8.6%) is taxed at the same rate, sumption structure (low-alcohol beverag- which, in our view, is unfair. We recom- es such as wine and beer account for 82%) mend to make beer excise rates dependent than in Russia, where spirits account for on the alcohol content, that is, beer tax 39% of consumption. In Germany, like in should be levied not on a litre of beer but many other EU countries, consumer shifts on the percentage of pure alcohol in beer. in alcoholic drinks preferences from spir- As Iadrennikova E. et al. [2] have shown, its to low-alcohol beverages was achieved even though in this case there may be a with the help of excise differentiation reduction in tax revenues, such measures measures. Our analysis of the dynamics of will discourage consumers from buying alcohol excise rates in Russia has shown strong beer. that price measures are largely targeted 3. Setting zero tax rate for natural at low-alcohol beverages (wine and beer) wines produced by means of natural fer- rather than spirits. Therefore, the state al- mentation without adding ethyl alcohol cohol taxation policy in Russia requires to stimulate wine-making in Russia and some serious adjustment. increase the share of wine in the alcohol In the given period, alcohol consump- consumption structure. tion among adults fell significantly both Overall, in Russia there have been in Russia and in Germany. The structure some positive changes in alcohol con- of alcohol consumption also changed sumption patterns, although the con- considerably, which demonstrates that sumption structure is still far from ideal state regulation has brought about the (beer – 50%, wine – 35%, spirits – 15%). desired effects. In the recent decades, the To enhance positive outcomes, it is neces- alcohol consumption structure in Russia sary to stimulate the replacement of spirits has become healthier as the spirits share with low-alcohol alternatives such as beer has shrunk, with strong alcohol bever- and wine. ages being replaced by wine and beer. As far as Germany is concerned, a vi- Nevertheless, the situation is still far able solution for this country would be to from ideal. In order to improve the state make regular adjustments of excise rates alcohol taxation policy in Russia, it seems to match the rate of inflation. This will reasonable to recommend a shift of tax help the German government prevent burden from low-alcohol drinks to spirits reduction in the actual tax burden on al- by raising excise taxes on strong beve- cohol due to inflation and enhance the rages, lowering excise taxes on beer and effects of price measures in the alcohol introducing some other excise changes – control policy, which will contribute to for instance, set the amount of tax accor- further decline in alcohol consumption in ding to alcohol content in beer and set a the country. zero tax rate on natural wines produced without adding alcohol. These adjust- Conclusion ments could change the price structure Alcohol excise duties play an impor- for various types of alcohol production, tant role in the systems of excise taxation which would lead to a desirable shift in in Russia and Germany alike. However, consumer preferences towards low-alco- in the recent decade, in comparison with hol beverages (wine and beer), and thus Germany, the Russian government has reduce harmful use of alcohol. For Ger- been implementing a more restrictive al- many, it is recommended to make regu- cohol policy in terms of pricing (in Russia, lar adjustments of alcohol excise rates to excise rates are raised almost every year match the rates of inflation, as this will al- while in Germany, they have remained the low the government to avoid reduction in same since 1982) and physical availability the actual tax burden on alcohol products of alcohol (in Russia alcohol production, and will contribute to further decline in sale and consumption are regulated more alcohol consumption in the country.

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Information about the authors Elena V. Iadrennikova – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Financial and Tax Management, Ural Federal University named the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin (19 Mira St., 620002, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation); ORCID: 0000-0002-8530-3312; e-mail: [email protected]. Ralf A. Busse – PhD in Economics, tax consultant (Halle, Germany); ORCID: 0000-0003-4676-9926; e-mail: [email protected].

For citation Iadrennikova E. V., Busse R. A. Comparative Analysis of Alcohol Excise Taxation and State Alcohol Policies in Russia and Germany. Journal of Tax Reform. 2020;6(1):54–72. DOI: 10.15826/jtr.2020.6.1.075.

Article info Received February 10, 2020; Revised March 6, 2020; Accepted March 27, 2020

Информация об авторах Ядренникова Елена Викторовна – кандидат экономических наук, доцент ка- федры финансового и налогового менеджмента Уральского федерального университета имени первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина (620002, Рос- сия, г. Екатеринбург, ул. Мира, 19); ORCID: 0000-0002-8530-3312; e-mail: elena. [email protected]. Буссе Ральф Андреас – кандидат экономических наук, налоговый консультант (г. Галле, Германия); ORCID: 0000-0003-4676-9926; e-mail: info@steuerberatung-

Для цитирования Ядренникова Е.В., Буссе Р.А. Сравнительный анализ антиалкогольных мер в контексте государственной акцизной политики России и Германии // Journal of Tax Reform. – 2020. – Т. 6, № 1. – С. 54–72. – DOI: 10.15826/jtr.2020.6.1.075.

Информация о статье Дата поступления 10 февраля 2020 г.; дата поступления после рецензирования 6 марта 2020 г.; дата принятия к печати 27 марта 2020 г.