Vermont State Dance Festival Career Workshop

Careers and Employment Opportunities in Dance: What’s Out There for Me?

Short description

This interactive workshop is for VSDF high school students to explore dance careers and employment opportunities and learn how to find a suitable pathway in the field. A morning session is offered for juniors and seniors; an afternoon session is for freshman and sophomores. See registration information below.

Please note: parents, family members, and teachers are asked to give high school dancers the time and space to work solely with their peers and the facilitator during this workshop.

Date(s) and Times

November 22, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Juniors and Seniors) November 22, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Freshmen and Sophomores)

Registration Information

$35 per student

Juniors and Seniors register here.

Freshmen and Sophomores register here.

Workshop Description

As a participant of this workshop, you will learn about career paths, dance entrepreneurship, and dance professionals who are working to sustain their careers in the field. You will see a diverse representation of people, leadership roles, opportunities, and purposes for dance in society. Together, we will identify essential/soft skills as well as hard skills of dance professionals in various jobs – from performing to running a business or using dance entrepreneurship as a means for change, social justice, and beyond. Then you will discover how to go about finding a pathway in dance that is suitable to your values, strengths, and interests.

About Solutions In Motion

Solutions In Motion offers consulting services to dance organizations, schools, artists, and students across the U.S. Workshops, portfolio development, assistance with job searches and applications, exploring meaningful and sustainable career paths, college dance program selection, preparations for college readiness, acceptance, and career success are among the many services available to clients. Visit to learn more. Cydney's Bio

Cydney Spohn (M.A.) is an educator, freelance artist, and consultant for dancers and organizations. After a twenty-year tenure as a professor of dance at The University of Akron where she mentored and advised students with diverse backgrounds and interests, Cydney founded Solutions In Motion to help dancers of all ages take their next steps and prepare high school students for college readiness, acceptance, and career success. Cydney danced professionally with North Carolina Dance Theatre and as a soloist with The Pennsylvania . Her repertoire included lead roles in , Cinderella, ’s The Nutcracker, , , Square Dance, and La Sonnambula, along with works by Joe Goode, Lar Lubovitch, Doug Varone, Paul Taylor, and Lynne Taylor-Corbett. As a recipient of an Emerging Choreographer Fellowship from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts and two Princess Grace Foundation-USA awards, Cydney has been recognized for her creative and performing career on national levels. A high school graduate of the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Cydney later earned both a B.S. in Economics (graduating summa cum laude) and a M.A. in Education from The University of Akron. Service contributions include seats on the board of directors of CORPS de Ballet International and the board of advisors of the Thomas S. Kenan Institute for the Arts. Her research has been presented at professional conferences and published in the scholarly journals Research in Dance Education and Arts Education Policy Review.

Cydney Spohn, Founder and Dance Consultant Solutions In Motion