The new electric Morgan 3W announced at the Geneva Motor Show, March 2016

Petra Rarko busy removing the Dog-Ear motor from Rob Pike’s Aero Super Sports Photo: Rob Pike Happenings in May

BROOKLANDS for the start from Huntley’s on Saturday morning if 3rd May: New Inn, Send, Surrey GU237EN you are not able to come on the run) Special Tool Competition with prizes. Thurs.19th May: group meeting at The Royal Oak, Garstang 8pm (eating from 6.30) Saturday 21st May – run to VSCC Oulton Park with EAST ANGLIA th NW group for the Morgan race Next meeting, Tues 17 May. 8 pm. Sunday 22nd May – BHR (VMCC) racing at Darley The Hare Arms, Stow Bardolph. Norfolk. Moor, near Ashbourne EAST ANGLIA – WOOLPIT NORTH WEST First Tuesday. The Bull, Woolpit, 12 noon. 11th May: Wednesday lunch, 12.30. EAST MIDLANDS The Smoker Inn, A556, Plumley, Northwich th 21st May: Morgans at VSCC Oulton Park Next meeting Wed 18 May, 6pm till late Royal Oak th Brandon 27 May: Friday meeting at The Whipping Sunday 12th June Picnic, Gloucester and Stocks, A 50, Lower Peover. Warwickshire Railway Classic Vehicle day, group OXFORD picnic, and steam train ride.. Tues. 31st May: th Saturday 16 July Group BBQ, at Jenny and Mike SOUTH COAST Harris's, near Wolvey Leics. th th st Wed.18 May, 8.00 pm. Six Bells, Chiddingly. 28 - 31 July, Silverstone Classic, I will be there, V Twin on Cartooning. with my facilities, come and join me. SOUTH EAST FAR FAR SOUTH WEST Sat. 7th May – The Swan, Horndon-on-the-Hill Fri 6th May: Black & White breakfast meet Group meeting 10.00am Fox & Hounds, Scorrier Saturday 4th June – The Swan, Horndon-on-the-Hill Tues 10th May: VSCC group meet, 7.30pm Group meeting Hawking Arms, Zelah. Sun. 26th June – charity classic car show at Sun 15th May: VMCC run, 10.30am Corringham Chiverton Cross. SOUTH WEST Thur 19th May: MTWC group meet, 7.30pm Fox & Hounds, Scorrier FAR SOUTH WEST Second Tuesday Westward Inn, Lee Mill. (Dress -Smart casual). WEST MIDLANDS HERTS, BEDS AND BUCKS. th 3rd Wednesday, every month: The Swan, Wednesday, 11 May, Mid-month Meeting. Northall, Beds., LU6 2EY Fruiterer’s Arms, Ombersley 20:00 Sun. 8th May: Visit to Fawley Hill Railway, Henley-on-Thames. th Wednesday 25th May, The Clent Club 20:00 Next meeting: Wednesday 18 May. th 8th- 10th July: Stiffkey Camping Weekend. Wednesday, 8 June, Mid-month Meeting. (Contact Howard Andermahr . Tel. 01494 862762 Fruiterer’s Arms, Ombersley 20:00 or email [email protected] ). Yorks, Notts and DERBY 10th May The Bay Horse, Scholes. M1, J35, LANCS and LAKES A629, 3rd left . (Sat Nav S61 2RQ). Sat/Sun 7th & 8th May:Opening Run weekend to the Yorkshire Dales, stopping over at Fearby (join us This month’s hat is a Basque Beret - thank you Contents: 13 MTWC Training Day 24 Caton Gearbox 3 Editorial Guffle 14 Letters and Emails 30 Group Reports Adrian M-L’s Conrod / 15 Robin Rew Sprint 39 Registry Matchless valve lifter? 16 Fallacies debunked /New Forest Group Goggles and Gauntlets 17 Dash Plaque update 42 New Members/ Robin Rew 18 Northam Flying 50 44 Floggery 8 Oil pump light/ MHR 45 Worstead Weekend/ Page 48 10 Competition report / 22 June 11 Loton Park photographs 23 12 $6SHHGHU$OWHUQDWRU 24 F Type Handbook 7ZR0HQLQ%OHGORZ 2 Vol. 71 May 2016 No. 5 THE BULLETIN


The cover picture this month shows the late Robin Rew, driving at Le Puy Notre Dame. Two members, Vice President Laurie weeks and our foremost Lady Racer, Sue Darbyshire, both of whom knew Robin very

. A closer look at the cover shows that the tape on Robin’s head- lights are red and green - typical of his sense of

and in this case

Under Way and Making Way. (… and yes I have researched and checked the source). I came to know Robin through committee meetings as well as his contributions to The Bulletin, namely his ‘At £4.0s.0d three-wheeler regular Rewminations .. owners have always sought tax He was a delightful man avoidance’ and would open a tele- phone conversation with me: “Nick my dear

3 Connecting Rod Adrian Murray-Leslie Flatting down paintwork on a Morgan is as I live 3 minutes from M1 Junction 30 and near as I come to losing the will to live, so tend to use the motorway quite a lot, Morgan writing this month’s Connecting Rod comes trips included. For the last couple of years as a light relief. Reflecting, however, on the (why did it take so long?), it was being sort out and repainting job, the first upgraded to smart motorway and there was thing that springs to mind is how much no hard shoulder - nor is there now that it longer it took than I had anticipated. OK it is is finished. 30 + years since I first painted the Super I found myself wondering what I would do Aero and maybe my memory of the sheer toil in the event of a breakdown, lacking hazard is fading. warning lights and at night with only an Anyway, the point of the preceding para- unimpressive single tail light. My conclusion graph is to reflect on what it is that stops was that I would have to leap out and run for Morgan owners actually finishing a rebuild – the hills leaving the Super Aero to its fate. or even starting one. There are plenty of Ordinary roads could pose similar threats, members around who have cars which just particularly at night. need sorting, but somehow it never happens, By way of a solution, I have been exploring meanwhile the years roll on and the energy flashing amber warning lights that could be levels drop. kept in a tool box and quickly stuck up on a There are a couple of things that can help: collapsible pole. I have now bought a hard- ….one is good friends who are prepared to core LED unit rated at 27W (£64 inc p&p - become involved both on a practical and on a ouch) and a cheap £10 walking pole. I have morale boosting level. There are many out put a socket in the woodwork behind the seats so I can quickly erect it and plug it in to cars bear testament to their efforts. the cigarette lighter socket. I may never use it The other thing that can help is the prepared for real, but peace of mind is worth a lot! -ness to just start. Get the spanners out and There are long sunny days ahead and take the bits off that need attention. I know Morgans to drive. Enjoy the merry, merry that is no guarantee of finishing but at least it month of May. is one stage further on from not starting at all! Adrian

Steve Uprichard

My "new" MX4 has high-compression club Richard Woodcock mentioned valve lifter pistons fitted. The compression ratio is much problems in his article in the April Bulletin. higher than my "soft" MX2 with flat-topped I am seeking the views (good and bad) and pistons. The result is that it's difficult to start advice of other members before I set about on the handle and my starter motor is making the MX4 easier to start. struggling, even with a brand new, heavy  What's the main cause of problems? duty, battery. I've heard it's the loss of the little split I'm considering fitting a valve lifter, despite pin in the end of the rod which holds the dire warnings of the consequences of it the "lifters". falling apart and mangling the contents of the timing chest. My original front crankcase has  What is/are the remedies? the evidence that this has happened in the I'm sure I'm not the only member considering past – a chunk of timing chest was punched valve lifters but concerned about possible out at the bottom and has been glued back in dire consequences. for many a long year.



We shall be based in the Shaftesbury area, famous for Golden Hill, setting for the Hovis ads. It is a most interesting town with of course some steep hills. Zig Zag hill is the most notorious and it will feature in a scenic run that will take place. Once again the formula is that you book your own accommodation according to your needs. Campers/Caravans and Motorhomes the best choice is Blackmore Vale Camping SP7 9PX just outside Shaftesbury. Plenty of room and a choice of glamping buildings if you wish. Campsite contact 01747 851 523 or 07436 791800 Mention MTWC. Hotels: The Royal Chase Hotel in Shaftesbury on 01747 853355 or : The Grosvenor Arms, Shaftesbury on 01747 858580 Searching on a site like Booking .com will come up with lots of other smaller B&Bs etc. However as the area is popular in the summer do not leave it till the last minute. They WILL all be full. Please tell us you are coming so you can be included in the runs/ evening meals and entertainment. Contact Ian or Maria Parkinson for further info or help with any queries 01823 277852 or use e-mail [email protected]


Robin joined the Morgan Three Wheeler Eventually he returned to his first motor Club in September 1955 and I first met him vehicle , Morgan three wheelers, and on one of the Midland Group club runs. was soon storming muddy hills and cart Robin was living in Weedon, Northants at tracks in a carefully prepared trials Mog the time but was courting his wife-to-be, Sue, who lived in Birmingham and together, they Robin joined the Mogspares team as would drop in to see me to chat Morgans. Financial Administrator, a post he held from Like most of us in 2003 to 2009. As a result those times Robin had of his Morgan enthusiasm been called upon to Robin`s son Alistair soon perform the compulsory got the competition bug National Service in the and Robin developed a Armed Forces and Robin very successful racing did his time in the Morgan for him powered, Air Arm ... no dull khaki of course, by J.A.P. job for him! I will always fondly After National Service remember team Rew, he became apprenticed to Robin, Sue and Alistair, B.T.H. in Rugby. The fact in the paddock at various that they made rather fine events with Sue in charge magnetos probably had of catering in the motor- no bearing on the matter. home. Alistair racing the Later, Robin moved Mog and Robin looking into motor sport reportage on benignly or spannering as a freelance and also furiously. became a speed event Recently, Robin has photographer. He then been putting his extensive established a tuning knowledge and experience of the Prestwich products to good He developed turbocharging systems for use in writing a book on the subject entitled these models from the Reliant manufacturer A Morgan-JAP Anthology. and competed in them with considerable It will be a lasting tribute to a very fine success. He wisely refrained from fitting gentleman when it is published. turbo chargers to the three wheeler Reliants. Robin was a founder member of the Reliant A Morgan-JAP Anthology will be unveiled Scimitar and Sabre Owners Club. at the Curborough Sprint - see p


Alistair came onto the Morgan racing scene e-mail newsletter to keep everyone informed shortly after George and myself so we were and his help and enthusiasm in this project all newbies together and as a result, we also was invaluable to me personally as I was met Robin and Sue and have been firm friends doing Comp. Sec. duties at the time. ever since. We were delighted when they He persuaded everyone to give him bought a house only six miles away from us anecdotes and short pieces for 'Chain' and and we soon settled into the routine of having maybe this was the catalyst that made him fish and chip night at our local pub every want to write a book about JAP and Morgan. fortnight. He badgered all of us into writing pieces for Robin has been involved in motorsport the book and when his health started to fail he for his whole life either as a competitor, a struggled to find the enthusiasm to pursue it photographer, a tuning company proprietor, or but luckily John Bradshaw was invaluable in simply as a fan and his greatest pleasure in getting the book into print and Robin saw the recent years has been in preparing Alistair's preliminary copy whilst he was in hospital a car and watching him compete very couple of weeks ago. successfully in his own Morgan. I'm not sure He was justifiably proud of this and if he told Alistair enough or at all but he was although he joked that it may be a posthumous extremely proud of Alistair's achievements. publication it was great that he actually saw Although his early career was involved with the book before he died. It was as if finally his Scimitars and Sabres, Robin was passionate work was complete. about Morgans. He had owned Morgans - For me, Robin has been a great friend, including OM 4000 (the Horton Jackson car always there if I needed him and a great one of the most famous racing pre-war cars now owned and regularly used by Registrar .....he was the only person I have ever said Steve Lister .. Ed) when he was much younger 'grow up' to during the course of an argument. and he returned to the Morgan world with He was well into his seventies at the time and huge enthusiasm, building Alistair's first TM we both laughed like drains after that and the car then buying his own road car from Phil issue was forgotten. Spencer and finally building up Alistair's flat Robin, you are always in our hearts and you sided aero racer. will never be forgotten. With much love to He cared greatly about the competition Sue, without doubt the nicest person I scene and kindly volunteered to create an have the privilege to call a friend.

7 Drip Feed Lighting Julian Vincent If, like me, you have a drip-feed oiling one of the brass nuts just peeking out to the system (or at least some of the drips of oil right of the sight glass. actually go to lubricate the engine) mounted on the dash, then there’s always the niggle that the drip will stop dripping and you won’t notice. During the restoration of my 1926 Family Morgan I noticed that there was a hole in the dash behind the drip-feed sight glass. Nev Lear had fitted a light to one side of the glass, but it wasn’t very bright and didn’t really illuminate the feed. In fact it looked as if a previous owner had fitted a light behind the feed. I decided to do the same. Richard Brown made a threaded tube with nuts at each end which fitted the hole nicely, and I sourced a suitable LED plus mounting on eBay. It assembled fairly easily, with the result that I can now easily check the drip, and also have an indication that the alternator (sic) is charging (thanks for the wiring, Nev) and it’s probably bright enough to be a map-reading light (if I ever get lost at night). I suggest you buy the LED before you drill the dash (I didn’t have that option). The photo shows the general effect; you can see

“Morgan Historic Register” from Machiel Kalf, who writes “Nick, maybe you know that the Morgan 4 THE MHR AND THE PARTS AND wheeler club has a Morgan Historic Register (MHR). It started in July last year. That We do the job with 4 volunteers. goes very well but we know that there are This is to let members of the Morgan much more old Morgans in “the dark”. Some Threewheeler club, know that there is an owners are not a member of the MSCC. We MHR - for four wheelers at least 40 years old know that some members of the 3 wheeler and fitted with carburettors, original from club own an old 4 wheeler as well.” the factory?” Yes, they certainly do. I have three four From more details email Machiel at wheelers, two of which date from the 1950s [email protected] Editors Note: …. Machiel has been an almost as much as my threewheelers …. Ed “Even if they are not a member of the MSCC supporter of the Club, organising racing for they are VERY welcome in the Morgan three-wheelers at Zandvoort as well as Historic Register. As part of the MHR we always inviting us to his other Morgan have a Parts & Supply register. From time to events. I have known Machiel for a long time time we make a Newsletter for all MHR- as a good personal friend and a respected members. Of course, from time to time we . I’m send an update of the Parts & Supply very pleased to help. … Nick register to the MHR-members as well.


Obituary - Richard Bennett Pete Loveless

Richard Bennett was one of those larger For the last twenty years he unfortunately than life characters that were around in the suffered from a very debilitating illness, that South West Group in the 70s and 80s. fortunately didn’t destroy his sense of fun, Working with a company sourcing and did allow him to turn up occasionally at obsolete government surplus aircraft some SW events. components and supplying them all around Richard finally succumbed to his illness at the world, used his skills as a first class the end of March, and our thoughts are very administrator with a very off-the-wall much with his wife Denise and family at this sense of humour to great effect. sad time. Richard served as MTWC secretary for On behalf of the Club, we send our about a year in 1981/82 using those skills condolences to the family ….Ed for the benefit of the club.

Regalia/The F4 “Gerald” Custodian Ross Herbert

The ‘Gerald’ F4 Regalia Matters Conducting ‘best practice’ for storing vintage We now have vehicles I usually leave the ‘Gerald’ with the more stock of the battery isolated and the fuel tap turned off. I bone china mugs was therefore a little concerned that upon TR10 at £5.00ea. entering the workshop there was a very strong Plus the MTWC smell of petrol. It transpires that the fuel tap mugs TR6 are still was leaking in the ‘off’ position. available at Draining the remainder of the tank and £6.00ea. dismantling the tap was comparatively We also now have stocks of a melamine, straightforward, sourcing new cork washers cork backed coaster with the Morgan V-twin was somewhat more problematic. A visit to image. These are £2 ea. Plus postage. Holdens in Bromyard revealed that they did With reference to the script ‘transfers’ not supply washers but that a new tap was mentioned in the last issue, it would seem available . Although at over £30 this was an there is an issue of semantics between me expensive option. and the supplier. These are in fact ‘best A visit to Hitchcock’s Motorcycles’ website quality vinyl graphics’ which should be more suggested that cork washers were in supply weather and wear proof than the old transfers. but upon receipt they turned out to be the long We are proceeding with a print run of the thin ones rather than the short fat type spares listing and once they are in stock required. A resolution was eventually details will appear on the website. achieved courtesy of Brian Clutterbuck who As usual, any queries and/or requests provided a Horlicks jar full of an assortment of contact [email protected] taps and washers. It is with some regret that I have to announce that I will be relinquishing custody of the F4 by the time of the A.G.M. We are re-organising our farm buildings and the workshop will no longer be available. Should anyone out there fancy looking after the Gerald even if only for a limited period, please contact me or our Chairman.

9 Competition Report Pete Clews I was talking to Steve Lister about Elva Sprint/Hillclmb Challenge which Robin cylinder heads and the with water believed encouraged new competitors. getting into the sump and I quipped that, Curborough was Robin’s kind of event “My head had been dodgy ever since I and he was able to exercise his dry sense of bought the car”. I meant that it was corroded humour from the commentary box for a from the inside of the water jacket resulting number of years. in a pinhole on the edge of No. 3 combustion In tribute to Robin this year’s Curborough chamber which meant that the engine ran Sprint will be dedicated to his memory and fine, there was no oil getting into the water his new book will be released at the Robin but the water went into the sump when the Rew Memorial Sprint on the 5th June. engine was not running. It found its way Hopefully many of you will come along to down past the piston and seeped into the show your own support for Robin and it sump. Hopefully it is now fixed. would be fitting to see some ‘old’ racing Sue who was listening to the conversation Morgans visiting if not taking part. took my quip differently and when I put the I would like to take this opportunity to phone down she told me that my head send the condolences of everyone involved in certainly had been dodgy since I bought the the Sporting Section to Sue, Alistair, Steph Morgan! I thought everyone knew that Pete ...Ed and all their families. Old racers don’t die, th they just drive away into the distance. Mallory Park BHR 9/10 April Angus Tozer pointed out to me that club The season has begun and the first meeting members who want to come to Curborough, at Mallory Park saw some very close racing. and have no idea where it is, would benefit Bill and Maggie Tuer had titanic battles with from a few directions. The easiest way to a BMW F1 Outfit and gained maximum find it is via the A38 between Lichfield and points towards the Thursday Club Champion Burton on Trent. Take the exit into Fradley -ship (this meeting was not a MTWC Industrial Estate about a mile north of Challenge Round). Race 3 on Saturday Lichfield, Staffs and follow Wood End Lane resulted in 2nd place for the Tuers, 4th place th through the Estate for another mile. The for Greg Bibby and Paula Heaney and 9 for Sprint course is on the left and is indicated Danny Hodgson and Bronte Pearson in the by a brown sign with chequered flag on it. I works Buckland. Bill took fastest lap with a hope that helps and thanks to Angus for his speed of 74.27mph. Race 14 played out suggestion. similarly but this time Bill was the victor with his lap speed only 2/100ths slower at Events in May 74.29mph. By Race 36 The Tuers lifted their Two VSCC events begin the month and there fastest lap to 75.85mph (a 1.06 minute lap). should be some Morgans at both. st Robin Rew VSCC Curborough 1 May It was very sad to hear of Robin’s death Not to be mixed up with the MTWC event as he was one of the iconic figures of the but there will be club members taking part sporting fraternity of the club who not only and rumour has it that a certain Mr Lister and took part himself, until a few years ago, but Mr Stewart will have been practicing! . VSCC Wiscombe 8th May Robin wrote ‘Chain’ which gave advice and A challenging course at which Sue news to the Sporting Section as well as Darbyshire excels. Wiscombe Park ( EX24 numerous articles on the tuning of JAP 6JE map reference: 192/185924) is located engines for racing. north of Blackbury Castle, west of Southeigh He loved sprints and hillclmbs especially village. On race weekends follow 'AA' signs Shelsley Walsh and Curborough and was from the A3052 near Sidmouth and from instrumental in persuading me to start the Honiton. cont/...


MTWC/VSCC Oulton Park 21st May ‘La Vie en Bleu’ Prescott Speed Hill The first time back at this exciting circuit Climb 29th May. near Little Budworth in Cheshire CW6 9BW Usually we have a very good entry for this BHR Darley Moor 21/22nd May event at the Bugatti Owners Club. Prescott is Many of the Morgans competing at Oulton on the 21st will move across to Darley on the By the time we get to this point half the Sunday for this ideal Morgan track. Situated Rounds of the MTWC Challenge will have on the A515 about 3 miles south of Ashbourne in Derbyshire. yourself but don’t forget The Robin Rew Memorial Sprint on the 5th June.

Loton Park Photographs Dennis Rogers

Ruth Ross Greg Bibby

Three Lady Passengers

Tom Cowley

Rob Pike Austin Smith

See all of Dennis’ photographs on the excellent Club website … if you haven’t already signed up … Time to do so - and if you haven’t yet acquired a computer or tablet, this is a good reason to do so!

11 This 2CV alternator is a 12v Femsa ALN12-1 rated at 28A and can be had for about £30 on Ebay. You will need a control box, but they can be had new for about £12. The pulley ration is 6” drive to 1.8” on the alternator, so 3.3:1. My first installation was running at not much more than 2:1 and didn’t provide the current at lower revs. It all just fits in to an M Type body with very little to spare, and the 6” pulley is absolute max (As you can see, to aid a belt change, I can remove the outer part of the pulley). The main bracket is welded to the channel and the arm anchors to a bracket screwed to the woodwork. NB if you are using a magneto, then you will need to have a system for providing current to the alternator before it will work. I simply have a wire from the lighting switch because I don’t use a self-starter. If you need it charging all the time, either a switch which you have to

After 37 years living here in Bledlow, I not remember it being as nice as it is now. recently met a man who has lived 150 yards It almost made me want a 3-speeder ... but it away from me for almost as long. would have to be an early JAP one like this In all that time, we have both had Morgan with 19" wheels and a beetle-back. three-wheelers (his in bits, mine going strong) Here is a picture of Nick trying to figure out and old bikes (mine in bits, his going strong) why he has been riding Brough motorcycles but we have been oblivious to each other's all his life when he could have been existence. enjoying himself in this lovely and We have enjoyed forays up Kop Hill every September, he on one of the Broughs, I in one of the Morgans, and although we have engaged in Anorak- JAP-Speak at many events neither of us were bright enough to figure out that we were neighbours. I am delighted to say that last evening Nick took delivery of his very early three- speeder from George 'n Sue who have put it together beautifully for him, and I went round to see it just now. Members who have enjoyed quite a few Birthdays will remember GW39 as Colin and Sylvia Sampson's car, but they will

12 Buckingham Road, Bicester OX26 5HA

13 Letters, emails, postcards April 1 (1) by email How I did laugh! What a brilliant April

by email Fool's joke – it really surpassed any previous. $%HWWHU,PSUHVVLRQ Even the cover was different ! I was not the It's only when you receive someone else's only one to receive Impressions newsletter by mistake that you truly realize Shirley (?) how damned good ours is. Congratulations to all those editors and contributors over the More Spares Suppliers by semaphore years who have maintained such high and I have been informed of the services consistent quality. offered in your magazine by my compatriot, Bob Barclay Ottawa, Canada Mr Dhansan Singh. Our company has also been supplying the Indian Railways for at April 1 (1) by email least as many years as he has. Definitely one of the best April 1st.jokes yet. We would be most pleased to send our I eagerly opened the latest club magazine to products to your members both in the UK find the April copy of the Hillman Imp Club and elsewhere. If they place an order with magazine instead. I assume this was an error both of our companies, we could even keep at the printers although they seem to have got the price down by arranging to send them in my membership number correct. the same parcel!. Yours truthfully I had assumed that apart from the 'Mini' Dhamson Jamson The Fruit Farm most of the rust buckets had long disappeared. Mysore India An115 So it was quite a surprise to see that the 'Imp' (e-mail [email protected] has such an enthusiastic following and I am sure that Mrs.Trellis would be interested to Editorial Piffle know that young good Just had to tell you how much I enjoy your reflects the cost of Editorials. This month specially priceless, ownership, vis-à-vis the cost of Mogs. particularly the aphorism from Nietsche! Anyway, my wife has just returned from the Only fair to tell you I'm going to steal it for letterbox (as our French post lady will only re-use somewhere else. Steve Denner.. Oz deliver to the bottom of the lane), with the From Mrs Trellis in clink latest April copy of the MTWC mag . Dear Mr Barraclough … I have been doing John Carter. France my bit helping out down in the local prison .April 1 (2) by email library, rearranging and stacking their old Nearly caused a divorce in Australia - my favourites. The prisoners are there while they wife thought I had bought a Hillman Imp !!!! await their release “on licence”. Some of Got Mog magazine 2 days later - thanks them are very grateful for my helping around Paul Anderson Victoria Australia the shelves especially two old codgers Curly Smith and Chalky White who help me out. April 1 (3) by email The Number 1 Screw asked me to rearrange You have outdone yourself . Imagine how their work rostas recently. Chalky was fooled I was seeing a Hillman on the cover getting really worried that I might reduce his of the Bulletin! shift, but cheered up a bit when instead, he Chris Towner USA saw me shorten Curly's and hold cont/..p49 COWLEY RESTORATIONS ALL ASPECTS OF RESTORATION WORK REPAIRS, SERVICING, MoT PREPARATION 4 Osmaston Lane End, Yeldersley, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1LS, UK [email protected] 01335 348718


Robin”s new book about JAP engines in Morgans will be released at this Event

Round 4 of the MTWC Challenge The MTWC Racing Championship VMCC Solo and Sidecar Classes VOC & RFMC Classes

ACU Permit No 46701 Entry Forms From Pete Clews Tel: 01782 396762 Mob: 07708598085 141 Stallington Road E MAIL: [email protected] Blythe Bridge ! Stoke on Trent ST11 9PB Official Programme £1 Fallacies Debunked Nev Lear An Occasional Series

A collection statements that I have heard which I will attempt to discredit as appropriate. Number 1. “ You can’t use a timing light Vehicle electronics are sometimes ‘upset’ by with a magneto!” connecting jump leads when one battery is Not true, connect the HT lead as normal to flat and sparks are made when connecting the the plug top, and connect the power feed to a slave battery. separate 12 volt supply ( not necessarily on If you should have electronic items, on your the car being worked on) start up and Hey Morgan, then switch everything off before Presto you have a flashing light to observe connecting the jump leads then switch on and any timing marks with. Quick and easy if attempt a start. you suspect the timing has slipped, not as convenient as the normal distributor ignition Number 3. Ethanol containing fuels that can be rotated to set the correct timing damage fuel pipes and seals, and corrodes the tank. with the light still working, but still a useful Not proven read more detailed articles by the technique. like of Mr. John Rowland. If you have a 6 volt coil ignition system, Ethanol has been used as a motor fuel since power your timing light from a separate 12 the early 1900’s without any evidence of volt source and it will work fine. problems. Number 2. “ Don’t charge the battery with Put the petrol in you tank and drive the car. it still connected in the car, if you have an alternator!” Number 4. Running with unleaded petrol Car Alternators since their inception are built will damage your engine. Not proven, all Morgan Three Wheeler with diodes that protect them from damage in engines were designed before leaded petrol this scenario. Avoid making sparks when connecting up by only switching on the became available, so just put it in the tank and drive the car. charger after it is connected.

Le Puy GP Retro Mike Guess

The forms for enrolment or "Inscription" for A reminder that payment is best effected by the Le Puy event are available, in English, at sending a cheque made out for Euros which the organisers will give back to you in There is the option of participating in the exchange for cash on arrival. three day event or the traditional two day. Job Advert Website Manager

The website manager’s job is rewarding but website, call me on 01457 762682 or 07943 it does take time. Time to learn and time to 397056 or email me at [email protected] maintain. I’m looking for a replacement now and I’ll tell you what’s involved. so that there is time to learn and during the The website’s important to the club. Don’t let handover period I’ll be around to help. it die. If you want to help the club by running the Steve Uprichard, MTWC Website Manager

16 Dash Plaques Dennis Plater

It is now 10 years since the Club started The profit to the Club on the badges sold issuing replica dash badges, so I thought it is around £2500. We are fortunate that while was time to let members know how the the cost of postage in the UK and for badges scheme has gone. sent overseas rises inexorably, the price of the 323 badges have been issued between 2006 blank badges has not risen from the original and 2015. This is the total number and is quote despite the substantial increase in the made up of 190 Runabout style and 133 of price of metal in recent years. the later Three Wheeler style. The reason for Naturally the demand for replica dash the change is given in the Bulletins for badges has slowed down after the first three February 2011, June 2015 and March 2016. years but applications are still being 15 applications have been refused for a received, 15 in 2015 and 5 so far in 2016. It number of reasons. The main one is that the may be that the majority of the earlier Registry records two cars claiming the same applications were for road-going three- chassis number. This may be from a clerical wheelers, and that members are now getting error on the old-style log book, but instances round to restoring their earlier Morgans, are known where three-wheeler Morgans which they have been intending to do for have been “cloned”; this is often because the some years. They can rest assured that there original Morgan has gone abroad. Whatever are currently just enough blanks of both styles the reason it has enabled the Registrar to to enable the demand to be met for the time investigate the duplicate chassis numbers in being, but do not delay submitting an the Registry and correct some of them. application if you are still wondering whether I was very pleased to be able to reject one to do so. application for a replica badge but instead, Since the badges on offer are replicas of was able to let the overseas member have the those originally fitted to Morgan three- original badge from his car which was surplus wheelers made before 1953, it isn’t to another member’s requirements after he appropriate to make this service available for had received the replica with the correct 5 speeders. chassis number for his Morgan.

17 Northam Flying 50 Craig Atkins The VSCC here in Perth had a race meeting at Northam, for the Flying 50 last weekend. Northam is a wheat belt town some 100 km from Perth and the track is a 'round-the- , one of which the membership may recognise as Clarrie Coombes' barrelback. The one on the left side is a MX4-engined one that raced in the 1948 AGP with Cec Warren and his . The MTWs were restricted to some 5 laps in a demonstration run as their propensity to deposit a little oil (Nooo! … Ed) would not Interestingly the first Northam Flying 50 in have been appreciated if the 20 event 1952, was won by David van Dal in his +4 programme was delayed by a spill. I have - which I now own, having restored the attached a track layout and one of myself. car.

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND ! (Did it ever go away?) STIFFKEY CAMPING WEEKEND 2016 is ON 8th, 9th, & 10th July For Camping details contact : HOWARD ANDERMAHR Tel. 01494 862762 or email [email protected] Local good B+B's are available. HURRY - IT IS FILLING UP !

18 First Competitive Outing Marc Wunderman Having never done any kind of competition cones that marked the course, and all three with the Super Sports I planned to attend the autocross and simply watch the fun. Any driver of a Morgan twin eventually This year the course was set up on a runway learns to keep track of where the throttle usually used for vintage aircraft at the Owl’s lever is as the wheel is turned, but in this case I was so constantly sawing away at the Maine. The museum is a wonderful place to wheel that in addition to the course spend some time poking around the large and trying to set up the next turn I had to keep checking to see where the throttle lever and other transportation-related machinery, was, no risk of boredom here! and of course the Super Sports fit right in and I didn’t set any records, but my times were was a hit with the museum staff. fast enough to place me ahead of one much I really liked the look of the course. It was newer four-wheeler and I was pleased with tight, meaning that speeds would be kept that, the spectators must have been as well fairly low, but one curve was so tight I because the finish of my last run was greeted wasn’t sure I could get around without with a hearty round of applause. Would I do backing up, the stock Super Sports having a it again? Just name the place and time and rather generous turning radius. And it was I’ll be there! easy to follow, important because in the heat of the moment I have been known to get lost on a course and have several runs disqualified due to inventing my own route. After watching several runs I couldn’t Photo artistically placed anywhere resist, and as it happens I had brought my here please David helmet “just in case.” So I took a number of timed runs and must say it was some of the best fun I’ve had in 15 years of owning the Super Sports. The course was so tight I had to take one of the curves at full lock and even then just barely made it through. I avoided the usual sliding around and just sought to make each run clean by not hitting any of the traffic

MERLIN ENGINEERING 01384 571936 Producers of the press-fit flywheel assemblies

with con-rods for 25 years Machinists of all castings for Morgan V-Twin Engines Available NOW Matchless MX2/4 Crankcases


Friday 16th am - Visit to Morgan Motor Co to see the latest developments. pm – Visit to a local micro brewery for nibbles, a talk and of course … tastings. Saturday 17th am - The Annual Spares Fair in the Elgar Suite at The Abbey. pm – Lunch/ a short run out in the Morgan. pm – Club Motion Picture Library film show in The Worcester Suite at the Abbey

Sunday 18th

Booking Forms will be in the May Bulletin and for download on the website.

Maria Parkinson. Organiser.

If you can’t fix it with a hammer ...... you have an electrical problem

20 Fettling -1937 Julian Vincent

Julian was given this photo by former S.E. member Richard Brown, showing his father, George Brown and two-year old sister Susan hard at work

[email protected].


Charles Smith Mogspares Co-ordinator 01926 852228 [email protected]

Annual Stock Take Buying Mogspares items: Each year the Mogspares stock is counted as part Ordering: You order spares from the of the annual accounts & audit process and with appropriate Sales Officers, (see below), who up to 200 different lines of stock held by each of keep stocks of spares. (In general, items that are the sales officers the count takes a day to not JAP, Matchless or Ford are dealt with by the complete. Transmission Sales Officer.) To get an independent view on the stock we try to have non-Mogspares members of the club count Payment: When a Sales Officer sends your the stock and this year we are grateful to Bruce order, he includes an invoice and remittance Campbell, Trevor Seymour, Gary Caroline, Dave advice. Payment is due on receipt of items, and Anscombe and Len Critchlow. should be sent to the Mogspares Financial New counters are invariably impressed with the Administrator - not to the Sales Officer. range of parts, volume, quality and the amount space the sales officers give over in their garages, Payment can be made by: sheds etc to club parts. Any suggestions they 1.Cheque payable to "Mogspares" make on improvements we try to take on board. 2.BACS electronic transfer (internet or telephone banking) directly into the account stated on the We are still working on the numbers but at this remittance form. Please state your name and the stage it looks like gross margins are continuing to invoice number so that we can identify payment. slide as they have done for the last 4 years but I 3.PayPal. Please email the Administrator and still expect a small profit. We need these profits to you will then be sent an email requesting the fund the development of parts such as the MX4 payment. Due to bank charges there will be a heads and barrels. Of course the final numbers surcharge of 5.5% plus VAT where applicable. will be in the club’s annual accounts. 4.Bank Card. Please contact the Administrator Parts back in stock: by telephone, email or letter giving card details Matchless stainless cylinder base holding down and the invoice to be paid. Due to bank charges nuts. there is a 1.5% surcharge should payment be Matchless push rod cover tube springs. made by UK debit card, and 5.5% if made by Matchless external flywheel nuts. other cards plus VAT where applicable. Matchless & JAP Accralite pistons. Administration: The Mogspares Co-ordinator 3-speeder clutch toggles manages the Mogspares system and arranges the Various sizes of 3-speeder worm wheel bolts. ordering of new spares and ‘may’ be contacted about problems and queries. Matchless MX4 heads & Barrels, LTOW/Z barrels and Front wings If you have not already registered your interest in these parts then please email me or call me. On these projects we will set the batch size by the number of requests I’ve received and I would hate anyone to miss out.

JAP sales Andrew Morison, Tursiops Cottage, Durford Wood, 01730 890 199 Petersfield, Hants GU31 5AW [email protected] Matchless sales Roger Orford (T), Nethergreen Farm, Ridgeway Cross, Tel/fax 01886 880 387 Malvern, Worcs WR13 5JS (Mobile 07969 950015) [email protected] Transmission sales Bob Derricott, The Laurels, Langley Road, Lower Penn, 01902 762 017 South Staffordshire WV4 4XX [email protected] Ford sales Dave Young, The Garden Cottage, West Cross, 01580 766637 Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6JL [email protected]

22 An Innovative Radiator Solution Brian Oxley

The radiator has been completely rebuilt 1 and converted to a dry surround so that I can easily remove the surround as a single unit to have chromed or for maintenance. Photo 1 It is a very clever conversion. The brass strip photo 2 along the front of the dummy radiator will be painted black so that it won't be noticeable. The new cap screws into a filler neck inside the original and just clears the external threads on the original neck. The bottom tank has been made a little deeper to make up for the reduced water in the new top tank. Photo 3. shows how the surround is held in 2 place. The strap holds it at the front against the bottom tank and at the rear it is held by the two bolts that go into the woodwork and two studs soldered onto the side panels that connect with the two lugs on the bottom tank. The side panels are soldered to the top and it all comes off nicely as one unit for chroming.

4 3

A Magneto Question Adrian Murray-Leslie

Vintage magnetos have magnets made of This would replace the re-magnetising a steel that doesn’t keep its magnetism procedure – if it worked . . . particularly well. In the early 30s, I believe, Modern disc magnets are heinously strong, manufacturers started using an alloy called very compact and not expensive. I realise alnico that was much better. that if the field strength is too great that it Has anyone using a vintage magneto tried can overload the capacitor and cause inserting internally or externally, a modern failure. disc magnet/magnets, say of the neodymium Or is there a better solution?? .. Ed. type, to boost the field strength?

23 F-Type Handbook Update and Request Nev Lear

The F-type handbook still in the process What is needed are examples of the F4 of being rewritten and updated in from 1934 until 1952 in its various guises, preparation for publication next year the pre-war F2 and the pre & post war F- needs some input from the club members. Super. It is intended to illustrate the develop- ment of this iconic car throughout its life Please help! with some good quality photos of cars that exist or have been restored to near original appearance. This information will be backed up by reprints of the factory catalogue information related to the various years, with suitable additional notes. Any members who have photographs they would be prepared to allow to me to use for this project are invited to offer them for inclusion in the new club book. Please contact:- Nev. Lear Tel. 01460 240978 or e-mail:- [email protected]

4-Speed Morgan Gearbox Ash Hennesy

In 1923, I believe the Morgan Motor Morgan's price conscious/competitive Company were only producing a range of market place values and spirit - but as an two speeder cars. Although, when I was option?). This gearbox predates the three reading, 'Morgan Three Wheelers 1909-1952 speeders by almost ten years. Looking at the - Ultimate portfolio', I noticed an interesting details, suggest the Caton gearbox to be quite reprint of a 1923 article, from 'The Light Car sophisticated, including promises of non- and Cyclecar', on a four speed and reverse crunching gears and silent running. Has gearbox offered by Caton Machine Tool & anyone seen one? Does anyone have any Engineering Co. Ltd. of Leeds. further information or comment on its I do believe that it had four forward and qualities? one reverse in the article. They suggest it The question that really prompted this was would comfortably occupy the space where the article about the 'Simmank gearbox. I the two speeder bevel box is located and was not quite sure if the 'Simmank' gearbox simply replace the bevel box itself - but not is a four forward and one reverse or a clear what other work might be necessary. sophisticated reproduction of the Morgan Caton were seem very confident of their spec three speeder gearbox? I imagine, on gearbox itself, as they have placed images consideration, it may be three speed, but did and a layout schematic for scrutiny in the they not consider the four speed direction, as article. The writer suggests that the Morgan the suggested gear ratios seem to have been Motor Company considered it an important questions in both the 1923 design unnecessary luxury extra to take it on, even and again by Simmank? though Caton seem to feel confident about Included, 'The Light Car and Cyclecar', their offer. (I imagine costs would have article from 1923. opposite played a part in the 1920's, as well as

24 25 Prescott Bike Festival Ian Parkinson

Once again club members put on a super display of Morgan Three Wheelers in support of this worthy cause. Enthusiastic members brought their vehicles from far and wide to

Lawford, Stan Howitt, Clockwise from above left: Terry Priddy, Pete Clements, Ron The threewheelers in the paddock, Maria selling Regalia Clements, Jonathan Stephens. Ian Parkinson with the Mayor of Hereford The Blood Bikers put on a great event Ian P explaining to Amanda Mealing That he will be with lots to keep visitors interested. Of changing gear with her right knee course the Run the Hill was the biggest At every meeting there will be a bit of engine tinkering . All manner of exotic machinery was to be seen taking to the track from vintage bikes to superbikes and even a jet engine powered shopping trolley. Once again our Morgans proved to be a popular attraction and choice to run the hill. Pete and Ron Clements and Ian Parkinson once again offered their services in giving visitors ‘The Experience of a Morgan’ ride. Ron’s passengers all seemed to be women for some reason, Pete was happy with anyone as long as he was on the track and Ian got a trio of Celebs with, The Mayor of Hereford, Amanda Mealing (of and ) and Nick Sanders, the Motorcycle Round the World Adventurer who traversed the globe with Charley Boorman. All enjoyed their experience and went away with positive Morgan feelings. The Blood Bikers Team deserve congratulations for putting on another relaxed yet well organised event and our thanks go to their organiser, Gordon Downie for inviting us to attend. We look forward to another great do next year.

26 Officers of the Club President: Vacant Vice-Presidents: Rose Hoar, Laurie Weeks, Gary Caroline Directors of the Morgan Three-Wheeler Club Ltd. Adrian Murray-Leslie, Steve Lister, Mike Guess

Chairman Adrian Murray-Leslie, Woodside House, New Road 01246 819021 Barlborough, Sheffield S43 4HY [email protected] Secretary Maria Parkinson 26 Hamilton Road, Taunton Somerset , 01823 277852 TA1 2ER [email protected] Treasurer Gerald Lawford, 10 Honeylight View, Abbey Meads. [email protected] Swindon, Wiltshire SN25 4XS 01793 702107 Membership Secretary Eric Bayley ) Bulletin Editor Nick Taylor ) See page 28 for details. Website Officer Steve Uprichard ) Joint Eligibility Jonathan Garside, 174 Victoria St, Newton, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 4AS Scrutineers [email protected] mob: 07979541223 0161 366 5015 Dave Hodgson, 74 Union Road, Low Moor, Bradford 01274 674381 BD12 0DF [email protected] Competition Sec Pete Clews, 141 Stallington Road, Blythe Bridge, Stoke-on-Trent 01782 396762 Staffs ST11 9PB mob: 07759 983993 [email protected] Registrar Steve Lister, West End Farm, West End, Elton, Matlock, 01629 650 933 Derbys. DE4 2BZ [email protected] Librarian Peter Thompson, Snapdragons, Gold Hill North, Chalfont St Peter, 01895 270422 Bucks SL9 9DS mob: 07711717741 [email protected] Regalia Secretary Ross Herbert, Hareley Farm, Linley Green Road, 01886 884362 and F4 Custodian Whitbourne Worcs. WR6 5RF [email protected] Archivist Jake Alderson, 36 Stone Delf, Fulwood, Sheffield S10 3QX 0114 230 7197 Mogspares Charles Smith, 10 Elizabeth Way, Kenilworth. Warks. CV8 1QP 01926 852228 Coordinator [email protected] Mogspares Financial Dave Harman, Rufus Oak, The Vauld, Marden, 01568 797041 Administrator Herefordshire, HR1 3HA [email protected] JAP sales Andrew Morison, Tursiops Cottage, Durford Wood, Petersfield, Hants. GU31 5AW Phone: 01730 890199 Fax: 01730 890189 [email protected] Matchless sales Roger Orford, Nethergreen Farm, Ridgeway Cross, Tel/fax 01886 880 387 Malvern, Worcs WR13 5JS mob: 07969 950015) [email protected] Transmission sales Bob Derricott, The Laurels, Langley Road, Lower Penn, 01902 762 017 South Staffordshire WV4 4XX [email protected] Ford sales Dave Young, The Garden Cottage, West Cross, 01580 766637 Tenterden, Kent TN30 6JL [email protected] Used Parts David Browne, Gorse Farm, Fulletby, Horncastle, 01507 534 315 Exchange Lincolnshire LN9 6LA Technical Adviser Chris Booth , 65 High Street, Rolvenden, Cranbrook, 01580 241 234 2-speeders Kent TN17 4LP [email protected] Technical Adviser Bob Angell, Castle Bank Cottage, Ewloe, Deeside, 01244 532 714 3-speeders Flintshire CH5 3BZ Technical Adviser Colin Harris 375 Amersham Road, Hazlemere, 01494 716 463 F-types Bucks HP15 7HR [email protected] Greg Bibby, The Nurseries, Fleckney Road, 0116 279 2129 (eves) Kibworth Beauchamp, Leics, LE8 0HJ Overseas Liason Bruce Campbell, 7 Bishops Close, Seaford, E Sussex, 01323 895512 BN25 2NW. [email protected] Event Liaison Ian Parkinson, 26 Hamilton Road, Taunton Somerset , 01823 277852 (non-committee post) TA1 2ER [email protected]

27 Contacts

Bulletin distribution Advertisements One-off Morgan-related small advertisements The Bulletin is distributed for the Club in The Floggery are free for members. by the printers: Lavenham Press. Details should be received by the 5th of the

For queries regarding non arrival previous month. Continuous free ads at the - discretion of the editor. of your copy of the magazine, To submit an advert please contact: please contact: Doug Forbes Membership Secretary 2 Woods Batch Eric Bayley, 8 Manewas Way, Street Newquay, Somerset BA16 OBH Cornwall, TR7 3AH. 01458 841418 [email protected] Tel: 01637 872618 E-mail: [email protected] Requests for commercial advertisements or Bulletin enclosures should be discussed with the Editor.

Subscriptions and membership records New membership forms, subscription renewals, and notification of changes of address and non-arrival of your Bulletin should be sent to the Membership Secretary Eric Bayley, 8 Manewas Way, Newquay, Cornwall, TR7 3AH. Tel: 01637 872618 E-mail: [email protected]

Editorial Material Group Reports Material submitted for publication Group officers should submit their reports MUST reach the Editor before the 10th and dates of events and meetings, BEFORE day of the month preceding the date of the 10th day of the month preceding the issue, except when earlier delivery has date of issue, to the Assistant Editor been agreed or by contacting: with a copy to the Editor

Nick Taylor Doug Forbes Harts House 2 Woods Batch Gloucester Road Street Almondsbury SOMERSET BS32 4JB BA16 OBH 01454 617002 01458 841418 **NEW [email protected] NEW** [email protected]

Website Officer Back issues and the Index

Steve Uprichard Back issues of the Bulletin up to the year 5 Hall Drive 2010 can be read on the CDs advertised in Mottram-in-Longdendale, Regalia. Hyde,Cheshire, SK14 6LH Nev Lear‘s Index of Bulletin articles +44 (0)1457 762682 [email protected] is also included .

Articles and advertisements in The Bulletin are the copyright of the Morgan Three-Wheeler Club, and must not be reproduced either whole or in part without the written permission of the Editor. Views or opinions expressed in The Bulletin are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Club Committee. Reference to products or services does not imply the endorsement of the Club or Mogspares.

28 Group Organisers/Contacts

Australia Terry Doyle, 94 Disraeli St, Kew 3101, Victoria, Australia 03 9853 1908 Brooklands Trevor Seymour, 1 Chequer Tree Close, Knaphill, 01483 480 388 Woking, Surrey GU21 2PB email: [email protected] East Anglia Pete Jones, Spring Cottage, Tucks Yard, Manea, 01354 680430 Cambs, PE15 0JE email, [email protected] East Anglia Mike Pilgrim, Little Orchard, Bredfield, Woodbridge 01394 382773 (Woolpit) Suffolk IP13 6AW E Midlands Malcolm Bull, 53 Macdonald Road, Wyken, 02476 444 282 Coventry CV2 5FE email: [email protected] Far SW Mike Goldring, Rohan Coombeshead Rd, Newton Abbot, 01626 353717 Devon, TQ121PY 0777 3884256 email: [email protected] Far Far SW Eric Bayley,8 Manewas Way, Newquay, Tel. 01637 872618 Cornwall.TR7 3AH email; [email protected] Herts, Beds Angus Tozer, 57 Beechcroft Way, Dunstable, Tel. 01582 606812 and Bucks Beds. LU6 1EE email; [email protected] Lancs Steve Hughes, 5 Chelmsford Walk, Leyland, Tel. 01772 453054 and Lakes Lancs. PR26 7AA email; [email protected] North West Mike Guess, 189 Chester Road, Grappenhall, 01925 262 264 Warrington, Cheshire WA4 2QB email: [email protected] Oxford Bob Cragg, 1 Manor Farm, Culham, Abingdon, 01235 532 565 Oxon OX14 4NP email: [email protected] Scandinavia Lennart Nilsson, Skogsvillan, Grytetorpsvägen 6, SE-647 51 Åkers Styckebruk, Sweden mob +46 (0)708 937603 email: [email protected] Scotland Dan Smith, 26a Quality Street, Edinburgh, 0131 312 8330 EH4 5BS 07713099010 South Coast Stephen Clark, Lower Sandhill House, Bodle St, 01435 830161 Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 4QU. e-mail: [email protected] South East Dennis Plater, 5 Wakelin Chase, Ingatestone, 01277 352 867 Essex CM4 9HH South West Dick and Sue Fripp, Medway Cottage, Kent Street 01934 743378 Cheddar, Somerset BS27 3LG e-mail:[email protected] North America Duncan Charlton. 1121 Lower Elgin Rd, Elgin, Texas. 512 965 7583 USA 78621 e-mail: [email protected] W Midlands Dave Anscombe, 80 High Park Avenue, Wollaston, 01384 372 307 Stourbridge DY8 3NA email: [email protected] YND Dave Hodgson 74 Union Road, Low Moor, Bradford 01274 674381 BD12 0DF [email protected] CONTACT ONLY Germany Ulrich Middelanis. Westenzaeune 38, Kamen D-59174 Germany email [email protected] Italy Alessandro Natali. Via Prov. Lucchese, Pescia 003 905 724446 Pl 5107 Italy email [email protected] Space is reserved (hopefully) for additional volunteer organisers/contacts Maybe from Spain/Portugal or Japan

In accordance with the Club principles, no officer of the Club, nor the Club itself will enter into any mediation between any member and a commercial organisation over any dispute or complaint, even if the said organisation advertises in The Bulletin.

29 The Sports Family ran well to the meeting at Group Reports the New Inn, however I have it in bits now to BROOKLANDS adjust the loose rear forks and fit a fork Spring is here along with the April stiffening type tie-bar. I knew it needed sorting fool gags and strange Impish Post. (not but Sam followed me and said the lean was guilty for once… Ed) Although not yet a quite dramatic. While it’s off the road, I will proper day light meeting, that will be in swap a rocker box and give it a good check May, it was a nice barmy evening to be out over – but no mission creep into a five year in the Morgan. restoration. Geoff Belcher a Morgan owner for As so many members have now reached many years brought the original distributor retirement and old gitness-ness, it has been from his Matchless Super Sports, with one suggested that we hold a mid-week “roving” ready to accept modern points and lunch time pub meet. The idea is to encourage components. It was not clear how it all the use of our Morgans preventing them sitting fitted together but I’m sure the problem in the garage collecting dust and flat tires. has now been solved. (article please .. Ed) Interested? Give me a call/email. Trevor Seymour John Hamer discovered problems within rd his 60 degree JAP just in time to prevent a Next meeting 3 May at the New Inn, Send, major wreck. Brooklands group members Surrey GU23 7EN Special Tool Competition with prizes. have helped repair the crankcase and July meeting Mid-Summer Car Park Concours. contents while a new big end is made. Sam Savage came with large lumps of brass and EAST ANGLIA aluminium hexagon for anyone to take. He During a trip 'up north' after Easter, Christine was explaining the progress of his rebuild and I paid a visit to Uncle Bob and Audrey of a two speed Family. Haynes. A couple of enjoyable hours spent Peter Elgar acquired an old stock unused catching up, putting the world to rights and petrol tank. We believe it was made in the inspecting the workshop. Always a pleasure to seventies by Mile Crosher who once see you “the most popular 'Bob'“. supplied many parts. It is completely Saddened to hear of the passing of Robin closed no holes for filler necks or for taps Rew. We have fond memories of North Wales etc. It will be fitted to Peter’s Matchless camping weekends, where we'd stay on for a Super Sports. couple of extra days, along with Bob and Michael Joseph had just returned (and Audrey, chasing over the passes. Our thoughts survived) a 500 mile cycle ride through are with Sue, Alistair and family. Thailand along with the family. If you On the home front, much time has been spent have experienced high humidity of the tinkering with the 'old bangers' Surprising how many problems to arise! how remarkable an it is. Please remember, back at Hare Arms for There was much amusement and wry meetings. Please forgive my obliviscence! comments about receiving the Imp Mr Josnes Next meeting--Hare Arms, Stow Bardolph, magazine. It was suggested we take the Tuesday 17th May 8pm Morgans along to the Imp Club meeting and return their magazines. EAST ANGLIA – WOOLPIT George Dobson is planning the special Four trikes shone in the April sunshine – a “home-made” tools evening. We examined yellow two-speeder and a blue F4 sandwiched the new room that’s been made available between cream and psychedelic five-speeders. for us, and discussed the potential for its We were not amused by the April foolery of future use. substituting “Impressions” for The Bulletin. During the July meet we will hold our Imps are fun, but not the same ! We welcomed Mid-Summer Car Park Concours. We Mary and Dave Creasey from Felixstowe to should have a couple of newly finished join us “regulars”. Dave is addressing the restorations to add to the show. So, get rebuild his Three-Wheeler, perhaps in ‘em out and get polishing. competition with Trevor ? cont/... 30 On dragging out the engine from beneath The date has been fixed for the group his pinball machine, it seemed to have gained BBQ, it will be Saturday 16th July, at Jenny weight over the years. The scourge of obesity and Mike Harris's home, near Wolvey - this now spreading to an engine – will it too lose is the same place as last year. It is so good of performance as a result? then to offer to host us again, so please make With Martin rejoicing at selling his house a point of joining in, more details later. after six years of trying, we look forward to The idea of a group picnic, has gone down Morgan events in the copious barns and well, so it is proposed to hold one on Sunday outbuildings of his new abode. 12th June, at the GWR (Gloucester and Cruising homeward, an Audi hastened past Warwickshire Railway) at Toddington,. it bearing the descriptive plate T5EXY. Must will be their Classic Vehicle day, and we will have been Trevor. Hope more of you will be using the grass field, on the opposite side venture out to join us next month. of the station to the public car park. If you go Raedwald” to their website, you can get an entry form, or I have some. If you enter you will get EAST MIDLANDS preferential rates for a ride on the railway. March started with the NEC Restoration I propose: be there to get organised and be show,(5thand 6th) I had one of my other three ready for a trip on the first train of the day at wheeler wrecks on show, Paul Baker was to have his Morgan on the same stand, but he all join up for a picnic. I will not be in a was not able to make it, quite a few group Morgan, but will be able to bring a table and members were seen there, and it was good to some chairs. Also, I hope to have with me, see the season start so well. past member Jim Powell. The invite extends The March meeting (16th) saw a good to the West Midlands group, and all other attendance, Paul Baker being able to join us, club members, there will be a special event after 2 missed months. John Wandless came to celibate, so please come along and join us. over to see us and to borrow Paul's trailer to Afterwards, it has been suggested we go move the Morgan to his new house. We all down the road, to Stanway House and have a photo taken at the place where some factory life, down South. We will miss John but the photos were taken and relive Morgan history. Please try to join us for this great day out. I handed round copies of the paperwork You can just turn up but you will have to for the next CCM for members to make pay full prices for a ride on the train, but I comments about items on the agenda, so that would like to know if you are coming, so I I could pass on their thoughts. It is most can pass on numbers and we can have a important all members feel involved in the reserved place to park, that will be big running of the club and able to give their enough, to be all together. I am a volunteer points of view. (I entirely agree Malcolm … Ed) there and I can recommend that you come Two days later, on Friday 18th, it was the along and enjoy both a day together and a VMCC test day, at Mallory Park. It was good wonderful experience on the railway. to meet up with a few group members but a Live steam, friends, and Morgans, what more pity, there were no Morgans there. It was so can you ask for? Malcolm D Bull uplifting to see so many well turned out th motorcycles taking part, the enjoyment being Next meeting Wed 18 May: 6pm till late - Royal Oak Brandon enhanced by being with Pat Jeal, who could Sunday 12th June Picnic, Gloucester and tell me the inside information on quite a few Warwickshire Railway Classic Vehicle day, interesting motorcycles, including a twin group picnic, and steam train ride.. engined Triumph outfit, (so a four cylinder) Saturday 16th July Group BBQ, at Jenny and and a Japanese twin cylinder motorcycle, that Mike Harris's, near Wolvey Leics. th st has a third cylinder welded on the end to 28 - 31 July, Silverstone Classic, I will be there make it a triple! with my facilities, come and join me there.

cont/... 31 FAR, FAR SOUTH WEST Setting aside the proposed agenda printed in Not too much to report this period have been sort of house bound for the time being - oil pumps, Steve Higgins' Model T and the looking after my wife with a medical problems he is experiencing with the DVLA, condition. Hopefully, she will improve with the same gentleman's trial drive in a new 400 time. Many thanks to all those members who odd HP BMW and why his constipation has called to enquire. As a consequence I was unable to attend our monthly group meeting at the Fox and Hounds. Voting tendencies could now affect my The saga of the IMP magazine was finally decision whether or not to build a trailer (non resolved, I have been overwhelmed, keeping -political comment). me very busy answering the many phone On a more serious note, a G.O. may be rung calls and emails from the membership. now and then with news of the death of a Ken Burton is back home with a smile on past member of the club, often very elderly and unknown to local members. I received is still looking for his first Morgan, until then such a call concerning Dick Woolcombe, he has bought an early Cadillac from the US. owner at one time of KJ 2962 a JAP-engined The F2 is off the road again because of a Morgan believed to be in the possession of strange ticking sound. For peace of mind, the Roger Orford in 1965? None of our group engine was removed for a full investigation - members can remember Dick but if anyone everything major was in good working order. can recall him and wishes to contact the The conclusion came down to a worn non- family, the phone number is 01579371169. adjustable cam chain slapping against the Finally I have been informed of some sad inside of the engine block, a new chain is on news regarding Ted French. With Spring order from Small Ford spares, (Mogspares do well sprung and heavy work now needed on not stock them ). the Farm, I hear, via Roger Davies, that Ted has had to put his Male Escort business on I bought one of those automatic darkening hold until after the Mangoldwurzel season is head shields - highly recommended, makes over. Hopefully this is a temporary hiccup in welding so much easier. I should have got a promising career and Ted will be sadly one years ago. missed during the Season. To end on a sad note, after many years of In the meantime, if anyone is interested in traditional milk deliveries in glass bottles to purchasing the following items of male my doorstep is no more, the price of progress apparel please contact me! …. Red Velvet I suppose, its plastic cartons from now on. smoking Jacket size 42-44. with matching Eric Bayley. purple flares, both with a hint of Castrol D.2/ Fri 6th May: Black & White breakfast meet Optional revolving yellow bow tie. 10.00am Fox & Hounds, Scorrier th Mike Goldring. Tues 10 May: VSCC group meet, 7.30pm Next meeting: The Westward Inn, Lee Mill, Hawking Arms, Zelah. . Sun 15thMay: VMCC run, 10.30am Chiverton Cross. HERTS, BEDS AND BUCKS. Thur 19thMay: MTWC group meet, 7.30pm Our meeting broke all previous records, Fox & Hounds, Scorrier boosted by the presence of Rose Hoar, and WEST Marian and Ian Whitehead - nice to see you all. Rose brought along three of John's photo as some members had other commitments. However a Magnificent Seven sat down to large garage/shed being constructed with the partake of the platter, enjoy fellowship, and help of enthusiastic South East group discuss a few non-controversial topics. Still members, and another the start of a club run nothing Morganatic or Vintage sitting in the called 'Clarrie's Caper' where the local street is full of MTW's! The sun is shining and and the temperature rising. everyone is so very young! cont/...

32 Howard Andermahr reminded us that LANCS AND LAKES “Stiffkey Camping” is on the weekend 8th, 9th and 10thJuly and to contact him directly Run at by telephone or email (See below and the Crich and the “Not the Night Trial” in Derby Bulletin notice) to ensure your pitch this -shire already being consigned to the history year ! books! I hope that they will both have been Colin Harris was circulating and successful, well supported and blessed with collecting final names for Fawley Hill fine weather. Railway visit on Sunday 8th May at Henley I would like to offer a big vote of thanks to -on-Thames. There is still time – just! the organisers for all their hard work putting Your scribe, with Richard Bowerman and these events on for us. Also it will only be a Howard Chivrall were involved in deep few days before our 2-day opening run to the discussion and 'showing of parts' regarding Yorkshire Dales so I trust that you have all the wheelnuts recently 'won' by A.T. at the completed your Morgan preparation and S/East Mog Jumble/Auction. (buyer servicing by now so that we can have a beware!) Richard brought in a wheel hub, trouble-free weekend. There are some good quite drama-tically held in an 8 inch stiff climbs (and descents) on the route! diameter lathe chuck, while your scribe It was both a pleasure and a privilege to offered his beetle-back spare wheel carrier attend Bob Haynes surprise 80th birthday as sources of 'known' wheel studs to try the party and he was delighted to have most of wheelnuts on. Richard took away samples the NW group stalwarts there to wish him for further investigation! well on reaching yet another milestone. It was very nice to see Tony and Jean I know it has been said before but we are all Birks ; Tony was describing delving through indebted to Bob for his massive contribution the intricacies and variations of F Type and to Mogspares and his technical assistance to other mudguards on behalf of Mogspares. club members over so many years. Meanwhile Jean was comparing notes (!) I am pleased to report that Alan Turner is with Clare Tozer-Roodt on the intricacies now assisting Steve Uprichard with the website so thanks to him for taking on that On top of all this excitement - 'And Lo … important job which he is able to do when he there did come amongst us the Almighty is in Holland. Adrian.' Our Worthy Chairman Adrian Julia Perry has just had her first taste of Murray-Leslie paying us a most welcome competition driving in Austin Smith’s 5- social visit. This was very well received and speeder at Curborough and we look forward much appreciated by all those he met. It is to hearing all about it. Well done Julia and nice for people to be able to put a face to a watch out Sue! name. Thank you Adrian. Mike Guess (NW) would like to hear from Were you all being nice to me and not all those planning on going to Oulton Park mentioning it, or did you think the wrong for the VSCC meeting on May 21st so that he day can organise a Morgan 3W corner. We can finalise our plans for this at our May meeting on Thursday 19th although it is only two days . beforehand. Angus Tozer. The Leisure Lakes steam and vintage 3rd Wednesday, every month: The Swan, weekend at Tarleton which was due to take Northall, Beds., LU6 2EY. th th th place on the 16 & 17 April has had to be Next meeting : Wednesday 20 April. postponed to the 23rd and 24th July due to Sunday 8th May: Visit to Fawley Hill Railway, Henley-on-Thames – in your Morgan. continuing heavy rain and poor conditions on 8th- 10th July: Stiffkey Camping Weekend. the showground so please put the new dates (Contact Howard Andermahr. Tel. 01494 in your diary. This is a marvellous show and 862762 or email [email protected] ). it would be good to have a few Morgan 3W’s there this time. cont/...

33 NORTH WEST has been very much workshop focused over Half a dozen Twins, a Plus 8 and sundry the winter with much progress on Val’s F4 and tin-tops turned out for our visit to the Lion Ian’s Family model interspersed with tranches Salt Works and it was good to see members of work on Peter’s SS and Steve Finch’s project. We hope to have the F4 on the road in Congenial crowd, enlightening visit and the time for our opening run (only 4 weeks to go inevitable lunch made for a good day out as I write this, so no pressure there then!) and I think most got home before it rained. Peter is close to having a The following day I was privileged to join new body work many more club members and family to from Richard Williams. acknowledge a new milestone in the life of Ian’s Family body frame is on its way back our much revered Bob Haynes. Bob joined to Richard this week (early April) for re- the club in1957 at the age of 21. You can do panelling and should be back home in time for the maths. his graduation in June. Alan T has to re-install By the time you read this the Group will his engine in the Sports Family next time he is over here and hopefully that car is well sorted have well supported the Crich Opening Run. again for a few years. There is also a I apologise for my absence - a holiday likelihood of body work commencing on the commitment having been made before the Croston JAP SS project very soon with a run was arranged. I shall be around in May promise to have that car finished and on the when I am hoping the Group will join me in road by next spring. Watch this space! a run to Oulton Park to support the Morgans competing at the VSCC meeting on See you on our Opening Run, meeting up st Saturday 21 . As usual, an e-mail will help Steve Hughes to co-ordinate things. Sat / Sun 7th & 8th May – opening run weekend to Restorations continue in the Group but the Yorkshire Dales, stopping over at Fearby one of the frustrations are that there are so (join us for the start from Huntley’s on Saturday few competent and sympathetic specialists morning if you are not able to come on the run) th in manufacturing or restoring our valuable Thursday 19 May – group meeting at The Royal bits that timetables do get a bit drawn out. Oak, Garstang 8pm (eating from 6.30) Saturday 21st May – run to VSCC Oulton Park No complaints. There are just too few of you with NW group for the Morgan race - or too many of us. Sunday 22nd May – BHR (VMCC) racing at In my own case I do not currently have a Darley Moor, near Ashbourne problem but maybe that’s because I’m not NORTH AMERICA. thinking far enough ahead. Nevertheless, It’s been many weeks since word has one or two new parts are being incorporated three- into the rebuild of my old Super Sports , which are a real tribute to the efforts and erstwhile GO, who is headed to England later standards at MogSpares. this month. He is picking up a few of the most Finally, may I draw your attention to the popular booklets from the two Lake District weekends (June and July) members are being promoted in the Bulletin. These are in Morgan-related booklets please contact me - not, and never have been, restricted to local Chris and/or I can save you a bit on shipping. members. The beautiful scenery is for I’ve been brushing up on my machining sharing ... as is the camaraderie. skills before I remove the flywheel on our Mike Guess 1931 Aero Super Sports to install a ring gear. 11th May - Wednesday lunch, 12.30. The The car originally came with the optional Smoker Inn, A556, Plumley, Northwich starter motor, so why not reduce the risk of 21st May - Morgans at VSCC Oulton Park meeting injury to my shoulder by adding an electric th starter? I tell myself I’ll drive it more often if 27 May - Friday meeting at The Whipping I know I can reliably start it without stress. Stocks, A 50, Lower Peover. Duncan Charlton cont/...

34 OXFORD SCOTLAND and NORTH EAST I had to miss the end of March meeting at Firstly a welcome to Peter Graham, who the Abingdon Arms because Pat and I spent a is applying for membership having acquired . the ex-Stan Thorpe 1924 Aero from Roger Harrison – see reference in this month’s in the tin box with the luggage and the dogs. report from Steve Hughes, Lancs and Lakes On Good Friday we went on a forty mile GO. Peter is a VSCC man living in the Perth scenic run with the Cardigan Classic Car Club and Kinross area and the Morgan joins a Hotchkiss, a SCAT and an Austin 7. a Morris Isis. I haven't seen one of them for In the same breath, it appears that Tony years. It is quite an active Club, and venture Bucknall in Insch has sadly not renewed his as far afield as Bristol and Birmingham to attend events. Are there any other three I had a contact from existing member wheelers in West Wales? Stuart Moore, who is now living in Staffield, John Warren rang me soon after I got home between Penrith and Carlisle, asking for to say that he has moved back to the area and details of our group activities. Although had been at the Abingdon Arms meeting. He living rather far south of our area, he would has just finished the rebuild of his 1931 Sports appreciate hearing from members in the group both north and south of the Border. His Supersport looks rather excellent! See you all at the end of the month. Keith Hayes has notified me of two events Bob Cragg Oxford Group Meeting, Tuesday 31st May, The nd Abingdon Arms, Beckley, 7.30pm. on 22 May, starting from Dumfries and the SCANDINAVIAN run on 19th June, starting from Denholm. The most positive for us in Sweden this time Some local Edinburgh news ... (thought I’d must be that the book ’Morgan Sports Cars in never get round to it, didn’t you?) … Sweden’ by Staffan Engström is finished now. Tom Rae and I had an impromptu run out to There are some Scandinavian history in it too Myreton Motor Museum in East Lothian and and especially in the 3W section. Staffan has got information and help from many members then lunch in Gullane afterwards. Myreton is including me, but it is an enormous job to get a long established private museum with an it all written down and making such a fine lay- eclectic collection of vintage, prewar and out. Our thanks to goes to Staffan for giving classic stuff, so we will have a group run us this well covered history. It is written in there later in the year. English. Afterwards we joined up with Paul Jowitt The spring has come and there are no salt for our first pub meet! – three Morgans on the roads. I hope that you can enjoy your converged on the Newton Arms in Newton Three-Wheelers to the full. Lars Dorén sends (within sight of the new Queensferry Bridge, me reports regularly about his trips around under construction over the Forth and due to Skanör. His new starter motor has made it so open in December) and shattered the peace of the small village upon departure. A test of for Lars as he can’t crank his engine. Other– headlamp power, with me trying out my new wise it has been quiet from members but I (and very expensive) LED bulbs, and Paul’s hope you are well-prepared in August. The lamps on searchlight setting – maybe some alignment needed there! Tom’s lamps made a Unfortunately, no one has taken on an brave attempt at being grown up… Opening Run this year and I have no chance Our Drive it Day run will be over by the this year. But if someone wants to take care of time you read this, so a short report may a simple one-day meeting, please contact me appear in the next Bulletin. on mail and I can send the information to all Dan …. The Lacking A Good Tag This group members directly. Month Have a good spring Lennart Nilsson cont/...

35 SOUTH COAST from her quarters on the far side of As the date for “Mr. C In Concert” drew Grahame’s garden the following morning closer I began to have severe doubts about afforded a nasty shock: the clutch seemed to the temperamental crooner. Like many great have failed. But I should have read the clues stars he combines a huge ego with pathetic better; amidst Mrs. C’s frantic gesticulations self-doubt and during the final week I was and the plume of mud flying up behind, the bombarded, almost on an hourly basis, with rear wheel was excavating GJ’s manicured his trivial problems and concerns. By the lawn as I revved away at a standstill. Silly time he finally took to the stage at the Six me! He shrugged off the damage and very Bells on 16th March I was convinced that decently suggested that I should be proud to disaster would ensue. Well, I think he got have at last achieved a bit of wheelspin. away with it – just. The lovely thirty-nine- V Twin cartoons have been an essential strong audience treated him kindly and feature of the Bulletin for many years. At this helped make a jolly evening. With great month’s meeting the prolific humourist will forbearance they even demanded an encore. entertain us with a talk about his art, a slide True to form, the intrepid Tim Penn’s F show of some of his collection and the stories Type was the first MTW in the car park in behind them. Don’t miss it. 2016. Val Campbell had assembled all our Stephen Clark infant mug-shots in an album and February’s Wed. 18th May, 8.00 pm. Six Bells, Chiddingly. absentees were able to re-play “Spot The V Twin on Cartooning. Baby” amidst much mirth. The album now SOUTH EAST enters the cherished South Coast archive. With other commitments taking priority, numbers were down at the Group meeting on The following Sunday dawned cold and nd fine at Epsom for the Pioneer Run. The 2 April. Dennis Plater made his first Morgans of Chris Booth and John Worth appearance in 2016. Dennis has been busy reached Brighton with customary ease and concocting articles for the Bulletin and Dave Pittuck and his passenger from various letters/communications. Beamish completed the run in good time At the meeting, discussion covered a wide aboard the Leon Bollee. Sam Savage, John range of topics from Colin Wilson’s method Joseph and Anthony Houlihan – all on Wall of prioritising his never-ending workload to Autowheels – worked hard to deliver the cock-up by the publishers of the Bulletin themselves and their strange contrivances to who managed to send the magazine of the the coast in one piece and Arnold Marshall’s Hillman Imp Club to members of the Morgan son, Aaron, had another successful day Three-Wheeler Club instead of the April aboard the Zenith. issue of the Bulletin, It would appear that the The Morgans of Messrs. Brown, Clark, Bulletin is the superior magazine, thanks to Joseph, Joseph, Macara and Savage graced our Editor’s hard work... (Thank you very the excellent Amberley Museum Vintage Car much Dennis … the cheque is in the post ..Ed) Show on a dry, warm Sunday 3rd April. The GO would like to thank those who took Additional South Coast members Peter Elgar the time to reply to his consultation exercise (Jaguar XK120) and Jonathan Olney (Bugatti T35B) were exhibiting too. In addition to the the racers with a donation to the sporting 150-odd cars on display, the numerous section. This showed a more or less even permanent attractions on the site are Those members who watched BBC 1’s guaranteed to fascinate anyone with an th interest in bygone technology. I highly Countryfile programme on Sunday 27 recommend a visit. March will, no doubt, have recognized One hundred miles in a day is considered former Club member Liz Clutterbuck, wife of former Club Chairman Brian Clutterbuck, too much for Maud, Mrs. C and me th (combined age 226 years) so we drove to being interviewed about the 12 Century Amberley on the Saturday and stayed with church at Bosbury where she is a Church- Grahame Joseph overnight. Extracting Maud warden and the repairs needed to it.

36 Martin Brown was able to reunite his 1938 F motor or push! (The tea and cakes were good Super Sports with former owner and current too!) Club Chairman Adrian Murray-Leslie Two events are planned for May. First, recently. Adrian confessed that he would not meet at the Hare and Hounds at Sidbury on be up to racing it nowadays as he had done in Saturday 7th May, 12:00 noon followed by a the past when he supercharged the car. The F short run to Sidmouth beach for an ice cream. type, now without it’s supercharger, was in Second, Stan and Margaret Howitt have excellent condition after its overhaul by kindly offered to organise another of their Fairbourne Carriages. successful Forest of Dean Runs. We are to Colin Wilson gave advance notice of a meet at 10:30am for coffee at The Old Station, classic car show in aid of charity at Tintern NP16 7NX on the A466, just north of Corringham, Essex on Sunday 26th June. Tintern Parva on the right hand side. The Anyone who may be interested in attending provisional date is Tuesday 17th May. Look should contact Colin for details. out for our ‘Round Robin’, which will The Group was formed in 1946 and it confirm all details, or ring the GO if would be appropriate to celebrate it’s 70th necessary. Anniversary in 2016. The GO has sent e- Our first meeting in June will be back at mails/letters to all Group members, so if you The Park Hotel for lunch and more videos at have NOT already replied now is the time to 12:00 noon on 4th June. get round to replying. If you have not been Sue and I apologise for non-attendance at notified and would like to know more you some of our meetings. We have been should contact the GO on 01277 352867. overtaken by unexpected family events. We Duoika very much appreciate any help in organising Sat. 7th May: The Swan, Horndon-on-the-Hill – runs such as the one in the Forest of Dean. SE Group meeting Are there any more ideas? th th Wednesdays – 11 and 25 May – Wednesday Dick and Sue Irregulars th Sat 7th May 12:00 hrs, Hare and Hounds, EX10 Sat. 4 June – The Swan, Horndon-on-the-Hill - 0QQ lunch followed by ice cream on the beach at SE Group meeting th Sidmouth Sunday 26 June – charity classic car show at Tue 17th May 10:30 hrs, Tintern Old Station, Corringham NP16 7NX coffee followed by Forest of Dean Run th SOUTH WEST Sat 4 June 12:00 hrs, The Park Hotel GL12 The meeting at The Park Hotel on 2nd April 8DR lunch was another success. Four twins, including WEST MIDLANDS Pete Thompson’s Anzani Aero, one F Super Firstly, I hope you are reading this report at and Brian Betts in his 4-wheeler graced the the correct time and haven’t been given the car park. . (Yes, very While sitting down to our meal, we were funny ...Ed) entertained by videos supplied by Pete The Daffodil Run started very chilly but Thompson. Projected onto a screen on the end this didn’t stop a reasonable number of hardy wall, the videos were of club runs of the late souls from making the journey to Dymock. 1960s and early 70s. Several members, Fears that the mild winter would result in all including the GO, saw much earlier versions the daffodils being over were unfounded and, of themselves carrying out daft activities with after lunch, the sun came out and several the Morgans. Future meetings will feature groups of ramblers set off through the fields to more of the same in the 1970s, including club admire the blooms. Tea and cakes in the raids to Montlhèry. church were again on offer this year and After the meeting, a few of us drove to Ray of the and Jeanne Loadman’s house at Olveston for three brass monkeys were tea and cakes as well as viewing the beautiful also on hand to act as a salutary lesson to rebuild in progress by Ray on his 1929/30 anyone contemplating indiscretions. Super Aero. Interestingly, Ray’s car has a 3- On Saturday 21st May, I am planning a visit speeder gearbox along with a 50º OHV JAP to the Cloverlands Model Car Museum in the on the front – so no hand start, only starter Montgomery Institute, just up Arthur cont/...

37 St. off the town square (SY15 6RA). This is a YORKS., NOTTS. & DERBYS. large collection of over 2000 models of all With the ‘Spring Buffet’ been and gone sizes and the museum will be opened for us at and ... by the time you read this, I will have 2 p.m. I have arranged for lunch in the finished my involvement with the ‘Opening Dragon Hotel (SY15 6PA) at 12:00 to give us Run’ (I hope we had good weather!) it is time plenty of time before moving on to the for me to start thinking of events for the rest museum. If you would like lunch, please of the year (can I resign? – H). contact me for a menu as advance booking I am trying to spread them around the will be essential. Parking in Montgomery group ’s vast area in the aim of giving every- town square may be a problem but the Dragon one a ‘local’ event and will try to do at least Hotel have kindly agreed that we can use their one on a weekend, as the usual midweek car park. If all else fails, there is a car park on format although well supported does exclude Maldwyn way, just off the B4385 to the south a number of people. of the town. For those who arrive early, there If you have any suggestions let me know. is another small local museum in the Ideas I have so far and feel free to comment: converted Old Bell Inn almost opposite the  VMCC 5th Anniversary Race Meeting at Institute or, for the more energetic, you could Cadwell Park, Fri – Sun, 24th- 26th June, take a trip up the hill to the remains of the there are 2 MTWC Challenge Rounds on castle. Those of you who are regulars on the the 25th (Saturday) with around a dozen Long Mountain Run will know that there are a Morgans racing. couple of pleasant cafes in the town for anyone who wants to finish their day with tea  A Sunday run to ‘Thorncliffe Hall’ in and stickies…… Derbyshire who hold in my experience On Sunday, 12th June, we have been invited excellent open days by Malcolm Bull to join the East Midlands  a midweek visit to Rufford Country Park Group for a picnic at the Gloucestershire and (could this include a prize or at least Warwickshire Railway at Toddington, north- glory to the most spectacular ‘ford west of Luton, where they will be holding a crossing’? – H), just off the A1 in Classic Vehicle Day. The plan is to arrive Nottinghamshire. early enough to catch the first train of the day  York Air Museum at 10a.m. in order to be back in time for a lunchtime picnic. Entry forms and details of 2  Eden Camp for 1 reduced rates for travel are available on  A Canal trip the railway’s website (look under “Planning A short one this month, most of my Morgan your visit/Events Calendar”) or from efforts have been concentrated on the opening Malcolm. Please let Malcolm know if you run, the training day in August at Bicester and wish to attend so he can arrange for a suitable dismantling a trailer ( and I thought there parking area to be available. might be at least a couple of references to Dave Anscombe different prize recipients and quiz compilers th Wednesday 27 April: Monthly Meeting. etc at the buffet ( …. thanks dad!! – H). The Clent Club 20:00 Wednesday,11thMay: Mid-monthMeeting. See you at the next meeting Eric Eadon (and Heather). Fruiterer’s Arms, Ombersley 20:00 th Saturday, 21st May: Cloverlands Model Car Museum 10 May: The Bay Horse, Scholes. M1, J35, Montgomery 14:00 29, 3rd left . (Sat Nav S61 2RQ). Wednesday 25th May: Monthly Meeting. The Clent Club 20:00 Wednesday, 8th June: Mid-month Meeting. Fruiterer’s Arms, Ombersley 20:00. Photo below: W Mids/SW Groups Daffodil Run

38 Registry News Steve (mine’s a Blackburne KMB) Lister

I recently bought some Morgan photos DV 6701 - driven in the trial by J H Fleming. from Motor Book Postal Auctions – Last we heard the car was in the US. I checked the reference books to determine Just a Bronze for the JAP. the awards gained. XR 11 - powered by a mighty KMA Anyone would think that Steve was a huge Blackburne and driven by H W Holmes of Blackburne Enthusiast …. Ed. course gained a Gold!!!!!

…. Is There Anybody Out There? Glenn Burnage I live in New Milton on the edge of the New Forest. I have always been intrigued/annoyed that there is no MTWC club night to be had anywhere near. with any suggestions regarding venue and South Coast meeting at Chiddingly preferred day and I will see if it’s more than (should it not be SE coast?) is 15 or so miles just me who is lacking contact. east of It would only take a couple of members to make it a worthwhile meeting, and if it seems South West meeting at Weston Zoyland to be a ‘goer’, it might prompt the emergence is 163 miles round trip. of another group (not that I have any designs on being a GO but I’ll add your name to the list ..Ed ) . It might be an idea to link it, at first, to a Brooklands Group – 152 miles round trip VSCC meeting – I’m open to any suggestion which I have attended on a couple occasions, but it’s only really viable in the summer. Please don’t be afraid to contact me as this My proposal is this … how about a monthly is only a foot in the water exercise at the evening meeting, somewhere central to this moment. I did consider getting a membership MTWC ‘desert’ i.e. South Hampshire some- list and contacting all in the desert, but I where? thought that it would be a bit like being I was tempted to suggest meeting in my bullied. shed, but that wouldn’t give me a chance to Anyhow, let see if there’s any interest. attend in the 2-speeder … I’d be in slippers …. if I don’t hear from anybody, I’ll have instead. I don’t mind something like a 40 to move to Send …. mile round trip as that’s a good evening run Welcome to the ... there and back. New Forest Group? …. Ed


Morgan Motor Company RecognisedMorgan Three Motor Wheeler Company Specialist Recognised Three Wheeler Specialist ENGINES ENGINESJAP MATCHLESSJAP MATCHLESSRACING RACINGROAD REBUILDSROAD NEWREBUILDS BUILDS NEW BUILDS CHASSIS CHASSISBODIES REPAIRSBODIES RESTORATIONSREPAIRS RESTORATIONSSERVICING IMPROVEMENTSSERVICING IMPROVEMENTSUPGRADING UPGRADING The World’s most comprehensive in-house facility for TheThe World Morgan’s most Three comprehensive Wheeler Contactin-house the facility specialists for The Morgan Three Wheeler Situated onlyContact half a mile the from specialists the Morgan Factory, why not visit us. Situated only half a mile from the Morgan Factory, Unit 8 and 9 Howsellwhy not Industrial visit us. Estate, Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 1UJ CAMERON ENGINEERING AND MOTORSPORT Email: [email protected] Floor Warehouse Tel: 01684Unit 899084 8 Spring Mob: lane 07815 north 119 447 Or visit Malvern,or website Worcestershire, WR14 1BU

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01684 899084 Mob: 07815 119 447 Or visit or website


Cooper Stewart Cooper Stewart Cooper Stewart Cooper Stewart Replica speedometers Rebuilt speedometers Rebuilt speedometers Rebuilt speedometers for late M chassis and for Sports and Family for Super Sports for our Continental early three speeders models models members models 0-85 mph dial 0-70 mph dial 0-90 mph dial 0-130 kph dial

Speedometers are shipped postage paid within the UK, rest of world at cost. New Speedometer Cables for three NEW speeder Sports and Super Sports Models Replica wiper motor driven by the front controls. off side wheel £60.00 plus shipping at cost from the UK,

Cables are shipped from the USA at cost.

Contact Brian Pollock at [email protected] Phone +1-206-228-1814 (8 hours behind GMT)

4241 New Members Eric Bayley

Uk Brian Walker Ashburnham, Battle, TN33 9LW, E. Sussex. Roy Plummer Netherfield Hill, Battle, TN33 0LH, E. Sussex. Ashley Brooks Winterton, Scunthorpe, DN15 9PU, N.Lincs. Ogle Dixon Blaxton, Doncaster, DN9 3PS, S.Yorks. Ian Seymour Fleckney, LE8 8AZ, Leics. Robin, Ray & London, SE13 7DG. Rex Morgan. Amy Kane ROW Carl Montgomery Canning Vale, 6155, W. Australia.

Make an 85 year old’s Day with a Ride in a Morgan I`m hoping that you might be able to help. . My 85 year old father-in-law recently told Is this something that you or your members us that he has always wanted to take a ride might be able to help us with.? in a three wheeled Morgan. He has suffered Kind regards, Barry Clayton with several bouts of cancer in recent years Please contact the Editor and your offer and we would really like to give him will be forwarded. Thank you! something to look forwards to. [email protected] 01454 617002

NORTH WEST GROUP CAMPING WEEKEND 2016 Buttermere th th th 17 , 18 19 June. Normal field next to the Bridge Hotel. OS Map 89 Ref 174 170 Contact Bob Barlow 01565 634116, evenings.

2017 50th Anniversary Celebrations Be there.

NORTH WEST GROUP CAMPING WEEKEND 2016 8th, 9th, 10thJuly at Turner Hall Farm Seathwaite, Cumbria OS Map 96 Ref 234 96 Contact Trevor Gill 0161 9621383


42 MORGAN 3 WHEELERS 1909 - 1952 . A reference book for both newcomer and expert alike. £8.50 + pp ( £1.00 UK, £4.00 EU, £6.00 RoW ) (Cheque or PayPal accepted) Contact e-mail: [email protected] or Eric Eadon, 8 Ridgeway Rd, Brinsworth, Rotherham, S60 5HL phone: +44(0)1709 379037

JAP magneto bevel-drive gear sets, £80.00 pr; twin mag set, £115.00 Plus postage £2 UK, £2 Europe, £3 overseas. Square ML magneto pick-up and brush; £10. each incl p&p anywhere. JAP D shaped bevel-gear covers £25. incl p&p anywhere JAP half-round bevel-gear covers for late KT series engines with mechanical oil pumps: £25. incl p&p anywhere. (must be finish-bored in timing cover ) 50°/60° JAP engine plate sets £40. plus pandp £8. UK, £32 Europe. If you are not entirely satisfied with goods supplied, please do not hesitate to return them for a refund. David Browne, Gorse farm, Fulletby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6LA Tel: 01507 534315

43 FLOGGERY Wanted: A source of valves to fit a KTOR engine OR a pair of old worn out originals so I will know the dimensions and can get some made. Also would like to source the special modern 2 piece rocker arm bearings. Please help. Your price paid. Thanks, Barry Brown Member No 10810, Comp, 8, Bedford Mills, RR #2, Westport, Ontario, Canada K0G 1X0 Wanted: 2 speeder solid 3 spoke steering wheel – original or repro considered. The one with 2 mounts for control levers. Rob Pike 07890 727799 or [email protected] For Sale: MORGAN Super Sports heat shields ex Angel Fabrications used but near as new, cost £110 take half. Morgan set of four wheel spinner nuts (from my March 2016 four seater) with Morgan logo, cost approx £200 the set, brand new un-used still boxed and greased-up, again half price. Loads of Morgan trike, car brochures & leaflets all modern £50 lot to clear. All plus pp or buyers may collect. Email: [email protected] or call me on 01273 622722 Mobile: 07890 836734 (no texts please). For Sale: F Type spares from the late John Linfield: E93A crank (-20 thou) and 4 conrods with gudgeon pins for refurb £50, 8/10 hp lift pump £5, dist cap £10, 10 hp intake and ex manifold £10 ea, Vacuum head gasket (ali) £30, gasket sets please call, 6v Lucas dynamo £20, set valve springs £10, All enquiries to Dave Young (Kent) 01580 766637, or [email protected]

For Sale: (If sufficient interest) Copies of Clarrie Coombes’ Barrel Back Drawings. These drawings were produced many years ago and a number of club members have used them to make replica bodies. This set of 3 x A1 drawings is un-used and in good condition. (See photo samples below) Price: £30 for the set of three copies if there is sufficient interest to cover production costs. For sale: Robin Rew’s well-known and Contact: Terry Harries Email: well-sorted Sports Family - as seen on the [email protected] see above right... cover and above. Full details: Alistair Rew

44 MORGAN THREE-WHEELER WORSTEAD WEEKEND 2016 Mack Cottage, Broad Road, Worstead North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9RU JUNE 17th to 20th

Friday 17th Pub Supper The Crown, Banningham NR11 7DY for 6.30pm Meals will need to be pre-booked. Please let us have your order. Menu Saturday 18th

Rail journey from Aylsham to Wroxham joining a 2 hour boat trip and returning by rail to Aylsham Train leaves at 12.40 pm Evening BBQ at Mack Cottage. Sunday 19th A trundle through the lanes of North Norfolk to Great Walsingham and Wells-next-the-Sea.

Hope you can join us for the weekend or just come for a day. We need to make various bookings and let people know numbers in good time so please let us know as soon as possible if you are coming or need more details:

Phone 01692 536790 Email [email protected]

Tim & Sue Hodgekiss

45 Is your car insurance due? Get a quote from the motor-insurance specialists. It will cost you nothing; it could save you a lot. SPECIAL SCHEME RATES FOR MORGANS

Morgan Insurance Consultants William Curtis House, Lenton Street, Alton, Hants. GU34 1HH. 01420 594242.

WHEEL BUILDING All types - Heavy-duty spokes. Well-proven. 2 and 3 speeder rims in stock. Other wheels: price on application. Wheels can be collected and delivered to race meetings. Quick service. Also Morgan paintwork undertaken by long-term enthusiast. Phone Greg Bibby on 0116 279 3048 (day) or 0116 279 2120 (evenings). Mobile 07860 237 945. E-mail: [email protected] The Nurseries, Fleckney Road, Kibworth Beauchamp, Leicestershire, LE8 0HJ

The Gerald Carr F4: now available for borrowing by members

The car has had extensive restoration to woodwork, bodywork and rear suspension, and the insurance has been re-negotiated.

Note that there is still an age limit of 25 years minimum.

To borrow the car for a long weekend, we suggest a donation of £45, to cover insurance and maintenance. To keep the operation going successfully, more bookings are required. . . . so get planning!

Contact; Ross Herbert, Hareley Farm, Linley Green Road, Whitbourne, Worcestershire. WR6 5RF Tel: 01886 884362 email: [email protected]


Super stainless parts to complement your Morgan in 2016. New: Front hub protection plates, laser-cut for accuracy and flatness. £15.00 per pair. Beetleback catches. As original but with internal spacers to prevent crushing; polished stainless steel. Drawings showing fitting details and clip positions available if required. £110.00 per set of four. Morgan heat shields. ‘Morgan’ in script with or without the wording ‘Super Sports’ in small print underneath, or just a set of holes like a cheese- grater. Polished stainless ready to clamp to your exhaust pipes - no more burnt elbows. £100.00 per pair. Front spring covers, in polished stainless; £100.00 per car set. Hi and low level exhaust systems for all twins in stainless steel, p.o.a. All prices plus post and packing. Castle Bank Cottage, Ewloe, Deeside, Flintshire CH5 3BZ Tel. 01244 532 714 [email protected]

The Bulletin is printed by Lavenham Press Limited, Water Street, Lavenham, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 9RN. Tel: 01787 247436


Page 48 … Some Photographs ...

The Three Wise Monkeys: … and current or former Club Officers L - R: Dave Harman, former Publisher and now Mogspares Financial Officer Dave Winbow ,former Competition Secretary and now The Bard of Hereford Pete Thompson, revered past Editor and onetime VP (vote him back in!!) Now Club Librarian

The line up of some of the SW Group Morgans at the Park Hotel Lunch and Film Show